Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1888, Part I, Image 1

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PHUT . u io ? l-o I
Emperor Willium Expected to Arrive -
rive In Potsdam To-day.
And Then Resumes His Junketing
Accompanied by Bismarck.
A Certainty That It Was Par From
Satisfactory to Rome.
U'llliclm DchtrojH U'linl He Terms the
Illusions Tlio Vutloan by
No .Mi'iini Submissive or
nrHK" I'olliotirrl.
IMSIAVio / ) / I'llAmirliilnl ; /f 3. [
HBKI IN , Oct. ! -Empjror Willium is ex
pected to arrive lit Drovvit/ station ,
i'otsdam. to morrow on his ruturn from
Italy. Ho will tlrivo tmmuili.ituly to tlio
tnnrblc palace , whore ho will pass thu il.iy in
retirement with his family. Tlio emperor
will visit Heilin in tlio itftcrnoon. wnore
lie will receive the congratulations of tlio authorities upon his icturn.
"Wednesday ho will ionium 1m itinerary ,
going to niankentior , , ' , whore ho will meet
the regent * of Hriinswick. Ho will thun
viml Prince Kismarek , who will prob ibly
ncuompatiy him to Hamburg , whew fi s
i-mperor is expected to an ivo on October 2) ,
iitul where ho will preside over the eclebri-
tion of the entry of Ilansa City into the
/ollvenen. After leaving Hamburg
the emperor will visit Loipno ,
nnd on the 'list inst. ho will
lay the corner stone of the
Imperial palace of Justice. Ho will return to
Ucrlin early in November , and will bo prcs
rnt at the opening of the new landtag. It it
also added that ho will leeeivo the war 01
November 10. The Russian imperial family
Will pass through Uerlin uii that date
nnd the ivar will then lopay I'm
poror William's recent visit. Tin
ivar and his family are going to
visit Copenhagen , whcro they will Join m the
relobration of the "stiver" anniversary of
the accession of King Gin istian to the throne
of Denmark.
The Hoi-liners anticipito a dull winter.
The cou11 is Htill in mouriinip , and the lenil
ing families are absentees. It settled tha
King Humbeit will visit Merlin in the spring
The result of the empeior's visi
to Home , beyond a doubt , has been
u blow to the hopes of the Vatican. Tin
semi press here has been instructs
to maintain a judicious silence , and ignon
the Vatican. The dissatisfaction , anger mn
discontent of the clericals break out in tin
Gel-mania and other Catholic organs.
It Is admit tul that the einporor used tin
utmost tact in his interview with the pop
und Caidinal Hampolla , the papal secro
lary of state. Hut authentic advice from
Home , which are accepted as accurate in
official and Catholic circles , state that the
pope forced from Emperor William u declara
tion that Germany could not encourage papal
aspirations without endangering the present
entente with the Italian government. From
a member of the imperial attendants it be
came known that emperor William , while tell
ing King Humbert how the pope had Insisted
on talking on tin question of Koine , said :
" 1 had to destroy his allusions , nnd it was
done effectually. "
The Vatican dics not rest submissive or
Inactive. Cardinal Kunpolla , be
sides Instructing the bishops to renew
the agitation for sympathy with
HIP pope , has prepared a statement explain
ing that his holiness only consented to ro-
roivo iho emperor after obtaining a formal
declaration that his visit did not imply any
lecognltion of the incoiporation of Koine
uith Italy. _
Mutter * ) oC Interest Trail spiring in Clio
German Capital.
[ r ) iuilijlil iv > .i liu Jamn Uiinlun Itrnnrtt. ]
HKHI.IV , Oct. U ) . [ Now York Herald
Cable-Special to Tin : HKI-A : ] Herald
cortespondent called to day on Gohcimer
McdiciinathValdejor , professor of anatomy
nt the Hcrlm Uinvoislty , at his house , No.
; r > Luther Slrasse. The professor said that
lie did not care to express an opinion eon-
rernlng the Mackenzie defense , as Sir Morell
had not attacked him personally , Every
line now written would embitter the
rnntrovoisy , and the positive statement
Digued by hlin clf and Prof. Virchow con
cerning the post moitom ought to end the
lilscussion for the present. Ho had , however ,
no hesitation m sa\ing that in the dispute he
placed liiinso'f on the side of his German col
leagues , Uergmann and ticrhardt.
Tlio coi respondent then called on Ur.
Landgraf , army surgeon , who lives at No. ' 'ti
Sclnilbauer. Ho owned to having been
rather severely treated by Muckciuio
in .his defense. The doctor said
that ho and other army surgeons , Sehradcr
umong others , had received from army surgeons
goons of superior rank orders not to make
public any facts concerning the late emper
or's illness. This occurred when suinmonol
to assist m the case. Ho had afterward been
ordered to iniiko a written report , which ho
did. The original order , however , was still
in force.
Two spiteful articles appeared this evening
In two Heilin papeis of widely different poli i-
ties. Hoth will be read with mote interest
than pleasure In France. The Hist , in the
conservative ICrouz X.elCung , on the present
condition of the French army , compares the
Trench army in Its dread of spies and love of
secrecy concerning the improved nr is , with
the Chinese , und remarks that those who
have least to conceal take the greatest pains
to conceal It. The Piussians were
never more open and auovo board
about army matters than Just before
.tho gieat triumphs of Ibw'iand 18TO. The
consideration for the pampered sons ol
Vienchmcn who possessed political influence
interfered with the strict discipline it was ;
sought to introduce Into the French army ,
The French army never bivouacked. The
minister of war was not a soldier , but ar
amateur engineer. The French army ol
to-day has as little respect for its ofllccrs as :
the army of the first republic had for lie
commissionaire * dc * armos of the convention
French soldUis were nick of being ruled
dress coated gentry.
