Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' " " " ' "
Wheat Shorta Still Figuring on a
Ddcombor Oornor.
Oats Fairly Active Considerable In
tercut In 1'rovlnloiis Moderate
TrudliiK In Cattle UUKN Active
at Monday' * 1'rlccs.
CHICAGO , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to
TIIK Hr.n.1 Wheat worked down 2' ' c nor
bushel to-day for near deliveries and about
fl.l'J for May , but toward the close a re
covery of about IJ c occurred In prices.
People who had the wheat were the princi
pal sellers for December. Wise men who al-
wnj'H keep the run of the books of the big
operators have It that Hakcr has changed
over his line from December to May ; that
Hutchlnxon is out of December , and that
Lyon Is getting out as fast an tic can. 1 hey
announce that Hntchlnson Is Hanging to his
rash wheat , and that ho is long of May and
nctuully short for December. They further
state that the only Important speculative
line of December wheat remaining
la that held by Falrbank , the re
mainder bcmi ? represented by "tallers. "
Falrbimh In Chicago and 1'illsbury in Min
neapolis seem to bo regarded as about the
only two big stalwarts who are wed to their
December. How correct "opinions" lire on
this matter remains to be seen. There Is one
thing certain , however , and that is that , the
"promised" or "threatened" or "possible"
December corner is losing its terrors , and
that if it should bo attempted the manipu
lators will have to pay for a goott deal of
wheat. An Immense amount of figuring Is
already going on in regard to shipments of
wheat in the event of u corner or continua
tion of Chicago as one of the "high" markets.
"I am going to lialtimoru to-night , " said the
representative of a leading commission
house , "to ascertain If a lot of 5OJO , bushels
of wheat owned there by Chicago parties
will gradiNo. . 2 hero , and if It docs It will
bo held in readiness to ship to this point and
the owncis will not wait until It is shipped
cither. " The shorts are also liguring tu ship
wheat from Detroit. St. Louis , Toledo and
other western wheat markets. The "doc
tors" at Milwaukee and in this city are ac
tively nt work in the manufacture of "con
tract wheat , " and they may bo confidently
expected to contribute to the "receipts" In
the event of manipulation. It is also notice
able that the quality of receipts hero and
elsewhere is Improving mateiiallj' , shoxving
that the best wheat wus held back and the
poorer rushed to the front early. The obtru
sion of thchO fuels and the publication of the
Intentions is so open as not to bo entirely free
from suspicion of "bluff. " Hut the gossip is
ceitulnly not without effect. December sold
off from f 1.1 ! ) if nt the opening to $1.111 ,
nnd May from Sl.lilJif to $1. ! ! ! * ,
the bottom being reached about noon.
The difference between December nnd
May narrowed from -c at the opening to Jc ,
nnd during most of the session it wus about
1c. During the last , half hour of the session
the market rallied sharply. Lvon started
the upturn and the shorts did the rest.
December ran back up to $1.14J and May to
? I.1H % . The close wus at some reaction from
the recovery , and at the lust thu December
premium was only % u. Trade was only of
moderate volume with the bulk of dealings
in May. Among the bulls May is now by far
the favorite delivery. Those who arc buy
ing because they believe in wheat on its
menu cannot see why wheat for May should
not bo worth quite us much as for December ,
when It will bo in far greater supply than in
the spring. The element of possible manip
ulation is at once the strong and weak feut-
tureof December , but beyond the existence
of a large short interest in
that month there Is nothing
In sight to warrant the belief In such an un
pleasant contingency as a "corner. " The
market cannot be truthfully described as
being especially strong or weak. It is in a
nervous state and trade is light. It has de
generated into an unquestionably "narrow
market" for the time being.
There was free selling of corn and consequently
quently a lower rungo of values at the open
ing ot to-dny's market. Kecclpts were close
to the estimates of the previous day , but for
to-morrow they were expected to bo consider
ably under recent delivery averages. Still ,
new strength was borrowed by the market
to-day on that ground. There was much
freer selling ot December , with a corresponding
spending weakness in it which was
shared also by the year delivery. No
vember is still under the ban
of manipulation , and traders avoid making
contracts as much as possible with the brok
ers of certain operators. Exports continue
on a fairly liberal scale , but much more
might bo spared from this year's abundance.
The market showed a decided weakness , al
though the fear of something which might
happen should there bo a largo enough short
interest in November to tempt a squeeze ,
preserved the market from a worse break.
Closing prices show a loss in November ol
\X ° > % ° in December and } ( @ % o In May. |
Out * wore in fair request , especially the
May future , with liberal business recorded
In that month. Tills cereal was evidently
not affected much by the weakness in corn
as near futures ruled nearly steady. Though
May declined ) g3a } under free selling by
one or two operators with good dciimm'
around SDQMtfc.
The provision trade Buffered something ol
reaction. Yesterday's upward turn made
the bears more aggressive , and as one of the
late speculative buyers of January pork ami
lard concluded to unload , the market broke
badly under excessive offerings. 'Trading ,
however , was quite fair , and when prices
were around bottom figures the shorts cov
cred freely. More than ordinary interest
wns also maintained in trade throughout
Closing quotations showed n net decline for
the day of 20@2'-K ° on October and Novem
ber lard and year and January pork , 15o 01
November pork , 2Jo on December , year
January and May lard , TJ eon January shor
ribs , and J3c ! on May pork.
. ° > * -'ct > 23 > [ Special Telegram to Tn E
f. CAmE. TnyJ ? w9 f"ir with prices
rather stronger than othorWlsfl V" " ' imUves ,
nnd where salesmen had stock that was any
way coed or useful they found no dlfllculty in
getting n slight advance over the current
rates of last week. Hangers nnd Tcxnns
wore slow and hard to sell , but not essentially
lower than yesterday or nt the close of last
week. Out of the entire receipts of 8,000
cattle there were only about 3,000 natives
nnd these were made up largely of coarse
nnd medium steers , old cows and common
bulls , and nil such sold about the same nsy es
ter dny , that Is fully as low as at any time
this year. There was an inquiry for good
feeders , nnd such are selling equally as wcl !
as lust week , but light stocners are neglected
nnd can bo had at almost any fair price the
buyer may offer. Receipts , including 5.CKX
Texas and western cattle : choice- beeves
o iVK < T5 85 ; medium to coed steers , UI50 tc
IMXMts , * l.00025. : > 5 ; 1200 to ISTX ) Ibs , $3.50(3 (
4.10 ; 000 to 1200 Ibs , f3.10 < 3a.40 ; stockers am !
f coders , (2 00@3.35 ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
( fl.sufe' ' ; bulk , * 1.25@2.60 ; Texas ana In.
ilian steers , f2.40Q3.40 ; cows , $1.75(32.30 ( ;
westerns , W.00@4.25 ; cows , f2.306j3.30 ; win
tcrcd Texans , JJ.WXg3.03.
