Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Lnrgo and Happy Thrones Attend
ing St. Thorosa'8 Fair.
rdny'H ProucrtlliiK * I" tlir Nc-
' "n SiipruiiiD Court A Unl-
vernlty "Seminar" Stale Politi
cal 1'oliHi General Notes.
T.ixrot x HunnAU orTiiK OMiru HSR , 1
llr."J 1 STKUKT , >
LlNfOI.K , Oct. 10. )
Tlio attendance at St. Thcrcs.i's church
fair increases from night to night. H tins
been u success from the first. The happy
throng that gatncred ut liohnniin's li.vll last
night numbered at least IK ( ) ' ) people , and so-
dally tlio evening was a great success. The
various contests excite no little Interest. In
deed they are intensely exciting In nature ,
provoking n friendly rivalry und u healthy
circulation of nickels , dimes and dollars.
This is the great object sought in tlio Intro
duction of the fair. The articles that Invite
expenditure arc , many of them , very beauti
ful , and thu winning ladies in charge of lliu
various departments have very little dlfll-
culty in securing investments , some of which
arts rare chances , and hinge upon the turn of
dice. To night the voting commences for the
gold headed cane , which Is to go to the most
popular congressional candidate for the First
district. H Is thought that the voting wll ! be
spirited. The polls will open at S o'clock anil
close ut the last hour to morrow night Some
of the boys proi > ese to give the sport u lively
tin n , and if Mr. Morton wears the cano his
followers will pay for it dearly. The
"green" IB a conspicuous color In and about
the hall , and the rich brogue ot the descend
ants of the Emerald Isle is frequently heard
in the walks and talks throughout the room.
.lolin P. Hreea was admitted to practice.
The following causes were argued and sub
mitted ; Howell vs Graff ; Union Pacillcrail-
way companj vsO'Honi ; Smith v.s Gibson ;
Tlpp vs Hunt ; Richardson vs Doty ; Omalm
Uelt railway company v.s Johnson ; Omaha
vsKnuntzu ; Sloman vs llodwcll.
The docket to-day shows the following
cases Hied by Deputy Clerk Wheeler :
Valentine Llpp vs South Omaha Land Syn
dicate ; appeal from Douglas county.
State of Nebraska ox rel Edward Whit-
comb vs Chicago , Burlington & Quincy rail-
wav company ; iiuo warranto.
William Andrew , * und A. I ! . Fischer also
flic actions in quo warranto against the same
road. The relaters all hail from Saline
county , and the causes arc brought to Inquire
into the validity of the Burlington's right of
way across their respective farms.
Wulthan H. Warren etui vs El la W. Pea-
bodvetnl ; appeal from Wllmore county.
City of Omaha vs Ella Bchuller ; error
from Douglas county.
A COMI'MtAllill roiir.CLOSLUR.
An interesting suit was commenced in the
district court of Lancaster county to-day to
test the virtue of a mechanics' lieu. The
suit is brought by Joseph Kirkup , William
A. McCiilliini and Walter Kirkun , trading
Under the linn name of William Kirkup &
Son , against thu Cincinnati Ice Machine com
pany , a corporation existing under virtue of
the laws of the state or Ohio and the Ne
braska Stock Yards company , partners trad
ing as Frommliold & Voightmanii.
Tlio petition recites that the plaintiffs en
tered into a verbal contract with the defend
ants to pipe nml otherwise repair and im
prove a building known as packing house
No I , situated within the corporate limits of
the city of Lincoln ; tliat the contract was
tlono und performed us pur agreement , bin
thul the defendants have fulled to pay the
plaintiffs for their work and material fur
nished , or any part thereof ; that the con
tract was fully performed between the fith
daj of May and the 2d dav of July , and
that the worlc done and the material fur
nished amounts to $4,780.92.
Tlio petition further states that
while the contract between the plaintiffs
and defendants was first made other
parties with a mechanic's lien duly
llk'il , taking claim prior to that of plaintiffs ,
which , under the agreement , have no right
to exist as tlrst claims , and the plaintiffs ask
Judgment and the right to precedent fore
closure of lien and the costs appertaining to
the suit.
The Otto & Clans license case was heard
.vesUirday evening at tlio adjourned meeting
of the city council. C. E. Mugoon presented
the ease of Hardy & I'ilcher and J. E. Phil-
pot that of the applicants. A petition stgnot :
by a largo number of the business men on
Bouth Eleventh street , remonstrating agalnsl
the issuance of thu license , was presented
for the consideration of the council. It seems
that the light is waged against the room the
vrould-bo saloonkeepers propose to occupy ,
rnthcr than against them us business
men , and It is prosecuted with vigor
and determination. The applicants
claim that they have expended over
$1.000 in lilting the room up ,
all of which the petitioners propose to tnako
up to them rather than have liquor sold at
the particular place , buttho proposition goes ,
only , providing the application is voluntarily
withdrawn. Tlio council took the case under
advisement pending the decision of Otto &
Clans on the proposition of the business men
who uro Unhung their application.
