Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisement ! under this bend 10 cents per
line fur tlio first Insertion , 7 rents for each sub-
ecment tnttrllon , anil tl.fiOn line per month
No ndvertlaemi-nt taken fur less thanfcjcenti
the llrst Insertion. Seven vvords will be oounlcd
to the line : they must run consecutively nnil
'must bo IIBU In AUV/Nl'1" All lulvortlse-
ments muni lie fmnflcd In Isfars ISiJOo clock p.
m. , nnil undrr no rlrcumiitiincrS Mill they W
taken or discontinued by telephone. , .
Parties advcttlatnk In these tolumns find bur-
Ing their answers nddre'sod In cnrr nt Till. HER
Y , 111 please nftk , for A iheck to enable them to ot
their letters , rA none will bn delivered except on
presentation tit check. All answer1) ) to ndvcr-
tiftPtnunlfl MiotfM be en closed In envelopes ,
All ndvortlseinentu In tties * columns uro pub
lished In both morning and evening editions of
TIIK llitK , Urn clrculixtlon of which aggregates
mtirft then I , < M ) tmtinM dnlly , and gives the iwl-
ertlscrMUebetiMll , not only of the cltvclrcu-
latloii of TIIK m.r. . but also of Council IlluiTs.
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this section of tlio countrj.
AdvertlslnB for those column1 ? wlllbe tnken
en the nbovo conditions , at the followlns busl-
tiev * houses , who uro authorised agents for TIIK
llr.KKpeclal notices , nnd rill quoin the same
rates ns can be hail at the main onico
( MIN wTlTr.Mj , I'harmaclst , ! O ) South Tcnlh
CIIASillDVi : ! Btatlonors and I'llnten , 111
8outh Iflth Ktreet
S. II. rAUNSWOKTH , r iarmnclMSll3Cuin.
. Ing Street.
W. J. Btrcct IIUQIlltt , I'liaruiacht. W4 North ICtli
} .n. W I'AUIt , l'lurmarlst71SwSt. Mary's
A > cnuo.
\\rANTKI-Pltiiatlou as baker on bread and
f cakea by ( iermitu , oountiy town. Addresn
FOO , Hee. M"J7 " S )
CJITI'ATION wanted by Kontleman : steliOKra-
- ? pher nnd typewriter , llrstclass. Address ,
1MU. Hee. 71' lfit
" \\rANTKD-A position by an experienced
i \outiB l.idy us hlfiiontiiphpr and to do
olllco work. Can Klvo good reference. Address
F 01. Hee oOlce. THl-llit
AYOl'Ntl mnn of ! S ) desires n position In an
ollkeor clerK In Kent's furnishing stoir ;
iperleiued. Address I'M , Hee. 7'U ' 15 *
WANTKD A college graduate hftvlnKpiac-
tlcal knowledge Ufslrus a position as
teacher , l > ookKeoi > er or accountant ; strlctlv torn-
perato. ITiT. llcoolllce. 747-1V
AIi\'J'H ; wanted for the now revised and
* V importal edltionof.ell s linryclopudl.i. Just
Issued , and not j et In the hands of af-onts. also
for other works. I'oi exieedlngly liberal ferms
nnd Hol control of torrltorv , address at onto
T. Cllwoodell , Publisher. Philadelphia , Pa.
SOIiICITOIts wanted In every city , town anil
rlllago In the 1'iiltod States to obtain sub
scriptions for two famous standard medical
journals. Toncnpable solicitorexcluslxo con
trol will bo ulven and optionally high com-
inlH.slou allowed , and a permanent prospective
Interest netured.V. . A. Townsend I'libilshliiR
Co. , Ir 1 Hroadwny , llox nttlt. Now Vork. SW IBJ.
WANTIil ) Advertising solicitor for popu
lar publication. Koom 5'l , Clunuber of
Commerce. SOJ I5t
WANTHD Hey 14 to 17 years of ii e to learn
clriiB business. Call bet. 8 and IU o'clo' k a ,
m , at 211 Houth llHh. MI , ' , IHJ
TJl'ANTKD A few enorRftlr gBiilli'inen anil
TT lady agentH to canvass for "Ciown Jewels , '
the holiday book ) ) iibllsln > d Outfit will
bo sent prepaid npn reri Int of 75 < Is. Addres-
Hojlund k Co. , iai Statefct. , C'hlcngo , 111. Sitf 17
Mall nnd wife , t , } ) ; head cook ,
TT $75 , 1 hoi-oimin , IJO ; 1 for prlvatn family ,
tW ; yaidmnn , f20. Mrs. llrega , J14'/t ' S , 15th.
811 15 *
"IVANTKD t ! faun hands , } J ) moiilh ; 1 poi.
T > ter. ( IS to M ) month ; Pi teamsters , tX ,
uoardand loom , cook , Ji ! ) mouth , 1 man , can 115 , board and room ; 1 boy , milk dairy ,
I'J ' month. White's olllce. 817 lj
\\TANTF.D ( iood men as mmugers for otn
T T goods lu o\ery city outside of Omaha : sal
ary.nnd expenses , some capital n iuliod. Som
stamp for purlieu ! irs to 1'atteisou Oil llurnci
Co . 18fi St. Map's ave. , Oinalu. 8001 |
\\TANTKli liumedlaloly. two first-class , at )
TT ber cooks. Addiuss H. F. Humes , Nortt
Flnttii , Nob. HI4 1C ?
Ol FOK the South-\Vanted 500 laborers foi
railroad and levee work In Mississippi. Ala
Immann.l Tennessee : wli.ter'.s work , fl.5il ant
11.75 n day ; so.'io good station work , also. Foi
particulars and cheap latcs to Memphis , etc.
appl ) to the reliable agents. K F. Christian A
Co. , 7 West 5th st and 1001 Union nve , Kansai
City. Mo. 73520 *
WANTKDKallroad laborers for Washing
ton Territory ; an all winter's job In n mlu
climate ; wages guaranteed from * J to $ J.50 pei
Day , oril'i to $10 per month ana bonrd. Ai
Albright's Labor Agency , 1130 1'arnam st. oil
\\MNTKD-A first-class gents' fnrnlsiiTn )
TT goods mail. The Pair , 13th and Howard , w
' ,4115 Saundors. 524
WANTKD A man to solicit ; salary 1100 pe :
month ; must deposit J25 and glvo security
for money collected. Address George S. Cline
Wagner block. Pea Molnes , la. 535
AGKN'ISVANTF.Df75 n month and ex
iienses paid any nctlvo person to sell on
coeds ; no capital , salary monthly , o.Miensrs ii
ndynnce , paitlculais free. Standard Sllverwar
Co. , Hoslon. 473
BOYS Ain. Ulst. Tel. Co. , J3W Doug7as
_ ' _ 8JI
\\rANTKD-Matito take the agency of on
TT safes ; slzo2H\18xI8 Inches ; weight 500 lus
Mtull price * . ) . " > ; other sizes In proportion l
rate chance ntnl permanent business. Thes
fates meet a demand never before supplied b1
other safe companies , ns we are not govornei
by the aafo pool. Alpine Safe Co. Cincinnati. O
WANTKD-IIncrgetlomenand womeneverj
vvhcroforn genteel , money-making bust
ftess. HO weekly protlt guarauteed easier than M
tnouthly otherwise. l\pcrloncoalHolulely : un
pecessary Peimniient position and excluslv
lerrltory assured. U samples free. Write fo
particulars. Address , wllh stamp , Merrill Mf'g
Co. . 11 M , Chicago. JHIoiB _
WANTKD-Good llfo insurance sollcUor
with bank references , nro wanted by th
Union Life nt 401 Merchants' national banl
building , Omaha , Olllce hours 8 to 10 a. m. am
too p. in. 815
"IXTANTKD A flrst-c-lasi experienced wlndot
TT droiaer. Inquire at the lair DW
\\TANTKD-Lady ngents for comblnatlo
T bustlo-sVlrt , "Daisy" hose supportei
Irubbor aprons , bibs , aleoves. shoulder brace-
kafely bolts , waterproof Karuionts.eto ; rellabl
bouse. Only goods of real merit ; profits larg (
Address with stamp. K. H. Campbell A. Co. . 4t
> V. Kiuidolph St. , Chicago , 885 uov 10
W ANTKD-Tvvo rtlulng-room glrla. 1004
Itltti st 8J22I
WANTKD Immediate/ ) , cook and secon
girl for oltlccr'H family , UO and $15 ; coo
And second girl in private family. II and $ J
troll-trained second girl fond of children ;
girls In tlrat-claaa families , it ; 2 small nurs
K'rls. ll.ROtoSJ ; 10 for general housework 1
e suburbs. It ; B girls in Iraardlng-housus :
cook , * 35 ; girl for South lionet , small f amilj
Mrs , llrega. 3I4K S. 15th. 81115 *
'wTANTBD-Kxperlencod ' box paperer. Heft
TT box factory. 1607 Howard. 815 IK
WANTltO-Gtrl for general houaevvork. 818
17th st. &w
\\rAJIKD7Aa8fi : ! for General Uousaworl
f T K a.'th ' 3.