Hocib Uustncss was active with the bullet
ot stock selling about the same as yesterday ,
but as is usual nowadays , when urgent or
tiers wore mada up of more common and un
desirable stock , those left sold n shade lowei
than current rates at the close. Dcalori
Bliould not bo misled by the reiterated state
mcnt sent out from day to day , that the gen
cral market closes lower than at the opening
If such Is the fact , then a salesman must b <
a "chump" of the first order for not selliui
liU stock when there Is a , demand for It. The
country shippers that employ a salcsmai
that cannot sell Block when he bus i
buyer ought to look out for om
that can. It IB a too commoi
practice for inexperienced and incompcten
men to lay the blame to something else othe :
than their own short comings. That tin
market generally closes rather easier than a
the opening is quite natural. At that perioi
of the day about all the smart buyers thu
prcceive order * buve culled fcnil uiorted t
their satisfaction , leaving only the culls ,
common stock nntl lulling , which , as a mut
ter of course , sell lower than the average of
tlio mortilng. The bulk of mixed sold to-day
nt { . * . ( X(3i.Tl ( ) : fancy assorted heavy , butcher
weights und Phlladnlphlas , $3 7. > @ 5.bO ; as
sorted light , Jo.COQj.T.X
NEW YORK , Oct. 23. - [ Special Telegram
to Tun HER. ) STOCKS Early trading was
confined mainly to four stocks , Richmond
Terminal , Union Pacific , Missouri Pacific
and Northwestern. First prices were Irreg
ularly lower , nnd further frnctlonal declines
were sustained over the whole list. This
weakness was followed soon by a reaction
which carried prices mainly above tno open
ing , the strong tone continuing most of the
forenoon , Values advanced slowly in n gen
eral way , extending to IK points in Rich-
montl nnd Iff in Missouri Pacific. Cam-
mack's brokers were credited at ono tlmo
with selling Missouri Pacific nnd the Grang
ers , but , if this was n fact , their pressure
was not very potent. At noon the market
was quiet and llrm at close to the highest
figures of the morning. Missouri Pacific
showed a gain ofyt \ points , most of the re
mainder of the list being fractionally better
than the opening. It was an uneventful
The following were the closing quotations :
IT. H. 4s regular. . .127 ! ' , Northern Pacific. . 2fl i
1T. H. 4scoupons. .127'i1 ' donrtfened fil'J
U. S. 4'isruKiilar. 1OT > ; | C. * N. W 11IIU
U. f.4isconpons ! .ItW'J doprofcrred 142
I'aclflctisof'M. . . . 12IHIN.Y. Central lOH'i
Central I'arltlc 35'i'l' ' ' . , 1) . tt K SOS
Chicago Si Alton 133 | itoclc Island 10T
ChlcaRo.lltirlltiKton C. . M. * st. 1' , ' , ' , '
& Qulncr . . . 110 do preferred 108
D..L. & W HOYSt. I'iiul & Omalm . J1S' }
Illinois Central. .1115 do preferred , . . .10H
1..II.&W 17'i ! Union Pacific f1 *
Kansas A ; Texas . 13i4.W..St.I < . * 1' . . . . 141
I.akeHhoro . . . . 10J' , | do preferred. . . . 28 . hJHJi Western Union 84'i
Missouri Pacific . .75 |
MONBT ON CAI.I , Easy at 1 (722 ( per cent ;
last loan at 1 } percent ; closed altered ut 2
per cent.
STEHUNO Exciuxan Dull but steady at
JI.S4 for sixty-day bills , and $1.87 % for dc-
CIIICAOO , Oct. 23. 11:55 : close Wheat
Mccamu easier nnd about steady ;
cash , Jl.12'4 ' ; November , fl.l'JJi ; Decem
ber , tl.U ; May , * 1.11V. !
Corn Stoiulv ; cash , 41' c ; November ,
lljtfc ; December , li'.l' ' c ; May , JiSJfc.
Oats Steady ; cash , 24 : ' c ; November ,
24fc ; December , 25 , ' c ; May , 'M 3-10c.
Maricy Nominal.
I'rimo Timothy Nominal.
Flax $1.47.
Whisky $1.20.
Pork Lower ; cash , 815.00 ; November ,
* 14.GO ; January , $11.55 ; May , 4-14.75.
Lard Kasy ; cash , 8J.OO ; November ,
J3.37K ; January , $ S.'i.'i ; May , $8.i7K. :
Flour Unsettled , irregular and easier.
Hulk Meats Shoulders$8.- : iJS.i7)i ( : ) ; short
clear , $ S.50aS.75 ( ; short ribs , $7.75.
liutter Firm ; creamery , lh@27c ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars ,
@lKc ( ) ; Hats , HM@HKc ; Young Americas' ,
"l { ( < fl 11tfc. .
Eggs-Firm ; 18J@10c.
Hides Steady ; heavy green salted , 7c ;
light green salted , 7'4'c ' ; green , 5' c ; salted
bull , 5' ' c ; grcpn salted bull , 5c ; green salted
calf , 7S7jtfc ( ; dry Hint , tic ; dry calf , 7@Sc ;
deacons , 15@30o each ; dry salted. 7c.
Tallow Steady ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4 } c ;
No. 2 , II ) e ; cake , Cu.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls 13,000 11,000
Wheatbu 70.000 ( i',1,000 '
Corn , bu 418,000 427,000
Oats , bu 2M.OOO 105,000
Kye , bu . . . .
New Vork. Oct. 2. ) . Wheat Rcceluts ,
120,500 ; exports , none ; spot market a trifle
stronger but dull ; No. 2 red , $1.10 ®
l.lOJf in elevator ; 1.U@1.11' < afloat , flMQij
LUJf f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , * 1.00gl.0l ( ; un-
crudedred , $1.05@1.14K ; No. 1 red , $1.15 ®
1.10. Options very dull und Xo lower early ,
closing steady ut j c under yesterday ; No. 2
red , November closing at $1.10.7s.
Corn Receipts , 25tilKK ) ; exports , 100,000 ;
spot market less active and weak ;
lower ; No. 2 , 49'c ! in elevator ,
tOJfc afloat ; ungraded mixed , 4SJ ( i _
options moderately active ; closing weak ; No
vember closing at 4U , ' c.
Oats Receipts , 85,700 ; exports 150 ; spot
market moderately active and steady ; op
tions K@R ° lower and dull ; November
closing ut U0 c ; spot , No. 2 white , 34@U4 c :
mixed western , 27@iljc : ; white western , 30
Coffee Options opened barely steady nt
15(430 points lower , closing firm ut 5@15
points up ; sales 03,750 bags including
October , S13.75@13.90 ; November , $ : (
13.75 ; December , $12.9U@13 30 ; January , $12.80
( (113.20 ; spot Rio easier ; quiet ; fair cargoes
at J15.75.
Lurd Early deliveries much lower ; west
ern steam , spot , J9.12.5f ; November , $ S.G3
Pork Weak and dull ; mess , | 15.75@10.50.
Petroleum Stronger nnd more uctive ;
United closed at 87Xc.
Eggs Less firm ; quiet ; western , 21U@22c.
liuttor Steady ; moderate demand ; west
ern dairy , 12 > . @ 18c ; western creamery , 10@
IS' c ; Elgin , 27e.
