! . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi SUNDAY , OCTOBER 14 , i8S3. SIXTEEN PAGES. 7 , ' t REAL ESTATE um m For Sale by BOOM 4O , Barker Block , CHOICi : tcn-acio tract , near licit Line 11. R. , in West Omaha , only twenty-live minutes' ride by suburban trains fiom Wobitor street depot ; mug- jiilieent view , plcnmint and healthy lo cation. Just the nlneo for a nice homo or fine fruit and vegetable gnrilenu , This property can bo platted into llfty choice lots that will sell inside of three years for four to live hundred each. Can olTc-f the whole tract for a ihort time at $0,500. TWO lots , ! ) : ! xir > "i feet , corner .l.u'Kson and Lowe lueniie. one of the finest residence sites in West Omaha , $ o,5)0. ( ) EI..KGANT boiith front lot , 50x132 , on llarnoy. near 2ith ( btreot , onlyjoOO C HOICK residence site on 20th ave nue , in Clark's addition. This lot Is OlxlliH , perfect grade and nicely sit uated , between St. Mary's avenue and Ilarney stveot , $5,250. , CORNKR , ( Mxl ) 10 , on Howard and 28th streets , cast front und on grade , $0,500. EAST front lot , C0.xlf > 0 on 31st street , near I'opploton avenue , llanscom Place , .hist the place for n nice home. Cnn oiler for a few clays at W,500. DOUHLK corner , 100x150 feet , on Woolworth iivenuo nnil iWncl street , facing llanscom Park ; perfect grade. Just the place for an elegant residence block. $7,500. AST front lot on Lowe avenue , in Omaha , $1,000. of the nicest residence lots in ONK Tlanacom Place , on Popploton ave nue , for sale on very small cash pay ment , long time. Now cable line will mixlco tbi1 * the lincbt residence property in the city. CORNER , 100x150 foot , on 31st and Popploton uvonffo , paved .street , Beworngo , water and gtvs ; perfect grade and magnificent view ; one of the lines ! residence sites in the city. Call and got price. beautiful south front lots or THRKK Popploton nvunuD for sale for a few days at a low figure. Only $050 cash required quired ; balance can run 1 , 2,3 and years. If you want to secure a nic < homo In the nicest residence portion o the oily , it will pay you to look this up , C HOICK business lot -1 1x132 feet , or To nth near llarnoy , $20,000. TRACKAGE nnd warehouse property 0(1x13' ( ! , coruer 12th and Nicholas . Bide track in alley. There ib1,001 profit in this lot for some one , can olTei for a short time at $0.000. CORNER , 120x180 , less than sovei blocks from Court House , with threi small cottages renting for $720 per year room for tbroo more ; ground alone i worth fifty per cent moro than prici asked. It will pay you to look this up price $7,500. ELEGANT residence and grounds ii llan.-com place , barn , furnace bath room , citj water &c. Can give im mediate possession. Call and get price NEW H room house , all modern con viMiiences , in West Omaha ; a hi ] bargain if taken at once. BARGAIN Choice ten aero tr.ic \\ithcomfortablo house , barn,8plon did bhndo trees , etc. , close to city am Boll line railway , just the place for llu fruit and vegetable gardens. Can malt this a big bargain if taken soon. BUSINESS lot with now two-stor store building , on M. near 27th St Will rent for twelve per cent on tin | Investment. Call and see it , pnco $ l,50 ( ONU of the finest Business Lots i South Omaha , for a few days n " 83,000. LOT 4 , block 51 , South Omahn , 00x15 feet near J and 27th streets , enl $1,200. NICE little cottage nnd lull le ( Wxl60 in South Omaha , near 2St &nd G streets for sale at $1,100. Acres choice land in Howat County , close to two rallroadi for sale at u bargain. SEVERAL good houses to rent. Ca give immediate possession. Worth of good Omab property to trade f ( first-class farm land or stock runcho. If you have goo < property to sell , ex changeor rent , call an < list it. Geo. N. Hick * Room 40 , Baiker Block , CAUSES OF THEIR DEFEATS , Why the Omaha Ball Toatn Eudocl In Fourth Plaoo. BICKERINGS AMONG THE MEN. Ami a Pnlr Khi\ro ofThclr Failure At- trlliutahlo to Iloosc The Club Will DUImiul Tor the Season on Xo-Morrow. Why Omaha Flnlihcd Fourth. Thu Omaha b.iso ball team will disband at Milwaukee to-morrow , and the players go thi'ir several wajs. They wcro paid off in full by President McCormick last wceit , and the parting between the management nnd the players was of the most friendly disposi tion liuch ono attested to his satisfaction as to his Omaha experience , nnd expressed the wish to return hero when the robins nest again. The ono regret pervading the team was that they wore unable to quit the season in n hotter position than fourth place Vain regret ' Whoso fault was it that this was the caso' Now that the season , with 1U trials and triumph * , Its victories nnd defeats , its \c\ations , perplexities and disappoint- IMiiutmeiiUs Is over , it can hurt no one , but may do a good deal of good , to enter into a brmf nnuljsw of the cause of the Omaha team's comparatively poor showing As far as the team Is concerned , It was made of strong material Individually , and it was con fidently expected would prove so collect ively , considering the harmony that exited within the ranks of the victorious Oshkosh team of the year before , and which was the same team almost wholly , only being ro- christened. What changes there were were only for the best sttougcr , bet ter , moro skillful men , and yet nothing panned out as expected. Omaha hail l-'runk Seleo , the old Oskosh mnnngpr , too , n man reiwrted to bo well up in the managerial science an old player , thoroughly versed In the game , down to the ninutcst technicality , and with a long stand- ng acquaintance with the bust of the profes- ion In the land. During trying circum tances , amidst Hi ing breakers and lowing , ho piloted Oskosh to victory , us ho lad several clubs befoie , nnd yet he comes to Dinalia with a much more powerful coiublna- ion