Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1888, Part II, Image 9

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    " 5 * J.
- . * .
Immense sale on Carpets and Curtains.Vc arc not working fur a profit , but rntencl to make this department one of our leading specialties , and we propose to advertise it by selling goods at ruinous prices. Hear them :
Moquettes , $1.25 yard , best makes. Best Body Brussels , $ yard. Best brands Oil Cloths , 35c jard. 5-4 Oil Cloth Patterns , 650. " 6-4 Oil Cloth Patterns , 850. Hemp Carpet , 150 yard. Fine Portier Curtains , sold in this
city at $10.00 , our price is $5.50. Extra large Portier Curtains at $3.50. Lace Curtains at $2.00 that no other house in Omaha will sell less than $3.50 , our price is $2.00 a pair , and curtain poles thrown in free of charge. A lot
of fine Lace Curtains at $4.00 , $5.00 , $5.50 and $6.50 , less than importer's cost. We make and lay old and new carpets. Monday we shall offer 1000 Curtain Shades with handsome dado , all made and mounted on best spring
roller at 450 each. Also 1000 fine Opaque Shades , beautiful dados , all made ready for your window at 500 each. These are simply immense bargains. Don't place an order on curuins or carpets until you see our line and
prices. Our 55c Ingrains still on sale. Elegant Tapestry Carpets at 65c , worth $1.00. Take Elevator 3rd floor.
5 cases Full Standard Drc's Prints ,
Monday , -Ic yard.
1 case Gorman Pink MixcA Flitnnels.
rboy are cheap at 2 > c. Our price Mon
day only llc ) a jard.
Bennlson Bros
The First of "Carp's" Sorlos of
Asiatic Letters.
Fiftcrn Days With the Chinese How
Xlicy Kilt , Drink , Sleep , Smoke
and Gamble Necessity
of Gooil Clotlies.
Imnil of ( lie Mlkiulo.
Tohio , Japan , September U. > .
[ Special Correspondence of TUB
DEE.- ] With this letter I begin
the description of a tour which 1
am taking in the Interest of the
readers of THE Hi'.i : iu the out-ot-
tUway > districts of the eastern
worl'l. ' Keaviug Now York I
crossed the continent by way of
Omaha , and sailed from San
Vrancisco on the good steamship
Gaelic. 1 ariivcd in Yokohama ,
Japan , fifteen days after leaving
America , and I am now writing
In tlio Sui Yo Ken hotel in Tokio.
I shall spend several months in
Japan , and will thru go to China.
From China I expect to drift
through the Islands of tlio western
Pacilic to Shimand , thence move
round by way of the Sti aits of Malacca and
Ceylon to India. From India I shall work
my way into Palestine and Turkey , and will
then give some letters on Egypt ami the
Khedive. I shall possibly make a tour Into
tlw Caucassus and southern Hussla if Mr.
Kciinan has not by tils articles on Siberia
prevented the coming of an American news
paper man into the country. 1 was told at
the state department that such a thing was
probable , and when 1 asked why ( the reply
was that correspondents could hardly expect
to be much favoicd in Hussia for live years
at least. After Kusfcia I will visit Greece ,
and I will seek everywhere out-of-the-way
It will be Interesting to know something
about tlio preparations one makes for a tri |
nround the world. The Journey to Asia has
more lequlroments than that to Europe and
few of the travelers who understand where
they are going confine themselves to u valise
The heathen countries have all largo forcigi
colonies. These are made up of clegautli
dressed ladies aud gentlemen and I Hud as
finely dressed men and women hero at Yokohama
hama as jou have on Fifth avenue , Ne\\
York. They do not keep their good clothes
for only Sunday wear , and they spend monej
freely. Hut let mo give you
to Asia. In the first place you want a gooi
Hired letter of credit which you can get ii
Kow York and which will authori/e you to
draw from banks all over the world to the
amount specified upon it. You deposit with
'your Now York banker , say for Instance
(10,000 , , did ) ho gives you a letter far this
nmount. The Now York banker will also
take several coplos of your signature
which ho will mall to his different bank
ine houses and you will also sign youi
letter of credit. When you wish to dra\\
money all you have to do is to make out a
draft in any of the branches of this bank in
the different countries and to sign your
name In the presence of the cashier. Ho com
pares the signature to your draft with tha
of your letter of cmlitund this forms you
Plusli Mete
100 Ladies1 Seal Plush Jackets Satin
Linedi l hamoib bkm Pockets ; this ib n
bi'autlfiil garment and never was Fold
less than ilo. For ono \\oUc $10 each.
