Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under this head Id cents per
line for the Brut Innertlon. 1 rents for each sub-
aequant Insertion , and flJiOn lln per month ,
No iidrmiHement Ukcn for ! M than25ccnM
the llrnl Insertion. 8 ven words will be counted
to tbo line ; they must run consecutively and
must 1m paid in ADVANCII. All advertise
ment ! ) must be handed In before 12:30 : o'clock p.
01. , mid under no clrcumstRticcs will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these Columns ami hav
ing their answers luldreMod In earn of HlKlUc
Will please ask for n check to enable them to get
their Inttrrs. as none will be delivered except on
presentation of check. All answers to udver-
tlaements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these collimriH are pub
lished In both morning and evening editions of
THR DISK , the circulation of which aggregates
more than 1SWM papers dally , and Rivet thn a l-
r rtlierx tno benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of Tin HEE , but also of Council Hlufls.
Lincoln imd ether rltlos and towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising for thcso coliimns will bo taken
on the above conditions , at the follow Ing Inisl-
C HH houscf , who nro mitliorl7ed agents for TIIK
llr.K Hpeclnl notices , and II1 nuoto the same
rotPH us can be had nt the muln olllro.
OMtTw. HIXU TluTrniaclst W ) South Tenth
CIIASI5& IJimV. Btntloncrs and 1'ilntcra , 113
Kouth Ifith r-treot.
Sll. I' AHNBWOUTII , I'lmrmucUt , 2115 Cum.
IngS '
W.i. iir CS , 1'hiirmaclst. KJ1 North l th
l /1F.O. W. PA UK , I'hannaclst , ISWSt. Mary's
V3T Avenue.
W ANTKD l'o ltlon us housekeeper , reference
once required. Call at lleriawa & Co. olllcc.
WANTIID Ily a young lady having 3 years
experii'iici ) as compositor , a poiltlou in a
printing ofllco. 300 N 1MU st. ro om 1. ; t072llt
, T ANTKD Ten agents for Omaha and.vlcln ,
till'.1 ' HIg Inducimients. Capital needed. 42
to . K. M. . llea onice. Council IllulTs. 317 SI
" \XTANTr.D One man for wholesale houpo
TT ono for Inside work. Apply Commercln !
BtnployiiHftit agency , 1002 rurnum. "d floor ,
Jtnom 4. 216 24
Al'KW first-class solicitors cnn Und steady
employmeiifand good wages by applying to
F. Q. Cruiidall , 310 3 15th St. , llaiker block.
! (3t ( 21'
A YOt'NO man for light work around the
XXhouse , steady job for the winter. 8. Leh
man , loom 0 , Iron bank. XX
WANTUD A good boy to work In store. In
quire 1722 Dodge. KM 24
WANTUD A gentleman pianist to travel
w 1th a Kmiill company. Apply ut once. (1. (
Ilarcourt , Vmzvnt hotel. 340 23 *
- laborers and teamsters
wanted. Oood w ages and steady work. Ap
ply at 1)17 S Uth st , opposite Murray hotel.
iXB 24t
AOKNT8 wanted to Handle our new line of
goods. Hoom 432,1'axton block. 26j-Jl
W ANTKD Shovelcrs ; wages 11.73 per day ;
boaul $1 00 per week. Apply on work at
tlulo , Nob. Zach Shrop , contractor. 2H i
' \Tl7ANTKn A salesman In general Installment
TV store ; permaniint situation If .satisfaction
flven. Apply by letter to O 18 llfo olllce. 14i > 25
ANTKDHallroad laborers
- for Washington -
ton Territory ; an all winter's job in a mild
climate : wages ftuarantond from ii to $ j.50 per
day , orfTi to $10 per month and board. At
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 rarnam st. GiS
AN'lKD-Mllker , 4115 Sauudcrj. D20
W ANTKD A man to solicit ; salary 1100 per
month ; must deposit 12.1 and give security
for money collected. Address Qeorgo S. Cllne ,
Waguur block , DCS Molnos , la. ! M
OKNTs"WANTKD175 a month and expenses -
penses paid any active person to soil our
goods ; no capital , salary monthly , expenses In
i advance. partlcUlais free. Standard Silverware
Co. . lloston. 47D
Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1304Doaxiiu.
, J ± . ( til *
WANTED Man to take the agency of our
safes ; size28x18x18 inches ; uelghtWO Ibs ;
rtatl price (35 ; other sizes in proportion. A
rare chance and permanent business. These
eafes meet a demand never before supplied bv
other safe companies , as we are not governed
by the fufo pool. Alpine Safe Co. Cincinnati. O.
W ANTKD Knetgctic men and woinenevory-
whoio for a genteel , money-making busi
ness , ISO weekly prollt guaranteed easier than SCO
monthly otherwise. Kxperltmce absolutely un
necessary. Permanent position and exclusive
territory asmired. JJ samples free. Wrlto for
particular * . Address , with stamp , Merrill Mfg.
CO. . IIC3. Chicago. , & -.4o'3 ?
WANTED Good life Insurance solicitors
with bank references , are wanted by the
Union Life'at 401 Merchants' national bank
building , Omaha , Olllce hours 8 to 10 a. m. and
to 8 p. in. 845
W ANTKD Oood girl for general housowoik.
Apply at once at ( U2 ( ioorgla Ave. 31"-2li *
. honest girl for general
house \\ork. 810 S2Jd st. : WJ 21SI
/7 * IULS wanted for drossmaklug 21WI rarnrm.
G IHL wauled. 2105 Douglasst. 31-J2M
\7OrNO gill wanted nt 1714 Nfllth and Dcca-
J. turwts. Kniiulro at grocery store. U1U21 *
WANTnn-Ono girl to do chamber wurk and
assist In dining-room ; also girl to do house
work and wash dishes. Imiulio 160'J Douglas.
iU-il 25t
rhlllirilJ llrst-class cloak and suit salesladies
J-at McDonald's Emporium ; none but expe
rienced hands neud apply. 1)22 ) 24
" \jt7AN'IKD Overall and pants makers , al
T1 ( ! oo. Stiles' Factory , 1211 Howard , entrance
In the rear. ' 3- . ) " > f
LGIHL for general housework , small fain
Ily , 2VJI Sowardst.
IfANTKD A good girl for gaucral house
> work , 101 fouth 21st street. , ' 2 25
W AN rill ) ( llrl to assist with houte woik
Ibl7 Davenport st. a 7 )
w A NTKD-Walst and skirt fluiThersT 16 Ii
Howard M A. Wallace. 311 21
WAMT.D-Two waitresses for Idaho. SM
fare paid ; laundry girl and waitress foi
Plienandoah , la. ; good stout girl for hotel a
Clarks , $ < ; wattless for Kearney ; laundress fo :
city ; gill for an oltlcor's family of 3 , $ lrt ; lotso
new places every day. Sirs , lltega , 3Ulj S. 16
W ANTKD A clrl for general housework. 711
N. 2lat St. 31,125
" \\7ANTII : ) A girl in or 17 years oliTTo assls
' In general housework. Apply 1120 Shurmai
avenue , 2.(7 ( 2IJ
WANTHD-Olrl for general housework
( lood wages paid to the right girl , 2121
13tnst. 2U12J
WANTKD-A first class girl for genera
housuwork. 601 81'Olh st. 10
\\7"ANTKD A young girl to take care of"
TT child and do second work ; no washing o
Ironing : references requlied. Inquire aftei
.noon ? , between 1 nnd3 , at 220'J Dodge st. 17
WANTKO Alady to solicit ; mustdeposttiz
nnd give security for money collected
Address Ouorge B. Cllue , Waguer block. Do
Molnes , la. i > l
rANTKD-lJidy agents for comblnatlo
bustlo-skirt , "Daisy" hose suppoitei
16 nov in ,
SUl'liHUnt advantages now given lu thes
branrhivj at Omaha Cominerclul College.op :
P. O cor Uth und Dodge , lien 1'ltman lyhteu
liemlngton type writers. Kvrry graduate 1
good position. Students complete manual I
two weeks , and \\rlte \vonls in three mouth ;
Practical ollice drill given each student on
r month free. Hecltntlons dally one hour. Dli
tatlnn three hours dally. Day and evening sei
Ions. Students rntrr any time. For clrculai
write llorhbough Ilros. . Omiiha. 218 nltf
VALKNTINH'S Short-hand and lypo-writln
institute , new 1'axton building , Omaln
Neb. The only exclusive , practical suoit-hao
scliofl lu the wrat. Tbe demand for short-lmn
writers Ii largely in excess ot the supply.
