Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1888, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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OFKIOi : . NO 11 ! PKAItl * b'lUKIiT.
JJcllvtrccUircarrier In Any I'ntt of thoCltya
'IwintyCcnts 1'ciiek. .
Hit lM < .f < Orm r No. 41.
N. V. Plumbing company.
Only f lO.Tout Cliiipniiin's nrt store.
The Catholic l.ullos' b.uanr opt-ns to mor
row evening
nif'jjnnt ovoreoatlnfri at A. Heller's ,
mcrclmnl tailor , HIHroiulvsay. .
Hoht hard mid soft ( ( ml urnl MisMniri
\voml. C. I1 . Mtiyno , ( ill ) 15roid\\i\ : ! ,
The coal collar at the irovr-iiiincnt building
\villbo completed to moriow and thu slUu-
wiilk rclnld Tuesday.
Coniri i ssnian Joseph Ionian will rcsuino
hi-i law practlio hero Hois llttlug up loom
fi , I ! row 11 building , for hit use.
AtthP Knmil rc'imbllriin r.illi In tills c-itv
( ill the 4J."ith lust , Si'ti.itor Allison , of this
htnto will bo onu ot the prlnclp il spu.iUcrs.
Council HlufTs Citj llrcitoionUolpfWl ;
West Hrouilviay , telephone ! i ( l. U .S IJI
rcctorj Co , publishits. ItufuiciiLC , Citi/cns
State bunk.
Hov Ir Cooley , of this city , will prc.irh at
the recognition services of Kov Uanirl Uotl
t'ors. pastor of tlto South Uinnh.i U.iptKt
rhun h , at 'J 45 o'tlodj this afternoon in thu
Jotter city
Tliosolio smiled so knnvvinplv ns thej
cliinci'ii lit the Lollti lion of boiios in TUB
Ilri. windows i c'c-ontli m.iv loam something
In reading the opinion ol 1'rol. Todd In an
other column ,
The funeral of HnUmblo took nlieo nt 10
n'i luck icstenlai morning finin tinleiidonco
of Ins parents , LOIIICI of Twuitiet stuet and
A \LIIIIU A. Uhc1 iLinamstiu InU'itcil in
Onrner lurnetuii
The \Vomans' ' Ctmstlin association \\ill
inti t with Mm L M Koss , on Willou uvo
line at. ) o'l lui k to motion uUi'riioon All
members of comm'ttecs uio uigentli rc >
quested to bo piesent
Yesterduj's boo/ors VVOIT assessed as fol
lows .lames Ti.icoSS.10 \ , 1' Tumble ,
810. 'Ihocasesof Miihlon Mroun , ( } P
Kimmc'l , Hiitelk' , U A. Molt and J
Kttinger wcio continued.
A canvass of the eitv is bcltn ; inado for
the purpose of prep.irlng u new diivetori
This Is .1 need that should bo met \ \ ith the
many recent chants , uul .uklltions , .mil with
the vvoitliluss dnoutor\ last published , thH
i it.IH . practlcalU without ; ui.\ . A KOOI ! ui-
itrtor.v , such as this company pionnsis pub
Hshliiff , shuuid be heartilj uni om.igcd.
The invitations for the bridge ; culi'bi.ition
will bo In readiness to morioiv , and all sub
f-eribcrs who deslte to send out some of
them aie ruiiiustcil to tail at the board of
tr.uloiootiis toinonow afternoon Soveul
parties \\lio h.ivo tofuseil to guo a cent
toward thu celebiation have shown themselves
solves loadv to send out imitations , but
these have been icservcd for actual sub
M-riDcrs If llieio aio moio than enough for
subset Ibe/is others \\ill tln-n bo given a
ehan.o. | Tliu invitations aioeiy hnnd * > emu
and will bo gi catlj tieisuicd as souvenirs.
There weio Itirpo atuhoiKcs at Ooe.inj's
jesteidav , both afternoon and evonmn , to
see "A ( . 'old Daj , " one of the most laughable
omedies on the bo.uds It is voij similar to
"Two Old ( . 'ronies , " in fact the latter plais
taken bodilv Irom the loimei Kor this
reason the plai last evening seemed a little
ilull , folloum-r as it did direitlv on the libels
of the othei one. The ehaiatteis aio well
taken , anil the singing and daneing aic ml
to bo excelled. Tlie dcibeivcs c\
lellent pitronage , and will : ilu.i\9 oo wel
coined in this c-iti.
See W. C. Stuoj 's nil.
Woilo not Inti'ml to Indorse any exretit aitl-
iiurit. but we tukq pleasnro In ii
to tile " ( liiilfiml htoveM ami ItmiKesvhosi >
Miperlorlty is too well tstabllsJmd to bo called
In question , 'llioy nrcbi'lluvcil to be inimiunliMl
ov any In tlici woild. fciotil exclusively by 1' . C ,
Ue Vol.
Sco t'oricbt Smith's special column.
1'ut a 1'uir Here !
And then remember what I s.iy. I can
soil \ou lots that will double your money
in bixty ilii s. J. G. TuuoN.
Tlio Heuord Broken.