"Tlio indications ere always favorable for
parly success whenever cither side is forced
upon the defensive , " remarked W. Henry
Smith. ow | . , late of Philadelphia , Pa. , to-day ,
'and I take it that the conservative demo
cratic vote is on the eve of a general stam
pede to the republican national standard
beinvr.s. Tlio attitude of the party in power
on the tariff question is so nt variance with
Us i wil sentiment that every honest voter is
forced to exclaim , 'Whither are wo drifting ! '
Hcllecllon alouu is necessary to fully answer
the question. The election of Harrison and
Aloiton is almost a foregone conclusion.
During the early part of the campaign I was
In the east , and 1 must say that out of dark
ness has come light. Since the convention
the tide has drifted steadily in favor of pro
tection und the party of the people. I have
boon over the state considerably sincn com
ing to Nebraska nnd am well pltused with
the outlook for both the state and legislative
tickets. "
" 1 have not been going much during the
past week,1 says Attorney ( ienernl Leese ,
"but I am llnnly convinced that tha work
Unit Is being done for the ticket is telling for
the right. The only question is the majority.
\Vhorcvor I have Ix'en the republicans are
wide awake , and I think that fears that the
democrats will make nmtoriul gains on tlio
legislative ticket in the diflerenl senatorial
( kid representative districts are groundless.
2can't see It that way. I find that the party
Is thoroughly united , but the ball must bo
kept rolling. There is no telling what might
be done if the old maxim , "Vigilance in the
price of liberty , " is forgotten. Trio whole
ticket will bo elected. U is nonsense to tallc
of unj thing olf.o. "
Under thodiiectlonof I'rof.Cieorgo li.How
ard , of the historical department of the state
university , n class has been formed within
the last week which is of no little importance
as nn indication of tl.o character aud extent
of thu work the university U doing , It cor
responds to the "Seminar" of the German
tiuherbitlcs , nnd consists entirely of post
graduate students who pursue original inves
tigation and study under the supervision of
< hc professor , nut more as companions than
us pupils. The class now numbers several
and the results of Its work will bo looked
for with much interact.
Secretary Laws went to Mlndcn to-day
Ho Is on another political lour of the stato.
The Lancaster Bar association held an in
teresting meeting last night. It was decided
to secure a lecture from Mr. Thompklus , of
KiiKland , during his stay in Nebraska.
The remains of ( Jus Kidwrll were ex
pressed to his parents nt Martelle , la. , at I
o'clock to-day. Word cumo yesterday even
ing from his parents that it wa their wish
to have him laid to rest In the old homo
churchyard. Another Lancaster tragedy is
now u matter of history.
John Hergon , who was arrested on the
chnrnc of having assaulted ono Frank
McCarty with intent to commit high
way robbery u day or two are ,
was released to-day , the informnr.t havltif
failed to appear against him. He was ar
rnlniuvl heforo Judt i Houston , plead not
f ullty unrl was discharged.
Tlio death of Joseph H. Hallard , of Cort-
land , Is announced. The deceased was .for
merly In the hardware business in Lincoln ,
and was. well known to mar.y ot our clitoris.
The remains wore brought to Lincoln nnd
ntcrred In Wyuka cemetery to-day. A
[ flrgo number of citireus followed them to
Lhuir flual rusting place ,
A Large
A broad hind is tills In which wo live ,
dotted ho thii-ldy with thrifty cities ,
towns and villngra ! Amid them nil ,
with over-increasing popularity nnd
helpfulness , is Dr. 1'iorcc's Uoldon
Medical Discovery , ( jiving hope and
cheer where there is dibunso and dis-
pulr. Wherever there is humanity
there is Buttering ; wherever there is
sutTeriiitf there is the host Held for this
k'ruatest American remedy. Consump
tion ( which is hnitfvscrofulti ) , yields , to it
if employed in the early stages of the
disease ; ohronio nasal cnlnnih , yields
to it : kidney and liver dlHuasoH yield to
it ! If you want the best known remedy
for all ilibciises of the blood , aslc for Dr.
J'ierco'h Cloldi'ii Medical Discovery , and
tuUe no other.
Klirlit Workmen In tlio Kiilns Ono
Kutnlly Injured.
Part of the truss work nt the eastern side
of the Coliseum , now in course of erection at
Twentieth and Grant streets , fell with a tre
mendous crash about ll0 : ! ! yesterday
carrying with It four of the carpenters and
burying four others Just outside in the debris.
