THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , OCTOBER 23 , 1888. DUNDEE It is scarcely a matter requiring explanation why Dundee Place will eventually supersede all other locations in Omaha for elegant homes. The reasons are obvi * ous , The restrictions inserted in all the deeds are a most important feature ; the natural lay of the land is equal in importance. Dundee Place was the envy of lot buyers and home seekers when it was known as the Patrick farm , even though the ground was unbroken , lying as it does in the pathway of Omaha's greatest growth ; with every condition favorable to make it a pleasant place to live. Its beauty and healthfullness of location are unpuestioned and unsurpassed. The ground is so high and so well drained that within a few hours after a storm all water disappears. The lots as well as the streets and avenues are being graded and shade trees will be planted. Many of our best citizens have secured building sites for elegant and perma nent homes. No one can appreciate the advantages of this property as lately de veloped without seeing it. This company will either build a house for you or make a liberal building loan with but one-third the price of the ground paid : Our salesmen are ready at all times to show the property , it being but twelve minutes drive from our office- The Patrick Land Company of Omaha , SOLE OWNERS OF DUNDEE PLACE. Room 23 , Chamber of Commerce , Omaha , Nebraska. W , H , CRAIG , President , N , D , ALLEN , Vice President. W I KURTZ , Genera ! Manager , ANOTHER CONFIDENCE GAME , Bow the Farmers are Being Swin dled By 1. E. Wilson. THE B'NAI BRITH SOCIETY. Answer of the Chicago , St. Paul , Mln- ncapollB & Omahn Hallway In tlio Quo Wavranto ProcortllnKB New Notaries City News. LINCOIN DUUBA.U or Tun OUAJIA. BOB , ) W ? } P SriiEKT , > LINCOLN , Oct. 33. ) Ami now comes the Chicago , St. Paul , iMinneapoUs & Omaha railway company In answer to the quo wurrunto action Ill-ought in the supreme court against it by the attorney general , on the part of Iho slate , denying in tote that it is not n domestic incorporation and fully en titled to all the rights of eminent do main under the statutes of the state. The answer of the company Is very modest. It docs not soelc to shift the case to the federal courts , whore it is possible to paelc juries , and whore it is next to impossible to win acaso against a railway company. The road wishes to bo fully in accord with the exactions of the code and state constitution , and says bo in its answer filed Cyclically -day. The answer bets up reasons at length why the road thinks it is legally incorporated , and if the court sustains it in the view taken , the attorney gon- ral will have accomplished his puree - o-o in Instituting the suit against it. The primary object In pringing quo warranto actions against this road ana others was to get the opinion of the court as to whether it was legally and properly incorporated under the laws of the state , and fao make it possible to bring and sustain suits hrougnt against them in the state courts. Some of the railroad compa nies have been in the habit of swinging legitimate stale court cases into the federal courts , and in so doing saved their slippery necks through the notion method of iuipannohng the jury to try causes taken there. The actions in quo warranto , recently brought by the attorney general , are among the mobt important over joined in the supreme court , and the roads are lying on a hard bed , and with a decision that sustains domestic incorporation or compels it , the last prop Is taken away from them , nud all actions arising against the com panies under the constitution and statutes will in the future ho tried and Bottled in the fatutu courts , where it is impossible to continuously pack juries , ami it will thun bo possible to secure