Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : iTUESDAY , OCTQBElt 23 , ' 188a .
Delivered by cnrrlcr In Any 1'nrt of thoCltya
TI w i-nty Cents 1'er Week.
II. W.TIM UN . . . .MANAailH.
TELKI'IIONKS ! OrrifK No. 43.
NKIHT KuiToii , Nu.SI.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Only SlO.Tfl nt Chiipmnn'n art store.
Elegant ovcreoatlnps at A. Ucitor'n ,
merchant tailor , SHU Hroadway.
Best hard and soft coal and Missouri
wood. K. E. Mayno , (519 ( Hroadway ,
HuililiiiK permits amounting to $14,27o
have been issued in the past few days.
A meeting of the Second ward repub
licans will lie held this evening at the
olllco of G. M. Hull , esq.
At noon yesterday Olllcer Doyle went
on day duty and pfllcor Olutsim was
transferred to the night force.
P. J. Day opened his new real estate
ollico on 'Lower Hroadway yesterday
morning. W. II. McOrury is the cleric
in charge.
Several loads of household goods were
noticed coming to this city yesterday
from Omaha. The great rush lias barely
begun as yet.
There will bo a meeting of the board
of trade this evening and it is desired
that a quorum bo present , as important
business is to bo transacted.
All persons desiring invitations for
the bridge opening can secure them by
calling at the olllco of the secretary of
the board of trade in the Drown build
ing.A .
A few of the hungry ones are plead
ing for roast ox at the new bridge on
the day of the opening. It is hardly
probable that their desires will bo grat
None of the cases assigned for trial in
the superior court yesterday were ready ,
and with a few exceptions were parsed.
It is improbable that any business will
bo transacted until after election.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas MeCarl died at ( ( o'clock yester
day morning from water on the brain.
The baby was siclc about a week. The
father is a messenger on the Milwau
kee. The funeral will take place at U
o'clock this afternoon from the Planter's
hotel. All friends are * invited without
further notice.
The electric light swung across Pearl
btroct has ceased its daz/.ling. It was
really not needed , but a few citizens
wanted the street made brilliant , and
agreed to pay for it out of their own
private pocket-books. One by one they
quit paying their assessments , leaving
the burden on two or three who got
weary and quit.
A Swede laborer in the employ of the
Chicago , Durhngton & Quincy railway
company , had the second linger of hi's
right hand crushed ycsterdayafternooii
wnllo unloading rails at 'the Kansas
City yards in this city. Ho was taken
to Atkins' 'drug store where the injured
digit was dressed. The finger is badly
smashed , but ho will probably retain
the use of it.
' \Vickhain & Co. yesterday withdrew
their paving force from Willow avenue
and put all of their men at work on the
paving of Broadway extension , between
the settling basin and the new bridge.
The work will bo completed this week.
The paving is of cedar blocks , similar
to that on lower Broadway. Next week
work will bo resumed on Willow avenue
and on Sixth and Seventh streets.
Maggie Mitchell's appearance on a
Council BlulTs stage last evening was
the occasion , as is always the case when
she visits this city , of a general turning
out of all the old time theater goers ,
who have time and again been charmed
by this greatest of American soubrottcs.
Time has indeed dealt very leniently
with her , and she captivates the hearts
of her audience as in former years by
the perfect naturalness of her acting.
May she long bo spared to enjoy the
success which is BO justlyhors.
Sec W. C. Stacy's ad.
Ta do not intend to Indorse any ex cent firtl-
rloH ot merit , hut wo tnko pleasure in referring
to the " ( lurliuul Stoves uuil HniiKes , wnost ?
superiority Is toowi'll establlHliod to bo called
In ( ( ueitlon. They lire believed to be im ci ualed
by nnv in the world. Sold exclusively by 1' . C.
lo ) Vol.
Ladies who arc to furnish provisions
for the W. C. A. dinner on the 25th ,
will please leave thorn at the Paclic
house between 9 and 10 o'clock Thurs
day morning.
