Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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C"ho Republicans Have Boloctod the
Man For Whom to Dattlo.
Ilio Convention Dcolnrns Point
edly niul Positively AtfnltiHt Hub-
mission Tlio Ticket and
tlic llrsolullons.
Tor C'ounty Attorney ,
\v. r. UUUI.HV.
Tor C'ounty C'omml'sloncr ,
For Ktnto Sonntori.
K. ] ' . 8AVAC1K.
Tor Itopri'scntotlvpi ,
WlliUAM Miri.HAU. .
oiouur. : M. O'IIHIKN ,
J' . J. WII.UAM8 ,
iir.Niiv nirKi : .
ijlio ftopublloiuiH Holcot Their Noin-
IniM'N Tor tlio County Klubl.
It was llftccn minutes past i ! o'clock yes
terday afternoon when Chairman Kush
called the republican county convention to
order. On motion of C. K. Coutant Major
T. H. Clarkson was elected temporary chair
man. The latter stated that the convention
was called to order for deliberate nnd care-
Jul action. The republicans should take n
careful stand nnd make nominations that ,
when placed before the people , would meet
with approval. On motion , Herbert Leavitt
was inniln temporary secretary and Louis
Uttloflold assistant. On the roll call the
delegates as published In yesterday's Mri :
were admitted to scats m the convention.
On motion of Leo Estollo the tem
porary organisation was made permanent.
On motion the chair appointed Judge Lytlo
nnd V. O Lantry to perform the functions of
The call for the convention was then read.
A series of resolutions wore introduced by
T. L. Van Oorn , as follows :
Kcsolvcd , That wo emphatically condemn
the efforts to supplant our present license
law uy prohibitory legislation for the follow
ing reasons :
1. That prohibition docs not prohibit in
nny locality , unless backed by the well nigh
universal assistance and approval of the citi-
kens affected.
Si. That the present law offers absolute pro-
lilbitlon to any locality so situated.
ii. That thii tlmo has not yet arrived when
nuch IngittlAtloii could be enforced , and Its
attempted enforcement would only lend to
odd oil burdens to the taxpayers , without any
benefits to the cause of good order , sobriety
nnd morally.
Kosolvcd , That wo pledge our nominees to
use all honest endeavors to have placed on
our statute books , laws prohibiting the pro
motion or existence of nil pools , trusts or
rings , which in any way unnecessarily ad
vance the necessaries of llfo.
Hesolvcd , That wo will nominate only
such men as are unequivocally in tuvor of se
curing to our county nnd state the greatest
pleasure of moral and material advancement
ItoKolvcd , That wo hereby afllrin ourbcliof
Iti adhesion to the principles of our party as
laid down in the platform Of the national re
publican convention nnd ; also our state con-
-vontlon except the submission plank , from
* * ) Vhlch Wo emphatically fllsscnU
On motion , . of. JUayor Mroatcb the
Resolutions were referred to a
committco on resolutions. The mo
tion was carried nnd a committee of tlve was
bppolntcd ns follows : Mayor Hrontch ,
chairman ; J. W. Kllor , C. K. Coutunt , John
f. Dehui and T. L. Van Oorn.
' Moforo the chairmanship of the committco
was accepted by Mayor Mroatch ho stated
that ho was prepared to go on record as being
ppcnly against prohibition. Ho t > tntcd that
5io was opposed to prohibition ut all times.
A recess of ten minutes was then taken.
At this Juncture Senator Mandorsnn en
tered the hall and as ho made his way toward
the chairman's stand ho was greeted with
deafening upplauso. Ho was presented to
the convention nnd spoKe as follows :
"As I entered I observed a small conclave
of democrats with smiles all over their coun
tenances. What alls the republicans of
Douglas county ! "
A voice "There are no files on Oouglas
county republicanism. We're all right , sou-
fltor. "
' "Hut , " continued the senator , "when the
pnd comes the democratic smile will bo ro-
j. versed. I am confident that In your local
pntnpaign you will meet with almost an unl-
* ivorsnl victory. Kollectmg back upon rural
Now York I am candid when I say that , the
Empire state will come down to Harlem
bridge with 100,000 majority for Harrison
f. nnd Morton. It Is the scene of n stampede. "
f < The convention then reconvened and thor
r committco on resolutions reported ns fol-
' town :
Kosolvod , That wo approve nnd heartily
( endorse the resolutions adopted by the ro-
ibllcan national convention nnd al o the
solutions of the state republican convcn-
§ > n , except ns to the submission of the pro-
bitlon amendment.
That wo heartily cndorso 'the nominee of
Our national and state tickets nnd our candl-
dntos for congress , and that wo commend
them to the hearty supportof the republicans
pf this county
That the republicans of Oouglas county
WO earnestly and unqn.iHlledly opposed to
' the submission of tlio quest Ion of prohibition ;
that the present excise laws have peculiarly
adapted themselves to the Interests of all
Sarts of the states that their repeal would bo
specially damaging to the best interests of
pouglos county and Omaha city , nnd that
our candidates for the legislation , If elected ,
bo Instructed to op | > osa the submission of the
IguoaUon of prohibition.
The republicans of Dougm ? county have
during the past six years watched with
tirido and pleasure the course In the United
Btatcs senate of ourilistinguished townsman.
Hon. Charles F. Manderson. The high and
commanding misltlon ho has obtained In that
body , bis untiring nnd unceasing devotion to
the Interests of the stato. and especially his
earnest and successful efforts In behalf of the
commercial and material interests of this city ,
merits our warmest thanks , nnd that we bo-
* Ilovo our boat interests demand his reflec
tion to the position ho has so highly honored ,
\i nnd that the candidates nominated for the
legislature nro hereby instructed to use all
i" honorable means to secure his re-election.
