Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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Burtflura Bronk Into the PoBtofflco
at Fromont.
Condition of Oreevcr , Hie Victim of
the Hlmotlnjj Affray nt Vnlparnlno
1'atnl Arrlilent at IlnrtliiKton
The Kroinont l oHtolllce
I-'IIIJMONT , Nob. , Oct. li. ! I Special to TIM :
Hill. I 'Ibn Fremont poUoftico was burglar
bed last nl ( flit Th'1 ' burglary was committed
ubout 10 o'clock , before the deputy post
innstor , who Hloeps in the onlce , retired for
the night , though it was not noticed until
this morning. An entrance was made from
the rear of the building , through tlio back
door , which had evidently been left unlocked
during the absence of the deputy , The safe
; yis opened anil about & ! 0 worth of stumps.
lAO in money ami a number of registeied
fetters wore taken. It Is not yet known thu
ntnount lost through the repistored letters ,
but Postmaster Murray thinks it was not
lurcc Hu is of the opinion that thu total
amount of the booty will not exceed $100.
No visible attempt was made to opun the
yault where the larger portion of the valu
ables of the ofllce were kept As yet there
is no clue to the thieves , but there is good
evidence that they were familiar with the
olllee and suirotindings
The Situation In Cnss.
Pi irrsMonii , Neb , Oct. 19 [ Special to
Tnr HIK : | Uho campaign has opened all
over the county by tlio central committees of
each party having fixed date ? for their re
spective candidates to meet the honest
granger In school house and on bill-top , and
tiso every argument why each and all of
them should receive the suffrages of the cit
izens of Cass county. 'I'ho lepubltcan ticket
is u strong one , and will reeelvo the hearty
nupport of till republicans , all over the
A curious complication in Cuss politics is
the county cat light , which by action of the
county commissioners , occurs on the general
election day. This will have the effect of
giving at least a fair vote on the question of
'putting it on wheels" and then will come
trouble to locate , Plattsmouth , Weeping
Water , Louisville , Wabash. Ureonwood nnd
Wanloy being among the aspirants for the
location of the same.
Plattstnouth's sewerage system Is Hearing
completion and will be done before the HIIOW
lllcs The paving of Mam .street from the
depot to Seventh street , is being pushed
rapidly by the Omaha contractors and will
IMI completed before the middle of Novem
Itcpubllciui I tallies.
CoiiTiAwn , Neb. , Oct. 10. ( Special to Tin :
BKK. I A largo and very enthusiastic meet-
ng was held here last evening , addressed by
Colonel Kvoritt. The republicans of north
Cage arc fully awake. Much good work is
being done for the ticket. The legislative
ticket Is being well looked after.
HAHTINOTON , Neb. , Oct. 10. [ Special to
THE HUB. ] A lepublican meeting was held
to-day at ii p. m. at Wakelicld and another at
Wayne this evening. Hon. L. W. Osbun , of
lllalr , was the principal speaker.
I'osc v , Neb. , Oct. 111. [ Special to Tun
Hi'.i : j Messrs. Osborno , Harries and Hert
luep spoke in favor of the lepublican ticket ,
in Ponca. October 17 , m Gamble's hall , to a
largo auulencc. They were vigorous in their
denunciations of the democratic party and ot
its piesont policy of a reduction of the tariff.
NOIITII HC.NH , Neb. , Oct. 1 ! ' . ( Special Tel-
rgr.nn to Tnr Hri : . | The republicans of this
pait of Dodge county had a grand rally here
to night. A torchlight procession , headed
by thu North Hcnd brass band , met Uov-
ernor Thayer at the tram and escorted him
to the opera bouse , where ho was greeted by
a crowded house. His appearance created
the wildest enthusiasm. He spoke for an
hour and a half , discussing the issues of the
daj in a tolling manner.
nit ; Kally nt Fuu-flcM. , Neb. , Oct. 1'J. [ Special to Tun
UEB ] The ilrst republican rally of the sea
son was bold bore Wednesday night , The
town was full of visiting republican clubs
nnd bands from neighboring towns. Tne
Harrison and Morton Glee club , consisting
of about thirty young ladies from Kdgar , at
tracted favorable notice by their appearance ,
and their singing xvas greated with long and
continued applause. Hons. J. H. Strode and
C. A Uobblns wcro the principal speakers.
They handled the issues before the people m
nn able manner and were frequently Inter-
mpted by applause. It is estimated that
lltcie were l OOJ strangers in town.
OlHpOHIllfJ of Toilght ) .
NKniusk.v Cirv , Neb. , Oct. 10. [ S | > ecial
toTim HKK. [ Kd Hurko , Harry Muttcrson ,
William Welch nnd Charley Moore , four of
the tramps arrested for highway robbery ,
had their trial to da.\ and were bound over to
/iwait tlio action of the district court , which
convenes November 12 , Harry Migles and
Tommy Miles , two toughs who came here
from Omahawere nivon ten days nnd $10 for
being found in tha gang. Word was ic-
ceved ( from the Chicago pollco to bold the
four above montlonod , as it was almost cer
tain that one ot them was wanted in that
Stftte IjenRtio District Meeting.
ASIII.ANI > , Neb. , Oct. IS. [ Special to TUB
BKK. ] The Nebraska State league will hold
district meeting in Ashland Friday , Octo
ber 20. Clubs will bo present from Omaha ,
Lincoln , Platlsmouth , Wnhoo and other
points. A large meeting will bo held in the
afternoon , and torchlight procession in the
evening. Uoth meetings will bo addressed
by prominent speakers. Senator Manderson ,
Kov. J. ( J. Tale , W. J. Council. Judge , George D. Moiklcjohn anO others
will be present ,
Tlio Collman-Pnilclock AVrtldliiR.
HuAimcE , Nob. , Oct. 19. [ Special to Tan
B E..J Invitations arc out for the marriage
Of Miss Hatllo , daughter of Senator Pad
dock , to O. J. Collinan , which occurs at li
o'clock noon , October ISO , at Christ church ,
Beatrice , followed by n reception at Alcmma
Place , the beautiful homo of Senator and
Mrs. Paddock. Mr. Collman was formerly
connected with the Hcatrico National bank ,
nnd is now president of the Central No-
bmska Hanking company , of Hrukeu How.
ProhloltlonistH at IMntlsmouth.
