Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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In the Quo Warmnto Proooodiugs
Drought by the Stato.
Four Corporal Ions Kilo Article" * WHIi
the Secretary of Hlato Sunroino
Court Matters Ijlncoln Notes
and Personal * ) .
LIKCOI N ncitRAU or TUB Omni Due , )
li ( I * STIIKKT , V
LINCOLN , Oct. 10. |
For answer to the action In quo warrnnto
brought ugitlnit the Chicago , Burlington ft
Qulncy railway company on the part of the
state by the attorney general , to compel the
company to properly Incorporate under the
laws of tht- state , the respondent says sub-
BtatiUill.\ : . follow * :
The amount In dispute exceeds the sum of
I2IX)0 , exclusive of interest and costs , and is
a Hull of n civil nature at law , arising under
the constitution and laws of the United
Sales In this :
That on the 12th day of May , 1ST.O , articles
of Incorporation of the roail were Hied in the
ofllce of the secretary of .state and thereupon
the road was inooriHir.itfd under the lawn of
the ntato for u period of llfty years , that
ainoiiL ; the power * conferred by Hit ! act was
the power to contract and bo contracted
with , and to acquire and convoy at pleasure
nil such road and personal property as might
bo necessary and convenient to carry into
effect the objects of the corporation , the
newer to lay out , contract , maintain and
operate and enjoy n railroad with single or
double tracks , office * , and depot- between the
places and the termini of the road ,
and to construct branches from the main
line to other towns or places within the limits
of the state ; to acquire by purr-base or plft
any lands within tlio vicinity of the road , or
through which the same might pass , so far
as deemed convenient or neccssao by the
comp.inj to secure the right of way and to
hold and convey the same. That the road
has these powcra provided by special statues
"Every railroad company shall have power to
Intersect , Join and unite their railroads , con
structed or to bo constructed in this state erin
in any adjoining state or territory , at such
point on the boundary line of each , or at
such other point as may bo mutually agreed
Upon by .such railway companies , as are au
thorized to merge or consolidate the block of
their respective companies , making one joint
stock company of the railroads thus con
nected , agreed upon in accordance with the
laws of the adjoining state or torrltory with
whose i oad or roads connections arc thus
formed , provided that the consent of three-
fourths of the stockholders shall bo ob
tained. "
That the suit is based on section
8 , aiticlo 11 , of the constitution of
the state of Nebraska in force
November 1 , 1373 , which provides : No rail
road corporation organi/ed under the laws
of un.\ other state or of the United Stales ,
doing business in the slate , shall be entitled
to exercise the right of eminent domain or
have power to acquire right of way or real
estate for depot , or other uses , until it shall
have become a body corporate , pursuant and
in accordance with the laws of the state. "
That by reason of section 8 , nrticlo 1 1 , of the
constlluton , the respondent can not lawfully
exercise the rights , privileges and franchises
exercised during Iho pact.
Thai Iho powers conferred upon the Chicago
cage , Burlington St Qulncy railway company
In Nebraska by its charter are protected from
repeal or impairment by the state by .section
10 , article I , of the constitution of the Uniled
States , which provides that no state shall
pass any law Impairing the obligation of con
The respondent Insists that section S , arti
cle 11 of the constitulion of Nebraska is con
trary to section 1 , article It of the amend
ments to theconslilutiouof the United Stales
and void.
Thai in an act of congress en
titled "An act to amend an act entitled an
act to aid In the construction of railroads and
telegraph lines from the Missouri river to
the I'nciflc ocean , andtosecuro to the gov
ernment the use of the sumo for postal , mil
itary and other purposes. " The road was
nulhoriral lo cxlond ils lines in Iowa
through Ihe Ihen territory of Nebraska from
the point at which the sumo should strike the
Missouri river to a point of junction with the
Union 1'acltlc , not farther west than the
100th meridian , and in aid of the construction
of the road so authorized certain public lands
wore grunted to the company , pai tlully de
scribed in Iho act. That the net also granted
certain rights and other public lands lo other
companies named. That by the act the com
panies named therein were empowered to en
ter upon , purchase , take and hold any lands
or promises that might bo necessary or
proper for the construction or working of
their road , not exceeding in width 100 feet
on each side of Iho ccnler line , and also to
make , build , equip and operate the respond
ent's road in conjunction or with the roads of
ether comimnies. That these and other
privileges wore given the road by special
nets of congress dating April 10 , ISCit , and
that accordingly the suit ought to bo re
moved to the circuit court of the United
A bond was duly fllod with the answer and
petition of the respondent to cover all costs
that may accrue if it shall bo decided that
the cause was wrongfully removed thereto.
