, ' . - ' . ' . - _ _ . , v.- ' - r y'r-- ' - . , - - - - . . - - . - , - - - - . - , - - , . - ' : ' -p : 2 _ . . . , . . . _ 'NTB OMAHA .DAII4 B : rflJSDAy.OOTOBER23.1888. _ _ . _ _ _ CIIASIIED INTO TilE WAY CM A Fatal Collielon on tim Burlington . , Road at Axtoll. , TWO MEN ARE KILLED OUTifiGHT % S'IiIIe iiot1ier i TCrrItIy SCflIIC(1 Hy 14UZtIflg Stenii * nnd Cannot ReCover - Cover - JttIsIng IteIutIlcan . : 1taIIIo-Otlier Statu Nev. A Rear EflL C,1IIqIoti. . 1ATINO , Ncb. , Oct. . 2.-SpccIa1 [ Tele. rut to 'I'IIIflEE.J-By : a roar end collision at Axtell at tiiItlnglit Sunday two men were . iisLuiitI.s killed and a third so badly ca1dcd that ito hopes are entertained of his recovery. Axtell t a small btco on the Burlington . about thirty miles west of here. Tim flrst of tvO sccttoris of a stock train had stopel theri whu1 the engine took voter , vlLczI the engine of thin scconl ectIozi crahiud Into It. The way car was sna5hiet1 into kindling wood , Osorge A. l'rttchiard , of Denver , and 1toh , ert Been , of White River , Cola. , two stock men who score vidiiig In the ear , were hi. : htautly killed , . Thu engine which did the ( lamago was . wrecked and the fireman , S. S. Green , of Ashland. being unable to oscae , svai hitcr : ally boiled alive by the eeiuing % steini. When rescued he was in atui'rlble condition anti suffering untold agony. . 'Flie cligineer jutnpeil frotit the cab list be. fore the collision took 1)13cc and escaped un- hurt. The track was torn up for a considerable distatn'o and trains were cowpehlod to go rotind by 'ay of ited Cloud. ; . JtflpilIlICftfl Rally. CiuAn RAII1)s , Nub , , Oct. 3.-Special ( to Tnr 1ici,1-Tlic banner political meeting , held in the county titus far was the repubhi. , . can rahi.s' at this ll.ICO hfl.St Saturda' evening. 'fliespeakers for the occasion were lion. P. M. Cooke , an attorney froui Lincolti , and Hon. C'orgc D. Meikiejohin , 1".tIRMor , Nob. , Oct. 2.-FSpccIal to Tim - . flr.n,1'l'ho republicans hind a monster rally at this liluco yesterday ovening. A delega. ; tion of 2iO from Exeter , includingttte Ladies' ; llarrhiou tiiiil Morton club of seventy-live : menibi'rs , cnmo by sliecial traimi and hiartici- r pated in the liitrumle. Large numbers from . other adjacent towns were also present , Ifon , 1 , W. Lansing , of Lincoln , itnd other . slakers delivered addresses , ; \Vnr.i'ING W.rmn : , Nub , , Oct. i2.-Special , 'I'tmn l3mm.--'J'he Teiegriiin to ] - - republicans hilI II rousing local meeting hove to-night. . Chao's opera house was tIlled . lion. 0. ΒΆ J'offt of Avoca , M. 1) . I'olk of l'iiittsmouth , . and Ir , Butler , Captain flairdE. H.'ooio.v - and ii. A. ( ilbion of this city delivered . strong addresses. GUAND Ist.tNI ) , Nob. , Oct. 2Specinl , , Telegraun to 'l'mmr l3m'r.-Barteribachi ] s opera house was packeil at S o'etolc to listen to Covernor Thayer anu other speakers. 'rime ' governor made a very forcible speech and was listened to with rapt attention for over c IWO hours. lie was frequently interrupted with applause. lie scored John A. McShano c for his cowardly silence and declared that if . be would not meet him and discuss the ques- ; % ions of the day in the presence of their con- mtltucnts that ho would not remain silent. lie was followed by W. 1' . Coolbaugh , of this 4 city , who made the wittiest mind one of the most ologuent anti brilliant speeches dcliv- , . cred hero durini the campaign. . - S'iiiiyiicii , Nob. , Oct. 22-Special [ Pole- , ramto rii Iiar.-An ] enthusiastic repub- L- hIaii mass meeting was hold in the opera . - bouso to-night. It was cstimate1 that 2OO ( ) - 1)COplt3 % 'ero l)5CIit. ) A. E. Cody , of St. ; Paul , delivered one of the most brilliant and eloquent campaign speeches over listened to hero. lie was followed by lion. : : C. F. Mantlerson. When ho stepped r forward the audience rose and cheered wildly for sonic time. He pOkt3 for more thmati an hour anti contlimed himself mainly to a tliscussion of . . the tariff question. The veterans of 1840 occupied a lr minent Ilosition on the stage. A'determined effort is being made by the . reptiblicans to carry Colfax county at the 'p comingelection. ' _ _ _ _ _ , . , Wanted atslnimx City. F"RCMONT , Ncb. , Oct. 22.-Spccial [ to Tui BEE.-ThO ] deputy sitci-iff of Veodbury county , Iowa , arrived in L"romonv last oven- lug in search of Jarties lirinkiecom , vlio svas $ , wanted at Sioux City for stealing a team of bot-sei iast AUgUSt , his partner In the crime being caught at that place a few days ago t and Pitt the ofticers on his trail. The deputy & . in company 'with Sheriff Mailon , nstitut0d : search for the iiian. They fountl him in beti 9t 1 o'clock last night , in a boarding house in F this city. lie vtis hauled out and placed - under arrest and this morning he was taken back to Sioux City to answer for his crime. - Ilurgiars In a Hotel. , . BCA'rmuCn , Nob. , Ott. 22.-Spocial [ Teic. grain to Tiii lir.r.-Tho ] Gm-and Central ; liotol was robbed Saturday night of clothing t' anti a valise , bolongiiig to I. Ii. Ilildebrand , . Johit 11. Bovard and F. C. Courtney. Two E men , tianiod John Collins and John Power , were arrested and searched , and a receipt : for time goods , signed by Dan Wilson , a see- : nd hand store luau , found on them. Wil. p , eon's store was searched and the goods ro- covered. The thieves and Wilson and his F- on were all arrested to-day , and the thieves ' . boutul over to the district court , Wilson's rase being continued. t Preparing Io- the Reunion. . Sui'inion ; , Nob. , Oct. 2.-Specisl [ Talc- gtam to Tici : U.1-Uroat itreparatlons at-c I. being made for the fair and 0. A. H. reunion r- , commiteneing hero to-morrow. Flas are fly. lag lit au larts of the town anti the buiidiilg5 . on all time business streets arc handsomely ! - atiti appropriately decorated for time occasion. Ever thing has been made lit readiness to ' royaliy entertain the large crowd that Is ox- . Peeled to tucet around the camp fires with ? Httperior's old soldiers and for a few days live over again the tunes when they wore on the tenteti held in dofen'te of the old flag and ; the nation's life and prosperity. A Luihoran Chili-eli Jcihlontod. FItEMo-r , Neb , , Oct. 22.-Special [ to Tii BEL-Tbo ] Gerutan Lutheran society In the neighborhood of the vostofhico of Fontenelle. t Zn the western part of Washington county , - dedicated a fine new church yesterday. F otv1thistnttdIng the rain anti muti the nttcndatico was large and the exercises most . Interesting. The niot-ning dedicatory mier- . vices were conducted by Roy , luhiman , of Itocit , Nob. in the afternoon it umissionary meeting was held anti wa' ttddicssed by a half dozen visitimig i-iergymeii , Pita church * . edifice is a handsome one for a country corn- inummity. It was built of brick itud cost It was dedicated entirely ft-co trout debt , I. Funeral of Beii.Innilu I'ahmnerton. Biariucz , Neb , Oct. 2.-Speeial Tale- ' . grant to Tao BEE.