Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1888, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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Advertisements under this head 10 cents per
lluo for tlio llrM Insertion , 7 cents for each mib-
neqtient insertion , and ll.M ) a line per month
No advertisement taken for less thanJSTicenH
tli first Insertion. Seven words will bo counted
to tlie line ; they mint run consecutively ami
must be paid In ADVANCE. All advertise
ments tuUhl be Unruled In before 12 : ! > l o'clock p.
m. , nnd under no circumstances will they betoken
token or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advn Using In these columns and hav
ing their answers addressed In care of 1 II r. HKK
will please ask for a check t < i enable them to get
thfllr letters , an nonu i 111 be delh ercd except on
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should bo rn closed In envelopes.
All advurtlseiiientB In thcs columns iiie pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
TUP. IlKK. the circulation of which aggregates
more than I . ( JO papers dally , and gives this ad
vertiser * the lienellt. not only of the city rlrru-
JatlonofTilK IlKK , but also of Council lilinri.
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
thl . sect Ion of tlin country. _
Advertising for the o column * will be taken
on the ubo\ conditions , nt the following busi
ness IIOIISBH. who are authorized agents for TIIK
Hr.Kiipaclal notices , nnd will quote the name
rates an can be had nt tlie main office. .
01 IN W HULL , PbarmaclsT , KM South Tenth
MASK & KDDV. Stntlonern and 1'rluters , 11J
Bouth 15th Stieet.
Sll. FAHNSWOHTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
Ing Street. _
\\T J. llt'OHKS. Pharmacist. 621 North ICth
T > . Street
G 1IO. W. I'AUU , I'harmaclst , WJSt. Mary's
MI DOM ! aged .single lady would llko place
In small family to do light work and rare
if Infant. Apply or cull nt Nebraska Employ
incut olllce. 31 , liith st. 25121 *
"V\rANTKI ) lly a respectable young lady no
TT ItIdii as companion to a lady and children
traveling ; highest references. Apply or call at
Nebraska Kmployment Olllce , 317 N. Idth st.
81 21 *
\\rANTED-A situation as coarhmun nnd
T * gi'in'rnl work by u joung man , unmarried :
Is n competent horseman ; cityreferences. Ad
dress O J2 , llee olllco. 204 21t
y\n i nn Situation by experienced man.
thoroughly understands earn of line horses
nnd cnrrlngen good references. M. M , Peterson ,
Atlantic hotel , S 10th t. 1U921 *
W A NT1.D Situation bya good relfable man
have had 12 years practical experience in
the gonetal retail trade IIH halesman and book-
keopor. Host of references. Address "How
ard , " I'lDT. Karnam St. , city 183 22 *
"VyAN'l ED- Position , Indoors or out , by a
TT Hlranger , middle age , where attention to
business will Insure advancement ; no ngemy.
Addicss O 24 , llee olllce , IMI 22 *
- reliable man wishes situation
lu a wholesale grocery or furulturo store ,
experienced In mr of hort-os , Is an engineer.
Address or call Nebraska Employment olllce ,
ftl" N. Ifithfct. 941 SI *
\\TANTKD OHO young man ana 0 teamster * .
T ifS'i and bo.ird ; apply I'ominerclal Emp.
Agency , HM rurnam , room 4. 25S.32 *
LGENTS wanted to handle our new Una of
goodH. lloom 4.U. Paxton block. 25V31
W ANTED Six steam litters. Armour-Cuda-
hey Packing Co. . South Omaha. 2421
WANTED At once neat , bright ofllce boy.
must Hpi'iik ( lerman and KnglUh. Cull
nt room 307 First Nat'l bank bldg , between B and
10 Monday morning. 247 2U
) Flrstclass gas litter , wages W.liO
TT per day. Apply Graham Park , 29IB Leav-
euworth bt. 211)21 ) *
\\rANTKI ) Shoveler ; wages 11.75 per day ?
TT board it 00 pur week. Apply ou work ut
Ilulo , Nob. Xach Shrop , contractor. 2lT >
WANTKDVoung man to drive wagon nnd
cut meat , at Id-1 Howard .st Zt !
TVANTED Immediately , thirty teams with
TT wheel scrapers , apply at American Water
Works olllco , UilO Cap. ave , . city. 197 21
ITANTKD 4 good carpenters on Z9th and
T Hickory sts. 18521 *
\\TANTED A tailor at once , ono that has
T T made military work preferred. Apply to
Chas , W. Miller , Fort Omaha. Neb. 184 2l
WANTRD A first-class salesman for city
( trade ; must be well posted in cigars nnd
tom.and popular with the retail trade ; good
references required. Address U 2t ) , Uoe ofhce.
17131 *
"II. ANTED A salesman in general Installment
TT store ; permanent situation if satisfaction
given. Apply by letter to U 18 llee ofllce. 149 25
WANTED ( liDonvl and local agents to
handle thn new patent ink erasing pencil ,
Greatest novelty ever produced. Erases ink
In two seconds , no abrasion of paper , 200 to COO
vet cent proflt. Sells at i-lght : terrltoty nbso-
lutely free ; salary to good men. Sample 35
cents by rantL For terras und lull particulars
ddres.s the manufacturers , J. W. Bklnnor
Oa , Onalaska , Wls. i'i ! sit
WANTED < ! oo < l men as managers for our
goods lu every city outside of Omaha ; hnl-
pry nnd expenses ; some capital required. Scud
ptampfor pnttlculnrs to Patterson Oil llnruer
L'o. , 18)5 St. Mary's ave. , Omaha. 800 21
WANTEDHallroad laborers for Washing
ton Territory ; an all winter's Job in a mild
climate ; wages guaranteed from $ Jto.J.50 per
May , or t H to * 40 per month and board. At
Ight's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam t. 615
ANTKb-Milker. 4115 Sauudors. KM
WANTKD A man to solicit ; salary 1100 per
mouth ; must deposit $25 and give security
for money collected. Address Urorge S. Cllne ,
\Vagner block , DCS Molnos , la. 634
A GENTS WANTKD-175 a month and expenses -
' ( * penses paid any active person to sell our
coeds ; no capital , salary monthly , expenses in
hdyance , particulars free. Standard Silverware
Co. , llo.iton. 47D
( OYb-Am. IJlst. Tel. Co. . 1304 Douglas.
' ANTED Man to take the agency of our
safes ; size 28x18x18 Inches ; Wright 500 HM ;
retail price W5 : other sizes In proportion. A
rare cfiiince aud permanent business. These
Isafes meet u demand never before supplied by
ptuor kafe companies , as wo are not governed
Ijy the safe pool. Alpine Safe Co. Cincinnati. O.
* V\7ANTED-Enercettc men and womeuevery-
TT whttra for a genteel , monuy-maktug busi
ness. IIID weeklypiotlt guaranteed easlerthan fiO
monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely un-
iecsary. Peimaiient position and exclusive
territory assured. 6i samples free. Write for
| ) rtl uUrs. Address , with stamp , Merrill Mf'g.
to. . H Kl , Chicago. 6. ' > 4oJ3f
* r\7'ANTED ( Teed life Insurance solicitors
T with bank roforouces. are wanted by the
Ilnlou Life at 401 Merchants' national bank
Iiulldlng , Omaha , Ollice hours 8 to 10 a. tu. and
too p. in. 815
\\TANTED-Flrct class fur sewers at Hlchter's
TT t-hevly's block , second lloor. 377 2U
WANTED-dood girl forgonoral hou o workl
Apply at once. 022 Georgia live. 279 21 *
-Slx coed girls for private faml-
lies In cltv , must bo coed cooks. Ne-
fcraska limploynieut olllce , 312 N Itith st.
'VV TANTRD-dlrl for cenernl housework ,
T ( lood wages paid to the right girl , 2US
* rANTKD-Competi > nt girl Tor ofllcor's famIly -
Cm- Ily in i WyomlnK. ISO. faro paid ; 1 near
city f fa | ; cH > kfor Auburn , * 22 ; heuiud girl , (15 ;
' ' girl. J.I ; 20 girls for private families. Mrs.
yroga. 314 H S. 15th. un 21 *
* f : MNTKD-A flrst class girl for general
T > housework. WJ1 810th s.t. 198
\\rANTED-A young girl to take rare of a
T child and do second work ; no washing or
Ironing ; references lequtred. Inqutrs after-
hoona , between 1 and U. at 22U > Dodge t. 174
girl , age 13 to Ifi , 2128 liar-
uey st. 173 22 *
rayANTKD-A nttwe girl. 10J S. llth. 14021
ftyANTKD-At 2220 Farnam su.a girl for gen-
TT crul housework ; muct be agood cook and
aundress. tc/j 21
WTANTED-A lady to solicit : must deposit r
I "T and give necurlty for money collece ( < l.
