Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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Advertisements under tliU head 10 eenM per
HUP for tlio tlm iM.icrtloti. 7 rents for cadi sub-
itoqticnt Insertion , and tl.ffla tin * wt month.
No advertisement taken for less than ' > cents
the Ilr t Insertion. Seven words will be counted
lathe lines they must run consecutively and
mint bo imld In ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must he handed In before 1U.3) o'clock p.
in. , und under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or cll contlnued by telephone.
1'artleH advertising In the'o columns nnd hav
ing thnlr nnswors addressed In earn of THE Hr.r.
% vMI plmmo n ik for n check to enable thorn to get
their lettur , us inino will b delivered except on
tirenentatlon of check. All answers to adver
tisements should be enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In thes i columns are pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
tkiK lUr. , the circulation of which nggregatcs
Kore tlmn 1S.WW onpers dally , and gives the ad
vertisers the benetll , not only of the cltv circu
lation of TUB HKK , but nl o of Council lllulTs ,
Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising for these columns will be taken
en the-nbove condition * , at the following busl-
neM houses , who are ittittiorlrvd agents for Tun
BEKrpeclal notices , and will quote the same
rates HI can be had at the muln olllco.
J OHN W , HKU , . 1' , SJ ) South Tenth
Ht reel. _
CIIASK& iil : ) > V , SUtlonerj and Printers , 113
South 16th street
II. I'AUNSWOHTH , Pharmacist,2115Cum-
.Ing Street.
W.I. Iinllir-H , I'harmacht. Clt North IGth
. Street
GV.O. W. I Altll , I'lmrmaclst. IWJSt. M. ry'
SITUATION wnntcd by gentlfinan ; stenoRra-
pher and typewriter , llrstclixsi. Address ,
y Kl. Ilefl _ 7W)5t _ )
T7 TANTKI ) Situation by collei-i ) craflunte ns
Tt tuarhor , bookkeeper , naletman or Mare-
house man ; strictly temperatu and capable.
427 IMxtou building. C4ah
_ _ _
\\fANTKl ) A position by an experienced
T youtiK Iiuly an stenographer and to do
nfKse work. Can give good reference. Address
ml. I lee oflc ! . _ _ 7Hlj ] _
AVOt'NO man of W desires n position In an
olllcn or clerk In cent's fiirnlshlim Htorrj
experienced , Address KK. , Hue. 7UJ li *
KD A college prniluate having piac-
T > tlcal knowledge desires u iioiltlon aa
teiulior , bookkeeper or accountant iBtrlitly tern-
perato. l'T > 7 , Ileo olllco. 747-l5 %
> - Young man to Instruct und tnke
chnrun of 'gt of books , No\ ember 1st. Old
established house , ( lood sulnry. J. It. .Smith ,
room M" , Hnmge hlock. tiCKll' ) '
"IT ( ) ' FOH the South \V anted Bin ) laborers for
J 1 railroad und levee work in Ml.sxNslppl. Aln-
lmmiiin.1 Tennewe ; wlnter'n work , j.3ij | and
11.75 a day ; souiu good .station work , uNu. For
particulars and clu-np rntesto Momphls. etc. ,
apply to the reliable agents , H. F.Christian &
Co. , \Vost 5th st uud 1001 Union nvo. Kansas
City. Mo. 7Jj au
YXTANTBDHnllrond laborers for Washing-
TT ton Territory ; unall winter's job in n mild
Climate : vvugvb guaranteed from $ - to 1J.10 per
flay , orJVi to till per month nnd bonrd. At
Alurtgiit's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. CJ5
WANTED A Hrst-class gents' furnishing
goods limn. The Fair , lllth and Howard. Coo
w ANTED-Mllker. 4115 Saundors. C26
\\7ANTED-A man to solicit ; salary 00 per
T month ; must deposit til nnd glvn security
for money collected. Address George S. Cllne ,
Wnguer block , Des Molnes , la. 635
' WANTED * 7.1 a month nnd ox
idises paid any nctlvo person to sell out
goods ; no capital , salary monthly , expenses in
advance , particulars free. Standard Hllvorwurc
Co. , lloston. 47U
TXTANTED A good man who Is used to
T T bundling horses to drlvo team and to 1 > ol
use uround hurdwure store Address F 51 , Ileo.
_ _ _
B AKHEIt Wantod-Ste.idy job for good man.
U. Humphreys , Missouri Valley , la.
FTHWO tinners wanted at Auiorn , Nob. Come ;
Jno tluio for correspondence Laurie Hros.
B97 1J'
WANTED Stenographer und typewriter to
take care of oflico and con csponacncc. No
expert needed. Address. F31 ! llee. C22 13
VTANTKU Throe good tinners. Weston &
McCrone. Kl N 10th st. 620 13
> OYb-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co. , I'Xi Douglas.
WANTED Man to take the agency of out
safes ; Blzo8xlCxlS : Inches ; weight 500 Ibs ;
retail price tl5 ; other sizes in p. portion A
Iran ) chance nud permanent business. These
B fes meet nOenmnd never befoie supplied by
other safe companies , as we nro not governed
by the safe pool. Alpine Safe Co. Cincinnati. O ,
* \ \ ANTED Kuergetlc men nnd women every
fi where for a genteel , money-making busl' '
ness , JflO weekly pi ollt guaranteed easier than iW
jnontitly otherwise. Experience absolutely un
necessary Permanent position nnd excluslvi
territory assured , * 2 samples free Write foi
partluifnr.s. Address , with stamp , Merrill Mf'g
Co. , H Kl , Chicago. _ KltOit _
\\rANTKD ( Jood life insurance solicitors
Tt with bank references , nro wanted by the
Union Life nt 401 Merchants' national u.uil
building. Omaha , OUice hours 8 to 10 a. m. am
toO p. m. 845
W T ANTED A tlr.'t-cUss experienced window
dresser. Inquire at the Fair. 6 >
" \\7ANTED Woman cook for railroad eatlnf
TT house. n ; 4 dining-room girls out of city
120 , faro paid ; good kitchen girl , 14 ; 3 experl
encod pantry girls , 1 second girl witn reference
i good cookn forjTlvate families , cook and nee
end girl In same bouse , 20 girls for genera
housework Mrs. Urega.
" \\rANTED Firat hand waist trimmer ; non
JTT but llrst class need apply , lloom Ui
( J'.nmgo block. 671-13 *
I\rANTlD ; Hy a wholesale house , lad ;
t ; T T Ktiinogruphpr and tj-powriter. one who cm
Assist In other otlico work preferred. ]
3 , llou. ' ( Wt 1,1 ,
w LTANTED-Good girl for general houseworl
nt 1712 Douglas ht. GJ1 13 *
MNTEh-Olrl forBoneraUiousework. 130
Farnam. 710 15T
r ANTED -An nrrund girl. Inquire at Mrs
A. Hlce , over Excelblor odlco. 70'J 15
W ANTED A lellable nurse girl. Mrs. H. C
Patterson , 211,1 Farnam. ti05
for general hooicwork at 2412 SI
Mnry'snve. 001
\A7ANTKI-Two ladles to solicit in this am
T > adjotnluu Mutes ! salary * 7" > per month
call on Mialo llorold , room 11. Mlllnrd hotel.
, 707 _
Y\TANTEI laily to solicit : must deposit IS
T > and give security for money collectei
Addiess Cieorge S. Cllne , Wagner block. Ie
Ndinm. la. f > l'i
employment ofltce , Mrs. Ureg
CANADIAN deference Omaha National ban
2-J3 O 17'
ANTED To correspond with parties wn
desire to locate lu business or those goln
out ; can furnish locations in any line or ex
change , and cash customers for parties deslrln
\o sail. ! < , P. Kraus , 1007 Farnam at. , Omaha.
