Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1888, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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Proceedings of the Nobraakn Grand
Ledge I. O. O. F.
Thr Gram ) Legion A O. U. W Ht Hast-
ItiKS lovta Griinit IMines-Gossip (
ofl.ocul FiutornltlcH-Hie Week
\\llli the 1'ialoriutleH.
Giaml I.oil o I. O f ) 1\
Thetlintj fust aii'iual wesson of the Ne
brnslin giand lodge , vvhii h closed on Fudny
in this 'Mtv , was in inativ respects one of the
mod important legislative nnd deliboiativc
bodies whioh has convened in the stale and
inliiinlj the most important in the hlstorj
of N'cbiaska Oddfellowslnp The reports of
the vaiiotis grand ofllcers are an indication
of the lotihtun1 thoiough'silent , good work
benip done and the magnificent paiade of
Thursday cunvois an idea of the L'rowth m
numbers and power for good of this gtcat
onlei 'Iho body had evidently come to
pethei for business , and a glanc3 at the m"ti
who composed it gavenn idea of how though-
fsillv nnd thoioUL'hli that bus.ness would be
Among the distingimhnl nieinb. is
inisent wenJ S Hoaglnml , giand pat-
iianh of the grand i ncampinent ol the state ,
fiom Noith Platte. C A Ajers , grand H < n-
tor waideti , Koainc.v ; L .1 Hve-is , giand
high priest Lincoln , I ) A Clme , giand
Mtibo Lincoln , Sam MiClJV giand lieas
iner Lincoln P J G ige grand Junior war
den , Fieimmt , Piitiinih < ! L. Loonns
giand maishal , Fiemont. J F Reed , pr mil
insidi sentinel , Cential Citv , I M. Oiveui ,
grand outside hentiinil , Norlolk , .Hid manj
other 11 pi es ( ntntlv c nieinbei s
'llii giaiut encatiipinent met at ID o cloc k
Titosdavi morning with Giand Patiianh
Honglnnd , of Ninth Platte , in the chan.
'I lie attcinlinue wasveiv lingo , exceeding
that of ani similar meeting fo" inanj
'i tir n ports of the giand ollioeis shnwi d this
branih of the order to bo in a llomishing
tonilltinn and after the reading of those
u lot of nnsi elliim oils business the annual
election ol ofllce'is came up , icsulting as fol
low h
( hand Patii.neh C. 1) Avert , Ki amey
Giand Ilii'h Piifst-l P. Gave. Fiemout.
Giand Scnioi Waulen-L J. Hjeis , Lin
( .land Smbo-I ) A ( 'line , Lincoln.
( .ruiidTieasuier S McUnv , Limoln
Giand Jiiinor Wat den N. H. Hem ,
Onmlm , ,
Giand Reprcsontative-F. H Hijant ,
GiandIiushiilG F. Reed , Citv
Giaiut Inside Si ntinol C. K. Dout'htv ,
Noi folk
Ginnd Outside Sentinel H. Palmciton ,
At 10 01 lock a m the giand lodge was
called to 01 dei bi Gooigo II Cut tun ; , giand
muster , with the following giand ofllcois in
their piopor stations :
George N Heels , of Noi folk , deputy giand
mastei , William H Haipoi. of Hebron ,
grand waiden , I ) A Clme , Lmcol'i , giand
ncciotni.v , Samuel MiCluv , Lincoln , grand
ticHsuiei , i ; J. O Neill , Piiwiuo CitJ , giand
thaplain I. C Vut/\ . , Falls Citj , giand
imushal W A Kellv , Oiiiahn , giand con
diutor ; 1) H. Lashloj , Heavoi Citv , giand
guaidian. C J. Sihian.m , O Ncill Citj ,
giand herald.
Aftei praverbj the giand chaplain , the
Hi and nnistoi nppointoil the follow ing stand
ing committees
On Ciidentials-.l P Ga o , Fiemont : F.
M Givfit Stiinton J F. Tliompoon , Fan-
lmiK. . N Pottei , Hlan , J Htemei , Hubbell
Finance-F H Hijant , Omaha , Hairy
llotchluss. Limoln. W P Fioeman , Fair-
bin j , J H Wambaugfi , Keainoj , W G.
J'ineell , Hiokon 15ow.
Judiciaiy-J. S. lloajfland , Noith Platte ;
F L Ainistiong , Onuh.i ; Jnhn Q ( Joss ,
Pinion ; S L. Mouis , Do Witt , William
Hlukely , Heatnce
Ktatoof the Onlei .1 T Hcrlch , Fulls
City J. L. lldw.nds , Pawnee CitA. .
Vln'oy , Omaha ; . ! . M Snellboiger , Platts-
inouth , Geoigo A Honnctt , Omaha.
Legislatlon-J D. Huul , Lincoln George
L. Looinis , I'reiuont , U. II. McKlhiiniev ,
Hastingo ; G F Reed , Falls Cltj , L. G.
Johns , Sew in d.
ChaitQis-H M. Utlcy , Joseph Owens , L.
Lev I , K. J. Lamina and T. r. C.iHterlin.
Rotunis-W V Haln , Willium Hlsclioff , C.
H 1'aiker , L. J. Hvor and M O Kessler.
Appeals .lohn T Moveis , A H. Weir , C.
I ) Ajtes , H G MiMlllun , .1. H. Kovs
Coriesponilonco A. 1) Cline , Lincoln.
Mileage-M Powell , R II Pembcrton , .T.
G Hildobiand , R II Stow.ut.
Distribution A Gibson , Win. Hlakcloj ,
C A Olson , C L. HitT J Hattlold.
Rcbckuh degree John Hvuns , IP W.
VVorncr , F M. Ratlibuin , J. W Walters , J.
H West
The aftctnnon session was devoted laigely
to the iioailng of icpoits That of the
giaiu' iinister Bhovved that since the
last bossion the following lodges had
boon Instituted ICov stone , r > "iOmalia ; Ans-
pent , lltJ , Saisciit , btoi-Uholm , loll , btotk
holm. Seven lodges Kebeltah deyieo unso
ulso been rstablislird.
