Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1888, Image 1

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Attorney Qonoral Wobator Opens
the Cuso For the Timos.
The Impression Prevails That the
TlniCN I Ins No Absolute Proof
or the Truth of UH
Charge1) .
AVohster's Statement.
LONDOX , Oct. 22. The commission ap
pointed to Investigate ; the charges mailo by
the Times against the Irish members of par
liament opened court this morning. Attor
ney General Webster opened the case for the
Times. Ho promised to give the court the
fullest Information in thu Times' power ro-
Harding the source of evidence against the
Irish party which thu Times had published.
It would bo shown , said Webster , that many
of the men In the Tunes' particulars have
personally takun part in crimes of the worst
kind , while , with scarcely any exception , the
persons mentioned hail never denounced the
I outrages or crimes. Owing to the failure of
, , the oftlcers of the national league to comply
1 with the commission's order regarding the
discovery of bank books , the Times' counsel
had been unable to shape their case as they
i had expected. Still , even without the bank
books , they would prove that money had
i been paid by the league for the actual com
mission of acts of violence and crimes. Scmo
Jl of the men thus paid were connected with
the American league and were provided with
i < money from funds obtained in Ireland.
K From the outset of the land league's
[ tj existence , and since the formation of the
f , ( national league Parncll and his colleagues
ij have been intimately associated with Irish-
j | Americans who were advocates of dyna-
I mite. Humui liable evidence would bo produced -
( duced to piove this connection and to show
, also tha' , an extraordinary number of untraced -
. traced crimes were duo to the incitement of
the league. Uofernng to letters alleged to
' implicate Parnell and others in crimes , Web-
, Bter promised to produce , before the cominis-
, , nion rdl the letters which had been mentioned
, I in the frial of O'DonnuH's case. He then recounted -
counted the history of the league's conncc
" } tlon with agrarian evictions , and showed
! , how thcv were related to Feni.misni. Ho
iv < recited instances where Davitt , Devoy ,
Vj Walsh , Egan , Hrcnnan and Matthew Harris
Jr. ! had held communications with the Par-
nelllto party and declared they were
linked to that party's common inter-
outs and aims. The attorney general
quoted from the speeches of nationalist lead
ers from the year lbJ onwards.
When the court adjourned for the day ,
Webster was apparently only u small way
advanced In the presentation of his case.
The vagueness and general character of his
statement left the impression that the Times
has no absolute proof of thu truth of its
charges. Instead of producing evidence that
Parnoll and his associates wcro accomplices ,
before or after the fact , with the Phoenix
park murders , ho will attempt to Justify the
Times' accusations by raking up outrages at
tributed to members of the league und trying
to connect them with the Parnclhtes.
Various Opinions Concerning the Pnr-
nell ItiviiHtiRntion.
[ Ci'fiyrtoht ISfS by Jiimn ( Ionian Jtentirtl. ' ]
LONUOX , Oct. 22. [ New York Herald
Cable Spcclalto Tin : Hii.l : There Is a well
known engraving of three owls mooning on a
tree. Hencath all is darkness. I was re
minded of it this morning when three bo-
\vlggcd and begowncd and bespectacled
Judges from the bench confronted the crowd
in the court room set apart for the commis
sion. They looked so wise and yet so doubt
ful as to what the coming daylight into the
case might bring from the outside. The inside
of the court room except as to some struc
tural improvements for the convenience of
the press and spectators presented such an
appearance as I noted in a previous dispatch.
While waiting the coming of the Judges , I
took a few notes of observation , made from
the position where the barristers and per
sons Immediately interested sat gossiping.
This Inquiry , said one , will form the nearest
approach to a state trial that has occurred
during this Victorian reign. How feverishly
Impatient the Parnellites seem to have been
throughout , said another , which differs from
the dlgnitled silence the Times has observed
unco the special commission was organized.
The reply of a Q. C. to an inquiring specta
tor was that the issue which the special
commission is appointed to try Is whether
the leaders of the homo rule movement have
conducted a political agitation by legal
and constitutional methods , or whether
they have been guilty of crim
inal complicity in the recent outrages
by which that movement has been accompa
nied , if not promoted , and this will then be
n searching Inquiry into the origin and causes ,
direct and indirect , of nil the agrarian and
political crimes that have been committed by
discontented Irishmen for the lust nlno
years. Observed another : The three Judges
will go through their task , not because -
cause a great newspaper made
certain charges against a public man , but
because the accused gentlemen challenged a
complete sifting of those charges by pre
ferring a claim for n parliamentary commit
tee. Parliament then offered him a trial
before Judges of Impartiality and superior to
political issues. This oiTcr was made , not
because the Times accused Mr. Parnell , but
because eighty-six members of parliament
eagerly Insisted on nn investigation into the
charges affecting his personal character and
political career.
The tickets issued the acccused M. P.'s I
And omits the names of Msscrs. Hlnino ,
Molloy , O'Gorman , Mahon , O'llanlon ,
Gllkooly.MoNeit , Plnkerton , Nolan , Curew ,
Marum , Henry , Josephs , Gill , Connolly ,
Munonoy , Sklol , McKenna , Young , Me-
Carty , McDonald , Corbet , Power , Ucynolds ,
Kennedy , MacDonuld and Murphy. Doubt
less Mr. Halfour regards them ns too small
tlsh for the not , although each is a staunch
nationalist , Nevertheless several of those
uncharged M. P.'s were agog , seated in the
dense crowd , and ono was ignommlously
hustled out of the compartment allotted to
Buckling barristers.
When the Judge entered there wcro bowa
nil around and all rose except a few ladies ,
The bench meant business and instantly
looked at Attorney General Webster , who
quickly responded with a suspicious stage
fright manner , as four and twenty reporters ,
nil in u row , lifted their pencils at him.