Cheese Dull but steady ; western , 9@
KanNixs City , Oct. 23. Wheat Stronger ;
No. 2 red , cash , $1.00 asked ; December , $1.00
usked ; May , $1.05 asked ; No. 3 red cash , 79c
bid , 84o asked ; No. 2 soft , cash , $1.03 asked ;
December , $1,00 bid ; 'May , $1.08 asked.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 , cash , 29e bid , 29) c
asked ; January , 29 } < cbid ; May SOJtfc bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 205jc , asked ; November ,
20J < ouslccd ; May , 24 jo.
Minnrapolift , Oct. 23. Wheat Receipts
to-day were 303 cars , shipments 114 cars ; the
demand from outside points shows some
Impiovcmcnt , though with a dull flour mar
ket the Improvement Is not expected to con
tinue. Sellers were asking a shade higher
prices. Closing quotations : No. 1 hard ,
cash nnd November , $1.24 ; December ,
tl.25 ; May , $120 ; on track , $1.2J ; No.
1 northern , cash , $1.1 ! % ; November , $1.13 ;
December , 51.14 ; May , $1.1S } ; on track ,
J1.16 ; No. 2 northern , cash , $1.10 ; November ,
$1.00 ; December , $1.07 ; May , $1.12 ; on
track , $1.03.
Milwaukee , Oct. 23. Wheat Firm ;
cash , $1.0il > 4 ; December , $ l.OS ; January ,
Corn Weak ; No. 3 , 43c.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 20X < 3.
live Dull ; No. 1 , 5c. ! )
] lnrjpy _ Vcaknri No. 2 , 73 > < c.
Previsions-Firm ; pork , cash , $15 00.
Cincinnati , Oct. 23. Wheat -FirfiS ; NO.
2 red , tl.05.
Corn Easter ; No. 2 mixed , 4Cc.
Oats Easy ; No. 2 mixed , 25 } < c.
Uvc Easier ; No. 2 , CHJfc.
Whisky Active and firm at $1.14.
St. LjoulH , Oct. 23. Wheat Lower \
cash. $1.07Xi October , $1.07 ; November ,
Corn Lower ; cash , 3SJ c ; October , SSJfc ;
November , SOJ c.
Oats Lower ; cash , 23c ; May , 2SJ c.
Pork Dull but steady.
Lard Easy at $ S.50i$8.75.
IJutter Firm ; creamery , 25Q20CJ dairy ,
Ijlverpool , Oct. 23. Wheat Quiet : hold
ers offer freely ; red western , spring , bs 7d :
rod western , winter , Ss 2d.
Corn Dull nnd lower ; new mixed , west
ern , 4s OJtfd per cental.
ChicnEo. Oct. 23. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; market steady ;
beeves , $5.00 < H5.s.V steers , $3.10Q5.25 ; stock.
ers and feeders , | 2.00 ( 3.35 ; cows bulls nnd
mixed , J1.20@3.00 ; Texas cattle , $ t.75@3.40 ;
western rangers , $2.3Uc(4.'J5. (
Hogs Receipts , 14,000 ; opened steady ;
closed lOo lower ; mixed , $5 40 < y5.70 ; heavy ,
$5.55(3D. ( ! > 5 ; Hcht , $0.40 ( 5.50 ; skips. 13.41
( U5.15.
Sheep Receipts , 4,500 ; market steady ;
natives , $ .1.0Wi 4.10 ; westerns , $3.003.tJO ;
Texans , $ 'J.503.33 ; lambs , $3.75S5.00.
National Stock Yard * . E t Bt ,
Louis. Out. 23. Cattle Receipts , ( ,6tO ;
shipments , 5(0 ( ; market stronger ; cholc <
heavy native steers , $5.00(35.00 ( ; fair to good
native steers , $4.40(35.00 ( ; butchers' steers
medium to choice , $3.i)5@4.40 ) ; stackers an <
feeders , fair to good , $2.10 < t 3,20 ; rangers
corn-fed , $3.00(34.10 ( ; crass-fed , $ ilO@3.0J.
3,323 ;
market steady ! choice nenvy nnd butchorV
sclpctioni , $5.5' > @ 5.70i packing , medium to
prime. $ T > . ; v > @r > .rjO ; llcjit grades , ordinary to
best , $5.233 5.4 5.
Knnsas City , Oct. M. Cattle Ilccclpts ,
0,041 ; shipments , 3)11 ! ) ; market about
stcay , with best common perhaps n trillc
firmer ; good to choice corn-fed , $ I.T5ff5.SA ( :
common to medium , 1.125(34.50 ( ; stockers nnd
feeding steers ? lXOjZ3.'t5 ; grass range steers ,
l. 0@a.l5 ; cows , 11,20 ( 3.75.
Ho rs Receipts , 7,700 ; shipments , 210 ;
market active , but values BSlOc lower , clos
ing weak ; good to choice , fo.45rao 60 :
common to medium , M.GO@5.3o ; fcklns and
pigs , | 3.00@ 1.40.
Tuesday. Oct. 23 , 16SS.
The supply of cattle wns not ns heavy as
yesterday nor was the quality of the western
beeves ns pood. The bulk of the cattle was
made up of westerns , but there was n train
of Texans nnd six loads of corn fed steers ,
Some of the latter sold at W. 75. The gen
eral market was about steady. The feeder
trade was slow , but there was n good deal of
inquiry nnd there were sovcrnl heavy bujers
in the yards. Uutchcrs' ' stock was not very
plentiful. _
The market opened strong nnd about Tie
higher , but it cased off and closed with all
the advance lost.
The receipts continue liberal , but Inequality
was not very desirable. A few good westerns
were sold to the packers.
llecclpt * .
Cftttlo . 1,700
Sheep 1,450
Prevailing Prices.
The following is a table ot prlcss p.Ud in
.his mantel for the grade } of stock men
Primesteors. 1300 to 1503 Ibs.5.00 (35.25 (
Prime steers. 1100 to 130J ibs. . 4.00 < ct4.7S
S'ative feeders 2.75 03.25
Western feec-ers 2.75 ( a3.15
Kantro steers , com'on to choice 2.50
Common to good cows 1.25 t2.1fi
Choice to fancy cows C t2.75
3ornmonto choice bulls 1.25 W2.00
Fttlrtocnoico light hogs 5.25 < tt..4U
fair to cliolca heavy hous 5.5.1 @ } .tr.
fair to choice mixed hogs 5.45
Itcprunniunuvo Saloi.
No. Av. Pr.
C mixed 114 (
S cows 10(0 ( 1 35
15 cows , natives 10,13 1.72'ii
ill yearlings , steers , heifers. . . . ( iT ( > 1.72K
2 cows 1030 1.75
Scows ! U 2.00
13 COWS lIH'Kl 2.00
IS cows .M13 2.10
23 cows ! lOi ( 2.20
1 stag P-'OO 2.25
llistockers 071 2/J5
18 feeders , natives 929 2.W
llcnws 1112 2.45
2 oxen 1 ( > ! > 5 275
11 feeders , natives , 114 2.85
0 feeders , natives 10'iS 2.S5
2 steers M5 2.90
15 steers , westerns 117S 3.20
M feeders , natives 1133 3.30
1 steer , coin-fed native 1140 4.00
10 steers , corn-fed natives 1351 4.75
18 steers , corn-fed natives 1302 4.75
Owner and No. Av. Pr.
