THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. : f EIGHTEENTH YEAtf. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY , MORNING. OCTOBER 24 , 1S88 ; > NUMBER 132 An Enthunlnatlc Republican Muss Mooting at Rochester. TARIFF QUESTION DISCUSSED. The Plumed Knight I'nyn Hln Rcspectn to Governor Hill , or New York KnormoiiH Number of Vetoes by President Cleveland , Republicans at Rochester , ItOtBBSTKii , N. Y. , Oct. 2' ! . The city is crowded to-day with republicans from all over the country. Senator Hiscock and Mr. Dcpcw arrived early this morning , nnd James G. Hlainc about 1 o'clock. Ho was accompanied by Hon. J. M. Tliurston , of Nebraska ; General Adam King , of Mary- V\nd , and John Van Voorhls , of Rochester. 1)0 ) party was received at the Central depot / the committee. About live hundred fieoplo had assembled at the depot. Hlaino spoke about 3 o'clock at Franklin square , but owing to its raining slightly the crowd was not as largo as expected. Mr. Hlaino spoke as follows : Mr. Chair man I beg to bring to your attention and to the notice of the audience the statement made by Mr. Hayard in n speech two weeks ago. 1 quote his exact words. He said : "I want you to think of the progress of the United States since these tarilt laws were tnudo and what the consequences are to the various inventions that have como Into play Binco that tariff reached its present proper tions. Hero are some liguros that I bc ltovo to bo reliable. They como from high authority , Mr. Edward Atkinson , of Massa chusetts , who Is our leading statistician and an upright and honorable man. From IsTO to Ib77 the population of the United States increased 55 per cent , but in the same time the dairy products of the United States- cheese , butter , milk and all that is created by a dairy increased 7 per cent. In those Hcvcnteen years the products of cotton in creased 112 pur cent ; the consumption of wool increased 100 per cent ; the production of pig Iron Increased 2S5 percent ; the con struction of railways increased 23J per cent. What has been the reason of the population Increasing in so small n proportion tion to all these vast forces which are so needful to us. It proves to you that the country Is making more than the people of the country need or can consume. " In reply to Mr , Bayard , my llrst remark Is that it is n great deal better for the people to have moro than they can consume than to have less than they can consume. Mr. Bayard seems to think that it is an evil omen if the wealth otho , country increases more rapidly than its population. Pray , how early In our his tory would ho apply nis principle that wealth must develop only as population develops ( I do not , I confess , quite comprehend Mr. Bayard's drift , for my own understand ing has been that , according to the simple rules of political economy , where n nation is increasing in population more rapidly than in property , there must soon bo suffering ; but whore the acquisition of properly out runs the ratio of increase of population. It means that the nation is growing powerful , wealthy and great. As Mr. Bayard has Indorsed Mr. Atkinson ns a statistician and economist , I beg leave to use Mr. Atkinson's tigures and to tell Mr. Bayard where the largo proportion of increase - crease of wealth has gone under the pro tective tariff. Mr. Atkinson stated in July last that since IWsi the wages of foremen , overseers and other specially skilled work men have advanced 103 per cent ; the wages of average mechanics , carpenters , machinists qnd the like have had an advance of IH ) per cent' ; factory operatives and others of like grades of skill in mechanical nrts have advanced 78 per cent , nnd the wages of common laborers C ( ( per cent. You will please observe that these are not ndvnnrcs over the wage rates of some foreign country , but over the wages paid in our country a quarter of a century ago , and that thcso advances How directly from the protective tariff. Mr. Bayard will bee , then , from the authority ho endorses , that tills largo increase of wealth has not cone merely to enrich men already wealthy , but that it has gene in u larger degree than was over known before in the history of this or of any other country , Into the pockets of workingnicn. If I had been searching for witnesses by whom the value of the tariff to the worklngmen of the country could bo es tablished beyond n.doubt , I would have sum moned Mr. Bayard nnd Mr. Atkinson to the Btaud. JVIr. Bayard further gives the pub- llo warning that if wo do not take rare wo shall produce in this country ns much in seven months us wo shall need in twelve months. Wnll , that Is the last thing that should alarm the American o.'oplo. That fact shows above all things our power to Hhorten the hours of labor. And now let mo turn to another topic. While I was In Indiana I had the pleasure , I had the honor , of frequent notices on the stump from his excellency , David B. Hill. The principal subject ho appeared to have como west to lay before the people of Indiana wns thnt I hud driven on Mr. Carnegie's coach when in Scotland ; that I had returned homo on an English steamer and had im ported thirty-three trunks , "all full of clothIng - Ing , " ns his excellency averred. If ho had taken the pains to inquire of Mr. Carnegie ho might have learned the cost of his coach and the color of bis horses , and thus been better prepared for his Indiana campaign. If ho had asked mo about trunks I would freely have given him n list of all the pocket handkerchiefs , stockings and cravats that I had Imported , and would have informed his excellency , by way of giv ing him an object lesson on tariff , that arti cles ot that kind are about the same price in London ns in the United States , ns I nuvo no doubt that he denies to do mo exact justice. I would have further informed his excellency that ho mistook the character of the steamer I returned in , inasmuch ns she belongs to a company of American stockholders , nnd I would hnvo further Informed him that ho overstated the number of trunks , which was in all twenty-two instead of thirty-three ; that these trunks belonged to six persons In stead of all belonging to mo nnd that the other packages were made up of steamer rugs , sUuiuiur chairs , umbrella covers ana hat boxes and ono case containing photo graphs. Among these photographs were several views of an English ass , which I had brought witn mo for an . agricultural friend for the purpose of comparison with the American species. I "would have cheerfully given the governor n set if I