For a few minutes the wildest consternation
prevailed and the workmen hurriedly res
cued their impnsoncd companions. The
four engaged on the truss work on the out
side were only sliehtly bruised , as the boards
had their fall broken by a pile of lumber a
few feet east ot the wall. Hut of thu four
who were engaged In siding the structure
and were nearly twenty feet from the
ground at the time of thu accident , threoof
them were dragged out of the debris insensi
ble. They recovered consciousness , how
ever , and were properly cared for. Their
names arc J. C. Arnold , Alexander MclJir-
ney and Henry Orson. Arnold was b.idly
cut over the eye and the blood was oozing
from half a dozen cuts on bis scalp. His legs
were so badly bruised that he could not
walk. Orson was also badly cut over the
face and Ills right ankle so badly squeezed
that it will be some days before
ho can walk. McMirney is probably
fatally injured. When the structure gave
way ho was hurled from the scaffolding on
which was standing nnd fell on n pile of lum
ber. The wall fell on top of him , crushing
him. His injuries are all internal , and there
is a hemorrhage from the lungs which the
physicians consider dangerous. Chris Nelson
w u near the top of the wall , and when ho
felt the structure giving way ho had the
presence of mind to hurriedly crawl through
a window and ride down on the falling mass ,
instead of being crushed under it. Ho was
only slightly j.irred and shaken up.
Tno accident is duo to luck of proper
bracing , aud Thursday the workmen noticed
the structure tottering in the wind nnd re
marked its danger. Yesterday some per
son removed ono or two of the braces on the
outside , and while a strong wind was blow
ing tlio whole structure fell.
Had a bilious attack and ono of the e
indescribable cases of constant weari
ness. Tool : quinine and other remedies
without relief. Toolc Dr. Jones' Hod
Clover Tonic ; am btronir. and well.
Asa Thompson , Lojjau , Ohio. Goodman
Druj { Co.
An Injunction on Grading.
Thursday night an injunction was served
on Mayor Hroatch und Contractor Murphy ,
rcstr.ilning them from grading and paving on
Kleventh street from the viaduct to Williams
street. Some time ago the property owners
on Eleventh street requested that thu Omaha
Horse railway company bo given the right to
lay tracks , beginning at the south end of the
viaduct to Williams street , which was re
fused , and now they are dissatisfied with the
grading of the street. It required u four foot
cut when thu grade was established recently ,
from the present point , which the contractor
made m order to lay his blocks. Yesterday
the contractor was still at work. Mayor
Hroatch appeared before the board of public
works yesterday afternoon und requested
that the contractor be requested to quit work ,
which was complied with.
$5O ( Itownrtl $5OOO
For a hotter or more pleasant remedy
for the euro o [ consumption , bronchial
troubles , eolith , croup and whooping
coutfh than SANTA ARIK , the Cali
fornia Iciiitf of consumption. Every
bottle warranted. If you would be cured
of that dibjrustintf disease , catarrh , u&o
' > > mail $1.10. Santa Abie and Cat-H-
Juro arc sold nnd warranted by Good
man Drug Co.
Deiitli of mi Old Omnhan.
Dr. William Edwards , an old timer In
Omahn , died nt St. Joseph's hospital at .M
o'clock yesterday afternoon. Dr. Edwards
was in the drug business in Omaha nine
years ago at the corner of Sixteenth ant
Douglas streets. He was also the agent for
the Hubcoen llru extinguisher , and in running
lo n fire fell und injured one of his loirs ,
For nine years past Dr. Edwards has uccn
living at 1'latto Centre , Nob. , where ho has
liad almost constant trouble with his leg , und
two weeks ago came to Omaha for medic.i"
attention , It was found necessary to amputate
putato the leg , from the effects of which hi
died. He will bo buried to-day at Fores
Lawn cemetery.
The soft fjlow of the tea rose is ac
quired by ladies who use I'o/r/.oni's Com
plcxiou I'owdcr. Try it.
Two Fntnl Kails.
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram to
THE Hr.K. ] Delia Dondican , an Irish imini
grunt eighteen years old , fell from the rear
platform of the S.ig Harbor cxuress on thu
Long Island railroad Wednesday afternoon
und was killed. Shu hud embarked at Long
Island City , and being a stranger and unac
customed to railroad tr.ivoi , asked frequent
questions as to her destination , which was
Islip. When she heart ! the name of that sta
tion called the inexperienced and impatient
girl arose and went out on the platform.
There she lost her bal.mco and pitched head
first off the train , the customary guard chain
across the rear platform being absunt. She
was still urcathing when the train bauds
picked her up , but her neck was broken and
she diet ! in a few moments.
Edward , the six year old sou of James
McCarthy , living nt No. 40U Washington
street , fell live stwies from the roof of the
house to the street below yesterday and was
instantly Killed.
Axes to ( iriiitl.
Storekeepers and druggists with pri
vate "axos to grind , " although well
aware of the superiority of SO7.ODONT
to all preparations for the tooth , some
times recommend other articles as
"equally good" or "the Kimo thing" or
"superior. " Insist oa having SOX.O-
_ _
Colonel Saxton netired.
Oct. -Colonel Uufus Saic-
ton , assistant quartermaster general , was
placed on the retired Hat to-day ,
run TIIK runt or
Consumption. Cotishs. ( * c lilj Astt'tnn. Ilronchl-
tl , lieblllty , H astltic Dlneusos nud Scro
fulous llumois.