45J 021
- working girls and women t
buy one pair each of A. . D. Morse's 13 an
II button shoes , best value and will save yo
BO ctO4th and Farnam sts. 019 13
WANTED-A desirable family to tali
chare * of dormitory tor young ladles
Ttfllevne college. Apply with reference to Re
y. a. HUynoy. lleilevue. Neb. 707
\VANTED-To Invest cash In a business (
T t enterprise wltn tha view of toning an ac
Ivo part : tnorough oxpeileuco In business nn
lKXk-keeulng ; -ilof l lefertmcos can be give
Address F60. Bee otnce. 72i 17t
WANTEO-On or before Oct. 15. by youn
couiiU , board with 101 2 rooms In prlval
family ; beat of references. Address Fi7 , II *
ucomplicated books ; partnership accoun
nd complicated nccouutuiE of all kinds : cou
ry correipondanca tollclted. Addron F 11 He
357 ni *
\\rANTKD-Second hand C. E. Mayne map <
T T Omaha , lloom L lUrker block * 7-J
\X7ANTED Th public to make good Us * (
* T The li's mua * boxes throuehout tb
city. _ _ _ -.Oil
If you hav * any lands , lots. <
WANTED and lots to s ll or axchsng * fi
cth'r proptrty , csll on me or writ * . I ( MU Br
you acuitoiunr. U. C. SpoUwood , 30iVi S. l t
tf\7 ANTK 1 > Itoom and board for ladyut
TV baby3years , l ycr Wfcec , AddrnsHf
Pee oltlc . . 77 * J
boVrdra"it 1COJ Dougli
\\rANTED-Torent. 3 or 4 furnlshi'd rooms
' for light houcwkeeplnB. Address Ft * ) . Ileo
onice. 777 I5J
_ _ _ _
WANTED-12orl4room house : tnu rhi ve
nil modern conveniences ; will pay liberal
rent If person will built nouse ; will lease same
for any term of yean. J. L. Hrandlvs , Uth and
Howard , tW
"I71OII HENT-To rt-sponslble party. 0 room
J'brlrk houto. 41S South st , lf,0 feet from
cable line , 1 urnnce nnd all modctn comeni *
enr s. Hent } r 'i per month. Apply to J. W.
( Jrllllth. L' . P. headquarters. 7M
Foil HENT14room "houseT rent S-i ) mouth.
Jmiulru l.vw Jni-kton st. 013 1J-
_ _
FOIl HENT-fi room house , til per month ,
32d nnd Sewnrd. MM3'
_ _ '
iroil HENT-Cottnge of 3 rooms $14 , at 821 v , s'
I ? _ 2Hlirt. _ _ 37M3 ? _
rpll E largest line of small and large houses In
.Mho city ; low rent. J. II. Parrotto. HAW
Chicago ft. _ 425-13 _
"I710H HENT A furnished Broom cottage.
JL' Furniture now. Would be sold If desired.
Cull before noon. 2215 Seward st. 3W-lt
TT1AHNAM n. nearC2d st. 11-room liotisn for
JL' rent. Orovcr Slovens , 1521 Farnam st. 771-
ANICEf-room house In Hnnscom Place , on
full east front lot , on grade. A gcx > d home
only$4.r-UO. T J. Hook , nil Puxton Hlock. 70-ia (
FOll KENT A 7 room house In Poppleton
Park Enquire of It , F. Faguu Rt Com'l
Nat. Hank. 701 !
1710H HENT-My home. 1117 Park nve. . fur-
J nlshed or tinfiiriushed : houto 10 rooms with
with all convenience1 ! . D. H. ( loodrlch. Cubic
Tramway Co. , 20th nd Harney sts. 750-1 ! )
NICE live room house , pantry , closets and
hall , sort and hard water. Enquire SI3
South 22.1 fct. 75,1-laJ
FOH HENT Two callages , onn of r > rooms ,
$20 per mo , and one II rooms n 1th barn , 125
per mo . on I'HlrilewKt , , opposite All Saints
church. D. II ( loodrlch. Cable Tramway Co. ,
20th and Hartley sts. 7ol-13.
7/lOH HENT-On Capitol hill , hmiso of "H
J looms , nty water , with good barn for two
horses , 2510 Capitol ave. 721 19 *
TTIOH HENT House with nine rooms , in S.
JL1 21th st. Mount Jc ( Jrllllii , 213 S. llth st. 71 ! )
FOll HENT One Hne seven room house and
barn and flue lot. only $2o per month. C. L.
Erickson & Co. , 212 N Ht. 71' . ' 15
FOH HENT-Hoiise in Kountze PInco In ex
change for bonrd for man nnd wife ; small
family preferred. Addiess KS2 , ilee. 4K ) 15 ?
A 10-room house , all modern Improvements ,
novilv relltted , $10 per month , 1U23 S 12th st.
073 IdJ
T7KH HENT-5-room house. 1031. ! South 20th.
JU tl . K. F. Heaver , room 40 Ilarker lllk.
"I71O11 HUNT House. 5 rooms. Cor 27th nnd
X1 Howard H. A. S. Hillings , 101 S. 15th. 700 15
FOIt IIFNT Cottage of " > rooms. 2524 Charles
ht. . Imiuire Mil ) Cnpltol ave. 703 15 *
FOll HP.NT-House of nlno roonn ut 1811
Capitol nve Inquire of Oeo. W. Doauo ,
lloom 4S , Marker block. G ! > 0 15
TTIOH HENT New cottage. : room" , tJ n
JL' month , city water , Stu iJecatur , ajJ 15 *
FOH HENT Largo W room house. 21th nnd
Capitol ave. with nil modern conveniences.
2 4.1-00111 cottages on South 12thsteuch $12.50.
23-room Hats on North 17th st.
4-room house , ssio Pierce st , $12.
4-rooni cottage north 21nt , near Clark st. 112.50.
5-room Hat ajl > 2 Leavenworth st , cheap to
steady tenant.
Fine i-room 271 ! > Jackson st. This Is one
of the best houses In Omaha
2C-room Mats , cor 17th and Leavenworth st.s.
2 store rooms , cor 17th and Lenvenworth sts.
Apply to Green & Williams. 1st Natl Hank
llldglj _ f"L _
0 HOOM house on S E cor llth and Vinton , J1S
per month. 012
HF.NT Elegant 13-room house , every
convenience , furnace , bath , etc. , now. just
finished , will rent to good tenant nt 11 per
month ; also new 10-room house , nil com en-
lences , fiO ; now S-room house , $25 , barn with
each , Saunders st , opposite the Ilodlck resi
dence : also new house , 8 rooms , on Dodge st.
near Kith , with barn , -0. C E. Mayue. 15th nnd
Hnruey , Omaha Hanking Co , ifls 15-
FH HENT-li-room house , modern Improve
inputs ana all carpeted. Hoard will betaken
taken In payment of rent , small family pre
ferred Call at room' . Iron bank , 12 to 1 o'clock.
FOH HENT lly Uosworth & Joplln , llarKer
block , 3 , 4 , B , tf , 7. , U , 10 , 11 , 14-room houses
In all parts of the city. 590
F0,1 ! KENT Sit room cottuge on Georglo
live Enquire at Si ) Georgle ave. 544
FOll HENT The best list of desirable houses
In the city. Nethorton Hall , agent , room 42j : ,
First Nat. bank. 5 J
I WILL rent to responsible party my home of
11 rooms , with or without furniture , nicely
located , 2 blocks , to cable ; good carriage house
and sewerage. Apply 2120 Hurdettost. 416 15 *
flJ.TO 8-room bouse , bath room , hot and cold
Pwnter. gas. Rower , pav ed street , new , r. F.
Hairisoli , 118 S. 13th at. 52J
FOH UENT A Hat of seven rooms In Dug.
gin's building , tilth und Pacific sts , rent JJ3
per month. Inquire at room 5 , L. Duggan.
