THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , OCTOBER 22 , 1883 SPECIAL NOTICES , Adverti"ements under this head 10 cents per line to' the first Insertion , 7 r etitt ( or each sub- Reoiiint insertion. nnd li/fln line tur month Nondvertl i-mint taken for IMS than 2.1 cents thellr t Insertion bcven words will lie counted td tliu line ; they mint run consecutive ! ) nnd must be paid in AliVAMU. All ndvortlce- incuts must bo handed in before ! . ' 'Ho ( lock p in , nnd under no circumstances " 111 they bo < r discontinue d by telephone. Forties advertising In the e columns imcl hav ing "lelr answers ncidre'sed in cnie of liu.llt.K ull. please auk for u Uieck to ennblo them to get Ihelr lettciH , as none will be delivered except oil presentation of chea. All answers to nilver- ilwnpnifl should ! on closed in enveloped. All mneitlsemcntrt In tliofc * columns arc pub. UMiwl In both m-mlnc nnd cv cnlng editions of U'IIK ll h , the clrrulntlon of whlih aggregates nero than IS.MH impurit dally , and Klves the ail- vertlserstnol-Miellt. - not only of the eltv , ir-'U- latlonotTlir. Urn but alxoof Council Illurrs. Lincoln nnd other 'tups Biid towns throughout thlsM-ctlon of thnoutitrv. . _ BRANCHOFF1CES. _ AcUertlfdiiR for these columns wlllbelnkfti fin the above rundltl > ins , ut the followIni ? bu l- n s hotivji. who are nuthorled HKenUs for Tim 111.p special liotl'es. and will quota tlie iimo ran be hail nt the main ollice JOHN W. HULL , I'harmaclst. ' S20 bouth Tenth UDDY , Stationers und Printers , 111 V/ South 161 "VT FMINHWOH'III , I'harmttclst,2115Cum' ' lug. " \r"j. Ill'dllUS , I'haimaclst , n2l North 10th > ainet _ lXt. W PAIlll , I'liarmaelst , 1'J fat. Mary'H A\onuo. SITUATIONS WANTED. xitimllon mh.ikor . on bread and i nk s by ( lermnn , country town Address I' fid , Itee. W7 ' - < f ANTLD Munition by a good lellnblo man YThavelmdl'y / t-is practical ovperlemein tha getleial retail tindn as salomiin and book keeper. Host of reference * ) . Address "How- nrrt. ' 1103 rainnm st Mtv S.I ! \\r\NI'i : | ) I'uMltlon , ludoon or out , by a T' HtinQKiT , mldillu m > < - , hciu ! utteutlon to bUHlnetH will Insure advancement ; noaien ! . Address ( j 21 , lleo ollii e. ) Hil ' WANTED--WAI.n HELP. \ \ T AN'I III ) \ ijoud hi-cond biker ; wnRi-s H ) board and room. Mis. lrc ! < a. . )14'i ) ' H nth \ \ 7NTKI ) One V miu mini anil li teamsters , TV jai and boird ; apply I ammerclal limp. /gen- y , IMI'urnnm , loom t. 2 V-2S' . IS wanted to handl > > 0111 now line of Adl.N iuoiH. Hooiu 11. , I'axtnii bloc k. -Ji-ll " \Ar XNTI2I ) Hlnel"is ; wuites tl.7" > per day ; i boiird * l 0' ' ) jier wook.pply on work at Itnlo , Nob. Xach .shrop , contractor. 281 " \\F ANTIIDVIIIIUK man to drlvo wagon am T > i ut nunt , nl HJ.'l Howard st SL1 Vt'ANTni ) A Kjlebiiian In cetiei id Installment ' ' Mon , pi'imm ut slttmlluii if satl-faclloi plv-n Applv bv 1 , tier ted IS 11' ' c olhco. H'12. " "VI AM'UDiiiiiiir mull to mnko hliusel Tig iioinlH useful inn letali store , 331 s loth "lVrNTF.l ) An iMii-rgitii voting man fctei TT raphar who Is a good IMH ik ! cepor C. U Muyne , 15th and Harm" , sis 15.1 20j rP AILOHS Contmnkeis vviinted ut.I. Yapoi's X I'liuk nnd 21st. O.n ) .11 I JO1 FOH the South \v ant od im laborers for inllroacl und levee work In Mississippi , Ala liaiiiic iin.l 'lennopseo ; wlntc-i's work , M.5 < J anc 11,7'iu day ; good station work , nlso. I'or particulars and ihc-ap rate s 10 Memphis , etc. nppl.v to the tellnble agent < . H F. ChilMI in . ' 'o. , \\est 6th st nnd 1001 I'nloii ave. K msa ( Itv , Mo. 7.1120' "Y\rAMUI > Hailr.iiillaboier- . Washing. toll 1'urrltorj ; un all winter's job lua mil c llmate , wages giiaiautc > ed from tJ to { J 10 per ( In ) , ortK to Jl i per mouth and board. At Aliulgnt < Labor Agency , ll'JJ rmnnm st. L ANTUD-.Milker. 1115 .saunclors. T I \ \ \Nruil-A man to solicit ; salary $100 pe T > month ; must deposit * -1 and give seiurlty for money colleeted. Addiess George S. ( Jltno Des.Moines , la. 631 AdUN'l H WAN'I UDi n month and o\ peiises paid any nctlvo pel sou to sell on cooils ; nocapltnl , salary moiitlilv , o\peusc's I ndanc e , pal tlculai i fi ee. Standard Sllverw ai Co. lloston. 4711 B OVb-Am. Dlst. Tol. Co. , 1J04 Dougi is. "V\rANTUD Man to take the ugemyof ou. ft nafe ; Hlze'.s\lr Inches ; welghtuOOlbs ; other sizes in piojiortlon / jiiri'ilianio uud iiermaneut business. Ulios ( safer , meet n demand never befoie supplli'd b i it lie i safe lompaultis , as wo are not governei by tlie Bafe pool , AlpluoHafo Co. Cincinnati , O. IBS | " \\7 ANTUD Uueigetic men and womenevery- TT w hero for a genteel , mouo\ making bust ress , JiS ) weekly pi ollt guaranteed vaster than ifiO jiiontuiy olherwiso. i\peilunco : ubsolnteh .un- jieci'Shiuy I'eimanent position nnd exclusive teintory asspted. $ 'samples free Wrlta for linitkulars. A'ldres > s , with stamp , Moirill Mfg. to. , llu.1 , Ihicago. MIo'.Mf "YY ANTUDflood llfo Insurance sollcltcus TT vvlih bank refeietices , ni wanted by the Union Life nt 401 Merchants' national bank building , Omaha. Ollico liour.s 3 to 10 u. m. nnd toll p. m. 815 ' WANTED FEMALE HELP. r = - - - = "WAN I'Ul ) An experienced look washer and T > Ironer at 1721 Daveupott st , Ills J.MJ ir.\NTUD-V d skirt tlulahera. . A.M \ \Vallnce. " \ ATNTU1) House gill , good cook , no washing - ing Mrs. M.A Wullaio , Hl'J ' Howard. 152 20 rANTiYounBtiU'l. : . "TOI Cuiulng. 20J TVrA NTUD A c'tl ' for genoial hoiuework 718 T > N 2lst bt. 1'il 'JJ \ \ \NTUD-lrl ! for general housewoik. ( lood w i ; H raid to the light girl. 212 S 13th t. 2tO 2J . _ _ \NTUD-A Hist cl.vs girl for hc > nsework. .101 S0thst \XrAN TUO A young plrl to takocaio ot a T > child and do seiond wink ; \\ftshlna or Jioniug : refeieiices loqiilivd. Inqulro uttei- lioon" , between 1 and a. nt 22u'.i ' Dodge st. 171 TV girl , nsje U to 15. 212S Har- TVr lie ) flt , 173 - . - . - \\r ANTUD-Alady to solicit ; must deposit ( Jl TT nncl glvo security for money co'lc-ited. ' Addiess llcoigo 8. Cllue.mner \ block. Dee Molnes , la. t > i."i " \\f NNI'UD Qlrl forgc"iiinal honsonoilc AT > - T T ply S. \ \ . comer atii and L'\o Sts. yj ri : WANTUDI.ady agents to canvass city , cs- iioclnlly Houth Omaha , also travel for fomilno fast selling line of goods. Applv 120. KIMhft. _ HOI 22' \\TANTKD Lmly agsuti for combination TT bustlimfclrt , "Daisy" hoie supporter , tublipi aprons , bibs , fleove , . shoulder braces , afely belts , wateiproof giinilentsetc ; reliable lioui-e. Onlj goods of real merit ; prollts large. Addics with Htaiii ; , . U. H. Campbell \ Co. , 4-11 JV. llnndolph ut. , ( "iilcago. ( WinoMj. . \v Two illnlns-ioom girls. ICul N. sc. vu. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING SI PUHIOH advantages now given in ths e brnnchei nt Omaha Commercial Collcgc.otm. I' O . cor thlh and Dodge , llnu Pitman sjnteiu , Jlommrton type writers , i\ery : graduate In good ihjsltlon. Studvnts complete manual in two weeks , nnd write M words in three months. offli-n drill given each student ono nuinth free Hecltatlonn dally ouu hour. Die tatlnu three hours dally. Day and onlngos - lions. Students enter nny tlmo. For clrcnlnts write ItoinlMusujlrus , l/uiaha. 