THE OMAHA. DAILY I ; WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 17 , 18SS SPECIAL NOTICES. No Advertisement * Mrlll be tAkcn for UIPHO columns niter lUiliO p. in. TcrniH CIIHI ! In ntlvnuco. Advertisements under this head 10 c ntsper line for the llrst Insertion. 7 rents for each sub sequent Insertion , and 11 MB line per month NoadxertlM tnent taken for less than i cents the llrst Insertion. bwxeri words will bo counted to the line ; they limit run consecutively nnd must bo paid In ADVANCE. All ndxertlse- ments tuuiit tm luxnded In b < furo U-no dock p. m. , nml under no tlrcumntancpii will they be taken or illxconllnued by tl phone. Parties ndvt rtlslng In tlu-so columns nnd hav ing their answer * addressed In euro of TIIKHKB trill pleaHO ask for a chock to unable them to get their liMtcru , ns none will be delivered uiccpt on presentation of rheck. All ansxxers to ndvcr- tlsemrnlH should 1m enclosed In envelopes. All udxertlsomcntR 111 these columns lira pub lished In iMith morning and oeulng editions of Tnr I IRK. rlrrulatlon of which aggregates morn than If.ddi ) papi-rs dnlly , and elves thu ad- TertlsiTM thn benellt , not only of thn cltvotrcu- latlouofTnp IlKr , lint ill no of Council Ilium , Lincoln nml other cities and towns throughout thin sect Inn of the coiintrv. BRANCH OFFICES. Aclvrrtlsitii ; for these columns xxlll 1 > o taken en thn iiboi p conditions , at the folloxvlng busi ness houses , xx ho tire niithori/ed agents for THE lUcr.xpeclnl notlci-H , uud xxlll quote the same rates us can In- had nt thp main otllco Pharmacist , & ) South Tenth c llAMiJc EDDV , Jtatloners and Printers , 113 Bon Hi 10th Street S fiTpA UNS\v ( Jirill , Pharmacist , 2115Cum- p Ing Street. ! iiir J. IirollKS. Pharmacist , CJI North 18th TT . Btrtct KO. W. I'AHH , Pharmacist , WJ St. Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. YOUNd man would like position two or thre nvonlngs a week , kuejilng n small net ol books. Hifcrenccii. Address (1 D Dee olllcu. 1C1 17 * WAN'IT.1) Situation ns baker on bread und c ak < s bj ( icrmnn. country town. Addres yon , llt-o. W)7 ) 20 WAN'I UD A position by an experienced voung Indy nw Kteuogrnpher nud to dc olllco work UuugUo good reference. Adiirca ; V Bt. lloo olllco. 781-114 WANTED MALE HELP. N'l dnod millwrights und r.irpen I t ( rs t llniKiofi , Neb. Address lluiiigard Her A. "mllli. Hum lofl. .Nol ) . Ull I7t WAN I HI ) Oood steady joung man nnd I' teamsters , $ ! / > and board CommerUal Kmp. Agency , MM I'arnam , upstairs , room I. 18 * lOODcottnnci pants makers wanted \ \ ni IMeldriim , 1411 hnrnum st. tM'i in * W A NTH I ) Advertising Holliltor. Itoom 69 Hoard of Trade building. a 15 I0 TANTED-l ! farm hands , 82) ) per month , ! colored man in coal yard , steady xxnrk , li lo drive teams $ : r > per mouth , fnro paid JTIO.I man , a dlshxx ashers $15. Uhlte'a olllcc llONKthKt. tllll lb * " \\r A N'l ED A good biishelman at onco. Cull T > at liJI Howard st. Ml ! IB * ° \lf ! ANTED A coinpotent clothing Biilcxuian Apply nt II1U luinum St. . J to fi o'docl Wednesday. W9I Kit A ( IE NTS xx anted for the nexv revised am Imperial I'dltlimcifell's Eucjclopedln , jus IHHIH d , and nut jet in the hands of agents , nlsc for other xxorks. Poi mccc'dlnglv liberalItorun aud note control of territory , address at once T. Ellxxoodell , Publisher , Philadelphia , Pa. hSl I7J _ SOLICTIOHsjxvnntPd In oxeryclty , toxxnaml villngo In the I'nlted btates to obtain sub- scrlptious fur txxo f.imnus standard medlc.i Journals. To 11 citptble solicitor < ixclutdxo con trol xxlll bo Klxen nnd exceptionally high com mission allowed , nud a pi rmniient pinspcx tlxi Interest SLCUic'd , W. A. To use-nil I'libllshlni : Co. , 15,1 Ilrondway , llox .lUJII , Noxx Vork. tU ) liij WANTED- 14 to 17 veal s ot nge to li-nri drug business. Call bet. d nud 10 o'clo k 11 in. nt 11 South llith. bur > 1 J L7ANTI3t > A foxv norgptlc gontli'iUPii nni r lady nmjnts to canvass fur " ( rcixxn .Irxxels. ' the flue t holiday book published. Outlltxxn bo sent prepaid upon r < ioi Ipt of 75 cts Ailcirrs norland I X Co. , 1(11 ( Btntest. , Chliago , 111. K 17 WANTED ( jood men as manugcis for on goods In ex cry clt > outside of Omaha ; hal ry nnd expanses ; Nome cipltnl n-quiieel. Si'tu utamii for pirtlcuhirs to Patterson Oil Iliiuie : Co. , 18 n St. Vur > 's nvo. . Omaha. 800 21J WANTED Immt'dlately. txxo llist-clnss , so bcr coiks. Addioss 1) ) . P. Humes. Nortl Platte , Nob. H14 10 ? oTpOll the south \N anted raw laborers foi ritllruad aud lex co xvdrk in Mississippi , Ala buniannl Tinne ! > oe ; winter's xxmk , iW \ nu < 11.75 a day ; soi'io good station \xork , nl o. t"o partlcuLirs nnd chi-iip lates to Mpiiiphls. etc. nppl ) 11 thn reliable agents. It P. Christian i Co. \Noat Tith st and 1001 Union axe. Kansa City. Mp. 7.15 " 0 * WANTEDHnllroad hiborori for Washlnc ton Tori Itory ; mi nil xx Inter's Job In a mil cllmnto ; xxiigpsgiiniiiuti-edtroiu 11 to ifJ 50 pe flay , orjl" ) to KID per month nnd bonrd. A Alnrlght'H Labor Agency , IIJO 1 aiilnm st. lii W . . A llrst-class gents' furiiMiln goods man. The 1'alr 1,1th and Howard , u. w 7ANTED-Mtlkor74115l5aunclo7s 6Jfl WANTED A man to solicit ; salaiy $100 pe month ; must deposit $25 nud glx o sec urlt for monov collcctid. Address George S. Cllui Wagnf r block , Dc-s Mollies , la. 6.5 AdEN'KS WANTED-KB a month and o : penses paid any active pel son to sell on coodb , no capital , salary monthly , exmuxesl advance , piutluuliirs tiee. btuudurd bllxorwiu Co , lloston. 47'J ' B O\b-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co , 1,104 Douglas. 821 "VVAN'IED Mini to take the ugencyof ou f T safes ; sizel > xlhxlS inches ; vxelght uX ( ) Ibf retail price ft , " > ; other l7es In propc'itlou faro chance uud permunont business. 'Die : safes meet u di mund nextr bofoie supplied li other sale companies , as we are not governc by the cafe pool. Alpine bate Co. Cincinnati , t T\7ANTED Eueigetlc menand xxonipuexer' ' TY xx here for n genteel , money iimUug bus1 ness , ( ulxxiplvl ) piotlt guarantted e.isloi th.iu ? < monthly otherwise Experience absolute lv m necossiuy Peuuiimlit position and e\cfuslx terrltorx assuied. * 'samples fri'o Write fi liartlculuis. Address , xxilh btamp , Merrill Mt'i Co , 11 r.1 , ( . 'hlcMgci. Ktlaitt WANTED-dood life Insurance sollcltoi xvlth luuk roferoni.os.nio xxautpd by th Union Life nt 401 Met chants ' national bin building , Omaha. Ollice hotiia S to 10 n. m. ante to 0 p. in. 845 WANTED A first-clans oxpi-rleuced xxludo clressi-r. Inquire at the 1 air 1183 WANTED--FFMALE HE UP. WAN'lED Ijidy ugeiits to cauxass cltxe peclnlly South Omaha , also truxof fc cenulno fast selling Hue of goods. Apply 13 i : N Uth st. WI 22- W ANTKD-A good girl for ptMivral hous Vi ork. good xx i.SUPi ! nt. ' .HI W ANTEIi-dhl for t'encinl house xxor 1719 Jnckmmst. IK3 17t WANTKl > A. good gurl for general housi _ xxork Appl > at 401 N1UU st. 77J IB * WANTEl-lAdy agents for comblnatlc bustle skirt. "Daisy" hose supports lubber aprons , bibs , sleeves , shoulder bract safety belts , waterproof garments , otc : r llab nouhe. Oulv goods of ri-nl merit ; prollts targ Address xxlth stamp , E. II. Cumpboll & Co , 4 Vi , Kandolph St. , Chicago. bSi nov 11 ANTEDTxvo dlnlnif-room lo4 loth ht B.LJ : "WTANTi : ! ) Experienced box papeier. Hefl TT box factory. 