Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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No Advertisement * Mrlll be tAkcn for
UIPHO columns niter lUiliO p. in.
TcrniH CIIHI ! In ntlvnuco.
Advertisements under this head 10 c ntsper
line for the llrst Insertion. 7 rents for each sub
sequent Insertion , and 11 MB line per month
NoadxertlM tnent taken for less than i cents
the llrst Insertion. bwxeri words will bo counted
to the line ; they limit run consecutively nnd
must bo paid In ADVANCE. All ndxertlse-
ments tuuiit tm luxnded In b < furo U-no dock p.
m. , nml under no tlrcumntancpii will they be
taken or illxconllnued by tl phone.
Parties ndvt rtlslng In tlu-so columns nnd hav
ing their answer * addressed In euro of TIIKHKB
trill pleaHO ask for a chock to unable them to get
their liMtcru , ns none will be delivered uiccpt on
presentation of rheck. All ansxxers to ndvcr-
tlsemrnlH should 1m enclosed In envelopes.
All udxertlsomcntR 111 these columns lira pub
lished In iMith morning and oeulng editions of
Tnr I IRK. rlrrulatlon of which aggregates
morn than If.ddi ) papi-rs dnlly , and elves thu ad-
TertlsiTM thn benellt , not only of thn cltvotrcu-
latlouofTnp IlKr , lint ill no of Council Ilium ,
Lincoln nml other cities and towns throughout
thin sect Inn of the coiintrv.
Aclvrrtlsitii ; for these columns xxlll 1 > o taken
en thn iiboi p conditions , at the folloxvlng busi
ness houses , xx ho tire niithori/ed agents for THE
lUcr.xpeclnl notlci-H , uud xxlll quote the same
rates us can In- had nt thp main otllco
Pharmacist , & ) South Tenth
c llAMiJc EDDV , Jtatloners and Printers , 113
Bon Hi 10th Street
S fiTpA UNS\v ( Jirill , Pharmacist , 2115Cum-
p Ing Street.
! iiir J. IirollKS. Pharmacist , CJI North 18th
TT . Btrtct
KO. W. I'AHH , Pharmacist , WJ St. Mary's
YOUNd man would like position two or thre
nvonlngs a week , kuejilng n small net ol
books. Hifcrenccii. Address (1 D Dee olllcu.
1C1 17 *
WAN'IT.1) Situation ns baker on bread und
c ak < s bj ( icrmnn. country town. Addres
yon , llt-o. W)7 ) 20
WAN'I UD A position by an experienced
voung Indy nw Kteuogrnpher nud to dc
olllco work UuugUo good reference. Adiirca ;
V Bt. lloo olllco. 781-114
N'l dnod millwrights und r.irpen
I t ( rs t llniKiofi , Neb. Address lluiiigard
Her A. "mllli. Hum lofl. .Nol ) . Ull I7t
WAN I HI ) Oood steady joung man nnd I'
teamsters , $ ! / > and board CommerUal
Kmp. Agency , MM I'arnam , upstairs , room I.
18 *
lOODcottnnci pants makers wanted \ \ ni
IMeldriim , 1411 hnrnum st. tM'i in *
W A NTH I ) Advertising Holliltor. Itoom 69
Hoard of Trade building. a 15 I0
TANTED-l ! farm hands , 82) ) per month , !
colored man in coal yard , steady xxnrk , li
lo drive teams $ : r > per mouth , fnro paid
JTIO.I man , a dlshxx ashers $15. Uhlte'a olllcc
llONKthKt. tllll lb *
" \\r A N'l ED A good biishelman at onco. Cull
T > at liJI Howard st. Ml ! IB *
° \lf ! ANTED A coinpotent clothing Biilcxuian
Apply nt II1U luinum St. . J to fi o'docl
Wednesday. W9I Kit
A ( IE NTS xx anted for the nexv revised am
Imperial I'dltlimcifell's Eucjclopedln , jus
IHHIH d , and nut jet in the hands of agents , nlsc
for other xxorks. Poi mccc'dlnglv liberalItorun
aud note control of territory , address at once
T. Ellxxoodell , Publisher , Philadelphia , Pa.
hSl I7J
SOLICTIOHsjxvnntPd In oxeryclty , toxxnaml
villngo In the I'nlted btates to obtain sub-
scrlptious fur txxo f.imnus standard medlc.i
Journals. To 11 citptble solicitor < ixclutdxo con
trol xxlll bo Klxen nnd exceptionally high com
mission allowed , nud a pi rmniient pinspcx tlxi
Interest SLCUic'd , W. A. To use-nil I'libllshlni :
Co. , 15,1 Ilrondway , llox .lUJII , Noxx Vork. tU ) liij
WANTED- 14 to 17 veal s ot nge to li-nri
drug business. Call bet. d nud 10 o'clo k 11
in. nt 11 South llith. bur > 1 J
L7ANTI3t > A foxv norgptlc gontli'iUPii nni
r lady nmjnts to canvass fur " ( rcixxn .Irxxels. '
the flue t holiday book published. Outlltxxn
bo sent prepaid upon r < ioi Ipt of 75 cts Ailcirrs
norland I X Co. , 1(11 ( Btntest. , Chliago , 111. K 17
WANTED ( jood men as manugcis for on
goods In ex cry clt > outside of Omaha ; hal
ry nnd expanses ; Nome cipltnl n-quiieel. Si'tu
utamii for pirtlcuhirs to Patterson Oil Iliiuie :
Co. , 18 n St. Vur > 's nvo. . Omaha. 800 21J
WANTED Immt'dlately. txxo llist-clnss , so
bcr coiks. Addioss 1) ) . P. Humes. Nortl
Platte , Nob. H14 10 ?
oTpOll the south \N anted raw laborers foi
ritllruad aud lex co xvdrk in Mississippi , Ala
buniannl Tinne ! > oe ; winter's xxmk , iW \ nu <
11.75 a day ; soi'io good station \xork , nl o. t"o
partlcuLirs nnd chi-iip lates to Mpiiiphls. etc.
nppl ) 11 thn reliable agents. It P. Christian i
Co. \Noat Tith st and 1001 Union axe. Kansa
City. Mp. 7.15 " 0 *
WANTEDHnllroad hiborori for Washlnc
ton Tori Itory ; mi nil xx Inter's Job In a mil
cllmnto ; xxiigpsgiiniiiuti-edtroiu 11 to ifJ 50 pe
flay , orjl" ) to KID per month nnd bonrd. A
Alnrlght'H Labor Agency , IIJO 1 aiilnm st. lii
W . . A llrst-class gents' furiiMiln
goods man. The 1'alr 1,1th and Howard , u.
w 7ANTED-Mtlkor74115l5aunclo7s 6Jfl
WANTED A man to solicit ; salaiy $100 pe
month ; must deposit $25 nud glx o sec urlt
for monov collcctid. Address George S. Cllui
Wagnf r block , Dc-s Mollies , la. 6.5
AdEN'KS WANTED-KB a month and o :
penses paid any active pel son to sell on
coodb , no capital , salary monthly , exmuxesl
advance , piutluuliirs tiee. btuudurd bllxorwiu
Co , lloston. 47'J '
B O\b-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co , 1,104 Douglas.
"VVAN'IED Mini to take the ugencyof ou
f T safes ; sizel > xlhxlS inches ; vxelght uX ( ) Ibf
retail price ft , " > ; other l7es In propc'itlou
faro chance uud permunont business. 'Die :
safes meet u di mund nextr bofoie supplied li
other sale companies , as we are not governc
by the cafe pool. Alpine bate Co. Cincinnati , t
T\7ANTED Eueigetlc menand xxonipuexer' '
TY xx here for n genteel , money iimUug bus1
ness , ( ulxxiplvl ) piotlt guarantted e.isloi th.iu ? <
monthly otherwise Experience absolute lv m
necossiuy Peuuiimlit position and e\cfuslx
terrltorx assuied. * 'samples fri'o Write fi
liartlculuis. Address , xxilh btamp , Merrill Mt'i
Co , 11 r.1 , ( . 'hlcMgci. Ktlaitt
WANTED-dood life Insurance sollcltoi
xvlth luuk roferoni.os.nio xxautpd by th
Union Life nt 401 Met chants ' national bin
building , Omaha. Ollice hotiia S to 10 n. m. ante
to 0 p. in. 845
WANTED A first-clans oxpi-rleuced xxludo
clressi-r. Inquire at the 1 air 1183
WAN'lED Ijidy ugeiits to cauxass cltxe
peclnlly South Omaha , also truxof fc
cenulno fast selling Hue of goods. Apply 13 i :
N Uth st. WI 22-
W ANTKD-A good girl for ptMivral hous
Vi ork. good xx i.SUPi ! nt. ' .HI
W ANTEIi-dhl for t'encinl house xxor
1719 Jnckmmst. IK3 17t
WANTKl > A. good gurl for general housi
_ xxork Appl > at 401 N1UU st. 77J IB *
WANTEl-lAdy agents for comblnatlc
bustle skirt. "Daisy" hose supports
lubber aprons , bibs , sleeves , shoulder bract
safety belts , waterproof garments , otc : r llab
nouhe. Oulv goods of ri-nl merit ; prollts targ
Address xxlth stamp , E. II. Cumpboll & Co , 4
Vi , Kandolph St. , Chicago. bSi nov 11
ANTEDTxvo dlnlnif-room lo4
loth ht B.LJ :
"WTANTi : ! ) Experienced box papeier. Hefl
TT box factory. 1007 Howard. 815 lew
WANTEIairl for general houiexvork. 819
17th t. MM
WANTED-Glrl for gonornl hou exvork. 17
Jackbon. iU7 16 *
ANTBD-fllrl for housework. Mrs. ( It
ner,801H.auhbt. TM i
TXTANTEU-A reliable nurse girl. Mrs. H.
tT Patterson. 241.1 Farnam. 600
WANTBD-Txxo ladies to solicit In this ai
adjoining btatns ; salary rs per montl
call on fcuslo llvrold , room lii Mlllard hotel.