21S nil ) ATALUNTINU'S Short-hand and typo-writing listltutc. now Paxton building. Omaha , lNb Iho only exclusive , practical snort-huml ichcHil ill the west. 'Iho douiand for hhort-hun'l r'llteri. U largely in exces * of the supply. hUcirt-haim U much Mipnrlor to bihilc-ke plni ; tid tmrR-uphy asa nuausof lUollhooA Wo Hvi instruitlons on llemlngtim and Hammond lype-wntcrs. both for the same prlco. Day and opening Bas.stoiis. Studcnls can tntet ntnnyllmo. Send for circulars. 7W nl I. E M P Lp Y M E N TBU _ R E A US. iiiUASKA : Kmpioymenrdiilco"3iyN7inTh _ ! ) S4Sf M 1.\VIUD-Todo washing and Ironing In 1 in Huts family. In rear 20JO Davenport. 103 20 MIS CL _ ANJP U S _ JXJ UD-Copylnu to do al home , ovcnlngs , _ AiUiwjjS. , li litUat. _ init \VAiKTKt ) A 'desirable fAm ! : To lii-c ' Cli rE ofUormIlory for jotmg laclle.s at - i' ! cell CfAlM'ly w Ith rv9iencs 16 HHV. , S. JJiAj uey , UBle > ue. Ntb. t . ; tn " \\7ANTUD The public to maXe gc > od useot ' 'Ihe HtB'i messace boies throughout the city 1W ] T > X iMlTi'F A ruoTfNTASliVtin teirT7 "adjit it lompiicntml books ! partnership ac omit * n . -I c'linpll ntocl ncrountmc of all kinds ; coun try correspondence solicited. Adjlress F II Ilee. oil' n5 \VANTKI > Ifioti have nny lands , lots , or TT hoii'es nnd lots to sell or exchange for oth'r property , call on me or write I can tlnd } ou a customer. C. C. Spotswood , saiMS , It-tn. aoARDmc. -Thirty dav boarders , nl o throe roomtrs ut 'till Dodge t 271 iu > J * " \ VANTIlhltdrell ; to lio.ild. Chlldien tlven the best of care nud i nt to rliooU 13iaili-nvatnioit st Ni > las ANfjIU-Tablo boarders Bt llWJ IwiiRlai. ' 75 WANTED-TO RENT. \\rAN'JHI ) -A S'ntlpmanwanii a well ftir- ni hcd nnd hiMti-il rnniu In ptlvuto familllft ot u-feremcdghim , Addrd n " ( i ; lii-ooiiiie. -Jvjj- ; * "I I O I'lIL Wanted Rxperlon "d man \vish s to I J l < use hotel ult'i noinii fu ; uiiui B. ( OUMtry town iir < 'f 'rrcd Address Howl , llo1C. . ' , Mltih- ollMlle , lii\\n. SB aw " \\TAN'll.O-Jlnll for band to iiimtuo lull IT ultthts pel week. Ailiiroov Hinting price. , C. II. Btrombi-rR. Si > c. , lint ihniKlas st , ' 'Ul ii * JC\N lent lol I well ftifltlshed li'iM'es If ilo- Hiiably Imat'-il Hum i uitomer-t fur any immbei of H to 10 room dw eillnus with inoiluru ronvcnlenrm. llnvn you a modern housowltli 8 or ! rooms , dliilufj loom on parlor lloi-r ? List j our hcnivM with me. Nothertuti Hull , loom 4 .1 1 1 1 Nat Ilk. Illdjj. WJ _ KOR'RENT-HOUSES. " 17OII HUM' Now crt'igo , 3 rooms , * S a X1 month , Utv water , 2X' ! Decatur. SO ! 2. ! > 7011 bath nnd J - - , city wntor , modern convenleiicos. I ) unfurnislioil und 1 furnished rooms for light hotisekoetilng All overlHi'j Howaidst. C. I. Slmw , lutj Howmd. 2iO _ iOH HUNT New 7 loom House , JH month. Applj If-'ll ( hatles st. E-'l S. INT A fews nnd lO-roomed houses , clo e In , also soiiin tuoil bu-lness roonit.iea- sou.iblu. II. It. Hull , if ) North Kith st. : : ] { > . ' ITlult HUNT Nlco , iieirly new , soxen loomed - * hou e with bnrn South nnd east front line' vliw.nicK ni'luhborliood. f-'i j > er month. ln- ! qitlro of C L. llrlckion. "U N. fiith ht. DM 'JU KlIt HUNT ft room lioiisu , 107 SSstli st. JIB ; - hoiioe. M'i S Sitli ht , t'i'i. ltlniwnU llros. Itaikei bluck. VK a * NT.'l lioii-e , droonii. S , Kith st. , $17 a month. M , Julia bteln , III ! DoUKlus st. l'MMJ ' ipolt li.NT--M ( : } home , 1117 I'nrk a\c. . fui- ulshed in iinfinnislii'd ; IIOUMJ 1) rooms with all r iin\eiileniis. 1) . 11. ( ioodilih , Ciililt1 Tram- w.iii. . , voth and Hiiruey sts. ail - ' "ITIiilt HUNT Two cottages , ono of fi rooms , J WJ per mo , and one I ! looms with barn , ? ; i pel mo , on I'alivlew ht. , opposite All Saints cnuri It. I ) , II. ( ioodikh , Cable Tiamvvav ( o 20th and Hnincy sts. 20.1 2.1 I.IOL'SIIS mil Hats In the ilioliest locatlona. 1 i fiiiuitiire foi sale ilieap. Co-ojitTatlve Laud \ Lot Co. , " 0" ) N. ltth. ! > t itiy "l/UUl HUNTIllloom hoiisu with utoam heat. Ji1 at Xiri H. 21th st. ( ! . U. Thompson , Sheely block , nth and Howaid sts. I/1OU HUNT -A boarding homo with twenty 1 looms in good location , with all modem Itu- pion meiits , itll new. Inquire ot Dlliii-1 ! llios , tir.'bliith st. I Wi n2f i/lOII HKNI' Two ID-loom llat , city water. JL1 bath , 4IU and II J N. llth. luquho IUJ N. llth Ml X'lJ TTrttM'slll ) House-Wishing oleao the I citv IMI the winter , 1 oiler lor rent my 1 ouso furnished , fiom Nov I to May I , ten luoms , n bolter location In tlty , nil modern impio\e menu. Apply on picmlses , 211.1 Dodge st , deoi el' . llobblu. 'leiephone S1 * . Is7 "Jj LLOANT 1) ) loom house on 1'arnam t , for ' Jient with or without fuinttiue. ( Jio\or btetis , liii I'm mini Ht. 1UJ Hl'N I' 2 brick hoiHi , 7 looms , 21th an J Hamlltuii , inuiy moaern ( , t-Ki each , l.cautt lliirnham , 1 , Ciulghtoublock. FOH HUNT -ll-ioom house on St. Marv's ave mm SUthst. , furnished or unfurnishedgreat bargain to ic-sponslblo pait ) , Address for two weeks O 20 lleo. HI 'A'iJ IJIOH lir.NT Cottnpo house 7 rooms only $2i ( X ? per mouths. Callioinlast between 3Uth and aist. W. > 1. Yules , ngt. Ill 17KW HUNT New,1 room houses , 30th nnc' -I1 I'lnkney st . * s per month. J. It , Hamil ton , roomiilJ ) lit National batik building. . . . . HLNT l-rooni house on S. ICtn St. , two blocks south of Ylntonst. ; will rent for IU per mouth or sell on terms to suit purchaser tJco. J. Mernsdoiff , room 0 , opposlto I' . O. 71c F HUNT When you wish to rent a house , stoie or olllce call on us. H. K. Cole , room 0. Contlnuntal block. I7\OH \ HLNi' NowC-ioom luniso. Apply 181 JU C.iJ-i Ht. 2UJ 20t "IjiOH HUNT 10-ioom house and bain , close teX X buslnesi nnd iu perfect order. 12-1001,1 , house and lar o bain , 27th nvonti near ( nmliig , fib-font lot ; line \ low. 2 5 loom nouso.s , West Fuinam. $15 per month. t-loom house , Slice-ley station , J10 per month , 7-room home , Ilcdforil 1'lace , J10 per moiitli. Hugh u. Clark , room" , Chumber of Commerce. UU1 23 "VTUATliouao , (1 ( looms , S I''th st Jlsn month. 1 > llicnnan .V ' ; o. , Uuimbor of Commerce ( MO 24 171OH HUNT House of ! l rooms , good well XI nncl cistern , 1112 S. Mtlist. Apply at 110. , room 5 , S 13th st. , rent JJ511 month , L. Duggan. MO FOH HUNT A modem ten room residence on I8ih street near Loavenworth. Uvery- thing In good repair , llents for } 11 per mouth Apply to tieo. .1. Steinadoiu" , room u opp I'.jl ) . hjlOH HUNT 7 room housn vv Ith largo barn. I$11 per month for tiio winter. C. F. Harri son , 41SB.C1. . llth St. 51 FOH HF.NT-i llvo room housei. South 2Uh , 1st door west ot shot tower. Ull 2lJ IPOU HUNT -For fl months , modern house ot X1 8 moms , completely f mulshed , barn with room for two horses , lent t ,0 , ; possession given bt > pt.25th. 2204 N. 21th. 1 block noitn of Lake. IJKMt HUNT bmall house , ilJt'/i S. 2-th st. J' UU .1 * IjiOH HLNT-AnovvO-room house la Kount/o X' 1' , leady lor occupaney Nov. 1. ( "Ity water , cl.tein , bath , luinm-i > , barn , etc , Uu- qulro of Hubert Hunter nt lice olliie. 