HBbMKS THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 17 ; . 1888. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , A Continuance of the Downward Movement in Wheat. "OLD HUTCH" DUYING LIBERALLY Corn Jlulcs Weaker Onts Quiet Pro- TlHloiiN HufTcr ix Decline CMtlcAcl- Ive Hut I'rlcc * UnchniiBcd Lower Quotations. CHICAGO PIlonUCB MAUKKT. CiiifAfio , Oct. 10. ( Special Telegram to Tnr. llee 1 The wheat market opened weak nnil lower on soft private cables and the prcssuroof Ions wheat. There was no very lurfe'o tunount oflercd , but scattering orders caino on the market from every ijuarter at the name time. December opened at tl.lOJf and May at $1.10 . The low point -$1.10' ' . , ' for December und (1.10 for May was reached very BOOH after the opening and then , with out any warning , the market started up , December ( 'olnK toU.12'j ' , and May to ? l. IS,1 , ' . December worked back to tl.lOJf and May took n position at a premium following De cember , J ( ( lc. After this second re liction the market hung around . ® ! . ! ! / for December emlto a while , but soon after 12 o'clock it again turned decisively and the best prices of the day were obtainable the last half hour of the trading session. De cember by IS : 15 was $1.1' % May U3 f and the top was not reached until afterwards. The market was active early and late , the name as yesterday , with a very dull period intervening. The absence of the Belling pressure was a notable feature during most of the session , and by a good many the temper was misjudged on that account , the opinion prevailing quite gener ally that the only reason values did not fur ther depreciate was for the simple reason that thi'ro was little property offering , and that it only needed selling to produce a break. The action , when it came , was from the other direction.Vhcat was wanted , and Btlll there was little for sale. Outside mar- Jiuts were generally steady and rather better , if anything. Seaboard nuiiuuts are not now far removed from the export basis , and If foreigners want our wheat at anywhere near the prices prevailing at export points they will bcgm to feel for it soon. The situation looks more natural than it has for some time , though primary markets have yet a consid erable distance to go back or eastern mar kets to go up before they get into line. A story which found belief to-day was in circulation to the ef fect that the market was milled by I-'airbnnk and Hutchinson yesterday for the double purpose of disabusing the public mind of the idea that a corner in December was In I'ontemplation and also to enable Hutchinson to buy a large line of May wheat , of which ho found himself short. The fact that llntchinson has been a free buyer of May on the break lent color to tills bit of gossip , and the undisturbed und smiling front of the fttalwart bulls under the rattling tire to which the mmket has been subjected was the excuse for the remark. A further state ment was made that the only persons hurt by yesterday's break and its continuance early this morning were the "taller , " who have been "shaken out , " and that none of the princldal lines of long wheat have been disturbed or reduced. Information was also vouchsafed that the short interest in Decem ber is greater now than it was before the raid. On the oilier hand , the bears say that whatever may happen , the receipts of wheat up to the end of December will bo lame and on a gradually increasing scale. They say that the wheat farmers are holding back is of u better grade and that the natural tendency of this future free movement will bo to keep values down and prevent any more "cor ners. " These bits of talk are given for what they are worth as representing opposing views on the subject of wheat values. May wheat walked right along up to ft. 14 % . Consclmnn led in the buy ings , his purchases for the day being put at 12,500,000 bushels. This may or may not bo for Hutchinson , but the crowd elected to believe that it was. December rose to $1.13 > . The whole list set tled back somewhat from the extreme top , but the last quotations recorded an advance over 2c in near futures and 3 > o in May. Corn started weak anil lower nt 43c , November being } e under yesterday's close and sold oft sharply } c more to 42) ) c , rallying ut the latter point with an improve ment observable In wheat and working up gradually to 4Sc. Hemoto futures were strongest and made slight gains , while Oc tober and.Novembcr closed iC@3BCundor yes terday's prices. Closing quotations were ; IMoberVJe ; November 4Hlo { bid ; December 40 > 5c seller , and May 39' ' c bid. Oats opened fairly active with most of the trading in May , which was weak to he lower early and advanced to 29'fc ' , ruling dull and quiet later with near months nearly un changed , though tending to weakness. Posted receipts were greater than antici pated , including nearly 400 cars , and with large quantities In sight and a general cusl ness elsewhere there was little disposition to put out new lines. No. S in store was about Vu lower ut 34e with trading in cash lots chiclly by sample. In the provision market there was n little more doing. Not much increase was notice able in outside trading but regular pil traders wore more inclined to branch out nnd as they were doubtless influenced ir their course by orders to sell the tendency ol the movement was bearish. Early in UK day the irado was subjected to what might be construed as a mild raid and as a rcsul prices won ) made to average and close lowei than yesterday. The decline actually suf fercd amounted to 25o on October lard , 27J i on October short ribs , 15c on Novcmoei porkUKoon November hnl , 7 fe on De i-embcr , year ltd Junutf ? .urd , 12 > tfc on yea and January pa * t od 1C on January slier ribs. _ CHICAGO MVE STOCK. CXAioOct. 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin B .K -CATTLE.