WANTKD Alady to solicit ; must deposit I
and give security for money cxillectt
Address Ueorce & Cllu * , Wagner Work. 1)
VALENTINE'S Shorthand and type-xxntli
Institute , new puxton building. Omali
H b. 'I ho only exclusive , pnctlc il snort-hai
chool In tUo xx esl. Tha demand for short-bai
wrlt ra U largely In excess of the supply.
tUiurt-hand U muuh superior to book-keep ) )
tad telegraphy us a means ot llrellhood. V
pv Imtructlonn on Hrmtnuton and llnmlnoi
trp .xxiit rs , loth for the imo price.
Day nud evening sa * fen * . MtudcnU ci
nter at an/ time , tend tor circ ularn. 7iJ u U
IWANTtoborroxv IJ.'oiJO to bTused ln push-
Ing a nexv bujdneid. Oood security given.
Addres.s 0 2. Hop olllce. 6i J 17t
" \\rANTED-Persons wishing to secure a good
' paying buslneM by the InveHtmenl ot a
small capital , lilooso call at 1517 Howard Ht. ,
from 1 to 2 or 7 p. in. Kll 17J.
W " hi ) To correspond with parties xvno
cleslro to locate in business or thosi going
out ; can furnish locations In any line or ex
change , and caih customers forpnrtles desiring
to deli. U P. Kraus , KW7 Painam St. , Omaha.
WANTEn-"l'osell 'upright piano , standard
mnkr. nnarly nexx , in good repair. A big
bargain If sold at once. Address U 1 lleo olllce.
IJDB Iti *
\\rANTED-Kour gentlemen to take board
' and loom. 71'l ' N. oth i-t. ! prlvato family ;
cable and horse cars pass the door. 0101'JJ
\\rANTED-A cl MlrobTe family to take
" charge of dormitory for > oiing ladles at
lltlloxucculliigp. Applx xvlth reference to Hev ,
P H. Illajnoy , llfilcviio. Nob. 707
\\7ANTED To Invent cash in a business or
> enterprise xxlth the vlexx of tanlug an act-
ixo part , thoiough experlencu In business and
book-kc-epint ? . best of references tan be glxen.
AcldresH fyHLO oHlcfl. m 17
T XI'KKr AX'OI'NTANT-WnntPd to adjust
- complicated books ; partnership nrcoiints
and complicated accounting of all kinds ; cotin-
tiy corre.ii > oiidtnco .solicited. Address Kll Deo.
W7 n.1
WANTED The public to make good use of
'ihe lloe'H mesjage boxes throughout tlio
city. _ _ inc
WANTED If you have any lands , lots , or
houses and lots to sell or exchange for
oth r property , call on m or write. I can llnd
jou arustoiner , C. C. Spotsxxood. 305HS. jRtn.
\\rANTii-hlldron : ( ; to board. Chlldrtm
Riven thn best of care and sent to school ,
Urnvenpoit st Wf , |
FIHST-CbAHS homo board. 1718
ais 21 *
WANTED Table boarders nt HWJ Douglas.
* 7B
flANAIHAN employment olllce. Mrs. Ilrega
10th. Itcfureucu Omaha National bunt
yn o n *
T CAN rent .lor 4 well furnished houses If do-
xlrably located lliuo customers for any
lumber uf 8 to 10 room duellingsltli modern
-onxtnlencos. Have jou a modern hoiiho with
H or v rooms , ill. Ing loom on parlor floor ? 1,1st
> our houses with me. Ncthertou Hall , room
Ul llrst Nat. Ilk. Illdg. hyj
WAN'I r.d Uor It room house ; must have
nil modern conveniences ; will pay liberal
runt If person will built nousej will leasn MIUIO
'or any term of years. J. I , , llrandies , 13th nnd
louard , NJI
FOK UKNT A .1 loom cottage nicely located !
HunlilU. LOHipuiutho Land > V Lot Co . 1 > j
N lCthst. Ull 17
OH ItKNT New f-room houne , bath room ,
hot und cold water , gas , HOW er. ect. 241.J
Sewnrdst near Saundera Ht. , SJO. Inquire a < US
Sciw.irdst. UIH ' 'Ij
FOlt UKNT-Smull house. BJUi S. 24th at.
U.I5 22
FOK HUNT 4-room house , 23th and How nrd.
Ull !
FOH UKNT A now U room house In Kounun
Place , ready foi occnptUP ) Nov. 1. City
water , cistern , bath , fiunaie , barn , etc. I.n-
mire of Hobcrt Hunter nt lleo olllco. b'Jl
TTlOU UKNT 11-rnum house , 25th it. and 1'at-
l. rick n\a , SJper iiionth. Inquire .it lull Cnss.
7H > H HTAT-New 10 room brick hntiMWeTl
. located. o\ cry ( omenlence. incinlio Notlu r-
tou Hall , Kuuin ITI H'lidtNat , llkbidg. o'J7 17
FOH HKNT 5 loom cott igo Dnveniort ht.
$11 per mouth. Apply to Nothtrtoii Hall ,
room -LSJ. I Irst Nat. 1'k , llldg. b'W ' IS
POU HUNT A new M room house , city water
nnd stable , cor. 1 urnam uud 4-nd sts Apply
Hoiini 0' , rnxlou bloik Nil
"I31OH HiNT--MO : house s w. cor\Voolworth
A ? \o. and Wth Bt. C. K Huriison. 418 S. 15th
St. ' " " f'V\ \
IjlOIl HI'NT To rispouslblo paity , U room
X1 brick house , 41 bouth st , 110 teet from
cable line , lurnaco mid all modern con\em-
elites. Hent ft/i per month. Apply to J.V. .
Orlllith , U. 1' . hcadquurterb. 7btl
ITtAUNAM ft , > ipar 2d st , 11-room house for
L1 rent. Uro\er bte\eiis , in.'l Kain.unst. 771-
OH HUNT MS house , near cur. Woolworth
F a\e. audSJthst. C. I' Harrison , 41S S. 15tn
at. 421 li >
A N It i : Bloom house In Ilnnstom 1'luco , on
full cast friJiit lot , on grade A good homo
onlySl.rtM. T .l.llook , lliruxtou Illoi k. 7iiS-l
" 171OK HUNT A "room housn In I'opploton
J. ' I'uik Enquire of It , I' . Fngnn at Com'l
Nat. It-ink. 700 lii *
| 71OH HKNT-My homo , 1117 I'ark n\e. , fur-
I nlshed 01 nnttirnished ; house Itlooms\\lth )
with all roinenlince . D. H ( ioodrlch. Cable
'lramw.iv Co , 'JJth und Hiuneyhts. 7" > 0 IS
FOH HUNT Two outages , ono of 5 rooms ,
J-.1) ) per mo . nnd one ( I rooms with barn. } i >
per mo. on I'ulivlcwM. , opposite All faints
chiiuh. I ) 11 ( loodilch , Cable Tramway Co. ,
JUth and llarnu ) sts. 7ul-lS.
FOH HENT-On Capitol hill , hiiuscT of "s
rmms , city water , with peed barn for two
hors.'jt , "i40tnpltola\e. 7J1 VJt
IT Olt HUNT House with nine rooms. 113 S.
JJ''UUst. Mount A Grlllln , ailfe. 14th st. 718
Aid-room house , all modern Improvements ,
ni'wlv rotltted , tJU per month , ly.1. S Uth ht.
07J 1 J
FOU lir.NT Largo 9-room house , 21th and
Cnpltol a\e. with nil modem coineulences.
2 4-room cottages cm South 12thsteu.cll JIS.W ) .
2,1-room llnLnoti North 17th Ht.
4 loom House , " . ' 10 1'loicn st , H" .
4 room cottage noith " 1st neai ( lark ht , 11 .10.
5 room tlul JjT > J leaenuortli st , chuap tn
steady tenant.
line n-room lint 271" > Jackson st. This Is ouo
of thu bo-it houses In Omaha
' , ' 6 loom Huts , cor 17th niul Lcaenoith sts.
2 store rooms , cor 17th and Lei\euworth hts.
