Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 22, 1888, Image 1

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Duo to the Influence of Ohlofa Gnll
and Sitting Bull.
rhi-y AV11I llrrrnftcrlio HeooKnl/.ed In
Commissioner Colcman'H ItvportN
Hutting In WiinhliiKton Cor
rect I n K M1111 nr y KecordH.
"Why Tln-y Hejected tin- Treaty . ,
WASIIINOTON , D. C , , ct.21. I
It Is noticed during the conference between
tlio Sioux Indians and Secretary Vilas last
week that while Little Wounded , Grey Eagle
nd u half do/en other prominent chiefs had
fuggcstions to make , and that they inter
polated rctr.arks from time to time during
the translation of Secretary Vllas' proposal ,
Chiefs Sitting Bull and Gnll sat In nppatwit
Indiffcrenco in the rear of the room with
their backs against the walls. They nv- |
pcared throughout the pow-wow to have the
least possible interest In the proceedings.
Yet thcso two men did moro than all the rest
together towards securing the rejection of
Secretary Vllas' proposals. In fact , it is
fitntcd , now that the Indians have left , that
but for the opposition of these two wary old
warriors the majority would have acquiesced
in the proposals , and that , Instead of
a failure , their visit would have
been n success. Gall nnd Sitting Hull
understand that the acceptance of the
Sioux bill means the abolition of the
power and the breaking up of the tribal re
lations of this powerful nation of red men.
From the first their influence has been felt
by the commissioners nnd It was realized
from the outset that moro was to bo feared
from Sitting Hull and Gall thun from all the
others put together. The decision of the
Indians yesterday brinns to n final end ne
gotiations under the act known as the
Dawes bill and It is not likely that anything
further will be done for some tnno to come
towards the opcnlnir of the Sioux reserva
tion , ns Seeietary Vilas is determined not to
dcpatt ono iota from the premises hud down
by him when he informed the Indians that
they must signify their willingness to ac
cept as individuals before icttirning to their
NrilUASKA'P CHOI' lini'OliT.
The " " Commissioner
"drubbing" given Agricultural
missioner Colenmn by Tin : Bhi's ' Washing
ton dispatches for his over-sight of Nebraska
in the compilation of his monthly crop report
has had the effect of securing the appoint
ment of county agents in that state and regu
lar monthly returns from thero. The report
for October tiven to the pi ess to-day has the
following from Nebraska agents relative to
the corn crop :
Polk County Promise of good crop and
peed quality.
Antelope Frost killed late corn before It
fully matured , but much of the crop will bo
very good.
Saunders Corn is ripening good but will
be light in weight.
Howard Corn so nearly matured that frost
will not injure now.
Platte Crop is out of the way of frost and
will bo a largo yio'd. '
Washington Above the average condition.
Buffalo -Corn on high lands is cured ; never
was better ; low lands were wet nnd badly
cultivated and weedy.
Cass The reason for making corn lower
than last report is because It dried prema
turely , nnd while sound will be shriveled on
the cob.
Clay Dry weather has affected the crop
Greely A fair stand , but quite green yet.
Nomaha The best crop over raised in the
Keith Corn was damaged some by earl.v
Webster Corn was cut short by dr.v
weather and hot winds about the time of fill
Ing The north half of the county Is good
and the south half In places Is poor.
Thnyor In good condition and out of the
way of frost ; will do to crib in two weeks.
Nance Corn may bo bitter than reported
Loup-WIll not make moro than n goot
average crop. Wo had heavy frosts on tin
1Mb , 10th and 17th , and that damaged all tin
late cot n , and there will bo a largo amount o
soft corn. The greatest portion will bo gooi
but not what was expected two or thrc <
weeks ago.
Lincoln Corn Is good , although some lat <
planted got frosted on the 17th of September
Lancaster The long continued dr.i
weather has put corn In line condition and 11
will soon bo ready to husk ,
Knox Severe frosts have Injured the
crop.BrownFrost came rather soon for con
nnd did some damage.
Dlxon The corn crop Is very fine and n <
tlnmngo by frost ,
Hamilton Corn promises a fair yield am
will average about forty bushels purnero.
Kearney Dry weather during Septcmbc
has advanced the ripening of corn rapall.v
but leaves It slightly shrunken on lateplantci
Holds ; all out of danger of frosts.
Following nro the Nebraska reports on th
wheat crop ;
Polk County-Wheat not very good qual
Boone Crop below the average quallt ;
and millers complaining very much.
Saunders Wheat was blighted badly an
also Injured by rust.
Seward Wheat was practically destroyc
by chinch bugs.
Platte The crop is very poor In quality , I
not being fit for Hour in u great many eases
Buffalo- Good crops , threshing froi
twenty to twenty five bushels per acre.
Greoly Wheat yield ranges from three t
ton bushels per acre and very light weighl t
ubout fort.vnvo to fifty pounds per bushel.
Loup Wheat light and very smutty.
Lincoln -Wheat has only In n few ease !
been poor , owing generally to late sowing
while tome will yield over thirty bushels po
Colfax The crop wr.s Injured by rust.
Brown Fine crop.
Dlxon Wheat almost a failure.
Kearney Threshing Is now going on. an
wheat Is poorer in quality than hoped for i
August ; average weight ubout tlfty-seve
As the day for the election npproachc
'hero Is more activity among the men in bet
political parties in raking their money o
their opinions , and bets on the general rcsul
aud on the outcome of the election in tli
several doubtful states are uioro freely ref
isterod now thun at any time before durin
the campaign. For some time past the odd
hero have been against Harrison , but ycste
day the only firm of bookmakers which hav
a book on the election were offering eve
money against Harrison which is quite
change from the f 110 to f 100 they wcro offo
ing a few days ago , $30 to $ K
against , even money that. Harrison cnrric
Indiana ; $75 to f 100 that Now York stal
jioes republican ; $120 to $100thatCouncctlct
goes republican. These figures Indicate
very considerable decline In Cleveland stoc
at least so far ns this firm of bookmakers
concerned. Bookmaker Wall is rounding h
book out in Baltimore , and yesterday ho bi
"Sonny" Mahon , the Ualtitnoro politiciai
JROO even than Indiana would go rcpubllcai
This makes $3,300 that these two bcttci
liftvo placed with each other. This boo !
innker says that his eonfercs In Ne
York have stopped betting almost ci
tlrely the last two or three days nr
what few bets they do make are at eve
money. "In the last three days. " said h ,
" 1 have laid about $ ,500 in bets of from * 50 1
tlOO each on the general result. The dem
crats are not betting as freely as they wer
Bookmakers in Baltimore are not laying
cent on the election. U Is all on account i
this mayoralty business , and I think , m
clf , that if it isn't fixed up very sooil Nc !