The papers in the case were tiled at 5 o'clock
lust evening.
The secretary of state to-day received and
filed articles incorporating the Foreign Emi
gration company , Bishop it Wh''elor Loan
company , Commercial Directory company ,
with principal place of business designated
at Omaha , and the La Platte Land company
of Lincoln , Lancaster county.
The Foreign Emigration company operates
a general real cstalu and brokerage business ,
and will also engage in foreign exchange.
Citlretis of Douglas county , Cook and Kock
Island counties , 111. . Dttylon and Wcbslor
counties , la. , and Wallace county , Kansas ,
comprise the company , viz : John Lmdor
helm , David Landon , John U. Nordgrcn , John
Pclcrson and John S. Holland. The articles
stipulalu that the subscribed capital slock elf
f 100,000 shall all bo paid in within two years
from the 10th day of October , the date the
company commenced business. The lifo ol
the corporation under the articles in tlxod at
fifty years.
The Bishop & Wheeler Loan com'
pan ) ' was organired and cqulpjiud foi
business October 15 , with an
authorized capital of $10 , ( XX ) , one-fourth ol
which was paid in hand. The company pro
poses to conduct and manage a general trust
and guarantee business , and will continue
fifty years under tenure of the nrticlos ,
Omaha citizens as follows compose the com.
patiy ; Joseph \V Bishop , Jntnos H. Whooloi
and S. C. Epperson.
The Commercial Directory company will
compile and furnish Information relatine tc
purchasers of all kinds and classes of prop
ortjr uml of all persons who obtain credits ol
any nature , for the purpose of furnishing foi
a pecuniary consideration , to retailers ol
merchandise or to sullera of property of all
kinds and to banks and nil financial institu
lions. Capital stock to the amount of f3J,0K
has been subscribed by H. P. and M. C
Hodgln and C. A. Korrin. Business com
uicnccd on the 3d of July and continues foi
twenty years.
The La I'latto Land company was organ
Izcd with a subscribed eapllal slock of $ 'KK,00 )
by John K. Clark , Francis C. Urablo anc
Charles A. Hauiia. Tna company will bu ;
and sell lands and other property in Neb
raska , Kansas , Colorado and Wyoming tor
rltory mid transact all business of an auxil
iary nature. It Is agreed that the compan ;
Khali exist under the articles of inoorporatioi
for ten years , commencing on Iho first day o
the current month , with rights of parpotua
The following gentlemen were admitted ti
practice ; Charles W. Haller , William \V
Keysor , Hyron G. Burbank , Gcoriro tWit
turn , T. Hcadly Wetmore.
Guy V. Shower , dismissed. Gsnntner vs
Omaha Dolt railway company , continued
Heads vs. Estabrook , continued.
The following cases were argued and sub
mltUxl i State ox rel Anderson vs. Choi
enno county , Blerbower vs. Singer , motioi
Callaghan vs. Powers , Mador v . Mauror
Slavcit VB. Hullman , Muldoon vs. Lev ! , Tc
vs. Pllug , Latham v . Schaal , Guo vi
Janet , Hey co vs. Jones , Gllbort vs. Jonos.
An effort was made lost night Jo create
Uuipedo of the colored voters of Lincol
from Thayer to McShanc , It wat a disim
John S. Finch and \flfa arrived home U
da/ from Miullsou , WU. , where they apot
the first week of their married llfo. Mr. and
Mrs. Finch are receiving the earnest con *
gratulatlons of thdr many friends
tTiiclo Charley Krull , aged sixty-live years ,
died this morning of heart disease Ho was
nn old citt/eii of Lincoln and n promitiant
temperance leformor. Ho will bo buried at
Centen Ille to-morrow , and his friends uro
respectfully invited to be present nt the
funeral services.