PtiATisMOUTii , Neb , Oct. IU. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Hun. ] The prohibitionists
hold u meeting to-night iu Uockwood hall. I
P. Ooss , third party candidate for senator ,
was chairman. Mr. Montague , of Illinois ,
delivered the address of the evening. The
pinging by A. H. Hucktns was the most enJoyable
Joyablo feature of the evening.
Hetiirneil anil Wan Arrested.
.tfKniusiu CmNob. . , Oct. 19. [ Special
Tolegramto TUB HIK. | Tom Houlihan , th
tough who , it is charged , some time ago way
laid and committed u murderous assault on a
man named Frank Httrkins and escaped , re
turned to the city last night and was ar
rested. Ho will bo tried to-morrow on a
charge of assault , with Intent to kill.
Unable to Plmltho Hall.
VAT.rxiuiso , Neb. , Oct. 19. [ Special tc
Tnis BEE. ] J. M. Greene , who was wounde
ia the shooting scrape several days ago , stil
lingers in a critical condition The ball has
not been located , as it entered the back pari
of the left tup and passed upward and prob
ably lies near the kidneys. Watts and WilU
Were released on ball.
Killed By Fulling Walls.
x , Nob. , Oct. -Special [ to
Tun HUB. ] Tno new brick walls of County
RreasurerOtto Hoeso'i store fell In to-day un '
Instantly killed Oeorgo Cole and slightly in
Juicd several workmen. The building wai
eighty feet long nnd was up two stories. Th
front and near ends remain up.
K you want a good carnage or
cheap , goto
. 1409 nnd 1411 Dodge aU
Lost MKht'H Meet Ins of Orniilin'H
Barely a quorii'Ji was present at the meet
ing last evening of the Oimilia Iward of ch ir-
itles , Mesdames Pearson , Dinsmoro nnd
Josslyn wore present. Mrs Pearson , the
agent of the board , presented her report from
May last to November 1. She told of the
exKisuro | of n number of cases of fraud in
the distribution of charities which were dis
covered by ilgld examination. Several
cases of sickness and destitution nro being
looked after at the piesent time. A man
and bis wife , both sick with typhoid fever ,
and a wonmn and her two children nro wick
nnd have been without food or medicines- .
The need of u city hospital was forcibly ad
vocated Since May 1 Mrs. Pearson has vis
ited and relieved sixty-three families , repre
senting 101 individuals. The aims and needs
of the bureau were discussed at length. The
bureau alms to discover and relieve the de
serving poor , to protect citl/cns against impostors
pesters , to furnish homes for orphans , to
give temporary relief to those out of em
ployment. to furnish employment to nil such.
nnd to see that the sick have proper care and
food. In many other ways the needy and
unfoi lunate may bo Helped without losing
their self tespect. The report advanced tbo
theory that indiscriminate giving but robs u
man of his self respect.
Mrs. Dinsmoor , for Mrs. .Tosslyn , suggested
that the bureau engage Mr , H. H. Young to
give a conceit , the proceeds ol which
would bo devoted to the expenses of the bu
reau , and that Mr. Alexander Johnson , who
is an organl/er of charitable bureaus , bo
asked to come from Chicago , and during the
concert address the audience on the purposes
und possibilities of the work. TUeladyex
plained that Mr. Johnson had orgain/'M the
bureaus ut Philadelphia and Cincinnati ami
I- now at work in Chicago , in all of which
places lie has l > eon eminently successful.
Dr. Miller advanced the suggestion that
the matter be held in abeyance , as the ex
pense would bo considerable , which the bu
reau was not in n position to assume. Ho
asked if such a concert had not been held
last winter , to which Mr. Lobeck replied that
it had and $100 realized theicon.
Mis. Josslyn demonstrated the superior
nbiliti of her sex , with respect to i.iislug
money , by stating that the ladies had raised
f 1,000 last winter by their butterllv ball.
Airs. Pearson .said that County Superin
tendent Mnhonov had stated to her that if
the work ot the bureau could be properly or
ganized and conducted the expense of taking
care of the county's poor to the county would
be reduced one-half.
Under motion of Dr. Miller n committee
composed of Messrs. Pratt , Gilbert and
Haunter were appointed to confer with the
county commissioners in regard to the work
nnd to ask their co operation.
Some routine work having been disposed
of the bureau adjourned.
Fourth On mo. ol' Hie World's Cham-
niunship SrricH.
Nisw Yonit , Oct. 19.- The fourth game
of tbo world's base ball championship series
was played at "Washington park , Hrooklyn ,
to day , between the New York and St. Louis
clubs , and resulted in a third victory for the
Giants. The grounds were very wet Crane's
great speed seemed to frighten the St. Louis
batters. The score :
New York . . . 7
St. Louis . 0 01 0 0 0 0 2 0 a
Pitchers Crane and Chamberlain. Haso
bits -New York S , St. Louis 4. Krrors New-
York 2 , St. Louis 4. Umpires Kelly and
Gaffney. _
Broke the World's Iteoord.
SAS FH\NCISCO , Oct 19. At the Hay dis
trict track to-day the Palo Alto filly Sinot
attempted to break Axtell'rt record of 2.8J.
Ho broke the world's record of 2:21 : , made
by Wildllower. The quarter was made
in : 'Vi , the half in 1 :0' : ) ' , three-quarters in
1 ! . > , andmilein2:20 : > .
A 91 H "Who Bought Them Twenty-
nix Years Aio.
Carl Pollitz , a leading banker of Frank-
foit-on-the-Main , is in the city , the guest of
1' . L. Underwood , of the waterworks com
pany. Mr. Pollit/ was one of the lirst bank
ers in Germany to introduce United States
bonds in 1CGJ into bis native land , after they
had been icfiiscd In Kngland. His firm also
took quite an amount of the Omaha bridge
bonds , and have since found no reason to re
gret the investment. Mr. Pollitz has had a
number of conferences with the financial
men of this city , and last night had u long
conference with Joseph Barker. P. L. Un
derwood and Frank Johnson , ut the Millard.
He is writing letters to bis native land detailing -
tailing favorable impressions of Omaha ,
which , he claims , will not bo easily removed
from bis mind. Ho leaves in a few days for
the west , and will be accompanied by Mr.