-1Jonan1ia ] l'aiuicrton , , the in-eminent Odd Follow who died suil. donly while attending the grand lodge at f- Omaha last week was buried to-day. Tue ' funeral was largely attended antI conducted t by the I. O 0. F. Vrotninent members of . the Lincoln order were hrescnt. lb vats an [ r old mimic ! esteemed citizen of Beatrice , and had considerable proPertY. lie leaves a wife and four married children. hog Cholera in Otoe County , , NumustcA Ci'rr , Nob. , Oct 22.-tspcciat Telegram to Pus lia-lIog ] cholera in an epidemic form has broken out soath of the city and hundreds of swine are succumbing to the dreaded disoao. One farmer nameti Davis , who last week lost three head of ' horses from ginnders1 reuorts his herd of zoyorai hundred hogs dying 1roa cholera. omInntit For 8.inator. Sawamin , Nob. , Oct,2.-Siioeial [ Telegram , 'to Tuim [ 3c-Tho ] senatorisl convention of - . Seward and Butler counties 'Jnanhmnouly - * tomniiiatcd Richard S. Norval , of Seward. A ) iarrnonious and enthusiastlo crowd was au- . dressed by Lauibertsozi , Lesa , Pi'cson , lIturiuOtt and others. m.rS In iii ; AouoaI * ArtwTa , Ga , , Oct. 22.-At a iucetIu of J. M. W'tt- , this county cozumisslonors to-day , on , ceunty and statetax coI1ettor. va4 sus- nde& flu is shorttu his ceouats 0UtiO. , , . , . , . . , . . . . ; ; . . A ' i : . : . . - . tttYE WLTtESfP' REPIdIH , Some Inside Faotilteg rtiltig t iio'Liit- wooti Catitiis Gttng LiNwooli , Neb , , Oct. . 3-To the Editor of 'rim lJE. : Undet- date of October 0 Tmii 1ii published a report from "EyeVitncss" of the Linwood caucus , showing up time manner - nor in which the railroad agent at this Place figured in that body. Under date of October 13 'riii 11cm : also itubhished for the railroad agent and liLs aide do camp an article setting UI ) the absolute falsity of lye Witness' first report. Now , Mr. Editor , I hope we may be allowed a little more space t set at rest this wide spread denial. This matter of packing caucuses in Nebraska is no new departure , What is the matter at this time with our raliroad commissionersi We are told that we have suflieicnt laws on our statutu books to regulate railroad transportation and ofilccr3 whose duty it is to sea that they arc cxc- cuted.'Ill' cttt ; we not get theta to ucti It lies right here : Titeso creatures were taut- pored with , vera selected for those responsible ; ositioiis throtighi dolegrutos chosen too often In thu mnamimmer referred to above. We think too much ventilation caitilot be given to this class of imianeuvor- big , It is a matter of county , state and tnt- tional interest , In this article of denial it is alleged that this agent had nothing to do with the iiitiiiiultttLttg ) of the eaucus that ho slmnily voted his sentinients , as did all the rest of the railroad boys. Phi' is the santo old tlodge Let us iok for a moment. Was hot the full foi-ctt out from the round house , cotil house , Including both day amid night operators , anti night ittan at the round house who certainly haitI to desert their ; iosts iltity to ntt.onii mit such a tttnel Is it at nil feasible to ircsuuio that this ehl&'f hail tioth- lug to do with itt \Vould this dty operator anti ca1 heaver , who itt-c both rabiti tienmo- crnts , have gone into a repubhlc-utt caucus anti cotntn-onmisctl theirhonor na they did in tiLls itmatter without thu wishes of their elmiuf I 'ntis letter of denial further takes exceptions to having semite of the fellows wheat Ibid stood in with , called "of a like stripc , amid imiontioris F' . C. Bond , JV , ilojiti , justices of the licace , A. Clark Hoc. ords and others. Look for it moment. \Vcre not these two usticcs bothu elected on the democratic ticket last falli Do not those same namued republicans appear nit ii petition to remove P. M. Uichardson , a crippled soldier , for being flu offensive Partisan and for the appoint- mnent of one , P. W. Wilson , because lie was a democrati Did not this same \Vilson secure - cure the appointment of supervisor for A. Clark Records to i-eyard him for his perfidy lit the previous postolhlco contesti Did not this salon man liciti know that he was yok- big himself lij ) with this outfit to the prolu- ( lice of mioaily every shipper anti business anuim in town I This A. Cinric Records is a renegade , thEm-ti-rate , one-horse politician from Dodge county. Thu character of this geutlemntun has been svell knowit hero for sonic titan timid it scents mu little strange that Agent iteiti ltotiItl harness himself up with such a political carbuncle for the lUV1)050 of getting into the county convention n a dole- gate. Was It not a little strange also that s'ltemi a ietitlnmt was circulated by A. 0. Records , Mr. itoid's running mate to semiti to the ratlrouti company exhonoraimmg bid for his tart iii the caucus , that it contained mloitc of the busimiess inca of thic place , that one would be proud of in mu matter of thIs kind-with possibly one cxecptioiul Era W'IrNsb. - AN OMAILt MAN KILLED. IleisStruck By a Union Pacific En- lno in Wyoming. CI1EY5Na' , Wyo. , Oct. 22.-ISpocial Tote. gram to Tiiz Iisa.1-John McCann , a bridge carpenter employed on the Union l'acmflc , was killed mit Unford station cthis morning. McCann s-ithi four others was going up the gentle on a hand car and was in a deep cut whuti the amen saw an eastbound fm-oight coining towards thom They onticavorod to get the caret ? the track but wore unsuccess- ful. Alt of the men escaped injury except McCann , who was struck by the engine and injured so badly that ho died in a short time. Dcceawct was sixty years of ago and leaves a vi'ife and fmuntlly Ilvin at Oaiaha , Stoamahip Arria14. At Copenhagen-The Slavonia , from New York. At Antwerp-The licrrrnann , from New York. At Now York-The State of Coorgia and the Anchoria , from Glasgow. At Glasgow-Time State of Indiana , from New \'ork At .Dover-Tlie Helvetia , from New York. At Qucenstown-Thu liritish ICing , from New York. At Hmuvre-La Normande , fromiNaw York. At botterdam-Tho Leortlam , from t4esv York. At Philadelphia-The British I'rince , front Liverpool. Enjoined the Baari otTrmide. CiticAtlO , Oct 22-Judgo Shiepard this morning granted a temporary Injunction restraining - straining the board of trade from disci- phimmitig or interfering with George A. Hutch- lson , J. J. VnnNostrand , M 13. Cralts and ii. C. Gray , mnembet-s of the board , for trading on the open board after the regular trading ltoums fixed by the board of trade. They claimed that , as members of beta boauds , they have a right to trade during the regular trading hours of both organizations , and that the recent order of the regular board forbidding trading - ing before 9:30 : a. mu. amid after 1:13 : p. am. , is causing thent serious loss in business. The hours Qf the open board arc from 9 a. m. tea a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aim ItaIIni's Ct-line. ll.tzr.r.To , Pa. , Oct. 22.