Hon. W. Seoley was nn Omaha visitor yes
terday. He visited the metropolis in the in
terest of the republican party and to transact
work designated by the central commitleo.
It is the pur | > oM ! of the committee to make a
Heavier draft upon the oratorical talent of
Omaha during the rest of the campaign.
The special committee appointed by the
cily council refused lo accept the proposition
of Major Klcutsch , made by him lo Ihe coun
cil , for the damages ho received In raising
the floor of his business-room from the old to
the iiosuwatcr grade , and he says that the
only thing that's left him is to sue the city
and ho will proceed to do it.
Pleasant to the taslo , surprisingly quick in
effect and economical in price no wonder
that Dr. Bull's Caugh Syrup Is the loading
preparation of the kind.
"Oh1 woman , in thy hours of ease , unccr
tain coy and hard to please. " With childro n
hurt , long hours aho's spout. Uo try Salva
tion Oil , the lintmont.
Arguments in The Bcn-Llfo Insur
ance Company In.jnnction.
Judge Wakely listened to arguments in the
injunction proceedings of The Bee Building
company against the New York Life Insur
ance company yesterday. The case was sub
mitted at noon and the court will render its
decision Friday.
Contrary to expectations , the several suits
in the dislnct court Monday hung on all
day. Yesterday verdicts were given to
the defendants in two cases Kalish vs.
Knlmbach , and Davis vs. Solomon. .ludgo
Doano resumed the trial of Cioddard vs.
.ludgo Hopowell took up Daniel J. Soldcn
vs. Martin Eddy , constable , a suit lo replevin
ubriekiard and its brick at South Omaha.
Selden had bought a half interest in Hie
properly of Marcus McFaildon. Subsu-
fluently it was seized by creditors of McFnd-
don , and is still held. Soldon asks for $100
Judge GrotT bo * an the hearing of the suit
of Peter Smith against John M. Wilson for
$5,000 damages. The plaintiff was at work
In the boiler works of the defendant in Octo
ber , 1S37. A heavy iron fell upon Ills foot
and broke his leg , making him a cripple for
Nets G. Hultln has asked the aid of the
court in annulling a real estate trade with J.
P. fc'inlcy. Ho agreed to give an Omaha lot
for a quarter section of land in U'obstor
county , Iowa. Ho nllcgus that Flnley repre
sented his farm to have n new house , nn or
chard , and to bo good , tillable soil. Hultin
made a deed of his lot and placed it
in Iho hands of Alfred H. Comstock ,
lo bo delivered when ho got
n deed lo Iho Iowa property. The
Intlur was found to bo without the improve
ments represented , and Hultiii wnnls the
court to declare the trade off and clear up Iho
llllo lo his Omaha lot.
Dr. Isudor Gluclc has filed his
unswer lo Ihe petition of his
ate partner , Dr. Gi-orgo P. Wilkinson.
Tlie latler charged Gluck with appropriating
ho funds of the firm and with being unqiml-
lied lo praclice medicine in Nebraska. Dr.
Illicit answers that IIP is a graduate of the
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago
cage , and of the Chicago Ophthalmic college
ind studied in Vienna , Austria. On the
other hand Gluck says that "plaintiff was
vholly Inexperienced in the practice of mod-
cme and in business matters. " CJlucic denies
hut ho mutilated the books or even
ind charge of them , or that he took any firm
noney without the knowledge of Wilkinson
le makes general and specific denials lo all
of the plaintiff's charges.
County Court.
The Tuthill Spring company has sued the
) maha Carriage and Sleigh company for
3.15 for goods furnished.
Pleasures , while they llutter , sting lo
loath. One is deprived of nil pleasures
mil in ( lunger of dciith while tlmtrack-
iitf couili lingers. Cure it with \Vur-
icr's ' Log Cabin and Consumption Rem
edy , the old-fashioned , reliable , grund-
The Sago Kninlly.