st. . . K. corner < jf California. HM
\\7ANTKD-Glrl for etfinral housework , 171
TT Jackson , 827 18
IXTANTKD Girl for homeuork. Mrs. Oa
TT nor , 201 B.241h8t. 7W lot
\\rANTKD-Glrl for general house work. 1S (
TT Farnam. TIO 1W
'ANTUD An nrrand girl. Inquire at Mr
A. Ulce , over Kicqlslor office. 7W 15
W ANTKD-A reliable nurse BlrU Urn. U.I
_ Patteraon. 24 U yarnam. _ OJ5
MTANTKO-Two ladles to aollclt In this an
adjoining states ; salary * 73 per uiontl
call on Susie Hiiro Id. room 11s Mlllard botel.
_ 707
\\MNTKO-Alarty to solicit ; must deposit * :
* , . and give security for money collecto. .
Address George 8. CUne. Wagner block. D (
Holnea. la. KG
iHORTHANO . . , . . . .
J.- _ _ - . „ ,
* f7"ALF.NTlNK7S Short-hand nnd type-wrttlt
T Institute , new Paxtou building. Omah
Neb. The only exclusive , practical atiort-han
chool In the v > est. The demand for ahort-har
Writers U largely In exceas of the supply.
Biiort-hand la much auperior to book-\eeplc
Und telegraphy aa a means ot livelihood. V
glvo Instructions on Kemtngton and llammoi
type-writera , both for the name price.
liny and evening aeaaloaa. students ca
ntur nt any time. Send for circulars. 75 ! n3.
> I'ersonsViaKIhg tos cureaRO * <
paying business by the liivratiueut of
mail capital , please call at PS17 Howard '
Croat V to or 7 p. m , Kii n
WANTRD-To correspond with parttea who
desire to lorato In business or those going
out ) can furnish locations In nny tine or ex
change , and ca h custom * forpafttM desiring
to acll. u p. Kraus. 1W Fatnam ai. , Omaha.
_ 4V ) O I _
WANTKD-A desirable family to t ke
charKeof dormitory for young Indies at
Hcllevut culleiC'i. Appl ) v\lth reference t Uev.
P S. Illajney , lloilevuc , Nob. 07
\ \ rANTipTo Invest cash In abuidness or
f eiiturprlsi } with the view of tanlug an act-
lye part ; thotough experience In business nnd
bortk-Uvepltix ; biatot releiencc * can bt- given ,
AiWre .a 1'I'JjMs ofjlco. 721 I7t
EXPIIKT A'COTKTANT-\Vatitea to tidjnit
complicated books ; nftrtner&hi'j nciouilts
nnd compllce.ted accounting of all kinds ; coun
try correspondence solicited. Addrosi P 11 Dee.
\\rANTKD The public to make good use of
T T 'Iho lice's HKSaago boxes throughout the
citv 108
WANTED If you tmre any iandu , lota , or
houses and lots to sen or exchange for
other property , call on me or write. I can Und
you a customer. C. C. Bpotsvvood , 303K S. Pltn.
PIUST CLASS home board. 1718 Dodge.
818 21 *
\\TANTii : ) Kootn and board for lady and
TT baby'JyeArs , M per "WCeK. Addresi FBI ,
Hoe olllce. 778 111
" - Table boarders at 10oT Do"ugla7.
CANADIAN employment offlce. Mrs. llrega
HI Hi tj 15th. Keteicnctt Omaha National bank
2trl o 17 *
\\TANflJD-For six motiths or ljnger , by
TT couple with ono child , a IIOUSB of six or
.e\en . rooms , completely furnished. Itetirences
Iven. Address. PfiS. Hen olllce. 7B ! IV
YrANTKDrorent. . 3tr4 ) furnlsheJ looms
for light housekeeplm ; . Addiets FiA Ileo
"Ire. 777 irj
TVAN'I KD 136r 14 room house ; mu have
T T ull modern conveniences ; will jiay
ent If person will bnllt nouse : V lll lease same
'or any term of years. J. L. Hrandles , llth and
Howard , W ) |
FOIt HUNTA newfl-room house , r-ltj vv.iter
nnd stable , cor. 1' und 42nd sis. Apply
toinn VU , Paxtou block NJ
IfOK HUNT-MO hon.-e s. w. cor.Voolwoith
avu. und 28th st. C. K Harrison , 4H S. 15th
St. 822 IB
fjlOH HKNT To responsible party , li-rooin
L brldv house. 413 South 25th &t , I5U feet from
cable Hue. 1-iirnaco and nil modern couv em-
em-es. Kent ! ' ! 5 per month. Apply to J.V. .
Irltllth. I' . P. headqunrters. 7M
M st. neati2ds't , ll-room house for
lent. Orovei Stcveiij , 1..M Farnam st. 771-
* | 7 < OK KKNT Wi house , near cor. Woolworth
X1 ave. nnd 28th ht C , F Harrison , 418 8.15tn
st. 411 K >
ANICP 8-room house In llanscom Plaio , on
full east front lot , on grade. A good home
onlyM00. T . ) . Hook , .111 P.ixton Illock. 7i-H ! )
FOK KENT A 7 room house In Poppleton
Park Knqulre of K. F. Pagan at Com'l
Nat. II ink. 7t > 10 *
FOK KKNT-My liome , 1117 Park nve. . fur
nished or unrnnnshed ; house 10 rooms with
with nil conveniences. D. II. Goodilch. Cable
Tiamway Co. , 20th and Harnoy sts. 7VO-I1
"VTICi : live room house , pantry , closets and
- > hall , sott and hard water. Ilnqnlro K.II
South 22d st , 75-lnj !
FOIl HKNT Two callages , ouo of 5 looms ,
M ) per mo . and one rt looms 1th Inrn , t i
per mo . on Falrvlovv st. , opposite All Saints
chinch. I ) . II Goodrich , Cable Trunv\ Co. ,
20th .mil Harney sts. 7/MS.
FOll KlfNT-On "T'npltol hill. hiirsn ( of
looms , city vvuter. with good barn lei two
hotses , 2510 C.ipltol ave. 7-l ! 13 *
F IOlTTlIINT-Houso with nine rooms. 113 R.
21th ; st. Mount X Orlllln. 21.1 h. I4tli st. 718
Foil HUNT Ono line seven room house and
b.irn and line lot , only $11 per month. C. L.
Krlckson & Co. , SU N Pitli st. 712 15
POIl Itr.NT-House In Kountzu Place In ex
change for hoard for man and w If e ; small
faintly preferred. Address K32 , Itoe. 4'J3 IV
AlO-room house , all modern Improvements ,
now ly refitted. $10 p er mouth , liej S IJth st.
07J 10J
I7IOII KKNT House. 5 rooms. Cor. 27th and
C llowatd st . A. S. Hillings , 101 S. 15th. 700 15
FOlt Hl'NT Cottage of 5 rooms. 2524 Charles
St. . Inquire lllli ) Capitol ave. ' 70.1 IB *
FOll KENT House of nine iooms at 1811
Capitol are Inquire of Gee , W. Doano ,
Hoom 48 , darker block. fl"o n
I7IOH KENT Now cottage. 3 room" , $ J a
U' month , city water , 2aJt Decatur , 6'U 15 *
FOIl HCNT Larae 0-room house. 21th and
Capitol nve , wit u nil modern conveniences.
2 4-room cottages on South l.'th 3t.eacu iU.DO.
23-room Mate on North 17th st.
A-room liousi' . 2J10 Pierce st , { 12.
4-room cottage north 2lst near Clark st , t2.50. !
C-rooni Hat 2J52 Lcnvenworth st , cheap to
steady tenant.