than ho was over at the head of before , nil makes but u trillo better showing than lie chcnnest , poorest teams in the associa- ion. Why was this , interrogatory is ro tated. Was it the team , or was it the man ger I Tno answer is easily vouchsafed. It was ho team in the main. Whoa they lirst came lore they gave promise of great things : hey were well selected , well captained and ilmlrably managed ; thcyweie confident of uccens , and determined mid aggressive if njone dared suppose defeat at the hands of veu tlio champion Ucs Moines , or the i\postles or the Cowboys. They weio bull ilayers , every ono of them , and Omaha was iroud of them nnd lionized them to an extent hat proved their demoralization nnd ruin. iVith the first stroke of ill-success dissension jcgan to crop out among the players ; Jeul- uisy merged into enmity and half the tlmo miny of the players wcro not on .peaking . terms with each other. There wcro llciues and clans , and each worked to the other's dcrrogation. The old Oshkosh ele ment was especially tabooed by new players 'omlng ' into the team , and the old Oshkosh lument was responsible for the bulk of the levilment Internal disintegration soon set u , and by the middle of the summer the cam was in anarchy. They did as they jileasod , defying both management , manager mid the neoplo. Some of the best , highest inced and most valuable players black guarded the directory and the town when imd where und before whom they saw iroper. They drank aud caroused , as .ho whole city know , during the : nest critical htagea in the champion ship season , and is it any wonder that they ilid not or could not play winning ball ) Of ourso there were exceptions in all the rot- .cn work ; there was a number of as consci entious , reliable nnd honorable players in the Omaha team as in any team in the country , but they were decidedly in the minority. Of course naturally enough Manager Solco ivas blamed , but ho did all within his power without disrupting the team completely , and the public has never been aware of the heavy lues ho assessed upon these intractable und recalcitrant players. The trouble did not sot in until the season was at its height , and Manager Solcc was put to his wits ends to get any kind of work out of his men , nnd under the peculiar existing clrcumstancss ho did well. After ono looks over the matter analytically it doesn't scoui such n wonder after all that Omaha did not come anywhere near warning the pennant for ISsO. The Chicago Mcctlntc. Manager Selco will bo in Chicago and rep resent the Omaha ball club In the meeting of the Western association to bo held at the Palmer house to-morrow nt 'J o'clock. Why the cities of this association should go chas ing about Chicago in the arrangements of her affairs for another season is something hard to understand. Chicago will not bo in the Western association next year under any circumstances , and it seems that there ought to bo baseball brains and gumption enouuh In St. Paul , Ouiuhu , les Moines and the other western pities thai will comprise the circuit another season , to manage their own affairs , without consulting foreign wiseacres who can only have personal cuds In view. The Monkey Wort Cantlrnies. Tlioro is no necessity of reducing the uuin- her of called bulls to four. It could not DOS slbly tinvo any Influence upon the batting , bul Instead make all games redundant with thai disagreeable feature of bases on balls. Every body seems busy cudgeling their brains tt propose some meritorius change in the rules. As yet no one has met with startling success , The change In the distance between pitchci and batsman is the most feasible and tliomosl practical change yet suggested , if any change is to bo made at all. Again THE HKK advise ; that the present splendid code of rules bi left Horiously alono. Missouri tnllcy vs. Omaha. Mr. C. C. Williams , a prominent buslnesi man of Missouri Valley and one of the fines trap shots in the whole west , and Frank S Parmulee , of this city , will shoot n match , 100 live birds , modified Hurllngham rules tor $100 n side , ut the fair grounds , nox Thursday afternoon , the ISth. The sportini editor of THE ! : : was chosen as final stake holder , but a icferce will bo agreed upon 01 the grounds. Aflernoon'H Game. The J. J. Hardm City league team and th crack colored team , the Lafaycttcs , play i match game nt the ball park to-morrov afternoon. The contest will bo a fine one there Is little doubt , and a largo crowd wil bo on hand to witness the sport * The gam will bo called at 3 o'clock. BASK yesterday's Winneru In the Nnllona IJCIIKIIR ContcRtN. WASHINGTON , Oct. 1U. The Detroit lean closed the championship season hero to-da , by defeating thu Washlnglons. Score : Washington 0 Detroit 2 0021002 * Pitchors-O'Day nnd Hcatln. Base hits- Washington 11 , Detroit 10. Krrors Wash Ington 0 , Detroit 4. Umpire Lynch. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 13. The regular leagu season closed hero to-day with a game be twcen the New York und Indianapolis club ; Score : Indianapolis 1 New York 3 Pitchers Hoylo nnd Keofo. Uasa hlts- Indlanapolls 1' ' , Now York -1. Errors Ind lannpoli * 0 , NewYork 8. Umpire Kelly. PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 13. Chicago , by non appearance , forfeited Jhe game to the Plain dolphLa team tq-Oity by n score of 0 to 0. " UOMOX , Oct. 11. Th league scaso closed hero to-day with two games. Hesul of first game : Hoston 0 Pittsburg. . ' 1 0000000 Pitchers Madden and Morris. Uaso hit HoHton 0 , Pittsburg 4. Krror lioston , J Pittsburg 3. Umpire Valentino. Result of secoad guran ; IJoston 0 01003 0 Pittburg , 0 0 0 1 l 1 0 Game called nt the nnd of the seventh In ning on account of darkness. Pitchers Iludburn nnd Morris. Hhso hits Hostou t' . , Pitts burg 0. Hrrors Boston U , Pittsburg 3 , Umpire Valentino. The Aniprlean Association. CINCINNATI , Oct. 13. The game between the St. Louis nnd Cincinnati clubs was not played owing to bad weather. lUi/riMoan , Oct. 13. Result of to-day's game : Ualtlmoro 0 0000000 0 Cleveland 1 3 Klght Innings. HIIOOKLVM , Oct. 18. Result of to-day's ' game Hrooklyn 0 0000 1000 1 Athletics 0 00000530 8 Hutchison's Future Onroor. DEsMciiMis. la. , Oct. 13 , [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE ] Hutchison , Dos Moines' fatuous pitcher , has finally concluded to enter the professional Hold In earnest , and will play In the National league next year. It Is understood that he has signed with Chicago , though having received offers from all lead ing clubs. _ Ilex Moines AVas Drunk. