T , ii-.imKatBs , . rfiTiI ( i-"inTiT 8 THE OMAHA .DAILY BEE : .TUESDAY. OCTOBER 10 , 1888. THK CITY. The internal revenue collections yes- tcrdtiy runountcd to $7,527.33. A civil service CTCiunlnntion will ho hold October i3 ! at the poStolIlce build ing. Ofllccr Patrick Ilnrvey , who hns done officiant service ns iit > ntrolintiiihiiHbeon promoted to the position of jailer ut the central Htation. George Hhikc , of the fire doarttncnt ( ) , who was badly injured recently by a kick from u horse , is ugain uble to at tend to his duties. D. G. Gracey , clerk at the Cozzcns hoiiho , was in luck last week mid held ticket 8151. which drew $200 in the Louisiana lattery. UulTnlo Bill closed hid season of the Wild West in Richmond , Va. , last Sat urday and is expected homo in a few weeks. Sherman Canlicld , who has been with him for more than a year , will return in a few days. Last Saturday Harry Burke was en trusted with a twenty-dollar gold piece belonging to Mrs. Motzler , with the re quest that ho get it changed. Ho took Hie money but never returned. Ho was arrested on the charge of embezzle ment , and lined fi ) . John Hastings was arrested yesterday on a warrant ctiarging him with an as- hault alleged to have been committed on one Myers several days ago at Itt- nor's brick yard on Ltiko bti'ect. lie was released on $ " ) ( ) bail , to appear lor trial next Thursday. A brilliant reflection was soon in the sky Sunday night from 10 to 12 o'clock. It was reported that Swift's big ice-house on Cut-Off lake was destroyed , but the report proved unfounded. It is sup posed the light was caused by a largo prairie fire , a distance up the river in Iowa. On Wednesday Sheriff Coburn will take George Heller , Howard Scolicld , Jack Hush and Jerry Collins to the re form school. Kd Simpson , who snatched a purse from Mrs. Dewey's hands at Falconer's store , will go to the Lincoln penitentiary to-day. Sheriff Albert Young and deputy from Green Hiver. Wyo. , were at the county jail Sunday with three prison ers sentenced to Joliet. The latter were Charles Barry , sent up for live years for manslaughter ; Kd Kent , live years for burglary Charles Davis , three years for burglary. John O'Connell owns a house on Tenth street , between Dodge street and Capitol avenue. He had for his tenant J. C. Whitted. O'Counoll wanted Whitted to vacate the premises , which ho refused to do. During the alterca tion which ensued Mr. O'Connell smote Whitted several times for which ho was arrested. The matter was amicably nettled and Judge Berka discharged O'Connell. Albert Gregory and James McKcan , while discussing the great tariff ques tion in a burrroom Sunday evening , grew angry and abusive , and pulled their coats to settle the question with tibtio arguments when a policeman interfered and gave them a rule to the "cooler. " When the case came to trial the judge listened with an amused cxpres-sion to the recital of the political debate , and remarked at its close that ho was him self in favor of a reduction in the tariff , and instead of exacting the usual duty of $10 for fighting , lie would charge them each only $ " > and costs. He further remarked that free , trade of that kind was not best for the people and protec tion of some kind was necessary. Peroonnl Mention. P. L. Harper , of Wallace , is at the P.ixton. D. P. Locke , of Norfolk , is at the Pnxton. J. F. Allen , of Fremont , is at the Murray. G. C. Utley , of Lincoln , is at the Murray. Charles Whedon , of Lincoln , is at the Mil- lard. lard.L. L. D. Ilichards , of Fremont , is at the Mil- lard. J. 13. Kainc , of Grand Island , is at the Paxton. O. O. Hcffncr , of Nebraska City , is at the Millartl. B. D. Slaughter , of Fullcrton , is at the Millard. M. M. Kobcrtson , of Madison , is at the Millard. William J. Silver , of Wnlioo , is at the Millard. C. H. Van Wyck , of Nebraska City , is al the Paxton. . W. L. Nnsh , of Kearney , and 11. Y. McAr Unir , of St. Paul , nro at the Millard. J. D. Kilpatrick , W. H. Ktlpitrick and J , D. Wcston , of Beatrice , are at the Paxton. John F. Tyler , a prominent real estate mar from St. Joseph , is spending several days in the city visiting his old friends Duff and Alex Green. Harrison Ajnin. Ed Harrison , the alleged forger , was finally arraigned before Jud o BcrKa yes terday , but the