York will GO republican.1 ' Inasmuch as tl
fraternity bet for money nnd not upon their
opinions , those election bets nnd the feeling
of the bookmakers nrc significant.
roniirrriNo MIUT.Hur.ronns or low \v .
Hy direction af the secretary of war , to
complete the record , the discharge of Captain
Oliver C. Lewis , Company H , .Second Iowa
infantry volunteers , July 12,1MW. Is amended
to take effect May 15 , 105 ; ho Is mustered
Into service as major , same regiment , to date
May ID , INI ; ; mustered out and honorably
discharged as major Juiy 12 , Isi53 ,
and ho Is mustered for pay in
said grade during the period embraced be-
Uvccn the aforesaid date * .
The discharge of Sergeant Peter Herbert ,
company H , Second Iowa infantry volun
teers , July I1 } , H ) | . is amended to take ef
fect June I ) , 1SU1 ; his muster into service ns
second lieutenant and llrst lieutenant , same
company ahd regiment , July 11,18.4 , and
December 31 , lyvi. are amended to date Juno
4. ISiV ) nnd November 10. lvi'4 , respectively ;
his discharge as llrst lieutenant , July 12,11505 ,
Is amended to take effect May 15 , Ib05 ; he is
mustered into service as captain , same com
pany nnd regiment , to date May 10. IMVi ;
mustered out and honornbly discharged as
captain Jul > I' , 18i" > ; and ho is musteied for
pay in said grades during the periods em
braced between the aforesaid dates.
PUKUV S. Hcvrn.
Four Italians Arrested on Suspicion
The Amount Stolen.
Wir.Krsimiiin , Pa. , Oct. 21. | Special Tel
egram to Tim Br.K.l No positive clue has
yet bean obtained to the murderers of Pay
master McClure and his assistant , Flanagan.
A crowd of live hundred or more people-
men , women and children were to-day
searching the mountains in the vicinity of
where the tragedv was committed. Six Ital
ians were arrested on suspicion this morn
ing , but released later In the day. A dis
patch from White Haven , twenty miles from
here , says that four Italians , two of them
with rilles , were arrested there coining out
of the mountains They claim to have Decn
in the woods on a hunting tour. An excited
mob of six hundred or more people wcro at
the Lehlgh Valley depot this afternoon
awaiting their arrival , and the entire police
and detective forces were on hand to guard
and protect the prisoners. Flanagan , ono of
the murdered men , is now said to have had
on his person when killed about $17ODO In
bonds and securities , which arc missing , in
addition to the J12OtX ) in cash stolen from
MeClure. Three thousand dollars reward
has been offered for the capture of the mur
Ono of St. .Iineph'H Most Prominent
Clti/.eim l'nsst-4 Suddenly Away.
Sr. .Toinpii , Mo , Oct. 21. [ Tele
gram to Tin : Hun. | General James Craig
died at 10 o'clock to night very suddsnly of
cancer of the neck , aged seventy-four years.
He was one of the most prominent men in
Missouri. He sat in congress with Thomas
A. Hendricks before the war , commanded
the union forces at St. Joseph during the re
bellion , was circuit attorney of the Platte
purchase , comprising nil Northwest Missouri ,
when .ludgo Norton , now presiding justice of
the Missouri supreme court , was circuit
judge ; was first president of the Hannibal &
St. Joseph railroad , the ilrst line built across
the state ; the first comptroller of this city ,
and had occupied numerous other places of
honor and trust. He was a leading demo
cratic politician and four years ago
stumped New York , Ohio and Indiana
for the pirty. Probably no man In the state
had as largo a personal acquaintance among
leading men all over the country. Ho was
intimately known by all the public men all
over the country. He was intimately known
by all the public men in and around the na
tional capitol for n generation past. The
cancer ucgan to show itself about six weeks
ago and ho visited specialists in St. Louis ,
Chicago , Philadelphia , New York and Bos
ton. They gave him no hope and ho returned
homo September 1. Ho was n prominent
Mason and Knight Templar. His estate will
Inventory $150,000. A wife and fourehihlreu
survive. Ono son , Lieutenant Lewis A.
Craig , is of the regular army , stationed at
Ft. Wingate , New Mexico.
's Voice Coming.
LONDON , Oct. 21. A World cable says :
Gladstone probably will never visit America ,
but there is every probability that
his voice will bo heard there It ;
n few days. A phonograph prepared
specially for the purpose , with ar
enlarged receiver , will bo placed near Inn
while making a speech at n great libcra
meeting in Birmingham , though in such r
way ns not to inconvenience him. The was
roll in which the sound of his voice is stored
will bo sent to Now York in charge of r
special messenger. Experience shows thai
phonograms sent by mail are always ruined
no matter how carefully packed. If th <
Gladstone phonogram reaches America In a1
n good condition as some brought hero by nies
senger the Grand Old Man's voice ought tt
o bo distinctly heard In : i room capable of hold
ing : X ) people ,
Hollow Demands nn Apology.
New Youi ; , Oct. 21. [ Special Telegran
to Tm : Hp.n.J Kyrlo Bellow , who was toll
a week ago through the public print that tin
Tuxedo club had objected to his further ac
quamtanco with the interior of the clnl
house , because of immoral 'character , ha :
addressed a letter to a local newspaper , en
closing the ono of Pierre Lonllard , presiden
of the governing board of the club , statin )
that for this gratuitous public insult hi
( Bellow ) demands an immediate apology
Failing in this Bellow says ho will proceei
against Lorillard In any way ho sees lit am
force him to a public substantiation orrefuta
lion of the charge.