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HUB.J The DCS Molucs ball club attempted to play an exhibition game with the homo team this afternoon , but as six of thorn were drunk the game was disgust ing. Hollldav , Stearin , Alvord , Van Dyke and Manager Morton , who played short , wore the ttlayers who thus disgraced themselves. Shafcr , Phclati nnd Traflley were sober , although the latter gentleman's playing was rather groggy. A fc.ituro of the game , which the homo team won by a score of 11 to 4 , was the work of Karlo behind the bat , ho taking part In putting out twenty-three out of the twenty-seven men. FlnshcH From the Dliunimd. Joe Walsh Is in the city nnd will winter here. Dan Shannon wound up the season as second end base for the Newark , N. J. , team. The mall carriers beat the cublo line men at the ball park Friday by a score oi 3d to 0. Daddy Wells , Sioux City's ' star twirler , will eat his snow balls in Omaha this winter. .Inn Burns , the Poet , has failed to make n hit In but one game since ho Joined the Kan sas City Americans. The probabilities are that Morlie will be one of Omaha's catchers next season. Ho Ib a promising backstop. Uig Wilson has received sovcro roastings by the eastern press on account of his con tinued lushing after heavy lines has been as sessed upon him. Hutchinson , of the Des Moines team , will bo found with the Chicagos next season. Spaldinir has asked "Hutch" to take in the Australian trip and ho may accept. Hug Holliday , Des Moines' great center Holder , und the popular favonto with ball patrons , has been sold to Cincinnati ; whllo Danny Stearns goes to Kansas City. Davenport succeeded in making n holy show of herself ns a member of the Western association. She ' 'belonged" Just four weeks and threw up the sponge in despair a week before the close of the season. The animus of the foul attack of the St. Louis Sportinu News on Spalding's Aus tralian expedition is well understood by all legitimate ball patrons. Hy the way , has anyone seen Spaldimr's "ad" in this sheet ! ThoC. M. & St. P.'s ' , of Doliauco , la. , played the Hurlan team ut that place i ester- day. It was a walkover for the C. M. & St. P's , the score ending 3T to 3. Hatteries Palmer and Davis , C. . M. & St. P 's , and Hlair and Moore for Harlan. Palmer struck out sixteen men. The different prizes put up this spring by different pat tics for the best averages in.mo by the individual members of the Omaha team , will be awarded to the winners by the sporting editor of THE HBK some time next week. Mr. Morrison has turned over the prizes ho offered. TIIllF KVIONTS. Summary or Yesterday's Itaccs nt the Ijutonln Course. CINCINNATI , Oct. 13. The last day of the fall meeting at La ton in was cold and disa greeable , but the attendance was largo. The track was very heavy from the incessant rains of the past two days. first race , soiling , six fui longs Lucy Howard won , Fred Woolov second , Blue- Dyed Hello third Time 1 : S.J. Second race , selling , six furlongs Gelf'jrd won , Hixloy second , Clara C third. Time 1.23. Third race , free handicap , one milo -Irani H won , Robin second , Derochment thud. Timo-1:51 : tf. Fourth race , selling , flvo furlongs Specta tor won , Murchbuin second , Chestnut Hello third. Time 1:07. : Fifth race , one mile Cotne-to-Taw won. King Regent second , Nyleptha third. Time 1 .V ( . Sixth race , nine furlongs Sateen won , Dad secoirl , Panama third. Time 2:05 : . Jeioinc I'nrk I aces. JEUOME PAIUC , Oct. 13. The largest racing season Now York has known terminated here to-day , and the racing admirers turned out in full force to take leave of it for ono year , The track was not fast. First race , ono mile Tristnm won in 1:40 : , Wilfred second , Llttlo Minch third. Second race , 1,4'JO ' yards Fresno won in l-M : > i , Pat Morris second , Champagne Charley third. Third race , ono and ono-olghth miloss Huntress won in 2:01 : , Stockton second , Elevo third. Fourth race , ono and one-half miles Unco- land won m'J.iKHf , Firen/n .second , Kaloolah third. Fifth race , ono und one-sixteenth miles Stockton won in l'.r > 3 % , Maia second , Fntuta third. Sixth race , 1,400 yards Lee II. won in 1 331/ , Joe Leo second , Specialty third. Seventh race , three-fourths of a mile Glcnmound won In 1:17 : < ! f , Drumstick second , Osccoln third. General Sport Ing News. The bets of $30 to $30 that Harrison will be elected , nnd that Now York will go republi can uro still posted on the board at the Turf nud Field pool room , with no takers. The alleged calling of the bluff by Jeff McGoath nnd a friend , is one of the ludicrous breaks of the campaign. Who over heard of n gambler entering n pool room and o tiering to take the management's proposition , provided he put the stakes up with soma reliable bank. Pool rooms , the country over , make their bets to win , and make their propositions partially for the advertising there is in them. If the bets uro taken the room holds the stake , and win or lose deduct ? their legitimate per cent. Jeff McGcath , Jim Crawford or no one clso is compelled to