Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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The Oounoll Oonflrma His Appolut-
mont on Public Works.
Agalnat the Now York li\fa \ far Ap
propriating Seventeenth Htreot
Iho City Ilnll Ordinance
BIcctn With Defeat.
i . . The city council convened hut night , with
V | v president , Hcchel In the chnlr and fourteen
aldermen present.
A communication was rocolvctl and placed
on fllo from tlio mayor approving ordinances
for the paving of Twenty-fourth street , pav
ing Douglas street and establishing the t'rudo
of Pacific street.
The appointment of William Nuglo as spe
cial policeman xvas conflrmcd.
' A communication was rooolvod from the
mayor nnnoi ielng that ho had received and
accepted the resignation of Gcorgo Smith as
assistant city attorney and named Arthur S.
Churchill In his stead. A vote uoing taken ,
resulted in the appointment not helng con
firmed , w follows :
i Yeas Alexander , Uailey , Hertford , Che
ney , Katpar , Kitchen , Leo , Manvlllo and
Mr. President. Total 9.
Naya Uounsman , ford , Lowry , Snydcr
and Van Camp. Total 5.
It was a strict party vote.
Thu contract with J. 13. Smith & Co. , for
paving Eighteenth street , from Nicholas to
Cumlng ; Twenty-fourth , from furnam to
Dodge ; Douglas , from Twentieth to Twenty-
fourth , with cedar blocks was approved.
The llnal estimate for paving1 Seventeenth
etroet , from Davenport to Cuming , amount
ing to I22,5UII.S5 , in favor of J. H. Smith &
Co. , was approved. A largo amount in flnal
estimates for public Improvement , allowed
by the board of public works was ap
The matter of letting the contract for the
'painting of the Sixteenth stieet viaduct
catno up. Two bids , $ ' ) , | j00 each , from Van
Pelt ft Co. , and the Milwaukee Uridgo com
pany , were received. A movement was in
augurated in favor of deferring action in the
matter until the bUs were examined Into ,
but this was suppressed , and the contract
was awarded to Van Poll & Co. , of this
city.A communication was received from the
city attorney stating that the council was
empowered to withhold all moneys in excess
of bo pur cent of the value of public work
done on contract until the indebtedness of
the contractor , us regards labor and ma
terial , was liquidated. This was brought
about by n communication llnding its way to
the couacll relative to these points of pro
A communication was received from BuildIng -
Ing Inspector Whitlock , and the sauio was
referred to the committee on public property
and buildings :
Whereas , I have been publicly charged by
the editor of Tin : lir.K and president of The
lee ! Huilding company , through the noxvv
paper under his control , in an outrageous ,
shameful and libellous manner , with having ,
Without authority , and dishonestly , and cor
ruptly , acted in the matter of granting a
permit to the New Yor ) : Life Insurance com
pany to build a vault in Seventeenth street ,
Bud with having made false statements in
respect thereto , ana
Whereas , Such charges , though made by
one , who has himself acted selfishly and in a
spirit of revenge arising out of past inability
on his part to control Seventeenth street and
dictate to mo respecting my otllcial actions ,
not only are a matter of great annoyance
nnd damage to mo personally , but also of im
portance to the city , In that they tend to im
peach my oftlcial honesty and good faith ,
r 1 therefore petition your honorable body to
appoint a committee with full power to call
lor papers mid witnesses and to take testi
mony and fully investigate my actions and
. . condtict iu respect .to , the matter of said
, permit. i
The report of tho-flro and police commis
sion awarding the contract for the furnishing
of feed for the ensuing year to Fowler &
tGauU , was approved.
, Thousooftho council chamber for Friday
nnd Monday evenings , at which time W. 13.
j Allison and Governor Thayer will speak re
spectively , wns grunted on petition of Major
Gius Inspector Gilbert was , on petition ,
granted a two weeks leave of absence.
The council gave notice that on October 31
nnd November 1 it would sit as a board of
equalization In the ofllco of the city clerk.
Resolutions to the following effect were
adopted :
IJy Alexander Instructing the city en
gineer to establish the grade of Mason street
from Twenty-fifth to Park avenue.
13y KiUshon Instructing the Missouri Pa-
clQo , Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Oinnlm , and the licit Line , to plank Nicholas
Btrcct from the west sldo of Fourteenth to
the west side of Fifteenth , full width of the
13y Kaspar Instructing the board of public
lic- works to construct a catch basin nt the
i' " northwest corner of Thirteenth and Williams
IJy Alexander Authorizing the city at
torney to entor. the appearance of the city of
Pmaha in the action now pending
In the district court In which Tin :
f , ! RK Publishing company is plalntifl
end the New York Life Insurance
onipany defendant , for the purpose of ch
aining an order of said court enjoining said
tfew York company from proceeding under
pho permit heretofore Issued by the inspector
Df buildings of this city , authorizing said
company to construct its holler rooms under
Iho surface of Seventeenth street ; and for
the purposn of obtaining such other nnd fur
ther relief on behalf of said city In the mat
ter of said permit , provided the city attorney
' deems the same advisable in his Judgment.
By Lowry Granting the Omaha Horse
Car railway company permission to lay
tracks on South Eleventh street as the pav
ing nt that point progresses.