I'erflonnl Paragraphs.
Mr. Will Fisher , of Red Oak , is in the
tlty. Ho will return homo to-day.
Nixon Wateamnn , formerly proprie
tor of the Council BlulTs Reflector , was
In the city yesterday , having just re
turned from a trip to Minneapolis and
St. Paul.
Bishop Cosgrovo , of this Catholic diocese
cese , is in the city , the guest of Rev.
Father MoMenomy , en route homo to
Davenport from Weston , where ho hold
continuation services.
A family moving from the city and
needing money will sell their upright
piano cheap for cash. First class make.
Nearly now , $22o. .Call for live days at
Swatibon Miisio Co. , 320 Broadway.
A centrally located , finely furnished
room to rent to one or two gcntlomon.
Must furnish references. Address T. 10 ,
Bii : : olllco.
See Forrest Smith's special column.
AVIm Stele the Clock ?
Yesterday's police court business was
very light for Monday morning , owing
to the fact that the majority of Sun
day's boocrs had paid their fines and
departed rather than tarry in the cooler
over Sunday night. The fines were as
sessed for excessive boo/.ing. The
case of Ir von Landon , charged with the
larceny of a clock , was called and four
witnesses examined. There was some
doubt in the mind of the court , as to the
prisoner's guilt , and the case was con
tinued until other witnesses could bo
summoned. The circumstances point
strongly to the guilt of a couple of col
ored lads who will bo arrested.
Boots , shoes. Kiunohan's , 320 B'way.
The finish on our collars , cuffs and
lihlrts cunnot bo equalled. Cascade
Laundry Co.
Gonn For Ills Drldo.
Mr. L. M. Finkolstoin leaves this
morning on a very happy mission. Ho
is bound for Austin , Minn. , whore , on
Sunday , the 4th , he is to bo wedded to
one of the belles of that place , Miss
Lena Levy , un accomplished young
lady , who will provo a worthy accession
to Council Bluffs social circles. Mr.
Finkolstoin is si young man of sterling
business qualifications , and his bottling
establishment at No. 732 Broadway Is
supplying a largo trade. Ho will bring
liiibrldo here and they will bo hear
tily welcomed . to a permanent residence.
- i
Masonic temple IB : v veritable fairy
bower a. beautiful -placo to spend un
hour aud holy u worthy caut > .
The Brldffo Finished aud Being Made
Rotidy For Opening.
An Ovcr-ZcntoiiH I'oUocinnu Mistakes
an Old Citizen I'mn Horse Thief
Opening of the Cathollu
Fair The Courts.
Clearing Up the Wreck.
W. R , Vaughn did not succeed in
getting all of the material connected
with the Herald olllco across the river
Sunday night. The work was about to
bo resumed yesterday morning when
Sheriff O'Neill appeared on the scene
and levied on the remaining property
to satisfy aa execution of the district
court in favor of the Vannortwlek
Paper company for about $400. Mr.
Vaughn arrived on the 10:35 : dummy ,
and lie vowed that there would bo music
unless the execution was withdrawn.
Ho consulted his attorney , W. A.
Mynstcr , and the property was finally
replovined , Norman ( Jreen becoming
bondsman in the sum of $1,400.
At U o'clock the work of removal was
resumed , and the cylinder press was
started for the Nebraska shore. Mr.
Vaughn stated that a suit for $1.500
damages had been instituted against
the paper company for delaying the
move. Ho also said that ho hail sold
the weekly Herald to Messrs. Sholes
and Walker , former stockholders in the
daily paper , and that they would con
tinue it on this side , probably as u pro
hibition paper , and would run a job
olllco in connection with it. Entirely
new material vill bo purchased for it ,
and the Council BlulTs otlicc of the
Herald will bo in the same building.
The name of the Herald will be changed
to the Daily Intcr-Stato Democrat ,
which will appear in a day or two. Mr.