891 "IpOH HKST-ll-room house , 21th Bt. and Pat- X1 lick ave , * 21 per moiuh. Imjulre nt Ibll Casi. B'.iJ'-j ' : TJ10H UUNT-A new-room house , city watm X1 nnd stable , cor. Fariiam and 4-'nd bts. Applj Hooni 4 * , 1'axton block Ml I OIt HUNT Tc r-'Rponsllilo party , 0-rootu i Inlck house. , 118 bouth 25th st. 150 feet from cable line. 1 urnnca and nil model p com em- eii'-es. item J4V1 per month , Apply to J. \ \ . ( iilllith. 1' . 1' . heailit'iurters. "MJ " \HNAM tnearii'd st , 11 room house for XA tent. ( Irovn jTtevcns.JTi" ! Farnam st. 7il- Foil HUNT-llonso w'th nine rooms. HIS. 21th at. Mount llth .st. 7 IS $ nouse , bath loom , hot and cold vvnter. gns-.ewer , pav eel stioet , now. C. F. Hairlsou , lisa lithsl. 62J . . HUNT fi-ioom hottsp. cltywater , I'aclncst. Inquire at iwa Howard. fill Hl'.NT o-rooin cottapo on noise car line , X1 us a month. Apply M. lilgutter 1001 , Fav- namst. 41b TTIOlTiiTlNT-Houso 7 rooms. 23 < l st near X liousuH rooms , 2221 Casg st , luciulro Itoom SI. Marker block. 315 TOH HUNT Hv lloswoith A. Joplln. llarber XI block , .1.4 , 6 , 0. 7 , H , 9 , ui. 11 , 11-rooui houses In all parts of the city. B'JO IT'OH HKNTNew b-room house on Cumlng X' at , near Lowonve. Terms reasonable. Ap ply quick FpoUwooJ. IWid S ICth. tSt TioH"HHNTlTouse 51'J N. wITBtrcct. Apply X1 at t. A , D. UUcombi' , ! I 2 Culifornla r > t. 1 . 'on HKNT-One 7-room cottage.'J123 r7ali 'Un ' Bt : lumiln at J 1'axlou block. 1' , J. Creedon. 314 HUNT\t very low rates. 10 aad nw roiUleucn. 2(01 ( and 114 , C ss street. Clarku Place. OUH block * outh of Crelghtou college , on Farnam and 21th street car line , All modern improvements. Auply , 11. T. Clark Union Trust Co. , or at 2(20 Cass street. AW TJTdH HKNT Dwolllnjr , 1722 Capital ae. . oppcv J1 tlte Trinity cathcdial , Acidrei * II. L. Halt , ISOFarnam st. 401 _ _ OU HHNT-2 cottages. SUfe and CaUwell , eich i . 1 Noith 20th rabto line. IW. Leavitt llurnhani. Crelghton blocs. 435 TRToll It K NT-Two iloslrablolionjos. 6 and 11 X1 roouiii with brith ; all modern lmpro\emont.s. nines antt cistern water lu kltc'icn. ' cor 20lh r.nd I' * . Dr. Joicj , , . W-l 22 * T71OH HKN'T A room house , 2113 , 7-room hoilso J1 212:1 : Popplelon uvc. OBJ , I. Gilbert , With- uell bTg. SIO FOH HUNT Thre llat.s if seven rooms ei h with every convenience city wnter.gas , et . ; newly built houses on Sixth street nnd Paclllr Applj to Uflinger llros. , 1112 S luth st , Omaha , Ml SUYUHAL hnu es for rent. 8. T. Peterson. H. e. cor , l.'th and Pom-las. MJ FOR RE7jT--ROOWIS FlJRNISHEb7 lipoil Hl'.NT 2 furnished rooms with gas , bath X uud heutul llO'J S luth st , collier Paclllc. -MO 2 > t TTiTllMSIlUI ) front loom , futnnee heat , incicl ju em com c ulences , c's ft 17th st. Ja 22 * Fl'HNIHHUl ) loomo. with or without bonrd , IdlO Id. . " ) Davenport. Inqttlio IfilO Davpiipoit. 272 SI * IlKNT Nicaiy funiHh7d fro rooms" modern conveniences , also loom for llcht housekeeping. IXS 17th ' ' ' * ) n st. s" ' - lll'NTIlnmdsomely furnlshod rooiViN | 0 ation splendid. 1107 Dodge st. 220 20t 1J10H HUNT FiiinUhed loom , dressing room X' attached , on the cable line I'US Laplt il ave. 1IU 20J rilWO fttriil lied rooms with b.ith and gas. jm X pei month ; 3d Hoot , noitli side. G23 S IGth st. 1U7 20J K10H HUNT-A nicely furnished suite Of trout X' rooms suitable for II or 4 gentlemen. Mis Mow aid St. . 2d lloor. 71-i.l : * Tl ( ifLY ftunlshed tooms. Jl per week or3.5J per month , 50Ml and 5JO S. 13th st. 4UO-.V 'IT10H HUNT Fiirnhhed sleeping rooms , M per * month nnd unwinds , pavablc- weekly or lonthly. 80U Howard , 27U2 : * 3'MS ' furnished A. unfurnished I ! 02 Douglas. 018 3OOMS-Flnt-class home boaid , 17IH Dodge. 812It FHONT rooms , nowiv furnished , Mnglo or eiisulte. 2iTiS Hainoy st t2o 2t ) " 171OH HUNT Two nicely lurnWied rooms , I1 2101 Hainey. 175 X ? ' > I10 Harncy. fuinlsUod loom cheap. 1I72:1J : [ 7 l HNIH1UD looms vv Ith board..VJNoi th 1'ith. J > j [ TiOIl HL.N 1' Nicely furnished front room X1 vvlthnlcovo. 2CJ2 St. Mniy's nve. Hi 2,1J t HUNT Comfoituble rooms lor the winter tor , with or without bonrd 170J Dodge it- li"l 2IJ POH HUNT 1 mulshed moms , 1MI 1'nrnuni , ELUGANT fiont rooiiH , cheap. Ml S , 1'th , 7M-N , 11 * TV'lt HUNT A lai e fiont room , nleely fur- . nlshed , modern convenlciues , suitable for 2 gentlemen , PUS \ \ ebsler. 7"il J71O11 HUNT rnrnlsliod or unfurnished room 1 for two poiitlomon , 01 man and wife , ar ; > toward Ht. fill \T1CULY furnished front room , suitable for J- > one 01 two gout lemon. 211'Hurt st. i"f EOIl HhN 1' NIcciv fmnlshua loom for slncjlu Kfiitleman. 1U17 t'a--s. 5'.H A IK ) U pleasant loom , furnished , bilck Hat. IjlOlt HI5ST A lanje front room , newly fur nished. Houth fiont , cheap , corner 17th and Ctimlugs sts , noitheust coruer. iUi ! FOH III'.NTNlcelv furnished rooms , single or en suite , 1811 Utimlntjs st. 157 IjlOH HUNT rurnlshcd rooms In Otennlg blk X1 cor. 1 Ith and Doclgo sts. Inciulie of Ueo. It. , Ilnv-is. Mlllnrd hotel billiard room. _ OOM- and board , 1SU Chicago st. SOIo'ht 1 3LUASAN I' turnlsliccl rooms , steam heat , gas , bath and board In pi 1\ ate family , an 8 L'lth. B7002 ; ! KOO\IS Including board In the Young \Vo men's home ] 1'JlO DoJgo st. Koferoucui ro quliod. l'J ' flOIl HUNT A nandsome room with alcove nt ' 25JJ St. Mnrj s ave. KD FOH KENT r.lcgnntly fiirnlahed rooms with board. I liqulre 1BUI Douglas BSI FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. UNrrHMSHF.D-Puitable for notisekeepme. Thrco ( , ! ) looms , 2HH Nicholas bt. . . . 12 Ml Throe ( .11 rooms. lUi'J N. 20th st 1.1 no Three ( .It roomi- , mill N. 20th s > t 112,1 Three ( .1) ) rooms , 701' , ' 1'ncillcst HOD Throail ( ) rooms. 141 : IMetcost 12 BO rhree ( lirooms ) , 1II10N. II 00 Three ( , ! l rooms. 707 Paclllc st 10 00 1'our ( liooms ) , 17ci2 Webstei .st Ill 20 1'our (4) ( ) rooms , 1701 Webster st 22 M" Three ( li room cottage ll''l N. 21st st . 