Durinp the juar the order in Nebiaska has
fuinlHhed lellef to 'lot ! biotliPis RKteen
widowed familieK and f mulshed funds for
J.lift weeks of BliknesH , hits buiied thirtj five
brothcis at an expense of iU'.Jj unit has
jiald hi pi and lodpo dues { 1,579 S < 1. The totnl
nsseta of the subui dilute lodpcs Is qiioteil at
The praud Bccictari's report was as fol
lows : Total number of lodges , 12.1 ; number
of meniheis , 0 , 1S > 1 ; pain over last j ear. OH ;
total paid foi lellef and benefits , S0'i ' > 4 1 | ;
iccelpts of suhnulldiito lodses , $ VlHM , ' ,
t-xpeii'-ci , $ , ' 0 , ) ' ! i . ' ( ! ; inrmbeis Hebekah
depieo lodges , 1,01V receipts , $710 S7 e\-
IIPIISIS , fii'l ' 71 , balance on hand , ? ) dl "J.
Tlio icports of lepn'-ientsttivcs to the sov-
rieiKU lodge whlih was In session at Los
Angeles in September show that member
ship of the Independent Older of Odd Pel-
lows and MniuhvHtcr L'nlty of IZiiplaml Is
pieatoi than anseuot oi anl/ation in the
\\oild The pxcmplilleatioii of seeiet woik
b , the pi ami lepiesentatlvcs consumed the
jemanulerof the afternoon.
TiiPiomnps" .mon was devoted to the
cxemp'likat on of staff work Uj Omaha
Dm 'up ' the ThuiKilay morinnf ; session
( iiaml seoietary I'llne's proposed amend
inent to the eonstltution , prov idmp for
ilmtikt lepre'ontation was nigiicd pro and
con and llnalU lo t
Aftii the conclusion of the debate on the
nmcmlments , loutlne business followed.
During the tlmo menlloncit patriarchs and
chevaliers \\eio wariu-U against visiting sa
loons while In uniform.
The election of oniccrs then followed and
resulted as appended :
Ui and MasterIcorgo N. Heels , of f > or-
Grand Warden W II Harper , of Hebron.
Senior Wm den -John Kvans , of Omaha.
Gland Representatives ( ieoipo H. Cut-
tlnp. of Ke.uney , uml .1. II. lloaglnnd , of
North Platte
( JrnmlSocictary D. H Kline , of Lincoln.
Grand Treasurer Samuel McKay , of
The grand parade of the afternoon was
one of the most tmpressl\o ever seen in
Omaha , and received the unlimited applniibo
of the speitatois
At the head of the line rode the crand mar !
Rhal of the piand lodyp , J. ( J. YuUy. ot
Kitlls fity.
Pollowlnu canto the coinmamlcr of the da-
liartment of Nebraska , Major J W. Nichols ,
of Omaha , with his stuff , consisting of P P.
Uryant , Omaha , adjutant ; W. P. Plckcilmr ,
Kearney , lieutenant , commissary ; Iru John
son , Kearney , lieutenant , quntiorinastcr ; W.
V. Hnln , Lincoln , lloutonant , chaplain ; L , I ) .
Ujers , Lincoln , iommts8ar > sergeant ; G. E.
Cooper , commissary scipeant ; J. A. Johnson ,
cnslpu sergeant ; Ilenr.v Hollncolorsergcant ,
Llt-utrnant Colonel George N. Heels , of
Norfolk , late of the Third army corps ,
United States a my , uutcd as ulOc-Je camp to
the iiixjor.
' The splendid uniforms of the commander
nml staff aftUiirs evoked expressions of ad-
rilraUcii on nil sides , and the Koldicily bear-
ins of these distinguished patriarchs
militant received much complimentary re
Then came the Union 1'Xclflo band followed
) iy Canton Knu Millard No. 1 , , Canton Koro ; ,
Klncolr. , No. 3 , Cunton KvLClsior , Kearney ,
Is'e. y. , Centra UxceMicr , Fnji-iout , NO. * ,
KELLEY , STIGER & CO.Corner 18thand Sts.
Dress Goods
Special Sale of All Wool
Dress Goods.
On our center counter Monday you can have your choice in
FINE ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS-Chocks , Plaids , Mixtures ,
Fancies and Plain Colors , horn 44 to 54 inches wide , nt 72jc.
Those are regular lines of Dress Goods that wo hayo cut the
price from 81.0O nnd many of thorn $1.50 per ynrd to
Giving customers their choice of about ono hundred different styles
Of All Wool Dress Goods suitable for fall nnd winter wonr.
Our yrront loader of last week , French Broadcloth , full 54 inches
wide , twilled back , all ready for UGO , regular 82.OO quality for 81.5O
per yaid. The success wo had this past week with this most dosir-
nblo fabric assures us that wo show the boat quality and finest line
of shades in Ftonch Broadcloth at 61.5O per yard of any housointhls
city. Wo will continue our special ealo of this
$2 Broadcloth at $1.50 per yard for this week.
The largest line of French Flannels for Ton Gowns , House
Di eesos , etc. , beautiful shades and novel designs.
Eideulown Flannels in great variety of styles and colorings.
Pekin Stripe and Novelty
Plaid Silk Velvets.
100O yards or oloffant fancy Silk Velvets , worth from $1.75 to
83.0O per yard , all at ono piico ,
Laiyo assortment of styles nnd colois to select from of the finest
duality , all at OOc. "
24-inch Quilted Satins all
, colors , 75c.
22-inch Quilted Sateen , 50c , v
Hcatrico Canton , No. 5 Grand Lodge Ofllcoi s ,
Itrbckiili Kodges , Until No. 1 , Ui No. lit ,
Golden Link , No. ! IS , in scventci-n car
i mgot Subordinate Lodges , Hl.iir No.
4 , Unity strong , Omaha , No. ' . ' , thiitj
itiong , Alamanen No. 8 , biate , No. Ill ,
'orty strong , lio.uon , No 'JO , twcnti five
> tiong , Goodilcli , No. 144 , sixty stiong , South
Omaha. No I4b , twentyihe stiong ; Kei-
tone , No. IPS IIoITtnan band , Ncbi.sUaState
Ji.ind Lodge , 160 strong.
Tlio long line wu skillfully Inr.dlcJ and
icscnted a magnificent npiiearaiae.
In the evpning a leccption nnd ball \\eio
hen at Goodrich hall attended by neaily
,0l ) pei sons.
At 9 01 * lock the grand match was called.
This was lead b\ the mcmbcibof the cantons
if patriarchs militant in full uniform , cnih
: hc\ alter urcoinpanlcd by his lady. The
' . .intonscio followed by membeiH of the
uboidlnato lodgi-s , ull In full tinifoim.