1007 Howard. 815 lew WANTEIairl for general houiexvork. 819 17th t. MM WANTED-Glrl for gonornl hou exvork. 17 Jackbon. iU7 16 * ANTBD-fllrl for housework. Mrs. ( It ner,801H.auhbt. TM i TXTANTEU-A reliable nurse girl. Mrs. H. tT Patterson. 241.1 Farnam. 600 WANTBD-Txxo ladies to solicit In this ai adjoining btatns ; salary rs per montl call on fcuslo llvrold , room lii Mlllard hotel. 707 WANTKD Alady to solicit ; must deposit I and give security for money cxillectt Address Ueorce & Cllu * , Wagner Work. 1) BHORTHAND ANO TYPEWRjTQij VALENTINE'S Shorthand and type-xxntli Institute , new puxton building. Omali H b. 'I ho only exclusive , pnctlc il snort-hai chool In tUo xx esl. Tha demand for short-bai wrlt ra U largely In excess of the supply. tUiurt-hand U muuh superior to book-keep ) ) tad telegraphy us a means ot llrellhood. V pv Imtructlonn on Hrmtnuton and llnmlnoi trp .xxiit rs , loth for the imo price. Day nud evening sa * fen * . MtudcnU ci nter at an/ time , tend tor circ ularn. 7iJ u U MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. IWANTtoborroxv IJ.'oiJO to bTused ln push- Ing a nexv bujdneid. Oood security given. Addres.s 0 2. Hop olllce. 6i J 17t " \\rANTED-Persons wishing to secure a good ' paying buslneM by the InveHtmenl ot a small capital , lilooso call at 1517 Howard Ht. , from 1 to 2 or 7 p. in. Kll 17J. W " hi ) To correspond with parties xvno cleslro to locate in business or thosi going out ; can furnish locations In any line or ex change , and caih customers forpnrtles desiring to deli. U P. Kraus , KW7 Painam St. , Omaha. 4VI OJ1 WANTEn-"l'osell 'upright piano , standard mnkr. nnarly nexx , in good repair. A big bargain If sold at once. Address U 1 lleo olllce. IJDB Iti * \\rANTED-Kour gentlemen to take board ' and loom. 71'l ' N. oth i-t. ! prlvato family ; cable and horse cars pass the door. 0101'JJ \\rANTED-A cl MlrobTe family to take " charge of dormitory for > oiing ladles at lltlloxucculliigp. Applx xvlth reference to Hev , P H. Illajnoy , llfilcviio. Nob. 707 \\7ANTED To Invent cash in a business or > enterprise xxlth the vlexx of tanlug an act- ixo part , thoiough experlencu In business and book-kc-epint ? . best of references tan be glxen. AcldresH fyHLO oHlcfl. m 17 T XI'KKr AX'OI'NTANT-WnntPd to adjust - complicated books ; partnership nrcoiints and complicated accounting of all kinds ; cotin- tiy corre.ii > oiidtnco .solicited. Address Kll Deo. W7 n.1 WANTED The public to make good use of 'ihe lloe'H mesjage boxes throughout tlio city. _ _ inc WANTED If you have any lands , lots , or houses and lots to sell or exchange for oth r property , call on m or write. I can llnd jou arustoiner , C. C. Spotsxxood. 305HS. jRtn. BOARDING. \\rANTii-hlldron : ( ; to board. Chlldrtm Riven thn best of care and sent to school , Urnvenpoit st Wf , | FIHST-CbAHS homo board. 1718 ais 21 * WANTED Table boarders nt HWJ Douglas. * 7B EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. flANAIHAN employment olllce. Mrs. Ilrega 10th. Itcfureucu Omaha National bunt yn o n * WANTED-TO RENT. T CAN rent .lor 4 well furnished houses If do- xlrably located lliuo customers for any lumber uf 8 to 10 room duellingsltli modern -onxtnlencos. Have jou a modern hoiiho with H or v rooms , ill. Ing loom on parlor floor ? 1,1st > our houses with me. Ncthertou Hall , room Ul llrst Nat. Ilk. Illdg. hyj WAN'I r.d Uor It room house ; must have nil modern conveniences ; will pay liberal runt If person will built nousej will leasn MIUIO 'or any term of years. J. I , , llrandies , 13th nnd louard , NJI FOR RENT-HOUSES. _ FOK UKNT A .1 loom cottage nicely located ! HunlilU. LOHipuiutho Land > V Lot Co . 1 > j N lCthst. Ull 17 _ OH ItKNT New f-room houne , bath room , hot und cold water , gas , HOW er. ect. 241.J Sewnrdst near Saundera Ht. , SJO. Inquire a < US Sciw.irdst. UIH ' 'Ij FOlt UKNT-Smull house. BJUi S. 24th at. U.I5 22 FOK HUNT 4-room house , 23th and How nrd. Ull ! FOH UKNT A now U room house In Kounun Place , ready foi occnptUP ) Nov. 1. City water , cistern , bath , fiunaie , barn , etc. I.n- mire of Hobcrt Hunter nt lleo olllco. b'Jl TTlOU UKNT 11-rnum house , 25th it. and 1'at- l. rick n\a , SJper iiionth. Inquire .it lull Cnss. ' _ 7H > H HTAT-New 10 room brick hntiMWeTl . located. o\ cry ( omenlence. incinlio Notlu r- tou Hall , Kuuin ITI H'lidtNat , llkbidg. o'J7 17 FOH HKNT 5 loom cott igo Dnveniort ht. $11 per mouth. Apply to Nothtrtoii Hall , room -LSJ. I Irst Nat. 1'k , llldg. b'W ' IS POU HUNT A new M room house , city water nnd stable , cor. 1 urnam uud 4-nd sts Apply Hoiini 0' , rnxlou bloik Nil "I31OH HiNT--MO : house s w. cor\Voolworth A ? \o. and Wth Bt. C. K Huriison. 418 S. 15th St. ' " " f'V\ \ IjlOIl HI'NT To rispouslblo paity , U room X1 brick house , 41 bouth st , 110 teet from cable line , lurnaco mid all modern con\em- elites. Hent ft/i per month. Apply to J.V. . Orlllith , U. 1' . hcadquurterb. 7btl ITtAUNAM ft , > ipar 2d st , 11-room house for L1 rent. Uro\er bte\eiis , in.'l Kain.unst. 771- OH HUNT MS house , near cur. Woolworth F a\e. audSJthst. C. I' Harrison , 41S S. 15tn at. 421 li > A N It i : Bloom house In Ilnnstom 1'luco , on full cast friJiit lot , on grade A good homo onlySl.rtM. T .l.llook , lliruxtou Illoi k. 7iiS-l " 171OK HUNT A "room housn In I'opploton J. ' I'uik Enquire of It , I' . Fngnn at Com'l Nat. It-ink. 700 lii * | 71OH HKNT-My homo , 1117 I'ark n\e. , fur- I nlshed 01 nnttirnished ; house Itlooms\\lth ) with all roinenlince . D. H ( ioodrlch. Cable 'lramw.iv Co , 'JJth und Hiuneyhts. 7" > 0 IS FOH HUNT Two outages , ono of 5 rooms , J-.1) ) per mo . nnd one ( I rooms with barn. } i > per mo. on I'ulivlcwM. , opposite All faints chiiuh. I ) 11 ( loodilch , Cable Tramway Co. , JUth and llarnu ) sts. 7ul-lS. FOH HENT-On Capitol hill , hiiuscT of "s rmms , city water , with peed barn for two hors.'jt , "i40tnpltola\e. 7J1 VJt IT Olt HUNT House with nine rooms. 113 S. JJ''UUst. Mount A Grlllln , ailfe. 14th st. 718 Aid-room house , all modern Improvements , ni'wlv rotltted , tJU per month , ly.1. S Uth ht. 07J 1 J FOU lir.NT Largo 9-room house , 21th and Cnpltol a\e. with nil modem coineulences. 2 4-room cottages cm South 12thsteu.cll JIS.W ) . 2,1-room llnLnoti North 17th Ht. 4 loom House , " . ' 10 1'loicn st , H" . 4 room cottage noith " 1st neai ( lark ht , 11 .10. 5 room tlul JjT > J leaenuortli st , chuap tn steady tenant. line n-room lint 271" > Jackson st. This Is ouo of thu bo-it houses In Omaha ' , ' 6 loom Huts , cor 17th niul Lcaenoith sts. 2 store rooms , cor 17th and Lei\euworth hts. Apply to Cieon & Williams , 1st Natl llnnk llldg. UM FOH HUNT I ly lloswoith & Joplln. Ilarker block , . ) , 4. 6. 0 , 7 , 8. o , 11) ) . 