THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY OCTOBEE 21 , 1888.-SIXTEEN PAGES. ) i Who Ii WEAK , Nr.HVftUN. nr.HIMT * . TKD. who in bin FOI.I.Y t.nd IONOK ANtT mi THirLKH away hli VIGOR of IIUIIT , BIND ted MA ! HO .rauiilnneihMiiitlnj : trtlni upon the FOUNTAINM of I.I FT . HKADAfHR , BACKACHE , Ilfffulfil ! pratm * . WKAKNKNN of Mtuinrr , HASH. rCLNRtiNIn SOCIKTT , PI1HI.EN upon Ihe FACE. Mid all the KFFF.fTN Ir/xllnc ( o RAKE.T niCOAT &nd ptrlmi * ( 'O.NNUMI' . TSOIf or INNANITT , ihoilld cnnilill at once iho C'KLEBBATEU ir. ) Clarke , EttaMlihed 11. IU Clark * IIK made NF.HVOIJH I IF. . Id I I.I TV. rUHONIU and all tMccaiii of ne MBNITO ItUINABT a I.lfo flUdr. It mabM NO dllTcrenre WHAT 7011 tore taken or WHO hai failed to cure you. IOFBH A LKN lurTerlnn from dlieftin pcru > Har to their MX can coniull with the aisurance tt ipted ? relltf and cure. Heed 2 cenU poiUgu tot wnrki on jour dlicr.iei. 49-Oend < cent * portage for C lclirn < ra War fen on < hronlc , IferToni aud Hell- e t * Lltetttt. Conciliation , penonal'r or by tettel , flr t . Consult the old llortor. TrtouiBndu rnr < l. onrriand imrlors prlvut . AVThnte contemplating Marrlaio end for Ur. triitrhr'B celebrated gulilo nlc and F mi lr. each Itc. , both 'A' > c. kUmps ) . Hcfnie confining your caie , coniult Br. ( TAMKK. A friendly letter or call may e future tufTering and ihame , and edd golden jean to life. JwBcok " 1-tfr'm ( Secret ) ror , " f c. ( lUmp * ) . Medicine and writing * cverrwher * , necure from mpoiura. Snt , I U ) R : Sunday ! , 9 to 12. Addrcu , F. D. OLABKE. M. D. ieeeaoiorH a * toCAOO. ILL. MEDICAL # OSTRNCHAUNSTITUTE ! , N.W.Cor. 13th & . Dodge Sts. B JR. A. O B3 S , APPtlANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND IRUUES Jlc l fncilltici apnart tins and remedies for sut 'C iful treatment of everv foitiinf ilncmefcqirt IUK Medical or Hurjjical Trt-ulinei.l FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attendance , but hosp'.Ut nccoimm dntions in the wcM WHITR i'o CutcrtARS on Deformities BIIC" " Dritcei , Truiwei , Club 1'ttt , Ciirxnlutc ol UK Spine , Piles , Tumor * , Cancer Catnrrli Ilrot.clntis Inhalation , lUcctricily , Fnrnlysis , Ht > i1i > > < } Kid uty , Uladder , Kye , tnr , S'.in ' ami lllood , uril til Surgical Operatious. Diseases of Women a SpoolsI'.y. HOOK on Ii9iAC ) or WOMEN KIIIE. ONLY RELIABLE MEDICAL IH32ITU' ! ! Mll'.INIt A BriCIALTY Of PRIVATE DISEASES. All Illocxl Diseases unccettfully trrnted S\ph illtic roiion removed from the system witmml mercury New restoratire treatment lor lo" ; ol Vital 1'ower. rei on < s unable In visit us maj be treated at home by correspondence AH commit locations confidential Medicinrsorlnstmnient-- nent hy mail or czprexs , securely packul , no marks to indicate content * or * rndtr One per sotifll inter-new preferred. Call mid consult us < n rend history of ) our case , aud we will send in plain wrapper , 4)iir BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon I'rivnte , Special or Nervous Ii-.ennc Im votency , Syphilis , r.leet and Varicoctle , will tpestiun livt Address Omaha Strdiful and Murgieal Inititnleot DR. McMENAMY , Cor. 13th ana UodoaStt. . OMAHA. NEB. CALIFORNIA ! THE LAND OP ' DISCOVERIES. THCONLY- qu/\nAfJiEED / \ CUf\E TOT\ ATARRH OflQVILLECAU Send for f Ci uljr. 1 ABIErlNCMEDico.flHPWLLl.fAL fr r Santa Abie : and : Cat > R-Cure For Sale by Goodman Drug Qo. The'LUDLOW SHOE' Has obtained a reputation wherever in troduced for "COUHKC'I STYLK"I'KH FECT FIT , " ' 'COMKOUT ANIJ DUItAllIL- JTY. " Tlioy Jmvo no superiors in Hunt' 'IHtrns , Hand Welts , Goodycnr Welts nnd Machine Sowed. Ladies , ask for the "LUDLOW" SHOK. Try them , nnd you will buy no other. _ THE COMMERCIAL Corner Dearborn and Lake Streets , CHICAGO. This house has Just been thoroughly reflttet t a coat of over I16.UO , waklui ; U fnr better than any hotel of thn mine prlco In Elevator , electric llKltta , batu rooms , aud ul iuo < leni Improvements. Rates , $2 nnd $2.0O Per Dny. Includlntr meals. Centrally located : accessible to all railway statUms. tUraters and baslnesa liouso.s. Street ran to all points of the city Special rate * to professional people , ana all urluary troubles easily , iiulclc ly ami B.ifely cureU by DOCUTA Can- ulea , feverest c ei cured In ( even da ) * . Sou x , all driiKUl' b wall from ! ) tutaMrc.Co,1ll- tJWN. REIAND'S ' HOME OF THE HIST , A Wild nncl Pleasant Wny