THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TtifiSfcAY. OCTOBER 23 , 1888. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Ruloa Strong With a Tendency - doncy Toward Nervousness. FEARS OF A DECEMBER DEAL. Corn I/owor Under Ilcnvy Ilccclptu OatH Qul : t lint Finn Knlr Inter est In ProvlHloiiH Cattle Sternly HORH Active. CHICAGO I'llonUCB MAUKET. CHICAGO , Oct. 22. ( Special Telegram to THK HKB.I December wheat was nervously Btrong most of the day but May failed to bold Its own unil avcraui'd lower until late. The opening range \vasl,15 % for November , tl. Ill for December and 1 1.14 for May. De cember roHo right up to f l.lTKi out May could only show a gain of J c from the open- Ing. When December was selling at $1.1"X May was at , a discount of nj e. Later in tbo day December was quoted at ? l.lf ! ' < and May 91. 12 % nl the same moment. The dif ference averaged not far from 3c until to ward the last , when it narrowed to 2c. Some of the leading stalwarts and a good many operators of the middleweight class who be- llcvo in wheat on Its merits and not on what some man or set of men uru doing , promptly availed themselves of the chance presented to-day to transfer their Interests In December to May. Counting in carrying charges May was at one time relatively nearly lOc cheaper than December. This was an attraction for many too strong to be resisted. Hutchlnson , Lyon and linker were believed to hi free sellers of December at the advance , and for that matter through most of the session , Ilutchinson's brokers being especially industrious on the bulges. Conn- Bclman also sold out a big line , which might . bo for any one of half a do/on well known people. The crowd seemed disposed to credit 1 it to either F.ilrbank or Hutclilnson. Trade was of only moderate volume , however , and nothing in the line of sensational plunging or unloadlngwas attempted. Ontho first iluclino , though , December slipped down to $1.15 , and May worm-d back to il I'JJf. From there De cember recovered by noon to II.IG'.C ' and May to $1.13 % . The range of prices during the last couple of hems was rather narrow. There was plenty of December wheat for sale around tl 10 , and thu price rarely got below > { . May ranged tl.l3@l.l.T'H ' most of the time up to 12:30. : Trading for outside account was small , the amount of business being so light as to occasion universal com plaint utnong commission men. The latter nro between two fires. They , of course , want business , hut as rule they do not want it bad enough to take new trade for December when danger exists of getting money tied up in a December deal. This state of thing ! ) has a depressing effect on general trade. The "combination" if there is a combination continued to market Its wheat clear up to the end. Hrokers who huvu hitherto been acting for leading longs , kept peddling out property whenever they had a chance. About thrce-quattcrs of nn hour or so before the close , the market looked weak at some reaction from thu middle range of the day , but a llrmcr tone was imparted to dealings by reports of immense purchases by Pillsuury in the northwest. Ream turned up as a good buyer of May and the price was run up to $1 13Jf , while December was staggering at ll.lSXtSl.iriJf. The price was subsequently fractionally lower , but the feeling was not one of weakness. There is no important change In the foreign situation. Cables quota prices practically unchanged. The tone of thu English market is one of llrmncss and inactivity. A adVised leading shipper was to-day - Vised by his Liverpool correspondent that English importers would not bo wanting wheat from this side before February. New York was generally higher than on Saturday , opening IJffJMo up. In Minneapolis 3o more was paid lor No. 1 hard than on Saturday , and most of the other do mestic markets were steady. Heavy receipts of corn made a lower range of prices c.isy on liberal selling. Trading was active at the start , and November , which opened at 4U } c , sold off sharply to 43 > 4C , but rested at that price only a short time , when free selling lor the account of a party who had recently been the main strength of the market , broke it to 42) ) fc. Heavy receipts anticipated for to-morrow helped to hold it down. Outside business was small , but there was considerablothrow- ing over of long stuff by heavy local operatoiB , The activity in dealings was transferred largely from November to De cember and May , in which latter months there was considerable business done. The market ruled dull after thu tlrst hour , witli vrealsness its prominent feature , but relieved by occasional short periods of revived con fidence , one of which advanced November corn from 42Ko to 42J c in a few minutes near the close , thu latter being thu price at the end , but it shows a decline from the latest quotation on Saturday of from Jfc to J < c. December closed } .Co and year 3e under Faturday's price , with May l-10c higher at Oats were quiet though generally ilrm , With moderate trading on future account. Ncur months averaged J @ ' o higher , with May in about the usual request and nearly ttciuly nt liOH@208'c. A few cars of No 2 in ttoro or to go there sold at 24) ) ic , or , ' c im provement. In provisions fair interest was shown. Product for January delivery , especially pork , was bought by a prominent speculator , by grain traders and on outsldo account witli considerable freedom , and in the general market a more comment tone was mani fested. The long side was regarded , in fact , with increased favor and price changes inva riably showed an advance. Uascd on Satur day's last quotations October and November lard closed at an appreciation of 12Xci No vember pork of 7fc , December , your ana January lard ot 5c , year pork of 12tfe } , Janu ary pork of 15c , January short ribs of 2 > c , May pork of 20u and May lard of 5c. CHICAGO LAW STOCK. Cnicxoo , Oct. 22. [ Special Telegram to TUB BUR. ] CATTI.B , Trade was fair and prices itcady on everything at all useful