Whun the band stalled the there ucio
ietcen 2" < 0 and 300 couples icnuv to kiep
. top to the musli. The grand nuioli wtis n
magnllii-cnt affair , and pionounccd by all
present to bo one of the grandest , thi-j hnd
ever srcn on BUI h nn occasion in the went.
Daniing followed , In uhich all indulged \\lio
felt so Inclined , and a gi and banquet fid-
ft A discussion of the constitution and rou
Ino business on rildnvbi ought to close
.he most successful and Interesting si ssion
c\cr held In the state. Alter asiarpLon- |
j-st between Hcatrlce , Nobiaska Clt.v , and
Grand Island , and the chosing of the latter
as the next pliioo of meeting , the grand ofll-
ers wcio installed and Iho meeting ad-
out tied. _ _ _ _
DnuctitcrH of Keljcknli.
At U o'clock 'Ihuisday assembled the
1'ifth annual state convention of the Daugh
ters of Itcbukah at Motropolltan hall , with
about one hundred and llfty delegate * In at
tendance. After routine business the fo'low-
ng oftlrois were elected : I'lCsidcnt , Mrs.
It S. Linsey ; vice picsidcnt , Mrs P. . O.
Armstrong ; sccretaiy , Mis. S. M. Wilght.
tieiMiier Mis Hohanan.
Next jonr the llebckah drgico is entitled education , the same lm\ing
been Krantcd bv the overfign giand lodco
In session In Califoi nia. It will convene Stp
tcmbcr next at Columbus , O , the same tlmo
and place h.iMng cpntcied upon b.\ the
sovcioign grand lodge for its next annual
The following icpicspiitathcs and altei-
nates thcictoero thosen
llppresi'iitatcsMis U M. Oshorno , of
Oiuului ; Allie Williams , of Lintoln ; Mis.
Hallci , of Hlau , and Mis. L. 10. lUthbuin ,
of Oiniiha.
Alteinatos Mr * S M. Wnght , of Omaha ;
Mis Hohanan , of Lincoln , Mis i : M. West ,
of Omaha , and Miss Holci * , of Omaha.
In the en eninc at h o'clock the decree staff
of Uuth led o , No 1 , dcgico of Ki-b'kah , ex
cmplillcd the HccrotNOrlc , known as the
"Hi'autlllcd California , " In the presence of
about one bundled nnd sovrnt ) live \lslllng
members. The Ituth staff has costly anil
elegant costumes The work was done with
di amatlu effttt. The mocuiunt of the ladles
on the floor was exceodluglv gi. ireful , \ ft
with the pnvislon of militai j discipline. The
principle * of friendship , lo\e and truth were
exemplified in a touching and impressive
The piocccdlnes wound up with an enter
tainment nt Goodrich hall.
Select KniKlHH In Scaslnn.
The second annual session of the Giand
Legion , Select Knights , A. O. V. W , of No
biaska convened In Hastings on the I'J'.h. ' U
is the semi military bianch of that popular
and very piospcrous ordci In this state and
has now a membership of about four hundicd.
Nearly two bundled \\ero In attend
ance at the session , making tholi
headquartcis in G. A. H. Hall. The fol
lowing oftlccriweie electc : Jamps W. Carr ,
Omahn , grand commander ; \Villiam M. An
derson , McCook , vlco commander ; George I"1.
Mlllbuni , llndcn , lieutenaut commander ;
W. 1 * . McAllister , Grnnd Island , treasurer !
r. n. Hlsley , Culbertson , senior workman
W I/ . Green , St. 1'aul , Junior woikman ; J
M. Wolfe , Crete , standard bearer , George P
Dean , Giand Island , guard , A. H. Vansickle ,
Hastings , medical oxaminei , . .lamosV. . C.irr
and H.V. . Cole , supreme legion representa
tives. The repot t of Grand Commander
Cnrr gnvo the legion muih encouragement
and showed that \\horcas ono j ear ago the
community was In conslnetabla debt , It Is
now nltnoftt clear and the membership has In
creased from not quite UOO to hrarly 4K ( ) .
Among the most Important lecis'.atlve
incasUroD consldt'icd wu un iimendment to
htr bylawit reUtl\a to tha Justification of
ur lie ufofllcciV bond * ; an amendment ol [
he constitution In accordance with the
i imcndation of the supreme lodge ubol
° ulcr of
rnnd miirshnl
, , , ;
iivi fi
vns ' also taken " tlm I > U1' ca''ita ' Ux ? fi ° ' "e "Ct'oi '
towards getting the benelici-
rv dopaitmont in this juusdiction cstnb-
ri'n ' " thu i'lJIcuUous
, ? ' '
C that thin
will soon bo accomplished.
Otand Commander Carr , in his report , roc-
pinmi-ndcd that the supreme commander bo
ictitioned to call a special session of the su-
> icmo legion to act on a proposed amend-
iient to the laws of the
supreme let-ion rola-
ivc to inembershlp. The amendment , If
lasscd , will iillow the taking in of members
o the select knights who aie not membersof
ho A. O. U. W , though not admitting them
o thobonenciai\ .
'I'lio re election of Grand Commander Carr
ook place in the face of a spccillc lefusul on
Us part to ntcept , which is anrottv fair indl-
nation of his popularity and eniciency.
A. 6TuTw.
Luck of space prevented Justice being done
ho A. O. U. W. leunion last week. After
.he parade , which was fully dcsciibcd nnd
Inly appreciated by the spectators , the ex
ercises were concluded at Goodiich hall.
Major Hioatoh in a few happy and well
chosen expressions , extended to the visitors
a \\flpomo lo the city. Grand Kecorder H
M \ \ anng then took up "Tho 1'rinciples nnd
I'nriioses of the Older , " in ft terse , clear and
well at ranged addiess which wasjclosely at-
ended and fioquently npplauded. Grand
Jommander.I.V. . Cair spoke oloiucntly | of
Lhu lilstory , woik and objects of the select
knights , showing their prospects and hopes.
The evening was taken up with u ilanco
In which a huge numbi'rof the members and
their ladles patticipatcd. Altogether the
affair was a gicat success.
His Last .
' 1 he last houts of the session of the grand
ledge I. O. O. F. cio considerably saddened
by the death of Delegate Henlamin Palmer-
ton , captain of Canton Hcatiico No.