Underwood , who traveled with him when
abi oad. _
A Blc Suit Promised.
Cnicuso , Oct. 19. A local paper says : The
omens portend that m the course of a very
few da s there will be big litigation set afoot
between tlio United States Express company
and the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway com
pany. Some time ago the road declared its
intention of transferring the business of its
entire system from the United States Ex
press company to tbo Adams Express com-
liany. This has been done , and the Adams
e\ucss | will proceed to baudlo its newly ac
quired territory on tbo 15th of the coming
month. But it appears that there is , or will
be , one year of contract possessed by the
United States express uncxpircd when the
new Incumbents begin their duties , and the
fact that the railway company ignores this
unexpired term Is thu case of action at law
that now threatens.
O A British-American Association.
New Voitu , Oct. 10. | Special Telegram to
TIIK BCK. ] Articles incorporating the "Brit
ish-American Association of the State of
Now York" wcro Hied In court to-day. They
ilcelaio the objects of tbo association to bo :
"To unite withm iu membership British-
born subjects and their descendants in the
Mate of New Yorlc and cisowhcro , who are ,
or Intend to become , American citizens ; to
piomoto good feeling and harmony between
the governments of the United States and
Great Britain ; to aid in maintaining ordci
and enforcing the laws of the Ian d ; to aid in
the election of good men to political olllco ,
the adoption of the best principles as said as
sociation honestly understands them. "
A New York City Estimate.
Nnw YOKK , Oct. 19. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Ben. | At the Astor house to-day cx-
ColleotorTom Murphy furnished some inter
esting ligures on tno coming election. On
the basis that ; T > 0,000 votes will be cast in
this city , bo divides them un as follows : Kr
hardt ( republican ) , 85,000 ; Grant ( Tatnmaiii
democrat ) , 75UOO ; llowitt ( county democrat )
( 0,000 ; Coogan ( labor ) , 25,0)0. Colonol.Mur
phy also bays that Harrison will receive
110,000 votes in Now York city. The figures
are subject to revision after thu roglstratloi
is completed.
TaUo no otlior , Jarvis' Brandy Is best
Kmperor AVUlinm's KnrowcB.
HOMI : , Oct. 19. In bidding Premier Crisp
farewell Emperor William said ho hoped to
revisit Italy accompanied by the empress
Ue presented to Signor Crispi a portrait o
himself bearing his autograph.
Jarvib' ' 77vlll euro your cold.
Steamship Ai-rivalo.
At London The Stockholm , from Boston
At New York The Trove , from Bremen
the Brittanlc , from Liverpool.
At Oucecstown The Bothnia , from New
At Glasgow -Tho Phoenician , from Phllti
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Babjr wo * lick , we fnie ber CutorU.
When ( ha WM ft Child , aba cried for CutorU ,
When sb boeame UUi , ibe cluac to CutorU ,
tYbrn ebo kad Children , Bio cave them OuluriA.
A. Dl&tiugulahocl Ropubllcan From
Way Down Enst.
of tlio KcptiMlcnn Couiily
Central Coiiiinlttce Candidate
Klckc KcslRiis and n Hiilistlluto
I'lnucd on I lie Ticket.
'I he Iio.idcr in the
Yesterday Congressman Thomas H.
teed , of Maine , arrived from Mankato ,
vhere he delivered a spcooh Thursday night
n the tariff. He was met at the depot by C.
C. Contain and Major T. S. Clarksoh , and
scorted to the Mlllnnl. He declined an in-
itation to ride through the city , ns the wind
v.ts rather bharp , and contented himself
yith a parlor in the hotel in which a cheery
're burned In the grate , He was called on
V a number of cltbens , Ma\or Uroatch ,
Ion. W. ! Conueli and C 1C. Colitant being
resent when the representative of this pa-
icr called.
Mr. Keed is alarge , heavy , good uaturcd ,
tob Ingersoll looking gcntlcuian. His fea-
, urcs are voting , though they are somewhat
lied by the partially bald head. He Is n
ell preserved gentleman , seems to Uke life
asilv and in manner and expression convevs
he Idea that the success he has achieved In
Ife is the reward of consistent effort not less
him ran1 natural powers Mr Heed is
ookeil U | on \ the leader of the republicans
n the hotise , having been nominated iy them
s speaker , the democratic majority , bow-
A-er , | ire\enting him from taking the seat.
Mr Keed said that bo bad been in Con-
iccticut ami found that matters were tend-
ng in the direction of the republicans. The
lemociats were ondeavoi ing to make a false
hsue , but the attention given b > the republi-
: ans to thu contest seemed to inaKo it look
I'ory favorable for them. With regard to
ho statement that Connecticut would go in
'nvor of Harrison ami Morton by about lf > th ) .
Vlr. Uced said that he did not think it likely
hat the canvass could bo llgurcd down so
. losely this time because nobody absolutely
know what would be the result , although , ns
10 said that he felt that things were looking
'nvorablv for the republicans.
He said he did not like to talk about New
Jersey. It was a protection state within
'tself and it should go republican. Hut it
tad a very unpleasant phase of the liquor
piestion. The democrats were protection-
sis when at homo but when engaged outside
hey were likelj to run to fiee trade. Ho bo-
Icved that there was a possibility of the re
nt blieans carry ing every northern state with
he exception of New Jersey.
Mr Keed has spoken twice in Indiana. The
.veather . Was wet , yol his audiences were
at go. At one place , Terre Haute , the
oiling mills were closed down and the men
.vent . to hear him , He bad douo a great
ileal of "tumping in his time , but thut was one
of the most nleasant audiences ho had ever
addressed , ' ' 'be men xeemod to understand
'urn ' and to bo Intelligently worked up into
nit appreciation of the protective Idea. Ho
! md met a manufacturer in the same state
ivho said that out of ICTt mechanics whom ho
iad in his emplov only seventecirwero dem
ocrats , and only live of those made much
: toisc aoottt it. Such facts as that was the
: ) toof that was most needed , showing how
: he contest was tendintr. In Indiana , how
ever , the democrats were wocklnjr assidu-
> usly , and he bad seen that Senator Spoouor
lad canceled all Ins campaign engagements
iVith a view to working in Indium , which
iVould go to show that our people wore doing
he same thing.