11 , 14-ioom houj-es In all pints of the city. VK ) "IJlOll HENTSix loom cottage on fleoiglc JL nxe Pnqulroat s-il ( leoigle axe. 013 I\\ ILL rent to responsible party my homo ol 11 rooms , with or xxlthout fnrnltmo , nicely located , J blocks to ruble ; good carriage house and scwfiage. Applj ' 1JU llurduttc st. 4'KJ 15' $ ! 0-It-room house , bath room , hot and colil xvatpr , gas. suxxer. pax ed btiect , nexx. c. p , llairlson , 418 B llth M. D. ! EOH HENT A flat of sex-ou looms In Dug gln'n building , llth and Pncllic sts , rent JJ : per month. Inqulieat roomfi , L. Duggau. 457 FOH HENT Ni'xv n room"houseT .Xthnnci ) Plnkney sts. M per month. .1. It. lluinll ton , room Jl 1.1st National br.nk building , nil 1C. FOH HENT Txxo six-loom hollies , NorthSTtt nndSexxnrd. 6JI HENT ft-room house , cityxxatcr , No 1111 'ac'lllc nt. Inqnlr' ) nt HiOU Hoxxard , 544 IT'Oll HKNT ft-room cottage on horse car line JD is a month. Apply JL Klguttor 1001. Par namst. 418 TT1OII ItENT House 7 rooms. 23d st near Cass JL ? House h rooms , 2 ± J1 Cass st. Inquire Hoon 33. llarknr block. 315 FOH KENT Per U months , modern house o : Brooms , completely furnished , barn xvitl room fortxro horses , rant ITU ; possession giver Sept Hh. V4 N.UU , 1 block north ot Lake ' . > V FOIl HKNT Xexv 8-room house on rumiiif st , near Lowe ave. Terms reasonable. Al > ply quick Bpouxvood. 3UJV4 B 1Mb. t 4 "IT1OH KENT At very loxv rates. 10 aud 14 noxi JD residences. 'J404 aud 24I4. Cass street. Clarke Plnro. Oun block > uth of ( ; relghton college , ot I'arnam and "Ith street car line. All niuden Improvements. Auply , II. T. Clark UnlonTnu ( . ' < > . . or at 24-iU Caas street. KA imoiT UENT-DweTllngr. IW Capital ave. oppo JU slta Trinity cathedral. Address H. U lull 1' n I'nrnani et 401 FOK UKNT 8-room house , H1J , 7-room IIOUBO 24-JI Poppleton ave. Ueo. I. Ullbert , wuh n U b'l'e. ; IQ TnOU HKNT House Mo. Gl B. 17th ave , ren JL1 Mo rwr month. Inquire of II. Malcheln. IK Howard Bt. SnO KENT- ! ! cotta es. 27th and Caldwell FOU t . 1 North &rth cable line. UO , Leavltt imrnham , Crelghton block. 435 OH HEN.T-IIou e619N. 18th street. Applj nt bt. A. D. llalcombo.l | IJ California st. 963 TTKIl HENT One T-room cottage. 212S Frank JU Uu st. ; Inquire at COS I'axton block. P. J Crvedon. 3U F"OH HKNT-i-rocim house on 8.18th St. , twc blooKi south of Vlutonst , : will rent for III per month or sell on term * to suit purchaser Ueo. J. MernsJorit , roam a occnjito P. a 71i FOR HENT When you wish lo ri > nt a hou 8 , store or ofllco call on us. II , E. Cole , room . Contltiontnl block. 8J3 HENT Three flats of seven rooms each FOH xxlth every convenience , city xxater.iras , etc , ! noxvly built house * on Hlrth stieet and P.icltlc Apply to Kfllngpr llros. , 012 S 10th Bt , Omaha. Ml I/10H HKNI'-Txxo desirable houses. " and 11 A rooms xvlth bath : all modern ImproxTinent' , range and cistern xrater in kitchen , cor .Wit nnd California sts Dr. Jones. ft a * HVIIHAL houspf for rent. B. T. Petersen , s , s e. cor , 15th nnd DoUPlas. B.W FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. I71OK 11KNT An elpRnnt front nnd bacK par- -L lor , furnlihed or unfurnhhod , with all mod ern Improvementsat ITUi and Fiurnaiii. JmiuUa SJ1 Karimiu at. K018' ! Foil 11KNT Ftirnlihoil rooms. Ul ) Knnmm. J7 .3t plOH IlKMT-A nicely fnrnUhcd sulto of front JL' rooms suitable for 3 or 4 gentleman. HtlS toward st. . iid lloor. 74H-iJ ! * IjKOANT trout roomi , cheap. fiSl S. 1'th. 7IJH-N , 1 V OIl HUNT A largo front room , nlcoly fur- nlihcd , modern conveniences , suitable for 2 gentlemen. 1U1B Webster. TM "PO south rooms newly and nicely furnished , JL steam heat , bath , hot and cold water , ulso Irst clus * table bonrd , 17 I Davenport. .7VS 17J KOOM nnd botml cLeap for two In prlvato familySis Hurt-it 7l 1 O KI1ONT rooms snltnblo for man \\lfoor 2 n. 1B17 Cass. KiS 17t FIMINISIIKO ltooms-07 ! N. 17th. 070 in * "OOOM mid board In private house , Kas , biith , Jl\ mil furnace hcnt , rates rcasoiuilile. U 1 Reward. ( jOM8t E LIXIANT rooms , single or en sulto. llrst- l class bonrd. tOJSUMstst. 041 111 ? I7UH ) UKNT rurulshod or unfurnlshoil loom JL1 for two gentlomen. or man and wife , am How aid st. M4 _ TjTOH HUNT Newly furnished rooms foi gen- AJ tlemenonly. Hlchtlloii Hotel , comer llth and Douglas streets. fi'tvl' ' * "VT10IILV furnished front room , suitable for J-s one or two gentlemen Ull-Hurt st. OiJ ITIOH HUNT Mcplx furnished room for single X ? Bentlemail. 1917 C.iss. r > ' ! 3 I AH(1E ( plcasint loom , furnished , brick llat. J14IU ( hli nitost. 4Gi T710H HENT A largo front room , nexxly fur- JL' nlshed. south fiout , cheap , corner 17th and Cumlngs sts , northeast oornor. 3J3 FOH HKNT Nicely furnished rooms , single or en suite , 1811 Cunilngs st. I'i7 IjlOH HENT Furnished rooms in Qreunlg blk JL cor. 1 Ith and Dodge sts. Inquire of Goo. H , Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 8.K1 1JOOMS nml board , 1SU Chicago st. SOloJSt TJLEAHANT turulshed rooms , stoim heat , J- gas , bath and board In pilvatu lamlly. an S Slth. 570o:51 : KOOMS including board In the Young Wo men's home 1'JIO Dodge st. Heferouces re quired. 940 TTUlll HENT A handsome room xvlth alcox o at JL ! SVKI St. Mary's nve. KJ FOH KENT Elegantly furnished rooms xvlth Ixjard. Inquire 1GUJ loiiglas. I5SI T'1 ' I < I'Y furnished rooms$1 per week or350 > per mouth , W Wl and BOu b. 18th st. 411020 * FORJENT--ROOr/lS UNFURNISHED. Foil UnNT Tust Inlfof rill Davenport st , * I5. inquire ' _ ' -ils ( apitol a\o. Mil lut If\H \ ( 1U2M' " loomswlth < loiet and pantry , 1 uutumlshed , 1UJ5 S. IMh St. , ueui I'ku o | K. ) li. UNriMtNISHKD-Pultablo for housokeepiue. Tlirei ) Ulrooms 101'IN. ' SWth st 11 M 1 lllOCHll looms , llll'l ' N.JUth ht II ! i > Tlueo ( ' ) rooms , IDltlN. " 1st st , II 00 Three (1) ( ) rooms , 7177 I'aclllo St. . 10 III ) I ourdlrooms , 17IVJ Webstoi st . . . . 10 20 ' 1 hreo(1) ( ) room cottage ll.'lN.Ul&tst . . . . U BJ MI FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. OH HKNT 'Jstores and basements with"7 room Hats uhux o on 17th st , near Nicholas. Modnru lmpio\emonts , Will rent wholoorln pints. Hchloslngir Ilios.filt 310th st. W-'l.n Foil Hil.ST Two store rooms , N. II. Cor. L'Othand Hurt sts. ; corner tW , Inside $10 per mo'ith. hlx-room cottage , 11I7 fauundeia st. , $18 per month. I'lglit-iooin house , with barn , city water , etc. , on WnbstLi st , neur.iuth St. , $ ,10 per month. I'otter > V Cobb , l ) l rarnam st. 018 1H fjlOH HP.NI llrlik store , llat above. 24th and X Hamilton , desirable business location. Lea- vlft Huinliam , room 1 , Ciolghton block. CCr ; IlIINT J stoies on IGth and Lenen FOIt worth , apply Hank ol Omaha. "i'J FOH HUNT Stninooiu , No.'ll S. llth st. Ap. plvatlllO Howard st. Ml FOH KENT Othco suite Wo month , S Muglo ollices W > each , nil fronting IGth st , HUSH- man block , N. K. Cor. Iblh nnct Douglas. W. M. Ilushmau. Ull Lea\enwortl. . Kl ! STOHK for rent , llli larmim street , inquire of Nathan bholtou. at 1JU" > I'arnum street IsU TjlOH HKKT rinci retull store room with * - largo basement , SJO per month. C. 1" . liar- ilson. 413 S inth st , KJ.I FOIl HUNT On Cuuilng st store and llUns apartments , also livery stable. 