Address Ueorg * S. Cllne , Wagner block , Dos
Jollies , la. fr
TTTANTKD-GIrl for general houtewerk. AD-
T ply s. W. corner M and Lake Sts. WO 2Jj
WTANTKD Ijuly agents to canvtsi rity , ea >
. T iwclally South Omaha , ! * > travel for
lenulno fast eelllus ! lno of coods. Apply 1W2
< Wth . V07 82 *
_ _
WANTHD-ljidy agents for combination
bustltt-sklrc , "Daisy" hose supjKjrter.
rubt r uiirom. bibti , uleoves , bhuulder liracfs ,
Mfet/ belts , waterproof garmenu , etc.reliable ;
lionse. Only goods of n-al merit ; profits Urge.
fAS with ftimp. i : , H. Uituiibell JtOo. , 4
ItaudolpU t. , Clil nto. bN uov IOJ.
. \
TVTANTKD-Two dining-room glrU. Mol N.
> V icthst. urea ) .
St'PKKIOK advantages now ( jlven In thoce
bronchi' * nt Omaha Commercial Collepe.opn ,
I' O. . tor 15th and Dodge , lieu I'ltlnau system.
Itemlugton typo writers. livery graduate In
good position. Students coiiiplota manual In
two wreks , and write. W words In three mouths.
1'ractlcnl ofllro drill given each student one
month free , Hecltatlons dally ouo hour. Dic
tation three hours dally. Day and evening ses
sions Students enter any tlmu. For circulars
write Horhbough llros. . Omaha. 2s | nia
ALKNTINK'S Short-hand ami typo-writing
Institute , now I'uxton building , Omaha ,
Neb. The only exclusive , practical short-hand
school III the u i > st. 1 hu douiand for Rhort-uaml
w rltern Is largely In excess of the supply.
Short-hand Is much superior to book-keoplna
and telegraphy as a mentis of livelihood. Wu
give Instructions on Kcmington nnd Hammond
typo-writers , both for the same prlto.
Day and evening sessions. Students can
enter at any time , Send tor circular * . 75 'nll.
JEI1UABKA Employment onice , 317 NA Iflth.
UOt *
CANADIAN employment ofllce , Mrs. Hrega
\J3W S 10th. Reference Uinuha National bank
' 'y.i o 17 *
IfOlt BAr.H-fprlght piano , Btandanl make.
1 nnarly now , lu good rep.ilr : a big bargain It
sold at once. Address 0 1. Ilee otlice. 21021 *
Y\r ANTKD Prttivlnif to do at home , ovenlngs.
Addluis I ! . , ll'JS. 17th st. 17i '
$ . ( niO or D.OiXl. long time , low Intormt , A 1 so
curlty ( IL-JIleu. 1B3 2J
AN riTl-To correspond with parties who
dcslro to locate In business or those going
out ; can furnish locations lu any Una or ex
change , nnd cash customers for parties desiring
to sell. L. I' . Kraus , 10J7 Farimni St. , Omaha.
WANTKD-A desirable family to tnko
charge of dormitory for young ladles nt
Uellevui' college. Apply with rofoionce to Kev ,
F S. Illayuey. Ueilevuo. Neb. 707
EXI'HIIT ACCOl'NTANT-Wanted to adjust
complicated books ; partnership accounts
and complicated accounting of all kinds : coun
try correspondence solicited. Address F 11 llee.
! )57 ) no *
WANTED Tlie public to make ( rood use of
The lleo'B messace boxes throughout the
city. 100
ANTED If you hare any lands , lots , or
houses and lots to sell or exchange for
other property , call on me or write. 1 can find
you nouatomur. 0. C. Spotswood. 305VJ S. IBta.
WANTED Thirty day boarders , also three
i comers at 2231 Dodge st. 271 lO ) '
OF.NTIr.MRN can Hnd boaid with home
comforts In family of 2 : also few day board-
cm. 11 per week. Inquire 2-story house , rear of
muss , ui7 ! at *
WANTED Table boarders nt 1GOU Doughis.
* 75
" \\fANTED A gentleman wants a well ftir-
TT nlshcd nnd hunted room in private
family , llust of lefereuces glvun , Address "O
5" llee olllco. 280 22 *
TVANTED-lly gentleman ( single ) nicely fur-
T > nlshed front room with modern coin en-
luncoa for all winter and spring at reasonable
rates , between Chicago anil l.oiiM'iuvorth , 16th
and 22d sts , with private family , where no
boarders are kept. Highest references. Ad
dress , U ill lieu. 2t8 2U
WANTED For slv months or longer , by cou
ple with ono child , n house of six or seven
rooms , completely furnished. Kefereucus given.
Addies.s FIW , lieu olllce. 242-2U
WANTED-Iiy two gentlemen , furnished
room , 2 l > * dx , heat : permanent. Stale
price. Address U 27 , Hue olllcu. 2U-21t. |
\irANTKD Hy n single gentleman a small
if fuintshod room , centrally located with
board. Address with term , 0 at , llee onice.
853 21 *
V\rANTRD To rent one basement for storing
T potatoes. Address Model Grocery , 10th
nnd Howard. KJ'i 21 *
ANTKO-Hall for band to practice In 3
nlRhU per week. Address , stating price.
B. Stromberg , Sec. . UOi Douglas st. ail 22 *
WANTED To rent two or three unfurnished
rooms suitable for light housekeeping by
gentleman and wife ; must be north of St.Mnry's
uve. nnd neit of loth st. O 19 Ileo onice. lid 21J
I CAN rent 3or 4 well furnished houses it de-
slrnbly located. Hnve customers for auy
number of 8 to 10 room dwellings with modern
conveniences. Have you a modern house with
8 or 9 room * , dining room on parlor floor ? List
your houses with me. Nethertou Hall , room
423 First Nat. Ilk. Uldg. 899
FOH RENT Elegant tl-room outside Hat. two
blocks from P. O. , tli ! per mouth ; furniture
new ; will sell cheap for cash. Address O 35 ,
Uoe offlce. 87H 21'
FOH KENT Two 4 room houses. Howard
nnd 13th st. , 23d and Leavenworth. Apply
813 S. 2Uth ht. 37121'
POIt RENT New cottage , 3 rooms , Jfl a
mouth , city w ater , 2y2l Decatur. 2 < E 23t
FOll KENT 7-room Hat , city water , bath and
modern conveniences. 3 unfurnished nnd 3
furnished rooms for light housekeeping. All
over 1003 Howard st. C. F. Shaw , 1015 Howard.
TIWU HENT-Flat of 6 rooms ( new ) bath room ,
* ? water , etc. J.J3 Inquire lb2U Sherman ave.
221 21 ;
Foil UENT New 7-room noiibo , 118 month.
Apply U21I Charles st. 22J 22
FOK UENT A few 8 and 10-roomod houhes ,
close in , Also some good business ; > -
sonable. II. It. Hall , 113 North 18th st. SI3 22
POK KENT -rm house , 112-C-rin house , $ M ;
7-rm house , $ .il ) ; 7-rm house , U't ; 8-rm houta
t3j ; o largo number of now houses to rent. J.
11. Kvans , 1510 Dodge. 21321
"UXlt HBNT My borne. 1117 1'nrk nvo. , fur-
-L' nlshed or unfurnished ; house 10 rooms with
all conveniences. 1) ) . H. lloodricu , CnbleTrnm-
wny Co. , 20th and Harney sts. 2U1 2J
KENT Two cottages , one of 5 rooms.
< Ji ) per mo. , and one B rooms with bam , fti'i
per mo. , on Knlivlew st. , opposite All Saints
cnurch. D. II. ( ioodrlch , Cable Tiamwuv Co. ,
IXtli ) and Harney st.s. ail 25
HOUSI'.S unJ Ilattt In the cnoice.-t locations ,
furniture for sale cheap. Co-operative
Land * Lot Co. , 203 N. Iflthst ( uy stalrs.i
235 22
"I71OK UENTtOroom house with hteam heat ,
J-1 nt 20.1 S. 24th Ht. U. K. Thompson. Shcely
block , 16th and Howard 834
FOll HUNT A boarding house with twenty
rooms in good location , w 1th nil modem im
provements , all new. Inquire of Elllngcr Ilios. ,
61S 810th .st. n n St
PIVK-llOOM house , hard and soft water ,
good cellar and coal sliedImprovedKtn S22d.
"ITIOU ItKNT Two 10-room llats , city water ,
J-1 bath , 410 and 41'J N. 14th , Inqiiha 403 N. 14th
IH ! ) 24J
FOIt ItENT Second lloor , 4 rooms , suitable
for family , good en-tern and cltv water , 1217
Chicago .st. , near 13th. Also small house of 3
rooms In roar. Inquire at 1215 Chicago st.
17. ilt
FUHNISHED House-Wishing to leave the
city for tha winter , 1 oiler for rent my house
furnished , from Nov. 1 to May 1 , ten rooms , no
better location In city . "all modem immovo-
ments. Apply on memlsox , 2I1 Dodge st.