Almo l m pliable asciram It ran be taken with
plettruru by ilollrato | i rson < ami cmMrvn , nlioullcr
ulnxll , are very tdndof It. It nulmllMiM nlth Hie
lo.vl. llCri'H c. tbu flusli aim appttltu , bulldi up the
nurvons systrm. restore * ebrrpy lo mlti'l ' ami body ,
ireulri new , rich and pura aloud , In IHCI rejuteuutcs
the thole system.
B'aMlSlI , 1SI.OOU ,
This iircparirtloii l far nuperlor to all olher inepn-
latlunsuf i'od-liUcr ( Ml It liai many Imitators , but no
tviunln. The ronult following Its u ar lu ben rvo-
oiu.ucatlant. Uf sure , as yu vaJim your liaaJUi.and
Et-t IliPitfnulne. Manufactured only by Dit Al.kXU.ll.
\V1I. J-UiCitiul ; t , llusUn , Matt , cold by aJI l > ruiiist >
A CrnjjIiU
Baltimore Md.
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,'it by tlio It'Kltlaturo of ! Vs for lid- nnd Clmiltuhli * purposes , and its fim- :
thlsi ) innilu n part of tin- present Mate i'oustltu-
tlnn , In IH.I , by fin nvcrwhclmliiK popular vote.
tnlcn plan' Soinl-Annimllv r.lniii' nml KereinlHT )
and Its (1I1ANI ( ) 81N ; li ; Nt'MIIKH DHAW-
1NOS take place on earli otthciithertcnnioiitln
In the year , and lire all drawn In public1 , at the
Academy of Music , New Oricati" , In.
"Wo do hereby certify that we supervise the
nrrnnKOiuents fornlltlic Monthly nnd Seml-An-
mini lirawhnrs of The IxniUluim Stuti ; Lottery
ComlMiiy , and In person mmiHiie and control
thu Ur.iNliiKs theinsHhi-s , and that ttu < .same
lire condtii ted Mlth honesty , fairness , and In
Kootl faith toward all parties nnd wo nnthorlzu
the company to use this certificate , wltli fac-
hlmlk'S ( iCiiiir Hlt'iiutiires attitclioil , In Its iidrer-
tliementR "
Wo. theunderMcned Hanks nnd Hankers , wilt
pay all I'ri/os ilrawn in The lioulslnnn Statrt
Lotteries whli h may ne presented at our count-
ters :
H M. WAI.MSM'.V. 1'rcs. Louisiana Ilnuk.
I'llIHItH LANAt'X , 1'it" . suite Nut'l Hank.
A. HALDWIN , 1'rcs. NewOrleims Nafl Hank.
CAUL KOIIN , 1're.s. rnliin Nntioiml Hank.
In tlio Acaflnmy of Muxlc. Nt-w Or-
Irons , Tiiufdnv , Novt'i > ilnr lit ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tioists at Twenty Dollars each.
Halves $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twen
tieths $1.
i iMtr/.K or JIIHO.O ois $3U ) ,
1 IMH/.H OK 1UMWUI9 ll lli , ( l
1 I'HI/.K OF W.MMls WI(1IK , ( )
1 riir/.n or u.iois (
2 I'Ur/jKSOP llliiO ) arc LN.WJ ,
ni'lll/KSOP 5,001) ) lire ffll.0110
ssrui/.KSOK i.nro nro ai.uiM
ion I'Kr/.r.soK r > iam NIIK.O .
1IK ) I'Ul/.KSOK iioi ) ure IW.O.W .
fft ) I'HIXCSIir aoaie KlO.UUJ
100 Prizes ot J.7H ure W.Ortl
nm do axiaiB ; i.uoo
100 ilo aWnre UD.UOJ
t l do mi nro ffi.HO )
3,1111 I'rlzes , nmonnttng to flnr > lNM
Nil -Ticki'ti ilrntruiK Ca | > ltiil l'rlre < uremitcn-
lltleil 10 tcrnilnttl prl/p .
If KoiiCi.iTiiHATCi , or nny furllier Inrormntlon
rie lrud , write leui ! > ly to ttie iiinlor lmieJ , cleiirlx
Muting your rt' tilunce.witli > tnto , ( > Miiit > , Mfvi't ami
ntmibvr. Mtirc rapKI return innil ( Icllvcrj will ho n-
mired br > our enclo ln an mivelopo bourlittf ruur
full nililm
J-enil royi'AL NOTIIS , i\iru : | < Moner Onion , of
New Vnrk KxclianuB In onllnary letter. 1'iirrL'iicy by
Express ( ut ourexp i e ) Hildrei eil
M A. DAUl'llI.V ,
Or M. A. IIAI'I'IIIS , f > w Orleans , La.
Wn hluttuii , 1) . C.