F"Tll HENT Newn room housesTTiOth nud
Plnkney sts. ta per month. .1. It. Hamil
ton , room 2Ultt National bank building , 6111UJ
FOK HENT Two six-room houses. North27th
nnd Sewnrd. 521
F KENT C-room house , city water , No. 1119
- Pacific st. Inquire at I'iOM Howard. 514
FOll HENT-G-room cottage on horse car line ,
18 n month. Apply M. Elgutter 1001 , Far-
namst. 418
TT'Oll ' HENT House 7 rooms. 23il at near Cass ,
JU House 8 rooms , 2221 Cats st. Inquire Hoom
3 Uirkerjblock : . 31S
Foil HENT For 6 months , modern house ol
8 rooms , completely furnished , barn with
room for two horses , rent 170 ; possession clven
Sept. 25th. 2204 N. 2tn , 1 block north of Lake.
FOH HENT S room modern Improved house
Al locality nt moderate price. Apply M ,
Klguttcr. 1QJ1. Farnnm. B27 _
houses for rent. S. T. Peterson , s ,
e. cor. 15th and Dourlas. KJO
FOH HENT New 8-rnom house on Cumlnq
st , near Ixine ave. Torm.s reasonable. Ajv
ply quick Spotswood. JJO i4 8 16th. 824
"IPOH HENT At very low rates. 10 and H now
JL ie < ldcnces. 2454 and2414 , Cass street , Clarke
1'Iaco. On block south of Crelghton college , on
Farnam and 24th street car line. All modern
Improvements. Apply. H. T. Clark Union Trust
Co. , or nt S131 Cass street. ' 180
17011 UENT-Dw filing. 17-'Capital ave , oppo
JL1 site Trinity cathcdial. Address H. L. Hall
lirFarnoni _ M. 401
"I71OH HENT-0 room house , 2113. 7-room honsa
X12rill'oppleionave. Geo. 1. Ollbert , With
nellbTg. _ _ ; 210
HOUSE for rent ; furniture forsalo or trade
1015 Dodge. P69
IT1'1' ' HENT House No. 027 S. 17th nve , renl
-I1 Hi ) per mouth. Inquire of H. JIalchelu. leil
Howard st. Nil )
HKNT-2 cottages. 27th nnd Caldwell
FOH M ) . 1 North 20th cable line. 140.
Leavltt Hurnham , Crelghton block. tXi
OH HENT-House 519 N. 1Mb street. Appl ]
at St. A. D. Halcombe.l I 12 California st.
OH HENT One 7-room cottage. 2423 I rank
lin . .st. ; Inqult * atCOj Paxton block. 1' , . J
Crc-- 314 _
CrcF RENT When you wish to rent a house
store or office call on us. U. K. Cole , roon
8. Continental block. Ha
FOH HENT Three tlats of saven rooms e.wli
with every convenience , city water.wis , etc.
uewly built houses on Sixth street and Pacific
Apply to Eftinser Bros , . 013 S 10th st , Omaha.
I OR RENT 4-room house on S. 16th St. , tw <
blocks south of Vlutonst. : will rent for 111
per month or sell on terms to suit purchaser
Ueo. J. Sternsdorff , room 0 , opposite P. O , 71
LAHOK front parlor with bav window ; nisi
back parlor w 1th bed-room off ; will rent slg
gle or together , 012N. lUh et. 722 1J
TTIUHNISHRD room to a lady , Drst lloor , 181
JL1 Ctpltol ave. 717 IJt
1/IUHN1SHBD rooms for light housdkeeplni
-V at 1HI5 COM st. 607 13
KOOM and loard cheap for two in nrlvat
family. 22la Hurt Bt. 8J3 1
FUUNISllI'.l ) room for rent. Kth and Jack
son st. , H per mouth. Inquire room t fln >
Boor , llrowncll Hall. 497-13'
" \riCELV furnished room tori gentlemen ; Ic
JL > qulrn A. Hoape. 1513 Douglas at , 337-13
oTi KENT-llantlaomely furnUheJ eu
front roon . buth. furnace ; for two gentle
men. 621 a. mh st. 7041&
TTlOll HUNT - ' pUaiant rooms for eentlemac
JL' with all modern conveniences , cor St. Mar
and JJt or 620 South anil st. 733 15 '
T.iOR RENT-A nicely fiirnlihed suita ot fron
-L rooms suitable for 3 or I gentlemen. K
liav ardat.,2d floor.
trpnt rootni , cheap. 623 S. 15th ,
HEN'Wx rooms Hurt and th Jlfl.
. 7i)7-l5 )
rll WO fouth rooms newly mid nicely furnished ,
a- steam brat , bath , hot nnd cold WAtcr. also
first class table board. 1721 Davenport. 758 17J
TOOK HENT ( looms' private saintly , hamf-
JL1 lomrly situated In mo ' .ern new residence ,
will take few select boarders , durable home ,
live mltites to business center , 2128 Harney.
7t > l 15-
FOH HENT A Inrge front room , nicely fur
nished , modern conveniences , suitable for 2
gentlemen. Ilils Webster , VK
TjltfHNISHED rooms ; modern conveniences ;
Jl 2 blocks from court house ; plea .mt location ,
chenp. SOU Huriley. 732 15 *
TTHJIINIHIIEOrooms with bonrd In pnvnto
JL ; family on cable line , modern com enlences.
7W N ' 'Jth. 7C4 fi
ll HUNT 2 or 3 rooms furnished for tiouso-
icplng , cneap , 2115 Franklin it. w l 15 *
loonit-4XT ( ) N. 17th.
070 16 * ,
TJOOM nnd board in private house. pn , bath ,
4 Xaiid furnace heat , rates reasonable. 2121
Sewaid. 06 ; 18
ELEOANT rooms , single or en suite , first-
cl < 3 board. M)2S21stst. ) 641 1C ?
I71OH HENT Furnished or unfurnished room
JL for two gentlemen , or man and wife , 2023
Hov. nnlst. _ . ,644
FOR HENT Newly furnished rooms for gen
tlemen only. Illchllleu Hotel , corner llth
nud Douglas streets. KW-17 *
TjlOH HENT-Ki\st half of 2511 Davenport , St. ,
JU I15.W. Inquire aiSCnpltolavo. 029 IV
VTICEIjV furnished front room , suitable for
* - > one or two gentlemen. 21U'Hurt st. ft"i2
FOH HKNT-Nicely furnished room
guntleman. 1U17 Cass.
FL'ltNISHKD room with board , ZTN 10th.
KCi Ki *
LA11OK pleasant room , furnished , brick flat.
UlUCmcugost. 465
FOIl IU4NT A warm , well furnished south
fiont room , everv convenience , suitable for
one gentleman , ! 12 tarnam st. ; > SO
FOIt UK N'T A lares front room , newly fur
nished , south front , cheap , corner 17th nnd
Cumlug.i st.s. corner. J'-W
FOH IlKNT Nicely furnished rooms , single
or en suite , 1811 Cumings st. 157
ITOit RENT Furnished rooms in Qreunls blk
JL1 cor. 1.1th and DodL'OHt : . Inquire of Oeo. It. .
D vl > . Mlllard hotel billiard room. KM
l OOMS and board , 18U Chicago st. SOlolSt
IJIiKASANT rurnished rooms , steam heat ,
gas , batli and board in private family. " 01S
Ulth. 670 o SSJ
KOOM8 Including bonrd In the Young Wo-
1 men's home MO Dodge st. Kefarunce.i ro-
imlred. VI )
KENT A Handsome room with alcove nt
2.7W St. M ary' ave. SM
UENT IMegnntly furulshod rooms wil
board. Imiuire IWJ.l houglai. 3Si
room with nlcovo nnd closet ; on cable
and car line ; terms low ; 112 S. aitli. O.V !
VTU'EliV ftirnNhed per week or3.50
-L > per month , M- ) , COt nnd 5W S. 13th st.
UNl'l'ItNISHED Suitable for lieu ekeepmc.