Mail orders filled.
Scarlet Blankets
100 pair all wool Scarlet Blankets ;
Monday fc.45 ! a pair , worth $1.00.
Bennlson Bros
lentillcation. It is on such credentials that
11 traveling is done and millions of dollars
are paid out in this waj at foreign banks
ivcry month. Next , you need
A rv-ai'ORT ,
ind this is especially necessary in Asia. You
an get this by applying at the state depart-
neut at Washington , and it costs you * 1 in-
tcad of $5 as formerly. This is signed by
the secretary of state and gives a description
of you , the character of which can bo well
mderstood by the following extract from my
own passport wliich lies before me.
Ago thirty-three years ; stature live feet
eight inches ; forehead high : eyes grey ; uosc
iromincnt ; mouth medium ; complexion fair ;
'ace oval ; chin short ; hair auburn ; ( it Is
red. )
This passport is as largo ns one of the big
gest of Allen G. Thnrman's red bandanna
uiudkcruhlcfs. It is made on parchment ,
which contains in water lines a gigantic
American caglo and seal of the department
of state.
I carry three trunks , and two valises and
it is as necessary for u traveler here to have
liis evening suit and swallow tail coat as it is
ut Washington. I carry also a cheap i'2.r > 0
nicklo watch iu addition to rny gold one for
the differences of time in traveling necessi
tates so many changes that it would ruin
any tine piece of machinery. This watch
has twenty-four feet of spring and it takes
one a long time to wind it though it is a stem
winder. Uy holding the screw on the wheel
of a jmrikslia it winds itself in no time and
it does not seem to hurt the watch. As to
clothing , ono nccns a good supply of shirts
and neckwear , and if ion wish any books of
reference you had better bring them with
you , as books are very high abroad. Hats
and underwear you can got anywhere , and 1
Ibid that clothing is much cheaper here than
in America.
In addition to clothes one should take n
supply of simple medicines with him and if
he is fastidious m the use of soaps and per
fumery he had better lay iu n good stock of
articles of the toilet. Ono wants by all odds
a steamer chair and warm rugs as well as a
heavy overcoat for sea voyages. A pocket
filter and nil alcohol stove are among the
requisites , and in this country 1 boll all my
water before drinking it. I have also a com
plete photographing apparatus , and I will
Illustrate some of my fuiure letters with
views taken ou the spot , of the strange
characters and scenes which are all around
me. 1 do uot us yet Ibid my baggage cum
bersomc , and would not dispense with a
slr.lo ; trunk.
are apt to thinl : that they can go around the
world in a black dress and a linen duster ,
and the foreign residents hero tell strange
stories of some characters. One girl from
Doston who came out here to act as a mis
slonary , and who I nui told has done some
very good mission work , lee , wept tears of
sorrow with her friends before she came out
to labor among the heathen. She packed
away all her party dresses and left her Jew
elry at name. She expected to find none but
the Japanese to associate with , and she evi
dcntly thought that the Japanese in culture
ranked with the inhabitants of the Congo.
She found at Yokohama , as I did , some o
the best dressed women in the world , aud
upon being invited to several of the parties
of the foreign settlement concluded that her
best dresses and her finest jewels would beef
of as much use to her hero as at home. It Is
in traveling as at u hotel. The nobby sui
gets the bridal chamber and the rags go to
the attic. Letters of Introduction and gooi
clothes arc more of a necessity here than
nuywhcre else.