Sidewalks in the following location wore
Ordered laid within llfteen days : West side
of Twenty-fifth street between California
pnd Cass streets , six feet wide ; south nnd
north side of Chicago street from Eleventh
lo Sixteenth street , twelve feet wide ;
Bputh sldo of Pnclflc between Fourteenth ami
fifteenth street" , six feet wide ; south side
pf Capitol avenue between Twonty-llfth mid
Twenty-sixth , six feet wide ; east ami wcsl
Bide of Tenth street , from Mason to Cnstcllar
Blx feet wide ; east and west side of Twenty-
first from Lcnvonworth to South Mnrcj
ptreot , repaired ; north side of Cassius strcel
from Twenty-fourth to Twonty-llfth , six feel
tvido ; and all streets In a corresponding sec
tlon , the same to bo two Inch timber Ir
The committee on public prop
, rOrty nnd buildings to whom was
'referred the matter of the appointmentol
i' William I. Klcrstoad as n nicmocr of the
tioard of public works reported favorably am !
the appointment was confirmed.
The bill of the Omaha Gas company foi
the month of September amounting to
(2,070.57 wns , on recommendation of thi
committee , allowed.
The following ordinances received thoii
third reading nnd were passed upon suspcn
.f'ifjion of the rules : Creating sewer dlstrlc
' ' 87 ; creating sewer district SS ; ordering thi
curbing of Eighteenth from Nicholas to Cum
Ing street with Heroa sandstone ; gradmi
liurt street from Thirtieth to Thirty-sixtl
fcfcot , nnd Thirty-second. Thirty-third
( Thirty-fourth nnd Thirty-fifth from Cumlnj
to Hurt.
Tlio city engineer was Instructed to detal
pno of his men to look after the proper oxc
cutlon of the contract each day relative t
Street sweeping.
An ordinance prohibiting street railwa ;
companies from laying their tracks on pavei
ptrcets under certain conditions , was passed
It prohibits.tho board of public works fran
Issuing any | > cnult to any street railway
company to lay trucks in uny street withii
pno year prior to the date upon which sue !
permit IB asked to bo issued.
The special committee , consisting of Alex
. trader , Ucchel , Lowry , Leo and Snydcr , uti
tainted to investigate garbage crcmn
lories , turned In a voluminous rcpor
highly favoring such a system of disposini
of garbage. Out of the places visited th
ftYiteiu In vogue in Minneapolis was cspc
Btally recommended. The report of the com
rnittco urging that stops bo taken in this dl
rectton was adopted.
The council then resolved itself into ,
committee of. tup whole with Alderman LCI
} In the chair.
The rdinanoo providing for the issuing o
f > 0nd to the extent of * 3WOOQ for the put
chase of n alto ( or n city hall , and the Issuing
of not to ox'-eed MOO.OU ) In bonds for the
erection of n city hall , was taken up.
Alderman Uurnlmtn moved that when the
commlttoo nrlno It report favorably on the
matter of Its going before the people ns re
gards the choice In location between
Eighteenth and Karnnm streets and Jefler-
sou grpiaro ,
Alderman Alexander took exception to the
movement. He stated that n location hud
been created through the medium of the
ballot. This location having been entered
upon , ho sakl , had lead to ho.wy Investments
and important improvements being made in
that section , and he considered It a matter of
Injustice on the part of the council to take
the Initiative step In changing , or
attempting to change , the location ,
If the site chosen was not a suitable one , the
people at largo In the city should cither make
it known by public- demonstration , or by
petition to the city council.
Aldormun Hurnlmtn spoke to some length
supporting the movement In the direction of
another vote by the people being taken.
Alderman Manvilio stated that a large nnd
popular element was In favor of the Jefferson
r.iiuaro site , and that the matter should bo
given out to the public for an expression on
tills point.
Alderman ICaspar opposed the Jefferson
square slto.
Alderman Counsman stated that ho had no
preference as regards the slto In either re
spect. Llut ho did favor the Issue coming
again before the people.
Alderman Alexander stated that it would
bo unjust for the people In the north part of
the town to nsk those of the southern portion
to waive what they had already obtained
through the ballot. Ho stated that the pres
ent site was so created and that the best
thing wns for the council to devise a plan for
completing the hall on the present site. The
committee then arose and reported favorably
on thn passage of tha ordinance.
The vote resulted ns follows oil the passage
of the ordinance.
Yens Uailey , Bedford , Uurnhnm , Cheny ,
Counsman , Ford , Kitchen , Mauvillo and Van
Camp Total 0.
Nays Alexander , ICaspar , Lee , Lowry ,
Snyder and Bocltcl. Total 0.
The chair then declared the ordinance de
The following ordinances were passed : va
cating an alley in Forest Hill addition ; es
tablishing the grade of Park street from
East avenue ; ordering the paving of alleys
in paving districts lifty-ilvo and fifty-six :
levying a special tax for covering the cost of
paving Woolworth nvcnuo from Twenty-
Ninth avenue to Thirty-First avenue ; levy
ing special tax to cover cost of paving Twen
ty-Ninth nvonuo from Leavonworth to Hick
ory street ; establishing the grade of Fif
teenth street from Grace street to a point
i ! < 4 feet soutn of Grace street ; establishing
the grade of Mason , Mercy , Twenty-Sixth
street and Twonty-Fiftn avenue In Marsh's
addition ; levying special tax to cover cost
of paving Nicholas street , from Sixteenth to
Twentieth street ; Fourteenth from Daven
port to Wodstor , and regulating employment
The Anarchist Anniversary.
