Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    - vatt.'s ajeHMSca
-fHi&tfLLrr-fu\i ] ] )
Dellvirnlby rnrrltr In Any Vntt of the City a
Twtnty Cents Per Week.
II. W. TI/HN | ) . . . . . MANAOUU.
1lrctNF R OFTH r. No. 41.
Kimon , No. Si.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Only f 10.8-3 at Chapman'a art store.
There was noquorum at the board of trade
meeting last night.
The city schools Imve 200 more pupils en
rolled than last year.
Elegant overcoatings nt A. Heller's ,
merchant tailor'ill ! liroaduay.
Hon. Thomas Kccd , the uloipient congress-
limn from Mimic , will speak hero .Saturday.
The Young Men's democratic club and
flnmbcnu corps will attend this rally ut Silver
City to-morrow evening.
A tnarnago license was issued yesterday to
Dcorpn A. Hulliss nf ( irnnd Island , Neb. , and
Miss Ulla S. Onuhl of this city.
'All lndis interested In the prosperity of
St. 1'uul's church aic requested to meet ut
the rectory this afternoon at 4 o'clock. T. J.
Mnckny , rcctoi.
Or. U. H. Judd Is arranging to put In
additional machinery at his electric belt fac
tory , ' 1 his move Is necessitated by his rapIdly -
Idly increasing business.
The contract for furnishing the stcam-
licatlnK apparatus for the Washington avenue
nchool building has been awarded to J. U.
IJixby. The contract price is § 1,005.
The democratic county central committee
held a meeting la the gr.ind Jury room of the
court house ycsterd.iy morning , Matters
pet ( dining to the campaign wcro discussed.
Shortly before midnight a small dwelling
house , located near the fair grounds , was
ilcstro\ed by lire. Owing to the distance of
the blare the lire department was not called
Mrs. W. C. .Tames and Mrs. .Icnnie Mac-
Council will entertain the married ladies'
II. V V club at the residence of Mrs. CJ A.
Hobmson , TIM First nxenuc , on Thursday
Oftk'er 1 hornns was yesterday lined * . " > and
costs for assault anil battery in Squire
Schur/'s rouit The officer was suspended
dm ing the day , but has now resumed his star
as usual.
Now corncs "Prince , " the big dog owned
bi J. W Squire , and lajs claim to being the
heaviest canine in Council Itlufls. Ho tips
thg scale llif j pounds , mid lurks enthusias
tically overboating the previously announced
by ten pounds.
Commissioner Oraham has given orders to
liavo Uayliss park p'lt in holiday attire for
the reception of the Omaha visitors on the
With ol the present month. The de.ul
leaves will bo raked off and the appearance
of the park otherwise greatly improved.
Yesterday's police victims wcro sl/ed up as
follows : May Clover and Thomas Dovitt ,
drunk , $8 each ; John Murphy , vag , llftccn
days on the streets ; .loo llurkc and JO. S.
F.igley , obstructing an officer , continued ;
Annie Oilman , vagrant , paid her Hue and was
allowed to depart in peace.
A pleasing entertainment is planned by the
young ladies of the Congiegational church ,
to begin Friday evening , in the church par-
lars. Oysters will be served fiom "o'clock
during the evening , An amusing Josh Hil
lings spelling match will bo among the at
tractions of the evening. Everybody in
Wickhnm ft. Co. will begin paving on Wil
low avenue this morning , There are two
blocks to be paved , one with brick and the
other with cedar blocks. I loth will bo done
at once. As soon as thc-.o aio completed
work will bo commenced laying cypress
blocks on Sixth street. The work will bo
pushed as fast as possible.
Chief Lucas arrested two slcck'crooks last
night in the act of carrying off a case of shoes
from Klnnchan's store. One of them had
WO and a gold watch on his person , and the
other was loaded down with a similarly val
uable tlmo piece and $ J7 In nionoy. They
used every endeavor to got away from the
chief , even offering him money for their re
A dog supposed to bo In the Hrst staces of
hydrophobia caused considerable consterna
tion on Pearl street yesterday morning.