However , with a well simulated air of bland ,
Juvenile innocence , ho said : "I would llko to }
know for whom my learned friends appear)11 )
waving ills shiny silk steovo at the lawyer :
of the English or Irish bar who formed i
group behind George Lewis , whoso Pooh
toilet formed a foreground for the ruttlinj
silk the man whose white head am
black figure raada a daainatio piu
picture. Sir Charles Kussoll , brownoi
with partridge nhootinp and naturally ner
vous , halt smiled at tha statuesque Mr
Parnoll near him. Ho moved for the relcas
of William Hcduiomlthat ho might become i
witness. Sir James Hannon , "kindly as ;
fisher hooks a worm , pitying him the while,1
answered nmrmativcly with the couditioui
' Ho will bo required to enter his own recog
nizance In looo that ho will take no part
with any public proceedings whatever
during the time of his temporary release -
lease , or while this Inquiry is proceed
ing , and that he will render himself up when
the period arrives to undergo the remainder
of his sentence. " Two or three M. Ps. In a
chorus accompany George Lewis' negative
shako head , and Sir Charles murmurs that
Mr. Redmond would not consent to such con
Now came the question distinguished coun
sel , mindful of his breakfast of omelettes
nnd u pile of briefs at Chambers , always
make when causes colobres begin. "What
are your lordships intentions for the sit
tings ! "
The metaphorical owls turn their beaks at
each other a la consultation and presently
comes the answer : "Every court dny this
week except Saturday. "
Omcllotcs and briefs remembrances now
inspire counsel in a consultation , when for
probably the only time throughout the nearing -
ing nllaiu unanimous , saying through Sir
Charles , "Wo are unanimous. Four days
weekly are enough. "
More owlish consultations ensue when Sir
James adopts n saying once politically famil
iar In America , "We'll hear you later , " and
next a hush comes nnd stillness
pervades even the solemn crycr
whoso wig much bu/zing has set most com
ically , and he ceases to woo silcnco by his
loud demands for It. Everyone recogniyes
tint the game is to begin. The attorney
general stands at his legal wicket and
a formidable ten pound big brief Is held.
All know hu is to open his case.
Ho begins with repetitions of proses
familiar to the Jurymen and the ghosts of
nisi prius all over the world , such as , "It is
my duty to , " "I have now to lay before you , "
"I think it convenient , " "Your lordships will
find , " and between each stereotyped phrase
the well known "also. " The Parncll party Is
charged first with attending meetings of dis
loyal societies nnd making speeches inciting
to the commission of crimes ; second , with
being parties to the payment of re
wards to criminals ; thlid , with not publicly
discouraging or condemning outrages ; fourth
intimately associating with notorious trim
nals , murderers , sedition mongers and dyna
miters ; fifth , receiving money from Amer
ican advocates of sedition , assassination ami
the use of dynamite ; sixth , publicly dcnounu
ing , but privately appointing and encourag
ing crimes.
Sir Robert soon displays his nervousness
by speaking of resistance by English
farmers. Sir Charles , whose annotat
ing pen has lost its early quiver
ing , "begs pardon , " and adds , "you mean the
Irish farmers. " Sir Robert bows and amends
nnd ono hears a chorus of strikeouts from
the stenographers. The attorney general
becomes very minute in word painting allo
gallons now thoroughly familiar to all your
readers. Ho made some allusions which
called forth from Sir James Haiincn the ob
servation , "Please remember wo have read
every word of the volume , 'Parncllism am
Crime.1" ( Jeorgo Lewis whispers to Mr
Parnell and both smile.
Once only during the speech Sir Charles
seemed to lose his patience , insisting on
copies of the speeches from which the attor
ney general was reading. The latter rather
gruffly said , "My lord , I am opening my
case. " This ho repeated after four more in
terruptions. When Sir James , also seeming
impatient , looked reprovingly at the Parnell-
ito Q. C. and said , "It is competent to the
attorney general to open his cage in what
ever manner he thinks right. If ho
docs not do what is right ho
will bo responsible afterward , " Dur ,
ing five hours , Mr. Webster , whoso
manner is always dry and satirical , some
what harsh and not critical like his solicitor
general , Sir Edward Clarke , elaborates the
charge. Ho Inveighs against the league ; ho
paints the horrors of moonlighting , but
avoids those of eviction ; he bemoans boycot
ting ; her crucifies the fcnlans ; ho cremates
Pat Egan ; ho welds sentences from many
speeches ns showing the general intent j
Ho skewered the assassination fund , and , In
short , multiplied by hundreds the opening
charges which ho so fruitlessly made in the
O'Donnell case. The only sensation ho
seemed to cioato and to which the Judges
most attentively listened was what ho called
the American side of the matter. Ho re
ferred to articles and comments in the 13os-
ton Pilot , Chicago Citizen , Irish World and
apologetically added : "I shall have to ad
dress your lordships at length upon the
connection between the gentlemen named
and the organizations in America , and I
shall have to indicate the heads of
evidence from which it will appear
that there was being collected In America a
very largo amount of money by means of
literature of the worst kind , which incited
and Invited people to participate In acts of
tno most infamous character , such as dyna
mite , the use of the dagger and the commis
sion of the worst crimes , and it will bo part
of the case that many of the gentlemen to
whom I have referred knew of the way in
which the moncv was collected and with
that knowledge continued to consort with
nay to thank the people who had collected
the money , and for nil I know I speak
for my clients of course have a
considerable portion of it still. Ho that as
it may , the American pai t of the case , which
in ono sense ii an entirely separate thing , is
ono of thu main allegations made by "Par-
nellism and Crime , " namely that many of
these whoso names are included were in
active communication with soma of the
most violent agitators in America , and
with n knowledge of the doctrines preached
by these agitators availed themselves of
their services , received money that they had
collected , nnd continued to consort with
them , to ba friendly with them uftor the pub
lication of their views. I do not say at the
present time I nm in a position to give you
the whole details of the working of the con
spiracy in America. You have powers and it
may bo necessary to cxerclso these powers
for asceitalnmcnt.