The resolutions as read wcro adopted without -
, out a dissenting vote.
At this point Friil Gray arose , and In n pre
liminary speech placed in nomination W. F ,
Gurloy for county attorney. M O. Klckots
( colored ) seconded the nomination of Uurloy ,
g' nnd pledged the hearty support to him of
* every colored voter In this county. I'at
llawes'aroso and endorsed Qurloy's nomina
' John M. Furay , of the Eighth , placed In
'nomination K. A. L. Dick.
A. It. Wooloy , of the Seventh , nominated
JT.W. Ellcr.
Judge Mrown placed In nomination John P.
U. F. Hodman , of the Fifth , seconded the
fiominatlon of W. F. Uurloy.
On motion of J. W. Makepeace , of South
Omaha , the chairman of each delegation was
1' Instructed to cast the vote of his respective
The vote then resulted as follows ncccs-
nry to a choice 57 :
'Vr' . F.'Ourley 70
p. W. Eller W
pkn 1' . Mrecn 4
R. A. L. Dick , . U
The nomination of Gurloy , on motion of
< 'JLoe Estcllo , was made unanimous.
t Mr. Gurloy then was summoned , to the
* rostrum end In aow brief remarks tendered
til * thanks for the honor conferred upon
Jilm and pledged bis earnest cpdoavors in as-
* fcistlng In brlnglngnbout urepubllcan victory.
The chair then announced that the nomina
tion of n county commissioner was before
' too convention.
e Pat Hawos nominated R Stuht.
Maypr Hroatch nominated Gustav An-
John Mchm nominated John Hey * .
'I'hn nnmlnatloni closing , the balloting was
resumed aijd'rcsuitcd as follows :
( Justav An'dreen TO
K. Stuht , ! ! 3
John Iloye ! W
No choice being mudo a second vote was
taken a * follows :
Andreon HO
Stuht , 45
Hoyo 'JO
The second ballot resulted in no choice.
Tno Stuht men launched out In quest of sup-
lort , nnd in Consequence the Andrccn rlo-
ment followed their cxatnplu. The third
ballot resulted as follows :
Andredn . ' 71
Stuht 8S
Hoye 3
The chair ttion announced that Andreon
wns duly nominated und on motion of I'at
11 awes It wns made unanimous. Mr. Andrecn
mounted the platform nnd amiptod the nom
ination , and promised his loyal support to the
At this point Lee Kstello took the lloor and
nominated .tudgo I. S. Hascall for state sena
tor. It was seconded by W. ! ' . llcrhol.
.1 It. ICrion , of South Omaha , nominated
K. I' . Savugo of that place and tlio same was
seconded by Fred Gray and Mayor Hroatch ,
who dwelt to some extent on the career of
Mr Savage In a complimentary manner.
John H. Fumy also supported Savage's nom
ination , ns did the Second anil Sixth ward
I'at Ilavves nominated Pat McArdlo , which
was seconded by Frank Mooros.
John Krck was nominated by the Fifth
ward delegation.
J. W. Kllor of the Seventh ward nominated
W. II. Alexander , councilman from the
Seventh ward.
Tin ) chair then announced the nominations
On motion of Frank Moorcs the rules were
suspended and Colonel K. P. Savage was
nominated by acclamation.
Trod W. Gray moved that an Individual
ballot be taken on the names before the con
Volition , and the two highest bo declared the
nominees. On motion of Pat Hawes , the
motion was laid upon the table. The vote
then by delegations resulted as follows :
Hascall 07
MuArdlo 21 !
Krck 7
Alexander 5't '
The chair announced that Hascall and
Krck were the nominees nf | xr an existing
motion to tlio effect that the two highest on
the list be declared the choice.
Kllor took the lloor and stated that the ac
tion of the chair was out of order , as no such
motion oMsteil. The house by vote sus
tained the chair , nnd the nomination of Has
call and Krck was declared amidst the wild
est excitement. On motion of Uehm the
nominations weru inado unanimous.
I. S. Hascall was then called to the front
ami tendered thanks to the convention , He
stated that ho wns a believer in liberal
rights , nnd if elected would advocate the in
terests of his constituency.
Fred Gray moved the convention pro
ceed to the nomination of nine members of
the legislature and that an individual ballot
bo cast , each voter selecting nine names ,
and the nine highest on the 1UI bo declared
the nominees ,
The following nominated : Dan Con
don ( South Omaha ) , F. W. Fitch and Fred
McConnell ( Fourth ward ) , II D. Kstcrbrook
( Sixth ward ) , Jacob Webber ( Florence town
ship ) , It. S. liorllu ( Fourth ward ) ,
Morris Morrison and Christian
Spccht ( Second ward ) , E. Gilmore
( Union ) , Henry Kieko ( McArdlo ) ,
P. J. Williams ( s'ocond Ward ) , W. II. Al
exander ( Seventh Ward ) , D. N. Miller ( Sixth
Ward ) , Isaac Noico ( Klkhorn ) , W. A. ICel-
ley ( First Ward ) , Isaac E. Congdon ( Ififth
Ward ) , Ed. Crowell ( Fifth Ward ; . Tlio
vote resulted as follows :
Dan Condon 91
F. W. Fitch
Fred McConnell 47
II. D. Estabronk ' .II
William Mulhall US
O. M. ( Tlirlon 101
Jacob Webber 21
U. S. Merlin , iil
Morris Morrison. . , 112
Chris. Spucht KB
K. Gilniotc 5
Henry Kicke , M
P. J , Williams ( colored ) ' . , , . . . , 112
t ) . N" Miller 18
Isaac Noico , „ ' . . . ' . . . ' . . . 25
W. A. Kelley ( H
Isaac K. Cougdon 2 < i
Ed. Crowoll 2i :
W. II. Alexander 47
Frank Kaspar 3
W. H. C. Stevenson 2
The chair then announced the election of
the following : Dan Condon , H. D. Esta-
brook , William Mulhall. G. M. O'Hricn , K.
