Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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Chicago Wheat Continues to Book a
Lower Level.
A Pnlr Volume of IlUBlnciB In Onts
J'rovlhlotiH Dull-No Material
In Caltl < '
Brink Quotations.
CHICAOO , Oct. 15. Telegram to
TUB Jlrn.l On Saturday December wheat
closed IJf cover Muy. Today It went to lo
discount under May , breaking 5 ? c in doing
it , May at the same tliuo RUfTuringa decline
of about 3c. Later May again went to dis
count and closed J-c under tbo December
price. Near months were forced back into
llr.c , or partly so , by the pressure of long
\vhcat , Hutcbinson leading In tbo selling.
December hud a wild and woolly opening ,
the range extending from $1 13Jf to II IS.
The course of values was immediately down
ward , December anil May L'Oltlg tO $1.11. % .
Thereafter until ncarli noon the market re
mained steady with only moderate fluctua
tions , the feature being a relatively greater
firmness of May , which gradURlly pulled
nway from the forward month , About 12
o'clock the tnuiket took another dip , Decem
ber slipping back to SI.IOX. and Maj to
tl.lO > < . Near months recovered somuw hat ,
but the tone was wcr.k and nervous.
Trade was of n good volume early and late
\\itliHuialldc.ilings thioughout the larger
part of the session. On the llrst break wheat
was almost unsaleable , but dui ing the last
hour there was a fair demand for propeity to
Jill shorts and for investment account. From
the uiiy "long wheat" came out tins morn
ing the crowd concluded that holders of some
big lines were trj ing their best to unload.
Iliitchinsou has been selling steadily hero
nnd in New V'oik for several days on "hard"
upotB and under cover. To day ho was selling
ostentatiously , from which circumstance the
wiseacres argue that he has sold out nnd is
now prepared to take the other side. Ihoso
who aie disposed to attach speculative irn-
poitatico to what a certain man or certain
men are supposed to be doing , are working -
ing the bear side of the market
now. Jn following this programme
they urc for once in harmony with the
majority of the "merchant class , " who do
not like to see prices too high above an ex
port basis. Chicago was the "sickest" mar
ket in the country to day. Other markets
were lower and very weak , but , the decline
elsewhere was less than here ranging from
2J < ? to 4c. Chicago seems to bo rapidly getting
into line with the sunouiiding maikets , and
therefore into a healthier state.
Toward the close the attention of the scalp
ing element was distracted from wheat to
corn by u riuher sensational set-back in the
latter cereal , caused by largo receipts and
free Belling by bull tailors on a supposed
"Hutch" deal in November , tl.o bears helping
values do .vn. Receipts of coin wete a disap
pointment to the bears , being about 170 cars
less than expected. This arose principally
through arrivals on the Galeim division of
the Nottlmestorn railway being out of in-
fitend of Included in the Inspection returns
of the day. The opening was fanly steady
tit about closing pi Ices on Saturday and for a
time trading was very slow and without sig-
nlllcance. Tito weather cncoiungcd buying ,
but the heavy opeiators were not inclined
that way and appeared to favor more the
selling side , and this desire became general
on anticipated receipts for to-morrow , being
placed as high as 1,105 cars , and when the
visible supply showed an increase of 440,000
bushels , trading , which early in the day was
dull and Inactive , became much more sp'inted
towards the close , but altogether on the part
of sellers who poured it out in apparently un
limited quantities , thereby causing a drop in
near options of ' 50 in about two minutes near
the close. October it the close showed u
loss of 2c since Saturday , Novemberos much ,
December ' c , year jc and May a loss of
only } ( c. Last prices were at the lowest
point of the clay and the feeling was the
weakest as the market was adjourned.
In oats a quiet trade was noted , though a
fair aggregate of business was finally re
corded with May the favorable option. That
future opened nearly steady , but under free
nelling by a prominedt operator on the mar
ket weakened about Jf@V ° to20H'cwith n
partial recovery later under less pressure to
soil. Near futures
ruled slow under u
moderate increase in the visible supply and
estimated largo receipts for to-morrow. In
cash oats a few cars of No. 2 in store sold at
! Mo with trading mostly at 24 > c , indicating
u weaker feeling.
In provisions , Saturday's quiet feeling was
continued. The market was scarcely favored
during the day with oven a spurt of activity.
Thcro was little or no outside interest , and
professional traders found trade too stupid
to transact even ordinary scalping business.
It was tame and uninteresting from the
start , and the tendency of prices was very
generally toward a lower lango. Based on
Saturday's ' latest quotations , November pork
closed at a decline of 7 > j'c , year pork of lOc
January pork , October and November lard
nnd October shoit ribs of 1'Jkc , aud Januarv
short ribs of 2)io.
o , Oct. 15. [ Special Telegram to Tun
BiiE.l CATTLE. Out of the entire run of
13,000 there was at least 8,000 Texas and
rangers and among tticso many lots there
were equally as good as any had this season.
The run of natives consisted of about 5,000
among which w era only n few good steers ,
the great bulk of which wcro n medium clas
that had to compete with good rangers and
Tcxans. Trade ruled quiet from the opening
to tbo close and business did not fairly begin
till late in the r.f ternoon. All classes of na
tives fiom prime steers down to common
cows sold 10i l5e lower than the close on
Friday. A biif run of Texans and rangers
was the cause of a down turn in natives.
Both shippers and bcof packers passed
thn natives by and bought prime Texans and
rangct s instead , as they wcro cheaper in
their estimation than fair to medium natives.
Then canncrs bought low priced Texans ,
giving the native cow stock the go by every
time. Thcro was little or no change in val
ues on rangers and Texans , most of the
salesmen reporting prices steady as com
pared with Friday. Thcro was a fair de-
. - , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
VM fwu\ * a vv < 4 o ( lt > i/\J HJ li JVJVJ
Ibs. , ft 75Cif5M ; 1,800 to 1,350 Ibs , 13 W(3 (
W.50 ; U50 to l.'OO Ibs , $ J.2r3.7Si
PtocUors anil feeders ? 1.UO@M40
cows , bulls nnd mixed , $ MOi ( ? : ) oo , Texas
tecrs , ! > ® ; t.7l > ; cows. K.X3.S.'i ( ) ; natives
nnd linlf breeds , $ .t.M@4 HO ; common , I'J.SSra
8.25 ; wintered Texous , W.00@a CO ,
HOBS Uuslness was brisk and values sub-
tantially stronger than on Saturday , yet
pot quotably higher. Mixed sold largely al
l5.WXSfi.00 for good butchers' weights , and
Philadelphia ! at t0.10@0.15 , and a few lots
of fancy selected heavy at to 20 , the tor
prlco of the day. Light sorts ruled slow at
obout 3.COiZU.OO ( ; rough lots and pips. $4.W
ClilcnKo , Oct. 15 The Drovers' Jour
nal rcoorts as follows
Cattle Hecclpts , 14,000 ; market slow ;
4.80 ,
Hogs Receipts , 13,000 ; market strong and
Be higher ; mixed , f5 COMO 05- heavy , 85.85(2 (
6.20 ; llsht , 5.00(30.10 ; skips , M.00@5 50.