Tnreofjirooms. 10I3N. 20th st . . . . 1,1 SO
Three ( Ui rooms.ltoi Webster st 11 Oil
Three (3) ( ) rooms , lultlN. Will st 11 Si
Thrcu ( I" ) rooms , 1010 N.L'lstst 1-'r.O
Three CD rooms , 707 Pacific st 10 ( W
Ttirt-e ( .1) ) rooms , 7Ctl' ' ; I'acltlo st 1000
Tlnee Ml rooms. Kri N.L'Ist st 11 ( M
1'our ( J ) rooms , 41M N. llth st is 00
" 1T1OK HKNT Two store rooms , N. R Cor
JL1itli : and lluit sts. ; corner t O , inside Jlfl per
Six-room cottage , I"il7 Sauuderu st. , i3 ! per
night-room house , with barn , city water , etc. ,
on Webster st , neur.THli st . J.W per mouth.
I'otter & Cobb , 1UI 1' 043 IS
irToit HR.NT-Ilrlrk store , lint above. a4th and
JIlntnilton ! , desirable business location. Leu-
vitt llurnham , room 1 , Crelghton block. KK
Foil KENT 3 stores on Ifitli and Leaves
wortti , apply Hank of Omaha. -/J
POIt lti.NT-Ptoreroonj. : No.'JUS. Must : Ap-
plr at 1110 Howard st. 831
FOR UENT onice suite F-B month. 2 single
unices $15 each , all fronting Itith St. , Hu li-
man bluck , N. i ; . Cor. 16th ana Douglas. W. M.
liushman. 1311 Lenvcmvorth. 831
S ITOItE for Kent 1210 1'arnam. Apply Chns.
C'hllda , N. W. Corner IttU and Leavenworth.
" under Omaha Hank-
"ITUMl HENT Utore-room -
-L ? Ing Co. , cor. 15th and Harney. suitable
money loaning or real estate business. Paulson
&Co. , No. 1111 , room K , Karnam st. K6 !
STOIIK for rent , Illl Farnam street. Inquire
of Nathan bheltou , at 1303 Faruam street
TWO choice store rooms in the Her oulldlnc ,
between Howard and Jackson sts. Apply
llayuier & Her More , 524 S IGth st. 473 sl" >
IOll HENT Fine retail store room with
largo basement , $90 per mouth. C. F. Har
rison. 418 S. 15th St. 623
" 171LAT suitable for odices for dentist , doctor
-L or dressmaking ; central location. Leslie
& Leslie. 16th and Dodge sts. 452 13
FOR HENT OnCumlngst. store and living
apartments , also livery stable. Enquire of
Harris H. E. JL I.Co. , lloom 411 , 1st Nut. bank.
HENT Good barn , 4 stalls , feed room
and wagon sned. Inquire at 2023 Howard Ht.
FOH HENT-Good stable , se corner 20th and
California. KM
J. STEHNSDOHFF , room , opp. P ,
GUOHGE hereafter give special attention to
renting houses , stores and Huts. If you want
your property rented without deiny and to roll-
able tenants , do not fall to list the same w 1th
him. E25
WE give special attention to renting and col.
lectlng rents , list with us. H. E. Cole , room
6. Continental block. 837
IF YOU want your nouses rented place them
vrith IJenawn & Co. , 15th , opposite postofhce ,
. - mure mule with halter anc
bridle , from 10th and Capitol uvp. D. C
Hereley. 714 15J
IOST In European Hotel pocket book will
J note and money. $20rev < ard , return Ilnr
ber shop 702 S 10th. iw13
S SHAVED Chestnut sorrel horse.6 years old
weighs950 Ibs , , branded ou left hip O. K. A
liberal reward will be paid , return to A. 11
Haley. South Omaha. 540-12.
UEWAHD will be paid for the return of nr
estray jet black mare , twelve years old
weight nbout ten hundred or ten hundred nn <
fifty pounds , shod all around , collar scars 01
point of left shoulder , smooth and handsome
strayed uwav October 2d , Is8s , and Is the prop
erty of Dr. U. L. Nichols , of Omaha. Bhouli
paid mare have been driven away or concealed
by anyone , such person will be prosecuted ac
cordluc to law , and If convicted of horse-steal
Ing , the person giving infonnatlon leading t <
the finding of said mare , and the arreat and
conviction of the thief , will he paid an adai-
tlomU reward of $ . " > ) . Wm. Ooburn , Sheriff o
Douglas county , Nebraska.
Omaha , Oct. 6. im C90
TTIOUND A pug dog , inquire at onice of sup
JL' eriiueudent of plumbing. 874 1BJ
rpAKKN UP-At my residence In West Walnti
JL Hill , a black and white bull , supposed to be :
years old. The owner Is requested toproveprop
erty. pay charges and take him away. j ; . U , Oa
born. 822-2yO6-13-2o *
TDEIISONAL If you nave a personal item , o :
JL any communication , drop It lu ona of Thi
Pea's message boxes. 106
T7X > H SALE Cheap , new housa , 14x22 , 01
JL1 leased ground ; also furniture. Inquire 11)1 )
Nicholas st. John Carroll. 63913 *
fjlURNITUHE and lease of 11-rooui house , fur
JL > ulture nearly new. house containing all mod
rn conveniences , 1707 Dodge st. 67U 13 ?
OK SALE 2 Radiant Home stoves and on
Peninsula ; nearly good as nw. Apoly 211
Douglas st. 760 15 ?
TTWH LEASE Or sale , one-story frame 20x0
JL ? building with L 0x30 , cor. Franklin am
6aundrs ts. Enquire at 1207 Douglas 81
Omaha Saddlery Co. 744-1
OK \LB-Bas9 burner. "Hadiant Home , '
nearly nw , l o No.i ) cook store Terr cke t
6J1 B. 1'Jthst ,
SALE Furniture shelving , etc. , of the
Otuaun Saddlery Co.'hlcludiiig ono Hall's
afn and one Coft upright sliovr C JIP , Cnn bo
seen at 13)1 Douglas nt. , Omaha Haddlory I o.
'V 744-17
_ , _
"IJ Olt SA1.K A good driving mare and canopy
J- topped surry , nearly now , 2520 Douglas.
73 15
'ITVMl SALE At n spacial bargain , one ilrst
JL class second hand uprlcht piano and ouo
organ. C. L. Krlckson. iirJ'N. ' 10th. 712 15
SALE Ono fine milch cow nnd one line
1 heifer , 15 months. C. U Brlckson A Co. , 2U
N Ihth st. 712 15
I noITsALE-Tho sorrel Vacer , Hob. time 2:31 : ,
u years old , sueed buggy ; blankets , etc. Can
be seen at Palace Stables. Jlnrry P. Taylor.
6fr ltf
_ _ _
f7 > OlTsLE3room house , nnd ground for
JL1 len c , n o corner 18th nnd Iznrd. Co-op , L
* L Co , 205 N 16lhst. flffii-15
of the Heed hotel. South
J- Omaha , for snlo and the building for rent
lu inlre on the premises. 040 is *
"fjlOH SALE "or Hont--Flvo-rootn cottngu on
JL Capitol aveuuo In good order ! terms easy.
Inquire on the premises , 2013 Capitol avenue.
657 18 $
FOH SALE A good steam heater at H low
price. W. J. Hroatch. 613 li )
FOH BALE Very fine family horse nnd
phaeton nt your own price. Inquire room 210 ,
First Nntlonnl Hank. h7B
1OH SALE One of the paying G room
JL1 furnished Hats in the city. I'aylnic H'l above
rent. Mint be sold nt ouce Inquire 321 N. F.
cor. 10th nud Hnrncy at. Krno.-a Kramer.
4W 15J
FOH SALE or trade New two seated car
riage and single top but-gy. Selby. 1521
Famam. 375
FOIt SALE Seaman s wagon" ! and carriages ,
Omaha's largest variety , east side Kith bt ,
lorth of Nicholas. The best and the cheapest ,
720 o i.11
71OH SALE A ncwtt f > nt Itocknway catrlage
- at Lee > V Nichols' livery barn. Twenty-eighth
and I.euvenworth. Telephone HIO. 417
_ SALE A fnmlly horse or for cenornl
use , price $150- Inquire No. 319 S. 10th. City.
ot'sn CLEANING , washing and Ironing
done for families nt their homes. ( ull or
address Miss F. Franz , South llth st between
Dotcas nnd Mnrtha. 737 13 *
select srhoiil will be opened soon
in n pleasant part of the city for childien
under i4 > cui.s of age. ( pains will be taken
'o make the school pleasant and protltablc for
hose seeking Instruction. For information ud-
ilress I'BJ , lice ollice , 7411-15 ?
