Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advortli ? nen undcrtbls hr d 19 cent * per
line for the first Insertion. 7 rents for each nub-
frequent Insertion , and tlXOn line per month.
N6 ndvertlppinlnl taken for lem tlmn'i' cents
the tlrct Insertion. B ven words will IMJ counted.
to the line : they must run consecutively and
must be paid fn ADVANCI ! . All advertise
ments must tie banded lu before 12:3 : < l o'clock p.
in , nnd under no rlrcumstimcti will they Oo
taken or dlKContlnurtl by telephone.
Parting advertising In them columns and hnr-
log their answ era addressed In care of ' 1 n r. HKK
will please ask for n check to enahlo thorn to get
Ilielr loiters , as noun will Iw delivered except on
mewnUiUon of chork. All answers to adver
tisements should he enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns arn pub-
llflhcd In both mornlnK and evening editions of
TilKllKK , the circulation of which nRfrrertatea
tnoro than lf , ( ) papers dally , and nlvcs the ad-
Yertlserstho henelli , not only of tliti cltyclrru-
latlonof THE IltK , but ulsoof Omnrll IlluffH ,
Lincoln nnd other cltlos nnd towns throughout
thl * . section of the country.
Adt Grilling for these columns will bo taken
on the nhot o conditions , at the following busi
ness houses , who are nuthorl7ed agents for U IIK
11 UK special notices , and will quote the same
ref * as can bo had at Uio main oinco _
'L , " I'hTrmacLsTTfbTsouth Tenth
C HAM ! & IIDDV , Stationers and Printers , 111
South IBthbtreot
H. FAHNSWOUTH. Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
. - . Ing Street.
J. HU011ES , Pharmacist , C24 North 18th
r.O. W. PAUIl , Pharmacist. Isou St. Maiy's
AN A 1 practical bookkeeper who Is n good
and rapid penman wants position , salary , to
start , no object. Address G 37 , lleo office.
2W 22J
\ \ / ANTUD Sltuiitton bya good reliable man
TT have had l.'ytaiH practical experience In
the general retail trudn as salesman and hook-
keeper. llest of refeiences. Address "llov\-
aid. " TO'i I'.iriiKin St. . city 183 SSt
WAN I I'.D Position , Indoors or out , by n
Httnngnr , middle age , where attention to
business will Insure advancement ; no agency.
Address ( I 21. lleo olllcu. ItKi 22 *
VJIJNlJNTV-fvs laborers titid teamsters
Ownntcd. ( iood wages nnd steady w oik. Apply -
ply nt J17 S Uth st , opposite Murr.iv ' hotel ,
\ \ rANTIlD A good second biker : wages fm ,
' board and room. Irs. Hrega , 314'i t > Ifith.
WANTliH Ono voung man ami I ! teamsters ,
J2" > and board ; apply ( ommoiclal Kmp ,
Agency , | fii rarnain , loom 4. 2ij-22 ( *
AGKNTSwantedto handle our now line of
goods. Itoom 4J3 , I'uxUm block. 26WI
Shovelers ; wages 11.75 per day ;
board $1.00 per week. Apply on work at
Ilulo , Nob.nch Shrop , contractor. so'i
VA.NTr.D A salesman In general Installment
' hlnre ; permunent situation If satisfaction
Clven. Apply by li tier to (1 18 lice olllce. 149 2.1 .
WA NTKD-llallroad l7boro7i f < ) \Viishltig- -
ton Territory ; an all winter's Job In n mlfil
climate : wages guaranteed from * J to tZ GO per
flay , orni to III ) per month ami board. At
Allirlgnt's Labor Agency , 1120 rarnam st. C > ! >
rANTKD-Milkor , 4115 Kaimdors. 620
WANTED A man to solicit ; salary $100 per
month ; must deposit fl and Rlvo security
for money collected. Address Oeorjje S. Ullne ,
Waguer block , Des Mollies , la. 6J5
Ar.IJN'iS WANTI50- a month nnd ev
iwnses paid any nctlvo person to sell out
coeds ; no capital , salai > monthly , expenses in
hdvancc , particular fiee. Standard Sllvorwnio
Co , Iloston. 47'J
JB OYb-Aui. Dlst. Tel. Co. . 1J04 Douglas. 821
\\rAN'lii : ) Man to take the agency of oui
> safes ; HizoifrxISxlh Inches ; vu-lRhtuOO Ibs ;
retail price HI ; other ( d/es In proportion. A
rare cnance aud pcrminont business. These
nafcs meet a demand never before supplied bj
other safe companks , as wo ara not Rov-cruei ?
by the siifo pool. AlplnoSafo Co. Cincinnati. O ,
" 1\7ANTID ! Knergetlc men and women every
TT where for a genteel , money-raaklug bus !
ness , $ < ! 0 weekly protlt guaranteed easier than t
tnouthiy otherwise , lixporlonce ubsolutely uu <
necessary 1'eimaiient position and excfuslvi
teirltory assured. JJ samples free. Write foi
particulars. Address , with stamp , Merrill Mt'a
Co. . II W , Chicago. 5T.402W
WANTKD-Good llfo Insurance solicitor !
with bank references , are wanted by tht
Union Llfo at 401 Merchants' national banl
imlldlug , Omaha , Ollice hours 8 to 10 a. m. am
too p. m. 845
\\rANTT.I ) 2 < v altorusses for N'elluh. 1 cool
' for Mannlnt' , lii.M vveok2 ; ( luimber maid
S dl'hvvashers , 4 vvaltorosses. kltchou KM clul
liousofl week aud room , cooks for boardlm
house" , second Rirls and ntirso Rlrla. 2fi girl
teneral work. Omaha Kmp. Iliuoiiu , HON. lUtli
\\rANTID ! Get man or American girl fo
TT general housevvoik , Mrs. H. S. hmltB
EIW Cntlfouiln st. 293 J2J
\ \ AMiiD A girl HI or 17 years old to nssls
TT lugeneralliousework. Apply 1U"0 .Shermui
Avenue , 2J7 21J
< \\rANTKI-lrl for goneial housoworl
TT ( iood wages paid to the right girl , 21.
TJthst. 2U123
A llrst class girl for genera
housework. 501 SlOthbt. 198
\\rANTr.D A youiiK girl to take care of
TV child and do second vvoik ; noa liliK n
lipnlni ; : reforeuco < reriulrcd. Inquire attei
noons , betvv e cu 1 and 3 , at 330U Dotlge st. i ;
\\TANTKD-lldy girl , a e U to 16 , 2128 Ha :
f > neyst. irJ 22 *
\\T.\NTKD-Alady to solicit : must deposit K
' and glvo security for money collectec
Addie.HH ( li'oryo 8. Clluo , Wanuur block , De
Mulues , la. 0,15
TITANTKO Qlrl for ROiioral housework. AT
ply S. W. corner 2-'d and Lake Sts. ir > o 2-j
WANTRD Lady iiRents to canvas ! ) city , ei
iH'clully South Oinnlia , iiNo travel fc
cenitlue fast selling line of goods. Apply la
N 18th st. w)7 ) 22 *
\\7"ANTKU Lady aRents for romblnatlo
Tf bustle-uklrt , "Daisy" hose btipportei
1 libber aprons , bibs , sleeves , shoulder brace
afety belts , waterproof garments , etc : rellabl
house. Onlv goods of real merit ; prollts larjji
Address v 1th stamp. K. II. Campbell A : Co. , 41
W. llnndolph Ht. , ChlcaRo. t 6 nov 10
IMUl foil advantages now glreii In the-
kJbraiichfs at Omuhit Commercial Collegc.op'
1' . O. . cor Uth and Dodge , Hen Pitman syttoi
llemlngton type writers. Kvery graduate I
Rood position. Students complete manual I
two w eeks , nnd write N ) words in three month
Practical olllco drill given each student m
month freo. Hocltatlous dally one hour. 1)1 )
tatl'in throe hours dally. Day and evening se
nlon.i. Students enter nny time , forrlrculai
wrlto Horhbough llros , Omaha. 218 nl'J
\TAI.KNTI UK'S Short-hand and type-wrltli
> institute , now Pnxtou Imlldlug , Omah
Neb , The only exclusive , practical short-ban
chool in iho w est. ' 1 ho demand for short-hail
Vi Hera Is largely In excess ot the supply.