Bhort-hana is much superior to book-keeplu
Rnd telegraphy as a means of llvollhootl.v
five instrucllpn.s on Heutlngton uud Mammon
/pe-writ rs , both for the same price.
Day and evening sesMons. Students ca
ntcratnny time. Send for circulars. 75 in 1.1.
KBHA3K.A Einployiacnt OtUc * , N. lOti
WANTED To hear ot a location for a phy
sician. Addrosi H. W. Ad nn , Hotel
Windsor , Omaha , Neb. JU7 Ztt
ANTKD-A desirable family to take
charge of dormitory for young ladles at
Ilcllevue college. Apply with reference to llev ,
F. t > . Illayney. llellevue. Neb. 707
WANTED Th public to make good use of
The Hen's message boxen throughout the
city. 100
"IT'XrKIlT ACCOUN'I ANT Wanted to adjust
J compltcated books ; partnership accounts
and complicated accounting of all kinds ; coun
try correspondence solicited. Address I'll lice.
W ANTKD If you have any land * , lots , or
houses and lots to sell or exchange for
othT property , call on me or write. I can Ond
you a customer. C. C. Spotswood 305 3. leta.
W'ANTKl ) llilrty day boarders , ntso three
_ ioojiicrs aU Sl Dodge st. 271 n20
WANTKO-Table boarders "at 1C03 Douglas.
* 7u
" \VANTKO-lly Nov. 1st. large front room.
> nicely furnished , with modern Impiovu-
mtMilH , centrally located , at reasonablrt rates.
lU'ferencca exchanged. Address , (1 ( in. lieu.
3.H 5T
ICANrentor4 : ) ell fiinnshod houses If de-
Hlrably located lluve cUHtomiT-i for any
number of 8 to ID room dnulllnui with modern
conveniences , ilaru jou a modern uith
B or 0 rooms , dining room on parlor floor ? List
your homes with inc. Netherton 1 lull , room
l Nat. Ilk. Illdg. S9'J
FOlt HKNT A furnlshpd cottage with 1139 of to party who will bo.ud gentleman
nnilwlfo. Apply IKIN S'lthst 151 % '
POIt ltUNT-8-room house , city water. 15th
st . between Jones und l.o.xvonnorth. Apply
to Dr. Mattice. | w Dodge. U-W
TjlIVK-HOOM house , pantry , closet , coal shod
-L1 and cellar. Inqulro 8.H S. iM st.
CO'ITAO II fnrnlfilied nicely , for rent : r > tooiui ,
close to bii lness , prlcu 'S.liJ ; rclerenct'S re
quired. U V. Shavr. 1016 Howard st , Ulit L'Ot
FOR HUNT Ni'at cottngi ) (1 ( rooms , $17 n mo.
Apply ut once at 111 1 Douglas st. 'M'i 2.1 *
FOIl HUNT 2 Kood houses of B and T roomi
with barn. Modern Improvements. It. C.
1'attcrfon , 1118 8 15th st ,
I71OH HKNT H and 11 loom house. $ " > and SGo ,
J1 with bath rooms , cistern water , all modern
Improvements. 20th st. near California. Dr.
Jonus. 28323'
FOIl HKNT A small house. 17th ave and
Leavenworth. Inquire N. W. cor. 17th ave ,
and Li'avenworth. 2 ) " > ) *
IiltJlt HUNT n-room brlrk IIOUM > . cellar , city
water and closota , also rooms to n-nt. In
quire 1'illJ.S. nth. 2J1 21J
HUNT Now cottjigo. 3 rooms. f $ a
month , city water , 'f.Kl Dccatnr. as 23 r
FOH HKNT 7-room lint , city water , bath anil
modern contenlences. 3 unfurnished and i
furnlsheil rooms lor light housekeeping. All
over KUJ Howard st , C. 1' . Shaw , 1015 How aid.
"IJ10H HKNT My home. 1117 1'ark ave. . fur-
- * - ' nlshod or unfurnished ; house 10 room * with
all conveniences. D. II. Uoodrk'h , Cable Tram
way Co. , 2Uth and llarney sts. 203 2
FOH KI3NT Two cottages , one of 0 rooms.
tpor ) mo . and otmO looms with bun , i''i
per mo , on Falrvlew st. , opposite All Saints
cnurcli. D. H. ( loodrlch , Cable Tramuuy Co. ,
20th aud llainey sts. 2ui 2.1
FOH HUNT10room house with steam heat ,
at2Ul S. 24th st. U. K. Thompson , Sheely
block , 15th and Howard htn. 234
Foil KENT A boarding house with twenty
rooms In good local Ion. with all modem Im
provements , all new. Inquire of Klllntier Hios. ,
' . ' 12 S 10th ht. lilt ! jn 2t
OH HKNT Two 10-room Hats , city water !
bath , 410 and 1U N. 14th. hiqulie 102 N , 14th.
It-i ) 24J
UKNISIIED House-Wishing to loavolho
city for the winter. 1 oiler for rent my house
furnished , from Nov. I to May 1. ten rooms , no
better location In city , all modern improve
ments. Apply ou premises , 2111 Dodge st.
UeorguC. Hobble. Telephonu bS. Ib7
ELEiAN'll la-room house on Karuam st. for
rent with or without , , furultare. ( iiover
Stevens , ir > 2l Karnam st. - MJ
FOH IlHNT-2 brick house * . 7 rooms , 21th and
Hamilton , nvery mouern conrriilnncp , $ .15
each. Loavitt Uuruham , 1 , Crelghtoii block.
FOH K13NT-1I-1 oem house on St. Marv'savo.
near 20th St. , furnished or unfiirnUhfd.gieat
bargiiln to responsible party , Address fur two
\\eekaU2QIluo. 115 21J
FOH KENT Cottage bouse 7 rooms only $20
tier months. California st between SOth and
31st. W. M. Yatos. agt. lit
171OH HUNT New 3 room houses IJOth and
J3 1'lnkney sts. ts per month. J. H , Hamil
ton , 1001U2IJ , 1st National bauk building.
J'J7'Jl *
. . . . HKST 1-room House on 3. IGtn st. , two
blocks south of Vlntonst. ; will lent for 110
l > er month or sell on terms to KUlt purchaser.
Oeo. J. tcrnsdorn\ room 0. opposite J' . O. 71D
T71OH HUNT When vou wish to rent a homo ,
JD store or ollice call on us. H. K. Cole , room
0. Continental block.
F HUNT Now C-ioom house. A ) > ply 1815
1 Cuss ht. MJCt
IS1 " r.AT house , 0 rooms , Sl'Jthst. $1 in month.
Ilrcniiau & Co. , I hamber ot Commeict' .
FOH UKNT House of 0 rooms , good well
and cistern , 1112 3. Kith it. Apply at 110J ,
room 5 , S. 1'Jth at. , rent WO a month. L. Uuggan.
FOlt KENT 7 room house with largo barn ,
f I& per month for the winter. C. I- ' . Harri
son , 418 ao. 15th St. Uil
I OH HUNT 2 five loom houses. South 21th ,
F 1st door west of Hhot tower. Ull 2JJ
"I71OH HKNT For B months , modern houpe of
-I ? s rooms , completely furnished , barn with
room for two hornes , rent I'D ; possession given
Sept. 25th. 2204N.2UH. 1 block north ot Lake.