Sheep Hccelpts , 8,000 ; market slow and
6@10o lower ; natives , 300 < ? 4.10 ; westerns ,
$3.25 3.CO ; Texans , ia.60 ( < J3.40j lambs , $4.0(1 (
© 5.60.
National Slock YartlH , KAHC St ,
tioul * . Oct. IB. Cattle Uoceipts , 3,300 ;
Bhlpments. 7 > IO ; market slo-v ; choice hoav\
native steers , 15.00(4 * CO ; fair to good , $4 4 (
C1500 : butcher * ' steers , medium to choice ,
Oi btockersaud fccilerv , fair to vood
$2.00ffn.20 ( , ranpers , coin-fed , a(0 ( < S4.2S ;
grass fed , t2 OOQ3 00.
Hogs HrcclptB. 2,210 ; shipments , GGr ;
tnarket higher ; clink o heavy and butchers'
selections , $ J > 0Kjii.2. ( ( ; packing , medium to
prime , f. > 50(40.10 ; Ilitlit grades , ordinary to
best. j.'j 70Crt ! i 9 ) .
Kniinn City , Oct in. Cnttlr Receipts ,
n(0 ( ) ; Hhlpments , Saturday , 5,008 . Market
fairly active nnu stronger for good , others
about Rtomly. Uood to cliolcu corn-
ft-d , f I fOW 5.2.1 ; common to medium , M 25@
4.t > ( ) ; Btockcrs and ( ceding steers ,
JUO IUX ) . grass range steers , * 1.GO@300 ,
common , t2. \ . " 2 7fi.
Hops Herclpts , H,032 ; shinmcnts , 1,033 :
market generally weaker , shade lower ; good
to choice , f 5 &r > ( & .Ufi ; common to medium ,
t5,30@5 73 ; skips and pigs , t3.00@5 00.
NF.W YORK , Oct. 15 [ Special Telecram
to THE Hnu.1 STOCKS Saturday's dullness
was in n measure carried over to this morn
ing. The forenoon was devoid of news of
interest and the movement was small. Thcro
were selling orders Irom London on most of
the specialties nnd traders hammered St.
Paul. The list dropped off somewhat under
light trading and at noon was quiet and weak
at the lowest prices of llio motning , though
the depreciation was generally small. The
depression at the close amounted to 1 point
in St. Paul , H-f points iu New York nnd
smaller losses in most of the remainder of
the list. The dullness continued throughout
the session.
The following were the closing quotations :
If. S. s regular 1Z7U Northern 1'aiinc . Zrt3 ,
lr. S. 4s coupons 1' T'i do preferred. fi'l' *
P. H. 4"sregnlnr IDS' ' * C. * N.V . .ll'JU
IT. 8. 4'iscouponn lim ilo preferred , . .141
1'acltlPbsor'tfi K't N. V. Ctntrul .1U7'
Central Paclllo . ; iUi P. , I ) , i K . 2f 4.
Chicago & Alton 1.11 IKork Island IDS
ClilcagoJIurllnytoii JC. . M.A-Ht. P . . B.VS
& Qulnry . 112 V do preferred. 1W )
I ) . , I , . * W. . HI' , St. Paul ,1c Omaha IWU
Illinois Central 117'f ' ] ( lotreferred ) . 107
I..II.XW. 17' , 'I'nlon ' Pacific . . 01V
Kan'aB AToixas . ll , I , . \ P . . in
I.akcKhore W ! \ do preferred . . W
Michigan Central dT'i ' Western Union . bo1 *
Mlssourll'acillc tO' ' l
MONKY ON CALL Easy at 2S2' ( ' per cent ;
last loan 2 > f per cent ; closed oftered at 2 } < i
l > er cent.
STEIII.ISO EXCIUVOE Dull and stc.ulv at
? .S3 for sixty-day bills , and $4.b7 for
Cnit'tao , Oct. 15 Wheat Steady ; cash ,
$1 OU ; November , ? 1.00 ; Decetnocr , ? 1.11V ;
Mav , * 1.K ) % .
Coin Lower ; cash , 43' ' c ; November ,
4.'l' ' c , Dot-ember , 105-ltic ; M.iy , SOc.
O.Us iisy ; cash , 24 } c ; November ,
21 0-10c ; December , 35 > 8c ; May , 20 3-lCc ,
live .Vie.
Hurley Nominal.
Prime Timothj Nominal.
Whisky $1.20.
Pork Steady ; cash , flfiOO ; November ,
$14. : ) ; Dcccmoer , * 14.22 > .
Lard Steady ; cash , $0.00 ; November ,
fS47 ; December. $3.20.
Flour Dull nnd prices lower to sell ;
patents , $7 25(37 ( M ; bakers , in sacks , fUJO ( < t
DOO ; clioicc , tr > 10f5u ( : : ; winter , $ .ri75ruti 00 ;
ri e , in barrels , $3 50(5 ( ? ; ) 75 ; sacks , $3 2 , " > @ 3 50.
Hulk Meats Shoulders , f8 ( UkC'ZS.75 ; short
clear , $9 12 > , @ 9.2ri : short ribs , , S5.35.
Ilutter Steady ; creamery , It > ' ( if24c ;
dairy. HKid'-'Oe.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted , 7@
7'4"c ' ; light preen salted , 7 u ; salted
bull , .Ic ; dry flint , < Jo ; damaged , 7c ; dry
ralf , 7Qf8c ; branded hides 1ft per cent off ;
deacons , \Xtftt30o \ CAch ; dry salted. 7c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
5c ; No. 2 , 4o ; cake , 5c.
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars ,
@llo ; ( Iatsl0 > i@ll > o ; V'oung Americas , 1
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 17,000 7,000
Wheat bu . 40.000 17.000
Corn , bu . 200,000 301,000
Oats , bu . 25-1,000 240,000
H > cbu . . . . .
St. Ijimlu. Oct. 15 Wheat Lower ;
cash , Sl.Odif ; November , f l.Oti
Corn Lower ; cash , 30 c asked ; October.
Outs Steady ; cash , 2.2' < October \ , 23c.
Potk-Quiet at$15.17X.
Lard Kasy at 53.50.
Whiskv-l. .
MinnpapollB , Oct. 15. Wheat The local
trading was active in the pit and some early
sales were at $1.17 for May of speculative
grade ; No. 1 northern , $1.15 . The trading
in December began late and ruled at $1.10 ;
at noon $1.15 was bid for May with sellers Ic
above. Closing quotations : No 1 hard , Octo
ber and November , $1.18J < ; December , $1.19 ;
May , $123 ; on track , $1.20 ; No. 1 north
ern , October nnd November , $1.10J ; Decem
ber , $1.10'4' ; May , $1.15 ; on track , $1.10 ;
No. 2 not thorn , October , $1.04 > ; November ,
$1.01 % ; December , $1.05 ; May , $1.10 ; on
track , $1.05.
Milwaukee , Oct. 15. Wheat Quiet ;
cash , $1.02 ; December , $1.04J ; January ,
$ 1.05V *
Corn Quiet ; No. 3 , 45c.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 29c ,
Rye Lower ; No. 1 , ftCJ c.
Harley Kasier ; No. 8 , 55 > c.
Provisions Steady ; pork , cash $1500.