in the North Country. THE LOUGH SWILLEY FISHERMEN ThHr Wild ricroe Appearance Tlirlr \\1\CH and Children StnrllliiK Adicnf Into tin- Hut ol' u .Mountain Distiller. A Tout In Ireland. Hrxt I\VA : Ireland. Oct. 10. [ Special Correspondence of Tin : Hii : : . | Down from the mountain district of Inisho- WIMI. in tlio region about Curdonagh , its ancient \ illago cii | > ital , to the ro mantic shores of I.ough Swillj. is a wild and pleasant waj. Here and there the bine Lough gleams throuirh pass andnuinc. The scent of the heather ib wafted through the hills. Shepherd bojs. and often lassos with their little Hocks anil faithful dogs , dot their pur ple sides , or ' land in pastoral picture at the jutting edge of Mime crag above , scanning me with alert and wondering interest as 1 tramp the ringing road be low. Nestling in mite.s \alle.\s . are i\j-grown hamlets of half u do/en houses , a chapel or church spire break ing through a of green and white like a mightv russet spear. Ofl to the south , bejond historic Inch , stands the noble drianan uon ] the mount of Ailiaeh , likeoiiie imperishable buitinel of llrst-world antluit.y. [ Far up the Lough on island and chIT , half hid by mingled foliage and mists are the gray , grim ruins of olden castles crumbling cromlechs , de- caj ing duns , and the loftier masses of those splendid mysteries , the round towers of Ireland. Beyond all to the west , beyond an hundred' peaks and half-lined crests of Donegal highlands , looms llui majestic summit of Lone Krrigal. Who can wonder , amid siieh scenes , that the heart-lib res of the Irish are looted indestructibly , like ivy noon desolate abbejs , into the \ery mold and ruins of their native land ? The eastern shore of the Lough is a succession of ruins , dainty villages , like Hunurana and Kalian , and of pilgrim- haunted shrines. Over to the west are wilder shores , huts , round towers , tish- er.s' cabins ; and here and there the patched sails of the herring fishers' smackb lie white against tlio back ground of the head lands and hills. Hero the sweetest herring known to man are taken ; and because of my idyllic dajsand nightsat the seines , the weirs and the drives , along the charmed "bores of our own 1'assamaquoddy. at Kundy'b tide-roaring mouth , I want-d to know thost , brawny Hotter-folk of Ire land's' north. They have not the cheery content of our own. The Quoddy her ring-Usher is the Bimniest , jolliest. ' 'roaringesi' ' follow in all the world , lie is pious to a ludicrous degree , and withall the most delicious smuggler of the American Canadian boundary line wh ch will be wiped out altogether di rectly , as the world reads the prophecy of progress. In fact he is a valient de fender of his own faith , and a linn re specter of none. But Iho Lough Swilly fishermen are a dilierent lot. As in all else , in this old land , their toil is with out reward beyond bare existence. Hence , they are sodden , hopeless , hard. But they are bravo and strong as iron. They have tremendous frames ; are brown as bronze ; and form groupings of startling impressiveness. They are simple and peaceable , I am told. But wore pirates wanted ; were fleets to be fitted out with men for work giving one i shudder to contemplate ; these sea- giants would furnish incomparable hunan - nan , heartless flint. And if they are flint , their wivesaro steel. I am .sure it was not a Yotholm Gipsy but a Lough Swilly herring-fisher's wife , that Scott drew in his grow-some "Meg Merrilies. " Come upon these women suddenly in their huts , if you wKh lo meet even fiercer beldame than Scott's magic pen could limn. Above six feet in height , broad and strong as their burly unites , with logs corded like a man's , and bare to Iho knees ; with arms long , crooked and lloshless as wood ; with flat , hairy breasts often bared from neck to the waist , and tanned by salt , sun and wind to the color of the mottled alder bark : with wide jaws , half toothless mouths , sunken cheeks , eyes blue-black and flashing from deep , yellow sockets , and brows bushy and ragged with bristling hairs ; with nar row , creased forohoails , and great , wide salTron-colored ears sot straight out from behind like " dirty "wing-and- wing" sails ; and their square heads crowned by once black hair , faded into snutT-brown like an ill-kept animal's , which is matted and knotted upon the shoulders , and frequently lo Ihe waisl ; and