Another article In the National 7eltun (
call ? attention to the fact that n cop-.eOy con ;
* " 4ity of fort-tw > French pbjers oonttMu [
plates Kiting n scries of performances during f
the winter at Mot ? , and demands the expul-
sion of the company. It wonders what re
ception a German comedy company , foity-
two strong , would have in n French frontier
fortress , when strolling German musicians
and organ grinders met with no mercy.
Commenting on n leader in the Nerd
Deutsche A llgeinclnc , which stated that the
Hussian sympathies of William I. were as
well as the English proclivities of Frederick
III , the Hcrlmer Tngsblatt says :
"Tho Nerd Deutselio's blind admiration of
the chancellor not only casts a shadow on
the Emperor Fiodoriek , but dares to touch
the majestic llguic of Ins father , when It
must know that both emperors' sympathies
were neither English nor Hussian , but
German. "
A private telegram from St. Petersburg to
the Ki ctiz Xeitung states that the announce
ment of Sehoulouff's recall front Berlin is al
least premature. In the same paper is a
rumor that the curia Intends to make an at
tempt to recover the temporal power , nnd
has instructed the bishops to work in that
The Vossisehe follows the Ilei aid's lead in
intcrvievv'iig Virchow and goes over the
same ground.
wiii ; < ijV itfsixF.hs KIVIK\V
Money KemaiiiH Firm An Increased
Demand From Slilppeiw.
Ciltcvor ) , Oct 20. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : HKI : The hval nnney market re
mains firm , but rates have not advanced over
the outside figures of last week. Calls for
loans were unite brisk , but they came mainly
from patties in the gram and provision trade ,
especially from Iho former , as grain is bcirln-
ing to move uioro freely and largo amounts of
currency were shipped to thu interior. There
is a steadily Increasing demand for money
from the northwest and west on behalf of
parties who have heretofore boi rowed in the
east , but , are beginning to find that
they can do us well In Chicago
as they can elsewhere , and instead of apply
ing to Now York or Hoston , ns has been
their custom , they are disposed to seek ac
commodations nearer home. Merchants nnd
manufacturers are using money lather freely
and aic constantly on the market. Discount
rates were . " > ii per ct'nt for call loans very
few being made at the inside figure- and
. " ( ifs per cent tor business paper , the bulk
being at ( ViiT'j ' per cent. Calls for loans
from patties who aie carrying corn and Iced
ing Little in the west and southwest weio
more urgent thin cur known , as
tin increased number are engaged
in this business. Chuago bankets
are not only called upon direit to fuinish a
large pait of the moiuy t ) cany corn and live
stock , but also have tj discount the paper of
interior ban us who mal.e loans on the same.
Such paper pays 7iis ( per cent and in some
instances l i J per cent more is fieitientl.v ] ob
tained. Collections are good as the Interior
is beginning to feel thu effects of the high
pi ices paid forgtain and farmers are more
disposed to pay their bills and are also biii-
inu larger supplies. Tills is apparent in the
trade with johhcis , whu h , although not as
brisk as a week ago , is bettei than usual for
the season , and merchants ate
entirely .satisfied with their sales.
Exchange on New Yoik met a fair call and
sold at Mm 7 < ) e discount per * 1,000 , closing at
CiOc. Foreign exchange was in better demand
and offerings wore less free. Sixt.v da.vs doc
umentary bills on London clunked hands at
$4 bl'jd I sj1 , ' , and closed at il SJ'jmf.sJ/i
The New York stock market was quiet and
weaker , but fluctuations in prices were
rather narrow , being caused mainly by pro
fessional trading , the public taking little In
terest in it. Tlm boars made numerous at
tempts to force prices down and scare hold
ers into Inundating , but the latter , as a rule ,
stubbornly refused to neil with sufficient
freedom to cause shai p declines , excepting in
a few instances , where prices have been
forced up matciially. Trading centered
clnellv " " "Vanderbilts "
in "Grangers , ,
"Goulds , " and n few fancy stocks , which aio
continually coming to thu front , flickering
for u time and then disappearing us suddenly
nsthey came. Atchison was 113.1111 an impor
tant factor in llio inarUet , nnd as during
the previous week , snflered a heavy decline ,
owing to the icported Issue of $ ! ( ) , ( 0 > ,0l)0 ) second
end moitgage bonds. Holders sold the latter
with iiicieacd fieedom , and fotccd prices
lower than heretofore. The signing of the
leasoof the East Tennessee to tlio Richmond
iSi Nashville system was regarded as an im
portant measure , as it practically consoli
dated the two railroads and forms a power
ful southern s.vstem. Union Pacific was
active , and after a smnll decline , advanced
nearly .1 points. London was in the market
on both sides to a moderate extent , but failed
to cut an impoi taut figure. Haltimoro & Ohio
passed its dividend , nnd Michigan Central .s
expected to increase its dividend to : i per
cent. All the leading trunk lines mo busy
and nro said to have all their cms in use.
Earnings , as a rule , while showing fair in
creases , are not up to what was anticipated.
It snould be remembered , how.Jver , that grain
in many sections is only beginning to move ,
and that in the near future the earnings are
likely to bo larger than at present. Sales
for the week show a falling elf from the
previous one and aggregate lVJl' ! ) shares ,
liather less activity was in mifeitcd in the
leading speculative markets. In the pimci-
pilmticles trading was confined largely to
oporatois in o cities , with preference
more than ever given to preferred deliveries.
An unsettled feeling prevailed the gieater
portion of the week , and fluctuations were
frequent and sometimes within quite a wide
range. In gram the interest centered chiefly
in wheat and coin , and in provision * , attcn
lion was given mainly to mess pork A
rather weak feeling pievailcd rally , with
considerable pressure to sell on behalf of the
long inteiost , and prices deilmed on
most nrtu les. About the middle of the week
the markers showed n little more strength
the prices rallied slightly , with moderato
buying to provide for outstanding contracts.
Towards the i lose markets generally were
easier and prices airaiu favored the buying
interest. The shipping demand was fan-
throughout the week , and chiefly by parties
who wcio anxious to place their properly nt
the seaboard before the close of lake naviga
tion. The reduction in lake freights induced
holders to forward several caigoes. The re-
ciiipth ol gram at all western markets were
moderately lice though checked to some ex
tent by lack of cars on some of the railroads.