Short-hand U much superior to book-keep ! "
nud telegraphy as a maausof livelihood. V
pH'L1 Instructions on Hcmlngton and Hamuior
type-wnters , both for the same price.
Day nnd nventng sessions. Students cc
enter atony tlin . riend tor circulars. 752 nl.l.
IUU < AsTcAKmpoyiiieutTmce , 771 71
washing and Ironing
prlvnu family. I n rear SG3U Davenport.
10320 *
_ _ _ _
" \\fANTKU Copying to do at home , eventnf
> Address K. . 71tf S. ith at. ir 221
| C4X ( or 6.000. long time , low Intureit. A 1 s
Puirlty. U llee. 182 221
t\FANTKD-A desirable family to ta
charge of dormitory for young ladles
llollDvuv college. Apply with refeieuce to IU
y. ij. lllitjuey. lleilevue. Neb. 707
WANTKU The public to mate good me
The lUe'i mtsaaje boxes throughout tl
. 106
CtV. !
_ _ _ _ _
RiXl'EiiT ACCOUNTANT Tant'ed to ndjl
complicated books ; partnci-shln nccour
pud rompllcated accounting of nil kinds ; coi
try correjpondcncosolUHld. Adilre.-s F II Hi
357 n5
_ _
\VANTKU If you Have any lands , lots.
T bouse * and iota to ll or exchanic * I
otlfr property , call on me or write. I ran fl
jou aiu tomcr. C. C Bpotswooa 30iiiS.J6i
T A Still ) Thlrtr day boarders , also tin
TyANTnD-Tabl * 'bOBtde'ra at"tW9
" \\fANTKD A ccntlemauwants a wejl tut-
T nislipd ttlul boated rornn In private
family. Ili-st of references ctvon , Address "O
30" lien otilee. 23022 *
ANTT.O-Hall for band to practice In 3
nlRhtspcr week. Address , stating pnco ,
C. E. Htromberg. Etc. . 1404 Douglas st. 201 22 *
ICAN icntor4 : ) well furnished houses If de-
( drably located Have customers for any
number of 8 to lu room dw elilmzs with modern
conveniences. Iluvo you a modern house vv 1th
8 or rooms , dining room on parlor floor ? List
j our houses wllli me. Ncthcrlon Hall , room
4SI First Nat. Ilk. Illdp. tw
Foil UKNT 3 Rood houses of 5 and 7 rooms
with barn. Modern Improvements. It. C.
1'attpron. . ' 118 3 15th gt ,
| 7\ll \ ( UllNT 8 nnd 11 room house. $ V > aud WB ,
X' with bath rooms , cistern water , all modern
Improtiment" . BOthat. near California. Dr.
Jones. 28S8S *
T3VH UKNT-A i-tnall house , 17th avu and
JL1 I avenworth. Inquire N. w. cor. 17th nvo.
and I.eaxenworth. yxi !
"JjlOlt KKNT r.-room brlrk house , cellar , city
JL'water and Lionets , also roon.s to rent. In
quire 1MB S Uth. 211 SIJ
ONK brick store nnd two 7 room tints nn N
IGth st. Inquite room 30 % third floor. Fast
National bank. itt'i ' . ' ?
fTlOH lUlNT-New cottags. ,1 rooms , $8 a
JL1 month , ilty water , ar34 Iecatur. 2C2 Si
FOIl UCNT 7-room liar , city water , bath ami
modern conveniences 3 unfurnished and 3
furnished rooms for light housekoeuliiR. All
0\eriUKI Howaldst. C. J' . Shaw , 1015 Howard.
Foil KENT New 7-room House , $18 month.
Apply , ll Charles st. su irj *
IflOllltKNT-AfewH and 10 roomed houses ,
close In , also soin treed business toomi.ti'ii-
sijtiable. 11. H. Hall , 111 North iflth st. sifi 22
TJlbitTlKNT My honie.Tlu'l'ark avo. , fur
JL' nlshed or unfurnished : house 10 rooms with
all com ententes. 1) ) . H. lloodrkh. Cable Tramway -
way Co. , 20th and llarney alt. 2 J 2i
Foil HKNT 'J'wo cottages , one of r > rooms ,
WJ per mo . and one ( i rooms with bain , fij
per mo , on 1'iilivlew st. , opposite All Saints
cnurch. 1) . II. Ooodilcb , Cable 'lYuiuwnv Co ,
20th and Haiut-y stts 2111 2. >
HOUSKK and Hats lu thi ) choicest locatlots ,
furniture for sale cheap. Co-operative
Land & lot Coi'u'i N. liithst diy stalrsj
"lilOlt HUNT-10-room house with steam heat ,
JL1 at ail S. 24th Ht. < ! . K , Thompson. Slifely
block , Iflth and Howaid Ms. Zll
Foil UiNTA lioardliiR houo with twenty
rr > ems lu good location , with all modem 1m-
) ro\ements. all now. Inqulioof Klhncer llros ,
ft1 3 S lUth- . Illtln2t
"ITIOlt HKNT Two 10-room llats , city water ,
JL1 bath , 410 and 412 N. Uth. lunulie w : N , uth.
18U 24J
UHNIH1U5D llottho Wishing tcTloin-o llio
cltv for the winter , 1 olTor tor rent my liouso
furnished , fiom Nov. 1 to May 1 , ten rooms , tin
bolter location In city , all model n Improve
ments. Apply on pi em ses , 'II' ' ) Dodge st.
Oeoigot. Hobble. Telephone 8S. Ih7
ITILlSGANTlT-ioom house ou Farnam st. for
U rent with or without furniture , drover
Steens , IS , ' ! fuinamst. liU
FOIt llf.NT 2 brick houses , 7 looms , 21th and
Hamilton , every mouern loinenlecce , $ ,15
each. I.cautt lluinham , I , Crelghton block.
TjlOIl HIJXT-11-room house on St Mary's live.
JU near 20th st. , fill nlshed or unfiirnlshed.great
bargain to responsible party , Addresfoi two
weeks G 20 life. 111 2.1J
"I71OH HKNT Cott.ico house. 7 rooms only $ -0
-L1 per mcnths. Callfointast between ; Wth nnd
illst. W. M. Vates , ngt. 114
Foil HENT-NewIl room house ? . . ' ! 0th and
I'lnKneynts. M per month. J. H , Hamil
ton , loom 2U , 1st National Dank building
"IJ10H HUNT 4-ronm house on S. ICtn st. , two
JJ blocks south of Vlntonst. ; will rent for 110
per mouth or hell ou terms to suit purchaser.
Geo. J. bternsdorlT , room U , opposite P.O. I 710
TpOR HKNT When you wish to rent a house.
JL1 store or oflieo call ou us. 11. B. Cole , room
6. Continental block. 8JS
IOH FIKNT Now C-i oem house. Apply 1813
Cass st. 2UO 2fit
"fjiOlt HKNT 10-room house nnd barn , close to
JU business and In perfect order.
12-room house and largo barn , 27th avenue
near Cumliig , Oil-foot lot ; tine v lew.
: ' , 5-room nousea. West f arnnm. 815 per month.
4-room house , Sheoley station , * 10 per mouth.
7-room house , lied fold Place. J10 per luontn.
Hugh ( ! . Clark , room 7 , Chamber of Commerce ,
| imi 23
_ _ _
NKAT house , 0 rooms , sisthst ? lSamonth ,
Hrennan & Co , Chamber of Commerce.
T7KH HKNT House of U rooms , good well
-C and dstern. 1112 S. llithst. Apply at 110 ! ,
rooiuTi , S. Uth st. , rent 1 > o a montn. L. Duggan.
HKNT A inpdern ten room residence
FOll 18th street near Leavenworth. Kvery
thing tu good repair. Hents for $41 par month ,
Apply to Cieo. J. Sternsdorff , room u opp P. O.
| jVH HKNT 7 room house with largo barn ,
JL1 ( i'i per month tor the winter. C. F. Haril
son , 41H no. 15th St. U51
IOH UKNT 3 live loom houses. South 24th
F 1st door west of shot tower. ! ) ll 23J
HKNT Fur B months , modern house o
Brooms , completely furnished , barn wltl
room for two horses , rent $70 ; possession gl\ei
Sept. 2Jth. 2201 N. 2tth , 1 block north of Lake
"IIIOH HENT-Small home. 8215J S. 23th st.