had known ho was BO curious about my affairs , so that upon his next tour among the county fairs he might liavo exhibited n specimen and illustrated how admirably the English nnd American nss drive in pairs. I was thoroughly Im pressed during the governor's tour in In diana witli his lofty appreciation of national issues nnd of the valuable ntd ho must bo rendering the cause of President Cleveland. Ho does not grovel in dust nor spend his time in petty nnd pitiful personalities , but takes n largo nnd comprehensive view of public affairs , so as to embrace the side way oniusoments of remiblicnns who go abroad nnd also an inventory of theirbaggago when they return homo. Ho sees in such matters material for discussion of the great ques tions connected with our foreign ro- latlons. our tariff and revenue systems. In Indiana , however , where the people speak with great plainness , they did not jtako the governor's view of the mutter that 1 did ; but they declared with western di rectness and impressive bluntness thnt his epecchcs thcro were "just about the gov- irnor's sire , " if you know what that luciins. When speaking to his'own people In New York the governor rises to tha dignity of ' different themes and great moral questions , inch as the liberty'of the saloon , and the hlcuslngs oi a free people , of the universal diffusion of whisky ; or ho may still farther ' enlarge his thcmo to maintaining the splrll of liberty that has belonged to the Amorl C4Ui people ever sluce the declaration of Inde jiendeneo-lho spirit that permits great freedom in handling other people's ballots at elections. oUo which must not bo curbed 'by stringent statutes enacted by intcrmed riling republicans , and ' will not bo so long as the ( overuor yogscssc' * the veto power , lot ou cannot fall to see that the veto power Is ho governor's strong point. Ho Is running i race with President Cleveland on the veto lower. His opportunities nro not BO frequent is the president's on the larger stage of na- lonal affairs , but the governor manages to Im- irovo hlsopportunltlcs wonderfully. When I vas in the west President Cleveland's record vns 210 votes up to thnt time , but while I was coining from Chicago to Buffalo ho added , I believe , seventeen more to his list md the returns may not yet bo nil In , If .ho New York legislature were in session ho governor might hnvo un opportunity for rivalry , but he Is compelled with chagrin to ; ivo up the race nnd leave the president victor not only over the governor of New York , but over all of his predecessors in the presidential chair for the last century. Paid Their HcspectH to Mrs. Ilarrlxon. I.vitiAxu'ous , Oct. 21 Inclement and tils- igrceablo weather prevailed hero to-day , jut it did not prevent an enthusiastic delega tion of sixty Indies from Terra Huuto from calling this morning upon General and Mrs. ilnrrlson. Their reception by General nnd Mrs. Harrison was entirely informal. No speeches were indulged on cither side. Each 'air visitor was Introduced nnd conversed with General Harrison , while Mrs. Harrison accompanied them through the parlors and related for their cdillcation a history of sev eral antique pictures and curious relics of ho campaign of 1810 , and presents to tbo general since his nomination , with which the rooms abound. In the afternoon General Harrison came lown town , visited his law oflicc , and after wards called at republican headquarters and leld a brief conference with Chairman Hus ton , and several prominent republicans from the First , Second and Tenth congressional listricts. _ Great Preparations for Imbor Day. INDI , Oct. 23-Hepublican ICniglits of Labor and others having in charge the lomonstratlon to take place Thursday , the 25th , known as "Labor Day , " report suc cessful progress. The chief organizer of this lomonstration is H. D. Luyton , of Pittsburg , nn active and prominent ICnlght of Labor , who has been quietly canvassing Indiana for two months in the interest of the republican candidates. A telegram from General B. F , Butler , re ceived to-night , states that ho will bo un- iblo to bo present Thursday , ow- ng to legal engagements in Bos ton , but . ho intimates that ho will visit Indiana before the camp.ilgn closes. It is definitely announced to-night that the nitsido speakers on that day will bo Scna- .ors Blair nnd Spooncr , Hon. William Me- [ Cinley , Congressman Burrows of Michigan , Hon. W. C. ICenworthy of Iowa , ox-general secretary of the ICnlghts of Labor , C. II. Lichtmaii , Hon. Henry Hall , of Mercer , Pa. , Kcclcs Uobinson , nnd a do/cn or moro local speakers. General Harrison will review the parade , which it is anticipated will bo the largest over seen in Lhis city , and has promised to attend the romllnson hall mooting in the evening and make a brief address. Two additional mass incctinsrA will bo held in other halls. Next Saturday has been set aside for rail road men and has boon named "Railroad lay. " A largo attendance is promised by ocal railroad clubs. Thcso demonstrations will practically close General Harrison's campaign. No nisHciiRlon in the Party. Oonr.xsuuiin , N. Y. , Oct. 23. Governor ilill to-night closed tiis speech hero with these words : "They tell you thcro is dissen sion in the party , when the fact is the party in this state was never more united than at the present. They toll you that Gov ernor Hill's friends are "knifing" President Cleveland and that President Cleveland's friends nro "knifing" Governor Hill. It is all bosh. Friends of the st'ito administra tion , friends of the national administration , democrats all , let us set asldo all fooling and march like Macedonian followers , shoulder to shoulder , to the polls , and again wo will [ ilacu the Empire state in the democratic column for Cleveland and Thurman. " Trying to Beat Mills. , Tex , , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to TIIK Bun. ] The union labor and nonpartisan tisan party of the Ninth congressional dls- trici held n convention hero last evening for the announced purpose of nominating a can didate for congress. The following resolu tion was unanimously adopted : Whereas , There is an independent candi date for congress from the Ninth district in the person of Colonel A. Jones ; and , Whereas , Another candidate would Insure the election of Hoger Q. Mills , whom wo re gard as an enemy to the interests of the people ple and good government ; therefore bo it Hcsolvcd , That this convention decline to make any nominations. Texan Tough" Arrested. Rio GUANHK CITV , Texas , Oct. 23. The recent , threatened rise of the Mexican cle ment , which caused so much anxiety and led to the sending hither of state rangers and several sheriffs of neighboring counties with largo posses , has resolved itself into the arrest of twenty-ono of the turbulent crowd , who virtually hold the town. They were ar rested on the charge of conspiracy with in tent to murder , brought up for examination , nnd balled in sums of $ ! > 00 to ? 