Word was sent to the police station and Dep
uty Marshal Hcndrlcks shortly afterward
appeared on the scene armed with a shotgun ,
with which ho quickly exterminated the
ferocious brute , much to the relief of pedes
A meeting of the fireworks committee for
October 25 met at republican headquarters
last evening to perfect preparations. The
members were not ready to take definite
steps and an adjournment was taken to this
evening at 7 o'clock. It has been decided to
secure some of the llncst pieces to be had ,
mid the fireworks will alone bo woi th a long
trip to sco.
Deputy United States Marshal Wylar.d , of
Ilarlan , arrived In the city last evening in
charge of a darkey by the name of Britton ,
charged with "boot-legging" la Andubon
county. Ho was convicted of illegal whisKy
selling at Atlantic last summer , and the au
thorities claim to have another clear case
against him now. He was committed Ito the
county jail to await trial.
The hack driver who knocked down three
other drivers and a hotel porter at the Uock
Island depot the other evening. Justifies his
anger on the ground that ho had already one
lady passenger la his coach , and while , 'fet-
ting another passenger , another hack driver
Improved the opportunity to get the lady to
leave the carriage for his. This unfair In-
fcrfcrenco with his business naturally made
the blood hot , and led him to act as ho did.
At 10'30o'clock Monday morning Mr. Louis
CJrecn and Miss Nora Hradlcy , both of this
city , wcro married by Hev Southwell , of the
Whltllcld M. E church , nt the residence of
( J. E. Dawson , TIKI Omaha street , Sioux City ,
where the joung lady was visiting. Her
parents were opposed to the. match , but
would much rather have had It taken place at
home , if it was bound to come , but have for-
Kivcn the ioung folks and given their bless
ing.It .
It is stated that Klscman & Co. have made
n division with the other members of the
Paeitlc tiouso syndicate , by which this firm
now owns slxty-snvcn feet front , beginning
nt the east line of the "Mluo Front" and ox-
tcpdlng west. A splendid business block is
to ho erected immediately on the site. The
now building will bo three stories high and
Will bo 170 feet deep. It is stated that the
work of tearing down the old structure will
begin either to-dav or to-moi row , Justas soon
as the necessary papers are traiibfcrrcd. It
Is certainly hoped that the rumor will prove
to bo coricrt.
Sco Forrest Smith's special column.
Now mince meats anil auuer krnut just
received nt'l'Uihllt.a' .
I'crHniinl 1'arajjraplis.
John T. Haicn of Avoca was In the city
W. H. O randy loft Monday evening for a
month's visit with his parents at Toronto ,
Mrs. Charley Connolly , wife of ono of the
members of the tire department , is seriously
ill with typhoid fever.
Mr , K. E. Stacey , manager of the Y. M. C.
A. gymnasium , has returned fiom the state
Y. M. C. A. convention at Marshalltown.
Mrs. H. S. Jnssolyn and daughter Dorothy ,
accompanied by Miss Addle Uurton , left
Monday evening for a two weeks' to
Hon. C. S , Hanoi : of Iowa City , ono of the
trustees of the state institution for the deaf
and dumb , was la the city yesterday on busi
ness connected with that institution.
Mrs. May Ccawford , of Nelson , O. , ar
rived in the city Monday ovoclnt ? , on route
homo from Los Angelus , Cut. She will re
main for a wee it to visit her sister , Mrs. L ,
] J , Cousins.
Mr. F. M. Saumlers , ono of the Union I'a-
ciflc baggagemen tunning on the suburban
trains , was taken suddunly ill on Sunday
afternoon , and was compelled to stop work.
Ills condition was serious for a time , but ho
is now recovering. His Illness was caused
by a strain in handling heavy freight.
Mr. George II. Uonuett , of Coldwater ,
Mich. , is In the city looking over the ground
With a view of accepting tbo permanent
secretaryship of the local branch of the Y.
M. C. A. Ho comes well recommended and
is a young man of unusually fine business
qualincntions. If satisfactory terms can bo
made wltn the board of directors he will re
main here.
They Are Found to Bo Prepared For
Easy Entrances.
A Dozen of Them Nome Colonel Tiillycn
For Congress Fences In llio Street
Unpleasant Hltuntlon of a
Masher Other Uliifft News.