you have but the faiiitost picture of this half-animal who subsists upon kelp , pulse , black oat-cake , and half-raw lish that the buyers , who eomo to the beaches in their carts from London derry , refuse as even unworthy of sale to mendicant anil crouching man-beast of the town. And the children of these':1 : They drag out the same horrible lives : help make the British navy ; turn trai tor to the brood of half-pirates behind , becoming the most remorseless of coast guard , or mountain poteen-hunting , of ficers ; stow themselves away at the rihk of their lives , in the coal bunkers of the great steamers bound for America ; or turn outlaw and man-hater in their own country or in other lands. And yet how the old blood occasionally blossoms through this limitless degradation. A daui'htor of just such an one as I have pictured was the most perfect type of wild and simple human beauty I over behold. Bare-logged and bare-brcast- cd as her molher ; brown as a ha/tol nut ; inoranlly ( innocent of fear ; for four copper coins she rowed mo across Lough Swilly to where her father's work lay at mending the seines , like an Anur/o- nian mnn-of-warVman ; while 1 sat speechless , contemplating her marvel ous beauty and majestic proportions , hating myself because I was not alto gether an artist ; and wondering , in all reverence , why Cod ! , orGod's nineteenth century civilisation , could not wait upon the African missions for a little and reach to and succor such as these. Lough Swilly herring fishing dilTcrs so greatly from that of our own north east coast that a brief description may bo of interest. With us the Quoddy boat is invariably used in every manner of service ; and at Kastnort fish are taken in iust throe ways : By the seine , in daylight at shorn edges , or above the shallows where the tide runs swiftly and favorably ; in the weirs , built , when the tide is out , of palisaded , interwoven poles , in the form of a printer's mark of interrogation , into the lobe of which the herring run , where they are gath ered with nets ; and by "driving , " at night , when a torch attracts the shoals to Iho side of a swiftly rowed boat , , nnd the fish are literally dipped into it with a ' 'scoop-not , " u bushel or more at a sweep. Hero the fishermen use the "Drunthan , " originally a Scotch boat , sharp-pointed fore and aft , and vmaclc- rigged for a iiuglo tail. But fishing U nltvnjr * done here hy night , and never n tlie 'amo manner as on the Quoddy. t is gill netting .MiIng oschi ivcly. The seine- , which have a three-fourth nch mesh , are each about one hundred cot long and tventfeet wide. Six of hc-u splii-cd , lloated with wooden bobs. " and sunk straight with leaden inkers.form what is called a "stand. " With this the boatpropelled by acrew of our men , is rowed to the "grounds' \hich are constantly being changed' agreeab'y ' to weather-wise or supcrsti- uis fancthe ; seine is "pa.\ol out , " o\er the side , and the men idly do/.o > r smoke their pipe-t of bitter black twist and peat , the boat and seine mean- white floating at will. The seine is boarded" over the side and "shook tut. " that is. the lish arc shaken and picked oil into the boat , three or four lines between night-fall and morning , riiu result isimply one of luck , and lepends entirclj upon how man\ her ring hase run' their head- into the meshes of the net. At da.\light the Ushers repair to the beaches at Inch , where hiuers come with carts from Derrv. Aliout a half-penny apiece is paid "for the "catches. " which under this system are at all times mo-l meag er , 'i'lie llsli ate shipped fresh to Bel fast and Dublin ; and sometimes the choicest of the herring find their way to Liverpool and London. There are about " ) ( ) crews on the-e waters ; perhaps ! 