He was eating his dinner nt the
the hotel and chatting pleasantly with some
fin nils. In the midst of n scntonto ho sud
denly fell bade in his chair as though dead.
Ho was iminedmtoli taken to his loom and
medical aid summoned , but he died soon
afteiwaid. Mr. I'almuiton was sixtj Jive
\ciusof age and leaves u wlfo uud several
A ( oinmlttceon mcmoiial resolutions was
Itnmodl iteli- appointed and the following
committee was selected to take charge of
the remums , conduct them to Heatnco nnd
i cumin tlu'io until nftnr the funeral : H J.
O'Neill , 1'awneo : U H. McKllunny. Hast
ings , J. J. Hosteller , Nebraska Cit..William
Ulakcley , He.ttrkc , and J. Q. Goss.l'apilllon.
Hastings Chapter , No SI , It A. M , con
ferred the mat k and past mastei s' on thrco
candidates last Fiiday evening.
Toutonla lodge , No. 55 , Knights ofP\th-
las , ga\e a flno ball on the evcnin ? of Octo
ber 10. Gcrmanla hall was filled with mniiy
dancers ana a dollehtful temo cnjo\ed.
The chauning light opera , "Chimes of
Nounamli , " was picicntcd last \\cek by
local talent under the auspices of Hastings
ledge , No 28. Knights of Pythias. H was
a glitteiing financial success , but was very
well tendered and gave excellent satisfac
tion to largo audiences on the two nights of
its prestntutlon.
* t
Merry AVonilmcn.
Last week the woodmen of Council HlufTs
ana their wives cnjojcda feast of .good
things. Their hall was filled with a merry
throng. An "old folks' concert" was given ,
after which came a "side degree" in which
the ladies were given an Idea of what it Is to
"ride the goat. " An original poem by E. E.
Wright was ono of the literary features.
An elegant supper was spicad , after which
vniiaus amusements were introduced for the
dlvculon of the attendants. The entertain
ment was an unqualified success.
The Iowa grand lodge of Odd Follows con
vened In forty-first unnunl session In Sioux
City on the 17th. The day was devoted to
the reception of visitors and secret work.
The day following thcio was a public demon
stration , with ailili esses of welcome and re
sponses. Clarinda was selected for the next
place of meeting The oUlccia elected were
Grand master , William .Musson , of Oca
Molnes ; deputy grand master , J C. Longue-
vllle , of Uubuque ; praml warden , Louis
t Hrruouiaii , of Council HlufTs ; grand score
I tury , William Gatiett , of Hurlington , gram
treasurer , A. J , .MorrUou , of Marcngo ;
Wo nro now showing a very flno
selection of
High Grade
Muffs , Boas , Scarfs ,
Capes , Etc.
In nil the most fashionable nnd de
sirable kinds , including
Alaska Seal , Black Martin ,
Doavor , Black Monkey ,
Black Boar , Black Lynx ,
Brown Bonr , Badpcor ,
Natural Lynx , Skunk , &c.
WOur Prices are the
Our stock is now replete with
novelties in nil tho. various styles
nnd colors that are now in demand.
Fine EmbroidcObwl
At 15c , 25c , 35c , 5Oc , 76c , $1 each.
1OO dozen 15-inch Genuine Jnpnn-
OBO H. S. Handkerchiefs , solid color
ed center with striped and chocked
borders , only 25c , actually worth
26 dozen 32-inch Ladles' soft
double twilled genuine Japanese Silk
Mufilors , $1.15 ; actually woith$1.6O
ciircst-ntutivo , J. 1C. Powers , of Cedar Hnp-
(1s. ( The
meeting adjourned Tliursdaj oven-
"b' .
The Hoynl Arch.
The grand chapter of Iowa HojalAich
Masons convened nt Ccdnr Itapids , la. , on
ho Kith with rcpieseiitativea fiom all parts
of the state. The following ofllcors wore
olcctud : Grand high pnost , II. McNiol ,
Sioux City ; uepnty grand hiuh priest , F , H.
Bowling , CMkaloosn ; grand king , George A.
Ouimby , Shonamlouh ; grand scribe , T. J.
Vanhon , Mount Pleasant ; gi.ind secietary ,
Vlf Wingate , Ucs Monies.
Instruments Placed on Record Dur
ing Ycstcrilny.
J ItAVattsaiulttifo to J C Hoblnson , o't
out lot 7 ana 10.W-10J ncros , adtoliUiii ;
nil In sue KMVUe w < 1 . . . . $ 8000
Hi breeder tr to William ilatk ; lots IS
nnd 19 , blk I , Itiottn paik , w ( I . . . j ; 000
W W Kcysor and wife to SM Kitchen.
o1 , lot a , blk "U , " Shlnn's lat add , w d. . . 1,000
\i \ V Mcirxe to T U Hrtmcr. lots It nnd in ,
blk LI ) , ana lots 7 , f , V. 10. 11 and K , blk
17 , Morsu < v limner's add , q c it 400
W W Keysor to J K he } ser , w 4 lot U , blk
"II , " Shlnn's Ibtadd , wd . . l
W M 1'orster and wlfo to rV ( irny , lot 5 ,
blk liT. Omnliu , wd . loa
W H Kosenow to W It fcelby , lot 7 , blk" ,
lilnioln place , w d . . J.001
M l.arHon and \\lfoto I ) U Miller , s'j ' lot 7 ,
blk U , Turk place , wd . . . . 8,600
A Itosaw.itui and wlfo to ( J It Crandull ,
e K tt of n 1JO ft , lot a , blk . ! , Qulnu'8
ndd.wd . . . . 820)
U IHlnylortt trtoS A W.Uker ot .U , lota ,
blk I , lliirliiiKton place , \ \ d . 4GO
\Vllllnm I. Kaxtnian and wlfo ti > S I )
( londchlld , lot 81 , blk llcdford place ,
d. . CV )
I Musters and \\lfe to I ) K Ilond.w 'J lot
84 , blk 1 , titex ens' place , wd . . ! i" >
I1 1 : rrciRli umlllo toni McGregor ,
lot II , blk . ' , I.aknvlew , wd 1,000
It I'tirnswoith to S II Kurnsworth , w ' lot
II. blk. CI- , Omaha , wd . 1
I ! M I'liKli and wife to II H Cionk , lot II ,
blk. , Moninoutli park , wd . . , 7M )
( I ( ! ttullaietoll U Cionk , lot IS , bU . ' ,
Monmonth p-uk , wd . 701
J I. Miles ft at to K S Flee , lot 14 , blk 4 ,
Urthurd Hill , wd . 750
? o\entcen tiansfers
The Deacon Will I'lny
HOSTOV , Oft. ! iO. [ Seclal | Tolesram to
Tin : Hi is ] Uhcctor Hillings , of the Hos-
tons , hns loft for Now Yoik to go terms
\\ithtlieUetroit plajeis who are eligible to
sign com i acts Hrontheis will undoubtedly
cover lirst base nnd Hielmrilson second ,
while Honnett undGaniell will go behind the
bat. It has been n crmunili urn \\ Boston
uould do with Jim Whito. Unector Hillings
said this afternoon : "U'o took \Vhito because -
cause wo didn't want him left. As to his
position , ho will play right Held when Kelly
is behind the bat. "
lirnkcragr Finn
New Yonic , Oct. 30. [ Special Telegram to
THE Hcr-S. ] M. Millken & Co , No. 11
Wall street , gave notice of dissolution to the
New Yoilc stock exchange yesterday. Mr.