JU U.K 23 *
FOH UKNT A now li-room house In Kountzi
Place , ready for occupancy Nov. L CU'
water , cistern , bath , furnace , barn , etc. En
quire ot Hobeit Hunter at lluo olllce. Wl
OH HKNT-11-room house , 23th st. and Pat
rick nve , F.'jper month. Inquire at 1811 Cass
BUS 22 ;
Foil HKNT A new 0-room house , city wnto
nnd stable , cor. f arnnm u d 42ud fats. Appl ;
Iooiil4i0. { PaMon block. SOi
"II1O11 HUNT To responsible party , 0 roon
JU brick house , lib South 25th st , ITO feet fron
cnblo line. luinaco nud nil modern convent
enies. Hent St/i per month. Apply to J. W
Grlthth , r. 1 * . headquarters. 76
F I A UN AM st , near22d st , 11-room house fo
lent. G rover Stevens 1521 Farnam st. 771-
Foil HUNT House with nine rooms. 113 S
21th st. Mount i.-Grlttiii , 2US. 14tli st. 71 !
X ) 8-room nouse , bath room , hot and col
$ water , gas , hewer , paved street , new. C.I
Haul-'ou , 418 S IStll st. 62i
1J1OH UKNT (5-room ( honsn , city water , No. Ill
JU Paclllcfct. Imiutieat 1600 Howard. 544
fjiOlt HKNTroom ( cottage on horse car lint
JU $18 a month. Apply M. Klgutter 1001. fat
nnmst. 418
HKNT House 7 rooms , 23d st near Cass
1 House 8 rooms , 2J21 Cass st. Inquire llooi :
Si , llaikcr blocK. ! I15
FOll HUNT-lly Iloaworth ic Joplln. HarKe
block , H , 4 , B , 6,7. . 9.1U , 11,14-room house
In all parts ot the city. 5yo
TpOK HKNT New -room house on Cumin
JU st , near Lowe ave. Terms reasonable. A ]
ply quick S-potswood. SOJj ) S 18th. 824
OH HKNT House 519 N. 16th street. Appl
at fet. A. D. llalcombe , : I 2 California st.
i TTIOIl HKNT One 7-rooui cottage. 2423 Irani
JU lin St. ; Inqutte attXtt Paxton block. P. ,
Creedon. 3)1
\OH WENT Atvery low rates. 10 and 14 ne
residences. 2404 and 2411. Cass street. Clark
Place. Onn block south ot Crelghton college , o
Farnam and 24th street car line. All moil or
Improvements. Apply , II. T. Clark Union Trui
Co. , or at 24-X ) Cass utreet. f SH
FOll KKNT Dwelling. 1722 Capital ave , oppi
site Trinity cathedial. Address II. U Hal
1X9 Farnam st. 401
HKNT 2 cottages , 27th and Caldwol
FOIl X > , 1 North 20th cable line. tJl
Ltavltt Hurnham , Crelghton block. 43J
TCTOK HKNT Two deslrablo houses , 8 and :
JU looms with bath ; nil modern Improvement
range and cistern water In kitchen , cor 20th nn
California sta. Dr. Jouea. Wl 22
KHI Hroora ouserooni ous
J ? Sl'fl Poppleton ar . Oeo. 1. ailb rt , Will
' ' 210
TTIOH lUtNT Three Hats of seven rooms eac
-C with every convenience , city w.iter.Ras , etc
newly built houses ou Hlxth street and Pacltli
Apply to limusur llros. , VW 810th at , Omaha.
QEV'UHAIj houos for rent , 8. T. Tetersen.
VJ e. cur. Uth and Dourla ; . EM
"JGniTFNlSljBU room * , 1418 Dodc < i st.
f ) ItOOMfl furnlihed : nMo mJt Dt unfurnHhed
< -i room' fur light hous'kOBplhK. M0 Dou las.
_ _ _
Tmolt HUKT Purnliitieil rooniB suitable for
centlnnftu ami wife or two young Kcn
men aila Douglas t. _ AM 2JJ
TOOK HUNT Kurnlshed room with hont.
JL1 i > er month , 1510 llarney. 30 ( "I
0 ' V V T * N 1 S 1 t r. iT front rooms , one Mi one
17. 4--0 N. 1Mb St. 2114 21 *
IilOll IUNT : A comfortably furnished room ,
with dreMlnjr room , HUB Capitol are. near
lilghBCliool and cable line. 2KI 2-IJ
JJlUltNlSllCl ) room. A. Itospt ? , 161) UmiKtas ,
OH UKNT rurnlMied rooms. OW K. nth.
* li * 15 and ono suitable tor four Rontle-
men , $ ju. 3uo2i
Foil UKNT Rooms onsulto , funmhed or tin-
tin nlsliud. 17.M Capitol ave. iiO'21'
171011 lttNT : 2 furnished rooms with BUH , bath
J and licat at llt S 10th st , coiner Pacific.
2tiO "Jit
IjTCllNldllKD front room , furnace heat. mod
JL1 F rn coiivvnlenctf * . Ki S 17th st. 2,1822 *
rooms , with or without bonrd ,
- Kilo lew Davenport. Inquire lillO Daveupnrt.
TY10R linNT-Nlcely furnished front rooms'
JL modern conveniences , nlso room for light
housckoopltiK. G04 n 17th st. 2o72t
FOIl HI'NT furnished sleeping rooms , V par
mouth and iipvvaids , payable wi-okly . or
monthly. 809 Howard ,
ROOMS Klrst-cUss home boatd , 17IH Dodge.
b2 ! 21 ?
1'HONT rooms , novviy furnished , single or
unsulte. 2J5S llarney nt -0 2:1 : +
jlOlt HKNT Two nicely furnished , room * ,
JL1 2104 Ilaiuey. 175 22 *
0 Hainey , turnl-hcd loom cheap.
117 23J
TU'HNlhllKl ) loomswlth boaiil..VJ North 1'ith. '
11 1M 2.- , )
FOll HKNT Nicely fiirnWied front room
w 1th nlnnv. 2C2.St. : Miu.v save. Ml 2 ; > j
JlOlt llf.NT Comfurtnble rooms tor the win
-L1 ter , w 1th or without hoard 1W ltit\yp \ st
FOUltKNT-rmnMiod looms , kWI fnrnnni ,
irj ; - . > -jf
front rooms , cheap. Kl S. 1.1th . ,
Tt.i-N' . 1 )
7Ull HUNT A largo front room , tili'oly fur-
nlshed , modern conveniences , miltnblo for 2
gentlemen , HUH Webster. 72i !
Oll UKNT furnished or nufutnlshed loom
for two gentlemen , or man aud wife , 21121
lowurdst. Mf
"VTICELV furnished front room , sultnblo for
X > oueor twogentlenieu. " 112 Hurt st. fi" > 2
FOlt HUNT N'lcelv furnished room for single
gontleman. 1917P.isi.
LA ItOK pleasant loom , f mulshed , brick Hat.
141UChluv.rost. 4KS
POH HUNT A large front room , newly fin-
illshcd , south front , cheap , corner 17tn and
Jumings bta. northeast corner. yw
FOH HUNT Nicely ftunhhed rooms , slnglo
or en suite , 1811 C'umliigs st. lr > 7
I71OH HKNT Furnished rooms in Oreunl ? blk
U' cor. 1.1th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Qao. U. .
Davis. Mlllard hotelTillliurd roam. Kill
"TJOOMS nud board. 18U Chicago st. BOlo'Mr
1 } LI2A8ANT furnished rooms , steam heat ,
gas , bath and board in private family. 20"i S
Mth. 570 o 2y
1JOO.MS incliidlug "board In the Young Wo
JLl men's home 1'JlO Dodge st. llefereucos re.
quired. 040
FOll UKNT A nandsomo room with alcove at
2JJ9 St. Mnrj 's ave. W9
"IT1OII HEN'T f.legantly furnished rooms with
JL1 board. Inquire inuJI ) oughts ! IS4
TTNflTllMSHKD Suitable for noiibektepmir.
U Three ( J ) looms 210.1 Nicholas st. IS Wl
oar (4) ( ) rooms , 4tr > . S liith st . 2"ill "
hieoUirooniF. . ini'l N. JUthht . . . . 11 SS
'hroe.i ( ) rooms , 701' , I'acilk-st ( I l
Three ( ! 1) ) rooms. I4U Tierce ht . 1Ul
Three proems ) , 10IBN. 21stst . . . 11 Oil
' 1 hrcoCl ) looms , 707 I'atltlCMt 10 IX )
'our (4)rooms ( ) , 1702 Webster st . . . I'i ' 20
'our (4) ( ) loom" , 1704Vc > bn > r ht 22 fl (
1 hree'l ( ) room cottage lUIN.2li.t8t 1r > l
Jtidgo Iteming jVgeucy , s. w. ior. Hartley aud
' 5th sts. XW )
FOR UKNT-lIist haltot 2541 Davenport St. .