' .v.5
HKNT A maw U-rooin liousu la Koniuzo
I'lace. toady for occupancy Nov. 1. City
water , cistorn. bath , furnace , barn , etc. Ku-
( mite of Hobert Hunter at lice olllce. tfll
IlKNT A now 9-room housn , rity water
and stable , cor. I'nruam und 42nd sts. Apply
ltoom4SO , ViiXtonbliKk. b04
Foil HKNT To responsible party , 0-room
brick house , 118 South 25th Bt , 150 feet from
cable line. Furnace and all modern conveni
ences. Hent $ i"i per month. Apply to J. W.
tilllllth , If. 1' . headquarters. 7Sd
st , Sid st , 11-room house fqi
-t rent. Oro\cr Stevens 1521 Farnam st. 771- '
' ' ' ' ' ' '
J'a't'U's't' MountVirlllln.21JS. ( Uth st. 7H
TO 8-room nouso , bath room , hot and cold
$ Hater , gas , sewer , pav cd street , new. C. F ,
Hatrh-on , 4188. 15th &t. Ka
T710H IlKNT fi-room houn , city water , No. 1115
JJ racillo at. Inquire at ItiOO Howard. 544
ICTOH HKNT o-room cottage on liorso car line ,
J3 is a month. Apply JL L'lguttor 1001 , Far
nam St. 418
HKNT House 7 rooms. 21 st near Cass
Houses rooms , 2221 Casa st. Inquire iloon
Si. Ilarker block. 316
FOH HUNT Ily Ilosworth & .lopltn. Ilarkei
block , a , 4 , Ii. 0 , 7 , 8. & , 10,11 , 14-room housei
in all parts of tbe city. WO
TT'OH HKNT New R-room house on Cumtiu
JC st , near l < aa ave. Terms reasonable. Ap
ply quick. Spotswood. DOj J S 10th. h24
Foil HUNT-llouso 613 N. 19th street. Applj
at St. A , D. llalcomb ; , 11 2 California Ht.
TT'OH ' lir.NT Ono 7-room cottage. 2123 frank
JU iln st. ; Inquire at005 1'axtou block. 1' . J
Croedon. 311
IKIt HENT At very low rates. 10 and 14 ne
. ami 2414 Cass . Clarki
Jl JklllCllk'C'ai 2401 * " * l ! , \ > M9 > Ol > 4 WV V ( l\t A (
1'laco. On block south of Crelghton college , ot
Farnam and 84th strret car lino. All tnoderi
improvements. Auply. II. T. Clark UnionTrus
Co. , or at 2420 Cass street. < WO
TTIOH HENT-Dwelllng. ITS Capital ave. oppo
J ? site Trinity cathedral. Address H. L. Hall
123 Farnau st. 401
7OH HKNT-3 cottages. 27th and Caldwell
g JC each ) . 1 North 20th cable line , tyo ,
Leavitt IJurnham , Crelghton block. 435
TjV ) | { IinNTrdom house , 2413 , 7-room house
JC 24SI 1'oppletou ave. Ueo. L Gilbert , With
liell b'l's. 210
POIl HKNT Three flats ot seren rooms eacti
with every convenience , city water.gas , etc.
newly built homes on Kixth street and I'aelBc
Apply to limngor Hros. , 912 B 10th st , Omaha.
SP.VKHAL hotisM for rent. 8. T. l'et rs n. i
e. cor. litu and Uouplas. s
_ _ .
2HOOM8 furnished ; also mille of unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping , Iu02 Doiiizlus.
IT'LKdANT furnished front room , with or
Jlrfwithout hoarO , 1S17 Davenport st. 330 25 *
T71U11NI8I1I5D room with board , gas , bath and
JL1 heat In house , 2121 Howard bt. 3 2,1 ?
plUHNISIIKO rooms , Ids Dodge t.
T71OH HKNT A nicely furnished room with
JL mootbatnrooniiconvenlcnt locatlon.private
family ; to n gcntlemau of qilet habits : refer
ences required. MS South 20th st. near St. Mary's
ave. 312
nicely furnished rooms , 1413 Howard.
331 25 *
OH UKNT Furnished room with heat. &UO
per mouth. lilJ llarney. tW4 24'
O rtitNISIIKI > front rooms , ouo * 12.
17. 4V N. Ifcth st , ail Si
T7IOH HUNT A comfortably furnished room ,
J- with dresslns loom. 1H8 ! Capitol ave , near
high school and cable line. -I 2lj
room. A. Hospe , 161J Douglas.
HI" ! ! 1
FOR HKNT-turnUhed roomn. BOS N. 17th.
112 , ? r > and ono sultablo for four centle-
men , SM. HW2l
' 'OH HUNT Hooms ensulte , furnished or uu-
llirnl.shed , 17.11 Capitol ave ! M1 21 *
T710II HUNTS fiiriililied rooms ulthfM < i. buth
- ' und heat at 11U2 S lUth st , corner 1'aclllc.
: : tio2it
rooms , with or wllhont board ,
J-1 IBIO na ) Davenport. Inqulte 1U1U D.jvenport.
EOOMS-l'lrjt-class homo boaid , 17IS Dodgo.
812 21 ?
O FHONT rooms , nowiv furnished , slnsle or
J cnsulte. 2wjs Ilainoy st 2211 2it
< )110 Ilaruey , furnished room cheap.
117 23J
: D rooms wltliboatd.'Ji.'NortlilWi.
1M 2oj
1OH HKNT-Nlcoly fnriilsln-d front room
- mtliulcovc. 2C22St. Maiv'save. Ill 2.iJ
17HH HUNT Comfortable rooms for the win
JL1 tor , with or \ \ Ithout boaril. 1703 Do IR s t.
Wl 2IJ
ELKQANT front rooms , cheap. ( ! S1 H. 11th ,
TU1-N , 13 *
TTIOlt HKNTA large front room , nicely fur-
- 1nlshed , modem cnnxenlonces , suitable for 2
' men , lljiaebstur. . 72 > l
17WH HKNT I'lirnlshed or unfiniilshed room
X' for two Rontltuuen. or man and ! fe , .W >
Howard st. 6l (
NlCKliV fnrnlsliuil front room , sultaUla for
one ortwoKentlomon. 211 ! Hurt ft ( i * > 2
FOH HKNT-Nlcoly furnUhfil room forslmjlo
( . piitlunian. 1U17 r.i" . MU
A lli ( I' tileasnnt room , furnished , bride Mat.
Mi III Chicago st. -li" >
1710H HUNT A law ) front loom , newly fur
nlshed , houth front , cheap , corner 17th and
umlngs sts , northeast corner. 3J $
FOlt HlINT-Nli-oly fiirnlilii > a rooms , single
or on suite , 1811 CumUv'H t. 1 , " > 7
fTOH KENT Furnished rooms in Oreunle bit
-L cor. Uth and Dodue sts. Inquire of Qeo , It. .
Davis. Mlllard hotel Tillllard room. S(0 (
T > O.MS and board. IfcU Chicago st. S04o23r
> IjlfA3ANT nirnlsliel rooms , .stu.-xm heat.
Has , bath and Hoard In private family. 'U"i n
Ith. 57U o 23
KOOM8 "including" board In the YouugVo
men's homo I'JlUDodgost. Hefeiences ro
uhcd. 'JIJ
lt HKNT A nandsomo room with alcove at
2539 fat. Mary's ave. 529
FOIt HENT Illcgantly furnished looms with
board. Inqiilre.lBillDouglaa. 3t
rTNl'UHNISIlTi-Sult : blt > for lUJt ekeepinir !
U Three CI ) rooms , ' 'lid Nicholas .st. 12 M
Fuar (4) ( ) rooms , | | 5 , S I'.ith st . . . . " . ' M
Thren ( ) rM > ins lOI'l N.'iuths' 1125
'ritiee(3i ( rooms , 70ii | I'acllicst . . ! > (
Three ( III i o , ms. 14IJ I'lercu .t 12 M )
I'hr e ( IIrooms ) , 11118 N.2Istst 110.1
ritreo (3) ( ) rooms. 70T I'aclllc st 10 (
'our (41 ( rooms , I7t'2 ' Wobsterst M 20
_ 'our (4) ( ) rooniK , I7IV4 Wcbiter ht 22 r < )
Three CJ ) l oem cottage 1124 N. 21st Ht 12 " > )
Jmlgu Hentlng Agency , B. w. cor. llnrnoy and
' 5th ata. XIW
Foil HKNT Stoic now ofcupli-d by Hayward
Ilros. , HamgeblKl ; . Fifteenth and Marnoy.