( Icorge C. llobbla. Telephone Its. IB ;
Foil IlKNT-HVroom house , summer kitchen
and cellar , Stfth nt. near Cumlngs , iu
7-room now Hat , 22d nnd I.onvenworth. J23.
6-room house , 8iJth St. , car line , near llur-
ii-robiu house , 29th and Ilunlotto at * . i20.
t-room house , 2VI7 Ilunlotto St. , ilS. T. J.
Hook , an 1'axton lllocs. itfi 21
EI.KOANTl.I-room house on Farnnm st. for
rent with or without furniture. 0 rover
Stevens , 1521 Faruain st. lit )
FOU HKNT- ; brick houses , 7 rooms , 2Ith and
Hamilton , every modern convcniouco , $ K
each. I.eavitt 1 , Cr lglitou block.
FOtl KENT < fitmlihed cottage with use ol
piano to party who will board gentleman
andxife. Apply 1121 N25lh st. ! M2t *
T710U IIRNT-U-room honso on St. Mary's ave ,
J.1 near 20th at. , furnished or unfurnished.great
bargain tu responsible party , Addrussfor twc
woeiw 0 20 Ileo. uiaj
TT < OU HENT-Cottnpe house 7 rooms only U
X1 j > er months. California 8t between 3uth and
31st. W. M. Vates , agt. 114
Tj Olt KENT New 3 room house * . 80th anil
L' I'lnkuey fit' . ? * per month. J. It , Hamll <
ton , room 211 , lit bank bnlldlng
"I7Ull HKNT Ono 4 and ono 3 room house ,
J-1 southeast cor , 4tU and \Yool\\orth ave ,
ITedKlee. psi gi *
IjlOlt HKNT 4-room nouss on 8. IGtn t. , two
J- ' blocks south of Vlntonit.t will rent for ll'J '
per month or \ \ on terms to suit purchaser.
( ieu. ,1 , Stornsdaril , room 0 , opposite V. O. lit
UENT When you wish to runt hon o ,
Foil or olllco call on us. H. U. Cole , room
0. Continental block , 8.M
" *
"hlOU HENT-Ncw 0-room house Apply 1S13
X1 Cats st. i-VJ . *
"IjiOH ItKNT 10-room hou o and barn , close to
JL ? business and In perfect order.
13-roflin house and large barn , 27th nvonuo
near fuming , Oil-foot lot : line view.
* 6-room nouses. West Karnam. JIB per month.
4-room house , Sheeley station , * IO per miinth.
7-room housp , Hedford 1'lnce , $10 per montn.
Hugh 0. Clark , room 7 , Chamber of Commerce.
house , fl rooms , S 12th t. 'I * n month ,
llrennau & Co. , Chamber of Commerce.
HENT-Houso of 9 rooms , good well
FOH cistern , 1113 S. 13th st. Apply nt 1107 ,
room B , S. nth st. , rout JJ5 a montn. L. Duggan
ItENT A modern ten room rosldonco
Foil 18th street near Leavenworth. hvery-
thing In good repair. Itcnts for t4"i par month
Apply to Deo. J. Sternsdorlf. room 0 opn 1 * . O.
"WOK URNT-Troom house with large barn.
JU j5 | per month for the winter. C. V Harrl-
ion , 418 BO. 15th St. 951
lOK HUNT 2 live room house * . South 21th ,
1st door west of shot tower. 9il'-IJ
ItENT For fl months , modern house of
Foil , completely furnished , barn with ,
room for two horses , rant 170 ! possession given
Sept. 25ih. axu N. ' 'Itti , 1 block north of lke.
FOH HUNT New C-room house , bnth room ,
hot nnd cold water , gus , sewer , t-ct. ' IK
So nidst near SaunderH ht. , W ) . Inriulrrt ' . ' 403
Sowaidst. U18
J10U llENT-Small house , 8JIH S. 2Sth st.
KKNT A now 9-room house in Kountzo
Place , lendyfor occupancy Nov. 1. City
valor , cistern , bath , furnace , barn , etc. En-
lulro of Kobert Hunter at Itee olllce. 891
T71OU HUNT 11-ioom house , 25th st. and I'nt-
Ju rick ave , $21 per mouth. Inquire ut 1H11 Cusa.
tn I > +
FOll HUNT A new It-room house , rity water
and .stable , cor. I'limam nnd 4'Iud st . Apply
[ loom 4JO. Paxtou block 804
FOH KENT To r aponslblo party. 9-room
brick house , 118 South 25th st , 150 feet from
cable line. Hirnaco and all modern conveni
ences. Kent * ( Vi per month. Apply to J. W.
'Irllllth , t' . P. headquarters. 7WJ
st. near 221 st , 11-roora house for
FAUNAM rover Stevens , 1521 Farnam st. 771-
HKNT House with nine rooms. 113 S.
FOH st. Mount & Urllllu.SI.IS. 14th st. 711
Oj.iO-f-room House , bath room , hot and cold
Pwater , gas. sewer , paved street , now. ( ' . ! .
Hnirlson , 4183. IJthnt. 52J _
HUNT C-room IIOUSP , city water , No. 1119
Foil st. Inquire nt 1B09 Howard. 644
C1OH KENT ( . -room oottago on liorso car Hue ,
JL1 JIM n month. Apply M. lllgutter 1001 , Fnr-
namst. 418
KENT House 7 rooms , 23d st near Cass ,
House H rooms , SJ31 C ss st. Inquire Kouni
SI , Ilarker block. 315
TTlOll KENT Ily Ilosworth Ic Jopltn , llarker
JU block , 3 , 4 , B , II , 7 , 8 , 9 , 1U , 11 , 14-room housew
In all parts of the city. MX )
7011 KENT New f-room house on Cumlng
- st , near Low o avo. Teuiis reasonable. Ap
ply quick Spotswood , iiOJ'i S Ifith. 824
OK ItKNT House C19 N. 18th street. Apply
nt St. A. D. Ualcombe , ! I 2 California Bt.K19
FOIl KENT Ono 7-room cottage , 2128 trank-
lln St. ; Inquire ntGOJ Poxton block. P. J ,
Creedon. 311
KENT At very low rates. 10 and 14 now
residences. 2404 and 2414 , Cass street. Clarke
Place. Onw block south of Crelghton collego. on
Fainam and 24th street car lino. All modern
Improvements. Auply , II. T. Clark Union Trust
Co. , or at 2420 Cass street , 180
17IOH KENT Dwelling , 1722 Capital ave , oppo-
JU site Trinity cathedral. Address II. L. Hall ,
1223 I'urn am st. 401
FOH HUNT 6-room house , 2413. 7-room house
2423 Popplotou ave. Qco. I. Ollbert , With-
neil b'l'g. 210
FOIt KKNT-2 cottages. 27th and Caldwell.
each f-0. 1 North 20th cable line. * 20.
Loavltt Iturnham , Crelghton block. Vl'i
FOIt KENT Three flats of sovea rooma each
with every convenience , city water , gas , etc. ;
newly built nouses on Sixth street and Pacific.
Apply to Efflneer Ihos. , 912 B 10th st , Omaha.
EOK KENT-Two desirable lumens. 8 and 11
rooms with bath ; nil modern improvements ,
range and cistern water In kitchen , cor Mth and
California sta. Dr. Jonos. Ottl 23 *
EVKRAL houses for rent. S. T. Peterson. B.
e. cor. I5th and Dourlas. 830
F01J KENT S furnished rooms with gas , bath
and heat at 1103 S 10th st , corner PnclHc.
200 24t
BlUilNlSllED front room , furnace heat , mod
ern conveniences. ( US S 17th st. 238 22 *
T7\01l \ HKNT Furnished front room or suit of
JL' rooms. Use of bath , furnace heat , etc.
Hoard tint class. Hi blocks from cable , 3 doors
from horse cars. 1813 Grace. 2&S21 *
"CII'KNIPHED rooms , with or without board ,
-C 1010 1630 Davenport. Inquire 1010 Davenport.
TJ10R KENT Nlcsly furnished front rooms'
-I ? modern conveniences , also room for light
housekeeping. COS u 17th st. 2 < J722t
KENT For the winter with board to the
right parties , warmed , furnished or un
furnished rooms , with all conveniences , con
venient to car and bus Hues ; terms reasonable ,
at I'.OJ Wlrt st. , Kountz Placo. 253 21 *
FOll KENT Front parlor , suitable for 2 gen-
llomvu , nlao several small rooms , 012 N 17tti.
350 SI *
T7OH KENT FurnUhed sleeping rooms , * ' > per
JL' month and upwards , payable weekly or
monthly. 809 Howard. 2762. *
T700MS furnlshcd At unfurnished 1302 Douglas !
R OOMS-Fir t-class homo boaid , 1718 Dodge.