Albany Journal : The fortune of Rus-
ell Sago is carefully estimated at $00.-
X)0,000. ) Mi- . Sago has no children , and
should ho die his twonty-oipht rolu-
, ives in Troy would no doubt be well
> rovitleil for. They are nearly all chil-
Iren of Mr. Sago's two brothers. Some
of them are : James H. Sage , a produce
norchatit : Sarah M. Sago , who married
1'harles II. Gardner ; Elizabeth Sago
Gcor , Julia Sago LJaxtor , Albert Sago
mil their children. Charles K. Sago
if Troy , one of Russell's nephews , is a
, > tor by occupation mid lias live
children. His niece , Martha Ann Siifjo ,
s a widow , whoso husband was killed
luring the war. She is a very worthy
: > erson and does n dressmaking business
> n Seventh street , being known as the
Widow Fryer. Mr. Sage is very liberal
with his relatives , and helps many of
Lhoin right along. Mr. Sago has rela
tives in Ouoida , in Chicago , and in
Iowa and Wisconsin , who are not so
losoly related to him ns those in Troy.
A. Double Help for the Ullious.
In addition to that chief remedial measure
the use of Hosteller's Stomach Bitters
persons suffering from an aculo bilious at
tack , will facilitalo recovery by the use at
first of milk and liino water and thin gruels ,
and bv u very gradual return to the use of
solid foods. Fatty substances should bo or-
cludcd from the dlot. Blue pills is u remedy -
edy of doubtful safety , particularly if there
bo nausea and vomiting , frequent concomi
tants of liver trouble. The Hitlers , provided
its reformatory action bo not retarded and
marred by gross Indiscretions in diet , will
EOOM restore the equilibrum of and action of
the liver , stomach and bowels , all three dis
ordered by biliousness. In all forms of ma
larial disease , which in every one of its
phases presents indications of liver trouble ,
Hosteller's Stomach Hitters is the foremost
of specifics. The light of over thirty years'
experience also shows it to bo a line romcdy
for rhaunmtism , kidney troubles , dyspepsia ,
nervousness and debility.
The Wealth of Presidents.
The American Statesman series shows
no moro interesting data than tho. com
parative wealth of the presidents of the
United States on leavingolflco. Wash
ington left olllce worth 8308.01)0 ) , but no
one over accused him of either parsi
mony or of dishonorable methods. John
Adams had but little property , although
by no means poor. JotTeraon was abso
lutely impoverished , and was obliged to
bog of congress to relieve him by pur
chasing his book" . Madison was well
oil , but Monroe , like JolTerbon , was mis
erably poor. John Quincy Adams was ,
for tnoso days , wealthy , and Jackson
was at least comfortably fixed. Van
Duron and Polk were in moderate cir
cumstances , and Taylor was worth 8150.-
000. Fillmore loft a flue estate in Buffalo
ale , which was quickly scattered. Pierce
was worth $15,000 ; Buchanan , 8200,000 ;
Lincoln , $ -50,000. and Johnson the sumo.
The times considered , Washington wiis
the wealthiest. Grant's circumstances
are well known.
"Regulate the regulator. " The blood
must bo good or the health will bo bad.
Warner's JLog Cabin Snrsaparillu puri
ties the blood. I'JOdosos for31. Try it.
Culture's Coat.
Chicago Tribune : Fond Father I
declare ; Aggie , you are a perfect fao-
simllo of your mother when she was
your uge.
Aggie ( just home from a boarding
school ) Pioivio call ma Agonies , papa.
As you say , I presume I am a fall
simmeel of mamma in her younger days.
Fond father ( communing with himscll
in the woodshed a few moments later )
Papal niKiuinnl Agonies ! Fall mmtuool !