AVill Settle Means' Indebtedness.
, CINCINNATI , Oct. 21. [ Special Telcgran
to TUB HEK. | The family of William Means
president of the late Metropolitan bank , wil
S offer to settle his entire , direct and indirect
Indebtedness to the institution. This sue
would run up to something less than fJOO.OOC
Mr. Means is now a physical and mcnta
wreck. The Metropolitan disaster has si
preyed upon him that ho has given wa ;
under the fearful strain. His family wisl
to clear him In the eyes of the world , am
have resolved to pay every dollar of thi
losses of the bank that were in any way at
tributablc to the president.
The W. C. T. U. Convention.
NEW Yonic , Oct. 21. At the Woman'
Christian Temperance Union Miss France
E. Wiliard presided and Hcv. Elizabeth W
Greenwood , of Brooklyn , preached. Di
Kate Bushnell , of the Illinois Evangelist o
Social Purity , told of her work in th
sparsely settled regions of Wisconsin. Di
Mary A. Allen spoke of the laws of hcaltt
Mrs. C. H. Harris ( Hope Lcdyard ) of th
mothers' department , spoke of the duties c
motherhood. Miss Wiliard read a pctltlo
presented to congress for n bill for protci
tiou against crimes against women and girh
Crudicd by u Land Slide.
ROVE , Oct. 21. A dispatch from Potcnz
says that ten cars of a train crowded wit
n , excursionists returning from the Naples fete
n. were crushed by a land slide. Thotolegrap
rsk line being broken , help was delayed tw
kw hours. Seventy Injured passengers an
kn ninety corpses have been taken from th
ntd wreck. There arc still two cars buried , an
td it is certain that the list of dead will bo it
ine creased.
e ,
to Stoanmtilp ArrUals.
0- At New Yorls The Tasmania from Han
burg ; La Champagne from Havre.
ofy Ttuirmaii at Home.
yho Couvuis , O. , Oct. 21. Judge Thurraa
ho aud truly arrived in the city this moraing.
Conflict Between the Dominion nnd
Provincial Governments.
WiVNirnn , Man , Oct. 21. The long
threatened conllict between the dominion
and provincial governments appears to have
come at last. The clocking by the Canadian
Pacillc of the track ot the AVorthern Pacillc
whore It crosses the Southwestern branch is
the cause of the trouble , and Friday the
local government swore in about two hund
red special police and proceeded by special
train to the crossing , In order to protect the
track-laying gang at the crossing of their
lines. On arriving there they found three
eugincs of the Canadian Pacillc nnd n train
loaded with about three hundred navvies
blocking the road. White , general superin
tendent of the Canadian Pacific , was present
and had direct telegraphic communication
with President Van Hcrne. The men were
armed with nt helves and pick axes
and the cneinc boilers were filled with
lint water and hose was ready to throw it on
the provincial police. The latter Included
many of the prominent business ntd com
mercial men of this city , who were present
to show their approval of the action of the
local government. 'I hey were armed mainly
with revolvers. Premier Greenway and all
his colleagues were present. The track-lay
ing gang were distant about n mile and a half
from the crossing and owing to the inclem
ency of the weather they were unable to
bring the track to the point of the crossing
before darkness fell and botli sides returned
to the city. The Canadian Pacillc lott a
strong force of men who remain there day
and night. The mounted Infantry , consist
ing of about one hundred regulars whoso
barracks are about two miles from the scene
of the trouble , were under orders from the
Dominion government to back up the
Canadian Pacific. The officers of the Nine
teenth battallion were also instructed to hold
their men in readiness. But they
are militiamen. A corporal's guard
could not bo obtained for
the purpose of blocking the building of the
Northern Pacific. By Monday morning the
track will bu laid up to the point where the
obstruction is across the track , and a con
flict will then bo Inevitable. The city is
allamo to-night over the matter. The Cana
dian Pacific's ' attitude is universally con
demned throughout the province and by Mon
day it is probably that there will be 7UOorh'JO '
young men sworn in as special constables.
By that time the track on the Northern Pa
cific will be laid up to the point of crossing
and another r.ttemut will be made to lorco
the track across. 'J ho resisting force will
probably consist of . ' ! ( Ki or 100 men from the
Canadian Pacific workshops , and the
mounted infantry school , consisting of 1UO
men. What the outcome wilt be it is hard to
say , but the prospects are that there will be a
serieus conllict. If one drop of blood is shed
the dominion government will be fare to face
with a rebellion which will dwarf the north
west rebellion of Isi5 into utter insignill-
Tlio Financial Transactions of tlio
I'JIM Week.
HOOTOV , Mass. , Oct. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.i : . ] The following table
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the leading clearing-houses
of the United States , shows the gross ex
changes for the week ended October 20 ,
lS3w < th thor.ito psr cent of increase or de
crease as compared with the amounts for the
corresponding week last year :
Another Small SUcd Hiot Growing
Out of the Street Car Strike.
Cmcvno , Oct. 21. The imported conduc
tors nnd drivers in the employ of the
North Chicago street railway com
pany seem to have a hard road to travel. In
addition to the attack made upon ono of the
cars manned by them last night , there was a
serious tumult at Clybourno and Halstead
streets to-day. At this point huge timbers
nnd loads of brielc were thrown across the
street. The neighborhood Is densely popu
lated with working people , und these filled 1
the sidewalks , windows and housetops. All I
the women passengers nnd several men on
the first car to approach the barricade had
been frightened off by the crowds
of yelling boys. A couple of strangers
in the city , n reporter , the conductor
and driver and two policemen were the only
ones who remained. When the car was
stopped the air became thick with missiles
flying from the house tops and windows.
Shouts and imprecations of all kinds wcro
as plentiful as the missiles , the lead in this
part of the affair being taken by the women
mixed In the mob. The riot ended like the
one'of last night , with the arrival of a patrol
wagon filled with police. The crowds were
dispersed with little trouble , but reassem
bled when the wagon departed. A prisoner
was rescued from the two officers who had
been loft at the spot , and they were being
handled roughly when the wagon again re
turned and drove the crowd away. So far as
s known nobody was hurt seriously.