Apply to Cieon & Williams , 1st Natl llnnk
llldg. UM
FOH HUNT I ly lloswoith & Joplln. Ilarker
block , . ) , 4. 6. 0 , 7 , 8. o , 11) ) . 11 , 14-ioom houj-es
In all pints of the city. VK )
"IJlOll HENTSix loom cottage on fleoiglc
JL nxe Pnqulroat s-il ( leoigle axe. 013
I\\ ILL rent to responsible party my homo ol
11 rooms , with or xxlthout fnrnltmo , nicely
located , J blocks to ruble ; good carriage house
and scwfiage. Applj ' 1JU llurduttc st. 4'KJ 15'
$ ! 0-It-room house , bath room , hot and colil
xvatpr , gas. suxxer. pax ed btiect , nexx. c. p ,
llairlson , 418 B llth M. D. !
EOH HENT A flat of sex-ou looms In Dug
gln'n building , llth and Pncllic sts , rent JJ :
per month. Inqulieat roomfi , L. Duggau.
FOH HENT Ni'xv n room"houseT .Xthnnci )
Plnkney sts. M per month. .1. It. lluinll
ton , room Jl 1.1st National br.nk building , nil 1C.
FOH HENT Txxo six-loom hollies , NorthSTtt
nndSexxnrd. 6JI
HENT ft-room house , cityxxatcr , No 1111
'ac'lllc nt. Inqnlr' ) nt HiOU Hoxxard , 544
IT'Oll HKNT ft-room cottage on horse car line
JD is a month. Apply JL Klguttor 1001. Par
namst. 418
TT1OII ItENT House 7 rooms. 23d st near Cass
JL ? House h rooms , 2 ± J1 Cass st. Inquire Hoon
33. llarknr block. 315
FOH KENT Per U months , modern house o :
Brooms , completely furnished , barn xvitl
room fortxro horses , rant ITU ; possession giver
Sept Hh. V4 N.UU , 1 block north ot Lake
' . > V
FOIl HKNT Xexv 8-room house on rumiiif
st , near Lowe ave. Terms reasonable. Al >
ply quick Bpouxvood. 3UJV4 B 1Mb. t 4
"IT1OH KENT At very loxv rates. 10 aud 14 noxi
JD residences. 'J404 aud 24I4. Cass street. Clarke
Plnro. Oun block > uth of ( ; relghton college , ot
I'arnam and "Ith street car line. All niuden
Improvements. Auply , II. T. Clark UnlonTnu
( . ' < > . . or at 24-iU Caas street. KA
imoiT UENT-DweTllngr. IW Capital ave. oppo
JU slta Trinity cathedral. Address H. U lull
1' n I'nrnani et 401
FOK UKNT 8-room house , H1J , 7-room IIOUBO
24-JI Poppleton ave. Ueo. I. Ullbert , wuh
n U b'l'e. ; IQ
TnOU HKNT House Mo. Gl B. 17th ave , ren
JL1 Mo rwr month. Inquire of II. Malcheln. IK
Howard Bt. SnO
KENT- ! ! cotta es. 27th and Caldwell
FOU t . 1 North &rth cable line. UO ,
Leavltt imrnham , Crelghton block. 435
OH HEN.T-IIou e619N. 18th street. Applj
nt bt. A. D. llalcombo.l | IJ California st.
TTKIl HENT One T-room cottage. 212S Frank
JU Uu st. ; Inquire at COS I'axton block. P. J
Crvedon. 3U
F"OH HKNT-i-rocim house on 8.18th St. , twc
blooKi south of Vlutonst , : will rent for III
per month or sell on term * to suit purchaser
Ueo. J. MernsJorit , roam a occnjito P. a 71i
FOR HENT When you wish lo ri > nt a hou 8 ,
store or ofllco call on us. II , E. Cole , room
. Contltiontnl block. 8J3
HENT Three flats of seven rooms each
xxlth every convenience , city xxater.iras , etc , !
noxvly built house * on Hlrth stieet and P.icltlc
Apply to Kfllngpr llros. , 012 S 10th Bt , Omaha.
I/10H HKNI'-Txxo desirable houses. " and 11
A rooms xvlth bath : all modern ImproxTinent' ,
range and cistern xrater in kitchen , cor .Wit nnd
California sts Dr. Jones. ft a *
HVIIHAL houspf for rent. B. T. Petersen , s ,
s e. cor , 15th nnd DoUPlas. B.W
I71OK 11KNT An elpRnnt front nnd bacK par-
-L lor , furnlihed or unfurnhhod , with all mod
ern Improvementsat ITUi and Fiurnaiii. JmiuUa
SJ1 Karimiu at. K018' !
Foil 11KNT Ftirnlihoil rooms. Ul ) Knnmm.
J7 .3t
plOH IlKMT-A nicely fnrnUhcd sulto of front
JL' rooms suitable for 3 or 4 gentleman. HtlS
toward st. . iid lloor. 74H-iJ ! *
IjKOANT trout roomi , cheap. fiSl S. 1'th.
7IJH-N , 1 V
OIl HUNT A largo front room , nlcoly fur-
nlihcd , modern conveniences , suitable for 2
gentlemen. 1U1B Webster. TM
"PO south rooms newly and nicely furnished ,
JL steam heat , bath , hot and cold water , ulso
Irst clus * table bonrd , 17 I Davenport. .7VS 17J
KOOM nnd botml cLeap for two In prlvato
familySis Hurt-it 7l 1
O KI1ONT rooms snltnblo for man \\lfoor 2
n. 1B17 Cass. KiS 17t
FIMINISIIKO ltooms-07 ! N. 17th.
070 in *
"OOOM mid board In private house , Kas , biith ,
Jl\ mil furnace hcnt , rates rcasoiuilile. U 1
Reward. ( jOM8t
E LIXIANT rooms , single or en sulto. llrst-
l class bonrd. tOJSUMstst. 041 111 ?
I7UH ) UKNT rurulshod or unfurnlshoil loom
JL1 for two gentlomen. or man and wife , am
How aid st. M4 _
TjTOH HUNT Newly furnished rooms foi gen-
AJ tlemenonly. Hlchtlloii Hotel , comer llth
and Douglas streets. fi'tvl' ' *
"VT10IILV furnished front room , suitable for
J-s one or two gentlemen Ull-Hurt st. OiJ
ITIOH HUNT Mcplx furnished room for single
X ? Bentlemail. 1917 C.iss. r > ' ! 3
I AH(1E ( plcasint loom , furnished , brick llat.
J14IU ( hli nitost. 4Gi
T710H HENT A largo front room , nexxly fur-
JL' nlshed. south fiout , cheap , corner 17th and
Cumlngs sts , northeast oornor. 3J3
FOH HKNT Nicely furnished rooms , single
or en suite , 1811 Cunilngs st. I'i7
IjlOH HENT Furnished rooms in Qreunlg blk
JL cor. 1 Ith and Dodge sts. Inquire of Goo. H ,
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 8.K1
1JOOMS nml board , 1SU Chicago st. SOloJSt
TJLEAHANT turulshed rooms , stoim heat ,
J- gas , bath and board In pilvatu lamlly. an S
Slth. 570o:51 :
KOOMS including board In the Young Wo
men's home 1'JIO Dodge st. Heferouces re
quired. 940
TTUlll HENT A handsome room xvlth alcox o at
JL ! SVKI St. Mary's nve. KJ
FOH KENT Elegantly furnished rooms xvlth
Ixjard. Inquire 1GUJ loiiglas. I5SI
T'1 ' I < I'Y furnished rooms$1 per week or350
> per mouth , W Wl and BOu b. 18th st.
411020 *
Foil UnNT Tust Inlfof rill Davenport st ,
* I5. inquire ' _ ' -ils ( apitol a\o. Mil lut
If\H \ ( 1U2M' " loomswlth < loiet and pantry ,
1 uutumlshed , 1UJ5 S. IMh St. , ueui I'ku o |
K. ) li.
UNriMtNISHKD-Pultablo for housokeepiue.
Tlirei ) Ulrooms 101'IN. ' SWth st 11 M
1 lllOCHll looms , llll'l ' N.JUth ht II ! i >
Tlueo ( ' ) rooms , IDltlN. " 1st st , II 00
Three (1) ( ) rooms , 7177 I'aclllo St. . 10 III )
I ourdlrooms , 17IVJ Webstoi st . . . . 10 20
' 1 hreo(1) ( ) room cottage ll.'lN.Ul&tst . . . . U BJ
OH HKNT 'Jstores and basements with"7
room Hats uhux o on 17th st , near Nicholas.
Modnru lmpio\emonts , Will rent wholoorln
pints. Hchloslngir Ilios.filt 310th st. W-'l.n
Foil Hil.ST Two store rooms , N. II. Cor.
L'Othand Hurt sts. ; corner tW , Inside $10 per
hlx-room cottage , 11I7 fauundeia st. , $18 per
I'lglit-iooin house , with barn , city water , etc. ,
on WnbstLi st , neur.iuth St. , $ ,10 per month.