CHICAGO , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BEK.I As the anniversary of the hang
ing of the Chicago anarchists approaches
their sympathizers m the various cities
throughout the country , where they can
make any showing iu point of numbers , are
preparing to commemorate the day in a vari
ety of ways. In Chicago , where the legal
tragedy occurred , the celebration will assume
a very modest attitude , those in charge of it
apparently appreciating the fact that public
sentiment is still in no humor to bo trilled
with by those whoso avowed object is to defy
the law and overthrow the government ,
"I do not know what Is being done hero , "
said Mrs. Lucy Parsons when a reporter
called on her this morning , "as I have not
been much among our people lately , but I
know that they are going to have a great cel
ebration of the day In Pittsburg , Now York ,
Cincinnati , San Francisco and other cities
throughout the Country. I myself leave to
morrow for New York to sail for Liverpool
next wcok on the steamer Arizona. I have
been Invite'd over- there to deliver a series of
oddrossos , and am engaged to- speak , in
London November" 11 , the anniversary of
the hanging. I am also to speak in other
places during the month of November. "
"I have been so busy attending to labor
matters. " said George A. Schilling , who was
so prominent In the street car men's strike ,
"that I have not had any opportunity to at
tend to the particulars. "
"Will you speak or take any active part in
the demonstration1 ! "
"Not that I nm owaro of. I shall bo there.
If you want to know how I fool on the mat
ter , I wish to say that I still consider it an
infernal outrage , and the peoplein future
will more and more recognize the magnitude
of the outrage committed in the execution of
these men. "
"Yes , wo are going to have n celebration , "
said ono of tha treasurers of the Pioneer Aid
and Supiwrt association , whose care is the
maintenance nnd education of the families of
thq executed men , "Wo are going out to
Waldholm cemetery , but will have no demon
stration ut all In the city. Wo will simply
meet at the depot and take the train out to
the cemetery. There will bo no street pa-
r-ido or anything of that sort. "
"What will you do when you get to the
cemetery ! "
"Wo will take out about twenty singing so
cieties with us , and they will slug a couple of
songs , and S. Schevitch , editor
of our paper In New York , and
Mr. Drury , a well known Knight
of Laborithnre'lhave been Invited to como
nnd make speeches. If the weather is bad
wo will not go out to the cemetery nt all , but
will hire n hall in the city hero and have our
celebration in it. "
"How Is the public fooling now in regard
to the event you are to celebrate 1"
"So far as I can BOO the feeling is stronger
now than hcforo tha event that the execu
tion of these men was wrong ; that they were
murdered. Tliero is no feeling of revenge
at all among the sympathizers with these
men. They think that the time will como
when a majority of the people will see and
admit that the hanging was wrong , and that
will bo revenge enough for tno men who now
think that way. "
"What are you doing now in the way ol
raising money for the families of the exe
cuted men ! "
"Wo pay the wives ? 3 a week , and $2 n
week for each of the children. Wo have
from $7,00 < ) to fy.lXH ) still iu the treasury.
There is one interesting feature about the
celebration that I forgot to mention. Par
sons loft a letter to his children , which was
not to be opened till a year from the date ol
his execution. Mrs. Parsons is going tc
England , but she will leave the letter bchluO
her and it wll | bo read at the meeting. "
Funeral of General Crali ; .
ST. JosBrii , Mo. , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBS. ] The funeral of Genera ]
James Craig occurred at 3 o'clock this
afternoon from the family residence , No. 40 ;
South Twelfth street. It was ono of the
most largely attended ever held in the state.
Charity lodge No. U31 , A. F. & A. M. , hat
charge of the remains , and all the Masonic
lodges and Grand Army posts in tliucitj
were in attendance. Dr. Kunclo , of Christ
Episcopal church , officiated ut the funeral
Tho' family is in receipt of telegrams of condolence
dolenco from all over the United States.
Among the hundreds of telocrams received
by the family to-day was ono from Iloborl
O. Ingersoll , with whom General Craig
served in congress , us follows :
NEW YOUR. Oct. ! ) . To James Craig , Jr.
St. Joseph , Mo. : Our hearts are ill wlthyot
In your great grief for Your father , for when
1 had the greatest respect. Ho was a per
fcctly natural man of great ability , bravo
generous and sincere. All unite in words o
sympathy and hope. K. G. INOEUSOLL.
Charged With ForRory.
nRRMK , Oct 23. Tno Post charges that
M. Urusoff , Russian minister at Brussels ,
forged the letter alleged to have been writ
ten by Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria to tin
ciar , and which cau&cd thq czar's suspicloi
that Prlncu BUmarck hud unfriendly design :
upon Russia.
Coal Minor * ) Strike.
Loxoox , Oct. 23. Several thousand York
shire minors have gone on a strike. It Is ox
peeled that many others will Join th
strike to-morrow and on Thursday on the o *
plratian of notices to their employers. Con
has advanced from 'M to 70 per cent In pdc
during October.
Six' gold medals awarded Jury la' Brawl' '
Action of the Dubuque Proabytory
Sustained by the Synod.
Thirty Cases nnd Kl lit Deaths at
llooliOBtcrSuprcino Court Deals *
Ions The Trial of Mrs. Ocorno
Tlio Mott Heresy Case.
Dr Motxr.s , la. , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram -
gram to TUB HUB , ! The Iowa Presbyterian
synod , in session i Clarinda , reached a con
clusion to-day in the famous case for heresy
against Hcv. Mr. Mott , now occupying the
pulpit of the Second Presbyterian church nt
Dubuque. The synod sustained the action
of the Dubuque presbytery in resolving to
receive him , but reversed the presbytery's '
resolution to stay proceedings pending an ap
peal to the synod nnd rcsfuslng to accept cer
tain evidence. The synod remanded the
case to the Dubiniuo presbytery for rehear-
iug. Both sides appeal to the general as
Diphtheria nt Hochcster.
