Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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OFF1CK. NO 11 ! 1'KAlth 8T1U2KT.
Dtllvered br carrier In Any Part of the City R
Twenty Cents Per Week.
ItUM.Nr H Orrir No. 43.
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Only $10.8Ti nt Chapman's art store.
Regular communication of Bluff City
Lodge , No. 71 , P. nnd A. M. , this even
ing. Visiting brethren cordially in
There will doubtless bo a large audi
ence at Urdudway Methodist church this
evening to wuluomo and hear Bishop
An error in the types of yesterday
morning's BKK made the value of W.
W. Bilger's property $8,000. It should
have rend $18,000.
The committees in charge of the pre
parations for the bridge celebration
went to Omaha yesterday afternoon to
confer with the committees of that city.
The Borean Baptist church and con
gregation yesterday voted their thanks
to Mrs. Key for the use of All Saints'
ehapul during the three months just
A novel attraction is offered at the
Presbyterian church Thursday evening ,
a lecture by the "Little Esquimaux. "
It promises to be a delightful entertain
Messrs. Burke & Tinlcy is the title
of a new law linn , who will proceed to
occupy room 10 in the Shugnrt block.
They are both well known young men ,
of good ability , close students , and they
will doubtless win the success they
William L. LyUcns , manager of the
Maggie Mitchell company , was in the
city yesterday arranging forthe appear
ance of that wonderful favorite at the
opera house next Monday evening. She
will appear in "Hay. " a new comedy
drama , written expressly for her by C.
Wallace Walters.
John Li n tit , W. A. Mynstcr and E. G.
Baric , of Erie , Pa. , a nophuw of Mr.
Limit , loft , lust evening on a hunting
trip to Boyer Island. Wall McFnUden
will join them this morning. They pro-
peso to capture all the loose feathers in
that part of the country.
All of the parties confined in the
county jail for interfering with a mail
train on the "Q" a week ago have boon
released on bail , with the exception of
Charles Ilarter. lie has thus far been
unable to secure bonds , and still lan
guishes in the county cylinder.
The October term of the supreme court
convened yesterday. Judge Aylcs-
worth was not present , and acting
under instructions from him Clerk
Burke adjourned until Thursday morn
ing iit U o'clock. It is thought that the
judge will return by that time.
Richard C. Shively , of Missouri Val
ley , and Miss Katie B. Jones , of this
city , werq married yesterday afternoon
at 4 o'clock at the residence of Mrs.
Anderson , 110S Avenue B , by Rov. T.
J. Mackay. of St. Paul's church. The
groom is a railroad man at Missouri
Valley , and the newly wedded couple
immediately left for that placo.
Secretary Jamicson , of the United
States Masonic Benevolent Insurance
association , yesterday scut out 0,000 let
ters of assessments. The mail carrier
on that route found he had a job on his
hands and chartered an express wagon
to take the matter to the postotllce. The
letters filled live largo baskets. The
stamp bill of $120 was the heaviest in
curred by any house in the city for some
The two-year-old son of L. B. Robin-
ion , living at 11 South First street ,
strayed away from home yesterday af
ternoon and was found a few hours later
on East Broadway , near the city limits ,
about two miles from homo. The little
fellow woe beginning to bo rather
weary of his trip of exploration and was
glad to be returned to his anxious pa
The prohibitionists of this congres
sional district have called a convention
for to-day. The purpose is to scan the
republican ticket , and if any candidates
appear thereon who are not avowed
prohibitionists , they purpose nominat
ing others in their place. It is under
stood that the democratic ticket is to bo
ignored completely. Such is the whis
pered policy to bo followed.
Charley Strock says ho will never
play ball again in the Bluffs. Ho has
yielded to the importunities of many
friends , and his gentle voice will no
more bo heard upon the diamond. Ho
is sick and tired of Jroo advertising ,
nnd is convinced that base ball will
never pay in this city. "There's noth
ing in it , " nnd the festive Charles has
finally decided to stop gently down and
Bion Brown , of this city , nnd Miss
Mary Wright , of Cedar Rapids , were
married yesterday afternoon at tno
Broadway house by 'Squiro Schurz.
"By" was noticed dodging around a
corner yesterday , but he positively as
serted that ho "didn't know anything
about it , " but ho was so tlustcrcil that
ho was not strictly accountable. Every
body smoked just the samo.
