8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , OOTOBEK 14. 1883.-SIXTEEN PAGES. ' N. B. Falconer. On Monday wo oiler some odd lots of silks and drcsH goods wo want to close out. Wo call special attention to the ellk columns at $21. They are actually worth $45 and the combination suits at 815 , worth fron * 25 to MO. We also call attention to our lace department Mon day and "all week. Wo will oiler some ' fine lace's at lees than half price ! A SACRIFICE IN OUR SILK DE PARTMENT. Our eastern representative has se cured for us a large quantity of manu facturers' coupons of colored silks in short lengths of from 15 to 520 yds and to give our customers the benefit of the very low price for which they were ptirchahed we have decided to bacrilico them at $121.00 per pattern. These goods are from the loomsof the very best silk manufacturers in the world , from 22 to 21 in. wide , making plenty for a full dre&s in any one piece. As these goods are the very best made , worth from $2,00 to tt.50 per yd. , it will pay anyone who contemplates the purchti'-o of a drcbs to examine tnotn ONLY ONE PATTERN TO A CUS TOMER. DRESS GOODS. For $15.00. To clear out our stock of robes wo will ell on Monday some of our imported Combination robes. They have been ; olling at $25.00 , * 27.50 and WO.OO. The suit consists of 8j yds of plain ina- jprial 50 indies wide and a liberal amount of novelty goods for trimming. The cloth is exquisite and would make an oxtrcmelv handsome drcbs. On Monday $15.00. This is certainly a wonderful bargain , and as the quantity is limited wo ask yflu to make u bdeetion as early in the day as possible. MELTON CLOTH. This is an iniDortcd cloth , guaranteed not to spot nor wear rough ; is the finest quality in the market , and without tiotibt the price quoted is the lowest for the same article ever ollured ; 61 inches wide , $2.70. All the new shades in stock. OUR LEADER IH a 51-inch broadcloth , steam shrunk , will not wear rough , and a complete line of shades , sold throughout at $2.50. Our price , $1.50. MELT-ON CLOTH , SLIM , fil indies wide ; thirty dillorent shades ; Htciim shrunk ; the cloth would be cheap at $1.75. ON MONDAY. $1.23. Tricot , 5t indies wide , ! ) " 5e. Full line of colors , extra line grade , usually sold at $1.15. This is a staple line of goods and ib very cheap at 07jc. Fine French twills , good colors and strictly all-wool. TiU"-o have been selling for ( toe , 75c and * 1. TKIfOT , IOC. Our regular ode quality will sell at lOcf double width , all-wool. FLANNELS. , ' (2jC. ( The quality wo generally sell at 50c , on Monday ; ! 2je. All dress goods advertised are posi tively all wool and are genuine bar gains. LACES ! LACES ! LACES ! On Monday wo will give our patrons a'i opportunity to buy * omo very de sirable goods at very low prices. 72-inch Mechlin drapery nets ( even ing shades ) , 25c worth ( iOc. 51-inch dotti'd drapery nets ( cveiiin < r shades ) , Me , worth $1.00. fit-inch striped drapery nets ( evening shades ) , G5e , worth $1.50. 72-inch Brussells drapery nets ( even ing shades ) , ! )5c ) , worth $1.25. 18-Inch fancy .silie drapery nets ( even ing shades ) , $ i.25 , worth $ ; i.50. 27-inoh embroidered crepe lisso drapery , nets ( evening shades ) , $0.50 , worth $112.50. 41-inch embroidered crepe lisso flouncing ( evening shades ) , $8.50 , worth 815.00. 44-inch val. and oriental flouncing , cream , Doc , worth $2.00. 44-inch Spanish C'hantilly and Fedora flouncing , cream , $12.00 , worth $1.50. Our entire stock of black Chantilly lace flouncing will also bo placed on sale at uniformly low prices. HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR. Ladies , do not fail to visit this de partment. We have some very special bargains for Monday and all next week. 5)0 ) do/.en ladies' line Merino Jersey fit ting vests , high neck and long sleeve , retailed everywhere for OOc , our price ifc. ! ) 1 case ladies' all wool Saxony Jer sey lilting vests , high neck and long sleeve ; this is an extra line yarn and good value for $1.25 , sale price only 80c. 60 do/on ladies' line white lawns , wool vests and pants , all steam shrunk anil silk llnislipd , extra good value for $1.50 , wo will offer them during this bale foi 61.00 each. 1 case ladies' "natural gray , " extra line Australian lamb's woo' ' yests and pants , with French braided necks and exra soft finished , splendid value for $2.25 ; wo olfer them for $1.50 each. HOS.1ERY , HOSIERY , HOSIERY 100 do/.en ladies' heavy all wool hose with double Merino heel and too ( black only ) , worth It'je , Sale price 22c. 48 dozen ladies'extra line real Froncl blade cashmere ho.efiill regular made , Morlno heels and toes , all sixes , at 50o pair , worth 75e. CHILDREN'S WOOL HOSE. 75 dozen children's heavy all woo' ' hose , ribbed and plain , till sizes from 0 in. to 8 } in. , at 25o pair. We have nearly 100 dozen in odd lots of children's extra line cashmere hose blade and colors , ribbed and plain , it most all hi/.os. They are goods that have been sold at and are worth to-day from OOe to 81 per pair. Wo will close the lot for IWc , H pair for $1. CLOAL DEPARTMENT. Children's cloaks , $2.98 , worth $0. Children's cloaks , $ , worth $7.50. & Children's cloaks , * " > .50 , worth $ ' . ( .50. Misses'ulsters at * 2.)0. ( ) This is the greatest bargain wo have ever