5,000 to appear at the next sitting of the district court. Editor Garcia , who was shot by Customs Inspector Sobreo in the difficulty which was the occasion of the trouble , is bolicved to be near death's door. A Well-Known Contractor Doad. NEW YOKK , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to TIIK BKI : . ] Bernhard Scott , for many years constable for the oaipanolinjj of coroners' Jurors at Elizabeth , and who was well known as a street and sewer contractor , was seized on Sunday with congestive chill while dressing - ing himself to go to church , and expired a few hours later. Ho leaves two daughters and a son. Will Make a Fant Run. NEW OIIMIANS , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to TIIK Bii.l A contract was signed to-day between the Illinois Central railroad company and George H. Murray , agent for Gilmoro's Twelve Temptations company , by which the former agrees to run a special train from Memphis to New Orleans in eight hours , an average of Hlty miles nn hour , the fastest time for the distance ever made in the south. Makes a Match. NEW YOKK , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to Tun Ben. | Tom Lees , the Australian mid dleweight , and Jack Fallen , the Brooklyn strong boy , met nt the odlce of Richard 1C. Fox yesterday nnd signed articles for a ton- round glove contest , to occur between November 18 and 30 , in this vicinity. The match is for the gate receipts. A Railway Change. NEW You * , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to THE BEI.J W. W. Sterns , late of the Now Jersey Central railroad , assumed the duties of superlntcndentoftho Erie road yes terday , J. H. Barrett , his predecessor , has been promoted to superintendent of trans portatlou. _ ICinpross Frederick Indisposed , BERLIN' , Oct. 2J. [ Special Cablegram to THE B BE. ] Empress Frederick is Indis posed. She was unable to visit tne empress to offer her congratulations upon her birth day , or attend Uio family dinner. Her daughters congratulated the empress on her behalf. Ho RcgiBtcrrd Illegally. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 23. George Gordon , a trump who had registered illegally , was sen tcnced to Sing Sing for two and ono-hal years , An Kpidcmio of Diphtheria. ATHENS , Oct. O. , 23. Tim public schools closed yesterOuy on account of the prcva lence of diphtheria. There was a death Fri day last , IP it TII AH Ttin in fMii i o 1EALTII Ot HIE REGULARS , Some Startling Statistics Prom tbo Surgeon Qonoral's Report. TOO MANY MEN ON SICK LEAVE. A Remedy Suggested Preparations Tor Irrigating the Arid Regions Under the Congressional Ap propriations Colonel Cody. A Long Sick Lint. WASHINGTON BUREAU TiinOviAiiA TlF.B , 513 FoUIlTKBNTnSTnRKT , WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oct. 23. The statement contained in the annual re port of the surgeon general of the army to the effect thnt the average number of men on sick leave in the nrmy of the United States is greater than that of any other nrmy In the clvili/cd world except Great Britain created some astonishment when published hero yesterday , but the statistics show the accuracy of the statement. The average number of days lost from sickness by each Individual In the rank and lllo of the army was fifteen nnd six-tenths. Great Britain nlono shows n higher ratio. Ono reason for this high rate of Illness Is doubt less the condition of the medical corps of the army. The actual number of officers in this corps , from the surgeon general down to the assistant surgeon , is 101. This includes medical directors and medical Inspectors and all the high officials of the corps who do not perform active surgical duty. Of this number sixteen are ofllcially dis abled , eight have already been recom mended for retirement and beside the sixteen there nre twenty others who nro what may bo termed chronic invalids. That Is to say they nro disabled so much of the time that they are physically Incapacitated from looking after the health of the men of any Important post , and are assigned to cither smaller posts or as assistants to other healthier surgeons. The result of all this illness is that the medical corns Is crippled by the practical loss of thirty-six of its men , and the troops are not able to secure the at tention which is due them when ill. The thirty-six should be placed on the retired list , but the retired list is already filled to Its utmost capacity , and besides this , West Point graduates so many men each year who must be provided for that the places on the retired list are generally given to the men who are in the way of thcso young subalterns who cannot bo assigned to the medical corps , inasmuch as invalid ofllccrs on side leave draw full pay , whereas officers on the retired list receive only three quarters' pay. It is urged that con gress would bo performing nn act of economy if It would authori/.o the examination of the retired list to a sufficient degree to enable the invalids to bo weeded out of the active service , thereby creating places for stronger men who could perform the duties to which they are assigned. IIEJLAIMINO THE AUID KECHON. Major Powell , illrcctor of the geological survey , says that ho has sent a number of parties into the country at the headquarters of the Gila river in Arizona , the Rio Grande del Norto in New Mexico , the Walker river in Nevada and the head waters of the Platte and Arkansas in Colorado for the purpose of making maps of the country from which water may bo drawn for the great irrigating reservoirs which it Is proposed to establish for reclaiming the arid regions. Ono hun dred thousand dollars was appropriated for Lhis purpose by congress in the sundry civil bill , but Major Powell has not yet fully de veloped the plan under which ho will proceed. COLONEL CODY'S MOVEMENT. Colonel W. F. Cody , otherwise known as "Buffalo Bill , " arrived hero from Richmond yesterday and left for Now York to-night. From Now York ho will proceed at once to Nebraska. The colonel lias not yet decided whether to take his show to Paris , where ho has a very flattering offer , or remain in this country during the next season. MINOK M\TTiilS. : The comptroller of the currency has ap proved the selection of the Chicago National bank of Chicago as a reserve agent for the State National bank of Lincoln , Neb. Nebraska nnd Iowa Pensions. WASHINGTONOct. . 