I'otter > V Cobb , l ) l rarnam st. 018 1H
fjlOH HP.NI llrlik store , llat above. 24th and
X Hamilton , desirable business location. Lea-
vlft Huinliam , room 1 , Ciolghton block. CCr ;
IlIINT J stoies on IGth and Lenen
worth , apply Hank ol Omaha. "i'J
FOH HUNT Stninooiu , No.'ll S. llth st. Ap.
plvatlllO Howard st. Ml
FOH KENT Othco suite Wo month , S Muglo
ollices W > each , nil fronting IGth st , HUSH-
man block , N. K. Cor. Iblh nnct Douglas. W. M.
Ilushmau. Ull Lea\enwortl. . Kl !
STOHK for rent , llli larmim street , inquire
of Nathan bholtou. at 1JU" > I'arnum street
TjlOH HKKT rinci retull store room with
* - largo basement , SJO per month. C. 1" . liar-
ilson. 413 S inth st , KJ.I
FOIl HUNT On Cuuilng st store and llUns
apartments , also livery stable. 1'nqulro ol
Harris H. L' , & f , . Co. , Hoom 411 , 1st Nat. bank.
T7UJH UKNT Oood bam , 4 stalls , feed loom
-L and wa ou sued. Inquire at W > How aid st.
GRORHK J. STIlltN&DOHI'r. loom it. opp. I' ,
O , will hereafter gi\o special attention tc
routing hoiues. Mores and Huts. If jou waul
your property rented without doiav and to lell
ublo tenants , do not fall to list tlio same wltli
him. KH
Wi : give special attention to lenting and col
loctlng rents , llbt with us. II. U. Cole , room
0. Continental block. _ _ H.I7
IF YOU want youi houses rented pi ice thorn
with IJeuawa & Co , luth , opposite postottlce
LOsT llenxeeu Ctuiilng nud P.irker sts. , r
plain gold ring xvlth small diamond net
linden xxlll please leaxo b.uuo at IIJI N.USth t > t
undrecelxo lewurd. bM ) Hi *
LO 1 a Per Sale I havci 10 mTti7ots in HrlggTi
liluionud for milt1 For further infoimntloi
addiess E Jolferj , ( inlc-nu. 111 , Wl
IOhT or Stolen Prom my ii'slden v , filil So
ilst , Pridiix oxrnln , ' , ( Ht 1'th. a laigiimi
dog xc'.tis md , xoij tat , Isxorj pet , iiai
on c ollai xi nil bell and lock attachrd , name lie
xnlt one , llbt ml i en aril for his return. E
H. Ii > \ alt , A. Hooth Packing Co. 130S Leaven
xvorthst. bOU liJ !
STHAVEI ) or stolen A roan pony xxlth i
black main and mil ; the pony U 4 years old
xxns mlhslng last 'llmrsday from Crelghton college
lego ; oxxnod by James Ford ; any Intormatioi
xx til bo sultabl ) roxvarded by mo. Patrick Pord
1001 Daxenpoit. 81217 *
LOST A bunch of keys ou a ring , marked I
P. Nolan ; return to Metropolitan hotel uut
receixe suitable reward. to iev
$ J5 HEWAUIi xxlll be paid for the return of at
eitray jet black mare , twelve yearn old
xx eight about ten hundred or ten hundred unc
fifty pounds , shod all around , collar scars 01
point of left shoulder , smooth t.nd handsome
utrayed nxvav October id , 1R".S , and Is the prop
erty of Dr. O. I * . Nichols , of Omaha. Miouh
said miiro have boon drlx-en axxay or conccalei
by unj one , such person xx ill bo prosecuted nr
rordlus to la ' . and if convicted of horse.steal
lup , tl.o iwirson glvliiB Information leading ti
the finding ot said mure , aud the arrest anil
conviction of the thief. Hill be pild an addl
tlonal rexvaiil of J.'ii. Wm. Ooburn. Sheriff o
Douglas county. N'plnaska.
Omaha. Oct. 5. ISSti. aM
TTlMlTUD number desiring private Instruc
FWlllCnn to piano und organ from a thoi
oughly competent teacher , can be accommoda
tea by addrbsslng P 72. Ilee olllce. i'lQ ' lut
PERSON A I. If you nave a personal item , 01
any communication , drop It in ona et Thi
Ue 's message boxei. W
F O R , 8 A L EM18 O E LL A N E O U S.
TJIOll SALE-One Hoxx es squarrTcorTland ver
JL1 tllatlne stove nearly nexv , also small hcatln
stove , cheap. 2W3 Iarnam st. UM li ) *
OH SALE-Tne sorrel pacer. Hob. time 2:31 :
0 years old , soeed bugcy. blankets , etc. Ca :
be seen at Palace Stables. Harry P. Tax lor.
617 19t
OH BALE-Ptrst-clasa nearly new place
Inquire 2107 Capitol axe. Ull lt
FOH LEASE- sale , ono-story frame UOxfl
bul'.dlng xx ith L aixW , cor. Franklin an
under * sts. Enquire at 13J7 Douglas si
K A K&fiftini > i * rv , 7H-1
SALE Am a bargain , one largo double
heater Penlnfular hard coal bano-lmnipr
stove , good as nexv ; ovxnpr leaving city ; also
three small stove * . * J , W. Marshall , r join U ,
Chamber Ctommfcrcd. 913 17 *
OH SALE Furniture shelving , elc. , of the
Omahn HfiddlltjIiCo. , including ono Hall's
safe and one Coft upright show case. Can bo
seen at 1207 Doustaffst. , Omaha ttaddlery Co.
171OH HALE Clibhp'-Porrpn horse , xvelght t 0
JU 7 years old , all ft Bt. KHI 1HJ
TjlUHNITUHBfot the Heed hotel. South
JL ; Omaha , for sol * I nnd the building torrent
Inquire on the premises , Ate ISt
EVItlTALE or 'liWnt--rive room cottage ou
Capitol avennoIn good order ; terms easy.
Inquire on the pretiatscs , ' , ' 01,1 Capitol avenue.
r * 6 > " 7 18 *
SALE A irood Ktenm heater nt r. low
price. W. J. Hnontch. 649 19
FOH BALB Very fine family borso nnd
phaeton nt > our oxvn prlco. Inquire roonii'lO ,
First National Hank. h7fl
SALE or trade Nexv txvo seated carriage
riage nnd single top bucgy. Solby , 15J1
Parnam. .I7o
"T71OH SAIiK Seaman s w BKOUS and carriages ,
JL1 Omaha's larjest % at loty , cast side 10th t ,
lorth of Nlcholui. The best nnd the < lu-npost.
TJO o gn
IT10H SALK A now II neat Ilockawny cirrlairu
K at lt > o A. Nichols' lUerj birn. Tweiity-fluhth
and Ixiayoimortli. Telephone 840. 417
"IIK1H SAliH A family hone or for
JP use. prlco J150Immlro No. J19 S. 10th. City.
( Kl
IJf.ASTKUHHS Keep nwny from Chlcaco.
'IliiTO la a ampins of men out of worKund
Touble here , llyordul ot Mx.luly. _ btvl 13J.
rl1MKbano | taught ai au art by Oeo.l' . Gellcn-
JL beclc. iKI So. Iflth st. _ 1W _
FAMi hats nre 'fid nnd rtAhnpvd : feithors
tleaned and curled. 1 . M. bchadolU-IB N
_ _
DU. O. HlCKimM , mnniuer Kxcolslor baud ,
1UO rarnam. llrasi and string mil tic1 ,
_ _ _ _ _ 71 1 n 11 _
A NT1QUAUIAN book s oro. 1413 rurnnm 8t .
'L .hlKUest cash prices paid for second hand
books. fail n 10T
_ _
12th series of stock of the Mutual Loan
THK lliilldlni ? A r.oclntlon Is now oimn for
subscription of sh um nt 111) outh IBth. be-
tneenA nnd I ) p. m , dally. There is no cheaper
orbetteiuny to buy a homo than through
this building association pi m. U. M. XiUUimin ,
hecretiirj. b'r 17
. MI'liDOON \ Co , 'ir , S. 10th st ; 10 stoiu
cutters , foot , Colorado simMone.
' for old nnd new books , furnlturo ,
Sl'OTcash and cnrpoU. Orff i Co. , 117 N. Itith
HOMB for Destitute Women and Children ,
' . 713 Hurt st. UiO
Ml'MC A. Hohrs vS : Sou nro noxv brppireifto
furnish the best and 1 itest music foi recep
tions , xveildlngs , sociables , parties bills , etc
Ilr.iss and string quartettes furnished , especial-
Ix foi boieundes , concerts , funoinls , etc Olllco
401 South lth St. , A. E. Merris' Music Storo.
W OMAN'H Exchange. 1B17 Farnam st. Luiii-ii
daily , supper Saturday nights. UIO
1)AtriES ) haxlng horses , mures nnd colts to
xxlntot xxlll llnd good stalls nnd ) arils at
Major Crofts' plnro , llrst barn north of fair
giounds , 'lerms moderate. -4717 *
G.E. . THOMPSON. KoomiU Sljeoly WOPJC.