shown. Misses' ulsters at $5 ; every one is worth $0. $0.LADIES' LADIES' WRAPS. Fifteen plush wraps , beaver trimmed , nt $7.60 ; the o wraps sell regularly at $14.50. Ladles' ulsters & 5 ; these garments have sold at $8. Ladies' ulsters $5 , cver.y ono worth $10. Wo make special mention of a lot of raglans and ulsters in very desirable goods , Tho-o garments have sold at | rom $15 to $25. Wo sell thorn on Mon day at $9.60. This is a bargain. Twenty-live astrachan wraps , quilted Batin lined , at $7.50 , regular price $15. In some of the above lines the si/.cs are not complete , soun early inspection is advised. SPECIAL ATTRACTION in our book department ; ono week only ; don't miss it. Those 25o paper novels from 100 best authors , will continue at IOc each. flilt-cdgo red line pools 69c , worth tl.23. Atlas of the world $1.58 , worth $3.00. The Gilbert Shakespeare , oil illus trations , -Ho size , beautifully bound in cloth , at S2.1S , worth $1.00. K. P. Roe's works , Sl.OS per vol. We have a few Mucauloy's History of England , bound in cloth on good paper , in 6 vol. at $1.48 , worth $1.75. Our line of bibles , scrap books , music folios , pho tograph albums , juvenile books , etc. , .etc. , was never more complete and at proportionately low prices. N. I ) . FALCONER. IIAVDKN lUtOS , Hpoclnl Hnr nltifl Hcforc Moving. Our now building not being quite fin ished wo are compelled to remain in our present location a few days longer. On Mondndy wo will olTer some extra bargains in odd lots to close. All wool , navy-bluo twilled flannel at lOo yard. Oray-mixcd , Gurmanla twilled flannel at 15c yard. Good grade of shaker flan nel at 7jc yd. (5-oz. ( all wool , red twilled flannel , already shrunk , worth OOc , re duced to 3c ! ) yd. A handsome line of Eiderdown flannels in all new shades. Fancy skirt flannels in patterns , re duced lo $1.45 each. 61-in wide Turkey red table linen at IOc yd. , which isa de cided bargain. 60 dox. of extra largo sine towels , reduced to clo o , at IOc each. Turkish tidies , knotted fringe , cut down to IOc each. Sateen-covered comforts , Turkey red lining , worth W.K ( ) , our price Monday will bo only $1.85 each. Largo size bed comforts at 75c , 87e and $1.00 each. Imported ehlnt'/.o covered comforts , Turkey red lining , fancy quilting , at $1.50 each. This comfort has been sold by us last season , and gives good satisfaction and is by far the best value you will lind anywhere at $1.60 each , 'it will pay yon to examine our prices on blankets this coining week. Wo have a great many broken lots and odd pairs which will be on sale at price to close. Wo call your attention to the silver gray blankets which wo nro selling at $1.J9 : , $1.05 and $1.00 a pair , also those heavy Indiana and Iowa , gray mixed blankets at $2.-j a pair , which are extra good value ; in white blankets wo have some as low as 0c ! ) a pair ; 11-4 Olb while blankets at $2.85 n pair , and strictly all wool white blankets at $ ! Ui3 a pair , which will not be duplicated this season. California blankets , extra heavy at $ . ' ) . ! )0 ) and $7.S5 a pair , worth $10.00. You will save money if you buy jour Canton flannels , sheetings , ginghams , prints , etc. , at our closing sale. Remnants of table linen , flannels , gingham , shirtings , etc. , are cutaway lown in price. BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER. HAYDENBUOS. , Dry Goods. Spraguo's Collecting Agency , 109 South Sixteenth street , room ! t , Omaha , Neb. To the Business Men of Omaha : deem it my duty to this agency , which represent , also the l.bOO members in his state , to say that the many reports ibout Sprngue's agency being out of nisiness1 , made by .John W. Marshal ind his agents of the United States Mercantile Protective Association , 02S 'axton block , Omaha , are false in ev ery particular. We have under the 'aw boon compelled to change our sys- etn somewhat , but aim to ' 'got thuro , ust the same.Vo are still in the business and intend to continue a such. S. 13EALS , General Agent. Grand Marked-Down 100 pair ladies' bright dongohv liand- urnoil button boots , si/cslj to 7 , widths ' , D and K , one of our regular lines of ivo dollar shoes W.oO for this week $3.50. This is less than they eo-.t and will bo a inrgaiu for any one it is $1.60 saved for he buyer. Old reliable one price shoe store Best wearing shoes. Largest stock to select from. Lowest prices in America. A child can buy as cheap as a man. llth & Farna'mL A. D. MORSE. Auction ot'Snlooii. Monday morning at 10 o'clock we will sell the entire furniture and fixtures of the saloon No. 001 South 10th st. , in lots to suit. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. , Auctioneers. The Only Diiiinc ; Car Ijlne. The CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN is the ONLY line with DINING CAR SERVICE from Council BlulT.s on its VESTIBULE ! ) LIMITED train , which leaves the U. P. depot daily at 5:15 : p. in. , with through cars direct from OMAHA to CHICAGO. City ollice 1401 Furnam bt. , Paxton hotel corner. W. N. HANCOCK , General Western Agent. Oflluccr'H lolt. There is another net in the traficdy by which John Kynn lost his life in South Oniiihti , and of the chnrpo of mur- fler of whom Francis M. Ottlncer was recently acquitted. Oftlnccr went to Iowa after his wife had mortgaged her household goods to pay for his defense , and as the attorncysI2 , K. Dufllo and George W. Makepeace , considered him still in their debt , they procured u writ of nttichniutitund ! Friday night took possession of a muru and colt to satisfy a claim for $3)0. ) The case will bo heard by Justice O'Conuoll , Octo ber 1(1. ( To Sly Old Friends. I have just opened up anew in my old line dry goods at 1338 South 13th St. , and will be pleased to see any and nil of my old friends. MAIIV Mii'iiAi , , xii : : ROMCKY. Picnic for Kuril It nro Ituycrn. Great closing out sale of furniture and cnrpols , Nebraska Furniture & Carpet Co. , 000 , 008 North Kith streol. Stock to bo closed out regardless of cost. Lib eral terms. Call and get bottom prices on heating and cook stoves tit (110 ( South 13th street. Heating stoves from $3 up. Buusn LITOVSKV : & Buo. The Only Dining Cnr Ijtnc. The C HIC AGO & NORT 1 1 W ESTERN is the ONLY line with DINING CAR SERVICE from Council BlulTs on its VESTI1HILED LIMITED train , which leaves the U. P. depot daily at < " > : . " > 0p. in. in. , with through cars direct from OMAHA to CHICAGO. City olllco 1401 Furnam St. , Pnxlon hotel corner. W. N. HANCOCK , General Western Agent. Sale. Beginning Monday , October 15 , Ne braska Furniture it Carpet Co.'s entire stock lo bo closed out regardless of cost. ( iOti , ( > OS North 10th street. Liberal terms. Wyoming oil lands for salo. Claims of 40 , 80 , to 100 acres now on the mar ket. Complete abstracts to same fur nished. J. L. Loirr : , 220 So. Thirteenth st. , Omaha , Neb. A. I , . 1-Mloh & Co. Furniture. 209 So. 12th st. , hot. Farnum & Douglas. Cowan buys second-hand furniture. 400 N. 10th. nest Gold Coin cook stove in the mar ket for $12 at 01" South 13th street. LKTOVSKY & Buo. Co'/zcns lintel. At the Cozzens hotel you can get all the comforts of high priced hotels and and EIVVO from $1 to $2 per day. Rates reduced to $1.60 and $2.00 per day. Millinery. Mmo. Hickman's , 1414 Douglas street. Gold Coin Stoves. Civil and sco the "Gold Coin" heating and cook stoves at G10 South 13th street. Millinery. Mmo. Hickman'u , 1414 Douglas street. IIAYDEN HUPS. . The Imst Week of Our Moving Sale Immense Hnrttnlns Tlil i AVeok. Our regular $1 kid glove , reduced to 50c ; see tnis glove. Special for Monday , ono lot of ladies' kid gloves , embroidered backs , 75c , worth $1.25. Ladies' line cashmere gloves reduced to l c , worth 40c. See the ladies' cashmere gloves re duced to 25e , worth 50c. Odds and ends in gents'heavy driving gloves nt less than cost. Children's woolen hose , heavy , re duced to 15c. See the line of children's hose to bo sold to-morrow at 25c per pair. Ladies' 60e cashmere hose reduced to Ladies' cashmere hose , merino tops , fashioned feet , onlv 23c , reduced from 60e. 60e.Ladles' Ladles' fine imported cashmere hose only 50c. reduced from 75c. Ladies' Swiss ribbed vests , long sleeves , made from tinest Australian wool , in natural , pink , blue , carninnl and white , at 75c each ; this isa bargain that you will not lind often. Ladies' sanitary vests , elegant goods , reduced to 5ic ) , others ask 75e. Ladies' all wool camels' hair under- vear , pearl buttons and silk stitched , nly JI3c , reduced from $1. Children's heavy white mcrinoundcr- vctir , 10 inch , 5c eacii , with an advance f 4c on each si/.e. Remember we are always hcadquar- crs on hosiery and underwear and willet ot bo undersold. Gents' heavy camels' hair underwear educed to 45c , worth 75c. Cunts' line cashmere hose , extra eels , reduced to ! ! 5f. Gents'1 line linen cull's only 12Jc , rc- uced from 25e. All of our . ' ! -ply gents' linen collars only He. HAYDEN BROS. , DRY GOODS , Kith St. New l/ainl l < 'lrm. Our former townsman , F. t ! . Grable , low of Omaha , was in Kearney Tuc-dny on business. A corporation to bo known is , 'La Plnttu Land Comaiiy" ] ) has just icon formed , with John R. Clark , earli er First National bank of Lincoln , as ircs'ident , and F. C. Grable , manager , t has it capital of , * : i)0)0 ( ) ( ) ( ) . Tlio busi- icss of the company will bo the buying ind soiling of west'I'll lands. Wo pro- llct for the association long lifo and irosperity. Tlic Kearney Daily Jour- ial. Notice to Saloonkeepers. See largest stock of hot water urns md Tom and .lorry sets at lowest prices. A. A. STEWART A : CO. , No. 1105 Jackson s.t. , Omaha. Milllnorv Oponlni ; . Greenman & Richardson , 117 S. 15th t. . Shcely building , invite the ladies to ittend their grand opening of line mil- inery on Wednesday. Thursday and Yiday , Oct. 17 , IS and 10 , day and even- ng. "American" productions u illy. Store closed Tuesday , till day. t " " Ci i ' Is AVells In Town ? On bolialf of the employes of Contractor \Vclls , Messrs. .lohn Kenyan und C. A. Hoed ailed nt the Union Paeilie headquarters. They say that both Wells and his son Imvo icon scon in the city since Thursday , and hat he has applied to the. Santa Fu road for i contract similar to the one under which ho s working with the Union Pacific. They ilso say thattho men look to thu Union Pa- cilie. for their wupcs because the work w.is lone for that company , and if the contractor 'alls to settle with them , their claim will rank as a mechanic's lien. T11K UUJUjlNGTON 11OUTIS Is the Only Jiinc to Chicago whose trains start from this side of the river. It is the only line running din ing cars in and out of Omaha. It is the only line running a solid vestibuled train from Omaha lo Chicago. Us Vestibule express , No. 2 , leaving Omaha daily at 3:50 : p.m. , and arriving at Chicago 10:00 : a.m. , has free reclin ing chair cars , dining cars , and palaeo sleeping cars , fuinishcd with free libra ries , luxurious lounges and hot and cold water. Two daily trains to Denver and the west. Two daily trains to Kansas City and Iho south. City Ticket Ollicc , 1223l.Farnam st. Telephone , No. 250. Gold Coin stove at 010 South Ifttli is the cheapest and. best in the world. Call and bee it. it.'s 's Snle. The entire stock of the Nebraska Furniture & Carpet Co. to bo closed out regardless of cost. Sale beginning Monday morning , October 15 , liOO , 008 North 10th street. Merchants holol. 