2.1. [ Special Telegram to THE BKE.I Nebraska pensions : Gcorgo W. Winand , Baavcr Crossing. Increase Fletcher S. Biddlc , Arcadia ; Alfred Mosley , Shicklcy. Original widows etc. Annie R. , mother of William H. Lane , Pleasant Hill. Mexican survivors John Hitter , Cowles. Iowa pensions : Original invalid Henry Tuttlc , DCS Molnes ; Thomas Holland , Morn- ineSun ; Philip L. Stech , Now York. In crease John Dutchor , Homer ; Ichabod S. Presser , Hartlett Station ; Francis M. Walker , Pleasanton ; Peter G. Lamb , New ton. Original widows etc. Mary W. , mother of Elliott H. Callender , Lyons ; Mnrenrct , widow of August H. Older , Coun cil Bluffs. Nebraska and Iowa Patent * . WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to TIIK HUE ] Iowa and Nebraska patents : Gustavo Andreen , Omaha , mechanism for operating shutters ; Edward U. Collins , Konesaw , Neb. , combined sand truck and weighing scale ; Alvin Dcwitt , Elliott , la. , reel for fence wire ; Eli G. Heller , Hastings , Nob. , letter box ; John G. Henderson , Kco- kuk , In. , roll paper holder and cutter ; John Thomas , Cedar Rapids , la. , harness pad ; Archlo L. Whitticr , Russell , la. , machine for reeling and unreeling wire : Daniel Wilde , Washington , la. , grain weighing machine ; Willford W. Yokom , New Hartford , la. , assignee to F. C. Austin , Chicago , 111. , steam generator. Jon Dickinson's Stumping Tour. WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. The postmaster general went to Now York this morning. From there ho will go to Detroit , whcro lie will deliver a political address next Satur day. Ho will not return until after election. A New Nebraska Postmaster. WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to THE BKE.J Gancollo C.Wright was to day appointed postmaster nt Scotia , Grccloy county , Neb. , vice Lawrence J. Fraycr , re- HE CAUG TA TARTAR. Mr. AdkiiiBOn's Reply to Ills Wife's Petition Tor Divorce. IsniANAi'OLis , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to TIIE BEE.J Some weeks ago Mrs. Flor ence Adklnson , the well known equal suf fragist , died a suit against her husband , un attorney of this city , for divorce. Ho has filed a reply , which constitutes ono of the most peculiar documents over submitted by a defendant. Ho says in part : "I was thrown upon my own resources at an early ago and , becoming acquainted with my wife , who was older and moro experienced in the ways oi the world than I , she ensnared mo into mar riage. It was an unreasonable , unnatural , unnhilosophlcal , unhappy and an Illstarrcd marriage. She thought women should not keep house , cook , wash , sew or mend ; they should bo doctors , lawyers , pol iticians , electors , congressmen , sheriffs , pence Justices , and sit on Juries. Accordingly she refused to cook ; in fact , practiced what she preached ; followed mo disguised in wigs nnd male attire , and frequently Interrupted mo when I was making speeches. " Ho then records numerous instances of 111-trentmont , saying that slip wanted him to have his lifo Insured , and then die , so she might get the benefit of the insurance ; that she drove him away from homo on .different occasions. It conclusion , ho says the divorce suit brought by her is a conspiracy to rob him ; that t > ho is Already boasting bovv she is going to carrj tbo cose by storm by tragic picadloi ; . . BY CAN MS JMGHT. Two Young Spnnifli JQIooiIn Settle n Dispute- With Pistols. Ifonvrfu/if / JSSS t > n Jamet ( Ionian Itennttt 1 BIAIIHITZ , Oct. 23. JNew York Her ald Cable Special to > Tnn BEE 1 A very exciting duel c.iinc off here last night. Two young Spanish gentlemen at a soiree in the villa of Baron do Boo got Into n warm dls- mtc about a young Spanish lady , and a duel jccame inevitable. Duelling pistols wcro obtained , and the two gcntlemci walked out Into the garden , nnd six .ightcd . candclabrus wcro so placed as to enable them to see to aim. Two balls wcro exchanged by candlelight. Ono of the ndversarlcs was shot through the right shoulder , but not seriously wounded. The seconds were his highness Prince Olden burg , of Russia , a cousin of the c/ar , Don Alfonso do Allamu , nn officer in the cuiras siers , the Comto do Lesser , brother of a rich Spanish banker , nnd the Due do Tnmnncs , n ? randco of Spain nnd a nenr relative of ex- Empress Eugenie's father. Biarritz Is de lightfully warm nnd sunny nnd seabathing is still In full swing. To Inquire Into Her Sanity. [ Cojiitaht HAS t > u J < im' O mlon ilemi'tt.l PAiii , Oct. 23. [ New York Herald Cable- Special to Tin : BEI : . ] Mrs. Bloomfleld Moore will shortly undergo n critical exam ination by Paris specialists to prove her com plete sanity. Testimony will be used nt the trial in Vienna In her suit to recover pos session of her Insane daughter , the divorced wife of M. Dcblldt , a Swedish diplomat. The Swedish guardian of Mme. Dobildt claims that Mrs. Moore is mentally unbalanced and not the proper custodian of her daughter. Among other things she charges that she gave Immense sums to Keely , the visionary Philadelphia inven tor. In nn interview with n Herald corre spondent to-day Mrs. Moore gave the his tory of her troubles with her daughter's bus- Dand. She denied that she gave SoOO.OOO to Keoly , and said altogether the sum was not over ? 'J5,003. Part of this sum was to have been used to found n library in memory of her father at Westlleld , Mass. The rest was saved from her husband's estate. She says she is living economically now in Paris and saving money The Von DerKinanii Interview. [ Copi/rfuM 1SS3 by James Ciordan li'iinrtl , ' ] LONDON , Oct. 23. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun BEC.I The Daily Chronicle says : "Tho Paris Now York Her ald of ycsterdny contains the onginnl text nnd translation of u statement made by Prof. Yon Borgmann admitting the authenticity of the communication mode by him October 13 to the Berlin correspondent of the above named newspaper with reference to Sir Mor- rcll Mackenzie's book on Wednesday last. Our correspondent telegraphed that It was something more than.infurrcd in the German capital that the interview-as it app3arcd in the Herald was nn invention. Prof. Von Bcrgmann's statement , which , moreover , is witnessed by Mr. Coleman , secretary of the American legation in Berlin , will probably convince those who doubted the veracity of the report of the groundlessness of their sus picions. J The Pnrnoll Commliulon. LONDON , Oct. 33. Qa the "reassembling ot the Purnoll commission to-day the attorney general continued with the presentation of the Times' case. Ho said Parnell's ' support ers hud been trying to exhibit him us ono who stood aloof fromianti-rent nnd plan of campaign agitators , but the fact was as far back ns 1SSU Parnoll had led the anti-rent movement , and In a speech in County Kerry in that year ho had told his hearers thnt the land league had plenty of money to defend those tenant farmers who refused to pay their rent. Ho referred to the Barryclough meeting in 1SS1 and siid at that time Parncll and his colleagues did not conceal their sym pathy with the leaguers' emissaries in crime. The attorney general reviewed the history of the league and quoted from the alleged Parnell letters which' appeared in the Times. Ho said that before the case was over all the circumstances under which the Times became possessed of the letters would bo explained , and the names of the persons from whom they wcro obtained would bo made known. He declared that before the letters were published they were compared with other of Parnell's ' writings , and it was agreed that they wcro undoubtedly speci mens of his penmanship. The French Chamber of Deputies. PAHIS , Oct. 23. General Boulanger was present in the chamber of deputies to-day. Baron Soube.vrnn stated that the enormous proportions of the public debt demanded re ductions in government staffs , and the sale of state railways. M. Roche , reporter of the budget committee , declared that the criti cisms were exaggerated. It was not French expenditures alone that wore increasing. All European budgets were augmenting. Europe has been transformed into u vast in trenched camp. Franco wns not free in her movements. She was-bound by the fatality of events , nnd it was impossible to isolnto herself ns un island before the menacing coalitions. He appealed to the patriotism of the members of the Chambers to pass the budgets. Roche's speech was greeted with cheers. ; The Wurteinuerg Court Scandal. BEIH.IN , Oct. 23. The Neueste Nachrlch- ten , of Munich , publishes a sensational nr- ticlo in relation to the Wurtembcrg court scandals. It denounces the favoritism shown by the king of Wurtemberg to three Americans , who , is gays , by means of spirit ualism have gained nn enormous influence over the invalid monarch , which they nro using for blackmailing purposes. It says that 0110 of them , who was formerly secretary - tary in the American , legation at Stuttsgart , has recently been ennobled. No Occasion For Alarm. I3r.Hii.v , Oct , 23. The Post says there is no reason for alarni-ovcr the reported prepa ration for the transfer of Russian troops toward the Austrian anil German frontiers. It is asserts thoRussian government de cided upon these movements last spring. It also says the probability ; of any Russian warLord - Lord Dlllorij'e Tenants. Dtrni.iN , Oct. 23. ' [ Sjieplal Cablegram to Tin : BEE. | At a mooting'of league delegates nt Ballyhaunls yesterday it was decided that Lord Dillon's tenants .should offer to pay their rents less UO per cent. If the offer is refused they aro'advjf ed to demand a reduc tion of 40 per cent nnder the plan of cam paign , and to pajf nothing until the evicted tenants have been reinstated. The Marriage Abandoned. VIENNA , Oct. 23. ji'ho New Free Prc so says the idea of msrriage between Prince Alexander of Uuttonuurg nnd Princess Vic toria , sister of the Gannon emperor , has been abandoned , j A Hlg HtriKo Threatened. LONDON , Oct. 23. [ Special Cablegram to TIIK BEC. | An agitation for an Increase of wages is being started among the Claycross coal miners. Thousands threaten to strike , Parncll'a Mbcl Suit. EniNnuita , Oct. 23. The action for libel brought by Parnell in the Scotch courts ngamtit the London 'Times was opened hero to-day , , BY TRAITORS IN HIS CAMP , The Sago of Arbor Ledge Is Doing Knlfod. WHY CALHOUN FIGHTS HIM. Opening of the Doraey-Wcathcrby Debute A Cutting AtTrny at Ua- kuta City Fremont Has aNew Now 1 tunic. Democrats Fighting Morton. NEIIHASKA CITV , Nob. , Oct. ' , ' 3. [ Special to Tun BUE. ] The light in the democratic ranks Is dally becoming moro bitter and con sequently interesting. While Nebraska City and Otoo county nro enthusiastic for J. Sterling Morton for congress regardless of party limitations , that gentleman finds his most bitter opponents in his own party through Jealousies or fear of an honest man. Ucccntly Mr. Morton called the attention of the department at Washington to the un necessary delay in the completion of the government postoflleo in this city and the consequent dissatisfaction to the citUens Tito assertion was made , and investigation proved it , that the delay was often inten tional and deliberate to prolong n pet government job for the superintend ent of construction nnd his assistant. The department ofllelal was heard from on the subject , and in consequence Mr. Morton has several members of his party in this city who are betting against his election , and are working hard to bring It about. In conversation with Tills Hin : correspond ent Mr. Morton stated that from undoubted information he learns that Internal Kcvenuo Collector Calhoun is working against him with might and main , and using what influ ence he has in his olllciul capacity to this end. Calhoun's clerks and deputies have been given the cue , and some who have re cently lost their situations assert that it was because of their love for Morton. Calhoun 1ms always been Morton's most bitter political and personal enemy , caused by an ungrateful ambition through lack of ability , to attain the position in national polit ical eminence reached by his rival. Mr. Morton says ho considers It a compliment to himself to have it known by every decent democrat throughout the district who it is that fight * him in his own party. Ho says ho should feel disgraced to have some of the alleged democrats in this city nnd district , who arc now opposing him , hurrah for Mor ton. On the whole the light on Martin by his own party is decidedly interesting to re publicans. The county campaign is also waxing de cidedly warm a'ld everything is favoring the republican candidates. The legislative ticket , with one possible exception , will bo elected. Every day adds to the strength of the tickets. The Hon. Paul Schminke , al though "out of politics , " could not resist the temptation to tuko the sturnu again and is doing effective