A Spiritualistic ICxpose.
NEW YOUK , Oct. 21. The once celebrated i
Fox sisters , who are the patentees of medium
spiritualism , appeared to-night before n
largo audience at the Academy of Music to
expose the frauds of spiritualism. Mrs
Margaret Fox Kane read a letter in a falter ]
ing voice and produced rappings so they
were plainly audible by a movement of her
big too joint. She thanked God she was
able to expose spiritualism.
Fatally Injured In n Race.
NEW OHLRANS , Oct. 21. In u race this af
ternoon a collision took place bctwceu Mug
gins , driven by John T. Shaw , and a blind
horse , Wllllatn Newman , driven by Thomas
Newman , is which Shaw was so badly in
jurcd that his recovery is doubtful.
Kan Into n Freight.
ATQUISON , Kan. , Oct. 21. A Central
Liracch passenger train ran into a freight
standing on the main track near Frankfort ,
Kan. , this morning. Several persons were
badly shaken up.
A Caricaturist Squelched.
PAWS , Oct. 21. The comic paper , Grelot
has been seized for publishing an iusulUny
o ! Emperor William ,
Frightful Accident ot a Rallrond
Crossing Near H < j
An Old Sinn nnd Two SOIIH Instantly
Killed While Two Other People
Are So IJntlly Injured That
Recovery N Doubtful.
A Terrible Catastrophe.
Honrcn , Neb. , Oct. 21. [ Special to Titc
HUB J A terrible accident occurred at this
place last night by which three persons lost
their lives and two wcro seriously injured.
About 10 o'clock p. in. Henry Shaffer , a
farmer living fourmlleswestof town , started
for homo. Accompanying him in the wagon
was his stepson David Mlnnlk , his sons Pcr-
cival and Henry Shaffer , his son Daniel
Shaffer , Thomas Hoe and a Mr. Lenig. As
they drove up to the Elkhorn railroad cross
ing a stock train was approaching from the
west at a high rate of speed. It seems the
occupants did not see the train until it was
upon them , .lust before the engine struck
them the mule team which they were driving
turned down the track in the same direction
that the tram was going. The engine struck
them , killing Henry Shaffer , sr , David Min-
nik and Percival Shaffer , nnd injuring
Thoim.i. Koe and Mr. Lenig. Both lie in a
precarious condition , with sonio chances of
recovery. Henry Shaffer , Jr. , escaped , after
being thrown forty feet away. Ono of the
horses was killed. The coroner's ' inquest
was held to-day and a verdict rendered cen
suring the train crew for running at too high
n rate of speed and not giving proper signals.
Ono thing noticeable was that each of the
victims was Killed by being struck iu the
head. _
Now Kntorpri e < 4 nt Nclirnskn City.
Nrim\SICK CITT , Oct. 21. [ Special to Tun
IJrjn.l Nebraska City's enterprising citizens
believe in doing everything in season , and do
not allow interest in the city's prosperity to
lag for a single day. Already preparations
are being made for n renewed display of en
ergy and solid growing for the spring of
isvj. A number of now manufactures have
been secured and will locate here in the
sprinir. Among the number is a largo furni
ture factory , which , as nn inducement , has
been offered a block of ground in the manu-
lueturing district. A woolen factory and a
cai riago factory are also among the cer
Nebraska City will also have a fair associ
ation and driving park before another year
rolls by , as all preparations for the organi/a-
tion have been made aud suitable grounds
are being negotiated for.
Manager W. B. Sloan , of the old opera
house , has agitated the subject of u new and
decent place of amusement so successfully
that Nebraska City is at last assured an opera
house that will bo n credit to the
city. The house will bo built by a stock
company in which nearly all the leading
business men will hold shares.
To show their appreciation of Iowa trade
and the good Nebraska Citv's pontoon bridge
has done , the merchants of this city hnvo
undertaken to construct a wagon road from
the bridge across the old river channel and
over considerable of the Iowa bottoms for
the especial use of lown fanners who wish to
como to Nebraska CHy'to do their trading.
Tlio road will bo built this fall.
The Nebraska City. . Manufacturing com
pany , one of the largest institutions of its
kind In the state , will soon discontinue its
exclusive manufacture of farm muchinorj
and remove its plant from its present site on
Contra ! avenue to a largo tract of land near
the lailroad , where buildings covering
several acres will bo erected , and the instl
tutioii bo converted inton mammoth machine
shops for the manufacture of engines , boilers
etc. , and all kinds of machinery.
The Nebraska and Iowa companies nave
Just , completed telephone connections be
tween tno two states , thus putting Nebraska
City now in direct telephonic communica
tion with all the principal towns mid cities in
Iowa and Nebraska , an important advantage
which has long been desired.
The Nebraska City Packing company am' '
the Chleairo Provision company will com
inenco operations in packing about the nnd
dlo of November aud will run on u scale
double that of last season. The largo steel
exchange building is almost completed am
tno stock yards will bo in operation in abou
two weeks.
The street paving contract for district No
1 is about half completed , and the work uono
is pronounced by nil to bo the best block pav
ing In the state. Which may bo aecounte <
for by the fact that the city has an inspecto
for almost every block that is laid.
The street railway company have the
greatest portion of their track laid and ex
poet to have the line in running order thi
The system of sewers being put in by
Miller & Co. , of Council Hlulls , is uxtendci
almost over the entire city , and when com
pleted will bo one of the best in the state.
The Nebraska City Kleotric Light com
pany have made arrangements to put in ai
incandescent system of lights in this cjty.
The Press company Is building a larg
structure on Central avenue , to bo occupiei
when completed by that printing establish
mcnt. New presses and an entire new steel
will bo put in and the proprietors of th
paper say that nn altogether new sheet
metropolitan m appearance , will bo issuei
from the now otllco. The News companj
has also put In now and improved presse
and greatly increased its facilities.
As a positive evidence of Nebraska City'
business importance may bo cited the
language of a Missouri Pacific officer , who
said that road built to this city as nu experi
ment little more than a year ago , and found
in several months after traffic was opened
over the now line local receipts more than
paid for the construction of the road and ex
penses of operating.