15th and Farnam $2 per day , day board $25 per month. Architect and superintendent , room 005 Paxton block. P. J. CKIIDON. : : Attend night school , Or.iahaCommor- cial college , cor. 15th and Dodge. Roiiunoi'oii BUGS. . . . Props. Attention , Knights of I'ylhlas. All knights in the city arc earnestly requesled to iitlond Nebraska Lodge No. 1 Wednesday evening , October 17th , at 8 p. m. , to discuss the advisability of an excursion to Kansas City C. M. DlXhJiooit , C. C. , CiiAiai > J. JOHNSO.V , K. R. and S. Criminal Chnrtes. J. C. Whitlcd , an old man of llfty-ci'ht ( was brutally assaulted by John O'Cotmell , the ex-saloonkoepor who lives on Tenth bo twccn Dodge and Douglas , because , it is al ledge , he couldn't pay his board hill. O'C'on- nell was arrested and then llled a complain' against the other. Kobert Clus ( > , .tho aged criminal who ro ccntly served out his sentence in the stall penitentiary for robbing ex-Mayor ISoyd's safe , returned to Omaha Friday. Judge Horlc.i gave him ono hour to leave town. Ho took a tie pass for Chicago. On Monday II. Liobcs & Co. , of San Francisco , will open their stockof seal garments in our store. They sold those goods through us at this time last year , and gave such perfect satisfaction in every instance that wo have the very greatest pleasure in recommending .thorn to our friends. Manufacturing these goods from their own Alaska seal skins , they have a great advan tage over the eastern manufacturers. They certainly arc the finest weal and the best value wo have ever soon. N. 15. F.u.co.vint. Join Morand's dancing school , Ma sonic hall , Monday or Saturday 8 p. in. You will learn the Berlin , glide mn- xourki , york and gavoto. Terms rea sonable. Sale. Bargains in furniture and carpets , COO , 008 N. Kith. Sale Monday morning Oct. 15. Liberal terms. Sale. The entire stock of the Nebraska Fur niture and Carpet Co. , 000 , COS N. 10th St. , to bo closed out regardless of cost. The stock comprises an elegant assort ment of line goods and medium priced goods of all description. Sale begins Monday , Oct. 15. Liberal terms to those who wish to buy on time. IIAVDKN intOS. ltiftt nnrgattiBl Flni Bargains in every-department is what wo propose to offer/ before moving to the now store. Ypsllnnti dress stays IOc doz ; clastic end 'dress ' reeds , extra quality , 60 set ; full count adamantine pins Ic , safety plus , 2o dox. Finest quality mohair dress braids in all shades 3c. A full line of staple notions at half regular prices. On Monday morning wo begin the most extraordinary bar gain sale over known in laces , embroi deries , handkerchiefs , dress trimmings , dress buttons and ornaments. Wo have marked down the prices in every line , and will make the lnt few days before moving memorable for genuine bar gains. Wo have just received nn elegant line of clonks , wraps and jackets in cloth and plush , as well as shawls and jerseys. These goods were purchased for the opening of the new store , but owing to delay in finishing wo cannot move for a few days yet and will sell them before moving , as an advertise ment. A small pnymont will secure any gar ment during'this bale.HAYDEN HAYDEN BROS. Direct From Constantinople. To be fold at auction , 312 So. 16th st. A beautiful nnd rare collection of an tique carpets , rugs , draperies and em broideries. These goods arc just from custom house in Chicago. Mr. II. 1C. Kussibiun , the owner of these goods , wishes to return to Constantinople at once , therefore ho proposes to sell ho entire collection at public auction with out reserve. The goods will bo open for exhibition on Tuesday , Oct. Kith , at 10:30 : a. in. Auction sale on Wednesday and Thursday , Oct. 17th and 18th , com mencing each day nt 10:30 : a. m. , 2:30 : and 8 p. m. , at 312 So. 16th st. ( Barker block. ) We assure our patrons who have favored us in the past that this lot of rugs contains some of the rarest and handsomest designs that it has ever boon our pleasure to offer in this city. KOHN WELLS. Millinery. Mine , llickman's , 111 ! Douglas street. Doctor Parsell , ollice and re.sideaca No. 1715 Davenport st. CHURCH XOTKS. Hov. Willard Scott has just returned from a four months' tour of Europe , and will oc cupy his pulpit at St. Mary's Avenue Con gregational church to-day. Dr. WillUiirwu , of the Central United ? resbytoriiin church , takes for his subject in ho morning "In Memorial. "and in the evcn- ng " 1'ne L urn ; Healing of the l.amo Man.1 The s.ier.imont ol the supper at thu close of , ho mornui' . ' service. Rev. H. C. Cr.iuo preaches at Hillside