"Bmentcd basement ; water upstalu a id down ,
tt'iitilii ) per mouth. Including .steam heat ,
ftiitnr tax. i-tc. Apply at 407 South , Flftemith
itroot , Omaha. : l . ' 1
F HKNT Storeroom , No.214 S. 14tli st. Ap-
plv at 11 ID Howard ct. Sll
F I OH HUNT 3 stores on and Lo'avon
worth , apply Hank of Omnlu. 2V )
jlOH KUN'l Ilrlck store. Hat above. 21th aud
Hamilton , desirable business location. Lea-
Itt Iliirnham , room I , Crelghton block. ( WJ
| 7Mlt ) HKNT-Three desirable ollices In the Con-
L tlncnlal block , cor. 15th and Dilngl. < s Kts ;
team heat and elevator. l < reelaud , I.o nl i'o. (
TIOIl KENT St teroomax4' ' ) . $1 % per month ,
- Mtli and 1'lnknby sts. John It , Hamilton ,
Hoom''I , ) , 1st Nat bank b'd'j , ' . K ( > ilj
FOH lU'.NT Two .store rooms , vhlr'i are con-
vet toil Into living rooms , II rooma each. utlfl
l > ir month. N. K. cor. lUth nnd Mason , liuiulre
' . ' 11 S 12th ht. 211
OIl HKNT nnice suite Wi month. 3 hlnsle
unices if 15 each , all flouting 10th EC. , llnsii-
man block , N" . 13. Cor. ICth ana Douglas.V. . M.
llushmau. 1311 I , u\vcinvorth. Sll
TT'Oll HKNT On Ciimlnc st. store and HvinK
-U ap.irtnionts. aKo livery stable. I'.nqulro of
Harris H. K. Jc L.Co. , Hoom 411 , 1st Nat. bank.
\m \
S'tiHK for rent , HU Farnam street. IniUlre |
of Nathan hholton , at 1005 Karuam street
TilOH HUNT Fine ictall store room with
J-1 largo basement , I'JJ per month. C. K. llnr-
rlion , 418 H nth st. 1
IJ1OH HKNT New hin-ill brick basement for
U small fiuully,28th and Hotvard. . " . | ii'l' :
000 barn for rent cheap. 1SU Web-itor.
lir > 2IJ
FOH IlKNT-lood barn , 4 stalls , feed room
and wagon hticd. Inqulro at 2J2 > Howard at.
GUOHOi : .1. STKHNSDOHFF , room il , opp. P.
O. , will hereafter give special attention to
renting houses , stores and flats. If you want
your property runted without delay and to reli
able tenants , do not fall to list the same with
him. KJ.1
"V17K give special attention 10 routing and colT -
T V lecting tents , list with us. H. 13. Cole , room
6 , Continental block. 8.17
IB'YOU want your houses rented place them
witir Ueuawa 4 Co. , 15th , opposite postolllco.
LOST Jersey cow , crooked horns ; any Infer
mant ) ! ! lott at 1318 rarnam will bo rewarded ,
Sam'l Hums. 3J5 21
LOST A good reward will be paid for lh re.
covery of pocket book containing $ I2" > in
money , together with papers. Hcturn to wilt
lam Vesey , near Downsvlllo or Horace llverctt ,
STHAVKD Two horscs-a bay and llghl
groy froin South Omaha , last Thursday ,
Finder will be rewarded by Callahan Ilros. ,
South Omaha. ; wi 2iit
(150 reward will bo paid and no questions asked
Tfor the return of gold watch , Howard move ,
ment. stolen on U. r. train between Valley and
Chapman on Friday evening. Oct. 111. ' Address
confidentially , J. D. C. , care P. O , Grand Island ,
Nob. aw
Il3HSONAL-Ladles. unsightly hair on the
face , nock or arms removed and the roou
instantly killed by the Kloctrlo Needle Process ,
leaving no marks or scars ; positively the oul\
permanent remedy. Address U 28 , care Ilee.
2CO 24
PEHSONA1/ you narea personal item. 01
any communication , drop U in one of The
TJTOH BALK-Carpets , stoves and curtains
J ? KtSiKthst. ssasst
T710H 8ALE-rOne One full blooded Polled An
A > gu9 cow. Inquire of C. L. Krlckson \ Co.
212.N liithst. SM21
"fjlOR HAI < R Purnlture , stoves , washing ma
A : china , all new ; cheap this week , account o
moving. 1511 Hurt bt ,
F Oil BALK-1 milllou brick , prica M.50 pei
1,000. Address O 21 this ollice. 1422,5
\\rEhaveseveral No. 1 flrst mortgages 01
T Improved property , running from a to l
years at B per cent soml-annually. that we wUI
to dispose of. Mutual Investment Co. . llarkw
block , 13th and Farnam. UD B (
8ALR OpoJ teavjr horae , very cheap ,
POll about { l.SfiTibs. Jnnulre ot Dr. Hal-
braith. Uth and Doifclas nts. 179 S9
FOH BALK CbfAP.onobaso burner "Splen
did , " one cooVMovo. "Wisdom. " $13each ,
23 for both. 10urVK th st. 303 25'
BAIK-8toves , of all kinds , before buy-
lug call at 1121 Farnam. lM : 25
IHI8 may Intcicsf you. It not , don't road It.
Woodbridne Ilros. are bound to reduce stock
to make rcom ToFTiew goods. An elegant
ChtckerlnK piano for I1W ; an elesant Decker
Ilros. ' for ( Itvu : an equally line Kuabo for llfiO ;
a magnificent lUUcf & Co. , (150 ; a socond-band
Mcl'hull for 1 } ol ItVfralun ; also ilue llallet Se
Cumstnn , cheap ! "wftl take Ml ) down and III }
monthly on theao goods. Woodbrldge Ilros. ,
Exposition HuimtnB. iC > S2t )
FOH BALIJ-iVury line family horse and
phaeton at your own price. Inquire room -IU ,
Flrtt National Ilatik. 1)70
"IJIOH SALK or trade Now two seated car-
X rlago and slnglo top buegy. Selby. _ 1521
I'arnam. ! I75
I710H SALK Seaman s wagons nnd carriages ,
Omaha's largest variety , east side Ifitb st ,
north of Nicholas. The best and the cheapest.
720 o 'M
IIVH SALK A new 0 seat llockaway carriage
J3 at Lee Ic Nichols' livery barn. Twenty-eighth
and Leavonwortlu Telephone. 810. 417
SALK A family horse or for general
i , price $150- Inquire No. 319 S. 10th.City.
T5lforoSALS wUTba recolvoTr by "The
X signed until Nov. 1. ISfs , for gruiliiiR north
half of block 3 , Marsh nddlthin , O. K. DHVU
Co. , 16'J5 Karnam st. 104 22
_ _
PIUKDTiY , manufacturer of witi.i : cases.
J Hepalrlug of all kinds ; cold and silver
plating and lire gliding , lloom .111 , 1'axton
block , cor , ICtli and I'aruam .sts. , Omaha , Neb.
t'HNlTUHK carefully moved by thVomaha
Auction and Storage Co. , 1121 rainam st.
Teleponno r.vl. ISInlS
GO tolaymor&ller for line tools lu
era' hardware , 624 S. ICth St. , Her building.
"VTOTICIJ to conti actors and builders You
-L > u 111 SA\O money by llgurlns with llaymer *
Her. their stock of bnlldors' hardware is com
plete and prices low. _ 120ul7
T ; banjo taught as an art by Geo.t' . Uclleii-
beck. JK1 So. Kith U 1S2
13I.T hats ntexicd and reshaped ; fenthors
1 ? cleaned and curled , t JI. Schadell.2iaN
DH. oTillCKnrrsrinaimKor I3xcelslnr bmuH
11-M rarnam. llr.iss and string mu-ik' .
71J n 12T
A NTigUAIUAN l ok store. 111 ! ! rarnam St. ,
ji-hlghi'st cash pi lees paid for second hand
books. 1121 u 10 ?
JNO. MULDOON & Co..111 S. 10th st. ; HI mono-
cutters. 12c lineal foot , Colorado sundstone.
' cash for old and new lx ) ks , furultnro ,
stoves and uarpet.s. OrIT Si Co. , 117 N. 10th.
Hi Oil
OMT , for Destitute Women aud Children ,
HSW Hurt st. _ _ _ ! > y ?