Ilnlllci Uoiuid the Btnte.
Prur , Neb. , Oct. 21. [ Special to Tin :
Bnn.l The grandest rally ever seen In Peru
was held by the republicans here Friday
night. The town hail was crowded to its ut
most standing capacity. Housing speeches
wcro made by Hon. M. L. Hnyward , of Ne
braska City , and General Sampson , of Den
ver , Col. Also goad speeches wcro made by
the republican nominees of the county. The
speeches were interspersed with music by
the Peru cornet band and vocal tnusio by a
select club of campaign singers.
LINWOOD , Neb. , Oct. 31. [ Special to Tun
BBB.J A very largely attended republican
rally took place here Friday evening under
the auspices of the LInwood republican club.
The procession formed nt republican head
quarters with eighty torches in the van , fol
lowed by nn immense crowd , who marched
through the principal streets amid great cn-
thusmsm. After the parade had been con
cluded the boys were led to the city hall ,
where elaborate arrangements had been
made for the speaking. Speeches wcro de
livered by J. W. McCloud of David City , J.
S. Hill of Hell wood , candidates for the legis
lature , George P. Shusely , county attorney ,
nnd W. H. Dickenson of Wnhoo. Hoth
McCloud and Dickenson made tolling argu
ments on the tariff. The David .City Uleo
club , headed by F. A. Snow , were In attend
ance , who kept the uudicnco amused between -
tween speeches. The Glee club is a grand
success nnd was highly appreciated by the
the audience , which contained quite a num
ber of ladles.
Snow at Nnbrnskn City.
NEntn'KA CITV , Neb. , Oct. 21. [ Special
Telegram to THE UEU ] The earliest and
heaviest snow fall within the recollection of
the oldest citizen , fell hero to-day.
A Joint Discussion.
COUTLANU , Neb. , Oct , 21. [ Special to TIIH
BKB.J A largo find enthusiastic meeting was
held in the German hall last evening , tht
Dumber being estimated at , DOD. Many bad-tc
o away for want of room. The meeting was
> Joint discussion on the political Issues of
ho ilny. Mr , E , O , nnd M. ° .
Irynn. of Lincoln , were the speakers. Mr.
Vhcaden spoke for the republicans aud Mr.
Jryan lor the democrats.
A Soldier's Kiincrnl.
Jrxim , Neb. , Oct. 21. Special Telegram
o Tin : HKR.J The funeral of Charles S.
nines took place to-day under the auspices
f the Grand Army. The deceased was born
nt New Canaan , N. Y. , in 1 1. > . He voted
or General Harrison , nnd was a cousin of
Samuel J. Tddcn. He had two sons and two
; aughtcrs , Mrs. U * . B. Cuslnng and Mrs. S.
' . Brass , of this place. Ho was n soldier In
ho last war In the Twenty-seventh Michigan
nfantry. He settled at Juniata in 1 71.
-Sensational Developments in n New
York Murder Case.
NEW YOUK , Oct. 21. Francisco Intta ,
Natalo Sabatane and Guisoppo Cunl/nro ,
vho have been occupying cells in the Tombs
on suspicion of being concerned in the mys-
erious murder of Antonla Flaccnuio , near
Cooper Union , have all made confessions to
nspector Byrnes. Fliiccimio was marked
out for death for some time. He belonged
known the ' 'Malllc.1 H
o a society as pun-
shes by death any member who divulges its
secrets or gives information to the police
concerning the identity of its members who
lave violated the laws of the latul. Flue-
eimio had done both , and knew ho was to
He. He arranged with his sou to carry on
lis business in case of his sudden disappear
ance. On Sunday , October 14 , ho was en-
: iced into the Italian restaurant nt No. 8 St.
Mark's ' place , and a game of cards was
made the grounds for a quarrel between
turn and Carlo Quartenaro. The three men
Imprisoned ROW swear that they saw Carlo
and Vincenzo ( Juartcnaro lollow Flacclmio
Into the street. Francisco Inttii says he ac
companied Flaccimio and that ho sought to
prevent the murder. Vincenzo made a lunge
at Flaccimio and latta dashed him aside.
Carlo then Jumped forward and plunged n
dirk into Flaccimm's breast. There were al
together nine Italians on the scene , and all ,
with the exception of Carlo , returned to the
restaurant and took an oath of secrecy. Inspector
specter Byrnes says that several reputable
Sicilians have to belong to the "Manic" as a
matter of protection to themselves. The
police expect to have the murderer and his
brothers under arrest soon.
Ho Scorun the ( reatc t Number or
I'ointH at the Sprinting Mcutin .
Sr. Loris. Oct. 21 The tlrst professional
championship sprinting meeting ever held in
this country took place hero this afternoon
under the auspices of the Professional
Athletic Association of America , The moot
ing was to scttlo disputes regarding the real
championship , and hereafter no sprinter in
the United States or Canada will bo recog
nized as champion unless ho wins the title
under the rules of this association. The
fastest men in the country participated ,
including H. M. Johnson , of St. Louis ;
Leon Lozier , Chicago ; James Quirk ,
Brantford , Ojit. : Harry Bethune. Cornwall ,
Out. ; .lames Collins , Hdgerton , Wis. ; Frank
Whitney , Nebraska ; C. F. Gibson , Dceatur ,
111. ; J. C. Hyan , San Francisco , nnd W. C.
Bryan , Sioux City , la. Tlio track was very
muddy and the tnno u tritle slow , but no race
was won by more than six inches. The re
sult was as follows :
Kilty yards H. M. Johnson ; time , 5 2-o
and 5 } seconds.
Soventy-ilvo yards Harry Bethune ; time ,
73-"i seconds.
One hundred yards Harry Bethune ; time ,
10 seconds.
Ono hundred and twenty yards James
Quirk ; time , 18 seconds.
Bethunu having scored the greatest num
ber of points is the champion.
An Unfortunate Woman Murdered Hy
Her Paramour.