either in natives. Texans or rangers. Some few loads of heavy , matured and ripe natives sold at | 5.25@5.9"i. The latter was the top price of the morning for top cattle. There was the biggest run of common stock among the re ceipts this morning seen herd for the past month or so , and only excelled once before this season. Some good Judges estimated that there were at least 5.0JJ old cows and common canncrs on the market , thu great bulk of which sold from ? I.30@'J.OO and very slow at that. The average run of cows were making only about 13.25@3.50. Then again there was the poorest run ol outhern Texans sccu hero for many a day , and they were selling for as low figures as for any time this sea on. There was an ox trcmely widu range to-day between anything good and useful and common. There was not more than 100 cars of good to fair natives on sale , and theru wore about 250 cars ol rangers that were fair for that class and the came wore preferred by shippers and bcel packers to the ordinary run of natives. Good mid useful rangers made about the same a : on Friday , but the bulkof Texans sold lower. There was little or nothing going on in the tockcr and feeder trade , but prices remain about the same as last week. Veal calves wcro plentiful and again sold down to low watermark. The receipts include. 0,000 Texas and western cattle ; choice beeves , f.Y40@5.yO ; medium to good steers , iaV ) to 1500 Ibs , fl.75@5.83 ; 1200 to 11150 Ibs , 3.75i4.Mj ( ) y50 to 12C < Ibs , Ki.C (4. < X ) ; stoekors and feeders l3.UVgll.3r > ; cows , bulls and mixed , I1.40WU.10 ; bnlk , t3.25ft2.45 ; Texas cattlu and Indian steers , t3.40(43.r ( > 0 ; cows f 1.75(3 ( 2.20 ; western rangers , ( , i.uo4.Ci : ; cows , f.J.4U(38.a5 ; wintered Texans , * 2.50S3.tO. ( HOGS Business was fairly active , with lit lie or no change in values as compared wit ) Saturday. The bulk of mixed sold within i range of fT.tXiili.7u ( and best heavy , includini butcher weights and Philadclphlus , at * 5,7I ( g5.gO. Light borU sold largely at * 5.GOc D.7a. _ FINANCIAL. NKW YORK , Oct , 23. ( Special Telegran to THE UEK.I SfocKs The Missouri Pacilli 'yras again a bear etock to-day , and ' .va forcoil ilown scvcrul points right from the stiirt. The gonornl market opened Btronj. , but nsltlo from the nforomentloncd ntul a few othur Bccurlttes wits without much anima tion. Stop orders helped the decline in Mis souri Piiclllc , nnd the support wns limited. The trading clement raided values where they could , though the general decline In the forenoon wns not heavy , extending to about 1 point up to 1'J o'clock , the loss In Missouri Pacltic amounting to 2\4 \ points. Among , the specialties , however , several marked losstw were sustained , and San Francisco preferred declined 3 tx > ints , Pullman 2 > and Uurlington iScQulncy und Hock Island I' cach. The mar ket then remained stationary at the decline , nnd nt noon It was dull but steady nt the lowest prices of the morning. The following wcro the closing quotations : U. H. 4i regular , .127 * . Northern Pacific. . 2fl ; U. H. Iscouponi Ii7i iloprefcrretl ( il'i U. H.4'iareKUlar. ' lOH'i " C. * N. W U.S. 4'incotit > on > ) .108' > do preferred , . . . 141 I'arlficMof ' ! : > . IU'1'i N.Y. Central . . . . 107 S Control I'ftplllc IlVi I' . , I ) , AK " ' " M'i ' & Alton llock InUnii" . . . 107 f St do preferred. . . Idfl IL , ii. x \ \ , . . . . .iiu'4 St. Paul A Omaha . inn Illinois Central , lib',1 doprefcrreil . . .1C | 1. , H.A\V 17'j Union I'aciflc U\ KUIIIHS A Texas . lltl\V..St.I , . A : ! ' . . . . 14'i I.akcHtioro . . . 10J | do preferred. . . ' il'i MlthlgantVntral M .Western Union. . . . 8l' Mlsiottrll'acillo . 74 | MONET ox Cii.i. liasy nt 2 < S2 > per cent ; lust loan at 2) ) < f jicr cent ; closed offered at U per cent. PitiME MKHCANTII.K PAPER JJ @ 7 per cent. STKIII.INO RxciiAXtiK Dull but steady at 4.S4 for sixty-day hills , and f l.b7for > de mand. IMIODUOK. Gnu * oo , Oct. 23. Wheat Stronger ; cash , * 1.14' ; November , f 1.14 0-10 ; Decem ber , Sl.lfi'Vj ; May , * ! H-lii. Corn Kasier ; cash , -t'JJ/c : November , 42JJC ; December , 40'hi ' ; ; May , ii'J 5-10j. Oats Steady ; cash , 2l' c ; November , 24Jfc ; December , 25'iic ' ; May , -'J ' c. Hvo .VJc. Harley Nominal. Prime Timothy Nominal. Klax-Jl.45. Whisky * 1.20. Pork Steady ; c.ish , $15.00 ; November , I14..VI ; Jtinuary , $14.77Vi.May , $13.1)0. ) Lard Steady ; cash , fJ.tx ) ; November , $8.iHJnnuiiry ) ; , J.2T ; May , $3.40. Flour Steady and unchanged : patents , fil.7"7.00 ; bakers , W.7.lj'i.25 ; winter , ? 5.50 (3-.T.'i. ( Hulk Moats-Shoulders , $ : ; short clear , | $ . .r.0il ( > 8.75 : short ribs , ? 7.75. Uutter Steady ; creamery , 18t ( 27c ; dairy , Eggs Firm ; 18@l9c. Chocso In fair demand ; full cream cheddars - dars , 10i4@10 > c ; Hats and Young Americas , ll'l < ? 12e. Hides Steady ; heavy green salted , 7c ; light green salted , 7' c ; green , Ji'fc ; salted bull , 5) ) < ; c ; green salted bull , 5e ; green salted calf , 7 < W7'e ; dry flint , 9u ; dry calf , 7@bc ; deacons , 15Tc30o ( each ; dry salted. 7c. Tallow Steady ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4 Vc ; No. 2 , 3 fj ; cake , Sc. Receipts. Shipments. Flour , bbls . 20,000 22,000 Wheat bu . 42,000 32,000 Corn.bu . JliS.OOO 3MI.OOO Oats , bu . 11)2,000 ) 120,000 Kyo , bu . . . . . New Vork. Oct. 22. Wheat Rcceints , 5,400 ; exports , none ; spot market K@ c higher ; No. 2 red , SI. 10 in elevator ; tt.lOK fel.ll afloat , 51.10 (31.11 ( } f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , $1.00 ; uncraded red , SOc@S1.12Jf ; No. 1 red , SKIS1 * ; . Options opened strong , advanced 21tfii21.ic ( , closed % c over Satur day , trading slow ; No. 'Jred , November clos ing at 1.10 } . Corn Receipts , 137,030 ; exports , 79,500 : spot market } < i@'sC lower ; fairly active and steady ; No. 2 , SO1 jo in elevator. SO'dC' ' ? . " /OJ < c afloat ; ungraded mixed , 4l9S. ! ( ' > le ; options JiC@\c lower and less active , but steady ; November closing at SIlJ c. Oats Receipts , 92,800 ; exports tiO.OOO ; spot market u shade tinner and fairly active ; options ife higher ; llrmer but dull ; Novem ber closing at 'Mc ; spot , No. 2 white , 3-lc : mixed western , 27i ( 31 > c ; white western , 28 C < ? 