-Agan Starclhlo anti wife arrived from Italy last Thursday night , aecompammieti by m.ovei-al couutm3'men , atitoimg whom was r.ouis Rosso. Several clays ago Stareille received a letter ft-omit Italy which told mm strange story of his vifc. lie va'i greatly Incensed thereby. Last evening he began kicking and beating her In a tern- bItt manner. Antonio Lonmtuu _ Starciillt'3 boarding boss , anti hiosso interfered. 'l'hiey seized hint and Stareillo drew mu ievolscuand shot Hosso dead. Sturcillo was arrested anti is now in itt'isoii. Ilrltisim-.tnierican ssoc1at1on. Ciimc.uoo , Oct. 22.-The first national con- ventiohi of the ilritlsh.Amcrican association of the United States met this afternoon at the Grand I'aclilo hotel. The object is to form a natIonal association. Delegates are presemit fromn New Yo.ik , Connecticut , Rhode Island , New hampshire , Pennsylyamiia , Jill- nob' Michigan , Iowa and California. The sessions are to continue three days. Coma. mittees on credentials and hiermanent organ- izatlon were appointed. They will report at tIme mimoeting to-morrow , when tlto next , busi- hess wilt ln'obably be the appointment of a comiimmiitteo to prepare a constitution for the pt-oposed national organization. Into ruin to see falling Teeth once soumutt is quite appalling ; 'l'iioIt decay at once Is seen When you 01)0 your lips , between , Usoto whiten teeth that darken 1-'naCraut SO'/.ODONT-just hmarken I his ltrntt Was Too SoFt. New Yomuit , Oct. 2.-Speelal [ Telegram to Tiut Ligc.J-Satnuol W. Rose , a colonial mtigkt wutehmmuan mit the Star building , at hiroadway antI Pant Ithaco , whIte clcanin the wimiulows of the oflices ott the sccon floor at 10 o'cloclc yostcrtiay morning , foil to the sidewalk , a distance of fifteen feet , and stri& % . Oil lmt heath. lie died two hours later at Ijinunbers Street hospital without regain. lag eonseiottsmioss , Rose was unutaurietl. IIEI ) , McCANN-At Cheyenne , October 2 , John McCann , agetl ility yearm. Funeral notices hereafter. Family rest- deuce 1517 South Sltecntim street , Children cry for Pitcher's ' Castorla. Wheit lt&by wu pick , e gae bet Catom1s. When she -i-u a Child , bo niad for Caatonl * , Wb.mi sh4bee&me she clung to Ctdoi-ia , iY4 I AeLA4 Ct4tUrc u , she gav them Qstorti. - ' : , - 1 - - - , , MOItTUATtY. Ob5eciiiio of JoiutJ , Mtmrphy amiml . Otliers. , The funeral of John J. Murphy took tilneg yestem-day front his late resltlrntoo 1811 California tret. The remains were brtto to time Church of the holy Family , where it solemn retlulomn mAss was eluinted , , Very Rev , It. A. ShmniTcI , S. J. , acting its celebrant ; 11ev. F' . Koopumans , S. .1. , as uleacomi and a clergynman front Chicpgo , muctimig as sub clan- con. Time pIllars of the altar vcre drap d. vith mourning and a large serge veil was extended - tended front side to stile across the top of the beautiful niches. This decoration was in recognition of ttmo esteem in which the tiecemiseti was hold by the pastor of time church , the devotion as one of Its earliest members he displayed toward the parish and. the cx. tumilplo ito haul lteen to other mmtemnbem-s of the association Iii his noble and edIfying life. The Ititisic was the Gregorian chant amid was reim- doreti by the choir of St. .iolmn's church , Mrs. F. C. MeSlmane sang "itest , Spirit , Rest , " as the remnaimis were beimig slowly bormie from the church. The emisicOt was a lnumdsomne one , in black cloth , with drapings , tito lid bonrimig a sliver lilate ott winch wore Inscribed time name. and ditto of birth ned Ccatim of the deceased. A number of floral trluutes rested upon time lid , mind uu'cro afterwards b3rno to time grave. ReV. H. . A. ShalTel , S. J. , doll'et-eLl aim eloquent dmscoursc on death which ho closed with a fcrvitl eudgy ! of time deceased. i'lmo remitaimus vcre Interred in Holy Scphtilchre , the pall bearers being Cltat-le F' . 'ragart , Ti. Itml3'or , .1 , B. F'miray , Ambrose Lee , Jerumlah Whalen , J.v. . Paul , 'l'ltomnas 'l'miliotm ammul JV. . Greg- or.s' . Mr. Murphy was otto of time ottlest emit- ploycs of the Union I'aclllc company , having vorkoti for it muimmmost from boyhood , A dole. gation of wom-knien from thu shops attended the obsctiuies Anmong the large number of 1)001)10 ) at time fummet-al was Colonel O'Reefo ' , of Cmestoim , a bm-othom--ln.hiw ol' thO deceased. Jo0 Neuner , for somnotime , sexton 1mm Laurel lull cenmetery , vimo due , ! lit St. Tosepit's itos- pthl , was burled yesterday in that contotery by United Orderof Tremi Hudd.oI which ho was a rnemnlicr. 'J'iie fumterat services were hold 1mm St. Mary agdaies churdi the mnemnbors of the order memitioned being iii attendance with a banti mind sveauimtgappropriato regalia. Mrs. M. Nicholson , wife of one of the old settlers on this city. died itt. 422 North Eloventit street. ' [ 'Ito funeral will take jilaco to-day at ( I o'clock from St. Pitmlo- momma's cathedm'al , - CItUS1IEI ) liiA LutNt ) SLIIE. A Terrible Accklemtt on . .an Italian 3tnIlroi1. HoMa , Oct. 2l.-A dispatch froumi Potena says that titere svem-o 100 pasengcrs on time train witich was crushed by aland slide a few days ago. One hmumidred and fifty dead anti woutnded have been iulentilted. Many of time victims are umticxiown. Scores of bodies commtintme to be unearthed. Soldiers are working hard at the wreak. flio syork is itfllCtlCd by tim cold and simow. An entire theatrical company was killed. Several headless suit armless corjsmts have beemi found in a neighforiug river. A mimothor vtmo had been drivemi mmmd by time catastrophe no- fused to release fromn her embrace her two dead children. A young priest was buried for two hours , and uvitcmz extricated it vas found that his hair had tut-ned white. An entire fatally , cotisisting of six liersous , was killed. Two earemages. in which were a comnpauny of carablneorssustalneti no datnago , and the carubimicers verc able to assistl Lit cx. tracatmug time victims. All of the ofticials attached - tached to the train wore killed , It is estimated - mated that 200,0th ) cubic metros of earth fell upomi tlmo line. Many of the pasengors who escaped with their lives left the scene imnte diately after ttm accideimt , abut it is therefore imimpossiblo us yet to tell time exact number killed. - Grover Cluvelanti's [ tuck. tCopurftht ZS b Jtirn'S Gordon 116m1zef.1 , Nas-tAItmaT , Oct. 29.-Ncv York Herald Cable-Special to Timuzllnr.J-Somne Anion- cans at the Iloumglmton race meetlmmghcre today - day have found an omen for l'rcsldent Clove- laud's friends in the good luck of Grover Clovelmund , the owner of time brown fihloy , Stockton , a four-year-old by Skylark Cestus , vlnmiimmg the flying stakes handi ap and beating Lord Durhtamn's Brooklyn , LOrd Dudley's Renal Ia amid Duchesso Mont- rosa's Wimito Jacket. With five others Grover Cleveland's imorso was in time betting eight to one agmmimist , whlie St , Symphortea was a favorite ttnd a bad third , l3rooklymu a second. Grover Clovelmtnd is also the owiter of the crack horse Governor Wailer , named after the popular consul geacraL Mimrdcrect by a Boy , Rmm'x.r.r , MIami. , Oct 22.