take any of these bets , but If they do their money will bo deposited in the pool room. Stop up , gentlemen , the bets are still open to you. Don't want 'cm ; well , that's sensible. The Collosciim Opening. The new Colosoum will bo opened ono wccV from next Saturday evening , the 27tb , with a very attractive programme , In which manj of the best known professionals in the couu try will take part. There are nine events , two best In three , in all of them , with gold medals nnd cash purses as the prizes. The first will bo a ono milo walking match , open tc all amateurs ; the second , a half milo umu tour foot race ; third , ono inllo ama teur lollor skating race ; fourth , ono mile amateur bicycle chase ; fifth , one mile pro fessional bic.vclo race ; sixth , tlvo mile straight heat , uicyclcs against horses , with M.irvo Boardslev , the world's champion , at the rider of the horses ; seventh , nolo vault ing , open to all amateurs ; eighth , higti Jumping , open to amateurs : ninth , half mile professional foot race. There will also be nn exhibition by the turnvorcln in the gym- A. BLOODY 1JATTLE. Hornbacker nnd Kelly Fight Fifteen Rounds to a Draw. NEW YOKK , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB DEB. ] About Boveuty wall known sport ing men , Including a number of promlnenl Jockeys and turfmen , met in a roadside tav crn on Long Island last night and witnessed u prize fight for 1300 between Eugene Horn backer , who was recently defeated by Charlie McCarthy , and Tom Kelly , alias the "Har lem Spider. " rho latter , who H n Jockey as well ns n pupil&tAwelghcd about 10J pounds , whllo HorubJckftr was eighteen pounds heavier Notwrttiffahdlng the odds in weight , Kelly pave the ox-champion a most deter mined brittle , so that at the uml of fifteen rounds both were so much exhausted Hint the referee declared , ( no match a draw. When the men entered .the ring shortly before 11 o'clock the dRforeiico In their sizes rnndo Hornbacker a favijHto at three to ouc , Horn- backer was attended by his brother and Kelly wa lookrdntter by Hilly Oliver nnd a friend. In thlu .varly rounds Hornbacker took the lead and soon had Kelly bleeding from thu nose nud mouth , the blood trickling down his breast uutil ho looked like n victim of a buzz-saw. Afterwards Kelly forced the fighting aud In tholNlnth round closed Hotn- backer's loft eye. ' Then ho cut his lips and face , nnd In the fomtcenth round had him groggy Both were very weak In the fif teenth round. Milliards In Prospect. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram to Tun Her. . ] Jacob Shuofor , the bllliardlst , recently issued a manifesto stating his will ingness to play any American any style of billiards lor any sum from $50J upward , and logo anywhere to play the match. George F. Slosson , his old rival , announced ycster- duj his willingness to pluv Schaefer for $ . " 00 In this city within the next sixt.x days. The style of game will be fourteen-lnch bain line , which Schaefer regards us his strom- est hold. Maurice Duly has replied to Scliaefer's manllesto , too , verbally , by an nouncing that he Is willing to back himself for WOJ against Schncfer at cushion-caroms The desire of the plnvoisto got at Schafer indicates that New Yorkers may see some billiards right after election after all. Who Is the Unknown ? There is little doubt entertained now but that Sullivan is the unknown who is to flirht Kllrain. As soon as John L. is sullleiently recovered , which will bo in about two weeks , ho will go south to recuperate. George Mc Donald , his old trainer in lOngland , Is now in Now York , for the purpose of training the unknown , whoever he may bo , and nothing would suit him better than to have Sullivan again under his charge. The Hod , l > o and Gun. George Kctchim took two first prires at the Dunlap shooting tnurnov last Thursday Judge Barnes , of Ponca , will probably referee - ereo the Wllli.ims-Parmalee pigeon shoot next Thursdaafternoon. . Tin HIM : next Sunil.iy will contain a re view of . I Bruce Wellington's ' recent elaborate rate work on wild fowl shooting. It is a handsome volume and replete with iclmhlo information concerning all the details of this greatest of field sports. Some good baskets of black bass and pick erel have been taken at Cut-off lake duniiL' the past week , but owimr to the extensive netting that is unlawfully prosecuted at these waters , s | > ort with line and 10 ! here will be of but short continuance. The annual hunt of the Omaha Gun club has been set for the " 'Ird , ono week fpctn next Tuesday. There is much rivalry evinced by the two hides and great ellorts will be made bv each member to imUto a big bag. Some will go for geese , others ducKs , antelope , chicken , quail and Jack snipe. The banquet at the Miljard is to bo an elaborate affair. ff The continued mild weather has been a disappointment to the wild fowl shooters , as the ducks and geese have failed ' ) put in an appearance in any considerable mimhris They will be nlonK , though , plenty enough within the next ten clays. Alroadv scatter ing Hocks of mallard , pin tail , widgeon and an occasional red head , are beginning to drop in at the lakes and marshes , nnd u cold snap is all that is necessary to1 bring them by thousands. The hank of th'e wild wosc , too , is heard every night nnd nidi nmg , but owing to the low waters along the Plutto , the pi aspects for these noble birds uro notllrst class How ever , n little wet weather in the mountains will set the river booming , and shooting may yet bo good. BIIFVITIKS. The committee * , on the bridga celebration will meet ut 3 : 'Mi Monday afternoon at the board of trade rooms in this city. A pleasant con-ort and gymnastic exhibi- bition was given at Gernmnia hall last even ing by the Turnverein society. At the end ol the musical progrnmmo