Cincinnati , Oct. 15. Wheat Mora pressingly -
ingly offered ; lower ; No. 2 red , $1.00@1.0S.
Corn Firm ; No. 8 mixed , 40 } < fc.
Oats Uarely steady ; No. 2 mixed , 26c.
Kvc Dull and lower to sell ; No. 2 , 5Sc.
Whisky Active at $1.14.
Now Vork. Oct. 15. Wheat Receipts ,
93,050 ; exports , none ; spot market 2@3c
lower and quiet , witn moderate milling do-
mandjNo. ; 2 led , $1.08(91 ( Ob1 * * in elevator ,
* 1.0&l4@l.US3 , , afloat , * 1.0bXil. ( < > 9 f. o. b ;
No. 3 led , $101 ; ungraded red , $1.00K@
$1.1(1 ( % ; No. 1 red , $1.17 ; options irregular
nnd 3'i@35 ( c lower , closing weak with fair
business , November closing at$1.0b/jj *
Corn Receipts , 211,000 ; exports , 43,000 :
spot market } M Jfo lower nnd weak , but
fairly active ; No. 2 , 5l'4@5'c in ele
vator. 51iii'2c ; ( afloat ; ungraded mixed ,
5Kgr > 2Xc ; options JgCuM&o lower , weak and
modci atcly active , November closing at
Oats Rcceliits , 103,000 ; exports none ; spot
maikct a trillo easier with moderate trades ;
options dull , © ' .iC lower and weak , No
vember closing nt 30lfe ; spot , No. 2 white ,
3.il4 < if3.'lKe. mixed western , aiQ-'lKe ' ; wliitc
western , 2 > ( ( { 4.2i ; .
Co lleo Options opened steady , October 1C
points up , othets unchanged to 5 points
down , closing steady at 45 ( ( jO points up and
llrmjcablcs being model atoly active ; Octnber.
$1420014.15 ; November , $13.80(311.40 ; December -
comber , fl3.00@14.15.
Petroleum Steady and quiet ; United
closed nt O c.
Kggs Fhm , western , 22@22'4'c.
Pork -Dull but steady ; mess , $10.25(3'1G.75 ( ' ,
Lard ICasier on near by , about steadj
otherwise , with trading dull ; western steam.
spot , $9 50 , options , October , closed at $9.22
bid , November closed at $3 > 0.
Uutter Choice tirm with fair demands ;
western dairy , 12liic ; western creamery.
14025 { c ; Elgin , 25 tfffi2Cc.
Cheese Steady and quiet : western , 9(3 (
KaiiKaa City , Oct. 15. Wheat Quiet :
No. 3 red , cash , $1.00 asked ; November , $1.1K
asked ; December , $03K "III ; May , ll.ftj ; bid ]
No. H , red , cash , OOcasKcd ; No. i soft , cash ,
$1.03 usked ; December , $1,12 bid.
Corn Dull : No. 2 , cash , 34o asked ; No-
vcmbcr , 29o bid ; May 30X < 5 bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 20o asked : November ,
; May , sales at 25 > { .
Monday , Oct. 15 , 18S8.
A good many cattle changed hands , the
supply being large with the demand falrlj
goo\l. A very largo proportion of the receipts
were western and Texas steers but there
were a few very good corn fed natives among
the offerings. The market for beef cattle
opened very slow but toward the close It was
more active nnd a good many cattle changed
hands. The packers paid $ ) Q53 ( 50 for wes <
terns nnd f 5.75 for the corn fed natives , hich
was about a steady market. Feeders wore
in good demand , but not In very good supply ,
In addition to the steers quite a bunch ol
western bulls wore sold for feeders. There
were not many cows here but they were
mostly all sold , the bulk going at $2.00.
There were only twenty-five fresh loads ,
hardly enough to make n market. The best
hcavj hogs sold in a good many cases at
steady prices but the moro coin mo' u and mixec
loads sold 5c lower. The hogs all sold early ,
The receipts were heavy nnd the market
Cuttle 2,500
HORS lb < H )
Sheep 5,110
Horses 73
I'N'vallnnj Prluci.
The following is a table of prices paid In
this maritct for the grade * of stock men
Prime steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs..13 00 (35.75 (
Prime steers. 1100 to 1300 Ibs. 4.00 t < t5.K ( )
Native feeders 250 @ 3 23
Western feeuers 2 50 M 3 IS
Rangu steers , cotn'on to choice 2.50 ( a'.50 '
Common to good cows 1.50 ( ci2,15
Choice to fancy cows 2.25 (32.70
Common to choice bulls 1.25 ( U2.0U
Fair tocnoice light hogs 5.00 ( S5.70
Fairtocnolco heavy hogs 6.SI c5.95
Fair to choice mixed hogs 5 Go ( 5.S3
ltopreH til tire I
No. Av. Pr.
5 bulls , westerns 1312 $1.00
Icow 000 1.50
4 bulls i : 57 HVO
2 bulls , westerns llitK ) 1.80
Ml bulls , westerns 12.V ! l.SO
1 feeder b70 2.0J
3 bulls 000 2 HO
Icow 1040 200
23 enws , natives 057 2.25
5.J stockers , natives vj < ) ' . ' .30
24 stockcrs S ! 5 2 30
10 cows 10'J 2.37'
10 feeders b."i 2 75
20 feeders , westerns 1015 2.S5
4ii feeders , Hereford 2-jear old < -i-t 3 0(1 (
52 steers , corn-fed natives 14dO 5.15
Owner and No Av. Pr.
Hcatty & Hliek. 13 steers 1250 W 50
Hrown-IlilT C. Co. , 45 cows . . . 0117 2 00
2. ) cows. . . . h'll ' 205
Q con a. . . . 1100 200
llOcnws. . . . 001 200
Forbes. 8 cows 077 2.50
Swan-Cheshire C. Co. , 2 i'J strslO 1.1 2 C > 5
1 bull. . 151.0 1.1.0
J. Atthur , 12 steers 137li 3 35
1 steer 1340 3 31
4 steers 1130 335
10 steers 12 < Vt 331
Price , 205 steers 1103.15
4 cows 1135 2.25
C. McCaulloy , 21 f'd'rs , Id.iho.114S 3 HO
21 f'd'is ' , Idaho. 1117 310
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Sh' { . Pr.
77..211 1UI$555 50.25(5 ( 240 $5 70
U5..240 120 5150 156..252 1(50 ( 570
72..220 120 5 C. ! 30 . . .254 240 570
75..218 120 Bill 84..241 200 575
73..218 2 > 0 5 CM fell..285 200 575
75..25(5 ( 120 5 CM 07..207 80 5.73
d0..2i2 200 505 1&0..2SO IV40 5 SO
71..2.14 1(50 ( 5(55 ( 1111..27IJ 120 580
73..255 320 507)4 70..253 320 5.M )
59..250 120 5.115 (51..250 ( 120 5.b5
72..242 240 565 61..251 40 S.S'i
70..210 bO 5.70 52..307 100 6.05
51..212 120 5,70
No. Av. Pr.
100 natives 80 $2 b5
2.W ) natives 81 285
50 natives 81 285
1154 westerns , Utah 12.1 330
71 westerns , Utah Ill 3 ! K )
02 westerns , Utah 121 3.30
PncKors 1'iirchnsos.