41c. Coffco-Options dull ; sales 62,000 bags ; October , * 14.00 ( < * 14.15 ; November , $ i5C : ) j 13. 73 ; December , St.10 : ) ( < TlU.35 ; January , $13.00 ( u > 13.30 ; spot Rio dull and easy ; fair cargoes at $10.00. Petroleum United closed at S7c. Kpgs Firm ; fair demand ; western. 21'c. , Pork Dull' and easier : mess , $10.00 ® 10.50. Lard Trifle steadier but dull ; western steam , spot , $9.30 ; November , SS.fco asked. Uuttcr Steady ; less demand ; western dairy , 12'f@lbc ; western creamery , 1C@ 20oHi Elgin , 27c ; Cheese Quiet but steady ; western , 9@ blvernonl , Oct. 22. Wheat Firm , de mand fair ; holders offer moderately ; Cali fornia , No. 1 , 8s 4d@Ss 5d per cental. Corn Steady , demand fair. Minneapolis , Oct. 23. Wheat-The 800 ars of wheat received hero had a weaken ing effect on prices , but sellers were firm in asking previous quotations and the best grades were picked up quite readily. The shipments wcro llfty-thrcocars. Closing quo tations : No. 1 hard , November , $1.24 ; Do- ember , $1.25 ; May , $ t.2U ; on track , $1.24 ; No. 1 northern , November , $1.13if ; December , $1.14' ; May , $1.10 } ; on track , $1.15@UG ; No. 2 northern , November , $ I.04i ; Decem ber , $1.00 ; May , $1.12 ; on track , 1.03@1.09. Milwaukee , Oct. 22. Wheat Acttvu ; cash , $1.0 < IS ; December , $1.03 % ; January , Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , 44c. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 29c. Rvo-Firm ; No. 1 , OOc. IJarloy Steady ; No. 2 , 7Cc. Provisions Firm ; pork , cash , $15.00. Cincinnati , Oct. 23. Wheat-Firm ; No. 2 red , $1.05. Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 40Kc. Oats Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 25) ) (320X0. ( Rye Dull ; No. 2 , Ma Pnrk-Qulot at S15.00. Whisky Firm nt $1.14. Kansas Cily. Oct. 23. Cattle Receipts , 5,9i39 ; shipments , 5,593 ; good grass rangu weak , slow , 5@10o lower ; canncr * and common in better demand and steady : good native , active and steady ; common , weak , slow , 5 ( < ttOc lower ; good to cholco corn fed , $ l.7o@5.2 , " > ; common to medium , f..2."i@ ! 4.00 ; stockers and feeding steers , slow , weak , at $ l.UI33.iri ; grass raugo steers , $1.(50@3.15 ; cows , $ l.25g2.75. ( Hogs Receipts , 2,535 ; shipments , 1,843 ; opened active , and strong to 5o higher , clos ing weak : good to choice , fc5.55@5.G5 ; common to medium , (4CO@5.40 ; skips and pigs , $3.00@ 1.30. Ht. IjoiilN. Oct. 22. Wheat Irregular ; cash , $1.03 ; October , $1.0SK bid. Corn Quiet ; cash , 39'fe ' ; November , 37c. Oats Steady ; cash , S3 > fc ; November , 23c ; May , 2 K" . Pork-Quiet nt $15.12K@15.25. Lard-$3.l2h'3.75. ! Whisky $1.14. Hutter-Firm ; creamery , 25@20c ; dairy , 20J22c. ( MVK 8TOCH. . Chlcneo , Oct. 22. The DrovorV Jour nal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 15,000 ; market steady f or good : common lOo lower ; beeves , $5.400 $ 5.90 ; steers , $ .1.2. > @ 5.3. > ; stockers and feed ers , $2.15 ( < $3.25 $ ; cows bulls and common , $1.40 < rf3.10 ; Texas cattle , $1.75@3.50 ; west ern rangers , $2.40i ( 3.50. ( T Hogs-Receipts , 10,000 ; mixed , $5.40U5.705 ( heavy. $5.35ji5.b5 ( ; Hunt , $ o.40@5.70 ; skips , $3.50 ( < ? 5.10. Sheep Receipts , 9,000 ; market steady ; natives , $2.f > 0 < if4.00 ; westerns , $ : J.OJ3.00 : Texans , f2.7G3.S5 ; lambs , $3.50@5.00. Natloniit Stock YariU. Kast St. LoiilH , Oct. 22. Cattle Receipts , 3W5 ; shipments. 1,170 ; market dull ; choice heavy native steers , f5.00 < ff5.40 ; fair to good iniUvo steer * , MOCuSVOO ; butchers' steers , medium to cholco , $3.50C ! ? 4.40 ; stackers and fceOers , fair to good , $3.00(93.20 ( ; rangers , corn-fed , $3.00(34.10 ; cross-fed , $2.10 ( 3.10. Hogs Receipts. 2,095 ; shipments , 850 ; market steady ; choice heavy and butchers' selections , $5.00(43.70 ( ; packing , medium to prime , $5.40@3.CO ; light grades , ordinary to best , $5.23 ! < ; 5.f > 0. City , Oct. 22. Wheat No. 2 rod , cash , OSK" asked ; November , no bids nor offerings ; December. 9So bid : May , $1,00 bid ; No. 3 red cash , SOo bid ; No. 2 soft , cash , $1.04 asked ; December , $1,02J < bid ; Alov $1.05 bid. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offer ings ; May 80 obld ; No. 3 c sh , 29'4c ' bid ; No. 2 , white , cosh , no bids nor offerings. Oats No. 2 , casbTio bids nor offerings ; May , 24bia , Wo asked. OMAHA MVIJ STOUIL Cattle. Monday , Oct. 22 , 1SS9. It was a dull and dismal day arid the mar- tct was slow to open , and \vticn It did open t was nt a decline of 10C < * 15e. The receipts vero very heavy and the average quality fairly good , which gave the buyers a better opportunity to discriminate against anything not desirable. About ouc-thlrd of thu re ceipts was made up of Texans and the bal ance westerns. The supply of butchers' > tock was liberal and it , too , was lower. The demand for feeders was not very heavy. jut thu supply of westerns was llburol and the quality good. There were only twenty-two fresh loads here , but they sold early at nn advance of about 5c over Saturday's market , as high as 3.00 being paid. _ Sheep. There were liberal receipts aud a few changed hands. _ Ilccclpti. Mile . .1.300 1 0 R8 . 1 , 550 Sheep . 1,000 Prevailing Prluu * . The following is a table of prices paid In .his marKet for the grade ) of stock men tioned. Primestecrs. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . fi.OO fflS.SO Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 Ibs. . 4.00 iiiS.lKI Native feeders . 2.73 (23.25 ( Western f eecers . . 2.73 ( if it. 15 Kaniro steers , com'on to choice 2.50 QJ3.50 Common to good cows . 1.25 ( u2.5 Jholcc to fancy cows . 2.25 ( U2.75 Common to choice bulls . 1.25 (32.00 ( Fair tocnoice light hogs . 5.110 W5.40 fair to cnoico heavy hoes . 