Swan L. & C. Co. , 10 bulls. . . . 1223 Sl.bii
2 bulls..1200 1.80
32 stags..llbO 2.50
4SCOWS..10J4 2.35
43 cows. . . 945 2.00
24 steers..1134 2.30
28 steers..1141 2.50
43cows. . . . 'J ! 3 2.10
Dan Burke , 25 cows D42 2.10
LJuy State Cattle Co. , 42 steers ,
cnnuere 010 l.CO
I3ay StateCuttloCo.,34 steers ,
tailors 1130 2.00
Wm. Clay , 2 cows , Wyoming..1CGD 2.20
2 cows , Wyoming..1005 2.00
No. Av. Slik. Pr. No. Av. Silk , Pr.
73. .200 100 $5.25 71. 253 80
38. . . . 205 5.30 02 , .SIS Ssfl 5.50
09. . . . 231 2SO 5.85 O'J. . . .247 200 5.50
01. . . . 239 ICO 515 ! 71. . , .240 bO 5.50
03. . . .22U 80 5.35 04. . , .249 200 5.CO
r Ti. . . .2j'J ! 200 5.40 73. . , .243 80 5.50
70. . . . 240 40 5.40 72. . , .227 200 5.50
70. . . .25S 400 5.40 OS. . .293 200 5.50
co. . . .2a'i 200 5.40 74. . .219 40 5,50
(11. ( . . .231) ) 120 5 10 05. . , .250 240 5.50
100. . . . 235 200 fi.40 71. . , .249 bO 5.55
75. . . .221 200 5.40 07. . , .258 120 5.55
00. . . .184 5.40 ( H. . , .2VJ bO 5.55
03. . . . 234 5.40 55. . , .240 ' 5.55
70. . . .203 100 5.45 37. . . .2W5 'w 5.55
03. . . . 250 200 5.45 D9. . , .28(1 ( ItiO
55. . . .2s9 200 545 70 . . .244 120 .V55
SO. . . . 203 120 5.45 0i. ( . . .207 5.55
57. . . 20 60 5.45 . .2.V1 ice 5.55
72. . . . 263 80 5.45 01. . , . OwO > Orf 60 5.55
00. . . . 191 240 5.50 73. . . .273 ICO 5.C.O
07. . .274 2SO 5.50 57. . . .313 5.GO
C0. . .2'J2 100 5.50 00. . . .2U ! 100 5.05
. . 243 SO 5.50 121. . 120 5.05
S1IEK1' .
No. Av. Pr.
201 Utnh westerns 105 f3.,0
100 Utah westerns 104 8.25
the number of hogs bought by
tholemling buyers on the market to-day :
O. H. Hammond ft Co . 477
Omalia Packinp Co . 1,205
Armour C. P. Co . 1,151
J P Squire & Co . 120
Highest ami Lowest.
The following arc the highest nnd lowest
prices paid for hogs during the pant few daye
and on the corresponding dates ono and two
years ago :
Ijlyo Stoclc Notes.
William Cook , Hebron , came in with n loud
Of tlORM.
II. P. Church , Pierce , was hero with four
loads of cattle.
F. G. Kicne , Albion , came In with two
loads of cattle.
J. H. Johnson , Blair , was at the yards with
four loads ot corn-fed cattle.
i , JJanks , Shelton. Nob. , was at the
yards wltli two loads of hops.
J. B. Smiley , of the linn 61 Hill Smiley ,
hus returned from a trip west.
M. E. Fuller , Schuylcr , marketed two
loads of corn-fed cattle ut (4 73.
Charlie and William Bunco of North Platte
came In with four loads of cattle.
Inman , Neb. , was represented by C. II ,
Gardiner , who came In with cattle.
E. II. Cowlcs. a well known shipper of
Gibbon , stopped at the yards on his way
homo from the cast.
H. 1) . Mulford , teller of the Union Stock
Yard bank , has returned from Washington
with his bride and Is receiving the congratu
lations of his many friends.
C. C. Smith , Milford , came In with a load
of hogs which sold on the market ut (5.1)5. )
Alva Smith of the 11 rm of Smith ft Jackson ,
Waverly , wad also hero and marketed two
loads ut the game price.
Produce , Fruits , Kto.
BUTTER Fancy , solld-pauked creamery , 20
@ 'J3c ; choice country , IWglSc ; common
erodes , 10(3 ( lOc
FLOUU Nebraska patenti. J0.00@.50 ;
Minnesota patents , ( l.5@100 ; straight
grades , | 5.00Qr .50j bakers' Hour , $5.25 < ( { 3.75
per barrel.
POTATOES Nebraska , 35@ too per bushel :
Colorado. 76Sb ( < V.
PouLTitr Live chickens. $2.75fa3.0J per
doz. : spring chickens , f2.aO ( < U.09 ; drosbed
chickens , lOo pertb.
PEAKS California $3.00(33.50 ( per bu box.
Koo3 Strictly ircsh , IStal'Jccandleil.
CALironNiAGiupBS Jl.25iai.50 per case ?
Delawarcs 40(3500. (
COXCOIID GRAPES 30@40o per 10-lb
PBACIIES California , fl.001.50 per box ;
Wcttll.OO per baaket.
BANANAS-Comuion. Il.tOQJ.M per buuch :
choice , $ . ' .50(3:3.50. ( : '
LFMOSH 15.60 per case.
OllASOC8-W.OOt , llOW bOX.
CEI.EKT 2530c uoraozen.
Oxioss liHrfOOcDct on.
C\iuufln-$20Upor 100.
BEtTi 40c per buHhcl.
Tt iixii'i 30o per-buMiel.
Suirf : KiufT Bbl , . 4 :5 : half bbls , $0.75.
ArrLK Choice , PJ..W t.75-Jcr bbl , fancy , .
S' .00 pur bbl ; common , fl.ttOfffil. ? * , per bbl.
CtiiRR Michienn , fO.poraO.SO uer bbl 33
t'als ; Cnllfoniiu pearclflcr , 115.00 per bbl.
POP Conx Ulcc. 3frt40 ; common , 2@3c.
LAHIIOTS 40cpcr buslici.
BEANS Choice cistern liandpickcd imviei.
F3.00 per Du lioli ; wtstcrn hand plckeu
navies , tl.7ft1.80t mediums , $1.1)0(21.40. ) (
Lima beans 5c nor pound.
HAY t. o. D. car * . iS"o. 1 Jpland , $0.00 ; No.
2 upland. $500. ,
BHAX sir > .oo ( < lil.oo.
Cnoprru Fnnn tH.00@lii.00 per ton.
Coitv . ' ( lOZil.'c.
O 4TS 'J2iic. ( : !
ViXEOtu Cider , lOQtSo per c l- White
\vinc , 10(320o ( per g. l.
CiiANMiruniBsr.SOwJ l.OO per bbl.
Pnovisioxs Hams , No. 1 , 12' c ; No. 2
lie ; shoulders , 0'4c ; rib bucon , 12o
clear bacon , 12 > jc' picnic hnnis. lOo ; dried
beef hams , lOc ; dry suited clears , short ,
lO'rfc ; extra shoit , 10' < u ; short libs , lOc ;
pickled pigs feet , 16-lb kits , bOc : Inn1. , lO' c !