Dns MOI.VEO , la. , Oct. 2. % [ Special Tele
gram to THK Bun. ] A diphtheria epidemic
in Hochcster , Cedar counoy , has been re
ported to the state board of health. Already
there have been about thirty cases and sev
eral have died. Dr. Schrader , of Iowa City ,
investigated the locality ami assigned the
cause to bo the bad condition of certain
stable and outhouses near a well , from which
water was taken for a neighboring school.
Every member of the family owning the well
have died of the disease. The won has boon
filled nnd every precaution will bo taken.
The diphtheria epidemic at Rochester , Ce
dar county , is ubatiog. Thirty coses and
eight deaths have thus far occurred.
Supreme Court Decisions.
MntNcs , la. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BUR. ] The following decisions
were Hied by the supreme court to-day :
Jackson Phines vs. Chicago & Northwestern
Railway company , appellant ; Tama district ,
reversed. Opinion by Rued , Bock dissent
Anna M. Hunt , substituted as plaintiff for
Harry Hunt , vs. John Lynian , appellant ;
Johnson district. Aftlrmcd.
Henry W. Sessions vs. Elmoro M. Kent
ct ul. , executors , appellants ; Polk circuit
court. Afllrmed.
State of Iowa vs. Jeff Hntllcld , appellant ;
Polk district court. Aftlrmcd.
Hannah M. Schmidt , administrator , vs.
Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern rail
way , appellant ; Clinton district. Action to
recover damages for killing of plaintiff's '
husband by a train at a crossing. Affirmed.
I < racturod His Skull.
SitEiTAWnoin , la. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnn BBB.I Yastorday Bon Smith ,
proprietor of a foundry iu this place , en
gaged in an altercation with a moulder in his
employ named Frederick Stevenson , over
the amount of wages duo Stevenson. Smith
felled Stevenson to the ground by a blow on
the head with a bar of iron nnd then boat
him unmercifully , and finallv , drawing a re
volver , attempted to shoot him. Stevenson's
skull is said to bo fractured and ho lies in a
precarious condition. Smith is under arrest
and is hold to await the result of Stevenson's
Prominent Dubuque Citizen Dead.
DUIIUQUB , la. , Oct. 23. John J. Llnehan , a
loading citizen of this city , died early this
morning of heart dlseaso. For the east
twelve years ho hadboon superintendent and
leading owner of the street car line. Ho had
been an alderman for * eight years , mayorfor
two terms-antr * member o.f the' legislature
for two terms. ' Inl Sl'he waft , candidate
for congress. '
Trial Postponed.
MASON Crrr , la. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKK. ] The trial of Mrs. Goonjc
Diggle , Indicted iu the Wright county courts
for poisoning her husband , by request of the
defendant's counsel , has been continued
until the December toriu.
Arrested Kor Forgery.
MASONCtTr , la. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKE. ] John Larson wns ar
rested hero to-day for forgery. It has also
developed that ho has been disposing of
mortgaged property and giving mortgages on
property that ho never owned.
Tlio British-American Association.
CHICAGO , Oct. 23. The national conven
tion of the Britlsn-American association resumed -
sumod its session to-day. The afternoon
session was devoted lo a lengthy debate on
the adoption of the constitution. It was
finally agreed that the association shall bo
known as "Tho National British-American
Association of the United States. " Its ob
jects shall bo to unite with its membership
residents of the United States of British and
British colonial birth , who have bocoino or
intend to become citizens ; to promote
good feeling nnd harmony between the gov
ernments of the United States and
Great Britain and her colonies ; to use
its influence as an association in behalf of
good government ; to defeat at the polls im
proper nominees for oftlco of whatever party ,
nnd as far as possible to compel by united
action respectful attention to all political par
ties ; to use its influence- preserve the
principles of the public school system at
present existing in the several states of the
union unfettered by denominational or re
ligious restrictions uud to oppose all meas
ures , men and Influences antagonistic thereto.
The association shall ho composed of ilvo
representatives from each state association ,
to bo elected at the annual meet iug of the
state association.
After appointing committees the session
adjourned until to-morrow.
Tlio AV. O. T. U.
NR\V YOIIK , Oct. 23. The last day's ses
sion of the Woman's Christian Temperance
Union was not so largely attended , many of
the delegates having gone home. Mrs. Anna
M. Palmer , of Iowa , and Mrs. Mary RceO
Goodall , of Louisiana , conducted the rcllg
lous exercises. Miss Helen L. Hood reported
on railroad rates and tickets. George C ,
Hall and Miss Mary Allen West spoke in be
half of periodicals , The Union Signal ami
its policy and circulation. Reports of na
tional organizers wore next calledfor.Mist _
A. L. Wells , of Tennessee , gave a good ac
count of the work she hud accomplished dur
ing the past year. Mrs. L. S. Peek , of thi ;
city , spoke of the work done in Canada. Mrs
Mary L. Pcaso spoke of the tcmperanct
cause among the Indians in the territories.
The feature of the day among the speeches
was the address by Mrs. Anglo T. Nouman
who has charge of the work among Morinor
women. Her graphic description of tin
horrid condition of Mormon women in Utah
elicited horrltlod exclamations from all part :
of the opera house.
Slcotlnc of the Hoard of Missions.