a dunce followed. Hev. Q H. Shinn will preach In Boyd's OUCT.I house to-day , morning and afternoon , at the usual hours. It is expected that the great singers , Stanford Mitchell and wife , will take part in the service. The Omaha Motor railway company has asked the district court to modify its injunc tion sufticionllvto allow it to lay a temporary track on Douglas street only for use In the bridge celebration of the 'iOth. At their meeting yesterday the county com missioners decided to sue ibhcrlff Cohnrn for the county's claim against him. The sheriff was given permission to correct hisrepoit for IWi-T m the interest of certain court bailiffs One of the Jtti actions for the coming week Is the chicken tea , to bo given by the ladies of Trinity M. E. church , on Thursday evenIng - Ing , October IS , in the parlors of the church , corner of Twenty-first nnd Binney streets , Kount7O Place. This is the first entertain ment of the kind in the now church , and nil are cordially invited. In the district court , yesterday , Judge Donuo granted Amanda M. Kiesol nn nb elute - lute divorce from Hemdrick ICiosel , on the grounds of cruelty and lack of support. The husband is in Europe , and is addicted to drink. The wife left him and came to America with her two children , whoso cus tody is awarded to hor. Chief Seavoy received n communication yesterday from Mis. Sarah Madigan , ol Lowell , Mass. , enquiring for her spouse , James. She claims that thcywuio mainecl in 18S3 , nnd that tie is now living with an other woman In Omaha. The letter is re plete with marital woe. and should James be. found ho will be piomptly uncsted. Nick Wallace , a colored man about forty- flvo years of ago , an old timer in the police court who always had a long spoeeh for the Judge , died last evening at 7H : ! ) . Nick was n chronic "vug , " and his face was familial in police quarters. Ills argument was evoi for the colored man , nnd his name will be missed from the docket in the future. In the case of Wlnstanlcy vs. Start So Her bo fora Judge Holmes mentioned in the i snc of last evening , Tin : HER Is Informed that the firm of Stnrz & Her have no interest in the matter , und that they , as a matter of fact have not boon sued , und no judgment has been tendered against them. Thu real defendant fendant in the case was Albert Meyer , ant not Storz & Her. A GHASTLY OISCOV10KY. The IJodies ol' Five IntttntH Found Ii a $ oai > liox. CHICVGO , Oct. 13. A ghastly discoveri was mndo by acouple of boys in a descrtcc brick yard at the corner of Thirty-third auc Laurel streets tb , ! * afternoon , They fount ' nu old soap box'-jind opened it. The dead ant decomposed bodjes pf five babies lay side bj side within. Ttto Thlrty-flfth street stattot was notified and 'tho ' remains sent to tin morgue. The , boillc-s wcro examined am found to bo badly decomposed. ' 1 wo wen males and the oAhor three females. One o the males and ono of the females appeared ti have lived about Uvo weeks , while the other had died shortly of tor birth. A cursory ex uminatlon revealed , scorning fracture of the skull in two of the cases , but these wore th < only marks of violence discovered. The b.i bies had probably 1 > ecn dead for about tot days. tt > No officers have been assigned to work u ; the case , the reason given being that ther are none to spare , the strlko utMcssltatinf the temporary abandonment of all detective work. The police of the Thlrty-flftn slroo district are of the opinion that the bodic carao from some ' 'baby farm" or some lying In hospital. None of these are known t < exist in the vicinity , and it Is believed tha the soap box was carried to the brick ynrt from a distance with a pile of refuse , a con sidcrablo amount of which has been dopositec there. All Line * Kuanlng. CHICAGO , Oct 13. In accordance with the action taken by a general mooting last nigh the striking conductors nnd drivers on th West Chicago street railroad reported fp duty at the various barns this morning , am all lines are now In full operation. A committee of Northside strikers callei on Yerkes this morning. He told them. t < appoint a sub-committee of six to formulat * their demands and call on him later. A WESTERN IOWA OUTRAGE , utonso Excltomout Prevailing In the Llttlo Tovm of Uto. EMMA BOND'S CASE PARALLELED V Yniing I/aily's Porneoutlotig At the llnmlf ) of n Gang of Kitf- lluns Vigilantes on the Trnll. A Mysterious AfTntr. Dr.s MOIVKI , la. Oct. 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : UEE.I The llUlo town of Ute , oti the Sioux City branch of the Chicane , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad , Is la n tcrrl- > lo state of excitement over u series of out- npes that have been perpetrated upon Luna 'liaplti , nffi-d 20 , daughter of one of the most nlluentlal fatnlllos In the county. The cnio s a parallel of the famous Kmuiu Hand iiiys- cry , of Tayton llle , 111. Two week's n o last Monday Miss Chnpln vns ulono In the house of her uucle , Mr. lid- vards , two miles noith of town. About noon wo men called and asked for dinner. They HUIO in to wait while something was bemtf irepared lor them , and immediately seized Miss Ohapln , and , under penalty of death , ried to make her tell whore her undo kept ilsmonoi. falling in this they took her to an adjoining shed and tied her in a crude immier and left her gagged until she was Hsc'ovored several hours afterward. One week ago Tuesday night an attempt was nade to abduet her when shi > stepped to the nick door. She was sel/ed in the doorway by ho s.imo two men and was being earned off when she managed to give a half stilled scream tli.it brought the assistance of her inelp and three hit edition from the house. : lornbductoi4 escaped without recognition. 'rida.