--Thn murder of a Geimmman minuted Ziegler. who lived about three miles from here , has Just conic to light. October 2 , Frank Reynolds , a sixteen-year- old boy , who , it seems , bad a grudge against Zeigler , accompanlod by his cOusimiproeeeded tothe house of the German with the avowed purpose of kIlling him. They saw him on time river lit a boat , and on pretense ot wamtt- lug hun , called him ashore.Vhenvithimt a few feet of time batik. Reynolds llrud , killing Zeigler immstantly. 'rite authorities are now searching for Reynolds. An Income Tax. PAnts , Oct. 22.-Tho chamber of dopu'tiea Itas eonlhm-rnod the election of General l3ou- langer in the Department of.Souim& The cabinet huts approved the scheme of M. Poytral , minister of-llnai4ieto impose a tax of 1 per cent upon incomes tnda tax of one-half of I per cent on labem-.retnrxis7 Incomes - comes ofless thmamm 2OCO , francs are to be ox- cmapt from taxation amid ineemnes o ! . from 2,000 to : l,000 francs nrc to ho allowed certain mitigation. Resident foreigners are tO be linllo for the whole of thdlr incomes , anti temnlrntary residents for mu lrnrtlon of their incomes suient 01' collected in Framice , 1ho press generally opposes tlmt ) scheino. Tnmtmtsferrlng Troops. VioNA , Oct. J.-Thmo Fi-emdomtiIatt states that it lmas been reliably informed that Russia has commipleteti preparations for the transfer of mu largo miumber of troops from the Interior of Ilussia towantf ho Aus- trulian and ( ; ermamt frontiers , and that the transfer will shortly be muiude. Ammotlier Election Necessary. I3iuusamm.s , Oct. 22.-Atm election took imlaco in this city to-day to filL the vaTcancy in the chmimnbcr of deputies caused by the deatlm of a Catholic member of the chamber. M. Graux , liberal , received 5,531 votes , against 5,103 cast for hIs opponemit M. I'owls , Catholic. Ammotltcr ballot vili ie necessary. Incendiaries in Prance. PAThS , Oct 2.-Ait attempt imas been made by incendiaries to destroy Fontainebleau forest , Fires wore started In five different niaces anti vore extirigulsiteti with difliculty , Loss l,20.000 francs. 'rivo muon have been ariestcd on suspicion. An ex-Pohiceimmait Murdered. Dunm.t , Oct. 22.-A nuan named Bruon , formerly a policeman , was murdered near Callooncy. County Sligo , to-day. The mur- tier has causoti great excitement , , - - Time Paimumna Canal Opening. PAths , Oct. 2g.-At a iumcetlng at Lyons , DoLesseps declared that the Panama canal would be opened for traffic in July , 1890 , AU fine Liquor Stores sell Jarvis' best. An Emtbezzling PO'itmiIastCr Skips. Mior : , Dak. , Oct. 2J.-Patrick H. Mc- Namers , postmaster and city treasurer of Minot , lmas tied to Canada. A recent examl. nation of the defaulter's books by tim lost- office imispector showeti a shortage of at least - . ' is that the -.i,500 , 'FImo general opinion shortage is due wore to mismanagement nattier titan a wiilfmml attempt to defraud. Ills bommds.ncu will znako good the deficiency. - . Mammonic Temple at Buffalo. Bv'rALo , N. Y. , Oct. 22.-Speclal ( Telegram - gram to 'run Bex.1-Ttmo Masons of this city will buftul a tine temple for time use of the order. It has been decided to buy a site on lagara street , in the business center of the city , for about $33,90. A building to COst l59t )0 wilt be erected on it , a portIon of it to be glveu up to stores amid ofl1c3 , - - - - - - A TR1BUTEITO PROTECTIONS . . il Two Thousttntl Ohio People ViLt . ourih Harrinon. PRESENTEDWITH . , A HORSESHOE. An Itighlqh L1feStmnmmic,4 Opittloit of the AimmcrIotit yatcin-IIow Chairman - man Qtmny I'moiges to Preyctit IInhiUtRox Francis. t ) 'ii By the Pliiii lint Brigade. ImrApom.ts , Intl. , Oct. 2-Aftem' addressing - dressing the connuercial travelers Saturday , General Ilarrisoim annotmneed to his frmcmids that lie wouLd deliver to iimot-o speeches tiur- immg time catniatigmi. Time saute cvemmiimg a telegram - gram was i-cci'iveti from Springliold , 0. , mutating that time liug hat bnigatics of that city tie1rcd to be received to.dmt. They s'cre lmmfovuteul that General IiarrLson would probably not address themmu amid replietl that they would conic anyhow , nntl 100 of them arrived in the city cal-ly this morning , fol- towed by , mnoro at 4 o'clock this after- noon. 'l'he rammt imitoritmred matcrimmlly s'itit tue street Imaratle bUt they made mu c'retiitu. ble appearance % % 'ltlm several lute bamids. Shortly after 4 o'clock they voro received mit 'l'ouilhisomi hull by ( lemieral hlmtrm-lsomm. Eimeh of the 2,00. ) visitors wore a white , lug limit anti as General Iiarm'isoit cmi- torod time hail every mmiii juimiped imp and stood on his chair utimul frantically viuvcti his plug lint lit one lianul attd mu flag iii the other. About tour thousand hmeohilo wore jrescnt. The domnonstratioit lmust tl several nmlnutos. Gemtenmtl A , S. Bushnell , ot Stiringileld spoke bmicily for the Buckeyes and Oeiicra Harrison respomitled. At time cottcluslomm of General Iinrrisomm's speceit General l3ttsitnell Presented him with a highly lolishicd horseshoe - shoe , m.namtu fmmetured front Atnenleamt steel by S. I3. Thmonmas formerly an Emiglisli- mnmin. Repeated calls for Thomas brought that gemitlemumimi omit nntl there s'as nmmottter prolommgel domnonstration as ( lommeral hard- son cordially clasped his hand and said : tIJ accept with hmleasut-e tiils Itroduct of skill and tmtdmistry of otto vhio. out of his own cx- parionce , cflmt speak of time benefits of the Protective tariff Ichtoeral , otto who sought our land becumuso it offered bettor wages amid better - . ter iioios Ichieersl , and who , in his life home , itas been ebb to contrast time comiditiomi of the svonlcimig lCOPle it ! England amid iii 4'i.tmmericum. ' ' ' LCheors. I The visitors then shooic hands wIth Con- oral Harrison. They rotudmed houto to-night. FOR AN I1O1ST VOTE. Time t'lrmn Carried Out fly the Itepimb- Ilcami National Commimnittee. NawYonK , Oct. 2.-Special [ 'relegramn to Tim Bic.