In ike meantime Japan gets along n Uu less
1 case White Shaker Flannels. Would
be cheap at loc. On bale Monday , OJo a
7o bales Snow Cotton Battinfr. llcst
ever ollored at price ) . On sale Monday ,
1 Oca roll.
Bennison Bros
lothcs than any other nation I have ever
con , and its picturesque characters will en-
ible my camera to give you some good rcprc-
entatious of the anatomy of the human
r.ime as it exists among this nation of the
THE I'tciric OCIUN
s virtually diflercnt from the Atlantic , and
'aeitie ocean travel offers almost as many
icw things as one of the countries of Europe.
When you step on the deck of an Atlantic
.hip you are in England. As soon as you
and your baggage iu the state room of a Pa-
cillc steamer you are in China. The ships
ire maimed entirely by Chinamen with the
exception of the chief officers , and you drop
nto the land of the celestials the moment you
o o sight of San Francisco. The steerage
lasscngcrs are all Chinese. Your food is
cooked by Chinese cooks and your rooms are
cared for by white-gowned , almond-eyed men
in pigtails. The waiters , the sailors and the
coal heavers are Chinamen , and on the
Gaelic the European officers did not number
over a do/en. 1 watched the sailors closejy
and Captain Pcarno , who is one of the oldest
captains on the Pacilic ocean , tells me they
make better seamen than tlio English or the
American. They are conscientious In their
work and do not shirk. They never talk
back and if they swear it is in their own lan
guage. They never get drunk and the only
time they grumble is when their rice is not of
the best quality.
ciu\r. n sui.oits
wear a dress which is across between that of
the American Chinese washerwoman and the
piuu celestial. U is extremely light and con
sists as a rule of but two garments. These
are a wide , shirt-like gown and a pair of
pantaloons , which are as full as those of a
X.ouayo and which Hap loosely about their
yellow-skinned legs. Some of them wear
shoes and some of them do not , and tlio skin
of their feet is of the dark , rich bion/o of
their faces. They have sailors' caps , winch
lit closely down above their almond eyes , and
each ono has a big knife , which ho cairics in
a case attached to tlie center of the back of
his waist band and resting , as it were , on the
small of his back. Their clilcf food is rice
and they use chop-sticks In eating it. They
get M cents a day and consider themselves
\\cllpakl. It costs about
to feed a Chinese steerage passenger and it
costs a Chinaman fi.'i to pay nis passage from
San Francisco to Hong Kong. Notwith
standing the immigration laws more return to
America than go away from it , and this ship
carried over a thousand during its hist voy
age. Tlio companies wliich ship them to
America engage to deliver them dead or alive
back into China , and the result is that if a
Chinaman dies on ship board his body is
never sewed up and cast into the sea , except
in cases of small pox or cholera , but it must
bo embalmed and carried on to China. Wo
had two deaths before we reached Yokohama
hama , and the doctor who embalmed the
bodies got $1' ) apiece for doing so. This is
the regular charge on all the Pacific steam
ers , and the embalming fees amount to quite
an Item when you have a thousand or so Chi-
namen on board.
The Pacific steamers must carry much
larger supplies than the Atluntic. When'a
steamer starts out from San Francisco to
Yokohama it has 1,300 tons of coal , and it is
provisioned for a six months' voyage. Our
ship carried live sheep for mutton , and the
Chinese butchers killed these from time to
time. It carried also flfiy-fOkir cows to a
dairy in Hong Kong , and these supplied u
with fresh milk. Two calves were born on
the trip , and the dally encursious to sec the
Cashmere Cloaks
Special Sale commencing Momliiy ,
Oct. 15. of Infants' Loiitf nnil Short
I'loaks , in Long Cashmere Cloaka. em
broidered collar and cuffs , in white ,
tan , gobelin blue , mahogany , at fcJ.US
each ; worth $1.00.