Inquire 2118 Capitol nvo. U022t !
FOK HKNT Stoieioom. No.211 S. 14th st. Ap.
pi v nt 1110 Howard st. 8.11
TTWlt HKNT 3 stores on Ifith and Leaven
JL' worth , apply llauk of Omaha.
T71OU HKNT Ilrlck store , Hat above , 24th and
JL1 Hamilton , desirable business location. Leu-
vlft Ilurnlmm , room 1 , Crelghton block. tOl
FOll 11BNT Tlirco desirable ofliees In the Con
tinental block , cor. ISth nnd Douglas sts ;
steam heat and clevatoi. Fiecland. Loomls &Co.
ir > 0 21
FOll HK.VT Storeroom 20\49. $ f > per mouth ,
30th unrt I > iukuey sts. John H. Hamilton ,
Hoom 21J , 1st Nat. bank b'd'g. 120 21J
T7Klt HnNT Tvo store rooms , > 'lilch aio con-
JL1 verted Into living looms , tl room J each , at 11,1
per mouth. N. II. cor. 19th and Mason , Inquire
214S > 2thst. 211
T71OR KENT Olllce suite tilmonth. . 3 , slngla
JL' olhces 811 each , all fronting 10th St. , llustv
man block , N. K. Cor. 16th ami Douglas. W. it.
Hushnmu. 1,111 Lcavcnworth. J531
Oil llENT-On CuTiiTng st. storeTana"living
apartments , also Hvory stable. Dnnulie ol
Harris H. K. & . I.Co. , Hoom 411,1st Nat. bank.
STOUK for rent , llli 1-arnam street. Inquire
of Nathan bheltou. at luOJ farnam street
1/1OH HENT-rtno retail stora room wltli
JL' largo basement , $90 per month. C. F. Hap
llson. 418 S. 15th st. 82J
/ .OOD bain for lent cheap. 1811 Webster.
FOR llf.NT Good barn , 4 stalls , feed loon
and wagon sued. Inquire at SJ25 How ard st ,
GUOHOK J. KnillNSDOItrP. room il , opp. p.
O. , will hereafter give special attention tc
renting houses , stores and Hats. If you waul
your property rented without delay nnd to rell
able tenants , do not fall to list the same will
1dm. 823
"V\rK give special attention to renting and col
f T lectlng rents , list with us. 11. K. Cole , roon
6 , Continental block. 8,17
IF YOU want your Houses rented place then
with Reniwa St Co. , luth , opposite postonice
LOST A good reward will be paid for the re
eovery of pocket book containing $125 li
money , together w 1th papers. Itcturn to Will
lain Vcsuy , near Downsv Ille or Horace Kverott
SIHAYKD-Two horses-a bay and llgh
grey from South Omaha , last Thmsday
Finder will bo rew aided by Callahan llro .
South Omaha. sat ait
OJ50reward w 111 be paid aud no questions nske <
Pfor the return of gold watch. Howard move
inent. stolen on U , p. train betvv eon Valley am
Chapman on Friday evening , Oct. I'i. Addres
contlduntlally , J. U. C. . caio P. O. Giand iHluuU
Neb. 2-J'J
LOST Newfoundland dog ; small whlto spot li
breast ; will pay liberal reward. Wllco :
Bros. . 415 S llth st. 218 221
LOST A pocke book containing an order o
Wl 67 , a pair of gold earrings and abou
* l In silver ; M reward for retuin to oOlce o
Llnahan tt Mahoney , Paxtou block. 170 22t
1DKK8ONAL Ladles , unsightly hair on th
JL face , neck or arms removed and the root
instantly killed by the Kiectrlo Needle Proces !
leaving no marks or scorn ; positively the enl
permanent remedy. Address 0 28 , care llze.
PERSONA I < If you nave a personal item , o
any communication , drop It In one ot Th
Bee'n m Mam boiei. 106
TTIOH SALE Carpets , stoves ana curtain'
J 6243aathst. 26928 ;
T710H SALK-One fine full blooded Polled Ai
JL1 gue cow. Inquire of C. L. Krickson 4. Co
: i2N10thst. 28t24
d20 will buy a nice bull pup 7 months old. et
* P quire at 4'B South 10th st. 261-22
FOIl BALK Furniture , stoves , washing mt
chine , all new ; cheap this week , account c
moving. 1511 Hurt EL 22 : i >
WK have several No. 1 first mortctges o
Improved property , nmnlng from 3 to
years at s per cent semf-annually. that w e wt
todUpoaeof. Mutual Investment Co. . Harkt
block. KUi acd Farnaia. 179 M
171011 SALK Good heavy , borsn , very cheap/
JU weight ivboutja ; Ito. Inquire ot Dr. Qal
bralth , 14th and DouslaH fl . 17 2
Ai.K i mllHoa"tHok. price WJa per
LOW ) . Address O 21 this onice. 142 y >
IfinilljALK-StoTei ot U klnU. ( before buy-
JJ Ing call at 1121 Farnaln. ' 1TO 2. )
T710H SALK Hard cotl store , base burner ,
JU nearly as good as ne ir. Apply 414 N14th _ st
rpllIS inny interest you , Jf not , don't read it
JL Woodbrldge Ilron. art uouml to reduce stock
to moke room for new , goods , An elegant
( 'bickering pUno for HVj ; an elegant Decker
llros. ' forllM ; an eriually flno Knnbo for tl&O-
n miigulncent Hnllet Ic Co 4 (150 ; u second-hand
Mcl'hall ' for ' , of Its value ; , nlso nno Hnllet A ;
Cumston , cheap ; will take J10 down atuHlO
monthly on these goods. Woodbrldcu llros , ,
Imposition llulldlng. _ P' 8 2'l '
FOH BALK Very fine family horse and
phaeton at your own price. Inquire loom 210 ,
first National Hank. ti7H
BALK or trade New two seated car-
rlago and slngla top buggy. Solby , 1''I
' '
FOH SALK Seaman s wagons and carrlases ,
Omaha's largest variety , east side Ifith st ,
north of Nicholas. The best und the cheapest.
720 o i.11
17IOH SALE A nowOs at Hockaway carrltgo
J.1 nt Lee ic Nichols' livery barn. Tw enty-rlghth
and Leaveiivvorth. Telcphouo 810. 417
1J1OII SALK A family horse or for general
JJ use. price $ f)0. Inquire No. ; il S. 10th. City.
BIJAUTIU'L faces nud tortns gmriintaal
face blcacheiremove freckles , iilmplus nud
wrinkles. Jl per Pottle. Hook of receipt for
the lompleTlnu cents Send I tents for clr-
cular. .Madiinio iiert.21.1 btato St. . Chicago
IiiU''f.'T ; ( joursolf In book-kuoplmj by at
tending the ovcnlng sihool , now opened by
.1 ( loss , fust National bank , building , mom
511. A few more scholars wanted to complete
class now foimliig. Totms luoderato. 2712:1 :
1" Jlll'OSAI. wlll ba received by the undersigned -
signed until Nov. 1. l is , ( or grading noith
hnlrof blo-k.l , Mcr-h addition O. f ll.uls
Co. , 15)5 ) Farnam st. 101 J2
, mauufxrtuier of watrh cases.
Hcpalrlng of nil kinds : gold and silver
plating aud lire gliding. Hoom ,114 , Pa\ton
block , ior , IGth and I iniinin sts. , Omahn , Neb.
HO r.J
Fl'UNlTl'ItU ( .irefully moved bv the Omaha
Auction nuil Stoiago Co , 1121 Karnam st.
Teloponno r.'ilo. lilnlS
GO to lUymurtl Her for line tools andl > ulld-
ers hardvvato , 524 y. IGth st. , Her building.