Shipments to eastern markets were quite lib
eral fiom all the western markets ,
considerable train being forwarded on
through rates. The oxpoit movement of
flour and corn was wall maintained , but the
quantity of wheat taken for cxpoit was com
paratively light. Domestic markets have de
veloped vry httlo strength , and reports
from abroad were rather discniragmg to
holders of both grain and proisions. . Seeds
exhibited considerable activity in a general
way , but the feeling was weak and prices
ruled deculeiily Ijwer ICeivipts of live
stock were moderitcly free at all western
maikets , though not as largo as during the
week pu'VioiiB. The- packing of hoes in the
west is progiossing gradually , showing n re
duction of .Ul.dOO for the week compared with
icturtis for the corresponding week in l s" .
THK A. . T. & S. r.
Wlilcli lla\ Served to Depre
ciate the
HOSTON , Oct. 20. The board of directors
of the Atchison , Topckn & Santa Fo railway
have Issued a circular to the stockholders
which reviews the causes which have served
. to depreciate the earnings of tlio road , and
states thnt Iho closing up of now construc
tion comes nt n trying period. The present ,
net floating indcbtolness does not exceed
$1,000.000 , exclusive of f-uuuoo ! for coal 1 ,
etc. The funding of this indebtedness it has
been deviled to postpone until a more favor-
. period ; but in the meantime , to protect :
thu company , u guarat.teo fund of
$7,000,000 has been subscribed , the
money on which will bo called to
any extent necessary. The subscribers will
receive the compau.\'s. note at par for any
- money they pay , bearing 0 per cent interest
and running three years , but with the privi
lege ' of pajincnt icservcd. It is believed
that tins guarantee is ample to protect all
liabilities , and it Is agreed that the amount
of these iiote.s may be increased to a sum not
exceeding f 10,01)0,000 ) , if it bo found neces
sary. The noted are secured by a second
mortgage on the Atchison main line In Kan
sas , and a deposit of the Chicago , Santa Fo
& California line and terminal stocks with
the Boston safe deposit trustees.
Till : I'MlNnM ; JNQUIKY.
The ScHilons ol' the CoiiiinisHlon to
Commence Monday.
[ Cnpyi lutit IKSS tin Jaitl'ionion Ilrilllttt , ]
LON-DOV , Oct. SO. [ Now York Herald
Cable ( Special to Tin : HEK.I At the Cnrlton
club on Monday the 1'arncll commission will
begin , work in earnest , and Tuesday fortnight
parliament will resume its sittings. No doubt
the ( government regrets the necessity of call
ing parliament together just now , especially
considering thu grave doubts they must en
tertain as to the result of the I'arnell In-
qitiry. I hear on high authority it
is not likely the commission can
conclude till close upon Christmas , there
fore the ministry will have tune to deliberate
on its course. Should the final report favor
I'arnell , his friends and the olllcials hope to
conclude thu session the second week in De
cember , but a very largo number of votes
have to be taken , on every one of which dis
cussion niaj bo raised by the Irish. The
votes for lord , lieutenant and the stall of
constabulary , the pi isons and other portions
of thu machinery of the government of Ire
land are sure to give nso to pro
longed and bitter discussion. Mitchelltown ,
Mandoville , Dillon , and a hundred other
matters of dispute may dc raised. On tueso
votes thu ministry will be lucky if it sees the
end at all this sidu of Christmas. The Irish
pally will have their work in parliament and
the nece-sbiti of lookingclo-icly after the com
It turns out after all that both the attorney
general and Sir Henry James will appear for
the Times. There could not bo two stronger
men. Sir Charles Kussoll , 1'arnclPs chief
counsel , is very able , but as a law
yer is scarcely equal to Attorney Gen
eral Webster , and as a deadly cross examiner
none at the Ungltsli bar rival James. Asijulth ,
second for the 1'arnellites , Is known to bo
quii k nnd ambitious , but has done nothing to
Justify the belief that ho carries metal heavy
enough to cope with Webster and James.
Mr. Hied , who appears for some of the Par
tii'littcs , is a Scotch lawyer , Mr. Lockwood is
a highly successful advocate , Lionel Hart is
subtle and acute an array of legal talent
sufficiently imposing on both sides. It Is evi
dent to lookers-on the Time- , has the advan
tage , but the result must depend entirely
upon the evidence. More foiensic skill and
eloquence will not avail much before
three experienced Judges. The I'arnellltes
have concentrated on tin cffoit to prove the
times letters forgeries. The rest of the
charges they tcgaid as political , and I doubt
whether the court will take serious notice of
them. Undoubtedly you have been correctly
informed of the statement that a man has
been found to whom the forgeries can be
traced. To the best belief the man in ques
tion was once a member of the homu rule
party , but known to have played it false.
From the moment the letters first appealed
1'arnoll's suspicions rested upon him.
variety of circumstances depend upon these
suspicions and now some men's
letters , in which strange peculiantic
of spelling arc observable , will bo
compared with the Times letters , which
show these very peculiarities. Parnell's ad
visors have not the slightest doubt they have
got hold of the real culprit , and will be able
to bring his guilt homo to him. It can bo
proved the Tunes paid ICOO for the first
letter it published , and that the former
pocketed the money.
Such is the gist of the case for the Par-
nellites , Minor points are believed at prcs
ent of no great difficulty of explanation
however , if the letters fall to the ground the
bottom will bo out of the case. Tins is
roundly denied by many mmstcrialibts , but
they will discover their mistake if the an
ticip.itions of the Parnollitcs piove to b <
well founded. The public care tor nothing
in comparison with the letters.
A Mi'Miicn OP P
Actors \Vlio Think it Their Duty tc
Keni.-iln Single.