Junipln1 Jerusalem ! Is th V what I pay
USO a terre , for'/
An Important Announcement
/bout nil weeks ngo. while at buslnens. ]
w ii suddenly attacked with excraclatlng
pains In my tft , knees and hands. Ho severe
the attack tbat I took 1117 bed Immediately ,
and In two or thre * days my Joint * were
( wollen to almost rtemble their natural Kite ,
and sleep wan driven from me. After suiter-
Ing the limit excruciating pain fur a week ,
using liniments nudvnrlous other remedies ,
friend who sympathized wltn luy heluloM
oundlllon.said tome.i
"Why dou'i you pet Swift' * Speclfls n *
i It. \\lllliunruntcoo cure , and It It clot *
Hot Ida medicine shall rout ynu nothing. "
I at one * necured the R. 8. H. , anil after
using It tlie first day , had a quiet night and
refn thing sleep. In a week I felt greatlr
brncEittwl. In tureo weeks I could tit up and
rnlk atwiit the room , ami after tiling six
bottles I was out nnd able to go to busmen * .
Blucothen I have bc nregulnrlT nt my ) io
of dulr.and utand on my ffet from ulno to
ten hours si day , nnd am entirely frea from
pain. These are the plain and slmplnfncte
( ii my cue. * ml I will cheerfully answer nil
lii'iulrles r latltre thereto , either In person or
far mall. TIIOMIH M VKM.i.iic.
It W Hth street , New York City.
F NiAnriu. ! ! . TICKK. I hiiTorKrdeil off a se.
Yero aitnck of rheumntl m by n timely rovirl
to SwfftM Siw ina In nil cnsn whereni r-
niiinent relief U souglit thU meillitnocom-
mcTiiUllnclf for n constitutional trcutmrnt
that thoroughly eradicate ! the Bowls of dl -
eiuo from the sineni.
' . Huv. W. P. ITARnUO , D. D ,
KEIT YORK , .11 Trn ATB. After spending
| M ) to tin relieved of lllocxt I'ulsan without
ny tKiiifllt , nlow botlles of Srvlft'i8 | > ecUla
worked n ( .vrrect cure. C. I'OUTIIU
VICXVA , OA My llttto girl , aged sir , and
bov , li , ' ' four yean , had Brrnfuln In the
worst tru t d dtmjw. Tliey were | mny
and "IcXiy. To day they are Lialtbyaudro.
bubl , all Iho resultot takings. S. S.
I.AI > T LIRE , BOMTKB Co. , FLA. Your S. S.
A. has proved n wonderful success In mr
caie. Tl'o canrcr on in/ face , no doubt.
would have teen hurried me to my grave. X
Co taluk Ills wonderful , nnd hat noc'iual.
II. H. 1HRD , Vonnimtor.
WACO , TEXAS , May P , 1SS3.
a 8. Co. , Atlanta , Oa. :
Gentlemen Knowing that you appreciate
Voluntary testimonials , wo take pluaiuro la
tAtlng that one uf our lady customers hae
ngalnod her health by the uneuf four large
bottle * of your great remedy , after having
been an \nlldfor aoreral years. Her trouble
was oitrrnra debility , caused by n ilUen < e pe
culiar to her nux. WILLIS ft Co. , Ir\lKKl l .
> Three books mailed free on r "
UlUrugglstasell s. H.S.
THK Svfirr Srrcma Co ,
Drawer 3 , At lanta On.
" York. 7
it OVKIl A MlLLlOX DlSTltlltl'TEDl
'm it * m *
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Inrnriioratail hy tlio legislature of ISI-i , forlM-
ilcntlonul nml l'liarltullo ' purposes , anil Its fuui-
chle tnndc u part of thu nrn ant Stiito Constitu
tion , In Iti'l' ' , by an ovcrwIii'linliiK ixipular vote.
taKc place Scml-Anuinilly ( June and Dfoeiuber )
IN ( } > take place ou enoli of thaothcrtenmonths
u the year , anil nro all drawn lu public , at tlio
Academy of Music , New Orleans Ijii.
"We ilo hereby certify that we supervise tlio
aiTntiKcment * ! tor alltlie Monthly and Hutul-An.
iiual Drawings of Tim Louisiana Btiito l.ottorv
Company , anil In person mannie anil oontrol
the Urawlnijs tlieiiiselves. and that the same
ixre condii' ' ted with honesty , fairness , anil In
Kood faith toward all parties , and wo authorize
Iho company to use this certlllcate , with fao-
Hlmlles of our signatures attached , In Its adver
tisements. "
We , theimderjlKniHl Hanks and Ilankcr.s , will
pay all 1'rlzos drawn In The Louisiana State
Lotteries which may DO presented ut our count-
tors :
It. M. WAIjMSLKV , I'res. Louisiana Nat. Hank.
