Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1888, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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A Resume of the Lcadlntr Society
The Lending i\ents : In Uppr-r Circles
During the I'liHl Week Wc-tl-
illngs , I'nriloH nnil Per-
Honul Mention.
Omulin'H Hoolnl Clubs.
Therr Is promise of u lively season In social
circles tins , nnd nlicndy society people
nro beginning to bestir tlicinselvcs mid plnn
dances , pai tics and other gatherings , while
the Viuious social clubs nro commencing to
nwnkcn to life again after their lethargic
Lonilltion during the hc.itcd term
Two of the old clubs the Capitol Hill and
the Hyperion- will probably sleep the sleep
of the Just. Tim Capitol Hill llku its prede
cessor , the Sans Ceroinonie , is growing too
lingo to hold its social sessions at ptlv.itu
residences and must either adjourn to the
more commodious dance halls or disband
The Hyp'Tions may give n p.u ty about mid
winter in memory of the old tunes , but this
will probabli be their last g.itheilng. To
inemncrs of this 01 ganl/ation , however , stand
high soeiallj , nnd will bo gladly welcomed
Into the various other clubs ,
The assembli , 01 as they have born satlil-
cnllj termed , ' The Selci t One Hundred , ' at
present an-voiy quiet , but promiseto show
higim of netmt\ about Chnstin is , the time
that they gu\e then tiist p.ut > last season
The clnl ) last\ear was composed ot ninetj
cignt members It was orgmii/cd bv Luther
Drake , Joseph Garnuiu and u number of somti gentlemen who con
reived tlC | uli a of hning u club nuni
hciing about a bundled members. Tlio
friends of these gt iitlomcn and u
inanof the lending socictv people of the
rlt\ were invited to Join. It was not sup
ixjseil to include nil the bcstsocietj people in
the place , and the idea of making it an unit
ntion of the alleged " 400 b ( st ' in Now York
cit > never i'iiien d the minds of the ongina
tots of the club Unfortunately some ex
( client souetv p < oplo who had not
been Invited to Join it got this ide.i into theii
head and the org.mi/alimi was nllgnmti/i'd
HH the "Soldi Hiimlitd , * ' and b\ this mime
it is bettei known than its legitimate one.
The p.u ties .ue held at the Mlllaid
The Oiniiha ( iii.irds piomlse to play a mom
Inent pint In social circles this season 'I heir
iia/.iai during the latter p.u I of November
will bung the MII lety together consldei.ibli ,
nnd tlnoUKhoiit the season a number of t'r.iml
balls are to be gl\en
The I'nitj club which has b"cn running so
BUC < essliilly for a number of jearswill give
its full quota ol p.u lies this season ut.Masonic
The Home Circle , the oldest soi ial organ
i/ation inthecitv , is now entering upon I's '
eighth Keason under most favoi.iblo auspices.
A shoit time nim.o it elected the follow in g
oftleoiH for the ensuing \ear President
Chailes M Cn.implain , vice president.I
Gannon ; seeictiin , U P Hcdmun , treasuiei1
W H Liitr-i. i\eiutivo committee P. W.
Pickons , H. A Copelv and ( ! . W Hnilei
The club will open the season with a dunce
in about tin cc weeKs
The Happy Hours will also guo their first
dunce t-onio time next month at Masonic
lull An even moio snciessful heusou tlian
Inst jour is predicted for the club Mr.
.Scanlan holds the position of pusident of
the orK'aiu/.itlon. GcoigoJ. Paul is secio-
tarv and ticasuier
The Impel club has alrends opened the
season with a dance at Odd Kelhiws' hall , on
Blunders street. The oifjiini/ulion is iom-
pobcd almost exclusively of Noith Omaha
people and ow < s much of its piostigo to Its
ptCHident , Mr. Louis Littlellold , who has
| iln\cd a ptonnncnt p.ut in its founation and
The members of the Ksmcialdn club pride
themselves on tlmlr informality and jollity at
their hops. Their career last season was a
brilliant one , nnd they intend to maintain
the high stamlaid they have set.
Among the new elubs orgnm/od is the
Olivette , which made Its debut a short time
klnce with a ball at Crap Hi os. ' hall. The
Crescent , another new organisation com
posed of young people Just commencing so
cial life , was held at the same place a short
time before.
In addition to the clubs named there are a
iiumbci ol othcis devoted to the art of Terp
sichore , mid the vai ions scciet orgnni/ations ,
trade's unions , etc , will furnish an endless
amount of entertainment as usual for loveis
of the dance.
Flowers For the Tea Table.