Puns Oct. 20. [ Now York' '
Cable Special to Tin : The Herald
interview with Jane Hading on the subject
"Is Marriage a Failure , " ha created a flutter
tor of emotion among Parisian actresses , and
this evening I happened to meet Mcss.igi
Thco , who has been reading Iho intervicv
with J-ino Hading , which was translated
into French and has been published in th
Figaro and nearly all the Parisian papers
Thco said : "Why , of course , marriage is
failutc. I have been married myself ,
1 was happy , to bo sure , but
would have been a thousand time
happier had I never been married. No , '
with a slnug of the shouldeis. "No ac
ticss should ever get mart ted. How can sh <
amuse the public all evening and then amusi
her husband afterwards ! " Tneo said also
"I am not going to America before Ib'JO. Hy
that time 1 hope to learn Kngllsh and play
'Adam and live' with Harry Dtxon. I ma :
have to sing some song's in French , but th
dialogue will bo Kngllsh. I made 100.00C
francs on mj last visit sinking ono song it ;
French. How many would 1 make to sing
the whole opera in English i"
1 also happened to meet Jeanne Granlero ,
who spoku most pleasantly of Hading , and in
reply to inj question. "What do you thlnl
about I" "Well I
marriage replied , novc :
have been tnuiried myself , but 1 know pretty
well what mai nage means. It has no scci et
for me. I am convinced that no actor , o
musician should over get married. Th
ai tUt should bo frco and love his art with hi
whole heart and soul. "
"Tlicit jou never intend to get married ( "
"No , never. Marriage is a terrible cat-
nsttophe. "
Panic in u Theater.
[ ropjylit > ( tsssiiuJauwtGoHitm Htnintl. ]
PAUIS , Oct. -New [ York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : Hic. ] A terrible commo
tion took place on Wednesday at the Theatre
Comlque. G.Capounwajsinging in the first
att of Joceljn when suddenly an explosion ,
like the report of u cannon , startled the au
dience. The audience Jumped to their feet
and the whole theater trembled. M.
Capoun looked nervous and rapidly
disappeared behind the scenes. A
panic ensued. Women screamed , flvo } oung
ladies fainted nmt an elderly matron uttered
a wild shriek mid Jumped out of the window.
Luckily she landed on top of n pile of old
sacks in the court .vard uninjured. A shout
of flro was heard ai.d the people were about
to rush from the theatre when M. Capoun
walked onto tltR stage , nnd with an assuring
smile , announced that the explosion was
utterly inoffensive , being caused by a sccno
shifter colliding with n balloon inflated I
with oxygen winch was used to represent the
Fashionable Franco Enjoying the
Delights of Country Life.
While Terpsichore Contributes the
Pleasures of the Night.
Dreams of Loveliness Just Com
pleted For American Ladles.
Several French JoiirnalH Kxpress the
UellcfTliat Illrt Visit is a Signifi
cant One The 1'olltloiil Out
look Mackenzie.
Cone to the Provinces.
1SV1 liu Jitm's 'Jordan Hewlett. ]
, Oct. 20. [ Nov York Herald Cable
Special to TUB UitK.1 The weather is su
perb , with warm and brilliant sunshine.
Paris is thoroughly enjoying an unhoped-for
Indian summer , and the Champs IM.vsecs ,
which were half deserted a little while ago ,
are almost as gay as In mid June. Fashion
able France , however , is in the provinces.
There the ai Mocrnuy arc scattered up and
down the land in countless chateaux. The
hunting season is now in full swing. Kchocs
of balls ami fetes come to us in the splendid
homes of Touraino and Normandy. The
Comptesse de Montgomey has been giving a
bt illtant scries of cntei tainments at her Cha
teau do Tervaques near Llsioux , where some
of the prettiest women in Franco have been
spending their mornings shooting pheasants ,
hares and paitridges and distracting their
admirers by the cut of their captivating
shooting costumes. Chocolate , blue and
preen are the favorite materials of Dinna
this autumn. The evenings are given up to
private theatricals or dancing , which often
last till the close of day-break. Similar
fetes ate being given by the Comtcsso do la
Kochefaucuuld , at the Chateau do 1'etoile , by
Mmle. Paul Schneider at the Chateau de
Chanceau near Loches , by the Comtcoso do
Ilraillcs at her chateau near Kpinay , and by
the ever charming Duchessc de Mouchy. In
fact the whole Fauburg Saint dcruiain is on
the wing , flitting from chateau
to chateau and giving itself to
open air sports with n passionate devotion
hardly surpassed even in England. The
grand old oaks of Fontamoblcau re-echo with
the huntsman's horn. The Honnelcss hunt
under the lead of the dashing Duchcsso
d'Usecs , one of the most spirited horse
women in Huropc , captured its first stag yes.
tcrday. The equipages of M. Michel
Kphrussl nnd of the officers of the Fifteenth
chasseurs a cheval Ijive also been hunting
the .stui < nt FontaincbUCu.
Paris itself is' mil to overflowing
with ladies from all patta of the
world in search of the latest fashions.
They collect outsidov-tho lion Marche ,
the Mngasln du Louvre and tlio cstab
lishments where feminine apparel of every
kind from the daintiest bilk stockings to the
niwiSt enchanting of winter hats , is tempt
ingly exhibited. The fash'onablo ' book
makers are reaping a golden harvest and itis
an interesting sightj lo see scores of pretty
women trying on their gold embroidered slip
pers , their "mules , " Qicir riding boots , their
shooting shoes and their dancing slippers.
Never before has fasljlon required so many
varieties of fcmluin "chaitssurcs. " The
line do la Paix swarms with women of every
description ga/ing at the latest hats and
linen and at the dresses displayed in the windows
dews , but the liveliest time of all is among
the "couturiercs , " who are working day nnd
night to finish the avalanche of orders they
have received from New York , London and
St. Petersburg. f
I saw some very charming' dresses this
morning made for Mrs. Uichard Townsend ,
of Philadelphia , the daughter of Congress
man Scott , of Erie. lAmong them-was a ball
dress in golden peauuc sole , the skirt front
cut in scollops at the edge , each scollop be
ing finished with tyglit embroidery in gold.