"On October 21,1979 , it was resolved that
Mr. Parnell should go to America to obtain
assistance for the league. I shall prove by
statements made in thu organs of the land
league party that Mr. Parnell did go
to America and had communications
with Devoy and Walbh ; that on March 11 or
thereabouts the American land league was
formed und very largo sums of money came
over from the American land league for the
use of the Irish land league. It appears to
, be clear that the ; American and Irish organ
izations were working together. Largo
sums of money were sent over tlio water
by ono who did not hesitate to advocate -
vocato the worst schemes and mctli-
ods by which to gain its ends.
Mr. Purnell , in the speeches which he made
In America reported in the Now York Her
ald , was frankly treasonable , declaring that
U was not their Intention to desist until they
had destroyed the lust link which bound
England and Ireland together. Then there
was } n Ireland oeuuplors of the land and in
, connection witlrthc.occupation of the land it
Was. , necessary to satisfy the Aincri.
can people or the American sub-
scrlbers , that by coupling their own
particular agitation and organization with
agrarian notation and organization the end
for which both Americans and Irish were
working would bo effected. When Mr. Par-
ncll visited America ho was there with Mr.
Dillon , and it will be proved that Mr.
Parncll's expenses to America were
paid by the land league. There are sev
eral matters in connection with the relation
between Mr. Parncll and others of his party
and these in America , which make it most
important that thu way in which thcso ex
cursions to America were conducted
should be proved before you. I
think it will be clear that from that
date there was harmonious action between
the American section und the land league at
home. The American section was satisfied
that their-aims would bo obtained by those
who wcro keeping up what they termed
the war with England , and who were
making reprisal against these who occupied
the land contrary to the will of the land
league , though the fact Is that though the
Irish nation were constantly spoken of as
being at war , a war being carried on against
the tenants who would not carry out the be
hests of the land league , a war in which the
landlords who were murdered were
treated as the victims in what
was spoken of as the victory , and
obtained by the Irish over the Irish
nation. You will Mnd that Parnell and Dil
lon , envoys to America , were In communica
tion with Dcvoy , a converted fcnian , and
also with a man named Walsh , and shortly
after Mr. Parncll went to America there was
formed an American branch of tha land
league , on which were a considerable num
ber of Americans , selected and nominated
and recommended by Mr. Parncll himself ,
bowing that ho had u great deal to do with
he American league. "
The best part and the only impressive por-
ion of the opening was the ingenious , melo
dramatic fashion in which the attorney gen
eral summarizes all the most startling cases
of moonshine murder In Ireland during the
ast several vcars , much as the bloody shirt
ournals in America in I'sSfi used to mould
the incidents connected with the kuklux in
the southern states. During those recitals Sir
Charles shrugged his shouldcis and George
Lewis adjusted his eyeglasses against Man
ager MacDonald of the Times , as If saying ,
'Well , what of it. How can you Identify us
with such things ) " As the fog deepened
outside and the gas was lighted inside
the attorney general's throat also grew
foggy. The Judges looked at each other
inquiringly. "Was this to bo another War
ren Hastings trial or a legal combat , such as
the claimant hadi" and then an adjournment
was had until morning.
, V Cordial Reception on His Return
from UN Trip.
rropi/rfoht IftSStiu Jiirnes Oondm IJcnnttt. ' ]
HnitMX , Oct. 2) ) . [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB Uni : . ] The German
emperor arrived yesterday morning at
Orewlti/helm station , on the Berlin Wctzlar
railway , at which his grandfather and father
have so often alighted when returning from
abroad to their Pottsdain residences. Ho
looked more sunburnt than ever and perhaps
a little fatigued from his long Journey , but
seemed perfectly well. The station was gaily
decorated with ( lowers and garlands , and
warriors stood as a voluntary guard of
honor , surrounded by many Pottsdamors
and Uerliners. On the train steaming into
the station the emperor appeared at the win
dow and cast eager glances right and loft ,
and a happy smllo it up his grave face when
ho saw his consort waving her handkerchief
from her carriage. The emperor then
alighted , and on his reaching the empress
their majesties kissed each other repeatedly ,
amid the cheers of the crowd.
The llrst question put by the emperor to
his consort was , "How are the boys ! " whicl
was answered by a hearty and very audible
"All well. "
Two little girls handed splendid bouquets
to the emperor who graciously thanked and
caressed them.
Alter words with Count Bismarck and
other high personages who were present , his
majcstv took his scat by the side of the era
press in the carriage , which his elder sons
had profusely decorated with flowers , and
drove to the marble palace. On reaching
the marble palace ho found the five , blonde-
haired princes' waiting to welcome their
father. From the surrounding country
numbers of people had flocked to witness
the arrival of his majesty.
The suite continued their Journey to Ber
lin. The emperor himself commenced work
almost immediately and continued occupied
with various state affairs until dinner , which
ho took witn tno empress , his five sons and
Prince Leopold.
How Its Constant Possibility Lends a
Clinrm to Mnrrlect Ufa.
ICopvrtoM 1SSS tin James ( Ionian nenntU.1
HBUSSELS , Oct. 22. [ New York Her
ald Cable Special to Tun HUB. 1 "And do
you think marriage a fallurol" Such was
the question that the Herald's correspondent
put to Sarah Hcrnhardt last night Just as
she had finished reading in the Herald
of Saturday what Mmo. Jane Hading had
said upon the subject in New York. What
Mmo. Hadinc said to the Herald reporter
about herself and M. Damala amused the
divine Sarah immensely , but she pleaded
headache and begged the correspondent to
give her tltno to think over an answer to the
question. She was suffered to sleep over it
for a few nights. She awoke re
freshed and her headache gone. Then she
took up u pen and this is word for word the
result of her nocturnal reflections on the all-
important question :
The possibility of divorce makes the asso
ciation of man and woman as formed by
marriage more agreeable In the fact
that it equalizes their rights.