Only pieces loft. They arc the best
valnc'in Velvet fever offered in Omaha.
Come and got theu.i Monduy at 33e yard.
cows were one of the excitements of the voy
The steerage was altogether made up of
Asiatics. In it were X > 0 Chinese men ,
eighteen Chinese women and twenty-six
Chinese childien. They wcro going from
America back homo to China , and the men
were of all classes , from tlie Chinese mer
chant to the coohc. I stood for hours look
ing down upon them from the upper deck.
They were rather dirty than clean , but their
slant eyes , their long cues and their half-
Chinese , half-American dress made a queer
conglomeration of the picturesque and the
ridiculous. Not a few of them had on soft
American hats and some wore American
clothes , but the majority were Chinese
throughout. The women wcro of all ages
and the loses shone out the orange skins of
some of the younger among them. They
were kept by themselves , and it is against
aiders for a man to cuter their apartments.
Accompanied by the Chinese steward I man
aged , however , to get u look at them. I
found the whole twenty six In two small
cabins , each no larger than
A n.u.LiiEi ) uoow.
The walls of these cabins wcro lined with
berths one above another like the shelves of
a sleeping car , and between thcso were tiers
of other berths made by fastening poles to
gether and stretching canvas over them.
Tlie bed that each woman had was about a
yard wide and these Chinese maidens were
lying on those in every conceivable attitude
us I entered Some of their dresses were
slightly dccollcttc. They gi limed as wo went
through and jabbered at us in Chinese. I
afterwards visited the men's quai lers and
found them boused In much the sumo way.
Thcv spent most of their time in bed during
the voyage and many of them hud not had
their clothes off during the trip. The Chi
nese arc
and pai tics of half a do/en might be seen
gambling together , squatted on their
haunches about straw mats on wliich they
played with dominoes. Their game seemed
to be a kind of poker mid they used lozenge
like buttons as chips. At some times the
loser would grow t > o excited that ho would
pick up tlio whole garni ) and throw it over
board , and instance' ! often occcr where Chi
namen thus gamble , awiy while going home
all they have made ! in America.
Wo had two opidm joints on board , for tlio
Chinamen cm not got along without his
opium. These wcra made hj curtaining off
part of the ship's dock with canvas , and in
them at almost any hoar of the day could be
seen dozens of Chinamen lighting their opium
pipes and blowing the smoke out through
their nostrils. The Chinese sailors
to these men , and the greatest amount of
smuggling done on the Pacific coast is in
opium ; the duty is § 10 u pound. Opium Is
heavy , and ono -cnn take , it is said , enough
to make a nice profit , along with him iu a
Wo had two Joss houses in the ship before
which the fires of incense continually
burned , and the Chinese now and then
threw a kind of brown paper known ns
Joss paper into the sea to propiatiato the
Gods of the storm. They are very super
stitious , and I attempted to photograph
some of them , but the women turned their
heads and ran away , and 'tlio men scowled
and moved off whenever they saw xny
Fifteen days is a short time in which to go
over five thousand mijcs of water , but the
Oriental and Occidental is the best line of
Pacific steamers atlcat , and our captain has
Kid C eves
75 do/.en Ladles Kid Gloves hamlsone
embroidered backs. They are worth
from fl.fiO to $11.00 ; they are a lot closed
out at a very low price. You can get
them Monday , only ( ihc a pair.
1 case heavy Red Twill Flannels , all
pure wool ; Monday -Oca jard , worth
40c.Bennlson Bros
nmilo the fastest tiiuo on record , which Is
fifteen ilnys and twenty-two hours. As to
accommodations , our steamer was fully as
good as any steamer of the Atlantic and the
cooking of the Chinrunon was fully up to
that of a French chef. The service was ex
cellent , and though for fourteen days wo did
not see a bliip nor anything save the broml
expanse of water hounded by the horizon ,
we felt as safe as though wo were riding up '
the Hudson. During this llftcon days' voy
age not one of the passengers hecamc sick or
miss i amcal. Wo ImO one ol the storms
of the Atlantic nor the frosty winds of the
banks of Newfoundland.