- 1 . - Business was somewhat bet f/jr than yesterday , but there was little or in I'lango in values as compared with yesterday ilio only improvement was that buyers cam cut earlier and made better offers than yes Ajrday Kastern markets are full of beef am cattle , ami until the surplus is worked ofl both in the cast and Chicago , there Is littli or no chance for improvement. So far thii week there Is only 1,000 less than the sami time last week , yet from all accounts recolvci the chances are that the run will bo consldci nbly less than last week. Should this provi correct the present pressure may bo relieved but there Is slight chance for any great tin provcuicnt this week. The run of Tcxans an rangers fell ofl to about 100 cars each , yet tli overage sales were no better than yesterdaj native butchers' selling about the same a last week. The demand for stacker und feeders continues fair and price remain steady. The receipts Includ 1tlCOO Texas nnd western cattle ; choic beeves , ffl 5li@ri.lK ) ; medium to good steer 11(50 ( to 1500 Ibs , .W < f5.50 ; 1200 to 1350 Ibi $3.75(34.50 ( ; l > 50 to 1200 Ibs , $ J.'J5 ( < M.S5 ; stocl ers and feeders , ( l.VO@3.35 ; cows , bulls an mixed. fl.35dK1.UO ; bulk , FJ.20 ( 2.50 ; Texn cattle and Indian steers , f . ! . I0@,1.r ; > ; cowi fl.C5@2.aO ; western rangers , $3.50(3 1.4(1 ( cows , fJ.30Q3.00 ; wintered Tcxans , tS.tXX S.G5. S.G5.Hoas Hoas Trade opened brisk and the bulk ( arrivals sold about the same as ycstenla ; but after the rush of shippers and speci lators was over , buyers for packers refuse to pay the current prices of the morning , that Into sales were at least 5o lower than i the opening and the general market close dull. Host heavy sold around about fO.l A few fancy made $ < J.15@0.20 , but the bulk i the ordinary run of mixed sold bctwec $5.90 and tU.OO , with common at J5.75@5.6 Light sorts were neglected and sold at $3.7 Qti.00. _ FINANCIAL NEW YORK , Oct. 10. - ( Special Telepra to TUB Hre.l STOCKS There were slight lower prices in most of the list at the ope Ini ; to-day , with the tone rather wea 'Richmond and West Point stocks wei trout' feuttnei , both ad vaiicing. small frs tlon . The decline was checked after the first half hour. Aside from eight or ten stocks the market was dull almost to stagna tion. Considerable animation and strength was shown In cotton oil toward noon , but the dealings wcro featureless as a rule. At 2 o'clock the market was dull and steady nt about opening prices , St. 1'nul closed 1 point higher , and Union 1'aclflc advanced nearly as much , Burlington declined 2 lolnt i recovering about one-half of It. Price changes In tha remainder of the list were tinlm ] > ortant , generally showing a small advance. It was another unfruitful day. The following were the closing quotations : IT. H. 4 * regular. . . ISd's Northern I'ddric. . 2Pj ( IJ. H. 48couponi. . .12ili dopreferrcd MS I * . H. 4'isrejillar. ' ldS'4 C. * N. W nil U.H. 4'iscotipons IIWU dopreferred UT * 1'acincCsof'UJ . .121 N. Y. Central 107J ( Vntrnl I'aclllc . : it < i P. , I ) . AII 27 ChlcHpo * Alton ir > Hook Mlnnd ClilcHKo.llurllncton U. . M.Ac St. ! . „ k giilncy . . 112 do preferred. . . .1 ( ' 4 I ) . . I , . A W. . . 141' , St. I'nul * Omuhn . .It'H ' Illinois Central. )17' ) ' , do preferred _ Hl7-j I. , II. &W. . . . ; I'nlun Pacific . t U Kansas & Texas .12 , W. . St. I , . \ 1' . I A Lake .Shore . . lIK'il do preferred . . US' , Michigan Central . Mf , Western Union . frj.'j Jllssourll'aciflc . . tO'fl MONET ON CALL Kasy at 2@.T percent ; last loan 3 per cent ; closed offered at 3 per cent. PIIIMB MBIICANTILB PAI-EII IJ { < i tiJf per cent. STKIIUNO KXCIUXOK Quiet nnd steady nt W.S3 > i for sixty-day bills , and | 4.sT-f ! ! for demand. _ PHOOUCE. Ciui'Aoo , Oct. 10. Wlic.it Strong and higher ; cash.fl.lt ; November , $1. 1 ! / ; De cember , fl.3'4 ! ' ; Mav , $1.14. Corn Firmer ; cash , 4e : ! : November , 43 Vc ; December , 4Uc , ; May. 3' ) > < e. Oats Firm ; cash , 2 le ; November , 2 } ; December , 23c ; May , 29Jic. live 54" . Uaney Nominal. Prime Timothy No trading. Flax-JUU ! * . \Vhhkv-Sl.--JO. Pork -Firm ; cash , 115.00 ; December , $11.10 ; May , $14.10. Lard Steady ; cash , f.7G ; November , JS.30 ; December. M.r.'Jf Flour About 2.V lower ; patents , f7.00@ 7.25 ; bakers , tl.753i.V25 ; winter. fV 0 < vJ.vyO ; Hulk Meats Shoulders , e8.S5iii.W ( ) ; short clear , ? 3.75 ( < Ei.OO : ; short rib ? , $ -.05 8.07 . Hutter Firm ; creamery , 17a25c ( ; dairy , 15&J20C. Cheese Firm ; full cream choildars , 10 } f ( illlc ; flats 10 > i ( > Mle ; Young Americas , 11 C ll"4e. Eggs-Scarce ; 17'4@lSc. ' Hides Unchanged ; Heavy green salted , 7ii ( > 7'4c ' ; light green salted , 7'ie ; salted bull , 5o ; dry Hint , ilc ; damaged , 7e ; dry calf , 7frSo ; branded hides 15 per cent off ; deacons , 25fa.'lV e.ich ; dry salted , 7c. T.tllow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 5c ; No. 2 , 4c ; cake , 5c. Hecpipts. ShiiJincnts. Flour , bbls . 2. ,000 24,1)00 ) Wheat bu . 02.000 35.000 Corn , bu . 341.000 311,000 Oats , bu . 2iO,000 : 2-0,000 Hjc , bu . . . . . New Vork. Oct. 1(5. ( Wheat Receiots , 10J.700 ; exports , none ; spot market unset tled , closing llrmer at 'J' ' Klie advance , quiet ; No. 2 red , 1 1.10'VC"1 ! 11 in elevator ; Jl.ll'4iil.li > 4 alioat , fl.HOiH 114 f. o. b ; No. ! ! red , ? 1 OJ ; unirraded red , 9'cC < 0 ? t.l(5No. ( ; 1 red , * 1. 