There was a largo array of Sunday's
police victims in police court yesterday
morning. Five boo/.es and seven vags
answered roll call. There was no dis
crimination , and the grist was quickly
disposed of. John Doc , J. Bailoy. John
Goodson , Miles Kearney and Tnomns
Maxwell wore each fined $8.10 nnd sent
back to board it out. The vags wore all
turned over to Ofllcor Tyson to work on
the street cleaning. Tlfoy wore Thomas
Johnson , John WiUon , Frank McCarty ,
James Ward , Ed llyan , Peter Pnesty
and J. F. O'Brien.
Sheriff O'Neill and his deputies re
turned Sunday morning from Fort Mad
ison , where they wont Friday evening
in charge of six convicted criminals.
Winston was ono of the number. Ho
was instantly recognized by the warden
ns a former convict. He was released
from the penitentiary at Joliet in 1881 ,
and shortly afterward was sent to Fort
Madison from Dos Moincs. He was re
leased in 18S4 , and now is in again for
two years. Ho is a hardened criminal ,
and has passed agood portion of his life
behind the bars'
The Little Esquimaux will lecture nt
the Presbyterian church Thursday
evening , October 18. TicKets for sale
at Camp & Ellis' drug store. General
admission , 3.5 cents. Children under
twelve yonre , 15 cents.
Morehouso & Co. , 2 , 4 or C column
Tlio FronlbltlonUta.
The prohibitionists of the Ninth con
gressional district will mcot in conven
tion at the old opera house in this city
to-day , Oct. 10 , at 10 o'clock a. .m.
Speakers from Nebraska are expected
By order of the chairman of the central
COUNCIL DLUFF8. la. , 10-16,188S.
MorohousoCo. . , blank book manu
facturers. _
Notice the beautiful finish given col
Jars , cuffs ami shirts by Cascade Lauudry
- . company. . . , . ' . . . . .
An Indignant Policeman Slnpan Too
Talkative Doctor.
The I'rolilbltlonlntH to Ilcvlnc the Hc-
publlcnn Ticket Noctllcsuly
Alnrincd About the Motor
Tracks I
A Queer Fire Drparttncnt.
An article appeared in an Omaha
morning paper yesterday in defense of
ho policy pursued by the head of the
Ire department. "Budge' ' wants it
distinctly understood that ns long us
luyor Rohrcr is satisfied with what is
oing on , no ono else has any business
o make a kick. Ho says the lire do-
lartment is conducted excellently. IIo
icglccts to state that while Sowders and
Sanderson got drunk and were lib-
charged , other members of the do-part-
nent get drunk repeatedly , make dis
gusting exhibitions of themselves in
jublic and finally land in the police
tation , where they are registered under
in assumed name ( Charley Ross is the
mme on the police register of a "way
up" flro fighter ) , and then the case is
lushed up before it comes fo trial.
'Budgo" also neglects to state how tome
of the fire laddies who "stand in , "go
ip on "the row" and assault boys in
heir teens and other similar actions.
Llicso things all happen in our "excel-
ently conducted" department. San-
lerson must not leave the house while
jn duty , although his su-
) erior tells him to go and got
glass of beer , still this same
superior can leave the house for two or
hreo hours to net ns second to ono of
, ho principals in a prize light. Another
nember ol the department has a "day
oil" whenever ho chooses to take one ,
mil gets gloriously drunk and drives
urioubly down some of the principal
streets of the city. This "excellently
conducted" department is indeed a
uodel. It deserves great praise , accord-
ng to "Budgo , " but respectable citizens
ail to discover anything particularly
amiable connected with its present man-
Coup's Equine Curriculum opens ra
three days' cngugomenta Dohany's this
The Chnutauqua circle meets this
evening in the board of trade rooms.
Everybody welcome.
Sec Forrest Smith's special column.
The street cars will run so ns to ac
commodate those who attend the lecture
of Bishop Newman at Broadway M. E.
church to-night.
An Intllignniit Officer.