Houquets of pink roses and folfago ai o scat
tered over the skirt , front , the whole being
veiled in ccllow tullej spangled with gold.
This veiling is held down at the "loft side just
below the waist by k largo boquet of rose
and foliage. The side widths of the skirt
are in pcau veiled in plain tulle ,
These part at the buck to ad
mit of the escape of a tram
in tulle crossed with lines of tine piping in
gold satin. I also notice-a pretty dinner
dress made like the other for Mrs. Ki chard
Townsend. It is in silver gray icitln , bro
caded in a lighter simile of the same- color ,
with n design of grapevines and tendrils.
The skirt front in whitepcau do sole is
adorned with stripes , each formed of a series
of oval medallions in laek jet let Into the
silk and framed in an embroidery of line
silver beads nnd spangles. These stripes
arc met at the knee by an elaborate and ox--
auisito design in embroidery representing
bow knots and curved draperies and exe
cuted in thousands7 of diamond like silver
beads and spangles with n slight Intermixture -
termixturo of blucU silk jetliko
thicad. The skirt trent In scalloped at the
edge with silver embroidered scallops falling
over a narrow plnltjngof pink satin. An
other dress ordered for Mrs. Townsend is r
superb evening dress with corsage and trait
of vivid green brocade . The side breadths
are cream white peau do solo embroidered nl
over with a floss silk device of carnations in
old tapestry colors trended with a rcpresen
tation of golden cords and tassels. These
breadths are edged with narrow gold laeo
and part In front over loose widths of goli
embroidered tulle. The tram is brocaded
with a ruche in green tulle. Next
feasted my eyes on a ball dress made fo
Mrs. Wilmcrding , pf New * ork , in th
palest shadoof water green. The skirt is
short and the back is made of width upon
width of silver spangled tulle. The sidi
breadths and front nro brocaded satin. A
the same contouricrcV I saw a dinner totletti
which Is going to Mrs. Hnyard Cutting , o
Now York. It is made with a skirt front ii :
gold satin brocaded with spears of wheat
the whole being yelled in gold spangled
tullo. Another very charming dress , made
for Mrs. Cutting , is n white satin. The
bklrt front Is ornamented with
long stalks of tulips in applique
embroidery of silver in a white net inserted
in the material , The edge of this skirt front
is cut into squares which fall over n full
gathered ruffle of point iRce finished with
silver embroidery. The train is in plain
white satin. A superb carriage dress ais.o
I for Mrs. Cutting , has side ; iaueb of chestnut
velvet edged with n rich device In black silk
passementerie. The velvet is cut out be
neath this device revealing a lining of bril
liant green. The velvet breadths part in
front over n narrow pointed width of green
satin veiled in black pauze sti iped vertically
with lines in black satin Jetting. The back
of the skirt is in black niatelalso silk very
full and attached to the waist In large gather
The Prince of Wales is enjoying himself
mmcnsely in Pans , Ho may bo seen dally
trolling up and down the boulevards , the
tuo do la Palx nnd the Champ Klysccs ,
topping every five or ten minutes to say n
'ow pleasant words to the numerous friends
ic meets. All day long his apartments nt
.ho Hotel Bristol are besieged by n stream of
alters. Ho breakfasts one day with Lord
. .ytton nt the Cafe Paillard and the next nt
ho Hotel Balmoral with Mrs. Chamberlain
ind Mrs. Wlnslow and Mr. Parclval. This
afternoon as the prince was walking across
ho Place de la Concorde , he met General
Joulangcr. As the "bravo general" has
never been presented to the prince no
lalutntions were exchanged , but 1
noticed that they looked at each
theroutof the corners of their e\cs with
no little . The ' visit
curiosity. prince's is re
garded , singularly enough , by the Parisian
: iublie as hnving political significance. To
day the Intransigent says : "Tho Prinoo of
Wales is n moat welcome guest. Ho Is glade
o come to France , where there Is no danger
of being exposed to meet evcr.v moment the
German emperor. The Piince of Wales re
spects his nation , nnd the scries of humilia-
lens Inflicted upon his sister render him the
mplaeablo enemy of his nephew. All
Frenchmen should reeognUo the fact. The
icir to the ICiiglish throne showed
i cat firmness during the iccent events
mid this attitude should furnish cause for te-
llectioii to the turbulent young William. The
Prince of Wales IMS now separated with
great eclat from his Prussiin relatives , and
.his is an act which has weight , and will
lave still greater weight In the coming Eu
ropean events. "
Politically , Paris is in the calm which pre
cedes the storm. The preliminary canter on
Monday merely warmed the deputies to their
ivork. Since then they have been putting
their heads together In committees and con
certing plans for future action. While all
the professional politicians are thinkine of
nothing but constitutional revision , the
French nation feels and fears that if once
the national assembly gets together
nobody will be able to tell
what will come of it. The national
assembly of France , consisting of the senate
and chamber of deputies united In congress ,
is omnipotent nnd no human power can re
strict the scope of its deliberations. H can
revise or overturn all the fundamental Insti
tutions of France ; it can turn the republic
into a socialist state ruled by a convention ;
it can make the Count de Paris king : it can
make Prince Victor Napoleon emperor , or
General Houlanger dictator. Another thing
causing apprehension among all sober-
minded Frenchmen is that the meeting of
the national assembly to revise the constitu
tion will take place , not at Versailles , ns in
1875 nnd 1ST9 , but in Paris itself. Thus from
the first It will be under the shadow of
'the fear of the reckless quicksilver
population , which bos osoften dissolved
parliaments nnd fling governments Into the
gutter. Nor do the dangers end here. Many
French conservatives now rejoice at the idea
of a revolution in the conviction that out of
annrchy the monarchy may rise. Many n
socialist with whom I have talked on the
subject has assured mo the moment has now
come when Franco must go through the fur
nace and be stamped again with the royal
image. President Carnet to-day embodies
that wise , peaceful , respectable and moderato
republicanism which appeals to the hem t of
every true American. It Is on this that M.