\ there w.is a stock and grain sale on the Edwards lurm. It Is said that there vero MX ) men present , who were guenu urbecue dinner. At t > o'clock Miss Cliapln slatted to return a basket of dishes hoi rowed of u neighbor a iUatter | of a milo away. Im mediately after leaving the house she was sei/ea by the same men and carried nearly n nlle up the creek , where the scoundrels shamefully abused her in their efforts to make her tell where Edwards had put the nonoy and the notus of the clay's sale. Fail- ng , they gagged her and tied her to the roots of a tiee muter the overhanging bank of a creek. When she was missed and search commenced , the bioken dishes un4 the foot irints of the men who had dragged her aw.iy , ed to her dlseoverx tlirco hours afterwards The young hi .y is very intelligent and has icen teaching school lor the past tuo jeurs. She is lU'CDinplished and well educated Her incle otters heavy rewards for the arrests. four hundred men are scouring the country to-day. Was M\so % UITV , In. , Oet 15. [ Special Telo jram to Tin1 Hi I.Tho ] giand Jury of Wright count ) has put in n solid week's work investigating the causes which led to Lhu death of George Higgle , occunng at Clarion on the ' -4th of last May. Mis. Dig- gle was the leading iicti ess in Ford's dra matic company , which was then traveling through this section of the state. Digglo , who was of a Jealous disposition , ejected to liis wife longer- appearing on the stage , and on Mai left his home at Sioux Kails and met the company at Clarion. After much per suasion the wife teluctantly said she would quit the stage and go homo with him. The night before the ) were to leave she went to one of the druggists of the city and pur chased a large quantity of morphine , which she said she hud been in the habit of using. Mr. and Mrs. Higgle then went to their loom in the hotel , but were very shortly called dou n to supper. Uigglc had no moro than bvcomc seated when ha saitl that he was so di//y he could not see. Ho was carried into a bod-room , and in less than two hours ho was a corpse The coroner's Jury which in vestigated the case returned a verdict that he had come to his death by some cause not known to them. A grrat deal of Inteiest is manifested in the ease. Mrs. Higgle is n charming and intelligent lady , about thiitv- live years of age. She claims to be entirelj innocent of committing the crime. The grand Jury will not reach a conclusion until the latter p.irt of next week. The Supreme Court. IJi : > Moisr.s , la. , Oct 1 ! ! [ Special Telegram gram to Tin : Hrn.J ' 1 ho supreme court Hied the following opinions hero to-day : Daniel Pierce vs. David Hen-old et nl. , up- pollanU ; Sac district ; reversed. A. 15. Oeorgo & Co. vs. Swafford Hros. ot al. , appellants ; Cedar Hapids superior ; nf- lirmed U. I * . lirown. appellant , vs. the Ineorpo rated town of ( Jr.incl Junction ct al. ; Greene district ; reversed. District township of High Lake , nppol InutH , vs. Ivnnet Espcsct mid others ; Em- inett district ; reversed. Daniel Stout , appellant , vs Calvin Mar shall ; Dallas district ; ulllrtuoil. Tlu > RoTorm School Srnmlal. Dm Mow. * , la. , Oct. lit [ Specal Telegram gram to Tin : Hr.i : . ] The case of Laura IJow land , the girl from Duburjuc who was sent tc the Mitehellvillo reform school , and was the subject of some scandal a few weeks ago , I' practically settled. Governor Larrubce , aftoi investigating it , announced to-day that no tiling more would bo done , it being sliowi , that sun was a girl of bad character boiorc she enteied the school. Audit was fuithcn shown that the articles first written about hoi in the Dnbuquo papers were unreliable , ami the facts 1110 not , In his Judgment , such as U require any further investigation. The Chairman a Dof.uiHer. DKS Moivr.s , la. , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram gram to Tin ; Uri : . ] A special from Cornlnt says that Judge Harvey of the district rourl has Just entered Judgment against E. H Hunter for detalcution to the amount ol $4,541 while serving as treasuier of Aduni ! county. The suit was a civil suit and Judg meat was rendered by the Jmlgo without leaving his seat at the close of the test ! mon.v. Mr. Hunter Is now the chairman ol the democratic state central committee ol Iowa and a member of the executive com niittco for the northwestern states , A Hurclar Brenkn Jail. MHOV CITY , In. , Oct. 13. [ Special Telegram gram to Tnn BEK , ] Jerry Crum broke Jai at Eldora lust night and cannot bo found Ho was held on n charge of burglary. H < effected his escape by tiling off the bars litho the jail window. Nominated for Henntor. Scum LEU , Nub. , Oct. 13. The demooratii senatorial convention of Platte and Col fin counties met at the court house In this cit ; and nominated Michael Mahcr of Platti county. 1'oMtnl WASHINGTON , Oct. 13. [ Special Tolegran to TIIR llEul Mrs. Surah A. Johnson wui to-day appointed postmistress at V.'hfceiock Whoolcr county , Neb. , vice George N lijshop , resigned. Failure nt Stroinslmrc. SinOMsnEito , Neb. , Oct. 13. The Implement ment firm of Lilnd & Lash has been closci by attaching emitters. Liabilities abou Jo.UOO. Assets very small. TO ) Uj < YMlS. An Accident That Notioily Knows Anything About. A serious and possibly fatal accident oc curred nt the IJurllngton depot yesterday af ternoon , mid the profit ami Idss account of the company has to bo charged , with two men injured , ono onglno disabled , ono coach damaged ami ono express oftlco demolished. About 4110 switch engine 100 was backing up bnKKago car , the pay car , and the private car of General Manager Holdrodgo , and placing thorn on n sldo track that ended close against the express oftlco of Wells , Fargo ft , Co. When about Eighth street , there was n break in the machinery , n rush of steam , and an en- glnoor and Urcmati Jumping from the cab , whllo the train loft to Itself reached the