5,50 .tVJ Fair to choice mixed hogs . u.43 ( sJ-fiJ ItcprcHcntutiva Saloi. CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. 20 cows . W3 $1.25 1 cmv . 1000 1.40 2 cows . 1125 ] .M ) Scows . 1SIK ) l.N ) 45 mixed . lOJU 2. ' 5 3 cows . 110(1 ( 25H 44 feeders , natives . 1100 2.UO lUNlii : CITTI.E. Owner and No. Av. Pr. C. T. Miller , 4 cows . 887 $2.25 19 steers . 1100 2.73 19 steers . 1101 2.75 102stcers . 1181 U.W1 , ' O ! cows . ! i3 2.27S J. E. HUKK. 22 cows . 9 7 2.25 2.S steers . 1 li J 2.1 0 33 steers . 1019 2.90 1 cow . 7.10 1.50 Kent & Blssell C. Co. , 8 cows. 912 2.30 22 sirs. . 1163 S.CO 2.strs..lltW ( 2.90 2u cows' 9 ( > 1 2.35 Matthews & Fowler , Scows. . 90S 2.25 38 steers. 1011 2.45 S2 steers. 1038 2.50 II. W. Matthews. 1 7 cows . ! U'J 2.30 30 steers. . . . IKX ) 2.45 J. 13. Inslcy. 105 steers . 1257 U.40 W steers . 1212 ; i 40 105 steers . 1234 3.40 64 steers . 1240 3.40 Middlesex Live S.Co. , 2J st'rs , tailings . 1230 2.25 Middlesex Live S. Co. , 18 cows and steers . 990 1.90 E. D. Swan , 5 bulls . 1410 1.25 21 bulls . 1410 1.50 D. Monahan , 44 cows , Texas. , fclfj 2.10 43 cows , Texas. . 92J 2.10 HOGS No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Sir * . Pr. 14 . , .205 $4.M 05. . $5.50 bO. . , .205 bO 5.40 01. . .251 100 5.GO .247 IliO 5.40 73. . .253 80 5.50 , .211 120 5.40 71. . . ' . ' .VI 200 5.50 .242 200 5.40 t5 ! . .2110 240 5.55 " 5. . , .237 ICO 75. . 80 5. : 74. . .217 40 5.45 09. . , .25S 100 fi.33 TO. . .20 40 5.45 53. . , .302 100 11 ! . . , .285 200 5.45 lit. . , .2s7 40 72. . , .2IM 2(0 ( 5.4' . 71. . , .233 130 02. . .297 Ti. , .314 5iO 04 . . .253 100 5.50 C3..aJb 120 5.00 No. Av. Pr. 1)7 ! ) Oregon sheep. , . 84 42.75 Pncucrg PurcliascM. Showing the number of hogs bought by the leading buyers on the market to-day : G. H. Hammond As Co 402 Omaha Packing Co 712 ArmourC. P.Co ! 5tJ J P Squire & Co 504 Highest and howcst. The following uro the highest and lowest prices paid for hogs during the past few days and on thu corresponding dates one and two years ago : lilye Stoclc Notes. J. Hastic sold a load of COc hogs. John Fisher , Morelield , was hero with cattle. D. Monahan , Greeley , Colo. , came in with a train of cattle. Over 13,000 sheep were received hero dur ing the last week. W. 11. French como in with two loads of cattio from Hcagan , Cole , Ij. Anderson & Co. , Mead , nnd Fred ICropf , Scluiyler , marketed 55o hogs. L. L. Happal , of the linn of Happal , Lamb ft Co. , is back from a ten days' visit to Chi cago. Kd Swan came down from Waterfall with twenty-two loads of cattle , part of which sold in the market. J. 1J. Christian , of Shaw & Co. , was nt the yards. They have their room all ready and are prepared to open at an early date. E. S. Crocker , Evanston. Wyo. , and Thomas Spademan , Farmington , Utah , stopped at the yards on their way west. OMAHA WHOLESALE : MAHH.ETS. Produce , I'Yults , Etc. HUTTEU Fancy , solid-packed creamery , 20 @ 3Jlc ; choice country , ITfijl'Jc ; common grades , 10i417c FLOUR Nebraska patents. $0.00@7.50 ; Minnesota patents , $0.25(38.00 ( ; strainht gradrs , $5.00@'i.50 ; bakers' Hour , | 5.25 < a5.T5 per barrel. POT ATOBS Nebraska , 25@50c per bushel : Colorado. tiOg63c. ( SWEET POTATOES 80 < iISOc per bu. POULTUT Live chickens , 0.00(23.53 per doz. ; spring chickens , t--oOWy.OO ( ; dressed chickens , 10o per Ib. Pzins California $3.00rf3.GU per bu DOX. Eoos Strictly tresh , 19a2iccandlcd. ( ( Cii.iKoiixiAGiui'KS Jl.A'xMl.SO | > cr case ; Delawares 40(250c. CONCOHU GRAPES 30@40c per 10-lb basket PEACHES California , $1.00(31.50 ( per box : Michigan , 50c@l.X ( ) per basket. lliNiNAS-Uommon , 11.50(32.25 ( per bunch : choice , $3.50 a.50. LKMOJJS1.00g4.00 ( per case. OitANaEs W.tKK < ii.00 ) per box. CELEUT 25@30c oer aozen. Eao PLANT 75'gl. 00 per doze * . OSJONS 40 ( < i50e oer Ou. CAUIUOK $100 ( $ LOOpor 100. UELTS JOe ixsr bustiel. Tuiivirs 30c per bushel. Ari'LES 52.00 4.00 ocr bbl. CIDCR Michiiran. M.50 < aH.50 oer bbl 83 ; California pear elder , 115,00 per bbL Pop COBN Ulce. 3 40- common , 2 < 3c L/AKKOTS 50oper busho ! . UEANS Choice eastern tiandpiokcd navies , f3,00 per oushel ; western hand picked navies , $1.7" > W1.SO ; mediums , fl.SO@1.40. Lima beans 5e per pound. HAT t. o. D. cars , No. 1 upland , fO.OOj No. 'J upland , foOO. UuAX-I15.OOO10.00. Cuorrisu FEED f 14,00(215.00 ( per ton. VINEOAH Cider , UKglSc per ral. White wine , 10 ( < J20o per gal. CBANIIEIIKIES JT.50 9.00 per bbl. PROVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 12)fc ) ; No. 2 lie ; shoulders , 9 > 4c ; rib bacon , 12c clear bacon , l-J c4 picnic hams , lOo ; dried beef hams , luo ; dry salted clears , short , lOVc ; extra short , lOUo ; short ribs , lOo : pick-kd pigs feet , 15-lb kits , We ; lard , smoked s'ausage , C(3$0 ( I > cH Ib ; hog ens- ngs , List. Revised prices' iiro as follows t UAOGISU Stark A seamless 2 c : Amos- Jeag , seamless. lT ! < o : LeSviston A , seamless. DC ; American , seamless iTc ; hurlnps , 4 o5bii. ll@He ; gunnies , single , lc ! ) ; gun- iles , double , 20o ; wool sacks. 3 , ' > c. Twines Flax , 3ic ; extra sail , V0ij21e ( sail U , 19a20c ( ; cotton. 2lc ; lute. Hi Unip.n 1'nuiTS tics tn boxes , per ib , 13@ ICc ; dates , In boxes , 7@Wc ; London Malaga ayer raisins , per box , W.6Url3.7S ( ; Malaga oose raisins. $2.30(32.50 ( : new Valen cia raisins , per Ib , 7fc ; CalU forma loose inuscatcld. Per box. fl.hO. pitted cherries , per Ib. 2o " ' 2I0 ; Califor nia pitted Plums , per 'Ib , 12M13c ; Iricd blackberries , Per Ib , 6i < ( < JOc ; dried raspberries , per Ib. --Mo ' ; evaporated ap- iles , b } < ( ( t,14c ; California sun dried peaches , me ; California unuarcd evaporated peaches , 150 ISo ; evaporated California apricots , lye : Zanteo currants , fiKftTc ; Turk ish prunes , 4' ' , ( C4 fc ; citron. 22M24e ; orange peel. 15c : lemon peel. lOo , California French Off calbo. 17(21Uc ( : Arbucklec. 'J1J0 ; McLaugh- 1m s A\A. < U * i . SUOAH Granuiatert , 8@iijc ; conf. A 7' o ; white extra C , 76 < c : extra C , 7 > e ; yellow C , 7c : "owdered. > c ; cubes , . . HONEI lC ( < il c for one pound frames ; strained honey. ' ( $ t c per ] xmml. HEESWAX Choice yellow , 20(322Kc ( ; dark colored. 