Pine 8-room Hat 2715 Jackson st. This Is ono
of the best bonnes In Omaha
2 C-ioom Hats , cor 17th and Leavonworth sts ,
2 store rooms , cor 17th and LeavCnworth sts.
Apply to Green A Williams , lat Nntl Hank
Hldgl &V1
VjlOH KENT Elegant 1,1-room house , every
JL1 convenience , fuiuace , bath , etc. , now , Just
Hnisliod , will rent to good ten nit at W'i per
month ; also new 10-room house all convenience
ience$30 ; new S-rootn 'notice. J25 , barn with
end ) , Saunders st. opposite the lledlck lesi-
deuce ; also now house , 8 rooms , on Dodge st.
nenrMth. with barn , $20. C K. Mayno. 15th and
Harnoy , Ouiaballanklng Co. fiOs 15 *
FOIl llENT-Hy Hosworth * Joplln , Harxer
block , 3 , 4. C. B , 7 , 8 , U , 10,11 , H-room bouses
in all parts of the city , Oyo
FOll KENT Six room cottage on Georgle
nve. Enquire at 823 Qeorgle nv o. 518
FOU KKNT Tlie best list of desirable houses
In the city. Netherton Hall , agent , room 4 i ,
Plrst Nat. bank. 5(51 (
I WILL rent to lesponslblc party my home of
II rooms , with or without furniture , nicely
located , 2 blocks to cable ; goodcarilage house
and sewerage. Apply 2120 Hurdetto st. 4WJ 15 *
ffi30 8-room house , bath room , hot and cold
Twater. gas , sewer , pav ed street , new , C. P.
Harrison , IIS S 15th st. 52J
I71OH UHNT A Hat of seven rooms In Dug ]
JL ! gin's building. 1 ) th and Pacific sU , rent J3
per month. Inquire at rooms , L. Duggan.
FOIl RENT Now 3 room houses , ) th and
Plukney sts. W par mouth. J. II. Hamilton -
ton , room 2l3.Ut National bank building. 61116J
TTUHt UKNT Two six-room houses , North 27th
-T and Snward. 521
1JHU ) HENTVroora house , city water , No. UK
1 ? Pacific st. Inquire at leO ! * Howard. 544
IJ1OH UKNT 6-room cottage on hone car line ,
J-1 * 18 a month. Apply M. Klgutter 1001. Far-
namst. ( in
T71OU KENT House 7 rooms , S3d st near Cess ,
J. ' House 8 rooms , 2221 Can at. Inquire Itooni
33. Darker block. 315
Foil UENT For 6 mouths , modern house ol
Brooms , completely furnished , barn with
room for two horses , rent 170 ; possession given
Sept. 3th. 22Ut N. Situ , 1 block north et Lake.
fTtOK KKNT 3 room modern improved hoiis <
-L1 Al locality at modern' ! price. Apply M.
Klgutter. 1001. Fsin > m. " ' _ _ ' _
TtfOU UKNT New 8-room house on Cumins
a. at , near Lowe ave. Terms reasonable. Ap
ply quick. Spotsn oed , 'J05 > i S 15th. 834
TflOIt HKNT At very low rates. 10 and 14 nen
J-1 residences. 2404 and 2414 , Cass street , Clarke
Place. Onn block south qf Crelghton college , ot
Faruam nnd 2lth atrees car line. . All moderr
improvements. Apply , II. T. Clare Union TTUJI
Co or nt 243) Cass atr at. f.8d
TpOU HENT-nwclllng , 1723 Capital ave. oppo
JJ site Trinity cathedral. Address H. U Hall
1J3 Farnam st. 401
171OH HKNT 6 room bouse , 2413 , 7-room bouse
-I ? 2433 Poppletou ve. Geo. I. Gilbert , With
uell b'l'e. _ 10
FOU HENT House No. < U7 B. Uth are , ren
MO per month. Inquire ot II. Malcheln. lt
Howard Bt- _ 800
KKNT- cottages. 27th and Caldwell
FOll HO. 1 North 30th cable line. tJJ ,
Leavltt Durnham , Crelghton block. 13 }
"IFOR KRNT-House 519 N. ISth street. Appl ]
-C at St , A. U. llalcombe , ! I 12 California st.
_ _ _ _ va
T71OK KF.NT-One 7-room cottage. 428 trank
JL1 Un st. ; Inquire atoOu Paxton block. P. J
Creedon. _ 314
F'on. HRNT When you wish to rent a nouse
store or office call on ua. U. E. Cole , roou
0. Continental block. &
FOU KENT Three tlata of * areu rooms tach
with every convenience , city water , pas , etc.
newly built bouses on Sixth street ana Pacldc
Apply to lillluger ilros U12 S 10th at , Omaha ,
" 171011 KKNT 4-robm" house on 8. Uth St. . tw <
-L1 blocks south of Vlntonet. ; will rent for 111
per month or sell on terms to suit purchaser
ueo. j. .stenviiiorir , room B , wpoilta P , O , Tl' '
s KVEHAL bonnes for rent. 8. T , Pctcrsen , a.
i. cor , 15th nnd Doiiflm. Ml
"iVOU KKNT-A nlccl y tlirnlshed suite of front
-L roniiM suitable forll or ( gentlemen. Iiitd
Howatd St. , 2(1 ( lloor. 7420 *
ELEGANT front rooms , cheap. Ci ) 8. lfth. ,
7K1-N. U >
1-OU liKNT Handsomely furnished oust ,
J front roon , butli furnncoi for two entitle'
men. tttl s > . | ( , th st. 704 16 *
iriOll IlKNT 2 pleasant rooms for gentlemen.
JY , ith nil inodatn cononlences , cor Ht , Mnry
and : wt or GJO South 20th it. "iM-lfi
lOlt UK NT A large fiont room , nicely fur-
JP iihhefl , moiVru conveniences , suitable for 2
gentlemen , PUS Webster. 72H
TJII'llNISHIiD rooms : modem conveniences ;
JL' a blocks from court house ; pleasant locMlon ,
cheap. 2011 Hurney. 732 P. *
rL'HMSHHD rooms with board in pnvato
family on cable line , motlurn conveniences.
710 N 2uth. 7U 11 *
T11WO tontlt rooms newly and nlely furnished ,
1. stenm hfat , bath , hot nnd rold water , ulso
llrst chus table boaid , 17-1 D-iVenjiort. 75s 17J
KOOM and board cheap for two lu private
family , 2218 Hurt st. 7W IB
1710K KKNT sFxToouis Hurt and 27lh. tTn.
JL1 7S7-15
O I'llO.NT rooms suitable for mnn wife or 2
'gentlemen. ' IHI7 Cnss , _ K2S 17 ?
FOIl HUNT llootns' private ! \ntnllv. hand-
Hotnrlv situated In modem imu resident n ,
vlll take few select boarders. desirable home ,
Vvc iiilntei to business center , 21' . ' $ Hnrney.
ItF.N'T I 2 or .1 rooms fmnlshed tor house-
FOIl liiB , cheap , 2415 Fr.uiklin st. KM IV
F L'llNISIIKD llooms-(507 ( N. lUh.
B7B 10 *
EOO.M imd board In private bouse , gas , bath ,
and furiiiii'o , rates retrtollimi * .
_ _ _ M5J _ _
looms , slnulu or en suite , 1lr t-
class board , to I S'' st. OH Uir
IjlOH lllNT-rurnl- ! or unfumtsliril loom
J for two Keutlemen. or man midwife , 3 < K1
Howard st. _ t . 6 < t _
Poll HUNT Newly f mulshed room * for Ron-
tlcmmi only. Htchlllcu Hotel , tornur llth
ami DoiigjaM ytreels. '
HUNT Wist hnlfof 3'iH Dnvcupor : ht. ,
Wi.W. Inqulie'i'ilSC'apltolavo. (89 ( IV
"VTIClJIjY furnished fiont room , suitable for
J-i onuor two gentlemen. "IU Unit nl. (
FOR UKNT Nicely furnUhfd room forsliiKlo
Kcntleman. 1917 CaM. 5'Ji '
FUUN1SI1ED room with board. E3 N IHtTii
t > ir > *
LAltflE pleasant loom , furnished , brick Hat.
141linilc B08t.