Fully Equipped
The two burglars capture 1 by Officer
Martin , of the Merchants' police , In the
cigar store of Moore ft ICipllnger , Monday
night , gave the names of Thomas Sullivan
and F. C. Raymond. They were caught in
the act of "going through" the knife case ,
and had several do/en cigars and some snull
change , taken from the money drawer , con
cealed upon their persons. Hoforo they
wore aware of his presence the officer haJ
them covered with his revolver and they
obeyed his order to "throw up their hands "
They could offer no resistance and wcro
speedily landed in the city Jail. They were
taken before 'Squire Schurz yesterday
morning for their preliminary examination.
They waived and wcro committed to the
county jail , in default of 5)0 ) bonds , to await
the action of the grand Jury , which meets on
the 7th of next month.
They are both tough looking characters
and are evidently old hands at the business.
They effected nn entrance ) to the cigar store
by breaking In the rear door , which was
easily done , as the lloor bolt was not
fastened. They wcro both provided with a
full set of now style skeleton keys , and could
easily pick almost any door lock in the city.
The keys consist of a plain tube , about the
sl/c of a lead pencil , In the end of which Is a
slot through which a small cross piece oper
ates. This is governed from the handle ,
and It can readily bo adjusted to turn a lock.
After lilting it , all that is necessary Is to
turn a small set screw , and the key is ready
for business. There were ten of them , of
various si/es , and they would furnish the
means of doing untold mischief.
Their capture is a very fortunate one , and
Onicer Thomas is entitled to great credit for
his prompt and decisive action in placing
them behind the bars. There is a clear case
iigainst them , and they will undoubtedly go
over the road for a lengthy term.
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. ( Ju-scado Laundry Co.
E. II. Shcafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
conlidentul. Olllco 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
For bargains in real estate in any
part of the city sec F. J. Day , the lend
ing real estate dealer.
Money loaficd on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , her es , buggies , or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark fc Co. , ollleo cor. li road way
and .Main , over American express.
A Convention of Twelve.
The prohibition convention of the Ninth
congicssional district met at Dohany's old
opera house at 11 o'clock yesterday and or-
ganicd by electing Hev. T. F. Thickstun
chairman , and Uov. C. Hover secretary.
A committee consisting of James Michel-
wait , Henry Coker , and C. Hover was ap
pointed to examine the republican ticket and
ascertain if any of the candidates were unfa
vorable to prohibition. The democratic ticket
was ignored.
Adjourned to 1:45 : p. in.
In the afternoon the committee reported.
Judge Heed , the republican nominee was
highly commended as a straightforward
Christian gentleman , but it was deemed ad
visable to nominate a candidate more in sym
pathy with the prohition movement. A com
mittee consisting of A. Overtbn , Henry
Coker , of this city , and L. P. Anderson , of
Mills county , was appointed to select a can
didate. The name of Colonel L. W. Tullcys
was presented and carried by acclamation.
A committee consisting of C. Hoover and L.
W. Tullcys were appointed to look up a party
Mrs. H. C. Allen , of Missouri Valley , then
addressed the convention. Her address was
rather brief but eloquent and forcible. She
urged the necessity of keeping up the third
partv movement. The convention then ad
journed. It was stated that the object of
nominating a party candidate was to preserve
the individuality of the party rather then because -
cause of any objection to Judge Heed.
There wore not over a do/en at the conven
tion. The action in regard to Judge Heed
seems rather strange as it was but the day
before the convention that ono of its leaders ,
who wasalsj ono of the committee tor select
ing a congressional candidate , told a llic : re
porter that there was no question about
.Imlgo Heed buing endorsed.
The affair cuts very little figure here either
See Forrest Smith's special column.
E. H. Sheafc tc Co. , make long or
short time loans on real estate , in sums
to biiit , at lowest rate of interest. OtHeo
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
Boots , shoes. Kinnehan'b , 320 B'way.
Morehoufeo & Co. , blank book manu
Forces in the Street.
The city engineer's force went to Hcnton
street yesterday to run the lines for the new
sidewalks ordered by the council. It was
found that nearly all of the fences between
Uroaihvuy and Washington avcauo are from
two to twelve feet out into the street. They
will all have to bo moved back , as well as ono
or two of the houses. Vic Jennings is the
only property owner whoso fences are on the
line. The mistake is due to the fact that no
engineers were employed to give correct
lines , and everything was done by guess
Mr. J. M. Brown has changed the
location of the White sewing machine
ollleo from No. 120 N. Main st. to No.