133140. CiiEE-'E Voung America , lull cream , U ( < pl2 > o ; full cream cheddurs , ll@12c ; full cream Hats , U'c ; good to cholco skimmed chrddars , 8' c : skimmed flats. 7) ) < c. PICKLE' ) Medium , in bbjs , fA.5i ; do in half tl ls , M.OO ; small , In bbls. J0.60 ; uo in ha'f ' ubls , W.7a ; ghorklnti , in bbls , $ r. : > i > ; do in half I hi ToiiAcro Plug , 2 C < tfl5c ; smoking , jEM.ics-Sl.'JS per 30-lb pail. SALT Jl.IHKji 1.3 jer ) bbL HOPS 7-10 , hi if MAI-LB SUOAII uncks , ll < 7ll2c per 10 ; penny cakes , 12@13c per Ib : pure maplu syrup , tl.OO per cal. TKAS i oung Hyson , common to fair , 1S@ 25e ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30a55o ( : Gunpowder , common to good , 22a25c ( ; Gun powder , choice to fancy , 40t05c ( ; Japan , com mon to medium , 15(3-L ( ? Japan , cholco to fancy , 3J ( ' 45e : Oolong , common to good , 25@ J5c ; OoloiiL' , choice to fancv , IXMTTOc ; Imper ial , common to medium , l5(335c ! ( : Imperial , peed to fancy. 40 ; 750e. MJTS Almonds , 15@17c ; filberts , llM2o ( ; ; Bra/il , yLilOc ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , 10@llcj peanuts. fu7c. ( ! CnACimts 5(310c ( pcrlb ; assorted cakes , 7 @S5c perlb , as per list Kisn. Holland Herrine , 85cSOOe. ( per keg , White Fish , M bbls. , No. 1 , W.OO. Family W.7o : Trout. No. I. $550 : Mackerel , V , ; bbls. N'o. 1 Shore , J15.00. Largo Family. tl0.f > 0 ; Labrador Herring , f4.50 ; Columbia Hlver Salmon , $17,00 per bbl. Conrisn Per Ib , whole , Cc ; bricks and strips , 7@Sc. CANDVMixed. . 8i13c ( ; stick , rock candy , I0 > i@13e ; fancy candy , WAIIP 13ib White , l < 5'e ' ; colored , B vTts Standard , 805 Gem lOc ; Beauty. l-n c ; Hoone , 14c ; B , caied , f0.5o. I'm NTS Solid colors Atlantic , Co ; Slater r.UcMerlin oil. fli c ; Rarncroil , 7 \ PRINTS Pink and Kobps Hichmona , 0 } c ; Allen , Oo ; Uiveruomt. 5o ; Steel Hiver , O u ; llichuiond , C ) cPacillc , PRINTS JJress Cnarter Oak , * ' i- ; Ramapo , 4' c ; Lodl , S c ; Allen , Co ; Richmond mend , CJ c ; Windsor , . , Eddvstone , CJ o ; Pacillo. ) < e , . . BLEACHED SHCETIXO Berkeley cambric NO. 00 , 9Kc ; l'cst Yet , 4-4. 0c ; butter cloth Oo , 4140 ; Cabo' , 7 c ; Farwcll half bleached 8e ; Fruit of Loom , 0)4" ! , Greene G , 6'4c ' ; Hope , 7JKln ; Philip cam- jrlc , He. Lonsdalo cambric , ; LoiiBilaie , ' 'Jc ; New York mills , lOJ c ; Pepperell , 42-in , He ; Pepperell , 4B-in r.'u ; Pcpporcll , ( M , lOc ; peppercll , 84 , 2lo : Pen- pciell , 94 , 23c ; Pepporell. 10-4 , 3 , > o ; Canton 4-4 , Stfc ; Triumph , Co ; Wnmsutta , lie ; Val- ley. 5c. FLAXNP.LS. Plald--Raftsmenaoo ; Gosnen , 33Kc ; Clear Lake , 3tc ; Iron Mountain , . FLANNELS White GH , No. 2 , } { , 21c ; Q H , No. 1 , f , 2l > 5c ; B H , No. SJ , % , 21c ; B H. No. 1. 3i. 30c ; Quecheo. No. 1. ? . 42c. CORXKT JEANS Androsc'oggln , 7 * c ; Kear sarge , 7fo ; Rockport , CJfc ; Conestogo , 0 > e , TICKS York , 30 in. , 13VJc ; York , 32 in. , 13isc ; Swift Uiver. Sc ; Thorndiko OO , " ' ' ' Thorndike EF , 8) ) 0 ; Thorndiko 120 , Thorndiko XX , 150 ; Cordis Mo. 5 , Cordis No. 4. lie. DENIMS Amoskeup , uoz , lOJ c ; Everett , 7 o ? , 13' ' c : York. 7oz , i Mc ; Havmaker , 8 0 ; Jaffrey XX , llMc ; Jaffrcy XXX. i2K J ; Beaver Creek AA , 12o ; Beaver Creek BB lie : Beaver Creek CC , lOo. KENTUCKY" JIUNS. Memorial , 15c ; Dakoti ISc ; Durham , 27 > > 'o ; Hercules , lac ; Learning , ington , ! ! 3 } < o ; Cuttswold , 27J4c. ' CBASit.-Stevens' B , Co ; btevcns' B Stevei ; St , .koS- ; . " N , bleached' . io > o ; Slovens , Silt , MISCELLANEOUS. 'i'aoie on ciovn , F-.59 ; plain Holland , OKc ; Dado Holland , 12 > e. Brown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , " - ' At' -"I * \f\J f * illlicit WMI , ' * t * I renco LL , 4-4 , Co ; O'.d Dominion , 4-4 , Pepperell K , 4-4 , 7c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , . . Pepperell. 8-4 , 18K ° ; Pepperoll , 9-4 , 2lc ; Pep perell , 10-4,23c ; UticaC , 4-4,4Jfc ; Wachusott , 4--I , 7t c : Aurora R , 4-4 , 7c , Aurora B , 4-4 , /1)UCK West Point ! ? J in , 8 or , lOXc ; West Point 29 In. 10 o ? , 13o ; West Point 29 in , 12 oz , l&c ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , ICc. FrANNELS-I < ed , C , 24 in. 15M ; E , 24 in , 21e ; G U , 24 in , 18o ; H A FJf , 2ocJ R F , X , UINOIIAM PlunKcttcnecks , 7 > ic ; Whltten- ton , 7KC5 York , ? Ko ; Noruiandi ar < * ss , 6 > .ic : Calcutta dress. S > e Whlttcnton dress , bWc ; Henfrew dress , 8Kitl2 > jO. CAMIIKICS Slater , 5ie ! ; Woods , 5 , ' c ; Standard , 5 > e ; Peacock , 5l/c. PIIISTS INIHOO ilLUB Arnold , OV c ; Amer ican , 05/c ; Gloucester , 0)/o ) ; Arnold C long cloth , 0 ; Arnold B long cloth , ' 03 ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10. ! $ : StietelA , 12 ; Windsor Gold Ticket , 10K. Druits ninl OIiemlcnlR. MiscKLUxKotrs-Sulph , acid , IK" ; citric acid , ( Xic ; tartarlc 50c ; bal , copavia , ti c ; borax , lOo ; chloroform , 47o ; glycerine , 20c ; gum Arabic , select , $1.00 ; gum camphor , ! > c ; gum opium , $3,35 ; sulph. morphia , $2.83 ; bromide potassium , 42c. OILS Carbon , 1500 lOc ; headlight. 175 = 14J c ; gasoline , 74 ° 12 > tfo ; West Virgiui.i summer , lie ; zero , 17c ; No. 1 golden ma chine , ISc ; extra W. S.-lurd , 8 < o ; No. 1 lard , 47c ; turpentine , 5le ; linseed raw , & 5c ; bolted , 5c. QUININE P. & W- , per oz , 53c ; German , per ozifc , _ _ Leather. Hemlock solo , 18jJ2rc ( per Ib ; oak solo , 31@ 3tlc per Ib ; oak harness , ! ) ( < $ 'J2c per Ib ; selec ted oak and trace. 