ITIOK HUNT A warm , well fnrnlslied south
Jfiont room , over * convenience , sultabln for
one gentleman , ! ? . ' 12 raruam st. 'Mi
FOH KKNT A larce front room , now ly fur-
ulBhcd , south front , cheap , corner 17th and
Cumlngrt .sts , northuaat corner. _ ; ! ! $
TTiOH ifr.NT-Nliwly furniiUuU rpoms , ulngio
J or en suite. 1811 L'uinlnus st. lf > 7
flion KKNT Furnished roonn in Oreunls Wk
JL cor. IJth and lod-e ( sti. Imiylio of U o. It. .
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. N)0 )
15OOMS nnd board. I8U UhFcaBoiT. WloWf
IJf.HASANT rurnlsluxl rooms , steam beat ,
Kas , bath and board la private family , 'M' < S
21th. f.'OoSI
" "oO&rs lncludlu3 lioarrt In UHTVourig'
men's home I'.UO Uodue st. References re
quired. JXO
_ _
HUNT A nandsoma room with alcove at
FOIl St. Mary's nva. It ! }
UKNT KlcBautly furnished rooms with
FOH . Inquire inn Oouglas .1SI
Y furnlblied rooms , fl per week or { 3.50
per month , DO. , 604 and 5i > i fa 19th st.
11 1 o )
'OiitrN'l nashaf of 33H Iau < nport s
$15. liKiulio'JJlSC'.ipltol a\u. flrtf \ t
TTHJIl HEST ' ; ioonis\vlth closet nud pantry ,
JL1 nntutnUhed , lU3. ! . IMU St. , near rii > u e |
Wl If. '
NPUUNlSIIUD-Sultable for Iiousekeomug.
U Thrco ( Sirooms. Ifli'i N. 'Mth st " 11 50
Thiee I'D rooms.KOt Webster st . , 1 ! 50
Three (3) ( ) rooms lOl'i N. Wth sf 1125
Three ( : ) rooms , 1010 N. 21st st 1100
Three ( ill rooms. 707 Pacific st 10 iJO
Pour 11) ) rooms I'M Webster st . . 1(120 (
Three ( III room cottage II 'I N 2M st I' 5' )
'Ihrec (3) ( ) rooms , llth and Chicago . . . 10 10
OK KENT-TWO .stoTe ro7inis , " N. nTCo"r7
20th and Hurt sts. ; corner * W , inside $10 per
Six-room cottage , 1" > 17 Saunders st. , J18 per
KlKht-rooui house , w 1th barn , city water , ptr.i
on Webster St. , neariSUth .st , SIO per month ,
i'ottor & Cobb. I8J1 I'arnamst. Oia is
Oil Kr.NT Hrick s'tore ] fTiiTabovo. 2ltlt and
Hamilton , desiralile business location ,
vltt Iturnham , room I , Crelghton block , ikli
F IlENT-3 stores on IBtU und I.eavoa
worth , apply Hank of Om ilia. 2V )
FOK KENT Storeroom , No.2lt8. 14th st. Ap.
pi vat 1110 Howards * . . 831
FOK HF.NT-Onice suite ? i' month , 2 Single
ollicei J15 each , all fronting lrttluat. , Husn-
man block , N. H. Cor. 10th and Douglia. W. M.
Unshmnn. 1311 Leavenworth. Kit
for Kpnt-Ulfl Farnam. Apply Chns.
Cliilds , N. W Corner lbth and Leavemvorlh.
T71OK KENT Store-room under Omaha Hank-
JP Ing Co. , cor. 15th and Harney. suitable
money loaning or real estate business. Paulson
Si Co , No. 1511 , room H , Pnruam st. KM
STORK for rent , llli Fatnam street. Inquire
of Nathan Sheltou , at 1505 Faruam street
rr\WO \ choice stole rooms in the Her mitldlnpr ,
JL between Howard and Jackson sts. Apply
Kaymer Si Her stole , 524 S ICth st 47,1 six
T/OH ! KKNT-rtue retail store room with
JU large basement , f'JO per month. U. F. liar-
rlson.413 _ S 15th st. S3JI
" "
I "fHlll KKNTOn CumlOKst. store and living
1 apartments , aUo livery stable. Enquire of
Harris U. U. & L.Co. , Koom 111 , 1st Nut. bank.
FOU UKNT Good barn. 4 stalls , feed room
and wagon shed. Inquire at 2025 Howard ut.
GEOKGE J , STEKNSDOKFF , room * ) , opp. P.
O. , will hereafter give special attention to
renting houses , stores and Hats. If you waul
your pioperty runted without delay and to roll-
able tenants , do not fall to list the name w Itb
him. 825
"IXTE give special attention to renting and col-
TV lectlng rants , list with us. H. E. Cole , room
0. Continental block. jt)7 )
IF YOU want your bouses rented place them
with Benawa & Co. , 15th , opposite poMoflico.
LOTS Tor Pale-1 have 10 line lots In llrlggs
olace add. for sale. Per further infoimatloi
address E Jeffery , Oal nn , 111. 801
T OST or Stolen tVom my lesldtn'-o. ' 610 to
JLJ lst. Friday evening. Oft. Uth. a largo jnif
dog2 years old , very rat. Is very gloat ptrt , nac
on collar w 1th bell and lock attached , name De
vlt on collar ; liberal rew ard for bis leturn. E
K. Devalt , A. Uooth Packing Co. . 13W ( Leaven
woithst. H l 10 j
CJTUAA'ED or itolun A roan pony with a
IOblack uialn and tall ; the pony is 4 years old
was missing last Thursday from Crelghton col
lepa ; owned by James Ford ; any Intormatloi
will be suitably rewarded by me. Patrick Ford
1U04 Davenport. 813 17'
OST A bunch of keys on a ring , marked 1
P. Nolan : return to Metropolitan hotel am
receive suitable reward. K23 lu *
TKAYKD niack mare mule with baiter ana
bridle , from 10th and Capitol ave. 1) . c
Hereley. 714 15i
4l 23 UF.WAUD vvlll be paid for the return of an
Pestray Jet black mare , twelve years old
w eight about ten hundred or ten hundred am
titty pounds , shod all around , collar scars on
point of left shoulder , smooth and handsome.
strayed away October ! > d. 1W , and H the prop
erty of Dr. Q. L. NlchoU. of Omaha. Shoult
said mare bave been driven away or coucealet
by anyone , such person will be prosecuted ac
cordlnictoUw , and If convicted of borae-stec , !
tnp , the person giving Information leading tc
the ttndlhs ot aald mare , and the arrest am
conviction of the thlaf , will be paid an addl
ttontl reward of I * ) . Wm. Ooburo , Sheriff o
Douglas county , Nebraska.
Oiaab Oq 5. IDtU. 5M
PKHSONAL If you bare a personal item , 01
any communication , drop U In on * of Th <
[ libl'NI ) A pue dog , T3p.iro ! arofflco of sup-
erlntemlent of plumbing. 074 IM
f ° fj gA t-i : ! } ? L * rigotls
[ 71OH BA"LK ! lUdlant Home stoves and ono
J Peninsula ; nearly gftWns nevv. Apply 2111
) ouglns st. 7CO lit
FOU LEASE-Or aaloiatva-atory frame noxi'fl
building with L axV.Tcor. Franklin and
minders sts. nuqulroBt 1S07 Dotiglns st.
.inialm Saddlery Co. 711-17
I71OH SALK At n sirtsjml bargain , one llrst
-L cluf.i second hand uprbtlit platio and one
organ. C. L. L'rlckson. 513 ! N. . 712 11 _
171OII SALT.-The iiorreVp'acer. ' Hob. time 2.31 ,
- - ' B years old , speed bugiy. blankets , etc Can
bo seen at Palace blablcs. Harry P. Taylor.
OS7 1 ! > *
" 171O11 SALK A good drivingmnre nnd canopy
J- topped surry , nearly new , 2520 Douglas.
725 IV
171OH \LK-Ilnse burner , "KadlMit Home , "
J- nearly new , also No. Stookslovevery che.ip.
C't 8. Wth at , 70S I5t
IJ10K > ULK Furnlturo shelving , etc. , ot the
JL. Omaha S.iddlery Co. , including one Halls
sife and one Coft upright Dhow case. Can bo
seen at 120 ! Douglns St. , Omaha Saddlery ( o.