The moment I arrived at the Grand hotel
in Yokohama I was called upon by a Chinese
tailor , Ah Shing was his name. He brought
a lot of samples with him , and took my
measure on the spot. Ho inado mo suits of
the best white llannt'l surge for J'J ' a suit ,
and the lit was a good one. IIu was hardly
out of the door before another tailor of
Yokohama , Mr. Chung Chow , came in and
took my order for a suit of blue flannel at f'J ,
white vest at $1. . " > 0 and a suit of pyjamas at
$ ! . Pyjamas are the nignt clothes of the
east. Tlioy are composed of a pair of loose
drawers and a jacket , which buttons up
loose at the neck , and wliich is held at the
waist by a draw string. They are made of
flannel , silk or cotton , according to tno taste
of the wearer , and it is all right hero to ap
pear in them from after dinner in the even
ing until breakfast time in tha morning.
Ladies wear them as well as gentlemen , hut
they add a wrapper to the suit , and quite a
number of the foicign men here add a
klmoiia or Japanese gown. As Chang Chow
measured me lor my Pyjama he Jabbered tome
mo in Pigeon English about
He was a plump , almond-eyed , yellow
skinned young fellow , with a cue wliich
reached to his heels and a lavender silk gown
which would have mcde a White House re
ception dress. His cue fairly tihook while
he tried to describe the big frame of Govern
or Hubbard , our Minister Plenipotentiary to
Japan. Governor Hubbard is almost as
heavy as George Names of Georgia , who ic-
jolces in the title ol being the fattest man in
congress. He makes a silhouette something
like that of Hen Butler , and ho Is as big
around the waist as Sam Cox is tall. Gov
ernor Hubbard Is liy no means a short man
and his frame cats up cloth as a corn shcller
chows corn. Fatness In the east is a sign of
wealth , and Chang Chow could hardly ex
press his admiration and wonder at our min
ister's shape.
"Hubbard holly great man , " said ho ;
"come to Yokohama to have him clothes
made Ho taltco inuchcc goods I Muchco
goods ! I"
"You ought to charge him more , Chang , "
said I.
"Course , " replied the celestial. "Havco
chargco more I One man makco vest , costco
dollar and half. Makeo Hubbard vest costeo
two dollar a half. Costeo one man suit
chcnty ( twenty ) dollar , chargco Hubbard
forty dollar. He so bigce lound takcc allco
cloth. Hubbard belly great man ! Holly
great man ! " And with that the Chinese
tailor spread out his yellow hands and opened
his eyes. In the mean time I find that
Governor Hubbard lins made many friends
here , but he is i.ow up in the country at
Nikko , and I have not met him ,
Attempted Suicide at Crete.
CKETE , Neb. . Oct. 13. Arthur Lord , a
young man of thirty , cut his throat horribly
with a pocket knife with the intention of
committing suicide. He has been sick for
Several months and become despondent. He
U still alive but can hardly recover ,
H0l ( do/on Towels , in line Bleach ,
Ilueks with faiu-v border , and in sumo
lot are a lot of e.xtra larg < > hi/.o TurKihh
Hath Towels that arc worth 60o. Your
choice Monday "Oc each.
Beaver Shawls ,
400 fine Heaver Shawls in brown and
greys reversible. They are cheap at
$5.00. You can get them Monday and
all next week at $ :1.00 : each.
Bennison Bros
Slio Witnesses "tics SurprlHcs ilu
Divorce" at New York.