. " 05 Middle Broadway. Ho solicits a
share of your patronage.
The finish on our collars , cuffs and
shirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade
Laundry Co.
Mrs. L. Simmons , dressmaker , 314 Broad
way , over Klscmau's , on electric motor lino.
Si etlal advantages to Omaha ladies.
Loans made on city business and resi
dence property. Notes bought. Kira-
ball-Champ Investment company.
Grabbed a .Manlier.
Among the lonesome looking fellows who
faced Squire Schurz in police court yesterday
morning , was ono whose face was readily
recognized by the reporters. It was the well
kaownphyslognuiy of a traveling man in the
employ of ono of the leading wholesale
houses of the city. A few days since Tim
HUE referred to a certain traveling man who
was preparing to cause himself trouble by
following the wife of a leading business man ,
and it seems that the trouble came sooner
than was expected , and from a different
quarter. The causes that led to his arrest
areas follows : As Senator Oroncwcg was
returning to his home on Washington avenue
Monday evening about U o'clock , ho noticed
a man endeavoring to hide behind a tree on
his grounds. Ho went up to the fellow , who
could givu no coherent account of himself ,
and the senator promptly stalled with him to
the police station. When they reached the
Hryant street bridge the prisoner refused to
go uny farther , but the law-maker began to
use his lungs to such good effect that the de
linquent saw that it was no use to refuse ,
and went ncaccably along to the station.
When asked by the Judiro concerning his
business there , he stated that ho was just a
trifle s'vcot on the senator's servant girl ,
and went up to see If she had retired. This
girl , by the way , is the same Hoslu Fisher
who scalded Hilly Smith u few mouths ago.
He said that he had been drinking , and the
Judge let him oft with a fine ol 13.10. Mr.
Traveller begged the boys not to give awny
his name , as it would surely cost him his sit
uation , and the tender hearted scribes could
do nothing but acquiesce.
S. 13. Wudsworth fc Co. loan money.
Six per cent money on real estate.
Low commissions. F. J. Day , 80 Pearl
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & CO.'B
loan cilice , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of values without
removal. All business strictly confi
Morohouso & Co. , 2 , 4 or 0 column
FlYcd For Surprises.
The local agent of ono of the many rail
roads centering hero had a surprise party
some time ago that unsettled his nerves to
quite a considerable extent , but he is fixed
for surprises now and it will take a lively
one to catch him. Yesterday a Hn : reporter
dropped into his office and found him writing
at a furious rate.
"What's upl" queried the newsgathcrcr.
"Nothing much. I am Just preparing a
surprise for myself. I llnd that 1 appreciate
these surprises a great deal more when I fix
them for myself than when someone clso
springs them on me. I am writing to my
wife and sending her u pass to come homo
on. When she went away before she took
her return pass with her. She came homo
when she got ready , and I didn't know when
she was coming. 1 found nut , though , and I
shall not forget it. She came on the evening
train. I was down to Joe's that evening
plaving poker. It was late and I stayed all
night. Joe got breakfast in the morning and
I came straight to the ollleo. Went over
home at noon , and there was my wife in a
beautiful frame of mind. Had sat up all
night waiting for the husband that didn't
come. She hasn't forgotten it yet , but time
is healing the breach.
"You have heard of the man who profits by
experience , of course , and now you behold
him. When she went this time I told her 1
would send her return transportation by
mail. I am now ready for her to come home.
\ hen she gets here I will know It , and if
you can manage to bo on hand I will show
you how to do the grand welcome act to per
fection. In the language of the psalmist ,
"Tis sweet lor husband and wife to dwell
together in unity , ' and don't you forget it. "
A simple llowor may be shelter for u
troubled boul from the storms of life. A
simple remedy , Warner's Log Cabin Ex
tract , will case pain , thus giving com
fort to every troubled soul. All drug
gists keep it.
Tim City Council nt Work.
The city council met in special session last
evening. The mayor and all the aldermen
except Councilman Bellinger were present.