00 men arc engaged in the work : and . ( ( souls live and starve on her ring-fishing in the Lough Swilly. Hut a few mile- north of Buneranaoa Ihe shores of the lough is the dainty hamlet of I'ahiin. Most traveler- would with but a plea-ant reflection upon its nestling bcaut.Yet . there ho\ers about the little spot perhaps the deepest and most attractive ecclesiastic and historic traditionary interest to ho found in the north of Ireland. Tlio Ah by of St. Mura was hero founded in the early part of the seventh century ; the region roundabout was , nearly ! ! IM years earlier , a favorite haunt of St. Patrick himself ; St. Muni's holy well is still seen : and for eleven centuries foot sore pilgrims have come hither for liealing through the cllicacy of piajer. Our -o-ealled "faith-cure" is- not young. More remarkable than all , an unflinch ing protestant. Dr. Walter Bernard , of Londonderry , the noted antiquary whose single-handed labors restored the ( irianan of Aileaoh , here set a nohlt. marble cro-s to mark the shrine tor weary Catholic wanderers. I do not iiiow whether this particular cross has ever been ceremonial . sanctioned or blessed. It docs not matter. That sort > f a eivili/cd deed coiipccrates itself and ill of the things that go with it. To the irish of all lands an impressive fact mlds interest here. The most eminent successor to St. Mura was Maelmura the servant of Mura ) . Of this erudite jardic hi-torian it is recorded in almost nspircdoi'se ; The great and fertile Iceland never produced a man like the nild , fine Maelmura. * * * There mixed not a nobler face with the dead. " 1 donotbslicvc there is a loftier or moro toetieally expressive sentence in all angnage's than that last. It is to this nest ancient of Irish historic bards.who died in bh ( ) , that Ireland owes the pres ervation of the first accounts ol the Milesian or ( ! adolian race. It is found n Maelmura's Duan Kiroannach , or I'oem of Ireland , written about Sid. 1'ho bard relates that on the engulfing of 1'harao , the Hgyptinns were angered with tlio children of Niul , who wore de scendants from I-'enius of Se.Uhia , for leclining assistance in pursuing the isracliteKe.iring enslavement they soi/od I'harao's deserted ships , and lied > y way of the lied sea. India and Asia .o Sythla , their own country. After ti eng time , Asruth , son of 'Uadhael ( or Gael , from whom the Irish have been ailed Gael ) , proceeded with the lesccndants1 of Niul lo Tapr.ibana Ceylon ) , when , " ! ) ( ) \ears thcrc- ifter. at the destruction of Troy. Brath , nineteenth in descent from Fenius , led in expedition "to the north of the world ; " and , passing Crete , came to 'Lspain the peninsular. " Conquering i certain territory , his son Breogan , > uilt a city called Brigantia ; and lin- illy , sallying from a lofty lower ho had tmilt on the coast , his son. Hh , a brave explorer , discovered an Kri or Ireland , as f'tr as Luimncch ( Limeriec ) , the country about the mouth of the Shan non. I had not yet ascended Slicve Snajjht mountain of snow ) and us some little bc- rore , I had enjoyed probably the grand est sunshine scene from the massive walls upon Ailcach to be found in all Ireland , I determined before leaving iho extreme north , to witness the setting ting of the sun. if some luckj absence if the almost over-hovering mists might permit it from the loftiest peak of Inishowen. The determination gave me an unexpected , somewhat startling , and altogether ludicrous adventure. From Kalian 1 reached the upper foot- liills of the mountain in a half day's journey over the circling and inter secting roads , witii spine little time to spare among the cabins , and the white Hocks , shepherds and dogs that com prise almost the only inhanihiats of the heights. Leisurely proceeding in the accent , which became quito arduous la bor towards the summit , from the rank growth of fur/o covering treacherous pitfalls , the frequent "pockety" bogs which must bo cros-cd at some peril , or circumvented witn much otlort , and from constant stumbling over half-hid den juttings of firm and frost-rotten rock , it was not until the .sun had al most gone to bed in the Donegal high lands to the west , that I had gained the lofty peak , and stood whore I could see to a hori/on more than fifty miles dis tant in nearly every direction. It is said that , 15 0 her history , Krin's mountains are the homo of the mist. Tlio mist was here : not in den-o , foggy formbut floating like lightest threads of lace , back and forth , as if fairies of the upper air were already silently weaving a lleecy robe for the night. To the far east the darker shades were alrcad- fill ing the valleys of Antrim ; and only to the north upon the Atlantic , to the bouth upon distant Tyroneand between Sliovo Snaght and lone Krrigal on the numberless mountain sides and in the great basin of the Swilly , were there remaining the heightened colors ami light. There is something in the silent solitary contemplation of these scenes of surpassing grandeur which sweep the