TT1ALL hats pressed nnd reshaped : feathers
X1 cleaned nnd curled , r. M. Schndell,2iaN
_ 740111.1
BEAL'TIl' I'L faces and for. . in guaranteed
Face bleuclierremovo freckles , pimples and
wrinkles. $1 po r bottle. Hook of rooi-lpt for
the complexion 25 cents Send 4 cents for cir
cular. Madame lluppert , 213 State st. , Chicago
DH. O. HICKE'ITS. nmunger Excelsior baud ,
1120 Fnrnnm. Hra-H nnd string iniislo.
713 n 121
A NTKJI'AltlAN bool store. 1413 Fnrnum St. .
jV highest cash pi Ices paid for second hand
books. 621 n 10 ?
THE 12th series of stock of the Mutual Lonn
and Hulldlnc Association Is now open for
subscription of shares at 310 South Kith , be
tween 5 und i ! p. m. dally There Is no cheaper
or better way to buy a Jhiuuo than through
thN building association pUn. U. .M. Nattlnu-t-r ,
Secretary. 5l17 !
JNO. MULDOON \ Co..3S-H. ! 10th St. ; 10 stone
cutters , 12c llueal foot , Colorado sandstone ,
_ _ TJ _
rilllE banjo taucht 03 an art by Geo.F. Uellon-
JL beck. 3i3 So. 10th st. J 182
Sl'OTcaMi for old und new ) books , furniture ,
stoves and carpets. Orff & Co. , 117 N. 16th.
. - . . 5jU Oil
HOME for Destitute \Vomon and Children ,
271H Uurtst. U40
MUSIC A. Ilohrs Jc Soniire now cropared to
funilsh the beat and latest music for recep
tions , weddings , sociables , 'parties ' balls , etc
Ilrass und string quartettes furnished , especial
ly for serenades , concerts , fuporals , etc. Oflico
404 South 13th St. , A. E. Merrls' MuMc More.
301 o 10 *
WOMAN'S Exchange , J6L7 Farnam st. Lunch
dally , supper Suturday'nlghts. 940
iOAUTlES having horses , snares and colts to
JL winter will find good stalls and yards at
Major Crofts' place , tlrst barn north of fair
grounds. Terms moderate. 247 17 ?
G.E. . THOMPSON. lloom 112 Shecly Wort.
"MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . 1.W1 ta.r
lu-nam Complete abstracts furnished , < Jc titles
to real estate examinedpnrfected i guaranteed.
DENSONAcCAUMICHAiiL furnish complete
JL and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete set of uustract
books in the city. No. 1503 Farnam st. 87J
npllACKAGE , storage , lowest rates. IT. M
Jllushmau , 1311 Leaveuworth. 874
" \\rANTEDtobuytwored Irish setter pups
TT between3 nnil 6 months old. Will pay $21
each. S. E. cor. 13th and Howard sts. , room I.
\\rANTED To buy a good second hand double
TT heater , Kadlant , Home , or Peninsular.
Mead & Jamison , 314 S. 15th st. G72-1.1
\\rANTI5D To buy n good , secr.nd-hnnd dou-
TT bio heater Hudluut Home Peninsular.
Mead Ic Jamison , 314 S. 13th. CM 15
DO YOU want money ? If so we can accom
modate you , we buy Hrst mortgage notes
and loan on Improved city nnd country nroperty.
Cash now ready. Guarantee Loan and InvesV
ment Co. , IGth and Chicago sts. 70S 15
DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until you have seen C. H. Ja
cobs , room 410. First National bank building ,
cor. 13th uud Fnrnani 101 *
G HOVEIl STEVEN ? , 1521 Farpam Ht. Loan < !
uiudo on Omaha property at low rates.
MONEY to loan on furnttnre , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Hob'
bins. H. 20iiJht > cly blk. nth and Howard. 01
TI ilE Omaha Financial Exchange , Hoom n ,
X Barker Hlock , southwest corner of Farnam
and 15th st.s.
Makes a specialty of short-time collateral
and real estate loans.
Money always on hand In sums of } 1W ami
upwards to any amount , to loan on approreU
Secured notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to exchange foi
good first or second mortgages.
Lx > ans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , first or second mortgage .se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial business of any kind transacted
Promptly , quietly and fairly. Hoom 15 , Ilarker
block. Corbett. Manager. _
DO YOU want to borrow'Trioney ? If you have
diamonds , watches or jewelry nnd desire to
effect a loan on favorable terms In a strict ! )
private and confidential manner , or should yo\ :
want a loan on furniture , horses , carriages
land contracts or personal property of any de
scription. you can have -money advanced al
lowest rates of interest unf ample time to pa )
by calling on or sending polSal curd to the
Omaha Mortgaginlxmn Co.
o loan out our own nfonoy , mak out oui
own papers and pay no commission , thus giv
ing the benellt to the borrow ar ,
our facilities are such tlwt > ' 0 can accopnno.
date you in a prompt tfM- confidential man
ner , giving you fair , honorable and courteous
treatment. i ,
All loans renewed at original rates.
We will pay off any montage you now have
and give you long time anUaow rates ; will loat
any sum from f2S to $1,000.
Commercial and 1st mqrj ge pai > er bought
Omaha Mortgage Loan ( Kf room 405 , Paxtoi
block. 44S
MONEV To Loan-lly the * undersigned , whi
has the only properly : anl7.ed loan ugenc ]
in Omaha Loans of tlOtofi. " made on rurni
ture , pianos , orguns.horso-t.waKonff , machinery
etc. , without removal. No delays. All buslues
strictly confidential. Loans BO made that an :
pan can be paid at any time , each payraen
reducing the coat pro rata. Advances made 01
flne watches and diamonds. Persons shouli
carefully consider who they are dealing with
as many new concerns are dally coming into ex
istence. should you need money call and se
me. W. H. Croft , room 4 , Withnell building
Uthtnd lltrney. 882
MONEV to loan on household furniture , pi
ano < i , horses , wagons and other persona
property ; also on mortgage paper and contract
as collateral security ; cah always ouhand : lit
eral extensions granted ; business transact ei
fabrly.quletly and promptly. The Fairbanks Ic
vestment Co. , S W cor 15th i Douglas , upstair ;
MONEV to loan on furniture. wozoaJ , etc ,
without removal , or on collaterursecurlty
Ilustness strictly confidential. A. K. Ureenwooi
& Co. , It 1 Cunningham blk , cor , 13th & Jackson
MONEV to loan In any amount , either fo
building or otherwise , at lowest rates o
ItiUrest and on short notice. D. V. Sholes , roon
210 First Nat'l bauk , cor. Uth and Faroaia. W
" \\Tli keep on hand moner to can on Inside
IT properin Omaha and South Omaha in
sums from free to JoU > - , and as wo do our ovrn
valuing , innkB all papers , etc. , we cnn complete
a loan any day youwuhand pay you the money.
Hates , Smith .V Co. , Hoom 'Ml. llamgu building.
Ml 31
MONEY to loan ; largo ami small sums at low
rates , for short time , on reixl estate or chat
tel security : cecond not bought ; all financial
buslneis strictly conadontlal People's Finan
cial Exchange , O llouscaren , manager , room
W4 Ilarker block , 15th and Farnam , &s4
MONBY to loan on Improved property at first
hands. No applications sent away for ap
proval. Security nnd titles examined free of
charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment
company , tt S. 13th st. _ ini
MONEV to loan at lowest rates on Improved
cltv property or for building purposes.