A resolution in the minutes granting to a
company free operation of a pontoon bridge
for ono year called up for discussion the pas
sage of the resolution a week ago. The
mayor decided that the record was correct
and the resolution was allowed to stand.
A protest against the measurement of work
done on High School avenue by Contractor
Flagolc , was referred to the city engineer.
F. J. Day , by petition , says at the time the
assessor did his work he had not $500 in
moneys and credits and asked that the record
bo corrected. Hefcrrcd to the Judiciary com
A petition for extension of water main on
Avenue F to North Second street was refer
red to the water committee.
Hesidcnts on 1'rospect street protest
against the manner in which the grading of
intersection with Uenton street was dono.
Hoferrcd to street committee ,
A resolution was adopted ordering side
walks on parts of the following streets : Ave
nue D , Ninth street , Avenue C , High School
avenue , Third street , Eighth street , Broad
way from Eighth to Ninth street and Pearl
A resolution was read for grading the fol
lowing streets : Angel street , Washington
avenue , Mill street , Sixth street , Little Cur
tis street , Avenues D , E , F and G ,
Hcnton sticct from Harmony street
east. After debate the resolution
was adopted with the understanding
that when the work is contracted for Avcnun
F , Little Curtis and Sixth street shall be cut
On the bill of Isaac Brandt for damages
incident to the extension of Bancroft street ,
the city engineer reported in favor of allow
ing Brandt ? 100 ; ho to tauo a Judgment
against the city for that amount ; Brandt to
execute a deed to the citv for that property.
Referred to the llnancclcommittcc.
The water committee reported favoring a
laying of water mains on th < j following
streets : Uluft street ; High street , from
Seventeenth avenue to Graham avenue ;
Graham avenue ; Sixth avenue , from P.icillo
avcnuo to Twentieth street ; Twentieth
street , from Fifth to Sixth street ;
Avenue A , from Twelfth street to
Twentieth street ; Twelfth street , from
Broadway to A.venue A. A resolution em
bodying the same was adopted.
A resolution empowering the mayor to
have printed a certain amount of city bonds ,
which the city now wishes to use , was
Assessment resolution No. 05 , work done
by M. A. Moore , was adopted. Hands on
the above work amounting to "i,4Cb 32 were
ordered issued by resolution.
A resolution embodying work done by
Mitchell & Klein , C. H. Mitchell , T. O.
Herne , John Flagalo and C. C. Chamber
lain amounting to 1,1571 Hi was adopted.
A resolution ordering $100 to Chairman
Waterman of the fire committee for the pur
chase of feed for the depart
ment led Alderman Lacy to
suggest that the supply of hay and
oats should bo advertised for by the year.
Tills is in the interest of economy.
The city solicitor made verbal report in the
case of IX C. Bloomer for Isaac Brandt. The
repoit was received and concurred in , Alder
man Lacy voting no.
A resolution ordering the advertisement
forbids on the coal supply for the winter was
The bill of M , A. Moore for work not em
braced in contract , amounting to ( ( iS.55 , was
referred to the committee on streets and al
Bill of Moore for Intersection sewer work
on contract , amounting to $1,0.71,30 , was al
lowed on the final estimate of the city engi
Curbing and grading resolution No. 101
was ordered published.
On the piotcst of J. M. I'almer against the
paving assessment against property on Madi
son street transferred to the city , the city
engineer reports that no transfer of this
property is on record , which report was re
ceived and concurred In.
An ordinance establishing the grade of
the alloy between Oakland avenue and North
Second street was adopted under a sus
pension of the rules. An ordinance estab
lishing the grade of Avcnuo E , between Oak
land avcnuo and North Twentieth streetwas
read and laid over under the rules. An ordi
nance establishing thu grade of the alley in
block 14 , Mill addition , was read ana
adopted. All the above conform to the grade
of Oakland avenue.
On the assessment of a lot belonging to
E. H. Fonda , the Judiciary committee re
ported that it should bo reduced from fCOO to
f IM. Alderman Lacy opposed opening up
these protests. The report was adopted ,
Alderman Lacy voting no.
The bill of Wickham Bros. , 1720.10 for In-
tcrscction brick paving on Willow avenue ,
was allowed. The bill of P. Sweeney , $11)4 )
for intersection grading , was allowed.