Floquet , who , too , is wise , will rely , limiting
his measure of reform so as to compel the
support of all reasonable republicans and all
patriotic conservatives. Otherwise ho will
find himself denounced by General Houlan
ger and the irreconcilable radicals
backed by the royalists and imperialists.
General Haulangor has still more pawerfu
support accorded him than any ono man in
France since the time of the prince-presi
dent , Louis Napoleon. His camp is n cave
of Adultam. The revolutionists join with
the conservatives in swelling his ranko. The
ommunlsts , and thuro are 40,00) ) of tho'ii in
Paris alone , believe when the general
has broken down the barriers they will
bo able to rush In and revive the commune.
ThclJonapartists and royalists hope to turn
him Into n voluntary or involuntary
General Monk. It now seems clear
that General Uoulanger , instead of
losing popularity by the Floquet duel , is
gaining power every day and people begin to
believe that n timely appeal to the nation ill-
reel can alone save France from another i evolution
elution on the centenary of the feast.
The situation is thus politically paradoxi
cal. All feel that Hie present chamber ,
which was elected long ago , has ceased to
represent its constituents. If the present
chamber unites with the senate in the na
tional assembly , serious consequences are
decided , So all , from the Comto dc Paris to
Houlanger , demand an to the country
and the general election.
The sensation of the entire week has been
the replies of the German doctois to Sii
Morell Mackenzie's book o telegraphed to
the European edition of the Herald from
Berlin. Hcrgmann , Ccrhardt , Tobold , Ivuss
mans , Virchow , Hramann and Waldever' '
unanswerable replies have been reproduced
from the Herald throughout France , and
French opinion holds that the German
scientists have knocked Mackenzie into a
cocked hat. Just a year ngo , when the
crown pritico was ill' , everybody was talKing
about sore throats. To day cverjono is tallt-
Ing about the Herald , the German scientists
nnd Mackenzie. The sensation is immense.
Lieutenant Condem , of the Twenty eighth
battalion of chasseuis a pied of the Ficnth
army , has been expelled from Stuttgait
where ho had gone to study German. Con
siderable excitement has been nroused in
Franco and the government has been peti
tioned to retaliate by expelling the king ol
Wurtemburg from Franco when ho comes to
Nice , where he intends to pass the winter.
Anderson Iel'endn Ills Itccortl.
CIIKSTON- , Oct. 2J. fSpecial Telegram
to Tin : Uin. : ] Major A. K. Anderson ad
dressed a inagntllccnt nudience in the open
house In this city this evening. Ho detailed
the forces which combined to force him into
the field ns an Independent two years ago , re
viewed that canvas of joint discussion will :
Colonel W. P. Hepburn , In which ho was selected
lected by the people to represent this distucl
in coni'resa , nnd spoke of the grand lesult
to the state nnd nation through legislation
i emulating transportation companies , brought
about by the verdict of the people in thn' '
contest. Ho defended his record during hi1
first year in congress , his vote on the Mill-
tariff bill , on tlm soldiers land grant amend
ment to the Oklahoma bill , and his entire
work in congress to the entire satisfaction o
his. friends and of any who voted for him two
years ago. He was grunted wlfi frequent
F.nd gcuwous applause.
Tilt' 1131 AX'S CANVASS.
The "Olil Koinnn" linn -
n Hit ; lli-cop-
lion nl
Bin 7 1 1 , , Ind , Oct. ' . ' 0 The weather was
line for the big democratic demonstration
icre to day. Jud o Thurman and paity ar-
ived hero from Indianapolis , and was met
it the depot by an enthusiastic crowd and
escorted up town.
Judge Thurman was driven nt once to the
loiHoof Jnmes M Hosklns , and , together
vlth Governor Gray and Colonel Matson ,
cviewed the procession from the balcony.
Ono feature of all the cnmpalgn processions
n Indiana this year Is the piesonco of women
ind children , and they were out In force to
day. Hcsldes the largo number of neatly
uniformed clubs , composed of enthusiastic
voters , there were over thirty floats ,
carrying numbers of pretty nnd prettily
> andanacd and uniformed maidens , who
ut and waved Hags to crowds that lined the
sidewalk. Theie were several thousand peo-
in line , and over tweitt } five thousand
lathered on the streets nnd waited nt the
; rove for the exercises to begin After dm-
icr at the Hoskins mansion the pally was
. scorted to the grove by uniformed clubs and
jands , and found there cnrht or ten thous ind
[ icople , who were enjoy. ng the campaign
inusie of the Attica and Hraxil Glee clubs.
I'revious to tlio regular speech George A
liny.ird , on behalf of the democratic ladies of
Ura/il , presented Judge Thurman with a
ueautiful basket of flowers , and thu
udto returned Ins sincere thanks
: o the ladies for their kindness.
Long and piolongcd cheers gieetcd the an-
iiearance of Judge Thurman , whose voice
liovvcd no sign of wearing from Ins other
meetings of the week When the cheers and
confusion had subsided , the Judge spoke in
general as follows :
Beginning , ho commended the personality
mil administration of ( trover Cleveland , and
.lectured that if the people did their duty , as
lie believed they would , the fruits of the past
four years would be conserved for another
four years , if not for a generation He
analy/ed the produi lions of wealth and its
sconomic relation to tlio country.
Kcfei ring to the capitalist and
middle man , he said that the next in
order was thu laboring man He must have
Ins share of the wealth produced , and if ho
get not an honest share ho is a defrauded
man. Now , he said , there Is where the
trouble comes. Thcie is where the tiouhlo
is in tlio tariff system , that while the piotlts
of a business may be 3010 or .Ml per cent , the
laborer does not get more than ! 1 or I or 5 per
cent of that profit. It was the duty of the
laboring man to protect Ins interests and that
of Ins wife and children.