S12 _ ( ;
) FHONT rooms , nowiy furnished , single
i cnsulto. 2o5s Hurney at. 220 2Uf
KENT Kooms HUltable for three gentlemen -
men , who can have breakfast It desired , it , 47
Poppleton live. , near two car Hues : terms roa-
Honable ; references requited ; would rent to
couple with ono child for light housekeeping.
'Mi 2lr
O NICELY furnished rooms , steam , gas. bath ,
hot water. 1812 Harney. 229 21 *
Foil HUNT Three pleasant rooms , nowlj
furnished , steam hunt , gas , bath , rates
reasonable. 2117 Douglas Ht. 225 21 *
"WOK HKNT Two nicely lurnMied rooms ,
JC 2104 Harney. 175 22 *
O FUONT rooms suitable for man wife or i ,
-gentlemen ( , 1B17 Cass. ft ' 'it
< )110 Harnoy , furnished teem cheap.
117 S1J
"OH KENT 2 pleasant rooms In single or e n
suite , for 2 or 4 gentlemen with all modern
conveniences , brick residence , cor , St , Mary's
and 20th or OO S. 20th st.1 187 21
F UKNIsllKD rooms with board,222 North 19th"
150 2T.J
FOH KKNT Largo furnished roam , all con
venlences , lor 2gentlemen , 4428 24tnuve
157 2lt
FOll KKNT Nicely furnlshfd front room
w.lth . alcove. 'MSi SI. Mary's ave. 144 25J
SOUTH parlor nicely and newlv furnished
stnain heat , bath , hot and cold water ; nisi table board ; 1721 Daveuporu
11821 *
KKNT Comfortable rooms tor the win
ter , with or without board 1703 Dodgn st ,
P9J 24J
FOll HUNT Furnished rooms , 1701 Farnam
927 22 *
ELKQ ANT front rooms , cheap , reu S.
7IU-N. U *
TT10II KKNT A large front room , nicely fur-
JJ ulshed , modern conveniences , suitable for 2
gentlemen , 1018 Webster. 7 l
WOK KKNT FurnUhod or unfurnished room
-L' for two gentlfmen. or man and wife , W2i
Howard at , 541
"VTICKLV furnished front room , suitable for
X > one or two gentlemen. SIIJ llurtst , G'J
TJIOIl KKNT Nicely furnished room'for single
JL' gentleman. 1917 Cass. fiiw
L A KOK pleasant room , furnished , brick flat
UiaChlcagost. 4G5
FOH KENT A large front room , newly fur
ulshed , south front , cheap , corner 17th ant
Cumlugs htH , northeast corner. iEU
"WOK RKNT-Nlcely furnished rooms , single
J-1 or en suite , 1811 Cumlngs st. 157
WOR KENT Furnished roorue in Qreunltr blk
JL cor. 13th and Dodce U. Inquire of Qeo. It.
jJavlg. Mlllard hotel billiard room. KM
l OOMS and board , 1812 Chicago t.
pdRABANT furiil heil rooms , .tpam hejt ,
JL gas , bath anl to J In private family , 205 S
K4th. T | ' f.70 o3 _
JJOOMS Including board In the Younn Wo-
1\ men's home 1910 Dodge lleferouces re-
quired. MO
_ , _
KIINT-A nanasomn room with alcove at
Foil . Mary's ave. _ _ ; _ B29
OH HKNT-Klogantly furnished rooms with
board. Inquire 1G03 Douglas. _ ! M4
UNFURNlSHKJJ-ASultable for Housekeeping ,
Three ( ill roe i/illisi Nicholas ct. . . 12 M
Tnr n rti rooms. 1019 N. 2uth st in co
Three (3) ( ) roomn , Kiln N. 20th st . , . 1125
'liroo CD ioomn. Tim ; I'acltlc st l l
| ireoiroanisrtllJlerci ( : ) Bt. „ 12 50
Three ( .irooms ) , loiiTN. 21st st . . . . 1100
Hireo (3) ( ) rooms. 707 Pacltlo st 10 DO
'our < 4 > rooms , 1702 Webster st I1'20 '
'our (41 ( room * , 1701 Webster t 22 Ml
Three (31 ( room cottagw I IS I N. 21st st 12 Wl
ludgo Kentlng Agency,8. w. cor. Harney and
5th sU. 23U
F 1011 HENT-lIast half of 2541 Davenport . ,
Inquire. 2518 Capitol ava. > * )022t )
NK brick stern and two 7 room lint * on N"
_ IHthst. Inquire room 30 > , thlid tlonr , First
National bank. 251I2U
FOR HENT-Ptoreroom. Ko.Sll S. 14th st. Ap-
plr at 1110 Howard st. KJ1
F 1011 KBNT 8 stores on inth nnd Lonvoa
worth , apply Hank of Omaha. a' > 8
FOlt KENT 2stores and basements with 7
room tlats nbovo ou 17th st. near Nicholas.
Modern Improvements , Will rent whole or lu
) art8. Schleslnger llros. Bll SlOth st. 8S72I c
FOlt HKNT Ilrlck store , Hat above , 21th and
Hamilton , de-drablo business location. Leu-
vltt llurnlmm , room 1 , Crelghton block. OOi
FOll HUNT Three desirable oHlci-s in the Con-
tlneutnl block , cor. 11th and Douglas Hts ;
Btenm heat nnilelevator. Fieolaud , I.oomls&Co.
EOK KENT Stoieroom 20x40. tlS per month ,
30th nnd IMnknoy xts. .John 11. Hamilton ,
Uoom 213 , 1st Nat. bunk b'd'g. 120 2lj
TIIOH KENT Two store rooms , vhlch are ron-
JU verted Into living rooms. ( I rootna each. at3 !
, ) er mouth. N. K. cor. IBihi and Mason , Inquire
214S)2thst. ) 211
TTlOIt KKNT-OIIIce suite JJ5 month. 2 single
X ? ofJlces $15 each , all fronting Ulth St. , Hush-
man block , N. E. Cor. 16th nnd Douglas. W. M.
Dushmnu. 1311 U-avenworth. B3I
FOH UKNT-Ou Ginning st. store nnd living
apartments , also livery stable. Enquire of
Harris H. E. & I , . Co. , Uoom 411 , 1st Nat. bank.
STOHK for rent , llli Farnam street. Inquire
of Nathan SUeltou. at 1JOJ Farnam street
HENT-Ftne retail store room with
large basement , { 90 per month. C. F. Harrison
risen , 418 S. 15th St. 82,1
T71OH ItENT I contemplate building a ware-
-L' house or wholesale building with line Hack
Eacllltles. Anyone desiring to rent such u
liulldlug or a putt of it , will do well to confer
wltn mu Immediately its 1 ithould bo pleased to
build to milt tenants. John T. Dillon , room t'.i ' ,
liarkor block. I'.flaij '
r OOD bnru for rout choap. 1314 Webster.
FOR UENT ( lood barn. 4 stalls , feed room
and wagon sned. Inquire at 202.1 Howard st.
GEOWU ; J. STKUNHDOItFF. room 0. onp. 1 > .
( ) . , will hereaflor give spoclal attention to
renting houses , storey and Hats. If you want
your property rented without delay and to rell-
able touauts , do not tall to list tuo same with
him. f , . , W5
TXT fc give special attention 10 renting ami colT -
T V lectlng rents , list with us. II. E. Cole , room
6. Continental block. 8,17
[ F YOU want your houses rented place them
with Uunawn 4 Co , 15th , opposite postonice.
LOST Newfoundland dog : small white SIMI tin
breast ; wllUpiy liberal reward , wllcox
I ro9. . Vl5 S llth st - / 202 22 *
LOST Pocket-T)6ok * lth hank book find note.
Hot to.Deo oiUoo.ftiul receive $1 reward. John
Hospes. 223 2t |
LOST-Onllurt st , between 20th and 2Iht St. .
opera fan , satin with pearl handle , Uowor
painted ou ono side , has been repaired. Please
leave at 024 Hurt st , or address J. M. of that
number , as to where It may bo called for.
208 21 *
OST A pug dog , pup wltn collar on , return
Jto 203J Webster at and receive reward.
191 21J
LOST A pocket book containing an order of
W3.M , a imlr of gold earrings and about
M In silver ; fo reward for return to ofllcfl of
Llnnhan He Mahoney , 1'axton block. 170 22t
T , OST On Tuesday , Irish setter dog ; return
J-Jto IMS Donidas st. and gat reward. 131 2
A LIMITED number desiring private Instruc
tions on the piano nnd organ from a thor
oughly competent teacher can bo nccommo-
datodby ; addressing K 72 , Ueo. 2-il 21 *
PERSONAL Adamatlno Cnina dinner nets
are not only very handsome , but are the
most durable sots you can buy. I have sold
these nets for over two years nd : tlin ladtus
who Uave bought them during that time nil
unite In saying thnt Adamtlue China U the
most durable warn they ever used. The dec
oration U entirely new nnd shapes urat and
pretty. See those sets nt Moody's , 302 North
lath st. gC921.p
PEllllY Do not doubtme. I will never change.