Qestioned as to what there vras in the claim
hat the democrats would carry New York ,
Mr Keed said it was just about as foolish for
hem to hop'1 for such aii achievement as it
iVould be for them to think of securing the
'leetoral ' vote of Kansas.
In Minnesota he saw great enthusiasm
among republicans , and at Mankato ho talked
iVith a cement man , who seemed to realize
ho importance of the issue when ho said
hat there was but ono time to.suBt.i'm pro-
.cction and it had to bo sustained this year.
On the subject of the late republican plu
rality 111 Maine , when asked if Its reduction
, vas due to democratic activity , Mr. " Ueed
aid that Maine/ was so' strongly republican
.hat the democrats , in other years , had
given up the fight in all , save his own dis
trict. This year , however , they put money ,
lots of money , into the uampiign , but it
served but little purpose. Ono of the load-
5rs of that party had said to Mr. Heed that
f ho knew the money would not have done
nero than itdid be would have recommended
the committee to put it elsewhere , and Mr.
eed said he would have been pleased to
lave coupled n suggestion of bis own.witb
.hit of his democratic friend.
Mr. Keed speaks in the Omaha' Guards'
armory toaight , Eighteenth and Capitol
avenue , on the tariff.
It Holds IH Initiative Session and
Welcomes Tom llccd.
The newly appointed republican county
central committee held its initiative session
n the parlors of the Millard hotel yesterday
afternoon. Thirty-live of the committee
were present. The mooting was called to
order by C. 1C. Coutant , and on motion II. T.
Leavitt and John Groves were elected secro-
iry and treasurer respectively. A t com
munication was received from the delega
tion of the third ward , which was placed on
lilc. It was to the effect that M" . O. Kickets ,
Lee Hartley and A. H. Willis bad been
chosen to represent that ward ou the central
The resignation of Henry Elcko , as a
candidate for the legislature from Chicago
precinct , was tendered and action was de
ferred until further on in the proceedings.
The committee then went into executive
session , and tlio resignation OH Mr. KIckc
was accepted.
The chair announced that the matter of
chosing a representative in place of Kicko
was bolero the meeting for consideration.
At this junction the doorcntei ing tlio room
was tlumr opun in response to a tap. and the
pottlyform of Hon. Tom Keed , of Maine ,
was soon visible Ho was greeted with vo
ciferous applause. Ho was introduced to the
various individuals , and to all queries con-
corn'ng ' the outlook ho rendered replies
heavily charged with tlio essence of n repub
lican victory for the national ticket.
A few moments were spent in an Informal
conversation with the heavy weight congi ess-
man , after which the latter retired ami the
committee resumed its work.
Tor Kicko the names of David
N. Miller and Frank Kasper , of Omaha. K.
Ciilmore , ot Union , Cnrsnn Koliwer , of Me-
Ardlo and Jacob Webber of Florence pre
cincts , were proK | > sod.
The ballot resulted as follows , with IS
necessary for a choice : Miller , 2 ; Kaspar , 0.
Kohwer , 15 ; Gilmore , tt : ; Webber , M.
Five moro ballots were taken without any
change iu the result. U | > on the sixth ballot
Hohwer'b nauio was withdrawn in favor ol
Gilmore , and resulted as follows ; Giluiorc ,
SS ; Miller , 0.
Gilmore's election was made unanimous.
He was called to the tloor , and in a brio !
speech dcllned bis position as being iu favor
of Matidc on's return to the senate , am :
being strongly opposed to prohibition or sub
The following executive committee was
appointedMessrs. . Kedfield , Krwine , Hut
lor , Smith amlTo\lor. Tlio above- commit
tee will meet in Hrwino's oflico at 2 o'clock
this afternoon for the purpose of completiiij ,
matters In connection with the campaign.
On motion of Mr. Erwiuo uo member of the
committee is entitled to icprescntation b.\
proxy. The committee adjourned to moot a
tlio same place ono week from to-day.
An ICntlinslnstlo Mci-tlnij Is Hold at
Kopubllcun Headquarters.
The meeting of the "veterans of 1S10 , " held
at the headquarters of the republican Icagu
on Fourteenth and Harney streets last night
was largely attended , and though but few o
the "ancient voters" were present , the assemblage
somblage was enthusiastic. Uoforo th
meeting Anally assembled tlio following
were given seats of honor diiectly facing the
speaker's stand : General Kstabrook. John
Losan , W. V. Dollttle , Henry Thomas , W
F. Kenyon , U. D. Hills and A. W. Fleming
The foregoing constituted that clement tires
ent Known as the "veterans of10" mei
who cast their balloU for William Hcnr ;
Harrison far president ia that j oar.
Major Clarkson called thu meeting tc
order , and at tbo opening exhibited a snuff
box and other heirlooms that , were handud
down bv the HMftn Harrison to liK poster
ity The box : was of ( in oUMItno de-
slfiti rcH | > rU. < d > i ( > l linvo been purchased
by W. H. HnVHson sHiy years ago
nnd Is tlie propertylof bis grand niece , Mrs
Myers , of this 'city. The chairman passed
around the bov nnd Its contents among the
veterans , amidst tlio wildest applause.
Hon. John K. Fitaicli. who fdryeais held
the position of sergeant at-arms of the senate
of the United Slates , was then presented to
the audience by Major Clarkson. Mr.
French started 6\it reviewing the condi
tion of affairs iri' ew YorK from a political
standpoint. He ; Stated that ho had sttong
reason to believe that Governor Hill would
not only bo defeated In that state for reelection
tion , but that he" would be instrumental In
bringing nbout.ji republican victory for the
national ticket. Ho denounced the demo
cracy for suppressing the homestead laws ,
and for its disloyalty to the union.
George Hales , a reformed democrat , being
now an outspoken republican , was next to
take the stand. He teviewed the democratic
purtv from the days of slavery Iu the south
up to the present administration , and took
advantage i ol the occasion to state thut it was
a i party to-day as it was n ipmtter of u ecu-
urj agoan advocate of free trade.
At the conclusion .Major Clatkson an-
lounced to the assembly that Governor
hayer would address the people of Omaha
Hi the political issues on the evening of the
( Jorornor Tliaver's Tour.