Vaughn claims to have bought up $800
worth of judgments against the Herald
Printing company , all of which arc
dated prior to the one of the paper com
pany , and says that the latter is of no
cartnly account , as the chattel mort
gage forestalled everything. There
are several judgments against the Her
ald but they are probably not worth the
paper on which they are written. The
property is now in the hands of Mr.
Vaughn on Nebraska soil , and will
doubtless stay there until he gets ready
to bring it back. Mr. Hverett , the land
lord , did not take any action. He has
received a draft to pay back rent , but
he finds himself unable to do anything
about the unoxpircd lease. Mr. Vaughn
admits that there are several claims
against the Herald , but says they are
Wo have quite a number of bargains
in second hand and slightly damaged
pianos and organs , which wo will renter
or sell cheap.
103 Main street.
The ladies of the W. C. A. will give a
dinner and supper at the Pacific house
on the 2oth inst. , the day of the great
republican rally , the proceeds to be for
the benefit of the hospital.
See Forrest Smith's special column.
Opening of ( ho Catholic Fair.
During this week Masonic temple will
bo so metamorphosed that one would
hardly know it. The ladies of St.
Francis Xavior's church have dressed
it in bright colors and each evening
attractive features will bo introduced
for the edification of visitors.
The fair opened last evening , and
although not having the "polish"
which will charactori/o it later , it was
without question a success. Booths
here and there , articles of utility and
beauty , handsome ladies and merry
children all combined to make the
scone one of attractiveness and pleas
ure. The programmes for the evenings
of the week will combine musical and
literary features and various amuse
ments as well. Heretofore the patron-
atro of these bazaars has boon good and
this will bo no exception to the rule.
Have our wagon will for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Fresh California canned goods at Tib-
bitt's , 315 Broadway.
Dr. C. C. Hazen , dentist , opera house
Morehouso & Co. , blank book manu
The Bridge Finished.
The new bridge is at last completed.
Several loads of goods crossed the
structure yesterday coming to this side
of the river. The rails for the motor
line arc laid as far as the Indian creek
bridge. This bridge was completed
last evening and the rails will bo laid
across it to-day. The laying of the
Northwestern crossing was also com
pleted yesterday. There are fourteen
of them double crossings over seven
tracks. As soon as the curves and
switches are laid on Broadway whore
the line leaves this street at Thirteenth
street , the track will bo completed.
There is considerable work to bo done
iu the next week , but it will bo com
pleted in time for the opening.
Rock Spring coal , Gleasou , 26 Pearl
Sec Forrest Smith's special column.
Wo have no competitors in finishing
collars , culTs and shirts. Cascade Laun
dry Co.
Illinois and Iowa best soft coal ,
Glcason , 12(5 ( Pearl street.
Ouns and ammunition at Odoll &
Bryant's hardware and steve house.
A Police niuudcr.
Another case sf mistaken identity led
to the detention of an entirely innocent
party at the police station yesterday for
a couple of hours. W. J. Russell , a well
known young man who has lived in this
city for the past twelve yoarg , was taken
in on suspicion of being the thief who
btolo a couple of horses at Underwood
Saturday night. Ho readily proved
that ho was not the party for whom ho
was arrested , and was released after be
ing put to considerable inconvenience.
Mistakes will happen occasionally , but
it seems as though members of the po
lice force ought to bo bettor acquainted
with parties who have resided in the
city for years.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laundry
Mrs. L. Simmons , dressuwkor , 314 Brorul-
way , over Elscman's , on electric motor lino.
Special advantages to Omaha ladies.
District Court.
The district court opened .yesterday
inorning for the hearing of postponed
cases , There was 116 business cf im
portance to bo Iranpnctod , and tbt day
was occupied closing the record. The
next term will commence on the ( Uh of
November. In the meantime if any
cases can bo prepared for trial and both
sides are ready , they will be heard.
Judge Carson will probably bo on the
bench at the next term.
The Catholic ladies' fair opened last
evening at Masonic temple. You will
be well entertained if you go to-night.