1 rocelTud your loiter. Magglo. 2flt 21-
PKHSONAIj Ladles , unslchtiy hair on the
face , neck or arms removed and thn rnot.s
instantly killed by the Electric Needle Procesc.
leaving no marks or scars ; positively the only
permanent remedy. Address U 29 , care life.
ifO 24 *
PEHSONAb-IfyounaYo * personal item , or
any communication , drop it in one of The
Uee'a message boxes. 106
FOH SALE A large assortment of light and
heavy timbers lately used in false work for
Omana and Council Illuirs bridge. Apply to S.
1' . Mitchell , room 3i)2 ) , First National bank , or at
bridge , foot of Douglas st. 27jl21t
$20 will buy n nlro bull pup 7 months old. en
quire nt liU South 10th st. 2IV4-22
A OENTS Pure silver plating liquid , no mar
Jicury. . no add. no battery , no labor , always
roiuly. Sample bottla mailed 25 ctx. circulars
free. Beadier & Co. . 181 grand St. , N.Y. 2IH21 *
Oil 8ATK Ilaso bunier 'Iladlan ? fimuo7
gooU us new , cheap. (31 S IVth HU 21V 21 {
\TK have several No 1 flrst mortgages on
TT Improved property , running from 3 to 5
years at 8 per cent B ml-anuunlly , that we wish
to dispose of. Mutual Investment Co. . Darker
block , 15th and Farnam. 178t !
[ 71O11 SALE Good heavy horse , very cheap
X1 weight about 1,9 Ibs. Imiulre of Dr. ( lal
bratth , Mth and Douglas sts. 17t 29
SAIilt 1 niTiflou brick , price M.M per
. Address U lhls ollice. 1422.'i
SALE StovflUbf "It kinds , before buy
'iiig callatlU'l Farnam. 1.10 25
o6T ) family lnr ) "liarnes * nnd buggy for
sale. Price l,4Adjres3 [ O U lice , im 21.
K SALK A good saddle pony cheap. Ap
ply at 10W SIStTwjtr-- - 110 21 *
TTUHC SALK Hanji coal stove , bsse burner
X1 nearly us good at new. Apply 414 N 14th &t
THUS may Interest you. If not , don't read It
Woodbrldgo Itre . arp bound to reduce stock
to make room tori niK goods. An elegant
Chlckerlng piano for 4150 ; an i < legant Derkei
Uros.'for (150 ; un olniiHy One Jumbo for * 150 ,
a magnincunt llallet & Co , JI50 ; a bccoud-haiK
McPhall for 'i of it vj\ii ; ; nlso mm Hallet & .
Cumston , cheap ; vflll take KIO down and ilO
monthlv on these boods. Woodbrldgo Uros ,
Kxposltlon llulldlnj ( . ti5S2il
"WOK SALK FlrstifiJass nearly new piano
J Inquire 2407 Capltornve. 911 4lt
Foil BALH Very fine family horse nn <
phaeton at your own price. Imiulre room 210
First National Hank. MO
| 7 < OK SALK or trade New two seated car-
JU rlsRu and single top bucey. Selby. lii
Famam. , U75
"IT OH SALK Seaman s wagons anil carriages
X1 Omaha's largest variety , eai > t Mdn inth M
north of Nicholas. The best and the cheapest.
720 o ? tl
WOK SALK A now ft seat Kockuway carriage
JL1 at l * > * & Nichols' llverr barn. Tweiity-elghth
and Leavenwortlu 1'elephona ttto. 417
Oil SALK T family horsaor for ceTicTa' '
use , price ilW. Inquire No. ai9 S. 10th. City.
( wl
B1IAUTI MIL faces and t irnn
Face blfacherremove freckle * , pimples an (
wrinkles , tl pe bottle. Hook of re-nipt for
the complezliiU r.nts , Sotul 4 c nta for clr
oular. Madauic25 i > crt,2tJ S tate st. ,
MK3. K. M. CHAIO ha" ? removed her ilres.s
nmiclng rooms from 0510 Seward street to
lUl _ Saunders Mroot near Sew ard 8H-31 *
DItr.SSCutttiig-For full Inforniatlonot dress
rutting school call at Hotel Derby and con
sult Miss Ida 11. Webb , loorull ; agents u anted.
_ _ i.'Ol 2U
IJKItl'lJCT yourself In book-keeping by at-
JtviulliiR the evening school , now opened by
1. , First National bank building , room
514. A few more scholars wanted to complete
class now forming. Terms moderate. 274 l
pHOPOSALS wlllb "received * by the under.
Jt 8l ne < i until Nov. 1. lass , for grading north
half of block a , addition. O. V. Davis
Co. . 1515 Farnam st , 101 22
JFKIKDLY , monufactuter of watch cases.
Hopatrlng of all kinds : gold and slher
plating and nro gliding. Hoom 314 , Paxton
block , cor , Iflth and Farnam sts. , Omaha , Neb.
_ _
"IJU'KNlTrilK carefully moved by the Omaha
J-1 Auction and Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam st.
Teleponno ia)6. ) Minis
O to lUymer.Vrllnr for line tools nmltbulld-
ers' hardw are , 524 S. 10th at. , Her building
to contractors and builders Vou
- will in vo money by figuring with llaymerft
Her. their stock of builders' hardware is complete -
pleto and prices low. _ ISOnl *
rilflK banjo taught as an art by Qoo.F , Oellen-
JL beck. a So. 10th st. Itt !
FHI/V hats pressed and reshaped ; feathers
cleaned nnd curled , t. M. Schadell , 2IS N inth.
740ni : >
DH. O. KICKKTTH. rnanaifnr Kxcelslor baud ,
llv'O I'.irnam. llrass and string music.
_ 71jMi 1st _
ANT1QUAHIAN book storo. 14IiJ Faruam st ,
highest cash pi ices paid for second baud
books. fi2l n KIT
JNO. MULDOON * CO..311 S. 10th st. ; 10 stone
cutters , I2c lineal foot , Colorado sandstone ,
Sl'OTcash for old and new books , furniture ,
stoves and carpets. Orff i Co. , 117 N. Kith.
HOJlE for Destitute Women and Children ,
-713Uurt t. 940
WOMAN'S Exchange. 1017 Farnam st. Lunch
dally. Biippor Saturday nlghta. 910
TVTIDLANO Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505 i'ar
J---uam Complete abstracts furnished , & titles
to real estate oxamtnud.pnrfectod A guaranteed.
TJKNSON&CAKMICIIAKI * furnish complete
JL > and guaranteed abstracts of title ito any
real estate lu Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete sot of ubstiact
booKs In the city. No. 1W9 Farnam st. 9
iJTOKAUU ' At low rate.s at 1121 Farnam st.
Omaha Auction A Storage Co. l.l'i
rTMtACKAQK , storage , lowest rates.T. . M
JL llushman , Ull Leavonworth. 878
ID A good , fresh milch cow. Ad-
ilress P. O. Lock llx 6SO. 214 23
\\rANTKD Furniture , carpets , stoves and
TT household goods of all kinds Om.ihnAuc
tiou & Storage Co. . 1121 F.irnam. 135
" \\rANTED To buy fresh milch cow , state
T T ago and price. Address ( I 10 Use olllcu.
" \\rANTED Houses nnd lots to .sell that are
baig.iius to oirer to customers. Mutual In
vestment lompnuy , room 1 Darker block.
ffl Ojj ErTOLO _ _ AN _
DO YOt' want to borrow money ? ff you have
diamonds , watches or jewelry and deslro to
elTect a loan on favorable terms In a strictly
private and confidential manner , or should you
want n loan on furniture , horses , carriages ,
land contracts or personal property of any do-
Hcrlptlon , jou can have inouoy advanced nt
lowest rates of Interest and ample time to pay
by calling on or Bunding postal card to the
Omaha Mortgage LoanCo.
Wo loan out our own money , make out our
own papers and pay no commission , thus giv
ing the bommt to the borrower.
Our facilities arc such that we can accommo
date you in a prompt and confidential man
ner , giving you fair , honorable and courteous
All loans renewed at original rate * .
We will payoff any mortgage younowlmvn
and glvo you long time and low rates ; will loan
any sum from VIA to 11,000.
Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought.
I'lnalw Mortgage Loan Co. , rooms 217 and 218
Klist National Dank building. 448
TilE Omaha Financial Exchange , ( teem 15 ,
Darker Illoct , southwest corner of Farnam
and 16th sts.
Make * a specialty of abort-time collateral
and real estate loans.