liurch at l0on ( ) : ! a "Patriot's Pride. " Gos- > ol service at night. There will bo . i children's mooting at the South Tenth Street M. K. church at 10 a. m. Subject of evening - " sai-inon , "Intemperance nnd Hard Lines. " \ttlie First Cliri iti.in church the morning subject will hi ; "Tho Sewer ; " evening , "What Must I Do to bo S.ived. " Swedish services at thoSwodish Methodist church , 1.1I. > North Eighteenth street , by Hov. P. .1. Uurg. In Iho morning from St. Matthew , x : 11-1U ; in the evening fro.n Deuteronomy , xix : 11 ; subjojt , "Tho Old Landmarks. " W. E. Cjpol.md's subject at Unity church this morning is "Fraternity. " At ItansL'om Park M. K. church the morn ing subject is "Tho Unoccupied Territory . " Quarterly meeting services in the evening , conducted by Huv. T. C. Cloiulomnng , pre siding older. Love feast at ti : : ! < ) p. m. , and sermon at 70 ; ! , followed by the sacrament of the Lord's supper. At the 11 o'clock service at All Saints church \yill be sung the "To Dcum" and "Ju bilate , " in D , by Sullivan , and the anthem , "Thy Mercy , O Lord , Hcachoth Unto the Heavens" by IJ.irnby. At the -I o'clock ser vice will ho sung the "Mngnilieut" and "Nimc Uimittis , " in G. by Florin , and the anthem , "Hlcsscd arc They that Dwell in Thy House , " by Tours. Strangers always welcome. _ Auction , Auction. Monday at 10 o'clock a. in. al 1718 St. Mary's avenue a bankrupt stock of fur niture , stoves , carpets , chairs , tallies , bed room sets , line parlor furniture to be closed out at auction for whatever it \\ill bring. A. W. COWAN , Auctioneer. The New Korlh The new railroad bridge ever the Frith of Forth , in Scotland , to replace the one which \yont down with such ap palling resiilts'ii few years ago. is now near completion , and is described as ono of the finest pieces of engineering in the world. 'Che chief engineer of the structure gives Iho following "cold facts" regarding it : The total length of the viaduct will bo S,2U ! ! feet , or nearly 15 miles , and there are two spans 1,710 feet , two of 080 feet , fifteen of K18 girders , four of 57 feet , and three of 25 feet , being masonry arches. The clear headway for navigation will not bo less than 150 feet for 500 foot in the center of the 1,710 feet spans. The ex treme height of the structure is 301 feet above , and the extreme depth of foun dations ill foot below the level of high water. There will bo 53,00(1 ( tons of stcol in the superstructure of the viaductand the material used throughout is open- hearth or Siomons-Miirtin steel. That used for parts subject to tension is spec ified to withstand a teiisilo stress of thirty to thirty-three tons to the square inch , with an elongation in eight inches of not less than 20 per cent ; that subject to compression only a tensile stress of thirty-four to thirty-sovon tons per square inch , with an elongation of not less than 17 nor cent. TheVomiKCHt SoltMcr. The honor of being the youngest en listed soldier in the rebellion is now claimed by an Indianapolis correspond ent for Edward Black , deceased , the son of George II. Black , of that city. "Edward was born in Wayne county , Indiana , May 30 , 1853 , and enlisted as third-class musician in the Twenty-first Indiana rl iment July 0 , 1851 , being eight years , ono mopth and six days old. Ho was discharged September 11 , 1802. after serving ono year , two nionth > and live days by rciison of general ordoi No. 10. Department of the ( iulf , at ( 'ami Carrington , Louisiana , and died on Juno 10 , 1871 , at Indianapolis. " An Kxocllcnt liomcily. Now York Sun : They wore return ing from the theater. "I tun troubled with a slight sore throat , Miss Clara. ' ho said , "and think it would bo wise if 1 should button my coat tightly around my nock. " "I would , indeed , Mr. Samp son , " replied the girl with some con- corn. "At this season of the 'year a sere throat is apt to develop into some thing serious. Are you doing anything for it ? " "Not so far , " ho replied. "I hardly Know what to do. " ' 'I have often heard papa say , " slyly suggested thu girl , "that raw oysters have a very teething and beneficial cll'cct upon such a trouble. " - . Altering the Type. Boston Transcript : "Now toll me , Carrie , is it true that you are to marry Mr. Coll'orsfuiy I was told so. but really I couldn't bollovo it , you know. Of course ho has lots of money , but then ho is such a disagreeable typo of man , you know. " "Yes , Lillie ; but you forgot that I am Mr. ColTorful's typo righter. " nd for the space of some time there was nothing heard but the monotonous rat tat , rat , tat tat of the caligraph. ciiunon Wttt Albright I'mbrtrrlaii cliureh-8irtces ) nt I p.M. Bunilur nchool nt 11 m , Wflib , 1913 Cmnlu ? Uroet-HoT. W. ltol n < 3 Ull Ifiraf. Sorrlccs mnralnit anilcTenlnn , Bund * ? icbool t noon. Beconl , Situnriera HOT. William II. Henderson portion moralng and eTcnlnit. Sunday choulat loon. Central United , Berentecnth hetwaon Uodgc and Capitol arenuo OCT. John Wllllamtnn , ScrTlcci niornlnx and CTpnlng , Sunday ichool at noon. Sonthwof t , Twentieth and T/caTonworth-lte * n II. Ken. ScrTlcci morning and uvinluu , HuoJar icboul atlMifv. m , First United. 