material senses like dust from the soul , and merges the ex- halted spirit-consiousiioss into a man ner of existence utterly heedless of the very earth from which it emanates. In a trice of seeming the sun had sunk in heathery pillow behind Krrigal. An answering pulse of Hume flushed against the fair faces of the lambent forms above , trembled for an instant , and was gone. I was alone in the ghostly gloaming ing on the mountain top. Awakened from my dreaming and thoroughly startled I hastened wiih utmost speed down the peak towards whore I had last scon through the purple the roofs of little Buncraim at the side of the Lough. In an increditably short time it was dark , save for the occasional star light between rifts of gathering fog. I made a sorry nic"s of it now ; and losing my footing altogether , fell sprawling over a ledge of detached mold and stones. One came bowling over mo through the heather and gritty loam , and after a fine ricochet seemed to have crashed through the mountain-side itself into a perfect cauldron of Irish o\ths and objurgations ! More startling to me still , sparks ascended iu brilliant pyrotechnics With ui haths through the orifice. I had no ntorc than regained my feet , whore 1 had fallen upon what appeared to be soliirVork , when a frowsy Irish head , precerten "hy " a frowsy Irish bluiiderbus , looked"nlo" squarely in the face , as I was edmjielled to confront an cmbarra-sing IrlMi dilemma. "T'row up ver Indicts ! " says a per-ua- s-ive voice behind the gun. ' 'At your servico. * ' says I , doing with military alacrity asjt was ordered. "Now t'row down yoilr arms ! " "I won't , " says I"till ' you give mo leave , as all I have in the world are in the sky at your bidding. " "By mo troth , Ieitny. ) that's fairly spolcen. " said the head to some unseen spirit below. Then" kindlier , but still crispily , to myself whore I still stood , rigidly retaining my statuesque atti tude : "Come down out o' that ! " 'I did , and in a moment more was in side a poteen brewer's hut , sitting upon the very rock which had ernsliiMl through the smoke-hole in the turf-cov ered roof , and nearly caused the death of the two charming innocents below. It would be a long , long tale to tell their manifold professions of industry as herdsboys upon tlie mountains ; their elTusivc condemnations of the trilling , forgivable outlawry in the misty dis tricts ; and their endless and splendid ellorts to hide , in various ollices of hos pitality , the illy-concealed evidences of their canny vocation "will the fairies ealchin' in blue-bell aprons heav'ns own dew. " But all they possessed on earth was at the strangers * disposal , as they gradually found , and warmed to llnd , that the stranger was to be trusted. And after a night's rest in which , in mv dreams. I was with them , one of them , in their eerie work ; and a hearty enough breakfast of oat-cake and po-set , got from some riuine-hld cabin before I had left my rock-shelf couch of tlio night ; I left a bit of silver with each and bid them a heart-felt good-bye. From far below I heard them call to me. I turned with a friendly smile to listen. 'switiginn both arms out wildly , but with an all-comprehen sive gesture , ho of the -baggy head shouted lustily as a final pledge of good-fellowship : "God blis- , America ! an"an' all luplt go will ye ! " "Amen ! And that ame to Ireland ! " my own voice heartily sent up the heights , to blond witli his blessing. And then I turned with an elated step into the sunny morning , upon the wind ing Buncrana way. Ki'tr.Ait L. W\KIM : . Are you restless at night , and har- rassed by a bad coughV Use Dr. .1. II. McLean Tar Wine Lu'ig Balm , it will secure you sound sleep , and ellcct a prompt and r.idical cure. Only ll'i cents a bottle. FOLLOWING THE SEA. v vroiiv or jinviN"nni : : . London Figaro : At the time of "the great earthquake of ' ( > S , " I was at Africa , Peru. I have not a niapjby ' me , and am not certain that Africa is not in Chili , but it can't make much difference ; there was an earthquake all along there. Sam Baxter was with me ; I think we had gone to make a railway , or some thing. On the inorning'of ' the "quake" Sam and I had gone down to the beach to bathe. Wo had shed our boots and begun to moult , when there was a slight tremor of the earth , nsSf the elephant who supports it was pushing upward , or lying down and getting.up.again. Next the