Money always on hand In sums of $100 and
upwards to any amount , to loan on approved
Secured notes bought , sola or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to exchange for
good flrst or se < end mortgages.
Loan * made upon laud contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , first or second uioitgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial business of any kind transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly. Hoom 15 , liarkor
block. Corbett , Manager. asi
MONEY To Loan Ily the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loau ugoucy
lu Omaha Loans of f lOto ti.OOO made on furni
ture , pianos , orcanshoreswiigons , machinery ,
etc. , without removal. No delays , All business
strictly confidential. Loans so made that any
part can bo paid nt any time , each payment
reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on
line watches and diamonds. Persons should
carefully consider who they are de.illng with ,
a * many new concerns are dally coming Into ex
istence. Should you need money c.ill and sea
in * . W. K. Croft , room 4 , Wlthnell building ,
16th and Hum ay. 883
MONEY to loan on household furniture , pi
anos , horses , wagons aud other personal
property ; also onmortgugo paper and contracts
as collateral security ; cash always ou hand : lib
eral extensions granted : business transacted
talrly.quletly nnd promptly. The Fairbanks In
vestment Co. , S W cor 16th * Douglas , upstalis.
PKOI'LU'S FINANCIAL Hxctange-Tho fair
est , quietest , most liberal money exchange
in the city ; loans made without delay or pub
licity. In any amount large or small , at the low
est rates of Inturest , on any available security ;
loans may bu paid at any time or renewed ut
original rates. O. Uouscaren , mgr. , room 5iiii ,
Darker blk. , 15th and Faruam. 917 n lot
and small loans for long and short time , at
lowest rates of Interest , on real estate , mort
gage notes , chattels ot all kinds , diamonds ,
watches and jewelry. Don't fall to call if you
want fair and cheap accommodations. O. llous-
caren. nigr _ room Bfl'j ' , llarker blk , 15th and
Farnam. _ _ 917 n 15 * _
WF keep on hand money to can on Insldo
property in Omaha and South Omaha in
sums from 500to t"OiO , and as wo do our own
raining , make all papers , etc. , we can complete
a loan any day you wish and pay you the money.
Hates , builth i Co. , lloom 20J , Kamgo building.
MONEY' to loan on Improved property at first
hands. No applications sent away for ap
proval. Security uud title * examined free of
charge o borrow ei 3. Lombard Investment
company , 303 S. 13tli it- 101
rpo LOAN -Fiom ono to two hundred thous-
1 and dollars or smaller sums promptly , east
ern capital always on li.uiii chonp. Philadelphia
Mortgage andTrUhtCo.Geo. W. P , Coates , U
hoard of trade. IM
ONKV'to"loan'uiTlurnltura , wasons , etc. ,
without removal , or on collateral security.
lluslnass htrlctly confidential. A. E. ( iroenwood
& Co. , K 1 Cunningham blk , cor. Irth & Jackson.
GW. PI'.Clv loans money , cash on hand ,
iXM.OOU , can be placed on city and farm prop
erty at lownst rates ; building loans n specialty.
Hoom 4 , Fren/er block. Opp. P. IK 9utl nlV
_ _ _
ONKV to loan In any amount , either for
building or otherwise , at lowest rates of
Interest and un short notice. I ) . V. Sholos , room
210 First Nat'l bank , cor. I Ith and Faruam. 893
" "
. Fl'XDS-
to loan unimproved real jstate. Moitgagos
bought. Klmball , Champ , \ Kyan , U. S. Nat
bank , room U , \M1M ,
< tj WO.OXWr per rent. .Money to loan on | m-
3 > proved farms or city property. Jamus A.
woodman , at the old fire Insurance olllce of
Murphy * Lovett , ao B. 11th at. 8'J4 '
' boirow money on furniture , horsei ,
wagons , eto , , until you have seen C. II. Ja
cobs , loom 410 , First National bank building ,
cor. 13th and Farnam WM
to loan on furultnre. norses. wagons ,
MONKV on any approved security. J. W. Hob-
bins. K. 2t ShcolyblkL15th and Howard , 01 _
ONKV to Loan-On real estate and chattel
bttcurltv. Money without delay. Western
Land and Loan ox < liauge117 _ 8. llliliBt. & > lij
MONKV to loan ; cash ou hand ; no delay , J.
W. Squire. 1219 Fariiam st. First National
bank building. 81
UM.WOtoloan on inside property , torn * , nist
T mortgages for sale. Nathan Shelton , 1505
Farnam street. Bdj
MONTR' to Loan -City and country ; clinup
rates , no delay. L. P , Hammond , 409 Paxton ' -
ton building. 7u'
to Louii lowest rates. J/oaiu closwl
promptly , H , L' . Cole , Koom 0 , Coutlmmtal
llloik. W
PKH CCNT money to loan-Cash on tiand-
W. M. Harris , room 20 , Iren/.er block , opp.
P. O. be3
_ _
1' OANSon short time allow rates. Klmball ,
JCimuiii A , Hyan , room 0 , U S Nut. baujc
MONKY to lei n on chattel securities , lllsnop
4c Wheeler laiM Co. , room 6 , llarker block.
ANY amount to loan ou Improved real estate.
E 8. Illsbou , room > U3 , 1st Nat. bank.
894 23
HI ) . IKKY fV)0OiiO ) to loan on city property
and Improved farm laud. Freuzer block.
LOANS made on real estate mid mortgages
bougnt. Lewis S Heed * Co. , IMl Farnam.
_ _ J K)7 )
MONEY to loan at 0. II. Peterson , leal es-
tate and loan agent. 1413 S Uth st. Ml OJ3
MONEY to loan. Low rates and no delay.
Hutchllisonft Woad , 1524 Dodge. 91422
MONKV to loan on Improved real estate.
Lcavltt HllrnliMU. CrelKhton block. 679
TXIONKV to loan. O. F.Tmvls Co. , real estate
Hi and loan agents. 1505 Farnam st. MJJ
, to loan at 6 per cent. Llnah.iu A Mahoney -
$ honey , room .V > 1. Paxton block. wu
/"JOOOclty and farm loauj wanted by A. K.
\J Hlloy , 1519 Faruam. 8SJ
IIIAri'I'Landcollaterat loans. M.E.Davis
'HIS llthst. , room27. W'J
l > KALe tatn loauj , lowest rates. Odoll llroj.
i\ACo. . 1I12S. Iflthst. S9J
MONKV to loan ; long time. George J. Paul *
1C09 Farnam it Ml
UlLDING loans. Llnohuu 3i Mahouey.w
w )
Foil SALK-2 of the best short order houses
in the city : furniture etc. , of two good hotel" .
2good restauiaiits , ilgnr and tobacco slnro and
iint-ws depot. Call on Cooperative Laud ic
Lot Co. . 2Qj N. 10th St. ( up stairs , ) SVi 23
1 > A UK business chance : Tina stock of gro-
XXcerles in live city of 1,500 Inhabitants , Wi.000
per annum , capital required from f-J.o-iO to 1.0)0 ) ,
reasons for selling 111 health. Address ( ] 30 ,
caio Hou. 207 no *
SALE -Meat market. Rlaughtor-house ,
J- horses , wagons and all tixtures complete.
Tiadell.HJO per month : the best location in n
city of 13,000 peoplti ; will rent the building 1 to
n years ; no ouo only Imnluens men will pity to
investigate , Addnm nil communications to U
2 : > , _ lleo olllce , jOmahii. _ lS22ii'
"OAUTNEIl wanted to start shoo shop , new
JL thing which will pay good : Herman pre
ferred. Call cor lllth mill California. No. 1.107.
nil 2it
W ANTED A man with S.U ) can have fair
salary and security for money or Interest
in good business. Address U ! , Ileo olllco.
21722 *
FOH SAM1 A flAKI stock of general hard-
wan1 , cook and hentlug stoves , tinners' stock
and tool * , V , cas.h. 1ml on lavorablo terms. Ad
dress O 23 , Hoe olllcc. 212 20J
"I7IOII SALE Light laundry business nnd bath
JL' tubs combined : best location in Omaha and
least money required. Address Cl 14 , Ile olllce.
| llli' ' 22
_ _
FOH SALll A complete Oyster Cunning Out-
lit. Cheap. It .sold at once. Address C | | .
11. , Lincoln , Neb. U3I 23 *
FOK SALE lllnrksmith shop complete. 2
tires , good business. Sickness cause of well-
lug. Address F 71 llee. ! HA > 22 * .
IT'Oll SALE Or rent A llrst-class barber"-
X1 bliop. wlthbatu-rooiiis ; good Undo : reason
for sailing , poor health. Joe Ksterniui. : Hoi-
drego , Neb. 8M21t
ANYONE having $ . ' .00 . or more , who iloslro to
Invest as silent partner In a good estab
llshetl m'f'K buslneis , address FG7 , llee. 797 21
\\7'Ewishto employ a reliable man In your
county. No experience required ; perma
nent position for three years. Salary increased
o.u'h year. Light , easy , genteel business Mouey
advanced for salary , ndveiUsing , etc. Largest
manuf'rs lu our line. Hnclosu 2-rcnt. No
postals. Centennial M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , O.