DCNVKII , Colo. , Oct. 21. [ Special Telegram
to TIIK BEE. ] Whisky nnd illicit love was
the cause of a tragedy hero late this after
noon which resulted in the life of "tho
woman in the case. " For some time Charles
Wright , a barbar , and a man named Guy
Hawes have Jointly been sharing the affec
tions of Nelllo Butler. Wright this after
noon filled up on Hlnko street whisky , armed
himself with a revolver and a long knife ami
went to the woman's rooms on Twenty-third
and Champa streets and accused her of being
unfaithful to him. A quarrel resulted during
which Wright stabbed her in the throat
several times and loft her lying
on the floor for dead. She re
covered three hours afterward and crawled
into the hull covered with blood and aroused
the landlady and was taken to her mother's
house in another part of the city , where she
lived only long enough to tell who her mur
derer was. Wright was arrested late to
night and locked up in the city Jail. Guy ,
the man of whom Wright was jealous , four
years ago was accused of assassinating the
husband of Nelllo Butler one night in his
own door yard in order that he might have a
better opportunity to carry on his liasons
with the woman. The Jury failed to convict
him , but ho was subsequently sent to the
penitentiary for forgery and secured his
liberty through a technicality.
John 1C raft of Grand Island Mysteri
ously Disappears In Omaha.
Several days ago John Kraft , a well known
resident of Grand Island , Noli. , came to this
city nnd was the guest of Krup Hros. ,
brewers. Saturday night , about 10 o'clock ,
ho entered Krug's saloon , on Tenth and Jackson -
son streets , and handed an attache of the
establishment his watch and chain , and also
a gold ring , remarking ntthe same time that
he "was tired of life and intended to drown
himself in the Missouri river. " Ho
requested that his valuables bo re
turned to his family at Grand Island.
Hut little attention was paid to the announce
ment , ns it was thought that Kraft , although
said to bo under the inlluenco of liquor at the
time , was only joking when he made the ex
pression. Heiiirich , the bartender , gave him
a dollar and requested him to retire for the
night and take a rest. Kraft left the room nnd
It was thought that ho had repaired to some
hotel for the night. Yesterday morning a
telegram was received from his wife at
Grand Island inquiring about her husband.
A search was at once instituted ubout
the various hotels , but in no
instance could his name be found upon the
register. His friends scoured the city until
every imaginable place , where ho might
have frequented , had been visited , but no
trace ot the missing man could be revealed ,
Finally the remarks which ho mauo the
evening before concerning his intended sui
cide led them to believe that he had carried
out hU evident Intentions. Shortly after the
noon hour elapsed yesterday the police re
ceived notlco concerning the affair.
The hotels were again visited ,
but with an unsatisfactory result
as before. Inquiry at the depots resulted In
the information that no individual of Kraft's
description had been seen. Officers wcro de
tailed to skirmish along the river , but the
search was devoid of revelation. Up to a
late hour last night , although an untiring
search had been kept up by friends of the ab
sentee and the police , no Clue had been as
certained , and it is generally thought that ho
has succeeded In carrying out his rash de
termination in suiciding by drowning.
Mr. Kraft is described us being about
forty-five years of age , of medium height ,
heavy build , dark hair and dark moustache ,
Ho was well dressed when last seen in the
saloon on Tenth street. It la stated that he
is comfortably located , financially , but at
times ho would becoma despondent , and
while In this state Imagined hlmsolf a pauper ,
He has a wife and several children residing
in Grand Island , and should no trace of him
bo found by this morning , they will bo noti <
fled. The entire transaction has been kept :
iccrct both by bis friends and the police.
Mine. CrlHpl Recognized An Italian
Paper's Comments on the Mmperor.
| roij/rcjfct | ( ISSSlvJtimt * Hont'iit ' Jlrlinrll.1
KOMI : , Oct. 21. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tni : BDI : . l-Tho visit of Count
Herbert Uismarck to Mine. Crisp ! , and the
Invitation extended in the nauio of Princess
Bismarck to all the Crisp ! family to visit the
chancellor in Berlin , cause much comment.
It is well knovvn hero that Mine. Cnspl has
hitherto been entirely ignored In diplomatic
nnd court circles. This invitation is cited to
show how nrm the Crlsplno-Bismarckian
partnership has become.
The Italian papers are filled with amusing
details and anecdotes about the German em
peror and his visit to Home. "William II. , "
says the Capitalu Fraeassa , "when riding in
his carnage , and especially when ho wears
the red uniform of the hussars , Is very insig
nificant looking. His legs are too long
for his body , so that when seated ho
seems even lower than ho really is ,
when standing , especially when he
wears the white uniform of the
cuirassirs. When speaking he becomes
animated and better looking. The emperor ,
during his visit to Home , suffered from violent
lent headaches. Perhaps this was owing to
the fatiguing Journey ho undertook. On
Saturday morning he had such violent head
aches that for seine time ho was undecided
Whether to go to the review or not. The em-
icror tires himself by his constant activity.
le eats very little and seldom drinks wine ,
iut he drinks enormous quantities of tea and
nn inveterate cigarette smoker. Ho
mokes at meals between the dinner courses.
lo smokes a peculiar brand of Hamburg
igarettes which nt first seem mild and do-
Icious but which contain a considerable
mount of opium , which in the long run
must be very injurious. "
nt Zanzibar.
Oct. 21. | Special Cablegram to
Tin : Hir.J : The British company has been
lUceessfully started and has conciliated all
lasses of the natives. Dr. Meyer and Bau-
nann have arrived here safely from Pan-
gaui , where they wcro chained , stripped and
logged and made to work as slaves till the
Iritish Indians ransomed them. Count
Talelu hub arrived ut Tnvota , on his way to
Zanzibar. Oscar Lenz , the explorer , cx-
: iresbcs the same opinion as Lieutenant Wiss-
nan regarding the whereabouts of Stanley ,
namely , that ho has joined ISinin Bey.
Parachute Baldwin's Perilous Leap
in Iioiulon.