Address Registered Letters to
New Oriuttd" , Iji.
1 ? rrA.fl\TTlI41l ) Tiiat tlio presence of Qen
liJiilUrjlM lil'jlv ( run HcauroKHMl nnd
"Hrly , wlin nru InilmrBO ut tlio itm lnKi. It n uunr-
inteo of iib/iilnte tHtriu-m and InUurlty , tlnn thu
chuiiro" nre all eiiiuil , Mini that no ono cau pu slbly
dlvlnn what number w lit tlrnw ti prl/e
"ItKMKMIIKK , aluo , that tlin puyiunnt of pri/otli
rseu Orleim * . and the TIckeH nio Mimed by ttio I'ren-
Ulent of tin Institution vrhosu clinrtert'tl rluttlH art )
reootfnlzcil in the hlclieH courti , therutore , bowitru
uf any luillutluns or unonriuuut schuaiu * .
An Important Announcement
About six weeks ngo.wlilloot famines * , 1
wm suddenly attacked with excruciating
calua In my feet , knees nnd hands. So o r
the attack th t I took my ted Immediately ,
and In two or thrre days my joint * w era
wuIUu to almost double their uaturaUUe ,
and Meep was driven from me. After surfer-
Ins the moit excruciating | < iiln fornweek ,
DtTnirllnlmeiitg and various other remedies ,
friend who sympathized with my heljilou
condition , said ( o me :
" Why don't you pet Swlft'i Specific nn4
salt. I wlllKiiarantuan cure , and If ltdo < M
not tbnim-cilclne uliaU cost jou nolhlug. "
I at oueo secured the S. S. S. , aim After
nilUK' H tua first day , had a quiet night und
refrenlilmr lcei > . In i week I felt grcally
brn'nttFil 111 three \Teck I could ( It up mid
walk alNiut the room , anil after IMIIU six
twtiles I was out nml able to 1.0 to liuslnpss.
Blncolhen I bare been regularly at my l
of duty , and stand on my fiet front nlnoto
ten hours a day , nnd ixni entirely frrn from
? aln. Thete ere the plain and simple fuel *
nniyrasi'.pnil I will cheerfully answer all
nqulrlos rcUth e thereto , altlu r In pel son or
ly mall. TrioMH MARKIUJI.
. U W. 13th street , New York City.
F Nisnrii.T.1. T K- . -I hove wnrdrd off a i * .
eri > altacit of rheumatUm hy o timely rejurl
to S Itfs Hpoolflo. In oil cnwa he re n | * r-
BiRiivut relief Is ought this ineJIdnn commend -
mend * Itself for a ronilltutlonal treatiiicnl
that thoroughly cradlcaU'S the eeeda of Ul -
uve from the system.
T Kor. W. P. lUnnuox. D. D.
N w Yoni , CI TTII ATB. After ip ndlnf
ax ) to lie rellered of lllooit I'oison without
anylH'i. , nt. a few buttles of Swift's 8vrclU9 |
work ln } > erfectcure. C. 1'outicii.
Viiiti , Oi. My little Klrl , ( re.l sir , and
boy , nj'.l four years , had niToful/t In the
Wcist < TMratnl shape. They word puny
and sickly. Toilay they nro healthy ami ro
bust , all tlio result of tulUuz a. s. H.
Jot T. Coujcn.
I.itiT I.AKI , ScMTT.n Co. , Ftjt. Your S. S ,
S. hua jiroviMl a vrondeiful sueceu In my
case. The cancer on my face , no doubt.
Would have teen hurried mo to my gram. I
do thUlk It Is wonderful , nnd has no equal. .
II. U. IrHl > , rostaiustvr. J
WACO , T IAS , May 9,1S33. I
. B. Ca , Atlanta. Oa.s '
Gentlemen Knowing that 7011 appreciate )
Toluntary UstlnioalaU , we take plfiisure la
ItatlnR tnat one of our lady customer ! has
' her health by tlio u o of four Inrge
E'ued your great remedy , after having
an un alld for several years. Uer t rouble
was extreme debility , caustnl by a disease p *
ullar to her suz. WILLIS A Co. , Drueglits.
> Three Nioki mailed free on apullcatloa.
JU1 druggliti sell H. H. 8.
> TIIK SWIFT Sprcino Co. ,
Drawers , Atlanta Ox
Jbw York.7M UroaUwa/.V
State Line.
Toiavj'o\v ( ; , llclfusl , Dublin and Lht-rpool
From New York Every Tuesday ,
Cabin passage ! 3J and $ . 'A according to location
ot slate room. Kicurslon JIM to ? w.
FtecruRO to and from Europe at Lowest Itutea.
AFSTIX IIALDWIN & CO. , Oen'l Agents ,
Kl HroaavYuy , New York.
JOHN HLF.OIN : , aon'l Western Agent ,
1B4 llnndolph St. , Chicago.
HAItlir K. MOOllKS , Agent. OuiKhn.