Clmrlca Stokes , the board member of the
llrm , was last summer compelled In order
of the governing committee to ictlie from
the tirm of William llolden & Co. , because of
objections to Mr. Holflon. The 111 in of S. M.
Mlllkcu & Co , , > war then formed by Mr.
Stokes and Mr. & M Mtlikcn , who had been
the "Co. " of Wimantfeclden it Co.
Slunlorccl by a Tramp.
CiioohsioN , Minn. , Oct. 20. While Cap
tain of Police Hajos was cngagedl n conver
sation with n number of friends last night , a
tiiunp futtillj wounded him with a revolver.
The man was promptly arrested. The
reason the tramp gave for the deed was that
lilacs had arrested him for being drunk ro
cently. The affair /has / created intense ex
citement , nnd there Is strong talk of lynch
ing the murderer.
A Now Nebraska 1'ostniawter.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram
to THK Hnu 1 Albert Hummel was to day
appointed postmaster nt Candy , Logan
county , Neb. , vlco Stephen K. Chappcll re
General Hmltli'n Successor.
Mayor Hroatch has ncccptod the resigna-
tloh of Assistant City Attorney Smith and
selected his successor , whose nauio ho will
send Into the council on next Tuesday night.
The directory of the local Haso Hall asso
ciation will hold their annual meeting on No
vember 19. There Is much business of im
portance to transact , and the probabilities
nro that the session will bo fought with
Interest to the lot era of the national game.
Reduced Prices 011
In our Clonk Department for
the Co in i week.
A Ncwmnrket reduced from
$8.CO toy.5O.
A Newmnrkot reduced from
$9 to $5.
A line or Newmarkets reduced
from $11 , $12 nnd $16 to $13.
A line of Plush Wraps reduced
from $1C to $11.
A Plush Wrap reduced from
$2O to $1G.
A Plush Wrap reduced from
$ > 2.00to$10.
A Plush Wrap reduced from
$25 to $17.
Everyone of these Garments is
n bargain , and wo recommend
an early inspection.
Our Cloak Department is made
up by selections from the most
stylish productions of the Eastern
Markets and contains recent ar
rivals direct from the marketb of
Paris and Berlin. Our assort
ment surpasses anything hereto
fore attempted by us in this de
partment , and our customers
will be surprised at our magnlh-
cent display of Newmarkets ,
Raglans and Ulsters both for
Ladies' and Misses' wear , and at
the most popular prices.
We direct special attention to
our line of
London Dye Seal Plush
which are one quality only , and
that the best Any guarantee fail
ing to meet the representation Iri
wear given by ourgarments will
be replaced by a new one.
Our $23 Sncques is on sale else
where at $8O. The market value
of our next better garment is $4O.
We make a special price of $8E
for this garment. Our Plush
Sacques are finished with hand
somely quilted , Satin linma
Chamois skin packets andgsjj
ume Seal loops.
Misses' and Children's Cloaks
with many exclusive styles a
prices ranging from $8 to $28.
A Qulot Week Socially but Brisk
' Onmlm
I'oplilcton-Keiincily NuptiaU
Club Ileception Miss TriiinbuH's
' Allt-
Partjj-Muiriml-I'ope -
once Personals.
With the ptcscntmci casing admiration for
cut glass , ladies who follow closely in the
footsteps of fashion have cut glass linger-
bowls in their collection , and certainly noth
ing in the shupo of glass Is moio ber.utiful.
Nevertheless , one need not mourn its ab
sencc , for there are many other clear glasses
almost us pictty. Coloied bowls aio some
times used , but unless of Hohemlan or some
other i arc glnss are not considered hi mode.
If the glass is colored a white dojly it is bet
ter suited to displav its beauties , but if of
clear glass the color may bo exhibited in the
dojly and in the contents of the bowl. The
water may bo tinted and perfumed. For a
pink ten , IOBO petals may float upon the sur
face , for a yellow tea a slice of lemon or a
jellow flower may add the tint ; nt n red tea ,
11 icd cat nation or lose floats about in the
bowl , nnd forget-me nets lend their color to
the blue tea giver. A geranium leaf , u
wreath of smilax , or a foui leaved clover
will give green if oil At a te i pat ty It
is not nccessaiy to use a llngor bowl for each
parson , one at a small t iblp being sulllcicut ,
Anj pietty dish may hold bonbons , and thpy ,
too , may a'dd to the color of the entertain
ment , _
Omalm CluO Itcoepiloii.
The llrst "member reception" of the
Omaha club was held in the rooms of that
organization in the United State- , National
bank building on Thuisday evening. The oc
occasion was the flist in which the now and
elegant ijuurtois of the club had been thrown
open to the families of mcmbei t and In con
sequence , the rooms wcio crowded. Mr.
Fiank Lincoln , the celebrated humorist of
Chicago was present and cntortalned the
guests with a scnea of monologues whluh
w ere as novel as they were Intel esting. The
largo and handsome billiard room fronting
on Farnaui street was cleared for the even
ing's entertainment and beautifully" dcaora-
ted with smilax and cut flowers. The floor
was canvassed nnd dancing was kept up
with a great deal of Interest until 1 o'clock
Friday morning. _
McShuno'H Party ,
On Wednesday evening a very pleanant
patty was given to Miss Magglo MiShane
nnd her friends at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles F. Taggait , Walnut Hill. A
delightful time was spent until 'a late hour.