SritiKGFiELi ) , 111. , Oct. 23. The fourteentl
annual convention of the Christian Board ol
Missions convened to-day at the Christiai
churon In this city. Four hundred children' :
bands were reported as organized and nearly
125,000 was ralsod to push the good work
Among the representative women proscn
were Mrs. Maria Jamison , of Indlanupolis
Mrs. Christian , of Chicago ; Mrs. Luse , of Sai
Francisco ; Mrs. Ktrkham , of Des Molncs
la. ; Mrs. B. W. Gilo-of Indianapolis. Rev
Jabcz Hall , ol Cleveland , O. , road an addres
ut night before the assembly.
To-morrow the general Christian MIssIoi
society , Rev. J. H. Garrison , president
meets In the capital building. The women'
society , which closed its session to-day , has ;
membership of 14,000.
HO lilVCH.
Hoi.inuai ! , Neb. , Oct. 23. TothoEdltoro
TiiKllKE : Is Mark Twain dead ! Please an
swer to decide a bet. Yours truly ,
An Anolcat Ordinance Holatlvo teA
A number of coihljlnlnts roijanllnK the
short weight of tni oajl dealers' ton has oc >
casloncd an inqulrjf'uito the matter of the
coal trade general , - , , end coul-wclghliig par
ticularly. The cl ordlnnnces were first con
sulted utui from ' ! h6 'musty ' compilations of
1881 , the date of t ] j ) la t revised edition , wa
read ns follows frqmtcbun. xlvll , section 1 :
"It shall hereafter' bo unlawful for any
person , persons --corporation to 80" or de
liver any wagon load or loads of foul , huy ,
corn , oats or strawrwiUiln the limits of the
city of Omaha union * the same shall have
first been weighed ij- the weighmaster here
inafter provided for such commodity , and a
certlllcato of the weight thereof , given by
such welghmaster. "
Also nn extract from section 2 , of tno same
chapter , provides that "tho mayor and coun
cil shall appoint ono wclghiunstur of coal for
the entire city , and ono woighmastcr of all
other commodities mentioned In section 1 of
this ordinance. In uach wnrd , except In the
wards In which the coal sualcs uru located ,
who shnll tuko nn onth of olllco and glvo
bond In the sum of $1,000 , etc. "
The weighmnstor nt the city scales situ
ated on Twelfth street , between Howard
and Jackson , was asked to what extent the
ilrst section of the part of the ordinance
quoted , was compiled with. "Perhaps otio
out of every 10J loads of coal sold hero in the
city is weighed on the city scales. All the
dealers weigh their coal on their own
scales. "
"lo ) purchasers over have the weight given
by the weighmastcr at the coal dealer's '
scales vcrllled by having the load weighed
oirotn on the city scrlcsl"
"Yes , this often occurs , but there is only
ono coal company in the city whoso scales
aru not ut variance with the city
scales. The dealers' scales are woefully
inaccurate , whether from carelessness or de
sign , I do not know. There have been in
stances when a load weighed on uiy scales
has weighed inoro than the nuinbor given on
the driver's cheek , but this is n rare excep
tion ; the weight usually falls behind from
fifty to three hundred pounds. "
"But does not the same inspector examine
and adjust the dealers' scales us well as these
of the city 1"
"Yes , but the dealers' scales have a way of
getting out of repair from which my scales
ai-o quite free , " and the face of the spokes
man revealed a volume of unutturcd infer
A prominent coal dealer on Fourteenth
street was asked how he interpreted the sec
tion of the ordinance relating to the weigh-
'ng of coal. "Well , " said he , "tho ordinance
: learly provides that every load shall bo
weighed on the city scales , but by common
consent the mutter has boon loft wholly at the
option of the buyer , whether ho accepts our
Hgurcs. or whether ho pays 10 cents to have
it weighed on the city scales. With us It is
limply a verbal agreement. It was found
; hat other dealers have the following line
irintod on the margin of the receipt check :
"Howoighlug on city scales waived , " in
which case the purchaser virtually enters
into a written agreement to accept the deal
ers' weight.
Most of these engaged iu the coal trade , to
whom was shown the above ordinance , know
nothing of its practical application , but re
garded it as an antiquated , impracticable and
in every way inapplicable to the conduct of
; ho present coul trade. Any revision or
amendment that plight have been made since
iho ordinance wont into force was sought.
It was found that the .matter of where the
coal should bo weighed Ibolng loft to the option -
tion of the buyer , \yiis Supported by a train
of legally authorisedprecedents. '
"Indeed , " said tlio ' city attorney , "it would
3e folly In the pros'anttjigantic coal trade to
adhere to an ordinance which provided that
every load of coal 'jiliould bo weighed upon
ono and the same scakti"
Another attorney on reading the ordi
nance , expressed hU > delight on finding such
means of protection , and resolved that
henceforth ho wotikd 'accept nothing but the
city scale weights. -
Hostlers'Ha ' o 'a Fight.