Twoho locations with trackage on
First avenue sold in onueolc , and all
to actual occupants. Not a speculator
in the lot but all will occupy with blocks
of warehouses. How is that for a
BtartorV Still there' * more to follow.
If you want propoity here at first hands
\ouinustbuj now. A day's delay may
lose you hundreds of ilolhus.
UliNbOX < fc SlIKrilEltl ) ,
Masonic Tomplo.
B. II. Shcafe loans money on chattel
ticcurity of every description. Private
consulting' rooms. All business strictly
confidental. Olhco r > 00 Broadway , cor
ner Main slreot , up-stairs.
I'crHoiml 1'ainur.iplifl.
George Keehne and wife left for the cast
last evening.
Judge H. K. Dcemer , of Hed Oak , was In
the city jesteidav and attended the meeting
at. Masonic tumplo lull to hear Hon. Tom
Dr. I ) . II. Coolcy will leave for Ottumwa
Tuesday morning to attend the Iowa Haptist
convention , which meets in that city Tues
day evening.
Fred Keller , a well known bookkeeper of
this city , loft Tuday evening for i'ucblo ,
Col. , wbeio ho has an inteiest in some mines.
Ho intends to locate in that vicimtj.
Mr. Walter J.uvis , private stenognphor
of Mr I'eikins of the Chicago , Miirlington &
( Jumcy railway company , is the guest of Mr.
It. U. I'ollok , at 1001 bc\onUi a\cnue.
Have our wa on call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Fresh California c.mucil tfcoils at Tib-
bitt'ti , ! 545 Hioudway.
Dr. C. G. Ila/.en , dcnti t , opera , house
Morohoubo & Co. , blank book manu
facturers. _
Rook Spring co.xl , Glcason , iO Peail
For bargains in est.xto in any
part o ( the city see P. J. Day , the lead
ing real estate ) de.iler.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies , or aio thing
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark it Co. , oflico cor. Broadway
nnd Main , over American express.
E. II. Sheafo ft Co. , make long or
short time loans on real estate , in sums
to bull , nt lowest rate of interest. Ofiieo
flroadway and Main street , upstairs.
Boots , shoes. Kinnehan's , 320 B'way.
Miss Rohso's studio over Sargent &
Evans' shoe store. Lessons in painting
or pastel 75c each. Private lessons
12.00. _
The finish on our collars , culls nnd
Bhirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade
Laundry Co.
The Cntholio Indies' fnir will open in
Mnsouic Temple to-morrow. The dis
play of beautiful things will bo large ,
nnd attractive programmes will bo pre
sented each evening during the week.
Thursday nnd Saturday nro "UabyV
P. J. Day will open his now branch
ofllco on lower Broadway tomorrow
Monday , morning , W. H. MeCrary in
charge. All property listed at hie up *
town office will also be on sale at the
Broadxvty oOlco.
A Lonriiod Opinion on the Rocoutly
Diocovorod Fossils.
The Puliilt I'lioincs To-ilny A News-
impelt'lulcr I ho Hammer -The
Due Prom ( lie Skipping
Wells Com Inn Uncos.
The public school museum Is Indebted to
innnv fiionus for v.iluablo piosents from
timu to time. It now contains iilnut four
liumlicd specimens of n.itivo Uinls mid
twenty small mimmils , nnd abjut the same
number of icptilc * * , o\erono liundicd sea
shells , over ono hiindrcil f'eolOKic..d spool
mons , consislinijof IOL-US , poinfacUoiis , ,
fossils , clo.
Uuiing the ( ) ist s\immer \ It Ins loc-cived
fiom Vic Keller , A. A. I'.usons , il.V J'll
ton nndV. . H ( Jepson , of this city , and Hith-
aid XV'.ud , of Mooiiur , Iho fossds drxonb'd
In the follow mi , ' letter from Or. J. li Todd ,
ptofessor of si iein.cs in Tabor col
IcBoand assistant United St lies i'oloiilbt for
Iowa , N'eorasUa und Diliota. Thusu fossils
aroof c'onsldeiablu local und gc-neial Intet-
est. SnperintendcMit McNaiiffhton uishcs to
th.tnk the Koiitlumcn nameil ubovu for then
liimlncss ami timely assistance in prutming
these \aluablu spoi Inic'in for the museum
and linmsuing u hlsturi and classidc ilion of
the s.iine.