1'nqulro ol Harris H. L' , & f , . Co. , Hoom 411 , 1st Nat. bank. Mi FOR RENT MISCHLANEOUS. T7UJH UKNT Oood bam , 4 stalls , feed loom -L and wa ou sued. Inquire at W > How aid st. 611 RENTAL AOCHC1ES. GRORHK J. STIlltN&DOHI'r. loom it. opp. I' , O , will hereafter gi\o special attention tc routing hoiues. Mores and Huts. If jou waul your property rented without doiav and to lell ublo tenants , do not fall to list tlio same wltli him. KH Wi : give special attention to lenting and col loctlng rents , llbt with us. II. U. Cole , room 0. Continental block. _ _ H.I7 IF YOU want youi houses rented pi ice thorn with IJeuawa & Co , luth , opposite postottlce LOST. LOsT llenxeeu Ctuiilng nud P.irker sts. , r plain gold ring xvlth small diamond net linden xxlll please leaxo b.uuo at IIJI N.USth t > t undrecelxo lewurd. bM ) Hi * LO 1 a Per Sale I havci 10 mTti7ots in HrlggTi liluionud for milt1 For further infoimntloi addiess E Jolferj , ( inlc-nu. 111 , Wl IOhT or Stolen Prom my ii'slden v , filil So ilst , Pridiix oxrnln , ' , ( Ht 1'th. a laigiimi dog xc'.tis md , xoij tat , Isxorj pet , iiai on c ollai xi nil bell and lock attachrd , name lie xnlt one , llbt ml i en aril for his return. E H. Ii > \ alt , A. Hooth Packing Co. 130S Leaven xvorthst. bOU liJ ! STHAVEI ) or stolen A roan pony xxlth i black main and mil ; the pony U 4 years old xxns mlhslng last 'llmrsday from Crelghton college lego ; oxxnod by James Ford ; any Intormatioi xx til bo sultabl ) roxvarded by mo. Patrick Pord 1001 Daxenpoit. 81217 * LOST A bunch of keys ou a ring , marked I P. Nolan ; return to Metropolitan hotel uut receixe suitable reward. to iev $ J5 HEWAUIi xxlll be paid for the return of at eitray jet black mare , twelve yearn old xx eight about ten hundred or ten hundred unc fifty pounds , shod all around , collar scars 01 point of left shoulder , smooth t.nd handsome utrayed nxvav October id , 1R".S , and Is the prop erty of Dr. O. I * . Nichols , of Omaha. Miouh said miiro have boon drlx-en axxay or conccalei by unj one , such person xx ill bo prosecuted nr rordlus to la ' . and if convicted of horse.steal lup , tl.o iwirson glvliiB Information leading ti the finding ot said mure , aud the arrest anil conviction of the thief. Hill be pild an addl tlonal rexvaiil of J.'ii. Wm. Ooburn. Sheriff o Douglas county. N'plnaska. Omaha. Oct. 5. ISSti. aM PERBONAU. TTlMlTUD number desiring private Instruc FWlllCnn to piano und organ from a thoi oughly competent teacher , can be accommoda tea by addrbsslng P 72. Ilee olllce. i'lQ ' lut PERSON A I. If you nave a personal item , 01 any communication , drop It in ona et Thi Ue 's message boxei. W F O R , 8 A L EM18 O E LL A N E O U S. TJIOll SALE-One Hoxx es squarrTcorTland ver JL1 tllatlne stove nearly nexv , also small hcatln stove , cheap. 2W3 Iarnam st. UM li ) * OH SALE-Tne sorrel pacer. Hob. time 2:31 : 0 years old , soeed bugcy. blankets , etc. Ca : be seen at Palace Stables. Harry P. Tax lor. 617 19t OH BALE-Ptrst-clasa nearly new place Inquire 2107 Capitol axe. Ull lt FOH LEASE- sale , ono-story frame UOxfl bul'.dlng xx ith L aixW , cor. Franklin an under * sts. Enquire at 13J7 Douglas si K A K&fiftini > i * rv , 7H-1 SALE Am a bargain , one largo double heater Penlnfular hard coal bano-lmnipr stove , good as nexv ; ovxnpr leaving city ; also three small stove * . * J , W. Marshall , r join U , Chamber Ctommfcrcd. 913 17 * OH SALE Furniture shelving , elc. , of the Omahn HfiddlltjIiCo. , including ono Hall's safe and one Coft upright show case. Can bo seen at 1207 Doustaffst. , Omaha ttaddlery Co. 744-17 171OH HALE Clibhp'-Porrpn horse , xvelght t 0 JU 7 years old , all ft Bt. KHI 1HJ TjlUHNITUHBfot the Heed hotel. South JL ; Omaha , for sol * I nnd the building torrent Inquire on the premises , Ate ISt EVItlTALE or 'liWnt--rive room cottage ou Capitol avennoIn good order ; terms easy. Inquire on the pretiatscs , ' , ' 01,1 Capitol avenue. r * 6 > " 7 18 * SALE A irood Ktenm heater nt r. low Foil price. W. J. Hnontch. 649 19 FOH BALB Very fine family borso nnd phaeton nt > our oxvn prlco. Inquire roonii'lO , First National Hank. h7fl SALE or trade Nexv txvo seated carriage FOH riage nnd single top bucgy. Solby , 15J1 Parnam. .I7o "T71OH SAIiK Seaman s w BKOUS and carriages , JL1 Omaha's larjest % at loty , cast side 10th t , lorth of Nlcholui. The best nnd the < lu-npost. TJO o gn IT10H SALK A now II neat Ilockawny cirrlairu K at lt > o A. Nichols' lUerj birn. Tweiity-fluhth and Ixiayoimortli. Telephone 840. 417 "IIK1H SAliH A family hone or for JP use. prlco J150Immlro No. J19 S. 10th. City. ( Kl MISCELLANEOUS. IJf.ASTKUHHS Keep nwny from Chlcaco. 'IliiTO la a ampins of men out of worKund Touble here , llyordul ot Mx.luly. _ btvl 13J. rl1MKbano | taught ai au art by Oeo.l' . Gellcn- JL beclc. iKI So. Iflth st. _ 1W _ FAMi hats nre 'fid nnd rtAhnpvd : feithors tleaned and curled. 1 . M. bchadolU-IB N _ _ DU. O. HlCKimM , mnniuer Kxcolslor baud , 1UO rarnam. llrasi and string mil tic1 , _ _ _ _ _ 71 1 n 11 _ A NT1QUAUIAN book s oro. 1413 rurnnm 8t . 'L .hlKUest cash prices paid for second hand books. fail n 10T _ _ 12th series of stock of the Mutual Loan THK lliilldlni ? A r.oclntlon Is now oimn for subscription of sh um nt 111) outh IBth. be- tneenA nnd I ) p. m , dally. There is no cheaper orbetteiuny to buy a homo than through this building association pi m. U. M. XiUUimin , hecretiirj. b'r 17 . MI'liDOON \ Co , 'ir , S. 10th st ; 10 stoiu cutters , foot , Colorado simMone. ' for old nnd new books , furnlturo , Sl'OTcash and cnrpoU. Orff i Co. , 117 N. Itith HOMB for Destitute Women and Children , ' . 713 Hurt st. UiO Ml'MC A. Hohrs vS : Sou nro noxv brppireifto furnish the best and 1 itest music foi recep tions , xveildlngs , sociables , parties bills , etc Ilr.iss and string quartettes furnished , especial- Ix foi boieundes , concerts , funoinls , etc Olllco 401 South lth St. , A. E. Merris' Music Storo. W OMAN'H Exchange. 1B17 Farnam st. Luiii-ii daily , supper Saturday nights. UIO 1)AtriES ) haxlng horses , mures nnd colts to xxlntot xxlll llnd good stalls nnd ) arils at Major Crofts' plnro , llrst barn north of fair giounds , 'lerms moderate. -4717 * G.E. . THOMPSON. KoomiU Sljeoly WOPJC. . S77 ABSTRACTS OF TITUE. MIDLAND QuarSuteo and Trust Co. . liitB I ar nim Complete ! Abstracts fiirnlsiiBd , * titles to real estate examlned.pmfectud & gu iriuteed. Br.NSONiCAIlMuTiA15L furrdsh complete and guaranteed abstracts of title to any real estate in Ouiaha und Douglas county upon short notice.rl ho uwf t complete set of ubstr.ict booRs in the city. tfo. looa rnniam st. B7J STORAGE i , storage , loxvut rates. W. M -L llushmau , 1)11 ) Le.ivenxxorth. 