Forced slavery no longer exist
ing , the necessity for revolting against
it is a thing of the past. Mutual conces
sions can now ba made without causing a
feeling of humiliation to cither side , for
these concessions have now bccomo volun
tary. The knowledge which husband and
wife now has , that each can regain
his or her liberty , if married life is no
longer supportable almost gives an amorous
turn to the reconciliations after quarrels and
allows the veil of poetry to bo thrown over
the pantoullcs do monsieur ct le pot au feu
do madauio ,
( Signed ) SARUiBERNiiumT.
This letter reveals to the world a now
Sarah Ucrnhardt. A Sarah Hornhardt who
reflects , who weighs her words and who as
pires to a pretense , with the silver-toned
voice of tiers , to true words of wisdom.
Flood Slightly Rcltpr.
[ Copi/r/u'it / 1&3 I'j Janut ( Ionian ilennen. ]
HKWELUEHO , Oct. 22. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to THE UEE. ] Flood's condi-
tiou is slightly better. U is considered there
is no immediate danger. He left hla bed a
few hours and reclined In an arm chair by
the window. Sister Kosino is attending him
day ana nJght The weather is delightful ,
bright and. sunshine.
The Thorough Precautions Bolng
Takou By Chairman Quay.
RcponterH Both In New York nnd In
diana Will HATO A Hard Time
of It A Iloodlo Hchemo
Repeaters , Take Warning.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oct. 22. I
From Now York and Indiana letters were
received to-day written by men influentlully
connected with the management of the re
publican campaign in these states and both
announce that Harrison and Morton can bo
defeated only by fraud and that every effort
is being given to prevent it. Chairman
Quay has 2,000 detectives at work in New
York City alone , and ho soys that if fraud is
practiced ho will fill the prisons with demo
crats on election day till their feet stick out
of the windows. OvorfojO.UOO is being spent
by the republicans to prevent fraud In Now
York City alone. Detectives have been
stationed all along the } southern border of
Indiana to keep out democratic repeaters.
Democrats hero concof o that the republi
cans will come up to Now York City with
70,000 plurality , but say that will bo over
come. Republicans say it cannot be over
come , except by fraud. Ulalne went into the
city with but C2.000 , and came within 1,100 of
Some surprise was expressed during the
last two or three days of the session of con
gress at the persistency with which Con
gressman Sowdon , of Allcntown , Pa. , rej
sisted tha proposition to give the employes of
the house an extra month's pay. Mr. Sowdcn
sccrncd to remain In his seat for the sole pur
pose of defeating this resolution , and ho was
successful. That ho had more than an
economic object was manifest to everyone.
It was not until today that the truth of the
: uatter was learned. It seems that Mr.
Sowdcn ascertained that there was an agree-
ncnt bet u ecu the democratic cm-
iloyes of the house , whereby , in
the event of securing this additional
Allowance , eacli would contribute one-
half a month's salary , towards the demo
cratic campaign fund. 'Since the veto of the
Allentown public building bill , Mr. Sowdon ,
although n democrat , has had no particular
love for Grover Cleveland , and he was not
ilisposed to permit any'uchemo to go through
the house which ho could prevent , which
would bo likely to aid the democratic party
to the extent of $15,000 or 120,000 , which this
would have done. The ' 'fiscal agent" of the
democratic national committee , who ex-
icctcd to reap a rich harvest this morning ,
ins been cursing Sowden all day , nnd he is
probably receiving the atne kind of left
hand blessings trom all the members of the
national committee who knew of the ar
Information Has been received at repub
lican headquarters in New York from Ne
braska , I am reliably Informed , to the effect
that the Union and otfc'er Pacific railroads
are furnishing largo quantities ot
carry the legislature there with ' * 'Vlen to
electing a democratic successor 'to ' Senator
Mandcrson. Tne Pacific railroad companies
are simply showing their gratitude for the
democratic efforts in the house during the
past session to secure an extension of their
indebtedness to the government. I also un
derstand that Pacltlc railroad money is being
expended to bring about the ro-olcctlon of all
who favored the schcike of extending the in
debtedness and the defeat of those who are
opposed to it.
Senator and Mrs. Manderson will have
their accustomed apartment in the Portland
for the congressional season.
Kepresentatlve Conger , of Des Moines , was
the oul ; ; northwestern man at the capital to
There are twenty-five men confined in the
Jail hero charged with murder.
The supreme court having to-day sustained
the constitutionality of the prohibition law
of If. tn ( the cose of J. T. Kidd , a distiller ,
plaintiff in error , against I. E. Pearson nnd
S. J. LouphniB ) It is believed here that no
further effort will bo made by the saloon
element of the Hawkeye state to break
down that law on constitutional grounds.
The aim will be to prevent its enforcement.
First Lieutenant Daniel A. Frederick ,
Seventh infantry , has .been granted a four
months' leave , to take effect about Novem
ber 10. '
Second Lieutenant Robert P. Watklns.
United States signal corps , by an amended
order is ordered to proceed direct from the
North Platte to Omaha.
M. Joseph , of Dunlap. la. , has been in
formed by Acting Secretory Thompnon that
a number of school books used by him abroad
prior to his arrival < jn the United "States
would bo entitled to free entry upon importa
tion under the provisions in the frco list
covering "books , household effects , etc. ,
used abroad not less than one year" and not
intended for any other person or persons ,
nor for sale. The law provides , however ,
that they must bo imported within a reason
able period after your arrival in the United
Nebraska and } ow Pensions.
WAsmsnTON1 , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram
to Tins Uui : . ] To-day on original invalid
pension was grantedto , Charles H. Frank , o"
Ayr , Nob.