case was continued until 1 p. in.Wednesday , when it is thought that th ( dilatory officials from Tuscon , Arizona , will arrive. Harrison has applied to Judge Grofl for another writ of habeas corpus and the possibilities are that it will be granted. The Kncmiipinent. Juan Boyle , of Kearney , is spending a few days in this city ns the guest of General Wheaton , of Fort Omaha. Ho savs that the late encampment of the Second infantry at tbo former place was \ \ threat advantage to it. At least $1W,000 ) was spent by the troops ami the government for amusement and necessa ries. Soina of tliu ofllcurs and men pur chased lots , one of the latter paying fcMK ) , which ho had on his person , for some of the choicest. A Disreputable Pair. S. Finlcy , as dark as the ace of spades and May Williams , an ill-favored mulatto , have been living as man and wife In a shanty on Cumins street of late , hut all has nol been harmonious. A dispute arose Sun day , and May seized a Unite and attempted to cut her "husband's ' * throat. Ho man aged to seize her arm and save his jugular but in the scutllo May struck him over th < Land with the blade and cut the llcsh to the bone. She claims that ho then beat her ovei the head with his flst , and caused his arrest for it. Ho was lined $25 and costs , and , upon paying it , swore out a warrant for her arrest. _ Why Not Both ? OMAHA , Oct. 13. To the Editor of Tna BEE : I see by your paper that the two cities , Omaha and Council Bluffs , intend to spcm ! about 13,500 for fireworks to celebrate the opening of the now bridge. 1 think they could make the day more Jubl lant and memorable by investing Dm amount In flour and invitu the poor of botli cities to call on that day and each get 5 ( cents worth. And I also think that the smiles of the poor would do the audience more good than all the fireworks they can buy. In these days of a presidential cam paign the air is full of sulphur and brim Hone anyway. J. F. Rousu.ui. Teachers nml Pupils Prostrated. There is considerable speculation as to tin cause of so much sickness in the schools at present. Teachers , as well as pupils , havi been indisposed and there is considcrabli difficulty la keeping the schools supplied witt instructors. Among these on the sick list arc Miss Harper of the Central school , wh < is prostrated with intermittent fever ; Mis : Frazcr-\vuo ! has pneumonia ; Miss Siuionil of the Cass school , Miss Edmunds and Mis Gillis of the Dodge rchool , Miss Stull ol Jzard school and Miss Powell , substitute teachers. Others are indisposed but an keeping bravely on with their work. „ Then $ eein to1 bo on unusual amount of malaria and typhoid fevers , and diphtheria also lim numbered its share of victims. At Vintoi cbool a number of children have died will the lut named disease , Fatal sicknesses avi also reported from other portions qf the city , and some parents in alarm aio beginning to keep their children at home. The extensive gradinc done about the city this fall Is sup posed to have something to do with the prev alence of the sickness. All druggists sell Jarvis brandy. TIU ; nitino" : OPENING. ArrnnKcnicntH Helni ; Made lor a Mou nter Trnclcs Display. The meeting of the Joint committees from Council Bluffs and Omaha , held at the board of trade building in this city , for the purpose of completing arrangements in connection with tlia opening of the now ijrldije , was largely attended. The finance committee re ported $4,535 subscribed. H was decided to Icavo the positions to bo taken on the bridge In the hands of the marshals. The commit tee on music reported that the service of two Vtaniiit had boon engaged. U was decided to subscribe $100 for music $ n that ocousiun. The committee on invitations reported that Bishops Nuwman and Simpson had agreed to deliver addresses. Invitations will bo made by the board of trade to-morrow The Grand opera house in Omaha will ue used for the speaking. It was decided to invite Colonel Cl.aae of Omaha , and Colonel Sapp of Coun cil Bluffs , to bis present and deliver short speeches on the Chautauqua organization. The Omaha guards , company A , Light guards of Council Bluffs , and Company 1C , of Shenandonli , will partHp.Ue In a prl/o drill cither for a purse or cup. The committee on traveling men reported that about fifty knights