Kcduced Cabin Uates to Ghisc-ovr Ex
. . . ,
Itooai 03 Trader * '
Rarerancas-Uetropalltan National Hank.
U. U. Din & Co. Tbu llradstrettt Ca
( Successors to John 0 , Jacobs. )
Undertakers and Embalmers
At the old Btand , KJ7 KHrtiam St , Orders by
telegraph t > ollclted and promptly attended.
TelcpUona to No. * . ' .
o ffi
CO \
3 _ og-
{ > |
e 8
A Great Medical Work for Young and
Middlc-Aged Men.
New Edition , Revised and Enlarged ,
Youiti ; and middle-need nit'n who are Buffering
f rom thu huli-croUont of joutu , Kilmunlod vitality ,
NprrouH nnd I'hyslral Debility , I'n'iniituro liocllnt * .
\c. , nnd thn thotiHitnd uniold minera'S tonoiuunt
thereon , und all who tire ilck nnd stinVrlnK anl do
not Kiow ? v.hut nllH them , can bo cured without fall
b > Jnllowlittf the Injunctions In the Hclunct'of l.lfo
or . ' elf Preservation. I'rlcn only fl by mall poit-
prilil , sealed. HI' a book for every mm , 'Km punt" ,
full k'llt. I''J prctcrlptlonii for ull acute mid
clirnnln illse ' l-'iilly eniloned by the National
Medical A"oclntlon. who awarded tlio mild and
jotrellcd mcdul to tlio nutlior. Illuitrntlvi > ntininlH ,
with endorsements ot tha prctH. fro tf > ou upply
now. AddrtMH the IVnboUy Medical ln tltutj ( or Dr.
\V. II. I'AHKKH , No. 4. Ilufllnch M. . IIo < ton. Mars ,
who niiiy lie i ( insulted confidentially on all dlseasei
n , hi * ( specialty.
"Tin1 S-dence of Life , the latrit work from the
peruil llic able and dl llnuii ! hcd conmillliu phk | .
clniiottlm IVabody Mcdli-al Inilltiite , llomon. in by
InriMK iiLSTincdlral Irpntlw tor ynnnir and mlUdk"
imiMl men e\ersent lorth lu the KtutlUu lunuumre ,
mid It li piihll huil liy an liiHtltutu toun.lut by lliu
uroali * * ! phllaiilhropl t knonn In Amencii cr Eiui-
Thorn li no member ot uncli'ty to whom The Scl-
onreot Life will not bo n el nlwhether youth , parent ,
uuurdliui. liiDlructurorclernymau. AituosAUi.
IVho from Folly , lenornncj or Vlre hito serlouily dralnrl
thtlr t Hullror Debilluted Ihrir Nervous Byitnns , and vflto
irs Inrtp.clttled for th Manly Dutltj of Llfo csa fiuj
s itoclrcitoritlonto
Ucallli. Klrenclh and Uobusl ManWrl In tin
ClM In e > y KirtirhlloipiTal Tiilil ci'o"di l'n"nt In
1 ha New York World" ofkpt.3. " ThoTrlbnna& Karme"
rjulyM , " rjiaOaicite du Hcpluax" of Juue , lias , and
vnrylirB medlf l Journal.
CmflOaSl'l"a ' d ° - n * ' * " M P"lon wltl ! our R orpioli i |
Full s iMctu < i-ntrll , rtilorad fa VOUNC MEN wh
tliiourll Foil , , Vlt. or Icu.t.nct ht , . wr.r.Lia .n7l . Hlut. I
JUlrN.rv tS > En.rv.l.JII , Irfowtt -
lo OLDER MEN ! '
Vltl'lir tul rouiu-r bin
pr ro -
lurelj wt.k.nM UJ wbo OnJ I.I. Vl orou. rlol.llr
Ut.rt c ( l-u fri .1 1 to MARRltD MtK
| wbo dr * il Ihrlr wrakuvM or in <
1 with Impurtt.ti trimmlulblo lo
vAaicocut RAOICAUT cm o WITHOUT cnnA-ntiiil i
li Fulton Street , Now yon * ,
GOLD MEDAL , PABI8 , 1878.
Warranted nbinlutelijiure
Cofon , from which the ciccsa ot
Oil has been removta. lthasArf
ln.v $ tke ttrtagll ot Cocoa nilxcd
wllh SUrch , Arrowroot or fiugar ,
and la therefore far moro economi
cal , eoittoiy ttu Ihm one ernt a
evf. It Is delicious , nourishing ,
slrengthminf , nully 6\s \ > sled , and
admirably adcpted for laralldj aa
w.Il as for peraoni In health ,
Said lir Grocers turjnhcre.
W , BAKER & CO , , DorcbBStor , Mass ,
If inNPYnnlallutlnary troublas easily , quick.