Officer Thomas gained a little un-
ileasant notoriety yesterday. Ho was
ipproachetl on the street by Dr.
mends , and the latter , who had appar
ently been drinking , began to speak
abusively of the officer's wife , applying
all manner of vile epithets to her. This
was more than Thomas could endure ,
and ho struck Einonds across the face
with his open hand. The latter per
sisted in his abuses and Thomas struck
dim again. Bystanders then interfered
and the officer left the spot. There had
been bad blood between the parties for
some time. Emends was a former suitor
for the hand of Mrs. Thomas , but his at
tentions were not favorably received by
that lady. It is reported that the doc
tor tried on several occasions to make
trouble between Thomas nnd his
ntfianced , but was unsuccessful. After
the couple were married. Emends made
out a bill for professional services
and put it in the hands of
Ovido Vion for collection. When it
was presented , Thomas waxed wroth ,
and stated that ho had never owed
Einonds a dollar in his life , and that the
latter know bettor than to present the
bill himself , as it would win for him a
broken head. The two met on the
street yesterday , as stated , and Emends
remarked that ho understood that the
ollicer was going to kill him. Thomas
denied over saying anything of the
kind , but intimated that he had better
not jjresent a bill. Emends became very
abusive , and blows ensued. The officer
immediately overstepped his bounds
from a legal point of view , as the law
distinctly says that no words can justify
an assault , but the spectators say that
Einonds did not get half his just deserts.
His language is described as being most
abusive and exasperating , as well as an
uncalled for attack upon the wife of a
respectable citizen.
We have no competitors in finishing
collars , cults and shirts. Cascade Laun
dry Co.
The finish on our collars , culls and
shirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade
Laundry Co.
Mrs. 1i. Simmons , dressmaker , 314 Uroail-
way , over Eiscman's , on electric motor lino.
Special advantages to Omaha ladies.
ItnhloH at the lluznnr.
Great attraction at the Catholic la
dies' bazaar , beginning Monday even
ing , October 22 , an entirely now'fcaturo
being prcbcntod , consisting of rt baby
show , real live babies of all national
ities , creeds and sexes being admitted
and invltetl to compote for an elegant
wicker bedstead , beautifully furnished
and dressed. Babies to bo presented
at Masonic temple Wednesday and Sat
urday afternoons in all their beauty.
The baby receiving the largest number
of votes , between the ages of first in
fancy and two years being eligible ,
will got the present. A second prize of
a silver cup will bo given the ono re
ceiving the next highest number of
Votes will bo received by the ladies
in charge from any friends of babies
who enter the race. Don't fail to see
the little darlings in their most capti
vating attire and sweetest smiles. It
will bo a grand sight.
Personal Paragraphs.
Squire E. S. Barnett returned yester
day morning from his visit to Weeping
Water , Nob. , where ho spent the Sab
Mrs. A. C. Graham starts to-morrow
for the west to visit her sons , ono in
Washington territory the other in Cali
S. B. Frum was In the city yesterday
on route for Denver with his father ,
whoso health is not good. A climatic
change it is hoped will bettor it.
I. N. Flicklnger has returned from
Washington , where ho has been looking
after a lease In the United States su-
Eromo court. Ho had the pleasure ol
oaring Thurman make his argument
on the telephone case ,
Mr. Johnson , formerly superlntendem
of the motor'llnoha8 returned from Illi
nois , where * hu has been forsovora !
months. Ho lux's not decided what eater
irlso ho will next engage In , but so ex-
jcricncetl and active a railroader will
not bo idle long.
HI l.otB.
Messrs. Benson & Shepherd and C. J.
Colbv ' old , yesterday , IV ! lots in Twin
City'addition and IS lots in Benson's
second addition. This is the largest
day's sales ever made in Council Bluffs.
Their ofllco was thronged all day with
eager buyers.
Bishop Newman at Broadway M. E.
church to-night. Tickets for bale at
3rockweH' < 3.
Elegant overcoatings at A. Roller's
merchant tailor , 812 Broadway.
Loans made on city business nnd rcs > i-
Icnco property. Notes bought. Kim-
ball-Champ Investment company.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
linmonds , horses , buggies , or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
niblSeity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , ollico cor. Broadway
mil Main , over American express.
A Needless Hcnrc.
There was a report that the electric
motor company intended making a
change in its tracks near the Broadway
Methodist church , so that there would
> o a turn thoro. Some of the property
owners objecting to the throwing of
tracks nearer the sidewalk , got out
tapers to stop the company , and they
emained on guard all Sunday and Sun-
lay night , ready to stop the work
should it bo nttonfptcd. No one put in
in appearance to disturb the quiet of
the midnight watch , und the vigilance
was in vain ,
Wo still have a fo\v trackage lots on
? irst ave. "We MU1 fourteen yesterday.
