Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The internnl revenue collections yes
terday amounted to $7,41.R4. ! !
The exiunlnntlon of applicants for po
sitions in the employ of the government
will take place to-day in Uio poat-
OlllCO buildllf ! , ' .
Owing to the non-arrival of Miss
Alwino Heynoldwhowas to Imvo iilivyou
with the German company at Uoyd a
Sunday ni ht , the performance was
deferred until next Sunday night.
Thirteen car loads of tin plate ware
have been received at the custom house.
Six came yesterday. Throe of them
wore for Uoctor-Wilholmy company ,
two for -\rmour , Cudahy & Co. , and the
other IB subject to order.
Some of the men at the county hos
pital have boon laid oil. The plans for
the roof are not on hand , and they can
not proceed with the work. The arch
itect was wired Saturday and an-
Bworod that the plans would start west
ward to-day.
Personal I'nrajrnpi1' ( ) .
F. Kcnl , of Ornfton , Is tit the Murray.
K. O. I.utiil , of Mnrion , is at the Murray.
J. F. Allen , of Fremont , U fit the Murray.
T. M. Cooke , of Lincoln , Is at the MillarU.
C. J , Yamlull , of Aurora , Is tu the I'axton.
G. M. Stanton , of Carroll , Is at the Mur
ray.W. . O. Strolini , of Beatrice , is at the Mur
ray.John McManigal , of Lincoln , is at the Pax-
\V. A. Kuclcr , of Fairmont , Is at the Pax-
Cl. P. Hell , of Grand Island , Is at the Mll-
O. O. Hcffncr , of Nebraska City , ! s at the
Pax ton.
W. H. Kllii.itrick , of Ue.itricc , Is at the
Willlnin Stcngur , of Wi)3t Point , is at the
J. G. Kninc , of Grand Island , is at the
Kay and wife , of Fremont , arc at the
L. 1) . Murr and wife , of Fremont , arc at
the Paxton.
I ) . K. Thompson and W. M. Leonard , of
Lincoln , aiu ut tlio Muriay.
William Leonard and IX E. Thompson , of
Lincoln , are at thu Paxton.
II. P. Hall , formerly of tlio Globe , of St.
Paul , Minn. , is at the Paxton.
Fred Hichtor , who has been visiting friends
In this city , has ruturnud to his homo at
Qulnry , 111.
John L. Carson , accompanied by I ) . II.
Murcur , loft for Pittsbur } , ' ycstunlny , at
which plnco Mr. Carson will wed Miss Klin
Tftggait Thursday next.
ColliiiH1 Money.
Nelson Jean , of Plattsmonth , denies that
C. II. Collins , who recently disappeared , had
borrowed $ . H ) from him. Ho says that what
ever money Collins had belonged to himself.
This Copper Wire.
On Saturday last the Motor line on the
Omaha and Council HlulTs bridge was under
laid with a heavy copper wire to keep up the
connection for the electric current , which
could not otherwise be maintained , owing to
the Hpaco between the rails for expansion
purposes. _ _ _ _ _
A Missing Mother.
A German with a immo that sounds like
Peter Huhc , is looking for his wife. She left
their home at Thirty-second and liurt streets
last Friday evening and there are three
email children mourning her loss. Peter
thinks she is "not right In the head , " but
she know enough to take bis pockctbook
with i'25. Ho has an idea that she went to
Nebraska City with a handsomer man.
Did Not Suicide.
John Kraft , the saloonkeeper from Grand
Island who disappeared and was thought to
have drowned himself In the river at this
place Saturday night , has been restored to
the arms of his family In safety. Ho wns
found a short way below South Omaha , wan
dering about the fields about 0 o'clock yes
terday morning , and was Drought to this city
and from hero ho was taken to his homo at
Grand Island yesterday afternoon. When
questioned concerning bis exploit and whore
lie had been ho could not state. At the time
ho was discovered ho was indifferent about
returning to Omaha , or to his homo. It Is
thought that his mind is deranged and his
family has been warned to keep a close look
out for him. _
Oinalin GunrtlH Mnznar.
Mrs. Joseph Darker has appointed the fol
lowing committees from the patronesses of
the great bauar to bo held next month : Art
and Fancy Articles Mrs. Ilov. C. II. Gard
ner , chairman , Mrs. Frank Colpetzer , Mrs.