35cpor Ib ; oatr. and hem lock upper , 20@22c jxn- foot , iiumlock calf kin , No. 1 , bOtOOo ( per Ib , according to weight ; oak calfskin. No. 1 , 90c@1.0u per Ib ; Philadelphia calf tkin , extra , tl.)01.10 ( per Ib ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , Co@70o per ib : oak kip skin , No. 1 , TOgSOc j > er Ib ; Phila delphia kip skin , extra , 60(3Wc ( per Ib. French calf skins , ( according , to weight and quality ) , S1.15@1.7at > cr Ib * French kip skins do. bOcX.4 $1.10 perlb. Corunvan . russctt , itic ; satin flr.ish. 20c per foot ; welt leather , $ 'J.504.00 rer side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 20@30o l > er foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 25@3Uc per foot ; glove calf skins , 20O30C per foot ; Douglas kid , 30@40o per foot ; kangaroo skins , 40@50c per foot , according to iiuality. Toppings , $3.00(310.00 ( per dozen ; linings , $5.00(39.00 ( per dozen ; apron skins , $10.00 ® 12.00 per dozen. Lumber. First and second clear , 3 In $49 00(351 ( 00 First and second clear , IJ/falK in 47 OOfflfX ) 00 Third clea-- , l4'rtlV iu 43 lXXrf40 00 A select , UilV ( in 37 ( KKii.fJ 00 B select , 1 > { © ! > { in 35 00 ( 37 00 A stock boards , 12@10 feet , 12 in 40 IX ) B stock boards , 12(3li ( ( feet , 12 in 41 00 C stock boards , 12 ( < jilti feet , 12 in 30 00 D stock boards , 12 < < flO feet , 13 in 23 00 Flooring , flrst common , 0 in 34 00 Flooring , second common , 0 in 32 PO .Select fencing flooring 19 00 Siding , first and second clear , 14010 ft 25 00 Siding , first common , 10 feet 23 00 biding , second common 19 00 Common boards , . . ; , . . . .10 OQ No. 'i boards ; allleogthg. . . . . . . H 50 Fencing No L12(320fcct ( Irt CO Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 and IS . . . . . . . . 50 Joists and scantling , 2x4 , 14 10 feet. . . .10 IX ) Timber , 4x4 , 9xM , iB < jUil feet 17 00 Pickets , first rough , peed IB WC418 ( H ) Pickets , fancy head and dressedscicctcd,25 00 Shingle ? , extra A S IH ) Shingles , standard A 2 TO Shingles , No. 1 1 60 Lath 2 00 Mctntfl nml Tinners' Stock. Hlock tin , small pig $ , M Block tin , bar 211 Copper , planished boiler sizes 34 Copper , cold rolled 31 Copper , sheathing 30 Copper , pitts 3J Copper , Hats 31 Galvanized sheet Iron , juniata 50 , 10 and 5 per cent discount Patent planlshrd Iron , No. 21 to 27 , A Patent planished iron , No. 24 to 27,11 Rooftlng , 1C , 14x20 G.I5 Keening , IX , 14x20 ti.W RooDlng , 1C , 20x28 10.25 Hoofilnir , IX , 20x28 13.75 Sheet iron , No 20 3.40 Sheet iron , No. 27 3.50 Solder , best .17 Solder , No. 1 15 Tin plate , 1C , 10x14 C.75 Tin plate , IX , 10x14 8.75 Stool nails , base , per keg 2.5 ! Steel wire nails , base , per keg 2.S5 JUNK Machine castings , $12.00(313.00 ( ; stove plates , $7.00318.00 ; wrought iroti$3.00@ 10.00 ; bones , dry , $5.00 ; steel , $5.00 per ton ; copper , $8.00f ( y.0 < > ; brass , $4.00 ( S.t > 0 ; zinc , $2.00a3.00 ; solid lead , $200 < < c3.00 ; tea lead. $2.00Cd2.50 ; rubber , $2.50f3.00 ( ; mixed rags , $1.10@1 15 Dcrcwt. THK KKALTV MAUKET. InstrumciitH I'lncetl on Ilecord Dtir- Inu Yestcrtlny. K Ii Crotrer nnd wife to J W MoKathoon , lot s. Mnilsay's sub Slilnn's 2d add , w d $1BOO 11 H Clark to .1 M ( irillltli , Mix 127 ft Oik 11 , Howlliiiein ( ! , w U. . . . 400 J U tlatkand wife to I'M Voomau , lots 1 , 2,0 and 10 , blk 1 ; lots 1 and 2. blk ) ! , 1 its 4 nnd 2. blk 3 ; lots 2 , 3 nnd 4 , blk 4. Kcmlnll R mid , w il. 12.0JO 1 * llerpnilst anil wlto to Win Jokumnn , lot I ft. blk n , W Ii Fclby's 1st ndd to South Omitlia. w (1 350 I1 llergtiulst nnd wife to K II HoberK lot 14 , blk il , W Ii Selby'N 1st add to South Omaha , wd 350 C W Hobeitsun to I' Nelson , und ! lot ID , blk 1. West side , wd 450 11 } ron Heudotnl to John I.lnscy ct nl , n fil ft lots 1 nnd 2 , blk 3 , Campbell's add , wd. . . . . . J.IWO Wmi Albright und wife to M M Clark , lot 20 , blk tl , MtithewH' sub. w tl 600 Z U Hood and husband to M .1 Wnugh , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 , 20 , 21 , 22. 2,1 Itnil 24 in Albright - bright \ Aylesworlh's 2d add , wd . . . . 2.8T.O V W Mclchor to H (1 Klin ; , lot 35 , blk 5 , 1'Adilock place , w tl 2MO U C King and wife to T U McCulloch. lot 3T , . blk fi. I'ndtlock plate , w tl 2,500 K w Molcher nnd wife to T II McCullocli. Iot3' , bin ft , 1'ndtlock place wd 2,500 O E llarkur et nl to J A ratter oD , lot ! 'x22 ' feet otrtnortn side lot ll > , bllcl , Mayne place . . 1 William Moher to K J McKcntm , lot 40. blk21. Walnut Illll. wd . . . . . . 1,650 C A llubbnrd and husband to U I' Knight , undivided 'J w24 fe.ct lot 3 and undi vided I , lot 4 and undivided ' , of e 47 feet lot f > , blk 3 , gulnn's addition , und undivided ' ; of HO'i of 1 acre southeast t ornor lot 1 , blk 3 , gnlnn'B addition , w d 3,203 John Pptnrtiun nnd wife to W i : AdamK , HxSOrodt , J-lft-13 rnHt , tied. . . . 300 A P Urake ct al to H J.Ucaey , lot 11 , blk 8 , Drake's addition , w il 0"0 Seventeen transfers , aK re atlng tW.SJl The following permits to build wcro is sued yesterday : J 1J Syners , dwelling , Torta avenue and CumliiK tret t Ki G Zimmerman , lints , 12le.\enth und I'lerce streets . . . . . . . 6,300 M Ii Juvnes , brick r.tore and Hats , Six- t03iith unrt Clark treet . . . . 22.WO Samuel Ii Wiirwlck , tlwelllnt ; . Franklin au'imcamlTnenty-fnnrth Mtreet 4TO .1 H Hurdlek , dwelling , It'll ' Illnney stiett 3UK ) 1'eter Nelson , frame barn , Twenty-third near Howard street H ) Sixteen permits W1.875 The Visible Supply. Cmctno , Oct. 2J. The visible supply for the week ending October 20 , as compiled by the bocretury of the Chicago board of trade , is as follows : Bushels. Wheat 32.972,000 Corn 11,203.000 Oats 7,775,000 Rye 1,20.HK ) ) Barley 1,402,000 ; nUANCH OFFICE. JOHN M. SHAW & CO. COMMISSION , Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds , Margin Transactions a Specialty. JOHNSON it CHRISTIAN , Managers. 15 BQAttD OF TRADE , - OMAHA. Members of tne Chicago Hoard of Trade. Priv ate Wires to Chicago and New York. EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Great Medical Work for Young and Mlddh-Aged Men. New Edition , Revised and Enlarged , MW THYSELF. . Ydunu anil mKMIc-aiicd men who are rufTerlnx from the Inclltrivtlonn of youth , Kiliiiusti'd vitality , Nervoun and I'M jKlcat Doblllty , 1'remature Decline , ic. , and the Ihoumtiid unlokl mlcerlcs consequent tbcreun , unrt nil who are. Mck and eulTvilnv nnil tlo not know whatalln them , can ho cured without fall by fnllonlnK thu Instructions In the hclcnccof I.llo or t-elf Preservation. I'rlce unlr tl hy mall post paid , aeuleil. Ills a LcioU for every num..ailluik'L1" , lull Kilt. 1A prcrcilptloim for nil nciitu nnd ihronlc dtscuhes. Fully I'nrtorneil by the > ailonnl Me < lleal Association , v < i\u \ awarded the Ruld nnd jewelled medal to the author , lllu.