NEW YOUK , Out. 13. [ Special Telegram to
THE Hun. | In Mr. Abbey's box at Palmer's
theater last night was a party that attracted
quite as much attention as the performance
itself. It consisted of Mrs. Cleveland , who
is on her way from Saranac Inn to Washing
ton , her mother , Mrs Folsom , and Mr. and
Mrs. Wilhird P. Ward and Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Lord , jr. , of this city. Mrs. Cleve
land , accompanied bv Mrs. Folsom and Mr.
and Mrs. Ward , arrived in New York only
yesterday morning and were driven to Mr.
Ward's residence. Mrs. Cleveland did not
RO out duriiit' the day. She will resume her
trip tills morning. At Palmer's theater last
night sue seemed much interested iu "Les
Surprises du Divorce' , and the great Frencli
comedian , Coquclin. She wore a
mouse-coloied velvet short skirt , in
laid in panels , with plaits of white
surah silk and trimmed with silver
passementerie. The bodice was high , with
n white surah vest. At her corsage and in
her hand wore bonnets of pink roses. She
entered the theatre in it short seal wrap , but
wotc no hat. Kho wore no Jewels except
the little gold ehisp pin which she wcais al
most constantly.
Mrs. Folsom was dressed In black velvet ,
with point lace. Mrs. Lord wore a blacli
lace over scarlet , red and black bonnet , and
Mrs. Ward an ecru lack and Persian brocade ,
with silver passamenterle , diamonds and
pink roses.
Mrs. Cleveland clossly followed the per
formance , which she evidently understood
and was seemingly ignorant of the fact that
do/ens of opera glasses were leveled at her.
Mrs. Ward went to Miller's agency In the
Equitable building for a box hm Tuesday ,
only to be tolu that all weto engaged. Upon
learning ttiat Mrs. Cleveland wished to at
tend the performance , Mr Abbey graciously
tendered the use of his private box.
Married llio Count Tor ljov < \
Nisw Yonn , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram to
Tun ltu. ] The Count and Countess Dr.
Montorcole , who were married In Pittsburg
by the mayor of that city , afterwards bi
Key. Samuel Maxwell , and lastly by Rev.
Father Graham , are at the Hoiol Nor-
maiulic Hrunswick , and sad on the steamer
La Normandie for Havre this morning. The
countess was Miss Virginia Knox , of Pitts-
burg , and an heiress , and the count is said
to own a beautiful castle in Italy on the
Adriatic sea , whither the happy couple will
ut once proceed , The countess was inter
viewed jestcrday at her hotel by a reporter ,
and stated that her marriage was a love
match and stones to the elfcct that her hus
band and herself could not converse with
each other were ridiculous , as they both
conversed llucntly in French , and that the
count was wculty in his own light. The
marriage was a social sensation in Pitts-
burg. She is a young and exceedingly
pretty woman and di esses remarkably well.
Not Down In thn JIltlH.
NnwYoiti ; , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram
to THE Hci.l The people gathered at Pal
mer's theater last night to see Coquoltn weie
treated to a little sensation not do\vn in the
bills in the arrest of one of their number
The unfortunate was Charles O'Hrion and
his captor was a detective from the Thirtieth
street police station. His offense was com
mitted Wednesday night , when , it is charged ,
he broke a bottle of bay rum over the head
of Claud M. Goodwin , secretary forHoitfc
Thomas , of "A lirass Monkey" and "Tin
Soldier" famo. The assault Is said to l.avo
been committed while Goodwin sat in a bar
ber chair at the Colcman house , undergoing
the sprucing up process , and not only his
head was damaged but his toilet ruined.
Jlm-Jaiiis and Gas.
NKW YOUK , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram
to Tun UEF..J A boll-boy at the International
hotel in Park Uo\v smelted gas outside of
room W at 0 o'clock last night and found the
UOQT iQckcd , He pounded gn the door and
UK ) pair 11-4 Scarlet MlaiiUets , just fo *
fun , Monday , $1.61) ) pair.