Fred Nye , Mrs. C. E. Squires , Mrs. Dr. E.
W. Lee , Mrs. General Wlioaton , Mrs. J. N.
II. Patrick , Mrs. General Brooke.
Flowers Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock , chairman ,
Mrs. Clement Chase , Mrs. J. M. Metcalf.
Uefroskmcnts Mrs. E. II. Sherwood ,
chairman , Mrs. George A. Iloagland , Mrs.
Clark Woodman.
Confectionery Mrs. J. M. Woolworth ,
chairman , Mrs. II. L ) . Estabrook , Mrs. Her
man Kountrc. Mrs. C. L. Perry is secretary
of the general ladies committee ,
The Woultl-uo Wife Murderer.
Walter Edwards , the negro bootblack at
the Murray , charged with attempting to mur
der his wife , was arraigned before the police
court yesterday afternoon. Ho asked torn
continuance , claiming that ho would have to
employ another attorney. The attorney
whom ho first employed , Alex Green , took
from him his watch and chain ana pin , since
which time ho has not seen Green. Tlio case
was continued until next Monday. Mr.
Green says that ho has attended to the case ,
and was in his ofllco when Edwards was
called to court , and that ono of the court odl-
ccrs promised to call him but failed to do so.
Ho fully intends to earn his money , and
merely took the Edwards' Jewelry to secure
his fee at Edwards' suggestion.
Down to Hard Pan.
Commission merchants say there has been
very little trouble In enforcing the weekly
payment rule to Uato , and that It works very
satisfactorily. The wholesale grocers' as
sociation has decided to require payment of
accounts , bought during the month , to bo
made on the 1st of the ensuing month In
stead of from the 10th to the -Oth as hereto
fore. The Jobbers say these rules may ap
pear hard to those who aru unable to comply
with them , but they believed that the bettor
class of retailers. In fact by
the majority of them , that in the end great
boncllt will result. A few of the smaller
traders with Insuftlclcnt capital will go out
of business. All of the retailers hero who
have adopted the cash system , it Is saidhave
made money more rapidly than those who
have ex tended credit frcclyand the tendency
of the times Is to reduce sales In cities of
largo size to a cash basis as nearly as pos
Ttev. Wlllnril Scott In Itondon and
SpiirKonn'a Tabernacle.
Rev. Wlllard Scott delivered a lecture Sun
day night in St. Mary's Avenue Congregation
al church on "Sundays m England , " being a
reforcnco to his experience In London and
Canterbury , the political and ecclesiastical
heads of England. Speaking of the former
placebo said : \Vo had also a Sunday In Lon
don , monstrous London , furlongs , miles ,
leagues , leagues upon leagues of city , city ,
city. Will it never end I Monstrous com
pactness , density of human lives , streets ,
courts , alloys , lanes , the only London. Talk
of being lost on a moor sooner than bo alone
in London , What a place , anil I sometimes
> ee I never know tbo meaning till lately ,
"Alonom London ] "
Describing Spurgoon , " his tabernacle and
his methods , the speaker said : In wo go
with the others , and the aim Is for tbo first
y , as there nvo two. The house holds
WO pe wr TO ca
floor. Yet we cannot get sittings together ,
although we nro only two. The church
Is oval , oval dome , five smoky
skylights , dull , dirty , and It looks
like a canopy of clonds. Thlhk of a canvas
tent , swelled Upward from beneath by wind
and held down by twenty small Iron posts ,
three stories high. These rest on the main
lloor , support two galleries and reach to the
colling. The two galleries go completely
around , nnd have In front a gilt mil like u
theater. There are no chandeliers , no organ.
Spurgcon stands In front of the llrst gallery.
Hehlnd him nearly 700 people. Hofore and
on each side of him are 4wxi : more. Ho Is a
solid business-like man , robust , with cuta
way coat unbuttoned , turn-down collar , sim
ple black tie , Iron gray hair , closely clipped ,
full shock hair , full sandy , heavy beard.