14 ( 1.14 ; options 2 2' ' higher ; very dull ; November , 1. II5 ; , closing at $1.1 Ph. Corn Keccipts , IdiJ.OOO ; exports , 140,225 ; spot market active but weak ; Un'l ' . , 'e lower ; No. 2 , MHd'i Tile in elevator , iiO ; f ( .Mo afloat ; ungraded mixed , 50 51J c ; options ( ( ( " .jO lower , weak and fairly active , No vember closing at 5lc. Oats Kcceipta , 139 ; exports 213 ; spot market a shade tinner and fairly active ; op tions steady and fairly active.Novembcr clos ing nt SOWc ; spot , No. 2 white , 33 ' . , ( ( < 'SUV" mixed western , 20 ( < J31c ; white western , 23 Coffee Options opened steady at 10fM { ! > points up , higher cables , closing steady at 5v 'lO ' points below yestei day with free bell ing , closing active ; October , f4.50jf ] ( 14.110 ; November. $14.35@ll.50 ; December , fH.10 ( S'14.30 ; Hio stronger ; fair cargoes at lOJ c. Petroleum } c lower ; United closed at 92 fc. Kggs Quiet and less steady ; western , 21f @S2e. Pork Quiet. Lard Nominal ; western steam , $9.25@ 9.37J ; options , lower and dull ; sales for No vember closed at $3.01 bid. Hutter Actlvo und firm ; western dairy , 7c ; western creamery , 14@2Ci3 ; Elgin , , Cheese Firmer and quiet ; western , 10 ® St. Louis. Oct. 10. Wheat Higher ; cash , $1.00W ; October , $ l.07V ; November , $1.09 Jf. Com Weaker ; cash , 39c ; November , 30 0. Oats Dull ; cash , 22e ; May , 2SXc. Pork-Quiet atir > .23. Lard Lower at fS.25. Whisky-fl.H. Hutter Unchanged ; creamery , 20@22c ; dairy , lfc@19c. Minneapolis , Oct. 10. Wheat Receipts were 393 cars , with 94 shipped out. Higher prices were asked , but sales did not show much Improvement. Closing : No 1 hard , Octo ber and November , f 1.20 ; December , $1.21 ; May , $1.23 ; on track , $1.10 ; No. 1 north ern , October , $1.11 ; November , $1.11 ; De cember , $1.10 ; May , $1.10 ; on track , f 1.11 ® 1.12 ; No. 2 northern , October , $1.04 ; Novem ber , $ l.0ltf ; December , $1.05 > i ; May , $1.10)4 ) ; on track , ? 1.05. Milwaukee , Oct. 10. Wheat More active : cash. $1.03J ; December , $1.05J ; Jan uary , $1.KW. Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , 44c. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 29c. Hye Quiet ; No. 1 , 5fic. Harley Quiet ; No. 2 , T3c. Provisions Steady ; pork , cash , f 15.00. Cincinnati. Oct. 16. Wheat-Dull ; No. 2 red , $1.03@1.07. Corn Dull and easier ; No. 2 mixed , 40 ® 40'ie. Oats-Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 2Cc. Hye Firmer ; No. 2 , COe. Whisky Active nnd llrm ; $1.14. Kansas City , Oct. 1(5. ( Wheat Steady ; No. 2 rod , cash and November , $1.00 asked ; December , Ob cbid ; May , fl.Ol'-i bid ; No. 3 red , cash , bUc asked ; No. 2 soft , cash , 51.01 % bid ; December , $1,03 } bid. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 , cash , no bids or offer ings ; year , 2SJ obid ; May , SO ubid ; No. 3 , cash , 2U e asked. Oats No. 2 , cash , 21c asked ; May , 23c bid. IjlVK STOCK. . Chicago , Oct. 10. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows- Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; market steady ; beeves , $ j.CO@r ,00 ; steers $3.2o@5.50 ; stockcrs and feeders , $ ! . ! > 0 ( < t3.l5 ! ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.35u3.50 ( ; Texas steers , $1.C5(23.35 ( ; western rangers , $2.00 ® 4.40. 4.40.Hogs Receipts , 14,000 ; opened strong ; closed 15o lower ; mixed , $5.000.0o ; heavy , $5.75@0.20 ; li ht , $3.CO@0.00 ; skips , $ ' . ' .00 ® 3.03. 3.03.Sheep Receipts , 7,000 ; market Irregular ; natives , J3.tXKt4.00 ; westerns , $ . ) .20 ® .55 ; Texans , $2.30@3.30 ; lambs , $1.005.50. Kanias City , Oct. 10. Cattle Receipts , 7,553 ; shipments , 1,200. Market opened stead j to strong on all classes , but toward the close became weak , slow and u shade lower ; good to choice corn fed , $4.75@5.25 ; common U medium , $3.2.X34.50 ; stackers and feeding steers , $1.CO J3.U5 ; grass range steers , $1.C ! ® 3.00 ; cows , $1.25@2.75. Hogs Receipts , 9,700 ; shipments , 422 market opened steady and closed weak ant 510o lower ; good to choice , $5.755.65 common to medium , $5.25@3.G5 ; skips ani pigs , $3.00@5.00. Natlunnl Stock Yards. East St Ioul . Oct. 10. Cattle Receipts , 3,755 shipments , 70 ; market strong ; choice heavj native steers , $5.005.70 ; fair to good , $4.41 ( i5.00 ; butchers' steers , medium to choice $2.30@4.40 ; rangers , corn-fed , * 3.104.10 . prass-fed , IJ.OOQ3.20. Hogs Receipts. 4,515 ; shipments , 130 market lower ; choice heavy and butchers selections , $ rt.OCK20.20 ; packing , medium t < prime. $5.UO@G.lo ; light grades , ordinary t < best , $5.7Kg5.90. ( OMAHA lilVE Cattle. Tuesday , Oct. 10,1SS8. There wcro not as many cuttlo hero a ycbtcrday by less than half , but what \ta wanting In numbers was more than inudou In < pjulity. The bulk of the receipts con slated of good westerns , > yhilo Texans am th ( * more Inferior grades of cattle were scarce. ' 1 he market was about steady nnd about the avernpo number of cattle changed hands. The scarcity of peed native feeders tontlnucs , and for that re on there was ilot much life to the Hade. Butchers' stock was also rather scarce and good cows sold as high as * 2 70 ; even $3.00 was paid for one. The market opened with heavy hogs sellIng - Ing a shade lower and other grades flo lower. As the morning progressed the market grew weawcr and closed dull and 10@15c lo\\cr. Twenty-seven loads were left oxer unsold. Sheop. There were a peed many hero and n few changed hands. The market , however , was very active. _ Ilceelpts. Cattle . 1,100 Sheep . 0,000 I'rcvaihnu 1'rluos. The following a table of prices paid In this market for the grade * of stock men tioned. Prime steers. 1300 to lA001b . .t.VOO (35.75 ( Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 ibs. 4.00 id.VOO Native feeders . 2.50 ( 3.25 Western fec.crs . 2.50 ( < ( 3. 15 Ramrc steels , coin'on to choice 2.50 ( < i3.50 Common to good cows . 1.50 ( < i2.5 ! Choice to fancy cowi . 2.50 03.00 Common to choice bulls . 1.25 M2.00 Fair tocnoico light hogs . 5.5'J ' ( ali.O'J ' Fairtocnoiee heavy hoits . 5.70 t.Vt)5 ) Fair to choice mixed hogs . 5.50 ( 5.75 ItcprcHiMitacivu Halo * . CATTLE. No. AT. Pr. 2ICOWS . M3 $1.40 24 cnws , natives . ' .Hi2 2. 15 llicows . 107.1 2.0 20 cows , westerns . 1002 2.30 7 calves . aiO 2.50 5 mixed . 1240 2.50 5 cows , westerns . U24 2.50 15 cows . lltto 2.75 1 steer , Texas . 1 130 2.0 ' 15 steers , Texas . 1 1'.U ' S.'O ' ' 1 cow , western . 1 100 3.KI ( 2 feeders . 9V0 3.0J 3(5 ( steers , corn-fed natives . 1379 5.50 HANOI : cirru : . Owner and No. Av. Pr. Sand Ur'k L. & C. Co. , 3) strs.1370 $3.r > 0 0 sirs. 1435 3.50 1 st'r.1310 3.50 Uasm Cattle Co. , 3 cows . 1073 SJ..1U 23 feeders. . . . 102i 3.0J 19 rows . lOSb 2.0 ; ! ' .I steers . 11 Oil 3.10 SI steers , Wy. 122 3.10 Hake & Jnrvis , 35 steers . 1257 3. 15 1 stag . 1720 2.00 4 cows . 