Showing the number of hogs bought by
the leading buyers on the market to-day :
G. H. Hammond & Co 400
ArmourC. P.Co 180
J P Squire As Co 1,0'tl
Others ( stock pigs ) 8J
" Highest nnd Ixiwest.
The following are the highest and lowest
prices paid for hogs during the past few da.vs
and on the corresponding dates one and two
jcars ago :
| "Sept. 18.S8. | SeptTlKt' . | Sept. fgUU.
2-11 r. . w n ai 4 20 < ? H 45 4 .10 ® 4 40
6 i ( < ( , ( ! lo 4 - " > &t 45 4 IU 414 IK )
Oct. IbM * . Oct. 1M7. Oct. 1W6 ,
6 IK ) 0 41 4 K > Q. { W Sunday
o ur > < M > M 4 111 4 M
ri UT'JftiO ' < 0 8 * > ( i(4 il'i
C H ) ill ) 2j 4 (0 ( © 4 17
Sunday , 4 IU lJO l J MO @l iJO
fi SO UO 10 4 0.1 < iH M 5 70 tt.1 13
G Go di-U IU Sunday. y C6 aJ CHJ
fi 57'iti ( IK ) 4 a i dA W Sunday.
r nu W > ' .v > 4 45 dU AG 3 75 < flW IU
5 CT > ( ftli ( V , 3 M G < 16 3 26 SJ 30
6 75 Wi 9J 4 20 C4 W
Sunday. 4 U5 fUM 425ffi !
Ijlvc StocK Notes.
F. Folda , Schuyler , was among the visitors
at the yards.
Hammond's ' drove of hogs averaged Oc leas
than on Saturday.
A bunch of 803 Ib Hereford feeders from
Ute was sold by W. H. Lyons at ta.00.
Millard , Neb. , was represented by George
Boetel , who came In with a load ot cattle.
Colonel Pratt , of the Pratt .t Ferriri Cattle
company , camu in with a big string of cattle.
William Orendorf , of Harvaid , had two
loads of hogs on the market. One load
topped the market.
John Quinn , Wood Uiver ; Eugene Hunter ,
Rivcrton ; James Danley , Ashland , and A.
W. AUnger , Kearney , came in with hogs.
J. U. Chapman , cashier of ttio hank ut
Cortland , Neb. , was a visitor at the jards.
A. W. IJeahm , u well known stockman of the
same place , w"is also here.
Both members of thollrmof Hell & Kankin
came in with thirteen loads of good , corn-fed
native cattle , shipped from Antelope conntv ,
Neb. A part of them were sold to a pacKi r
at f o.75.
The Armour beef house will open on Wed
nesday. Their buyer is already here. They
do not expect to kill over a hundred head
per day for awhile but the number will be
gradually increased us the rcquucments ol
the tr.ulo demand it.
Hugh McKay , Big Pinov , Wjo. , stopped at
the yards on his way back from Chicago. On
Saturday a week ago , McKay cut his cattle
in two bunches without any sorting and sold
one at the yards hero ut ? a.t)0. Ho went on
to Chicago with the balauco , and had to take
the same price there.
Produce , Fruits , Ktc.
HUTTEII Fancy , solid packed creamery , 18
@ 2tc ; clipice country , 17(2lOc ( ; common
piades , 10till3c.
FLOUK-Nebraska patents. Ji.00@0.75 ( ;
Minnesota patents , $ H25@750 ; straight
grades , $5 00@5.50 ; bakers' flour , i5.25fe'5.75
per barrel.
POTATOES 2"@lOo per bushel.
PouLTitr No dressed fowl in the market ;
live chickens , $300rai50 per do/ . ; spring
chickens , t .DU ® I 03.
TOMATOES 5u@ < .0o per bu.
PKA.RB California M.00rf3.50 per bu box.
Koos Stnctlv tresh , lbc10ccandlcd. (
CALiFOitsiAGitAi'Ks J1.25@1.50 per case :
Delawares 40S50 ( .
CONCOHO URAI > ES 30@40c per 10-lb
PKACiiES-Callfornla , ? 1.00@1.50 per box ;
Michigan , 50c@tl.00 per basket.
BANANAS Common , J1.50QJ.25 per bunch ;
choice , $2.50(2(3.50. (
LEMONS U 0004.00 pcr case.
OitANdfcs f5 OOfiiO 00 per box.
CELF.IIT 25@30o ocr dozen.
Eao PLANT 75(81.00 ( per dozen.
ONIONS 40(250c oer bu.
CAUUAQB U.00@4,00 per 100 Ibs.
HPETS 40c per bushel.
TUIINIPS 30o per bushel.
ArrLKS 12.004.00 e bbl.
CIDER Michigan. (4,50(2(6.50 ( tier bbl 83
gals ; California pear cider , (15.00 pcr bbl.
Pop Cons Ulce. Sftt4a- common , 2@3c.
CARROTS 50c per bushel.
BEANS Choice eastern bandpicked navies.
$2.00 per bushel ; western hand picked
nayies , $1.75(31.80 ( ; mediums , fl.80@1.40.
Lima beans 5c uer pound.
HAT f. o. D. cars. No. 1 apland , $5.00 ; No.
"upland , $4.'J5
UKAN I11.00(2$12 co.
CHOPPED PEED $14 OOtSlS.OO per ton.
VINEOlit Cider , 10@18o per gal. Whlto
wine , 10@20c per gal.
CIUNIIEIIHIES $7.00S.OO per bbl.
PiiovistoNS Hams , No. 1 , 12 > < c ; No. S ,
lljfe ; shoulders , Oc ; rib bacon. 12'/e ;
clear bacon , 12Kc ; picnic hams , 0 } c ; dried
beef hams , OKo ; dry salted clears , short ,
lie ; extra short , lOKe ; short ribs , lOc ;
pickled pigs feet , 15-lb kits , SOc : lard , lOV ci
smoked sausage , CQSe per ID ; hog cas *
inps , 17 < ai8c.
Grocers lilst.
Revised prices are as iolUms :
BAOOINO Stark A seamless 22cs Amos-
keap , seamless. 17'io ' ; Lewiston A , seamless.
19c ; American , seamless I7e ; burlaps , \
to 5 bu , ll@14o ; gunnies , single , Ibc ; gun-
nles , double , SOc ; wool sacks , 35c. Tivlnes
FUu , W > c ; extra sail , 2 < X 21o sail O , HKS'JOci
cottoni 21c ; 1utc. 10 . i
Uiur.t ) I'noiTs fie' , in boxes , per Ib , 13@
ICc ; dates , In boxes , 7 < < ttOc ; London Malaga
layer ranti'S per box , $ .150(33.75 ( ; Malaga
loose raisins. $ J,80i2.0 ( ? ; now Valen
cia raisins , per Ib , 7J < c ; Call-
forma loose muscatels. Per box. $ l.kO.
pitted cherries , pcr Ib. 02lc ! ; Califor
nia . , _ ! _ .1 pitted n _ . . . piums _ _ 'II..H per . . c , Ib f. , in.t- 12@13c i ;
' " " '
peacties , "l5C'tlbc ; cvanorated 'California
apricots , 19c ; 7.anteecurrants , 6lfTc7e ( ; TurkIsh -
Ish nrunes , 4 C t4 > 4c ; citron. V2ct24o ( ; orange
peel. 15c. lemon peel. Itto , California French
1" " " " '
25c : Hlo. tancy , 10 ( ( U c ; Santos and Mara-
calbo. 17W10c : Arbuckles. Sl4c ; McLauirh-
i u K . \ . \ \ . \ . 2H i-
SOOAH Granulated , 8' * ' c : conf. A , 7iXd >
8c : white extra C. 7c : extra C , 7 c ; jellow
C , 7e ; iKWdcred. Oc : cubes , Oc.