1J4 J2 69
POK SALE-Salt Lake lots KM each , at 310 S.
IMh Bt. 4iJ
TJ'OK ' 6ALE or Exchange An old established
X1 good paving Livery business in Council
UlulT.s.Id. , 19 N Main st.Vm. . Stadlenmu. fl'JJ
SALE The furniture and lease of ono of
the bust paring and bnst located hotels in
the city. Apdlyatonco to Oreen ic Williams ,
First Nat. banic building. 275
T71OK EXniANOE ICO arres Frontier Co. , ICO
JL' acres Franklin Co. , Neb. , ino acres Kossuth
Co. , lu. , 1MX ) to 2.600 acres Johnson Co. , Ky. ,
wild land , will exchange In part or in whole for
good gen'l merchandise. Ilex 101 , Wllcox , Kear
ney Co. , Neb , 210 24 *
TI10K KXCHANOE-A fuw choice pieces of
JL' city for good land or vacant lots. some
coed bargains In real estate if sold soon. n. K.
Hull , 111 N. 18th st. 21622
PIH8T-CLASS stock of millinery for good im
proved farm , stocks of goods , Improved and
unimproved city property , wild and Improved
lauds , etc. Come and read the exchange book.
Co-operative Laud i Lot Co. , 20i N. llith st , ( up
htalrs. ) 235 S3
moil HXCHANOE-Ouo of the best 100 acre
JL farms In Sodgwlch county. Kan. , near Wich
ita , for Omaha property. Mutual Investment
Co. , Darker block , 15th and I arnnm. 17U 20
T U ) EXCHANdE-dllt-cdge Insldo lot forstock
dry goods or clothing. U 23 lloo. 15824
TjlOH UALB or Kxclmnge ( lood phaeton In per-
JL1 feet order. Inquire at 1309 1'arnam. 158 24
IF you have vacant property you wish to ex
change for n homn or for Improved property ,
list with the Mutual Investment
1 llarker Ulock. ir.-9 23
IF YOU have city property that you wish to
trade for Improved farms , clear of incuin-
brauce , call or sind for discrlptive list to M.
Frnukllu , room 4' ] Paxtou bla'c , Omaha , Neb.
025 33
IF you have anything to exchange call ami
sea our list. Western Laud aud Loan ex-
change. 117 S. IGth. 507 u3
fllO EXCHANOE-Or sell , houses and lots ,
JL farms or merchandise t-ee Omaha lluslucsi
Uxchange , room 5 , s. w. cor. 15th and Douglas.
\VANTED-dood lands and city property ,
TT homes , cattlo. etc. , to exchange for miir-
chnudUe in ull Hues. L. P. Klaus , 1WJ7 Farnam
St. , Omaha. Neb. 453 OJl
TTlOlTTrxCHANOr.-Oood renting city and
X' South Omaha property : also lots and farm * .
Western Lund and Loan exchange , 117 h. inth Ht'
6H ) n8
I710K Trade Choice lot In Grammorcy Park
X' and choice iloublo corner In Liptou Place for
good land. D. V. Sholes , 210 , First Nat'l bank.
f > 77
I HAVE real and personal property of all
kinds for trade. Call aud see me. ( ioorgo J ,
Sturnsdorff , room 6 , opp. P. O. Bii
fPHE Omaha IJiismess Exchange. 11.5 , s. w. cor.
JL | 5ih and Douglas , makes a specialty of selling
and exchanging all classes of moiclunillse. etc
490 OH *
\\7"ANTED Stocks of merchandise In nnyund
T T all lines to exchange for good farm lands ,
Omaha real esUtit , hordas , cattle , etc L. P.
Kraus , 1007 Faiuuin St. , Omaha , Neb. 45. ] Oil
_ _ CLAIHVOYANT. _ _ ,
ri'ENTION llio gifted destiny lender can
be consulted dally for two weeks in nllnf-
fain of life or denth ; tells your life from HID
cradle to the ginv ; reunites tlie separated with
the wonderful Egyptian charm ; locates disease
and heals them with Message and electric tieat-
ment. Ollice 417 S , llth st.upHtalrsioonu 2 &p.
blO 23 *
H.NANNIE v7 W rron. clairvoyant. Med-
icul and bustnnss medium , Female diseases
a specialty. 119 , N , 'Htlmt , Hooms3Jc3. 2.V >
Teller Mrs. Ii'orman can lie con-
suited on all aflalrn of life. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No lllBNUithst C8l ( n3 ! ;
FOH SAI.i'Ihe : very bast South Omaha
property ut lowest prices obtainable. M.
A. I'ptou Company. 18821
rpWKNTY-KOl' It feet OH Saunders at , at W
JL per foot , worth 1100 , one-half rush ; party
out of town , must sell. U 15 , Dee ollico.
SALK-Elghteen Ono residence lots In
West I'.ud from J2.8VI to f.1,700. M. A. Cptou
Company. 1W 21 _
"IJIOH SALE HeU business property. M. A.
.U Upton Company. 188 21 _
FOIl FALE-Omnha dirt. You will wish you
owned more than you do before "many
moons. " M. A. Upton Compaii ) , 18831
171OH SALK-IOJxHO , southeaHt corner 34(11 (
-T un.l I'arkHtreet.ntce U-room hoiifiu.coimMitrd
cellar , rity , cistern anil well water , good barn ,
coal UOUMetc. . , utc , an extra bargain at Ifl.ow ,
tl.UU r.ash. M. A. Lpton Company. 8S 21 _
ll SALIJ-Ilest residence projxjrty. M , A ,
I'ptou Company. 1m 21
iriilll SAI.KMrnlucumbere < l real estate in
X1 i'ucltlcJunctloo , louu , which will pny 'M
per ci'Ut nnnunlly on the Invuat'iiuut above
taxi-s iiml Insurance. Addrubs 1'V. . Miller ,
Fu IfloJunctlon , Iowa. 78nl *
TjlOU SALU-Nlcn home In Windsor PUco.full
JF eu t trout lot , H.OJO , fVJO lu thrill It Is
worth. M. A. t.'iiton Compmiy. IM 21
F OH SALK-Allklnd * of food property. M ,
A. Upton Company , 1W21
"IJMWAHO A. HHODIIOLU Lindsay , Nel > . , h i
.lu several fiinna for sale In 1'latto county nt
sALE-lillno lots on high ground la
llrvant\- Clark s addition. Council Illuffs
for } : M encli. Must bo sold at once. M.A.Up
ton company. IV ) 21
IOT8 For Srtlo-l hnv ? 10 nne lots ItTllrluffV
Jnlacc add. for nalo. For further lufoimntlou
nddiessK Jcirt-ry , ( InleiiK , III. ooi
"WOK HALK-On easy terms , the I
JJ roctly south of Dr. Mern < r' ri" ldenco. < < lov < > n
loom * , and barn with lot 40x1 > ' , only JI.5U1. The
snuui Improvements with grounds imoxonly )
Jl\ixo. W. T. Seaman , WHgons , carrlmes , , tc. ,
eait side ot IStli st. , north of Nlcliolni. ui )
T/lTirSALK TlesrTiilidliig ) slte M A Up.
* ? ton Company. lt 2l
GOOD Oak Hill lot JilO cash , big burgatn , U
15 , Ileo olllce. l.ld . 25
iroil SALK -What you Imvo been looking for
JL. Is a nice 2-story , hard wood finished housx
of 8 rooms , ou east front lot lu a coed neigh *
borhood for f,5oO. ! Wo have if. M. A. t'ptoa
Company. i s 21
"IJIOK SALE A now9-room house , water , bath
JL' furnace , cistern , barn , etc. . tt.OiXI ; ( I.OiM
cash , JJ.iVV ) lu 5 years , balance eatv terms. Ad
diesst)4 ) Itec olllce wi S3t
FOll SALE Nothing but llrst-class uropoi *
ties. .M. A. Upton Company. IM 21
FOIt SALE Two elegant homes In Hnuscoin
Place on reasonable terms ; mprtgitge pniwr
taken us part payment. Itosworth fc Joiilln ,
Darker block , _ 6' '
r <
T7VH SALK 51' ' acres llainllton Co. . Neb. ,
JL land , ftiprr acre , oue-tlilrd o.isli , balance at a
percent , Address W. J , Wlldman , Denver. Cot
IIUMt SALE Or exchange for Ouialuv proper.
ty , HO acrefi , HUltablo for platting ; will iiiaku
4Xlots ( ) ; all clear ; big money In it for some oiui
who can push this ; Inciited just outside of Ihn
city limits ot Council HlufTs , Imiulre ( loo. J.