Do Von Know the Man ?
Wo know of several parties that wo
have urged to buy trackage lots two
weeks ago at $2.50 and $300. Wo know
the same parties paid yesterday and the
day before $500 for the same lots. Wo
now toll you again , wo have only a few
moro trackage lots on First avenue re
maining , and > f you don't buy them now
at $500 you will buy them a few days
later of some ono else at 91,000.
Masonic Temple.
Happily Mated.
A quiet wedding took place at 2 o'clock yes
terday afternoon at Uic residence of the
KITE" Is King.
This IB the vcrtllct of nil Indies who have used the Whlto Sowing Machine.
Sco It before buying nny other.
OITICE , 305 Middlj , Broadway J , M , BROWN ,
bride's brother , Mr , George" Gould , S.2l Scott
street. The contracting parties were Mr.
George A. Bulllss nnd Miss Klla S. Gould.
The groom is the special agent of the Singer
manufacturing company for western Ne
braska , tvith headquarters At Grand Island ,
and the bride is a most estimable young lady ,
who has a host of friends In this city , whcio
she has resided for a number of
years , having been an operator in the
telephone exchange for some time.
The ceremony was performed by Hov. T. , t.
Mackay , of St. 1'aul's church. The affair
was stricly private , but a few Intimate
friends witnessing the ceremony. After a
short bridal trip , the happy couple will re
turn to Grand Island , Tin : BIK : acknowl
edges the receipt of a liberal supply of deli
cious cake and a number of fragrant Bavanas ,
and Joins with many friends in extending its
heartiest congratulations and best wishes for
future prosperity to the newly wedded pair
In their western home.
Notice the beautiful finish given col
lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laundry
Guns and ammunition at Odell &
Bryant's hardware and btovo house.
678 Main street.
.T. G. Tipton 1ms bargains in real es
Morohouso fc Co. , 1) . K.
AH to llln Kxprctntioiif ) .
Chicago Tribune : "To put this busi
ness on a cash basis , Mr. Peduncle , "
said the father of the young lady , "in
ease you should marry Irene you must
have something to live on. What are
your expectations ? "
"Why , as to that , sir , " replied the
' omowhat embarrassed young man , "I
shouldn't expect much/ course , at
the start , though it's kind of you to ask.
May I enquire the amount of life insur
ance you carry ? "
Hero Is n
Council BlulTs people are under the
impression that wo had a real e.stato
boom last year. So wo did , just a little
one , but it was not a marker to what is
beginning now. There has never been
o rapid an advance in prices as during
the last ton days. Wo have never sold
so many lots and at such uniformly good
Drices as we have made during the past
two days. Twin City place , Benson's
First and Second , Broadway lots , and in
fact all along the line , there lia.s been a
rush such as wo never saw before. The
boom has only just begun. Now mark
the prediction : Thousands upon tlum-
fands of dollars will bo made IICM-O in
the next sixty days. Buy now and you
can't help but make money.
Bicxso.v fc sfurmiti : : > ,
Masonic Temple.
A grand ball will bo iriven by the
colored social club at the Dodge 'Light
Guards' hall , Thursday Oct. 2 > . Tom
Bowman , from Omaha , Smith C'olTeo
and Oscar Brewer will bo the man
age rs.
A Story About I > r. 1'caboily.
Boston Advertiser : Arlo Bates tells
a story to the etTeef , that Dr. Oliver
Wendell Holmes and the venerable Dr.
Peabody , of Cambridge , once had an
appointment to. see a statue of Hurydice.
Dr. Holmes arrived first , and when a
few moments later his friend drove up
in a cab , ho greeted him with the very
obvious pun :
"Ah , you rid , I see. "
Dr. Peabody was wonderfully pleased
with this sally , and on his return homo
attempted to repeat it for the benefit of
his family.
"Dr. Holmes was extremely witty this
afternoon1 ho said. "We wont to sco
Kurydice , and when I drove up he said
just as quick as a Hash : "Ah , doctor ,
1 see you came in a buggy. "
Delays Arc Dansii-rous.