OMAN'S Exchange , lf.17 Farnam st. l.uunU
W daily , supper Satuiduy nights. UIO
MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . IWi tar
nam Complete abstracts furnlshod. If titles
oreal estate examluod.purfccted i guarauteod.
ENSON&CAHMICIIA13L furatsh complotn
and guaranteetl , abstracts of title to any
. eal estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. ' 1 ho nvost complete set of abstract
boots In the cityj WO. 1MW Furtiam st. Ki'J
TtHAK ! At low' tales at 1121 Kiirnun st.
f-JOinahnAuctmi&Btora40 t'o , ll |
rilHACKAOE , toraKe , lowest rates. W. M
JL llushman. .Jll eavenwortli. 873
WAN'IT.D A c ' . se residence property with
eight or ten rooms. moJcrn improvements ,
leslrably locate d. Will pay SI.IKW cash down ,
lalanoi In Nuhrasktv imp oved farms ( encum-
ureiL ) AddrosiJ , stating location and price , F.
. II. 2.1U CupltoJ avepuo. ! I17"l *
\V 'ANTKD TbbuTimnall laundry. Address
7ANTKD nirlittflre. carpets , stoves anil
. ! hous-eholdttfiodHnf a 11 kinds. Omaha Auc
; ion * StoraKeV LJ'arnom. _ 135
ANTED To bufr fresh milch cow , .state
ago and price , Address C ! 10 Duo ollice.
DO YOU want to borrow money ? If you have
diamonds , watcuos or jmvolry nnd dealro to
ell ert a loan on favorable terms In astilctly
nlvato und confidential manner , or should you
rant a loan on fnrnlture. horses , cairlagus ,
and contracts or personal property of any do-
Jrtiptlou. you can Jnuo money advanced at
lowest rates of Interest and nmple time to pay
jy calling on or wending postal card to the
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.
Woloaiioittoiir own money , make out our
own papon , and pay no commission , thus giv
ing the benefit to Mm borrower.
our facilities are. such that we can accommo
date you in a , prompt and confidential mau- <
ner , giving you fair , honorable and courteous
All loans renewed at original rates.
We will pay oT ! any mortgage you now hava
and give you long time and low rutes ; will loan
any sum from I2 > to S1.0.W.
Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought.
Omaha Mortirtigo Loan Co. , room * 211 and 21S
rirnt National Hank building. 443
fPtlK Omaha Financial Exchange , lloom 11 ,
J- Darker Illock , soutliwoit corner of Farnam
and nth sts.
Makes a. specialty Of short-time collateral
and rual estate loans.
Mum > y always on hand In sums of $100 and
upwards to any amount , to loan on approved
scciirit v
Sfcnfed notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate and taili to exchange for
good llrst or second mortgages.
Loan * made upon laud contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , first or second mortgage se-
tin Ity , without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial business of any kind transacted
Promptly , quietly and fairly. Jtooiu 15 , llarkor
block , Corbett , Manager. 831
MONKY To Loan Ily the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan agency
lu Omaha Loans of itlOto jl.l-00 niado ou furni
ture , plano-i , orKaisliorscs , wagons , machinery ,
etc , without removal. No delays. All business
strictly conlldcntlal. Loans M > made that any
part can bo paid at any time , each payment
leduclngtlie cost pro rata. Advances made on
line watches and dlam-rnds. Persons should
carefully consider who they are dealing with ,
us many new concciasaro dally comliiv Into ox-
istenco. Should you need money call and see
me. W. It. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnoll building ,
lothnnd Harnoy. & 32
to loan ou household furniture , pianos
anos , horses , wagons and other personal
property : also on mortgage paper and contracts
as collateral security ; cash always on hand : lib
eral extensions granted : business transacted
falrly.quletly and promptly. The Fall banks Investment -
vestment Co. , S W cor 15th & Douglas , upstairs.
PKOI'LK'S FINANCIAL Kxctange The fair
est , quietest , most liberal money exchange
lu the city ; loans made without delay or pub
licity. In any amount large or small , at the low
est rates of Interest , on any n.'allablo security :
loans may be paid at any time or renewed at
original rates. O. Ilonscarcn , mgr. . room UJ1/ ,
Ilaikerblk. , l. > th mul Farnam. 917 n lit
P EOI'LK'5 L'UfANuT.VL Kxchanso-Largo
and small iuijdfor long and short time , at
lowest rates of kiivTst , on real estate , mort
gage notes , clitittMs of all kinds , diamonds ,
watches and JoWelADon't fall to call if you
want fair and cheap accommodations. O. llous-
caren , mgr. , taopk-Wi , llarkrr blk. Uth and
I'arnam , , . , 01Tnj6 _
WK keep oif , h nd money to oan on inside
property lu' Omaha and South Omaha la
sums from &VX > to $1.0jO , aud as we do our own
valuing , make all papers , etc. . we can complete
a loan any day vpny Ish and pay you the money.
Hates , Smith &Co. , Hoom 201 , Hamgo building.
MONKY to loan on Improved property at first
hands. No applications sent away for ap
proval. Security ah * titles examined free o (
charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment
company. 309 a. I3U st. 101
rpo LOAN From'one to two hundred thous-
J-und dollars vcjyujiiler sums promptly , east
ern capital alwaJwba , Philadelphia
Mortgage and TruatCo.Qeo. W. I' . Coatea , U
board of trade , \M \
MONKY to loan on furniture , wagon * , etc. ,
without removal , or on collateral security ,
iluslnoss htrlctly conQdemlal. A. K. ( Jreeiiwood
It Co. , U 1 Cunningham blk , cor. 13th Ic Jackson ,
. _ 8aT _ _
W. PECK loans money , cash on hand" ,
iJOO.OoO.canbe placed on city and farm prop
erty at lowest rates ; building loans a specialty ,
Hoom 4 , Frenzar block. Opi > . 1' . O. ti l r. 15 *
MONKY to loan in any amount , either for
building or otherwise , at lowest rates ol
intereit aud on short notice. D. Y. Sholes. room
SlOFlritt Nat'l bank , cor. Uth and Farnam. KM
- Ito loan on improved real estate. Mortgages
bought. Klmball , Chamii , i Hyan , U. 8. Nat
bank , room B. 93320.
ONEY to loan at O. II. Peterson , real es
tate and loan agent. 1412 8 13th Bt , 01 oa
MONKY to loan on furniture , Horse * , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W , Hob
blus. H. 200 Hheeljr bile , l&th and Howard. 01
. per cent. Money to loan on Im
proved farms or city property. James A ,
Dodman , at the old flro Insurance olllca of
Murphy A. Lovett , go 8 13th it. 894
DON'T borrow money on furniture , lufrsws ,
wagons , etc. , until you have seen 0. It. Ja
cobs room 410 , First National bank building ,
cor. 13th andFarnatn W\
_ _
M ONKY to Loan On real estate and chattel
security. Money without ilclay. Western
ind Loan exchange. 117 3. 10th nt. Mini
MONKY to loan ; cash on hand ; no doiay , J.
W. Pnulre. 121U Fanmm st. First Nations !
bank building. _ ew )
CH&.UUO to loau on inside property , tk > mi flr t
P mortgages 'or sal * . Nathan Bnelton , 1505
Farntuu gtreet. Bi'5 '
MONKV' to Loan City imd country : clifl p
rates , no delay. L. 1' . Hammond , 409 1'nx-
ton building. 70 !
MONKV to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly , 11. K. Cole , Hoorn 0 , Continental
Illock. W9
GPKH CKNT money to loan-Cash on hand
W. M. Harris , room so , Fronzer block , opp.
I'.O. 8&
LOANS on short time at low rates. Klmball ,
Champ & Hyan , room 0 , U S Nat. ban * .
[ ONKY to loan on chattel securities , lltsnop
Lit Wheeler Loan Co. , room C , llnrkcr block.
! iVnl *
H II. IllKV ITiUO.flUU to loan on city property
and lmi > ro\ed farm laud. Frenzor block.
T OANSmadoon real cstato and
J-J bougat. Lewis S. Heed i.Co. , liil Furnatn.
M ON 13V to loan on Improved real estate.