Pensions granted lowans : Original In
valid Joseph W. CuiujniMs , Hcdfleld ; Lewis
Ormsby , Allerton ; Abel II. Ualcora , Lawn
Hill ; Jesse C. Maekoy , Woodburn , In
crease Nathan J. Moore , iilrmingham ;
William Fraser , Oseaola ; William Bishop ,
Whiting ; Henry U. Winalow , Albia ; Nathan
13. Easton , Coin. Qricinal widows etc.
Jane , widow of SaiOuol Nelson , Grlr.nell :
minors of Edwin Curlton , Sioux City ;
Joanna , A. Thurg on , former widow of
Edwin Carlton , Siou * City.
Report or the General.
WASHINGTON , OctJ -J23. Surgeon General
Moore submitted to V > b secretary his annual
report for the past fiscal year. In the chap
ter on the health bfj the army , ho says thu
mean strength of the- , army for the year , in
cluding oltlcers , and both white and colored
enlisted men , is stated nt 23,841 , of which
21,001 were white and 2,240 were colored.
The total admission ! to the sick report were
29,727 white , 20,000 ; colored , 3,127. Deaths
from all causes , 214. 4 ,
Chinese Cannot Land.
WASHINGTON , Oct. ' 22. Acting Secretary
Thompson has received a telegram from the
collector of the customs at San Francisco ,
asking if Chinese laborers arriving from
China in transit for cither Panama or across
the territory of the United States to Cuba
can bo landed at Sau .Francisco , and if so ,
how arc they to toe guarded. Secretary
Thompson telegraphed to-day in reply that
Chinese laborers qanuot laud on United
States territory , whether for transit to for
eign countries or otuenvise.
Huytl'u New President.
WASHINGTON , OeU 22. Mr. Stephen Preston -
ton , Haytian minister hero , has received a
cable dispatch datAl Port-au-Prince , Octo
ber 17 , via Cuba , Announcing the election
on that day by the national assembly of Gen
eral Francois Deny * , Icgitime , as president
of the republic. Capo Hayti , Gonalvcs and
St. Marc , havlne re.volt d against the legiti
mate government 'nnd been' closed to for
eign commerce , a pgyal torco ii Wfarc
rvij i
said ports to enforce the decrees of the goV-
eminent against all vessels endeavoring to
evade the same. _
Nchrnnkn INmtnt Chances.
WASHINGTON' , Oct. 22. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Hnu.l Eugene J. Hobllts uas to-day
appointed postmaster nt Tuckervllle , Custer
county , Neb. , vice Valentino Dewln , de
ceased. A new postofllco was established at
Eldorado , Clay county , with William J.
Stockham as postmaster.
Verdict of ttio Coroner's Jury In the
Iiehltch Valley Accident.
MAUCII CHU.NK , Pa. , Oct. 22. After a three
day's session , the coroner's Jury , which lias
been Investigating the recent accident on the
Lohigh Valley railroad at Mud Uun , by
which so many lives wcro lost , reached the
following verdict to-day : "Wo find that thu
engineers of locomotives 452 and 400 of the
seventh section , were guilty of gross negli
gence , llrst In falling to discover the red
signal in time , the evidence clearly she wing
that this signal was in full view us their
train approached , and , secondly , for not
approaching the station under full con
trol , as required by both general
and special orders. The evidence
also shows that the air brakes
of tbo cntlra seventh section were under
the control of the engineer of locomotive 4GO ,
and that ho could have stopped the train In
spite of locomotive No. 45) . Wo find that the
lookout men of locomotives Nos. 4r > 2 and 4UO
were guilty of gross negligence in failing to
report to their respective engineers the rod
light at the station as the train approached.
The men were placed on their respective en
gines as an additional precaution , their
special duty being to lookout for
signals. The lookout man on No. 4f > 2
failed to see the signal. The other ono
on 400 testified that ho saw it when about
ono hundred and flftv feet from the station ,
and yet no reported all right to the engineer
and claims that he did not think the red
light meant anything , as nobody used it. Wo
find that the rear brakcman of the sixth sec
tion was fruilty of gross negligence , for when
his train stopped , instead of promptly going
back the proper distance toward the approaching
preaching train , ho stopped at the station.
There was time enough for him to hnvo gene
baek nearly half a mile , but ho went less than
400 feet. Wo find that the conductors of
the two sections failed In their duty first ,
in not conforming to the rule requiring each
conductor to sco personally that his brakeman -
man protects the rear of his train ; and , second
end , in not requiring his train to approach
the station "under control. "
The coroner's 1ury investigating the recent
railroad accident on the Lehigh Valley rail
road ut Tumend , by which eight persons
were killed nnd several others fatally in
jured , rendered u verdict to-day charg
ing the fiugman with gross negli
gence in not signaling the approaching
preaching train sooner and censuring the
engineer of the Pennsylvania freight train
for running too fust und the engineer of thu
construction train for not carrying out the
orders issued.
Sad Accident at thu Insane Hospital
at "Vanktoii.
YANKTON , Dak. , Oct. 22. An accident oc
curred at the insane hosnital this afternoon
by which Christopher Thompson was in
stantly killed , Jacob Leo fatally hurt , Super
intendent Koan dangerously injured , and
Michael Curry slightly hurt. The disaster
was the result of the caving in of the walls
of one of thd two now wings of the hospital
now \indor construction by a man named
Pakeb , of Canton. The victims were on top
of the third floor of the structure when the
arch suddenly began to spread , the outside
walls of the building falling outward and
some Of the interior walls going down in the
general wreck. Nine other arches in the
structure also gave way , the interior mass of
brick , mortar and .timber falling
through to the first floor. Thompson nnd
Leo had their chests crushed in
nnd were otherwise injured about the head
and body ; Kean and Curry are hurt about
the head and bruised. Kcan is superintend
ent of construction , and the other victhns'aro
carpenters. Several other arches in the
building have given away during the past
few weeks , fortunately without injury to
any ono. The matter is now in the hands of
Coroner McGlimphy. The men at work on
the building agree that the walls were very
weak. Some of them state there wcro two
courses of brick fitted between with bats and
mortar. This constituted the support for the
heavy iron interior finishing. The mortar ,
they state , was nearly all sand.
An Outrage In Tennessee.