1'J B' ' Judge. Hehtlug Agency , s. w. lor. Hainey and 1.1th MS 2Jij FOH HRNT-Uast half of 2511 Davenport Bt , Inquire ) 2.11H Capitol avo. 2UO ' "it FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES TTlOll URNT Stoieroouj , No.214 S. llth st. .Ap X1 plvnt 1110 Ilovv.udst. Ml FOH HUNT 3 stores on 10th and Leaven w 01 th. apply Hank of Omaha.2U FOH HKN'l Ilrlck store , abo\e , 21th am' ' Hamilton , deslrablu business location. Le.v \1U lluinham , room I , Crelghton block. U02 FOll HUNT-Three desliabloolllces In the Con tlnontal block , cor , IMh and Douglas sts ; fctunm heat and eloator. . ncclaud , Loomls A , Co. IJIOH HUNT Stoioroom20i40 , il.1 per month , JL ? IWtli and 1'lnknoy sts. .lohn H. Hamilton , Itoom 2li ; , 1st Nat , bank b'd'g. 120 2lj FOH HUNT Two.stoin looms , vhlch are con- vetted Into ll\lug rooms , tlioomaench , ntll per month. N. U. cor. U'tU ' and Mnbou. Inqulro 214 S 12th St. 211 FOR HUNT Ofllce suite M5 month , 2 single olllces j5 ! cnch. all frontlu < ICth st. , Husn- man block , N. K. Cor. Iiith ana Douglas.V. . M. Ilii.shman , 1J11 LeaM-nworth. Ml FOH UUNT-OnCumlngst. More and living npartmouts , also livery stable. Unqutro of Hanls H. L' . & L.Co. , Koom 411,1st Nat. bank. 00.1 STOHIi for rent , llli I'nrnam street , Inqulie of Nathan Sholtoii , ut 13X > I'&ruara street streetW. . ' HUNT-rine. ictall stora room with large basement , { 'JO per mouth. C. F. liar- lisou , I1S 15th st. 8 1 FOR RENT--MISCELANEOUS. HUNT-Ono or two lloois , 4l\rfltlight J. on throe sides , witli steam heat and power. Apply nt ull M 12lh bt. 1U ) 20 SKf'ONI ) lloor of cottnge , i rooms , to man nnd lie , KiJ 8 Isth st. > j.U 20 * /'OOUbainfoi ' rent cheap. 1311 Webster. VJJ U4.12IJ FOH TtFNT-Hood barn , 4 Mulls , feed room and wagon sued. Incjulio ut 2JJ1 Howard st. 511 RENTAL AGENCIES. ri UOHfJU J. hTUUNMlOlll'F , loomil , opp. p. vTO. , will hereafter j.i\e special attention to renting houses , stores and tints. If you want your pinperty iciitod without delay and to reli able tenants , do not fall to list tne same with him & ! j "V\ru give special attention to routing and col- ' lee ting rents , lit with us. H , K. Cole , room C. Contlnentul block. S3" IF YOU want your houfcs rented place them with llcuawu \ Co. , 15th , opposite postoftlce. KIS LOST- LOST- Now foundlancl dog ; small white * pot In bicast ; will pay l.boial itward. Wiliox llros. , 1)5 ) S llth bt. 02 22 ? IOST-A pocket book containing an order of t SC1.67 , n pair ot gold earrings and about * .i in silver ; J lewaid for return to olllco of Lluahnn .V Mahoney , Pnxton block. 170 22 * LOST-llet. 10th and nth. south U. r. tracks , hand bug with cold spectacles and knitting , lletutn to 1417 So. Kth ami leccive laward. 149 20J rPAKHN I I1 At my n sldelicoln West Walnut J Hill a black and white bull , supposed to be 2 ) cni-s old. 'I ho ovncr Is requested toprovoprop- ertv , pay cuarfu ; . nnd take him away. J. It. Os- bom. BJ.-yjOli-n-iU * _ rpAKEN ri'-Atinj rcMdencn in West Wnt- X nut Hill , a bmck-aud-whitn bull , eunposed to bo 2) cats old. Thoowuoi' is rcquesfd topioie propel ty. pay chnrges anil tuka htm nway. J. h. osborn , B2i2aooiJ2ot PERSONAL. 1 > KHSONAI/-Ladlei , tuislchtly hair on the face , noikor arms removed and the roots instantly killed by the Uioetrtc Needle Process , lcaIng no mnr'-s or scam positively the only penuaneut remedy. Aiidrens U 2 * . care life. 'At 2t' "I3KHSOXA1/ you nave a ptrsonal iteiu. or X any ' communication , drop U In on * pfTU buxo * . 104 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. $ JO will buy a nice buirVnp " months old. on' quire at 4'c ' ! South linn > < . - iflOH SALU Furniture , .stoves , washing mn- chine , all newt cheap this week , nc < vmnt of moving. 1611 Hurt st , sat si * 1 > USTAl' It A NT centrally located for sale Xicbeup , ( Jo-operative Lantl & Lot I o.-Jiil N Ibth 151 20 IrKTlltH Job printer's outfit for snlo : awny i'down prices ; good ns new Apply to M S fhl. Otent Western typ"foundry. t".l M ) T71OH SALU-Hrstclasssnloon nnd long Icasa X1 on ground. Addiess F .tniee olllce , OS ) 20 * CTr , . - n.TTV . . - - - Iroil SALU Orcy pony , Hjenrs old , n beauty , ' perfectly sound. 417tMUhnt 2.11 20' TJViH SALUM > no fine , fiesh milch cow. Uu- X1 imlre of 0. L. Krlckson , SIS N. IMh Streit. \\rU have Rovcrul No 1 mortgages on TT Improved property , running from.ltnl . years nt 8 per lent seml-nnnn.illy , that wo wish to dispose of. Mutual Investment Co. , llarkor block. 15th and Fnrii'Uil. 17H 2ti "l/loH S\LK Oood heavy horse- , very cheap , X1 wolgM about 1.20) ) Ibs. Inquire of Dr. ( lal- braith , llth nnd Douglas st ? . 17tlJ ? OH S VLUmlllloti brick , prlco c'i W per X1 ioi > J. Address O 21 this olllce. U22.1 inolt SALU Stoves of nil kinds , befoio buy- 1 lug call nt ll'il Farnam. 1 JO 2,1 Tpoll \LH-llard coal stove , base burner , X' nearly as good us now. Apply 411 N 14th st ' ' l" > Ji'J ' rplMS mav Interest you , If not , don't rend It -1 Woodbiidiro llros. uro bound to reduce stock to make loom for new goods. An elegant t hli korlng piano for JIVi ; an elegant Dei ker Hios.'for150 ; un equally line Knabo for JIM ) : n magnificent llnllutCoiriO ; a second-hand Mi I hall tor H of Its value ; also DUO llallot \ ( utiistnn , cheap ; will take flO clown an 1 flO mnnthlv ou these goods. Woodbilclge Itios , Uxpoaillon llullding. WM 1 IJ1OII SALU Very tine family hoise and I phaeton ut > our ow n prlco. Inquire room 210 , First Nutlounl Ilnnk. Ii7 JJIOII SALU or tiado Now two seilrtd rat- ilago nncl sluglo top bimgy. Selby , _ 15J1 Farnam. < I75 FOH SALH Pc-aninn s wagons and carriages , Omaha's laigest variety , east side Itltli st , uoith of lcllolns. The best and the cheapest. 720 o til iriOH SALU A now 0 seat Hockaway canlago X1 at l.eeNIc hols' livery barn. Twenty-eighth and I.eavenwotth. Telephone SIO. 417 IjlOH SALU A family hoisoor for general X1 use. pilie $110. luciulio No. 3I'J S. 10th. City. MISCELLANEOUS. _ BUAI'TII I I , faces anil forms ( juarauteed ruiebl'-achnremoxo freckles , tilmple-t and wrinkles , ilwr \ -jottle. Hook of receipt tor the complexion ; iuiits bend 4 lenta for ell- culai. Madame peil.'JII SUtfitt. , Chicago 1)iitriT : : ( ymiru'lf In book.keepltiK by ut- tiMidlimtno etonliu ; M huol , now opened by J Iloss , Fust National bank bnlldliiK' , i"om It. A tew morescholan wanteil to complete lass now loimtn . Terms modelato. U'Tl- ! IJKOI'OSALS will b ) received by the under- slgiit-d until Nov. I. is-is. lor guiding notth lalf of block , ! , Mar-h addition. O. F Davli Co. , 1BJ5 Fiirnnm ht. 101 22 . manufacturer of watih lascs. TFH1UDLY. .Itepalilng ot all kinds ; gold and sllvei ilntlng and tire gliding. Itoom 314 , 1'axton JloiU , cor , 10th and Ftiinnmts. . , Omaha , Neb. 11/1 ; > , ) U'HNIT'UK ! carefully1 fnoved by the Omaha Auction and btorago Co. , 1121 I'liinaiu .st. IoiHinuo tUt ' . 1 UnlS G O to llaymori. Her for line tools ancllbulld- era haidware , 5 1 S. lull st. , lltr building. I.0nl7 'OriCIJ to contractor ? and builders You will s ivemonev hy Homing with laymer& ( Her. their stoi k ot bulldqrs1 liardwaro is com plete nuil prkes low. ! AluI7 PHE banlo taught DS an art by Geo.l' . Gcllen- L beck. ; i.TJ Po. lOtlist. 1 IilULT hats messed anil ic'shnpecl ; fentlioi.s cleaned and culled. ! . M. fcihadellMS N 740nlI kit. " O. HICKUIT.S malinger Kxcelslor band , "ll-Wl arnam. lliass iind stung music1. 71,1 n 12 ? ANTIOl'AHIAN book utoie. 14111'arnaui st . highest cash pi Ices paid for second hand books. ' OJl n KB JNO. MI'LDOON * Co.,111 P. 10th St. : 10 stono- cutters. 