. . SALK Cheap Sorrell horse , weight ! t )
7 yearn old , all 8 16th nt. BdB PIJ
OK NALK .1 room house , and ground for
1f lease , n o corner Ptth and Izard. Co-op , L
\ I , Co , S0 > N 16th st , _ rtOlM3 _
THOU SALP- Ono line mlleh cow nnd one line
JU heifer , 15 mouths. C. L. Krlcksou 4 Co. . Sli
N 1Mb St. 712 15
of the Heed hotel. South
- ( ) mnhu. for silo nnd the bulldliiK for rent
nqulro on the promlow. CIO 1st
TTlOlt SAlil5 or IFent--T'lrivfooiiT cottaKO on
J-Capitol avenue In good order ; terms easy.
iKjulie on the premises , SiiIJ Capitol avenue.
r-j 6.m
EOlt HALH A wood stenm he.xter at a low-
price.V. . J. Itroatch. M9 111
FOR SALH-Very line family lioise nnd
phaeton at your own pi Ice. Inquire rooniX'10 ,
National . .
TJ1OK SALK One of th best paying 0 room
J ? furnished Hats lu the elty. Paying l above
renl. M list bo sold at once Inquire (121 ( N. K.
cor. 10th and Ilaruoy st. Krnost Kramer.
4Bi ) r.j
Foil SALK or trade New two seated car-
ilago nnd single top buirgy. Solby. 1121
Fnrnam. 375
IilOll SALU Seamnn s wngons nnd carriages ,
Omaha's largest variety , east side Ifitli st ,
north of Nicholas. The best and the cheapest.
720 i ) M
1011 SALE A now B seat Kockaway carriage
at Lee A Nichols' livery barn. Tvv euty-eighth
and Leavenvvorth. Telepnouo 810. 417
TTlOlt SALK A family horse or for general
JP use , price JIV ) . Imiulro No. 31u S. 10th.City.
PliASTl'ltii : ( ! > -Keep uw'iy frcm Chlruuo.
There Is a surplus of men out of woikand
trouble here , lly order of sot lety. 8M I3 | .
rpHE banjo taught a an ait by Oeo.K. Qellen-
X beck , Hi ) So. lUth st. ISi
TpftJl'Si : CIr.ANlNlashlm , ' nnd Ironing
I Lilotie for famlllna at theli homes , l all 01
address Miss I' I'ranz , South Uth tt between
Dorcas and Maltha. ' „ , ' ' , l.'i *
APAIII.OK 'li-ct s < honl vvlll bo opened soon
Ilia pleasant part of. the cit > for chlldien
under 14 years of age. firnat pains will be taken
to make the school pleasant and nrolltnblo tor
thosi ) seeking Instruction. For Information ad-
diess F5J. Iteeollice. 'f.'I ' 741.l-l5t
JjAALL hats pressed nuil jeshaped ; festheis
cleaned and cm lad. 1 > .M. Schadell,2l8 N Pith ,
_ 740nIJ
Dlt. O. HICKr.ITS , ma.Hsger Kxcolslnr band.
ll.01'iiriiam. llr.iss and string music.
_ u 71.11112 *
A NTKJUAKIAN book .store , 111 ! Farnam st ,
- ihighest cash prices pulil for second hand
books. , ( ,21 n HIT
12th scries of stork < ) f the Mutual Loan
anil llnildln. , ' Association is now open fur
Mibserlptlon of shales at > . < HO South IBth , be
tween 5 and B p in. dallyvTliere | Is no ( beaper
or bettor vay to buy n.uome than through
thi- , building association plsln. G. M. Nuttinger.
Secretai y. ' ' f/i'i K
JNO. MPLDcioTj' * Co..illA.S. 10th stTill stoneT
cuttMrs , 12c lineal foinr , Colotiido sundstone.
I'OT ca-ih f or old and new. books , turnltme ,
S stoves nnd carpets. Orll & Co. , 117 N , Kith.
H OM.U for Destitute Women and Children ,
2713 Hurt st. 040
MUSIC . Uohrj 4 Son are now urepared to
furnish the best and latest music for lecep-
tlons. weddings , sociables , parties balls , etc.
Hrass and string iiuartottes furnlslied , especially -
ly for seienades. concerts , funerals , etc. Ofllco
401 South Utb St. . A. E. Merrls' Music Store.
.U'd o 18 *
w OMAN'S Exchange , 1617 FarnaiiLSt. Lunch
dally , supper Saturday nights. 'J40
"OAKTIKS having horses , mare" and colts to
JL vrlnter will tlml good stalls and yards at
Major Ciofts' place , tlrst barn north of fair
grounds. Terms moderate. 217 17 $
uTTHOMI'bON , lloom iU hoeiy bloctT
. b77
MIDLAND Guarantee and Tru t Co. , vm 1-ar
iiam-Complete abstracts furnished , & titles
to real estate examinedperfected & guaranteed.
BENSON At CAIIMICHAHL fmnlsh complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete set of abstract
boots In the city. No. 1509 Farnam st. b''J
TIKACKAGB , storage , lowest rata . W. M
llushiuan , Ull Leavenwortb. 878
WANTED to buy two rod Irish setter pups
between 3 nnd 5 mouths old. Will pay $25
each. S. K. cor. 13th and Howard uts. , room 4.
WANTED Tobuv agood.secondhanddouble
heater , Iladlant , Home , or Peninsular.
Mead \ Jamison. 314 S. 15th st. OtL'-lJ
ANTKD-fo buy a good , v nd-hand double -
ble heater Itadlant Home Peninsular.
Mend & Jamison , 1114 H. 15th. O'15
YOU want money ? If so we can accommodate
modato vou , we buy llrst mortgage notes
and loan on Improved city and country uroperty.
Cash now ready , C.uniantee Loan and Invest
ment Co. , 10th and Chicago .sts. 708 15
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horsei ,
wagons , etc. , until you have seen C , I ) . Ja
cobs , loom 410 , First National bank building ,
cor. Uth and 1'arnam iXl )
GllOViKt : > TiVENS ; , 1521 Faruam nt. Loans
mudeon Omaha proudly at low tales.
Y020 : !
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Hob-
bins. K. 208 Bheely blk. 15tb and Howard. 01
TI15 ; Omaha Financial" Exchange , lloom 15 , "
j' "loct. southwest corner of 1'arnam
and Uth sts.
Makes a specialty Of ihort-tlme collateral
and real estate loans.Ll
Money always on hanil'tn sums of J100 and
upwards to any amount , to loan on approved
Secured notes Iraueht. sOld or exchanged.
Clear real citato and cash to exchange for
good first or second morttr i .i.
Loans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , first oirMicond mortgage se-
cui Ity , without publicity. vUlay or red tape.
Financial business of may kind transacted
Promptly , quietly and fairly. Koom 15 , llarker
block , Corbett , Manager. Ml
DO YOU wont to borrow money ? If you have
diamonds , watches or , Jewelry and desire to
effect a loan on favorable ferms In a strictly
private and confidential manner , or abould you
want a loan on furniture , horses , carriages ,
land contracts or personU property of any de
scription , you can haw , iinonoy advanced at
lowest rates ot Intemt u > 4 ample time to pa ;
by calling on or sending pwal card to the
Omaha Mortgage LoanCo.
We loan out our own money , make out out
own papers ana pay no commission , thus giv
ing the benefit to the borrower.
Our facilities are such that we can accommo
date you m a prompt and confidential man
ner , giving you fair , honorable and courteous
All loans renewed at original rates.
We will pay off any mortgage you now have
and give you long time and low rates ; will loan
any sum from t-i to 11,000.
Commercial and 1st mortgage pup r bought
Omaha Mortgage l/jati Co. , room 403 , Paxton
block. 4H
MONEY to loan on household furniture , pi
anos , hordes , wugou ? and other persona
property ; also on mortgage paper and contract !
as collateral security ; cash always on hand : liberal
oral extensions planted ; business transacted
fnlrly.quletly and promptly 'l hu Puirhunkj In
reatuient Co. , 8 W cor 10th i Douglas , upstairs
ONUY to loan on turnlturo , wagona. etc ,
without removal , or on collateral security
Business strictly confidential. A. K. Greenwooi
* Co. , K 1 Cunningham blk , cor , 13th if Jackson
( \1ONEY to loan In any amount , either foi
-ITi , building or otherwise , at lowest rates o
Interest and on short liotlce. O. V. Sholes , room
X1U First Nat'l bnk , cor. Uth uii Farnam. ft
MONi\ : loan on Improved property at first
bands , bo applications n nt away for ap-
iroval. Security and tltlos examined free ot
charge o borrowets. Lombard lureatment
onipany , W ) S. 13th at. lot
MONKY T Ixian lly the undersigned , who
has the onlyproperly organized loan ngoncy
n Omaha Loans of f 10 to il.OOO made on fnrni-
ure , pianos , orjfanshoraes.wagous , machinery ,
etc. , without removal. No delays All business
trlctly confidential. Umns so made that any
part can bo paid at any time , each payment
educing the cost pro law. Advances made on
Ino watches and diamonds. Persons should
carefully consider who they are dealing with ,
ns many new conceinsare dally oouilnir Into ox-
stenco. should you need money can nnd < eo
mo. W. K. Croft , room 4 , WUunoll building ,
5th and llarnoy. ? 1 _
\VK keep on hand money to oan on Inside
propert v in Omaha ami South Omaha In
sums from WOO to Vi.duO , and an wo Jo our own
valuing , make all papers , etc. . we can complete
a loan any day you wish and pnyj on the money.