Tlioie is no pulpit , but a stand ut the lull
with a bible and lamp with a green shade ;
red carpet , red plush sofa , two chairs on one
ot which ho often leans. In delivery he is
slow , deliberate , clear , and motionless. Ho
has notes nnd refers to them. Ho duals in
close reasoning , makes thrust , now and then
causes a laugh.
The speaker then spoke of St. Paul's ' and
Westminster Abbey , describing those won
derful monuments to the piety and devotion
of the people.
A Humor Tliut the Law In this Itc-
Hpect Will lie Modified.
A rumor Is to the effect that at the
next meeting of the legislature a system will
bo inaugurated pointing toward the revision
of the law regulating Justices of the peace.
At the present time each ward In the city of
Omaha is entitled to two Justices , or making
a total of eighteen In all la the city. An ef
fort will bo made to revise the law so as to
reduce the number of Justices to four , to bo
elected at largo , In the city.
Justice Kced , when questioned concerning
the matter , said : " 1'cs , It has bsun talked
over more or less In legal circles. There are
various reasons for hueli u movement being
made. One reason , and ono that stands In
outspoken Importance , is that under the
present system a ceitain class of people are
preyed upon by membeis of the legal profes
sion and induced to go to law when the cir
cumstances of the case in no way warrant it.
In considering this point I do not
wish it to bo understood as reflect
ing upon reputable legal talent , but I
do desbo to bo placed on record us saying
that a largo number of self-styled attorneys
arc using our Justice courts as a medium to
extort money from an uninformed public.
This is abetted by men being placed in the
position of Judge who do not possess good
common sense , not speaking of their ability
to decipher technical points of law. If for
nothing else , the present system should be
modillcd. Hut again there being no civil
Jurisdiction existing in tbo powers of the po
lice court , the minor portion of tlio prelimi
nary proceedings is carried to Justice courts.
Tlio cases ns a i ulo are of an important char
acter , nnd require good Judgment to bo ex
ercised. Now you can just examine the
records for i out-self In this respect , and as
certain how much money is needlessly spent
by litigants , simply because Justice courts
have been made the tools of some unscrupu
lous lawyer. I am in favor of the move , and
would also add that the Jurisdiction in civil
cases bo extended to cases involving $300 in
stead of $ . ' 0d , and our bonds Increased ac-
coidinitly. "
For Tired Hrnin
Usn HorsCord's Acid Pie ! < wliatr.1
Dr. O. C. Stout , Syracuse , N. Y. , says : "I
gave it to ono patient who was unable to
transact the most ordinary business , because
his brain was 'tired and confused' upon the
least mental exertion. Immediate bencllt ,
and ultimate recovery followed. "
The ClKitr Mnkcrw Will Agitate for Its
There was a meeting of the Cigar Makers'
union Sunday afternoon , at which the sub
ject of a homo label was discussed. It was
decided to agitate the matter with dodgers ,
in the press , by speeches and on the occasion
of the opening of the Omaha and Council
Uluffs bridge. Tbo success of the undertak
ing , however , will depend upon its being es
poused by the cigar dealers in thin city.
Members of the union say that St. Louis ,
San Francisco and other cities have their
own labels , and the system has resulted
greatly to their advantage. It keeps thou
sands of dollars at home , while at the same
time it secures the smoker against cigars
uiado in rotten tenements and by dirty work
ers. The union feels that it must resort to
this system because Its own labels arc so well
counterfeited nowadays that It is at the
mercy of unscrupulous manufacturers.
There are enough cigars smoked in Omaha ,
which il made here , would give employment
to tKH ) more clgarmakcrs. That
Is worth a great deal to a
town. So many people would live here ,
build up homes , spend their money hero and
at tbo samu time still further increase the
population by encouraging people In various
lines of necessaries to locate iicro for their
support. " This was said by ono of the mem
bers of the cigarmakcrs' union.
Another member said that this plan would
give Omaha 1,000 cigar makers instead of
less than a hundred , as at present.
Batter Than n Hero.
"What n coward that Major Smith is , "
said Jones to Robinson , "why , the very
sight of gun-powder would make him
ill. How did he over manage to be-
coino an ofllcer in the army ? " "Don't
say anything against Smith , " answered
Robinson , ' 'ho onced saved my life. "
"Saved your life ! Nonsense , impossi
ble 1 What do you mean ? " "I moan
that I was in the first stages of con
sumption ; I was losing strength and vi
tality every day with the terrible dis
ease , when Smith advised mo to take
Dr. Piorco's Golden Medical Discovery.