-Chi ] lriitan Quay , Of time repub- iiean natiommal committee , said [ hint time offer of p2.5,000 reward fnm the detcctlott of illegal voters was amity one step itt a careful , claimo. rate attempt to secure atm homiest vote mmd an honest count. "We made in Augtmst mmii September two oparate amid indepptmdeiit canvasses of the oy . One was mtomnlnahly to PrePare a now dirocthry on time London plan , showing the male1r9sidcmmts by street num- hers. The namn s yhich we secured and whIch are not in. , last year's registry , arc being investlgatedi lOur next canvass was on beitmult of mu grahil organization of real estate agemits , wimewCre seeking to combine- in their hands all the vacant and furnished rooms , apartmcmmt flats amid buildings in the city. Some owners ud agents told outmacn that mf titemr places were tiot pertimnitently remmted before election time times' should fill them up with trathts who would vote frotmm theta as their dlktged residences , Semite even went furthoiand told how mucim they had made itt the ) in that way ; how they immud rented thcirbtfildimmgs or rooms for a few weeks preceding ctiomi and got good pay for It , nil that wa mccd } of theta being that , they should keep ier moutlts shut if anyone - ' one made any mmqtllrI'osif them before doe- tion. We haveu1st..gon b\rer some of the ground again with a different set of monimnd found what buildings and rooms still retnaimm empty , and what are occupied , amid we mean to look carefully after any one who registers or attempts to vote from any of these rooms or buildings which have been occupied only recently. That offer of $ ,00) for the first arrest and conviction , is lretty sure to be earned , and It aa well as time remnninimig 23th)0 ) will be gladly paid , Policemen and election oflicers , among others , have a rare opportummity to serve the cause of justice and themselves at once. You have imoticed , 1 supiose , how unwilling Mr. Hewitt's two democratic hiolic conimmissioiters mtroto aid in diffusung knowledgaof this reward I" THE AUIIENOE CHEERED. A Sensational Inultiontat time 1"uncrah of' C. S. Squires. Cittcitio , Oct. 23.-A sensational incident happened to-day at the funeral scrviec.s of C. S. Squires , Wile w.k.assistammt Postmaster at Chicago for nineteen years. After having worked hml.sva.y up from aim errand boy In tue postal service , Mr Squires was reduced to a chief clerkship flnd subsequently sus- pended. His friends claim that ho died of a broken heart. 'rho funeral took itiaco with bigit Masonic honors-La - the Emanuel Baptist church , one of time most prominent congregations - tions in the city. I'be church was crowded to overflowing. Dr. Loritner ta-onounced the eulogy , and his eloquommee had already greatly wrought time. audiemice , when ho said : soc in the dead before me the arraignment of the civil service. I think as he lies there ito tie. dares the failure of the system. Our ideal is still beyond our intellect , nor will Justice amid purity imrevall iii the civil service until pro- fenmiment shall ho given upon a scale of talents amid lltness. " Theme was a moment of silemmce , amid then the big church rang with an utim-estrainablo outburst of applause. Knights 'remimimlar iii regalia anti plain business mcmi alike excitedly simoumted their approval , miotwitlmstmmndimmg time sacred sur- ronntliugs anti the presence of time dead. Dr. Lorimeu besought order , saying : "Not here , not here , " butt adding : "had this loved anti lovable intuit his just deserts ho would still be actively nmmmong us , or we woultl have been rnourmming for time deatl Imostmnaster of Chicago , amid miot a cleric of time registry dolnmrtumeimt. " So intense was time agitation of timu audience It was with difficulty that time church could be cleared. A MORNiNG BLAZE. Two Horses amid OIlier I'roporty Comm. nnietItby , I'lnmiies. At 2:30 : o'clock timis mtmorning an alarm of fire was turned in fiommi Thirteommthm and Ciii- cage strcets ThId blaze was in a barn owned by Titmmothy 1elIey and occupied by Kelley and Mosestlmwartz. Six horses were in time barn atqthi time , amid by tiara work on time Part of'the linemen four were rescued , Time renmalning two were stationed in time stall adjacoimtI'Co ' the orlrln of time fire , and wore literally tnmied to a crisp. TIme horses burned were 4hmq iroperty of Schwartz , uvimo is a tcamnster t'3Ping in the immediate vicinity , anti who aW ill afford to stand the loss. A large quIammty of imimy in the barn , together witim road "eHicIes amid harnesses , were dostroycd , entaiiitmm' a loss lit all of about $ dee , with but 1g1mt insurance. The lire is supposed to hmqvtt been set by sommic- body uvhmo haul souht'4odglrmg for time night lit time building. Almmmim ) apuiarctmtly in a drunken stupor vascen , about the premises shortly before mldtmigtttaud It Is thought that ito entered the Larmi , amid either by a lighted cigar or otherwise , caused time con- tiagnmmtiomm. Time building which was old and rickety , was entirely wiped out. Six gold mncdnls awarded Jmwvls' Brandy Stint a Burglar. BlimpoEronT , Comm. , Oct. 2i.-Spccial ( Tel- ograta to Titi : Br.a.-Cumanics ] Carey , of Springfield , Mass. , was shot thmrotight the itead in Fairfield yesterday niornlng iii a store whlciu ho was robbing , and lies Ia the police station him this city. 'rumo store is 1mm time center of time quiet old towtm of F'alrfield , on a cOrner near time railroad station , and Is kept by lietmjaniln IluitLi as neotmntry grocery , market and city goods gtore. Time place has beob robbed two or three , timcs and burned once and rebuilt. - J&rvis' 1677 flrandy.purctte.t&.best , [ mEAl ) TRUST IN OMAhA. Iliiimthmig for Cot-with's Propoi'y at time Siimehtiiig VorkPm , 'rho ictltmomm titus beemi flied 1mm this coumity in an mictioti bogini by the Nmmtiommiul City bmik.of hiostoim nmultist N. Corwith & Co. , of Chicago , for $20,211 mmllegctl to be duo time ifialmmtlff , Suit. is begun here to attach amid garnish property belonging to the dtiftiti- intl but fit lmossesslomm of the Oiimrmhma & Oramut Smimelting works. Corwitlt is saiti to own stock iii time svorlcs , itimil time shmerilT nmimtlo a service accordhmgly , but of course did not get at the books. 'rime tiry Saturmlny gave David Soldcn a verdict tim hits stilt to replevin a brmek kiln at Soutim Oimmahmmt ft-out Martin Eddy , cotmata. blo. blo.'limo 'limo fury 1mm time case of .Toimmm Bull vs. Pax- totm & % 'icrlhtmg , a stilt for P,00I fOr tito loss of tin eye , wet-c out most nil ( lay Sunday witimotit agreeing , amid in the early evening were tltschumrgetl. Judge ilcaimo is this week huohtlhiig coutrt at Pimphuliomi for Sarpy county. Ito wilt be re- hieved mmext veek by Jutigo ( iroff. Jutigo Iloimewell huts retut-imeti fromim Tcknrmmnim , As usual lit district court ott Monday time call yesterday was lommg , ammil the bar was full of iimtercstcd umttoriioys , Mummy lawyers mire engaged emu cases before time Stilirerno cotirt , aitti as mu mmmntter of courtesy their cases nra imasseil in time district t-rnmrt if they imrc likely to bit zuhsemit , As mm commscquemmco , time asslgmmmnemmt Is tedious amid oft repuatod. Judge Croft took up time case of Carl E. Ilolt vs. time .loimmm 1)lcmrlcs Mitmmtmfncturimmg eommmpany. Bolt anti Dierks were engaged in nmnklug agricultuinmil lmmipieimmcnts at Council Bluffs , 'hmemm they cammmo over to Omaha and orgimmmized the Dierics conmpany 'rime commccrmm was stoeketl mit $150,000 , mmmmd time Plaintiff tmi. legos that lie was to have 37,50 ( ) of tue stock ill considentmtloim of his interest in the ifiiummt at time Bluffs anti iii several littctmLs. lie also nhleges that liii was ctmgaged as superimitomimi. emit itt mm salary of * 100 a mmiotmtim , timid % % 'orkcti nine mouths but received only t-i09. lie ailecs that ho roi'eiveti mme stock as agreed , mtmmtl ho vamtts udgrnemmt for .3SOUU. 