jubtice. ' A SLKKIx BWINDhKIt. During the sale season of the fall I. E.Vllbon , who has noon living on the 1'ndnmn farm , just south of the insane nsylum , has been contldenuing the farm ers of the surrounding country most beautifully. Ho has attended the ad- vortibcd stock sales far and near , bid ding and buying In cattle whenever pos sible and at the close of the sale se cured his purchase by giving a mort gage on the stock or his promissory note with the name of a friend who ctmnccd to bo present as security. In this way ho succeed in purchasing over 1,500 jioad of cattle. As fast as the circuiu- btftnces and conditions would permit , "Wilson would run the same cattle on to pouie sale more dlsUat , where they were again sold for cash and the money was stuffed into his illegally fattened pocket- book. The scheme became so trans parent that suspicions were aroused and one of his victims succeeded in Rotting his just dues , hut not so with the rest , for ho folded his tent and quietly stole away on the 19th , and since then ho has not boon heard of. It was a brazen sohomo and successfully worked. The matter has boon put into a detective's hands and an effort will be made to run him to his lair. It is said that Wilson got away with over 83,000 by his treacherous game. THIS ll'XAI UlUTII SOCIKTY. The organization of the Independent Order of IVnai Brith ( Sons of the Cov enant ) yesterday was an event of moro than ordinary interest to Jewish circles in Lincoln. The order was established in this country forty-eight years ago , by a number of Jewish citizens of New York , and the object of it ib to aid Israelite emigrants , support and cdu- cato those in want and to elevate the moral standard. There are now 877 lodges in existencetho latest acquisition being Lincoln City lodge No. 377. and the total membership will nearly or quite reach ! ! 0,000. The lodge hero belongs - longs to district No. ( ! , and embraces the states of Nebraska , Iowa , Minnesota seta , Illinois , Wisconsin and Michigan. The order now has a reserve fund of $100,00(1 ( , and as the institution is purely benevolent it certainly is commendable. President Tanslng and Secretary Ham- burgher , of Chicago , instituted the lodge. They leave for homo to-day. NKW NOTAUIK3 I'UllUC. The following notaries pnblie wore commissioned to-day by the governor : Charles L ) . Francis. Neligh , Antelope county ; Ohio Knox , Sidney , Cheyenne county ; Charles E , Walters , Omaha , Douglas county ; Samuel L. Christensen , Clmrlson , Dawos county ; Luther M. MahillMax , Dundy county ; W. S. Nor wood , May wood , Frontier county ; Alco Vandortood , Holland , Lancaster county ; C. W. Kaley , Rod Cloud , Webster county. CITY Nl'.WS AND NOTK3. fiovernor Thayer returned homo from O'Neill yesterday evening but loft again to-day for Hastings , whore he continues the work of the campaign. The Catholic fair at Bohanan's hall closed to-night. It has been a marked success from the beginning , in both a social and linancial way. Mrs. John S. Finch returned homo lo- day from Tccumsoh , whore she has boon visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Finch will reside at 810 North Fourteenth street. They will bo ready to receive their friends after this week. Judge Houston was kept busy this forenoon lining vagrants mid plain drunks. There was one case of assault and battery but there was nothin in it. The city hostile bids fair to bo a resort during the long months of the winter. The city is full of loafoTO and vagrants. The new Christian church will soon furnish shelter for its workmen. Build ers are now engaged in roofing it. The mason work is well nigh done. When finished it will be one of the neatest and cosiest churches in the Capital city. The architectural design is certainly tine. Although stormy , the republican rally here to-night