work for the ticket among the Germans. He has brought out the record of sonio of the democratic legislative candidates in a manner that is politically paralyzing. He has learned that the pet candidate on the democratic ticket , u brewer , was forced to leave the state of Iowa less than two years ago because of indictments by the grand jury for violations of the prohibitory laws , and that one indictment and line cost him 91)0. ) The Superior Celebration. Sr E ion , Neb. , Oct. 23. [ Special to THK BEE. ] Following Is itfa ; prosramm.ajfgj-jy Q.A ; ; H reunlon'and' fair to' 'be"lield hero October 23 , 24'arid 25 In honor pf the arrival of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley and Santa Fe railroads at Superior : Tuesday , October 23 : 7 a. in. , reveille ; 7:30 : a. in. , roll call ; S a. m. , breakfast call ; On. in. cannonading ; 10 a. m. , general assembly ; music , Northwestern band ; music , vocal ; prayer , Uev. Vincent ; music , vocal ; address of wclcono , E. E , Adams ; address W. C. Henry , department co tnmandcr12m. ; , dinner. Afternoon Trotting three minute class , purse $100 ; lirst $00. second $30 , third $10. Runningonehalf mile , two In three ; purse $ : > ( ) , lirst $ 'i5 , second $15 , third $10. Trot ting , 2:40 : class ; purse $100 , llrst $00 , second $130 , third * 10. Five p. m. , exhibition and drill by Superior Light guards ; S p. in. , camp lire. Wednesday , October 24 Reveille , 7 a. m. ; roll call , 7:30 : a. m. ; breakfast call , 8 a. tn. ; cannonading , 0 a.m. ; general assembly , 10 u. m. ; music , Northwestern baud ; music , vocal ; prayer. Rev. Whitmor ; music , vocal ; ad dress , Hon. James Laird : dinner. Afternoon : racing ; 40 : ! p. m. , general dress parade , old veterans ; camp fire , 8p. in. ; old songs ; short addresses. Thursday , October 25 : Koveille , 7 a. in. ; roll call , 7:30 : n. m. ; breakfast call , 8 a. m. ; cannonading , ! ) a. m. ; general assembly , 10 a. m. ; music. Northwestern band ; music , vocal ; prayer , Rov. Whitmor ; music , vocal ; ad dress , JohnM. Thayer ; dinner ; races ; strike tents. Another Hank in Fremont. BBEMOXT , Neb. , Oct. 23. [ Special to THE BEE. ] A now banking company was or ganized in Fremont last night. It is com posed of a largo number of the solid business men nnd farmers of this section as stockhold ers nnd will begin operations with a paid-up capital of $100,000. The new concern is called the German-American bank , and is being or ganized under the state law , with the inten tion of eventually making it n national bank. The oftlcers elected to man the new enter prise are as follows : President , E. Schur- man ; vice president , C. Christcnsen ; cashier , Junlus Rogers ; board of directors , the fore going olllcers and Manley Hogers , William Huwe , W. C. Halbpy , H. Archer , J. H. ICochnhack , J. 1) . McDonald and Junius Hogers. The bank opens for business next Monday. This gives Fremont four banks , with a total paid-up capital of $4(10,000. ( Republican Hnllles. STUAHT , Neb. , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to TIIK BEE. | The largest nnd most enthusi astic political demonstration ever held in this town occurred here on last Saturday night under the auspices of the republican clubs. After a torchlight procession un attentive and appreciative audience of at least live hundred persons , including many ladles , as sembled at tha opera house , where addresses wcro delivered by Hon. L. I. Shannon , the republican nominee for state senator from the Thirteenth district , Hon. A. E. Hlco and Colonel 1) . W. Johnson. To-morrow night the republican club , with four horse teams , flags , banners , u log cabin , torches and music , goes to Atkinson to participate in a grand rally , where Senator Mandcrsoii and Hon. G. D. Meiltlejohn are advertised to speak. Died From an Overdose. FHEMONT , Neb. , Oct. 23. [ Special to TIIK Hiram Ward , aged about sixty-live years , who lives with H. S. Peavey , his son- in-law , in this city , died this afternoon from the effects of an ovcrdoso of morphine. Yes terday morning he was found in bed , uncon scious , by his daughter. After a long effort by his physician to restore him to conscious ness ho was sufficiently nroufccd to bUte that ho hud-taken an overdose of the drug by ac cident. He has been In the habit of taking small doses of it almost dally , and it is sup posed that the overdose was taken when ho went to bed the night before. Ward was un old soldier , who was badly shattered by bullets. Tilt ! Dorany-Wcathcrhy Debate. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Hci.J : The first Dorscy- Weathcrby Joint political debate occurred here last night. The speakers had n crowded house. Dorsoy downed his opponent nt every turn and made n speech which was well rg- ceived hero. This county is good foir.800 republican - publican majority this full. A Perkins' County Itpir. Git ANT , Nob. , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to TUK JJjjB.J-N lias Just reached -tills place from Highland precinct , n remote part of this county , that nt n school meeting Sat- irdny an affray occurred between J. H. Masters and A. H. Jason. Masters drew his revolver to shoot Jason. So fur as learned lobouy was killed. Will Support tin ; Democrat. STIUTTON , Neb. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Hir. : . ] The republicans of the iixty-seveiith representative district met at iVmuiotn In mass convention to-day to con sider the matter of putting an Independent candidate in the Hold against C. W. Meeker. The meeting was composed of all shades of lolittelaus. and resulted in little good , but It vas agreed that the nntl-Meokers should sup- iurt the democratic nominee. Pled of Ills In.nrlpn. | Fiir.MONT , Neb. , Oct. 23. [ Special to Tim Hr.n.1 Ono of the men , Thomas Hoc , voundcd in the Hooper catastrophe of Satnr- lay evening , died last evening nt about 0 o'clock , making four victims. Daniel Lcnlg , ho other wounded man , Is in n very critical condition and there is small hope of his ro covery. _ Not llio Flroman. HASTINOS , Neb. , Oct. S. ) . [ Special to Tun lii : J The S. S. Green , of Ashland , who vas killed In the wreck near Axtcll Sunday light , was a stockman riding in the caboose of the llrst section and not a fireman on the engine of the second as there stated. The name has not been learned , A Cult Ing AITray. DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , Oct. 23. [ Special i'ologram toTm : HKI : . ] A serious cutting affray occurred at Homer to-day , in which "Jeorgo Lampson received seven gashes icross the breast and abdomen from n knife n the hands of Chris Christoplierson. llutlcr at MoCook. McCooK , Neb. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Hni : . | Ex-Governor Hutlcr ipoko hero this evening to n fair audience. [ Us theories on taxation llnd many believers icro and the labor vote will bo largo. TIIK DAKOTA TRAIN IlOUnEHS. Two or Them \Valvo Examination A Howard For Dougherty. ncADWoon , Dak. , Oct. 23. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK HKK.J The preliminary exam- nation of the train robbers terminated to lay by the attorneys for the defense waiving further examination. Nickorson nnd Telford were held each In $5,000 ball to answer at the coming term of court. Young , as an acces sory before the fact , was held in $300 bail. The evidence was very strong against them. Superintendent I. J. Grier of the Homstako company comes out to-night with an offer of $1,000 for the wounded bandit Dougherty , dead or alive. Steamer Sunk. New Youic , Oct. 23. The steamer Atlas , of the Atlas line , bound from Port Lemon , iuvlnglcft that port on the 13th inst. , was sunk this evening oil Vescy street. The steamer was struck on the starboard bow by the ferry boat Central , and In ten minutes the Atlas sank. The ferry boat struck the steamer bow on. The only thing to bo seen of the sunken vessel nro the topmasts nnd funnels. The Atlas was coining up the river nt slow speed. There was n fog nt the time. Tho" steamer was about tt)0 ) yards out from the docks. The bow 'Qfj ' the Central crajhed Into AH 9 an on ttttiU"11 } ] pfttoblUco so many piece * of TjoaroV For ni second or two the Atlas trembled artd then began to sink 'bow llrst , so that soon the propeller was out of the water. When the collision occurcd all hands on board the Atlas were ordered on deck. The cngineor obeyed the summons without stopping the engine , so that the propeller whirled round in the air. In this position the steamer re mained for about live minutes. The vessel then plunged forward and went down , ap parently settling on an easy keel. As the bteamcr begun to sink the crew and nil hands took to the rigging. Just at this Juncture a tugboat steamed alongside and took off all on board. Warrants for Railroad Men. MAUCII CHUNK , Pa. , Oct. 23. The district attorney of Carbon county shortly after mid night last night issued warrants for the ar rest of Henry Cook and Thomas Major , en gineers ; John Mulhcarn and Joseph Pohl , lookouts ; James Hannlgan , flagman , nnd Charles Terry nnd Joseph Kcithllnc , conduc tors , charging them with gross negligence and willful misconduct , which resulted in the killing and injuring of many persons. WII.KKSIIAHUI : , Pa. . Oct. 23. ICnginecrs Cooke and Major , Comluctors Terry and Kcitlilliia and James Hannlgan , brakcman , who wcro found guilty of negligence by the coroner's Jury investigating the Mud-Hun disaster , were arrested hero this morning nnd taken to Mauch Chunk. Held the Conductor Responsible. PiTTSnuno , Oct. 33. The coroner's jury in the case of tbo recent railroad disaster at Washington , Pa. , rendered a verdict last night , placing the responsibility the acci dent on Conductor Heck of the shifting en gine nnd charging him with involuntary manslaughter in causing the deaths of En gineer Noonan and Fireman McAullffo. The coroner has issued u warrant for Heck's ' arrest. Train Wreckers at Work. ST. Loris , Mo. , Oct. 23. A month since an effort was made to wreck the Wabash western passenger train nt a point near Mexico ice , Mo. , and the attempt partially succeeded , several passengers being seriously injured. Now comes two more attempts of a like kind nt the same place , the Chicago , ft Alton being chosen this time. Last night the engineer of ttio Chicago ft Alton pas sengcr train discovered the obstructions in time to save his train. They wcro removed and the next train warned. When the seo- end tram reached the spot it was found that the obstructions had been replaced. Detec tives arc hunting for the ticnue. Conn Alter the Money. BOSTON , Oct. 23. Inspector Watts , of the police headquarters , armed with n pick ax , shovel nnd diagram , started yesterday for Montreal. . It has leaked out that ho has gone in search of the pot , which was secrctet by "Old Joo" Fowle , nnd which Is said to contain $8,000 in gold , the result of-Fowlo's various swindling operations In this city. Sent Utck to China. SAN FIIANCISCO , Oct. 23. Fifteen of the flfty-ono Chinese who wcro released from the steamer Hclzle last week on the plea that they were merchants , wcro remanded to Cliina to-day by United States Circuit Judge Sawyer , nt the request of their attorney who admitted the men could not bo clussct as merchants. Conspirator * Sentenced. Duni.iN" , Oct. 23. Twelve men were to-day sentenced to six months with hard labor In SVicklow Jail for conspiring to compel a farmer to leave his farm. Two arrests have been made in connection with the murder of Hruen on the 22d inst. at Collonoy , county Sllgo. PrnlHcd lly the Popo. ROM if , Oct , 23 , The p.ip3 , in donating $ 0,000 to the anti-slavery movement , has written to Cardinal Lavigerio In terms of praise and encouragement of the scheme , in which he was commissioned by tbo pope to Invite the co-operation of Europo. Three Moro HudicH Recovered. HOMK , Oct. 23. The bodies of a lady and two Belgian monks from the Protrasanda monastery at Naples have been found at the scene of the land slide near Potoiuu. Two of the injured have died at the hospital , 'making 'iVho wcro killed. , - . - A ROUND HALF MILLION GONE , "Pnpn la In CautuUi , Toll Mnmu Not to Worry. " 1 1 HUGE DEFALCATION IN OHIO. | The City Treasurer of Cleveland ; Leave * for Parts Unknown With Ilia Poukctft Full of Money Other Moudlcrlcs , A Olgnntlc Steal. j Ci.r.VEi.AND , Oct. 23. Thomas Axworthy In city treasurer and very prominent , both as u business man and a democratic politician. It ) Is a common remark that whatever ho touches turns into gold. Ho lias vessels , real estate , coal mines , iron ranges and other valuable Investments. He has been absent for sonio time nnd rumor has been busy with his name. Saturday the mayor's clerk submitted to the city board of revision n par- tlal report of his investigations into the bust- ness methods of municipal ofllclals. Still Axworthy was out of town nnd yesterdny morning the Inquiry wns , "Whore is the city treasurer i" His business and official associ ates declared ho wns in Now York nnd was stopping nt the Windsor hotel. A telegram of Inquiry was sent to that hotel and