They will all bo Ktld to-day. First come ,
irst bcrved. Buuson & Shepherd.
Bo sure to hour Bishop Newman at
the Broadway M. E. church this oven-
ng. Tlckuts'nt Crockwell's.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Six per cent money on real estate.
Low commissions. F. J. Day , U9 Pearl
Money loaned at L. B. Crafts ft Co.'s
loan ollico , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
xnd all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
No Ncetl of Juried.
An adjourned session of the grand
jury was to have boon held at the Court
liouse to-day , but the order for' the
extra meeting has been countermanded
by the court. The cases thatweioto
have been brought up will go over to
the November term. The petit jury
has also been dismissed for the term ,
and no more criminal or law cases will
bo tried. The remainder of the term
will bo devoted to equity causes.
Wo have been advising through the
columns of Tun BKI : all those who in
tended buying lots between Strcotsvillo
and the river to invest at once. Our
advice scorns to have been taken by a
considerable number , as the salon made
in our ollico yesterday will indicate :
81 lots i-old , ( ( ! ! in Turn City place and
18 in Benson's second. Wo now say
again , don't wait until the bridge is
opened but buy now. Sovcral largo
implement houses were located on our
property to-day , and there are more to
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
E. H. Sheafo loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
conlldental. Ofllce 500 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
For the Hospital.
The Woman's Christian association
met yesterday afternoon to make ar
rangements for serving dinner or lunch
in the Pacific house dining room during
the day of the republican rally and also
bridge day. Committees were ap
pointed , who will commence work in a
day or two of soliciting for the tables.
The menu will consist of cold ham and
tongue , bread and butter , slaw , pickles ,
doughnuts and colTeo. Oysters will bo
served raw to all who cheese them in
this epicurean way of serving. The
proceeds are for the support of the W.
C. A. hospital , now filletl to overflowing
with patients.
Twin City lots are going fast , G3 sold
yesterday. They won't last many days
longer at this rate. If you want one
call at onco. Benson & Shepherd.
The young ladies of the Congrega
tional church will give an oyster ttuppor
nnd Josh Billings spoiling match in the
church parlor Friday evening next.
For bargains in real estate in any
part of , the city see F. J. Day , the lead
ing real estate dealer.
See Forrest Smith's special column.
Fourth Wnril HopuhlicniiH.
Republicans of the Fourth ward are
requested to meet at the grand jury
room , county court houso. Wednesday
evening , October 17 , at 7I : ! ( ) p. m. , for
organization. A. T. FMCKIXOEK ,
Committeeman Fourth Ward.
E. II. Sheafo & Co. , make long or
short time loans on real estate , in sums
to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Oflico
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
Boots , shoes. Kinnohan's , KG B'way.
Mr. J. M. Brown has changed the
location of the White sowing muchino
ollico from No. iiO N. Main st. to No.
805 Middle Broadway. Ho solicits a
share of your patronage.
There was n lively row at the local
Rock Island passenger depot last even
ing about 7 o'clock. ' A number of hack-
men were standing on the platform so
liciting fares , and ono of them took of
fense at a lady who refused to ride up
town in his hack because ho was drunk.
Ho thereupon swore that she should
ride with no ono else , and knocked down
three of the other drivers and a porter
for the Bechtelo hotel. It began to got
too warm for him and ho jumped on his
hack and drove away. It is stated that
ho is a now man in the city.
Coup's Equescurriculum nnd the Peak
boll ringers opened at Dohany's last
evening , The audience was rather
small , but it is sure to bo much larger
this evening as the exhibition is really
very flno. The drill of the ton bronchos
is alone well worth the price of admis
sion. Single and double Hie , right and
loft oblique , counter-marching and bat
talion movements are executed with the
precision of a military company. The
card nnd color tricks dancing and othoi
SDecinlty features are unequalled. The
show is worthy of liberal patronage.