878 WANTED-TO BUY. " \\7ANTKU-Agopd secondhand baby car T rlugoi Addtuw relating prlco , 0 n , lleo of fice. UJO-17 * WANTI1D S eiUuui-sized housu with convo- nlences ncitr cable1 , not too far Irom busl- ss and lent fml > cmabl i 'Adilrews with full particulars , ( J. 3. Ileoonic " _ . UU _ 17t _ WANTiD-1.0do"l6ads : ot dirt. Apply.I. A. Nauglc , llth ftnd Nicjjolaa t ? ) _ IK \\TANTlID-Houscs nnd lots to Mill that are M baigalns to ollor to customers. Mutual lu- \cstment Company , room 1 HarLer block. rflONEY TO LOAN PLOI'LU'S ri.VANCIAL Kxclange-Tlio falr- est , ciuiotest , most liberal money exchange in the city ; loans made without delay 01 pub licity , In any amount largo or Mnull , at the low est r.ites of interest , on nnv avall.iblo secmity ; loans may bo paid at any time or renewed at original i ates. O. Houscaren. mgr. , room ( Hi ! . ! , Hatkcr bite , L'lth und rariiam. U17 n l" t DO YOl want to borrow money ? If you blue diamonds , watches or Jnwoliy and cleslro to elfec t a loan on fa\orable terms in n strictly private and contldontlul m.iuner , or should j on a loin on furnltim ) . horses , cnrilugi's , laud contracts or personal property of any do- strlptiou. jou can hu\o monov ad\anc dnt low est rat < ? s of Interest und ample time to p.iy by calling on or sending postal curd to the Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. Wo loin out our own money , make out our own papers and pay no commission , thus ling l\- ing tlio benefit to the borro er. Our facilities are such that wo ciu n"commo- clatoou in a prompt and contldentlal man ner , giving you fair , honorable and courteous treatment. All lo ins renewed at oilglnnl rates. We will pay off any moitgago > ouno\vhavo nudgl\e you long tlmo und low rates ; will loin nny sum from * 2. ' > to 41,000. Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co , room 41X5 , I'axton block. 41S _ fill IU Omaha Financial Kxcuango , Itoom 11 , -1 , Ilaiker lllock , southwest corner of rarnam and nth sts. Makes .1 specialty of short-tlmo collateral and real estate loans , Money always on hand In sumsof J101) nnd upwards to any amount , to loan on approved security. Sc ciued notes bought , sold or exchanged. Cloai real usttito and cadi to e\chuuro for good tlrst or second mortg ige.s. Loans made upon land contracts , Mocks , bonds , trust deeds , llrat or second mortgage se em ity. without publicity , delay or rod tipo. financial business of nny kind trans'tcted Promptly , quiotlv and fairly. Hcxjtn 15 , llarktr 'lock ' torbett. Manager. Wl MONliV To Ixian llr the undorslgnecl , who has the oul v properly organised loan ugeiicy in Omaha Loans of Jluto il.CiUO madn on rurni ture , pianos , organs.hor'Joawagons , michinery , etc , without removal. No delays. All buslue > > s strictly contldontial. Loam so made that any part can ba paid at any time , each payment raduclngth cost pro i ati. Advances made on line watche-s and diamonds. I'ursons should caiofully uiuslder who they are dealing with , nsmanyns.v conccmsare dallycomlni ; into x- istonco. Should j on need money call and eii me. W. K. Croft , room 4 , Withnoll building , luUinnd Harney. _ 83 PKOPIJ'/S 1'INANCIAL KxcliHiigo-Lnrei una small loins for loug and short time , t lowest rates of Interest , on real estate , mort gnge notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , v AH lies nnd Jewnlry , Don t full to call If 3 on want fulr and cheap accommodations. O. llous curen , mgr _ room"p6H , Ilarker bit. IGth anc' ' Farnam. * 917 n 15 * MONKV to louiion household furniture , pl- nnos , hoisfj , wagons and other personal propertv ; alsouuiportgago paper nniUtmtrnct' as collateral securuj : cash nlways on hand : liberal oral extensions'eranted ; business transacted fairlyquietly and promptly. The Fairbanks In \ estment Co. , S W dor 15th i , Douglas , upstairs WK keep on-.liauU money to oan on Inslilc proiirrty livonialm and Bouth Omaha in sums from IV > J to JiUXl , and as wo do our o n raining , maka all vw > ers , etc. , we can complete a loan any day yiiu Lsbiincl pay jou the money Hates , bmithtqo iUoouiLVJ , Itamgo bulliUug _ _ _ Oil 31 _ MONI3V to lo Itfrnl lmpro\ml property at tlrsl hands. No \llfatlons bent iiwuy for ap provul. Security anQJ titles examined free ol charge o borroM'fs. Lombird Investmenl company. a s larh'st. _ Id MONKVtolonnnS.lowestratcs on Improvei cltv propertytior for building purposes Call and sea us , Mutual Imostmcnt company room I , Ilarker block , 15th and Fnrnam. TM ll GW. I'KCIC loans money , cash on nand , 1500 .000 , can be placed on city and farm prop t'rty at lowest i ates ; building loans u specialty Hooin 41 , Frenzer block. _ Wl r. ! > < DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , wagons , vie . , until you have seen C. II. Ja < cob . room 41D. First National bank building , cor , llth and Farnam Wl _ ' ' GUOVKIt'sTKVKNa.'l'Ul ' Farnam st. Loans made on Omaha property at low rates. . _ 730 ) MONKV to loan on furnltnre , noraas , wapons etc. , or on any approved socurlty. J. W , Hob bins , iu an bheely blk , 15th and Howard. 01 MONEY" to loan ou turnltnra. wagons , etc. without removal , or on collateral security Ituslness strictly counilrutlal. A. K. ( Ireenwooi : & Co , 11 1 Cunningham blk , cor , 1,1th X Jackson . _ , _ _ i _ ran ? MONEY to loan in any amount , either foi bullt'lng or otherw I > e , at lowest rates o Interest and uu short nolle. * . 0. V. Shole * . rooii S10 First N t'l bank , cpr. Llth and Furnaut , ( f J. MONKY to Loan-On real estate and chattel oecurllv. Money without cleUy. V Land aud Loan exchange , 117 S. imh at. 015,000 to loan on inside property. Sonm first P mortgages for aalo. Nathan Sholtou , 1D03 Barnaul street. 895 MONBV to Loan City and country ; cticap rates , no delay. L. P. Hammond , 409 Paxton - ton building. 7(0 SEE drover Stevens , 1V1 ! Parnam st. If you xxjtnUi realestate loan. .JO Si EASTEHN'monoy cheap. City and country Otllre Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. , Hooiu 13 , UoanI of Trade. Uoo.r. . P. Coates MONEY to loan ; cosh ou hand ; no clolay , J. W. Squire. L19 ! Puruntu st. First National bank building. RS9 AiOO.UW-T per cont. Money to loan on Ira- aJproved farms or city property. Jiune.s A. ivoodman , at the old flro insuranca olllco of Murphy A Lpvott. S S 1 Ith t. 8Jt MONKY to Loan Ixjwest rates. Ioatis closed promptly. H. U. Cole , Hoom 0 , Couttnontal HUx.k. BOU Gl'EH CUNT money to loan Cash on hand W. M. Harris , room SO , I'renzor block , opp. ANY amount to loan on Improved real estate. i : S. Illsbce , room ,11s , 1st Nut. bun * . RU 23 NO delay in seeming a loan on good Omaha real estate. ( lro\or Ste\ons , 1W1 rarnam T'M 'JO Hit. I1IUY to loan on city property and impro\ed farm laud. 1'reuzer block. EM LOANS mills on real ostata nnd mortgages bougnt. Low is b , Heed & . Co. , IAJ1 rarnam. . 8lt7 _ _ MONl'.Y to loan on lmpro\ed real estate. I.eavitt Iliirnlmm. Crelghton lllock. (179 ( INI ONKY to loan nt O. II. Peterson , real ea- tale nnd lo in agent , 14U y 1 Hh st. iw O-"J INIMONEY MONEY to loan. Loxv rates nnd no de-lay. HutchltlSQiiWcMd. . 1M4 Dodge. 014 ! GOOD city and farm loans xvanted by A. K. Hlloy , 1519 Farnnm. 