Four stablemen'1tho ' work at Edwin
' '
Davis1 stable on QaV-srt't'jort near Fourteenth
street , were arrostbifdfpr participating in a
fenoral-troW' yosUrdt > afternoon. Sau
Tadro got the worst of it by loug odds. Ho
was struck over tho" loft eye with the back of
a shovel , and besides a cut , carries n lump as
big as his fist whore the shovel landed. Ho
claims that Ed Mocrls assailed him. Morris
says that ho was In a stall attending to n
horse , when Tadro oamo fn nnd , applying a
vile epithet , struck1 him on the face with his
list , and invited him outside when ho pro
posed to mop out the stable with him. This
Nlorris refused to do , and asked Tadro to go
away. Tadro then came at him with a
Itnifo , nnd ho picked up the stable shovel nnd
struck his assailant a heavy bio won the fore-
dead , knocking him down. At this two
friends of Tadro , who worked In the barn ,
Jim Bennett and n man named Joe , came to
Tadro's rescue nnd struck Morris several
heavy body blows , and ho escaped. Ho ran
across to the police station , and caused the
arrest of his assailants. Hennott was bailed
out by a friend , and the others were placed
behind the bars.
A cnooic "ESCAPES.
Ills Attorney Secure ? a Continuance
and Ho Departs.
U. M. Collins was arrested on Monday last
by Detectives Ormsby nnd Horrigan , as
being a vagrant and suspicious character.
Collins is a well known crook and was impli
cated iu the robbery ot a man hero last au
tumn of $ SO. It was proved that Collins'
brother robbed the man , but ho was clearly
an accomplice. Last wcok Ormsby and Her
rigan were in Council Hluffs and met Collins
and three of his pals in a gambling house.
Collins approached Horrigan and bald , "I'd
know jou in h 1 , and I'm going to do you. "
Collins and his crowd were invited to como
to the front , but the decided stand taken by
the Omaha ottlcers "bluffed" them. Chief of
Police J.Mcas was standing iu the doorway ,
and aSifiution was called to Collins and his
gang , and he promised them his attention.
This was apparently not given , ns Collins
was arrested in Omaha on Monday , and ho
was to have been tried on Tuesday. When
the cuso was called his attorney , Alex Green ,
hunted un Assistant City Attorney Cobb
nnd prevailed upon him to ask for n contin
uance. They entered the court room to
gether , and notwithstanding that the wit
nesses for the state were ready and anxious
to try the case , Attorney Cobb asked the
court for a continuance , whlcn was granted.
Hands were applied for and the court hold
Collins until yesterday at ! ) :3 : ( ) p. in. In $ Jj
bonds , which Alex Green gavo. Yesterday
afternoon Collins failed to appear , and the
bond wns declared forfeited. The ofllcers
say that Collins is n dangerous man , and
should have had his trial when it was called ,
but ou account of tlib interference of the as >
sistaut city attorncj bj ias escaped.
{ National Jockey Glut ) Races , f
WASHINGTON , Oct. S3. A heavy rain
marked the opcnirig day of the National
Jookoy club's fall races'/out / there was quite
a good nttendauWj Tjhe track was very
muddy nnd time stow hi consequence.
First race , threo'iiilarters of a mile He
porter won In 1:151 : fUailga second , Voltu
third. } ! o ' " 3
Second race , flvtffurWngs Hcrtha H , colt ,
won in 1:04' : , Passiwr soeond , Hravo third ,
Third race , one hrtlS''tfnd ' n quarter Eurus
won in 213W ; , FdvM" second , Frankward
third. * ' 'ajr'
Fourth race , onoWna ane-slxteenth miles
Glenmound won tnti ; } ' Satisfaction second ,
Wahoo third.
Fifth race , stccplefha > oBhortcourso Her
cules won in 3:5U : , Elphin second , Urac-a
Urao third" . *
Slttlnc null at St. Paul.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. 23.-Sittlng Hull
Jolm Grass , Gall and other Sioux chiefs
arrived in the city this morning on their wuj
to Standing lloclt Agency from Washington
They were taken to see General Slblo.v thli
forenoon , and this afternoon were showi
about the city.
Trimmed hnfa nnd bonnets nt hall
price. Mra. C. A. lUngor , 110 N. 16th
For Rout The building nowoccuplei
by the Western Newspaper Union , 6U [
mid r U S. 1'Jlh st. Four 11 corn , 44x11(1 (
light on three sides , steam heat ; boilei
mid engine if wanted. Apply ou prem
1 , .
An Entire Colony Without Feeder
or FueL
An Almost Incredible Tnlo of Misery
Women nnd Children Clothed
ID Ilnga nnd Without Shoes
or Stockings.
A. Terrible Tnlo.
MiNXEiroLts , Oct. 23. J. Harpman , who
ms Just returned from a visit to Ramsey
ounty , Dakota , say * of the Polish-Jew
ufterers there : The settlement is located
about eighteen miles from Devil's ' Land nnd
omprises seventy families , numbering 233
ouls. They came here two years ago last
pring from Chicago , St. Paul nnd other
ilaccs , with some household truck and from
ilSUO to $ ! , r > 0i ) In money , farming Implc-
ncuts , otc. They procured laud , built their
modest houses nnd went to work with a will
o clear the laud and become independent
armors. These without money mortgaged
heir land nnd borrowed enough to pay the
government price , about 1230 , nnd expected
-o - live on the balance of their loans until
-ho first crop could bo harvested.