On the 25th the W. C. A. ladles will
pcrvo dinner for 25 cents at the Pacific
house. A lunch counter will also bo
Loans made on city business and resi
dence property. Notes bought. Klm-
ball-Champ Investment company.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
To the Trustees of the Council BlulTs
and Omaha Chautauqua Assembly :
There will bo a board meeting in the
board of trade rooms at 0 o'clock this
morning. Business of importance is to
bo transacted. J. M. OttsiKU ,
PropoHals Wanted.
Scaled proposals will bo recei vert at
the olllco of Henrv Eiseman &Co."s
People's store for the purchase of the
building now standing on the east half
of the Pacific house property. This in
cludes the building known as the "Blue
Front , " commencing with the cast wall
of said " 'Blue Front" and extending
west sixty-seven feet. The building to
bo removed within twenty days from
date contract is awarded.
Bids will bo received up to and opened
on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock ,
October 24 , 1888. Each bid must bo ac
companied by a good bond of $2,000 for
the faithful performance of the contract.
We reserve the right to reject any or
all bids. Copy of contract can be seen
Monday , Tuesday or Wednesday at our
Ollicc. IlUN'UY ElSKMAX & CO.
Lost A small portmonnio containing
a $5 bill. $4 and small change in silver ,
two keys , a paper of measurements for
cloak. Finder will bo rewarded by
leaving same at C14 Broadway , Council
Six per cent money on real estate.
Low commissions. F. J. Day , 30 Pearl
Morehouse & Co. , D. E. lodger ? .
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts < fc Co.'s
loan ollicc , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
J.G.Tipton has bargains in real estate.
For Rent Largo furnished front
room , with large closet , 809 Sixth ave
For bargains in real estate in any
part of the city see F. J. Day , the lead
ing real estate dealer.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies , or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark < & Co. , ollico cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
E. II. Shcafe & Co. , make long or
short time loans on real estate , in sums
to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Olllce
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
E. II. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
conlidental. Olllco 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
A Phantom Train.
Birmingham ( Ala. ) Ago : "You ask
if I have over had an adventure on the
railroad that would bo interesting to
the readers of the Ago. I could wish
you had left that question unasked , for
it calls up an occurrence that for fifteen
long years I have been doing my best to
forget. "
The engineer who made this remark
is one of the oldest engineers running
into Birmingham. His train had just
pulled into the union depot , and the re
porter had mounted the engine , which
was being leisurely run into the round
house. The engineer was attired in thorough
rough garments common to the guild
while on duty. Underneath the tight-
fitting cap perched on his head could bo
seen a plentiful sprinkling of gray
hairs , betokening the decline of life.
'I would like to hear the story , " in
sinuated the reporter , as ho seated himself -
self in the cab and drew out his note
book and pencil , the time-honored
though chestnutty earmarks of his pro
"Well , you shall have it , although it
is something I would willingly forgot.
But it seems impossible. Fifteen years
ago I was running on the East Tennes
see road , between Knoxville and Chat
tanooga. The scenery between these
two points is grand at points , the moun
tains bcintr in sight nearly the entire
distance. 1 had loft Knoxvillc an hour
late one afternoon in November , and at
London the telegraph operator handed
mo an order to make up the lost time ,
as there was a largo southern excursion
on board who wanted to make connec
tion at Chattanooga for Atlanta. I had
always been ranked nsoneof the coolest
mon "on the road , as a man who never
got excited , and I once ran over a burn
ing trestle without a muscle changing.
Yet this afternoon I was strangely ner
vous. For the first time in my life 1 dis
covered I had nerves.
" 'Jack , ' I said to the fireman , 'I am
all in a tremor. I am not superstitious ,
but I feel as if something was going to
happen. '
"Jack burst into a loud guffaw. 'Why ,
cap'n , you nervous1 ! That is too good , '
and ho laughed again.