HONBT lCd > 17c for one pound frames ;
strained honey. ! ( jill'c pcr pound.
BKKSWAX Choice yellow , 20 < 322c } ; dark
colored. 13S14C.
CHEESE Voung America , lull cream ,
11(81 ( e ; full cream chc-ddars. 10@llc ; full
cream fiats , lOc ; good to chnlco skimmed
Cheddars. 8l < ff. skimmed flats. 7 } < c.
PICKLES Medium , in bbis. $5 6 i ; do Inha'f '
b Is , $ .4.00 ; small , in bbls , $8.50 ; do in half
bbls , $ .1.75 ; gherkins , iubbls , $ r.50 ; do In half
bbl $4. .
ToiiAcro Plug , 2(5 ( ( < ( (55c ( ; smoking , 10Q90C
jEU.its-l 25 per 30-lb pail.
SALT $1.30 < 31.35per bbl.
HOPE 7-10. U jC.
MAPLK butiAR uncles , llfctlSo per Ib ;
penny cakes , 12o ( > 13c per Ib ; puro.mapla
syrup , $1.00 pcr mil.
TEAS i oung Hvson , common to fair , 1S@
2-"c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30 ( < J55c ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 22 ( < 425c ; Gun
powder , ctioice to f ancy , 4K ( < t05o ; Japan , com
mon to medium , 15(03. ( ; ; , Japan , choice to
fancy , 80 ( < { 45c' Oolong , common to good , 35o5
85c ; Oolong , choice to fancv , 50i70c ( ; Imper
ial , common to medium , 25@35c ; Imperial ,
peed to fancv. 4'a50c. ( )
NUTS Almonds. 15J ( 17c ; filberts , ll@12c ;
Brazil , Oi < UOc ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , 10 ( < 5llc ;
peanuts , 5iue. ?
CRACKFUS 5C210c perlu ; assorted cakei , 7
@ 25c perlb , as per list
FISH. Holland Herring , S5c ( < iOOc jier keg ,
White Pish , V ljblsN - 1. $ ' ' 00 , Family
$ .1.75 : Trout. No. 1. $550 : Mackerel , H bbls.
Xo. 1 Shore. $15.00. Large Family. $10 50 ;
Labrador Herring , $4.50 ; Columbia Hiver
Salmon , $17.00 pcr bbl.
Coiirisii Per Ib , whole. Co ; bricks and
strips , 7Sc' ( . .
CAVIM Mixed. Sfi)13c ) ; sticlc , Ss fJJO' ' c ;
rock candy , 10K@13o ; fiincy canny. 7 ( 2-c.
Dry Good *
COTTOV FI ANSFLS 10 per cent dls. ; LL ,
} c ; CO , CJ e ; SS , 74c ; Nameless , 5c ;
X , ISc ; U , 20o ; No. 10 , o ; No. 40 , 10i < o ;
o. 00.12 > 4c ; No. bO , 13 c ; No. 30 , colored , Oc ;
o. 50. colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , lUc ! ! [ :
istol , 12c ; Union Pacific , 17c
AnpETVAnpHib White , 19c ; colored ,
cH TTS Standard , 8c ; Gem lOc ; Beauty.
i" Boone , 14c ; B , eased , $0 5u.
13V2c ; Swift Hiver. 8c ; Thorndiko OO ,
Tlioindike KF , s' ' c ; Thorndike 120 , 9'ic ' ;
Thorniliko XX , ] 5c ; Cordis Wo. 5 , !
CordisNo. 4. lie.
He ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc.
Kr.NTt'Ckt Jr. < ss. Memorial , 15c ; Dakota
ISc ; Durham , 27 > < c ; Hercules , Ibc ; Learning.
Ington. 22 e ; Cottswold , 27 > ije. „
. Ciusit.-Ste\eiis' B , Oc ; btevcns' B
- - -
Mist ti i.ANFoV"'Jauio oil ciovn , $2.50 ;
plain Holland , 9lic ; Dado Holland , 12'ac.
Brown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 > ic ; At-
rcncc LL , 4-4 , 6c ; O.d Dominion , 4-4 , Wic ;
Pepperell li , 4 4 , 7c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , f > 5fc ;
Pepperell. 8-4 , ISJc ; Pepperell , 0-4 , 21c ; Pep
perell , 10-4,23c ; UticaC , 4-4,4c ; Wachusett ,
< . 7i o : Aurora H , 4-4. 7c ; Aurora B , 4-4 ,
fvljL'CK West Point W m , 8 or , lOUc ;
West Point 23 in. 10 or , 13o ; West Point
20 in , 12 oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in , 11 or , iBc.
FLANNELS Ucd , C , 24 in. 15K ; E , 24 in ,
21c ; G G , 24 in , ISc ; II A F , % , 2oeJ U F , } ( ,
PK'INTS Pink and Hobtsrticlimnnn ,
Allen , Oc ; Kiverpomt. 5c ; Steel Uivcr , i
Richmond , O' c ; Pacific , 0)jC. )
PRI Ts Dress Charter Oak , . .
Ilamapo , 4/c } ; Lodi , 5 ! c ; Allen , ( Sc ; Uich-
mend , Oc ; Windsor , Oitfc ; Eddystone ,
I acific. 6 > < c , . .
Bt EACiipn SUEETINO Berkeley cambrto
No. 00 0 > 'c ; Best Yet , 4-4. OJfo ; butter cloth
Oo , 4 Vc ; Cabot , > } ioFarwell \ half bleached
Sjic- Fruit of Loom , OJ/c : Greene
G , Oc ; Hope , , ( ; Kl"f Philip cam
bric , llu. Lonsdale cambric , ll c ;
LonsUale. * Oc ; New York mills , 10 > 'c ;
Pepperell , 42-in , lie ; Pepperell , 46-in 12c ;
Pepperell , C-4 , Iflc ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21c ; Pep
perell , 0-4 , 23c ; Pepperell. 10-4 , 25c ; Canton
4-4 , 8 c ; Triumph , Cc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val-
lev. 5c.
Fi.Avvrt s. -Ilaftsmen,20c ; Gastien ,
32J < c ; Clear Lake , SiJ c ; Iron Mountain ,
20pLisNrt. ' White G HNo.2 , % . 22Uc ; Q
II , No. 1 , Jf , a We ? U H , No. 2 , jtf , 22 > < c ; B
II. No. 1. * f , IlOe ; Quecheo No. 1. % , 42c.
( JisoiiAM Plunitcttcnccks , 7ic ! ; Whitten-
ton , 7Kci York , 7) ) c ; Normandi dross ,
> jc aca re. c ; te
8Mc ; Renfrew dress , 8' ' < ( < il2lic.