would-be in line. The committee on transportation reported that one-and-onc-tliird fare would be iniulc for tbo round trip from all points. The Knights Templar lodge of DCS Monies , sent in a communication , to the effect , that that body would escort Governor Larrabee to the scene , provided their brothers in Nebr.isk.i would do likewise by Governor Tha.ver. The display committee reported that it had as surance already to the effect that business houses would be represented in the proces sion. J. A. Wakclleld , of Omaha , was made general treasurer. The mooting then ad journed to convene at the same place October 137 , at U p. m. Peycko Bros , for Jarvis blackberry AM11SKMKNT8. Mrs. Laintry ODCIIH Her Season at the Grand Upcrn House. A pretty woman need not be a great ar tist in order to command popular favor , but It would perhaps not bo entirely just to say of Mrs. Latigtry that she lias no other claim to consideration than her beauty , albeit that is confessedly her most valuable attribute. Mrs. Langtry did Omaha the honor to open her season here and the largo and highly fashionable audience at the Grand opera house last night must have assured her of the wisdom ol the selection. Stic appeared as Lena Drspard In the play entitled "As In a Looking Glass , " announced us her latest success. The drama is not of a very high order of merit iu any particular , and the character of the heroine is not a creation to win admiration. Lena Dcspard is an adventuress who con fesses to a life of wickedness. She drinks wine , smokes , gambles , and carries herself with the abandon of a woman of the world. Of course she is fascinating and early achieves the conquest of most of the men she meets , Mrs. Langtry's ' portrayal of this character has some meritorious features , though it falls short of possibilities of the role. Her conspicuous faults still arc that her acting is wanting both in feeling and color , whether she.be gay or sad , there is apparent a lack of heartiness. There is no con tagion in her laughter and her feigned grief does not touch the sympathies. In the coarser attributes of Lena Despard , Airs. Laugtry is quite successful the iiutifferenco of this woman of the world to accusation , her gratification over winnings at the gaming table , and her duplicity all this is fairly well portrayed , and yet far less forcefully than it might be. It must bo said , also , that Mrs. Langtry retains much of the amateurish method which has in the past subjected her to unfavorable criticism , and which in all probability she will never bo able to wholly correct. But as a woman she continues to be as charming as ever , and it will not be de nied that in her several beautiful dresses last night each act presenting a dif ferent costume shewas exceedingly attractive , and after all it was for this that most of the audience went to see her. Mr. Charles Coghlan is a smooth , pleasing actor , and as Captain Jack Partinbras , ait adven turer with an unsavory record , was entirely commendable. There was nothing remark able in the other characters inviting special reference to them. The audience was dis posed to be cordial and manifested its pleasure on all occasions when Mrs. Langtry did something to merit the approval of applause. The best is cheapest. Jarvis 7 7 brandy. i Senator Mamlcrson nt Home. Senator Manderson returned yesterday. He was found in the parlors of the Omaha Savings bank. Ho looked weary , and the lines of care upon his brow seemed to have deepened since his last appearance hero. Questioned upon tne status of the bill for the new postofttce in Omaha , the senator said that it was Just as it had been left m the house of Mr. McSlmne. It was in conference , and there was no chance of its being brought up this session , because congress would adjourn in a few days , perhaps before the end of the week. "Has anything been done lately with ref erence to the Fort Omnhu billl" "They are making , as I understand , maps and plats of the property offered for sale and are busy over the work iu the war depart ment. " "When will the commission be appointed to visit and inspect the sites proposed i" "There will be no commission appointed. An army officer of the department may bo sent out to make some report upon the mat ter , but there will be no commission. When General