S. Herlin , Morris Morrison , Chris. Spccht
and P. J. Williams , with Kotloy and Eioko a
tie vote sixty-four each. Kelly withdrew ,
nnd Eicko was elected by acclamation.
On motion Jot W. F. Hochol C. 1C. Coutant
was elected chairman of the county central
committee. The remainder of the committee
, vas appointed as follows :
First Ward W. A. Kelly , W. C. Chris-
tophcrson nnd John Hutter.
Second JA'nrd Fred Uehm , John Hoyo and
W. H. Kcdllcld.
Third Ward Leo Hartley , M. O. Hicketts
and A II. Willis.
Fourth Ward D. T. Scott , J. Schilor nnd
John Wallace.
Sixth Ward-H. D. HoucU , Ed Taylor and
H. T , Leavitt.
Seventh Ward Unchosen.
Eighth Ward James Allan , John Groves
nnd C , E. Itrunor.
Ninth Ward K. S. Ervin , George Henson
nnd Frank MeKenna.
South Omaha D.ivid Anderson , Fred M.
Smith and diaries Mortenson.
Jefferson Precinct H. C. Timmo and Glaus
McArdlo GlausSlovers nnd James Walsh.
Chicago C. H. Denkcr and II. A. Nolto.
Florence H. Hall and J. F. Hansom.
West Omaha A. Clemciita mid J. W.
Union E. Gilmore and P. Jliler.
Kluhorii It. W. Uarton and O. Whilmoy.
Waterloo Unchoson.
MilUird J. Lomko and W. Van Dorn.
Valley V. H. Thomas and E. Cowles ,
Douglas Glaus Mattico and M. Itoussig.
The chairman of the county central com-
mitten announced that the llrst formal meet
ing of the new committee would bo hold in
thu parlors of thu Mlllard hotel , In this city ,
Friday afternoon nt 'J o'clock , at which nil
candidates and members of the committco
were requested to bo present.
After announcing that Tom Ileed , of
Maine , would address the republicans in the
Exposition hall next Saturday night , the
chair entertained a motion to adjourn , and
thuiosuitsof the assembly assumed uu his
toric character.
Mirifortuno Is always good for some
thing. If you have the misfortune to
lese your Imir , use Wnrnor's Log1 Cabin
Hair Tonio and secure : i better huud of
hair than you had before.
The Great Wentom Hprlntnr.
Nuw YOUK , Oct. Id. [ Special Telegram to
THE lliiB.J The celebrated sprinter , V. F .
Schifforsteln , who came from Sail Francisco
to win championship honors , started on his
return Journey Sunday. Ho will stop ever at
St. Louis for a few days , Ho was accom
panied by Ills ulubmate , T. Purcell , and Joe
Murphy , of St. LouK Mr. Schofferstoin
made many friends whllo east and all who
have seen him run recognize the fact that ho
is a very fast man at his favorite distance
Ho did not do so well as expected on Satur
day , owing , it is said , to a strained tendon
which prevented thorough trnlnlng , nnd also
for the fact that he has gained 6vor fourteen
pounds while hero. Yet with that handicai
ho led Westing up to seventy-five yards
when the Manhattan flyer mailo ten seconds
and there nro those who believe that hat
Schlfferstoln been timed at fifty , ilxty , am
sovonty-llvo yurda , ho would have now roe
ords at those distances. Although Schiffer
stein don't claim the record of 0 4 .1 seconds
for 100 yards , credited him at St. Louis , yet
it U known that ho u very confident that I
is right that he should have it. Ho bases bis
opinion on the fact that ho led Westing up to
seventy-five yards , when oven time was
IIURHHAM At 2i01 Cass street , at 9 p. m
October 10 , Jesdo Hurnliarn , daughter o
Thomas and Harriet N. ICilpatrlck.
Services at the rosidcnco at I . l.r p , m , to
day. Interment nt Cleveland , O.
Wnrnor'u Lopr Cabin Sarsapartlln rep
ulatos the rutfuliitor. Hoot blood purl
lior largest bottle in tlio market. Man
Xifficturcd by proprietors of Wurnor'o
i * fe Curt ) . Sold by all druggists.
A Train Load of Ilor Oltlzona Vla-
Itlng tbo Metropolis.
A. Dinner nt tlio Rllllnrd , A JUrlvo
About the City , mill n Visit to
tlio Grand tlir IMcii
of tlio Day.
The Kxcurslon From tlm South.
Yesterday at 2 o'clock the expected
Isltors from Superior , Hcmiett and otnor
ilaces nlong the line of the Fremont , Klk-
loru & Missouri Valley road arrived In this
Ity. They came to signalize the opening at
ailroad connection between this city and
ho section of the country In which they re-
ide. Among them arc the leading merchants
nJ farmers of southern Nebraska. Their
oming has been consldorod for some days
ml was anticipated. A committee consisting
f S W. Croy , Allen Koch , of the Kilpatrick-
Coch Dry goods Co. , and William L. Bastuian ,
f ICirkcndall , Jones ft Co. , went U ) Superior
Monday to act as escort to the party to tills
ity. The party arrived in Fremont about
1 o'clock vosterdayvhoro they wore
given n grand reception by the business men
> f the placo. They were also Joined by the
olIowiiiK reception committee of this city :
Max Meyer , of Max Meyer & Hro. , Jow-
clers ; E. S. Gatch , crockery and glassware ;
Jen Gallagher , of Paxton & Gallagher ,
vholesalc grocers j John Hrady , of McCord ,
Irady & Co. , wholesale groccru ; W. V. , wholesale boots ami shoes ; W. F.