Call and nee us , Mutnnl Investment company ,
loom 1 , Parker block , 1'tli and Farnam. T'-'S II )
MONEV to Loan-On renl estate and chattel
Micurltr. Money without delay. Western
Land and Loan exchange. 117 S. llith st. OJtini
diri.UlU to lonn on inside property. Some first
I * mortgaues for sal * . Nathau Shelton , IW >
Farnam street. HW
MONEV to Loan City and country ; cnnup
rates , no delay. L. P. Hammond , 4'W ' Pax.
toiubulldlng. 703
SEE Orover Stevens , 1.U1 Farnam st. If you
want ix estate loan. 7-Kj 20
EASTERN iiioney"ch ea"n"City and country
Ollico Philadelphia Mortgage nnd Trust Co. .
Room 1J , Hoard of Trade. Cioo. V. P ,
MONEV to loan ; cish on hand ; no delay , J ,
W. Scjuire , 12IU Farnam st. First National
bank building. B.-TJ
Cf 500. W tt per cent. Money to lonn on Im-
tpproved farms or city property. Jamei A.
Woodman , at the old flre Insurance ollico of
Murphy * Lovett. 2.M S Kith st. 8J4
MONEV to Lonn Lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly. H. E. Cole , Hoom 0. Continental
llloek. fiD-l -
Gl'EH CENT money to loan Cash ou hand
W. M. Harris , room 2J , Fituzer block , opp.
" \TO delay In .seeming n loan ou coed Onmha
Treat estate. ( lro\er Stevens , I5ll Faitiam
H. 11. IIIHV JMO.OW to loan on city property
. and improved farm laud. 1'renzer block.
r OANS tnaila on real estate nnd mortgages
J-J bougnt. LuwU S. Heed & Co. , li''l Farnam.
M IONEV to loan on Improved real estate ,
l.eavltt llurnhnm , Crelghton block. G73
IONEV to lonn nt 0. H. Peterson , real es-
I tnto nnd loan agent , 1412 S lith st. Ml O !
' "lOODclty and farm loans wanted by A. K.
VJ Hlloy , 151-1 Farnam. 8SJ
. HATTEL and collateral loans. M. E. Davis
V lll s Uth St. , room 27. Mttl
.VXl.OX ) to loan at 0 per cent. Llnahan & Map -
p honey , room aw. llixton block. i J
MON'EV to loan ; long tltuo. George J. 1'auli
1U Farnam st. WJ
Bt'ILDINO loans. Llnnhaii A Mahouey.UW
) EAIestate loans , lowest rates. Odcll Hros.
.V Co. , 312 S. 16tll st. 890
MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , IM'i Farnam st. UOJ
FOR SALE Ilnrbershop. The best located
in the city of Lincoln. IVrmseatv. Address
J M ( . ' , Capital barber .shop , Lincoln , Nob. 7S5-15 *
FOll 9ALE-A luneh counter , ( horse shoe ) ,
almost new nnd very cheap. Cosmopolitan
restaurant , 311 and ai'l S 14th. C04 IT
A\7"ANTHD A pnrtuer with M 000 tor restaurant -
rant in centio of business portion of tint
city ; tirst-clasa trade. Addie s t'Sj , leo ! olllco.
00:1 : IB :
" \\rANTED-A partner lu n light mauufactur-
ing busluoss paying 2 K ) percent. * 5nu re
quired. Cull nt room 7 , llushmnu block. IV12 13t
T710K SALE A butcher shop , now
J- ' und complete , liumue of Heury Anderson ,
Iftthand I.eavomvoith. 77J 19 *
CKiAH store , near P. O. , invoice nbout t71 ! :
giocery stock lu Omaha , Invoice aboutil.MW ;
also one about 1,000 , ' / cash , Co-Operntlve
Land & Lot Co. , 803 N. IGth at. ,20 15
WK wish to employ a reliable man in your
county. No experience required : perma
nent i > Osltion for three yours. Salary increased
each year. Light , eiusy , genteel business. Money
nihaiired for snlary. advertising , etc. Largest
mnnuf'r.s lu our line. Enclose 2-cent No
postals. Centennial MTg Co. , Cliiclnuatl , O.
13J J2 & 9
FOK SALE A confectionery and cigar store
at a barqalu. No. I location. Inquire 111)4N ) ,
W. cor. 17th ana Nicholas. 453 10 *
Foil SALK First class.saloon nnd long lease
on ground. Address ! ' 33 Hoe olhce , G80 15'
FOR SALE-Salt Lake lots WJ each , nt .110 3.
K'thst. 42.1
TTOH SALK or Exchange-All old established
J good paving Livery business in Council , I'JN Main st. win. Stadlomau. cut
FOIl SALI5 A stock of general inercnandUo.
Address lock box .153. Atkinson , Nub.
2.H Oia ;
Foil SALE The furniture nnd lease of one of
the best paying nud best located hotels in
the cltv. Apdlyut once to Green & Williams ,
l-' Nat. bank building. 27.1
FOll EXCHANJE-Or ( Sale-Ono nice drue
Ktoie ; on stock general merchandise ;
several houses nnd lots ; two good farms ; onu
one largo .spring wagon ; two good horses ,
( .heap. Houses to rnnt , all over city. Come
nnd nee us. Telephone 420. D. L. Thornton , 121
N. 15th St. 7S4-15
I HAVE real nnd personal property of all
kinds for trade. Call and see mo. George J ,
Sterusilom , room 0 , opp , P. O. 8ii
f lONI'KCTIONr.UY and cigar .store , price % 0 ,
V for n good team , lignt wagon und harnois ;
ll.HOO grocery stock for $703 cash , balance city
property ; H.OOO stock of millinery for'
proved land : coed saloon , price W.OOO , foi
smull amount of cash mid good property , ami
stock of groceries and store building on leased
grounds , piico for nil nbout J2.50J 'irade roi
clear OmnhA property Address Co-Operntlv *
Lr nd i- Lot Co. . 2ai N , Kith st. 720 13
r V ) niADII A stock of books und statlonerj
JL. or good Omaha property ; some lots nml
money Inr house worth almut f2.500 ; Hanscom
Place house for good building lot : good tiirm
on railroad in lirown county , w 1th only
cumbrance , und 010 acres good laud in Colorado -
rado , with smull encumtirnnce. to trade fet
Kooil Omaha propci ty : will put In some cash ,
Piopeityof nil kinds to trude. Give us a call
Also 100 feet trent In West Omaha nnd UK feel
front trackage on lltn st. to trade , ( irovei
Stevens , 1521 I'aniam st. 731 11
\\MNTKD To exchange liuldi city prop-
> eity for unproved farms noarclty. llox
75 , city. 35O 1
Tl'youhavo anything to exchntiKS call anO
see our list. Western Lund und Loan ex
change , 117 S. 16th. 007 nS
rpo EXCHANGB-Or sell , houses and lots
JL farms or merchandise f on Omaha lluslncs-
llxchange , room 5 , s. w. cor. 15th and Douglas.
171011 EXCIIANGE-Hood renting city aui
-i.1 South Omaha property : uUo lots and farm.
Western Land and Loan exchange , 117b. Itith st
I7IOH Tradb Choice lot In GrammercT Parl
JU' and choice douiila corner In Lipton Place foi
good land. D. V. Sholes. 210 , First Nut'l bank
rpll E Omaha Iluxiness Exchange. II. 6 , s. w. cor
-L | .lth und Douglas , makes a specialty of sellini
and exchanging ull classes of merchandise , etc
" \\7ANTED-Good lands nud city property
> horses , cattle , etc. , to exchange for mer
chandlsein all lines. L. P. Kraus , 1U07 Farnan
St. , Omaha , Neb. 453 O-'l
POHTPNE Teller -Mrs. Lerorman can Iwcon
suited on all alfulrs of life. Satisfactloi
guaranteed No OUXlOtlist 6SGnl2 ;
T\H. NANNIE V. Warren , clalrvoyantr Mcd
J-/icul and business medium. 1'emnlo disease
a specialty , lltf. N. Pith ot , Uooms 2 Je 3. 255
s H ORT 'HJ SLAHP/ Y p ewpi riTTa
SHOUT finnil unoTType-wrTtln ? Valentino' ,
Short-hand und type-writing institute , ne\ \
Pnxton building , Omaha , Neb. The only ei
clutlve. prnctlcal snort-band ichool in the well
The demand for short-buna wrlt r Is largely 1
excess of the supply.