CAMIIUK s Slater , 5'4cVoods ,
Standard , f > Hc\ \ Peacock , 5'ic.
Pitisrs IMHC.O BI.UK Arnold , O'Je ; Amer
ican , O' c ; Gloucester , C' ' 'e : Arnold C long
cloth , 0 ; Arnold B long cloth , 10 > ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10 } < : Stielcl A , 12 ; Windsor Gold
Ticket. 10' tf. _
Hiid Clieniloaln.
Miscnu.ASFoi is-SuIph. acid , H < e ; citric
acid , Ode ; tartaric 50c ; bal. copavm , OSc ;
borax , lOe ; chloroform , 47c ; glyterlne , 20c ;
gum Arabic , select , $1.00. gum camphor , : < ( > c ;
gum opium , $ .125 ; sulph. morphia , I-.S'J ;
bromide potassium , 42c.
OILS Carbon , 1)0 ! = lOc ; headlight , 175 °
14 fc ; gasoline , 74 ° 12 > 2o ; West Virgium
summer , lieero ; , 17e ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , Ihc ; extra W. S. lard , 81c ; No. 1 lard ,
47c ; turpentine , 5lc ; linseed law , 55c ;
boned , 5ye.
Qi IM.VE P. & , W- , per or , 53c ; German ,
per or , 4Dc. _
Hemlock sole , Ifee6.7c ( per Ib ; oak solo , 31@
Stic per Ib ; oak harness , 30@t2e per Ib ; selec
ted oak and trace , ,1 c per Ib ; oaK and hem
lock upper , 20S22o ( per foot. Hemlock calf
skin , No. 1 , bOu90c per Ib , according to
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , 90c@ > $1.0u per
Ib ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra $ l.Hgl.lO ( ) (
per Ib ; hemlock kip skin. No. 1 , 00 ( < 70c pcr
Ib : oak kip skin , No. 1 , 70'irsOc pcr Ib ; Phila
delphia kip skin , extra , SOfalKIc pcrlb. French
calf skins , ( accordimrto weight and quality ) ,
$1 15@1 7nucr lb- French kip skins do. bOcW
$1.10 perlb. Coruovan russett , ISe ; satin
finish , 20c per foot ; welt leather , $3.504.00
per side ; moroccos , ( ) , 20@30o
per foot ; moroccos , boot log , 25@auc per
foot ; glove calf skins , 20S30c ( per foot ;
Douglas kid , 30(3400 ( per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40@50o per foot , according to quality.
Toppings , $800(7410.00 ( per dozen ; linings ,
$5.00(39.00 ( per dozen ; apron skins , llO.OOrti
12.00 per dozen. _
MctaU and Tinners' Stock.
Block tin , small pig . $ .28
Block tin , bar . . 29
Copper , planished boiler sizes . 34
Copper , cold rolled. . , . , , . 31
Copper , sheathing . 30
Copper , pltts . . . 30
Copper , Hats . 31
Galvanized sheet iron , Juniata 60 , 10
and 5 per cent discount .
Patent planlshrd iron , No. 24 to 27 , A
Patent planished iron , No. 24 to 27 , B
Roofting , 1C , 14xUO . 5 15
Rooftlng. IX , 14x20 . 0.90
Rooftlnp , 1C , 20x28 . 102o
Roofting , IX , 20x28 . 13.75
Sheet iron , No 20 . 11.40
Sheet iron , No. 27 . 3.50
Solder , best . 17
Solder , No 1 . 15
Tin plate , 1C , 10x14 . 0.75
Tin plate , IX , 10x14 . 875
Steel nails , base , per keg . 2.35
Steel wire nails , base , per keg . 2.85
JUNK Machine castings , $12.00@1300 ;
stove pluto , $7.00@S.OO ; wrought iron , $3.00 ®
10.00 ; bones , dry , $5.00 ; steel , $5 00 per ton ;
copper , $8.00(719.00 ; brass. $4 00@S.OO ; zinc ,
$ .J.OOu3 ( 00 ; solid lead , $200@3.00 ; tea lead.
$2002.50j ( rubber , $160(2300 ( ; mixed rag ,
U.10&U5 per cwu
First and second clear , 2 In . . . $49 ( XX351 00
First and second clear , I' wPtf
In 4700 < Jt.X)00 )
Third cleatlt4iflH i W WoMO 00
A select , ll/GCW in 37 Wt3' ( ( ' . ) 00
B select , 1UC'M | < in 35 00if ( 37 00
A stock boards. 12frflO feet , 12 In 40 IX )
H stock boards , 12.jjlfl ( feet , 12 in 41 00
C stock boards , 12iflO ( feet , 12 in 30 00
D stock boards , I2ji ( 10 feet , 12 In 23 00
Flooring , first common , 0 iu 34 IX )
Flooring , second common , 0 In . . , , , . . . ,32 00
Select fencing flooring 1900
Siding , first and second clear , 14c10 ( ft 25 00
Siding , llrst common , 10 feet 2200
Siding , second common 19 00
Common boards 10 00
No. 2 bourds. all lengths 1450
Fencing No l,12i ( 20 feet 10 50
Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 aud 18 feet 15 M
Joists and scantling , 2x4 , 14rtlG feet..10 00
Timber , 4x4 , 8xS , 12tflO ( feet 17 00
Pickets , first rough , good 15 00(818 ( ( X )
Pickets , fancy head and dressedsclcctcd.25 00
Shingles , extra A 280
Shingles , standard A 2 00
Shingles , No. 1 1.10&1 10
Lath 2.40
Instruments I'lacod on Ilccord Dur
ing VcNterday.
13 L ThoniasnuO wife to J M Swctnam ,
lot t , Shtloh , wd (1,100
8 F tillbiTt and husband to L W Dunton ,
Iot 6nnd7 , blk 14. Waterloo , w d . . . . 700
I.CUIbson to ( J H Btons , w 60 ft lots 1
and 2. blk 112 , South Onmtia w d . 700
J It Colliding and wife to r W ConklltiK.
und ' , lots 1,2 nml .1.0 forbe1 Mih , and
uuil 'i ' lots 1 undi , blk li , Kouutzo'H 4th
- -
H Foiemail and wife to I. H Teuton , lot 6 ,
blK 4 , .Mujne's mid. w il . . . TOO
W i : Poster to A M Hopkins , lot , lilk ! 1 ,
livdioiii I'iiicei w"d" . . . . . . . . 800
A I. Hello and w Ifo to ( i T Crnmlell , lot 5.