was a grand success. The Metropolitan rink was well filled , and the enthusiasm boundless. No liner crowd over greeted a speaker in the city of Lincoln. The Irish-American club did itself proud. During the next two weeks the campaign will bo prose cuted in Lancaster county with tireless vigor. _ To the young face Po/zoni's Complex ion Powder gives fresher charms , to the old renewed youth. Try it. A Hotel Blade Iiist. "Front ! show this gentleman to room ' 100. Go with the young man , please. " That is what the clerk at a popular down-town hotel said to a timid , pale- faced stranger who had applied for ac commodation , says Iho Now York Mail and Express. "One minulo , boy , " ejaculated the truest. "I wish to understand matters fully , " and ho hauled from an inner pccKOt a long , black book which lie openeftl with great precision. After scanning a few of its leaves , ho said : "No , sir ; not mo. You can't get me into that room. I'm paying for the privilege , Mr. Clerk. Want's the mat ter ? Well , that room is marked , put on this black-list hero. ScoV What docs it moan ? I'll tell you in a very few words. I may not bo ns practical as some of you New Yorkers , but up my way I am considered a practical busi ness man. I am a great lover of the newspapers and us my business require- , a great deal of travel I make a point of noting all the hotel suicides. The pa pers usually publish the number of Ihe room in which a suicide or murder oc curs. Well , I keep track of those par ticulars and enter them in this book. I find that room IU ( > , to which you now wish to send me , was the scene of a sui cide last fall. I possess a little nerve , but not sufticiont to occupy a room that is marked. If you have no oilier I'll try some other hotel. All right , sir. Good day. " As the practical business man started out the clerk muttered something about cranks and the newspapers. Advlco lo Mothers. Mrs Wniblow's ' Soothing Svrnp should al ways bo used for children teething It soothes the child , softens the gums , allays all piiin , cures wind colic , and Is the best remedy for dinrrticua. 'J5e a bottle. "James , " said the grocer to his now boy , "you want to push them codfish ; we're overstocked on 'em. Soil 'em at ! ! 0 cents , and if they doh't go I'll put 'em on the bargain counter no\t week. " "You'll llnd them codfish very nice , ma'am , " said James a little later to an old lady customer ; "they're dirt cheap at 110 cents , an' it's the Instchanco you'll have to buy 'em at that price.1'1 "Is your codfish going up ? " "No , ma'am ; they're gain on the bargain counter nox' week for what wo kin gltfcr 'em. " The Epoch. To err is human , but you make no mistake if you use Dr..Tones'Hcd Clover Tonic for dyspepsia , costSvencss , bad breath , pilespimples , ague and malaria , poor appetite , low spirits , or diseases of the kidneys , stomach and liver. GO cents. Goodman Drug company. Minister ( to grocer's boy ) "Little boy , by thrift and economy you muy some day bo able to embark in business for yourself and you must never forgot that honesty Is the best policy. " Gro cer's boy ( dubiously ) ' ! don't know 'bout that , sir. I hoard the boss say that ho made $10,000 lust year. " Win. Black , Ahingdon , Iowa , was cured of cancer of the eye by Dr. Jones' Hod Clover Tonic , which cures all blood disorders and diseases of the stomach , liver and kidneys. The host tonic and appetizer known. 