"VTOriCK to contractors aud builders Von
-l > will save money l > v figuring with I In j HUM- &
Her. their stoik of builders'hardware is com
plete and prices low. ! JOnl7
M1HK baulo t.uight as an art by Geo.l' ' . Oellen-
-L beck. , tl So. 10th st. 1SU
ilKLT hats pressed and lesluiped : lenthors
' cleaned and cm led ! . M. Schadell.2HN
kit O. HK'IvKTTrf. maincer r.xcelslo
"ll0 Karimm. lliasi and strluu music.
_ "l u 12T
/TNTIQITAHIAN book stoie. 14 ri rat mm st ,
xVlilgtiest cash prices paid for ocoud hand
books. i < 2l n 10T
JNO. ML'LDOON & Co..ll1 S. 10th St. ; 10 stone
cutters , l2c lluuul font , Colorado bundstono.
wll'OT cash for old and new books , turultuie ,
J stoves aud carpets. Qrll * i , Co. . 117 N. Iflth.
6U CiJ
OME for Destitute VVquion and Children ,
" 18 Hurtst. U40
w 'OMAN'S KJtchange , 1 ( 17 Farnam st. Lundi
dally , supper Saturday nights. i)4'J ) '
" \tlDLAND Guarantee anil Trust Co. , 1133 I ar
J-TAnam Complete abstract furnlshod , & titles
to real estate examinedp rfo < .toil & guaranteed.
1JNSON& CATlMtUIAKL TurnHlTcompleto
'and ' guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate In Omaha nnd Douglas county upon
short notice. ' 1 ho most complete set of ubstrnct
booKs In the city. No. 1503 Farnam st. b7U
3'lOH.\GU-At low iaoi nt 1121 fainim st.
Auction & , Stoijujio Co. _ I'll
rilHACKAGK. storage. Jowest rates. W. H
llushnian , 1,111 Ltavenworth. _ 878
rANTKD To buy small laundry. Addre-i
> (1 as lleo. 287 23t
\\7"ANTED A good , fresh milch cow. AdV -
> V dress P. O. Lock llx fiS'l. 214 22
\\7 ANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and
T > household goods of all kinds. OmahuAuc
tion & Stoinge Co. . 1121 Karnnm. 13.1
\X7"ANTKD To buy fresh milch cow. state
i T ugo aud price. Address G 10 Bee olllce.
\\rANTED-Hoiihes and lots to sell that are
TT Imigalns to oiler to customers. Mutual In
vestment Company , room 1 Harbor block.
DO VOf want to borrow money ? If you have
diamonds , watches or jewelry and desire to
ellect a loan on favorable tetms In n strictly
private and confidential manner , or should you
want n loan on fuinlturo. carriages ,
land contracts or peisonal pioperty of nny de
scription , you cau have money advanced at
lowest rates of Interest and ample tlmo to pay
by calling on or sanding postal card to the
Omaha Mottguge Loan Co.
Wo loan out our own money , make out out
own papers ami pay no commission , thus giv
ing the benetlt to tlio borrower.
Our facilities are such that wo can accommo
date you in a prompt nnd confidential man
ner , giving you fair , hoiioiable .and courteous
All loans renewed at original rates.
We will pay off nny mortgnga you now liavu
and give you long time and to w rates ; w 111 loan
any sura from tSto $1,000.
Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought ,
Omaha Mortgage Ix > au Co. , rooms 217 and 21t
First NatlonaUlank building. 448
TilK Omaha Financial Kxchauge , Itoom 15 ,
Darker Illock , southwest coiner of Ftirnain
and 16th sts.
Makes a specialty of short-time collateral
and leal estatu loans.
Money alway.s on haud In suras of $100 am !
upwards to any amount , to loan on approved
security *
Sccui'cd notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to exclmugo foi
goodUrst or second mortgages.
tioans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , llrst or second mortgage se
curlty. without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial bmlness of any kind transacted
Promptly , quietly nud fairly. Hoom 15 , llarker
block. Corbett , Manager. Ml
MONKY To Loan - Hy the undersigned , wlu
has the only properly organized loan agencj
in Omaha Loans of 810 lu Jl.OiO made ou rural
ture , pianos , or ans.horses.wagous , machinery
etc. , without removal. No delays All buslnes :
Mrktly coulldeutlal. Loans to made that anj
part cau be paid at any time , each payment
reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made 01
fine watches and diamonds. Persons shouli
carefully consider who they are dealing with
as many ne.v conceins are dally coming Into PX
istence. Should you need money rail nnd sei
me. W It. Croft , room 4 , Withnell building
loth and llarney. t *
MONKVtoloan on hoitsohold furniture , pr
ano-t , hoi seu , wagons and other persona
property : also ou mortgage paper and contract :
as collateral security ; c'.ipb alvrays on hand : HI )
eral oxtenslona granted ; business trun actei
fulrlj .quietly and prompth' . The Fall banks In
vestment Co. , SV cor IBtUi ft Douglas , upstairs
, 215
PEOPLE'S FINANCIAL K\ctange-The fall
est , quete-t ! , most HUeral money exchaug
In the city ; loans made without delay orpul.
llclty , la any amount large or small , at the low
est rates of intercut , on anv available socially
loans may be paid ut rcny time or renewed a
original rate * . O. nousieiroii , mgr. . room MCJ
llarker bite. . 15th and Farftam. Id7 n 15t
TDKOI'LE'S F1NANCIAJ. nxchanxe-I < aiB
L and small loans fur long ami short time , a
lowest rates of interest , on roul estate , mort
gage notes , chattels of-nil kinds , dlamoud <
w atches aud Jewnlry. T9n't } fall to call if yo1
want fair und cheap accommodations. O. lloir
caren , mgr. , room 66'Jj"1larker ' blk. 15th an
farnara. it ( > 1)17 ) n 15
WK keep on hand money to oan ou Insld
property in Omaha und South Omaha i :
sums from { 500 to MUX ) , and as we do our owi
valuing , make all papers , etc. . we can complot
a loan any day you w Ish and pay you the monej
llntcs , Smith 4. Co. , Itoom 20i , Hamgo bulldlni
MONISY to loan on improved property at flrc
hands. No applications sent uway for ai
provul. Security and titles examined free c
charge o borrowers. Lombard Inveatmec
company. 30J B. 13th at. 1H4
n O LOAN From ono to two hundred thoui
JLand dollars or smaller sumspiomptly , eusi
ern capital always on hand cheap , Philudelphl
Mortgage and Trust Co. , Oco. W. P. Coates , J
board ot trade. l' < i
MONEY to loan un lurnltura , vvagoos , tc
without removal , or on collateral securlt j
Dullness strlctlr conadentlal. A. E. Oreenwoo
A Co. , K 1 Cunningham blk , cor. Uth & Jacksoi
MONEY to loan at U. H. Peterson , real *
tate and loan agent. H12 3 Uth at. 601 CO
MONEY to loan on furniture , hones , wagon ;
etc. , or oil any approved security. J. W.llol
bins. It. SOO Siutly bit. Uth and Howard , M
GW. PF.CK loans money , cftsh on hand.
$300.040 , on be placed ou city and farm prop
erty at lowe t rates ; building loaus a specialty ,
Hoom I , Fronzer block. Opp. P. 0. Dm ) n n
MONKY to loan in any amount , cither for
building or otherwise , at lowest rates of
Interest and on short noticeD. . V. Sholes , room
210Flrst _ Nat'l bank , cor. 1 Ith and farnam. OT3
Jto loan on improved real estato. Moitjaijas
boupht. Klmball , Champ , * Uyau , U. S. Nat
bank , room o , wu 2d
d 500coo 0 per cent. Money to loan on lia-
tpproved farms or city property. .Inmes A.
Woodman , at the old fire Insurance olllce of
Murphy & t.ovctt. 22J S 1.1th st. 891
DON'T boirow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until > oti have seen C. U. Ja
cobs , room 410. first National bank building ,
cor , 13th nnd fnriiam 004
MONBY to Lo"an-0n real estate aud chattel
socuritv. Money without dclny. Western
Laud and Loan exchange. 117 S. 1Mb st. & * luS
MONKY to loan ; cash on haud ; no delav , J.