1'lKRItK LANAUX , l > res. State Nat'l Hank.
A. HALDWIN. I'res. New Orleans Nnt'I Hank.
KOIIN. 1'ros. Union National Hank.
In the Aonclemy of Music. Now Or-
loaii , Tuusdny , November ii ; ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tiotets at Twenty Dollars each.
Halves $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenth ; , $2 ; Twen
tieths $1.
1 PRI7.B OF $ .WO.M ( ) 1.S . $301,000
1 1'RIZE Ol' ' Itt'.IXIOls ' . 100.0UO
1 I'RIX.K Ol' ' nO.'KWls ' . fpO.OOO
1 P1UZK Ol' ' 2.'iXl01.s ( . Sr ! > ,0l)0 )
31'IHXKSOK 10IX)0 are . ) ,000
ni'HIXKSOK n.UM are . Z\000
25 I'RI/.KSOK l.UUOaro . ffi.OOO
lOi ) I'lUZKSOK WW are . W,0i
.IK ) i'KIXKSOK WW are . Co.OOl )
UK ) 1'UIZKS UI2UO are . 100.0O )
W ) Prizes of I.VW are . H,000
KX ) do SWaro . IW.OOO
100 do a are . 30,00i )
099 do lOOaro . tn , ! 1
WJ do lOOare . W.900
a.V.11 Prizes , amounting to . 11.054,800
NOIK. Tlckota rtrawinu Capital Irtios nrc not en-
tltteJ to terminal prUus.
JirKoiiCLiniHATiN , or anjr further Information
doMred. write iPKllily to the tmtlcnlKno.l. clearlr
stiUInK your rvMifencp.with Stntn. County. Mtroet ami
number. Moro ruplil return luall dultrer/ will bu at-
nured l > r rour cnclorlng un eiiTelape bearing four
full a'lflrcss.
Scnil I'OhTAIi NOTl'.S. Kxprco Monor Onlerj , of
Nu V rk KxclmnKu In ordinary letter , Currency by
Kires | ( at our expense ) uddreiiml
Alt A * IIAUI llir i ,
Or M. A. DAUl'llIN' , New Orleans , La.
Wmhliitfton. I > . C.
Address Registered Letters to
Now Orloinn , lA ,
of Gen-
. , erols llenuroKaril nnJ
Knrly , who uru IntUarito or the drtriiui. H n ifuar-
antee of abnolute lulrneiK and Integrity , thai tlio
cliancei nreall ciinal , anil Irmt no one can poiillilf
dlvlnii wbnt number will drawn price.
"HKMKMHKH. also , tliat tlie payment ofprlzcili
Nmv OrleauK. and ( he Ticket * are slcinxl hy the l're -
tdent of nn ln tlttitlon whose chartered rltiht * are
recoiinlxed In the highest courts ; therefore , beware
of any Imitations vr anonrmoui scliniuon.
E ron
Sauta Abie : and : CatR-Cure
For Sale by
Goodman Drug Co.
Who tl WRAK. NrnVODH. I > F.IUMTA-
bai TRIFI.KI away hU TIC1OH of IIOUT ,
dralni upon the rOVNTAINN of LIFE ,
nRADAOIIK , nACUAOUE , nrcndru !
Drcatni , WEAKNEHH of Memory. 11ANI1 >
the FACE , and all tie EFFECT * Ipodlnc to
EAMI.Y DKCATKnd psrhnpi C
Vroit or IHHAWITY , ihonld coniult Bt enc
the CELEBRATKU far. Clarke , EiUtiltilied
JSil. Cr. Clarke hat made NF.RVOCH OF-
UlLITY. rUROVI ! ; and all Dlteasti of
He GElflTO ITRtKABY Oretni a 1.1 To
fltndy. It makM NO difference WHAT you
MT * taken or WHO hai failed to cure you ,
WEM ALES lUfferlBR from dlteatr i pecu *
Uar to their MX can coniult with the assurance
Of ipeadr rollef and cure. Send 2 cent * poitago
tot works on your diicr. es.