I had tried all kinds of medicines with
out success , and my physician had given
mo no hope ; yet hero I am , as well as
over n man was , and I ewe my life to
Smith , and to the wonderful remedy bo
T. N. Shepherd Adopts That Way of
Kvndluir Justine.
Truman N. Shepherd , charged with ob
taining a buggy from the firm of Angcno &
Firestone under false pretenses last Septem
ber , was given a hearing before Justice Wudo
yesterday afternoon. Tno evidence in the
case goes to show that Shepherd had pur
chased tbo vehicle , nnd given the above linn
to understand that ho was the manager of
the Consolidated Tank Line in this city , and
under that impression the carriage was de
livered to him. Testimony was also pro
duced to the cttcct that Shepherd at ono time
was connected with the Tank Line company ,
but was discharged on account of his incom-
petoncy. The defense endeavored to intro
duce a plea of insanity , by attempting to
prove that the defendant at ono time had
been nn inmate of an asylum. This was over
ruled by the court who stated that it was not
a matter over which ho had Jurisdiction , and
ho bound tbo defendant over to the district
court in oonds of $500 , In default of which ho
was committed to Jail.
For Itrnnchlnl , Asthmatic nnd Pul
monary Complaints , "Hrown's Bronchial
Troches" have remarkable curative proper-
tics. Sold only In boxes.
Grocery ClerkH.
The grocery clerks of this city hold an un
usually largo meeting at Grand Army hall
Sunday at 3 o'clock. William Mabcr ,
presided , and G. A , Vangrcn ncted ns sec
retary. There were about ono hundred and
twocty-flve of the fraternity present. The
meotinsr was called by the Grocery Clerks'
Assembly lUl. Knights of Labor. The object
was to strengthen the organization by ttio
accession of new members. Many handed
In their names for Initiation. The question
of long hours was discussed. The direc
tion of the discussion disclosed the
fact that , without organization , no
improvement can bo effected In the
condition of this class of workers. Thcro
wIl ( be a similar meeting every Sunday ut
the sumo place.
_ _
Tale ; no other , Jar vis' Brandy is best.
Carpels , Furniture anil Draperies.
A line assortment of new goods.
. Nos. 1200,1203 , and 1210 Farnam st.
How They Will be Utlll/.cd at nn Karly
The building of the Omaha and Council
lllufis bndgo seems to be destined to lead to
the utilization of the bottoms on the other
side of the Missouri , as these on this side
have been for a long time utilized. They now
present an unbroken surface occupied only
by a few small cottages and huts , which are
tenanted by workers on the bridge and a
few people who eke out a precarious liveli
hood on the river and Its banks. The first
step In the direction mentioned was taken
when the Northwestern road , which has long
had right of way down First avenue In Council
1 Huffs to the river , ordered the rebuilding of
their track , which has long lain there with
new steel rails of the latest pattern. This
was followed by nn order to construct a
freight station a short distance from the
bankand upon which work will begin before
long. On the HOtti , tno day of tlio opening ot
the bridge , the road will run passenger trains
to and Irom the river to Council HlutTs.
The "Q" has followed the example of the
Northwestern , and secured right of way
along First avenue. It has also bought a
liberal tract of ground near the river , which
it will utilize for terminal purposes.
These roads will undoubtedly bo followed
by the others , who are already negotiating
for available sites for yard and depot pur
poses , It has been hinted that the ( , ' would
probably put on a dummy between the river
and the Uluffs , to run between the hourly
trips of the Union Pacific dummy , and a
speed which would enable better time to bo
made than can possibly be by the motor lino.