"The specimens 1 itoli diseoveieil in the
Kiavel neat llenton's station , winch I had
the i leasmo of examining inour iiuiscum ,
uroith little doubt tei til of tlio Aineiiian
Mammoth , und of a kind of hoi so not clllTer
iiir ( tiie.itly fiom living horses. 1 he three
lari"e teeth .11 o tho'-o of Ainericanus ,
wlnc'h veu i loscly lesemblud pn
ini cniui , thu mimmoth of the eastein cimti
nrnt. Some considoi tliem.iiietlo - . nf the
same snecies A feu specimens of the latter
Ihuu been found m Siberia with the flesh
anil all ipiltocll im crvcd , fio/cn in mud
und Ice It uas ail ipted to a cold climate bv
a lluclc covciiiiB of IOIIK wool and hair , nnd
nlso bits IIIIKO bulk It was about IXMCO
tlio bulk of motlcin elephants One of the
specimens found measuied over sixteen fo"t
Irom the loot of the tusks to the end of the
tail , nnd nine feet Tour inches In height
The tusks \\oio ovei \\ulvo feet In length
It is kno'.vn that it was contemporaneous
with man fiom the fact that Hide diawings
of il have been found in the ca\es of Piance
Tlie tusk of ono was found a few ic-ais since
ut MaUein , In , and is now in the m isoiim
of Tabor college , with sevci.ileitebia nnd
oilier bones apparently liom tlio same ant
" The tusk is over ei ht im hos in dintnctcr
The l.une bone in jour collodion niilalucd
from Hoomer township is the libiuor slim
bone ofeiy likelj , the same kind of aui
mal. Thev seem to have been moteiomnion
in this legion than the mastodnn , ulnch uas
el'-phant ' like , but had quite dilTeient teeth
"The three teeth in a poi lion of n jaw aio
the three fi out molnis , or pro mol. us , in the
lower jaw of a hoiseeii llico the lommon
species It is a icmaikable fuel that a hoi so
almost , if not quite , indistinguishable liom
tl.o common one existed in Noith
in recent u < oloie time , nlthoub'h iiiinooio
found heio bylnto men , and tlie natne
riccsbcuin to have hid no tiaditions con
cerning such an animal.
"After examining jour specimens I pro
ceeded to examine the locniitj \\heie llioy
\\oro found. I fortunately found Mr. A A.
I'aisons nt the plate and he veij accommo-
dntlimta took piins to show \\lieiound
bow ttiey weio deposited in the giavel 'J hey
\\ero .ill found \\ilhiii a few foot of Iho bottom
tom of the gravel m the westein side of the
blulls. llfteen to twenty feet above the bottom
tom land , twenty-live to thirty feet below tlio
top of thu and about 'J-JU fcut below the
top of the blufl east. They maj have been
from ten to foity feet below the surface , ac
cording lo Iho location , but that noes not sig
nify. 'J'hey were olearly deposited with the
Kiavcls at the bottom of the Missouri when it
was lltming at a higher level , or , as
is most likely , it was a current in a
lake like expansion of the stream some\v hat
bko Lake Pepin. They uro all somewhat
woin , indicating that their owners had then
been some time dead. Since they neic de
posited eighty feet of gravel and sand , and
over two humtied feet of jellow loam , the
main constituent of the piesont blutfs , have
been biought and laid down o , 'or them by
Ihe waleis. When the loam was depositing
positing the lake must have covered all west-
em Iowa and eastern Nebranka. The Mis-
bouii , Hlg Sioux , and other large stieams ,
were sv\ ellen to mighty i h ers indeed by the
melting of the gi eat glaciers which tilled
the Minnesota and DCS Monies vnllejs , and
the James ilver valley , making them lesem-
blo the interior of Oiccnland of the present
day. IJesidet. these Hoods from thonoitli
and east , the nikhorn , 1'latto , etc , wcie
swollen with the gieat i.iins which urouably
deluged the Hockv Mountains and the plains
at that time. Nor docs tins account for
more than half the time since these teeth
weio munching the vegetation upon those plains. The gieat Lake Mibbouri was
in time drained , the ice sheet gradually with
drew to its northei n homo and disappeared ,
and the Missouii dwindled to neatly its pies-
cnt si/o and begun the task of excavating the
valley lilU to 00 feet deep , nnd from live to
lifleen miles wide , whicli now forms f-o im
portant .1 featuie of our landscape , anu has ayilcultufil , unO po
lltu al value.
It is lo bo honed that due diligence may bo
exeieised by some one upon the giound to
save all specimens of tills soil which may bo
une.iilhed , and sco that they nic placed in
join museum vvheio they majbo piescrved
and btudieu. llj' so doing valuable and pei-
h.ilib cntlicly new light may bethiownon
the life and con litmus of tune long yono
by Hoping that the sum of human knnwl
cilro and enjoj ment may be so met eased. "
Sec Forrest Smith's special column.
Wo have no competitors in finishing
coll. us , culls and him U. Cascade Laun
dry Co. _
The "Woman'b Christian a o
will meet with Mr-j. Uoss , on Willow
avenue , Monday evening , at ! 5 o' < loelc.
All mcnibufi of cominitlcub arc
especially roijucslcd lo bo picsunt.
Her lined.
The locuption tendered tl - Hon. Thomas
H Heed jesteiday was n compliment nliko to
htm nnd n credit to the people of Council
lilull's. It demonstrated tlio fact , if demon-
siiatlon wore needed , thnt as "Jim Hlainu"
has n vvaim place in the hcaits of the Amer
ican people , so has "big boartcd Tom Heed "
It ran bo truthfully suld that no speaker ad
dressing himself to puielv political iinrstions
has ever in Couiidt lilulTs stood before an
iiuilionco representing in a ci eater dcgieo
the intelligence of American citizenship
.Masonic temple was tilled. Fully one half
the audience were ladles , neforo the hour
set for the addicss there was not u vacant
seat in thn hall. A detachment of the Young
Men's Republican club was detailed to escort
Mr Heed fiom thoiesidcnceof Mr. I M.'l'iey
nor , whoso guest Mr. HoeJ was dm ing Ins
stay in the city At " .3D the escort entered
hall , and AS Mr Heed advanced to thu plat-
foim round after round of applause gieetcd
him. Upon tlio platform were the Hon.