Vlnyard , of Vinyard & Schneider , wholesale
lotions ; E. M. Andrcesen , of Lee , Clarke &
\ndrecsen , whole into hardware ; A. F. Koc-
or , of Uoctor , Wilholmy & Co. ; George A
'aimer , of W. L. Parrotto & ( Jo. , wholesale
mis ; F. D. Morrison , of llrownoll2o. . ,
engines and boilers ; Charles F. Wellor , of
ho Itlchardson Drug company ; Luther
) rake , of the Merchants' National bank ;
lenry Cassldy , of tbo Fremont , Elkhorn &
Missouri Valley railroad ; O. M. Nattingor ,
secretary of the board of trade.
The party was met at the depot by Uobert
Sasson , Churchill Parker , Charles A. Coo ,
Thomas Swobc , H. F. Troxell , Julius Her , J.
A. U'akelleld , C' . W. Limngor , W. H.
klegrjulcr , C. A. Lobeck , General Cowin , G.
\ Hess , Joseph Marker , S. P. Morse , S. K.
< \llon ) , F. P. Day , Joe Garnoaii ,
) r. Mercer and a half hundred
nero prominent citizens , bankers ,
awyers , merchants , manufacturers nnd
capitalists , together with n sea of pcoplo.
Vlong both sides of Webster street for a dls-
unco of two blocks was strung in the nolgh-
orhood of one hundred hacks , couches , and
irivate carriages , and when the train rolled
n the scene was a stirring one indeed. Hun
dreds of men of all modes of dress , class ,
latinnalitlcs and occupation crowded upon
lie platform and into the streets. It was n
small army of business men solidly massed ,
shoulder to shoulder , foot to foot , the
vitality of the channels of flnaneo nnd com-
nerco , of prosperity and enterpr'so. that had
congregated through the numberless cstu-
ines of business in the common weal of all.
The visitors were hurriedly driven off to the
Millnrd , where a sumptuous repast for the
iccommodatiou of U5D awaited them.
The refreshments having been enjoyed ,
.ho visitors were driven about the citv ,
ouching at nil important points and public
ilaeos , and but ono expression was neard ,
.hat of praise for the teeming life of Omaha ,
'or her enterprise and progress , her hand-
Home residences , Imposing public buildings ,
> tores and manufactories ,
The newspapers along the line were well rep
resented. Scward.had two men in the ranks ,
and there were ono each from Superior , Go
leva , Linwood , Exeter , liralnard and Dav
enport. J. 1) . Stino. the editor of the Jour
nal of Superior called at Tim HHK ofllco.
Last Monday the Fremont and Omaha del-
? ations wont to Superior , where they were
tendered a banquet by the citizens. . After
the banquet thoy'wero shown tao' town nnd
entertained royally. The n ayer and mar
shal of Superior presented the keys of tlio
city to the visitors , and general good fooling
Last night nbout ttireo hundred
of the merchant guests attended
the performance at the Grand Opera house ,
and saw Mrs. Langtry. Chief Galllgan , of
, ho lire department , arranged a trial run of
ho llro laddies. When the performance at
the opera house was over and the pcoplo worn
coining out , an alarm was turned in from
jox 01 , at the corner of Capitol avenue nnd
Sixteenth streets. Fire bells rung out and
the engines and hose carriages dashed to the
spot The streets were crowded nnd the
visitors had an opportunity of witnessing a
metropolitan llro run. The chemical engine
was the first to appear , followed by compan
ies 1 , 2 , and ti , with Chiefs
Sailer and IJarnes. Chief Galligan was
at the scene of action first , and turned back
the companies. The visitors examined the
chemical and apparatus with much interest
and expressed themselves as being much sur
prised and interested.
Among the visitors from Superior are Sid
Timmerman , the proprietor of the Superior
liouso and an old-time friend and war com
patriot of Chief Galligan ; G. E. McDonald ,
an architect , who has designed some of the
most important buildings there ; the Guthrie
brothers , who own the Superior roller mills ;
A. J. Hnggs , a banker , and W. S. Hloom ,
the cashier of the Superior bauxaiid member
of the board of education ; E. J. MurJln , the
attorney of the Fremont , Elkhorn it Mis
souri Valley , Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo
nnd Missouri Pacific railroads , and city at
torney of Superior ; Hon. D. Hossorman , the
president of the First National bank nnd
vice president of the Superior cattle com
pany ; John McElhinncy , a real estate agent ;
A. O. Oilman , merchant ; A. S. McCorkle , E.
Hosscrnian nnd Tuo Meal , cattle feeders ;
Hon. Asher Meal , president of the city coun
cil , and merchant ; I. C.Woodward , the repre
sentative of the Houston & Thompson ulee-
tric light company ; Dr. Mradshaw , Burgeon
of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley ,
M. & M. , and Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo
railroads , Hon. I. P. Honnell , of the city
council , nnd president of the Nebraska South
ern railroad ; James Kestcrton , the candidate
from Nuckolls county for the legislature ;
Hon. George L. Day , of the Day & Freeso
lumber company ; Hon. John Templetou , of
the Tompleton lumber company , and
member of the board of edu
cation ; H. ( } . Nelson , druggist ;
Charles Johnson , of Johnson brothers , hard
ware merchants ; A. J. Hrlggs , president of
the Hank of Superior. There are many
other business men from Superior , whoso
names could not bo learned.
Tlio general expression of the visitors was
ono of praise for the hospitality of the city
and the Fremont , Elkhorn A Missouri Val
ley railroad. Thuy praised our streets nnd
business buildings , and unaulmously prom
ised Omahii their trade in the future.
To-morrow the party will bo taken to
South Omaha and shown the packing houses
and stock yards , and leave on a special train
at I2.0p. ! ! m.