Do you want to pay $1,500 or $2,000 for
Broadway lots ? If you doju&twaita
few days. Don't buy now at $ ! ) ( ) ( ) and
$1,000 , but hold on a while longer , then
you will bo anxious to buy at the ad
vanced prices.
We have only a few loft. If they are
taken within the next day or so we will
lot them go at $001) ) and $1,000. The
price will bp advanced on Saturday.
Call at once if you want one.
We have no competitors in finishing
collars , culTs and shirts. Cascade Laun
dry Co.
A Complete Stock tfT
Lower than tliolowe-t goods sold oa easy paj-
iiants at t'nsh 1'ilces.
Vor thonccomodiitlnn of Worklnemcn ,
keep open Sunday from 8 it. MI , to 1 p. in.
1'or Second Hand ( leeds In good order I will
pay fall value. Special Inducement to Onmtm
Nos. ! 2t : and : i25 ! rond\vaj.
Sl'nciAIjndvertlieiiientH.siichns [ , est , round ,
To Loan. For Sale , To Kent , Wants , llo.ud-
liiK. etc. , will bo Inierteil In tills column at tlio
low rnto of TiI'KNTS : 1'Kll I.INI' for thn llrst
Inieitlon nnd 1'ive Cents Per I.lnu for u.ioli sub
sequent Insertion. Leave advertisements itt
oiirofflco. No. 12 Pearl Btieot , near Hrotulway ,
Council llluir.s lowu.
\\7ANTKU-A competent .abstrarter. Address -
dress , with references , J JO , lice ofllce ,
Council illuirs.
_ _
Wo do not Intend to Indorse any except arti
cles of merit , but we take pleasure In referring
to the " ( iarlaud Stoves ) ami Manges.hosu
superiority Is too ell established to bu called
in question. They are beltn\od to ho uncqnaled
by anv In the woild. Sold exclusively by I' . C.
1)9 Vol.
WANTED-Mattress makers at C. A. llecbo
Ic L'o's. {
_ _
THOU SAM ! or trade Very desirable lesldence
-L' property on ( iraham Auntie. nu\\ house , lot
GDxliM ; team of farm hilh > e < i , w.igon and liar-
ileus ; single lioi set ) years old. price IIUU. Will
tiTkn puy In painting on farm houses. Dairy
farm of 160 nejr the city , , Hqune and barn for
rent just outside the cltyp .Apply to Horace
Kverett , Council llluira. Ian a. ,
TTUK KENT or for sale on long time -Tho
4. ' new house on ( Irahani uvfime , helng the
next house above Dr. ( iordon's ; 4 rooms with
bobement. Horace Kverett.
TCK for sale in car load lots. Mulholland & Co.
FOIl ItKNT Gootl house and stable , Just out-
nlduof city. Apply to Horace Kierett
FOIl JIK.NT Furnished front room , for gen-
tletneii. iiM N Hecond street.
WANTED K\erybody to know that I will
not be undersold in either furniture or
stoves It's your patronage I want , and J mine
for yourself. 1 also buy all flritt class tiousti-
holdgoodg. No rubbish wanted. A.J. Mandel ,
-S Ilrondv. ay.
HK.NT en-room cottaqe. on the cor-
lier of 3d ave. and tub. H. W. C. James.
T7IOH IlKNT A large number of good dwell-
-L1 Ings Call and examine list. K. II. Shcato
ft Co. , Ilioadway and Main St. , up stairs.
OtJSKS for rent. Johnston As Van Patten.
UI Mftlu tu
FOIl f.M.K lloii o off ) rooms and twolotson
Mh avenue north of the tiausfer. Will take
11,000 Mr thin , oiiL-lmlf cash.
? ( ) SAliK A fine corner In Pierre's addition
-L' just north of the transfer , on Tthnvcnuu
nnd I Mh ttt , OOxI'Ju it. , toM.
FOIl BAI.i : House and lot north of t' . 1' .
transfer cheap at * * 00i KUO casii and < r > per
iron SAM'- Lot 44X120 on l t nve , near N.V. .
JL H. It. I depot , on N. W. truck ; cheap nt Jlix ) .
TTKHt SAM ! -18 lu'icson both sides of f. I1. It.
A It.tiaik , ' ; i nlliMNest of union depot : would
miiko a line addi tion toCoundl IllmrsorUnmhn.