12c lineal foot , Coloiado snndstono. UKi Sl'OT cash for old and new books , furniture , sto\cs and carpets. Orff & Co. , 117 N. Kith. WJ Oil H OMP. for Destitute Women and Children , 2718 Hurt st. 1110 W OMAN'S Uxchango , 1617 Fnrnam st. Lunch dally , diippor baturday nights. U40 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Tlyf IDLANGuarantee ! nnd Trust Co. . 1501 l > ar J-TXnam Complete abstracts furnlsliod , & titles to real estate examinedperfected & guaranteuil TTRNSON& .vToiTcllAUL furnish complete XJancl guaranteed abstracts of title tto any real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon short notice. ' 1 ho most complete set of aostmct books In the city. No. 1603 Farnam st. fJ STORAGE Q'lOHAGK-At low rates nt 1121 I'mnam Ht. kJOmalm Auction A : Storage Co. 1111 p HACK AGE , storage , lowest rate. . W. M L. llushman , 1311 Leavenworth. 873 WANTED-TO BUY. ITANTUD A good , fresh milch cow. Ad T dress I' . 0. Lock Hx MO. 214 22 " \VANTUD rundture , carpets , stoves nnc IT household goods of ull kinds Omaha Auc tion i Storage Co. . 1121 Fnrnam. I'll irAN'l ED To buy fresh milch cow. state age and prlco. Address O 10 Boo olllco. 'J7l ! \\rANTUD Houses and lots to bell that are T > bargains to oiler to customers. Mutual In vestment Company , room 1 Darker block. i10NEr TO LOAN DO YOU want to borrow money ? If you have diamonds , watches or jewelry and desire to etleit a loan on favorable toims In n.strictly private and confidential miinner , or should you want u loan on fmnlture. horses , carriages , land contracts or personal property of any cle scrlptloii , you can hnvo money advanced ai lowest ratfs of Interest und nniplo tlmo to pay by calling on or sending postal card to the Omaha Mortgage Loan To. \ > e loan out our own money , make out our ow n papers and pay no commission , thus giv Ing the beiinllt to the hoi rower. our fncliitiei me such that we can accommo date yon iu a prompt and confidential man ner , giving j ou fair , honorable mid courteous tipatment , All loans renewed at original rates. We will pay off tiny mortgage you now have and give you long time and low rates ; will lear nnj sum from J25 to il.ooi ) . Commeiclalnnd Ut mortgage paper bought Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , looms 217 and 21 ! 1'hst National Hank building. 413 TlilU Omaha Flnnnclil Uxchange , lloom 15 llaiker Hlock , southwest corner of Farnam and 16th sts. r Makes H specialty of .short-time collatera' and real e.stutu loans. 7 , Money always on hand In sums of 1100 nnc upw arcls to any amount , to loan on approve ! secuilty. Becuied notes botiBlit , sold or exchanged. Clear real estate and jjjyi to exchange for coed tlrst or second moitiMjjos. Loans made upon laud-contracts , , stocks , bonds , tiust deeds , tlrnt or concl mortgage se- cutlty , without publicity , clelay or red tape Financial business of any kind transactec Promptly , quietly and falllloom 15 , llarker uloik , Coibett. Manager.- ' * ' Ml M ONUY To Loan Hy tip undersigned , who has the only properl ykiffranlzed loan agency In Omaha Loans of J10ti > fflxjO ( made on furni ture , pianos , oruans.horsej.wugons , macluuary , etc. , without removal. No allays. All business strictly contldenttul. Ixj.ifn so made that any part can be paid at any time , each payment reducing the cost pro ratiu.iAdvancos made on line watches and diamonds. 1'ersons should carefully consider who they nredealing with , ai many new concerns are dally comlnc into ex istence. Miould you need money c ill and see me. W. II. Croft , room 4 , Wltunell building , 15th and llarney. 882 M ONUY to loan on household furniture , pi- nnos , noises , wagons and other personal property ; also onmortgago paper ami contracts as collateral security ; cash always on hand : lib eral extensions granted ; business transacted fnlrlquietly and promptly. The Fairbanks In vestment Co. , S W cor lath & Douglas , upstairs. 215 TDLOI'LU'S FINANCIAL Kxctange-The fair- X eat , quietest , most liberal money exchunge Inthecity ; loans made without delay or pub licity. In any amount large or binall. at the low est rules of Interest , on any available security ; loans may be paid nt uny tlmo or renew rd ut original rates. O. Houscaren , mgr. . room MK , llarker blk. , nth and Ftunam. 1)17 ) n 1& ? T 0 LOAN From one to two hundred thous and dollars or smaller sums promptly , east ern capital always on hand cheap. Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. , Oeo. W. P. Coates , u board of trade. lot ) M ONUY-to loan da furniture , hofies wagons , tie. , or on any approved security. J. VV , Hob- blnj , IL 2jO SUeely blk , 15th ami Uownrd. U " \\fK k p on hand money to can on Inside T property lit Omaha and Bouth Omaha In tuns from f VX ) to Maxx and as wo do our own valuing , iiiako nil uapers , etc. , we can complete a loan any duv you w Ish and pay you the. money. lates , Smith > V Co. , llooui 20) , Hamgo building. PSJ 31 _ MONUY toTbatTonTmnrovicrproperty at nrst hands , No applications i > ont awny for ap- iroral. Security nnd titles examined fret ) of hnrgo o borrowers. Lombard Investment ompany. flw s IJtti it. 101 ' ' KxciitTngo-Large PUOI'LK'S FINANCIAL - L iitul small loans for loug and short time , at owest rules of interest , on real estate , mort- MHO tiote < < , chattels of nil kinds , dlnmondn , uitelic'S and jewnlry. Don't fnll tci cnll If jou want fair anil chenp accommodations , 0. llous- aren , inijr. , room f > 0'i , Hnrkcr blit , 15th and 'arnam. _ _ t'17 ' n 11' MONKY to loan on furnltura , wagoni. 'tc , without removnl. or on rolliteral security luslness strictly couOdentlnl. A. K. Greenwood & Co. , It 1 Cunningham blk , cor. llth A Jackson. S37 _ M W. I'UCIC loans money , cnsh on hind , V-lvw.ftW , can bo pine ed on city and fin m prop erty at low-nil tntoni building loans n specialty. loom Lrrcnzerblock. Opp. P. O. WO n 1V _ _ _ _ MONUY to loan in nny amount , cither for building or otherwlne , nt mwost rntes of nterest nnci on short notice , 1) V. Sholes , room 210 First Nat'l banker. Uth and Farnam. SM rpitusT n'.viTs- X to loan on Improved real eslnto. Moitgages lought. Klinball , Champ , \ Ityan , C , S. Nat bank , loom 0. WU20 dj500.000 0 per lent. Money to loan on 1m- Dproved farms or city property. James A. Vooclmuii , nt the old nre Insurance ollico ot Murphy A Lovett , 220 S 1,1th st. 'J4 DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , wngons , etc , , until you have seen C. II. .la- cobs , room 410 , First National bank building , cor. li'tU nnd I'ainum Ml MONEY to Loan-On real estate nnd chattel socitiltv. Money without delay.Vo toill Lnud and Lonn I'Mliange. 117 S. lllth st. MW MONUY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay , J. W. Sciulru , 121 Farnam st. First National Dank building. Hl ilM.'i.UW to loan on inside property. Soni Hist T mortgages for salo. Nathan Shclton , 1501 Knmani street. b'JI MONUY to Loan City and country ; clioap rates , no delay. L. P , Hammond , 40J Pax- ; on building. 