Hut definite plans have not jet been decided
The opening of tbo bridge the wagon nnd
motor way to Council HlulTs will un
doubtedly have a serious effect upon the
Union Pacific dummy traffic between both
cities. People with teams will prefer
to ride to being cooped up
in the ferry cars , nnd those
without carriages will prefer nn Immediate
crossing on the new bridge or motor to wait
ing for the hourly trains on the Union Pa
cific. Some speculation was indulged in ns
to whether the competition would induce the
Union Pacific to reduce its faro and make
more frequent trips between points , espe
cially as the motor rates will be lower than
those of the Union Pacific dummy. Some of
the officials of the latter were questioned on
the subject. They claim to not bo ublo to
tell what might bo done , although ono of
thorn hinted that if the competition became
great , it might , in a measure , bo obviated by
tying up with the horse and cable lines on
this side and giving passengers a continuous
ride from the muffs to any part of Omaha ,
and vice versa.
The impelling motive of the railroads In
extending their tracks to the river us ubovo
mentioned , is In anticipation of the establish
ment there ot lumber mid coal yards and
manufactories , several of which have already
been outlined. Three or four of our lumber
dealers have bought land over there and in
tend to open yards there to supply the Iowa
trade. Some of them now do a small busi
ness on the other side of the river , but this
has not been done to advantage because of a
double toll for tiansferring the material hero
and return over the bridge. With vards on
the other Hide , both tho-,0 tolls could bo saved
and the dealer could i caddy compete with
the Council Hluffs dealer , who has almost
monopolized the Iowa trade. Ono of these
dealers said yesterday that the yards ho
Intended to establish on the other side
of the river would have nothing to do with
Nebraska trade and that ho would put them
in as soon us it was posiiblo for him to so do.
It is now n. settled fact that a number of
the men employed in the smelting works , in
Gray nnd lloatrlnml's lumber yards will re
side on the east bottoms. Seine of them
have bought lots over there and arc already
engaged In building homes. These lots are
located on the first beach east of the river.
It will bo nearer their work and the employ
ees mentioned , intend to erect a stairway to
the bottoms on this side , at the west end of
the bridge , to enable them to ic.ieh their
place of labor without crossing to Ninth
Cleveland & Harrison agree on one
point , that the best out ia Jurvis'j old
Dr. .Tcffcris' remedy cures every case
of diphtheria. No physician required.
Men nnd Tracks.
Passenger travel is reported light for the
past two or three days.
A Missouri Pacific coal car was knocked
off the track on a Union Pacific side track ,
but was put in shape bv the wrecker. "I
guess Jay Gould Is bleeding that road for all
it is worth , " said a railroad man , who
watched the operation. "A 11 the cars of that
company seem to bo worn out and lotten , at
least all that conic to Omaha are. I guess ,
the Missouri Pacific will follow the Wabash. "
The 13. & M. roadmastcr had a narrow es
cape yesterday. Ho was working a tricycle -
cycle southward along the track , and when
approaching the Thirteenth street curve was
met by switch engine No. 144 which was
backine up. Ho was warned in time by the
Union Pacific employes and managed to save
both himself and bis machine.
Two hundred coal cars for the Denver ,
Texas & Fort Worth road nro being shipped
to Denver via the Hock Island and Union Pa
Switchman Euecne O'Connor , of Pueblo ,
has posted a description of E. II. White alias
Hlomlio White alias Neyman , whom ho
chums to bo a thief and robber , and against
whom bo warns all railway men. Hlomlio
leaving Denver with " "
was seen "Windy"
Smith , and is six feet In hoighth , light com
plexion , light hair , smooth face , gold filled
teeth with ono tooth missing. The party
hangs out at the Union Pacific depot.
Superintendent Blickensderfer has gone
to Beatrice.
Commencing on November 1 Uio St. Joseph
& Grand Island will operate the brunch line
of fifty miles between St. Joseph and Stroms
burg. This Is merely done for convenience
Kobcrt Bane , a II. & M. switchman , who
was badly crushed between the cars near
Pacific Junction a few days ago , was a cousin
of the brakcnmn , Sullivan , who was killed
near Gibson thrco weeks ago. Kane is very
low , as his injuries are more serious than
reported. _
Pears' soap secures a beautiful com
Nearly a Million For Pnvlnsj.
The records of the city engineer's ' ofllco
show that the estimates for paving allowed
thus fur in IbSs aggregate $053,000. Tlio en
gineer estimates that over JSOO.OOn more will
bo expended this year , and is of the opinion
that with reasonably good weather all con
tracts , including Hegan's , will bo completed
this season. In 18VT only ? 10 ,000 were ex
pended for paving , so that this year's outlay
will bo more than double that.