'I'lme umtt-oriioy for time dcfemmso , vtmo roprescmmted time Omahmmi creditors of time do- fuuct commipany , stlgmmimutizctl Bolt and Dierks its two schemers who timid come over to Omnicima nail gtmiied its bmmslmiess mimen imito stib- scribing for stock mind glvimmg them credit. Diou'ks , ho said , is a big , fat , poumpous gemi- tlentau , vciy sleek of mmutmmmmer. who would fairly talk it hemi off lien mtest. ' [ 'lie attorney hind rio objection to Mr. bolt's having 000,000 of time stock , as it was vortimicss , but lie objected to mu judgmmment that would coat- pilcate time chainma of Omaha creditors. Fr-.mnic B. .toimnsomm hums begummm foreclosure suit against George W. Modhock and otimers on ii tioto for 3X ) secured by a nmortgmmgo emi mm lot in Prospect place. In time aftenimooim .ludge 1iopevoil listemmod to tcstimmmouy 1mm the case of Moflit vs. F'eltomm , a suit for l3 for wmtgesas mu farm laborer. Utmlted States Court. The stilts of , Iames Prettdergast , Johmmi Prcimtlorgmust amid John ( lrammt against the hlmmmon Pacific railway , have beemm remnovoil to the Ummiteti States circuit court. 'l'ime Prouder- gasts sue for.5,000 daummmges enelu for beitmg no- jectotl trout. a tiammsfer trmiimi last summimnor. Crmmmtt sues for 25,00O tom- injuries received while pctimmg its ss'itchmmmimmm. County Court. Time Adams & Uridge coumpaimy confessed judpmment iii favor of Vmlliaum Freumid & Soim for 237.SO. Jatmies Cunnimighani , Semi & Co. , have sued for jutigmuemit against Jammies IV. Boquet ott notes nggregating l356.77. STILLs I' WHOLE LOAF. ' . What Omminima WiliGet Fromn time Ulse lii Flour. The widespread effect of the recent conmmer in wheat emi the utrico of hour amttl bread , led to lmmquirias Into the condltiomi of the trade at this place , It was foumid thmmmt there hind been a decided advamice iii all graties and brammds of flour hiamidled by the Onmalma dealers. 'rime itmcrease huts becti hrOPortiOmmato to time qual. ity. Dunimmg the six mnouths mreceuIimig September 1 , theme had been very little flue- tuntiomi lit the rates. Whmolosamlo prices mire iuoted ' ' "Boat"- its fqllows : l'illshury's - Septemnbor 22 8 Per 100 pounds ; October 22 , 54 per 100 voumnds. Washburn's "Simpotlntlvo" anti Orange- Septoimibor 22 , Blossommt , $3 ier 100 Pounds ; October 22 , 4 ier 100 pounds. Crow's I'atemut , Omaima Miils-Septemnbor 22 , * 9.45 tier 100 pounds ; October 2 , 3.50 imar 100 pounds. Crow's Higim Patent , Omaima Mills-Sop- toniber 22 , $2.60 iion loOpounds ; October 22 , $3.75 imor 100 POutids. Conmimmon grades imavo advamiceul In proper- tiomi. Flounis selling at retail at front $1 to $ l.50imm atlvammco of time prices a mmmonth ago. "You mummy say , " said one dealer , "tiiumt the 'average advammee iathe retail prices of flour huts been i.50. " No npprecitmblo effect has been felt antong time bakers , Time fact that time most oxtemi- sire bakimmg eutabiishtmtent of tIme city hind a large supply of flour ott haudvtmcmi time recommt rise occurred , enables them tomnaintaimi them rates uuicimangcd. Time margin of profit for . time smaller bakeries that buy theIr flour from s-eelc to Week is consequommtly little or notimiimg , There huts beemm no talvanco in time nrico of - bread , and thus many hmouseholtls are now usingbakers' broad as mi ameasure of coo foamy. "Has there been aimy reduction in the weight of time loavesi" was asked of one baker. "No timore is an ordinance providing that every loaf simimll weigh sixteen ounces , so wo hmmmvo Ito recourse. At pmeseimtour profits Lure simply miothing , but we have to sell at time same mntes the lam-get- dealers establish. " 'Vbat has become of yourbakers' union 1" tIOh , that has virtually gone to pieces. There are too ninny petty bakeries that are soekingto lit-mw upon eaclm other. At present the 'union' consists of thu-ce large baking es- tablislmmnemmts , mill time otimors make no imi-etemi- siomm toward a.titmg with it. ' ' Time flour detmlers were a unit In the oiiltm- iomm timnt time lirosemit i-mites would vnmy butt little uluning the seasomi , titmit is until after time prospects of the next wheat croum become ahipmmi-emit. Time shigimt variations imm time quo- tutiOmms of Friday and Saturday arc mit- tnibuted wimolly to sPeculative deals. On time vhmole the effect of the recomit uleal on the various related interests hero is timat. it has about doubled time pmico of flour , mmd that while the vrice of bread remains the same , witbm time mmext coimsitierablo imureimaso of flour-muatlo by ammy one of our lum-ger baking - ing houses , timeme wmllbe a marked i-iso 1mm the hirico of brcatL An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL AUIETINE OINTMENT is only put tmp in large two ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds chapped imantis , amid all skin crup- tions. , Vill positively care all kinds of ; miies. Ask for the ORIGINAL AH1ETINF OINT. MEicT , Sold by Gotdmamt lru Co. , at 23 cents per box-br mall 30 coats. Bloomit iIag a Fugitive. Shortly before 10 o'clock last night Oflicer lilooimi arrested Lou Bradsliaw , mm colored soldier , on 11am strength of a telegram ft-omit time sheriff at Valentine , Neb , l3radshaw is wmmtmtod mit that ifimice for grammtl iimrcemiy. He was murrested wimiie 1mm llellamimy'mm saloom on Capitol avenue. lie admitted lmavrng stolen a valise amid other yalunbies. Olti Lady ( to grocer's 1oy'tIItuve ) you got mummy fresh eggs , boy , for boil- lug ? " Boy-Jest at present , ma'arn , ve'vo oiilygotthetmtrlcal eggs. butyou'll find 'em very imico seramblcd.-Ttmes. After time Bridal. This evening the parlors of the hotel Barker will be thrown open for a receptIon to Mr. C. 0. Ropnmer amid wIfe , who have just returned fm-cam theit bridal toUt' . 'rime recop. tion irns been extended theta by Park lodge , No. 69 , IC , of i' . , of which Mr. Roomer is a member. Time committee in charge of tim at. fair are Messrs. E. J. Polloclc , IL A. Mel .eod and J. Edward Omit-i. "how ; nucht are those miokod mutt old gemmtlernan of tito gi-ocer. "Twen- ty-ilvo cents. Give me a qurter mnoro amid ut an accident policy for $1,000. " "Do em botluupyoungrnan-IUCk. Tilden's Will i4uuutainr'tl. ' Niw Yomim , Oct. 2g.-The suproms .ourt to-day handed dovn a .dckton anzt&nisg ! the will of Samnuet .1. 