MLIlk ) I ) y and BaMy cured by DOCIJ'i'A Cap.
suled , Severest cute * cured lu seven davH. Bold
ll.Wuerbox , all drugdUU , or by iai.ll from llo-
cutftMfK.Co. , imvhltaSt..N..Fifmitr
Real Estate ,
ADPUITCPT1' J < - HTAUJI. ItllU iiouMnl St. , Omaha , has drawn plans nuil
HllUnilLUl specifications for a IMoom frame liousj. which combines
utlllty.romfort.economy nnd bvnuty.lunwny linposslblo In any Bood
house Unit costs from 8lniO : to Jl.iwi. At moro than IW
will l > o built HO , 1 enu nllonl to offer a copy for * * Z Original nnd flple
- , - , the usual fooh otlierwHo from * -
, being Z designs furnished , us can
form the sets of plans of completed building' of
nil dofccrlptlons. i tmvo In my office , ranglnc In < est
from Jrt.000 to MOO.OOU. My unusual experience will guarantor ) bntlafaction
and reliable ( outractors only nro engaged ou my voiks. I'arties wishing to build
are cordially Invited.
Electro-Mapetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph of Elcclric Science Scl-
Dentlfmen's Belt Best SflfntiGe cnlificaly | Made and Practically Applied.
IT U/ll I C > | IDB Vmi llavo you 1'oln. In Ilir llu. U. III , . . , lli-oil nr Mmlti. rv
II TVIkkUrEi WU ous lleblllly , i.uml. . , , ( irucr.l Jlrkllll ] , lilicumiitUra ,
I'arnlTftl * * n tirHlaIu. Hclutlen , l > Ueaw > Df Kluneis , Aniniil IlUeaM I ornld I.lver , liuut , Kslmuntloii ,
Kntlsilonft. Aslhmii. Heart IMMtuc , l > yipet la , Curictlpallon. Krvftlprla * , ludljrratlon. ft-ukneM , llu *
poteney. 4'atnrrli , I'ltrs , EpIlrp'T. flumli A ru < s lllulirltr. , llvdrnerlr , Ulood HUcatrs , llrop y. lc. , thi u
IkU brlt In Just whnl yu nerd. Klrrtrinlv liittantlu till ! Can bo applied to ruir part urthn body ,
Whole family can wear it. H eloitrlflc'Stiiu Ulood
N. MurrayNai.ervllle , 1 1.i K. L , Abhutt.supt. city walr woiks.Bouth llcnd. , Ind , Itobt. It. bixmpson , Chicago
poitoRU'o ; L. II. JtcMlehael , M. H , Ilultalo , N. Y. "Your bolt has nceompmurd v.hat no other remedy lias >
steadynervcsandcomfnrtahla tdeepBtnlrhtIlnbt. . Hall , alderman , Ibu La > t99thht tNuw YoiV. oto ,
TrusscoEublnea. Ouuranteedtha
only one In the world mncratlrz IB. HU1KI and vihiuitlnif
n continuous FltcMo it llagnttti chronic dlueanrs of bulh sexes.
Contains 23 to 10(1 ( rirerers of
BU < e.OOO eartd Bend stamp for illustrated pamphieV
DR. W. J. HORNE , inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago.
These flirnrea are moreuloquent than volumes
uhlrh nilKht brrltl u In praise or thu peculiar
merits possessed by the Magia Goods.
"I n e the M 4ee Hungn cniisthutly in ray
Schools anil 1'rlvalo Kitchen ; It fultlllei every
requirement for the mobt exacting work ; I
v ould not exchange it for uny rnnK made. "
bond for our Kurnacd Circular and road what
ph ) lclans profesHOM. sclontuts , iiieclianica and
merchants nny of the Mageu runmces they Imve
luuso. Don't put In Steam or Hut Wtvter Ap-
ptirutus , till you KNOW what a nusT-ci.Ass Hot
Air I'urimcA v , 111 do for luilf the coit ,
ouraeents , and we warrant each one to ( 'lvu
ixirfi-ct BntUfuclIou to tlifl buyer. MAUUU
riiUNAQiiXaaTou ( : UNIOKST , Hoiton. so
Lake St. , Chicago.
. Neb.
Paiil t'p Cii ) ilal $100,000
Surplus 50,000
H. W. YATK . I'rosltlent.
I.EWH S. ItKhli , Vice I'rfililcnt.
A. II. TOU7.AI.1.V , and Vl ( I'li-klllcnt.
\V. H. S. Ili.iiiiKs , t'aalilcr.
niitr.CTOils :
H , VVJITES Lr.wi * .y. lli'Lli ,
Hanking Ollice
Corner I-Hi itnd I'ltrnam fitn.
A General Hanking llu lneis Trausactcd.
The Kansas City Investment Co ,
3(1 t'liaintiur of C'onmicrco ,
No delays. All business done at tills ollice.
sal lallsfactlon In tUo
cnrtof noacrrboca cirj
( Heel. I preecrlbo Itr.a ; '
c It to all surTeriri ,
i. J. STOXUB , M.D. ,
Oanlur , III.