Hates , Smith & Co. , lloom an , Ham go building.
IK'I 31
MONKY to loan ; largo nnd small sums nt low
rates , for shot t time , on real estate or chut-
el security ; second notes bought ; nil financial
mslncss strictly confidential People's Finan
cial Exchange , O Houscaron. manager , room
f < \i \ llarker block , 16th and Faruam. Hji
ON'EY to loan aTTowo-sTfates on fmprovod
city property or for building purposes.
Call snd see us , Mutual Invent men t company ,
room 1 , Darker block , 13th and Farnam. 728 lu
MONKY to Loan-On real estate and chattel
security. Money wllhont delay. Western
Land nnd lnn exchange , 117 S. Ifiih st. 500nS
1M5.IIOO to loan on Inside property. Some first
P mortgages for sole. Nathau Sholtou , 150 >
fainniu slreet. 8i ) '
MONKY to Loan City nnd country ; cnnap
rates , no delay. L. P. Hammond , VfJ Pnx-
on bull < llng. 705
8KEGrover Stevens , r.2l Faruam st. If you
w lint n real estate loan. "W 20
EASrKlTN "moiioy cheap City and country
Olllco Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
Koom II , Hoard of Trade. Goo. W. P. Coates.
M ON KV to loan ; cash ou hand ; no delay , J.
W. Soulre , 1'I'J Fainaiu st. First National
bank building. Btfj
< J 500.UW < 1 jwr rent. Money to loan on Im-
3)proved farms or city property. Jniuos A.
woodman , at the old fire insurance ollico of
Murphy & Lovett , SiJ8. _ I'Uh at. 8'J4
MONUY to Loan I/jwest rates. Loans closed
piomptly , H. I ) . Cole , Koom II. Continental
Illock. M. >
GPKlt CKN'T money to loan-Cash on hand
W. M. Hairls , room 30. Fronzer block , opp.
P. O. \ _ m _
"VTn dnlay lu securing a loan on good Omaha
J- > real citato. Grover Stevens , IIS I Fainam
T ; 20
H 11. IltKV fVm.ttO to loan on city property
and Improved farm land. Frenzor block.
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bougnt. Low-is fa. Heed & . Co. , 15-'l Faruam.
MONKV to loan on Improved real estate.
Leavltt Iliirnhniii. Crelghton block. 67'J
MONKY" to loan nt G. H. Peterson , leal es
tate nnd lo m agent , 1112 S 1.1th st. COI Oi !
GOODcity and fnim loans wanted by A. K.
Itlloy , 151'J I' hsl
/"IIIATTIIL and collateral loans. Davis
Will S nth. st. room 27. BMa
VK1.UJO to loan at I ) per cent. Llnali in Ac Mahoney -
$ honey , room 50) ) , 1'axton block. IHW
MONKV to loan ; long time. Qcor o J. Paul'
1UW Knrnam st WJ
B UILDING loans. Llnahan & Mahoney.
'JO )
R15AI estate loans , lowen l ratos. Odell Ilros.
.V Co. , U12 S. lbth st.
MONP.vo lon. O. P. DavU Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 1MT > Karuam st. 00' )
FOK SALP.Or ront-A llrst-clnss biubei-
sliop , wlthbatn-ioomii ; good trade ; reason
forsvlllng , poor health , .foe Ksteimau , Hoi-
( liego. Neb. 81.1 alt
" 1 IVI'.HV stable , centiallv localed In Omaha.
JJlorsalo ; * 7,5iW ; nbout 12,500 cash , bal. time.
Co-Op. L. & L. Co. 201 N. loth Ht. 81'J ' 17
ANVONK having JVM or more , vvho desire to
Invest as silent partner In n good estnb-
' m'f'g business , address Fl > 7 , Hee. 7U7 21
FOlt SALH llnrber shop. The best located
In the city of Lincoln. Tonnseasv. Address
J M C , Capital barbershop , Lincoln , Nob. 7K5-15 *
Foil SALK A flrst-class butcher shop , new
nnil < omplete. ln < pilre of lieiuy Anderson ,
IGthnnd Leavenwortli. 7-1 IU *
CHJA I ! store , near P. O , , Invoice about $175 ;
grocery stock InOmuha , Invoice about tlMM ;
also one about , H cash. Co-Operatlve
Land & Lot Co. , Zl'i N. lUth St. ,20 15
WK wish to employ a reliable man In your
county. No experience lequlred ; perma
nent position for three } ears , faalary Increased
each yenr. Light , easy , genteel business. Money
mhaixx'd for .salary , ndveitlslng , etc. Largest
manuf'is in our lino. Unclose 2-cent No
portals Centennlnl M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati. O.
13J J2 ha
FOK SALK A confectionery and cigar store
at n barwtn , No. I location , Inqnlri ) 11II4.N-
W. cor. 17th and Nicholas. 45,1 1B
FOlt SALK rirst class saloon and long lease
on giouud. Address 133 Heo ollice , 5W ) 15 *
1011 SALK Salt Lake lots M each , at 310 S.
1Mb st. 425
FOK nALK or Exchange An old established
good paying Livery business In Council
HlufMIn. . l'.i N Main stVm. . Stadloman. 033
FTK SALK A stock of general merchandise.
Address lock box : i5fi , Atkinson , Neb.
" 171OK SALi : The furniture and lease of one of
JL' tlm best paying and best located hotels In
the cltv. Apdlyatonco to Groeu & Williams ,
Tim Nat. bank building. 275
/"JOOD Inside Omaha property to exchange for
VJ clean stock of merchandise. C. K. Harrison ,
413 rt. 15th St. &AJ20
" \\rANTKD To exchange , share In maiding
Ass'n cottage on east front lot , fine loca
tion , for shares lutlratiSHIie * Mutual Loan aim
Hntiding Abs u. I'or pirtlculars , address P70 ,
Hee. 11:4 17T
FOU KXCHANK-Or ( ! Sale-One nice drill ?
store ; one stock general merchandise ;
several houses and lots ; two good farms ; one
ono largo t-prlug wagon ; two good horses ,
cheap. Houses to rent , all over city. Come
and t.eo us. Telephone 4JO. D. L. Thornton , 121
N. 15th .st , 781-15
I HAVE real and personal property of all
kinds for trade. Call and see mo. George J.
Sternsdorff , room 0 , opp. P , 0. 8i >
/ 1ONKKLTIONKKV andclgar storeTpriceTtKoi
\/foi a good team , light wagon and harness ;
$ lWXgrocoiy ) stock for $70 < ) cash , balance city
propoity ; * "iOJO stock ot mllHuory for clear.lm-
jiroved land ; good saloon , price $2,000 , for
small amount of cash nnd good property , and
stock of groceries and store building on leased
grounds , price for all about )2,500 iTado for
clear Omaha property Address Co-Operative
Land A : Lot Co. . 2U5 N. ICth St. 7JO 15
r\M ) I'HADK A stock of books and stationery
-L tor good Omaha property ; some lots and
money tor house worth about $2.bOO ; llanscom
Place house for good building lot ; good farm
on railroad in Drown county , with only .UX ) en
cumbrance , and 610 acres good land In Colorado
rado , with small encumbrance , to trade for
good Omaha property ; will put In some cash.
Property of all kinds to trade , fllve us a call.