For Scin-tica. .
T Year * . c ie go , 111 , May II , 1191.
1 WM flrta p by doctor ! I ytiri ago tnd had
to a erateh for ficUtlo Rhtumatlim ] ioero4
ftboot T T ari. Brit application It Jacobl Oil if
lllTIl , two UitlM cur d. OIOHOE A BOBS.
Uod-rlddcn. B r r Dim , Wli , Mar It , 'il.
Bprloj ot HIT "i Ukin with Bcltllct , isStril
two moBttK , WM oonlatd to t 4 , Ul < 4 MTiral
4octori without b a at. Uiod 61 Jteobi Oil and
LamoncM. Ullca , Fultom Co , Illinois.
tlr or f r r ar if o wit takta with Umioiu
U fclp. wai to ted part of tlmt. trlid iimal doe *
tori without tiBidt. wai eur l fcjr ttiri * or fou
ftp-llloatloiu of Bt Jaoob Oil. WM. HAUTE * .
THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO. , Baltimore , Md.
Curns Ciiush . ColiN , Asttimn , Ilron-
cliitia , Dclilll yVnaiini : DUcascti
nnd Hcroi'iilnm Iluinnra.
To Coxsi'MlTlvts. Slanr tiavotieon huppjr toglYe
their Iff Union * In favor of ttiouinufVllbor' I'uro
Coil'iaver Oil anil Lima. " Kxiicrlcnre na > ( irurcil U
in bo n valuable remedy for ( on'mnpllon , AMhma ,
Ulpliiberla , and all dliuuset of tlio ' 1 liront anil l.unm.
Mtuufaclurcd only by A. U. 'ILUOll , fiieiulst , Uus-
tn. Bold Djr nil UruwitWi J . ,
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A innrvcl of purl-
tvtieiiKthniiil whole-Minr'HosM. Morn econom
ical than thuurdlnury kinds , and cannot uu sold
In competition with the multitude of low cost ,
fclmrt weight alum or phnspo.itupowilors. Soln
only In cans. Uoval IluUni ; I'uwdcr Co. , 1W !
\Vull Htieet , NIMV York.
Wcur\z ron I
Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Cure
For Sale by
Goodman Drug Co.
If thuy are wcnk.dellrato looking nnd troubled
ultlivwnms llulin's Chocolate Woim
Is w hat they need. l'rl < o " , 'ic.
Your Left Liver
Medicine that ncei\ but * trial
to prove its worth.
Dr : Calender's ' left Liver Bitters ,
Tne only DUtlllad Hitters in the United
States. The only Bitters recognized by th
United States internal revenue laws aa a Pro
prietary Medicine. Lawfully patented. No. of
Patent 14-0,073. Contains no fusil
esnentlni oils , no foreign substance or damag.
ing drucs. A perfectly pure medicine , com
pounded from Pure Root Herbs and Old Peach :
plenum to the taste , quiet and decisive in it !
affect. Curea Dyspepsia or Yellow Jatmdic * in
flr * days. KeftulateB tbo Dowels. Invlcoratea
tnactlre I.uer , Cures Diseased Liver , Hevlve *
the Kidneys , Improves the Appetite Quickly ,
Regulate ? the wuole system. New Llf * to tbt
whole iystem.
ol.eft l.lvpr IWtCM nro olil In Omaha , Neb , by the
Uowini : ilruk''ntnItlclmnlion Dniu'Co , t > pcrliil
Wholesale , for lUo ilruu Interest of Nctmtiku. Ho-
tullnn aa follows : . . . , . , . , . , , . . . . . ,
„ . .
. . .
Uooilmim Druu CoW. J. Whlteliouke. T. W.bp.lf-
fiinl. s-itm 11. Farnnwortn. Sclmiter st1'harinacy
Kulm X Co , .lolm M. 1'arr. .1. A. tyl f .V * '
\V. J , ) luiliv > , Jolin ll.Uouto. C1. J. r-rlui..M..1.1'owell ,
I1. ll.lifiitmli.Juliii K. Huffaky , Morrell Pharmacy
.lamci roraytli. II. ' Hell , llr.J.J.Siivlllo. f .M.l'rli-
fcr , K Clmmllpr. llalm'n Pharmacy , -.inrnuy Ac l > y'J
J.O. KIUK..I. W Clarke , . ! . II. fclimldtMax lletbt , . !