705 MONUY to Loan Ix > west i.ites. Loans closed promptly , II. U. Cole , Itoom 0 , Continental Hlock. fiW N'O delay In secuilng a loan on good Omaha real estate. Uro\er Stevens , 15.J1 I'mnam 7W ! 20 SUU Oiover bte > ens , 1'arunm st. If you want a real estate loan , 7"1J 20 GPUH CUNT money to loan Cash on hand W. M. Halrls , room 20 , 1'iuiizer block , opp. P.O. bJ5 LOANS on short time nt low rates. Klmbnll , Chump \ lljuu , room ( i , L' S Nat. ban * 221 10 M ONKY toloanon chattel securities. Illsnop X \ \ heeler Louu Co. , loom r > , llniker block. ' .i-On 17 HOVnUsTivnNS : , 1521 nirnamst. Loans UTinade on Omalni proueity at low rates. ANV amount to loan on improvtd leal estate. i ; . S. lltsboc , room IMS , 1st Nat. bank. n. 1IIKV fjOO.QTO to loan on city property and Improved farm laud. 1'renzer block. K'd ' T OANS mails on reil estate und moitgngei XJ botignt. Lewis S Hoed A Co. , 15.1 Fnriiam. 817 _ _ M ON11V to loan at (1. H. Peterson , ical et- Into and loan agent , 1412 S llth st. Wl O- M ONUY to loan. Low rates and no delay , llntchllisonVead , 1521 Dodge. UU22 ONUY to lonn on Improved real estate , LIONUY 'lenvltt Ilui nlium , Cielghton block. i57 M ONUY to loan. O. F. I'-vvls Co , real estate and loan agents , 150.1 Farnam st. U0 > A\0 > 0 to loan at il per cent. Llnahan At Mahoney - $ honey , room 501 , l'ii\ton block. WJ /"lOOOUty nnd farm loans wanted by A. 1C. Vj Itl'.ev , 15111 Farnam. Ss.1 OHATrULnndcolliitctal loans. JlTiT Davis 111 H llth bt , 10011127. t-'i23 UAL estate loans , lowest ratos. Odell llroa. A Co. . ai'i 3. ICth st. hM _ M ONUY to loan ; long timo. George J. I'anl' ' 1WJ ) 1'arnam st W. ! 5 UILDINU loans. Llnalmu & Mahoney. BUSINESS CHANCES. "I71OH SALU-2 of The best short Older houses X1 in the city ; furniture etc. , of two good hotels , 2good lestauiants. cigar nnd tobacco store and allows clupot. Cull on Co-oporatlvo Land AT Lot Co. . 205 N. 10th st. cup stairs. ) 235 If ! T ? AltU business chance : Flue stock of gro- J\ceilcs In llvo city ot 1,200 Inlinbltants. $31,000 per annum , capital reonlrecl from W.0 0 to $1,1100 , reasons for selling 111 health. Address 0 30 , caielJoo. 207110 * FOH SALUMont market , slnughter-house , horses , wagons and nil fixtures complete. Trade II'OO per month ; thu best location In u city of 15.00J people ; will lent the building 1 to B ) ears ; no ono only business men will pay to investigate. Addiessall communications to G 2.1 , lleoolllce , Oinnha. "V\7ANTUI-A moil with J201 can have fair T T salary and hccurlty for money or Interest In good business. Address G XJ , lleo olllce. 21722 * FOH SALU A ? lSflO stock of geneial hard wnre. cook and heating stoves , tinners' stock nnd tools , ' 4 cn h , bnlon 1'avorablo terms. Ad diess (1 ( 2'i. Hue olhce. 212 20T FOH S A LU Light laundry business and bath tubs combined ; best lointlon In Omaha and least money required. Address G 14 , lien olllce. 1.19 22 * FOH SALU A complete Oyster Canning Out fit. Cheap. If sold at once. Addiess C. H. 11. . Lincoln. Noli. ! I54 23 * FOK SALK lllacksmlth shop complete. 2 fires , good business. Sickness cause of hell ing. Address F 71 Ilee. ! M ) 22 ? \\fUwishto employ a iclliiblu man In your TT county. No experience requited ; perma nent position for three yo.itA. Salary increased each year. Light , easy , genteel business. Money ndvauced forsalarv. ad\ortlslng , etc. Largest maniif'rs In our line. UiKloscj 2-cent No postals Centennial M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , O. IJ. J2 b'J ' FOH SALU-Salt LakolotsiM each , at itlO S , IMh st. 4-ii IflOK SALU or Lxchntigo An old established ' good paying Llvory business In Coumll , lu N Main bt. Win. Stadleman. C'Ji I1OH SALU The turnlturu and lease of one ot the best p lying and best located hotels In tnocitv. Apclly at once to Gteenillliuiis \ , 1'irst Nat. bank building. 275 FOR EXCHANGE , HANGU l l aires I'rontler Co. , IfiO ucres 1'iankllu Co. , Nob. , Kill ucies Kossuth Co , la. , 1,100 to 2i"iliO acres Johnson Co , , kv. , wild land , will exchange In part or in whole for good gen'l meicliumliso. llox 101 , Wllcov , Kcai- ney Co. , Nub , 210 21' OH KXCHANliU-A few choice pieces ol clt ) for good hind or % aiant lots. Also some good barualiis In real estate If sold .soon. II , It. Hull , 111 N. 10th st. 21022 TTUHST-CLASS stock of millinery for good Tin JL ? proed farm , stocks of goods , Improved nnc i ! uulmpioved city propeity , wild nncl Improved lands , etc. Ccimu and read the. exchange book. Co-operative Laud A : Lot Co. , 205 N. lotii st , ( up htatrs.i 2U5 Si rpoit UXCHANOU-Ono of the boat 180 ncro -L faimslnsedgwl. . iKounty , Kan. , near Wich Ha , fur umuhn property. Mutual Investment Co. . Murker block. lth and Vurnani. 17U20 * rpo UXCHANiUilltedge ( Inside lot for stock 1. dry goods or clothing. U SI Ilee IIS 21 TJIOH UA LU or Uxihange ( loocl phaeton In per -L ? rec { older. Inquiry ut iw : ! rarnani. IM L'4 II' you have vacant property you w Ish to ex change for a home or for Improved property , list with the Mutual Investment Company.roou 1 llarkor lllocb. U2'J 2-J IKYOt'lmve city property that you wish to trade for Imptoveu farms , clear of Incum brance , call or semi for dlscrlptlve list to M 1'raukltn , room 43 IMxtou bla'i ; , Omaha , Neb - GOOD Inside Omaha property to exchange for cUmimtoclc at merthaiidl&e. C. Harrison IIS ri. 15th st IF you have anything to exchange call anc sse our list , western Land and Loan ex cnange , 117 b. Ibth. W7 ni n O KXCHANGK-Or nell. houses and lots JL , farms or merchandise teti Omaha llusliiea * llxchango , room S. s. w. cor. 15th and Douglas. TT10II RXCHANGU-Good rcntlnq ; city nd -I ? Mouth Omnha property : nUo lots and fa run Western Land and Loan exchange , 1176. K.tli tt I710K Trade Choice lot lr. Orammercy Parlc JL ? and choice double corivor In Lipton 1'laco for good laud. 1) . V. HHoU-4.210 , First Nat'l bank 677 _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ | _ _ IHAVK real and peno&al property ot al kinds for trad * . Call and see me. George J Btonuclorff , room 0 , opp , P , Q , VM rilHK Omah.i tlcismesi tfxchango. H , II. s. w. cor. JL irithnnd Douglivmiiaiiesn specialty of selling and exchatigtug all cltisscM ot morclKiiu1l tetc. . 4'JJ.QJi ' * _ _ ' " " " " _ "CLAIHVOYANT. . _ D " . NANNIR V. Warren , clairvoyant. MoiT leal nnd business medlnm. I'emale diseases nspecl lt > HVi. N. 10th m , Hiuniis 2 A 3. 2.Vi A Trr.NTION The gifted destiny leader can . /Y bo consulted ( lath for two weeks in nil at- alr < otllfo or diatii ; telln your life from the tndlo to the gia\e , teunltes the separated w 1th ho wondeiful rgyptlnn charm ; locates disease ml heals them wan Mo-"i g andelcctrlc treat- ueut. Olllce 417 S. llth st .upstalrs.rooms 2 Afl. 610 ai _ I OHTrNt : Teller Mis. Leiuirmnn can IH > COII- JL. suited on all nllnlrs of llfo. Sitlsfuc tlotl Kiiarantced No 31s N Hllli st ftVI nia ; ' FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. pWENTY.rOl'Hfcet on Haundcw st , at Sw A. per foot , worth JUV. one-half cash ; pnrtj out ottown , must sell. U 15 , Ilee olllce 1 , 1 2o IN South ( imahn I Inuii a couple of lots owned bj n man who cannot meet payments io\r due , i'Xl for ono nnd ti no for tha other. 