* > -Oend 4 oenti pottage for Celebrated
Work * on Chronic. HerYon * and Hell *
! Diseases. Consultation , peraonalir or by
totter , fret. . Consult the old Imrlor.
Ttioai udsi cnr d. Office * and iinrlom
prlvatn. JVThoBO contempIfitliiR Marrlaga
wnd for Dr. Clnrho'c celebrated guldo
le and Fetnitlei e cli 10c. , both 26c.
( tamp * ) . Heforo confldlng your case , consult
Dr. CI.AKKE. A friendly letter or call may
ve future suHerlugand shame , and add golden
yean to life.Book " I.lfe'si ( Secret Er.
rom , " COo. ( itampj ) . Medicine and writings
sent everywhere , secure from ex posture.
Hours , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , 9 to U. Address ,
F. D. OLiARKE , M. D.
A Great Medical Work for Young and
lliddlc-Agci lien.
New Edition , Revised and Enlarged ,
Young nml mhMlo-uttOil ninn who tire mi tiering
'rom tlu * imllvrctlon- > nutli. KxhiniMml vitality ,
Survoui ami IMiyMcul Debility , 1'ri'mtituu1 Dcdtup ,
VcM nml tlui tltoiiHJitid untold inlvrii" * ( Otno'jiu'nl
licroon , nm1 nil whit nrc pick nml iniflVrlna anil do
tot know what ulN them , c in I'o ' cnroti without fail
by fullnfftriff ttii1 .niimrtlnnH 1" tlio science or Ulo
or Njlf ProHorvutlon. 1'rlco only II by mail post *
mill. BOiOtul. Hi1 * u hook for incry nm , .hM iwum ,
'nil ' k'llt , 1& i > rfJM'ilptto'n for nil tuiitu nri < 1
chronic ill onsc * . Kully cndoriea hy the Nntioiuil
Utnltcm Association , who a v. an I oil tht * KoM nnd
c ullud nioilal to the tmthor. Illustrative sninulo ,
with cndorsoiarnts of tbt * pro's , luii It } ou appl >
invr. Adt1rp the Ponbntl ) Modl"iil In-itltutu or Jr. )
\V. 11. 1'AUKKH , No. 1 , llulMncli M. , Boston , .MiiM. ,
The muy he ronsultuM cuntlduntlnlly on all illioasei
of man , III * ipcrUlty
"Tho Stjpnro of Ufe , tnn latent work from the
> on nt thB Hblo mid ( ll tliiKiilHht'tl coriHiittln phvui-
1i\nof the lYatxuly MotlU'til Initttuto , Ito ton , u by
ar TIIK UK r niedlcnl trratltt1 lor j on tit : and niltMlo *
iK U nii'ti over * IMU lorth In the I'ncM-i ! I in/iiHco ,
ind It Is ptilillrthotl hv nn Inntttnto totindcJ hy tlm
rreatoit philatithropist kiuiwn in Amor lea cr Kin-
and.KiMii.Y MhUAli .
There Unoiiu'intMT of society to whuni The Sci
ence of Life will not ho uHufuI.wlicthi'Oouth. jmrunl ,
Kuurdlan , Instructur orclcr : yiuuii.AIUIONAL r.
Life Insurance Go.
Assets and Surplus of the Company ,
DKCliMIlttfl Hist. Iffff.
Assets , $200,88.1.4:5. : Surplus , * U10,158.97
Assets , fl3,07U,347i37. Surplus , $1,830CM.62.
OlUce , First National Hunk ; Kootn 300 and SOT
Tansill's ' Punch Cigars
were shipped during the PUB *
two yourn , without a drum
mer iu our employ. No other
houBO In the world can truthfully -
fully malm such nghowirjc.
Ono auout ( denier only )
wanted la each town.
Is being rapidly pushed lo completion and vro hope to open the same by the tSthinst.
The changes and improvements which wo ate also making in the old store extend to
every iloor and department. Wo propose to have not only the largest , but also tho-bost
arranged and best lighted Clothing Establishment.