KClirlMmi'on. W. K. l-nrolii'raon , II. N Our , .Max
Conrail KrarkV. . FncK. II. Hn'niui on. ( Jp . llnoilcr
nojct's I'harmncv , C. A. Molchpr , Howard Ali-yeni ,
1 nmk Dcllnno i Co. , wholexulo clculcr la Ok'urs uliJ
Lett I.Her Hitter *
Is the Baby
a constant Joy , or nro your days nnd nights 1111-
edlth sleeplessness and anxiety'I'ed on
chlldicn aio w ell nnd happy , AVoolilch&Co. on
Not only relieved like by most medicines , but
cured purniHiivntly-wlth Hahn'a ( iolde-n Dyspep
sia Cure. Price fJOo a box. A
. . ,
One of the Most Successful
In the Treatment of all Chronic or the
So-called Incurable Diseases ,
A cure punrantecd In nil cases of IMUVATK
nnd SKIN JHSHABKH. All disorder * ot the
HKXIIAfj ( MOANS Cured nail .MANHOOD and
Under the Doctor's form of treatment no dls
eiibe Is considered Incurable , until thu parts of
the body affected by disease ore destroyed
faster than they cau bo repaired or built up ,
Treatment by correspondencu. Send stamp
for reply.
Office Bushman Block , 16th and
Pouglas sts. , Omaha , Neb ,
The upper floor of our new addition on Wednesday , October 17th. The ground floor
will not be ready before Monday , when we will open the entire building with a stock of
goods for Men's Wear second to nothing in this country. We shall carry a much larger
and more elaborate line of goods in every department , and having more room and better
facilities we will be able to serve you better. We have always given you full value for
your rnqney in the past , and this is the best security of in the future. If wo
would only do as well as we have done we would do well enough , but we promise to do
still better. We are no strangers any more. Our past history in Omaha is a guaran
tee of what may be expected of us.
Our hat department on the second floor of the new addition will bo in working
order Wednesday morning. This department occupies the entire second lloor of the ex
tension , and contains more hats than half a dozen exclusive hat stores together. We
shall place Home special lots on sale and will oiler Hats at prices which will stir up the
Hat trade lively.
We will make some heavy sacrifices this week in Boys' Suits and Overcoats to
close out some broken lots in order to make room for some largo invoices purchased es
pecially for our next week's opening.
In underwear we offer this week some matchless bargains. We will place on
sale to morrow the following special drives :
100 dozen elegant Scotch Mixed Shirts and Drawers at 35c each. The regular
price for these goods ia no less than GOc.
120 dozen splendid Striped Shirts and Drawers at 50c each , which cannot be du
plicated in any other house for less than 85c to $1.00.
75 dozen fine Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers , the shirts trimmed with satin
fronts , regular make , at 65c each. These goods would be a great bargain at $1.00 a piece.
We have just opened an elegant line of lancy Flannel and Cassimoro Overshirta
at prices one third lower than other houses.
Clothing Company
Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
The Burlington takes the l ad.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebratika.
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
* -AV.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha propsr.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only lin by which you can
foave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver th
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
i *
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
Burlington Burlington
Roule Route
Epps's Cocoa.
"Dy n tliorouph fcnowlcden of the nnturM laws
vlilui fciviTii tlio oporutlun * of tllKOMlon uml nutri
tion , nmlhyn caruliil ni > | > llrntl < m of the Hut proper-
tips of wcll-M'Icctcil Cocoa , Mr. Kip | lius provided ottr ultliu ilcllcnti'ly flavored tn > vtrnio
whldi niny nuvo us tunny lie.ivy doctor' bills. His
by ttio Jmlliloiis u o of micli articles of licit that u
constitution niuy tie Knuluully luillt up until Btroni ;
cnoucli to rH l > t evi'ry tendency to dfscuso. Hun-
ilroils of subtle maladies nru lloatlnK around us ready
to attack wherever them H a enk point. Wo mar
escnpo mimy a fntnl ilmft by kecplncourselvoi well
forllllecl with pun ; ulood anil a properly nourished
tnimes" Ct > II c vlcu ( iuzetto.