cad of the track and ornahud Into the express of- flco burying Charlie Speiuor , day chock clerk , George Taft , depot , agent , and C. A. Goldsmith. bill clerk , In the ruins. The entire end of the oftlco was crushed in , the heavy iron snfo tossed to one sldo with the door wrenched from the hinges , and the flooring and parti tlons ground Into match wood. Spjncer was found beneath the ear with n broken leg and a badly crushed chest. Taft was suffering from Internal injuries , and Goldsmith had n miraculous osenpo from death , being knocked down by the car and thrown almost under It. Inquiry among the Burlington officials led to the fact that not one of them know the name of the engineer or fireman , that not one of them know how long ho had been em ployed by the company , not one of them knew positively whether ho was competent or not , not one of them knew that an oftlci.il report had boon sent In , or that tlioro was anything in It for publication , but all of them knew It was an accident In which no blame could bo attached to anyone. Ono version of the affair was that the "boiler head plug" had blown out and the cscnpidg steam had forced the engineer mid fireman from the cab. Another was that the "quadrant stud" had blown out with the same effect , and n third was that the water glass had burst. Enquiry on the side showed that the engineer was named Charlie Sewer , ntul that ho was but little moro than a month in theservice. Some b.\slanders who claimed to have seen the whole atlalr say that when the steam filled the cab ho lost his head , and instead of re versing the engine , as he attempted to do , ho pulled her wide open on the back motion and sent the train with increased speed Into the express odlce. They also state that- even If the "plug , " "stud , " or "water glass" had blown out , there was no necessity for him to leave the cab , as there was no chnnco for him to bo scalded , and accidents of tliu kind are of common occurrence aud easily overcome. Til 10 KKA1.TY MA UK 1ST. Instrument * 1'lticucl on Ilecoril Dur- liijr Yesterday. I K t : Mr.hmsey ami utfo to M V Hush , lots 7 and S , bfk ! l. I.nwntU'lil mill , w cl J1.3XI U Stcmmlorto r WoUs. lot 15. I > 1K t * . Wal nut hill ; si " lot 1 , Lultu'tt add ; n 1 , lot ll > , blk I , Armstrong s 1st .uld , and w : i9 Ml ft of n no ft lot. ! , blK'-'in , Oumim : lot -I , blk 'i , Kcmntzc .V Uuth's add , and lots 16 mul 10. lilkT , ( Irammercy park ; lotHliand 10. blk It , Albor place ; lot 17 , Kensington ; lot T , lik Ml , Ninth Omntiti , mid e 'II ft lot M , 1'iiiilsuu'R lulil ; s Vi of. ' u rtl It lot I , blk H , KouuUu'H 4th add , (1 A SoiftiM-n et ill to Ij Wtilrnlh et al , w 'i ufo > t lot h , llautin'uilil , wil . . 8,0 < X ) \ \ T. Smith ut ill to (1 U Wyatt , lot 11 , lilK 20 , Kolint/c 8 pliiCH , w d . 0,000 0 (5 Wnllaiv. trusliMj. to K N Miller , lots ISnud 1'J , blk" , Muumoutli park , w d . 1,500 h Stunner to U U C'ury , lots 1 nnd " , Isa- bcl mill , w d . . . 2.COO Union Moc k VaidsC'o toV I , Sulby , lots 1 , 1' , 11 and K , blk .1 , IM add So Uni'ihu , cl . . . Wl.Solby und wlfo to 1) Sullivan , lot 1 , . clby'H sub , w cl. . Tliu II Kouut7e and ! ! ( to M ( iiiidlner , Ioti3 and il , blk 21 ; lots U and 10 , Kountzo's pliut1. w d . . . . . 1 H Kount/o und wife to M Gardiner , lot 1,1. blk Si ; lotd , blkUO ; lot K. blk Jl ; lot 1. til kltl ; lot.s luuml II , blk JO , Kountzc's pluiu , w U . . . . . . . II Konmze uml wife to M ( lardlner , lots 4 , U and 10 , blk 111. Kountzo's place , w d 1 C It Piittorson and husband to DTnjlor , lot 4 , blk 1 , West aide. No 3 , w d . 650 J I , reunion und nlfu to U O Iend trom , lots , I'lersou's Hub , wd . 1,000 David l.luu to W (1 llohu ut al , lot C , Hickory place , decree . A ( ! Wnlrnth ut ul to I , Hauscn , lot 1 , blk 1 , Patrick's add. w d . 6,700 I. Munsui and uito to A X.le.sol , und Vi R1 tt ot o M It lot 1. blk 1 , I'utrlck'.s udd , wd . . . WJ 1. lluusc'ii i' ' nil \\lto to A.lose ! . s " 1 ft of n 4 tt of u M It , lot 1 , blk 1 , 1'atriok'a add , wd . 1 , W 1. llaiisun imd wife to City of Onmh.i , o 1" ft ol will ft , lot 1 , blk 1 , 1'ntrick'n add , (1 cd . 1 U K Tuinui anilito to M Klleatty.lot 11 , Ink 4 , Summit "reserve , " w d . 5KW A I1. Kell.y otal to W II Oral ) . ' , lot 11. blk 1.1 , lot C. blk S-.1 , CauliagB udd , w il . 1. 100 I , 1' 1'ruyn and Ife to .1 W Uuco , lot K ! , tilk 1 , 1'iuyn's sub Hyde 1'ark.wd . 50 CI'MuldH to II 1' Mulds , 48X1JO ft lot 4 , ll.irllett's add , w cl . 4,000 \V A Uimki-r and \\lfu to ( ! A Joslyn , pt lots ; i nnd I , blk in I , Omiiha. w d. . 1 \V It Lnmberson and wlfa to I ) Ilommr , lot 1U , blk iai. South ( .malm , wd . . . 1,000 II W llumoUl toO 11 Slmuk , lot 3 , blk 'JJ , Cartlmgo , w il . . . . . 1,000 IIV Itumoch to.l I ) Montgomery , lot 11 , blk I.I , Carthage' , w d . 1,000 A .1 llyun and lf to JV Itedford , lots 17 nnd 18 , blk 17. lledford 1'lace , w d. . . 30 C O Howard to J M McUlane , lot o2 , blk 8 , l , wd . 100 Twenty-eight transfers . H7.-'CO I'ornuts. The following permits to build were is sued yesterday : I'eter .Icnscn , cottage , Twenty-sixth and 1'uikor strc'cts . JCOO Immunucil lio.-plliil. t\\o story building , 'I hlrty-foitrtli and Meredith streets . 11,700 It. A. William' , Improvements , Illondo. between Tw entyeighth and Twenty- ninth etreets . 