surges , which w reflattening them selves upon the sand and dragging away such small trilles as tiiey could lay hold of , began racing out seaward , as if they had received a telegraphic dispatch that somebody was not expected to live. When the sea had receded entirely out of sight , wo started after it ; for , it will bo remembered , wo had come to bathe ; and b < tthing without some kind of water is not rofieshing in a hot cli mate. For the first four or live miles the walking was was very difficult. The ground was soft , there were tan gled forests of seaweed , old rotting ships , rusty anchors , human skeletons , and a multitude of things to impede the pedestrian. The lloundering sharks bit our legs as we toiled past them , and we were constantly slipping down on the lint fish strewn about like orango- peel on n sidewalk. Sam , too. had stulTod his shirt front with such a weight of Spanish doubloons from the wreck of an old galleon that I had to help him across all the worst places. It was very dispiriting. Presently , away on the western liori- yon , I saw the sea coming back. It oc curred to me then that 1 did not wish it to come bade. A tidal wave is nearly always wet , and I was now a good way from home. The same was- true of Sam , but ho did not appear to think of it in that way. Ho stood quite still a moment with his eyes lived an the advancing line of water ; then turned to me , saying very earnestly : "Tell you what , William ; I never wanted ii ship so bad from the cradle to the grave ! I would give moro for a ship ! more than for all tlio railways and turnpikes you could scare up ! I'd give more than a hundred , thousand , million dollars' ' I would I'd trivo all I'm worth for just one little ship ! " To show how rightly ho could part with his wealth , ho lifted his shirt out of his trousers , unbosoming himself of his doubloons , which tumbled about in agoldon storm. By this time the tidal wave was clo o upon us. Call that a wave ! It was one solid green wall of water , higher than Niagara Falls , stretching as far as wo could see to the right and left , without a break in its towering front ! It was by- no moans clear what wo ought to do. The moving wall showed no projections hy means of which the most daring climber could hope .to roach tlie top. There was no ivy there were no win dow-ledges. Stay ! there was the liirht- ning rod ! No , there wasn't any light ning rod ! Of course , nof ! Looking despairingly upward , I made a tolerably good beginning at thinking of all the mean actions J had wrought in the llesh , when I faw ? .projecting be yond the crest of tho..wavo a ship's bow sprit , with a man sitting upon it , read ing a newspaper ! Thank fortune , wo were saved ! ( , Falling upon our knees with tearful gratitude , wo got up again and ran ran as fast as wo could , Inspect ; for now the whole fore-part , of tie ship bulged through the water directly above our heads , and might los'e its balance any moment. If wo had only brought along our umbrellas ! I shouted to the man on the bowsprit to drop us a lino. Ho merely replied that his correspondence was already verv onerous , aud ho hadn't any pen and'ink. Then I told him I wanted to got aboard. Ho said I would lind one on the beich , about three leagues to the south'ard , where the Nancy Tucker wont ashore. At those replies I was disheartened. It was not BO much that the man withheld assistance , as that he made puns. Uemember wo were run ning-like the very devil all this time. Presently , however , ho folded his newspaper- put it carefully away > n his pocket , went and jjotaMno , and let it down to us just as we wcr ° about to give up the race. Sam madelxf lunge at it , and got it. I laid hold o his logs , tlio end of the rope was passed about the cap-nan , and as soon as the mon on board had had a little grog , we were hauled up , I can assure you that it was no line c\porienco to go up in that way , close to the smooth vertical front of water , with the whales tumb ling out all around and above us , and the sword tlshes nosing us pointedly with vulgar curiosity. Wo had no sooner set foot on dock , and got Sam disengaged , than the pur-er stopped up with Iwok and pencil. "Tickets , gentlemen. " We told him we hadn't any tickets , and he ordered us to be set ashore in a boat. It was represented to him that this was quito impossible under the cir cumstances ; but ho replied