PIIICE. 01.00.
Inl bald br OrutglsU
TKD , who In his FOLLY Mid lONOKANtjM
has TBIFI.KD away his TIGORof IIOUT ,
Q IN I * and ANIIOOD.cauilnc azhaustlni
drains upon the FOUNTAINS of LIFB ,
tTrwrns. WEAKNBNM of Memnnr. BAAH-
the FACE , and all the BFFECTB leading to
5 ABLY DUO A Y and perhaps CONHUMP.
ION or INHANITY , should consult at one *
the CKLEBBATED Dr. Clarke , Established
IHBI. Er Clarka ha made NEBVOIII1 I > E
HII.ITY. CHBONIf ) and all Disease * of
tie UENITO UBINABY Organs a LI fa
jitney. It makes NO dirfurenee WHAT you
hare taken ot WHO has failed to cure you. !
JVFEM ALEH suffering from diseases pecu
liar to their sax can consult with the assurance
f speedy relief and cure. Bend 2 cants postage
tor works on jronr discuses.
T-Ocnd 4 oaaU postage for Celebrated ]
W rMH on Cbrnnlo , Ncrvoua and Dell
MCa ) Disaases. Conjiiltatlon , personally or by
totter , fr > . Consult the old Doctor.
TbonaanUsi ourttd. omcesand purlor *
private. < KsT Those oontemplMlnR Marrlaa-e
Dcnd for Dr. Clitrko'si celebrated guide
ale and F ranle- each 16c. , both Vte.
tatomiu ) . llcforo confining your case , consult
Dr. C'LABKK. A friendly letter or call may
smv future RUflerlng and shame , and edd golden
years to life. XaTBook " Llfr'B ( Secret ) Er-
ron , " Me. ( stamps ) . Medlrlno and writing *
gent everywhere , secure from oxpoaura.
Hours,8to88undays ; ( > S ton. Address ,
Your Left Liver
Medlcum that neutta but * trial
to prove Us worth.
DnCalWer'sleff ' Urn Bitters ,
Tlie only Distilled Hitters In the United
Mates. The only BItterB recognized br th
United States Internal revenue laws in R Pro
prietary Medicine. Lawfully Patented. No. of
Vatent I4O.673. Contains no fusil oils , no
essentlM oils , no foralirn subitancQ nrdamag *
Ing drugs. A perfectly pure medlclna , com
pounded from Pure Itoot Herb * nnd Old I'oacht
pleasant to the tuste. cjulot nnd decisive Inlta
effect. Cures Dyijiepsu or Yf llnw Jaundlc * In
Orednya. Krjrulatoi the llowcln. Inrleoratei
Inactive I.iTer. Ourei Dlaaaied Llrer , Herlret
toe Kidneys. Improreo the Appetite Quickly ,
RegulitOk the wuole yit ui. New Uf i to tn
wbeU imtem.
Irf'fU.ivec Illttcri nrfl sold In OmahNeu ! , bvth *
llowmtf dtuifidMs Ultlirirdtnn Druit Co , flpeclal
f ni " V' flr fl lne dru < ! lnte"-'llof Kcuraska. He
' ' ' '
'll oodm'aii'lrr'uif < 5o.V. . .1. lYUItuhoute. T. VT.S | > af.
furd. hum II. Karniworln. hchrcitt-r's 1'bHnu c.r
Kiinn ft ( > o John UlHdlAh , M I'rtrr , J. A * r ullur it O > .
W J. lluitlies.Jnbn B Unnte , C , J. Krleo , M..I. I'onult
K ll.iunt b.Joho K. llulhkjr , MiHTHir * I'liarqiacy
James Knrsyth , II. C Itell , Ilr J. J. hrivlll * . ( ! M. ( .ris-
eK Chandler , Halm's I'liirnincr. .iurauy .1 Day'i
J.r KluK.J. W Clarke. J II Hchialit. M l llecbl. J
h. clirlil"iuon.V K. Ijiaiberxiii , It ' ( Cox , Max
Conrnd , Krar.k V * . KoKif , It. Uaimui OD , ( ioo , rtnAitur
Boyd's Pharmacy , ( ' . A. Melclixr , llownril Ucytfrs ,
Krank Il 11nne x I'o. , wholennlu dusUri In C' * auu
J.eC. l.lvcr Illtlerit
tuccrttifulJy u ( xl monlbljr by ovwr 10,0011
.Ijvrtlea. Aro.Sa/c. Kffectualarul lltuiaiit
$1 pertxix by mallor At tlriiffgUt * . Htaleit
TUB lU.-rj i Cactiiaib Oo. , Uumoir , > Ucu.
f r aale anil l > u mall by Goodman
Vriia ( Jo. , Omaha , v ' -
.I'ecinlclll-on-lluiUou : N. V. Haiid lot-cata
logue J.SU. M/l'll.UUN , il.i > . , U.