. S77
MIDLAND QuarSuteo and Trust Co. . liitB I ar
nim Complete ! Abstracts fiirnlsiiBd , * titles
to real estate examlned.pmfectud & gu iriuteed.
Br.NSONiCAIlMuTiA15L furrdsh complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate in Ouiaha und Douglas county upon
short notice.rl ho uwf t complete set of ubstr.ict
booRs in the city. tfo. looa rnniam st. B7J
i , storage , loxvut rates. W. M
-L llushmau , 1)11 ) Le.ivenxxorth. 878
" \\7ANTKU-Agopd secondhand baby car
T rlugoi Addtuw relating prlco , 0 n , lleo of
fice. UJO-17 *
WANTI1D S eiUuui-sized housu with convo-
nlences ncitr cable1 , not too far Irom busl-
ss and lent fml > cmabl i 'Adilrews with full
particulars , ( J. 3. Ileoonic " _ . UU _ 17t _
WANTiD-1.0do"l6ads : ot dirt. Apply.I. A.
Nauglc , llth ftnd Nicjjolaa t ? ) _ IK
\\TANTlID-Houscs nnd lots to Mill that are
M baigalns to ollor to customers. Mutual lu-
\cstment Company , room 1 HarLer block.
PLOI'LU'S ri.VANCIAL Kxclange-Tlio falr-
est , ciuiotest , most liberal money exchange
in the city ; loans made without delay 01 pub
licity , In any amount largo or Mnull , at the low
est r.ites of interest , on nnv avall.iblo secmity ;
loans may bo paid at any time or renewed at
original i ates. O. Houscaren. mgr. , room ( Hi ! . ! ,
Hatkcr bite , L'lth und rariiam. U17 n l" t
DO YOl want to borrow money ? If you blue
diamonds , watches or Jnwoliy and cleslro to
elfec t a loan on fa\orable terms in n strictly
private and contldontlul m.iuner , or should j on a loin on furnltim ) . horses , cnrilugi's ,
laud contracts or personal property of any do-
strlptiou. jou can hu\o monov ad\anc dnt
low est rat < ? s of Interest und ample time to p.iy
by calling on or sending postal curd to the
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.
Wo loin out our own money , make out our
own papers and pay no commission , thus ling l\-
ing tlio benefit to the borro er.
Our facilities are such that wo ciu n"commo-
clatoou in a prompt and contldentlal man
ner , giving you fair , honorable and courteous
All lo ins renewed at oilglnnl rates.
We will pay off any moitgago > ouno\vhavo
nudgl\e you long tlmo und low rates ; will loin
nny sum from * 2. ' > to 41,000.
Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought.
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co , room 41X5 , I'axton
block. 41S
fill IU Omaha Financial Kxcuango , Itoom 11 ,
-1 , Ilaiker lllock , southwest corner of rarnam
and nth sts.
Makes .1 specialty of short-tlmo collateral
and real estate loans ,
Money always on hand In sumsof J101) nnd
upwards to any amount , to loan on approved
Sc ciued notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Cloai real usttito and cadi to e\chuuro for
good tlrst or second mortg ige.s.
Loans made upon land contracts , Mocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , llrat or second mortgage se
em ity. without publicity , delay or rod tipo.
financial business of nny kind trans'tcted
Promptly , quiotlv and fairly. Hcxjtn 15 , llarktr
'lock ' torbett. Manager. Wl
MONliV To Ixian llr the undorslgnecl , who
has the oul v properly organised loan ugeiicy
in Omaha Loans of Jluto il.CiUO madn on rurni
ture , pianos , organs.hor'Joawagons , michinery ,
etc , without removal. No delays. All buslue > > s
strictly contldontial. Loam so made that any
part can ba paid at any time , each payment
raduclngth cost pro i ati. Advances made on
line watche-s and diamonds. I'ursons should
caiofully uiuslder who they are dealing with ,
nsmanyns.v conccmsare dallycomlni ; into x-
istonco. Should j on need money call and eii
me. W. K. Croft , room 4 , Withnoll building ,
luUinnd Harney. _ 83
PKOPIJ'/S 1'INANCIAL KxcliHiigo-Lnrei
una small loins for loug and short time , t
lowest rates of Interest , on real estate , mort
gnge notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds ,
v AH lies nnd Jewnlry , Don t full to call If 3 on
want fulr and cheap accommodations. O. llous
curen , mgr _ room"p6H , Ilarker bit. IGth anc' '
Farnam. * 917 n 15 *
MONKV to louiion household furniture , pl-
nnos , hoisfj , wagons and other personal
propertv ; alsouuiportgago paper nniUtmtrnct'
as collateral securuj : cash nlways on hand : liberal
oral extensions'eranted ; business transacted
fairlyquietly and promptly. The Fairbanks In
\ estment Co. , S W dor 15th i , Douglas , upstairs
WK keep on-.liauU money to oan on Inslilc
proiirrty livonialm and Bouth Omaha in
sums from IV > J to JiUXl , and as wo do our o n
raining , maka all vw > ers , etc. , we can complete
a loan any day yiiu Lsbiincl pay jou the money
Hates , bmithtqo iUoouiLVJ , Itamgo bulliUug
_ _ _ Oil 31 _
MONI3V to lo Itfrnl lmpro\ml property at tlrsl
hands. No \llfatlons bent iiwuy for ap
provul. Security anQJ titles examined free ol
charge o borroM'fs. Lombird Investmenl
company. a s larh'st. _ Id
MONKVtolonnnS.lowestratcs on Improvei
cltv propertytior for building purposes
Call and sea us , Mutual Imostmcnt company
room I , Ilarker block , 15th and Fnrnam. TM ll
GW. I'KCIC loans money , cash on nand , 1500
.000 , can be placed on city and farm prop
t'rty at lowest i ates ; building loans u specialty
Hooin 41 , Frenzer block. _ Wl r. ! > <
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , vie . , until you have seen C. II. Ja <
cob . room 41D. First National bank building ,
cor , llth and Farnam Wl
' '
GUOVKIt'sTKVKNa.'l'Ul ' Farnam st. Loans
made on Omaha property at low rates.
. _ 730 )
MONKV to loan on furnltnre , noraas , wapons
etc. , or on any approved socurlty. J. W , Hob
bins , iu an bheely blk , 15th and Howard. 01
MONEY" to loan ou turnltnra. wagons , etc.
without removal , or on collateral security
Ituslness strictly counilrutlal. A. K. ( Ireenwooi :
& Co , 11 1 Cunningham blk , cor , 1,1th X Jackson
. _ , _ _ i _ ran ?
MONEY to loan in any amount , either foi
bullt'lng or otherw I > e , at lowest rates o
Interest and uu short nolle. * . 0. V. Shole * . rooii
S10 First N t'l bank , cpr. Llth and Furnaut , ( f J.
MONKY to Loan-On real estate and chattel
oecurllv. Money without cleUy. V
Land aud Loan exchange , 117 S. imh at.
015,000 to loan on inside property. Sonm first
P mortgages for aalo. Nathan Sholtou , 1D03
Barnaul street. 895
MONBV to Loan City and country ; cticap
rates , no delay. L. P. Hammond , 409 Paxton -
ton building. 7(0
SEE drover Stevens , 1V1 ! Parnam st. If you
xxjtnUi realestate loan. .JO Si
EASTEHN'monoy cheap. City and country
Otllre Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
Hooiu 13 , UoanI of Trade. Uoo.r. . P. Coates
MONEY to loan ; cosh ou hand ; no clolay , J.
W. Squire. L19 ! Puruntu st. First National
bank building. RS9
AiOO.UW-T per cont. Money to loan on Ira-
aJproved farms or city property. Jiune.s A.
ivoodman , at the old flro insuranca olllco of
Murphy A Lpvott. S S 1 Ith t. 8Jt
MONKY to Loan Ixjwest rates. Ioatis closed
promptly. H. U. Cole , Hoom 0 , Couttnontal
HUx.k. BOU
Gl'EH CUNT money to loan Cash on hand
W. M. Harris , room SO , I'renzor block , opp.
ANY amount to loan on Improved real estate.
i : S. Illsbce , room ,11s , 1st Nut. bun * .
RU 23
NO delay in seeming a loan on good Omaha
real estate. ( lro\or Ste\ons , 1W1 rarnam
Hit. I1IUY to loan on city property
and impro\ed farm laud. 1'reuzer block.
LOANS mills on real ostata nnd mortgages
bougnt. Low is b , Heed & . Co. , IAJ1 rarnam.
. 8lt7 _ _
MONl'.Y to loan on lmpro\ed real estate.
I.eavitt Iliirnlmm. Crelghton lllock. (179 (
INI ONKY to loan nt O. II. Peterson , real ea-
tale nnd lo in agent , 14U y 1 Hh st. iw O-"J
MONEY to loan. Loxv rates nnd no de-lay.
HutchltlSQiiWcMd. . 1M4 Dodge. 014 !