Ilorsford'H AolU 1'liosplinto ,
For lnill CHtlou ,
Dyspepsia , ana UUcabcd incident
The Question"DiBOiissod by Two
Noted English Lnwyore.
lie Itcllcvcs tlie Divorce Ijawa Should
be Hntllcjillr ClmtiKCtl Mon-
Wllllnmi Take *
the Affirmative.
ff > SS liy James Gordon NimitM
LONDON , Oet , 15 , f New York Herald Cable
Special to Tun HER. ] The Ually Tele-
has closed Ua discussion of the burn-
ng question ' 'Is Mnrrlaga a Failure ) " and It
luarncd from the hcaJquarturs of that
newspaper the controversy evoked sev
eral thousand communications , four-ilftbs of
vhluhvcro clinfT , but the remainder sin
cerely written uiM making pleasant reading.
Mrs. Mona Cainl , whoso Review article had
iislrcd | ) the discussion , Is now being lionized ,
iut In reality she was anticipated a few
ears ago by George Lcwh , In au article en-
itled "Marriage and Ulvorco" In the Fort
nightly Heviuw , signed by George II. Lewis ,
'opularly ' the letter "H" has been dropped ,
coclcnoywlsc , ami ho Is called familiarly by
everybody by his two minrjs only. 1 found
lim recently cheerily walking through the
groups of waiting clients in the immense-
nanslon , once tno pataco of the bishops of
Cly , wherein Is his suite of oniccs.
"Vcs , " said he , adjusting his traditional
eye-glasses and Insensibly gliding Into his
veil-known persuasive tone , "I folio wed the
lowspapcr discussion during my sliort vaca-
ion and was most amused with the airy
lothlngness which characterized the corre-
pondencc. Few of the writers seemed to
ipprcclato the gravity of the subject. "
"In your extensive practice you must have
md great experience i"
Mr. Lews . "Some
( moder.itcly ) experi
ence , certainly , botli of marriage failure and
narital success. "
"You have been concerned in ma ny dl.
orco cases , down to your recent Dilko and
Crawford and Lady Colin Campbell cases ,
vhlch seem to prove the iifllinative J"
"Yes , perhaps several hundred that went to
.rial , and many tnoro which were adjusted. "
"Then you have happily Illustrated the
ihraso Componcre lites'f"
"Happily * yes. I always prefer to antici
pate the court rooms. "
"Then pit-Imps you can answer the qucs-
ion. How about you legal cxperienco as to
whether marriage is a failure ! "
The failures are in a great minority
These naturally mike noise and attract at
cntion , while marital peace and happiness ,
icing unobtrusive , does not become sta
tistical. "
'The recent newspaper discussion evolved
mother question , whether the divorce laws
should be amended extended * by parlia
ment to meet the hardships of many married
failures. "
" 1 am fully on record ns to that Inquiry m
my article , written at the request of Mr. E.
Scott when he conducted the Fortnight ly
Heview. Your question was debated thirty
years ano , when the divorce act of Palmer-
Uon's government was passing. Since then
the decisions in our divorce courts have tried
and furrowed the features of not a few of
our English homes. Many injustices
liave operated , notably on women ,
and class amendments must inevita
bly bo introduced. Particularly , the
position of women under the divorce law
should be assimulated to that of man. I
have in my article written thus : 'Divorce at
present is a perquisite of the man. The law
empowers man , hownvor monstrous his own
maiital conduct may have been , to turn his
wife into the street , and separate her from
every intercourse with her children , or leave
her to starve m the workhouse , if in a mo
ment of weakness she forgets her marriage
vows. Hut the woman , who has been sub
jected to her husband's open and continuous
adultery , even under the conjugal roof , is
unable to obtain a divorce only separation
unless he has been gullity of cruelty or two
years' desertion as well as adultery. Our
act in this respect displays blind ignorance
of domestic tragedies. It is drawn with the
selfish object of ministering to man's worse
Jealousies without attempting to give woman
equal claims over the fidelity of her hus
band. I believe the time is not far distant
when woman will raise an effective outcry
against the abuse of the present system.1"
"Practically what is your remedy for the
"In addition to their present rights women
ought to bo entitled to a divorce for cruelty
endangering life , for two years and upward
desertion without reasonable cause , for ths
adultery of the husband committed In her
home or elsewhere , if under disgraceful and
aggravating cicuumstanccs , and for.tho con
viction and sentence of the husband to live
years and upward penal servitude for crime. "
"What about insanity ! "
"If incurable for two yeaos , there should
bo divorce to cither party. "
The interview was closed by Mr. Lewis
turning to the consideration of another par
liamentary Job , the huge papers as to which
labelled "Ho Parnell-Times
were - Commis
sion , " on which matter ho is to be in the con
duct of the homo rulers' side.