1'or i Imrgnln call on 1) . U. Smeittou , Darker block , ) nmhn. Ua.120 _ 371OH SAI K tTnlnciimbered real estate In 1'aclllcJuuctlon , Iowa , which will pay 20 ier cent nunuillv on the Investment n'lovo axes and Insurance. Address K. W. Miller , 'acllle Junction , Iowa. _ ti7.snl * EDWAHD A.lHOIMlOLL. seveial farms for sale In 1'latto couutv nt 15 to UO petMicro. _ OHl-OJi' LO I'S 1'or Sale 1 lm10 line lots In llrlggs1 place add for sale. 1'or fmther Infotmatloti uldiessH Jellery , Galena , III. KU FOH SALK Un easy tctms. the first house di rectly .south of Dr. Mercer's leslcleucu.eleven rooms and barn with lot 411x110 , enl } } \'M. \ The same Imiiiovemcuts with grounds 1 mttw only 15,0ifl.v. . T. Seaman , wngons. carrlngc . .vc. , ! \st side ot Kith st. , north of Nicholas. t > 7 ( ) GOODOnk Hill lot f. 10 cash , big 1& , lice olllco. FOH SALU A newn-riiom house , wntor , bn furnace , cistern , bam , etc. , $7,000 ; Jl.uw rash , W,50il In 5 years , balance easv. teims. Ad dress O I Ilee olllco IW1 22t Poll SALU Two elegant homes In Ilanscom IMace on reasonable terms ; mortgage p iliei liken us pal t payment. Hosworth .V Joplln , Inrker block. Ji'M ' " | ? OH SALU 512 acies Hatnllton Co. Neb. , JL' land , J'.i jer acre , one-third cash , balance nt il icrcent , Address W. J , Wlldinan , Dem IT. Col. 1W FOH SALU Or excliiuge for Omaha proper ty , 80 acres , suitable for platting ; will muku lOOlots ; nil cle ir ; big money In It for some one. whocan push this ; loeated Just outside of thn city limits ot Council llliills. Inqulro Geo. J. Stenihdorir , opp. Dostollice. JO'i Foil SALU-Ulegant nvt front 1 ot aVclW. on grade , near chinch nnd Mhools , one ) lock oil utreet car line limning regularly 1'rlcu $2iT > , &Li cash , balance 110 moiitlilv. I'al on Suiulaj or oNonlug at residence , 101 N. intli street. 2H12J * $ .1niKbttvs ) a good 2-story Broom house and lot. east front. In Windsor Place , n birgaln. I ) . Y. MioltH , Itoom 2IU , 1'lrst National HaiiK , FOH SALU Lol 50x150 , with good 2-story house nicely furnished , all modern conven iences , within 1 blk. paxed St. , 'j blk fiom I'atk school and M. U. church , Ilanscom iilaio. This Is one of thu best pioportles lu the city , nnd can bo had at a baicaln by addressing the owner , K 14 , Hen olllce. 418 171OH SALU Or xcninge. We have some JL ? good Omnha real citate and Nebraska farms , which wro will soil cheap or trade for stock of clothing , furnishing poods , dry goods , boots and shoos , groceries or liardwaru. bellies- Inter llroa . CM S. 10th st. _ U10 _ " 1710HSA LK-XtalOO feet near corner Woolworth JL1 live , and 2 th st ; honso of 8 rooms , bathroom , gas , cistern , hot and cold water , sewer connec tion , furnace , 2 icllais , location nil that can be desired , school , Chun li and 2 lines of hoiso cais withlngJ blocks , cable In project ; $ lMWj $1,00- ) cash balance easy , 8 per cuut Interest. C. T Ilairlson , 418 S 16th st. iSKlOOO feet cor Woolworth arc. nnd ' . ' 'tli St. , house nnd Improvements materially the same as alnno , JI.OiO , ilHUU cash , biilame easy , a per com Intcicst , C. r. Harrison , 418 S llth st. U'.b CCSOO buys n full lot und good 4-room cottage Peasy terms and good location. I ) V. Sholos , loom 210 , 1'lrst Nat 1 bank , cor 13th and 1'ar- nain WJ TflOH SALK Frank Wasserman , nt the Hank JL ? of Omnha , has some of the choicest toil' denco utid business pioperty In thu city lor fulo cheap. 4i OIl SALU House nnd 75 foot lot on Cali fornia near JWtli ut a great bargain. if l.iHO. & 100 down or I10J discount for halt casn. W. M. Yatoo , ugt. 115 T710H SALU 10,000 ucrcs land In Nebraska at JL ? low rates on long tlmo : good farm lands , G. H. 1'eter.son. 1112 S. 13th ht. 501-Q. 22 _ I71OH SALU Not for trade. 513 70 ncros of 1m- JL ? proved land 2 miles from Marquott In , Hamilton Co. , Nebtaska. 1'ratne house , frame stable , ; RX ) acres under a good 4 burb-wlro fence , round cedar posts and 2 stays ; living water , good corral , 2 wells , wind mill , ,1J3-barrel tank , ( lelf-feudortrouchs , etc. ; 75 acres clover ; model farm. I'l Ice ( about J12 per acre ) . Jfl.HOO Cash . a.fiUU 3 years tlmo at fl per cent . H.OfW Go nncl look over the land nnd nddiessthe owner , F , K. Atkins , 1102 Lai ituer St. , Denver , Colo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 211 _ FOll SALU Cheap , n line inrm containing 7,000 acres In Daw "cm Co. , Neb. , near Cozad station on th I' . 1 * . H'y and nlso near the It. t : M H'y with K10.000 Impiovcmeiits , 400 ncres under cultivation. Would not object to taking part In Omaha real estate or would tnku onu- nalf In cattle or uoise'i. Inquire of Patrick llros. , 1511 Dodge St. , Omaha , Nob. M'J ' 23 FOH SALU-Lot 11 , b. 20 , Ilanscom place. M10 oil what U Is worth. 0.1' . Harilson , 418S liith C'J7 Kloctlon I'roolntiintlnn. tinder and by virtue of the authority vested In mu by hBctlon eleven (11) ( ) of chapter twenty- six C-'ii ) of the compiled statutes of Nebraska , entitled "Uloctlons. " I , John M. Thayer , gov ernor of the state of Nebiaska , do hereby Issue my proclamation , that on Tuesday , tno sixth day of November , A. I ) . 1H8H , there will bo an election held nt the usual plaies of voting In said state , for the purpose of electing the follow ing olllcers. to-wit : Klve Dleitorfl of president and vlco president of the United States. Ono member of congress from the Flist con gressional dlstilct. Ono member of congress from the Second con- giitssloual dtstilct. Ono member of congress from the Third con- giesilounl district , ( lovernor. governor. Secietnry ofstuto. Stutotiuasurcr. Auditor public accounts. Attorney general. Commissioner of public lands and buildings. Superintendent of public Instiuctlon. State senatoi for each heuntoilal dlstilct. and Hopmsuntnttvns for each rcpieseutatlvu dlstilct. us proxtded by-law. In witness whereof , 1 havn hcicuntoset mv uand und caused to be nfllxod the gieat heal ot the state. Done at Lincoln this "il day ot October , in the year of our Loidone thousand olelit him- [ Seal.l dred and eighty eight , the twen ty second vear of thu state , and of the Independence of the United Mates the oua hundred uud thir teenth , Hy the ( ! -ornor , JOHN M. THAYKlt. G. S. Lvws , becrotarv btuto. LETTER LIST. List of letter ] rfnnlnlnuncMIM for In tha post- omce for the week ending Oct. in , 1W. Koto I'nrtloscallmi : for ttiujo letters will say "AiWorUsu 1 , " ulrlnx tUo date ut tliu lioa 1 of till Hitnnd In lulro for saiuu ut tha "Lillci ) ' Dollvory Window. " Toivol.1 ; mHttkci hare your mail alJrcJial to yo ir atici'l and uuiubor. OE.s-nj'.iicN'A i.isr A. A ! ibjniO2 AnrtBrinn O Andort C O Alwlni ) J A.liiiol w Adaerson U AnJtrsou A Andruwi L O. ICkliorll 1 F. KintorTW HHIllumi M I'ftluirtir t' Kuril t' ( ' FOM t 1 Kr ke II ir " I ) Klslinr A riltiirrnM M I HlrcnlMC II tt * * r N NC flloverJIt ( itpCII f Illl 11,1 T ( lnl > r KM ( inrli vv . Hover 4 M llitmhle vv II 1 1 unmet vv A ( liinior .1 If llrtmuer K < tlnx'iii ' A ( . ' ( Ir.MM i lira ( Irorm F ( Irnr U HllhunT ( lerriimlt vv < lll eilI K ( liiiiipj ( lull III * * * ( JltOtlllll ! 