I eavltt llurnuiun , Crolnhton block. 671' '
MONI3V to loan. O. P. DavU Co. , real estate
and loan agent1501 Karnam st. HO )
.VWOJO to loan at C per cent. Iilnahan & Mahoney -
$ honey , room HM , l'a\ton block. 1HX )
G OODclty and farm loans wanted by A. K.
Hlley , 151U Farnam. fW
/ 1IIATTK I. and collateral loans. M. E. Davis
\J 111 S 1 tth st , room 27. Wf-'J
E HAL estate loans , lowest rates. Udell Hi
i Co. . 313 S. 10th st. KW
idONI3Y : to loan ; long time. George J. 1'aul' '
id l' st Wl
BUILDING loans. Llnahau & Mahonoy.
l U
THOU SALI3or Kent A restaurant and confec-
JL tlonery btiMiie-n on N street , South Omaha ,
for > ale or rent cheap ; good reasons given. I3n-
imlru atTlmea olllre , So. Omaha. Jll 25
"IJ10H SAI.KHestaurant at a bargain to those
who me.ui buHliu.i. . Call nt unco. No. lull
Cumlngst. A. J.T.Jonlin. 3182IJ
1710H 8AI.K Very cheap , a nlrorlgar , tobacco.
-L confectionery and oyster parlor , location as
good nsany In city. Call utiVJOS 101 h nt , In store
next Windsor hotel. H. Martin. iEl !
TU ) Illucksmitln Per Sain My two sets of
tools , tMigltiu and emnrv combined ; also shop
and Int. Ite.isoni for selling , 1 want to quit the
business. For futlher paitlijidar.H addruss H. 11.
ShleUU , Logan , Iowa. 320 21T
"I } A HK business chance : Flno stock of gro-
-itcerles lu live city of 1,203 Inhabitants * .M.ftlO
per annum , capital required from JB.O 0 to M.OOO.
leasfins for SBlllng 111 health. Addiess O 30 ,
care Hue. J.07 n 0 *
FOR HALE Meat market , slaughter-house ,
horses , wagons and all Mxturos complete.
Trade 81tOO per month ; the best location lu n
city of l.VXKJ people ; will rent the Imtlilini ? 1 to
! i years ; no one ouly buslnoi-s mon will pay to
tuventlgiitp. Address all communication. ) to O
25 , lleeonice , Omaha. IBJ'Jii * .
FO11SALK-AJI.8IO htd-k of general hard-
waie. took and heating stoves , tinners' stock
and tools , > ; cash , balon favorable terms. Ad
dress ( i 2l > , Hoe olllce. 212 2fiT
FOH 8ALK A complete Oyster Canning Out-
lit. Cheap , If sold at once. Addn-ns C. II.
'I. , Lincoln , Neb. 044 2,1 *
\\7 I3wtshto employ a reliable man in your
T county. No oxnerifucu required ; perma
nent position for three ycars. _ Salary increased
.ach year. Light , easy , genteel business. Money
uhaaced for balary. advertising , etc. Largest
nauuf'ra In our lino. Knclosn 2-cont. No
[ > obtals. Centennial M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati. O.
13J J J b
SA LK-Salt Lake lots KU each , at 310 S.
Kith st. 425
8AfK or Exchange An old flstabllsheil
good , paying Livery business in Council1
liluITs.Ia. , Itf N Main st. win. Btndleman. C'.U
T/1OH SAL13 The furniture and lease of one of
JL1 the best paying ami best located hotels in
tun city. Apdlyatonco to Green Sc Williams ,
I.Mi' 1 Wnf. lumlr Imlltltn rr ? r\
TJIOUKXCHANCiE-lGO acres Frontier Co. , 160
J ucres rrankiln Co. , Neb. , ICO acres Kossuth
Co. . la. , 1.UX3 to 2iVX ) acres Johnson Co. , Kv. ,
w I d land , will exchange lu part or In whole for
good gen'l merchandise. Uox 101 , Wllcov , Kear
ney Co. , Neb , 21021 *
rpOH KXCHANGK-One of the best 181 acre
J- farms In Scdgwldi county , Knu. , nenr Wich
ita , for Omaha property. Mutual Investment
Co. , llarkor block , 1.1th and I'aniam. 171'20
( ) KXCIIANGK-iilt-edg Inside lot forstock
. dry goods or clothing. (1 23 lieu. 15H21
FOH OALK or Kxcliauge ( Jnndphaeton luper-
foit order. Inquire ut 1300 1'ariiam. 15U 24
IF you have anything to exchange call and
see our list. Western Land and Louu ex-
cnantio , 117 S. 10th. 607 nS
5'JTi uti
POIl Trade Choice lot in ( irammercy Partc
and choice double corner In Liptoii Place for
e'ood land. 1) . V. Sholes , 2IU , First Niit'l bank.
IIIAV13 real nnd persorial property of all
kinds for tiadc. Call and see me. Oforpo J.
Sturiudortf , room 0 , opp. 1 * . O. Sio
DH. NANN1H V. Warron. clairvoyant. Med
ical and business medium , female diseases
a specialty. 119 , N. Uith ht , llooms 2 & 3. 2Vi
ATfllNTION The Rifted destiny reader can
bo consulted dally for two w eoks 111 all af
fairs ol life or dtath : tells your life from tbo
cradle to the Krave ; reunites the boparated Ith
the wonderful KKyptiau charm ; locates disease
and heals them wan Maisttito and electric treat
ment. Olllce 117 & llth 8t..upstatrsrooms 2 &fl.
b)0 ) 23
"IjlOHTIiNBTollcr Mrs. Let > ormancan bo con-
-L1 sultAil on all affairs of life. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No 318NIiithst Csil n2i
* | 710HSLKHealed bids will be received at our
-D olllce up to Nov. 1st lor lot 10. block 1 Hoil-
ick's sub uh ison. 51. ft. front. Also lot 4. block
\1 \ , Diaku's addition , 60ft. nont. Ouly one lot
will bj nold , These are line residence sites , on
Howard and Davenport streets lespecllvely , be
tween 27th and 2tli streets. The rl/iht to reject
any and all bids resolvedlllds will state tonns
wanted. M. A. I pton Company. U14
$ : iWJO buys a good 2-story 8-room house nnd
lot. east front. In Windsor 1'laco , a bargain.
U. V. Sholos , Ilooiu210 , First Nutlonal llanK.
_ 678
TT1OH BALB-Lot lAxlta. with good 2-story
-L iiouse nicely furnished , all modern conven
iences , within 1 blk paved st. , Y blk from I'ark
school and M. K. church , Uanscom place. This
is ouo of the best properties In the city , and
can be had at a barcaln by addressing thu
owner , V 14 , lleeollico. t 448
TI1011 BALK Or xchanga. We have some
JL1 good Omaha real estate and Nebraska
farms , which we will sell cheap or trade for
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , drr goods ,
boots audshoes , groceries or hardware. Schlas.
inger llroa. . JU 8. 10th st. _ 'JIO
TjlOUBALlJ-anxlOO feetnear comer WooIworHi
J-1 avo. and 2Pth st. ; house of 8 rooms/bathroom / ,
gas , cistern , hot and cold water , sewer connec
tion , furnace , 2 cellars , location all that can bo
desired , school , church nnd 2 llnei of horse cars
waiting 2 blocks , cable In project ; ( MMX ) ; tl.UW
cash balance easy , 8 per cent Interest. C. P.
Harrison. 418 S 15th st.
tflxluuo feet cor. Woolworth ave. and 23th St. ,
house and improvements materially the fiamc
as ahoto , J."iOX ) , II.OOu cash , balance easy , 8 pet
cent Interest , C. F. Harrison , 418 B 15th st. C'J ;
FOB BALK B12 acres Hamilton Co. . Neb. ,
land , JU per acre , one-third cash , balance at (
per cent , Address W. J. Wllduiun. Dem er. Col
city limits of Council liluUs. Incmlre Oeo. J
SteriiadnrlT , opp. postofllce. : ip )
rpWENTV-KOUIlfeeton Saunders st , at ttt
J-per foot , worth 1100 , one-half cash ; part !
out of town , nmsticll. 0 16 , Ilee olllce.