Hickory Pluco , ii c d . 1
J E Trulel to W 11 IlulMilzcr , 23 ft nu ror
lot I , Heed siM add , nd 1
J ( > Megeuth nndlta to H W lloldcn , lot
7 nml south linlf lot s , Wlndor place.wd n.Tfl
\ II 1'oirman and wlfo tn J H > IeMiane ,
lot II , blk 4. Hnw thorn , w (1 2,500
J A Melioy to A IKiucu , Intr. , llk 1 , and
lot 11 , blk a. Totter A. Cobb's ailil , w d Stfo
11 O t lark to It C' Price , lot 1C , blk 4 , Uu
Pont Plate , wd . SSt
H C Price toV M Duck , lot IK , blk 4 , lu
Punt Place , w d . 1,000
HP lloswortniina wlfo to H M Chltten-
il n. lot 4. blk II. Ambler Placo. wd . . . 1,000
A ( Icini'iis ami wlfo to .1 A of
ne of svr l'i-15-ll e , < j e d . . . 1
O I , Dunham nnd wife to J Scanuoll , lot
14 , blk 1. MBMJIIS I'Jiue. w d 2,200
N A Stein nnd husband to 1 { Kngleman ,
lotST , Ilndiilst's ( | add. wd . . 1.20J
H Knglttinan to P Van Wlndhclm , lot 27 ,
Lltulqtilst's add , w d . . . . . KK )
Patrick I.aml Company to CT jHinie on ,
lots 1 and 17 , l > lk lit. Dundee Place , wd 2,000
A PTukey et ill to G KCoodmun , lots 13
und 14. blk 111 , Clifton Hill. d . . . . l.COO
C O Howard ami wlfo to E (1 Oray. lots 2
nnd. ) . blk 8. Saumlers & HiniebaiiKli's
Mt Pleasant aild. d . . . . . . KIO
C O llouunl nnd wir to K ( ! dray , lot 40 ,
blk H. Howard's , wd . . 100
Jacob KoucliM and wife to J W HailKba-
wout , lot 4 , blk 10(1 , South Omnha , q c d. 1
Tw enty-three transfers U3.304
ItullctliiK I'ornuts.
The following permits -to build wore IB-
sued jpsterdav :
Cable Tramway Co , frame depot , Twen
tieth nnd I.ako streets . . . . } SOO
W It Homer , tinee cottages. Twenty-sec
end and ( Jiat streets . . . 3,200
John Snorter , dwelling , 'Ihlrty-nlnth nnd
Sewnrd streets . l.OjO
L I ) May , cottngo nnd barn. French be
tween ( iiand ind Poibcs nvenups. . . . WK )
I , P Jnhnson. impro\emeuti < . Eighteenth
and Vlnton streets 300
Frank \Vnssenunn , dwelling. Mercer n\o-
nnenud Dewey street 1,000
Ten permits , aggregating 17,700
A\CH to Grind.
Storekeepers nnd drugpists with pri
vate "ii.xcs to grind , " although well
awnroof the superiority of SOXODONT
to nil proparntian4 for'tho tooth , sotno-
times recommend ether articles as
"cquully good" or "tho sumo thing" or
'superior. " Iiibist on having SOZO-
A III IT Solienic ,
Chicago Novvhi "You arc making a
good deal of money out of those repub
lican excursionsI suppose , " remarked a
visitor to an Indianapolis railroad offi
"Yes , we are doing pretty well , " said
the railroad man , "hut if 1 could only
have got General IIa.rrii.on to agree tea
a little scheme of mine wo would simply
bo rolling in wealth/ '
"What is your schemoV"
"You will admit that it is a good ono.
But the general wouldn't have any
thing to do with it , so I had to give it
up. You bee , I proposed that wo sell
excursion tickets from all points to In
dianapolis and have coupons attached
to thorn reading as follows :
Present This at the
After March 4 , 1859 , and
Get an Ofllcc.
"Now that scheme would have caught
everybody. But , as I say , the general
put his foot down , and that was the end
of it. "
Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds.
Margin Transactions a Specialty.
15 110A.KI ) O * ' THADK , - OMAHA.
Membeisof theChlcajo Hoard of Trade Pilv-
ate Wire" to Chicago and New Vork
Tatd Up Capital $100,000
Surplus 50,000
H. W. YATEI , 1'realdmt.
LI.WIS H. Ht.i D , Vice President.
A. 1) ) . Tou7Ai.iv , 2nd Vli e President.
\ \ . 11. f. Hudllrs , Cashier.
II. W. VATES. I.KH is s. Huti ) .
A. E. TOU/ti.t.v.
nankins OIHce-
Corner IMi nnd rarnam Rts.
A General Hanking lluslums Transacted.
The Kansas City Investment Co ,
3O Chamber of Commerce ,
Nodelajs. All business done at thlsofllco.
ll..Vperiox , all ilniKKlstK , or by mull from Do
cutaMfff. Co , 112 White St. . N. Y. full Directions ,
oHKe.loted Pl .
m lurtl ) clln and PonttloBtl ditor.
STRONG Sul < dTrrr.tli > i trrceon ppllrttJoQ ,
MAISTII * > ft
. I. . l-il.MKIt. N P. HICmU.V. J. 1) ) . JJLA.SCUAllll
Live Sleek Commission Merchants ,
Ofllce-KonmX , Oppuilte Kicbango Hulldlng , Union
btuck YnrUi. Boutli Omtiba. Neb.
Liye Stock Commission ,
Room 15 , Exchange Ilulldlon , llnlou Stock Tftrdi ,
bouth Omaha , Nub.
Commision Dealers in Liyo Sock
UooraR , Opposite Eicbango Uulltllni ; , Union Stock
Yaruo , soutu OtnatiaKcb ,
Of Omalia , Limitet
_ Agricultural implomontB.
Dealer in AETicnltnral Implements , Wagons ,
C rr1iii anil llueglf * Ji < nr < Str < > ftbetwe n9tti tiil
10thOiu h Ncbrti > i > .
CO. .
AaricnlturallnmlGments.fapDS.CarriaEes . .
llm-gln , Ktc. Wholemlo. Om hi .Nobr ki
WhoUiile Dcaltrn la
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Ml. HP. Kb tmrl iCTJonn Btr ct , OniMi * .
P. P. MAST < k CO. ,
Mannfactnrcrs of Buckeye Drills , Sectors ,
CultlTtton.lUr IUkei.Cldrr Mlllr. tnrt l.ubun 1'ul-
TtrlitM. Cor , luhtml NIclioU * Strwts.
Whol * lc
Agricultural Implements , Wagons &Bn gics
Ciimf r lilh iml Nlnholflf. Streets
Akron , Otilo.
Hamstins Machinery and Binder Twine ,
\V. K. Men ) . M im.-er 1JI1 teaTcnwortb t , Omnha.
Xlrtmtfurturcri and Jobber ! In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. 9th and 1'iultlc gtrccli. Omaha , Nub.
Artists' Materials.
" ' "
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1511 Douilai Street , Omaha , Nrbraika.
Booksellers and Stationers.
H. M. & . S. W. JONES.
Eucrc or to A , T. Kenyon A Co. , Wholesale A Rotall
Booksellers and Stationers ,
line Wedding Stationery , Commercial fetMlonrrjr
IWJ nouula * Street. Omalia. Neb.
Boots and
( Succe ors to Iteetl , Jcrne * Jt Co )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
A cnti for Button Uubb r Shoe Co 1102 , 1U > A HW
llarncy St. . Omaba. frebraaaa.
W. V. MORSE i CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
HOI , 1103-1101 Douglas St , Omnha ManufactorySum
mer St. . Button.