88.1 Oil A ITEL and collateral loans. M. ETlaxis" ) 111 S 1 Ith st , room ST. tfW ( n'ViO.OOOto ' loan at (1 per cent. Ltniihau \ Ma- tp honey , room tm , Paxton block. W ) MONEV toloin ; longtime. Qeorgo J. Paul1 iOfi I'aruun st. WJ 1 > 1TILDINO loans. Liuahan & . Miihouov. J VM 1 JiEAL est.itn loans , loxxest rates. Odell llros. JLI& Co , , IU S. Kith it. t-9j MONI'.V to loan. O. F. Davis To , estate nnd lo.iu agents , llO'i I aruiim st. UOJ BUSINESS CHANCES. lillHMIl Hi : and llxtuiesof n 17 loomed ho- Jj t 'l foi sale cheap. Co operate o Laud i , Lot CO , JO'i N Ifith st. liM 17 171OH SALU Him ksmith shop complete. " J tires , good biislnc ss. blckiiess cause of sell ing. Addrc-ss 1'71 Uc-o. U.O 2Jt T INKIIY stable centrally located In Omaha JLJ lor sale. i''HK ) . About J..fiOcash ) , baunc e time. Co-op. Land J < Co. 2J'i N llth st , MIT1S OKAH ! , tobacco and grocery store for sale ; prlco * ! " > ! ) , rent tl"i. Co-OperatH o Laud A. Lot Co. , 205 N 10th st. I'll ' 17 1J1OH SALK Or rent A llrst-class bnibor- 1 shop , with b.itn-rooms ; good tiade ; riiisou lorMlllng , poor health. Joe Ustermiin , Ilol- diegc , Neb. HUi.'lt L ll'H V stable , cinti.ilh located In Omaha , lei Mle ; f7,100 ; about if..WJO cash , hal. time , Lo Op. L. A. L. Co. 2Ui N. llith st. l'l 17 AN ONKha\lngjiOO or nicuvhctilaslro t/i in\ est us Mluit , partner In a good cst ib- llshed m'f'g busliu ss , address V fi7 , lleo. 7U7 21 171OH bALK A llist-tlass butcher shop , new .A ? ami compUto. Inquire of lloiuj AudiiMin , lUthnml LuaM'iinoitli. 7 1 l'i * " \\rr. wish to omplov n reliable maiilujout It county. Isoesperiencu reiiulrtd ; peima- uont jiositlon lor tlino > e irs. .Salnn liuronsed each j i ni. Light , ensv , genii ol business Money udwinced for halm j. ud\citlslug. inc. Laigost miumf'rs In our line. Kuclnso y-ieut No portals. Centennial -M'f'K Co. , Llnclniiatl , O. FOH HALE A confectionery and cigar Moie nt li'liar nln. No. I location. Inqulro llill.N- VN" . cori 17th ana Nicholas. 4M Id * ? _ „ _ FOH SALE First class saloon and long lease ongiound. Address F J Ilee olllce , 5-OiO ( * SALE Salt Lake lots in ouph. at .110 S. ith st. 4'j FOK sALlJ or Kxchango An old established good pajlng Ll\ery business in Council lllunsln.J. N Main st. Win. Studlemun. bjJ THOU S A LII A stock of gem nil mercnandlso. J. Addiess lock box av > , Atkinson , Nob. an out Foil SALE The inrntturo and lease of one of thn best pd ) Ing and best locutml hotels in thutltv. once to CJieeu AS tllhtms , First Nut. bank building. KO FOR EXCHANGE. " \\TILL evchnugo ncro propel ty near city Urn- T Its lei n hoiiMi In cltj . Address w 1th par- tlculnisd .1 liei olllce. 10. 17 * \\r VM'ED .IgooiMounrfhoHPs , 1'JiWpounclP t t or o\or In u\ihungo lor western laiuli nucl town loth. John Lludirholm , 15CJ ! I'arnam st , rooms - ' nud 1 , mi 17 I I1 you haxuncaut propeity you \\isli to ex change for n homo or for Impi DM d propel ty , list with the Mutuallm estment Company.ioom 1 Darker lllock. ICUL-J JF Yorhan city piopnity that you wish tc tiailo lor Impnixecl farms , clear of Incum. biuuce , call or solid for dlscrlplHo list to M , 1 runkllu , loom 51 1 , 1'.ixUm bla'g , Omuhn , Neb , tKT > ! Ti _ SIX hundred and foi ty acres in Dawi-onCo , Neb. , partly impioxed , will txctiango for reslrtcnco pioperty , or vacant lots In Omaha , .1. T. I'utch , ( pension agent ) , I'ren/er block , Omaha. ittJ 17 * (1 OOD Inslcln Omaha prop < rt v to exchaugo foi Jcleau stock of merchandise. U. 1' . Ilui-riion , llSrt. 15tll st KW20 \\7"AN'I ii-To : exchange , nhnre In llulldliiL Ass n i ottageou east front lot , flue loca tlon. foi Hhuruslu tlrt series Mutual Loan and lluilcllnt ; As > s n. rorputlculars , addit-ss r 70 , Heo. a > l 17f _ I HAVE real nnd personal pioperty ot all kinds for trade. Call and see mo. CJoorgo J , Mernsdorll , loom ( I , opp. 1' . O. 82'j WANTED To oxch injo inslila city prop- city for improved faims n arclty. Uox 751 , ity. JM O U * _ _ _ _ I r you have nnjthlm ? to exchrtngo call am1 nee out list. Wcblein Lund ami Loan ox clmngo , 117 b. lUtli. M7 US ni ( ) lIXClIANOE-Or sell , houses and lots JL farms 01 meichnndlso gee Omaha lluslnes : lixcli ingo , room fi , n. w. cor. 15th and Douglas. 4)1 ! OJJ _ TjlOH K.VCHANOE-Good renting city one J- South Omaha property ; ako lots and fiirmn Westcin Land and Loan exchaugo , ll"b. Ibth at 605 n8 EOH Tradb t'hoici ) lot In Orammcrcy 1'url nnd choice double corner in Llpton I'laco fo good land. D. V. Sholcs , a 10 , First Nat'l bank 677 riUIK Omaha Huslnoss Exchange , , a.xv.cor -L IMh nnd Douglus. ninkos a specialty of solllni and exchanging nil classes of merchandise , etc WANTED Good lands aud city property horses , cattle , etc. , to exchange for raer chandUo in all lines. L. P. Krnus , Ian Karnan st . Omaha , Neb. _ 45.1 OJ1 " \\7ANTEn Btocksof morchancllso In anyone i all Hues to exchange for good faim lands Omaha real estate , horses , cattlo. etc L. P Krnus. 1007 rarnam St. , Omaha , Nob. 4M Oil _ _ CLA1HVOYANT. IJWim'NETelier-MriTLTiponnan can bo con X1 wilted on all airatrs ot life. Batlsfacttoi KUurautcod. No U1S N Ititu st C8U uli ; 'lJ'rNTIO.N' The ifted destiny reader cm bo consulted dally for two xxeeks in all at fairs of life or death ; tells your life from th cradletothograv ; icunttcs tnenoputatod will thci wonder fill 1'gynttnn charm ; locates dlsoas and heals them v. Ith Message and electric treat ment. Olllcu 417 & llth Bt..upstalrs.rooms ' 'A : 10 1B "TVll. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Mc'l -L/lcal and business medium. Female disease a specialty. 119. N. IGth st. Itooras 2 * a. U53 FOR SALE-REAL EST ATE. ' BALE A new U-roorn house , xvater , bat : furnacft , cistern , barn , etc. , 17,0X10 ; 11,00 cash , tiOOJ in 5 years , balance ewy terms. Ac ! dress ( J 4 , Ilee olllco. 001 KiJC T7KIl ) SALE-Plne east front lot and icoo -L hoiiKo in buildlnir ass'n equity about IKV Will take shares in the Mutual Loan and Hulk lug Asa'u as part pa ) in out , P 70 , lice olllce. taa m "I71OH SALE Two elegant homes In Hnnscoi , J- Place on reasonable terms ; mortgag * pane tiiken as part payment , Uoaworth 4 ; Jopltt Ilarker block , 6/j A PULL CO ft. lot on Lake st. near Haunderi i5itouiuJclrgaln " Hlwx * J > Uoolt----8 ! ] tO fatit ( at grade ) on Leavonworth fit , within . 300 feet of 1'nrk ave. nt $72 per fool , > rash , balance t > asy. Ma ch It If you can , T.J.I look , 311 Paxton lllock. " , M-\6 \ _ K HOOM house , .H tool lot on I'lerco st , near O Will st. H350. T.J. Hook , 311 1'nxtou lllock. 76S-10 BEAimviTL now 7 room house , ssth aud Illckoi j ; be-st nolghborhood In the city ; all miHloru Improvcmcuits ; for ale cheap ; umall cash ] > a > ment , balance if desired on monthly nstalmenU. Two small cottages of 4 rooms * ach , near 25th md I'lerco. tor sal , tl.MU each , iluo down , bal ance monthly instalments , Two cottages in Kllby I'lace , 5 room : Just omplotcd : nmull cash paymeut and MI emit ot tiikiu If desln < d. Call and eo us , Mutual Investment Company , room 1. Ilarker block. 