Among those present wcro the Misses
Katlo McSlmno , Mary McArdle , Jowl Leon ,
Annie Campbell , Cllz * Sullivan , Annaliurko ,
Susie and Sophie W > ner , Anna Noon and
Mary McICutnan. The gentlemen wen o : F.
J. McArdle , T. J. Leon , J. II McCarville.W.
Manor. T. T. Downey , W. E Weber , M. H.
Pnrrlsh , J. Goodall. J. Fanning , p. Burke ,
I ) . O'Connor , T. H. Mullen. All present
pronounced the party the plcasantcat of tin )
many delightful parties which they have at
tended thus far this season.
Arinour-Cudaliay Champagne nail.
Christmas eve , Monday , December 2-1 , a
giand ball and champagne banquet will bo
given oy the Armour Cudahy Packing com-
paiiv at South Omaha to their employes and
Invited guests. The entire ofllce room will
bo used for dancing , two bands will bo en
gaged and cloths will bo spread for two hun
dred couples. Champagne and Tokay will
head the winn list wliilo the menu will cxcell
anj thing e\er before served nt a banquet in
Nebraska. Proper committees will bo se
lected and a most elaborate programme will
bo prepared. Neither expense nor labor will
bo spared to insure its social success.
Minn Trumbull'd Party.
Miss nianehe Trumbull gave a pleasant
though informal birthday party at her homo ,
No. 1TOS Douglas street , Thursday evening.
Ladies1 Hosiery And
1 cnse Lnelies' flnoV lute Mot mo
Vc&m Silk btiUhecl , tilU bouiul ,
Drawers to match , snmc price
13 Oc.
1 cnse Lnclien' extra fine superior
qunlily White VestSfeilU emtoroid-
ci eel with Drawers to match ,
really n flibt-olnes garment at
1 ease Ladies' Natural Wool
Vests and Pants , silk stitched ,
Pearl Buttons at $1 each regular
ly sold at $1.128.
1 case Ladles' Medicated Scarlet
Vests and Pant . ilk embi olclery ,
Pearl Buttons , smooth and t-olt
at $1 , elsewhei el.2B.
Full lines of finer grades in
Camels Hair , Silk , etc.
1 case Child'Vhlte ! Merino
Vests und Pants , SilU bound ,
Pearl Buttons.
10 & IS 2O A 22 24 A 20 28 & OO
22o 25o UCc
We hnve n full nssortmont in
nil the better qunlitieb ol Chil
dren' Vests and Pnnts.
1OO cloen Lndies' line Wool
Hose with Mei'ino heels nnd
tees in hlnck , nnvy nnd senl
browns nt23c ; icgiilnily sold at
1OO dozen Ladles' extra fine
Wool Hose in black and coloi s at
05c , would be considered good
value nt 45e.
OO dozen Ladies' English Cash
mere Hose in black and colors at
BOc , the best value ever oflered at
this price.
Ladies' fine English and French
Cashmere Hose in black and
modes at
65c , 75c and $1.00.
1OO dozen Cmldien's nibbed
Hose , lor warmth and durability
this blocking has no equal ; black
nnd colors.
6 and (31 ( 7 and 7 } 8 and 8i
Our stock of Children's Hosiery
is larger then ever before , repre
senting all the best known Eng
lish and French manufncturs.
BO dozen Men's English Merino
and Camels Hair Half Hose nt the
special low price ol 20c.
A very large assortment of Boy's
and Men's Underwear.
Dancing and cards wcic indulged in , and
light icfreshments being served. Among
those pioscnt wore : Mr. and Mis. John
Hurgener. of Rushford , O. ; Mr. and Mrs.
At\\ator , Misses Gllek , Mason , Wright , Sta
lev , Hurgener and Miiiguoiite Hutgcner ,
Messrs. Oilier , Hudcfoid , .Stcfncr , Webstei ,
Caldwell and Tinon.
ShnkHjiearc Club.
Last Friday evening the Unity Shake
speare club held its fit st mooting of the sea
son. A largo number of pcoplo Interested In
Shakespeare's \\oiks wore present , and nl
professed themselves pleased with the even-
'b leading. The piogrammo compilscd
Iho reading of the hist two acts of the
"Mei chant of Venice , " each pait being taken
by a different member of the club. While all
Lho ieaders are not elocutionists , they ull
tend intelligently , and some gave their lines
with really dramatic foico and expression.
Among these Miss Walker as 1'ortm , Miss
Shellinberg as Jessica. Mr. Hoblnow as
Launrolot , Mr. Copi'land as Old Gpbbo and
Mr. Swoope as bhylock deserve especial
praise. After the liistact Mr. Swoopo lead
nn ontpitnining essay on "Tho The.itro In
the Tlmo of bhakospearc , " which was
gieetcd with applause.
The next mooting of the club will be on
Fiiday evening , November 2 , In Unity
church , Seventeenth and Cnss streets , when
the last t\\o acts of the"Merchantof Venice' ,
will bo read. This club Is by no means con
fined to the attendants at Unity chinch , but
nil Intctostcd In tiie study of Shakespeare
arocoidially Invited to bo present and to
take part in thomce'lngs.
Policeman's Hall at South Omaha.
The annual ball by the South Omaha po
lice foieo will bo given in Hunt's ' hall ,
Wednesday evening , October 1M. The fol
lowing committees haves been appointed-
Genera ! committee of arrangements Coun-
cllmcn John N. Huiko and 1) . I1. Haylefis ,
and Marshal Al. C. McCiacki'n and Messia.
James P Maloney , John Si-xton , Moses Red
mend , Patrick J. J. Me.Mahon , Dcwitt O.
Andeison , Thomas Loono\ , Joseph Hnmpal ,
John J Fallen , Kugcno Pkkanl , Nelson
Lundgicnund John J Hlivcsnicht.
Keception-Major W. G. bloiine and John
F. McMillan.
Ploor Mcssis. S H Fcnno , John J.
O'Rourkc , Rodic Roduiond and James P Ma-
Ion oy
Invitation-Fred M. Smith , Uiniel Raf
feity and U .letter
Marshal Albeit C. McCracKcn and lady
will lead the grand mnieli.