Short-hand is much superior to boolc-keepln
and telegraphy as a meant of livelihood. W
give instructions on Htmiugtou and Mammon
type-writers , both for the name prlco.
Day and evening sessions. Btudrntt ct
enter at any time. Bend for circulars. IW n3.
A FULL SO ft. lot on Lake st near Saunderi
a big bargain at U.UW , T. J. Uook. 31
faxtoa iftock. . > . 'tK-\ \
100 feet ( at grade ) on \renWorth st , within
300 feet of Park avp , at 174 per foot , U casli.
balance ta T. Match it if you can. T. J , Hook.
illl PHxton Illock. 7 < it-ie
BON'T miss thls-lxH on Luke st. for MOaioss
than market prico. Grover Storcns , 1521
Farnnra t. 731 15
' . new 7 room house. < th and
Illckoiy ; best neighborhood In the city ; nil
modern Improvements : for sale cheap , .small
cash payment , balance If dc.slntd on monthly
Two small cottages of 4 rooms ench , noir 21th
and Pierce , for Mlo. 11,500 each. Jluu down , bal
ance monthly Instalment * .
Two cottages lu Klluy Plnro , 3 room : just
completed : Mnall cash payment nud vacant
lot takeu If desired.
Call nnd see us. Mutual Investment Conipnnr.
room 1 , Darker block , 15th and Karnam. 7-7 IV
CASH nnd easy payments for balance
$ will buy anew el-room hotiso near car Ime ;
price tAOJJ. Orovcr Stevens , 1521 Fnrnum Ht.
| 7.11 15
K HOOM house , 30 feet lot on Pierce M , near
O Mill st. U2JO. T. J. Hook , oil Puxton IllocV.
I HAVE n fine brick business blockrented for
M.WW per year , which I will * ell for what It Is
vtoith It is now slightly lurumbpred , but 1
will release snme If purchaser denirc.s ; will
tnke good residence property in Omaha ns par
tial payment. Address P O Itox 4M. City.
673 m
SNAP-Only J1.9U for a licautlful lot on Lake
st , worth tl.iVJ. Otovcr Stevens , 1KI I ar-
nnm &t. 7 H 15
08 ft. sq .12 th sU.lmprovcil. F 45 , Uee.
G77 19t
] > KST Ilnrgnln In Omaha South front on
-'Lake st. near cur barn , lull lot , only ll,3iiu.
G rover fctevens , 1521 I'ariium bt , 7J1 15
"I71O11 SALE Or exi-liange for Omaht proper-
.1 ty , SO acres , suitable for platting : u III make
' ( joints ; all clear ; big money In It for somn one
the can push this ; located just outside of thn
ilty limits ot Council Hinds. Inquire Geo. J.
'turnsdiirlT ' , opp. unstotlice. JM.1
EDWAHD A. HKODllOLL , Lindsay. Neb. , has
seveinl farms lor sale In 1'latte county at
15 to rw per acre. OXJ-O2I *
FOK SALE Two elegant homes In Hanscom
Pluce on reasonable terms ; mortgage paper
uken as part payment. llosvioith k Joiillu ,
tnrker block. 5' < 0
$1.500 buyi ; x good 2--.tory 8 room house nnd
lot. east front , in Windsor Place , n bargain.
" > . V. SholM , Ilooiu210 , 1'lrst National llnnk.
FOll SALE Lot 50x150 , with good 2-story
house nicely furnished , nil modern conven-
. .co.svitliln 1 blk paved ( t. , ! J blk from Park
school and M. K. church. Hanscom place. This
's one of thu boat properties in the city , ni.d
an be had at a bniuuln by addiesslug the
iwner , K 14 , llee ofllce. 448
Poll SALE-Or xcnange. We hav some
good Omaha real estate nnd Nebraska
farms , which wo will sell cheap or traoe for
stock of clothing , furnishing goods , drv goods ,
hoots nnd shoos , groceries or hardware. Schles-
'nger Ilros. . 811 S. 10th st 'J10
IjlOKSA LE31x100 feet near corner Woolworth
-I-1 ave. and 2iith st ; house of tt roomsbathroom ,
gas , cistern , hot and cold water , sewer connec
tion , furnace , 2 cellars , location all that cnn bo
desired , > heel , ihurch nnd 2 lines of horse cars
wlthlug2 blocks , cable in project ; $4,500 ; $1,00J
cash balance easy , 8 per cent interest. C. F
Mairison. 4HS 15th st.
3:1x1000 : feet cor. Woolworth ave. and 25th St. ,
: iouse and improvements materially the snme
as above , W.OJO , * 1OOU cash , balance easy , 8 per
cent Interest , C. F. Harrison. 418 8 loth nt. 093
ffisflO buys n full lot and good 4-rooui cottags
Peasy terms and good location. D V. Sholos ,
room 210. First Nftt'l bank. cor. 13th and Fur-
u. 003
FOK SAM : -Frank Wnssernian , at the Hank
of Omaha , h s home of the choicest resi
dence and business property in the cltj for fale
cheap , 40i )
1710H SALK-10.0QO acres land lu Nebraska at
JL low rates on long time : good farm lands.
G. H. Peterson. 12 S.JSth st 50I-0.23
710H SALti NoTforTr.ide. ftl.1.76 acres of Improved -
- proved land 2 miles from Mnrquette in ,
Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. Frame house , frame
stahle , 300 acres under a good 1 barb-wire fence ,
round cedar posts nnd B stays ; living water ,
good corrul , 2 wells , wind mill , 320-bnnel tank ,
self-fepdertrouL'h * . etc. ; 75 acres clover ; model
Price ( about $12 per aero ) 1(1.500 (
Cash 3.WO
3 years time at 0 per cent 3,000
Gound look over the land nnd address the
owner , F. K. Atkins , 1502 Larimer st. , Denver ,
Colo. 244
POll SALE-Lot 11. b. 20. Hanscom place. $3,10
off what it is worth. C.F. Harrison , 418S 15th
LAND Seokeis. Attention For full par
ticulars about free and cheap lauds in west
ern Nebraska uddross Thos. C. Patterson , Heal
Katute Agent , North Platte , Neb. 101013
Election Proclamation.
Under and by virtue of the authority vested
In me by section eleven ill ) of chapter twenty-
six : (2 ( i of the compiled statutes or Nebraska ,
entitled "Elections. " 1. .John M. Thayer , gov
ernor of the state of Nebraska , do hereby Issue
my proclamation , that on Tuesday , tno
dhy of November , A , D. ISsd , there will be an
election held at the usual places ofotlng In
said Mate.forthepurposeof electing the follow
ing ollicers. to-wit :
Five electors of president nnd vice president
of the I'nlted States.
One member of congress from the First con-
ir ; < > 'stotinl district.
One member of congress from the Second con
gressional district.
One member of congress from the Third con
gressional district.
Lieutenant governor.
Secretary of rftute.
State treasurer.
Auditor public accounts.
Attorney general.
Commissioner of nubllo lands and buildings.
Superintendent of public Instruction.
State senator for each senatorial district , and
lleprosentutlves for each representative
district , as provlitsd by law.
In witness whereof , J have hereunto set mv
hand and caused to be nlllxed the great Heal of
thx state. Done at Lincoln this
SSd day of October , in the year of
our Lord one thousand eight bun-
[ Seal. ] drrd and olghty-olght , the twen
ty-second year or the state , and
of the lndei > udenc of the United
States the one hundred und thir
I5y the Governor , JOHN M. THAVEIl.
0. S. L\ws , Sucreturv State.
Nntlco to CnntrnutorH.