that he had nothing to do with circumstances. Nothing would move him till the cap tain , who was really a kind-hearted man , came on deck and knocked him down. We wore now stripped of our cloth ing , chafed all over with stiff brushes , rolled on our stomachs , wrapped in flan nels , laid before a hot steve in the sa loon , and strangled with scalding brandy. Wo Inul not been wet , nor had we swallowed any s-on water , but the surgeon said this was the proper treat ment. I suspect , poor man. he did not often get the opportunity to resuscitate anybody ; in fact , ho admitted he had not had any such case as ours for years. It is uncertain what ho might" have have done to Us if the tender-hearted captain had not thrashed him into his cabin , and told us to go on deck. By this time the ship was passing above the town of Africa , and wo were about to go astern and fish a littlewhen she grounded on a hill-top. The captain hove out all the anchors he had about him. and when the water went swirl ing back to its legal level , taking the town along for companythere we were , in tlie. midst of a charming agricultural country , but some distance from any port.At . At sunrise ne\t morning we were allen on deck. Sam sauntered aft to the bin nacle , cast his eye carelessly upon the compass , and uttered an ejaculation of astonishment. "Tell , you , captain , ' * ho called out , "this has been a direr convulsion of na ture than you have anv idea. Kvery- thing's been screwed right round. Ncc- dlo points duo south ! " "Why , you cussed lubber ! " growled the skipper , moving up and taking a look , "it p'ints d'roctly to labbard , an' there's the sun , dead ahead ! " Sam confronted him with a ga/o of in effable contempt. "Now , who said it wasn't dead ahead ? tell mo that. Shows how much you know about earthquakes. 'Course , I didn't mean just this continent , nor just this earth. I tell you , the whole tiling's turned ! " An AlmoliitesCnrr. The OKIGINAL AUIKTINE OINTMKXT is only put up in lurtjc two ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute euro for old sores , bums , wounds , chapped Irnmls , and all skin ei up tmns Will positively cm o all knuls of piles. Ask for the OUIC.INAL AUIET1NK OINT MHNT. Soul by Goodman DiugCo. , at lifi eats pur box by mail Hi ) c-t-nts. State Line. Toilu ( > . ow , llclrut-t , Dublin nntl Liverpool From New York Every Tuesdav , Ciililn i --nio Wi nnd IV ) , nccordliiK to location ot Mute room. Kxrurslon iiv'i to it HI. Fteeia e to and troiu Kuiojiu nt Lowest Hutci. AUSTIN IIAUnVIN * ft ) . . ( H'n'lKint . Kt llrnauwny , Now York. .1OIIN ULr.nilN , Oen'l Western AKPIU , IM llnndolpli St. , t'hlc-RL'O. 1IAHHY 13. MOOItlM. ABunt. Ouiahn. Reduced Cabin Kiitesto Gliibyow Ex hibition. BANK OFJMAHA. Capital , - - - $100,000 IJOl South Thirteenth Street. General Banking radjayings Easiness , ClIUH.lR HllK STKI ) , I'lesldCllt. C. 1' . NEI IIIIAM , Vlro I'resldcnt. Kit INK V. WARNMIMAN , Cashier. 1'or the benefit of Depositors the PiuhiKS De partment will be open on Saturdnj nights fiom fitoHoYloK. 5 Per Cent on Sat ings nnd Time Deposits. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO. Boston. Muss. ; Kaiman City , Mo. Capital &Su plus , $1,500,000 $ , , This company has opened nnOmiihaolIiconnil Is prtpari'd to furnish money inomptly on 1m- piovt'il city nnil faim property. No applications M'nt n , ny for approval. Loans closed and paid tor n Ithoiit delay. JOHN \V. CISII. MaiiUKcr. 309 South mil Street 1'lrbt National Hank. FARM AND OMAHA CITY LOANS , The Kansas City Investment Co , 3O Chamber ol' Commerce , OMAHA , NKH. No delays. All business done nt this olllco , ; U A&CH oiTirR. JOHN M. SHAW & CO. COMMISSION , Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds , Margin Transactions n Specialty. JOHNSON 4CHJUSTIAN , Iiumn s. 15 IJOAKI ) OK TKADE , - OMAHA. Members of tlio Chicago llo.inl of Trailn 1'ilv- ate Wires to Chicago uiul New York. CITY LOANS ! W. B. MEIKLE , Room 506. First Nat'l Bank BulldlnK "ARETHESES ifOR SALE + EVERYWHERE. TAPE WORM PROF. BYRON FIELD. TOPEKA , KANSAS. ONE OF * SERIES OF PICTURES m-rRCSGNTiNO COFFEE CULTURE. WATCH CON THC NEXT. ; i * iff | zz&ffiS&F& r--- ' ' : . „ . „ „ „ , " " " ' QyJ "DATIVE COFFEEPlCKE.RS _ . , I _ _ j ] CATION CHASE & SAN BORN. OUR COFFEES HAVE A NATIONAL REPUTATION REPRESENTING THE FINEST CROWN. f3JC4jtl.JL4 JDJtVxXX " " I U C\\TWT1 / \ JAVA surtmeslnir ml