There are not half a dozen men In Great
Hritain who could give sounder opinions on
the subject ns to whether marriage is a fail
ure then Montague Williams. Ho held the
most extensive practice us a barrister ever in
the hands of one man in the London criminal
courts for years. Now , owing to the failure
of his voice , ho has become the most popular
magistrate of the London metropolitan bench ,
and everyday has to deal with numerous dis
affected husbands and wives. I called upon
him and asked his ideas on the "Marriage a
Failure" question.
Said he ; "You are wrong in supposing
that people who como to mo in court seeking
separation arc of the lower classes. Women
are nearly always the complainants. "
"What power have you to right their
wrongs ) "
"For separation from bed and board I have
powers Just as strong as those obtaining in
the divorce court. The law was generally
construed by magistrates that if a woman
came into court and could show that her
husband was guilty of cruelty and violence ,
a judicial separation should bo given and the
husband ordered to * make an allowance of so
much per week , in accordance with his
means. At the saiqo time the husband was
sent to prison. Hut I got hold of the act and
read it through carefully. I conceived that
it was not necessary to send the man to
prison , for by so doing I should disable him
from making the allowance to thn woman by
stopping his pay. Therefore , if it can pos
sibly bo avoided , I "do not send the man to
orison , but I grant Reparation and allowance.
This course I proposu , continuing until it bo
appealed against successfully in the higher
courts. "
"Doesn't that make a dissolution marriage
rather easy I"
"No , not too much so. I exercise my dis
cretion. Besides , us a'rule the women have
children to maintalni'Hiid if they are subse
quently proved to bo Jiving in adultery I im
mediately stop the allowance. "
"Do you considcr.hiatriago a failure among
the poor of London'lJM
"Yes ; very oftenJJut I am not prepared
with a remedy. The worst cases are those
of rash young people , clerks on small pay ,
who marry pennyless shop girls. They have
not sufllcient to hvo upon. The man soon
finds his homo uncomfortable. What was
enough for one was not enough to keep the
house up. Ho gets his wages , and instead
of taking them homo ho Is tempted to spend
them In the public house. "Then ho goes
homo and beats his wife. Such uro a largo
number of cases In which marriage is a fail
ure. "
"Would you suggest n matrimonial com
mission to sit upon young couples about to
marry ! "
Mr. Montague Williams smiled. "No , " ho
said , "not quite so bad ( as that. Hut every
body would be doing good who should do
everything in their power to btop these Im
prudent marriages. "
"What do you think of the state of people
who live as married couples m the east end
without being married ! "
"Very bad , very bad. A great deal moro
than half of the couples in the cast
end .aw unmarried. In a largo
number of these case * the men send
their ivsmeti out to earn a llvlnp nt nlpht by
Immoral means. Hero is another llugrant
example where the lack of marriage Is adls-
mnl failure. "
' In there no remedy ! "
"None tliat I can sue. It U n terrible state
of affairs without any remedy that 1 can
"And with the tipper classes ! "
"Iho law requires amendments. As it
now stands It Is mudo by man for man. For
Instance n man can pet n divorce from a
woman for adultery , but a woman cannot
divorce a man for adultery unions coupled
with cruelty or desertion. When Judicial
separations arc granted In the divorce court ,
Justice Hull or Haiinan generally makes out
an order granting the woman alimony. "
"Ho you think uiarrlaco a failure In the
upper classes I"
"I think , " said Mr. Williams , dodging the
question , "that the upper classes often
think so from the number of divorces which
arc annually obtained by man and wife.
The number of made-up or collusive divorces
which arc obtained In the divorce court are
remarkable. If husband and wife agree , as
they so often Jo , on mutual divorce , nothing
Is easier than to prove cruelty and adultery
also , for the matter of that. 1 do not want
to mention names , as It would not
bo fair. Ono of the most open
cases Is that of u well-known M. ! . ,
out the matter was hushed up. Tlio
lady In question is the daughter of a duke ,
and is now a peeress. Marriage was cer
tainly a failure there. "
A HorcTlmmt or Coucti , If suffered to
progress , often results in an incurable throat
or lung trouble. "Hrowu's Hrouchlal
Troches" give instant relief.
KnterprlMnc Pai-Ninn Kcnortlna.