Joseph Lvinun , Colonel W. R Sapp , C. K.
Hurl and others. Just before the speaker
was Introduced the Hon. W. H. M , Pusoy
came into the hall and was escorted to the
platform amid a storm of applause.
AtS-ifltlioHon , C. M Hail called the ns-
semblago to ordoi and nominated Mr. L.vman
us chilli in.m of the meeting. Without
loiwthy piiifnco , simplv saying ho was clad
to bo at homo ngain , ho Introduced Mr.
Heed , who spoke for nearly an hour und a
half , conllning himself wholly to the ques
tion of the tut iff. The address was much en-
] < 0 cd by the undiem-e , and at Its rlosc a largo
number of Kcnllumen uiovvded to the front
and vvora Introduced to the speaker , After
these congratulations Mr. Heed was drivrn
to the Broadway depot , and at 4-n left for
Omaha , where he was to speak dining the
Illinois nnd Iowa beat soft coiil ,
Gletison , 20 Pearl stroot.
Guna nnd ammunition nt Odell &
Aryant's Uurdvvare and stove house.
Ilio Pulpit Polntdrs.
The fo lowing ncnoiineruiants are made of
rclltrious set vices in the several churches
riie Hcthanj Hnptist chuieh vvi'l hold It *
set vices as usual in the old "Hiblc nlono'1
met imp house , coiner of Hiuff and Story
stiuets , at 10 HO n. tn nnd 7 .10 p. in Special
attention is called to the < nct that the hour
for the Sunday s heel has been changed
fiom U m to < p m.
Hiotidwav M 1 church-I'lenebing bv the
pa tor , 1) C. I'ranklln , at 10 JU a in nnd 7 'W
p m Strangeis In the citj me coidlnllj in
v ited to these services Sunda.v school at Ivi
in Class meetings at 0 JO p m. in the leci
uie looms.
St Paul s church Uivlne services to dm
nttta m and < , lp ) m. Sundin sciiool ,
U lip in Young Men's Hible i lass , U 15
p in Set mon tonics , moniing , "The Shuiia
mite Woman ' llve'iiing seiinon. " 1 he Out
ast Woman.1 Young men and stiangeis
nhvajs cordiallj welcomed to these seivn es
T .1 Mai kav , lector
Congregational Pleaching tnoinng and
evening bv the pastor Moniing subject.
"Atheison and Hepubliiamsm , " suggested
by a recent mtnlc b.Pcre . Ilv.icinthe. of
Pans. l > vealng , "Once Only.1 A most
coidialvelenme extended to all
DIM can Haptist Chin oh Wo me now with
out n plat e to houl pleaching services Our
Sumlaj school will be held to daj at U
o cloik at the Tust luenue te-hool hou'-c , i or-
ncr of I'lftecnlh stieet
eng and goupel ' civno for jounp inon Die iMilms of Ihe Young Men's
Chnstian Association , inrner Ifioadwt.v und
Main sticets , .Snndaj at 4 o cluck p , in.
Kvci \ voung man is invited
'IIIP pastor of the Tnst Baptist church > vlll
pieaeli at 10 .10 a m and T W p in Siats
fiec bund.iN school at I" m Noting people
ple s meeting at i > ( On m in chapel Sun-
il ij evening "The 'Mvo Choices'1 All cor
dialh Invited
ScMVKCsat Ovciton mission this inoi n ng
nnd evening Cvcning biibjeet , "Toiment ol
the IJamncil "
St e1 Poric-l Smith's column.
1 have a largo list of lots in tJr.vant &
ChuU , I'orrv. LiGiiaou's first and oilier
Additions lonlinguous to the nu\y \ motor
line that 1 can bull at a liartrain.
J. Ci. Tll'lOV.
Morohouso & . Co. , - , 1 or U column
join mil- .
. Notice the beautiful finish ghon eol-
lars.ouflr > : ind slm Is by Cascade Laundry
coni.inj ] ) .
A NYutpapcr
At 10 o'clock jcsteidav moniing the pi on
erty of thelntci State Herald Punting com
; ) .iny was sold at shenft s sale to satisfj a
moitgage held bj Mrs W H Vanillin. The
mortgage was m the possession of the Liti
zons' Savings bank for some tune and was
sold to Mis. Vaughn , who piocccdcd to foie
close it. The piopeity was sold to W H
Vaughn , who bid it m fet Mis Vaughn. Mr.