11H2 2.50 1 steer . 1110 3.15 Hay State C. Co.,4 st's , strays. 1 1190 2.00 31 st's.struys.l'Jmi 2.'jo Galbraith , 141 steers , Wyo. . . . 1209 3.00 0 steers , Wyo . . . . 9b8 3.00 Standard Cattle Co , 00 steers , Wyoming and Texas . 1011) ) 2.07H S. Ranltin , 70 feeders . 1121 2.90 noos No. Av. Shk. Pi- . No. Av. Hh'.c. Pr. ? ! . . .207 200 * , ) f,0 01. , . .274 120 $5 70 Ml. . .218 2-11 5.-.0 54. , . .271 M ) 5.70 Mi. . 120 5.50 04. . .250 HHI 5.70 21. . . : U4 120 .i.r > o 57. . .251 120 5.70 5.r > 5 7s. . .237 12J 5.70 100 5..T. 05. . .250 24(1 ( 5.70 01. , . .2. ) 120 " ' 05 . 238 6.70 74. , " 5 . * > 5 . .2.15 120 5.70 70. , 2.Vi 120 r..Vi . 00. . .259 120 5.70 . 210 210 "i.rir > (13. ( . .211 120 5 70 I. ! . .24 : ! 240 500 07. . .251 100 5.70 " 8. , . .274 210 r..oo b4. . .215 320 5.70 7. . .214 120 r..oo . 04. . .251 5.75 9. . .212 100 S.01I 09. . .201 200 5.75 55. , . .2.-.r > 120 5.00 5(5. ( 5.75 ill. , ' ' " 20 r > oo 0-5. . 200 i7. . "M\ \ 320 5.02' . .2,11 , 200Ml 12(1 ( J 00. , . .270 2N ( ) ft. 1.1 120 5.(15 ( Ml. . 100 5.M ) .241 ! 200 5 05 ( H. . IliO 5.bO .242 210 5.05 70. , . .200 80 5.VO .237 241) ) 5.05 71. , . .243 100 5.K ) .240 241)M 5.05 137. , . .271 320 5.b ( ) M ) 5.05 75. , . .2(54 ( bO 5.N" > C9.24S ! ! ! 320 8.115 ' ' . .20 to 5.90 CO..2(4 ( 100 5 (15 ( 54' . . .35 > 5.95 01..2112 120 5.05 sucnp. No. Av Pr. ! 00 westerns 100 $3.20 190 westerns 100 3.20 257stockers 70 2.00 PncKers Purchase * . Showing the number of hog * bought by the leading buyer * on the market to-day : G. H. Hammond & Co 449 Omaha Packing C 500 Armour C. P.Co K15 J P Sijuiro & Co 1,700 Highest and Lowest. The following are the highest and lowest prices paid for hogs during the past few days and on the corresponding dates one and two years ago : Lire StocK Note * . C. C. Oehvick , Hraincrd , came in with a car of cows. O. Andrews , Syracuse , was hero with a load of cows. J. Sheeks , York , marketed a choice load of heavy hogs at $5 95. W. A. Harr , 1 irmly Island , came in with a double deck of sheep. Ewing , Neb. , was represented by W. II. Thompson , who came in with cattle. J. J. Holcomb , Hebron , was nt the yards with a load of sheep and a load of hogs. Andy Haas was at the yards. Ho is feed ing a large number of cattle at Herman. Mr. Hutlcr , of the firm of Duller & Hough , Crescent , la. , came over with a car of hogs. Frank Dorsey , a popular young man nt the yards , has connected himself with the firm of Palmer , Richman & Co. Harry Benson has accepted n situation ns book-keeper with the well known commission firm , Dorsoy Hros. & Clifton. Fred Van Dyne , Button.I. ; R. Langtord , Tekamah ; J L , A very , Hattlo Creek , nnd A. Standen , Valley , came in with hogs. The Amour-Cmlaiiy Packing Co. bought their first cattle to-day nnd will commence killing to-morrow. This will create a better market for the moro common kinds of stock , as they Intend to do considerable canning , OMAHA WHOLESALE MAKKETS. Produce , Krulto , Etc. BUTTER Fancy , solid-packed creamery , 18 @ 23c ; choice country , I719o ; common grades , HHulMc. FLOUII Nebraska patents. $0.00(30.75 ( ; Minnesota patents , $ i.2o@7.50 ! ; straight grades , $5.00@5.5U ; bakers' Hour , $5.255.75 per barrel. POTATOES 2" > @IOc per bushel. SWEET POIATOKS 00 ( SOc per bu. POULTIIT No dressed fowl in the market ; live chickens , $3.00(23.59 per doz. ; spring chickens , $2.oO@.I.OJ. TOMATOES 5n@tXc ) per bu. PEAKS California , $3.00(43.50 per bu bor. Eoos Stnctlv tresh , 18@l9ccandlcd. CALiroitNuGiUMs 11.25 ® 1.50 per case ; Delawaros 40(250 ( , * . . CONCOKD UKIFES 30@40o per 10-lb basket. PBICUKS California , $1.00@1.50 per box ; Michigan , 50cg$1.00 ( per basket. BANAJUS-Cominon , $ l.502.25 per bunch ; choice , $2.503.50. LEMONs--3.l > 0if ( 4.00 per case. OHANOES J.VOOWO.OO per box. CELCIIT 25 ( < j30c ner dozen. Eoo PLANT 75 ® $1.00 per dozen. ONIONS I0(250c ( per bu. CAinuoB $3.00 ( < ! 4.l > 0 per 100 Ibs. BEETS 40c per bushel. Tims'ips 30o per bushel. Arn.ES-$2.XMZ4.00 ( bbl. CIC K Michigan. $4.50(40.50 txsr bbl 82 gals ; California pear elder , $15.00 per bbl. POP Cons Rice. bW common , 233c. LiiRKOTS DOcper bushel. BEANS Choice eastern handpicked navies. $2.00 per misuel ; western hand picket' navies. $1.75(31. ( 0 ; mediums , $1,301.40 Lima beans 5e per pound. HAT f. o. D. cars. No. 1 Jpland , $3.00 ; No 2 upland. $1.25 BKAN $11.0012.CO. CuorrED FKEU$14.00 ® 15.00 per ton. . - , - .p- ViNEOArt Cider , ! 0 < < ? lSc per cal- White wine , ll ) ' 20o per put. " ? " f'HANnniniRs t .oUfZs.oO ( per bbl. PlioviMovs-Hamif'No. 1 , 12'c ; No. 2 , ll'fo ? shoulders , ' Vc * rib bacon. 12 , ' c : clcnr bacon , 12)Vc ) ; Yuciw haii ! . O'jC ; dried beef hams , flXe ; dry 'fc.ilted clears , short , lie ; extrrt short , ! 10'tc ' ; short ribs , lOc ; pickled pigs feet , 15-lb'kits , bOc ; laril , 10'c ! smoked pausngc , 0 < ft9c per Ib ; hog cas ings , 17(3160. ( ' Ornvort 1.1st. Revised prices ard oollowsi Uiooi.NG Stark A seamless 22ot Amos- keap , seamless. 17' c ; Lcwiston A , seamless. 19e ; American , seamless 17c ; burlaps 4 to 5 bit , Il@t4e ; ( ninnies , single , lc ! ) ; gun nies , double , 20c ; woolsacks , 35c. Twines Flax , 33c ; extra sail , 'JCK < j21u sail 13 ll > ® 20c ; cotton. 21 c ; 1uto. 10- . , ( Uitinn FnuiTs t cvin DoxcsPorlb < 13 ® ICc ; dates , In boxes , 79100 ; London Malaga layer raisins , per box , ' $ -'l.fiOrt3.75j ( Malaga loose raisins. $2.30(02.50 ( ; new Valen cia raiilns , Per Ib , 7i < c ; Cali fornia loofco muscatels. Per box. $ l.kO. pitted cherries , per Ib. 20y2lc ( ; Califor nia pitted plum * , pcr Ib , 12c < U3c ; dried blackberries , Per It ) , b'Tftilo ; dried raspberries , per Ib.2Ja'4o ( ; evaporated ap ples , 8ifdil4c ; California sun dried Dc'achcs , iic ; ; California unparcd evaporated peaetics , l&C'Mbc ' ; evawratcd California apricots , I'.io ; Xanteecurrants , C'l 'o ; Turk ish iirunes , 414n4 Jct citron. 22a21c ( ; orange peel. 15i'i lemon peel , lee , California French iiriitiis , \\lii \ \ ) ( ) Corrr.r.s Mocha , 2. ' ( < t20c ; Rio , good , 10W 17c ; Mandahling , 20(3v'so ( : roasting Rio , 15M Kio ; O. G. Java , 24 ( < t20c ; Java , interior. 