Tlnee hundred tickets have been sold.
A Complete SurpriHC.
Miss ICate Kennedy was happily surprised
Monday evening by a laigo number of her
friends at her homo 2S17 Maple stieet , the
occasion being her bnthday. Among her
guests were Prof Mathles , Misses Franco ,
Ina Kennedy and Mr. Clatl , who furnished
their choicest selections of music. The
young lady received many handsome pres
ents , One of the features of the evening
was the bountiful repast spread for the
Senator Pnddock'n Daughter.
Miss Hattlo Paddock , the eldest daughter
of Senator A. S. Paddock , will bo married
on the 80th inst , at her home In Heatrlcr. to
Mr O J. Coleman , president of the | First
National bank of Hroken How. Neb. The
wedding will bo solcmlzcd at high noon In
the Episcopal church , by Hishop Worthington -
ton , assisted by Rev. Robert Scott , of
Foil Omahn.
Tuesday evening opened the society season
at the Fort. The first tuin of the wheel was
a dance , and a veiy enjoyable one , too. A
large number of joung people fioin the city
Miss Octavla Whcaton , daughter of Gen
eral Wheatoncauses the wheel to turn again
Friday evening by treating her friends to a
biithddy party.
Evening Star Glut )
Friday night tbo Evening Star club was
organized In Lov'a hall , Thirteenth trcet.
About fifteen mcmbcis were prcsci.t and
elected D. P. O'Connell ' president and W. J.
Foid secretary. This club will have the
custody of the cold medal presented by K.
( J. to go to champion waltzcr of the ntute.
\Vcililluu HellH.
Harry U. Mulford , a teller of the Union
Stock Yard * hank of So Uh Omaha nnd lieu
tenant in tha Omaha guards , \TJS uiarried at
St , Paul's ' Episcopal church In 'WnMilnpton ,
S'cdneMln.\ . Miss Amiubclle Pope , ( or-
noi 1 > of lleotgia The ni > wl > weddid pair
oft on Ponimlvnnla express directly
iftct tlioceremon.x for Chicago , \\heic thry
Mil u'limin a few dns liofoio proceeding to
in'tli Omaha The bildo is a tolntivo of tlm
ate Hoti Hill of Georgia , and the fiiirnh if
inning tlu most piomlnout of thu Hist funn
ies of Geoigla ,
ll'PI't I TON KIriM
Wcdnesdaj afternoon \ \ illiuin Senrtt Pop.
> lotoii , son of A J Popplotrtn.n * marin-d
o MM Chnrlolto Koniii'dN , daughter of H.
' H Kennedy I'lioedding took pliuoat
he residence of the biide'n paients nt No.
lil''st ' ' .Mine's iiMMiuo. Pcan Gardner ofllc\ \
it ing The IOHMIIOII.Vas hold bcni'iith an
noli of to-es The wedding was an exclu
sive atlan , onl.n . fo\v telntives of the panics
' . Att o'clock the
H'ing ptosont. - ne\vlj \ mar-
ic-d pair left fern bildal tour to the cast
> i HMIK1 I'M I.
' 1 he event of the week , in Catholic envies ,
was the niuiiiiice of Ml s Anna M Paul the
laughter of ( iecigu P Pain , ono of Omaha's
) Ulcst icsulents. to Mr Joseph 11. Schmidt ,
he v\ ell kmnvn druggist. It took place Ht
ho Hiilj Fiiimh L'liuich onedni sday
noining Piomptlv at li o'l look the bru'al '
i.utv enteied the i hut oh , the wedding mm oh
jeing a beautiful oicnii duet lendoiod by
Misses lluiklx ami liuilthaid Tlio bndo
; vas attired in n w Into conlcd sillt semltrntn.
V shaped ion igo , tilmmed vvttli \\liile.init
, ue anil oringo blossoms , the veil extending
to the end of the tiiiin On lier bond she
wore \\ieath of oiangc blossoms , nnd in
lei hand em nod n bouquet of oioam rosi .
The hruloMiiaid , Miss Aland Paul wore u
shiimp innlc sun ah silk , walking length ,
triiiuncd in cioiim hue , Mars Stnait , collar
and .vellow loses The gioom was intended
bv his brothei , \ \ illlani hi hmidt.
'I he ceiemon.v was peifoiined bi Ver > Rev.
R A ShalTol , s ,1 The e\i ollent mumo for
the on us iu 1 1 was lendeiod b.v the choir fioni
St John's ( . 'olleuintn ohiin h. Mis l' Hutk-
hard" diiei tine Alter the tot onion } thu
purlv reluinetl to the homo of the binle's
patents , No IIVJ ) Hint stiool , wheio buali-
fust was solved these pi esent being M ,
Rev James O ( onnoi.Voi \ Nov. R A Sliaf.
lei , S J , Rev A M I'oliinci I , Mi and Mis
Weiss , I'otiiu d UnnTs. C J. Smith ) i : , P
1'iigu'iiit and Miss M Hoohin. I'lio io cp
uon was held in the uftoi noon fiom i lo il
c'oloclt riiepiosints weie numeious and
oosth anong those vvlui Kindly icnu mbi < e > l
the \oung \ cniiple wcio Mi nnd Mi John
O CuiiiH'll , Ml iind.Mis J H Fniiiv , .vlr.
and Mis Peter \\eiss , I'ouncil HliilTs Mr.
niid .Nils AniliowMinph.v , Mr and Mis. J.
O Dona'ioc ' , Mi and Mis John llaiimer Mr.
and Mis Chiulcs Tagguit Mi and Mis Or.
McGoivn , 1'iiim It-co , Mr and Mis. Pat
rick I ) iifl } , Mi nnd Mis Juiiios dieon , Mr.
and Mis William Gontlomiin , Ml and Mis.
A J Peteis , Mi nnd Mrs A M Collutt ,
Mr and MIK J Mclhiinott , Mr and Mis.
J N MallcMi. Chicago , Mi and Mis Daly ,
l.o > UHjit | , li , Mi and Mis Chailes
Cloves , Mr. nnd Mis II. A ICoston ,
and Mesdiiines J. H Cioighton , Cavanagh ,
Woodiud , Cooper , Murphv , Iloelnn , Morgan
and Dclss , Misses dura 1'ioigliton , Nettla
Huiklcv Niimchoii , Lulu Huikhaid , Mary
and M.ugeiv Fit/pnliiik , Mamlo Deis.u.