15th and r'arnam. , J7 If III AVK for sale or exi hnnco 2 7 acres of Mini adjoining the town of Kxeter , Nob. , one-story ! i amp house with 4 rooms , good frame granary CxJI , frame burn 21x20 , three small gioxosot Imber planted Homo 15 i ears ago , small bear- ng orchard , nearly txxo miles of trees along Border planted some ir x nars ngcVS mile locust icMl e , 40 rods apple hedge , good xxell 40 fc-ot deep and windmill pump , sued and bonnl f enco jam , HO acres In good timothy hay , 0 acres in ; oed state of cultivation , balance pralrlo sod aud. Land smooth and xery gently undulating ox cry foot good plow liintl excellent ploxv nud. I'.xetor Is at the Junction of the II. A. M. and N. W It. H. , 11 town of Rome i-VU poople. ' 1 his land is x ory desirable for mixed farming , 01 any kind of farming or stock raising. Most of It xery suitable for addition to thn tow n , as it Joins the irlglnal toxni site and is not more than KM rods from the. 11 , & M. depot Km umbi unco * 7WW. at 7 per cont. \N 111 exchange equltv foi xxild laud , good city iropertj itiulucumberedi or stock of general norchandlse , cattle or hot sen 1'rlcti WO per acre Will pay a commission o 2 per c out tounx ouo making asatlsfactor.x Milef \ddressj , W Dolan. ludlnuola , Neb. 71H li ) I HAVE a line brick business blockrented for f.i'iOJ ) peryc-ur , which 1 wllliellfor w Mat It is xxoitli It is niixv sllghtlv Incumberrd , but t xxlll release same If purchaser desires ; xxlll take good residence property In Omaha as par tial pa ) incut. Address P O Hex 4KS City. 078 lUt Cn ft. sq N.13 th st.lmpro\ed. K 4uT Ili-ol 077 l" > t FOH SALE Or oxchnngo for Omaha proper ty , W ) acres , suitable for platting ; xxlll make 4 Hots ; all clour , big moiioy in it foi some ono w ho can push this ; located just outside ot the city limits of Council lllutrs. Inquire ( leo. J. stemsdorir. opp. Dostolllce. Wi EDWA11D A. 1IHODI1OLU Lindsay. Neb . has sex oral farms for sale In I'lulto county at $15 to &d per litre. _ 01IMUI * $ lMXbuysn good 2-story 8 room house nnd lot. east front. In Windsor Place , a birgilu. D. V. Mioles , HoouiUlO , Tlrst National llauk. f > 78 _ "I71OH SALE -Lot Mxl'iU , with good a stoty Jt ? house nlc 'l > fuinlshed. all modem convon lollies , within I blk paved Ht. 'i blk fiom Turk hchool nud M. K. church , I lauscom place This isouiioftho best properties In tlio city , ni.d can bo had at a hirguln by addressing the owner , P 14 , lice othco. 448 POIl SALK Or xchnngo. We hive soma good Omaha rail estate and Nebraska farms , which wo will sell cheap or trade for stock of clothing , furnishing goods , drr goods , boots and shoos , gi ocerles or hardxvare. Schles- ingertros . 014 S. lUtht 010 ITlOHSALl-aixlOO feet near comer Wo o7worth JL' ax e. and 'Ml\i \ st ; house of 8 rooms , but liroom , gas , Ustetn. hot and cold xxuter , sexxei connec tion , furimu' , 2 cellars , lot atlou nil that tan bo desired , school , church nud 2 line's of horse cars wllhlng J blocks , cable In project ; JI.WH ; tl.liou cash balance easy , 8 poi cent Interest. C. P Haulson , 41HS ir > th st. .HxlOUO feet cor.oolworth nxe. audlh St. , house nnd tmproxemonts muteilall > the sumo us alnxe , fi.OW , tl.ixxi cash , balanio cusy , H per cent Interest C. r. Huriison. 418 S llth st. Mi auOO bujsa full lot and good 4 room cott.igj Tcnsx terms and good location. D V. Miolos , ioom210 , I'lrst Nat' 1 bank , cor. Uth and 1'ur- luuu lni SALE- Prank Wassermnn , nt the llauk ot Omuhn , has some of the choicest resi dence nnd business property in the city for fulo Uieap. 408 T71OH SALK 10,00) ) acres laud In Nebraska nt JL' low rates on long time ; good turm lauds , (5. II. Peterson , U12b. Uth st 501 0,22 FOH SALK Not foi trudo. BU 70 acres of 1m- proxed laud 2 miles fiom Marquottn In , Hamilton Co. , Nebinska. Prnme house , framn taiil , ,9K ) acres under a good 4 bir.b-\vlre : fence , round cedar posts aud 2 htuj.s : living xvuter , good corral , 2 wells , wind mill , JJO-barrol tank , self-feedcrtrpufhs. etc. ; 75 acres clover ; model farm. 1'rlco ( about $ U per acre ) ffl.WIO Cash .I.VO 3 j ears time at fi per cent .1000 ( ! o and look over the land nnd address the owiiei , F. K. Atkins , 150 ! ! Laitmer St. , Denver , Colo. 244 171011 SALE-Lot 11,1) . 20 , Hnn-com place. 3JO JL' oil what it Is xxoith. C.I' , llairlsou , 418S 15th C'J7 LAND Seekois , Attention Per full par- tlculnrs about free nnd cheap lands In xxest- crn Nebraska uddros-s Thos. C. 1'attorsou , Heal Estate Agent , North 1'latto , Nob. 101O10 Notice to Com motors. Sealed proposals xvlll be received at the olllco of County tlerk of Douglas County , until 2 o'clock , p. m. Saturday , Octolioi 27th. IhSo , for the erection of 1H ) feet of trestle xx ork ou M Illtury load botu ecu the Elkhoi n rl\er .mil the Huwhldo Cruek ; also N ) lost of trestle xvnik ouo-half mlle south otWuti i loo. All lumber to bo furnished by Douglas County , Inlddownnt ValleyStation. ! Ccrtlllod check for tw enty-tivo dollars to ac- comrjuiiy each bid. ' 1 ho Ilo.ud lebones the right to reject uny or ixll bids. M. D. HOC-HE. oct-lO-o-llt-m-ood-w It County Clerk. KIcctlnii I'roulimmtloti. tinder and by virtue of the authority vested In mo by section eleven (11) ( ) of chanter twenty- six i.'O ) of the compiled statutes or Nebraska , entitled "Elections , " I. John M. Thayer , gov ernor of the state of Nebi uska , do hereby Issue my proclamation , that on Tuesday , tno sixth day of Noxombor , A. D. 18sfl , there will bo an election hold at the usual places ot x otlug in said state , for the purpose of elcctm.jtho follow ing olllcers. toxxit : Itxe electors of president and vice president of thu United States. Ono member of congress from the I'irst con gressional dlstilct. One membct of cougrc-,3 from the Second con- grnssloual district. One member nf congress fiom thoThlid con gressional district. ( Jox ernor. Lieutenant goxcrnor. Secretary otstate. State treasurer. Auditor public accounts. Attorney general. Commissioner of nubile lands and buildings. Superintendent of public Instruction. State senator foreuch .senatorial district , nud Heproseutiitlxes for ouch representative district , nspro\ldd by law. In witness x\hereof. J haxe hereunto set my hand and caused to bo allixi'd thogieat seal oj the state Done at Lincoln this 2cl duy of October , 111 the x ear ot our Loul ono thous md eight him- [ Seal.l drrd nnd ulghtv olght , the twon- ty-Becond jour of the. .state , nnd cif the liuli pimdeucnof the United Stites the one hundred and thir teenth. Hy the ( jovcrnor. JOHN M. THAYKH. u. S. LAXXH. bocrotarv btutu. .Nuticjn to Contractor ! * . Sealed I'loposals will bo received nt the olllco or County ( lerk. Douglas County , tin to2 p. m. Saturday , October 2otn 1IW8 , for the moving of ( > 00 x ards of nurtli , moro or less , xxestof Mllitaiy brlugo on Military road botxveen section 4 and0 , 10 , lo : work to bo completed within SJ clajs , Certified chock for Ten dollars to accompany each bid. ' 1 ho Hoard reserves the right to reject any 01 all bids. M. 1) . HOl'llE. oct-18-o-lt m-eod County Clerk. NotiC3 Co Coutrnctord. Sealed Proposals will bo received at the oflire of County Clert of Douglan Count v , up to 1 ! o'clock p m. Saturday , October zoth , 1H 8 , for grading 1.000 yards tumplklng and l.MK ) yurda hill work on line