60 cents , Goodman Drug company , Countryman ( to Sixth avenue grocer ) "Gimme 'bloutfour o' fingers red-eye , mister , with a little sugar in It. " Grocer "We don't boll whisky , friend. " "Wha-ntl Why , down to the corners the grocery store soils moro UcKer nor anylhin * else. Now York seems to bo a slow kind of a town. " Texnb Sittings. Jarrls' 7 will cure your cold. of Iho Human llody. Publisher's Auxiliary : The skin con tains more than two million openings , which are Iho outlets of an oamtl num ber of sweat glandH. The human skele ton consists of more than two humlrod distinct bones. An amount of blood equal to the whole quantity in the body passes through the whole heart once every minute , The full capacily of Ihe lungs is about three hundred and twenty cubic inches. About two-thirds of a pint of air is inhaled and exhaled at each hrcath in ordinary respiration. The stomach daily produces nine pounds of gastric juice for digestion of food ; its capacity is about five pints. There are more than five hundred separate mus cles in the body , with an equal number of nerves and blood vessels. The weight of the heart is from eight to twelve ounces. It boats 100,000 in twenty- four hours. Each perspiratory duct is one-fourth of an inch in length , of the whole about nine miles. The average man takes tivo and ont'-hnlf pounds of food and drink each day , which amounts lo one Ion of solid and liquid nourish ment annually. A man breathes eigh teen times a inimite , and It.OOt ) cubic feet , or about throe hundred and seven ty-live hogsheads of air every hour of his existence. "Alas ! Alas ! " the dude exclaims , "in uiv slender iiuklo 1'vo cot pains. " "Don't fret , " said inti , fur whom lie hud sent , "I have some Salvation Oil. " " time " said the doctor to the "My is up , pa tient , whom Mo found usintf Dr. Hull's COIIK'I ' Syrup , and ho was correct , for his cough had been cured. HCustoiner ( to grocer ) "I want to get a pound of old ctioose. " Grocer "All .right. I'll Bond it iirouiul in llvo inin- "utcs. " Cubtotnor "All right , and lot it bring u couple of crackers with it. " Now York Sun. All doctors recommend Jarvis' Brandy. Grocer "Well , sonny , what can I defer for you ? " Sonny "Mo muddor sent mo Intel : wid the butter and wine. She sod she ordered now butter and old wine , an' she thinks you've got the wintagub mixed up. " Now York Sun. Ami ull nature assumes a winter ? ns pect , thoM ) wlui tire prudent and econ- cmilcal will ijexlii to look ubout for protection WHEN tection DKalnM cold eathi > r , clituuici of temperature , utul their results , Winter - tor clothlMH' , foci imil li\m ! : > VK l'i. xs- THE Tlltaie rccof'nUud ni tbe most Impor tant hou < ohola ncce3Htic | TlilspUstcr lias focurod n prriuanont place In over/ IFAVES wc" rpl"1'Ht ' < * > l liousclinlil , us the most L.Unf Uu Tiilunblo oilbnml reniolr known for Couulis , Coldi. Clui.t I'nlus , llitckncbe , IllioumutlJiu. Scliitlco. I.umbano ami nil DCnlU FIP | * and paint peculiar to this geuinn DLUIn nl tlit ) yriir. Uwlni ! toll * urout popular ity llENHiiN-d Ima been liiruelr liullatud. hcnrn buyers ( bould alwar m PIII H k for IIENbDS'.sand refiuo all others , III rail " " " nl llns worthless proilucK. IU I HLU | ( fSeiul twricFiit > tunii | IciM'ubnr r A , ree , , ur n copy of INSTJircriON * mini Tilt Doc- Tun , n TalU3hicuouiuhuia book. Off ! Mr HEAD. The pilu from Neuralgia and iU ciinijuiiloii disease nhi'umatUm M excruciating. TliouMtnl.i who could be quickly curt'd ure needlessly suf. ferinij , Ath-lo-jilto-ros Mill do fur others what it did for the following parties : Wnil m port.Ind , Oct. 8,1W7. lUtinc lx a otlhoUwl with neuruaU fur ueput ( nar JfiAri , mil trjln Jmi ieTeri. ttaliu. but In Tiio. I ttntllj burd of Atbl - pbnr. * Alter tikina nee U > UI > I fiiand It to Ix helping me , ml iftor taking four tot * tlaa o ( Athlophorufl tnd one ol PiHi , I found tint I wu entinlj well. 1 think the moJJ. cue u puaitlTOl/ lure cure OlUDMCIT II. RXDDIOI. Mt Ouiiel. 111. . Dec. M. l fl. I n e need AthlophonM in taj funiljr ind End It to to the grutMt medJclna fornea. rilKl * In etliUnoa. and bannc bid IU Uugl I * t ne < l upon me fortbeput 30 rural know bereof I tpoak. llu. Jcut OttHTOK. -E nd OceuU for ( he U-antlful colored pic. ture " " 7 , "Moorhh Maiden. THEATHLQPHOROSCQ. 