1 l.i.vnif t. lloixlrlcli N VI Urn ) I. i > II Itor DAU.iettioli 1 ( Inorlni ! II K lilklitv't UlnunulJI IMOO vv H lloJc'on I It llnnniciilt HJ Uunn K U Illrl I- IlljnmisJ b llinkiM'U 'llaUVk ll lliirlim I ) IliiiiioUnJ ' ' A HnnkltnJ II lUMetier J I'u'vifejV llllliurr Illckl II K llrnrr I ) llnnni'jlmn 1' Illtllliel A I less K llesO tli-rlft W II llnll.iwarult llntlvetl llnmely H llntnl K llmiioli llinin'ii M Hammond 0 I * ItnliKM I A IliihnC N llotiitiiit t' Ilii'linni lliitiHtl llnliit J llntletlnc I'er- ilamlipifc llemlorF kins Prt'o llemlitr I W lril"ii N 1' Johainen VV U J.MIIIK1II J I K .tlllll'l ( I .lohimin W .lolitmni H Joint r .tollMVHl A Jolni'ao C H Juki-IJ JayneJ K KK. . Klnncv W Keofe.l It ttomlr Ick * 0 . V t ; Komifly It KI Icon .1 Miikeli\V K l\ln > ! .I I' Urn u 01 MT I"J MiKt Kohler W holler N KurU Mr ' 'VII Uouiia KiilivrV IAMIII.I M Lincoln M I.liinolnui 1 ! : l.lltlo I ) I. l.Uliloiinaltcr U-iili 1 o 1V 1 1C I \V lei : > iii t K l.ynn II I.jriiili I" I.IMll VV I.niik'H licillK L A I.Htlllllll W U l.ur en S | jir cn I' l. vr W Ijiuv 0 Ijnilirtili K J UmliMI I AM ! T Lai y VV li Uiuu C l.ulliy U liM. M. Mutl'on.T Miller 1,11 .Miller VV I MIl.lifllTI ! Murray I ) Milrton U Mc-liliiH A Mend V I , Mniinlie 0 II Mortl" UV SI n I r VV - . ' Mnc-k .I MHJor A Veiulenli.ill C C MllnliolM Miilnu T I ! ' MitieliiiiM A Moot I ) ' . ' Mu'liihlll M Morris \V T l len irk ! Miller C MnxnollJ VV MulHininS.I MellorC MnitKrniii K U MUMIII I Mimiiy T Morris llroi Jlooro T\V Marrl/VV .Mustier U MarrlVVMe. Me. Mct'itlluniMV vtoriin ilinu vv S McM Ury vv-J Mc * > liaupO MiVnj vi Mc'L umllllll M MrK ( < n/le M MoKenrle.I Mi-lvltiuey L * < ) Mc.SeiilJ N. . NlelaeitT Nk-hdlH.I U O. OwensJ 11 Oversheet f It O Mrlon j P. Pettcrson I' K riercoH vi I'llli A 1'ike inr X mrs I ) I'uteney A I'riH'toi It IMteul VV II IVtersou II PLTH OII N I'rehel.l 1'citlor A IMtterOU iVclers.iii P I'nue.l Ptitiliton ( t I'arkvi J I'rnlt.S II Y 1'riwor J Unlck J R. UecM 1 llonch W Illnhnnl I , Itotiersoti II ( J HiH iill W 1' Ku i < - W Itcipke \ IlllH | Itowp K Itmn'O ) S I Un < muM > n , T Ikiiymnml F Uu KIUI Jj llouihli AVllll liked COIlil ) s Htreltr nir sinn i , r f nilnir HY A , Sliiltll.l Slnllli.l Smyth M ' Splllllllt I1 Sdiuiuter A liolV'l II i ; hhen K hprnueo II M Snllunu 1' ! -iuimltir 'C IH iiHjcir II It Svnnsoti .1 A Sleport M Mi'lln \ " ' oniuloti \ 3tewurtJ MmyJ It Nnytli A ( J Mnlth N infill I ) A stokes If I , priiciu * r N f-lio.k .1 w : . .twin OJ biilUm ! PK MllklMIIHU A Mpolljr.1 K He ink T T. Tlionma T 11 TniniiirJ/ Trncjr A O I'uty .s .1 ll T 'I yelfln AO Ciilhot I. W Ta > lirl ( Taylor VV Q I'.iliuy 11 J Tmiit l > 'llnsuuW 'ilioini'Butl UV 'I lioiiipson ( . ' i U. L'llvanO U.V. V. Vest K I V.w. w. VV'nnier.l M wntt u vv a Warren W II N \Vcl on.l a Wllll A M WlneUci b' Walsh vir t OJ VVolt { VVhltney 0 A \V eit C ' Welnbufit P Wnl li rs I , II Wnl'ls Til \yilc-oijF VVIIklns.l.l Wi Ik-lit J Wooclmaii Oapt VMKDiiDJ VVufi I , T VVUeulqr A llatll Webster I Wutluntvux TJ Weniol J Wilson C VV Y. VcrkoJ 0 Y.Z. Z. Cellar n Z.P. P. I'rop Albnny rrii ( tCliirlo Prop Wotteri UcitKO hotel house I'rop liuult house I'rnpNiirthirej'nl'r o p tiamlOKt liuu o hotul LAUIUS LIST. A. ArrastronijMrsu ArinstronffA AnJor oti A AIlrldnir ( < M AlbauMraj AalitiyursJ A .stall Mrs II B. Hutters n Itoniln Mrs 1C narbcr MM Httik virs A Hint vir O Hovrninti It Hoiisolniun Mrfl C lllhlmp Mra 10 llwan urn Halleylj UeiisoioA Ilorryuian fl Hatterson ( J Ikmliir Mrilt W liurrnim Mr < 0 Illuijcuah II llnnott MriC llarlicr i : M lllnlr Mrs li U llorKstrom MM Aj ( llruiMi Mn II Hell M llurxer > IM tjji lllll OII MfH I ) , I lluerly Ji lUkcr Mm it U C. roreoran I Cook Mm H j to Mrs P ( 'lurk A Conlc-y K Clark A Claik N CrawloiU U Clark M Cliiiiuliors virII C.ilftou I Carrnll II I'ook Mis IIII CnrlKOii It ( arson K Citroy it U Curl.sou A Cnrlugn A O. nivTuoil It Divls A r > Tl M liii ) > cy Ir I * Demorest ilrsGGHallon lira a Ihiiile MrhH Donk L Dnrrau Mrs Diinuvan Mrs \i Duiiiun lira H S Uunuo Mra UolunoyMia L E. CvlnaN Eyora I iib M F. Kullcr A Kiillnmn tin > r Fletchar Mrs H Fere O Kroilrlck lira II l''onl ' M Kjuntiln viMJG l-oiintiln uriUWKoDly . . . tiri U V rurnirvin ci Kllllon 1C - I'OuUi JIM 11F C. OrsTpf li ( irceu Mra It G Urcc-u urn 11 J tirade un O cirant.v H. Ilnglipi sin M Hall Mrs r null MR llolatnailro ; lloirmmi sirs t llolnwayll IllltiHiMri K U Illnoc ; Ilonlck Mra J 1 * IlonslyA llaynos I Ilnnroi K lluniy Mrl Ilnyi Mrs N llotrman Mel 0 lliifonl Mri II lluusou II Uatcor L Ilalluraw 113 lali oiri A E Itcrj M MJ. J. Jlpson mra A .Icwoll mn n .lonoi nira L Johnson mrs t'U Juliusuu mriLQ Jurilaauira G JouaaN JouaaNK. K. Kclloymrail Knnn M Kollnuz mrs n H KIUA mrcUallQ 0 KocUu uira u Kluo U L. I.irno P A .i i : l.lnilnall 11(3) ( ) Mmtloy N J Lvararti l.uvln niMj Lelloy Lane mil J Lanlusli uira NM. M. Mnrtln mri 13 Ultlthoro LR MMdletnn U Muriln K MorrUli Moore ( J MnikiirK MonroMnirs I1JI5 Murphy nin U MorKan II Mitchell tS Maliluinrs A Mt'ltalf luraG Marx 1C uira L MoormaniursA(2)M ( ) r li mra F Mono lur * H 4 MurruyliU iluun 11 MltcUull tuci T 11Mo. Mo. Mcronnell mra O Mcroy mra McCullaugh mrf McDuun 1C IS N. Natetsoh mrs H Heckler mraO NettT mriTtl Nlll-on U Newman uira Nulunkn I. NulaouL Neil U UO. O. O'Ullly A Olson n OUcn uira np. p. PetenonO I' . Kittle K Pannok I Putunon A fll rotarvm M I'rluiuuu mra J I'trHlm turs L R Itnnbnl n Ilois mrs O Ilauktumrs IIJ Ittio'i uira L - - - , . ' nira A UoeTO mra Itoberlion A Husli mra J Hun HIM llynn H (1) ( ) Hotter M llorobauub II Uuaeucrau/iN ittapa U S Shlcldi I , Fmlth H .1 Rkonc A hlnimonimrj L Hory mlai (2) ( ) ( tubba L KocniuirlluM L Ktono mra LJ ( Suuiinornfl Hmln II Hmltli 11 bmlUi mra M hi ClalrrataJ J Hprlnii M Slonomroi Haavka n bturiiua mn Q btono mn a T. TtskcrnrslI Tnttle it Thompson inti 8 Tbomaa K TooJl A Trntruck It Taylor mra ra 1'onor 'Jn mrs A Tu.iofsua inn 0 4 'luuujr U Tuorue uira I U. Udlllmn Van Acmln mn Wooster U mn Waiinner mn J Watkcra nira J WIlMiu H WllllnmauiD J \Yutttori nir * M VVIru.hull inn Wa.-nor mm III ) MnltortO II (2) ( ) Wuu2U inn T U j WnnlC ) Walker F (21 ( Wnrllilngl'n ' YltlUuianiraA. Hl.ll * iur U A Wlllott uti JunJ ZentiorJ ITALIAN I.ITTCII8 Ancolo/ KrlllOno-O Maitrolirnil ll Illclapiia K lUinioiilcoi } ( lirniro l V oci V (21 ( Uno 1 > TIIII10 1NO rOUUTII'Cia.33 MXTTRIt , JoalimriW BujllhJO c. v. <