StornsdiirlT , ojip. postonice. ;
1OK SAI.i-Elegant : east front I ot 2-nl27'J
JL1 on grade , near church nnd i heels , uiio
block otr Htieet car Hut' ruunltig regularly
Price t27V ( , M5 rash , balance ( III iniinthly. l/'nl
on Sunday or e\oulug at resldouco , 401 N. 15th
street 2S1 S3 *
$ .1,500 buys a gixxl 2-story A-room housn ami
lot i > ast front. In Windsor Plan * , a bxrgnlu.
D. Y. Sholes , Hooui210 , First Nutlonnl HaiiK.
FOK SALE When you buy of ' 'Owner" you
havn one piece to choose from. When jou
buy fiom us you have Kevoral huiidrt'il ' out nt
which > ou can got an o\tia bargain M. A Up-
ton Compiinj. IKs-'i
IpOH SALIJ-LoTwxlV ) . "w"lth Biod S steT ?
house nicely furulsiio I. all moilern niuvon
leucui , within 1 blk puvrd Nt. , 4 blk froiu I'tuK
school and M. E. church , Iliiuscom pi too ThU
is ono of the best proiiortltis In the city ,
can bo had at a bargain by addressing tliu
owner , F 14 , lleooflico. 4H
FOIt SALE Nobiaska farms. There Is big
money In them at pre.suut prices. M , A.
Upton company. IN ) 21
TjUHt SALE Orttttde. 1 Inue 1,000 acres of
JL1 deeded land sltuatud in the most fertile part
of Dimdy county. Neb , which I will sell or
trade for anything that \nluable ( 'all ot
address W. A. Hogor.s , Allstou , Duuily 10111
Nob. iflJSl *
_ _
* " "
Foil SALE-M. A , rptonToiuiMiiy. leales"
tatp und ln\i < stnu'ut brokers , mth st. , ippo-
site ChumbiT of Commori'o , invite Msltoist.i
the ulty to rail on us nt our spacious olllres ,
where wo shall bo glad to dl'cuss estntu
values and lu\estmeuts. M.A.l'pton Company ,
telephone b5l. IsH''l
" 171011 SALII-'tr fchaiigei > hnve 8oni
J-1 good Omaha rnul stat and Nebraska
farms , which we will soil chonp or truuo for
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , drv goods ,
boots andshoi-s , groceries or hardware. sriiB1.
inger Uros , (114 ( S. 10th st. 910
ave. Binlth ht ihouso of 8 roomsbitlirooni ,
pas , cistern , hot and cold water , sewer COIIIKM
tlon , tuinare , 2 collni.s , location all that can h.i
dcRlred , school , chinch and 2 lines of hoise i.irs
wlthlug3blofkrt , cable in project ; KWO ; Jl.iXll
ca h lialnnro easy , 8 per cent interest. C F
llnrilsiiu. 118 S 15th st.
'ClxlUOO feet cur. Woolworth avo. and 'JSth st ,
houst ! nnd improvements matfiliilly the sainn
as nb < ive. nOW , Jl.oou caih , lialamo easy , H per
cent interest , C. F. Harrison. 418 S 15th st. u'J <
1I1OH SALE-Tho.shtcwd man will buy when
1 trade ill the urtlclo .sought U quiet. Now Is
is the time to miiku in\estmeuts in Omi'.lm.
See M. A. Upton Company. P821
( gHOO buys a full lot and good 4-room cottnga
tPeaiv terms and good location. D. V. Slioles ,
room 210 , First Nafl bank , cor. tlth and Far
nam. 90t
FOIt SALE-Frank Wasserman. at the Hank
of Omaha , has homo of the choicest real'
denco and buslueis property lu the city for fulu
cheap. 408
TJHH'SALE House nnit 75 foot lot on Call-
JT fornla nenr ; > Jtn at n great bargain. f 4.UW.
KM down or * 103 discount for half casn. W , M.
Yates , agt. HI
FOll SALE-mo-acro : htock farm , highly Im
Drovi'd , well kept , eiwy tBrms , not far fiom
Omnbn , ti" > per acre , wotth HlorJlO. I5xl5ti ( ) ,
south front , on Ilickmy , near 10th , 18,0 * ) , or MX
150 . ' ,100. Other big bargains In trackage.
Houses uud lots , etc. Anthony Johnson , 220 S ,
14th st. S31 Sit
T710H SALE-10,000 acres land In Nebraska nt
JL1 lowintos on long time : good farm lands ,
(1. H. Peterson , 11138. 13th . liOl-O.SS
IT OH SA LENot for trade. 613 7 acres of Im-
JL' pro\od land 2 mllus from Muiquctto lu ,
HnmtltnuCo. , Nebiasku. Fruiun house , fraiuo
statile , 300 acres uniler a good 4 barb-wire funco ,
loiind cedar posts and 2 stays ; living water ,
good corral , 2 wells , wind mill , 320-bariol tiiuk ,
self-feedertroui'hs , etc. ; 76 acres clover ; model
Pi leu ( about fl" peracre ) tn.smi
Cash . . . . 3r )
3 years time nt h per rent 3.UXJ
( iounil looK ovur the land and address the
owner , F. K. Atkins , 1502 Larimer St. , Denver ,
Colo. _ I 2J4
TJ OH SALE Homos. Tnone are to be pitied
JU that have money In tnelr pockets aud art )
"homeless , " when necns&lty compels a person
noinand them to sacrifice ou a good home. M.
A. Uptou Company. iw 21
T71OK SALE Cheap , a line farm containing
J 7,000 acres In Dawson Co. , Neb. , near Covml
station ou the U. P. H'y and also neiir thn II. &
M H'y with * 10Oi.iO Improvnrmmts. 400 acres
under cultivation. Would not object tc > taking
part lu Ouriha real estate or would take one-
tmlr In THttlo or horHcs. Innulre of Patrick
lliox , , 1511 Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb. 9ID 22
1J1OK HALE Lot 11. b. ) . Hanscom place. 8-KO
X1 otr what it Is wortlu C.I' . Harrlaoii , 418S
Ml out Ion I'roolniiintlon.
Under and by virtue of thn authority vested
lu inn by Hoctlon eleven (11) ( ) of ( hauler twenty-
six (2 ( < ; i of thn ruinplled statutes of Nebraska ,
entitled "Elections. " I , John M. Thayi-r , guv-
nrnor ot the ntvto : of Nebraska , do hvruby Usun
my proclamation , that on Tuesday , tno Hixth
ilnyof November , A , 1) . 1SH.S , them will lie au
election held ut the usual pliwi-s of voting lu
miUl.state.forthopiiiposuof uleotlug the follow
Ing olllc ere. Co-will
Klu electors of president uud vice president
of the I'nlled Status.
One member of congress from the First coo *
gnmlonal dlstria.
One member of congress from the Second con
gressional district.
One member of congress fiom the Third coa >
gros ioual district.
Lieutenant governor.
Suciotnry of state.
State treasurer.
Aimltor public accountii.
cimml " public lands and building.
SiiDorlntrndciit of public Instruction.
Stutt ) seiitttor foreatU Henatorlul dulrlct. ami
Hepreseiitutlvei for each representative
district as nrovldsd by law.
In wlttiBsi vrhoroot. I have hereunto t mv
-iUo be offlKod the great seal of
huml and cuBiUo _
Jno ( > t wcol | | tflH
2(1 day nt October , in the year oC
our Lord one thousand eight liuu-
ISeal 1 ' ilrwl and eighty eight , the twen-
ty. oond year of the t te. and
of thiilndepundencnof the UnltoU
Stains the one hundred anil ttiir-
Hy Ihoaovwnor. JOHN H. TUAYKll.
G.S. L\wx. Secretary State.
( iothnni Grimes anil
New YORK , Oct. SO. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HKK.I Henry Cairns was before Judge
Cowing yesterday in the court of frenerttl
sessions charged with killing Thomas Pagan
with a pltchforl : at 14'J Sullivan street , ou
the -Ith of May. Assistant District Attor
ney Uospuhsos said that ho did not think
the testimony wus sufilciont to convict , and
tha defendant was discharged.
Henry Knollcs , an old man whoso horns
wus not known , was run over by'a I'ennsyl-
vunl.i road train at the Washington street
cros lni ; last night. Roth legs wcro cut off ,
and hu died < xm uftor hi * mrrivU at Bt.
I'V.incls hospital.
Henry Adams , who had stolen $700 worth
of diamonds from Luilwlg Mlsscn of No , IS
John street , was sentenced to ten years in
state prison yesterday In the court of gen
eral sessions , _
CriiMiod > > y fjanil Slldn.
ROME , OctUO. A land slide occurred nt
Latcnza , Italy , in which a railway train waa
buried nnd a number of persons killed , .Six
bodies were recovered and ten persons Wha
were wounded wcro rescued.