1,1(125 (
"C1OU UALK-Unlncumberea real estate In
-U 1'acltlcJunction , , which will par LX
per cent annually on the inrc'Stment above
taxes and UisurdncA Address F. W. Miller
l aclHoJunctlon , Iowa. 07enl
T71OH BALK On easy terms , the first house dl
JL' Tectly south of Dr. Mercer's resldence.ulevej
rooms und barn with lot 40xlJU , only II.GOQ. Thi
same improvementx with ground * 1 nlx'KJO enl ;
J1.1.0U ) . . W. T. Seaman , witgoni , carriages , otc.
aat tide ot lUti st. , uortb of NlcUolM. 70
BDVTAnn A , IlKODnOLU Lindsay , N u.hM
sereral farina for sale In Platte county at
H5 to tM per aero. 6liU)3t'
LOTS For Sale 1 ham 10 fine Inn in HrlitgV
place ivld. for .sale. For further Information
address H. Jeff fry , ( lalfnit , 111. 801
001) Oak Hill lot MlOcash , big bargain , a
16. life ofllce. iJd 86
Foil 9ALK Two clejrant liotuei In llanscom
1'laceon rra.4onabl terms : mortgage paper
taken as part paymouU Uoswotth A ; Jopllu ,
llarter block. KM
ffifOO buys a full lot and gooil 4-room cottagd
Peasy terms and good location. I > , V. Sholea.
room 210. Flrit Nat'l bank , cor. Uth and Far-
nam. IMP
FOIl BALK Frank Wasserman , nt the Hank
of Omaha , has some of the choicest rent *
denco and business property in the city for tale
cheap. 40B
TjKIl 8ALU-HOUS9 nnd 75 foot lot on Call-
JD fornla near aotn at a bargain. N.inX ) .
( W.W down or JIOJ discount for halt casn. W , M.
Yatcs , agt. 115 _
FOIl SALK-Not for trade. 613.70 acres of Im
proved land 2 miles fiom Manptette in ,
Hamilton Co. . Nebraska. Krnme house , frame
stanle , ; W acres under a good 4 barli-wlro fence ,
round cedar posts and 2 stays : llTlhg water ,
good corral , 2 wells , wind mill. UW-bariel tank.
self-feeder troughs , etc. ; 75 acres clover ; model
1'rlce ( about 12 per acre ) . $ fl.60i )
Cash . . . . 3.r < M
3 years time at B per cent . . ' ( ,000
Oo and look over the laud and address the
owner , V , K. Atkins , 1502 Larimer St. , Denver.
Colo. _ 241 _
Tno SAL15-Lot 11 , b.20. Hnnscom place , W50
JL1 olT what It Is worth. C.I' ' . Itartlsou , 418S 15th
Notice tn Uonl Dcntcrn.
Sealed Proposals will be received at the office
of the County Clerk , up to o o'clock a. m. , Satur
day. October27th , I.W , for soft coal to be fur
nished Douglas County for Winter of 1883-8J , as
follows :
Tor Poor I'arm. 150 tons more or loss to be de
livered ou .side tiock near 1'oor Farm ,
1'or city poor , ( XJO tons more or loss , to bo de
livered In lots of Vi and 'i tons.
Certified check of * W , and sample of coal to
accompany each bid.
The Hoard reserves tuo right to refect any or
all bids. Jl. D. HOCIIH.
oct-SJ-m&e-lt County Clerk.
Klcctlon 1'roclnmntlon.
I'nder and by virtue of the authority vested
In mo by section eleven (11) ( ) of chanter twenty-
slx(2 ( < > ) of the romplled Btatutes of Nebraska ,
entitled "Klectlons. " I , John M. Thayer. gov
ernor of the state of Nebraska , do hereby Issue
my proclamation , that ou Tuesday , tno Btxth
day of November , A. D. 18S8 , there will bo an
election held at the usual places of voting In
Raid state , for the pnrposoof electing the follow
ing oflicurs. to-wit :
pl\o electors of president and vice president
of the I'nlled States.
One member of congress from the First con
gressional district.
One member of congress from the Second con-
glessloiial district. _ .
One member of congress from the Third con
gressional district.
Lieutenant governor.
Secretary otstate.
State treasurer.
Auditor public accounts.
Cotnmisslone of'publlc lands and bulldlnss.
isiirmrintendciit of public instruction.
State Heimlor for each senatorial district , and
HepresentatlveH , for each ropresoutattva
idtrtrt as iirovldsd by law.
In witness whorcof. I have hereunto set my
land and caused = to be affixed the great seal of
Dtuo MtUo [ 1)one at Lincoln this
2a day of October , In the year or
our Lord one thousand eight hun-
[ Seal. ] dred and eighty eight , the twen
ty-second year or theHtnte , and
of the Independence of the United
States the one hundred and tlilr-
Uy the ( "jo"ov'ivor. . JOHN M. TllAYEU.
0. S. LAWS , Secretary Htato.
otico to Contractora.
Sealed proposals will bo received at tin office
3f County rlerk of Douglas County , until S
Vclock , p. m. Saturday. October 27th. 18SS , for
he erection of IK ) feet of trestle work on Military
oad bet ween the lilkhoni river aud the Haw hide
Jreek ; also K ) leet of trestle work one-half mlle
outh of Waterloo. All lumber to bo furnished
ly Douglas County , laid down at Valley Station.
Cut-titled check for tweuty-iivo dollars to ac-
lomnany each bid.
The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or
ill bids. M. I ) . KOCHB.
oct-ll-o-llt-m-eod-wlt ( County Clerk.
Health is Wealt i !
use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakafulnesa. Mental
> epresoon , Boftenlng of the Drain , resulting in
.nsanlty , and leading to mlserr. 4cay nnd
death. Prematnro Old Age. UnrrennesB , Loss et
Power in either BSI. Involuntary Ix > sse * and
Bpermatorhoen caused by orer-exertlon of th
brain , self-abuio or over-indulgence. ICnch box
contains one month's treatment. 11.00 A box , or
Bix boxes for IS.titX lent by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of price.
To cur * * pr ease. With each er4er re tr d by
as for MX koxea. accompanied with HM , w
will send UM purchaser our wrltun guarantee
to refund th * money If the treatment dees not
ff ct a cure. Guarantees Issued onlr by O. F.
GOODMAN. Drufalit , Bole Asent , 1110 Farnam
Street. Omaha. Neh
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Route from Omalia and Council
BlntTa to
THE EAST = = -
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. raul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Itock Islandf Freeport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Dareuportj
Elgin , Mndlson , Jancstlllo ,
Uelolt , TTlnona , La Crosse ,
And all other Important points But , Northal and
For throush tickets call on the ticket azent at 1(101 (
Faruam ttraot , tn lltrkvr Uluck , or al Unlou I'ucino
l-ullman Ble p r § and Ibo flnnit Dlnlni Cure to th *
worm are run on tbe mala line of tba Chicago , Mil
waukco & Ht. 1'aul llnll ay. nl ererr uttoDiIoolt
paid to puuogcr * bjr courtuoui inplojM at LM
ll.'Mir.LBR , Oaneral Minager.
J. V. TUCKElt. Atilitnnt Uoneral Maaagcr.
A. V. B. GAUFKNTJtll , Gtntral faaMii | r and
QEO. if. 1KAFTOI1D , Assltunt Qraual fMMUM
and Ticket Affcal.
J. T. C1ABK. O n r l BvpvUt B at.
Paid Up Capital $400,000
Surplus 60,000
II. W. YATKB. 1'rosulent.
LKWIH S. HKED. Vice President.
A. H. TouzAMN,2nd Vice President.
W. II. 8. HUOIIKS , Cashier.
A. E. ToDZAr.iN.
Hanking Onico
Corner 12th and Farnam Sts.
A Oeneral Hanking llusiness Transacted.
The Kansas City Investment Co. .
3C Chamber of Commerce ,
Noopays. [ All business done at this office.
Advertising has nlwaya proven
'successful. Before placingtxny
Newspaper Advertising consul
miimsuo ictus ,
II I * ( lUofelpk ltrt < . CHIriAnO.
PEERLESS DYES * ro lbj ) "E5T *
Who b WBAK , mt TCC .
K , Who In hU rOLt.T Mid IOKORA.N OB
bu TBirLBD away hU YIttORof BOOT.