"I said nothing else , but the uncom
fortable feeling continued. I did not
know it at the time , but I have since
found out that even the iron nerves of
an engineer must break down some
time. Jack , in the meantime , was pil
ing up coal in the furnace. 'Cap'n , you
are cold , ' ho remarked after a few min
utes' intermission. We'll have a better
fire and wo'll bo in Chattanooga in a
jiffy. '
"The grim November twilight hung
over the cartli like a pall. Wo had
passed Athens , and with only fifty-six
miles to go to reach our destination.
For the first time since I mounted an
engine I longed for the trip. I was
looking straight ahead , whore the iron
bands far down the track seemed to
unite into a single rail , when I was
startled by an exclamation from Jack.
'Cup'n,1 ho screamed , 'look there , my
God , look there , pointing with tremb
ling hand to tiie east , where in
the distance- the mountains loomed
up grim and bare in their awful gran-
dour. The look of horror on the poor
fellow's face was indescribable. But the
sight I witnessed as I quickly turned my
eves to the east was enough to freeze
tfio warm blood which courses through
your veins , for there , above the moun
tain tops with a terrible distinctness
sailed a phantom engine drawing a
phantom train. The pulfsof smokocamo
regularly from the engine. I could see
the glaring headlight , the lights in the
coaches , all as plain as if the train was
running on the side track by as. I stood
there watching the strange sight too
amazed to utter u word , how long I can
not wiy. but uddonly'it disappeared and
I was recalled to myt-'clf by several jerks
at the bell rope made by tha conductor.
I looked out and saw tliat wo were at
Cleveland ,
" 'What's tlio matter with you ? asked
the Conductor , coining to the engine.
'What ill ) you moan by trying to run by
Cleveland that way ? Why , man , you
look as if you had seen a ghost , ' ho
added after a moment , catching a
glimpse of my face , 1 looked at my
watch and saw Hint it was exactly 0
o'clock. We had made up half an hour ,
and we pulled into Chattanooga an hour
later only a few minutes behind time.
From the time of the appearance of the
apparatlon to the time wo pulled into
the round house at Chattanooga Jiu'k
had not spoken a word , but there was a
fixed look on his face I did not like.
The affair was not discussed between us.
Jack was strangely tueoiturn.andto toll
the truth , I did not feel inclined to talk
about the strange scene in the clouds.
"There is not a great deal more to
tell. The run to Knoxville the next
day was made without anything occur
ring worthy of comment , but on the re
turn trip to Chattanooga on Friday , two
days after we had seen the apparation ,
at 5:57 : in the afternoon , and two miles
east of Cleveland , a wild freight thun
dered into us. I raw it too lute to do
any good , but I reversed my engine and
then jumped. I happened to jump on
the rightsido and escaped with a broken
linger. But Jack , poor boy , had cho'-on
the wrong side and the immense loco
motive crushed him to a jelly. I firmly
believe that the accident happened at
the very spot where Jack first saw the
phantom engine and at the very minute ,
although two days later. Poor Jack ,
the discoverer of'that wonderful sight ,
the warning was evidently intended for
" 1 did not make another run on that
fated line. I asked to bo cxeus-ed from
duty pending the investigation made by
ollicials into the accident , and on the
day the investigation was concluded and
I was oxhonorated from blame I walked
into the superintendent's olllco and
asked for my time.