Plush Cloaks ,
Infants' Clouks , in 1 , U , 15 years , in
MahoganyGobulin Hlue , Cardinal.Kli'C *
trie Hlue , Drown , Copper , etc. . Thcgii
garments arc full grotchon skirt , and at
this price tire a great bargain.
lames S. Power , twenty-six years old , tlio
occupant of the room , let him in. Gas was
escaping In a volume from ono burner , but it
mil not been wasting more than five min
utes. Howcr crawled back into bed , whcro
ic had been since he registered at the hotel
on Thursday as from Baltimore. An nmbu
"anco came and took him to licllevuo hos
.iltal. The surgeon said it was a case ol de
lirium tiemcns. His hip pockets contained n
cttor addressed to .lames S. Dower , IftU'J
Kast Eighty sixth street , city , a letter begun
in Astor house stationery to James A.
I'orcher , C. C. trulMc department , "cast-
bound" trunk line commission , and 4 cents.
Four Persons Kaveil From licing
Itoastcil Alive.
NEW Youif , Oct. 111. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : Una. ] A thrilling incident of the hie
Williamsburg oil lire came to light icstcnhty.
Policeman Edwards , of the Hcdford avenue $4
station , was among the first to reach tha
dock where the oil was bias-ing and saw a
barge lying on the north side. He ran to tha
street and procured several stones , which ha
threw at the cabin. 'I ho flumes" were cvca
then enveloping tlie barge. In a few mo
ments a female figure emerged , followed
by an old , grey-Inured mini
and two young men. They wcro
Owen FhiuiJpry , owner and captain of the "
barge , and his wife and two sous.
"Hun for your life I" cried Edwards , and
they were barely icscued in time.
Captain Flaiinory said they were asltep
when they lieaid the stones rattle on the
cabin , and they owed their lives to Edwards.
The tug Green Point , which filially pulled
his b.irgn out of danger , Hied a libel the
same day for $1,500 for salvage. Policeman
Edwards holds several medals for life-saving.
Oood News Kroni Nmv York.
NEW Youic , Oct. 13.Special [ Telegram la
Tin : HEK.When ] Chairman Quay opened
his mail at the republican headquarters yesterday -
terday ho found a check forjll from eleven , i
worlilngmeu In Haltimorc. They said in tha
letter that was all they could spare , but that
they sent it wholly of their own accoid , iintl
wanted it to be used in paying the expenses
of the campaign that had for its object tlio
protection of American workiugmen and tlio
industries of this country.
Reports from Indiana , Connecticut , New
Jersey and tlie interior of this state continue
most Haltering. Senator Hiscock and
uthcrs , who were at headquarters last evenIng -
Ing , said from all they can Inirn New York 9
state is not only safe , but piomiscs a good ,
round majority.
A G'liif > rcH < * Domnoriulo Outlook.
Nr.w YOUK , Oct. IB. [ .Special Telegram to
THE DUE. ] The democrats are much fright
ened over the local situation , bccau o it looks
much as if Joel D. Erlmrd , who was nomi
nated by the republicans , would bo elected
mayor. The press of Now York are united
in sai ing he is a good man , though none of
the papers that support Cleveland have de
clared for linn. What frightens the demo
crats is the fear that the republican vole will
go solidly for Mr. Erlmnit , and that , with
the loss Hewitt and Grant are certain to sus
tain on account of defections to Coou-an , the
labor candidate , the republican nominee will
Klip in. The situation Is indeed u most
cheerless one for tlie democrats , and the out
look scums oven worse for Hewitt than
Grant ,
Tlio Situation /an/.lliar. .
y.ANzniAit , Oct. 13. ( Special Cablegram to
Tun DEI : . ] The sultan has lent out the ser
vices of General Matthews to the English
company for slmonths. . The German ad
miral yesterday sent the band of tlie flag
ship to serenade the consul at the Hritmli
resiliency. This is u unprecedented inci
dent , showing that an entente cordialu exiytn
between Germany and England. W ltl
tumors are current , emanating from Ger
man merchants and others , alleging hu&UlQ
intensions on the part of Germany ,