Vaughn was scon in icgaid 10 the matter and
stated that for some time a p.ut ot tlie stoc k-
holders had refused to advance a cent to p.ij
any ol the debts ot the companj , leaving the
bin den to be home bj a few Another souic eel
ol tioublo and annoyance was the alliged
bleach of conti.ut of the I'nited Piessasso
ciatlon. Mi Vaughn stated that this associ.i
tion agieed to fiunisli the Heiald with exclu
sive repoits for this citv , but viol ited the
contru t and fuinishi d the same to the Cilobe
Hosaid astiit for > ll,0 ) M ) dam iges against the
United Pi ess association was contemplated
It is understood that the entno plant vv ill bo
moved to Omaha , vvheio the lleiald and the
Dailj Dcmociat , the paper iccentlv stalled
thcie by Mi Vaughn , will be consolidated ,
w ith the name of Democi at It is not stated
just when this change will tnke plate , but
piobibl.v in aveiyshoit time. Mi. Vaughn
owned a conti oiling inteiest in the paper be
fore the sate and now assumes entno eontiol ,
He states tint Mis Vaughn will ict.un the
present foito tlnoughout. When the change. .
is oflocted it is proposed to tun a Council
Hinffs bin can In connection w ith the paper.
Until that tune the papjr will continue as
Mrs. L. Simmons , dressmaker , 314 Broadway -
way , ovei Kiseman's , on electiic motor line.
Special advantages to Omaha ladies.
Loans made on city business and iesi-
dencc pioporty. Notes bought. Kim-
ball-Lhanip Investment company.
S. H. Wads\voith it Co. loan money.
Six per cent money on loal estate.
Low commi-sioiib. R J . D.i } , . " 9 1'eail
Contractor A\c-lls' l'n > Itoll.
The f i eight handlers iccentlj' in the cm-
ploy of Conti actor Wells at the tiansfer now
feel quite positive of getting the money due
them when their cmplo\er skipped out. The
Union Pacilio Hallway company has paid
$ r > ,0X ( ) to the coin t and Its ow nei ship w ill bo
dcteunmcd. The men have no doubts as to
the disposition that will be matte of it. This
sum will not satisfy their claim , which is
over $0,000 , but suit will bo brought against
the Douglas County bank to recover the le-
mauidcr. It is churned that Wells assumed
his contract to his son in law , Clav ton , who
turned it over to the bank , thus placing thu
bank in the position of cantiactors. The af
fair has caused the men many haidships , ns
the inonej- was duo thorn Just at the begin
ning of winter , and was counted on for the
puichasoof manv needed .11 tides. The men
have berne themselves loniaikably well un
der the circumstances and have taken no
action calculated to place them in an unfa
v 01 able light befoio the police. Ttiis is
laigelj1 due to the clfoits of local organi/ed
labor , which lias been instrumental in keep
ing the quiet. If this had not been the
case it is cK.iined that considei able pi opei t y
would have been destiojed.
The men say that this will put an end to
the contract business at the tiansfer for all
time , as an attempt to icnovv it would meet
vith the most , di'tei mined noppositiim. 'J hej
have had enough of it , as it has been a souuo
of constant annojance ever since it was liist
inaiiguiatcd. The men li ivo displaced a
great deal of paticnccMinder tlicso trjmg clt-
cumst.inecs , and their com so is lo bo com
mended. 'I hcjaio icpiesented by Mr
Chailes Ofiutt , of Oftntt fi English , of
Omaha Thu pleadings in the case weio
lllid 1'iiday afteinoon , and it is expected
that the mailer will bo tinally sctnled in a
few uaj s.
Morehouso it Co. , U. 1 ] , ledircr ? .
Wo have quite a number of bargains
in second hand and slightly damaged
pianos and organs , which we will lent
or soil cheap.
Mnii.iu : : Mrsic Co. ,
10,5 Main street.
What a Week WilJ Do.
Yesterday closed a week of the most
active business in real estate in Council
HlutTs. Since last Monday morning
twelve largo manufacturing establish
ments have been located on First ave
nue , and all within live blocks. Many
of these xvoro located in Twin City Place ,
anil nil of them on property adjoining
Benson's second addition. Twin City
Place will soon bo covered with haiul-
some cottages and large business blocks ,
and a future estimate on lois would bo
hard to make. Our advice is , buy now.
UE.NbON & Siui'niui : : ) ,
Masonic Temple. .
The Oomliit : llacc * .
There will be u lar e Hold of horse flesh
hei 9 to take part In the races on November
1,2 und 3. There will bo dyers fiom all
parts of Nebraska , Missouri and iowa. Sev
eral parties at Kansas City are coi respond
ing with the secretary In regard to the mat
ter , The railtoad companies have agreed to
carry passengers at one faro for the round
trip on the 30th and 31 of tins month to at
tend the bridge celebration and mammoth
lot sale , and an effort will bo mndo to have
the cut rates continued until the close of the
trotting meeting. The now bridge will bo
opened by that time , und it Is expected to
have the largest attendance of any races hero
this year.
For Rent Largo furnished front
room , with largo closet , 809 Sixth ave
Nice 5-rooni cottages , brick foundation , and
all necessary out-buildings.
Only ten minutes walk from the new motor
line. Near the
. UsJ I i p r
( Primaries.
I'linmiicstio \ held in the various waids
l.ut ev eiiing for the- pin nose of electing dele
gates to the township coin nation that meets
this week to nominate candidates for the of-
lices of Justice of the peace and township
constables. Tlio delegates elected wcie as
follows :
PnstWnid P H r.annelh , chaninan , II.
lliintinn'ton , secretary , delegates , S Covalt ,
I" II. Cu.inella , C \Vultcis I , K. Hunting
ton , J' . I.oplTcl , George Wickham , ( J. M.