813 Nortu Eighteenth-Tier. E. M , Irshnm. Hemcei murnlnv npd evening. Sunday Ichool at noon. Young people'i meeting at 7. Park Avenue United , 1'ark aTenne and ( Irani Iter J , A. HonJiTion. Servlco morning and evening , Sunday ichool at noon. Flrtlflerman. Eighteenth and CnmlngTtov , J. O. Frhalble. Services uiorntng ami evening. Sunday ( icbool at noon. On stollnr Street , glxtcinth and Cmtcltar Ilo . 3 M. Wilson. t-erTlces morning iiud evening. Sunday ichool at 12 tu , Westminster , Twenty-ninth and Mi on HOT. John ( lordon. Service ! morning anil evening , Sunday ichool at noon' Hamilton street , Hamilton near Ixiwo avenue Her. William J. raltn Worried morning and evening , Jundav tchool al noon. Amhler I'lace-Uf v. ( I , M. Ixidte. Services at 11 CO a. m. and K p. m. Sunday school , at 13.00 m , I'rayct meeUng Wednesday. United Vresliylerlnn Ml slon , Twenty-sixth ana ! ' < - Her. John Williamson 1'retichlng hy pastor at 4 : : ) i ) . m. Sunday school al3.,10 p. m. South Omaha , Twi-nty-Otth and J-Hcv , O. M. Lodge. Services at 10. ii n , m. Sunday school al noon , Knox. 1010 I.nVo-llev. Paul Martin. Services morning nnd evening , Sunday ichool at noon. KlrKt , Dodge and Seventeenth - UovV. . J. llarshn. ? crvlci' * morning and evening. Sunduy school at noon , iriSCOPAT. . 8t. Paul Mission. Tnlrty-sccond nnd Cam Unv. J , M , Hates. Services 10. .O a. m. und * p. m. Sunday school Dp. in. Ml"lon services Thursday at 7-40 p m at thn resi dence of Mr. John Kponotcr. Hev John Wllliami. HI. 1'hlllu's I'roe ( colored ) BIT North NMncteonth- Rev John Williams. Sunday school nt H p. in Kvcn- song at 4 p. in , St. llHrnntms l on , Nineteenth and California HBV. John WIIMnnn. I'lntn celebnitlon nt 7 win in , i choral ri'lnimUon t 11.00 n m i Sunday school at 3 ti a. m.j Chornl evonlnq i oug t 7 \l p m. St. John's Upl ropnl Church , cnrno r Twentyltli nnd Kranklln Mrcot * . Ilivllllnm o jnuil Pvnrmin , lurtnr. llnly I'ninniiinlaii ( pxtoiit mi tlr t Sunday In noiilln nt S 11 in : Miiuliiy School nt ' .I l' > 11. in ; Mntlni , l.ltiinv , Ante-Communion Son lci ion llrst Mindity In mimtli Utility , llolv Comtnnnloni nnd Si'rnion lit 11 a m. : KMHIVUII : and S ( > mien Hi 8 p m. Kvi ry trl- ilny l.llnny. Aildro , Ai' . , lit 7 4' ) p in Trlnlt > ( 'ntKMlriil ) , Kiglitwntnniiil Capitol lucnilc - Very Ituu'riniil Di'iin ( .urdni-r. llol > communion , 7 Kin in i * > iinil.i > vliixiliiii I st Andrews Iliothi'i- hood lillilicla " , ' .I ilia m ; mornlnu pni > or , litany nnd n-rnion , 11 n. m ; llvrnlin. tir.ner ulth a * hort lid- ilrt'tt at H p m. Mrnntfer1 * conllall } welnuniM. All 1-nltit Chiiroh , TwiMitv-'litli and llonnrd Her lmi ! / ahnt'icrvki11 * Holy communion 7 tiliinii morning | ira > i > r. II a m : o\on-"on . 7 P in Mindav * -UHM | ' .I .fl a m. ( in tin1 Hut sunda ) of thu month holy communion at 11 n in Instead ul morning prasi'r. Str.uini'is al awi'looniL1 , KIMIIII \riii\Al. . Pnrktnlp ( 'Impel , Twi > iit-nlntli anil Martha- . T. II. TH > lnriiipcrlntciid ( < nt sundnyvchool at lu'clook. I M ) month ConurouatUiml ( 'hnn h , U'onnt7o 1'late Uov. vMlrod II. IVnnlman , pai tor. holdiITI li o1 * a I U ) . . - ( m , Snmla > ohool at noon \ 1 * S. ( " . 12. at tl 15 llioun'H ( < rou Chapel < * orvli i" < at I p m. * t .Mai > ' * AM'nne , SI. Mary's and 'l' ontlth avonnoi llev. \ \ Illard siott tnUci inornlnK nnd i onlnir.iinitaj Hdiool at noon llothluhom Ch.ipi'l , MUpiMiln and Hickory llcv M. J. W. Think' . Siinda ) i'hniil at I u'i look. 1'rei1 Kvan 'i'lloal ( formnn , 'Ixvoltth and Doron1 * HPV. K II. W Hnu'ihert. sorvlcoi morning and i'\iin- intr Sunila ) Mhoulat 'J no.UIIIIK people a mvutliiK at 7 p. m. * -iiaii'4M : ' , TwcntHfth and Amc11 * a\onne , Uev Frank S , Korlio , pa-tor. orMu > 8 , Id , ill n. m anil H p. m . sunda > school , Unnoii ; \ oniiw I'uoplo'a Meet IIIK , 1 p m. CA1II1II.IC. St. John's ( 'nllpito | Church , Tnentyllftli Hint Tall- fornla triM'tsItov , .M. .1. l > m\linn , s. .1 , pa lor Ma I11 * on Sunday , 0 , a and 10 a. m , with sormun al tinl.ifct maespurn and benediction at a p in Weekday IIIIIHM-I nt u and 8 a. m , nil. unn . 1 oil ( Imiilin , Itev , ( irvlllo .1. Nnvc , po-.t ihaplalir Si liei , . -lip m. suntlai heel at . I o'clock , iAnntiuv.AINTV CIIAPEI , . Northwc't turner Twentj tir l and Cluri. Cervices momluguududenliiK. Sablmth school ut 13.3d p. in. I'MTAIIIAN Unity , Seventeenth nml Cui Itev. W. n C'opelnnd. Service's inornlnx und ovvumi ; . Sunday ecliool at Klrft , Nineteenth nnd IHvenporl-ltnv. A. F. Rhcr- rill , I ) I ) , services niornliif und evening. Sund.iy school nt noon. rnrLJ'lHce. Ciillfornli nnd Thirteenth -Hov. M L. Holt Services morning and uvcnlng. Sunday school at noon. Swedbh 15\anpellc.il Ml"lnn , Davenport and n cnty-thlrd Uev. .L. A. llnltman. Sc'ivkes morn- VuMiml \unlnu. . Sunday PctioolJ.lS p , m , Cherry Hill , ( Vntial park uddltionHev .1. A. mill- cnn. Services morning nnd evening , bundii ) school it noon. Ilillilflp , Omaha Vlew-Itov H C Crane. Services niorriluj and ovenlnc. Sunday school at noon. Ilnnscom Park , Ueorgla unil Wiiolwnrlh avomii" /tcvlM ! , IHovfjij . ' . ' ; . > l s iiioimntf mill eieniiiK. Klrst Oerinim M. K. cliurcli , corner Kleventh anil Center HreeH services 1(1 ( oil a. in. nnd 7.15 p. m bunday nclioc 1 nt 2..K ) p. m. Her. C. ( } . Keeker. llrst , Davenport between Sevunteenih nml KlKhtcenlh-Uev. T. .M. Home. SIM vices wornlnu and evening. Sunday nonool nt 2.31 p. m. Trinity , Saunters an1 Ulaney-Rev. A. II