The Superior people will have a fair on the
23d , 2UU and i'.th inst. to which Omaha pco
plo are cordially invited , nnd at which they
expect to show evidences of their growth
and prosperity. Special ratca have been se
cured from all over the states of Nebraska ,
Kansas and Missouri , and an Immense
crowd is expected.
Tlio Visitors nt Fremont.
PBEMO\TNeb.Oct. 10 [ Special Telegram
to Tim MEK.J The excursion of business
men from points on the Fremont , Elkhorn
& Missouri Valley road between Suuoriot
nnd Fremont arrived here at 1 o'clock. The
train was made up of five passenger coaches
nnd the officers' car. Every car was heavily
loaucd. There wcro on board over three
hundred people. As the train pulled in at
the depot the Fremont cornet
band struck up a lively serenade. The
Bides of the cars bore largo streamers upon
which were the following inscriptions : "The
City is Yours. " "Omaha Merchants Welcome
You : " "Tho Hallway Center of Southern Ne
braska Shakos Hands with Omaha. "
The reception committee of fifteen op-
minted by the Omaha board of trade Ic
moot the visitors came to Fremont this morn
ing and Boarded the excursion train when it
came in , The train stopped hero only about
ten minutes. The delegation of forty Fremont
mont business men who went through tc
Superior yesterday left the excursion
hero. They received a hearty wolcomc
at Superior , being driven about the city and
banqueted last evening. On the train conv
Ing up to-day thu Fremont delegation passed
resolutions coniplimoatary to the road and
Its officers , nnd otulprliig thanks for their
liaiidsomo entertainment at Superior.
Tlio oxcur3lonHt | WlU'stop here to-inprrow
oh their return liomij , They will bo mot at
the depot with garbages and convevod nbout
the city , after wh"Uh.i ; bamruot will bo given
nt the opera
TUB Tnn'ljK IjINK.
Hundreds of itn Muinbon Present In
This Is to 1)0 ah important week to the Odd
Fellows of the m < idj { as the grand annual
encampment of th'p ar > Ier will be In session
several days at Did Hollows' hall , corner of
Fourteenth and Dndgjo streets. The grand
encampment of lUp'Jtrrand lodge was called
to order yesterday for preliminary work
with quito a largo attendance of representa
tives from the subordinate encampments
throughout the stato. The reception com
mittee was kept very busy receiving
and caring for the Incoming delegates.
Among the distinguished mombor.s pres
ent yesterday wcro J , S. Hoagland ,
grand patriarch of the grand en cam p-
ment of the state , from North Plattoj C. A.
Ayors. grand senior warden , Kearney j
L. J. Myers , grand high priest , Lincoln ; I ) .
A. Cline , grand scribe , Lincoln ; Sam Mc-
Jloy , grand treasurer , Lincoln1 P. J. Oago ,
n'rand Junior warden , Fremont ; Patriarch C ! .
N , Loomis , grand marshal. Fremont ; J F.
Hoed , grand itisldosontlnof , Central City ; F.
M. Ulvorn , grand outside sentinel , Norfolk ,
nnd many other representative members.
The grand encampment met nt 10 o'clock
yesterday morning with Grand Patriarch
Hoagland , of North Plattc , In the chair.
Tlio attendance was very large , exceeding
that of any similar meeting for many years.
Tim rex | > rts of the grand ofllcers showed this
liranch of the order to bo In n nourishing
condition , nnd after the reading of thcso unit
a lot of miscellnncus business the annual
election of ofllcers came up , resulting as fol
lows :
drum ! Patriarch C. D. Ayers , Kearney.
Grand High Priest I. P. Gage. Fremont.
Grand Senior Warden L. J. Myers , Liu
coin.Grand Scribe 1) A. Cllno. Lincoln.
Grand Treasurer S. McClay , Lincoln.
Grand Junior Warden N. M. Hcim ,
Grand Ueproscntativo F. M. Mryant ,
Grand Marshal G. F. Heed , Central City.
Grand Insldo Sentinel C. K. Doughty ,
Grand Outside Sentinel M. Palmerton ,
This morning at 10 o'clock the grand
lodge of the stnto will assemble , and remain
in session until Friday evening , with Grand
Master George H. Cutting , of Kearney , pre
siding. Ono of the chief features of the ses
sion will bo the amending of the constitution
for the purpose of raising the number of
represent all ves to sixty-live. It is tlio thir
ty llrst annual session , and much business of
vital signillcunco to the order will bu tran
sacted , and u largo attendance is assured.
On Thursday afternoon , starting at 1 : ftO
sharp , there will bo rin elaborate display In
the way of a parade , in which the ofllcials
of the L'rnnd lodge and grand encampment ,
headed by Grand Marshal Loomis , will be
noticeable. Thu array , made up us it will beef
of alt the uniformed rank of the patriarch
militant encampments nnd the subordinate
lodges of the state , will afford an impressive
spectacle. Major j. W Nichols , commander
of the deparlnien of Nebrasknof patriarchs
militant , will have charge of the affair , and
the llrst battulllon of Omaha , consisting of
the different cantons , will head the line of
march , which wilf bo as follows :
From Odd Fellows ' hall , where the line
will bo drawn up , west on Dodge to Fif
teenth , thence south to Douglas , down
Douglas to Tenth , south on Tenth to
Farnam , west , .on Fnrnnni to Fif
teenth , thence south to Howard , up
Howard to Sixteenth , north on Sixteenth
to Cuming ; on Owning to Saundurs. and
north on Saunders to Goodrich hall. Hero a
halt will bu called and a grand collation
spread by the ladies of the city.