CIUTTANOOOA , Tenn. , Oct. 22. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEK , ! Word received hero
tells of an atrocious outrage perpretrated by
cast Tennessee toughs at a political meeting
at Louisville , Blount county. The republi
cans were holding a meeting when a dozen
drunken men in the audience Interrupted the
speakers by loud talking. They wcro or
dered to leave , which they did. In a few
moments a volley of bullets crashed through
the windows , followed by another. George
Ki/cr was mortally wounded , Constable
William Morton was crippled and is in a dan
gerous condition , and Mr. Gourlay was
painfully hurt Half a dozen others were
morn or less injured. Intense excitement
prevails , and it is likely serious fighting will
A Thriving Kniisns Town.
SMITH CEXTKII , Kan. , Oct. 22. [ Corre
spondence of THR BEK. ] The city council of
this city to-day made a contract with A. A.
Richardson , the Nebraska engineer , to get
up plans and specifications for a complete
system of waterworks to cost ? J5,000.
The city is having a building boom nnd is
after the scalps of Oberlln and Norton , Wo
have five fine brick blocks building nnd n
number of others will follow when spring
opens. Residences are going up , business is
good nnd merchants generally are feeling
Jubilant , nnd with the prospect of a good sys
tem of waterworks in the near future every
body is feeling hopeful.
Shot Ily u I'ollceinnn.
NEW YORK , Oct. 23. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Hnc. ] Policeman Lawrence Cohen was
set upon by a crowd of roughs whom ho or
dered to disperse ntFlrstavenuo and Ninety-
second street last night. Ho arrested John
Farley , a dri ver , aged twenty , but ho eluded
the officer's grasp. Thu latter threatened to
tire if the assault was not discontinued , and
did fire three times , ono shot badly wound
ing Farley , who was taken to the hospital.
Four other men were llnally landed in the
Eighty-eighth street station. Cohen is badly
hurt ubout the face , arms and body.
Flacclinlo'M Murderer.
New YORK , Oct. 22. The coroner's Jury In
the case of Antonio Flacclmlo , the Italian
found mysteriously murdered at Cooper
Union on the night of October 14 , rendered a
verdict to-day that Flaccimlo came to his
death at the hands of Carlos Quartoraro , and
thutVinccnzo Quartcraro was accessory to
the crime. Carlos Quartoraro is still ut
largo. Vincenzo , his brother , to-day surren
dered himself to Inspector Hyrnes , whoso de
tectives have been shadowing the Italian four
days. Ho surrendered to avoid being hounded
by detectives ,
The Death Record.
ST. Louis , Oct. 22. Judge Brlttain A.
Hill , ono of the oldest and most prominent
citizens of St. Louis , died yesterday , aged
seventy-two. He was a personal friend of
President Lincoln during tiio war. Ho was
author of n number of works on political
Weather Indlc.iUoi'i ,
Forlr.wa : Fair ; waiaicr , yarUblc winds.
For Nebraska and Dakota : Fairw&imer ;
variablg nLuOi bomlcir souther ! } * .
THE W. C. T. U.
Frances ; 13. AVIllnrd JRe-electcd
dent ol' the Union.
NKW YOUK , Oct. 22. The national conven
tion of the Woman's Christian Tompcranco
Union resumed its session this morning. A
somewhat acrid debate was caused shortly
after the session was opened by the presi
dent's ( Frances U. Wlllard ) ruling In reply
to a question by n delegate , that delegates
must vote according to their convic
tions nnd not to bo governed by the
sentiments of their constituents. Mrs ,
Aldrich of Iowa , the delegate who
raised thu question , made an attempt to ap
peal from the ruling of the chair , but failed.
An amendment to the constitution making
the private secretary of the president nnd the
associate editress of the Union Signal mem
bers of the convention gave rise to another
sharp discussion. In which Mrs. J. Ellen
Foster took a lively part , opposing the
amendment. The amendment carried.
Mrs. Leonard Barry , of Philadel
phia , feminine organizer of thu
Knights of Labor and wife of Sec
retary Harry , who recently withdrew
from the Knights of Labor , was Introduced
to the convention. She made a brief ad
dress declaring that the Knights of Labor
und the Women's Christian Temperance
union were united closely by bonds of B > in-
pathy and similarity of purpose.
The election of officers was then proceeded
with. JMiss Frances E. Willard was reelected -
elected president for the ensuing year , re
ceiving JiCO votes out of a total of 391 , Mrs.
J. Ellen Foster receiving (5. (
Miss Esther Pugh was elected treasurer by
a vote of 3T.5 out of : te.'J. Mrs. L. M. N. Ste
vens was appointed assistant recording sec
retary by Miss WooJbrldge.
A memorial service in memory of Mrs.
Mary Whitehall Thomas of Maryland , Miss
Rose Phillips of Missouri , Dr. Mary F.
Thomas of Indiana , und Mrs. Mary H.
Villars of Illinois , who died during the year ,
was then held.
A resolution was passed petitioning the
senate of the United States to make Mrs.
Elizabeth Thompson a member of the com-
nittco on international arbitration.
Mrs. Carso read a report of the National
' Temperance Publishing associa-
.ion for the year. Receipts , $129,174 ; ex-
) onditnrcs , $120,12S.
Caroline H. Huell was elected correspond-
ng secretary nnd Mrs. Mary A. Woodbndge
'ccordlng ' secietary.
The Siiprcnu ! Court MiiRtnina the Iowa
Prohibitory Law.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 2J. The supreme court
, o-day sustained the constitutionality of the
prohibition law of Iowa. The point of is
sue was the right to manufacture mtoxicat-
ng liquors solely for exportation to other
states , despite the state law , and
t was pleaded that the prohibitory
feature , in so far as the manufacture for ex
portation is concerned , was in conflict with
the constitutional provisions giving congress
the solo right to regulate inter-state com
merce. The ease is that of J. S. Kidd , dis
tiller , plaintiff In error , vs. I. E. Plerson and
S. J. Loughras. The court holds that the
state law prohibiting both the manufacture
and sale , except for mechanical , medicinal
and culinary purposes , is not in conflict
with the intor-stato commerce provision , and
the decision of the Iowa court is sustained.