"Now my friends,1' ho said , "when we say
reduce taxation' what do our republican orators
tors tell usl What do they tell joul Why ,
they have the audacity to como before joti
and saj that the democratic paity is the en
emy of the laboring man ; that
nil the republicans want high
tariff for is for the benefit of
laboi ing man. WonOerful way of beneliUing
the laboring man of benelltting a man by
taxing him from the crown of his head to the
soles of Ins feet on ever.v thing ho wears.
iLaughtcr and Applause. ] Piotty way of
bonolUmi , ' the laboi ing man by tiixing linn on
every foot of lumber that goes into his
modest dwelling ; that taxes him on every
foot of lumber that goes into his barn or into
fence ; that taxes him on almost all the tools
he uses in his ( tiados , nnd the utensils which
go into his kitchen ; that taxes evcri thing
that can bo found to levy n tax upon. That
is a pielty wa.of . aiding the laboring man.
Hut , my friends , did you hear nnytlniigjmoro
absurd than the talk of the democrats being
the enemies ol the laboring men of the coun
try ) I defy any man to point out ono
single great measure for the amelioration of
the laboring men In this land , or in any other
land , that was not the result of the demo
cratic principles which lie tit the foundation
of our party. [ Applause. ] What gnve you
the right to vote ) Democratic principles did
it. What makes you the equal of anj other
man ) Democratic principles did it. What
gtvet. your children as much chance for pro
motion as any other man's children ) What
makes it possible for any one of the little
boys within the sound of my voice to become
president of the United Slates" " What does
that but democratic principles ) And yet to
talk about the democrats being opposed to
the laboring men' ' Now , my friends , the
democratic party , composed , ns it is ,
mainly of laboring men , is not a
set of idiots. They have succeeded
enough , have learned enough , have infoinm-
lion enough to find outwhat is for their in
terest and to pursue it. And I think in the
early days of r.c.xt November they will prove
to our icpublicaii opponents that the demo
cratic laboring men are wise enough to vote
the right kind of ticket and for the right Kind
of principles. [ Applause. ]
"You hear the republican speaker get up
nnd say that a high tai iff is necessary in order
to give hiHli wages to the labring men. Why ,
mv friends , the labor organizations of this
country some of them may not bo exactly
right , some of them may need amendment In
their constitutions and mode of procedure
lint the naked tiuth is that the labor organiz
ations of the United States have dona moil )
to secure good \\.i es to the laboi ing men of
Ameiica than all the tariff laws that over
weie made. That is the Until aboutlt. "
Tlio remainder of Iho speech was devoted
to the tariff question , covering much the
same ground he has gone over in his othur
speeches during ins trip through Indiana.
In concluding it he said :
"Should tins surplus taxation be removed
and the ? U > 0,0 < ' 0,1100 which it needlessly brines
into the United States ticasur.v annually ,
wheio it lieas idle as ore in a mine before
the laboring man has come with tiis pick and
shovel to take it out , be put into your pock
cts , or in the pockets of tlio people fiom
whom It is taken , it would servo to set ever.v
wheel in the mmiufactoiics of this country
in motion. It would make every manufac
turer better able to emplo.v wage earners
and to pay them well , nnd maUo every other
man m business in the country better off. "
.lud 'o Thurman spoke ttnrty-ono minutes
nnd was cloii Iv listened to by thn nudiein o.
Altcrwards Governor Gray spoke at some
length fiom the same plalfurm , and was fol
lowed by Colonel Matson , the democratic
candidate for governor. While the judge was
awaiting the departure of the tram from the
depot lie was waited on by the Normal club
of D.'puw university , who carried on a lively
conversation with the jud 'O llnoiigh an open
window The Thurman paity left late in
the afternoon and will go directly to Colnm
bus O.
Tins meeting at Hra/il is the conclusion of
Judge Tliurman's Indiana campaign , and ho
feels very well pleased both with Ins iccep
tiou by the people and with the outlook for
Ins pai ti at tins coming election. Notwith
standing all tin haul wont , he icturns home
comparatively ficah and in good condition.
The IiiuiniM'r'rt Convention.
RICHMOND , A'a , Oct. ' , ' 0 The Brotherhood
of Locomotive engineers to d ly deemed to
hold the next convention at Denver , Colo. ,
October 17 , ls,5' ) . The following grand offi
cers were re elected : Third grand engineer ,
J. C. Spragie of Toronto , Canada , first grand
assistant engineer , Henry C. Itaynui of
Cleveland , O. ; second grand nssistant
engineer ; A. M. Cavenev , San Francisco.
1'xecutivo Committee : Kdtvard Kent , of
Jersey CitK ; M. Clark , Denver , Colo. ;
Edward Tmslcy , Hamilton , Out ; Willium
Johnson , Kock Island , 111. , and J. I1 llcgard ,
Atlanta , G.i. Chairman Hogo , of thoengin-
nns committee , who managed the Chicago ,
liurlington & Qumey strike , presented his
repot t giving a detailed account of the strike
from the engineers' standpoint.
Kansas Hill\vuy ; ll
Tni'KKA , ICan. , Oct. ' , ' 0 - iSpo.' T elogrnm
to Tuc HiA ] rather unfavorable showing
Is made in the annual icport of tnc Chicago
Nebraska .t Kansas railroad , owned by the
Hurlington , filed to nay willi the railroai ;
commissioncts. The total caimngG for th <
year worn fYi.-f.'n.l'i , and Oio total expenses
JlSi.'J" ! 4'J. The operating expenses were
ti-.J7T 71. The annual rrportof the Atchison
ft Nebraska , owned by the liurlington , wa
also tiled to day with the board of raiiroui'
ucmnmlssioners. Its total earnings for the
year wen ) I'JTO.ils an , nnd opcratine ; o.ent | > es
lie Has Captured the Ilonrts of
Suuiiy Itnly'a Sons.
The Throe Visitors Carry Awny
Presents From the Popo.
Their Grand llltwnlnation In the
Emporor'B Honor.