" 'You needn't feel badly about that
accident , ' remarked the superintendent ,
" ' 1 don't , ' I replied , 'but my nerves
arc shattered and I want to change my
location. '
"I saw a smile on the superintendent's
face as I mentioned my 'nerves , ' but he
gave me my time without aord. . I
spent live years in the Rockies in the
vain attempt to drive that picture from
my mind. Finally I came back cnstbut
th'o photographic camera could not fix
an object more firmly than did the
phantom engine in the mountains of
Tennessee fix itself in my memory. I
am only forty-five now , but you can sco
how gray I am. My hair was not turned
white 'iii a single night , ' as the novel
ists toll , but in a few months after the
occurrence the change was olTccted , as
I used to think and worry over it a good
deal , and that. two. when I was only
thirty years of age. "
For some minute's the engine had been
standing still in the yard , but the re
porter did not notice when it stopped.M )
thrilling was the veteran engineer's
It's as plain as a tpiko staff that any
article of pastry or food flavored witli
adulterated flavoring cannot possess the
wholcbomcncsa or agreeable flavor of
one in which a strictly pure fruit extract -
tract like one of Van Du/er's has been
used. The flavoring extracts prepared
by Van Du/.er & Co. are from sound
fruit , highly concentratedcontain moro
than usual quantity and are therefore
doubly economic. rThcir flavor is sup
erb. Grocers everywhere sell them.
A Pathetic Herder Funeral.
It was a touching sight to sco how the
boys stood around the dead body of
Briggs and endeavored to hide emotion
and failed. The tears ran down the
face of Arkansaw Bob like rain off the
gable end of a corn-crib , and Ted Wil
liams and Jim Henderson and several
moro bowed their heads while their
forms shook with the sobs they would
not allow to escape. The boys dug a
grave on the banks of the Bra/os river ,
and that night as the clouds drifted
away and the moonlight fell upon the
snow-covered ground and sparkled the
ice-laden limbs of the forest trees , wo
Inirt poor Briggs down in his narrow
resting-place. The only requiem that
was sung was the roar of the turbid
Braxos as it surged along on its wav to
the sea a mass sung by nature. Wiien
the grave had been filled Jim Hender
son said : "I think wo ought to have
some kind of service. It ain't right , by
a darn sight , to go away without bay In'
sointhin' the follows
over grave any you
lows got a BibleV" Noono had a Bible ,
nor had any one seen one in a number
of years. "Well , suppose some ono says
a sort of prayer ? " The boys scratched
their heads , glanced at ono another for
a momentand then looked away off into
the woods. Finally some ono whispered.
"Sisli ! Arkansaw Bob's goin'to pray , "
and ho did.
"O , Lord ! " lie snid ; "I RUCSS in your
opinion I'm pretty tou h , but I nin't askln'
mull in for myself it's for Brings. Ho is
dead now , but was as white a man as over
walked. Ho never did no mnn a hurt , and
lie luul a heart in him us big as a mule , ami
no ono as I've ' heard ever said a word u in
him. I don't know us what I say will have
much influence , but Uriggs stood well with
us down hero , ntul although I don't know
much about his career , or his history , or his
family , ho was a man you could bank on
every clutter. Ho g.-.vo a sick Mexican 4.50
once for medicine , and then turned right
around and nursed him through a fever , but
the infernal Greaser hadn't been well rnoro'n
two days before ho stele Hrnrg's saddle-bags.
Ah I Lord , thcro nin't any preacher nowhere
'round here wo'd had him
, or to say some-
tiling moio p'inted to you than lean say it.
I never pattered any with the Uiblo , and
can't Just remember a hymn song , but I'm a
man of my word I mean what I say and
Uriggs , if ho gets a chance , will make a good
record in heaven as any one that ever got
there. Ho hml , away down in his heart ,
something that was square and as true as
steel and , O , Lord ! you mustn't go back on
that Itliul of n man , 'cause they're tooskecrco
in these parts > Amcu. "
The prayer was as rough as Bob , but
no moro sincere , as was evidenced by
his tearful eye and trembling lip. After
the prayer , the boys ranged themselves
on ono side of the grave , and , drawing
thojr bix-shootors , fired a salute over
their dead comrade , and while the
fiharp roports'woro still echoing through
the forest , they turned and loft the
Lee CAIIINS are not
recommended as model
habitations for modern
people. But Warner's
Log Cabin Sarsnparilla
and Warner's "Tippoca-
noo" are the simple but
effective compounds which
enabled tlio rugged pioneers to
maintain health , and can bo safely
recommended to all.
, , , , , , , ,
Telephone No.1)5. .