the answer returned that Axworthy hud arrived September 21) , Inf the morning , and had departed in the even ing for Montreal , Quebec. There all tracci of him were lost. Meanwhile his bondsmoii began to investigate. They are United Statca Senator Payne and J , H. Wade , jr. , and are pledged for $ T > ( K > , OUO. They , together with the lending city officials and attorneys , were In consultation all night. Each refused to say a word about the meeting. The finance coin- niitteo of the common council , after n hasty examination of the books , state they believe ) that the loss to the city by reason of Ax worthy's disappearance is JSUO.OOO. SenatoB Payne nnd J , H. Wnde , Jr. , the bondsmen , early this morning Hied petitions nnd affidavit * in the common pleas court , praying for an aw tnchment against Axworthy's vessels , row cstato and other property. The schooner Re public and three quarters Interest in the ) schooner Page were attached and his money and stocks in local banks wcro garnlsliccu. The sheriff is now attaching tha real property of the missing treasurer , in cluding his ( arm outside the city limits and his summer residence on Lake avenue. Tha National Bank of Commerce also began sultj for $ f > , OJO to recover a promissory note they had discounted. It is said Axworthy had $200,000 with him. Lnto tills afternoon it wns announced thnt of the $ S7ii,8b7.0-l turned over to the treasuroo and by him deposited in the bank , only $147- 450.05 mummed on deposit. The shortage , therefore , amounts to $42ti,437.5'.t. The pot lice pension fund and the firemen's ' relief fuml.whlch were unsecured by bondaro gone , and over $102,000 of the board of educatioii fund goes into the shortage. This last item ) , is secured by n separate bond of $250,000 , with Silas Chamberlain and T. P. Iiandy ns sureties. It is believed thnt Axworthy's vessel property and real estate will inventory nearly foW.OOO , and the bondsmen , nro secured , The city will probably lose nothing as the bonds are good. No trace of the missing man has been secured. It is assorted that ho 'is in Liverpool , Ent- land , on his way to Belgium , nnd thnt ho la well provided with ready'mnnoy. ' Acnble- grainJinownyto--havo'beon-from him , was received by ono of his married daughters oh Saturday last , dated Liverpool , which re.\d \ : "Papa is in Canada ; tell mama nbt t'o worry. " ' It is rumored , but the rumor lias not boAi conlirmoJ , that Axworthy lost heavily in the recent wheat squtc/c , and that he was in tllo Gogebic iron crash for n largo sum. Tlw common council met to-night to trtko nctidni in the premises. It was decided to declare ! the office of treasurer vacant , and that will bo done as sooi : as the proper resolutions can bo passed , when a temporary treasurer will bo appointed to fill out Axworthy's term. ' Stole to Keep From Starving. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 23. [ Special Tolograin ) to THE Bii : : . ] Michael Evers had stolen sonio gloves Irom the Bee Hive in Newark , and while attempting to soil them on the street was arrested. Ho had committed tha theft because his wife and six children in New York , whore ho lived , were starving , and ho had no food to give them. Ho had never stolen in his lifo before , and only thd hunger of his family could induce him to. commit such an act. Even as the unfortu nate man was speaking his wife entered the court room with tears streaming doxvn her face. To her breast she clasped a baby. Be hind he/ were live other children , all emaci ated. Evcrs could hardly control himself at the sight of the family , and tears welled up in his eyes. Judgment was not passed upon , himself , and ho was r > vi'i md bacK to the pen. Gigantic Rallrou. . < > iuiil Discovered. EAtii.i : PARH , Tex. , Oct. 23. A wholesale ) system of freight robbery has been discov ered on the Mexican Central railway , which has been carried on for the past two years. The total loss to the company is in the neigh borhood of ioO.OCO. Three conductors , brakcman. nnd u former agent of the road are In Jail , and twenty or thirty moro em ployes of the road are likely to bo arrested. Another Defaulter Arrested. EAST StniXAW , Mich. , Oct. 23. Albert Shaver , ex-county treasurer of Clare , Is un der arrest on the charge of appropriating be tween Sl.OOO and $1,300 of county funds dur ing his term of office In Ib84. On the night of May 14 , 1684 , Shaver was found bound and gagged in hm office , and ho declared ho had been robbed of $4,000. His story wns not generally believed , and the present arrest is the result of inves tigations binco mado. Bedell Pleads Guilty. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 23. James E. Bedell , tha real cstato clerk ot the law firm of Shlpman , Barlow , Laroquo & McFurland , whq robbed his employers' clients of about { 2 < > 4,000 on fraudulent deeds , was ar raigned in the court of general sessions to-day , Thcro nro fourteen indictment * against him and ho pleaded guilty of forgery in the llrst degree. Ho was remanded for sentence. Bedell will bo used as n witness in the trial of Emerson < fc Goss , policy deal ers , witii whom ho alleged ho spent ovetf $120,000 of the proceeds of his thefts. A Swindling Farmer Skips. Fniious FAM.S , Minn , Oct. 23. Ole C. Lomsdnlcn , one of the best known farmers in this vicinity , nnd ono whoso credit has been heretofore perfectly good , has loft the country. His liabilities are estimated ub $50.000 , and among his creditors are three of ! the city banks nnd n number of local money lenders. Lomsdalcn is thought to bo worth $70,000. It is learned that ho disposed of all his grain and live stock at a sacrifice prior V his departure. * Will Vlsl&t. Pan ! . DST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BBH. | A special excursion train of tour buffctt sleepers and n dining car loft St. Joseph at 0 o'clock to-night for St. Paul over the Chicago , St. Paul & ICan sas City railroad. The train was placed at the disposal of prominent St. Joseph business men , the city council and officers , and the n wspapcr men , The train will nrrlvo at St. Paul to-morrow afternoon nnd will bo met nt the union depot by a delegation of businessmen mon , nnd conducted to this board of trade. Friday the party will visit Minneapolis , nnd will start for St. Joseph Saturday afternoon , A Mall Clerk Arrested. NEW YOIIK , Oct 23. John II. Wilkins , clerk in the railway mall service on the Noy ' York ft Plttsburg railroad , was arrested hero to-day , charged , with an attempt to rllU " ' a letter , , ' . ' . , . >