GOOD city and farm loans xvanted by A. K.
Hlloy , 1519 Farnnm. 88.1
Oil A ITEL and collateral loans. M. ETlaxis" )
111 S 1 Ith st , room ST. tfW
( n'ViO.OOOto ' loan at (1 per cent. Ltniihau \ Ma-
tp honey , room tm , Paxton block. W )
MONEV toloin ; longtime. Qeorgo J. Paul1
iOfi I'aruun st. WJ
1 > 1TILDINO loans. Liuahan & . Miihouov.
1 JiEAL est.itn loans , loxxest rates. Odell llros.
JLI& Co , , IU S. Kith it. t-9j
MONI'.V to loan. O. F. Davis To , estate
nnd lo.iu agents , llO'i I aruiim st. UOJ
lillHMIl Hi : and llxtuiesof n 17 loomed ho-
Jj t 'l foi sale cheap. Co operate o Laud i ,
Lot CO , JO'i N Ifith st. liM 17
171OH SALU Him ksmith shop complete. "
J tires , good biislnc ss. blckiiess cause of sell
ing. Addrc-ss 1'71 Uc-o. U.O 2Jt
T INKIIY stable centrally located In Omaha
JLJ lor sale. i''HK ) . About J..fiOcash ) , baunc e
time. Co-op. Land J < Co. 2J'i N llth st , MIT1S
OKAH ! , tobacco and grocery store for sale ;
prlco * ! " > ! ) , rent tl"i. Co-OperatH o Laud A.
Lot Co. , 205 N 10th st. I'll ' 17
1J1OH SALK Or rent A llrst-class bnibor-
1 shop , with b.itn-rooms ; good tiade ; riiisou
lorMlllng , poor health. Joe Ustermiin , Ilol-
diegc , Neb. HUi.'lt
L ll'H V stable , cinti.ilh located In Omaha ,
lei Mle ; f7,100 ; about if..WJO cash , hal. time ,
Lo Op. L. A. L. Co. 2Ui N. llith st. l'l 17
AN ONKha\lngjiOO or nicuvhctilaslro t/i
in\ est us Mluit , partner In a good cst ib-
llshed m'f'g busliu ss , address V fi7 , lleo. 7U7 21
171OH bALK A llist-tlass butcher shop , new
.A ? ami compUto. Inquire of lloiuj AudiiMin ,
lUthnml LuaM'iinoitli. 7 1 l'i *
" \\rr. wish to omplov n reliable maiilujout
It county. Isoesperiencu reiiulrtd ; peima-
uont jiositlon lor tlino > e irs. .Salnn liuronsed
each j i ni. Light , ensv , genii ol business Money
udwinced for halm j. ud\citlslug. inc. Laigost
miumf'rs In our line. Kuclnso y-ieut No
portals. Centennial -M'f'K Co. , Llnclniiatl , O.
FOH HALE A confectionery and cigar Moie
nt li'liar nln. No. I location. Inqulro llill.N-
VN" . cori 17th ana Nicholas. 4M Id *
? _ „ _
FOH SALE First class saloon and long lease
ongiound. Address F J Ilee olllce , 5-OiO ( *
SALE Salt Lake lots in ouph. at .110 S.
ith st. 4'j
FOK sALlJ or Kxchango An old established
good pajlng Ll\ery business in Council
lllunsln.J. N Main st. Win. Studlemun. bjJ
THOU S A LII A stock of gem nil mercnandlso.
J. Addiess lock box av > , Atkinson , Nob.
an out
Foil SALE The inrntturo and lease of one of
thn best pd ) Ing and best locutml hotels in
thutltv. once to CJieeu AS tllhtms ,
First Nut. bank building. KO
" \\TILL evchnugo ncro propel ty near city Urn-
T Its lei n hoiiMi In cltj . Address w 1th par-
tlculnisd .1 liei olllce. 10. 17 *
\\r VM'ED .IgooiMounrfhoHPs , 1'JiWpounclP
t t or o\or In u\ihungo lor western laiuli nucl
town loth. John Lludirholm , 15CJ ! I'arnam st ,
rooms - ' nud 1 , mi 17
I I1 you haxuncaut propeity you \\isli to ex
change for n homo or for Impi DM d propel ty ,
list with the Mutuallm estment Company.ioom
1 Darker lllock. ICUL-J
JF Yorhan city piopnity that you wish tc
tiailo lor Impnixecl farms , clear of Incum.
biuuce , call or solid for dlscrlplHo list to M ,
1 runkllu , loom 51 1 , 1'.ixUm bla'g , Omuhn , Neb ,
tKT > ! Ti
SIX hundred and foi ty acres in Dawi-onCo ,
Neb. , partly impioxed , will txctiango for
reslrtcnco pioperty , or vacant lots In Omaha ,
.1. T. I'utch , ( pension agent ) , I'ren/er block ,
Omaha. ittJ 17 *
(1 OOD Inslcln Omaha prop < rt v to exchaugo foi
Jcleau stock of merchandise. U. 1' . Ilui-riion ,
llSrt. 15tll st KW20
\\7"AN'I ii-To : exchange , nhnre In llulldliiL
Ass n i ottageou east front lot , flue loca
tlon. foi Hhuruslu tlrt series Mutual Loan and
lluilcllnt ; As > s n. rorputlculars , addit-ss r 70 ,
Heo. a > l 17f
I HAVE real nnd personal pioperty ot all
kinds for trade. Call and see mo. CJoorgo J ,
Mernsdorll , loom ( I , opp. 1' . O. 82'j
WANTED To oxch injo inslila city prop-
city for improved faims n arclty. Uox
751 , ity. JM O U *
_ _ _ _
I r you have nnjthlm ? to exchrtngo call am1
nee out list. Wcblein Lund ami Loan ox
clmngo , 117 b. lUtli. M7 US
ni ( ) lIXClIANOE-Or sell , houses and lots
JL farms 01 meichnndlso gee Omaha lluslnes :
lixcli ingo , room fi , n. w. cor. 15th and Douglas.
4)1 ! OJJ
TjlOH K.VCHANOE-Good renting city one
J- South Omaha property ; ako lots and fiirmn
Westcin Land and Loan exchaugo , ll"b. Ibth at
605 n8
EOH Tradb t'hoici ) lot In Orammcrcy 1'url
nnd choice double corner in Llpton I'laco fo
good land. D. V. Sholcs , a 10 , First Nat'l bank
riUIK Omaha Huslnoss Exchange , , a.xv.cor
-L IMh nnd Douglus. ninkos a specialty of solllni
and exchanging nil classes of merchandise , etc
WANTED Good lands aud city property
horses , cattle , etc. , to exchange for raer
chandUo in all lines. L. P. Krnus , Ian Karnan
st . Omaha , Neb. _ 45.1 OJ1
" \\7ANTEn Btocksof morchancllso In anyone
i all Hues to exchange for good faim lands
Omaha real estate , horses , cattlo. etc L. P
Krnus. 1007 rarnam St. , Omaha , Nob. 4M Oil
IJWim'NETelier-MriTLTiponnan can bo con
X1 wilted on all airatrs ot life. Batlsfacttoi
KUurautcod. No U1S N Ititu st C8U uli ;
'lJ'rNTIO.N' The ifted destiny reader cm
bo consulted dally for two xxeeks in all at
fairs of life or death ; tells your life from th
cradletothograv ; icunttcs tnenoputatod will
thci wonder fill 1'gynttnn charm ; locates dlsoas
and heals them v. Ith Message and electric treat
ment. Olllcu 417 & llth Bt..upstalrs.rooms ' 'A :
10 1B
"TVll. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Mc'l
-L/lcal and business medium. Female disease
a specialty. 119. N. IGth st. Itooras 2 * a. U53
BALE A new U-roorn house , xvater , bat :
furnacft , cistern , barn , etc. , 17,0X10 ; 11,00
cash , tiOOJ in 5 years , balance ewy terms. Ac !
dress ( J 4 , Ilee olllco. 001 KiJC
T7KIl ) SALE-Plne east front lot and icoo
-L hoiiKo in buildlnir ass'n equity about IKV
Will take shares in the Mutual Loan and Hulk
lug Asa'u as part pa ) in out , P 70 , lice olllce.
taa m
"I71OH SALE Two elegant homes In Hnnscoi ,
J- Place on reasonable terms ; mortgag * pane
tiiken as part payment , Uoaworth 4 ; Jopltt
Ilarker block , 6/j
A PULL CO ft. lot on Lake st. near Haunderi
i5itouiuJclrgaln " Hlwx * J > Uoolt----8 !
] tO fatit ( at grade ) on Leavonworth fit , within
. 300 feet of 1'nrk ave. nt $72 per fool , > rash ,
balance t > asy. Ma ch It If you can , T.J.I look ,
311 Paxton lllock. " , M-\6 \
K HOOM house , .H tool lot on I'lerco st , near
O Will st. H350. T.J. Hook , 311 1'nxtou lllock.