112 Wall St. H. Y , MEN lnarlllalMDti ' ' " " 1 < S > Fulton Street , New Yortfc , TJ , S. DSPOSITOBY , OMAHA , NE3. Pntcl U [ > Capital . $400,000 Surplus . 50,000 II. W. YATKS , President. LEWIS S. HKKII , Vice President. A. U. TOU/.AMN , 2iul Vice President. W. H. 8. Hi/onus , Cashier. jy. V. MOIWK. HIItECTOIlS JOHN ! S. COLLINS. II. W. \ ATE- ) . I.KWH 8. llEEO , THE IRON BANK , Corner 13th and Faruani Sin. A General Hanking liunlneas Transacted. FARM AND OMAHA CITY LOANS , The Kansas City Investment Co , 30 Cliuiubcr of Commerce , OMAHA , NKU. AH business dona at thUolUco. JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS XrOSlT10N 1173. Hon. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4. THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS HFOR SALE-- ! EVERYWHERE. W. J. QALnRAlTR\ Surgeon and Physician , Office N. W Corner 14th anil rtouglM St. Offlot. , taj ; 9WI DR. HORNE'S , SElectro-Magnetic Belts ! | ' 5 fR-T ifs = t The Grandest Triumph of Eleclrlc Science ScN lOcnflemcn'snclt -tost SdentiDe ' " "HcallyMade and Practically Applied. With Klertrie " Suspensory , ' DISEASE CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES ! PZ IL CUM IhoIUrk , lllpK , Hrail I.lmb. , or Nrrr- - - J > ralr.U.iv-rB7 l.r8 . ? , % l " 0. erKfdUnV mbotto , Ueiieral Itebllllr. IlheumatUin M A 'E.-JKS'L- ' ' : . ! " * " * : . * . ) KJhlTaVtu , ; iM .r f , L3l ! rl' ' .t W kn"i , In- wi.i ' * ' . ? JU" wlmt you nrrd. hlectrMlu limtantlu trill c n l , o I and cures IIJrcanwo r"l l trinc. the blood UHJETKI Al I TESTIMONIALS iS le Tlpat njrht. " ' Hobt. > otliiT remedy trei-tffow VorV WEAK , . Home' . _ _ : lTplYcurodTnC(7clayirETTJi . niUchflU g rfnoBwrs rticTBo-Mio. | Tracomblnod. Uuarantcrdthol fcJjriC ' * " DILT ' pOKltlrrly "UrtiTllT : In ? i'tI"'a ' l' " only ono the worWRencratlnttl acontlnnoa * KtecIHa c * Magnttw \ Ift ! u > 1" nd eibao.tlnjr _ _ 1romfo,7bTofVbc-le ? flc'-Power- ' . a riEHSSS B nnFFRKNCESi-Any 1 * hulr al bou > InLtilc I runcisco and Chicago. IDR.W. J. HORNE , Inventor. W. G. ALBRIGHT , " Real Estate , 2i8S.i5thSt.Omaha. BEST AND CHEAPEST ALBRIGHT'S CHOICE ! SOUTH OMAHA. BUY NOW TERMS EASY ram OPTIIB Chicago , MilwaukeB & St , Paul R'y ' , _ The Best Route from Omaha and Council Bluffs to - = = 5THE EAST TWO TBAINS DAILY BHTWEHN OJJAUA COUNCIL BLUIT8 CWcasoAND - Milwaukee , St. Paul , MInut > apollB , Cedar Rapids. Rock Island , Frceport , Rockford , Clinton , Dubuquc , Datenport , Elgin , Mndison , JanesTllle. Belolt , Tflnona , Ln Crosse , Antl ll otb r Importtnt polnti Eit , Northeut Md Sontheau. For throach ticket * eall on th * ticket * in RoS itr"Ml1 Urt" " 'o ' Un ana tbo flne t ninln Car In th . .IIi la lln of th ChlcM" , Mir St. Paul UatlwKr , attent/on / awKr nd BT ry atenton I * Sompanr ng * " c ° 1'rl oui " ioyei ol Ui ILVltLKn Q.n ral Moag r. V 'CKBa ' > il t ul Ueocral llaacr , " ner I I'lTU iw ao4 J.T. ClIiUK. Ueoenl Bupertnt iieal. DIJIOl'CKS-A. QOODUICH , ATTOKSr.AT.IMW. . , iyi > e rbprnBl..Chlcagoi advice freei 31 years ipeneucsi builupi * quuujr uuU Ugallr tuuiicloJ BUSINESS MEN . , , . hfcnMnSc'.1inlr2lorl.lll'"l ' ' > ira lrt | > .lrra | iooli ouf r1S.Btnl"hlln''l' ' ' > n < lllloii ofmip , | y or do' ' ' ' ' " ' " ! ; r'"kl ' " " " "siiKCr from llrS , ' bl"w'"l ' "nil uniukliiii burner * ! efluent break Huoicottlj globe * . or the . tborrlir n " < > n nd obviating Ctt"00 - " 1,1 ; ! 01 > r"orato TUB UNION NATIONAL HAH SAVINfl CO . _ _ Itt Uruadway , Nenf Yur Timber Claims , vTlfn.S-'e'llJln ! ( ' < 1CC(1Iln . , . > 3 for Tlrabor ClalniH i nnian ' Kr"lUl * Ornamental K "oft Sentrfor'prlco Ust-I'liKIil Artdroxi l > . S. I.AIti : , I'rop. , Shonancloah. Iowa. T. E. GILPIN , FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Room 03 Trader1 Ilulldlng , CHICAGO.