LONDON , Oct. 21. A World Cable says :
Baldwin bid farewell to the British public
yesterday without breaking his neck in the
ircscnco of 10,000 people. His balloon darted
upward with immense velocity. After a
apse of about a minute it was n mile from
earth. Still it continued to go upwards for
nearly a minute longer , until the adventurer
suspended from it appeared to the naked eye
but a tiny object , He seemed to bo disen
gaging some cords with ono. leg. Then ho
dropped. There was n moment of breathless
suspense. Baldwin was seen descending
earthward with the parachute Happing above
him , but after falling rapidly a considerable
distance the huge umbrella gradually ex
pandcd and tlio aeronaut struck ground
safely. An aneroid barometer which ho car
ried with him had registered u height of 0,100
feet. He was nine and a quarter minutes
descending. Personally Baldwin has not
made much money'by his perilous perform
ances. Ho will go to the south of France
next week under better contracts. Ho will
come back here in the spring.
The Now Transcontinental.
SVI.T LAKE , Utah , Oct. 21. The Salt L-iko
Valley & Eastern Wyoming and the Eastern
fc. Nebraska and Western railway companies
have just completed the filing of mortgages
in the various counties of Utah , Wyoming
and Nebraska , through which the re
spective lines pass. Thcso mortgages
are to the Manhattan Trust company
of New York , and provide for the
issuance of bonds limited to $ 'M,000 per mile.
The lines of those companies constitute a
through route from the Missouri river at
Sioux City to Salt Lake City. The syndicate
backing the roads propose to complete the
cntiro line ol 9GO miles within the next two
years. This will make the shortest trans
continental route.
Shot HiH Wife. , Ind. , Oct. 21. This evening
Victor Hill went to the house of nis father-
in-law , X.itnri Moffett , where his wife , who was
not living with him , was staying. Ho asked
to see his baby , and when his wife refused
drew a pistol and shot Ximrl Moffctt nnd
Mrs. U'arrcn Harper , inflicting- slight wounds.
Then ho shot his wife through the breast ,
killing her instantly. After this he fled to
the woods. Mrs. Warren Harper took a
musket and fired at him without effect. Hun
dreds of armed men are pursuing him.
New York Socialist Nominations.
Nnw YOKI : , Oct. 21. The socialists in con
vention to-day made national , state and mu
nicipal nominations. They did not name a
president or vice president , but nominated
presidential electors. Edward J. Hall , a
machinist , was nominated for governor ;
Christian Pattbure , a saloonkeeper of Brook
lyn , for lieutenant governor ; Dr. Franz
Gerau for judge of the court of appeals , and
Alexander Jones , an editor , for mayor. Tney
also nominated candidates for congressmen ,
nssemblyuicn and for minor municipal
Thn Yellow fever.
JACKSONVILLE , Kin. , Oct. 21. The last two
days have witnessed a decided increase in
the number of new cases , nud to-day the
death record is not very encouraging. Dr.
Neal Mitchell , president of the board of
health , reports 27 new cases up to 0 p. in. to
day : deaths , 4 ; total cases to date , y,7'JG ;
total deaths , 'Ml.
Arrested For Murder.
MOUNT CAHMEL , 111. , Oct. 21. The sheriff
arrested to-day , at Oakland City , John and
James Sinclair , who are supposed to have fatally -
tally beaten and robbed John Hachanbcrgcr ,
a prominent citizen of Kvansvllle.
Dropped HOO 1'
Liunvn.i.E , Colo. , Oct. 21. J. H. Kerry-
man and John Flidell were instantly killed
this afternoon In the shaft of the Wolfctone
mine , the cable parting and letting them drop
bOO feet.
The Wnathcr Indications.
For Nebraska and Dakota : Snow or rain ,
warmer , northwesterly winds.
For Iowa ; Light rain or snow , warmer ,
easterly winds.
DiifTerln'a Now Titles.
LONDON , Oct. 21. His officially announced
that Lord Duffcriu has received the titles of
Marquis of Dufferin and Ava and Earl of
Walnut III1I Kiro Protection.
There will bo a meeting of the citizens of
Walnut Hill , Poppleton Park , Orchard Hill
and adjoining districts at Hcrtzinann's ball ,
corner of Eureka and Cuuilng streets ,
this evening at 8 o'clock for the purpose of
devising tbo best means for nre protection to
that portion of the city , and to hear the re
port of the commlltwi appointed for that pur
pose. All property owners and residents of
said district arc respectfully invited to at *
A Pitlnblo Stnto of Affaire la tha ?
Corporation Oniup.
The Itepnhllcan llnnlm Dally
mentod Ily Hundreds Who Hate (
liccomu tVeary of Monopoly 4
Hnwkeyo Politics. ' ,
DK * MOINKS , la. , Oct. 21. [ Special to TUB
Htn. : | The democratic party of Iowa is in
deed in a pitiable condition. The disgraceful ,
" " with the railroads
"tie-up" disgusted thou
sands of its more decent members and drove *
hundreds of others over into the republican
ranks , and now , on the eve of election , the
immaculate chairman of its state committee ,
Hon. Edwin H. Hunter , is eonclusl\oly
proven to bo a defaulter. Five years ago
Mr. Hunter rode Into the office of treasurer
of Adams county on the wave of reform , aud
by the active assistance of the Chicago , Bur
lington .t Qtiincy railroad , in whoso employ >
he then was , and held the olllco until last I
January. The board of supervisors have |
since been running over his accounts and i |
find that Mr. Hunter , the treasurer , had - ,
been paying Mr. Hunter , the individual , sundry - ,
dry Illegal lees and forgetting to credit sun"i "
dry amounts of taxes footing uy in tno aggregate - ?
gate to some SIMX ) . This amount the district
court has decided Mr. Hunter must return ,
ind the chairman of the democratic central ,
ommlttee will probably have to stop howl-
ng about the robberies of the protectl\o
arift long enough to draw a check suf- '
Iciently largo to liquidate the bill. Whether '
riminal proceedings will be commenced' '
igainst li'in is uncertain , but at any rate ho
vill have moro use for the corporation 1
loodle ho is huudlin ? than he at first imng- j
tied. One of Mr. Hunter's "vouchers" IB i
eally amusing. Hepraciouslyallows ICdwin j
H. Hunter the small item of $ 'tf > 0d for col- j
ecling sundry back taxes , and .signs the receipt - '
ceipt Edwin II. Huiuer , treasuier ( ' ) In j
uldition to the grief experienced from this J
ittle episode , Mr. llun'er's ' democratic j
friends in his own county have just sat down |
ipon his pjt condidatcs for railroad com- J
iilsslonors with a "dti'l ' thud , " by adopting t
resolutions at their cuiinty convention ro- (
mdiating the railroad combine and endorsing' ,
: ho work of the present board. This meant t
it least M'O democratic votes for the republl- ' '
can candidates in Adams county. !