22r < § 25c : Rio , tnncy , 10/itH'o ' ; Santos and Mara- calbo. 170U9o : Artmoklcs. 21'4o ; Mcf-augh- I ii * X.\\\ 21'4c. Suotu ( IranulatPd , S'lt1-e : conf. A , 7 Cf ! * . white extra C. 7c : extra C , 7V % ; yellow C. 7e ; powdered. l'c : cubes , We. HONET Krfl7e ! ( for ono tKiund frames ; strained honey. . ( ! ( 'c pur pound. HEIWV X Choice yellow , 222 ) } c ; dark colored , 13 4Mi\ Ciun- : Voung America , lull cream , 1IC < ? 1 c ; full cream Cheddars. 10illc ( ; full cream Hats , it'o ; good to choice skimmed cheddars , M .r : slummed Hats , 7H'c. Pu-Ki.n < Alcdltiin. in bbis. $ .1.5 i ; do Inhn'f b 1 , W.OO ; small , in bbls , SOW ) ; do in hn'f ' bbls , $ .1.75 ; gherkins , inbbls , fr.5'1 ' ; do in half Ibl $4. " TonArro "lug , 20ii5c ( ( ; smoking , lOQWJc- JBI.I.IKSS1.25 poi0lb : ! pan. SAiT-tl. : K-l.l.'per - : bbl. ROPK 7-10. 11 4c. MAI-I.E SI-OAK Mriclts , ll ( 12o pcr Ib ; penny cakes 12lo ! ! i > cr Ib ; pure maple syrup , $1-00 pcr iral. TIIA' ' l oung Ilvson , common to fair , 1805 2. " > c ; Voting Hyson , good to fancy , 30ji55c ( ; Ciuupowdcr , common to good , 22 ( < tJ5o ; Uun- powder , choice to fancy , 4KrftV ( > o ; Japan , com mon to medium , \S6giti \ Japan , choice to fancy , 3' ' ) ( < t4. > u ; Oolong1 , common to good , 25 ® ; i5c ; Oolonir , ulioice to fancv , 50ci(7c ) ; lniicr- ] ial , common to medium , 25ui5c ( ; ; luiiicnal , peed to fancy , 40-(5ic. ( Ncrs Almonds , 15(2l7o ( ; tilberts , ll@12o ; Hra/il , OiilOc ; walnuts" , 12c ; pecans , 10lie ; liciintits , 5t ( 7c. CIUCKEIIS 5itlPc ( per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7 @ 25o perlb , nsper list FI II. Htillnnil HcrriiiL' , 85cO'90c. pcr keg , White Fish , > , ' l1 * . , No. I , * ' ' ' .IH ) , Family it.75 : : Trout. No. 1. $550 : Mackerel , ' , , bbls. No. 1 Shore , $15.CO. Large Family , $10.50 ; Labrador Hernng. $4.5(1 ( ; Columbia River Salmon , $17.00 pcr bbl. ( JQiiriMi Per Ib , whole. Cc ; bricks nnd strips , 7Sc. CANm Mixed. 8(113c ( ; stifle , b x@.llaO ' ; rock candy , lOhitflSe ; f.mcy canuy. 72-c. Dry Goods COTTOV FUSNTLS 10 per cent dis. ; LL , k CO , OVc ; SS , 74c ; Nameless , 5c ; X ISc ; R , 20e ; Np. 10 , b'.fc ; No. 40 , 10 'c ; o. 00 , U ! sc ; No. 80 , 13Kc ; No. 30 , colored , He ; o. 50 , colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 12' < c ; istol , i-jij'c ; Union Pacific , 17c V'Aiii-ET Wxiii' 1Mb White , 19c ; colored , eHATTJ Standard , Sc ; Gem lOc ; Beauty , 12Kc ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , | 0.5u. PIIINTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater 5 } c ; Berlin oil , GJ'c ; Garner oil , 0Sj7i\ ( COIISKT Ji.N-4 : Androscogeln , 7' < , e ; Kcar- bargc , 7ic ; Rockport , O e ; Conestogn , CV.2c , TICKS York , 30 In. , 12J < c ; York , 32 in. . 13'c ; Swift River , 8c ; Thormliko OO , 8 > 'c ; Tnorndiko EF , S' c ; Tliorndike 120 , U.'ie ' ; Thorndike XX , isc ; Cordis No. 5 , ( J > ic ; Cordis No. 4. lie. Beaver Creek A A , 12p > , Beaver Creek BB lie : Beaver Creek CC , lOc. KENTUCKY JKANS. Memorial , 15e ; Dakota ISc ; Durham , 27 > < c ; Hercules , ISc ; Learning. iiiRton , 22' e ; Cuttswold , 27 c. . CiusH.-Stevcns' B , Co ; Stevens' B bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A. 7' < ; o ; Stevens jjiu\vn * - ' * * * iitw * * " " ! * ' * i . lantio H , 4-4 , 714-0 : Atlantic D , 4-4. OJo ; At lantic P,4-JCc ; Aurora LL , 4-4. OeAurora ; _ C , 4-4 , 45i-c ; Crown XXX . , 4-4 . , . 0c . ; . Hopsier LL , 4-4 rence , Pep | erell.8-4i ISKc ; Pepperell , 9-4 , 21c ; Pep- 29 in , 12 oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , lOc. FLAXXEi-s-Red , C , 24 in. 15X ; E , 24 in , 2lc ; G G , 24 in , ISc ; H A F , f , 25eJ R F , Jf , 27J c. PIIINTS Pink and RobcsHichmnno , 0 } e ; Allen , Oc ; Riverpomt. 5e ; Steel rtiver , 0 > ic ; Richmond , ( l ) < cPaeitic.O ; > j'c. PIIINTS Dress Charter Oak , Stfc ; Rumapo , 4j7'o ; Lodl , 5)40 ) ; Allen , Co ; Richmond mend , Oc ; Windsor , O c ; Eddystone , 6 > iej SunETiso-Berkeley cambrio brie , He. Lonsdalo cambric , . . , , . , Lonsdjiic , ' Uc ; Now York mills , lok'o ; Pepperell , 42-in , lie ; Pepperell , 40-ln i2o ; Pepperell , 0-4 , IGo ; pepperell. 8-4 , 21o ; pep- pcrell , 9-4 , We ; Pepporell. 10-4 , 2. > c ; Canton 4-4 , S' c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val- lev. 5c. ' " issr.i.s. -Raftsmen,20c ; Goshcn , ; Clear Lake , S-'il c ; Iron Mountain , 20Uc. UISOIIAM PluiiKCttcliccks , 7KeVhitten ; \ - ton , 7W ° i York , 7K ° > Normandi dress , V c : Calcutta dross. 8 > ie ; Whittenton dress , b > , 'c ; Renfrew dress , 8j4tl2 ( ! > . , o. CAMIIKICS Slater , 5'4e ' ; Woods , 54'c ; ; Standard , S' c ; Peacock , 5c } , Pin NTS IVDIOO BLUE Arnold , O'jc ; Amer ican , 0'4'c ' ; Gloucester , Oj/c : Arnold C IOUK cloth , 9 ; Arnold B long cloth. 10) ) ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10 : Stictel A , 12 ; Windsor Gold Ticket. 10J ' . nnd Chemicals. Miscni.nxcoL's-Sulph. acid , Ufo ; citric acid , OOc ; tartarlc 50c ; bal. copavia , 0 c ; borax , lOc ; chloroform , 47e ; glycerine , 20c ; gum Arabic , select , $1.00 ; cum camphor , : < "c ; gum opium , $3.25 ; aulph. morphia , $2.83 ; bromide potassium , 42c. OILS Carbon , 150 ° lOc ; headlight , 1750 14J/c ; gasoline. 74 ° ' 12K ; West Virginia summer , lie ; zero , 17c ; No. 1 golden ma chine , ISc ; extra W. S. lard , 84o ; No. 1 lard , 47c ; turpentine , ' Ole ; linseed raw , 55c ; boiled , 5-c. " Qui.MNB P. li W < T > er oz , 55o ; German , perez , 40c. , . , T. Leather. Hemlock sole. lS ( J7c per Ib ; oak sole , 81(3 ( 3c ( ! per Ib ; oak harness , 30.l2c per Ib ; selec ted oak and trace , 3'c per Ib ; oak and hem lock upper , 20@22u per foot. Hemlock cal : akin , Is'o. 1 , bOiWOc ( > per Ib , according t < weight ; oak calfskin No. 1 , 90c(1.0u PCI Ib ; Philadelphia calf fckin , extra , $1.00 ( 1.11 perlb ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , Co@70c pei Ib : oak kip skin , Nolt 703SOo per Ib : Phila delphla kip skin , OKtr , ( iO90c perlb. Frcncl calf skins , ( according to weight and quality ) $1.15@1.7a uer lb- French kip sums do. bOcu $1.10 perlb. Coruovan russett , IHc ; satu flnish. 