The opinion Is by Justice Lumar.
The supreme court , in a decision rendered
this afternoon , afnrms the right of a state to
prescribe tests for color blindness among the
employes of railroads.
A Peculiar Suicide.
GnEE.Nsnuuo , Pa. . OcU 22. A most pecu
liar case of suicide occurred hero last night.
Two domestics , working at the residence of
Mrs. T. J. Barclay , cousm-in-law of Dr.
J. S. Crawford , mutually agreed to commit
suicide for the reason that neither of them
had fashionable clothes. Last evening they
visited four different drug stores and pur
chased in all 45 cents' worth of laudanum.
It was decided to take the deadly drug this
evening. Their names were Maggie Lloyd ,
formerly of Latrobe , and Maggie Gnlvin of
this place. When the latter left Miss Lloyd
last evening it was understood that the act
would not bo committed until this evening.
To Miss Galvin's surprise Miss Lloyd was
found dead in bed this morning. She was
about twenty years of ago. Miss Gulvin
told the story of the compact , but says she
will not follow her companion.
Still Shrouded In Mystery.
CHICAGO , Oct. 22. An air of mystery con
tiuues to hang over the failure of the big
load firm of Corwith & Co. Four days have
elapsed since the first suit was begun which
prcclpltatcd'mattcrs and up to to-night noth
ing definite is known of the firm's financial
condition , nor of the whereabouts of the
senior member of the firm. Ho was supposed
to have started from New York to Chicago ,
several days ago , and if ho has arrived hero
the fact is not known. Young Corwith still
adheres to his resolution not to talk to the
press. The known liabilities so far foot up
only $50,000 , but It is said by parties compe
tent to Judge that the total liabilities are be
tween * 2x,000 and $300,000 , and that the
failure is tin utter collapse. Corwith , sr. , is
also connected , by rumor , with old Hutcliin-
son's September wheat deal.
On Trial Fur Robbery.
DEAmvoon , Dak. , Oct. 22. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BBK. ] The preliminary exam
ination of Spud Murphy , John Telford and
George Young , accessories after the fact ,
took placa in tlio court house before Judge
Hall at 10 o'clock to-day. The evidence so
far shows that the parties charged were at
Tolford's ranch two days prior to the at
tempted robbery nnd ate dinner there the
day before. The guns , revolvers and horses
wcro pioven to bo Telford's excepting the
ono that Spud Murphy rodo. John Wetson
had not recovered sufficiently to be in court.
Dougherty is still at largo.
ThinkH They Are Fraud H.
SAN FHAKCISCO , Oct. 22. United States
District Attorney Carey concluded ills ox
aminaticm this morning of the fifty-one China
men who were released from the steamer
Belglc on writs of habeas corpus last week ,
on the pica of being merchants and not la
borers. The district attorney says he is sat
isfied all of the men , with possibly ono ex
ception , are frauds and ore barred out by the
exclusion net. Judge Sawyer will hear the
cases next Wednesday nnd in the meantime
the Chinese will remain in the county Jail.
Will Closu Xholr Works.
BOSTON , Oct. 22. The Norway Steel and
Iron company , with extensive works on Dor
chester avenue , South Hoston , has decided to
wind up Its affairs , close up its works and go
out of business altogether. Fully 500 men
will bo thrown out of work. The business
of the company consists In rolling iron , steel ,
boiler plates , etc. The concern is particu
larly well known throughout the country ,
because of its extensive dealing in Swedish
They Want Thoiiipnon Removed.
PUBIILO , Colo. , Oct. 22. All the switchmen -
men and yardmen in the employ of the
Denvcri Rio Grande railway at this point
struck this morning , and the freight business
is greatly interfered with. The cause is said
to bo a grievance the men hnvo against H. I ) ,
Thompson , superintendent of train service.
They unite in asking for Thompson's re
moval , which , it is understood , will settle
the strike.
Indicted For Murder.
RAPID Cirr , Dak. , Oct. 23.--8pecial [ Telegram -
gram to Tun UEn.J In the district court at
Custer on Saturday the grand Jury found nn
Indictment against I ) . W , Rarldlon , charging
him with murder. Karidloa xhot William
Grubb in a quarrel over the poise slon of a
house owned by the latter and occupied by
k tag former , am i'airbuiu , Uil JUnrcu.
Two Brutal Huutors Strung Up By
Forty Settlors.
Strangers Tnko ROVOIIKO on n Ranch
man For Intorferlnu With Tlinlr
Hport , Aiul Forfeit Tliclr Lives
For Tliulr Oft'citso.
Western iliintloe.
CitnvnxNB , Oct. 22. A cowboy from tha
Snake river country bring * news of the
lynching of F. M. Adams nuil a companion ,
known In thcso parts as "Dutehy , " two
hunters who maliciously burned the house of
n ranchman n few miles north of the Snako.
The pair started out with horsoi and Win
chesters to kill ollt mid deer. They found
game in abundance ovury whore on the plains ,
but instead of killing one or two stig-j , n
hunters generally do , they bu .in a wholesale -
sale slaughter of thu nnimils. They wora
not hunting for venison , but for hide ? and
horn * . Tom Johnson , ex-ranchman , met
them Thursday and remonstrated with them.
Ho said they were violating the game law of
the territory , mid threatened to hnvo
them arrested If they did not ccaso the
useless slaughter. This enraged
Adams , and that night , accompanied by nis
partner , ho rode down to Johnson's runell
and set llro to his house. He did not [ it-
tempt to avoid detection , so instu.ul of riding
away ho hovered around the burning build
ing until Johnson eamo out , carrying his
wife and little girl in hU iirnn. Ad.uns rode
over to the ranchman with a cocked revolver
in cither hand and smilingly told him thill ho
was going to kill all the elk in Corbin county.