San Francisco Chronicle : Ono of the
most brilliant feats of French reporting
is the following. It happened at the
time when the great Traupmunti mur
der case was agitating Parisnnd Franco
and when everybody was pager for de
tails. A reporter , who had the matter
in hand , left Paris for Cornoy. where
the father of Traupnmnn resided. Ho
arrived , called on the justice of pence
and the eommissairo de police , invited
thorn to follow him to the mairie. took
his seat in the judge's chair , and with
unparalleled audacity , ordered the
garde do chumpetrc to go and bring before -
fore him the assassin's father. The of
ficers did not say a word ; and the re
porter had conquered them bv his air
nnd demeanor. When the hither of
Traupmann was brought before him ,
the reporter interrogated him us though
ofllcinll.v commissioned to do so. The
result of the cross-questioning was that
the boy hud written to his father on the
eve and on the day of the crime. "Mon
sieur do eommissairo " the
, says re
porter , "please to go to the witness's
house and seize these letters. " The
functuary obeyed ; the letters were
brought , and the reporter read them ,
found them full of evidence of Trnup-
mann's guilt , copied them carefully , and
with u solemn air. Then , , with respect ,
he handed over the originals to the jus
tice of the peaceasked him to scnl them
carefully , nnd keep them forthe further
use of the court. The reporter put the
copies into his pocket , milutod the gen
tlemen , and left. It was one o'clock in
the afternoon , nnd the train that was to
bear his letter to Paris would not leave
before evening. If he hunt his precious
burden by that train it would botoolato
for the morniilg edition of his pipor.
Itositlcs , he met two other Paris report
ers , who had just arrived , stud who
would ( -non learn the iiows at C'ernay ,
and send it on to Paris at the same time
ho did his report. What does he deV
lie goes up to his brother reporters and
says"I am dying of hunger , my friends.
Let us breakfast together. You go to
the tavern there and order a good de
jeuner , with plenty of wine , you know ,
and I'll come presently. " The two re
porters did ns ho bndc'them. while our
friend jumped into a wagon , and had
himself driven to the stationafter ; hard
begging and giving money , ho was al
lowed to leave on a luggage train , then
about to start , caught a passenger train
for Paris at a junction farther on , and
arrived at the ollice of his prelate at
night. He communicated his informa
tion , and the iirst page , which was al
ready "closed up , " was reset. The next
morning eighty thousud copies were
The soft glow of the tea rose is ac
quired by ladies who use Pozzoni's Com
plexion Powder. Try it.
About 12:30 : this morning Officer Mar
tin , of the merchants' police , discovered
two men in the act of burglarizing
Moore & Kipllnger's cigar store. Draw
ing his revolver ho covered them and
marched them both to the police station.
CJPECIAL advertisements , suchai Lost , Found ,
O To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants. HoardIng -
Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at the
low rate of TUN CENTS PEIl LINK for tlio flrst
Insertion and Five Cents Per Line for each sub
sequent Insertion. Leave advertisements nt
our office. No. 12 1'enrl Street , near llroadway.
Council lilutTd Iowa.
W IANTKD-Miittress makers at C. A. Ileebo
A Co's.
TJ10K SALE or trade Very doslrable residence
JL1 property on firaham avenue , new house , lot
( Vixl-'O ; team of farm horses , wai'on and har
ness ; plnglo noraufi years old. prlco J100. Will
tukrt pay In palntlm ; on farm houses. Dnlry
farm of 1MJ ueur the city. House and barn for
lent just ontsldu the city. Apply to Horace
Kveiutt , Council UlufTs , Ion a.
FOH HUNT vr f ° r sal ° on l ° nK 'I'110Tho
now lioiiM ) on Graham avenue , being the
next house obovo Dr. Cordon's ; 4 rooms with
basement. Hoiuco Kverett.
TCU for sale in car load lots. Mulholland & Co.
FOR HUNT Good house and stable , just out-
sldo of city. Apply to Horace Kverett
FOIl RENT Furnished front room , for gen
tlemen. 2 IN. Second btreot.
"VVTANTED Everybody to know that I will
TT not be undersold in either furniture or
stoves. It's your patronage I want , and jmluo
for yourself. I also buy all llrst class nouso-
hola goods. No rubbish wanted , A. J. Mandel ,
; W and 3i > Ilroadwny.