Sealed proposals will be received nt the office
of County Clei k , Douglas County , until 2 p. m. ,
Saturday October 13th. A D. Wv , for removing
3 , < iOO yards of earth , more or leis. near Heunlng-
ton Mutton , between section 11 and 14 , T Irt , H II.
CerMtled check of J25.00 to accompany each bid.
The Hoard reserves the right to reject anvaud
all bids. M. I ) . HOCIlC.
oct 10 ini-o Gt-wlt County Clark
l > sNohition Notice ,
The undersigned , doing business under tha
tlrin name of Johnson i. Graves , Walnut Hill
grocery , has this day dlssolveii partnership ,
Addlson Graves will continue Its business , pay
Ing all outstanding accounts and collecting al
bills due the late tlrm. 1'KANIC .10IINSON.
Oct. 14-03' ADDISON OHAVliS.
Sealed proposals will be received nt the odlca
of the county clerk , of Douglas county. Neb. ,
until. p.m. Saturday. October 1,1th. , IMS. for
removing 4.0UU cubic yards , more or less , earth ,
on county road , in Section 12. Tp. 15. north U. K
K. . the sumo being known as Center Street , In
Elkhoni Station. Certllled chock of tJO to ac
company each bid.
The board reserves the right to reject any and
all bids.
Protlloand specifications in County Surveyor's
ofllce Hy orderof county commissioners.
M. I ) . UOCHE , County Clerk.
olillJteom to M
Notlco to Contractors.
SEALED Proposals will be received at tin
ollica of county clerk , Douglas county , until
2 o'clock p. m. S iturday , Oct. Uth , 1838. for re
moving 4.UUO yards , moro or less , of earth , or
half Hectlon line in Sec , in , 'l 15. H. 13 K. . al
dirt to be placed between railway track am )
Certified check of 115.00 to accompany oact
bid. The board reserves the right to reject nnj
and all bids M. D. HOCIIE , County Cleik.
Corner of IGth and Farnam Streets , Chamber of
, Commerce Uuildlng.
Capital Stock . $100,000
Liability of Stockholders . 800 , OOC
Five percent paid on depotlti. loam made on rei
eu ta and personal i curltr : note , w rr Dt > , ilocm
na OoQ'Jj purcbatej ,
A.NDIIUW UOdEWATKH. Vice Prcildont
. , . ll'UHDor ' UlHEOTOItSt
Jolirj L. Mllei. Eraitui Ilonion ,
( Urnuel Coloer. Juba U. MT O .
AuJrew llo t r , Motrii Morrl oa ,
W. l.UOIbbon. Ueo. B. JUrker.
Oor.AlrlaStuaderi , pestar UTbomas ,
Normin A. Kutm , Jamct TUoiupioa ,
f. U.Johoion. JoHaUtuli ,
Qao. a nobble.
, i acr ( M-mtnl ,
In any style , to kojr maaiur * J r ladr or cbllO.
OMmcnU ( uarkKlMd t * Hprfcl toUAaui r
an. AdOiM * MOO0Y * C9 " '
Itunnlng between Council Illuff and ,
In adrtltion to the stations menttoiiotl , trains
stop at Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth streets ,
and at the Summit lu Omaha.
Went want.
llroadTrnus Dmnlia Siieely. South Al-
way. fur. Depot ) mahn bright
A.M. A.M. A. M. A.M.
5:45 :
r > : IO fi:17 flIM :
nv. 7:0. : 7:15 :
7:4' . 8:115 :
0:03 :
10:05 :
10 : fi2 lltn :
11 :4r : > llf : > P. M.
1' . M. 1' . M. 12in :
: i'A. 1:05 :
1 :
2:52 :
; i:4r 3:52 : 4:03 : 4 :
b-M 5 :
fi:4S : B : 7:06 :
7:4i : 7:52 : H:05 :
8:4 : 8K. 0:05 :
0:45 : 0:52 : 10in :
. 11:01
' ar. :
10:15 : 10 : i' . 11:34 :
Iv. 11:39 :
AlSouth Omalm Tram- llro d
bright. Omaha. Shooloy depot , for. way. "
A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M.
" " 5.4.1
" 0.3J
7:01 : 7:15 7:20 :
7.V : 8:07 : 8:1,1 :
8.50 8:55 : 9:07 : :15 :
0:60 : 0:5.1 : 10:1 : , ' 10:15 :
10:5 : ( 10.V : 11.07 11:15
ll.W 11:55 M. P. M.
P. M. . M. 12:07 : : !
12'i : 12:5. : ' 1:07 : 1:15 :
1:50 : 1:5 ; 2:07 : :15 :
2.50 3:07 : 3:15 :
3:51 : , ii-5 : 4:0- : 4:15 :
450 ; 4:5T : fi:07 : 5:15 :
6.0 : ! GiV : ll07 ; 0:15
CW G:55 7T 7:15
7:50 : 7:55 : 8:0 : *
8:50 HM 0:0- :
11:50 : 0:55 : 10:0- : 10lf : 10
10:5 : 10:5 : 11:0- : ar. 11:15 : 11:4' :
II:1) : ) 11:59 I2:09am : Iv. ll
Leave. Afrlv * .
A No.2. . . . fi:50p.m.D : | No.l 7:00a.mi
n No. G GOOn.m.C : No.5 5:50p.m :
No. 4 0:40n.m. : A No.3 0&ob. : m
rt No.4 . . . ' .i:40a. : m.'A ' No.r. 7:8pa.nt. :
A'No.8 . . . J > :35p. : m.jA No.7 5:30 : p. M ,
A No. fl 0:50 : p. m.'A No. 8 . , . .8:60 : D. m.
A No.O BlIOa.m.A No.3 7:10 : a. Ul
A No. 4 . . . . : ( JOp. in. D No.l ,7OOa.lU. :
n No.2 . 8in : . m.'A ' No.B 8:45 : p. * H .
No. 1 . . 'J:4n. : ( ) m , A No.l : Wa. m ,
No 7:00 : p. .m. | A No. : i. . . .0:50i :
A No.2 9:2r : > a7iir.fA "No.3 vm.
A No.4. 0:20 : | i. ml A No.l. . . > . m.
A o.10 , . .7:0f : a. m.lA No. 9 6:55a.m ,
A No . , U . . . . 7:00li.m. : A No. 11 BUOp : , m.
No. 8 . . ilMlTpTm ) A"No. . T 5a.m.
A dally : 11 dully except Saturday : 0 except
Sunday ; D except Monday ; fast mall.
Capital $500,000
Surplus 100,000
IIEHMAN KOUNTZi : , Presidont.
JOHN A. OHEl GHTON , Vie * Presiaeut
F. H. DAVIS , Cashier.
W. II , MEGUIEII. Asjlstant Cashlofi
Cnpllitl Stock $150,000
Liabilities ot Stockholders 800,000
Five Per Cent Interest Paid oti Dfl-
j.o3it $ Cotnpun < lcil
L. M. UBNNKTT. Vice Prejid Bt.
P. W. WE3SELS. Managlna Director.
JOHN K. WILBUR , OluUl r ,
STOCaHOljDKfia :
OMAHA L. &T. Co. , L. u. WII.LIAUS ,
H. NlKUAtf , JOHN E. Wn.BtJB.
Or tfce Li nor Habit , Potltirelr Gare4
Specific *
tt car * TM nm tr a enp of offe * r Ua tf
rUdf e o | th p oi taklotf Ul at
lately harmless , and will * ffot t
ptedy cur * , whttber tha cattei
flrinkaroran alcohollo wreeK . „ . . „ „ .
drunkard ! baT bean made tamMr.tS man wUi
U TaUkn Golden Boeclfld In tWlr oqHe VltK
out their knowledge and to-day btU.T * laei
" drlnkloB ot Uiait * wn trt * wUL It nev *
'j.Th ' * system ones JmnteBnatel Wlfhtbi
* Sfr'/JSWR" ' . Jitf * JwPM V Uljf ( W
(3acc ssor * to John 0. Jaeoui. )
Under takers and Embalmers
At tha .old tana , lm Farnam fit. Orders by