We have to apologize to our patrons for the present condition of our store , but it
is unavoidable ; we are not only crowded with goods but crowded with buyers at all
times , and customers may find it a little inconvenient but they will find themselves
amply repai d by the low prices we are making throughout our entire stock and the
many bargains we are ottering.
Our stock of Overcoats is enormous and the change in the weather has created
quite a demand for them. We have everything imaginable , or at least desirable , and
among our stock will be found many lots which are marked in price far below their in
trinsic value.
The Hens' Suit stock is the heaviest ever shown and its variety warrants the as
sertion that whoever buys a Winter Suit without at least looking hero , faila to consult
his own interest. There is not an establishment in the west that otters the selection or
names the prices wo do.
Boys and Children are as amply provided for wo still have some of the special
bargain Knee Pant Suits at $2.50 a suit , which would bo cheap at $5.00. Wo want every
mother to look at this suit. In long Pant Suits and Boys' and hildren' s Overcoats wo
otter great inducements.
Underwear you can buy of us at lower prices than the regular retailers pay for
Gloves , Hosiery , Neckwear and all other Mens' furnishings at lowest possible
Hats are almost given away , at least you would think so if you look at the con
stant rush in our Hat Department. The quantities we handle of these goods , and the
way we buy them puts all competition out of the question.
Clothing Company
Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
Nos. 303-404-170-604.
.V-oYuUc .
. i'rnM.comblnKl. UuIriuUfcdiba
'only ono In the world generating
aeontlnuous BlKtHo & Magnrtfo
_ . - -arwnl. Bclentlflo , 1'owerful. Durable ,
F Comfortable and Kffeollvo. Avoid frauds.
. . BondRtauipforpaniphlet ,
fe. UORNE. iNvuTois 181 WASWH AVE. . CWCM * .
Incomoarably the Baat.
Advertising hni always p ovcQ
Buccossful. Before placing an ?
Nmvspnpor Advertising consutt
l Is W < Uudol bSlr.oU CHIRACO.
ill l/UUlll
1'nitl Up CujiHuI $400,000
Surplus 50,000
11. W. YATKS. President.
LEWI * S. IlKKO , Vice President.
A. K. TOUZAMN , Und Vice 1'roslcletit.
W. H. .S. lludiir.s , Ciishlor.
DlltBCTOR * :
W. V. Mouse , JOHX s. COLLINS ,
K. W. VATKS. Lewis H. Ilnut ) ,
Hauklng Olllco
Corner 12th and FarmimHts.
A Gcnernl Hanking Itu lnesB Transacted.
The Kansas City Investment Co ,
30 C'hambcr ol' Commerce ,
No delays. All business done at this onice.
A T Bn' ' T-
Sold by Druggists.
Health is Wealt i !
Du. B. 0. W ST'B Ncnri AND BRAIN TUBA *
HIST , ffunranteed tpooifi * for Hysteria , DlxA
ness , Oonrulalon * . Fits , N'ervouu N urftlglri ,
Ueadaob * . Norroui Prostration , cnuswl by the
DM of alcohol or tobacco. Waknfutneai. MeotA )
Jlepresslon. Softening of the Brain , resulting U
Insanity , and Icaillncr to mlicrr. dccajr and
death , Prematur * Old Age , Ilarrannesi , Lou * }
Power In either aer Inroluntafy Lone * and
BnermaVorliocu cauicd by ovar-exertton of the
brain. ielf-amii or over-lndulcence. Qaah bo
contains one month's treatment. 11.00 a box. or
Iz boxes ( or H.XI Mat by mall prepaid on r *
Mlpt of prlot.
To cur * any oai * . With each or et reoaiTed br
i for elf boxes , accompanied with IK.OO. w
will send u purchaser our written guarantee
to refund the money If the treatment d es not
effect a cure. Guarantee Issued only by 0. V.
QOODMA.N. Druxelst , Sole Agent. 1110 Farnarji
Rtrert. Omaha. Noli
rcck.sklll-M-lliil ( < .oii : N. V. Souil f or cat a-
loguo. JNO. H.TinUKN. M. I ) . . M. A. , 1'rlnclpaU
A WORD fel
I fl