Also 100 feet front In West Omaha and 102 feet
front trackage on llth at. to trade. (1 rover
Stevens , 1521 Karnam st. 73115
\S7ANT13D-To exchange imtda cltyprop-
T erty for improved farina near city. Hex
751. city. ! M8 O 19 *
I r you have anything to exchange call and
see our list. Western Laud and Loan ex
change , 117 S. lOt li. 007 11 $
mo KXCHANGK-Or sell , houses and lots ,
JL farms or merchandise gen Omaha Husluesa
lixchange , room 5 , a. w. cor. 1Mb and Douglas.
* 91-0a
FOU I'.XCHANGE-Good renting city and
South Omaha property ; also lots and farma ,
Western Land and Loan exchange , 1178. 10th st1
6A'i n
[ TlOll Trade Choice lot In Grammercy Park
JL1 and choice double corner in Lipton Place foi
good laud. 1) . V. Sholcfi , 210 , First Nat'l bank.
rilllK Omaha Hustness Exchange. H.S , s. w.cor ,
X nth and Douglas , ma ice * a specialty of selling
and exchanging all classes ot merchandise , etc ,
\\rANTED-Good lands and city property
T T horses , rattle , etc. , to exchange for mer
chandise In all lines , L. P. Kraua , 1W7 Farnan
Bt. , Omaha , Neb. 453 02 1
\ \ > "ANTKD-8tock of merchandise in any ant !
TT all lines to exchange for good f ana iLnds
Omaha real e tate , horses , cattle , etc L. p ,
Kraua. IflOT Fflrnam at. , Omaha. Neb. < 51 Oil
lra. Lenorman can M con
JL1 lulled on all affairs of llfo. BatUfactloi
u ranU a. No , 31S N 16th * (
A1TKNTION ITifr ctttod destiny reader can
lie consulted clallr for two weeks in all af-
fMMofllfe or dcaxn : tell * your life from the
cradle to the grave : reunites the separated with
the wonderful Kgyiitinu charm ; loonies dlaunxe
and heals them with Massage andnloctrlc treat-
neut. Oince 417 S. llth t.npsinlrHroonis2&3.
MO 10 *
DlT. NANN1K V. Warren , elalrvovant. Mcd-
leal and business medium. Pemilo <
n spjclalty. IU , .V. IClh st. Uooins 2 A 3. a'i
"iroit SALK l'ln east trout lot and good
* notiv ! in building nss'n oiiult ) about ( vVi.
Will take alinres lu the Mutual Loan and Iluild-
Ing Aas'n as part payment. F 70 , Htwofflco.
TJVnt PALK Two elegant lionies In Hnnscom
J- place on reasonable turms ; mortgage paper
taken as part paymont. Hoswoith A. Joplln ,
llarker block. but )
AFULL50ft. lot on Lake st , near Saunders
n lilc bargain at ttjaoa. T. J , Hook. 311
Paxton Illock 7fts-iii
3 CO feet ( nt giade ) on I.e.iveuvvorthst , vvlthlu
300 feet ot Park ave. nt $73 per foot , \cash ,
balance easy. M.uch It If you can. T. J.llook ,
! lll Paxton illock. 7' ' > s-lil
O.VTintss this Iot on Lake st. for KWJIos *
than market price , drover Stevens , 1521
Pnrnam st , 731 15
tno CASH and easy payments for balance
$ will buy a now 5-room house near car line ;
price * 2,00i ) . Gtovcr Slovens , IJL'l Fnruam st.
731 15
5 KOOM house , 3J feet lot on Plorco st , near
20th st , $ . ' .250. T. J. Hook , 311 Pnxtou Illock.
. 708-10
Br.AUTIPL'Ii new 7 room house. as"th nnd
Hlckoty ; best neighborhood In tlm city ; nil
modern llii ) > i > ovomcnts ; for snlo cheap ; small
cash payment , balance It ilcslrod on monthly
Two small cottages of I rooms each , neir 3.1th
and Pierce , for sale , 11,500 each. tlOO down , bal
ance monthly Instalments.
Two cottages In Kllby Place , 5 room ; Just
completed : small cash payment and vacant
lot taken If desired.
Cnll and see ns , Mutual Investment Companv ,
room 1 , llarker block , 15th and Faruam. , J7 I'1
III AVK for sale or exchange 147 acres of land
adjoining the town of Kxoter. Nob. , one-story
finmo house with 4 rooms , good framu gi.umry
16x24 , frame barn 24x20 , three small gloves of
timber planted some 15 years ago , small bear
ing oichnid , nearly two miles of trees nlong
bolder planted some 11 years ago , \ , mlle locust
hedge , 40 rods apple hedge , good well 40 feet
deep and windmill pump , shed nnd board fence
> aul , 110 acres lu good timothy im ) . M ncies In
good state of cultivation , bnlawo prairie nod
land. Land smooth and very gently undulating
every foot good plow land excellent plow-
i\eter : Is nt the Junction of the 11. A. M. nnd N.
W H. It. , n town ot some Ht ) people. This land Is
very desirable for mixed farming , or any kind
ot farming or stoi k lalslng. Most of U very
suitable for addition to the town , as It Joins the
original town site and Is not more than 100 lods
from the H. A ; M. depot
Kiicutnbranco J7.10J , at 7 per cent.
Will exchangeoqultv lor wild land , good city
property ( uiiliicumberodi or stock of general
meirhandlse , cnttlo or horses.
Price MO per aero Will pay n commission o
2per cent toanvonemaUngivsatisfactory salef
Address .1. W Dolnn , llldtanohi , Neb , 7HS IB.
THAVKa line bilck business blockrented for
JJ.CiOO per year , vvhlcll I vvlll aell for what It K
worth It is now sllghtlv Incumberod , but I
vvlll release same If purchn-nr desires ; vvlll
take good residence property In Omaha as par
tial payment. AddlessP O IIox 4b ! < . City.
BT8 I'Jt '
SNAP-Only Jl.W ) for a beautifuTlot onTTnku
st , vvoith Jl.KI ) . Giovcr Stevens , 1VJ1 I-nr-
namst. 731 15
' { ( ) ft. MI N.12 th stlmproved. F 45 , Ileo.
J ( < 771'.lt '
BP.ST Ilnrgaln In Omaha South fiont on
Lake st. near car barn , full lot , only $1,300.
U rover Movens , 1531 rarnam st. 7,11 15
FOH SALE Or exchange for Omaha proper
ty , 80 acres , suitable for platting ; will make
4001nts ; all clear ; big money In It for some one.
whocan push this ; located Just outside of tlm
city limits ot Council HUHln. liuiulro Cieo. .1.
Sternsdortr. opp. nostollicc. 30. " >
EDWAHD A. HltODHOLL , Lindsay , No ) ) . , has
several farma for sale In Platte countv at
$15 to 30 per acre. 010-O21 *
$3,500 buys a good 2-ntory 8 room house and
lot. east front. In Windsor Place , a birgaln.
D. V. Sholes , Hoom 210 , Pint National ItnnK
T71OH SALE-Lot 50x150. with good 2-stoiy
-L house nicely furnished , all modern conven
iences , within 1 blk paved st. . ' . ' , blk from Park
school and M. K. church , llanscom place. This
Is ono of the best properties in tlie city , and
can bo had at n bargain by addressing the
owner , F 14 , Ileo otllce. 448
FOll SALK Or xchange. We have some
good Omaha real estate and Nebraska
farms , which ws will sell cheap or traae for
stock of clothing , furnlshlnc poods , drr goods ,
boots and shoes , groceries or bard ware. Schles-
luger Uros. . OU S. 10th U. U10
FOHSALK 33x100 feet near corner Wool worth
ave. and 28th st , ihouse of 8 roonis.bat hroom ,
gas , cistern , hot and cold water , sewer connec
tion , furnace , 2 collars , location all that ran bo
desired , school , church and 2 linns of liorso cars
wlthlng 2 blocks , cable In project ; $4,500 ; Jl.OOJ
cash balance easy , 8 par cent interest. C. V.
11 nrrlson. 418815th st.
IflxlOOO feet cor. Woolworth nve. nnd SSth St. ,
house nnd Improvements matnrlallv the same
as above , S5.0UO , ll.OiXj caah , balame easy , 8 per
cent Interest. C. V. Harrison. 418 S Kith st. o'M
flSOO puys a full lot < tnd good 4-room cottage
Pea\v terms and good location. D V. Sholes ,
room 210 , Pirst Nat'l bank , cor. 13th and Far-
uam. WO
FOIl 8AL15 Frank Wassernmn , nt the Hank
of Omaha , has some of the choicest rest *
denco and business property in thO city for tale
cheap. 408
ITIOII SALE 10,000 acres land In Nebraska at
JL' low rates on long time ; good farm lands ,
Q. II. Peterson. 1412 S. 13th st. 501-Q. Zt
FOR 8ALK-Not for trade. 543.70 acres of lui-
proved laud 2 miles from Marquott In.
Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. Frame house , frame
staole , 300 acres under n good 4 barb-wire fence ,
round cedar posts and 'J stays ; living water ,
good corral , 2 wells , wind mill , 320-barrel tank ,
self-feedertrouphs , etc. ; 75 acres clover ; model
Price ( about 112 per acre ) | 0.50il
Cash 3in )
3 years time at B per cent 3.0W
do and look over the land and address the
owner , F. K. Atkins , 1502 Larimer St. , Denver ,
Colo. 214
FOIl SALK-Lot 11. b. 20. llanscom place. 13JO
oil what It Is worth. C P. Harrison , 4HS 13th
LAND Sceken , Attention Per full par-
tlculars about free and cheap lands In west
ern Nebraska address Thos. C. Patterson , Heal
Kstalo Agent , North Platte , Nob. 10IOI9
ICIectlon rrooluinntlon.
Under and by virtue of the authority vested
In me by section eleven (11) ( ) ot chanter twenty-
six (2tl ( ! of the complied statutes of Nebraska ,
ontltlcd "Elections , " I , John M. Thayer , gov
ernor ot the state of Nebraska , do hereby Isstto
my proclamation , that on Tuesday , tnu sixth
day of November , A D. 1888 , there will be an
election held at the usual places of voting In
said state , for the purposeof electing the follow
ing officers , to-wit :
Five electors of president and vice president
of the United Status.
Ono member of congress from the First con
gressional district.
Ono member of congress from the Second con
gressional district.
One memlwr of congress froui the Third con
gressional district.
Lieutenant governor.
Secretary of state.
State treasurer.
Auditor public account * .
Attorney general.
Commissioner of nubile land ? and buildings.
Superintendent of public Instruction.
State senator for each senatorial district , and
Heprcbeutattvus for each representative
district , as proyldtxl by law.
In wllness whereof , I have hereunto set my
band and caused to be alllxod the great xoul of
the state. Done at Lincoln thU
2(1 day of October , In the year ot
our l/jrd one thousand eight bun-
[ Seal. ] dred and eighty-eight , the twen
ty-second year o : the state , and
ot the Independence of the United
States the one hundred ana thir
Hy the Governor. JOHN M. THAYER.
G , 8. LAWS , Secretarv State.
AIIMY SUPPLIES. Depot Quartermaster's
Olllce , Omaha , Nebraska , October 15tb. 1888 ,
Sealed Proposals In duplicate , will be received
at this olllco until 10 n. m , on Thursday , Nov.
15th. 1888. at which time and place , they will be
opened in the presence of attending bmdtrs for
Government supplies of tbo following kind ;
Stationery , hardware , lumber and miscellane
ous Quartermaster's storei. Lists giving spe
cifications , quantities nnd other Information ,
will bo furnMhed on application to this olllce.
Preference given to articles of domestic pro
duction , price and quality being equal , HldiWs
should attach a copy of this advertisement to
their bids. JOHN SIMPSON , Captain and As-
Blstant Q. M. , U. S. A. ol5-Vun-lt ]
Dlaaolutloti Notice.
Tlie partnership nxlstlng between llallam &
Hutler , liverymen , 505 Cumlng street , has thU
day been Ulssolvod by mutual consent. A.
llallam will remain and loltleall accounts ot
aald Brm , and also the firm of Duller & llallam
Feed store , 065 Cummit street , has been this day
dissolved by mutual consent. Mr , Hutler will
remain In the store and settle all bills and col
lect all accounts ot said firm ,
U < A' '
Om h toct , i3tt > , .i J7 , ( ? a 3tE ! !
Your Left Liver
AYrdpiUtary Mvillcmn that netxV * buta-UUl
to pruru IU worth.
Dr , Calhder's ' left Liver Bitters ,
The only Distilled Hlttera In tke United
Btates. Tlie only Hitters rrcognl/ed br th
United States Internal revenue laws as a Pro *
prlatary Modlclne. I.uw fully Patented. No , of
Patent t + O.573. Contains no fusil
esaantUt oils , no for * I TO substance ordnraaft-
lac druge. A perfectly pure medlolno. com
pounded from Pure Hoot llurbs and Old Po on <
plaaaant to tha taste , quiet and decisive In it *
effect. Cures Dysp pala or Yellow Jaundice to
Ore days. Kcgulate * the Howela , Uivlirorates
Inactive Liver , Cures ll ) < o s d Liver , llnrlvr *
tbe Kidueya , Improves the Appetite OulcVlft
Refrulatea the wnole ayatem. Now Lite to th *
trkela aybt m-
lol.oft Liver Hitters itru viM lii Omaha , Neb . bf ttin
liowmit HldinriHon l > ruj ! ( M , Nprelml
nig Intnreit ot Nubcmkn. Ue-
n unriMenxm. vr. K. i.amii r < ou. n n. wi . mas
Conrntl , trunk VV. Knstf , ltmuiui .on , ( Jeo. Hooilflr
Iloyd's I'hnriuney. C A. Melrlior. HuTnrd Meyers ,
lrnnk Dellnne A Co , nholuialu dmvlcn lu ( ' " - '
Lett l.lror lIUur ! <
Running between Council Illutf and Albright.
In addition to thu stations mentioned , traltu
stop at Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth HtrooU.
and at the Summit lu Omalm.
Hroad- Trans Omaha uooly. South Al
vvay. fer. Depot Omaha bright
A.M. A.M.
5:51 0:00 1
BJ' : 0CO :
7:2- 7W
8:1 : ! B:25 :
.2 !
toil :
11:1- 11:2 : ;
P. M. P. M.
P. M. 11:1- : 12:35 :
1:1' :
2.45 3:12 : 3 :
3:41 ! 4:1" 4t :
4:45 :
6:4' ' 6:1 : 0:2 :
0:45 : 7:13 : 7:36 :
7:45 8:13 : 8:45 :
8:45 : 0j : : tea
0:15 : 10:25 :
10:45 : 11:39 : 11:45 :
A No.S C:50pe.ameD : | No.l T
B2 : " ! .5-9 S-5 5 =
.0:40a.m. : A No.a B:5 :
A No. 4 . . . .u:40a. : m. A No.5 ,
A 'No.8 ' . . . .5J5pm. : A No,7 5:30p. : IU.
A No. 0 . e:50n.iii. : A No. 3 :
A NO.B o:40a.m. : No. 3 7:10 : . a
A No. 4 Ji:00p. : m. No.l .7:00a. m ,
11 No.u 8l : ( ) p. m No.S :45p. : m.
A No.2 0:40a.mA : | No.l 0:60a.m. :
A No. 4 . . .7:00p. : m. A No H BMp. : ra !
A No.2. : | No.3 flr : 0ata.
A No. 4 0SOp.mjA : No l..0'JOn. ; m.
sioux caV & pAciFio.
A No. 10 7:0' : , a.m.IA No. 8 8W : , m.
A No.13 7Xp.m.A : ( ) No.ll (
A No.8. . 3:40p. m.lA No.7 11:35a : m.
A dally : 1) dally ezcopt Saturday ; U cxoopt
Sunday ; U eicoptMondayj fan malt
Notice to Contractor * .
Sealed proposals will ba received at th * office
of County Clerk. Douglas County , until 2 p. m ,
Saturday October 13th. A. I ) . 18& , for removing
8.000 yarda of earth , more or less , near Kenning *
ton Station , between section U and 14 , T10 , It 11 ,
Certified check of M5.00 to accompany each bid.
The Hoard reserve * tbo right toreleqt anraad
nllblda. M. D.KOOMB.
out 10 raie 6t-wU CountcurUt
Notloa to Contractors.
QEALKD Propoiala will be received at thi
O oniceot county clerk. Ooujjla * coimtjr , until
9 o'clock p. m. Baturday , OcfTUUi , IMS. lor re <
moving LuOO yarda. more or UM. ot 6 4-f'
half Boctlon line in § eo. 10 , A4y , , U '
dirt to be placet ! between railway track * u4
Certlfled check ot tSAM to accompany etch
bd. | Th * board reiarye * tbo rlsbt to reject aur
A101' ! . Uount * CUUV