.Miidtt pimply wllh tnlllnu witter or nilllt. Sold only
In Imlf pound tin * byliroicrn Inlielod thin :
l llomojopatlno Chotnlsts ,
i , J.OMIO.V. i.sii.AM : ) .
Kemtrkablo for powerful irrnp * ;
tbeilc tone , pliable action and b-
BOlote durability. i > j year * ' TtcoTi ,
tha beat guarantee ot th iic v
lence ot tnese luatrumentu.
TkT n.hnitttert thr
mjf ft f
SU-JCtM I IndlMitlloiu 01
CTlii.i.e. . WIOllltXTIX TO
JininnTi wiinnm , jlf.
tmuofli , mllJ. loothlng currtnu of
llteUj UVouch HI Vf ik [ rtl , .tor.
rtllU > i > a VlioKai8trcntl > . ilnrtna
Current - > VftltIniunllr ot forfeit li.KO ID itu
UrMl > itlmpic cminUoT < r > riutktrb > lu woiitrtiiiixr *
rn n nllycuMiJlntomonth ! ! tlolol ptmr-McHc. rUrnn
the Sind.n EUctric Co. 169 UStlif it. , Chic fl ,
Advertising lias ultra ) s proven
euccetsful. Before placing any
Nowepapor Advertising conau %
41 U IU 4.i h 8lr. U CHIRACO.
IxxtTlrnraiulUanliondKMUiifJ. Pro.
feature ! > erln | ai d Kuuclional d Kir.
' ( loul tcm chilfdlcUm ,
UAiiTH eii r n , i wi w
To examine our present !
'stock ' of MENS' UNDER- !
jWEAK , comprising all
grades at fair prices. Stand
ard goods and superior
qualities in the well-known
makes , the Holroyd , Vicuna ,
, Natural Wool tfec.
( SeillnK from fO tents
A to * . ) / ) ( ) ) will nay yon n larger pro lit thau
any others the next tliri'o inontlin.
CAHSIM.I , i CO. , ( l.lmlted.l
W Dearborn fctreut , Chicago , 111 ,
WAFER * am
by ovw 10,000
. AruiVa/e. Kffeclualantl Iteatant
SI prrtioxbymall.oratrlruxKisiH. Staled
P < irttculars 3 postage stamps. Atlciresa
UE IX-ittEi , Co. , DuTiiorr , Micu ,
sale and l y. wait 6y
N. W. Oor. 13th H. Oodgo Sta
BR..A.OH3S. ,
Best facilities , apnarctus and remedies for stiff
'esiful treatment of every form of dUease requlfl
ing Medical or .Surgical Treatment r i
Hoard and attendance , but hospital accomniV
dations in the west. '
WRITE FOR C cuz.aftf on Deformities and
Hraces , Truues , Club feet , Curvature of thf
Spine , Pllti. Tumors , Cancer , Catnrrh , IlronciiUrci
Inhalation. Itlectrlcity , raralysis , Kpilcpsy , Kldl
ney , Illadder , Rye , Bar , SUIn and Illood , aod a1 (
hutgical Operations.
Dlaeaaes of Women a 8peolaKy. >
HOOK on Oilmen OF WOKIN FniE. <
All Illood nineties successfully treated. Sypk
llitic Poison removed front the ayttetn vfltliotil
mercury. New restorative treatment for loss ol
Vital Power. I'etsons unable to visit us may ba
treated at home by correspondence. All cotnrau *
nications confidential. Medicines or lnttrumenU
sent by mail or express , securely packed , no
luntks to Indicate contents or render. One pcr <
sonal interriew preferred. Call and consult u oc
send history of your case , and we will stud ia
plain wrapper , our ( _ I
Upon Private , fipeclil ot N'enrotia Diseases , InoV
w > tency , Kyphilis. < > ) eet/ and Varicocele , wilU
t-cition list. Addresa /
U/rta/ia Itnliral antl'turglcal InitltutlQt
Cor. 13th naP < a SI -s. _ OKAH , NEi/- /