They raised n fair crop the first year
and the prospects were so bright that they
mortgaged their lands and other property to
> urcuaso stock and farm machinery. The
second year they planted a much larger acre-
age. The notes and mortgages signed by
them in many Instances bore interest at n
rate of 2 per cent per month on chatties nnd
18 per cent on real cstato , besides 5 per cent
m the loans which they were to pay the
oan sharks who loaned them the money and
charged the extravagant interest. About the
middle of August all their expectations were
ruined in ono night. A severe frost came
and ruin oil their entire crop of wheat , leaving
them only about us many potatoes ns tuey
used for planting , nnd barely enough oats
Lo winter their stock. Trouble nnd suffering
began at onco. Merchants who heretofore
liad been anxious to supply all their wants
refused to credit them any more. Seeing
that they could not expect payment for what
liad been furnished already , nearly every
creditor became alarmed and foreclosed at
once. The situation became so bad that the
sheriff refused to inflict further suffering on
the people by taking their property. Ho
found the people without fuel or bread , they
using the droppings of cattle for fuel to cook
such few articles as they could get , and set
bread , if they had any , to bake In the this
flro. Their children were naked , without
shoes or stockings , men nnd women in rags
and without footwear. Wo found everything
as the sheriff had stated. To the tearful ap
ntaLs of these people we said that we should
not let them starve nor freeze , nnd they took
fresh hopc.s , showering blessings ou us. For
the present their most pressing needs are
bread and fuel , and these articles must bo
had at once , for every day is a day of suffer
ing and privation. Wo visited twenty houses ,
nnd found nil , with two exceptions , without
a stick of wood or any other material for
fire. On Saturday ice was three-fourths of
an inch thick , and wo found numerous little
children with bare feet and legs. The min
ister's wlfo we found living in abut , the floor
consisting of the bare ground , no fire ,
nor anything to tnako ono with ono little
girl , blue with cold , nnd the other in her
crib , huddled up , trying to keep warm. Their
furniture was m keeping with the rest , and
their entire supply of food consisted of n diy
crust of bread kindly sent by a neighbor
from his scanty supply. Another woman
was found the same morning with two little
girls with bare limbs nnd feet , trying to keep
warm on the sunny side of the bouse. Some
creditor had taken her cow nnd loft her to
starve with her little ones.
Claus Carlson lllowH Out Ills Brains
"With a Uovolvor.
About 10 o'clock last night Claus Carlson ,
n carpeutor residing on Thirty-fifth and
Blonde streets , ended his life by sending a
bullet , from a 45-callibro revolver , crashing
through his brain. Yesterday morning Carl
son repaired to the Patrick farm in the
northern part of the city , whcro ho was en
gaged m putting up a fruino structure. Ho
was ou a scaffold about ten font above the
ground , and it giving away , ho fell , result
ing in his left arm being broken.
He was conveyed to his homo at the above
place , where medical aid was summoned.
The Injured member caused him great pain ,
and he remarked to his wife that ho thought
ho could not live. Ho became despondent
over the situation and fell into a swoon ,
lying in u semi-conscious state for several
hours. Last night Just before the rasli net
was committed Mrs. Carlson loft the bedside
of her husband for the purpose of attending
to her household duties. She left her two
children in the room with him nnd
repaired to the basement of the resi
dence for ttio purpose of obtaining
a scuttle of. coal. Ah soon us
she had left the room , the victim told his
children to go to an adjacent drug store and
procure some nutriment for him. Being loft
nlono ho arose from his bed and wallcod to
the commode , where the weapon wns placed
for safe keeping. In an instant nioro the
sharp crack of the revolver was heard ,
which was followed by a loud moan , and
then all was silent. Mrs. Carlson rushed up
stairs nnd discovered her husband lying
prostrate with the revolver in his hand and
a wound in the head adjacent to
the right temple , from which his
brains were oo/ing. The floor was covered
with blood from tlio dead man. and nt the
sight of this Mrs. Carlson fainted. Outside
assistance soon arrived and the coroner was
notified , who at once repaired to the scene
and took charge of the remains. Carlson
was about thirty-two years of ago , sober , In
dustrious and a man well thought of iu his
community. Ho leaves a widow and two
children In moderate circumstances. The
inquest will bo held to-day.
Wm. Black , AbhiRdon , Town , was
cured of cancer of the eye by Dr. Jones'
Red Clover Tonic , which euros all blood
disorders and diseases of the stomach ,
liver and kidney * . The best tonic and
appetizer known. 50 cents , Goodman
Drug company.
Michael Maul has just celebrated his
thirty-fourth birthday.
K. R. Overall , one of the most reliable
letter curriers in the local force , a few
days ago celebrated the nineteenth an
niversary of his connection with the
Frank distance was arrested last
night by Olllcor Mayhood , charcrcd with
stealing a codnr post from the Chicago
Lumber company. Oustauco left the
post hole , and it will probably not go so
imrd with him.
A hey by the name of Phil Worm ,
who does not propose to let the early
bird got ahead of him , realizing thai
winter is close at hand , tapped a coal
car. P. Connolly complained to the
police and Phil was incarcerated in the
city jail.
J. D. Parker , a cattle man from Fort
Steele , Wyo. , while purchasing a ticket
for South Omaha , at the Union Pacific
depot , loft his grip and overcoat on a
neighboring bench. A tramp , by the
name ol Carson , sneaked up to the
overcoat and got away with it. He ,
and a partner , were captured by Officer
Drumtng , on Tenth street , trying to
pawn the coat , and were taken to the
city bastllo.
Take no other , Jarvis' Brandy is best.
Unrnotl to Death.
LEXINOTOK , Mo. , Oct. 23. Mrs. Julia
Thorklcss , aged thirty-six , and her daugh
ter , aged fourteen , were burned to doatl
while trying to iavo their personal effects
from a frame shanty this morning. While
they were in the house , the roof fell in and
bolh perished. When found thd mother's
body wasminus , both llinbt and the girl's '
body wns'headless.
Crushed By the CAM.