Ilnnry. Services tnornlDS und evening ; . Sunday genual ut 2.TO : p. m. South Tenth Street , Tenth unit Plerco-Ilev , C. N. DIIWS.OII. Service morning and evcnlaK. sniulay school at 2:80 : p. ni. rntlollar Street , Nineteenth nn 1 Cii'tell ir Her. W. K. I.Te. . SLTVlot's morning nnd avuntiiK , Sun luy school at U ) nou. m. Smith Omaba-HoT. J , E. KdJIcbult. Services mornlne Rncl uvenlnp. Crelgliton Avcnno Mission , Crelshton nvoniionnd Twenty-second. I'reucUlnti sundnv nl I OU p. ra Smiil.ij Bc'lioolat 10a. in. J. M. Cliuuibuis , nuperlii tendeiit. Nornealnnunil Danish M. 11. churcli , 2121 Sannilers Itev. 11 Dantvls'ui. Servliea inornliiij HIM ctcn..ib" . Euuduy ? cliool nt 12m. Fewnrd Street M. 13. chiirrh-llov. Charles W. Bavlcltie. Servlcei rnnrnlnit anil I'vrnmi ; . Alili-.in. iiirner Klu'liteenth anilVel > Mer ltev. I * . A , lliihliaulc'rvlri'n 11 a. in. anil h j > . in. Suli- hnlh "c'liniilnt j p. in , I'myer nivvtliiK \ \ eilnc'-ilu } ' uri'iiliiir. ( iiiu-riAV. Tint ( "npltnl ni 111111 ! anil Twentieth street - llev A..Martin , I'li'.tur. Survlit-s 1U 1U 41a.m. anil 7 | jp in IIAI'IIST. Imni'inuel Ilnptlfct ehurcli , formeilv North Omnlm nili * < lon , l JHHiinilfrn street --ci\lct * Sumlay morn- Intr utU.'M \ , and evening lit 7 iJ. bunday ucnool at 12.110 m. Vtr t , Fifteenth nnd Davenport-llcv. A. W Ijimnr. Pervlci'B morning anil OTcnlnu. bniiuay tcliool lit 12 m. South Ort.ahn niptlstn niePt nt the M. K. church building fur Sun.lny ( .clmol at 8 p. ru. and pieaililuK at 4 p. in. Hev. F.V. . roster * . Calvary. Haumlers ucnr Cuinlnv Hov. A. W. Clnrk. Services mornlnc m ! ovenlniunany fchool at u. Ilelh-Kden.l'arh nveniio ami I c.ivenwortli-Uev. H. 1 * UUIKC. Si'ivlcos mornlnir ntH uvenlnx. Sub- bnlh school al 12 in. Y. 1' . r1 I. i : . 7 1. ' , p. in. First /ion lliiptiet church , MncU'rntli nnd Burt strects-lteKiilHr i-ervlces Sunday morning at 11 uncl cvenliiB at S o'clock. T. II. I'.winu , pustur. North Oinuha , ZWJ S'aunderltev , F. W. J'oster. Fervlccs morning and oveuliiK. Sunday ichocl - Urn. LITTIIEntX. Herman lOlTi South Twentieth -Her. R. 3. Freese. Her\lce at lUn. in Mindu > school nt 2. p. m. Dnnlsh , bo'ilh ' 1'wenly-soconU hel'veen Injitven * north and lla on Itov. K. U lloJIioldt. Services uuiriilnK nnd evcnlni ? . Kountzo Meniorlnl IXnnzellcal , SUIeenthand Ilftr- ney Hev. .1 , . - . Detweller.ci ! vices luoinliiK nnd evcnlnj ; . Simda ) adiool nt noon , Bt. Mark'n Hvnnselli'al , corner of North Twenty- Brut and Huiiletta-Hev. ( i. 11. Schiuirerl.eo ( uioruliiK and evening. Sunday uchool at' ' : % ) p. m. Ianl ) ) > h. South Twenty-second lptwcyn Leaven- Yroilh and > laonllov. . It. C. HodbulUU Servlcoii and evening. Mcutcnaiit Lioutcnnnt llluehnm , who nnulo nn cxanv iniitlon of tlio river Vrulay nbovo HIP OiiKilm and CouiR'il lilufTs bridtfc , left thut nltrlit for Sioux City. Tlio iiniu'ovcmcnts contemplated by the Missouri river commis sion , and upon which Lieutenant Uinplmm will report will , it is thought , in Ki'c.itcr part at least , bu nnulo on thu fowa shore. The intention , it seems , is to iirotertth.it side of the river from boiiig Hooded , or beiiif , ' out up into a channel , and thus cutting oft botli bridges from the low.i side. This work will require the building of dyltes at Urn bend op posite Cut-OIT lalio and further up which , however , will not bo done this season. Mayor Broatcli says , however , that a survey will bo made of the section referred to possibly before the close oftho present .year. This will bo the second survey whirh has be n made nt this point , the former covcrini ? the river from Florence to a point n couple of miles oelow the present Union 1'aeillo brUltfe. Mayor Hro.iteh says that ho will make a spcc'iul ex amination of the banks on the north .sides at an early date and intiUo n report on tlio re quirements of the same to the Missouri Hivor commission at its next mootiiu. . Lieutenant Hinirhmn'B visit to Sioux City is to examine the river bank there with a view to the expenditure of the appropriation of f 100,000 which has been made for improve ments there. Tliolr XIUIIOH. Chicago Herald : As the train on Iho Union 1'acilic stopped at Biff Spring , from Boston observed Nob. , a gentleman served on the roof of a store building , not far from the station , painted in largo "Ot& Kim General letters , the words : , Merchandise. " From the car window ho spoke to some boys and said : "Boys , i jl mn * Jti j . * * . . . . . . , Klmliull , but called Ot & Kim. " In sneaking of the tibovo a few days later to n member of ono of the wholesale houses at Omaha , ho was informed that they wore both men froinMasFachtibftts , near Boston , whocarao some years since And fettled in business at this point in Nobrnskn. AMUSEMENTS. OPERA HflusE Friday and Saturdnf , flcl , 19 & 20 AND SATIMUUV MATINKn. Amciicn'g t'nvnrlto ArtlMe MAGGIE MITCHELL JSl'I'I'OUTKtl 1IV ( nit. C1IIAKMS : AliltOTT And her ow n cilldfiit roinpnny , under the illrec- tlon of .Mn. WM. liVKiNx. Friday Evening and Saturday Matinee. Tor tlio llrst time in Onmlin , her Intvst und IT. " Saturday llvonliig , tlio Stundurd and Uvcr I'ov- nlnr play , 11 FAUCHON , THE CRICKET , " Itegnlar I'ricus , Scats go on sixlo Thursday _ inornltiK. NEW GRAND OPERA HOUSE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY , And Saturday Matliu-o. October 19th and 20th. I KOIaritv'.s : CANINE PARADOX * 5UondtTfully lldiiriitcd 30 J > v and ' i tunning DogM. The Lnrfe'est Company of All Star Animal Actors In the Wet Id. , IOc , ! 