W. Snulu' . 1219 farnam st. First National
bank building. y.j
ffil5UOO toloan onluslde property. Some first
T > mortgages for salt. Nathan Sheltun , 15ai
Faniaui street. 893
MONEY to Loan City and country ; ciionp
rates , no delay. L. P. Hammond , vn PAXton -
ton building. 70u
MONKY to Loin lowest rate * . Loans closed
promptly , II , K. Cole , Itoom 0 , Continental
Illock. 5W
PKH CKNT money to loan-Cash on hand
W. M. Hauls , room JO , 1'reuzor block , opp.
P. O. & & _ _
LOANS on short time nt low intes. Klmball ,
Champ .V Hyan , room n , I * S Nat. banK
K2I 10
MONKY to loan on chattel securities. Illsnop
\\heclcr Loan Co. , room D , Darker block ,
H'On 17
ANY nmotint to loan on Improved leal estate.
K S. lllsbce , loom J1S , 1st Nat. bank.bflt22
HI1. THEV JOOOW to loan ou city property
and Improved farm laud , freuzor block.
LOANS made ou ion ! estate and moitgagcs
bougnt. Low Is S Hoed A. Co. , 1W1 I'aruam.
\ 837
MONI'.Y to loan. Low rates and no delay ,
llulehlusoii * Wead , I5JI Dodge. 914 22
MONI'.Y to loan on Improved real estate
l.envltt Hiirnlmm , Crelghlon block. 67
ONKY to loan. O. f. Davis Co. , leal estate
nnd loan agent" , 1501 Fnrnam st. 1KB
iiDOD to loan at U per ci-nt. Llnahan MahOney -
_ $ hOney , room WKI , Paxtou block. WK )
/"lOODclty and farm loans wanteJ by A. K.
17 lllloy. 1519 Farnam. 8-t !
/"Ill A'lTKL and collateral loam. M. K. Davis
V lll S 1 Ith st , room 27. hi2J
"OKAL estate loans , lowest ratas. Odcll Hio * .
- > - & Co .JUS. IBth st. tOJ
MONKY to loan ; long tluio. Oeorgo J. Paul
1WX ) faruam st Wl
BUILDING loans. Llnahau & Muhoney.VJ3
TjlOH SALK "of tne host short older houses
X' In the city ; furniture etc. , of two good hotels ,
2good leatamauts , cigar nnd tobacco store aud
> uuvi.s depot. Call ou Co operatlvo Laud Af
, ot Co . 20"i N. 10th st , iup stafri. ) 2J5 ' 1
E A HIS business chance : Fine stock of gro
ceries lu llvo city of I.20J luhnbltants , # J. , OOD
i"r nunum.capltul loiiulred fromf i.O 0 to $1,0011 ,
easous for soiling 111 health , Addicss G M ,
care Use. 07 n 0
T\OK \ SALF.Meat market , .slaughter-house ,
- hore3 , wngous and all tlxturos complete.
Trade II.KX ) per month : the best location In n
: ityof i.\000 people ; will rent the hulldlug 1 to
i yearno ; ono only biislue-s men will pay to
.nvestlgate. Address nil communications to U
25 , Hec ojllce.JJiijiaha. I822ii
W"ANTKI-A nmn with t-O ) can nave lali
salary nnd curlly for money or Interest
n good business. Address U J ) , lleo olttce.
21722 *
FOH SALK A fl.SOO slock of general hard-
wnic. cook uml hcatlug stov-os tinners' stock
nud tools , t/ , cash , bill on favorable terms. Ad
dress (1 211 , Dee otllce. 212 2fl *
FOIl SALK Light laundry business and bath
tubs combined ; best location in Omaha and
least money i cqulred. Addiess 0 11 , Ilee olllce.
I in 22 *
"I71OH SALK A compli-to Oyster Cunning Out-
Jnt. . Cheap , If sold atonco. Address C. II.
II. , Lincoln. Ne ) ; . 9 > t 23 *
[ TlOIl SALK lllacksmith shop complete. 2
IJ hres , good business. Sickness cause of hell
ing. Address F 71 Hoe. l 0 SSt
\\7Kvvishto employ a reliable man In your
T ? county. No experlencu required ; perma
nent position for three years. Salary Increased
each year. Light , cany , genteel business. Money
adv anced for salary , adv ertlslng , etc. Largest
inamifrs lu our line. Enclose 2-cent. No
postals. Centennial U't'g Co. , Cincinnati. O.
Ui U 8U
TJUJR HALE Salt Lake lots f2t ) each , at 310 K ,
J-1 Wli St. 425
FOK aALK or Exchange An old flstabllshed
good paying Livury business In Council
HlulTKjn. , 1'J N Main st. Wm. Stadleman. GlU
T71OH SALK The turnlturo nnd lease of ono of
JLI the be-t paying nnd best located hotels In
the cltv. Apdlyntonce to Green li Williams ,
first Nat. bank building. 275
T7IOHKX'HANiK-lflO ( ncres fiontier Co. , 160
JU acres fianKlin Co. , Neb. , ICO ncies ICossuth
Co , In , , 1,100 to 2'itt ) acres Johnson Co. , l\v. ,
wild land , will exchange lu part or in whole for
good geu'l merchandise. Hex 101 , Wllcox , Kear
ney Co. , Neb , 210 21 *
Foil KXCHANiK-A few choice pieces of
city for good laud or vacant lots. Also some
good bargains In real estate If sold soon. I ) . II.
Unll , 11 IN. IGth st. 21022
PIHST-CLASS stockof millinery for goon im
proved farm , slocks of goods , impioved and
unimproved city property , wild and Improved
lauds , etc. Come nnd read the exchange book.
Co-operative Land& Lot Co. , 205 N. llith st , ( up
stairs. ) 235 22
TIOH KXCHANHK-Ono of the best 100 ncro
farms In Sfdgwlch count v , Kan. , near Wich
ita , for Omuha propsrty. Mutual Investment
Co. , llnrkor block , 15th und 1 auiam. 17V12G
T 0 KXCH ANiK-llH-edge Inside lot forstock
dry goods or clothing. Ci 2:1 : Ilee. 1J324
FOll SAM' or Exchange ( , oed phaeton In per
fect order. Imiulm at l.aci furiium. r > 8-4
TF you have vacant propeity you wish torx-
JLchangt ) for a home or lor Improved pioperty ,
list with the Mutual Investment
1 llarker Itlock. ir.-j 22
IfYOrhavo city pioperty that you wlsiTTo
trade for Improv ed farms , clear of Incum.
brance , call or send for dlscrlptlvo list to M.
franklin , room 4.1 Paxtou bid i ; , Omahn , Nob.
025 22
If you have anything to exrhauco call and
see our list. Wetein Laud nnd Loan ex
change. 117 S. 10th. 007 nS
mo KXCHANK-Or soil , homes and lota ,
JL farms or meichnudlsa tec Omaha lluslneia
lixchnnge , room 6 , s. w. tor. 15th nud Douglas ,
FOll KXCHANflK-Oood renting city and
South Omaha property ; uKo lots nnd farms ,
Western Land and Loan exchange. 117 S. Kith sv
I710H Trails Choice lot In Ornmmcrcy Park
JL. and choice double coiner in Lipton Place foi
good land. 1) . V. Sholes , 210 , first Nat'l bank ,
I HAVE real nnd personal property of nil
kinds for trade. Call and see mo. George J.
Bteinsdortt , room 0 , opp. P. O. 8io
rpllK Omaha llusmessExchange. It.C , s. w.cor
J1'ith and Douglas , makes a speclilty of selling
and exchanging all classes of ineichandlst > . etc ,
49J-O '
DH. NANN1K V. Warrrn , clairvoyant. Mod
lent aud business medium. Female disease :
a specialty , ill ) . N. llith ht. llooms 2 & A 235
ATTENTION' The gifted destiny reader cat
be consulted dally for two w eeks in all af
fairs otllfo or death ; tells your life from tin
cradle to the grave ; icunltos the separated will
the wonderful Kgyiitiau thanu ; locates dlseasi
and heaN them with Message and electric treat
meut. Oillcc 417 S. llth st..upstalrsrooms 2 AJi
bio ai
TjlOHTUNKTeller Mrs. lierormancan becon
-L. suited on all nUnirs ot life. Satlsfactloi
guaranteed. No , 318 N Itlth st too nU ;
Saunderi it. nt * >
JUper foot , worth tlOt , one-half caih ; part ;
out oftovvu , must sell. U 15 , Ilee olllce.