Fin ok oil sausage , CQJSo per lu ; hog cas
ings , 17(316c.
Grocers Ijlst.
ncviscd prices are as lollowss
BAOOINO Stark A seamless 22ct Amos-
kcag , seamless. 17tfc ! : Lewiston A , seamless.
lOc ; American , seamlrss 17c ; burlaps , 4
to5bn , UtaHo ; gunnies , single , iio : ; gun
nies , double , 20c ; wool sacks , 35c. Twines
Flax , 3Sc ; extra sail , 20@21u sail B , 10 ( < e20oi
cotton. 21c ; 1utc. Id
Uitir.D FRUITS t IBS , in boxes , per tt > , 13@
16c ; dates , in boxes , 7@tOc ; London Malag.v
layer raisins , per box , $ -1.50jt3.75 ( ; Malaga
loose raisins. $2.30C ( 3.50 ! new Valen
cia raisins , I > er Ib , 7J c ; Cali
fornia loose muscatels. Per box. fl.0.
pitted cherri" , per Ib.0j21o ' ( ; Califor
nia pitted Plums , pcr Ib , 12Mitc : ;
dried blackberries , Per Ib , 8J < ( . | no ; dried
r.ispbcrries. tx3r Ib. j-W-Mu ! evaporated ap
ish prunes , 4kjfa4 ic ; citron. U2u'J-lo ( ; orance
peel. 15c : lemon peel. lOo ; California French
iir'im . 11(5) ( ) ( >
CorFREs Mochn , 25@20o ; Hlo , good , 10T ?
l"c ; Mundnhllng , 2iigi2be : roasting Kio , 15o >
Hie ; O. G. Java , 24@20o ; Java , interior. 22f
25c : Kio , tanuy , lOMlUo ; Santos and Mara-
caibo. 17cl'ju ( : Arbucklcs. 2l < o , McL-nigh-
lin's.\\X\ 21 .
SUCIAH Granulated , S'l&-'jC ' ; conf. A , 7 a ;
white extra C. 7 ? c : extra C , ij o ; yellow
C , 7c ; irawdercd. b < : cubes , .
HONKT HiQtl c for ono pound frames ;
strained honey. ' @ 1 c per pound.
BCCSWAX Choice yellow , 20 ( < 422Xc ; dark
colored. lUJCHc.
CIIKESE V'ounR America , lull cream ,
12ai2 ( > c ; full cream eheddurs , ll@12c ; full
cream lints , HV ; good to choice skimmed
Cheddars , 8'.c : skimmed Hats , 7 } < e.
PICKLEJ Medium , in bbls , $ o.5) ) ; do in half
bhls , W.OO ; small , in bbls , $0.50 ; uo in ha'f '
bbls , Si. 75 ; gherkin * , In bbls , $ r.5i ) ; do inhalf
t hi $4. M
TonACCO Plug , SOftCSc ; smoking , 10UOc.
JELLIES $1.25 per30-lb pan.
SALT $1.30(31.3 ( per bbl.
KOI-B 7-10. 11 '
MAVI.B SUGAR iincts , ll@12o per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12@13c per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 oer cal.
TKAS k oung Hf son : common to fair , IS ®
2. " > c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30ifo5u ( ;
Gunpowder , common tfi good , 2Jii,2.c ( ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , luG5c ( ) ( ; Japan , com
mon to medium , ISf iti Japan , choice to
fancy , 3045c : Oolong,1 common to good , 25 ®
85c ; Ooloncr , choicf ) to fancy , & 0ii70c ( ; Imper-
iil , common to medium , 25@35c ; Imperial ,
peed to funcv. 4050e.
NUTS Almonds'15@17o ' ; filberts , ll ( < ZI2c ;
Brazil , y iOc : wnifiuts , 12c ; pecans , 10@llc ;
peanuts , 5S7c. ( '
CRACKKKS 5 ( < 210oper Ib ; assorted cakei , 7
( g25c perlb , as per list.
FISH. Holland Herrinc , 85c ( < J90c. per keg ,
White Fish , ' < bbto. , No. 1 , $ t > .00. Family
1.75 : Trout. No. l. < S5AO : Mackerel , ' . < ; bbls.
No. 1 Shore. $15.00. Largo Family. $10.50 ;
Labrador Herrinfh $4150 ; Columbia Iliver
Salmon , $17.00 pcr'bbl.o1
Conrisn Per llvwhole. 60 ; bricks nnd
- . 8l8o ; stick , 8'J > c ;
rock candy , lOK@13c ; fancy cauay. 7@ac.
Dry Good *
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent dts.j L.TJ ,
CARPET WARP Bib White. Is' x ; colored ,
" \TTS-Standnrd , 80 ; Com lOc ; Beauty ,
joi c ; Boone , 14o ; B , cased , JtJ.5u.
"PHINTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oo ; Slater
Uc- Berlin oil. 6 } < c ; Garner oil , 7d.
PRiNrs Pink nnd Uobes Hichmnna , 6fc } ;
Allen , Co ; Klvcrpotnt. 5c ; Steel ttlvcr , 6 0 ;
Richmond , 6' c ; Pacific ,
PRIXTB Uress Charter Oak , v-c ;
Uamapo , 4Jfc ; Lodl , 5 c ; Allen , Oo ; Richmond
mend , 0 > e ; Windsor , ti > 9 Eddj'Btoue , C > io ;
Paciflc. 6Kc . .
Bi KACIIEI > SUEETIXO Berkeley cambric
NO. 60 OKo ; Best Vet , 4-4. OJ/c ; butter cloth
Oo , 4'/c ; Cabot , 7 c ; Fnrwell half bleached
8'ic ; Fruit of Loom , Otfc : Greene
G , O 'c ; Hope , 7 ; Kl i ? Philip cam
bric , lie. Lonsdalo cambric , u
Lonsdaie , ' 'Jo ; Now YorU mills , lOe ;
Pcpperell , 42-in , He ; Pcpperell , 46-ln 12c ;
Pcpporell , 0-4 , lOc ; poppcroll. 8-4 , 21c ; Pep-
perell , 0-4 , 23o ; Pepperell. 10-4 , 25e ; Canton
4--1 , 8 JC ; Triumph , Co ; Wamsutta. lie ; Val
ley , 5c.
FLANNELS. Plaid Raftsmen , 20cGosnen ; ,
32 0 ; Clear Lake , 30 o ; Iron Mountain ,
FLANNELS White Q H.No. 3 , / , 21c ; Q
H , No. 1 , J { , 2Vc ; B H , No. 2 , % , 21c : U
H. No. 1 , * { , 30c ; Qucchoo. No. 1. ? f , 42c.
COIISET JKANS Androscbgtjin , 7' c ; Kcar-
Barge , 7 40 ; Rockport , 6e\ \ Conestoga , 6 } o ,
TICKS York , 30 in. , 12J c ; York , 32 in. .
13 > a'c ; Swift River. 8c ; Tliorndike OO , " '
Thorndiko EF , 8Kc ; Tliorndiko 120 ,
Thorndiko XX ( 150 ; Cordis No. 5 ,
Cordis No. 4. UP.