COUXlillj DIjUFFH , i ; IOWA
* " Incomparably Xh * Bait. _
) I CAN OFFER 311 (
3 ACI.S ( ! Within city llinltc , Miiall house , 1,000
Krnpc vines , JI..MU.
. ACIus : tt ithln city llmlK good liouo nnd
ltiilro\viiiiint. ) ' . W.liOii.
C ACH1.S Adjolulnc city lluilt . KOOI ! liottn1.
AH In inmll fruit , f'l.wrj.
HMCHI.'S AUjolnlnir < ltv limits ; two tory
limiuMuull ; nulls iu abundance ,
f iOW.
30 ACHKS- ! . ' ! , miles from 1 . O. . nil Improved ;
, „ . . . . house nnd burn , WitA ) .
tOAClll.S-4 miles from I' . ( . . nil Improved ;
liouso nnd barn. ( W.MK ) .
I'rlces will KO up nfUT the brldue la opened.
SUALIiS-uti6 ( : ( ) ( lint nrnr Oinnlia , will nmko
clmtco addition for plnttlnK.
Sl'KCIA f , nclvcrt Iscmonts , such ns toit , Found ,
To Lonn. Tor Sale. To Kent , Wnnts , HoardIng -
Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the
ow r t of TIN : CUNTS PEH UNI : for the rim
Insertion nnd Five Cents I'cr I.lne for each suit ,
aecinent Insertion. I.envo Rdvertlii'iiieim nt
our office. No. 12 I'enrl Street , near llroudwny ,
Council IUulTs Town.
WANTED-nty canvassers. Cull Kt White
cowing machine otllce , 303 Hroadway ,
Council IIIulls.
I71OH HUNT A f mulshed room , miitablo for
X' two gentlemen , ground lloorery centrally
located. Applicant must gho reference. Ail-
dicisT. II ) , lleo olllco.
"IITANTKO A competent abstractor. Art-
dress , w 1th references , J lit , lice office ,
Council IllnllH.
WANTr.O-Mnttress makers at C. A. Heeuo
A Co's.
FOH KiNT : or for sale on long time -Tho
new house on Cinhuin avenue , being the
next hoii-ii above Or. ( iordou's ; 1 rooms with
basement. Horace Uverett.
Tl'K for sale In car load lots. Mulholland & Co.
FOH KINT : Good house nnd stable. Just out
side of tlty. Apply to Horace i\erett :
FOIl HUNT Furnished front room , for gen
tlemen. ! iN Second Ktreot.
TJIOIl HKNT Seven-loom cottaue. on the cor-
i1 ner of Id ! nve. aud l th ft.V. . C. James.
FOH Itl'NT A largo number of good dwell
ings. Call and examine list. P. . H. Sheafo
A Co. , Hroadway aud Main St. , up stairs.
HOUHKS for rent. Johnston &Van Patten
5 Main st.
FOR SALE House ofS rooms and two lots on
nth avenue north of the transfer. Will taku
(1,000 for thin , one-half cash.
ITUm SALE A tine corner In Plerco'i addition
-f just north of the transfer , on 7th avenue
and 18th M , utxD ) ft. , tm
FOH SAI.K-House and lot north of II. 1' .
transfer cheap at JtUO ; Jl'OU cash aud (23 per
FOH HAI.E Lot 44x130 on 1st HVP , near N. W.
It. H. depot , on N. W. track ; cheap at HUO.
FOH SAI.C-13 acres on both sides of U. P. 11.
It. Hack , 'i mile west of union depot ; would
make a line addition toCouncll HluIIs or Omaha.
Only t"M per acre.
"TTIOH SALE An elegant 6-rootn cottage with
ilot fiiixiro , Harrison
- - on M ; tlilspiopettyis
worth from * 1,000 to H.fiOO , liut 1C sold soon will
tell forf..OOJ ; good terms.