Sophia Haulier , Sophia Hiadv , Mollle anil
-Nellio Heehin , Miugaiot and Nellie Cotter ,
1,17/10 Muiphv , Winnie nnd Mai.v Mi Dei -
niott , Fr.uu is Cooper , Sadie Nash , Theieso
iii-iH , of Deadwood , Cai 1 10 Koc-HteiH ,
Ji.lia Mullen , Nellie C'ailon , S.ullc
and Agnes Smith , Mali , Ktten ,
Right Rev .1. O Connor , Vu.\ Rev R A.
Sliaffol , S J . Rev Koopiiians , s J , I'ol
alien and ( ilaubci , Mcssix .1 II Nielsen ,
Ftank and Hair } HniUlo } , Phil Ml.igen ,
James PoiKins , C. J. Smvth lllako , Unuc.t
Co. Thomas Fl } nn , T H Cotter , Fumk Al
exander , Peter Roico , Kd Minphv.W. J.
HiiKhos , lr .1 II Viinoo , Di. Keogh , John
Nillman , Owen Mi Kee , C. P 'I ' hompMin , Al
fred Duncan. John Magnho , John M MillIon -
Ion , N. R. O'bh.iughnessv , Win. Weber ,
Thomas Downey , Mintin Cavanugh , Hariy
iinil Mam ice Hnsslc
On 'IhuiHdav ovdiing a social WIIR ton *
ilcicd the ( holi who so kiitill } lendercd tha
music on the oci.ision
mil iiiso.N nniiM i. u sociable of the Central
[ 'niteil Presbtenan cliutch at the homo Af
G. S Hcniivva , Thnly thiid and Unit uticcta.
on Tue daj evening , vvcto astonished about
J o'clock by the ontianco of a wedding patty
: ind the subsequent mail logo of Mr.
Ttank Hutc'hinson nnd Miss Hello Tid-
ball. The wedding was a complete )
sin pi iso to the company with the exception
of a few intimate friends of thobiulo anil
gioom. Mr. Hutchison is in the employ of
W. R. Dennett & Co , while hisbiido hai
! ) ccn bookkeeper for Hcnnwu & Co. slnco
the establishment of the firm.
brin t IIAI\MV.
Pcorla , 111 , was the scene of a wedding
last Wednesday night In which Mr. A. Scott
of Omaha was united In mntilage to Mlsil
Letetia S. Haldvvin. The ceremony was per
formed by the Rev. Dr. Otr nt the losidenco
of the bildo's patents , after which the happy
couple left for Omahn , wheio they will bo nt
liomo to friends at No. 1 ! till Fai nam sti cot.
Mr Scott is a valued clot k in the ofllco ol
Gencial Rupeiintendent Dickinson of the
Union Pacific.
General Gossip.
W. K. Ringwalt is in Cincinnati.
J. J. Gibson is in Madison , \ \ is.
Colonel C. R. Scott has gene east. J
A. P. Cone loll for Now Voile Wednesday.
II. C. Wcllcr left for St Loins Wednesday.
J. S. Gajlui suited for Now York Tues-
Chailes H. Annan has relumed from the
Mis P. C. Himobaugh hns returned fiom
Miss Hoyd gave a pleasant tea paity Fri
day evening.
Mis Lcavitt Hurnham icturncd fiom tha
cast Friday.
Mis Fiank McDonald and sister 'eft ' for
Hoston Tuesday.
Mis L C. MoShano has been passing tha
week with ft lends in Lincoln.
Mr Hcniy Rorcnbctg nnd Miss Mullia
Mortis were mat Hod Wednesday.
Last Sunday Mr MontColdun and MIsa
Sida RolhoU were united in nmuiagc.
Tlio MUscs Irene Lowe and Lida Wilson
have ictuined fiom a sojoinn in St Louis ,
Miss LIU ! in Stailolnmnii ietuiiieid from
hci visit to Lincoln the llrst of the week
' 1 he West 12ml nuohio club met at the resi
dence of Gcoigo W Ames on Monday even
Mr Alfied Millard and brldo , who -vcro
mauled in bvviUciland , have icturncd to
Robert Hauls and wife loft Tuesday for
Los Angeles , wheio they will make their future -
turo homo
Mrs Joseph Harker , Woithlngton avenue ,
entertained a number or fi lends at u lunch
Friday afternoon.
Miss Hci ihi Stcinhauser , a well known
young lady of this city , has gone to Clmago
to join a conceit company.
Call Pollitof Fiankforton the Main ,
Gci many , and ono of the loading capitalists
of that city , Is the guest of Mr. W. A. Under *
Alfied W. Hrock and his bride have re
turned from their wrddinir tour and will
make their home on North Twenty-second
Lieutenant Pickering nnd wife left for
Indiana Wednesday , wheio the Houteimnt in
to take charge of the military deuaitinent In
n college.
The members of the Omaha Dramati.i club
who aie lehcrsing the play "A Scran ol
Paper. " will meet at the losidenco of Mr. J.
J. Dlcltey , on Tuesday , the Jid Inst.
The members of the Ciesccnt club gave
their second dance at Ciapp's hall on Tuou-
cvviilng. Tlili ty couples wcio in attendance
and an excellent tnno was enjoyed.
Mrs. Louis Reed give a pleasant party at
her home , Twenty-second nnd Davenport
streets , in honor of Mlsa.era Snow ( for
merly Miss McCormifk ) , of Portland , Oie.
Weekly Hank { Statement.
NEW VOUK , Oct. 20. The weekly bank
statement shows that the reserve Increased
The banks now hold IO,7J1,000 ( a
of legal lerjulremorits ,
The Vomit ; Man AVaH I-'ly.
Philtulclphiii PI-CBS : "I loft u chcqlt
for ? 10,000 amonff the woildini ; gifts , '
said thu bride's mthcr to his ju-oaj-cc-
tivo bon-in-lnw on the eve of a fiujli-
ionblo wuddiiijj hist week , "nml nftoc
the ceremony you will plutiso tear it up.
That's the style now-a-days , Fi-nnk. "
"Y-c-s , " hcsitivtod Frank , "that's tha
style I know , hut I'm afraid U'H too Into
to tear It up now , us 1 wont down to the
bank Ihii morning and lutd it cnthcd , " .