180 25
_ _
FOU HALE-Unlncumbfred real estate li
Pacific Junction , Iowa , which will par
per cent annually on the Investment abov
tazei and lasuraqce. Addreu F. W. Miller
Pacific Junction , low * . 97 nl'
FOit SALE on e y terms , the flrit house fll
rectly south ot Dr. Mercer's re tdene , eler i
room * and born with lot ioiiu , only li.WO. Th
same Improvements with ground * lauxteo oal
114,000. W. T. B * man , wtgons , crrl * e . c
MttUU ok 1 U tu , aurUt o | Mlaltolu. II
EDWAlll ) A , HHODI10LL , Lindsay. Nob. , hen
sfv r l farms for sale In Platte couuty at
115 to tx > per acre , , nill-0it !
LOTS fur Palo I Imvo 10 tlno lots In llrlggs1
nlaco add. for nle. for further Informallcrn
.ddrcwn K Joffc'iy , ( Inlcna , III. 401
G oboOskTllll lei . ' 4TaTh , big bargain. O
15 , Hoe olllco. Lid " 5
FOll SALK A newp-room house , water , bntli
furnace , cistern , barn , etc. , I7.0W ; | lniu
cash. f-/iOi in 5 years , bal.iuce easy terms. Address -
dress O 4 lleo olllce HOI g
Foil SALU Two elegant home ? In llauscom
Place on reasonable terms : mortgage paper
taken as part payment , llosworth i Joplln.
Harnerbloek. KM
FOH 8A"LK-512 acres Hamilton Co. . Neb , ,
land. $ ' per acre , one-third cish. balance nt U
per cent , Address . J. Wlldman , Dearer , Pol.
FOll SALK Or exchange for Omaha proper'
ty , 80 acres , Hiiltablo for platting ; will make
4001nts ; all clear ; big money lu it for some ouo
n ho ( an push this ; located just outside of Iho
city limits of Council HlulTs. liuiutre Oeo. J.
BtornsdorlT. opp. DO'tonice. 803
OH SALU-Klegant east front I ot 2-ixl-7H
on grade , near church and schools , ouo
block oil street car line running regularly
Price f-'TC. . $ .t > cash , balance liu monthly. Cal
on Sunday or evening at residence , 401 N. Iftth
street 241 2J *
$ V * ' buys a ROOI ! 2-story 8-room house and
lot. east front. In Windsor IMare , a bii'R ilu.
I ) . V. Sholcs , Koom21U , First Nutlonal llaiiK
_ _ J \ f,78
T71OH SAIiK Lot 80x1 oU. with good 2 story
JL house nlcoly furnished , all modern conven
iences , \\lthlu I blk paved wt. . ' } bin from I'arK
pchooland .M. U. church , llnnscom place. This
Is ono of the best properties In the-city , nnd
cau bo hud at a ImrerUu by addrcastug the
ownci , T H , lleo olllce. 418
FOIl HAIK-f > r xchan o. We h.ivo some
good Omalm tfal estate aud Nebraska
farms , which we will sell cheap or trade for
stock of clothiiie , furnishing goods , drr goods ,
boots and shodd , Krocerles or hardwaie. Bchlen.
inger llros . C14 S. 10th st U1U
" 1110U SALII-aixlOO fnet near coi ner Woolwot th
Jave. . and 2sth t-t ; hoii90 of it roomsbathroom ,
goa , cistern , hot and cold w uter , sewer connec
tion , furnace , 2 cellars , location all ran bo
desired , school , church mid 2 Hues of horse cars
wlthlnt2 blocks , cable In project : KL OO ; tl.OOJ
cash balance easy , M per cent Interest , C , K
llairlsou. 41dS Ifith st.
Jllxluoo feet cor Woolworth ave. and 2 th St. ,
house and Impiovemunts materially the Minn
us above , * 5UJO. 11,000 cash , balance easy , 8 per
lent Intciest C. r. Harrison. 4 IBB 16th st , CM
buys a full lot mid good 4-roora eottano
$800 tonns aud good location , D V , Sholes ,
loom SID , first Nat lb\nk , cor. lath and Far-
nam. Wi
FOIl SAIiE Flank Wnssprman , at the Hank
of Omaha , has some of the choicest resi
dence and business pioperty lu the ilty for falu
cheap. 403
SALr House nnd 75 foot lot on California
fornia nnr JOtn at a great bargain. $4JO. '
toODduwnor J1UJ discount for half casti. W. M.
Vales , agt. 115
TOIl SALU lO.COil acies land In Nebraska at
JL1 lowiatds on long time : good farm lands ,
( J. II. 1'eteroon , 1412 8.13lh st Ml O , S3
FOIt SALK Not for trade. 5U70 actos of 1m-
pro\eil laud 2 miles fiom Maiquettu lu ,
Hamilton Co. , Ncbiuska. Frame house , frame
staule , ; ! UO acres under a good 4 barb-wire fence ,
round cedar posts and a stavs : living water ,
good corral , 2 wells , wind mill , U-'O-b.irrel tank ,
self.feedertroutflw , etc. : 75 acies clover ; model
I'rlre ( about 112 per acre ) ? 6,5 (
Cash . 3.WO
3 j ears tlmn at 6 per cent . U.IKX )
< ; < > nml looK over the land anil addiessthe
owner , f. 1C. Atkins , 1502 Lailmer St. , Denver ,
Colo. ] 214 _
TTIOH SALK Cheap , a tine faun containing
JU 7,000 acres In Daw sou Co. , Neb. , near Co7ad
station on the L' . P. H'y and also near the II. &
M ll'y with J10.000 Improvements , 400 acres
under cultivation. Would not object 10 taking
part In Omaha real estate or would take one-
Iialf In rattle or hoiscs. Inquire of Patrick
llros. . Kill Dodge St. . Omahn , Nob. rcn 22
Poll hALK Lot II. b , 20 , Hanscom place. ITViO
oir what It Is worth. C.r. Harrison , 4188 Ijth
Ci)7 )
Klcotion I'roclninalion.
Under and by virtue of the niithotlty vested
.nine by section eleven (11) ) of chanter twenty-
six t-ii ) ot the compiled statutes or Nebraska ,
entitled "Elections , " I , John M. Thayt-r , gov
ernor of the Btute of Nebraska , do hereby Issue
my proclamation , that on Tuesday , ttie sixth
day of November , A. D. IS-sS , there will be an
election held at the usual places of voting In
Bald state , for the puiposeof electing the follow
ing olllcers , to-wit :
Flvo electors of president and vice president
ot the United States.
One member of congress from the First con
gressional district.
One member of congress from the Second con
gressional district.
One member of congress from the Third con
gressional district.
Lieutenant governor.
Secretary of state.
State treasurer.
Auditor public accounts.
Commissioner of mibllc lands and buildings.
Superintendent of public Instruction.
State senator for each t > enatorlal district , and
llenreseiitatlvos for eacli rcpiesontathu
district , us pro\ldsd by law.
In witness whereof , I have hereunto set my
hand nnd caused to be alllxed the great seal of
< ho Uone at Uncon , hl ,
2il day of October , In the vear or
our Lord one thousand eight nun-
LSoal. ] dred and eighty-eight , the twen
ty-second year of the state , and
of the Independence of the United
States the ono hundred nnd thir
ny tlio ( Jnrernor , JOHN M. THAYIHl.
G.8. LAWS , becretarv State.
Notion to Contraciorn.
Pealed proposals will be received at the odlco
of County clerk of Douglas County , until 2
o'clock , p. m. Satmday , October 27th , 18 , for
the erection of 1H ) feet of trestle w ork on Military
road UetweentheUlkhoinrherandtho Uawhldtt
Creek ; also Wleet of trestle work ono-half mtlo
south of Waterloo. All lumber to bu furnished
by Douulas County , laid dow n at Valley Station.
Ccitllled check for twenty-live dollars to ac
company each bid.
The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or
Ml bids. 41. D. UOCHK.
oct-10-o-llt m-eod-wlt County Clerk.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only rood to take for Dej Molncs. Mnrslmltnwn
( > < lnr Itaplili , Clinton , Dlxon , Chicago , .tillwuukee ,
unit nil puint' Ku t. Tu tbt people of Nobnuku.Colo-
rniloV yomliui , ( Hull , Idnlio , NevntlH. Oregon , Wash *
liiKtonRml 1'nlliorulu , It utter * superior udvuau os
nut possible nj nnr other line.