Foil HUNT A line new eiqiit-ronm house at
No. 018 4th avenue ; bath room , closets and
all modem Improvements ; nlco largo pleasant
yard. This place Is ouly a.blocks from dummy
FOH HF.NT Nice 4-room cottage on Ethavo.
and lUtli St. , only til per month.
TPO LOAN Money to loan on hordes , cattle.
JL furniture , pianos , Jowtlry , etc. ; doe me be
fore bonow Ing elsewhere.
Hoom 4 , 3rd Floor , Brown IJuilding ,
A positive euro for Liver nnd Kidney troub
les , nil Blood Diseases , Indigestion , Dyspep
sia , uud Sour Stomach , is found in
For sale by local druppists and druggists
everywhere. 1'rice if 1 per bottle , six lor f5.
Address all communications to
on. J. u. moonn ,
Council Dluflfc , la.
DYE Wois
Lnlcsl Xou'lHos In
ooA.I.I !
And All Fine Grades of Coal.
D , H , McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
K nd KS Main Htreet.Councll Uluffa.Iowa.
A Complete Stock of
Ijowerthan tlio lowest goods sold on easy pay
ments fit Cusli 1'rlccs.
For ttio accomodiitlon of Worklngmcn , I will
kfcpopen Sunday from 8 n. in , to 1 \i \ , in.
Kor Second Hand Goodiin ( 'ood order I will
pay full value , bpcclal Inducement to Omaha
No * . 'J23 uud 325 Uroudwaj.
Neat aud contortions Five Room Cottages witlj
closets , etc. , are now offered
On very liberal terms of payment , thus enabling mechanics , dorks nnd liiborlnff
men to fcecuro a homo by paying Hinall payinont down and monthly payments ta
apply upon the purohiit-o price , Siihtciul of paying rent.
Thefco houses nro located bolwcn
And immediately between the electric power house and the car shops. WitU
electric cars passing every ten minutes to Omaha , with only 5 cent fares.
For full particulars address me and I will call upon you.
P. O. BOX 4H8 , OMAHA , NUB.
Nice 5-room cottages , brick foundation , and
all necessary out-buildings.
Only ten minutes walk from the new motor
line. Near the
O. CT.
KSTAI5Ijl.suKl ) IHlii. INCOUI'OUATEI ) 18T8
CO. ,
Especially Adapted for
POWER , Mills and Elevators *
Specifications nnd estimates furnished for complete steam plantM. TteKulatlon , Durability Guar
anteed. Can show letters from ustrs where fuel Economy Is equal with Corliss Non-Condensing ,
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
| / | | | _ _ Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates ,
. D IRIX MIDI lit. Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Browri
Building , Council Bluflb , Io\v .
FIMI CV DHDl/IT Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115
rllNLLl DUimL . , , .
Pearl St. Council Bluffs Iowa. j
* Justice ol the Peace. Ofllcc over American Express , No. 419
NCrLJMD7 " Broadway , Council Bluflb , Iowa. J
Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Fed era
&QIMQ " " Courts. Onice Rooms 7 and 8 , Sliugart-Beno Block ,
Council Blufls , Iowa.
/ > p H A7FN1)enlist | Koom ° ' ° Pera House Block , Council Bluflb , Iowa'
DR. C. B. J U D D ,
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
The "WHITE" Is King.
This Is the verdict of nil ladies who have used the White Sowing Machine.
Sco it before buying any other.
OFFICE , U05 Middle IJroiuUv.ij. . J , ffl , dROWN |
AT 4:30 : P.M. AT 3 P.M.
Royal Arcanum Hall , Beno Block ,
PRICE $15 ,
Is equal t3
any High
TUe Kdl oa MlmcosmplJ. tie | tvit njipurntus for
unulfololny , autographic unit lyi'e ' Wntlni ; work.
J.COJ coptet cm b taken.
The Ezctliitr Ce. , Council Bluff : , I * ,
1514 DoiiRlaa St. , Oinnhm , Neb.
Council Uluff * . Iowa.
147 . ' '