Thursday night will bo doyoted to social
pleasures and a general commingling of the
fraternity , the principal feature of which
will bo a reception tnnnered the representa
tives of the grRijJ Ihdgo , as well ns to nil
the visiting defofjiiptto n'nd ' their ladies , to the
number of la > 0 , by the Omaha lodges. There
will bo a grand ballr speeches , and music ,
both vocal and instrumental , and the event
will undoubtedly be a credit to the cordiality ,
generosity and enterprise of Omaha's Odd
Follows. There will also bo present upon
this occasion tbo officers and members of the
Btato lodge of the Daughters of Hebokuh ,
who will also meat here in business conclave
The Kra Millard Canton , I. O. O. P. , will
assemble at the hall , Fourteenth nnd Dodge ,
at 7 o'clock this morning , for the purpose of
receiving visiting colons.
"Tho host on carTli" can truly bo said
of Grids' Glycerine Salve a speedy
euro for cuts , bruihos , scalds , burns ,
fioros , piles , totter and skin eruptions.
Try this wonder henlor. 2-j cents.
Guaranteed. Goodman Drug Co.
Xho First of the World' * Champion-
Hlilp Horlo-i of Games.
NEW YOUK , Oct. Irt. The first of the
scries of games for the world's championship
was played at ttio polo grounds to-day before -
fore 4r > ( K ) people. It was n good game , ex
citing at first , but rather slow toward the
close. It was a pitcher's battle throughout.
The score :
New York 0 2
St. Louis 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 01
Pitchers Keofo and King. Maso hits-
New York a , St. Louis 3. Errors New
York 4 , St. Louis S. Umpires Gaffnoy and
Kelly. _
The American Association.
PmnnEr.riitA , Oct. 10. Kosult of to-day's
game :
Athletics 0 00000012 3
Cleveland 0 0003310 * 0
MIIOOKI.V.V , Oct. Iti. Hosult of to-day's
game :
Mrooklyn 2 00003000 5
Multimoro 0 00100005 0
The soft clew of the tea rose is ac
quired by ladies who UMS I'oz/oui'a Com
plexion Powder. Try it.
The Iiongrst Word In thn Dictionary
is incompetent to cojiununieato the in
expressible satisfaction and incompro-
prohensiblo consoquo cett resulting from
a judk-ious administration of Dr.
1'iorco'ri Favorite Proscription , a prepa
ration designed especially for tlio speedy
relief and permanent cure of all female
weaknesses , nervousness , and diseases
peculiar to the female box. The only
remedy for woniini'ff peculiar ills , sold
by druggists unilbr a positive guar
antee , to give satisfaction , See guaran
tee on wrapper ot bottle. This guaran
tee has been faitb-fiiljy carried out for
many years by the proprietors.
Causes a St. Jowoph Woman to End
Her tiir ) t > y.I9Iorihlno.
ST. , Mo/j'Ocfc 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB MBR-J Mr * . Emma Movcll , a
clerk in Chase's ca dy 'factory ami living at
No. 414 South Twoiftii street , died nt 4
o'clock this afternoon from the effects of a
dose of morphine takan-with suicidal intent.
A Quarrel with horiwootheart , abar-keepor ,
yesterday aftornoob Was the causa. The
morphine was taftinf'yostflrday afternoon ,
but the fact wa 'nut discovered until 3
o'clock to-day. * "
Wyoming oil lands for sale. Claims
of 40 , 80 , to 100 acres now on the mar
ket. Complete abs tracts to same fur
nished. J. L. LOVKTT ,
220 So. Thirteenth at. , Omaha , Nob.
Tlio Philanthropic
HEUUK , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram to
THE MEK. ] Empress Frederick presided
today at a meeting of the coin mil too for the
relief of the sufferers by the recent inunda
tions. Dr. Achcnback , governor of the
province of Mradcnberg , mode an address in
which ho eulogized Empress Frederick for
her work In relieving the sufferers , Tha
committee reported that the distress among
the people had been removed. Empress
Frederick thanked the committee for these
sacrificing efforts In behalf of the dostttuto
in the Hooded district.
Continuation of the Debate on the
Now Tariff Moaauro.
Ills Objections to the Heinovnl of ttte
Tat on Alcohol Used In
tlio ArtH and
V , Oct. 10 , 'Ihoscnalorosunitd
consideration of the tariff bill to-day , there
icing twenty senators present , and was ad >
Irossed by Mr. Cockrell.
In the course of n long speech , road very
rapidly , ho contrasted the positions of tin )
.wo political parties as between the question
of ultra-protection nnd that of moderate
rates of duties. Ho argued against the
republican policy ns incortoratcd | in the sen
ate bill , and quoted from the speeches of such
nen ns Senators Allison and Wilson , of
Iowa , in past years , lu opjmsition to high
protective duties , whllo on the part of the
lomocrncy ho denies that it was a free trade
urty , and read an cxtra < t from Mlalno's
' 'Twenty Years in Congress" to show that
not n proiMJsitlon for the establishment
of free trade had ever been seriously
made In the United States senate. In con
nection with his speech Mr. Cocltrell filed a
communication from the commissioner of
internal revenue to the effect that the removal -
moval of the tax on alcohol used In the arts
anil sciences would lead to extensive frauds
on the revenue , as It , would not bo difficult to
demethylate wood alcohol and make it lit for
Mr. Allison questioned the correctno's of
Llie commissioner's statement , nnd said that
the system of using methvlated spirits in the
arts was allowed in England and ( Jormany ,
and that concurrent testimony In these
countries was that spirits could not. bo
demethylated except by distillation ,
Mr. Vest asserted that wood alcohol could
bo converted into pure whisky and said that
within the last three days he had seen llio
lirocess curried on with a machine that cost
only W2. The senator had been therefore
also light In objectiuir to the proposition.
Mr. Allison said that If the senator from
Missouri had such a machine ho could , In his
bureau drawer , manufacture whisky.