Only JWJper acre.
iron SAM : An elegant fi room rottagolth
-L' lot A'lxlCO , on llnrrltoiist : this piopeity Is
worth from M.OOO to ) I.NKi , but if J-old eon will
( ell for I'.MK ) : good terms.
171OU ltr.NT-A line new eleht-room house at
* ' No. 01 * 4th avenue ; Imth room , c liwtx nnd
all modern lmnro\emi'nts : nice Iniitu pliasnnt
yard , 'llils pluco Is only Deblocks fiom dummy
171OH Itr.NT-Nlce4-room rottngo on Mha\o.
JL1 nnd luth t\ \ . , only til per month.
rpo LOAN' Money to loan on hoi < .p < i , rattle ,
-L furniture , pianos , Jc-wcUy , etc. ; M > O me bu-
f ore boi row ing ulsewhci e.
Hoom 4 , Ilrd Tloor , Brown Building.
IRON and
JOIl.V ft 1 1 , It OUT ,
No. 5 1 .Main Street ,
Council ItluflH , In.
Coiresnondints Mintlon 'I his I'.ipcr.
Latest X In
nits. c. i , cm.i.r/rn ; .
A positive euro for Liver and Kidnov troub
les , all Hlood Diseases , Indigestion , Dyspep
sia , and Sour Stomach , is found in
For sale by local driifpsts and druggists
cvcrywhoie. I'ncc $1 per bottle , nix for $5.
Adchess all communications to
. j. u.
Council Illiiirla. .
151-1 Dnuclnu St. , Om.ilin , Not ) ,
DCOIIroailway Council IllulM , Iowa. U uu'i
, , , , , , , ,
Telcplinno No. ! it)5.
FRIGE $15.
Is equal to
0117 High
The Kcllxjn Mlmeocrapli , the bc t nppnmtus for
raunlfolrtlrm , niitournplilo imd tjpe writing work
a.UU copies run be lnki > u.
Thg Eseelsior Cc.Council Bluffs , la.
runs i > AY BATl'UDAV
AT 4:3) : P.M. AT U I * . M.
AND 8 I' . M. AND B I' . M.
Royal Arcanum Hall , Beno Block ,
; TIA < ; it AM : .
D. H , McOANELQ & CO. ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Mnrket Prices. Prompt
0 and 2 Muiu yuectCouncil
Neat and comodious Five Boom Cottage * with
closets , etc. , are now offered
On very liberal terms of payment , thus enabling mechanics , clerks and laboring
men to secure a home by paying a small payment down and monthly payments to
apply upon the purehas-e prlco. instead of paying rent.
Theto houses are located belwen
And immediately between the electric power house and the car shops. With
electric cars pasting every ten minutes to Omaha , with only 5 cent faroa.
For full particulars address me and 1 will call upon you.
. U. nOX 4NN , OMAHA , NUH.
No. 6OO Broadway , Council Bluffs , lown.
WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary.
There has been during the past week. The
Same Bargains
Is on all curtain goods. Don't forget. These
goods are selling fast. At these prices they
sell themselves. Come early to get a choice in
materials and patterns.
Council Bluffs Carpet CoNe
No 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Smith's Bakery.
Wholesale Broad Ss Cakes ,
1812. INCOUPOKA.TUU 1878
CO. ,
Especially Adapted for
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators.
Specifications and estimates furnished for complete steam plants. ItcguKi'Ion ' , Duiublllty Guar
anteed. Can show Ittteis fiom usin wheie fuel Kctmomy li equal \ \ ith Corliss Xs'o
cii EIOUSI ; , eoi'.vcii. m.rrrs , IOWA.
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Taxidermist and Naturalist.
Permanently located at No. H Korth ( Ith St. , opposite I'ostolllco , on Motor
Line , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
If you have hpcelmens don't wait for pricou. .Sund thorn to him before they
Hpuil. Jf you doiit want them uftor tho.y iiro mounted , ho will pay you the
highest market price for them. Will make a hpeuinlt } of licndb during wintei
Mnniifaclurdrs nnil Wholoixle Do tern In
eige of .A.11 Kinds.
Ordnrn I'ruiiiptly Filled and Delivnrod.