-tratlve inniDle , with endorsements ( it thu press , tree. If you apply now. AcMrusi the 1'euOody Mi' Institute or llr. W. II. I'AllKKIt. No. , liiifnncli M. . 110-ton. .Man. , whu muy be coniultcd contlilentlally oil all diseases of man , his * pt'claltr. "Tho Scleucu of I.lfo , the latest work from the pen nf tt'e ablw and dlttlliKUlshed ) consulting phst- elanof thff I'f ibody Medical Institute , Iloston , It by far THE IIKST medical Ircutlso for ynurik'ami middle- nued men ever Kent torth In the KiiKllsh lacfuate , and It Is published by an Inttltuto toundcJ by thu urcutcst pbllanthroplst known In America cr Knx- land. " KAMI i , v llnui.1) . There Is nn member of society to whom The Sci ence of Life will not bo u'clulwhether youth , parent , euurdlnn , Instructor or cleriiymnn. .MU.OVAUT. ctl eatlsfactloa In tbo cure of Oout rrhccs and Gleet. IpreeirlboltEni ; fed sale Iu rcoinmond- Ing It to all eufTcrers. i.J. STONTR , M.D. , Dccatur , III. rnicc , Ol.oo. Bold by UruEclotl ST. JOHN'S M1UTAUY SCHOOL. MANI.1U8. N. Y. Civil Enclneerlnu. Classics , Business , HT. HKV. K. D. HUNTINdTON , President. LT. Cou W. YEllllKCK. tiuperlntenaenti V inUFY anu a11 "r'nary ' troubles easily.quick- IMUnu I ly aud safely cured by DOCUTA Cart- sules , r-everestcaseiruredln seven days. Bold ( LMoerbox , all dnicKlsts , or by mall fiom Do- cutaMfg.Co.lU\VhlteSt..N. ! Y.l'ull Uirectlona. . it.rAi.MKH. N , p. nirnxA.v. j.D.ii PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. . Live Stock Comiuissiou Merchants .ORvER.WESTERFIELp & MALEY Live Stock Commission , Room Ii , tUcbance llulldlnir , Unlca Etock Yards _ boutU Omaha. Nub. ALEXANDER k FITCH. Commision Dealers in Live Sock , Ofpoilto Kscbange Building , Union 8tok Tardi , Bourn Omaba , Keb. " " " ' UfitON STOCH YARDS CO. , Of Omaha Limited , Aarlcuiturni implomonta. CHURCHILL PARkER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , ' HufflM Ji e * t < trvrtli 10th , Omahi , Nebraika. LINING E&METC'ALF CO. . Agricultural Implements , WaEonsCarriages , , Etc.VboUtalc. . Omaha , Nebranka , "PARLIN. ORENDORF & MARTIN , Wholeialu Dealtrs In Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies ( Ol , 9UI , 906 and W7 Jones 8tr t , Omaha. P. P. MAST & CO. . Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , CultlTatora , Hay llakrs , Oder Mills and I.uban Put' Terliers. Cor. Uln and Nicholas btre ts. WINOTA" IMPLEMENT coTi -Wholtiatx Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies _ rirn * f | , * h * t'0 Vlrhntnf iUrpoU. _ OMAHA nilANCH. J. F. SEIBERLING * CO. . Akron , Ohio. Harvesting Michinery and Binder Twine , W. E. .Mea.1 , Maimifr. 1713 1 eirc nworth st. Omaba. MOLINE.MILBURN&STODD'ARDCO Uanufadurert and Jobbers In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor. Sthand I'acltlc titreela , Omaha , Ncl > . Artists' Materials. A HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1JI3 DoUk'Un Street. Omaha. Nebranka. Booksellers and Stationers. H. M , & S. W. JONES. Successor * to A.T. Kenyon A Co. , Wholesale AHeUII Booksellers and Stationers , Kino Wedding Stationery , ( 'orunierclal Stationery ' tt Douglas Street , UmabaSet ) . Boots and Shoe * . KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. . ( Successors to ll ed , Jones A to ) WholesaleMannfactnrersofBootsandShoes Axents for lloston Ituhoer Shoe Co. 11CC , 1104 & 1104 llarnvy Bt. , Omaha. Nebraaka. w. v. MORSE" * co. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101,1103-1105 Douglas Bt , Omaha Manufactory , Bummer - . . . mer St. llcston. CoffooB , _ _ _ ' ' CLARK E C O F F E E"C 6. , OmabK Coffe and t < plce Mills. Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , naTorlfiK Kitracts , laundry nine. Inks. Etc. lilt Itl61larn y Street , Umaha. Natirasta. Crockery and OI a e a wy8 ; " " w. L."WRIGHT" Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Etc Otn ce. 817 H 13th St. , Omaha. Nebraska. PERKINS , CATCH &LAUMAN , Imoorterti and Jobbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamts , Silverware Ktc. 1M4 Farnam f-t. , New Paxtnn llulldlnf. Commission and Storage. " RIDDELL & RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Merchants , ? peclaitli * " v > > , „ , . , „ ' ' -"iltry , Ganic , imiloward StrMt. Ornab * . CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. . Successors to McRhanc A fchroedcr ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Ouiatis. Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FAIRBRASS. Wholesale Flour , Feed , Grain and General Coininision Merchant. Correspondence eollclted. 1011 North ICtb Wreet , Omaha , Neb. Coat , Cpko and Llme- ' " " OMAHA'COAL. COKE & , L"IME" Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 300 South loth Street , Omaba , Nebraika. " J. J. JOHNSON & ICO. Mannfactnrers ofLime , Andshlppcrn t t mil , Co.ik , Cument , Halter , Uruln Tile , anil Sewer Pipe. Office , 21S , S. U St. , Omaha , Nob. Telephone til. _ Dry Goods ona Notions. ' " M. E SMITH i'cb" , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1KB and 1104 Douglas. Cor , llth St. , Omaha. Neb. K1LPATRICK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers any oNers in Dry GoodsNotions , G nU' Furulsblng Goods. Comer llth and " Hts . Omaba. Nebraska. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Cofo 214 South Uth Pi. . Omaha. Neb. DEWEY & STON"ir Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Karnam Etrcet. Omaha. Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Omaha. Nebraska. Crooorlos. PAXTON , GALLAGHER * Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 70S , 7U7.703 and 7118.10th St. . Omaha , Neb. McCORD. BRADY & CO. . Wholesale Grocers , ta and Ijarenworlli Streets. Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware. MARKSTBROS. SADDUEIRY' WbolCBiilo Manufacturers of Saddlery & Jofesof Saddlery Hardware And Leather. HM , ltd' . nn < l 1107 llnrcay St. , Omaba , S'tbr * ka. Heavy Hardware. W. J. BROATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Wavon Stock , Hardwire. Lumber , Etc. 120 : aud U11 Hartley titruct , Omaha. HIMEBAUGH &TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' Tools and Duffalo Bcales , 1406 Douulai btreet. Omaha , Nebraaka. RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , "hand ItarneySts , OmahaNeb. Western Agenti Tor Austin Powder Co. . Jefferson ! Steel Nails. Kalrbank > Btandard'tfciles" . LEE. CLARKE , ANDRjES N HARD- WARE COMPANY Wholesale Hardware , Cntlery , Tin Plate , lletala. Sheet Iron. etc. Agepts fornowc Bcales , Miami redder and l.yroan Barbed wire , Omaha , Nebraska , W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , Cans and Straw Goods. 1107 Uarney Htrt U Omaha. Neb. OMAHA LUMBr/R CO * . " , All Kinds of Bnilding Material at Wliolesali 19tj Street and Union Paclflc Track , Omaba. L O U i S BR ABpORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasb. IXxirs.Ktc. Yuds-r Corner 7tb and Dowlas ; Cotnci Lumbar C. N. UILT2. Dealer In All Kinds of Lumber , l.thaml Calitorultt Mruets. Onialm. Nobrn'Xa. Luinher Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner Ctrl and I > ou lns En. .Omaha. _ T. W. HARVEY LUMBER COT - ' To Dealers Only , omcc. 1(01 Karnam Street Omaha , _ JOH'N ATWAKEFIELD " Wholesale Lnmher , Etc , mportrd and American Portland I'emont Bull Anent Iur JllliTiMikoo I lidraullc Cement nj _ _ _ Cjiilncy While Mine. _ CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer iu Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpet * and I'arqucl Klocirln ? titli an Mllllrwry 5hd Notions. I. OBERFELDER A'CO. , mporters & Johhers in Millinery & Notions K. aid amUll South Illli * CANFIELD MANUFACTURINQ co. . Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans 1'auW , hhltts , Ktc. llWnn.l 1104 Iluuular Hlreet. Ouiaha. > eb. Noti'ons J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods tttt and tOOSkutti Kith Mt. , Omahn. Oils. _ _ _ CONSOLIDATED TANK UNESCO. , Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle Urcnso , Etc. , Omaba. A II lllnhop , Manager , VINYARD & SCHNEIDER. Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1100 Uarncy Street , Omaha. Office Fixtures- THlTrUMMONDS MANUPACTlflUNa CO. Bank , Offlcuirsaloon Fixtures , Mautlpi , SlJctiOnnli" , Hook Cases , DruK KliturevWnll I ase , Partitions. ItnlllnK .CuuntPm , lleernnd Wlno < 'ooler , Mlrrorr.etc I nrtory am' ontre , 1V nnd 17 l South Uth gtOiuaha , Telephone 1U4. Paints end CUM MI NGS " & NE"ILSON. Wholesale Deniern In Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , HIS Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb. J ti Paper. I CARPENTER PAPER CO. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry ft nice Block of I'rtntlnir , Wrapping and Writing Pa w. Hpeelal attention ufifn to car load orders. Paper Boxes. _ _ JOHN LWILKTE. Pronrietor Omaha Paner Box Factory , N03. 1.117 and 131'J Douglas Bt. , Omaha , Neb. Seeds. PHIL. STIMMEL Ac CO. . Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds VII and 913 Jones titrcet. Omaha. Storage , Forwarding A Commission ARMSTRONG. PETTIS A CO. . Storage , Forwarding aud Commission , Branch honno of the Ilcimey Huncy Co. llucclcs al wbgle Je ' and rctitlll _ W i iuanu . 1312 liard Street , Omaha. Telephone No.VW. OMAELJANDFACTIJ1RS. i Brewors- STORZ&1LER. Leger Beer Brewers , 1131 North Elgthtccntb Street , Omaha , yob. Cornloo. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Mannfactnre Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John Kpenctcr , Proprietor. ! W ) Dortgn and 1U1 and 1M Nerth Wih street , OnittUu. _ Printers' Materials. " ' "WESTERN NEWSPAPE'R UNION. Auxiliary Publishers , Rubber Goods- OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Manufacturers and Dealers in "Rubber Goods 311 Clothing and Leather llcltlus. 1UU Karnam Btr U _ 8J8lTD _ Or8 , Etc. M. A. DISBROVCO. . . " ' ' Wlioleialo Manu. .cturem of Sasli Doors , Blinds and Monldings , Branch Office , 121U and Izard Hlruots , Onialm , Neb. C BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors. Blinds , .Y.-ulUlngi , Stair Work and Interior llar'l Woo4 Hni BU. fi. K. Corner Mh itnJ LouvunwurlU bire Omaha , JSteorn Fittings , A/L. STRANG CO. . Pumps , Pines and Engines , ' EtC' CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pomps , Pine , Fillings , Steam and Water Supplies , n'nimrter" fcr M f. . . _ s goods _ F.irnnm t , , Omaha U. S. WIND ENGINE x PUMP CO. . " Steam and Water Supplies , " * BROWNELL & UO Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Bheetlron Wo * . Ba , MIH , . Iron Worko. STEAM BOILER WORKS. Carter Ii hon , 1'rop'a. Manufacturers of nil kind ! Steam Boilers , Tanlis anil Sheet Iron Worfc Wordii South 2Uiu and 11. A. M. Crotslni ; . 1'A.XTO.V & VIKKI.l.SU IKON WOKKt ) . Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort , KnElnos , Ilrai * Work , General Foundry , Maohlno and IJltiiksmlth Work , unico und Works , U , 1 * . Itr. und Kib Street , Omaha , " " " ' arVTARA Wl"RE i"lffON"WORKS , Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railing Doik Ilalln , Window Ouanls , Klower . , Wlro KlKns.Ktc. la NortUKth HlreutOmaha. OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS. Man'frsofFire&BnrglarProofSafes ' Vault" . Jail Work , Iron aivl Wire KuncInK , Hlzns , Kto. U , Andreen , 1'iou'r. Cor. HlUund JnckiouMts , CHAMPION IRON nnd WIRE WORKS r Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards and Screoni , for banks , ouirci.iloivv reildencnt , etc. Improved Awnlnji , l < o < v mlili Mac hlnerr ui.J IlluckiniUli Rorki. t'Jl youth Hlh Mt. MEACHER .VWHITMORE , Fire aud Burglar Proof SafesTime , Locli - ucntJ iur IHolmlil B.itu x I'OPK 0iuu u > ' * Y ultindJiillWuikll tS.Uiliik !