MaMiam , U H. Hawlins.
Sctontl U'.utl ,1 L Tcmpli'ton , chaliman ;
W. I ) Khncr , secietarj , delegate- . , Hem j
Wacncr , .1. C. Di-IIaven. H. Meek , A.
Maiks , c ? . \ . Holmes. W. II Kncphcr ,
James \litliene , S 1) Kohicr , .1 .I.Stcwait ,
T O. ICing , J. K St.igg , P. T. Snow , , lohn
Thud \Vaul- Aithuripp , ; I'm
meti Tinlc-v , secrotniv. Delegates Arthur
/ipp , roicst Kiniiej , Kinmct 'J'mleIZtl
I'leice , James Weslej , 11. P. Connor , Anton
Unite , 1' . l.iu-v.
Pom \Vanl-.i. . f ! Tipton , chairman , O
A Hobuison , seciiH.uj Delegates A. T.
Kiwcll , X O linen , Ktl Sherlock , H. Hatton
hauei , John Schoentjcn , Jnc liacharacli , J
A. Clmi chill , Pat Swgcney/ K Mitchell ,
P A. Troutinan , 1) . A. Faiiell , F M Uault ,
M. M M.u shall A il
A di'inociatie club was oiirani ed in the
Ihiid vvaid , and will meet at Lii-j's hall , on
South Main stieetVcdnesd.iv evening , for
peiimuient organUation. '
Hy the
\Vo have had a most s'ucfcssful rush
during the past week. i hosiery , { , 'loves ,
corsets , underwear and handkerchiefs.
We will continue to oiler for the bal
ance of this week , "cbft'imencint , ' Mon-
da > , October 'Ji ! :
1200 doIndies' line fancy colored hose
at We a pair , reduced fio'm 50c.
150 do/ , extra line ladies' hose in
fancy and plain colors at ; ! 5c a pair , le-
duccd fiom Too.
11)0 ) decor ot& at 50c , i educed from
We will also oiler on special sale for
Monday , Oct. 22 , onlj , our cntiro stock
of odd lots in buttons at less than half
101) ) doladies' fine fur lined and ca&h-
meie ( , 'loves atU5c a pair , i educed fiom
50c and Toe.
x. u. xovii.ins : : xi\v. :
Call and oxaniino our now line ol
mosquitairob and imported kid fjloves.
We also call jour attention to the new
and attiaetivo no\i'Uies wo havcie-
coived in cloaks , which we oiler fully >
per cent cheaper than von can find else
where. You can find inferior goods ,
but V.OU can find none bolter than outs.
We pride ourselves on being the ac
knowledged loaders in styles and low
prices in our cloak and suitTdepnrtment.
Tlio public should not fail to call and be
convinced before puichiisingclsewheie.
Ho sum and call at
IlKN'UY lSKi\V ] | : ifc C'O.'S
People's Store ,
Nos. : > 1 1 , 31ij , ; ! 1S and : > : ! 0 Mioadway ,
Council Blulls , la.
I'rnpoNitN Wanted.
Scaled proposals w ill bo icceivod nt the
oflico of Henry Kisennn & Co 's 1'coplo's
Stoio for the put chase ot the building now
standing on the cast hall of the 1'neiHc house
piopeity. This includes the building known
as the "Hluo Pront , " coinmoncing with the
cast wall of said "Hlue Piont" and extend
ing west sixty-seven feet The buildings to
bo icmovcd vvithm twenty dajs from date
conti act is awarded.
Hnls will bo ifceivcd up to and opened on
Wednesday evening at s o'clock , October iil.
isss. Kaeh bid must be accompanied ba
good bond of2,000 { for the faithful pet form-
unco of the conti act.Vcicseivo the light
to icject anv or all bids. Copy of contract
can be scon Monday , Tuesday or Wednesday
atourolllco Hi MU KISLMAV \ , Co.
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & C'O.'H
loan ollico , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business btiictly couh-
J.G.Tipton has bargains in real estate.
General Heal Kstnte Business.
.1. G. Tiptou , the rcfal estate broker at
527 Broadway , does agencial leal eslato
business ; has bargains in acicago , va
cant lots , houses and kite and business
sites. 1I ( > points with pride to the fact
that out of the large nutntaor of sales ho
has made in the past , no , man has over
purchased property thiough his ngfiioy
that he has made money on.
lie does a strictly commission business
ness and handles not'hin'g but bargains.
The Itally on the -nth.
The Chicago A , Northwestern has arranged
for an excursion train for the republican rally
hero on the 25th. The time table is at ranged
ns follows : Dunlin ) 14.50 p m. , Woodbine
1'lfi , Logan l. : , Missouii Valley'J OJ , hove
land ! i 10 , Honey Creek a ' . " 5 , Cicsccnt J W ,
reaching Council lilutTrt at 3 00. The train
returning will not leave earlier than 10 : m p
m. The fill o will bo ono and onc-tl lid for
the round trip. Delegations of 100 or more
will be taken for one fare 'or the round trip.