Governor Thaj er was injthe city yesterday
'ii ' bis way to North Hcnd , he tills tbo
astofa scries of campaign engagements , hnv-
ng spoken during the week at Norfolk'
Jreighton and Mlair. At ttieso places , he found
lolltics the prevailing topic , as a matter of , and largo republican audiences , over-
lowing with loyalty and good will ,
101 o evidence to the ponula'-ity of the
nlnciples o-pou-od by the patty. Ho
aw no indication of nnv defection in the
ank.s , on account of the prohibition feature
if the platform , but , ou the contrary , was
lersonally aware of large accessions that
vould bo made to the old parti , by those of
ho prohibitionists , who declare that they
vould no longer play second fiddle to the
emocrats. The governor's political interest
Id not blind him to the agricultural aspects
f the country , to which he referred in glow-
ng terms. He predicts an abundant corn
uirvest , and found the farmers jubilant with
heir prospects. _
Union Labor i/'imvontlon.
The following call for a nominating con
tention of the union labor party of Douglas
Bounty has been issued :
There will be held a nominating conven-
on ot the union labor party at the clt.x hall ,
Omaha , on Saturday , October J7 , at 2 o'clock
) . in. , to put In i.omination a complete county
icket. All are invited to attend and par-
icipate who have the moral courage and po- honestv to express at the ballot box
heir convictions that there is something
adicully wrong in this government when
he gi eat masses of the people are becoming
worerycnr by year and the few classes are
apidly accumulating vast wealth , and labor
s trying to live upon less than U ) per cent of
vlint it earns , and when more than Ou per
- cut of its earnings arc taken by excessive
.anlTs , t.-.xcs and trusts , with no remedy iu
.igl.t. .
The frequently violated pledges of there-
lublican and democratic parties forbids us
.o believe one word they say. Therefore ,
bat those believiutr thus ma.\ not be disfran
chised , we issue thts all.
A Democratic Itlowout.
The Omaha Democratic club held a meet-
ng near the corner of Capitol avenue and
Fifteenth street last flight which was largely
attended. Judge , r M. Woolworth , the orator
tor of the evening. aiViressed the audionoo at
lome length on the tariff , dwelling partlcu-
.arly on the wool qtii'Htion.
Judge Wukolcy was well received In a
speech , which seemed to please the assem
blage. J. A. Uilcy and J. T. Mnriarity also
contributed to the oratory of the evening T.
I. Mahoney , the ' democratic nominee for
county attorney , way loudly called for , but
excused himself fiijui speaking.
Maggie Mitchell' ' 'nt Iloyd's Opera
There is no actress on the American stage
who has maintained her hold upon the popti
ar regard , and perhaps wo should say popu-
ar affection , so long as bos Maggie Mitchell.
Our own recollection of her goes back many
vears , and wo need hardly say it is full of
ilcasurable memories. She bus peculiarities ,
mannerisms , and singular characteristics ,
nit tboy arc all original , and being original
: hey are striking and impressive. The
jcuuty of all Miss Mitchell does
is that it stands forth always
upon its own merits , and does not in-
vtto comparisons. Quito as much as any of
Lho great artists of the stage Maggie Mitchell
lias established n distinct place which will bo
remembered long after she has put asitto her
work behind the footlights , and n future
generation will measure the merit of ac
tresses in her line by what Miss Mitchell has
accomplished. There was a largo audience
at Hoyd's opera bouspi last evening to see
Maggie Mitchell In the character
of Kay Golden in the play
of "Kay , " and it was a most
appreciative audience. Thediama is not n
production of very great merit , cither in a
literary sense or in the matter of plot , but It
is not without interest , nnd it gives the hero
ine , May Golden , personated bv Miss Mitch
ell , ample latitude , and _ is thus rendered
acceptable. The scope given Miss Mitchell
for both comedy and pathos is fully im
proved. and although wo by uo means regard
the character as the strongest in the reper
tory of the popular actress , it gives her op
portunities for a pleasing exhibition of her
peculiar talent. Miss Mitchell is supported
by a very good company , and without excep
tion every character was well sustained.
The plaj of "Kay" will be repeated thin
afternoon and evening.
Lord Haokvllln AVeHtVs Opinion of the
Proposed Kctaliatory Measure.
Nnw YOISK , Oct , IU. ( Special Telegram to
TUB Hr.K. ] Ixird Sackvillo West , the Hnt-
ish minister at Washington , was in New
York this morn tug on his way to Washing
' 'What do you think of the retaliation bill
now it seems likely not to pass before con
gress adjourns1" bo was asked ,
"It was a ixilitieal measure , and I imagine
it was never introduced to become a law. As
it simply means politics , of course nothing
will bo dono. When an election is over the
bill will probably be dropped. "
"You don't thinkthru , this administration
really wants war with Kngland. "
"Why , no. Tho.felptions between Kng
land and tlio Unituui.StjUc.- friendly and
will remain so , I d < * not apprehend any
trouble. I think tho. fishery question can and
will be settled after eloj'tion. "
"Did you see SecroUry Whitney's inter
view' " (
"Yes , I saw it , .aiulsaid that the United
States could hold hcr > uwn nuainst Kngland
in fact England could ) not utlord to go to
war " , t
"What do you think'xibout it ! "
"It is all talk , notbjnj but talk. Hut what
else could Secretary Whitney say ? Natu
rally ho sees the questl&n of a war from his
own standpoint. " * ' ' "
Sensational Kesnlo or Annrohlst Mt
liosnres In KnnsAH.
Sr. Louis , Oct. 19 , Specials fromTopcka
and CofCoyville , luin. , give details of the sea
Rational tesult of anarchist exposures at
Winlluld. An organisation known as the
"Industrial Liberators" or "National Onlei
of Videttes , " was exiwsed byaVintleldICan. .
news | > aper , and tbo names of prominent clti
zens were coupled with the order , Yester
day Upnun , agent for the Pacillc FA tires ?
company nt Ooffoyvlllo , recolvod a package
addressed to u person in U'milcld and inaiKci
"glass , handle with care. " Upman took the
package homo for safe keeping1 , and lasi
night it exploded , tearing out ono side of the
building , probably fatally injuring Mrs
Upuian and badly injuring her daughter
Startling developments are looked for ,
An Anarchist Celebration.
New YOIIK , Oct. 10. J'hoVorld says that ,
under the leadership of Hcrr Most , the local
flnnrclilsts are arranging for a celebration
of November 1J , the anniversary of tue bang
ing of the Chicago anarchists.