Sheridan was alive , he used to select the sites of forts himself. Ho selected one at Covmgton , that I now remember. If ho was alive now ho would probably select this site also , especially as , ho was con siderably interested in the location of the new fort at this point. Gen. Scollelu would bo the proper officer to make the selecUon and he will probably do it. " "It is claimed that in the bill locating the fort thcro is no mention that it must bo in Nebraska , but simply within ten miles of Omaha , which it is also claimed would enable it to bo secured by Iowa. " "That is a foolish scare and a man is an ass to entertain the notion. My recollection of the law is ttmt it provides that the fort must be located in Nebraska within ten miles of Omaha. The fort couldn't leave Ouuilia under uuy circumstance. " "Why ! " "Because the war department would not build it on that side of the river. " "What Is intended by the bridge bills which were passed the present session ! " "Tho bill for the proposed bridge at Omaha was to undo the effect of the defeat of the bridge bill for the Nebraska Central. In the house there was tacked on to it an amendment - ment which prevented it from being built within a tturd of a mile of the present structure , which will send it further up north. The bill for the bridge at Platts- mouth is for thoconstructionof such abridge as they have now at Nebraska City a pontoon teen bridge. " "Is cither of these bills in the interest of a railroad company ? " "Not that I know of. " Asked as to what democrats thought about the senate tariff bill , the senator said that it suited protection democrats per fectly. There were hundreds of democratic protectionists , and all of those , as well as republicans , were pleased with it. " "How do you feoli" "I feel worn out. I nave been on a strain for ten months. " "What are you going to do whllo here ! " "I am going to take the stump. " Board of Kducation. No very important business was transacted at the meeting of the board of education last night. Janitor Cooper , of the Park school , resigned to accept a better situation. About two hours were consumed in discussing the matter of raising the pay of both principals and janitors of schools. The subject has been before the board several times and after all the wrangling reduced itself to the same position it had heretofore been in. The Hcv. John Williams sent in a communication objecting to the children of the school in the vicinity of St. Barnabas church using the Church yard as a play ground. The residents la the vicinity of Fort Omaha petitioned the beard to 'establish a acliobl at tne barracks , which was referred to the committee on building and property. Bills nggregatiug ? 90' ) were ordered paid. The Woman's Ex change was given tno old stove which has boon In use in the cooking school. The Grand Hapids School Furniture company re quested the board to issue them n warrant for school desks furnished , payable after January 1. This was referred to the Judi ciary committee to report on the legality of such action. All druggists sell Jarvis medical brandy. NOT "SUGAUU1V A Switchman Who Works Without Belni ; Tipped. "I wish TUB Bit : : would get the man who said Unit switchmen must bo 'sugared' be fore they will place the cars , to tell what road ho refers to , " said a Union Pacific switchmen yesterday. "Our boys get good pay , gut all they ask for , and don't have to do anything like that. And if they did want to they couldn't. You see , when a day crew goes on work , they get from the office the bills of the cars they have to set during the day , and if they clean them all up , they pet the bills O.-IC.'d mid hand them back to the office. If they can't set them all , they return the bills to the office and the night crews take care of them , so you see that I'very one has to wait his turn. If the yar d is crowded , it mav take a little time , and then some of the big linns kieic because they have to wait their turn the same us the others. I think it's a back-handed slap at the urothcr- hood. " The following changes of station agents have been bulletined at Union P.icilic head quarters : P. 1Leavy , Idaho Springs , vice F. D. Gilp.Uriek , assigned ; Goo , A. Koehlcr , Como , vice J. G. Enkliouso , assigned ; F. E. Carney , ( Juinter , vice II. W. Hart , leave of absence ; J. B. Jones , PlattoCenter , vice W. E. Wright , assigned ; A. L. Powell , Millard , vice A. T Hunynu , and C. L. Britrgs , Fair- Held , viro E. A. Lewis , leave of absence. The Wyoming division of the Elkhorn road has been completed to Caspar , ( old Fort Caspar ) twenty-four miles west of Glou Hock. It is in the heart of the coal flplds , and on the border of the great Wyoming oil llelds. No. 2 came in on the Union Pacific in two sections yesterday , the llrst containing four cars of fruit and nine of second class passengers and baggage. The second ar rived thirty minutes later with thirteen conches of lir.st class passengers. Engine lOti of the Burlington , that did so much damage to Mr. Holurcgu's car and the express office Saturday afternoon , was at work again Sunday. The engineer's name WHS Jiinmie Dullle. Will Uouslilou , a Union Pacific1 lineman , made the run from the end of the double track on a tricycle in thirteen minutes yes terday. As the distance is six miles the time is considered good. "The restoration of rates from Denver on the Burlington , will have no effect on local or west bound rates , " s.iid an official of that road" and the notice to that effect merely means that the war is over and the knife withdrawn. The cutting was only on through travel from Denver , Pueblo and points west of that , and it didn't ' inaku much difference , us very few passengers availed themselves of the cut. " A well-selected library for the free use of passengers , a hot water lavatory attachment and a luxurious lounge are among the im provements recently introduced , by the Bur lington into its vestibule sleeping' cars run ning between Denver , Omaha and Chicago. One of these cars , a marvel of beauty and luxury , went east Sunday on No , ' . ' . The lirst through sleeper for Denver a Wagner passed through for the west yes terday , and was apparently well patronized. P. A. Warraek , chief clerk of the Union Pacific , is back from a tour of inspection along the Beatrice branch , and reports everything looking well. The corn crop is immense , but smaller grains are not up to former years. He left last night for Kear ney. Pears' soap secures a beautitul com plexion. Wyoming oil lands for sale. Claims of 40 , 80 , to 100 acres now on the if mar ket. Complete jibstraets to sumo fur nished. J. L. LOVUTT , 21ZO So. Thirteenth st. , Omaha , Neb. THE COUHTS. McRalti Scores a Victory Against Hugh Murphy. It was 11 o'clock ' yesterday before the call m the district court was finished and the work of trial began. Enough business was laid out to busy the court several weeks. On the motion of the county attorney Judge GroiT discharged Henry , the eleven- year-old son of Y . Bothers , but with the warning that the next time tno incorrigible came into court ho would bo sent to the re form school. Judge Graff then took up the case of Solo- man Kallsh vs Christ Kalmbach , a suit for a commission of * 1T5 on selling $0,000 worth of property in Kountzo & Uuth's addition. Judge Doano began the casu of Frank II. Goddard vs William F. Sweesy , a suit to re- ga'n ' possession of a lot in Sweesy's ' addition , and obtain $150 damages. Judge Hopowell heard the case of Samuel G. Davison vs John J. Solomon , a suit to re gain possession of a lot in Florence. Judge Wanely retired to his room and called the equity docket. The jury in McBain vs Murphy , a silit to replevin eleven ears of Sioux Falls granite , brought in a verdict for the plaintiff. The several cases on trial were continued till afternoon. Fred W. Gray has begun suit against John S. Bailer and P. L. Harper for * : iT05 for lumber. It his petition Gray alleges that the defendants entered into a conspiracy to de fraud him. Harper is a. banker. Ho wrote Gray giving Bailer n standing as a reputable business man , al though ho was execution praqf. 