A Nlfjht of AVIerii niul Knntusllo
Splendor , Wlilcli Wound Up With
Multicolored IHa/c Symboliz
ing Iho Star of Italy ,
The Kaiser Captures Koine.
iropuifuht IV&bu Jtliilc * ( . 'IPH/III / McruMM
KOMI : , Oct 'JO. ( New York Herald Cable to TUB HI.B 1-Tlie old "Vein , V Id f ,
Vici" can now be uttered by the kaiser Illrt
xlt jcrterday makes a complete sin render
of the old misconceptions of Germans and
Italians , the former saying the latter wore
full of winning weakness and they in leturu
ailing the Germans the enponents of brutal
foice. The kaiser's visit proves the
rriendship of the Italians nnd Gcr-
nnns as one of the people as
well ns the government. The popular
Icmonstrations hero nnd at Naples wcio
pontaneous. I heard fiom a iclialile souico
that the enipcior told heie that ho should bu-
'oro spring visit Spain , 1'oitugal and
The three Herliners took homo pupal
souvenirs. The popn gave the kaiser through
an intermediary , Dr. Von Schlo/er , Prussian
minister to the Vatican , his portrait sot in
iliamonds ; to Prince Henry a magnificent
cameo , also sot in diamonds ; to Count Her-
jert Hismarck a Jubilee medal in gold.
The 1'opolo Romano , In an HI tide summar-
l/ing the imperial progress , sajs today :
The emperor must have learned that Italy is
no longer a land of the dead. This > oung
jicoplc are proud ol their freedom and con
scious of their strength. Thoi showed their
cucst an excellent army and a powerful Heel ,
like Cornelia showing her two sons. From
the aspect of these young and promising
forces Emperor William will carry away
from Uomo the consciousness that Italy , iC
her policy tends to peace , is still prep.neil to
delend herself powerfully if her integrity is
menaced or her dignity injured.
Probably one of the most successful , and
certainly ono o ( the most fantastic and inter *
esting spectacles offered to the empeior dur
ing his visit was the illumination of the ruina
of ancient Homo and the wonderful view
stretching from the capital to the coliseum.
rVmericati tourists who remember Homo can
understand this when I describe how A
loyal stand , surinountiug two others
for specially invited guests , was1
erected on the highest point ot Palestine
hill lacing the Temple of Peace , and how
thence the emperor and royal party com
manded the whole of the wonderful pane
rama. The Forum and Via Sacra wore kept
clear and every stone was visible , ns now an
electric light und noit rod , white or green
flies shed strong reflections on the principal
buildings. At one time the Coliseum away
to the right was illuminated from
within , nnd seemed n colossal heap
of burning cindets. Many colored ,
lights came and went , transfiguring
the capitol arch of Titus , the temple of Pea e ,
tlm arch of Septomius Severus and the sur-
loundmg churches with magical effect.
Sheaves of lire and rockets started upward *
from the ruins , dissolving in multicolored
stars. The royal group Itself was not the
least picturesque pint of the display , as the
moonlight , suddenly shining out , Hashed
upon the bright helmets nnd decorations , anil
on the dresses of the royal ladies , with heio
and there a sparkle of a diamond.
When the last locket had been fired
and the moonlight seemed to be taking
possession of all there suddenly shone out
fiom the summit of the capitol an Immense
star in pure white light Tills was leccived
with great applause by the ciowd as sjmool-
iing the star of Italy.
I learn to-day a decree will shortly be
issued by the holy office relative to the
American association known as the Knights
of Labor. In this decieo tlio bishops in thu
United States will bo Instructed to obtain
from tnu leaders of the association ver
bal declarations as to its innocuousness. I
also learn that at a consistory to bo hold In
December the poim will preconciso as cardi
nals two Koman prelates , Monsignor M.iechl ,
Major Damnu , at the Vatican , and Monsignor
Ainiibalo assessor of the holy office. Sev
eral archbishops will also bo raised to the
cardmalate , among them the archbishops of
Catania , Houen , Tours , anil Cologne. A l.ko
distinction would also have been conferred
upon the Archbishop Paris , but for the ob
jection of the French government.
Koine Novel Metlioils of Kvlt Adopted
Ily Di'sponili'tit I'.icNInns.
[ rnpurtulit ISSVi liu Jfim'i < l inlnii II nuel 1
I'AIIIS , Oct. 'JO. ( New York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : HIIA : : ] perfect opidemm
of suicide has broncn out In Paris , At least
ten attempts at self murder are reported
every day. Yesterday afternoon two people
Jumped out of the window , killing them
selves , and to day four more suicides are re
corded. In thu Kuo St. Claude a bookbmd
er's wife Jumped out of thu window of her
apartments in the third story and was dashcu
to pieceon the pavement. A tinman named
Hcnry.rcslding In the Hue Menilmoutantdur
ing n lit of alcolmllsm , put a icvolvcr
to his mouth fired twice nnd blow his head to
pieces. Charles Joseph , a carpenter , twcnty-
nine years of ngo , took nn enormous nail ,
held it with his loft hand over the right
temple and with a heavy hammer drove thq
nail light into Ins brain. M. Jean Gerard ,
sixty two ycirs of ago , hanged himself to a
tree in the Hois do Vmcennes with a pair ot
woman's stockings. In the provinces aUo
suicides are recorded dally. A farmer named
Hardcien living near Auijorro , put ulouled
bombshell in his mouth , attached n lighted
fiiHO to it and in a few momuits was com *
plo tely biown to pieces
A Memorial of ( hi ; Uovoliulon ,
[ Cnpui 'u'WSiy ' ' ' Jamctftiitibmilenntt , ]
PAUIS , Oct. 20- | New York Herald Cable
- Special to Tun HKI : ] M. LnckrOy , minis
ter of public Instruction , Is urging the co-snr
cil of ministers to have u great public garden
planned out on the slto once occupied by the
Tutlferics. Ho suggests that a grand metnorr
Inl of the revolution should be erected lit
t'ue center , .