ITowSetU Wnrncr Won n Wlfo nml
Bei'nhio I'ninoiiH.
Colonel Scth Warner , of Vermont ,
tlio famous hero of the Revolutionary
wnr. was a leading lighter for tlio
Hamp-hire giants.
These titles were disputed liy the
State of Now York , and its authorities
obtained an edict of the King of Kng-
laud iti tlicfr favor. The settlers were
stunt ; by the supposed injustice. This
state of things brought t'olonol Seth
Varner to the front. With Ktlian Al-
011 and others ho in-lively opposed
very elTort of the New York statemi -
horitles to onloiTO possession , und
Inally ho , with A lion and others , were
uttlawod ami a price put on their heads.
To iiireuimenl New York , it wa nec-
! f < * ary that some one should go into
hat state anil pun ro < itilrod informa-
lon , Colonel Wiiniof , assuming for
ifety the nanio of "Dr. Howard , " un-
lertook thin perilousand romantic jonr-
> V.
While on his way home ho stopped at
i country Inn , where an old gentleman
ind daughter were .storm-bound. The
athor foil ill and the daughter called
jpon Colonel Warner , who , with his
\iilo knowledge of simple romcdiosMio-
isfnllj- treated the "old man , " and ho
inally won this devoted woman for a
Such incidents wcro not uncommon in
hose years. When the doctor was not
a ily reached , months of sickness , nnd
3Von life wore ofU'ii wived | > y some un-
n'ofcssional friend versed iti theu c of
imple herbs and roots. The health of
jarly settlers and their power * of endm--
ineo convince ns that such medicines
lid only good and left no poison in the
jlood to work as much injury to the sys-
em as would the disease itself.
In time of peace the colonel was in
'on.stant demand for his knowledge of
imple remedies and their power over
lisoase. lint it was left to another of
lis name of the present age to give to
ho public what was then used with such
Kjsitivo .success.
Warner for over a hundred years has
hared with Kthan Allen the admiration
of the American people.
Colonel Selh Warner belong * to ti
amlly of wide distinction ; no less than
ight members thereof won fame in the
egular practice of medicine.
Looking to the adoption by the people
if thi.s goiieration of the old'timesimple
emedies. hi.s direct decendant , H. II.
rVuruor. the well-known proprietor of
Wai-ner'fr safe cure , for inniivcar . 1ms
leen experimenting with old time roots
Hid herbs formula' and , his search hav-
ng beeu liiuilly rewarded with success ,
10 gives the world the result. These
ecoints and formula' in other days nc-
omplisbed great tilings because they
vero purely vegetable and combined
simply the disease indi
cated , without injury to the system. In
"mrmony with their old time'character ,
, vo learn that lie proposes to call them
Warner's Log Cabin remedies ,
using as a trade-mark an old-
ashioned American log cabin.
Wo understand that lie intends
0 put forth , a "sai'saparilla , " for the
ilood , thosarsaparilla itself being but
mo ot a number of simple and elToeUve
elements ; "Los Cabin hops and buehu"
1 general stomach tonic and invigorator -
tor ; "Log Cabin cough and consumption
remedy , " "Warner's Log Cabin hair
tonic ; " a preparation for that universal
lisease , catarrh , called "Log Cabin rose
. ream ; " "Warner's Lug Cabin plaster : "
indWarner's Log Cabin liver pills. "
which are to bo used in connection with
the other remedies , or independently
is required.
Warner's ' -afe remedies are already
standards of the most pronounced cion-
, iiic ; all parts of the world , and
wo have no doubt the Log Cabin roine-
lies' , for the diseases they are intended
.o cure , will be of Cfjual merit , for Mr.
Warner has the reputation of connect
ing his , muno with no preparation that
.a not meritorious.
The KflVct of "Old Hutch's" Great
'liicaKO Deal.
NuW YOUK , bet 19. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Biiu.l Over in Brooklyn are two im
mense grain warehouses known as the Bows
nnd the Columbia store. Wheat is stored
.here for export. In the Columbia store
there -are now 1,500,000 bushels of wheat
ready to export , and In tlio Dews granaries
almostas much more , or In all about 3,000,0)0
jushols. This wheat has a market value in
thfs country ranging from $1.12 to ? 1.21 ,
while foreign customers , who take all the ex
port wheat , cannot afford to pay much , if
anything , over $1.00 for it here. The specu
lative value now placed on wheat by the
Chicago deal has totally blocked all
exporting and not a boat load ban
been shipped this month since the deal was
effected. This means a loss in tbo volume of
business of perhaps $2,000,0 )0 ) or over. Sta
tistician Brown of the produce exchange ,
"Since 'Old Hutch's'
says : deal the export
of wheat from this city had been just lisr > , ooo
bushels , or indollars and cents about (33 UIO ,
ns against the same month last year ol
lns.oj : ! ; bushels , repiosoiiting about $ l.r > 3-
II ! ' . ) , or a dead loss iu thu business of more
than a million and a quarter for October
alone "
' -What will bo the outcome of this in the
matter of exjioit prices I"
"Simply this U'e have only S5.0JO 003 to
03OJ,000 ( ) of bushels to sell. Foreign buyers
will bin-elsewheieso long as thoian get it
for leis fian our prices. When they can't
they'll bo compelled to bu.\ our wheat at our
pnee. Wheat must bring moro money than
it did last year , for there isn't so inilfh of it.
Therefore all products of wheat anJ Hour
must go up m price also "
Turned Up By His Bondsmen.
TGI-KM , Kan. , Oet. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bi.i. ] During the examination
to day of the books of Joseph l-'icld , the de
faulting treasurer of M'abauiisee county , it
was discovered tbu dcticit is much
larger than at Ilrst ostimateil , amounting to
fully SISO.OOO. His bondsmen have become
ularmcd and have returned him to thu HbcritT.
His son Jerry , who has for eight years been
his father's deputy , and who had been elected
to succeed his father , was arrested to-day for
bfing connected with the defalcation. Ho
admits that hu has known of the shortage for
several months , but made no report to the
county coinmtssioncis. He says ho cautioned
bis father against speculating so recklessly
In stocks with county lunds. The county is
loft almost jtcnnilcss , and will bo obliged to
borrow money to pay running expenses. Tbo
people are very much excited over the affair.