Mr. Vest asked Mr. Allison to use another
form of expression , and not to speak of the
machine as his ( Vest's ) . Ho had seen it in
the ofllco of the Internal revenue commis
Mr. Spoonor of Wisconsin next addressed
the senate. Ho excused himself for reading
from a prepared speech , but said that his
speech consisted largely of extracts
from the testimony given by boards of
trade and other bodies before nn
English parlimentary commission , showing
that the result of free trade was hot satis
factory and that there was a clamor for its
overthrow and a demand for its abandon
ment. He intended to prove , ho said , that
under the influence of freo'trado in Great
Mi itiln there had been for twelve years past ,
with slight intermissions , serious depressions
in industry and trade , and a depression in
agriculture which defied a parallel. As
against this ho pointed to the marvelous
growth and prosperity of the United States
under the protective system. "Tho object
lesson thus afforded. " ho said , "was un
answerable in favor of a protective .system
and against trying an experiment that would
hamper the well being of labor and the
growth and development of thn country. "
After a brief executive session the senate
WVSIUVOTOX , Oct. 10. In the house , on
motion of Mr. Hudd of Wisconsintho senate
amendment was concurred in to the bill au-
thon/.ing the construction of a bridge across
the Mississippi river at La Crosse , Wis.
Three members of the house were ap
pointed as members of the joint committee
charged with investigating the Washington
aqueduct tunnel matter.
The senate joint resolution was passed au
thorizing the secretary of war to protect the
Washington aqueduct tunnel.
Mr. Plumb of Illinois , from the committco
on labor , called up the bill to settle the ac
counts of labor under the eight hour law.
Mr. McMillan of Tennessee moved to ad
journ , nnd on this motion the republicans de
manded the yeas and nays and succeeded in
defeating it.
Mr. Gates said that ho had failed In his
effort to got the house to adjourn , and ho
would now like to adjourn himself. Ho
asked leave of absence for the remainder of
the session. This was granted , as was also
similar leuvo to Mr. Lanhain of Texas.
The house then at 1 : ! M ) adjourned.
The best is cheapest. .Tarv'ts 7 7 brandy.
But Nobody Car en to Meet the Aus
tralian Champion.
Nnw YOHK , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tim MKK.J Tom Lees , the middle weight
champion of Australia , and a mighty handy
fellow with his fists , is in a distressing pre
dicament. Ho has been two months in
America looking for a job in the ring ,
and no Yankee pugilist will tackle him. Ho
announced his willingness to fight anybody
when ho came to Now York , but nobody re
sponded. Then his mind turnoil to Jack
Dempsey , who has always showed a dispo
sition to light any ono who scorned to have
money enough In his clothes to pay for the
luxury of being soundly licked. Davis Mut-
lor , Tom Lees' manager , wanted to match an
old fashioned challogo calling on Dempsey
to fight Lees for Sl.OiX ) a side.
"Go down and offer him the challenge in
person , " was suggested. So Mr. Mutlcr and
n reporter walked to Dempsoy's saloon.
"Mr. Dempsey hasn't showed up yet , " the
barkeeper explained , ' 'but he'll soon bo
hero. "
Presently the "Nonpareil" strolled in ,
nodding right and loft In a friendly but dig
nified manner to his admirers. The great man
bustled around behind the bar and got Ills
mail nnd waived impatient profferers of
drinks while he heard Mr. Mutler.
"Will you fight Tom Lees forSl.OOOor
f l.r > 00 a side I" asked Mutlcr.
"Oh , he's too big for mo , " was the "Non
pareil's" reply , as ho turned to road n letter.
' We'vegot money , and Lees is anxious to
fight you , " said Mutler.
"With glovosi" asked Dempsoy.
"No , with the knuckles , Ix > ndon rules. "
"I've got engagements right ahead for the
next four months , " said IJempsey. "I
couldn't take this offer before then , any
how. "
"You haven't received any formal chal
lenge from Mitchell , have you I" asked the
Dempsey remained immersed in his letter.
After a longtime ho said : "I take them all
sizes as they come. I don't care anything
about u man's weight. Lees can get plenty of
pcoplo to fight him If ho wants to. "
Lees seemed disappointed on hearing of
Dempsey's refusal. "I ran fight nt 1.M
pounds. " he said , "and I'd bo glad to comedown
down to that weight to meet Dempsey. I'd
rather tackle him than any of the others. 1'vo
fought twenty-one battles and suffered defeat -
feat in only ono when Peter Jackson bested
me. "
Funds for the ItfpuhllcaiiH.
NEW YOUK , Oct. lei. [ Special Telegram to
TnnMKE.1 J. S. Clarkson , vlco chairman
of the republican national cominltUjo , has
not rocolvoJ a letter this campaign which
pleased him any more than ono which ar
rived last evening. It came from Dubuque ,
la. , and contained a draft for * 1,000. Ono
hundred patriotic republicans of Dubuque
had each given $10 to the campaign fund
"Tho Homestretch. Fund" is what they
called It , nnd iho republican managers ex
press the hope that this may bo only the bo-
( finning of the fund that Is to help thorn out
on the homestretch of this campaign. A
similar but smaller subscription also came
from State Center , la. , where twenty-five
republican * gave f5 each. A good many
moro such remittances are needed at the na
tional republican headquarters. Tbo truth
Is the committee U poor and needs raonoy.
U Is plftcod'nt n disadvantage In fighting the
democratic committee , which I ? holding up
government clerks and domandlng contribu
All druggists sell .Inrvis brandy.
uicnuciNo WOUICINU uoims ,
The HntUn KO'H Movn In tlio Intercut
or ImrKi-r Dlvldnndn.