'I'Ihdon. Malaria Foercur4byuir : ) is' LrauuIy : OISTILLRIES IUST CLOSE5 The United States Suprotno Court SustahmiB tim Prohibition Law. DES MOINES' DIG MASH HOUSE , It is iii ( tie I'oul anti ffit Not fleomi Itmitmimlmig For a Yenr-Siiprcmmtc Cotmrt Ihectsionts - Iowmi State Newit. The "lug lIsthhiery" Case. Dr.s Momr.s , 1mm , , Oct. 22-Special ( Tele- grant to 'rim , : timw,1-Time declsiomm lit tin. , United St.atos sumpronme court him what Is kmmourmi as the "big distillery case , " while re coiveul witim iimterest here , nimikes imo clmmimmgo 1mm time status of that Imistitutoti , Mr. lclmld , svimo appears mis hlimiimttllT iii tiumit case , is mm resubmit of New York City , but time chief owmiers of thn htmterimmmtlonmi ( distillery ore at Des Moines. lie volumititrily closed hits ills. tihlerr more than mu year ago upon terams whim thmoVestcrmm 1)istlllet-s' l'ool im'msocimmt lomm , siiichm were ummiierstootl at time tinmo to ho a commipemisatiomi of S0,000 mm year for Iceeping hmhs distillery closed , so that iimstemuml of 1)011mg closed by troiulbithomm , hie in fact cioett hIs cstnbllshnmcnt b , ' sellimmg his cimpicity to tIn ) 1)001. His distillery hits not beemm ohiemmed. since , and timero Is imo distillery iii opera. tiomi in time state to be nlrccted by this ulecislomi , After time gemmem-al lroiilbltiomm law of 18t remit immto effect , time , ilstilhcry comitimmumed for some tiume to mimammimfat-ture nlco- hol cimlelly for export. Time law thmetm tier- mumitteml time ummunumfacture for certmulmm imtmrioses , , stmcim as mmmcchamm'meal , mimedlt'lmmmml and cuiimiary. zumitl tiiit.S believed that nuder it time distillery cotmiul mtot be closed. But mubotit elgimtcemm mmmommtims ago n ccrtmulmm ngemmt of time 'I'enmlmer- mince aillamico , chulmimimmg they immid cviuletmco to iihmtW Li Violatloit of the law , aliplled to time district court for mmii lmijtmmmctlomm to have It closed. .lumdge Comii-.ui , svimo licarut time ease , gramimtetl time limjunetiomm. 'l'lmm ease rums at oimce nimpealed to time suprcmmme court amid mmmi lumimmcdhute im'nt-imig wits grammteti , 'rimis was 1mm tIarclm , 1887 , mmmmd time cmuso s'mms argmic'tl with great care , the mittorimey ( em time dis- ttller.v relying ciiioil.s' upomm time clmmiimi timmit so bug as time state lct-mnlttcti ) time mmmimn- ufuctuit-e at nil , It could hot immtorfuro vitim titat mnammuftucture if time protltmct were him- temitled foi export amid us'ere him fact mmhipeJ , out of time state , lie immsisted timat this was mutt mittcmnt't to rcgtmhmto inter-state comimnierce aitti therefore tiiit'ommtittitloimah , ' [ 'lie utter- mitys fom- time state imi.ml&1 timmut if It could forbid the mmiamiufacturn withlmm time state , it could forbid the mmimiitmfacture : for expom-t , amid that if time tlistlhters vero nmnmmufacttmnimig mm Product timtst ' .vmus sold in other states for pur- iOSCS tiot ticrimmitteti iii Jowmm , it could be closed time samimu as if IL itmtcmmded its imi-oducts to be coimsummmicd eat irely 1mm time state. Time Iowa supreme commrt stmstnutted time lower court , but suspemmlel , time emmfot-eeimmetmt of time injtimmetion for two immontims in order to allow time distillery to dispose of its iirodtmct Oim immuid. Meanuviiilc , before that tIme cx- pired , maid while aim appeal was being taken to the United States spretmme court , Mr. Kitid decided to emiter time wcstcrmm lmooi , mmnd so closed time dhsthhlem-y of imi owmm accoid. But ltmst winter the legislature , iii order to cliimcim time matter wimicimovor way time Umiltetl States suimrerno court might decide amended time ; n'ohibitory law so as to prohibIt nil mami- ufacture of llqutom- for any purposes , amid titus close every distillery timttl in-euvcrv itt time state. Conscquemmtly if this last doemsiomi had revetsed our state court , time distillery would still be closed under this latter law , A Queer Cfmtmt'chm Row. Des MoiNr.-u , Itt. , Oct. 22.-Speciai [ to Tan Iiiuu.j-Ono of ttmoqucercst cases of cliuri.-li rows ever known In time state hums been dis- turbimig time religious quiet of staId old Dubmmque for several veelcs past. The pastor of the Secomid. Presbyteniamu church , Rev. H , A. Mott , treached emme evouiug a sermon on 'Newspapers. " Time next day thmttro up- hieat-ed itt one of time miewspapers what ap- veared to be oretty neamly a verbatint report of a good hart of it. Time secontl day this re- hoyt was set up bcsido a sermon by Taimago eli time sanme subject , and as a result of the "deadly imarallel" mu correspondent accused Mr. Mott of plagiarism. 1mm hIs defeumse ito admitted that lie had mcsd 'l'almage's ser- man , and had used time same text , and one oi two of time same illustrations that 'rahmnago did , but denied that he copied fmoum the fammmotms Brooklyim prearimer. Ho further assorted - sorted thmat the ilrst repoit as jirhmmtctl hut words In iits mimeutim which ho novem- uttered , tmnti was mttnifetitly doctored to maku it car- respond with time Tiulmage nernmomm , which was to be pm'inteml time mmoxt day. A little mimoro investigation simoweti timat 11ev. C 0 , Brown , t'astor of the Commgregational church , and a jealous rival of Mm' , Mott , was mit time bottomim of time ilot to convict tim I'resby- terian brother of jilagimmvism. Thmcn there vn' ; ml rOW. Each mmmlimister took hIs tat-mi timrougii time pat'ors imm denmollbimimmg hits op. hiorment by iarlianieimtary but exceedimmgly un- christiau langmttmge.Tiimm the congm'egatiomms took a hand , and through timeir reshioctive boards of trustees defended their respective lastors arid saIled Into thin ether fellow. Then the whole towmm begatm to take sides , part mtttackimmg Mr. MotI , and defending Mr. Brown for hmavitmg , as tlmey ciainmetl , convicted - victed him of plaiarismn , the other half attacking - tacking Mr. Brown decrying him wIth most scummdalous and unchristian contiuct mind tie- fending Mr. Mott and declaring their im- hlicit belief in his entire immnocence. So the tuatter has raged , developing ummhitnited bit- tot-ness between time chium-ches anti making the ungodly smile with whetted glee. - - Time AnII-llot'Mo Thief Society. Des Mcir.s , La , , Oct. 2L-Spccimii [ to Tin' Hcm'-The nienmhcrs of time Anti-Horse Thief association of Iowa held mu 'ery lmmtcresting nmecting in this city time past week , 'ntis comprises an organization that is more often felt thamm seen. It is vem'y secret , time niemn- bors of it not being known to time general public , but vorklmmg togatlmcr 1mm vomy full. mate union. It Is a fact of interest that this orgammizatiomm , which imow has mmational imroiior- tines , existimmg in several states , was orgmmn- izeti by a group of gentlemimetu fmomiu Iowa tied Missouri , It begmmmm in a very small way in Soimtcmnbor ISO ) , when a few citizemma of Clark arid cotlamitl coummmties , Missotmri , anti a gemmtlenman from lows mnct at Lero. ' , No. , amid framnetl time flrstconstitumtiomm tumid by-laws amid auljoumiietl to immeet at MiiiiOrt , Knox county , Mo. , 1mm October fohiowhmig. At thIs mmmeeting there vcm-c lmiesCIit mu tmUIIil)01 of in- liucetmat citizens of Scothnnd Clark , .JCiitX and Louisa coUimtles , Missouri. tumid of Lee , - - - - - - Vafi lhironmimid Iavts coummtlihs , rovmm. Pficuy ratified whimut hind already be0mt dommo , mmmiii iierfectetl time orgmummlznilotm , Vt'imllo itscimlot object , accorihing to time title , wommltl scout to be to umimico life weary foi imorse thieves , time orgimmmliatiomi immu rcdh' emmlargeul its scope ito tms to [ me a terror to all ltiimils of law-brommic- ens. 