C. H KrickHon & Co. ,
Lending Ifith htrpet jewelers , have a
most elegant display of diamonds , beau
tiful watches and solid silverware.
They carry no cheap btuff ; everything
is genuine. They have a splendid
arrav ot wedding rings and presents
KcsiUting of diamonds and the manu
facturing of jewelry to order done
promptly. This is comparatively a now
house , b'ut they arc olil in experience ,
the proprietor having been activelj
engaged in the Jewelry business foi
nearly ton years. Those needing any
thing' in tlio jewelry line , diamonds
presents , solid silverware , should cal !
nnd bee Krickson'ri magnitlccnt stoek at
'J12 N. Ibth street
Merchants .hotel , 15th and Farnam
12 per day , day board S12-5 per.month.
A piano in good order for $100.00 at
Edholin & Akln's.
A now uprig lit piano for lent at Ed
helm & Akins.
A Roaumo of the Work of the Flftl-
oth Congress.
I'ho KiuirmniiM N'umtioiof Measures
Introduced in Botli Houtch Im
portant Hills
on tins Calendar.
A Bcninrknlilc Session.
WASHINGTON , Oct. ll > . To-morrow at 1
'clock the llrst session of thu Klftlotli eon-
; rcss will end tin1 longest continuous session
n nearly a eentury of congress , having
isted ! W1 d.ijs. The kindest previous pea-
Ion ran i U dnjs , cmlliiR September Ittl.
Ypart from a protr.ieteil hut intero'Stinc ills
usslon of the tarift question In both houses
ml the unparalleled ileuil lock lit the eonsid-
ratioii of the bill to lofuiul the direct tax ,
ho session ban been remarkiible In several
va.\H , but In none more than In the enormous
lumber of measures Introduced in both
iranches of congress.
In the senate Il.tVlt bills and 110 Joint rcso-
utiotn were presented , nnil In the house the
ceord ran up to the unequalled HRHI-CH of
lr > PS bills and i ! U joint resolutions , malting
i praiid total of rjlK > measures introduced
n one session. In the senate L'.Ii'.M inu.isuieA
vero repotted back fium cointnlttees and
il.tced on thu calendar , a much larger pio-
loition than in the house , \\here NIU"I ; tneas-
ites ot the total number of H , ! Introduced
till slumber ( n continittee rooms.
Among the measures of public Interest
hat htivo become laws arc the fnl-
owing KehUIng to permissible marks
on mall matter , for a division of the
iioux reservation ; for a conference with the
) oulh ami Central American nations ; limit-
ng the hours of letter catriurs ; making
Lieutenant ( .Senoral Sheridan geiieial of the
irtn.v ; to establish a department of labor ,
or an International maritime eonfer-
ncc ; rcqtilmnj the I'.icitlc rail-
oail companies to maintain telcgi-aph
ines , to prohibit the crossing of Chinese la
wets , to the United States ; for the estab-
ishincnt of rules in respect to the St.
daria and other canals ; to create
wards of arbitration to settle controversies
> etween common carriers and their em-
> loies ; aiding state homes for disabled
oldiers , and changing the date of meeting ol
he electoral college.
In the ne\t tu o that is , in conference
jotwecn the two bouses are two bills of the
Irst importance , iiivmeU , repealing lh pro-
'mptioti and timocr cultuie Inwsaiul protid-
ntr a general homestead law , and declaring
orfeitute of unearned railroad land giants
Pending before the senate Is the house
anil bill and the senate substitute. The
senate passed bills to divide Dakota ami
idmit the southern half as a state and to aid
ominon school education ( Blair bill ) , but
boy never reached the house for action.
The following ate the most important bills
inai-ted upon on the senate calendar. Fur
, bo admission of Montana and Washington
.orritoncs ; to prohibit the alcoholic liquor
tiaflle ; to declare trusts unlawful.
The following measures of importance
vero reported fiom the house committee and
ire still on the house calendar : To reform
ho direct ta\ ( vote on which will bo taV.en
earlj in December next , under aurcement by
vhlch the memorable deadlock over this bill
was broken ) for the payment of arrears of
> L'iisions ; requiring the mvestment of the na-
.lonixl . bank tedeiuption fund in circulating
lotos ; to include telegraph companies under
the interstate commerce act ; to promote
commercial union with Canada.
The following are some impoitant senate
) ills w hich slumber in committees : Kequest-
ng the president to open negotiations with
Gieat Britain looking to the unnexatlon of
Canada to the United States , for the free
coinage of silver ; to repeal the oleomargarine
act ; the Ilenneplu canal bill , to reduce letter
lostage to 1 cent ; tq grant woman suffrage ,
ind measures proposing radical chanties in
the government's linaiieial policy.
The following arc a few of the original
louse bills which likewise never got out of
: oinmitteos : To repeal the internal revenue
aws and to base a tax to prohibit the mail-
ng of newspapers containing
ottery advertisements ; to lav ft grad-
inted income tax ; to repeal the civil sci-vico
aw ; for full reciprocity between the United
States and Canada ; directing judicial pro
ceedings to bo brought against the Pacific
railroads ; to break up trusts , and various
measures proposing changes iu the pension ,
tariff and financial laws.
The most important private bills of this
session wore tboso pensioning Mrs. Logan
and Mrs. Frank A. Bluir , both of which be
came laws , and bills to pension Mr . Waite
and Mrs. Sheridan , which passed the senate
but never wcro acted on by the bouse.
The Itni'lwuy Mull Service.
WASHINGTON , Oct. ! ' . . Superintendent
Bancroft , of the railway mail service , In his
annual report , shows that on Juno HO , ISsS.
the railway mail service was In operation
upon 1111,71. ! miles of railroad. Clerks were
employed in the distribution of mall onl'JO- ,
JIO miles. There were in operation forty-ono
inland steamboat lines , aggregating 5/.TJ
miles on which postal clerks worn employed.
\Vtillo in the performance of tholr duty the
postal dorks traveled liJXil ! ( , 104 miles , and
DII steamboats 1.707,01 ! ! miles. They dis
tnbuted .r > 2STTJOtia pieces of ordinary mail
and lecciptcd for. recorded , protected and
properly distributed 10,0l,0.ri9 , ( ) registered
l > ackajC3 and cases , and 1,103,03 ; ! thiough
OLI > 3uutu , ui&ui Uuoiuia a
Pofeeat > es nmny Important Advantage over all
other prepared Koodi ,
Mrikos Plump , Laughing. Healthy Babies.