The extravagant and luxurious use of flow-
Brs Is one of the features of fashionable life
this season , so may be abundantly indulged
In for tea table decoration. It Is not necos-
nary that they bo of the most expensive vari
eties. Every bud and blossom is used , from
the homclv golden rjd and clover blossoms
to the Ksph itu S.inti orchidswhich so closely
resemble a Hock of white doves. A bunch
or sack of flowers tied with ribbons is placed
tit the plate of each guest , or n pretty idea is
to suspend over the table a colored umbrella ,
and tie upon the end of each rib the bouquets
of a gueit uorltcd with her name. The cards
arc uiioii tied to the backs of the chairs in
stead of being placed on the table. Tnei
mav contain onlj the name of the person ex
pected to occupy the chair , or they may be
painted and bear an appropriate quotation.
These are icad aloudas an intioductory sub
ject of conversation , nnd sometimes the same
quotation is used upon all the cards , the ob
ject being to name the author , and the sue
cesbfnl guesber is awarded u pure In tin
shape of a bouquet of loses.
Little sachet bars or bonbon boxes oftcr
accompany the cauls in place of the ( lowers ,
nnd In other instances the eaids ate in the
form of books with painted covets , and tlu
inside bearing the quotation , the date anil
the owner's name.
Uinnlin OuarclH1 Hn/anr.
The Omaha ( Juards have bofojo them an
arduous task , but people who have watchei
their pi ogress and seen the interest th.ej
take In their drill and work do not doubt foi
u moment that they will succeed The crj
is "On to Washington " They have reek
oncd on the support of the ladies , and havi
not been disappointed During the wed
members of the geneial committee hnvi
waiti'd upon the leading society ladies of tin
citj , nml the very generous responses be
speak the pi ido which Omaha has alrcad ;
begun to take in the piojcct which tin
gum ds have bcfoie them The following la
dies have kindlj voluntceied to act ns pa
tronesses of the btunar. Mrs. Frank Col
pctror , Mis Clink Woodman , Mis. Josepl
Hiirkcr. Mrs Fied Nye , Mrs. n. H. Slier
wood , Mrs. Mctealf , Mis. G. Hitchcock
Mrs. Charles Squires , Mrs Henry Kster
brook and Mrs. Dcau Gardner. Othc
names will be announced later.
II. of I/ . lHall. .
"H Is the grandest dance ever given hero. '
Such was the universal comment on th
prand ball given by the Brotherhood of I.o
comotivc Firemen nt Exposition hall on las
rrlday evening. The decorations were club
orate but tasty , and the old hall had a ver ,
inviting appearance. In different parts o
the house M ere displayed the mottoes of th
brotherhood , "Protection , Charity , Sobrictj
Industry , " 1 he most handsome and strikin
device was the full sized locomotive ( rent a
the west cud of the hall , It was made u
mainly of actual parts of an engine am
with its lofulfjcnt headlight lookc
like n real locomotive about t
itlow Its way through the dance ?
The decoration committee who put up thi
haudsoino and ingenious affair consisted o
A. Cole , William Cummlngn , T. D. Kinnoi
William Miller , William Anderson , Thouia
McCaun , J , U , lichrcns and J , Carmody ,
The spacious hall was thronged wit
guests and the bcene was brilliant and It
spiring. The dancing programmes were li
keeping with everything and will bo trcai
urcd as beautiful souvcntis ot a Joyous even'
H was nearly 3 a. in. before the hall was di
George Ilnbcrtu' Hirthdny Party.
Mr. and Mrs. U. W. Roberts gave an cli
jrnnt dinner party at their homo In licnso
Place , on Monday evening , In honor of the ]
eon George , who i cached his majority on tin
day. The dinner was an elaborate cue , an
KELLBY STIG-ER & CO.Corner iethand
, ; . , Dodge Sts.
Black and Colored Silks.
All of our S1.35 Blnck nnd Colored Fnlllo Franchise Silks nt $1.OO per
ynrd on Monday.
$1.65 citiality for $1.35.
$2.00 quality for $1.60.
$2.50 quality for $1.80.
These three qualities of Ponu do Solo nro 22 nnd 23 inches in width
doublo-fneod , nil silk , nnd we wnrrant thorn in every pnrticulnr for wenr
nnd eorvico.
Your cholco in nil of our 81.25 Black nnd Colored Sntin Rhndnmos , 22
inches wide , ntl.OO per ymd. Fresh , now goods , embracing nil the now
Pokin Stripe Moire Antique Silks , nil now colors nnd blnck , nt $1.25 ,
former price $1.75.
54-inch French Brondcloth reduced from $2.OO to 81.5O. Complete line
of colors nnd black. Cnll early on Monday tosoouro the cholco shades.