between section 8 , V. 1 and 5 , T. liUtlJ. Certified check for twenty-five dollars to ac company each bid. The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or allbhlH. M. D. HOUIIE. oct-lfl o-sH-m-eod County Clerk. AHMY SUPPLIES. Depot Quartermaster's omce , Omaha , Nebraska. October I'jth.lSSX. Sealed Proposals In duplicate , xvlll bo received at this onii-e until 10 n m. on Thurrulny , Nov. llth , liws , at which tlmo and place , they will be opened In the presence of attending blddeis foi ( lovrrnmcut supplies of thu follow lug kind ! Stationery.hardwiiie , lumber and mlsrcllane oimQtmrteriniister's Htoro. Lists giving pe < cltlcatloiw , quantities anil other information , will be furnished on application to this olllco , Preference given to artiUea of domestic pro. duction , price and quality being equal Itlrtdem should attach a copy of this aUvortUement tci their bids. JOHN iftMPSON , Cuptaln and As slstant Q. M. , U. S.A. ffl S , W , Cor. Farnam and IBth Sts. I'nld In Capital . $500,000 OEO. B. Pfesldent. K. K IHEltUOWEIl , Vice Picsldent. L. 0. WILLIAMS. H. UVIIKV. . B. U. JOHNSON. J.H.McCONNKr.u WM. BIKVPRS. CIIAS. Mrrz. &U.BNT. HEOTQIU l > . ( ; UMIINOHAM. li. A. 1IKKSON. OU-iTAV ANUKIISON. J. U Ml [ .hi. Accounts ot JIankcr * , Merrhants and Individ OB the utu t f vorbl turuu. THE CHICAGO * NORTHWESTERN - WESTERN RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , The only mail ( o Inko for I > cs Mnlnrs , Mnrshaltnirn Cvtlsr llaiilils , CllnUm , Dunn , CMrato , MIIWHiikoe , nml nil point * Ka U To thn proptool" Nobrnlka l > i n. mile. XX Tomliix.Ut.nti , Idaho , Manilla. Orenon , Wain- liuiton ami CaliforniaIt ciflVr * nuperlor adx-aiilage * nol t i"lbln by nny nlher line. v Among a row nf the numcmiiK point * of nuparlorllr njoyiM tiy the VMrotn of thl riwd ticMwom Omahi\ anil Ctilrau' , nro UK thrpn trnlns u ilixr Uf 1IAY ( VAt'lHCf. which IUK tin' Hurst lliat human art ami Initonully ran rroutr Ua I'ALACK "LKIUMNO vi'H ' the iMiunlol which cannut lin fuunl olsawliprfl At Coiinoll Illurt * tlni trnlno ( ttiu t'nlon 1'acltle Ilnll- iriiy cminttcl In union itopol xrlth thiiso ot tlio Cht cauo A Nortlmeslurn Hr In Chlcniiq HID trntni of this I In" ninkn rinse rimnpcllon "Ith tliosn of all other Kailcrn llln- . ( or PiMrnlt , ( 'nliimlius. In Ilixnaiiolli. Clnrlnnatl. Maitnra I nll % Murrain. I'lUnmri ; , Toronto , Muiurinl , llunton , Niwork , I'lillailrliiliTft , llaltlrauro , Vfath- Inulon , and nil i > nlnt < In the I ait Aik tor llckcll vlit ' " " "NORTHWESTERN" If you "l li tin ) l "t ncmiiinichliitloil. All tlokot niciMilKVoll llckutH Tin ( UK hiii > . 11 lltllllllTT. K P. \MKSOV. , 1,0111 Mnnaunr. ( ldn'1 l > a 'r AdbnU riiic'Aiio , u us. W. N. HAlircH''K , linn IX I C'trrli AKPnt , 1) M KIMIIAl.L.'l'Ickpt Aiti-nt (1 ( ! \X KST , City PaixMiiior 1401 rnrniiiu ytu-ot Omaha , Nell. TU or TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y , The Ucst Houto from Omaha and Council Illuffn to THE EAST- TWO T11A1NB DAILY llHTXVIUt.N OSJAUA AND COUNCIL Ul.UKFH ClJcnpo , AND Mlbraukrw , St. I'ntil , Minneapolis , Crdnr Rapids , Hock Island , Frccport , Kockfurd , Clinton , Dubmiuc , Elgin , Madlsun , liclolt , Winoiia , La Crease , And all other Important tiotnli ICait , NorthiUl and Bonlhoast. For through tlckoti rail on the tloket c nt atlidl rarnam etrcct , In Unrkcr lllock , or at Union racing He pot. l-ullmanSlMpari and the flno-l Illnlno Cars IB tb § world are run on the main line ot th * Clilca i > , Mil waukua * Bt l' ul llalliray , and every mtootli ' ' paid to patuniiera by courtcoua company. 11.MILUCR , Oencral Manager. J. t1 yCKKlU Anslituut Ciinaral Uanaatr. A. V. K. OAHl'KNTKH , Ueneral I > a7i rir tad Ticket Agent. C1KO B IIICAFFOIU ) , AssllCmt anil Ticket Acout. J.T. ClJlUi ; U < "ncr l r1 i'f OVER 10,000 MAGEE RANGES 2,000 MAGEE FURNACES AND 13,000 MAGEE HEATING STOVES WERE SOLD IN IB87. 1 figures are morn eloquent than v oluniea which might bu written In prulso of the peculiar meilts possessed by the Magee Hoods. .Miss 1'Utl.OA SA\SOK rllK IIANIIKS : I use the Magco Uango constantly In my Schools and 1'rlvuto Kitchen ; It fultlllo.s every requirement for the most exacting work ; I \\ouhl uot.4\cliangt * it for un\ range mado. " hend for our I iirnace Circular and lead whit physicians professorsscientists , mechanics and merchants sny of the Magee 1 urnaces they have luuso. Don't put Inhteam or Hot Water Ap- paiatus , till \ou KNOW what a KIIIHT-CI.ASS Hoc Air F'uruacu will do for half the cost. TinMAiii K HANCUS ruiiNArhs , HIIATIMI AND COOK iMJ brou.s ARK Soi.u KM IIYWIUUK ; by our agents , and wo warrant i-ach one to glvo perfect satisfaction to the bujor. MAGKK FUHNACUCO , ; MTO.)8 UMONBr. , llostdll. BO Lakobt. . Chicago , ChicagojroN „ , „ „ , „ & Agents Omaha , Nob. State Line. To Glasgow , llelfiisl , Dublin nud Lirtirpool From New York Every Tuesdav , , Cabin passage ffi and $50 , according to location ot ututo loom , i\oiirslou : < < > " > to t'M , Steerage to and from huropt ) at I.owost llatoa. AUSTIN HALDW1N 4. CO . ( ien'l Agents. M llroulwiij , Now Vorlc. JOHN IlLiaiN. : : Oen'l Western Agent , 104 Haudolph ht. , Chicago , IIAllUY K. MOOHKS , Agent. Omaha. Reduced Cubiti Kates to Glasgow Ex hibition. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878. BAKER'S Warranted Cocoa , from which th oictis ot OH lias been removed. It luu f/lrf / limn lite itrenylh of Cocoa lulled with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugar , aud U th rcf urn far inora ecouoml- cat , eoilixy Itu than one tint tup It 1 delicious , nourishing , etrcngthonlnr ; , i anily illgiat d , and ndmlrKblf nclfpted for Invnlld ) a well ni fur riuraoni InJa-aUU. Sold IJJT ( Jroccr _ ej6rrnlifr . W , BARER & CO , Dorchester. . Ite NORTHWESTERN , MILITARY ACADEMY. IXJCATIUN-Zl mlloi north of Chicago. JfACUI.TIT-A lull Corpi of Kiperlencod In- ilrurtori WKHi'l'I.UM-Hre ' ' Cour t of Btodr. rACII.I'IIKH-Uniuriiaoeil for IntlriicUon. .r IIORllb Home C'oniforn , and ChrlntUn Innuoncm. MuJ. II. P. 1IAVIIINON , llupt. lllhluo 1'urb , III , | forCat loxu FOR THE CAMPAIGN -t ? 8END FOR CinCULARSj fe GEO.B.CARPENTERfiCO. . . . 802-ZOQ 6. WATER ST. CHICfgd. Notice to Contractor * . Sealed proposals will be received at the offlc of County Clerk , Douglas County , until X p. m , HaturcUy October Uth , A. U. 1M. tor rvuwlnK 3.000 yards of earth , iniiiu or lei > s , near lUnnuig- ton .Station , between noUlou 11 and I4.TIR. 1111. CVrtltled check of $25 00 to accompany eacrrpid. The Hoard reicryea the right to reject any UnA all bids. SI. D. KUOHK. cxt 10 in&o Ct-xvlt County Clerk , Notice to Contractors. ' SEALED Proponils will be received at t1i o lii co of county clerk , Douglas county * until t o'clock p. m. Saturday. Oct. lJUi. isju. for r < moving 4 000 yards , more or earth , on half section Iluo In Boo. 10 , 'Lai. it. VIM , , all. dirt to bo placed between ratlwai f track " aha Ccitlfled check of K * > M to uccompuriy eaoh bid. The board reserves the right to reject any and all uldtM. . D. KOCH * , County Clerk. olOiaeCtwl , '