"And , " ho added , "if von interfere with mo
attain I'll kill you , too "
A short tiino afterwards Adams rode away ,
eeotnpanied by his paitner , and then John' ,
son , who had placed Ins wife and child In a
b.irn , mounted a licet broncho and act out
Tor a little settlement on the Sn iko to alarm
ins fi lends. Ho reached the settlement about
daylight , and within an hour he hint gathered
a force of foity men who were cairor to Join
him in the ehaso aftei the vanilnl huntcm
The pursuers separated into squads anjl
started in a northerly and westerly direction.
They rode on until noon without discovering
any trace of their men , but a short time nfteff
that hour an old trapper , who belonged Id
the patty , found a trail that led in a
southerly direction. Fresh imprintH ot
horses' hoofs could bo traced distinctly in
the clay , and every member of the p.u ty who
saw this agieed with the trapper that they
weiomadeby the bronchos of Adams and
"Dutcliy. " Such proved to bo the case , for
the trail had not been followed an hou
when the prisoners rode down unon a little
dinner camp , of which the hunters were thai
only occupants. Adams saw the approach
ing squadron llrst and instinctively grasped
Ins Winchester and raised it to his shoulder ,
but ho lowered it mouldy when he snw the
long line of gleaming st.v shootois that sud
denly sprang into view.
The two hunters were made prisoners , anp
after being tied securely to their own horvc *
were started back for the settlement. They
reached theio about 7 o'clock Friday night
and were placed in an old adobe hut for bufa
keeping. Armed men guarded thu only en
trance. Thnir orders were to shoot thu first
head that showed outside of the mud prison.
About 10 o'clock that night , while a furloui
thunderstorm was raging , a hundred men
whoso faces were hidden by crude inuala.
surrounded the doby , their leader , a tall
man , whocained a six-shooter in his right !
hand , commanded the guards to fall back )
and return to their homes. The command
was obeyed without a murmur , and the tail
man , followed by half a down of his compan
ions , sprang through the narrow entianco of
the hut. Thosa who were on thu outsida
heard a chorus of angry yells and curses ,
sounds of a fierce btrugglo , llnally a slngld
shot. When the masked men who entered
the hut reappeared they were carrying
Adams and "Uutchy , " both of whom wcra
bound hand and foot.
"What yo irolng to do with usl" growled
Adams as he looked around the strange usJ
"Hang yc , yo varmints , " said the loader in
a low'voice. "Hoys , " he added , "take them
to the red tree and lot 'em both dance from
the same limb. "
The "boys" responded with a cheer.
Adams and "Dutehy" were seized by a score )
of hands and carried.RWittly in the direction
of tha river. Neither of the doomed men
uttered a word , though ho know ho had only
a few minutes to llvo.'and when the noose ot
a lariat was adjusted around Adams' neck ha
smiled as if ho rather liked the touch of tha
leather. 1'resently the red tree was reached.
The knots ami nooses were readjusted , tha
ends of the ropes were thrown over tha
lower branch and seized by as many hands
as could lind a hold.
"Have you anything to say ! " the tall
Icadcr'detnandcd as ho eyed the two victims
Adams shook his head but "Dutohy" did
not inovo a muscle. Iho leader raised tils
pistol , cocked it , and after counting one two
three as deliberately as possible , llred a
shot in the air. This was the signal thu men
who hold the lariats were waiting for. Tha
instant they hoard the detonation they gava
a great shout , and two writhing bodies
sprang into the air. The ends of the lanatf
wore made fast around the trunk of thq
tree , and the lynehors luft the spot with all
possible haste. When the cowboys who
brought the news left the Snnko the bodies
were still swinging in the air.
Fell From u Ilorwo Car.
NEW YOUK , Oct. 23. | Special Telegram to
TUB HER. ] An unconscious man , .suffering
from concussion of the brain , was found
lying in the street on Second avenue , near
Fourteenth street , at 1 o'clock yesterday
nfternoon , mid bentto Hollcviio hospital. Ha
proved to bo John Welch , of 231 East One-
Hundred and Eighth street , and the polled
think ho fell from a horse car while intox
icated , or was thrown there by some uo
known person.
Cummin : ; * dome to JInrlcin.
Nnw YOUK , Oct. S3. [ Special Telegram to
TUB Bcn.J Mr. Amos J. CumminRs , it Ii
announced , is aboutto , establish n 1-conti
paper in Harlem. The newspaper is to ba
founded on the plant of the Now York Eagle ,
a weekly Journal published in MorrlsanltC
Ever since Mr. Cuinmings retired from tha
active management of the livening Sun Us
has bad his o.yo on this neglected ground and
his friends expect him to muko things huiri
Tlio Snow Sturm.
CHICAGO , Oct. 2J. Dispatches received !
this morning report that snow fell lit differ-
out points in the northwest yesterday and
lust night. At Nebraska City , and varl *
ous points along the Missouri rives
the fall was reported general. Yesterday
there was a heavy snow storm in northern
Minnesota , in some places tha snow being
thirteen inches deep. A slight fall of snow
was also reported from northern Dakota und central Minnesota.
AUSTIN , Minn. , Oct. 22. P. 1C. Kvemon of
Mona , twelve miles south , was robbed at his
house early bundiy morning of 4 ,000 in
notes and negotiable wheat ohepks , which ba
had Just brought from Aberdeen. It U
thought ho was followed by two men who
knew of his collections , '
Cowhoy Klllnrs KelfiAupd , A
Rii-io Crry , Dak. , Oct. 2-rSpedal Tilte
grain to TUB Hee. ] Walker and M0Ho * ,
the men Hcld'for the killing of Arthur anj
Potts. the cowboys shot by tbo.cllU * * * a *
Uuffalo Gau la t iprlng , were isUiiaJ , js't
bill * were fupj .rgMost Uezn.