'Gray ' alleges that Bailer , under the firm name of John S. Bailer & Uo. , was to receive and sell the lumber and turn the proceeds over to Harper , leaving Gray to whibtlo for his money. Macc ! no mistake. By dispelling the symptoms so often mis taken for Consumption. SANTA AIJIB has brought gladness to many a household. By its prompt use for breaking up the cold that too of ten develops into that fatal disease , thou sands can bo saved from an untimely grave. You make no mistake by keeping n bottle of this pleasant remedy in your house. CALI- FOHNIA CAT-U-CUHE is equally effective in eradicating all traces of nasal catarrh.Both of those wonderful California remedies are sold and warranted by Goodman Drug Co. 51 a package , 3 for SU.50. All Heady forThom. A business men's mooting was held at the board of trade last evening to further ar rangements for the entertainment of the Su perior excursionists. The latter nro expected between 1 and and 2 o'clock this afternoon. They will bo met at the depot by n commit tee with carriages , and will bo driven to the Millard. After dinner the party will take a drive about the city. The plans for the evening - ing were not settled , but were loft with the committee who will go to Fremont to meet the excursion. _ An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up in largo two ouneo tin boxes , and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles , Aslc for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents. Alter Wells' Money. The Union Pacific Is hqlding'back about flCOO due Charles Wells , the missing trans fer contractor , pending a sottlemeni of the claims of his employes. Wells assigned his contract in August to J. H. Clarkson , who turned it over to the Douglas County bank. The latter has begun a garnished suit against the Union Pacific- for tbo f 1,000. ITnd a bilious attack and one of thosp Indescribable cases of constant weari ness. Took quinine and other remedies without relief. Took Dr. Jones' Red Cloven Tonic ; am strong and well. Asa Thompson , Logan , Ohio. Goodman Drug Co. . You can find cool , well furnished rooms at the Globe hotel , best located hcAise Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A miirvcl of purl- ty.stiengtliaiulnliolosomencss. .Mora econom ical tlniii tilt * ordinary kinds , undrunnot bu sold In competition with thn multitude of low test , short weight alum or phospoato powder * . Sola only In cans. Hoyal Making Powder Co. , 1-0 Wall street , New York. Who Is WEAK , NERVOVN. DriHLITA. TKD. who In his FOI.I.Y Mid IGNOKANCR basTRlFLm away bli VKlORof I1OUY , HIND and MANHOOD , causing exhauitlnc dralni upon th9 FOUNTAINS of LIFE , HKADA < flHE , BACKACHE , Dreadful Dreams. WKAMNKHH of Memory , BAH1I- FCl.NF.NSln [ SOCIETY , I'IMPI.EH upon tbo FACE , and all the F.FFECTH leading to EAUI/r nKCAlT and perhaps CON Nil Ml' . riON or INSANITY , ihould consult at once the CELEBRATED Dr. Clarke , Established > 6fl. Er Clark * hu made NERVOUS DE BILITY , CHKONIC and all DUeaies of Pie UENITO rnilVAUT Organs a I.lfo Study. It makes NO dlflerenrc WHAT you i ixve taken or WBIO has failed to cure you. OTrFEMALE.1 ! Buffering from diseases pecu liar to their MX can consult with tbe assurance of speedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage for works on yaw dlser.ses. 43-Oend 4 cenU postage for Celebrated W riK on Chronic , Herron * and Dell- Bate Diseases. Consultation , personally or by tattei , free. Consult the old Doctor. Ttiounuudsi cnrert. QClcen and pnrlorsi prlvuto. 49-Thoso contemplating Murrlairo oend for Dr. Clnrhe'a celebrated guldo Hale and Femnle , each IGc. , both ZSc. ( stamps ) . Hefoie confiding your case , consult Dr. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may save future suflerineand stiame , and add golden yean to life. O-B&ok " Life' * ( Secret ) Er. rori , " 50e. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writing ! sent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8 ; Sundays , 9 to 12. Address , F. i ) . OEARKE , M. D. 136 Sou Olarfe Ott GEUOAGQ. tLt , . THEY DIDL IT. What ? Cured among others the following. They write : 849 Cfiitral'Avc. . Cincinnati. O. . { Januarj 4th , 1W8. J Athloi'horort PilN have curttl "aieof liver tniMiualnt.aml dyf 'tiKla. 1 7 ve it'll nf ( bn rill" to * friend nho It troubled wltli tnilikrpHtimi.and lie lin Imprm-d won derfully. K 11. KOUUCAUP. Mllofctti. St.NewlUveii.Ct. . ! February 10th , 1W > Athlophoron Pilla workwl woniltra In iny care of iljniTtwliv. KUMA L. C'unx. Pills small and Ath-lo-iilto-ros arc pleasant to talte , yet wonderfully efil'Ctlve. Invaluable for kidney and liyericomplaints , dyspepsia , indigestion - digestion , constipation , headache , etc. IThby'll take away that tired feeling giving new life and strength. 