'rime preammmblo of time imatlomial orgatmlz' mutton states time "object. of time ineetimmg" as follows : " \\'o , time citizemimm of ttio several states commiprislmmg thmo mmatiotmal order of time Ammtl.ilorso 'l'imief ns-socint Iomm , mire orgmsumlzed fem tIme lrotcctmomm of our-selves agabmit time depretiatlomis of timieves , robbers , eotmmmter- fcltei-s , immeemmilinries , ragm-.mnts mtmmd mill other cnliimimtimls , timid we mire imlodged to co-operate u'itim the cIvil imutimoritles iii brlngimmg to jtms. thee mmli such otfemmuhers , ulthlmmg eneim oIlmen 1mm the t'l covom'y of stolemi prumperty , ote , ' ' l'romim this It vlll be soemm timmt : limo orammizimtiomm Is mm sort of nut ammhmnateil amiti imtcat'nmutetl spirIt of jmmstice 14) rt'giiiate 4ot'iety gomieraihy so fiit- its rascals ate cummeeriteth. At mimmy rate , it hits domme a great tlemml of good , amimi is imot cut mull of time "mmiob imuw" order or disposeti to net as LUI agemit of .immtige i-micim , On time commtrary It. co-opt-rates nluva's with time ofllt-ot-s of tiio law , limit it tithes goomh care that crimmiiimmmls wimoimm it is after shall mint give time oflicors time slip. _ _ _ _ Supreme Coimu-t iculslomts. Ims : AIoI'm:4 : , Ia. , Oct. 2-3.-Spociai Teta- graimm to Put : hiii : . ] -'Vito sumpremne court tiled time foilowltmg tlecisiomis imero to-uimmy \\'mmrier , hiuimimmmcll ( ilc.msmter , mmpieihmmmts , s I ) , Robertson ; , iommes district ; mmfhlrmmmed. Vmmmmim.mttnmi & Z'larlcs ' vs I'redow & Looft \Vlilittmii Looft , mtppoiimmimts ; simiimashca thl.'ttrkmt reversed. Sitmnumel Ehlisomi , mippcllmuimt , vs Eltztibtjth Stmmytimc ot al ; Limmu district ; umfihi-imied. Lomiisn : tI. hioswortit et ai mmpimolhmnmts , vs time \'cstcrmm Mutual Aith society ; I'olk tiI- trict ; mmfllrmmmoii. 1)ammloi 't'eymmnd vs Atchison , Topeka & Saitta Fe ralit-oud conmp.mmmy , appellant , - Cedar ltipitls sul'erLut ; mufllrtmmoti. Electltii Bets. Ps.sr.u , In , , Oct. 2.-Speeiiui [ 'I'elegratmm to 'l'mtm' Itr.u.-Tiio ] imirgest clectiomi bet e'tn Immatlo him thus hart of iemwtm wits nimido tiis evomihmig. I ) . S. h'Chmmsehla bet vltim F' . it Look 0o mtgmmlimst J.JIJ that Cloveiammd anti 'J.'imur- miiiuiu vhll carry tIme electoral 'oto of Now oi'k. Mr. I ) . S. lCimtsella Is mu very ut'demmt stippot-tem- Clevelmumiti , amid slll bet IO00 , lucre that lie is re-electeti , - - - AMUSEMENTg. Miss Jarheimmi in "Slam-light" at Boyit's Opera Iluiige. A imitummeroums audience saw Miss .Tmmm-bonum mit lloyd's lust miight its Cmmriotta imu time emusical comneuhy of "Stmunhlghmt , ' ' anti nmmmmiifestutl iii time umost cordial vim' Its immprc'clattoim of time umiiqtme amid exceedingly pleaslmmg emmtom-talim. lmmemmt. Tim comedy lit a z'lcim mmuodley of tub fumnmmicst possible incidents , droll sltumatiomms , anti imiusical feattmm-es , most of wimleim mire of sumpet-ior meet-it , amid all of whmiclm nt-c mimost ncceptmmbly remimlered. 'mIiss .Tarbcamm is mu coimimflottiotimmt , of sterlIng mimcm'it 1mm time class of work cut omit for imor lit this lmroductioim. She is s-lvacloim.s to mm degree , is rarely in repose , smmigs ox ccedi'mgly vehi , amid is altogetiiet mm fliost ciianmmmltmg actress. 'zhmo is stmt-rouimdcd bi' mc eonmpatmy of exceptionally gootl Ilcotild mvimo , 1mm their several specialty features , mire above criticism , Aionzo Hatch , Hurry Clark , ? martimu O'Neill mind liamr3 Stantisim mire cciii- tal iii their respective hurts , while time hmmdtos of time coiimrxmmmy umme PcrsoimallY itt. trmmctlve mumiti do wimuit is asslgimed to themim mte.utl , ' antI iileasantiv , 'l'ime lest features of time emmtertalmmtnent hail to be repeated mmgaimi anti mtgalmm , timid one of the chief successes vtus thmo topIcal song of Miami .Tnrbcau , in which site introduced a number of local hilts that were eimthuslmmstioally no- calved. Site was made tiiti recipient of several floral ofTcm-immgs. "Starlight" is mu clemmmm , mment timid 'ery nrnuisimmg irodmtcton , , ntid 1114 rommmmiimmirmg iierfommmimmcos mtt time opera house ought to be generously pati-onized. IIASF1 BALL. New York Fait-ly leiimohisumemi time Ammmei'icnim CimammmplohmM. PnmLummmu-1ImA , Oct. 22.-lit the worlul's ciimmnmjmlonsiiip gammie toclayVelch mmml Cimnum- berlain were the uiitcimers. Jut time first. three immmmings Vv'ehcii sent live nmomm to fIt-at on balls , Ho steadied down , howovem- , beginning with the fourth , amid the Browns did mmot nieke mm base hit during the remainder of the game. Time Giants did not make a hIt oft Chammmhor. lain in time first three limnlngmi amid emily mn&d two in the fourth antI fiftim , but begmntmimmg vitim time sixth they got his gmmgue and singles amid triples followed i'm rmmpmd successIon , 'l'iw fielding of Iticimardson , the lmltthmg of EwIng amid Lathiam's feat of scoring en it fly out to Ewing were thmo onhy fcatui-cs , The score : Now York..0 0 0 0 1 a n 5-12 St. Louis..8 0 1 0 0 0 0 15 Pitciiers-Welcim and Cimimmimborlain. Base hilts-New York VJ , St. Louis 3. Ermora- New York 5 , St. Louis T. Unplrcs-GatTuoy amid Kelly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brotherhood ot Railroad Iltakcmumomm Couumimmis , 0. , Oct. 22.-Time Brotberimoott of Railroad hiralcomeim 1may13 becmm considorimig time mmew constitutiomm amid by-laws of the ordoi to.day. Thocoimmititutlomi of time grand ledge was adopted and consideration of tlmat of time subordimmato lodges will be continued to- Inert-ow. Several importmmmut chamigos vera ummndo In time cotmstitumttomt of the grautl iodia. Time office of time gm-amid organizer and instructor - structor is mibohlslmeti , amid time oflices of tlrst , second amid third vice grand master cmeatcd. Emicim of timeso will be organizers amid instruc- tons , anti he as'migmed to districts. Vice ( Irmiad Master Eatons amid Grand Om-gammizer Foster will 1111 time fIrst two places and time third will be filled by election. A fondly Wrostilmmg Match. CAmn1tmnom' , iSid. , Oct. 29.-Captulum : Powell anti a youmig mnan miatimed V'mmrlielti , while engaged - gaged yesterday in a friendly wrestiimmg bout on boamtl an oyster boat at Cook's Polmmt , foil overboamtl amid both were du'owimcd. Natural ( ] : uii EXIIitilml. Cm.r.vmmtsm : ) , 0 , , Oct. 2-A natural gas cx- piosiomi at time Fimmdlay , 0. , imressctI ui-Iou vorlcs to-day wrecked time inmildimig auth fatally immjurcd J. 51. McClelltmmm amid \ ' , C. \'ilsotm , jt' . All druggistsscllJmirvis' Mctl'ueal tidy , Fmmllom"s Fim'st flmeINlon. I'ASmIitTON , Oct. -ChIef Justice Fat- lerto-das' dehiveted hi-s first opinion iii time suprelne coui-t of time Umilted States , TIme case Was that of time IVc'mtern tJmilomm 'I'd- graph commipamly , mhmiiumtIIT Iii error , vs this tjommimnomiwealtii of l'eiimmsylvummi.i , brought hero Oil npleat fioua thai tiupronic court of time state of Penmmsylu'aimlm. : - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ For MAN \Fr BEAST ! 44 \Mustan Liniment4. . , . . . LIDtENT istlo.tii ; ; , Om.L. : Jaa , ( Jax.acs & &uz sail .4 * Isr-s.uem. . S