BEAimviTL now 7 room house , ssth aud
Illckoi j ; be-st nolghborhood In the city ; all
miHloru Improvcmcuits ; for ale cheap ; umall
cash ] > a > ment , balance if desired on monthly
Two small cottages of 4 rooms * ach , near 25th
md I'lerco. tor sal , tl.MU each , iluo down , bal
ance monthly instalments ,
Two cottages in Kllby I'lace , 5 room : Just
omplotcd : nmull cash paymeut and MI emit
ot tiikiu If desln < d.
Call and eo us , Mutual Investment Company ,
room 1. Ilarker block. 15th and r'arnam. , J7 If
III AVK for sale or exi hnnco 2 7 acres of Mini
adjoining the town of Kxeter , Nob. , one-story
! i amp house with 4 rooms , good frame granary
CxJI , frame burn 21x20 , three small gioxosot
Imber planted Homo 15 i ears ago , small bear-
ng orchard , nearly txxo miles of trees along
Border planted some ir x nars ngcVS mile locust
icMl e , 40 rods apple hedge , good xxell 40 fc-ot
deep and windmill pump , sued and bonnl f enco
jam , HO acres In good timothy hay , 0 acres in
; oed state of cultivation , balance pralrlo sod
aud. Land smooth and xery gently undulating
ox cry foot good plow liintl excellent ploxv
I'.xetor Is at the Junction of the II. A. M. and N.
W It. H. , 11 town of Rome i-VU poople. ' 1 his land is
x ory desirable for mixed farming , 01 any kind
of farming or stock raising. Most of It xery
suitable for addition to thn tow n , as it Joins the
irlglnal toxni site and is not more than KM rods
from the. 11 , & M. depot
Km umbi unco * 7WW. at 7 per cont.
\N 111 exchange equltv foi xxild laud , good city
iropertj itiulucumberedi or stock of general
norchandlse , cattle or hot sen
1'rlcti WO per acre Will pay a commission o
2 per c out tounx ouo making asatlsfactor.x Milef
\ddressj , W Dolan. ludlnuola , Neb. 71H li )
I HAVE a line brick business blockrented for
f.i'iOJ ) peryc-ur , which 1 wllliellfor w Mat It is
xxoitli It is niixv sllghtlv Incumberrd , but t
xxlll release same If purchaser desires ; xxlll
take good residence property In Omaha as par
tial pa ) incut. Address P O Hex 4KS City.
078 lUt
Cn ft. sq N.13 th st.lmpro\ed. K 4uT Ili-ol
077 l" > t
FOH SALE Or oxchnngo for Omaha proper
ty , W ) acres , suitable for platting ; xxlll make
4 Hots ; all clour , big moiioy in it foi some ono
w ho can push this ; located just outside ot the
city limits of Council lllutrs. Inquire ( leo. J.
stemsdorir. opp. Dostolllce. Wi
EDWA11D A. 1IHODI1OLU Lindsay. Neb . has
sex oral farms for sale In I'lulto county at
$15 to &d per litre. _ 01IMUI *
$ lMXbuysn good 2-story 8 room house nnd
lot. east front. In Windsor Place , a birgilu.
D. V. Mioles , HoouiUlO , Tlrst National llauk.
f > 78
"I71OH SALE -Lot Mxl'iU , with good a stoty
Jt ? house nlc 'l > fuinlshed. all modem convon
lollies , within I blk paved Ht. 'i blk fiom Turk
hchool nud M. K. church , I lauscom place This
isouiioftho best properties In tlio city , ni.d
can bo had at a hirguln by addressing the
owner , P 14 , lice othco. 448
POIl SALK Or xchnngo. We hive soma
good Omaha rail estate and Nebraska
farms , which wo will sell cheap or trade for
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , drr goods ,
boots and shoos , gi ocerles or hardxvare. Schles-
ingertros . 014 S. lUtht 010
ITlOHSALl-aixlOO feet near comer Wo o7worth
JL' ax e. and 'Ml\i \ st ; house of 8 rooms , but liroom ,
gas , Ustetn. hot and cold xxuter , sexxei connec
tion , furimu' , 2 cellars , lot atlou nil that tan bo
desired , school , church nud 2 line's of horse cars
wllhlng J blocks , cable In project ; JI.WH ; tl.liou
cash balance easy , 8 poi cent Interest. C. P
Haulson , 41HS ir > th st.
.HxlOUO feet cor.oolworth nxe. audlh St. ,
house nnd tmproxemonts muteilall > the sumo
us alnxe , fi.OW , tl.ixxi cash , balanio cusy , H per
cent Interest C. r. Huriison. 418 S llth st. Mi
auOO bujsa full lot and good 4 room cott.igj
Tcnsx terms and good location. D V. Miolos ,
ioom210 , I'lrst Nat' 1 bank , cor. Uth and 1'ur-
luuu lni
SALE- Prank Wassermnn , nt the llauk
ot Omuhn , has some of the choicest resi
dence nnd business property in the city for fulo
Uieap. 408
T71OH SALK 10,00) ) acres laud In Nebraska nt
JL' low rates on long time ; good turm lauds ,
(5. II. Peterson , U12b. Uth st 501 0,22
FOH SALK Not foi trudo. BU 70 acres of 1m-
proxed laud 2 miles fiom Marquottn In ,
Hamilton Co. , Nebinska. Prnme house , framn
taiil , ,9K ) acres under a good 4 bir.b-\vlre : fence ,
round cedar posts aud 2 htuj.s : living xvuter ,
good corral , 2 wells , wind mill , JJO-barrol tank ,
self-feedcrtrpufhs. etc. ; 75 acres clover ; model
1'rlco ( about $ U per acre ) ffl.WIO
Cash .I.VO
3 j ears time at fi per cent .1000
( ! o and look over the land nnd address the
owiiei , F. K. Atkins , 150 ! ! Laitmer St. , Denver ,
Colo. 244
171011 SALE-Lot 11,1) . 20 , Hnn-com place. 3JO
JL' oil what it Is xxoith. C.I' , llairlsou , 418S 15th
LAND Seekois , Attention Per full par-
tlculnrs about free nnd cheap lands In xxest-
crn Nebraska uddros-s Thos. C. 1'attorsou , Heal
Estate Agent , North 1'latto , Nob. 101O10
Notice to Com motors.
Sealed proposals xvlll be received at the olllco
of County tlerk of Douglas County , until 2
o'clock , p. m. Saturday , Octolioi 27th. IhSo , for
the erection of 1H ) feet of trestle xx ork ou M Illtury
load botu ecu the Elkhoi n rl\er .mil the Huwhldo
Cruek ; also N ) lost of trestle xvnik ouo-half mlle
south otWuti i loo. All lumber to bo furnished
by Douglas County , Inlddownnt ValleyStation. !
Ccrtlllod check for tw enty-tivo dollars to ac-
comrjuiiy each bid.
' 1 ho Ilo.ud lebones the right to reject uny or
ixll bids. M. D. HOC-HE.
oct-lO-o-llt-m-ood-w It County Clerk.
KIcctlnii I'roulimmtloti.
tinder and by virtue of the authority vested
In mo by section eleven (11) ( ) of chanter twenty-
six i.'O ) of the compiled statutes or Nebraska ,
entitled "Elections , " I. John M. Thayer , gov
ernor of the state of Nebi uska , do hereby Issue
my proclamation , that on Tuesday , tno sixth
day of Noxombor , A. D. 18sfl , there will bo an
election hold at the usual places ot x otlug in
said state , for the purpose of elcctm.jtho follow
ing olllcers. toxxit :
Itxe electors of president and vice president
of thu United States.
Ono member of congress from the I'irst con
gressional dlstilct.
One membct of cougrc-,3 from the Second con-
grnssloual district.
One member nf congress fiom thoThlid con
gressional district.
( Jox ernor.
Lieutenant goxcrnor.
Secretary otstate.
State treasurer.
Auditor public accounts.
Attorney general.
Commissioner of nubile lands and buildings.
Superintendent of public Instruction.
State senator foreuch .senatorial district , nud
Heproseutiitlxes for ouch representative
district , nspro\ldd by law.
In witness x\hereof. J haxe hereunto set my
hand and caused to bo allixi'd thogieat seal oj
the state Done at Lincoln this
2cl duy of October , 111 the x ear ot
our Loul ono thous md eight him-
[ Seal.l drrd nnd ulghtv olght , the twon-
ty-Becond jour of the. .state , nnd
cif the liuli pimdeucnof the United
Stites the one hundred and thir
Hy the ( jovcrnor. JOHN M. THAYKH.
u. S. LAXXH. bocrotarv btutu.
.Nuticjn to Contractor ! * .
Sealed I'loposals will bo received nt the olllco
or County ( lerk. Douglas County , tin to2 p. m.
Saturday , October 2otn 1IW8 , for the moving of
( > 00 x ards of nurtli , moro or less , xxestof Mllitaiy
brlugo on Military road botxveen section 4 and0 ,
10 , lo : work to bo completed within SJ clajs ,
Certified chock for Ten dollars to accompany
each bid.