DKXIMS Amoskeap , v oz , 10 > o ; Everett , 7
oz , l3Kc : York. 7oz , iHHo ; lluvmakcr , 8Uc ;
Jaffrey XX. \ \ } icJaftrcy \ XXX , j-JUu ;
Ucaver Creek AA , 12c ; Heaver Creek UB
lie ; Hc-n-er Crock CC , lOc.
KKNTUCKV JEINS. Memorial , I5o ; Dakota
ISc ; Durham , 27 > fc ; Hercules , ibc ; Learning ,
ington , 22 > c ; Cottswold , 27Jic.
Ciusii.-Stevcns' B , Oc ; Stevens' B
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7l < c ; Stevens A-
bleached , 8K ; Slovens' p , 8Kc ; Stevens'
P. bleached , 9 > 4c ; Stevens' N , 9 } c : Stevens'
N , bleached. lO c ; Stevens. SRt , 12 > < c
MISCEI.I.ANEOCS. Taoio on ciotn , $2.50 ;
plain Holland. 9 c ; Dado Holland , 12)c.
Brown sheeting-Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 > io ; At
lantic ' Atlantic U 4-4 , CJfc ; At-
_ . _ II , . 4-4 . , , 71 _ . 'c : , , .
1 * ! * * ! I T r t t * * An t At" '
jWnchusett ,
H 7Hcj AuroraR , , 4'-4 , 7c"Aui'SPa ; B , i-J ,
West Point CT m , 8 oz , lO c ;
West Point 2'J irt. 10 oz , 13c ; West Point
9 In , 12 oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in , H oz , ICc ,
tYAXXBi's-Kcd , C , 84 In , 15 > tf ; E , 24 in ,
21et G G , 24 in , 18c ; II A FJSo - J H F , > { ,
UIXOHAM Plunnett checks , 7j o ; Whlttcn-
ton , 7Ko ; York , 7i c ; Normundl areas ,
8Uc : Calcutta dress. RJ O ; Whittenton dress ,
8Ho ; Renfrew dr ss , 6K@iy > fc.
CAVHHICS Slawr4I 5/c ! : Woods ,
Standard , 5 c ; Pcaoack , 5'xc
PRINTS Ixiuoo BLUE Arnola , Ojjc ; Amer
ican , Oifc : Gloucester , C o : Arnold C lone
cloth , 9 ; Arnold H long cloth , 10J : Arnold
Gold Seal , 10K : StlelelA , 12 : Windsor Gold
MIBCEI.LAXEOUS Sutph. tcid , lj < c ; citric
acid , ( JOc ; tartarlo 50o ; bal. copavia , C-Sc ;
borax , lOc : chloroform , 47o ; glycerine , 20c ;
gum Arabic , select , $1.00 ; gum camphor. 30c ;
gum opium , $3.25 ; sulph. morphia , $2.83 ;
bromide potassium , 42c.
OILS Carbon , 150s > lOc ; headlight , 175 °
145 0 ; gasoline , 74 ° 12Ko ; West Virginia
summer , lie ; zero. 17c ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , Itic ; extra W. S. lard , 8 c ; No. 1 lard ,
47c ; turpentine , 51c ; linseed raw , We ;
bolted , 5'c.
QUIMXE P. & W- , per oz , 55c ; German ,
per oz , 4lic , _
Hemlock sole , 16d'i7o ( per Ib : oak solo , 31(3 (
SCc per Ib ; oak harness , 'M@ 2a per Ib : selected -
ted oak and trace , 3. c per Ib ; oak and hcm <
Jock upper. 20g22o ( ixsr foot. Hemlock call
skin , No. 1 , bOCnOOc per Ib , according tt
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , 00c@$1.0u pet
Ib ; Philadelphia call Bkin , extra I.OO < BUt
pcrlb ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , 00f370c per
b : oak kip skin , No1 1 , 70 , < iSOc per Ib : Phila-
lelphln kip skin , extra , MdWc ) perld. French
calfskins , ( aceordlriirto weight und quality ) ,
:1 : 16@l > * a "or lb- French kip sums do. WHti ; (
rl.10 perlb. Cordovan russott , l c ; satin
Jlnlsh , 20c per foot ; welt leather , (3.50vil4.X )
er side ; moroccos , ( pebble ) , 20ilUo ( ! )
Kr foot ; moroccos , boot leg , ioitMtc ! ( ) per
roots glove calf skins , 20 ( < 130C jicr foot ;
Douglas kid , nCKjMOo | icr foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40 ( .VK. ' per foot , according to quality.
Toppings , $3.00illO.OJ per dozen ; linings ,
fo.OOQ9.00 per dozen ; apron skins , $10.0vXa
12.00 per dozen.
Plrst and second clear , 2 In . . . . $ (9 ( OOQ51 00
First and second clear , PtfaUi
In 47 00 ( < ? r,000 ,
Third cleaI'ir.tU . J in 43 IKX-MH 00
A select , l OUk in 37 00(3'.i ( IX )
B select , 1 UC'MJf In 35 00 ( < { 37 00
A stock boards , 12 ( ' < :10 : feet , 12 In 4(5 ( 00
B stock boards , 12glfl ( feet , 12 in 41 00
C stock boards , 12 ( < Mfi feet , 12 In 30 00
D stock boards , 12 ( < Mfl feet , 12 in 23 ( K )
Flooring , lirst common , ( Un ! H 00
Flooring , second common , C in 32 00
Select font-ing flooring 19 00
Siding , llrst and second clear , HfelO ft 25 00
Biding , Hi st common , 10 feet 22 00
Siding , second common I'.l ( H )
Common boards 10 00
No , 2 boards , nil lengths 14 N )
Fencing No 1,12cJ20 feet 10 50
Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 and 18 feet 15 M
Joists and scantling , 2x4. 1410 ( feet..10 00
Timber , 4x4 , 8xS , 12.i > lt ! feet 17 00
Pickets , llrst rough , good 15 00 ( 18 00
Pickets , fancy head and dressedselected..1) 00
Shingles , extra A 2 90
Shingles , standard A 2 70
ShlnglcM , No. 1 150
Lath ' " W
Mctnln and Tinners' Stock.
Block tin , small pig $ .23
Block Un , bur 29
Copper , planished boiler sizes 34
Copper , cold rolled 31
Copper , Bhenthlng 30
Copper , pitts . . .80
Copper , Hats 31
Gnlvani/cd sheet iron , juniata 50 , 10
and 5 per cent discount
Patent planished Iron , No. SI to 27 , A .10 }
Patent planished Iron , No. 24 to 27 , B .09 <
Rooftlng , 1C , 14x20 5.15
Rooning , IX , 14x20 0.9) )
Rooftlng , 1C , 20x2S 10.2'
Hoofllng , IX. 20x28 13.75
Sheet Iron , No 211 3.10
Sheet Iron , No. 27 3.50
Solder , bout 17
Solder , No. 1 15
Tin plate , 1C , 10x14 0.75
Tin plate , IX , 10x14 8.7. .