20o per foot ; welt leather , $3.50@4.0 ( per side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 2030i l > er foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 25@yuo pei foot ; glove calf skins , 20i30o per foot Douglas kid , 80$40o ( per foot ; kangaroc skins , 4050o per foot , according to quality Toppings , $8.XK$10.0J ( per dozen ; linings J5.OUAiO.iK ) per dozen ; apron skins , $10.00a ( 12.00 per dozen. _ Lumber. First and second clear , 2 In . $19 00 < § 51 & First and second clear , l falK in . . . 4700 < 3f-00 Third cca ! < - , ! iVcrl > { ia . < 3 00 ( < f40 0 A select , 1 J/QH in . 37 00d 39 0 Bselect , UjuJlKin . 35 00 37 0 Ahtook boards , 12alfl ( feet , 12 in . 40 0 B stock boardi , I2i0 feet , 12 In . 41 0 C stock boards , 12dlO feet , 12 In. , . 30 0 D stock boards , 12&10 feet , 13 la . 2a 0 Flooring , first common , 0 In. . . . . . . . , , . . ? 4 00 Flooring , second common , G In. , . . . . 02 00 Select fencing flooring . 19. 00 Sldlnir , first and second clear , 141310 ft 25 00 Hiding , first common , 10 feet . 83 l"0 " Siding , second UOIIHUOB. . . . . . , . . . . . 19 00 Common boards . . . , . .10 00 No. 2board * . all lengths. . , . 14 50 Fencing No 1,19(420 feet . 10 50 Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 and 18 feet . 15 M Joists and scantling , 2x4 , 141G feet. . . .10 00 Timber , 4x4 , 8x8 , 12 ( < ? 10 feet . 17 00 Pickets , llrst rough , good . 15 00(818 ( 00 Pickets , fancy head and dressed , selectcd.25 00 Shingled , extra A . 2 83 ShitiKles , standard A . 2 00 Shingles , No. 1 . 1.10@1.10 Loth . 2.40 Mctnls and Tinner * ' Stock. Block tin , small pig . $ .23 Block tin , bar . 29 Copper , planished boiler sizes . 34 Copper , cold rolled . 31 Copper , sheathing . . . ! iO Copper , pitts . 30 Copper , Huts . 31 Galvanized sheet Iron , Jutilata 50 , 10 nnd 5 per cent discount . Patent planished iron , No. 2 to 27 , A Patent planished Iron , No. 24 to 27 , B Keening , 1C , 14x20 . 5.15 Kooning. IX , 14x20 . 0.9J Keening , 1C , 20x28 . 10.25 Koonini ; , IX , 20\28 . 13.75 Sheet iron , No 20 . 3.40 Sheet iron , No. 27 . 3.50 Snider , best . 17 Solder , No. 1 . . . , . 15 Tin plate , 1C , 10x14. . . . 0.75 Tin plate , IX , 10x14 . 8.75 Steel nails , base , per keg . 2.H5 Steel wire nails , base , per keg . 8.S" > Jt'SK Machine castings , 112.00(1813.00 ( ; stove plates , $7.00'ftS.OO ; wrought ironS.OO ® 10.00 ; bones , dry , $5.00 ; steel , $5.00 per ton ; roppcr , fS.OOCfi9.00 ; brass , M.OOOJS.OO ; * ' < % $2.W.i3.00 ; solid lend. $2003.00 ; tea lead. $2.00 ( 2.60 ; rubber , $2.503.00 ; mixed rags , $1.111 ® ! . 15 percwt. Every ono is the nrtisin of Ills own fortune. If you wish a fortune keep healthy hy the use of Warner's LOJJ Cabin Sarsaparilla , which purities the blood and thus KIVUB health and strength. Larircst bottles on the market. 10 ! ! doses f or $1. Try it. Till : 11KALTY MAKKI3T. Instruments INnucd on Kcoord Dur- Inn YcHtcrdny. N I'arsonn to liln Cuihon , lot 1 , VatesA- litnd'iuilil. d . $ J.fiOO t'nion Stock Viirds Co to J A Mt'lroy , lot 4. blk * . Ill si ndil South Omalm. w it. . . . (00 A I' Sh W and hu.sbaud to N I ) lloxlv , lot I * , blk 1 , StcvoiH Place add , w d . 2,500 II Kouul'/e und ilu In N C' Delss , lot 10 , blk ; i. Kount/e I'liuc. w d . VJO C Kcnstrom and \\lfi' to K I.orcnson , ni ! lot M , Isaac's add , n il . " , COO M Inli k to A 1' Anderson , lot V. blk 47' ' . ( irand Vli-w. wrt . 271 0 M Strengfollow to J I'ctcrson , 15 acres lot I ) , sec y , ( ) c d . COO John i'eturton and wife to T II McCunn , Iftiu-reit , lot a. s-ec1. ' , wd . 2.COO William n Xratty ct al to M M Marshall , lot II , blk 4 , Summit "Ueer\c. " d. . 7.5CO U Vim I luster to ( I llii\ter , lots 21) ) and > ' 4 , blkl , Mills 1'locf. w < l . 45,000 S I'lur-on and wife to M I , Johnson , e 50 ft lot 4 , blk IL' , HcuA'f first add. w d . . . 8,000 1 I. Sampioa to TTIIcuth , no ot lie 17 umlHwof ne'JU-iri-K'e , wd . COO S ( ! Ilnltin and \Mfe to .1 Ilnley , s',4 lot in , blk K. i : V Smith's iidd , w d . 3,3M Jllrcwni'tal to I , I.nrseti , n " ft lot 2 , bl't Ifi. ( . 'II f ton Hill , ii . 300 A.C l.aroon and wife to T llrennan , lot UJ , Clark's add , w d . 15,400 Ivmn Itei'cl ct ill to N Ilammur , n ii lot 0 , blk s , Campbell's add. w ,1 . 450 J It ( 'onkliiiA and w Ife to J II IKm-y , lot 4 , lilkl , Itkhimmd. wil . . 0V ) J f Dc-nUt' and wife to 13.1 Hoblnson , lot HI , blk'J. llonl-eadd. wd . 675 J 1 , Miles et ill toTCnhlll. lot 1W , blk 4Cot- UIT'H \ Al Cher's add , \ \ d . 2iO K Scluilier to I , M Anderson , lot II , blk (11. ( iiml lot 11 , blk ir : > . So Omaha , q cd . . . 5 Ollvillrnmh to Anna \\ilson , s't \ lot 5 , blk ill , Omaha. M d. . . . 8,000 1 Maglnnls to .1 1' Dike , oI - ft lot at nnd c : . ' > ft of n .17 IS10 ft lot in , IVn acu add , . J A Mcliov to United Prrhbyterlan church , lot 4 , blk 7 , First add to S'Omulia , w d. . 2,101 K R French and wife to C 1 ! Warner , lot 5. hlk IK. Central purk , w il . 1,000 : ; ( i VVullare. trnsteo , to K N Miller , lots 10 and 17. blk 2 , Monmouth pnrlc , w il . 1,403 K N Miller to Union National bank , lots 1C and 17. blk 2. Monmouth park , w d . 4,500 J K .Mack to Daniel Hurni , lot 7. bite 1 , I'lnlnview acid , wd . 000 J W Wood and wife to K .1 Fuller , lot 6 , blk 37 , Albright's choice , w d . 