HeguluteB the Stomach and Bowels.
Sold by DruggMl. H3c. , ftOc. , t.UI ) .
Baby Portraits.
A Portfolio of beautiful baby portraits , printed
on fine plate paper by imtcnt photo IIIDCCM , tint
fri-c to Mother of any Ilaby liora wltliln A > ( . .
Jlv ery Mother wants these pictures ; cnd at ouce.
( live llaby's name gud age.
> WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. , Propi. , Bur nCloA , Vl.
registered pouches nnd Inner
naekn The casualties during the year were
more numerous than for any preeodluj ;
year , there having been ' .MS arcldonta to
traiiiAUpon which postal clerks were em
ployed In these wiecks four clerks wont
killed , sixt.three . sciiottsly and four sllghtl/
injured , _
\VAMiixnTov , Oct 10. The resolution of
fered yesterday , nutaori/ing the llnanco
committeii to continue its hearings on the
tariff bill , was adopted.
The resolution offered yesterday in refer
cnco to the purch.uo of convict labor wagons
for the Indian bureau was withdrawn
Several letters from the commissioner of
internal rcs-enuo in reference to moth > Intel
alcohol and the facility for fraud Iu connec
tion therewith , were pr routed by Mr
Cock fell , read and ordered printed In the
Mr Allison stated that the communications
just read , some of them dating back to ISSJ ,
wereof vet-i little value as illustrating the
matter ot removing the taon spirits used iu
the arts ami manufactures. Kveri safe
guard suggested by the commissioner of In
ternal revenue in his last letter , so far as is
expected of a bonded warehouse , bad boon
provided for Iu the senate bill. If the law
now on the statute books was sufllclent to
prevent Illegal distillation the snme law would
prevent a redistillation of methylated alcohol
In the course of the discussion Mr Allison
assented to a suggestion by Mr. Dolph , that
tlio tax on spirits used la the arts and Indus
tries had to be removed , and to this Mr
CocUrell called attention In tone , ot sharp
criticism , but Mr Dolpb explained that what
he meant was that If it could bo done with
out facilitating frauds on the revenue Of
course , if that should be found to bo imprac
ticable , no one would propose to reniovo the
tax. After further discussion the mutter
\v.\s allowed to drop
Thocommittco on Indian affairs was nu >
thoruod to continue during the recess , at
Washington , the examination ordered by the
last congress as to the condition of Indian
tribes on the icsorvaUons in Minnesota , Da
kota and Montai.a.
After the senate 1m 1 taken a tecess on the
motion of Mr. Allison , it went into secret
session , and at I ! o'clock adjourned until to
WvsiiiNinoN , Oct. ll > Mr. ICilgom of
Texas objected to a request made by Mr
Kiee of Minnesota for the pas'-age of a bill
authorUinir HIP city of Minneapolis to repair ,
alter and reconstruct cettain public works
The house then , at I o'clock , adjourned un
11 o'clock to morrow.
The Brakemen.
Cor.fMiitH , O. , Oct. 1'J. ' The Hrotherhood
of I Irakemeii of the United States and Can
nda wcro in session to-day discussing a now
constitution. After consideration the con
stitution was recommitted to the committee
on constitution for the put pose of inserting
an amendment The brotherhood has ad
lourned until Monday.
Wm. Ijjlo Olulu-y & To.
Ilavo jiurcliahed Hit1 btoclc nnil store
of II. H.VK \ \ \ \ \ \ . ft Co. , 1 1H ( DOUGHS m ,
nnd will bo jiloused to show their friouds
nnd the old customers of tlio hitter liriu
si very complete line of house furnish
ing woods , tinwuro and cutlery.
Wo have the exclusive nfjuiK'y for the
best and most popular line of refrigera
tors btovos ' null furniu'os
, , rntijzi'h manu
factured. Hcpairiiif ; n. specialty. Mr.
H. .1. l''uiHof will remain with tlio now
Attend uight school , OiiahaCommer- :
cial college , cor. 15th nnd Dodfrc.
5uo. . . Props.
to Ijonn
ou Omahii ami South Omaha proport ) .
U. F. Hurriboii. 8 S. Ifitli tt.
If voti buy
without potting
Iloagland s prlcott
you will lose money.
Dr. Hamilton Wnrrou , maguotie pity-
sieian and surgeon , room it , CroiuiHo
block , Lcor. IGth and Capitol avenue.
Chronic and nervous uibeabcs a spec
ialty. Telephone OH.
A. I , . Kitcli & Co.
Furniture ,
2J ( ! ) So. liJtli Fariiam ft Douglas.
Architect and superintendent , room
( > 0o Paxton hlock. P. .1. CKKHDON.
ka and Io\va I'ciiNioiiH.
.v , Oct. 111. | Special Telegram
to Tun Huc.l Peiflons granted Xebraskans
today : Original Invalid -William M. Tro-
boo , Aurora , Ueissuc--Samucl H Hull ,
1'ensions for Jowans : Original invalid-
Delano Myers , Madrid ; Samuel II. Sniitb ,
Walnut City ; .lames Dickinson , Hilglitou.
Increase John li. Covey , Cereso ; IsraelJ.
Hell , Olttimwa ; Jacob Hlack , Milton Junc
tion. Heissue James II. Hogor , Ijinovlllc ;
Charles Heatty , Almont. Hetssuo and Increase -
crease Joseph Franks , Lament. Original
widows etc. John J. , father of KobertM.
IliJts , Unionvlllo ; Lotitiu F. , widow of
Ames Walton , Kiirlluim.
It's Easy to Dye
W IT 1 1
Strength ,
Beauty ,
. . Simplicity.
Warranted to cjlor iiniro poods tlinn isv olbar
djre ever inmlc , and to gi\o inya Brilliant itid
Uuialilo colon. Ask fu ; tat lilamnnd. anJ ttl
UO other. 3&coc | ; , ; locenti each ,
WEUS , HtCHARDSON A CO. . Burlington , VI.
For Gliding or HroaiJnc Fancy Article * , USIi
Gold , Silver , tirooie , Ctfppir. Only lo Cent * ,