Steel nails , base , per keg 2.35
Steel wire nails , base , per keg 2.S5
JU.NK Machine castings , $12.00 < JJ13.00 ;
stove plates , $7.00518.00 ; wrought ironS.OO@
lO.X ( ) ; bones , dry , $5.00 ; stoul , $ . " > .0 ( ) per ton ;
roppcr , $ S.OOtf9.00 ( ; brass , $4.00(38.00 ( ; zinc ,
$ ,2.00073.00 , ; solid lead , ti 00iZ ( > U.OO ; tea lead.
$2.00 ( 2.50 ; rubber , $2.50(33.00 ( ; mixed rags ,
$1.10 < vjl 15 per cwt.
"ReRuhito the regulator. " The blood
is the lifo. MuUo it pure with Warner's
Lop Cabin Sai > aparilln. ( Jhuapest in
the market. 1UO doses for $1. Very
largo package.
Instruments I'lnceil on Urcortl Dur
ing YcHlcrilny.
.1 M Suetnnm ot al to A S hmlttlur , lot 7 ,
Vlnton jilnce , w d . . . J530
Otto Lobeik itnd wife to JV Kohblns et
al , lots N and 10 , lk ) ti.Mncoln pliice , w il 7GO
A talin et til to J f lUnllier , lot 17 , Windsor
ser tiliicc , w d 1,05)
Win vaiichcn , Jr. to J Anderson , w ' 5 lot
4 , blk 1 , sub .1 1 Uedlrlc b add , < | c d . . . . 1
Wm Cobiirn to J 1 , Miles et al , lot 4 , bile U ,
Ambler place , Hhcrld's deed 1,690
HoKi'B & Hill to llyron Heed , W > 9 of * e nf
BW and w I ! ft ot se or so ot HW u' 0-13-1,1 ,
and und 'i of w Si of e U lot 4 and e ! i
lot. Hnrt o 47 ft ot w I , lot 7 , lleagan s
add. u rd 100
K Ii Wood anil husluinil to K F Kvtcll , lot
2fi , bile 11 , Omaha View , w il 2.60D
C Ii niiuer to MifhanlcH * mul Traders'
bank , lots 1 and 2 , blk II , K 11 Itogcrs'
addltlcu , w (1 4,2fl5
M D Oliver ami husbnnd to II Delss , lot
11. b'.k in , Kountre place , w il 2,303
H Kouutze nnd wife I ? H Delns , west ii
lot in. blk 10. Kouutzo Blftco , w < 1 1 , 30
William llrunlnu tu H limning , undi
vided H ot south 'K feet ot east'/ lot 75 ,
Hnrtman'8 addition , q c d 1,100
M Hiirlu ? to V NocK , lot 4. McCandllsh
place , wd 4,000
M Hurley to V Nock , lot 4 , McCamlllsh
place , ( ic d 1
It M Johnson to 1' l.arBOn , lot U , l.lnd-
oulsfB addition , w d 700
K K l-atson to W D Townfiend , lots Jl nnd
12 , bile 4. Lake View , w 1 U50
The 1'atrick Land Co to G II Pounder , lots
1. S. 3 und 4. blk 12U , Dundee place , w il. 4,200
Wm Cobiirn to E 1'eycko ct of , lots 1 und
8. blk4 , HlghlanA place. q < l 2.521
Til McCullocii anil lfeto J H Thomp
son , lot 35 , blk 5.1'nadock place , w d. . . . 2tOO
T II McCuilocb and wife to J II Thomp-
bon , lot 3SI. blk 6. Paddock pluc > . w d . . . 2,800
U I Stotts and hnslmnd to F I. Cottom , lot
2Bblk 0Orchard Hllllotl3W A Itedick's
aild. w l S.800
K t. Vnn Ktten and luisband to C I'arrhh ,
Mxl2 ft lot B , Capital add , w il 7,300
1) C'ttnulnuham anil wife to M A Hillings ,
Iota 0 ami 1U , blk 4 , Riverside add , w d. 250
Twenty-two transfers 143 , ; 18
California , the Imnd of Discoveries
Why will you lay uwako all night ,
coughing , when that most agreeable
California rotncdy , Santa Abio , will
give you immediate relief 'i SANTA
ABIE IB the only guaranteed euro for
Consumption , Asthma und all Bronchial
Complaints Sold only in largo bottles
at 81.00. Three for $2.50. C. F. Good
man Drug Co. will bo pleased to supply
you , rind guarantee relief when used as
never fails to relieve Catarrh or Cold in
the Head. Six months treatment , $1.00.
By mail , $1.10.
An Alabama Hatch.
A gentleman in Pickons county while
fifilling in the Tombigbco river last
weoft killed 21 $ snakes in ono day with
a small rillo.
A man in Randolph county owns a
dog which has killed over a thousand
snakes in two years , and they were not
good years for families cither.
A negro in Baldwin county was bitten
by a rattlesnake , drank two quarts ol
corn whihky and died , not from the
snake bite , but from the effects of the
A rat snake , which lived in a farmer's
barn in Perry county , was scon to swal
low fifteen full-grown rats in less than
thirty minutes , ono day last week.
The jug goes to the water until it
breaks. That neglected cough may rack
you until it breaks down the entire system -
tom and consumption is lastoncd onto
you. A sure cure is found in Warner's
Log C'abin Cough and Consumption
Remedy. Two bics81 and 50c.
Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds.
Margin Transactions a Specialty.
Members of the Chicago Hoard of Traile. Pri
vate Wires to Chicago niul New Vorlc.
Stock Commission Mercliants.
Live Stock Commission ,
Itoom IS , Kichtnue Ilulldlug , Union Block Yards ,
Commisiott Dealers in Live Sock ,
Scorn , Oppotlte Kxobange Hulldlng , Uulon Stock
i , HoutU Um n , NeD.
Of Omana , Limited ,
' AgriculUirni
* * '
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
Carrlmri and lliifi < lr . ! ( iio ftreetuetK cnttuaud )
IVtli.Umaha Nebraika.
Agrienlturallmplenients.Wagons.Carriase'i '
. .
, Kir. Wboleiali. Oinaba , Nctirn > ka ,
Whole , Hi Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Ht. 9U3,80& and w ; Jones Street , Omaha.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
Cultltatori , Har Rakes , Cider Mills and I.utmu I'ul-
venters. Cor. llth and Mebolas Streets.
Agricaltnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies
O.rner llh n < l 'lrhol Street"
Akron , Olilo.
Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mead. Manner. HHI caTenw.iilh st. Omaba.
Manufacturers and Jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. 9th and 1'aclflc streets , Omaba , Neb.
Artists' Nloterlaje.
A HOSPE."jr.7
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1413 Douglas Street. Omaha. Nebraska.
Booksellers and Stationers-
H. M , & S. W. JONES ,
Successors to A. T. Kenyan A Co. , Wbuleanle A Ilatall
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Kluo Wedrttnu Slatlonerr , Commercial Statlonerr
\I \ > K Douitlat Btreet. Omaha. N b.
Boots and Shoas.
( hucccisors to Iteed , Jones & to. )
A ents ( or Dofton Itubtior r > hoe Co. 1KB , 110 * A 1IUC
llaruer t. . Omaba. Nobraaka.