3,000 Permits. The following permits to build were is sued yesterday. D KmMle , brick shop. Sixteenth and lUr- ncybtrccts . | po Go.ir o W lluck , cottage , a venty-sixth Chlrami streets 10,000 G H Johnson , cottage , 1'arker near Thirty- third i-trcpt 1,000 Nicholas Chorek , dwelllnB. Twenty- eluhtli and Crolhton ( stioets 1,000 Three minor permits 275 Tan permits , RggrcKatlng J''l.PM An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL AUIKTINE OINTMENT is only put up in large two ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles. Ask for the ORIGINAL AHIETINK OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman IJrug Co. , at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents. Wonderful Lnko Tnlioo. San Francisco Bulletin : The waters of Lake Tahoe arc marvellously pure the purest and clearest in the world , I believe. One imagines that the waters of the river of life cannot he more pure. Kepentodly during our lonp pull I noted that the water lifted by and dripping from my oars had an apparently blue tinge when wo wcro pulling in the ocean blue of very deep water. This blue borrowed the hues of the deep water no less than of the unclouded blue sky above , leading ono to believe that it was through a combination of blue water and blue sky that ho was moving. If California had no other scenic attraction but this great inland sea. of heavenly clearness of water deep and blue as the ocean , too it would not bo poor in scenery. The cloud cITeetsoii it are marvelous in their ever-changing shapes and various color ctlects. The otrccU at Tahoe are in their greatest splendor at evening. From the summit of Tallac I have seen rose-flame , yellow , blue-purple , and black-purple cloud cflccts that no painter dare reproduce on canvas with out charge of exaggeration. Especially have I seen idle islands of flames set and floating in colorless seas of sUy. PEERLESS DYES : iIKANCII OFFICE. JOHN M. SHAW & CO. COMMISSION , Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds , Margin Transactions a Specialty. JOHNSON & CIIUISTIAN , .Managers. lA BQAUU Of TRADE , - OMAHA. Members of tne Chicago Hoard of Trade. Priv ate Wires to Chicago und New Vork. - . B. I-AI.VJiR. X. 1HICUMAN. . J.D. . PALMER , RICHMAN * CO. . Live Stock Commission Mortals , Ofllce-lloom 2I.Oppo | t ricbance Uulldlog , Union Block \ rill. Boutti Um lia , Neb. IoRIMERWESTERFIELD& MALEV' Live Stock Commission , Room 15 , Kxcbinit RulMIng , Union Btotk Tardi , tkiutU Om L , Neh. ALEXANDER & FITCH , Commision Dealers in Liye Sock , OoomK , Oppoilie EicU nie llulldlug , Uoiou Htoct 1 rdi , South OIU B . Neb. " UNION STOCM YARDS CO. , Of Omana , Ltmitel .Uort. BuBtrUI * d mU . . _ Implements. " ' " ' CHURCHILL P'ARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carrttiei and DutilM. J < Strret.betwiruVtband "Tin , Omit * , N'ct/raikH , LININGERaiM ETOALF CO. , Agriciiltnrallmiilements.Wagons.Carriages . . Oni b , PARLIN , ORENDORF & MARTIN , Whol ial lc lf r ID AgTicnltnral Implements , Wagons & Bnggies Nl , KKI , 006 and 107 Jonei Street , Omaba. " P. P. MAST & CO. Mannfacturers of Bnckeye Drills , Secflers , CultUaton. liar llakri. Ctiler Mllli and l.uban Tul- Ttrliert. Cor. I4tb aiid Mcbolat ptrecli. WINONA IMPLEMENTCO. -Wbole alr Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons & Bnggies _ * i.rr or lilh fnl Nlfboli * Mrt'C ( > . _ OMAHA UltANCU. J. F. SEIUEKLING & CO. , Akron , Ohio. Haryesting Machinery anil Binder Twine , \V. K. Mmd , Manner. 1713 1 onTcnworth t. , Omivlia. MOLINE.MILBITR"N&STODDARDCO Manufacturttiandjobbrrt In Wagons , Bnggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor. 9th una 1'aclflc gtreoti , Omab , Neb. _ Artists' Motorlals. _ _ _ A HOSPE. Jr. . Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , _ IMS Doutlm Street. Omah . Npbra t . _ _ Booksollons encl Statlonors. " ' H. M. & . S. W. JONES. Sufcciiorsto A , T. Kenjon A Co. , Wholoanlc k Itctalt Booksellers anfl Stationers , line WertrtlnK SlaMnnerr , Cnninierclal Slatlonerr \Kl Douglas Street Uinalin. Ncli. . Boots and Shoas. J ITJ K1RKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( fuccrisora to Iteod , Jonvi A Co. ) Wholesale Mannfaclnrers of Boots anftShocs AacnUJor n < i lon Hubhcr Shoe Co. 1KB , 1101 A 11W _ llariioy fct. , Ouiaba. .Ncbraaka. W. V. MORSE X CO. . Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , 1101 , 1105-1106 Uouiln ; Sl.Oumba Manulactorj , Sum mer St. liiatun. Coffees , Splcos , Etc. CLARKE COFFEE CO.7 Omaha Coffee and * > plco Mllli. Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , nK Kitracm , l.aunilrr lllue. liiko. Etc. Uli- lllt > llnnmr Htrect. Omaha , Kehratta. Crookory * and ClaBsvvajro. W. L. WRIGHT. Agent for the Manufacture" and Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Rtr Uffl cc , .117 S. l.ltb St. , Omaha. Nvbraaka. PERKINS. OATCH & LAUMAN. Imoorivrs and Jobbers ol Crocker/ / , Glassware , Lamps , Silycrware Elc. 1514 rurnani St. . Now I'attcin Ilulldini ? . Commission end Storage- _ " " RIDDELL & RIDDELL" Storage and Commission Merchants , Ir' T-'ttrr. Ffu Clior'o I'nnitrT. Utmr. UlSIlovrardStrist. Omfthi , _ GEO. SCHROEDER & CO. , Bucceuor to McShano It Hcbroeder. ) Prodnce Commission and Cold Storage , _ _ Oair.ti * . Nebratka. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ FREDERICK J. FA'lRBRASS. Wholesale Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. Correspondence aollcltcd. 1011 North ICth street , Um ba , Neb. Coal , Coke and Lime. * OMAHA COAL. COKE & LIME CO. Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 909 Bouth 13th Street , Omaha , Nebraska. J. jr JOHNSON & | CO. Manufacturers ofLime , Andfiblppors nl tual , Co4k , Cement , t-iu < ter , f.lai IJralu Tile , and Sewer fipe. ODlco , 218 , s. utli St. , Omaba , Neb. Te epliono CM. Dry Coodai ana Notions. 'M. ifsMiTH i'ccT. . Dry Goods , Fnrnishing Goods and Notions , 1107 and 1104 DoiiRlai , Cor. 1Kb St. , Omaha , Net ) . KILPATRICK-KOCH DRYGOODSCo Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions , Isnti' FurnliblnR Oondi. Corner 1Kb and llaJooy bta. , Ouiaba. Nebraika. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Co.e , 314 South 13lh Ht. . Omaba. Keb. Furniture. ' ' " " DEWEY''STONE" Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Kamara Street. Omaba. Nebraika. CHARLES SHIVER1CK , Furniture Omuha. Nebratka. Crocorlos. Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions , 706 , 707 , 700 and 711 S. 10th St. ' , Omnba , Neb. McCORD , BRADY A CO. , Wholesale Grocers , Jthand I-envenwortb Streoti. Omaha , Nebraika. Hardware. ivTARl < s BROS. SADD'LERY uo , Wboletixle Mnnufacturi'ra of Saddlery & Jobbers of Saddlery Hardware And Leather. UOJ , HOS nnd 1CI7 llitmej Bt.,0malm , Nebraska. Hardware , Iron and Steel , Spring ) , Wa on Stork , Hardware. Lumber , Etc. IMS and nil llarnejr Street , Omaba. HIMEBAUGH &TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Utcbanlca' Tooli and Duflalo Scalei. 1M6 Uouilai Street , Umaha , Nebraaka. RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , fth and Harner Sta. , Omaba. Neb. Weitern Agenti ( or Auitln Powder Co. , Jefferson Hteol NallB. HARD- Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metals , Sheet Iron , etc. Agents for II own Soules , MUmll'owder audLymnn llarbed wlr * , Omaha , Nebraska , Hats , Caps , Eto. ' ' w. L. PARROTTE''CO. , fnolesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods. 11117 Barner StieeU Omaha , Neb. Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wliolesali ItU Street and Union 1'atinc Track , Omaha. Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , lc. Tardt- Corner 711 , and Uouxlu ; Oeic WJJ au J Uoualai . LUmbar.l C. ix. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 13th and California Slri ct , Omalm , Nebraika. Lumber Limeicemeii'CEic , , , Etc , Comer fib unit DouslmEu. . Omaha. " T."W. HARVEY LUMBER CfUTT To Dealers Only , Office , 1103 Karnam Street Omaha. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , f Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Imported and American Porllniul iVmvnt Stall Anent for MHwivvilo.i Hydraulic CVtuent and ' \Vhlic Lime. CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood Carpets and 1'arqurt l'loorny | U and t > ou lai _ Mllllnory and Notions. " " " "l. OBERFELDERI * CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions ax. ilnamHHOniitli lUh MroM Ovqrolln : , t CANFlELD MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Oycralls , Jctni I'antt , Shlrti , Ktc. Ilinnnd 1104 lK > ug ! Strt k Umaba. > eb. Nott'ons. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. . Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 4lt ) and4ajtiitli * 10th St. , Omaha , oils. CONSOLIDATED TA NIK LINE CO . , Wholsale Rcflned and Lubricating Oils , Axle Oreaie , Kte. , Omaba. A. II Illshnp , Manniier , VINYARD & SCHNEIDER Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 1100 llarner Street , Otnnha Office Fixtures. ( TIK tlMMONDS MANL'KACTUlllNO CO. BanX , OfficTaTd Saloon Fixtures , Mantle' . Shlolionr.K ll ok Cnae' , Drug Flitiiri-i.Wall ( 'asm , I'at tit tons. HalllMtiJ'.l't'untori ' * . Ilt-tr And \ \ I no CnoliH * . Mirrors etr Factory UIK * onVt * , 17.4J und liJJ Eolith Utu St. , Otunlia , Tolepliuuu 1KI. Paints end Olio. Wholesale Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , HIS Fnrnam Street. Omaha. Xcti. Paper. j CARPENTER PAPER GC. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nlro ilnck of I'rlntlne , Wrapiilni ; nnd Wrltlnl 1'a tr. Upcclal attention Klron to car load urileri. Boxes * JOHN LWILKE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , NO ) . U17 and 1319 Douglua St. , Omabii , Neb , Soods. PHfLTSTI M M ELlTcCU Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds 811 and 9U Jones Street. Ouiaba. Itorago , Forwarding A Commission ARMSTRONG. PETTI S .V CO. . Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Irancb bounenf the Hemicy ItiiEcr Co. Iluxfloial wbuleaale and retail , 1 H 1/lOami 1312 Itard aircet , Omaba. Telephone No. "M. OMAHA MAI Browora. STORZ & ILER. Lager Beer Brewers , U21 North llltthteentti Street , Omaha , Neb. Cornloo. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John ICiencter | , I'roprlotor. VX ) Dodce and 10) ) and IN North linb Street , Uiuaba. Printers' Matorlals. _ WESTERN NEWSPAPER Auxiliary Publishers , Dvalerc la Tyi'o ' , 1'reMai nnd I'rlntern' Suppllci. Ml T iouth mb Street. Omaba.f . > , . Rubber Cooda. OMAHA RUBBER CO. , Hanufactnrers and Dealers in Rubber Good ) Jll Clothing and leather BcltluE. MOB Kartiain btr it , Saah , Doors , Eto. M. A. DISBROW f , CO. , \Vbolciale Manufacturer * of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings. Branch Qfflcc , mhand liard Btreett , Oinalm , Neb , C BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. , i Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , V : Mlni ( , Stnlr Work and Interior llanl Wool Klp. n. N. U. Corner Mb and lA-nvcnnurlb Strouo , Omabn , Nen. FUtlngs , Pumps , Etc. " " A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Kte- CHUHCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Steam and Wnlrr Pnppllci. Hf" ' < iinrlrr for M t. at 40. e xoodi Knrnam t. , Omaba U. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO-7 Steam and Water Supplies , Hallldar WlndMlllj. 013 and 9M Farnnm at. , Omaha. U. F Itun , Acting Manncer. BROWNELL & U < )7 Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. Sheet Iron Work Steam I > nni | , flaw MIMi. 1'13-1 Hi Learenworlb Slreol. Omaha. Iron Works. STEAM BOILER WORKS. Carter & FOn , I'rop'n. Mauufacturcra nf all klndi Steam Boilers , TanKs and Sheet Iron WorK Worka Koutb 301U and II. A M. Croenlng. I'AXTON A VIKHI.1NU 1BOS WOllKS. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , Knplnea. Urani Work , General Foundry , Machine ant liluckiuiltti Work. ORliu and Workl , U. 1 * . K/ . nuil 17th Street , Omaha , "WfRE" & IR ON"WcfRT < S , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings D ik Ilalli , Window Ouardi. Flower Standi , Wire bUns , Ktc. m North Ktb Street , Ouiaba. _ OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORK S , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes ' Faulti , Jail Work , Iron and Wire Fencing. Bliiu , Eto. U.AudiKon , I'ioi/r. Cur. lltu aadJackiou Sti. CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Guards and Scraeni , for banki , offlrit 'torr . roMtncei , etc , lunroTpi ! Awnlniii Ixickimltli Mnthlncrr MDd llUckimlih Workt. 4uhuulh ( lltn fit. MEACHER &WHITMORE , Fire and Burglar Proof SafesTime Locis otutjul AWtun tur HluiniU nali- * . il > c < Cvuiiiat/'t VuIM and Jail SYc'k.il'J a.litb SI.