4OScnd 0 cents for the beautiful colored pic ture , "Moorish Maiden. " THEATHLOPHOROSCO. 112 WallSt. N. Y. To these who are suffering from Concha , Colds , Chebt 1'iilns , Pneu THE monia , Rheumatism , Sciatica and other general at this pains so nea- son of the year. Hnch sufferers feel far greater Interest in HK.N- BON'Hl'bARTKit. a remedy \\hlfh TARIFF never falls to afford prompt re lief when faithfully and intelli gently used. This plaster has made a reputation solely on Its merit" * as a scionllllc reinedy.com- ponuded on sclenttllc principles , IS OF by chemists of undoubted ability and Integrity. Jts great and In creasing popularity has induced unscrnputaus Imitators to put many fraudulent counterfeits on LITTLE the market. Careful buyers al ways ask for HKNSON'S PLASTEII and refuse all others. t-ffSenA two cent stamp to Seabury & Johnson.'JI I'latt Street INTEREST N. V. , for a ropy of "Instructions from the Doctor , " a valuable household book. WILBOR'S COMPOUND OP PURE COD LIVERl OIL AND LIME. Cures CouxliR , Cnlclg , Aalhnin , Ilron- oIiltiH , Deliill'y , Wasting and Scrnt'ulau ? Hnnioro. I'rnsoNH WIIOIIAVK JIEE.VTAKIVOCOH , will bo plca eil to learn that \Vllburhiis succeeded from directions of Buvvral professional Kcntlcmen , In cnmblnlnk' HID pure Oil anil 1. line In such it milliner , tliut It in plea Hunt to the ttisti * . and Iti cITeotn In I.unK complaints nro truly wonderful. Very nmny persons whofo cafes were pronounced hopeless , nmi who Imd taken the clear oil fonilonu tlmo without markeJ oirt'Ct , have I een entirely cured by ii inw this orepa- ration. He sum auduet the ptMiulnc. Manufaitiired only by A. U. W1I.HOU , Chemist , Boston. Sold by all DYSPEPSIA , SICK HEADACHE , Not only relieved Ilka by most medicines , but nil od permanently with Halm's Golden Dyspep sia Cure. 1'rico 50c a box. All druggists , NEW rUIJMOATIONS. THE HOME-MAKER , An Illustrated Monthly Magazine , EDITED BY MARION HARLAND. The October number of this Mngazino Is now ready. Price 2O cents ; $2.OO a year. THE HOME-MAKER CO. , 24 West 2tI ! ( Street , NEW YORK. FOR CHILDREN. If theynre weak.dellcato looking and troubled wlthworms. Halm's Chocolate Worm Lozenges is what they need. 1'rlcoJKc. All druggists. Dr. J. E , McGrew , One of the Most Successful SPECIALISTS In the treatment of nil Chronic or So-called Incurable Diseases. Under the Doctor's form of treat ment no disease ia INCURABLE , until the parts of the body affected by disease are destroyed faster tnan they can be repaired or built up. A cure guaranteed in all cases of PRIVATE and SKIN DISEASES. All disorders of the Sexual Organs Cured and MANHOOD and ENER GY RESTORED. OUR NEW ADDITION Is being rapidly pushed to completion and vro hope to open the same by the 15th task The changes and improvements which we are also making in the old store extend to every iloor and department. Wo propose to have not only the largest , but also the best arranged and best lighted Clothing Establishment. We have to apologize to our patrons for the present condition of our store , but it is unavoidable ; we are not only crowded with goods but crowded with buyers at all times , and customers may find it a little inconvenient but they will find themselves amply repai d by the low prices we are making throughout our entire stock and the many bargains we are offering. Our stock of Overcoats is enormous and the change in the weather has created quite a demand for them. We have everything imaginable , or at least desirable , and among our stock will bo found many lots which are marked iu price far below their in trinsic value. The Mens' Suit stock is the heaviest ever shown and its variely warrants the as sertion that whoever buys a Winter Suit without at least looking here , fails to consult his own interest. There is not an establishment in the Avest that oilers the selection or names the prices we do. Boys and Children are as amply provided for we still have some of the special bargain Knee Pant Suits at $2.50 a suit , which would be cheap at $5.00. We want every mother to look at this suit. In long Pant Suits and Boys' and hildren' s Overcoats we offer great inducements. Underwear you can buy of us at lower prices than the regular retailers pay for them. Gloves , Hosiery , Neckwear and all other Mens' furnishings at lowest possible prices. Hats are almost given away , at least you would think so if you look at the con stant rush in our Hat Department. The quantities we handle of these goods , and the way we buy them puts all competition out of the question. OlfcTIE ICB OSOTl/Sr. Nebraska Clothing Company Cor. I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. Burlington Burlington Route The Burlington takes the lead. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraoka. It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mall service. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver th evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 260. Depot on Tenth Street. Burlington Burlington Route Route , C.B.&Q.R.R. C.B.SQ.ft.R. IT WILL , PAY YOU jTo excimino our present stock of MENS' UNDER WEAR , comprising all 'grades ' at fair prices. Stand- jard goods and superior qualities in the well-known makes , the Holroyd , Vicuna , Natural "Wool tfec. JU3ICIOU3 AND PtHIISTEHf Advertising has always proven successful. Before placing oaf Newspaper Advertisingconsui LORD & THOMAS , II It 19 Bu l k bunt. CHICAGO. Health is Wealt i ! DR. . 0. WIST'I ifinrx AND UnAtif' ' _ HINT , spiaranteed specific for Hysteria , Dlzzb ness. Conrulslona , Fits , Nervous Neuralgic , Headacne , Nervous Prostration , caused by tha ass of aloehol or tobacco , Wakefulneu. Mental Depression , Softening of the Drain , resulting la Insanity , and leading to rnlserr. decay and death , rrematsrc Old A e , llarrenness , Cos ! Power in eltber sex. . Involuntary Losses and Bpsrraatorhoea caused by over > ezerUon of th brain , self-abuse or orer-lndulRsnce. Each bo * contains one month's treatment. 11.00 a box. ojr six boxes for 16.03 , lent by mail prepaid on ra eelpt of price. WB OCABANTEK BIX BOXER To cur * a&y case. With each orfet reoalTSd by us for elF koxefl , accompanied with 11.00 , we will ee-nd tme yurcnaner our wrltun narante * to refund tn money If tbe treatment fle s not effect a cure. Uuaranten issued only by C. F. GOODMAN. Druiplst , Sole Agent. 1110 Farnans Btrei-t. Omaha. Neb. 21,829,8.50 TansilPs Punch Cigars were shipped during tbo past two Tears , without a drum * iner in our employ No other house In tbe world can truth * fully make such a ibowluir. One acont ( dealer only ) wanted In each town. IOLO IT LEADING DRUGGISTS. W.TANSILL&CO..S5 State St.Chleago. nig G bit given tinlTer. sal satisfaction In tbe euro of Oo'jcrrhcca and Oleet. I prescribe It and fotl safe In recommend' lot It to nil sufferers. A. J. &TONCB , M.D. , Dccatur , III. rnicn.oi.oo. Tr < . - * - ji.sl Bom by W. J. OAI.TWA.lTn\ Surgeon and Physician , Office N. W Cuiurr HtU and fjouglai St. , Oflle * telephone , j ; sWeuc uiepUoao , Col. OiVi AH A MEDICAL i SURGICAL INSTITUTE- N. W. Cor. 13th A. Dodge StB ta KI JK.J .ni o i ' ' APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUtSES. He t ftcilltlei , pp rctu andr medlc5 for uw re ful treatment ofeTtrv form of disease rtqulfl lag Medical or Hurgical Treatment. ' FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. ' Hoard and iittendance ; best hoipittd accommaJ datloni in the wed. WHITE FOR CiKCutABS on Deformities and Draces , Truues , Club Feet , Curvature of tns. gplne , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catairli , Hronchitlt , Inhalation , nieetricity , rarnlysU , Kt > let ! y , Kid. ney , Bladder , Kye , r , Skill and UlcxnJ , uod all Surgical Operations , / < Dlaeaaes of Women a Spools Ky , HOOK o > DIISISII or WOHEM Knit. OHLY BELUBLE MEDIOAL MAKIMU A SHCIJJ.TY OT PRIVATE DISEASES. All Blood DUeaies successfully treated. Sypl- llilic I'oiion removed front < he ystcui witucut mercury. New restorative treatment for lots ol Vital Power. 1'eitoan unable to visit lu may l > 4 treated at home by corrctnondence. All cornrnu * olcAtlons confidential. Medicine ! or Instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , uo marks to Indicate contents or * .rnder. One per sonal interview preferred. Call and coiuult us or end history of your case , sud we will ieud U plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon Private , Special or Nervous Direatei , Im latency , Syphilis , tilcel sad Varicocile , nub tpestion lltt , Address Omaha JfoKoal and Kurgical on. McMENAMY. Cor. 13th ma Oed | til. , , _ QUAHANEBn