W. V. MORSE & CO. .
Johhers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103-1104 Uouslas St. Omaba Manuf.actorjSum <
caerSt. . Bustun.
Coffooe , Sploea , Etc.
Oniaba Coffee and Hplce Mills.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
' "ort'- < > > nki'c- ' * "
Crockery andJDIassware-
W. L.'wmaHT.
Agent for tbe Manufacturers and Importers of
Glassware Lamps Chimneys
Crockery , , , ,
Etc O < B cc. 317 8.13th ft. . Omaha. Nebraska.
IniDorterv and Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Etc. 1M4 tarnam St. , Now I'aiton Hulldlnir.
Commission and Storage-
* "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Ppeclaltlr- " - "rvnt i-hr-i r < T'xiiltrr , Game ,
1112IIow rd Strwt. ( ) a h .
tiuccessors to McBbane & Hcbroeder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ Omaha. Nebraska.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Collision
Mtrcbsnt. Correspondence solicited. 1011 North ICth
Street , Omaha. Neb.
Cool , Coke and t-lme.
Johte of Hard and Soft Coal ,
m ? o tb 13th .Street. Omaha , Nebraska.
j. J. JOHNSON St ( CO. . '
Manufacturers ofLime ,
And shippers ut tual , Cnak , Cement , l-iiter. ] l.ln
UralD Tile , and Sewer Pipe. OBIce , 218 H. Utk
St. , Omaba , Neb. Telephone ell.
Dry Coeds rina Notions.
" ' " *
Mri"SMI'TH i co" .
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1104 Douglas , Cor. llth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Johhers in Dry GooflsNotions ,
Gents' Furnishing floods. Corner llth and Iluney
til * . , Omaba. Nebraska.
Shippers of Coal and Coke ,
211 South Utb Bt. . Omaha. Neb.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnam Street. Omaha. Nebraska.
Omaba. Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
lOJ. 7U7,7M and 7118.10th St. , Omalia , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers
1 Hi and I.eaTcuworth Streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
MA m < S B R O S. " S A D D LE RY tJoT
Wholenaln Manufacturers of
Saddlery & MDers of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. 1(03 , H05 and M07 llarner St-1 Omabo ,
JHoavy Hardwaro. _ "
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springs , Wagon Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Klc. 1ST
and 1211 llarne ; Street , Omaba.
Builders' ' Hardware and scale ncpSlr
Mechanics' Tools and nufUlo Scales. 11UO Uouilai
_ Btreet , Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metnls. Pheet Iron. etc. Agents for Jlowe Scales'
.y mun Curbed wlr ,
Hate , Caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Haroej Blre t , Omaha. Neb.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
18U Street and Union Taclflo Track , Omaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doon.Etc. Yirds-CorucrTtu ana Uouzlas :
c , H
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
)3lhancl ) California Slrccl ,0m ) m ,
Lumber Lime
, , , , Etc ,
Corner h ami Douglnst'U. . Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
Offlrp , 1103 Knrnnm Street , Onmh * .
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported nnil Amrrlrnn IVrtlniul Cement PUtl
Agent fur Milwaukee llyilrnulic Cement > ud
gulncr Whltn l.lmc.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood Carpets and Parquet Floorinir. Wli and rtounlai
'Mllllnory nnd'Not ons.
" * ' ' ' "
l. OBEnVElTDER'A'cO. .
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
3X 710 and iUHonlh lllh Street
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jesni I' uU , bblrt * . Kta. tunanil 1101 IXiugUt Btreet ,
Omaha. .Neb.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
403 and 1 % Be mh IQtti Bt. , Omalia.
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Ailo Uren aKtc. , Oinaba. A 11 lllrhiip , Mnmmer
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
1106 llarner Street , Omaha.
Office Flxturoo.
MunulHiturc. ' of
Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantlei , SlUelionrJ * . Hnok Cases , Druit Klitnre'.Wall
Ca ci.rHitltlonB. lulling * , Conntrm , Ileernnd Wlnn
Cooler * , Mlrrori ete. tnotory m' olllee , K.Unnd 1W1
Koiltti 1JIU tJt.Jm"hn. Tolupliunu 1U4.
Wholesale Dealers In
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS Farnam Stroct. Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers , , ,
Carrf a nlee ttork of I'rlnllnK , Wrapping and Wrltlnf \ \
1'k er. Hpcclal atlootlon uivon to car load orders.
_ Pataer Boxes <
Pronrietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Not , 1117 and 1319 Douglas Bt. , Oinaba , Neb.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
811 and 913 Jones Street. Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding A Commlaalon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch bouile of the llerm r UUKET Co. UmtjIcsM
wbulciaie and reUllLUB 1319 and 1312 liard tTtreet.
Omaha. Telcpbon * No.7U ) .
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1521 North KlgthtecDth Street , Omaha , Kob.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Epenctcr , Proprietor. WO noAga and 103 and Idi
North lUth Btreet , Omaha.
. Matorlals.
" " „ " '
Auxiliary Pnhlishers ,
Dealer , .n . T e. rreMes nd Prln r.-Buppnes.
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Unite Good.
ll Clothing and Leather Belting. KM Fcrnom fltr > k
Sash , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV/ . CO. ,
\Vbolesalo Manufacturers of
Sash. Boors , Blinds and Mouldings.
ranch Office , 12th and Iinrd Streets , Omaha , Neb. '
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
VsuldluKS , HtalrWorlc and I6torlor Hard Wood Klri
sb. N. K. Corner Mil and I.eaveunortb Streets ,
Ouintiu , buo.
Pumps , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Steam , Water , lln.lway and Mining Supplies , Etc.
_ VM , a nnd Vl lurnnm Hlrcot , Omiilm.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
3tcam and Water Supplies , nci'inimrtifor Must ,
> K0 ds Karnara t. , Omabf
Steam and Water Supplies ,
nallldar Wind Mills. 918 and 9M Farnam Bt. , Omaha.
_ H.t.ltoss , Acting ManaKer.
BROWNELL St c57i '
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet iron Wort W-a- rmp. . fia M.H. . . lilMi
Iron Works.
Carter AtOn rrop'I. Manufacturers of nil kind * . '
Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron Wort-
Worfci Bouth anh nd U. A M. Cronlng.
Wronglit and Cast Iron Bniing Work ,
Iloiilncii , Dr * > s Work , General Koundrr. MaehlnoaDd
lllucktiullb Work , omco Hml Worki , U. I1 , llj.
and I7tti htrvet , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Wire anil Iron Railings
Ie k Unll , Window OuanU , Flowrr Htundi , Wlra
tJUni.Ktc. in North Kill Btruet. Omalia.
Man'frsofFire&BnrglarProofSafes '
faulU. Jatl Work , Iron and Wlra Fenolnir , Hlgni. fiUj ,
O. Andietu , 1'ioo'r ' Cor. UlU and Jacktou Ml ,
Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards
and flcreeni.forlanki , onireviturei rtililencet.iito.
iTuil Annlnf . I ckBinltb MnrhlncrT urtU
ItlHLkimlili Works , titltioiitu Ittli inl.
FireanJ Burglar Proof SafesTime Looks *
. - * " .