600 - Callahan , barn , Jackson , between 'r ciity-nlKlith anilTttoiity-nlnth bt3. . KM SK minor permits . tliW 'I en permits , aggregating . I17)0j ! ) Union I'nultlo llobUerlcs. HAWMV.S , Wyo. , Oct. 13. The grand Jury of this county has during the last three days returned twenty-three indictments against conductors nnd brakemcn of the Union I'acl- llc railroad , charging them with robbing freight trains running between this place and Green Ulvcr. The robberies uro sup posed to cover a period of from twelve to fifteen months , and thousands of dollars worth of valuable merchandise is missing. Four prominent business men are Involved. Arrested Tor Kinlio/.zlcinont. Uni.i liviu.i ! , 111. , Oct. 13. A sensation was created yesterday wheu the St. Clair grand Jury returned an indictment charging Souoy , ex-supervisor of Cahokin township , with the ombe/zlcuient of JM.OOO. Ho assorted that ho had been short for several years , but the fact was not discovered until recently. Ho says ho will bo able to explain matters ut the proper time. The Ijl.st Increasing. WII.KKSIHUIIE , Pa. , Oct. 13. A detective of the Lchlgh Valley railroad visited the dls trlct of the wrcclc yesterday and endeavored to prepare a complete list of these killed in the accident on the railroad Thursday. He Had the names last night of seventy-three. Of the names obtained , twenty-five have not appeared on any list hcrctoforo published , Dr. Hamilton Wurron , irmgnotic phy sician und surgeon , room K , C routine block , cor. 10th und Capitol avunuo. Chronic anil nervous diseases tv spec ialty. Telephone 944. A Knlli'oail Mail's Funeral. COLCMUUS , O. , Oct. 13. The funeral ol Henry Monett , late general passenger agcnl of the New York Central railroad , took place this morning. Passenger service cast and west was largely represented , there bcinj about three thousand officials und prommcnl railroad men present. Short Hand Aud Typo-Writing Taught nt the Omaha Coimumclnl Collude , C'or iicr 15th and Dodge , lloth Day ami livening. With those wo Rive Penmanship. Business Letter-Writing , Duslnois Formi , Grammar and Spell lilt ? I'liKE. If von think Shorthand hard coma and take three lOJions 1'KKU. Wucun clvo you tin ba t advantages In the city , llatus ara reasonable. Studonta ant r any Urns. Ovw UJ slndent now In attendance. Vlalttha college. A naw class begins Monday tuorumu and uvenlng. Al graduate * holding good positions. positions.ROHRBOUGH BROS. , Props. BEUM & CO , , 1319 Farnam Street. Spooinl sale of Half \Vool Dross Gooili worth from 1'JJo tolIOi1 , At 6 c Per Yard. On sale Friday morning , October 10th. at 10 oVlock. These poods can bo soot ! In the window , or if you will visit out store wo will gladly show thorn to you and KiA'o you samples if you wish. > Va do this t > n.\ouiimv know what you are bu > inji when the Any ot snlo comes. Do not forcot the time , it is Friday iiiornini ; October 10th , at 10 o'clock. SPECIAL SALE OF All Wool Serges oti-iiu'hos wide- worth 'lOe , AT 25c PER YARD. TIIKSK SiUGKS : ARK NOW'ON SALH. They come in the following col ors : I'luiti , Unmet , Hrown , Nuvy lllim , Myrtle Given nnd Gobelin Blue. This is ono of the bo-it bargains wo hava over ottered in the \\i\y of _ Dross Goods , nnd our advice to you is to viwlt our store nt once and examine the quality of tlioro floods , ns tbei will not lust loiitf. Keinoniber the priuu is only lijc , and the goods are all wool. Special Sale ! OK \Vo have put on eitle every yard ol Rlnck Gros Grain SilUn that we have in stock at the following SPHCEAL I'KICES. This bale will continue until every yard is sold. Allot our $1 quality in Black Grog Grain Silks at 80c. All of our SLIM quality at 90o. All of our $1.40 quality at $1. All of our $1.50 quality at $1.221. All of our $1.05 quality at $ l.U7j. All of our $1.85 quality at $ l.IJ7j. Wo know this is an opportunity of ft lifetime. These Silks are till guaran teed to wear. Wo will bo glad to show you these Silks , whether you wish to lurchabo or not. Ask to see them. 1319 Farnam Street , Who Is WEAK , NEKVOCB. TKD. who In hi * FOL.L.T tend IONOHANCE bu TRI7LED away his VIGOR of BOUT , BIND and MAIfIIOOn.eAUilDK xhftUitlna drains upon the FOUNTAINS of LIFE , HEADACHE , BAUHAVHE , Dreadful Dream * . WEAKlf EHN of Msinorr. KAMII- FULNEMS In aOCIITY. P1MPI.EH upon Ihn FACE , and all tba BFFEOTH leading to EAHLY DKOAY and perhaps CONMUMP. VSON or IN8ANITT. should coniult at once Ifaa UELEimATED ir. Clarke , EitabUthid lAl. ET darks ban made IVEKVODN HE > MIMTY , CHBONIfl and all DUtuei of IM ) OEIflTO tTUINAnr Or ni a Life * ndy. II make * WO difference WHAT you OATe taken or WHO hu felled to cure you. # S-FEHAR.EHiuCertnrfromdl | eftiefpCCU Bar to their MX oan ooniult with tb auuranca f ipaedjr rallet and cure. B nd 2 ccaU pottage tor worki on jour dlienies. 4VOend 4 oenti poitarc for C l br tert warka on Vtironle. Ncrvoua and D ll eate Dlioaiea. Coniultatlon , penonalir or br totter , IVee. Consult the old Doctor. Vbormnoda enred. OBtcraand purloru pr'vato. a-Thoie contemplating Marriage aend fur Dr. Clarke's celebrated guldo nle and Female , each 16c. , both JSc. Utampi ) , Before confiding your caie , coniult Br. CI.AHKE. A friendly letter or call may mve future kuflcringaml almtne , and add , golden yean to life.Book "f.ltf'n ( Secret ) Er ror * , " DOc. ( stamp * ) . Medicine and wrlllngi Bent everywhere , Moure from xxpoiurv. Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 to 12. Address. F. D. OIiAAKB. M. D. MJ8 So. dark Sh. SmOAOQ. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO. Boston. Mass. ; JfanxdH City , Mo. Capital &Su plus , $1,500,000 $ , , This company lias opened nn Omaha olllcft mid l8iic ] > paruil t furnish money promptly on Im proved city und lurm property. No applications wnt awny for approval. Loans closed nnd paid for without delay , ' 11NV. . dr" Manuuer. 30 ! ) South 13th Streut First NatlonuT luiik. BANK OFJfflAHA. Capital , - - - $100,000 OOl Mouth Thirteenth Street. General Banking mlaYings Business , CllAIU.UR . . 0. 1' . NKKIIIIAM , Vlro rresldi-nt. 1'HANK V U'AHHHUJIAN , Tor tlin benefit of Depositors the Savings Do- rmitment will bu open on Saturday nlgUU from OloHo'Uo : * . G Per Cent on .S and Time Hf OR SALE * EVERYWHERE. HAIR GOODS ! MBS. KATE M. CLAMHTT / , N ICtli street , Omaha , llulr and > 'ac t" : also manicuring ;