The Indiuuoln Advocate Tribune , the dem
ocratic paper of Warren county , has klcitcd ]
over the traces and refused to follow the
bosses into the corporation camp. It vigor
ously opposes Wills for railroad commit *
sloner , and savagely denounces the tactics o ?
the state committee. The delcat of Wills by >
an overwhelming majority is now conceded
and it is even whispered that a proposition
has been made by members of the central
committee to withdraw his name from tha
Ilubbard , of the Northwestern , Is
skirmishing around quite lively , buttheturij \
of affairs nas badly disconcerted oven this j
veteran lobbyist. The Scandinavian ulomont
repudiated Lund , and the union labor party
has dropped Wills , and now the anti-monop
olists whom lie depended on to support Doy ,
together with the independent nre of the
state , nro repudiating the whole combination.
C'ommissionor Dey is without doubt th'o
strongest , as well as the ablest , corporation - i
poration candidate on the ticket. Silica k
he was "smoked out" It has boon \
conclusively proven that ho has not n par- *
tlclc of sympathy for the people In this fight , ,
and has bcen-giving aid and comfort to tha i
railroads all along by secretly furnishing -
them with rate sheets in advance and notifying -
ing them of the probable action of the com
mission. The few misguided members of tha
Farmers' alliance who endorsed Doy , alontf
with the other commissioners , are fast dint
covering that they made n mistake in this )
and by election day even many democratic !
alliance men will bo convinced that their In
terest as farmers will bo best subserved by
the election of all three of the republican
Till" CWI'UON.
The republican party are wakening up at
last in eood shape and putting effectIvq f.
speakers in the field in every congressional
district. In northwestern Iowa the cause lif
booming , and a big majority is confidently'
expected. The democrats nro making her
culean efforts to defeat Hon. J. II Sweeney
in the Fourth district , which comprises - *
prises the northeastern corner of the state , *
and are making a desperate bid for the Scan
dinavian vote. Prof. Keipic , their candidate ,
belongs to that nationality , and has always
been a republican until recently , when ho
took exceptions to the tariff plank In tha
Chicago platform nnd cast his lot with tin
democrats. Colonel Sweeney is finding loyal
bupport among the farmers of his district. \
As state senator ho has stood unflinchingly \
by their interests. Ho drafted the bill com
pelling foreign corporations to incorporate in i
this state and was a staunch supporter of tha }
most advanced railroad legislation. Ho was
chairman of the senate railway committco
in the hist legislature , and favored both the j
two cent faro nnd the maximum tariff bills. j
With such a record to sustain him , Sweeney's j
election by a good , niiiiid mujor.ty is a moral
certainty. His duff ntbj the farmers would
bo the basest ingratitude. *
THR 'inSTII I'ONT.URfMIONAI , r.i"i. . < . , '
The political campaign In the Tenth dis- j
trici is attracting wide attention throughout I.
the state. The democrats profess to believe J
thatthe\ rundown Dollivcr and overcomu ilia j
4.000 majority rolled up for the lepublieun '
ticket two years ago. Mr. Dolliver is only j
about thirty years of ago and he crowded out
several older men In the race for the nomina
tion , and no doubt they nro disgruntled and
would like to knife the able and eloijuent
young lawyer If they onlv dared. The drm-
ocraU had an opportunity to make it warm
for Dolllver , but they deliberately threw
it away. The district Is largely under
the mllucnco of tlio alliance , und had tha
democrats nominated I Inn. J. L. Woods , of
Webster , a well known and popular farmer , <
ho would have received the bulk of that voto.
Hut Woods was u member of the last leifis- |
laturo and had voted for the most radical
railroad legislation. Consequently he did
not suit lioss Duncombe , of the Illinois Central - i
tral , who insisted upon having u candidate |
who could make speeches. Hy the meanest '
sort of trickery Woods was cheated out o I J
his nomination , and Captain .1. A O. Yeoman - j
man , of Fort Dodge , a railroad lawyer of i
some ability , was named for the [ > osltion
Yeoman tackled Dolllver for n scries of joint '
debates , and tlio campaign in that district la i
decidedly brce/y.
Dollivcr can captivate an audience by his
matcriless epigrams , his witty comparisons
and his exhaustlcss fund of humor , and ul- ' ,
though Yeoman is a veteran on the stump , ,
ho Is not making any votes for either him
self or his party. Uollivor's majority will
hardly bo less than live thousand , unless tha
disappointment of his opponents in thn con
vention , who are still Bulking in their tents ,
culminates in open treachery.
The Scandanavlans in this district , of
whom there are not n few , arc standing loy
ally by the republican ticket. HEX.
SnldicrH Mnrdor Tholr Guards.
ST. Louis , Oct. 21. Two soldiers at Jeffer
son barracks , under arrest for desertion , es
caped last night after making a deadly as
sault on Sentries Welsh und Kennedy. Tha
deserters were Thomas Lynch and a recruit
named McCurdy. Sentry Kennedy was cul
down with nn axe in the hands of Lynch ,
while McCurdy beat Welsh into insensibility
with the butt of a revolver ho had taken
away from the bcntry. The men will die.
nosTON , Oct. -Special [ Telegram to
TiiBflKE.1 Mls Elizabeth Stuart IMielps ,
authoress and poetess , was married very qui
etly yesterday afternoon at Gloucester , to
Kcv Dr. Herbert D. Ward , who Is connected
with the Now York Independent. The core-
inon.v took place as Miss ( 'helps' summer cou
tag" and was performed by her brother ,
Prof. Austm Pliclps , of Ar.dover ,