BIIBD aad MAlf oon.oauilnji ihauitinit
dralM upon the roUWTAIWlT of Lint !
pnmWBAKJfBMa _ of Mtrncrr , BA8H.
u > * rACB , aadaii th tufrmvrm iwdiui to
TtOIf oe IIOAJIITT. should eouiult at one
th * CBLBBBATBD Ldark. . , BrtubUih.d
UBI. Dr. Clark * bu mad * NBBTOUS DE
BIL.ITT , OBIKONIO and all DUeaiM of
ru UBiriTO DBIItfAUT Ornni a LI fa
fady. It makM H0 dlffkrane * WHAT you
i4T t kn or WHO hai railed to cur * you.
W-VKHALU luffkrlng from dl eaiNp en *
Bar to their MX an coniult with th * aiiurane *
or ipMdr nlltf and ear * . 8 nd 2 eutf poi taf
fbr workj on yo r dU UM.
ro ntl 4 e nU poiUc * for Celebrated
Work * on Ckr Hl * . Nrvon * and Dell *
* ! DUeaiM. ConmlUtion , pcnonally or by
toH r , ( * . ConiulT th * old Doctor.
* cured. OBIeea and parlor *
private. JW-Thojo eontemptatlnt Marrl * e
wnd for Dr. Clnrke' * celebrated iruldo
! and renal * , each lo. , both 24e.
ftumpt ) . Before connilng yonr caie , eoniult
Dr. CLABKK. A friendly lilttr or call m v
MT * future uterlnr and iham * , and add rouUn
yean to life.Book Life * * ( RecreD.Br *
ror , " We. jrtampt ) . Ucdlcln * and writing !
rant everywhere , wcuro from eKpo
Doun , I to 8 : Suodayi , 9 toll. AddrMi ,
t ) . OIiAH&B , M. D.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The onlr rood to take for IH > s Mulncs JtnrhslUi\rn
Odnr Hnpld. ' , Clinton , DKon , ClilCkKn. Mllfrkukeo ,
nuil nil tumiU Knitt. T < > thfl ptMipIn of Nebrnskft.Oolp
rncld , \ \ yomliiH. Utah , Idulio. Xaitiln. . Orejun , Wftlll
Inxlun ii ml Cullfrtrnln. It otters superior Jvniit gel
not | Hi ltilu bjr itnr other line.
Anmnu n few of the numBrouK point * of up rlorltT
onjuyml br the imlrmtinf thu road bolwoeij OmAha
anil Chlrinio. nrn Its tliroo trnlns H day of DAY
L'OACIIKS. which nrti tba ( Incut th t huntn art and
Ingenuity can nrrnto. It * I'AJ.AUKSI.Uftl'INQCAUi
the equal of which can not tin fonml alsownnre. At
Council Uluffi , the I rut in of th Union I'tclHb 1U1I-
way ionn ct In u ilon depot with tlioie of the Old-
cnun , V Nortluvostnrn Hf. In nilcnxo the trMni of
tlili line niaka cloio connection with thoioof allot tier
KA tern HUM.
For Dntrolt , Columbia , IndlnDKpolli , Cincinnati ,
Nlasnrn Kull < , HulTalii. lltniiurg , Toronto , Montreal ,
Boston , Now York , I'lUUdvlphm , llnlllraoro. Wnnh-
Inuton , aud all polnu In tbo Kmt , Ask for UckoU via
the >
If you with the bust ncoommoilKtloa. All ticket
agmiMinll tlrk t > rla this lino. ' t
if. uuunrr-i' . ic. p. WILSON. ,
( ion'l Manager. U n'l l'a 'r AfiCnt.
cuiPAno , n.i.t. (
W. N. IlAnroCK , ( Jr > n'l Wtntorn Agent.
I ) . K. KIMtlAI.UTIckot Aiient.
O. K. WKST , Cltr l'a iioii0t Aficnt
1401 Karunm st Uniaha , Neb.
.Pceksktll-on-Mudson : N. Y. Send for catalogue
logueJNO. . M.TlliDKN.iI.U..M.Al'rlnclp l.
Now York'n Publications.
Current Literature : An idea of , Now
York BH H puhltcation center may lie ob
ained from the statomunt that in Octo
ber , November and December of lost
your , 9,073,033 pounds of second olasa
matter wast sent thrpugb the gouoral
podtoftlco in this city , und in April , May
iad Juno of this year , 8G95,591 pounds.
The averaso amount curried yearly by
the postolllco department from the city
of New York is over sixteen thousand
tons. This is in addition to all sent out
by the nowa company , and does not in-
iludo books. The H uros of the sub-
oriptiou publicutlons tire iistounding' .
Divided into classes indicating frequency -
quoncy of issue , it is found that the
.ind total circulation 'of 29 , 30,500
copies is distributed aa followH :
Weekly 10.02l.7BO
Monthly 0,630,780
Daily 4,749,600
Semi-monthly 1,059,000
Somi-wcokly 310,280
Quarterly 189,500
Hl-wcokly 103,750
Tri-wcekly 83,750
Ui-monthly 85,250
Total 29,830,600 ,
Now York prints more than ono-quar-
tor of the periodicals sold. Pennsyl
vania , Illinois und Ohio more than nn-
ether quarter of all. Arc these figures
coinprohondcd ?
Annihilating a Multiform Olseanel
Miasmatic , or malarial , dlscaao hoi maily
forms. Vhysicinns have , for the sake of
convenience , and for the purpose of Indicat
ing its most strongly marked forms , subdlj
vldod It into intermittent and bilious remit
tent fever , dumb ague and ague caico. But
it presents an Infinite variety of symptoms
In different individuals , 13e those symptoms
what they will , always romcmbnr that Hos
teller's stotnnch bitters will annihilate them
at the outset , and prevent their recurrence.
A review of the proofs would convince any
one of the fact. This , however , Is impos
sibles because they are too numerous , and
unnecessary because the effects of this grand
anti-malarial spccitlc are a matter of common
knowledge. No less familiar to the public
arc Its remedial and preventive effects In
bilious attacks , constipation , dyspepsia , in
cipient rheumatism , debility and kidney troa
blcs. It is , moreover , an excellent appetizer
and tonic nervine.
Mint Toll For Success.
Stonograpy isii dilllcult art to loam ,
No mutter what system is adopted bj
the .student , no inattor even if hit
teacher iu honest and competent , a
mastery of short hand writing cau be
only obtained by patient , loiiR-continuod
and arduous toil. Charles Dickens , at
one Btngo of his career , was a ro'p'o'rtoi
in the house of commons. His experi
ence in preparing for that work are , sol
forth in David Copporfiold , and ths
opinion is the re expressed that to loam
shorthand is as dilllcult u task as the
acquirement of several foreign lan
guages. It Is customary for the 'com
pilers of modern text books of photog
raphy to quota his passage for the ii'ur-
pobo of showing how obsolete it isslnca /
by their now and superior methods , tl\a \
whole is inudo 'i'ho're
thing BO easy , :
have really boon important imprbvo-
merits in this ns in ether arts , but'it '
would bo well for all who attempt to' become -
como verbatim reporters to rnoKVup
their minds to toil for success us DloUo'na
did , or expect failure. ' '
\ '
- - -
T- -
"Hcgulato the regulator. " With TTUM
blood comes good health. Use Wrlr'nor'i
Log Cubin Sarsaparilla and secure both ,
Best Remedy. Largest bottle. 120'dosei
for $2. i
Hhot HU I romUoiI Wife. , ij
OWBXSIIOHO , Ky. , Oct. 23. Noah Jagollast
evenliiff fatally Bhot Mls Ella Green , to
whom ho was engaged to bo married.'Ha
usseits it was an iociilent , but from the fact
that ho tried to stab her a short time ago
and hail boon quarreling with her about rq-
coiving other company , ho. Is suspoutod ol
shooting her witli Intent to kill. Aij
would malic no statement.
An Absolute Ouro.
IB only put up In large two ounce tin boxei ,
and Is an absolute cure for old sorea , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all nkln ' .erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of pile * ,
MliKT. Bold by Goodman Drug Co. ,
ceuts per box by tuaU SO couU.