nil V ° otuom F.nAt In us rlclinosa nnd dollcnoy of tlnvor. Justly cnllod The Aristocratic CofToo of America. Always packet ! whole roasted ( unirround ) In U ib. air-tight tin cans. / T > TTC A "T T T&T TTW \ A skilful blondlnprof stromr. lln- V/X U J9A.A/X4 X > JjJCiXll J-r very and aromatic high Krmlo cottoos. Wnrrnmod not to contain a sliijlo ( Hlo bean , and fuaranto < < d to suit your taato n no ether colloo will , nt n moduratn prlco. Always packed whole roasted ( utiKround ) , In 1 Ib. air-tight parchtuont packngou. npTCjnn VJ > 1.1 M Wo are exclusively an Importing UOUBO , soiling JLJCJtSA. f - * - * rl only to dealers lint to Rlvo oonsumorH an opportunity of touting our famous coffee before buyinir , wo will , upon receipt of O oontrt in stamps lo cover the cost of ran nncl postngo , uouti free by ntall a 1-4 ixminl of Scut Il > ' < tntl Cu/ft't' . Addrosa CIIASU & SANUOKN , 123 HUOAI ) ST. , 1IOSTOX , MASS. Can bf had in Over 700 Different Styles and Sizes , at the same price as the counterfeits Insist upon setlng the Trade Mark or you may be decalvad The Michigan Stove Company , Detroit , Chicago , Buffalo. CAUTIQN.-tKnrani o ( m r- obuit. who commend other stove. In preference to" CAM LANDS , " Tlii-y hara .ItherfMled to un > in Sold Unrland" Agency or Everywhere.Unrland" upon which a er Ur margin of profit cu ba mtcle. C Sons , Ay cuts for Oinalut PAID UP CAPITAL , $300,000. SURPLUS $40.000. AMERICAN LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY , S AVINCS BANK DEI'AHTMEflJT- UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. 0 ° | , .Interest on deposits , compounded aoml-nnnuallyj " R " "Savings Cortlflcates with Interest coupons attached. DEBENTURE BONDS In Denominations of 92OO , S30O , $ OOO , , o ] and $ IOOO , baaed upon First Mortgage Real Estate Securities deposited with , and bonds certified by the Union Trust Company ' of New York. Drafts drawn on the principal cltlos of Europe. A. C. POWELL , CASHIER. = DIRECTORS : = 0. M. CARTER , Pres. D. D. COOLEY , V.-Pres. PHILIP POTTER , Sec. J. J. BROWN. ALVIN SAUNDERS. C. S. MONTGOMERY. J. FRED ROGERS. ' DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE. A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. GERMANIA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YORK. Policies Incontestable nncl Non-forfeitnble After Three Ycnrs. HUGO WESENDONK. Prosldont. I COHN ELIUS DOREMUS. Secretary. Agencies In ull the larger cities of tuo I'nlti'd States and ( icrmun limplro. A.\I siJui'i.UN or TIII : DECEMBER 31ST. 1862. Assets $26OBB5 43 | SurnklB . S2O7.I58G7 DECEMBER. 3IST. 1887. Assets .513,073li < V7 37 i Surplus. $ I,83O.O3O 62 Amount of Insurance In force . W < V5OOOOOO Annual Income 3 > 2,4OOOOO 'IliedVrmanln possesses f 110.10 or ailmlttnl ah cts for every $ of llntllltli" > , n bettt-r rntlo than that of any of thu other thiee laixcst Insurance Companies of the I nlti-d Mittuh. Ernst Benninghoven , Manager , " " " " .iarHal"0 . - " - W. G. ALBRIGHT , Real Estate , 218 S. 15th St.Omaha. BEST AND CHEAPEST ALBRIGHT'S CHOICE ! SOUTH OMAHA. BUY NOW TERMS EASY. ADPUITCPTC' ' ' < KTAUII. 1610 Howard .St. , Unmha , has drawn plnr.s and Anunl I kU I ipeclncatloiiBfor a U-room frame hoiine. whirl ! coinllm > mlllty.iomforteconomy ami beauty.lnavay IrnpouBlhle In any i house tliut costs from tl.'iw to tl.iWO As moro than \ _ - _ , . . , , , . . , . . will l > e built so , 1 can afford to offer a cony for Original and splendid Ci5 , the usual fees otherwise ben | from deslcni furnished , as cuu bo Judgtd y fMyofnh\v\n \ ' J : f ssS form Uie "ets ol Pla389 : ooraplettd bulldlujiot lipor cent more. ' ! descriptions I huro to my onice , ranjlBK l erU from W.OOO to MOO.ttiO. My unuiualezptrlencc will | uitrKtiRtlift t > an and reliable contractora only are eoetgtd on my work * . Parties wun'.ox tu bullij are cordially Invited. We t > * T a pollute cure for ITCHING Ml i vii or ni.uniNii I'll rs , 117 lit , uiathouiundiuf caiciot lung lUncl- I Inc U f e bevu ciireit bo ilroua It uur l Hh In Iti cunilUo puweti lu > l we , will mall one iimiple bu > met lo anr HiCticr. N.II.-'ldH Ii DO liuiubuni rou aclntllr itcclr * bni free by return - turn null , ( not lut of circular ! ) , and on anpllcatlnn will convince jou nt t * woitb. AJdrtMTbf W.Mllllfil Co. , Uuffalo , N. V , Meatlun lit Ouaba B c , HAIR GOODS ! MES. EATS II. OUUF1TT , 209 N inth utreot , Omaba. Hair and t ; u !