' 1 ho Hoard reserves the right to reject any 01
all bids. M. 1) . HOl'llE.
oct-18-o-lt m-eod County Clerk.
NotiC3 Co Coutrnctord.
Sealed Proposals will bo received at the oflire
of County Clert of Douglan Count v , up to 1 !
o'clock p m. Saturday , October zoth , 1H 8 , for
grading 1.000 yards tumplklng and l.MK ) yurda
hill work on line between section 8 , V. 1 and 5 , T.
Certified check for twenty-five dollars to ac
company each bid.
The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or
allbhlH. M. D. HOUIIE.
oct-lfl o-sH-m-eod County Clerk.
AHMY SUPPLIES. Depot Quartermaster's
omce , Omaha , Nebraska. October I'jth.lSSX.
Sealed Proposals In duplicate , xvlll bo received
at this onii-e until 10 n m. on Thurrulny , Nov.
llth , liws , at which tlmo and place , they will be
opened In the presence of attending blddeis foi
( lovrrnmcut supplies of thu follow lug kind !
Stationery.hardwiiie , lumber and mlsrcllane
oimQtmrteriniister's Htoro. Lists giving pe <
cltlcatloiw , quantities anil other information ,
will be furnished on application to this olllco ,
Preference given to artiUea of domestic pro.
duction , price and quality being equal Itlrtdem
should attach a copy of this aUvortUement tci
their bids. JOHN iftMPSON , Cuptaln and As
slstant Q. M. , U. S.A.
S , W , Cor. Farnam and IBth Sts.
I'nld In Capital . $500,000
OEO. B. Pfesldent.
K. K IHEltUOWEIl , Vice Picsldent.
J. U Ml [ .hi.
Accounts ot JIankcr * , Merrhants and Individ
OB the utu t f vorbl turuu.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
The only mail ( o Inko for I > cs Mnlnrs , Mnrshaltnirn
Cvtlsr llaiilils , CllnUm , Dunn , CMrato , MIIWHiikoe ,
nml nil point * Ka U To thn proptool" Nobrnlka l > i n.
mile. XX Tomliix.Ut.nti , Idaho , Manilla. Orenon , Wain-
liuiton ami CaliforniaIt ciflVr * nuperlor adx-aiilage *
nol t i"lbln by nny nlher line. v
Among a row nf the numcmiiK point * of nuparlorllr
njoyiM tiy the VMrotn of thl riwd ticMwom Omahi\
anil Ctilrau' , nro UK thrpn trnlns u ilixr Uf 1IAY
( VAt'lHCf. which IUK tin' Hurst lliat human art ami
Initonully ran rroutr Ua I'ALACK "LKIUMNO vi'H '
the iMiunlol which cannut lin fuunl olsawliprfl At
Coiinoll Illurt * tlni trnlno ( ttiu t'nlon 1'acltle Ilnll-
iriiy cminttcl In union itopol xrlth thiiso ot tlio Cht
cauo A Nortlmeslurn Hr In Chlcniiq HID trntni of
this I In" ninkn rinse rimnpcllon "Ith tliosn of all
other Kailcrn llln- .
( or PiMrnlt , ( 'nliimlius. In Ilixnaiiolli. Clnrlnnatl.
Maitnra I nll % Murrain. I'lUnmri ; , Toronto , Muiurinl ,
llunton , Niwork , I'lillailrliiliTft , llaltlrauro , Vfath-
Inulon , and nil i > nlnt < In the I ait Aik tor llckcll vlit
' " "
If you "l li tin ) l "t ncmiiinichliitloil. All tlokot
niciMilKVoll llckutH Tin ( UK hiii > .
11 lltllllllTT. K P. \MKSOV. ,
1,0111 Mnnaunr. ( ldn'1 l > a 'r AdbnU
riiic'Aiio , u us.
W. N. HAlircH''K , linn IX I C'trrli AKPnt ,
1) M KIMIIAl.L.'l'Ickpt Aiti-nt
(1 ( ! \X KST , City PaixMiiior
1401 rnrniiiu ytu-ot Omaha , Nell.
or TUB
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ,
The Ucst Houto from Omaha and Council
Illuffn to
ClJcnpo , AND Mlbraukrw ,
St. I'ntil , Minneapolis , Crdnr Rapids ,
Hock Island , Frccport , Kockfurd ,
Clinton , Dubmiuc ,
Elgin , Madlsun ,
liclolt , Winoiia , La Crease ,
And all other Important tiotnli ICait , NorthiUl and
For through tlckoti rail on the tloket c nt atlidl
rarnam etrcct , In Unrkcr lllock , or at Union racing
He pot.
l-ullmanSlMpari and the flno-l Illnlno Cars IB tb §
world are run on the main line ot th * Clilca i > , Mil
waukua * Bt l' ul llalliray , and every mtootli '
paid to patuniiera by courtcoua
11.MILUCR , Oencral Manager.
J. t1 yCKKlU Anslituut Ciinaral Uanaatr.
A. V. K. OAHl'KNTKH , Ueneral I > a7i rir tad
Ticket Agent.
anil Ticket Acout.
J.T. ClJlUi ; U < "ncr l r1 i'f
1 figures are morn eloquent than v oluniea
which might bu written In prulso of the peculiar
meilts possessed by the Magee Hoods.
.Miss 1'Utl.OA SA\SOK rllK IIANIIKS :
I use the Magco Uango constantly In my
Schools and 1'rlvuto Kitchen ; It fultlllo.s every
requirement for the most exacting work ; I
\\ouhl uot.4\cliangt * it for un\ range mado. "
hend for our I iirnace Circular and lead whit
physicians professorsscientists , mechanics and
merchants sny of the Magee 1 urnaces they have
luuso. Don't put Inhteam or Hot Water Ap-
paiatus , till \ou KNOW what a KIIIHT-CI.ASS Hoc
Air F'uruacu will do for half the cost.
COOK iMJ brou.s ARK Soi.u KM IIYWIUUK ; by
our agents , and wo warrant i-ach one to glvo
perfect satisfaction to the bujor. MAGKK
FUHNACUCO , ; MTO.)8 UMONBr. , llostdll. BO
Lakobt. . Chicago ,
ChicagojroN „ , „ „ , „ &
Agents Omaha , Nob.
State Line.
To Glasgow , llelfiisl , Dublin nud Lirtirpool
From New York Every Tuesdav , ,
Cabin passage ffi and $50 , according to location
ot ututo loom , i\oiirslou : < < > " > to t'M ,
Steerage to and from huropt ) at I.owost llatoa.
AUSTIN HALDW1N 4. CO . ( ien'l Agents.
M llroulwiij , Now Vorlc.
JOHN IlLiaiN. : : Oen'l Western Agent ,
104 Haudolph ht. , Chicago ,
IIAllUY K. MOOHKS , Agent. Omaha.
Reduced Cubiti Kates to Glasgow Ex
Cocoa , from which th oictis ot
OH lias been removed. It luu f/lrf /
limn lite itrenylh of Cocoa lulled
with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar ,
aud U th rcf urn far inora ecouoml-
cat , eoilixy Itu than one tint
tup It 1 delicious , nourishing ,
etrcngthonlnr ; , i anily illgiat d , and
ndmlrKblf nclfpted for Invnlld ) a
well ni fur riuraoni InJa-aUU.
Sold IJJT ( Jroccr _ ej6rrnlifr .
W , BARER & CO , Dorchester. . Ite
IXJCATIUN-Zl mlloi north of Chicago.
JfACUI.TIT-A lull Corpi of Kiperlencod In-
WKHi'l'I.UM-Hre ' ' Cour t of Btodr.
rACII.I'IIKH-Uniuriiaoeil for IntlriicUon. .r
IIORllb Home C'oniforn , and ChrlntUn Innuoncm.
MuJ. II. P. 1IAVIIINON , llupt. lllhluo
1'urb , III , | forCat loxu
-t ? 8END FOR CinCULARSj fe
. . .
802-ZOQ 6. WATER ST. CHICfgd.
Notice to Contractor * .
Sealed proposals will be received at the offlc
of County Clerk , Douglas County , until X p. m ,
HaturcUy October Uth , A. U. 1M. tor rvuwlnK
3.000 yards of earth , iniiiu or lei > s , near lUnnuig-
ton .Station , between noUlou 11 and I4.TIR. 1111.
CVrtltled check of $25 00 to accompany eacrrpid.
The Hoard reicryea the right to reject any UnA
all bids. SI. D. KUOHK.
cxt 10 in&o Ct-xvlt County Clerk ,
Notice to Contractors. '
SEALED Proponils will be received at t1i
o lii co of county clerk , Douglas county * until
t o'clock p. m. Saturday. Oct. lJUi. isju. for r <
moving 4 000 yards , more or earth , on
half section Iluo In Boo. 10 , 'Lai. it. VIM , , all.
dirt to bo placed between ratlwai f track " aha
Ccitlfled check of K * > M to uccompuriy eaoh
bid. The board reserves the right to reject any
and all uldtM. . D. KOCH * , County Clerk.
olOiaeCtwl , '