FOIl HENT Seven-room cottace. on the < cor-
ner of 3d ave. ami Uth r < t. W. 0. .lames.
FOIl HKNT A largo number of good dwell-
Ings. Cull and examine list. n. H. Sheafo
& Co. , Ilroadwuy and Main St. . up stairs.
OU8ES for rent. Johnston & Van i'atten ,
Si Main st.
"I71O SALE House of 6 rooms and two lots on
Jj 8th avenue north of the transfer. Will take
f l.OdO for this , one-half cash.
Foil SALK-A line corner In Plerco's addition
just north of the transfer , on ; tb avenue
and Ibth bt. < Mxl3J ft. , fAW.
FOIl BALE House and lot north of D. P.
transfer cheap at feUO ; li'UO cash and f > per
TTUHt SALE Lot 4 < xl20 on 1st nve , near N. W.
-13 It. H. depot , on N. W. track ; cheap at t H.
171OU SALE 18 acres on both Bides of U. P. It.
Jj IItrack , ! 4 mile west of union depot : would
make a line addition to Council llluffsorOmaha.
Only 1760 per acre.
TOOK HA Li : An elegant 6-room cottage with
-T lot WxliO , on Harrison bt : this property U
worth from W.OOU to M.MM , but If bold soon will
sell for t'W ; good terms.
Foil 11BNT A flne new night-room house at
No. OIH 4th avenue ; bath room , closets and
all modern Improvements ; nice large pleasant
yard. This place Uouly 'Jcblocks from dummy
TOOK KENT Nlon 4-room cottage on 8th ave.
4and 10th st , , only til per mouth.
TIO LOAN Money to loan on horses , cattle ,
furniture , pluuos. Jewelry , etc. ; see mq be
fore borrowing elsewhere.
lloom 4 , 3rd Floor , Drowu Uulldiog.
Neat and comodious Five Boom Cottages with
closets , etc. , are now offered
On very liberal terms of payment , thus enabling mechanics , clerks and Inborin *
men to secure a homo by paying a small payment down and monthly payments td
apply upon the purchase price , instead of paying rent.
These houses are located bolwun
And immediately between the electric power house and the car shop ? . With
electric cars passing every ten minutes to Omaha , with only 5 cent fares.
For full particulars address tno and I will cull upon you.
P. O. I1OX 488 , OMAHA , MOB.
SIZES FROM Especially Ailnpted fafl
POWER , Mills and Elevators ,
Specifications ami estimates furnished for complete te m plants. ItORUlfttlon , Durability liuar-
unteed. Can show letters from users where fuel Kccnouiy Is equal with t.'orllss Non-CouJeualng ,
Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.
Nice 5-robm cottages , brick foundation , and
all necessary out-buildings.
Only ten minutes walk from the new motor
line. Near the
C"T .
_ _
" p " * ' * * ' M"M * " * * * * * * " * ' "M" * '
- iMiopniKions OF - '
COUNCIL BMTFS P. C. Do Vol's Store , No. I OMAHA Carpenter Paper Co. , No. 1114
504 Middle Hroachvay. Telephone No. 87. | Douglas Street. Telephone No. 2M.
Hydraulic and Sanitary Kngineer. Plans , Estimates ,
H "
, Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown
Unilding , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CIMI CV DHDI/r Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115
rllNLLY DUrmL" Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Justice ol the Peace. Odlce over American Express , No. 419
i Broadway , Council Blulls , Iowa.
Si QIIWIQ Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Fed era
< X OlIYlO" Courts. Onicc Kooms 7 and 8 , Shugart-Beno Block.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
HA7FN Dent'St ' > U ° ° m ° ' Opera IIouse Illock' . Iow
1514 DougUg Ht. . Omaha. Neb.
WOBroadway Council llluirs , Iowa , Established
S , STEWART , M , D , , D , V , M ,
Telephone No. UU5.
PRICE $15.
Is equal l
any High
The Kdlion Mimeograph , tlie best appirntui fof
munlfoldlng , autvKraphlo and type writing wort ,
3.OJO coplei cn be taken.
The Excslslor Cc.Council Bhfc , la.
AT < : W p. M. At 3 P. H.
AND 8 I' . U. AND B I1. M.
Royal Arcanum Hall , Beno Block ,
D , H , McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides. Tallow. Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
Returns ,
( SO and 2 Mala &Ue tC0uacll IHutts.lowv.