Toi'Kiu , Kan. , Oct. 10. ( Special Telegram
to Tun Hun. ] Orders have boon given by
General Superintendent Sands to allow the
superintendents and heads of the mechanical
departments of the Santa Fo to reduce the
working hours 10 ] > or cent nt onco. The re
duction Is made by cutting off an hour each
day and a half day Saturday , making five
days Instead of six. The order affects 10OiK >
men. It has been the content every winter to
e.ut the number of working hours , but It Is
done earlier than usual tills year. The com
pany is cutting down exj * nsos In every way
possible In order to make a more favorable
showing when the nott dividend is declared.
A deduction of 111 per cent lu the pay roll of
the mechanics' department \ U1 amount to
about $ U,000 a week.
Dr. .lolTorls' Infallible diphtheria
cure. Addrctft box ( W7 , Onmha , Nob.
The Pirn llocord.
SIIAMOKIV. Pa. , Oct. Ifi. The Cameron
colliery was destroyed by fire this morning.
The lire originated from an explosion of gas ,
and caused a loss of about { Tfi.OOJj Insured.
Alxiut a thousand men were employed In the
HlRtorlc IttiildliiKM CoiiHiiincd.
KRAIIINO , Pa. , Oct 1C. - [ Special Telegram
to Tun MKK , | At Epratn , Lancaster county ,
this morning , ono of the historic buildings of
the unco llouiishlng Maptiht community was
Can ba had in Over 700 Different Styles and
Sizes , at the same price as fh@ counterfeits
Insist upon suing the Trade Mark or you may b deceived
The Michigan Stove Company ,
Detroit. Chicago. CAUTION.-Bowira of mor
Tiend ot
ThiiY hart * either fIlw5to uecure the
Sold "Garland" agency oraredeilrousof
Everywhere."Garland" upon which greater .
margin of proOt can be mado.
J''or Stiluby Milton Jloyrrx
Possesses many Important Advantages over all
other procured Hoods.
Mikes Plump , Lnughinn , Healthy Onble * .
Regulates the Stomach and Bowelo.
Bold by DruRKlsU. " " - , OOc. , HI.00.
Baby Portraits.
A J'ortlollo of bonullful t > al > y t > ortralta , printed
on nnc plato paper l j- patent photo iirocui * , edit
frco to Mother ufany ilaliy Ixirn wllliln H ytur.
Krery Mother wants thcso pictures ; scud at ouco.
Hive Itaby'n immo nnd age ,
WELLS , RICHARDSON Ii CO. , Piops. , Burlington , Vt.
totally dcilroyrjil by flro. The building waf
ono of n number put tip by Conrad Jlcmols
founder of this strange coniiniinity , 1M > yours
ngo , and occupied by men nnd women who
called thcinselvc.4 "brothers" and "slslorn , "
and had everything In common , The com *
miinlty has long fcinro died out , but tlio
buildings have been maintained bccauso of
thulr historic interest.
You can find cool , well furnished
rooms nt the Olobo hotel , best located
house In Omaha.
by I'rnlrlc Fire * .
ATKIN.SO.V , Nob. , Oct. 111. [ Special to Tnii
Mur. ) - 1'ralrlo llrcs Imvo been raging for
several day * to the south and west of this
place and n largo amount of hay has gone up
In .stnoKo. I.nst evening n largo llro loomed
up in thn smith about four miles and n num
ber of citi/eiis wont out to help light the
ll.mms If necessary. It was found that the
lire had Invaded thn farm of Air. .1. A.
Davis , and several stacks of buy were burned
before it could bo oht'ckod. Mv hard work
the buildings and other property wcro saved
and the lire diverted from Its path of do-
strui'tlon. H was spreading rapidly over the
pr.ilrie , however , and further damage was
feared , but In thu night a copious rain came
up nnd put an effectual .stop to it , much to the
relief of all.
lown Postal
\VsiiivdTov , Oct. ItV [ Special Toleirrnm
to TUB MCI : . ] The following Iowa postman.
ters wore appointed to-day : Joshua 1 * Oar-
rington , Mootown , Harrison county , vice P
A Merrill , resigned , Joseph K. Johnson ,
ICxllne , Appauooso county , vlroS. 1' . Muring ,
resigned . Joseph Northrop , I'alrvlow , Jones
county , vie Jane MrUnwun , resigned , Hugh
MrOuiro , ( lardons Kerry , Jackson county ,
vice K Simpson , resigned , diaries A. Krlck
son , Mesorvey , Uerro Oordu county , vice U.
\V Kainke , resigned ,
It's Easy to Dye
Strength ,
Warranted to color moro goods than ny other
dye ever mode , aorl to give more brilliant and
dnraMo colon Auk for the Diamond , and tot
no other. 36 colors ; ID cents each.
WELLS , RICIIARDSON & CO. , Burlington , Vt.
For Cildlne or Fircmlng Fancy Articles , USB
Oold , Silver , Uronie , Copper. Only 10 Cent * .
Real Estate ,
218 S.i 5th St.Omaha.
ADPUITCPTC. STAIH ) , ISIll Howard fit. , Omaha , hit * drawn plans nod
nnunl I LU I Hp cltlciittorM for n ( I room frame IIOJHU. which coinbluud
\itlllty.coinforteconomy and henniy.lnavMiy JinpoHsllila In any
houiitt that costs from il , . l to Jl.ooj As more than IK )
will io built so , I can nifurd u > otr r n copy for Original and npUndla
l- > . the usnalfe i8othorwlH l > | ng from designs furnished , aJ can bo ItMijed
' " l" of P"1"0' completed building * ot
all deforiptlonH J have In my offlre. ranging In oat
't"'n ' * " .WO to Wun.Wil. My unusual experience will guarantei natlifactlon
and reliable contractor * only areengsgad on wy works. Partial wishing to LuUtV
are cordially luvlted.