2Oc and ! IOf. NEW GRANyPERA HOUSE , TWO NIGHTS ONLY. Monday and Tuesday , Dot , 15th & 16th MRS. LANGTRY. Jilt. COC5I1I.AN , nml her own Company. mem. [ As in a Looking Glass , Si Lady of Lyons. , $1.50 , $1.00 , oOe. SulcofSjnts Frhlay. BABY WEEK ! BABY WEEK ! ) ixniniTio.v : 01 ( ALL KINDS OF BABIES COME EARLY TO SEE THEM. DOORS OPEN FROM 1 to 10 O'CLOCK P. M. IT WILL , PAY YOU To examine our present stock of HENS' UNDEU- WICAK , comprising 'ill grades at fair prices. Stand ard goods and superior qualities in the well-known makes , the Holroyd , Vicuna , Natural Wool &c. FOB CHILDREN. Iftlii'yiiiowenk.tlcllcnto looklnsanil trotiblod wltluvoniH , llahn'H ( 'hoc'iluto Wtirm l.o N what they necil. I'rleoac. All drugglstH. PILES , FISTULA And all other illM-nsps of tlio Hcctuni peifcctly t'liri'd by DI5S. TIKHtNTON it THORNTON , without knife , llnature. oreaustlcs. Cures guar anteed-no money to be paid until patient Is euteil , \ \ e make a hpeclAltyof Itching DlioabeH of the Skin ; uho of Diseases of Women. Let this bo your motto : 1'ay no money or glvo RIIV notn lu aihanceof a fine. Send lor circular giving all necessary Infoi ma- tlon and the names of huiuUodsof IICIHODS who Imvo been tilled by us. Office : 111 West Tenth St. , Kansas City , Mo. Ono oftho Doctois will bo at 101 N. If.tli' ttret , Omaha , Sunday. Monday , Tnesd.iy and Wednes day of em h week. GERMANIA Life Insurance Co , HUGO WESENDORCK , Pros't. CORN. DOREMUS. Soc'ry. Assets and Surplus of the Company , nicn.Minit : : nist , INK. Assets , S20H8.j. ( ! U ! . Surplus , t210KjS.97 nr. ( KM mat aiit , iw > 7. Assets , $ lflIJrV-7.3T. : ! Surplus , SIS3H,030.03. IIIINST. IIi.NNIXJllViN : ( ( ) : , Alunnffcr. Olllco , I'lrst National liank ; Hoom 'JCVl and W. : ilUANCII OI'TK'n. ' JOHN M. SHAW & CO. Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds , Marsln Transactions n Specialty. JOHNSON It CHHISTIAN. Mnnacerd. 15 IlrjAIll ) OK TIt/\lK , - OMAHA. Members of the Chicago Hoard of Trndo 1'rlv. ute Wires to Cliicucu und New Voi k CITY LOANS ! W. B. MEIKLE , Room 5O6. First Nat11 Bank Bmlclimi NICOLL'S Made-to-Measure Garments , On Finest Tailoring we'll save you n third of the lofly prices commonly asked. We'll meet the price o reridy-mmlo with better garments to measure. You'll choose from a bountiful as sortment. A conspicuous variety ia one of Nicoll's aims. To Measure Trousers front $ fi to flo. Sttiln from $ ' < ! 0 to $30. lnll Drew from $40 to $ (10. To Measure Overcoat * form flS to ftiO. Chinchillas , Melton" , Kerseys , Wide- Wale Diagonals , Elysians , Montag * noes , in all popular shades. 1409 Douglas Street , Nobby Scotch Designs For Young Men's C ( ie a , SiiUmttulTrottscrg * GOOD SHOES CHEAP At Over iV SflUK > l | Iy'N , I.I 15 Ditu Iat Street * Our prices , ai quoted helow , on itood slioo / are ri.Miiarknlily li > w. ntiiliii'h rxriM-dlncly goocl vnliiu that thny should Intoreht evoiy ecoiioinU calbuyer.Vi'K r. > iitfito s vvi tot ; MONUV on oery pair ot bhoes , ipiallty to bo the samo. OUR -Tor Ladles' llrlnht Dnngola on IVlililo Oo.U Choc's that Mill glv ex cellent \ionr. Tor Ladles' HrlRht Dongata 1'ob- We ( iuiit Shoes , In common wnsrt nnd opera lasts. Tor style and 116 equal to thu llnest. C/\ 1'or Ladles' Dongola Kill , cxtiu CO VF quality , tlexlblo sole. " , ami equal lit any so-called "adveitlser" W.UO fchocs. J -In this popular priced shoe , wcf havoMlthontii doubt the best ns- soitment In the rlty. In Hand Tiirna anil imislilnu-i.eiiml KOOHS , cuuituou seuso and opera lasts , all widths. 1'or l.adli'h'IIand Welt , line I'c'b-f $3 bl lio.it s'li < K's ; luak''s an oxcolleuO winter hhoo. Tor Ladles' Ilnnd Turned , extra tine Kid Shoo , far snpoilor to nny- thuiK overbold for the bamo money.1 1'or this prlco. wo Imvo extra Him Hand Welt and Hand Till nod Shoe * iilth lltiht or neavy llexllile solct , on all htylcH of lasts , nnd In nil widths , ' ffIn tills priced shoo wo onn snow $ i ' W b.irpilns imvor befoio olfered In thoc'liy. Our t j. ( ) Kull 1'icMichKId. Hand 'I'lirnod , nnd our Kangaroo Kill llnnd-fowi'd r-hoos , for tha sumo money , are attracting a great ) deal of attention. FOIt OKNTLKMI'.N , wo have a largo line oC Vine and .Medium I'rlced Shoes , consisting o nil thu latest stjles , in wldthK froi i A to ! ' . Hand-sewed from J.VOO to $ S.Oii. Machine-sew < ! range in prlco tram $1.10 to H.ikJ. DYSPEPSIA , SICK HEADACHE , Not only ti'llevuil llko by moit medicines , bu6 cured iiennanently with llahn'B ( ioldeu lyuci | ) .slat lire. 1'iico MK a box. Alldrugclitii , The 'LUDLOW ' SHOE' I Ins obtained a reputation uherovor In * ti'oiluuo.1 for "CouitKC'i ST r.u"IJKii KIX'T FIT , " "COMKOUT AND DUUAIlir.- JTY. " Tliuy have no biipoi'iors iii lliuul Tunis , Haiitl WoUb , Oooilycur Wolta , uud Miichlno Sowutl. [ .ailios , nt > k for tha "Lrni.ow" SIIOK. Try them , nnil you \villbuynootlicr. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ VI TIM C V " " 'I ' all urinary ti oubleH easily , quick- MLJlltT ly aiKUuftly tnred by WM.'UTA ( 'ap- HI'CS. ' Siivonist'ancsrnred In von dayu. Hold tl.'iii ner box , all druggists , or by mall from Do- Ult.iMrii.f.o , . 1U Whitefct..N. \ . Kull Direction * ,