, Etc-
Omaha Coffee anil Hplco Mllli.
Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder ,
laTorliiR Kitraets , Laundry llluo. Inks , Klc. lilt
11161laru y Btr t. Omaha , Nebrania
Crockery and Glassware.
Ai nt for the Manufacturers nnd Importon of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
etc OM ce..117 S Htb. St , OmHha , Nebraska.
liuDortms and Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Klc. 1M4 Furnam St , New 1'aiton Ilulldlnr.
Commission and Storage-
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Fpoclaltl" " "Her V r . Oicp.o Poultry , flame ,
111 : : Howard Strait. Qmfthi ,
( iiicccsiori to Mchaano A Hcbrorclcr )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha , Nvbratka.
Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Cominision
Merchant. Correspondence aollcltetl. 10 ! 1 North ICtb
Street , Omnha , Neb.
Conl JDoke and Llmo.
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
W ) South Mth Street , Omahn , Nebraika.
Mannfactnrers of Lime ,
AndnhlppPiB ut Coul , ( .oak , Ceuieni , 1'ia ter , I.l
Drain Tile , and Sewer 1'lpo. OBIcc , :1S , H. llth
St , Omaba , Neb. Telephone (111.
_ _ nno Notion * .
" "
M. E"SM"ITH & coV
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goofis and Notions ,
HOT and 11W Douglm , Cor. llth St , Omaba , N b ,
Importers and Joliliers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
Gcnti' lurnlihlnf ! noodi Corner lllb and llunoy
bti. . Omaba. Nebraika.
Shippers of Coal and Goto ,
214 bouth 13lh Bt , Omaba. Neb.
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnilnre ,
* rnam ftreet. Omaha. Nclirgakt.
Omntia. Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
705.707,701 and 711 B. jOth Rt , Omahn , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1 Ih and I/eavenworth Blrcuti.Omnlin , Nebraska.
Wbolcmile Manufacturer * of
Saddlery & JoD'ocrs of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. 140J , 1405 nnd 1 J7 ll rn r St. , Omaha ,
Heavy Hardware.
* "
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Hpringn , WBKOM Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Htu ISyt
and 1211 llarncy Htrcct , Omaha
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanic * ' Tools and nutralo Hcnlei. 1409 Douglm
Hired , Omaha , Nebrnaka.
Wholesale Hardware ,
Cth and Harner Ft . Omaha , Neb Western Acenti
lor Auitln Powder Co , JeBernon bteel NallB ,
t alrbanki htandard Utitlei.
Wiiolesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
UetnlK , Sheet lion , etc Asents for Howe Scales ,
MiamiI'ondir and l.ynun llarbed wire ,
Omaba , Nebraska.
, Gaps , Etc.
W. L. PARROTTE & . CO. .
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goofl&
1107 Haru r ttr t , Omabn. Nob.
_ _
' " "
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
1BU Street and Dnlon 1'aclflc Track , Omalia
Dealer in Lumher , Lath , Lime , Sasli ,
Uoori.Kto. Y anil-Corner tth and D0u/l / , Cornet
Uh aadDousUi
Dealer in All Kind ? of Lumber ,
Hth and California Plrcetn. Omaha , .Vfbra'.ta.
Lnmlicr , LlfflB/Cciiuk , Etc ,
Corner fth unit Douslm Ft. .Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
Offlff.ltra Farniim Street , Om h .
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmber ,
wood Carpets mil t'arquct Vluorln * StU and Douglu
_ Nlllllnory nnd Notions. "
" "
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
, l ta * < imtli llih
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
, fchlrt' , Ktc ItiQmut 1104 DouiU * Street ,
Uiimliu. .NHI. !
J. T.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
4 < n itml (1C. Re mk UUh ft , Omnha
Wholsale Refined and Lubricating ; Oils ,
Aile Qrcmo. Klc , Omaha. A II lllthnii.
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods ,
11 % tinnier Struct , Omaha.
Offlco Fixtures.
Bank , Offlcelnfialoon Fixtures ,
Mnntlfs , SMctxmM * . Hook CnaoR , Dniif \ Ixtiirc'AYiitl
eaten , I'nrtltliina llalllnuKCoiintPra , lli'oraml Wln
Cooler . Mirror * etc I Hdory am * onloi' , ITJkl uuil HJ >
bouth l.Hli St , OiimUa , luluphuno 1U1.
Points and Oils.
\Miolo-iile l > ctiloriln
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS F.irnnm Slroot. Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
C rry a nice itook of Printing , Wrnpplne nnd Wrltlni
i'a cr. fcjpeclal attention Klvon to car load onlers.
Paper Boxos.
Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
No . UK and Ul'J Douglas St , Omaba , Neb.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
Oil and 011 Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding & . Comrnlsslon
Storage , Forwarding and Comraission
rnncli huuno of the llerrnoy HUKKT Co. lluizglea
nliulcaale anit retail , UJH UlOnnd 1312 liard Htrcut.
Omaha. Telcpbone No. "M.
Lager Beer Brewers.
1521 North Eighteenth Street , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Itpeoeter. Proprietor. 9211 Dorian and IU and IU
North lutli Street , Orniiha.
_ Prlntora'Matorlol8. _ '
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Pubbor Goods-
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
311 Clothing and Leather llcltlug. HIM I'immm Btrot.
S.58h , Doors , Etc.
M. A. DISBROV t. CO. .
Sash. Doors. Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch unite , 15tli and Uanl Htroeta. Omulia , Nob. .
Manufacturers of Sash , Duors , Blinds ,
t ulilliiitu , Hair Work nnd Interior Ilunl Wood Flv
tu. N. U. Cormr Hlli nml I. ivuuwurth btrtctt ,
Ooiahn , I oo.
Fittings , _ Pumps , Etc.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Et ° -
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Filtings ,
Steam nnd Wnlnr Supplies. Tiinnnrtot. \ . , f , , , M..I.
t & 0 , f Roods Knrnam fit. , Omnlia.
Steam and Water Supplies.
tlallldar Wind Mill , ( MR nm ) 930 ramam bl. , Omaha.
Rngines , Boilers and General Machinery'
Sheet iron Wo * j , Rnw M.H. . .
Iron Works.
Cnttcr / < hon , Prop * Manuf.iclurera of ull klndi
Steam Boilers , Tante and Sheet Iron Wori
WorkBt-outhZOth and 11. A M. Cro alnt.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort
Knclnes. Urns * Work.Ocnernl Foundry , Machine an4
Ulacksmlth Work onu o un < lS l urk , U , P. llf.
and litb btrcot , Oraaha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk llnlli , Window nuardi. Flower Rlandi.Tlio
UMIIS , Etc. Ul North ICth Btrott. Omaha.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes
raulti. Jail Work. Iron ami Wlr Fencing , Blgni , Kto.
U Andicon , Proo'r Cor. llth and Jackton St ,
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards
and Fcreens , for brinks , oniret tore resilience * , ato.
Improved AwnltiK , ckHniltli M < blnerr auj
lilackumliUorki , 4UHoulli ( lull yt. .
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time Loc'iJ
tltuetttl Avuula lur llltfbuld &afu i I log * Cvlu * uj
Vkpltl aniJall Werk.4Wb.15tU8V.