Panama Democrats llnlly.
PVNAMA , la. , Oct. 'JO [ Special Telegram
to THE lite ] The democrats of this place
held a largo and enthusiastic meeting at this
town last evening , They were addieased bj
the Hon. W. H. Ware of Council muffs. Ho
spoke for about thro ) hours and held the
audience hpcllbound. The mooting was con
sidered one of the finest over held in this
part of the county.
SiipifMni1 Court Decision * .
li s MOIM s , la. , Oct. 'J ) - [ Special Tclc- to I'm Hi i ] The snpi cine com t Hied
the following decisions to daj
' ] lie Minnesota Stoncuaio compiny , ap
pellant , \s .1 T ICtmpp & C'o ; HlacUhawk
county. C P. Cown , judge ; alllrmcd
McCorimclt Hanesting Machine company ,
appellant , vs J. ( Jolwer ; Pottawattamle
count.v ; George U.uson , judge , rcveibcd.
J P. Osgood , appellant , vs ( O Sander
iV. Co et at , Linn countj ; J. 11. Pieston ,
judge , icveiscd.
W. P. Whalon vs ( Jnicago , Kock Island ft
I'ai'ilic railuaj comp.inv , appellant , Louise
countv ,1 1 { Jonns m judge , atllr ned
C. H P.ugo \ C i , appellantH , vs .1. H C.
Petcison it al , A L Peikms & Hiooks , np
pellant' ' , vs the same Jones eoiintj ; J. 11.
Pieston , .udgo , alllimcd ,
Sirlckrn uith I'm a Us N.
LIONI.i. . , Get -0 [ Special Telcgiam to
Tin Hi i 1-L K Dean , city ilcik , and
grand sccictaiv of the Kiimhls c ! L idles
of Honor , uas stin ken with pai.iljsis to d.ij
and is not expected to live lie was citj
editoi of the Mil i oi ol this place for man }
\i\us and was \\u\\ \ \ Known in this p.ut of the
Kiltcil li } the Cms.
MKKSIIAI I IOVVN , hi. Od . ' 0 - [ ' pee al Tel
egi.un to Tin : Hi r. ] William Cairoll , a
drajman , was run over bj a car which ho
was attempting to switch , this afteinoon ,
and mstantly Killed.
Diiistiaii Church Convention.
Siitixnm i D , 111 , Oct. 'JO The national
convention of the Chnstian church will le
held in this citj next week , commencing
Monday. They embrace the genual Chiistian
missionaij coin Pillion , the loicign C'luNtlnn
missionary society and the Chiistian woman's
boa id of missions.
Lower Broadway Lots ,
Bryant & Clark Lots ,
Wright Add. Lots.
Al-oIW .Auts llcst 1'inncit ) liuitj for I'lattlng.
A Coiniili'lc Slorli of
lovvei tlinntliolmve t gooils sold on T'1-
mi nts nt C.isli I'ikcs.
1 01 tlioacooinoil.itlim ot WoikiiiKnn n , I uill
kn IIDIIC-II Minil.i ) fiom s n. in , lit I l > . in.
Tin * -eiond llnnd ( looiN In w > mniilii \ I "ill
pav full value , iicclul Inducement to Omnhu
\os. : { ! : { niul : t2r > ftroadu'iij.
' tM.ndvcrtl i'ini ill's , sin Ins Lost , Found ,
SI'Kf Loan. I oi bili > . 'lit Kent , Vunts , lloird-
Ine , etc. , \vlll be InscitcMl In tills column nt the
low into of 'I IN ! ClIM'.s Piil : I.INI. for thn first
Insi itlon und I ivo Ic-nts 1'c-i Line foi eii II sub-
soiiupnt In-ertlon. I.IMVB ndvi-rtlspmi nts at
out oflice. No. u I'enil btiect , near Uro ul .iy ,
Council ItlntTs Iowa.
\\7ANTKD-t Ity cnnu.sM-rs. ( all ut UWto
TT Muiiiur muchluu olliie , "Uo Hioadway ,
HRNT A funiMiiil loom , smtalilf for
twocpiitlenipn , piound Moor , vcij lentr.illy
loiati-rt. Api'Hc int iiiTi t give rcfeicncu. Ail-
UicvbT. 10 , llfeonico _ _
" \\TANTKO \ ( omp ti > nt .ilj tnu tcr. Art-
T ilicss , vslth lefeunrc" ) , .1 1 , lite oltlcc1 ,
Conm II lllnttH.
) Matticsi makers nt C. A. Jleeuo
WANTIM ( , _
"IJUMl HUNT or for sale on long time-The
1"new hon eon Uialmin avtmit * . being tlio
next house abi "r'Ionian's ' ! 1 rooms , with
basement. Horace Kvcn-tt.
Tl'E foi sale In car load lots. .Mulholland & Co.
neil HKNT-Oooil lumso ami stable , just out-
I 1 biiluofelty. Apply to llorace Kverett
UKNT Kurnlshtd front loom , for gi-n-
Foil . WIN beioml htieet
iflOiniKNT Seven loom lottiu-e , onthecoi-
1 ? ncr of .Id av c. and nth K.V. . 0. James.