Mlchnol McNcarney , residing on the corner
of Twelfth and Cass streets , was killed whllo
n the act of coupling cars in the yards of the
Jnlon Pacific at this place about 5:30 : o'clock
ast night. In attempting to connect the
ars , McNcarney missed his footing and fell
icncath the wheels two cars loaded with
fnolght passing over his body , mangling It
iluiost beyond roognltton and killing mm
nstnntly. The remains were taken in charge
by the coroner and an Inquest will bo held
ntO:30 : o'clock this morning. The dccoasod
vas about twenty-eight years of ago , unmar
ried , and was the only support of nn aged
mother nnd an invalid sister , residing at the
above place. Ho was at ono time on the po-
Ice force in this city , and bore nn excellent
Jarvis' ' 77 will euro your cold.
John McCann's Funeral To-D/ijr.
Heafey A Hcnfoy received n telegram last
light from the Union Pacific agent nt Che-y-
mine , Wyo. , saying that the body of John
tlcCanu , who was killed by a train at Bu-
ford , Wyo. , ou Tuesday , would arrive In
Omaha nt 7M5 this morulng. McCnnn
leaves n wlfo and family , who resldo at 1511
North Sixteenth street in this city. The
family consists of three daughters and n nnn ,
who Is nn engineer on the Union Paclllo
railway. The remains will bo Interred ut
< J o'clock Thursday morning ,
Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparllla reg
ulates the regulator , Host blood pu-
rliior largest bottle tn the market.
Manufactured by proprietors of War
ner's Safe Curo. Sold by all druggists.
A Hlot at .Mojr.
Dunnx , Oct. 23. A riot broke out at Moy
to-day between Orangemen and nationalists.
The police were reinforced nnd charged the
mob with bayonets. Several pollcomcu were
Injured with stones thrown by the dolors. O
Thn Wont her Indications.
For Nebraska and Dakota : Light rains
Wednesday , fair weather Thursday , warmer ,
southerly winds becoming westerly.
For Iowa- Light rains Wednesday , fair
wenthor Thursday , warmer , southerly wiiul * .
muoaaai * ' K.BBI
Ou > Sums , UAJUUJ HOKUM nuU oJ
My Poor Back ! \
That " poor back" is held responsible for more than its share of the sufferings of
mankind. If your dog bites a man who kicks it , do you blame the dog ? On the same
principle the kidneys utter their protest against nervousness , impure blood , and
resulting constipation. These force them to do extraordinary work in ridding tha
system of the poisons which are the result of effete matter retained iu the
blood. Then the sufferer says the back aches ; the kidneys are dis-
eased. "Not yet ; " but they will be unless the nerves are strengthened ,
the blood purified , and the constipation removed. These are the cause *
of kidney troubles , and Fame's Celery Compound removes them quickly ,
With its tonic , purifying , and laxative effect , it also strengthens the weak
kidneys , making it almost infallible i curing all diseases of the nerves and kid-
neys. If your hopes of cure have not been realized , try Faine'i Celery Com *
pound ; it gives perfect health to all who complain of "their poor backs. " Price $1,00.
WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. , Proprietors ,
Can be had in Over 700 Different Styles and
Sizes , af fhe same price as the counterfeits.
Insist upon seeing the Trade Hark or you may be decilvad
The Michigan Stove Company ,
Detroit , Chicago , Buffalo * CAUTION.-Howjre.of .mar-
cliuit. who commend other utovii
Inprcfcrcncn to ' 'GARLANDS , "
Thor hare either fullKl to iwcure lh
Sold "Uiuluml" mtency or wdotlrouiof
Everywhere.o upon which R greater
. margin ot proflt cm b mode.
J'"oi Sale by Milton Hoycm 0 Sons , Aycnlsfor Omaha.
Policies Incontestable and Non-forfeitatalo After Three Years.
Aguucluu in nil the lurgor cities of tlio ITnlteaHtutos and ( icrinnniKmptro.
Assets $2eo.Ha6 < V3 | Surnlus $207,158 97
DECEMBER , 31ST. 1887.
Assets $13.073,247 37 I Surplus $1,836.636 62
Amount of Insurance In force $45OOOOOO
Annual Income . . . . $2,4OOOOO
Tlio Oennanla possesses ? ! 10. Ifl ot aclmlttid iis-.ots for every tlUO.OOof IlabllUIon.a better ratio
thfin thut of any of the other tin on largest l.lfo liwur.uico ComimnluH of the UultedlHttUoiU
Ernst Benninghoven , Manager ,
Real Estate ,
Ok STAUII. 181V Howard St. , Omaha , has drawn plana and
siKtltlcutloiw for u y-room frnmo nouni ) . which combines
ntlllty.coinfort.economynnillx'niity.lnaway ImpoHHlbla In any good
house that cost * from jl.'MJ to il.elJJ. As moro than 100 . ff- . . , . . . , . . .
wllO > a built BO , I can alford to olfur a cony ror --sSS52 Origin * ! anil splendid
r-i'i. the nauol fees otherwise lieluu from designs fornlahed , as can bo Judged
Foi V v toy o'flald Xn = = = = = = : = = : term the Bet8 ° r PlaDS of " " "Pl'ted buildings ot
$ M centmori w&ssssS * n dwerlpUowr. I Jmve in my office , ranginx In w t
iS from $0,000 tuHOO.OOO. My unusual experience will guarantee gatiifactiou
and- reliable contractors only are engaged on my worka , rarttoa wishing to bollii
are cordially luvlUd. _ .