Aiuonu' u fi-irot the nuiuernui points of superiority
cnjujml br ilia imtrcmi nt this roud between Oinnh
und Clniii.-n , ure IU three trains n U y uf DAY
COACIHW. llch nretlie llnost lh t linnmn art an1
nEvnullr ( Hntreitc. Us 1'ALACKbI.KKI'lNUOAIU
tliccijualof which can not be found eliawuere. At
Counill Illnlls. the trains of the Union Tucino 1UII.
wuy iiinni'ct In union Uupot vrltli tuu < nt the Chl-
tR nA .Nortliwostoni llr. In CtiUaeo th trulnsof
tills line inako close cuonection viltU tlioia ut all
oilier Kmteni linos.
Kor Detroit , Columbus , Imilnnnpolli , Cincinnati ,
Klaviira talN , HulTalo. llttsbnri ; , Tnrontn , Montrunl ,
lUmlnn , New \ork , I'hlluli-lplila , lUUimnro , Wash
ington , aod all points la tlio Ka.t. Ask for tickets via
If 7011 wIMi the best atcDiumoilation. All tlckel
nauiti nll llcketJ via tills liu .
Uon'lilanfMk Jlen'l Pas.T Ageat.
W. N. llAIICOTK.Oen'l Western Anent.
D , K. hlMUAI.LTicket Anent.
. . . . F. WKs'ivCUT i-ajjengerAgenl
, . ,
1401 Faruam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Or the Llqior Habit , P tltrely ! Cared ty
Administering Dr. lUlnet' Goldei
W * * flren IB
out tne EnowltdKo ot
lately harml.M and wufeffJct 3
needy cure , whether tee B tl *
feklfrX Jl1 110110 vfc "awfisara
arunkarda hare been tnfleImperate men who
5 * { * lpnJ10M * BD * l HiKelreqtfee vrfti.
* & S-f 'rff. M uVt
- . \ . ftdwr M
il\f m wULjfnKa
nee Imprtinated with the
Bra ,
.PeelMkUI-Cm-Budsou : N. Y. Bendforcat * .
TK1 > , who In hU KOI.I.Y knd lONOIlAXl'f ;
tu TRIFLED away hU T1 OR of I1ODY ,
ANHOOD , waning txhauitlni
di lni upon Iho ruONTAIIfN of LIFK ,
AdKE. RAOKACHE , DreftJful
rJD § , WEAHNIUIN of Mctnorr. OA H
n flOCIETT , PIMrt.KS upon
th * F A tK , and all the KF > E 1T1 Icadlni to
KA KLY llkXIA Y v > d Mrh M CONM lfMF *
Ttoir or INHAJflTY , ihould contult M once
Ike CBLEBBATED fOark * . KttApUlliAcl
101. Itt Clark * bai mad * NERVOCB BE.
UIE.1TY. CHKOFTIC and all BUetiM of
> 1 > make * I o dlffn > nce WHAT yon
T * tk * n or WHO hai failed to our * you.
JVrEH AK.E * iutrrlni from dUeisM pecu
liar to tblr * ex oan eoniUltwlth tb diiur uoo
of tp * * < lr relltf and cure. 8nd 2 eenti poaga
tor work * on year illiMa * * .
-O nd 4 oeaU postafe for Oelebrntetf
Works on Clirenlr , H r ou aud Dell *
DUeuie * . Couultatlon , p noutl'r or br
f * . ContuU the old Vottof.
* cnr J. OHceaand | > rlor
49-Thocc conumplatlnc Maniac *
Bead for Dr. Clarhe'c clebr led guide
! and Fcmal * , ttch l&o. , both 'J6c.
taUniM ) . Befrire confldlng your ctie , oontult
Dr. CI.AMKB. A friendly litter or call may
T * rnture uOerlnnaud ; ihamr , and add golden
yean to life.Book I.lf ' (8ecrel ( ) F.r.
rora , " 60o. ( ttamp ) . Medicine and wrltlnr *
pent eTerj rh r , leoure from po urc.
Hovrt , 8 to R ; Bunddji , 9 to 12. Addrt-u ,
P. D. OJjAKKB , M. D.
Health is Wealt i !
Depression. Softening of the Drain , resulting In
Insanity , nnd lending to mlsorv. decay and
fleath. Premature Old Age , llixrreimoss , Loss f
I'ower In either sci. Involuntary LOSSM and
Bpormatorhan caused by over-exertion ot thf
brain , lelf-abuie or over-lndulgance. Caob bate
contains one month's treatment. II00 a box. or
six boxes for Is 00 , lent by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of prtco.
To cur * aay cai * . With aoh oroei r e iTd by
us for six boxes , accompanied with 15.00 , W
will send in * purchaser our wrttUn ffuarant * *
to refund th money If the treatment cj sno |
effect a euro. Guarantees Issued only by O. ft
GOODMAN. Druggist , Solo Agent , 1110 Varnam
Btrert Utaana. Neb
( Successors to John ( ! . Jacob-j. )
Jndertakers and Embalmers
At the old stand. HJ7 farnam St. Orders by
telegraph willclted nnd piomptl ) attended.
Telephone to No. 2- .
KunnlnR between Council niuff and Albright.
In addition to the btatlons mentioned. traln
llroad- IVans- Omaha uoely , th
way. for. Depot. Om a ha I blight
A.M. A.M. A. M. A.M. A.M. 17 M.
6:15 6:61 0:0) : ) 1:0 : }
6:17 : 6io : 6:60 :
0V. 7:02 : 7:15 : 7:46 :
7:52 : 8:05 8)12 ) 8:23 : 8:30 :
0:05 : 0:12 0:25 : 9:30 :
0:45 : 0:5 : : 10:05 : 10:12 : 10:26
10:4.1 : 10.52 11:0.5 11:12 11:25 11:30 :
11:45 11 : K , P. M. P. M. P.M. P.M.
P. M. P. M. 12.01 lilV 12:2. : 12:1) : )
3:45 : 12:5. : 1:05 : 1:1- l2a ;
114- ; 2:0- : , 2r : 8:26 : 8:30 :
2:46 : 2:5 : : 3:05 : 3:1 : : 8 : 3:80 :
3:45 3V : 4:03 : 4:1 : 4:30 :
4:4r : 6:0 : >
6:45 : 6r > : 6:0- 6:1 : 6:2f : 6:30 :
6:45 : G:52 : 7:1 7:20 :
7:4' : 7K : 8:05 8:1 : 8 : |
00o 0:1
0:11 : 0:53 : 10:1 : 10:26 : 10 UW
10:15 : 10 : , ar. Iv. 11.M 11:051 j 11:4 : , ' 11:50 :
Omaha i'ransIlroad
bright. Omaha. Shocley depot. fer. way.
A , M. A. M. A. M. A. IT. A. M. . H.
6:45 : 5:67 : 6:05 :
6:10 : 6:15 : 8:25 8:42 : 6:50 :
7:00 : 7:05 715 ; 7:20 7:83 : 7:40
7:50 : 7:55 : 8:07 : 8:15 : 8:27 : 8:3S :
8:55 : 0:01 : 0:15 : 9:27 :
0-5C 0:5 : , ' 10:07 : 10:16 : 10:27 : 10:31 :
10:50 : 10:5T : 11:07 : 11:15 : 11:27 : 11 :
! p.'U ? P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M.
p. M . 12:07 : 12:15 KM
12:5. : ' 1:07 : 1:16
1:65 2:07 2:15
3.07 3tl5 S-M
8:50 : 4:0 : 4:11 4l27 4:8,1 :
5.0 6:15 : r.:27 : 6-M
D07 ; 6:15 : 0:27 : 6:35 :
0:50 : 7:07 : 7:16 7Z7 :
7:50 : 7W 8:0 : 8:15 : * ' ? Bi
KM 8:56 : 0:07 : Oil ! 0:3 : $
0:56 : 10:07 : lo-J
10:6' : . 10:55 : 11:07 : ar. 11:11 : 11:17 :
11:66 120'jam Iv.
A No. S 6:60p.m.jD : Ko.l
O No. 6 0OOu.m.O : : wpni
ciitoa : uuBiSkcjil % m
( ! § ! QUINO '
A No.4 ; | No.6 7:30a.m. :
A H : : : : : . ! : ! : fei5B8-S : : : ; {
ic NOflTHWES'f
A No.o U:40a.m. : A No.a , .7ioa. : w
NO.4. , awp.m. : o N .i.fjjf ; ; ; : . m.
Ko.2. . . ,
N6-6ib-n- !
' WllA No. 7..11:36 . .
-B-j--i'P' . . : a. in.
L dally SaturaaTiQ c.Ki ,