TTIOH KKNT-A Hr e niimlH'i of Booil ilwoll-
J1 Inps Call anil i-xiimlno list. II. H Sliest e
iCe , Ilroailway nml Mnlnst. up - "
( ) ' : for ront. Johnston A , Van ( 'alien
nI'Sis st.
PRICE $15.
Is equal to
any High
1lH > IMl On MlmcuxrAph tbe Lot pp rnlui ( of
miinltiildlnit .lututruphlc nd ijpo wrillng nom.
JUU cpplo can he UUn.
The Ezcclcior CCouncil Bluff : , la.
Neat and coinodious Five Room Cottages with
closets , etc. , are now offered
On vrry liberal tf > rm of paj input , tluu enabling nuH-hanlri. clerks nnd laboring
ini'ii to * ooure a homo b > pacing a iimill tmjmc'iit dtmn and monthly pajmc'iits to
upnh upon the puivhaxo price in toad of piiMtig lent.
The-o hou--os aic looatc'd botwiMi
And Immcdintol.v. between tlio electric power hou e and the ear shop. . With
oltvtrio | ) . cver.v ton minutes to Omaha , with onlj 6 cent farm.
For lull particulars addieis me anil 1 will call upon jou.
isr.\iMsiir.i ; ! > iMxmrnuA'ini ) IHTH.
CO. ,
SIZES FROM specially Adapted fet
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Specifications and rstlnwtcs fninisln'il foi ' implcte steam plant" Kignlatlon , IHuiibllltj C.nni
antcid. i anshovv littirs lioni iivr whin fnol Hi onomj Is eijii il v\lth ( oilt-s Niin.c omlcnslng.
HOI'S ! ) . < 'OI4'I1 , l'ITIOU.V. .
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
LARGER CO&o More Complete
THAN' &o
Ever Before. Ever Before.
cm : w UIT :
Lower Prices GO Better Bargains
THAN Til \ NEver
Ever Before. Ever Before.
DR. C. B. J U D D.
No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
.vrr.w-cocAL , A.\D TKAVKLLXM ACJUNTJ * o.v c-o.nriiiss.ioM
The "WHITE" Is King.
This is tlie vci diet of nil ladies vvbo linvo used the White SLMMIIJ ; Maehino.
Sec it before bn.\inR tiny other.
orrifi : , ser .iii < i iie Kri i < uvny. J , Mi DnUWrl / ,
\IIJ-House of 3 rooms and tvvo lot son
FOfl avi line north of the tinuster. Will take
Jl.fHX ) roi this , oiii- half i ash.
. -A llniicoiiHrln I'ieico's addition
171OUSAI.K of tin ) transfei , on Tthuvenne
and 1Mb st , wl\l.i ( It , * i1" " ) .
SAIil ! Ilouio and lot noith of 1T. I1.
FOIl . cheip at fWJ ; Wl J i.iili and ipci
IjlOlt SAI.IJ-I.ot 4IM20 on Isl .no. near N. W.
-I It It , depot , on N VV. , cheap at $1 K ) .
s \l.i-ltt : cieon both sides ol t' . I' . It.
JjlOlt [ { .track , ' inllo v\e'-t of union ili-pot ; uould
mnkc .1 tlninildltlon toConni-ll IllutliurOinah i.
Onlj * TriHpii ncii ) .
irolt S M.i : Ani'liKant 1 room lottaRf with
-1 ? lot T > ii\HI on lliiirNon st- tills piopeit > is
worth nom lOUil , to [ I Wll , but Ifold soon will
boll fortWJ ; KOOI ! tcims.
I/Hill HlINl A HUP new ilijht-rooin housii at
- No. lllh uli avcnuo , bith room , ilo'i N und
nil modem Imnrovcimnts : nlto luryc pleasant
yiird. lhl < - place Is only J blocks lium dumiiij
HE.N'l' N'l(1i > 4 room cottngo on bthiive.
and 10th st. , only til pu month.
rPO LOAN-Money to loan on liorsos , cattle ,
X luinlturc , pianos , jewelry , etc. ; bte me be
fore boiiowinu thewlieie.
Room 4 , Orel Tloor , Mroun Muildim * .
Ar 4.IJ I' . M AT J r. > i.
AM ) a I' . M. AMI ( J f. M.
Royal Arcanum Hall , Beno Block.
nuts. HIA < ; K.\.M : .
_ _ K * * nmiimm&MCM M
Latest Moicltlrs In
MRS. c. K < ; iMiTri : : .
MOBroadway Council Ulutri , Jowa ,
A positive rurc for Liver nnd Kidney tioub-
li > s , all Hlood Diseases , Ituliycfition , Djupcp-
6i.i , .incl Sour Stomach , is found In
For sale by local druggists nnd
cvuriuhcii' . I'rico tl per bottle , HIX for | 5.
Addre s all ( ommiinli ations to
I K. .1. 1C. ITIOOICi : ,
Council JtludK , la.
mi I DoimloH Ht. , Omaha , Neb.
S , STEWART , M , D , , D , V , M ,
Telephone No. ill)5. )
. \ nil All Fine tirade * ; of dial.
\ ia. . aor.