50-inch French Foulo Cloth , worth $1.25 , our price 87jc.
40-inch All Wool Henrietta , black and colors , 3Oc.
1OO 12-4 Marseilles Bed Spronda , newest pnttcrns , $1.45 , reduced from
5OO dozen extra Inrpo Iluck nnd Damask Towels , plain nnd knotted
frintrod , 25c , reduced fiom 8Oo , 35c and 4Oc.
SO do/ioii 3-4 Bleached Linen Napkins , regular price $2.5O , for this sale
with flno heavy twilled back , long fleece , at lOc , regular price 12c * ; and 1OO
pieces oxtrn tlno twilled back , soft and long fleece at 12k * , reduced from 15c.
5O pieces 28 inch All Wool Shirting Flannels , in stripes and chocks , em
bracing all the now combinations of colors at 29c , regularly sold at 37jc.
20O pair 11-4 Blankets in white , grey nnd scarlet , strictly all wool , regu
larly sold at $5.5O. Monday and nil next week at $4.f > O.
100 Dozen Real French Kid Gloves , with one and two rows embroid ery , which is the very latest , in all the most desirable
shades , inclu.ding Mahoganies and the new Empire Greens ,
This glove is acknowledged by all who have worn them to be the best glove ever offered in Omaha at less than $1.50.
Take the Dodge street cable car line from the Union Pacific depot to our store.
consisted of several courses. After the din
ner an hour or so was spent in social con
verse , and this was followed by dancing. Mr
Louis Litlleliold presided us master of cere
monies. The following is > the list of guests :
Mr. and Mis. C. O. Howard , Mr and Mrs.
Ciagg , Mis. Hill , Mis. Skyles , the Misses
Maud Sloney , Vinnie Hi own , Nellie Redman ,
Ida Solaman and Georgia Sheely , the Messrs.
Louis Littlottold , Howard Lambert , Emmet
Solaman. Andy Argo , Will Urown and
Charley Shut p.
Illchnrd ns Host.
The Omaha Guards weio cnteitamed Sat
urday evening by Mr. H. S. Herlm at his
residence , Nineteenth and Davenport streets.
The evening was very pleasantly spent with
songs by Mr. Hiigani , S. U. Kecd and W. A.
Webster , and recitation by Messrs. Cleaver ,
Nyeund Shcnill. Mr. Heihn fully sustained
his reputation as n roj al host and it can not
bo denied that the occasion will bo re-
incmbeicd by those picsent as one of the
most enjojable and successful stag parties
ever attended bj them. Covers were laid for
lifty guests and the repast was a sumptuous
one which reflected creditably on the cateier
in charge. Among those picscnt were no
li-ed : Ucan Gardner , L. A Angowein , l\
Icustin , W. H. Ton Ejck , N. H. Hrigham , S.
15. Kecd , G. C. Kabjan. H. Clo\cr , H. H.
N\e , Chailes Keed , G. Voss , W. H. Koenig ,
E M McCan , Mr. Murphy , A. A. Hiooks , K.
A. Shcnill , Captain Soharft , P. N.Clarke ,
II. A. Latham , Mr. Uoblnson , T. C. Gngo , H.
L. C.yil , C. W. Hull. Chailes Wilson , M.
Tirrcll. Alficd Meinberg , II. Morford , Jesse
Lowe , Mr. U.illy , H. Cocn , H. E. Cary , O. E.
C.iry , W. A. WeDster.
lllrthdny Party.
Last Wednesday was the thirty-eighth
birthday of Chailes Thies , of-iriJO South
Thirteenth nnd .ils friends turned out in full
force in honor of the occasion. Music and
dancing weio the entertainments. Among
those present weio Messrs. Kammeier ,
( Justus , Yager , Housur , IJiowno , Diicseher ,
Ketle , Harrv , Hi lining , Haskoll , Hatten ,
Pcttingalo , IJet/er , Marquet , Got man anil
their respective ladies ; Messrs. Terry , Pat
terson , Farrell and Dulin. The piesents
wcie numerous nnd beautiful.
Tlio Art Association.
The Art association of Omaha hold its
regular monthly meeting at .Max Mejcr's
music parlors and ait gallery last Monday
evening , George W. Lininger presiding.
About one hundiod of the representative ar
tists were pi esent. The association decided
to get up an ait exhibit , the same to take
place about November 1 , and to continue
these exhibitions at Intervals during the
winter. It Is the Intention of the organiza
tion to solicit outside competition , In view
of advancing and cultivating home talent.
n Social Clnl ) .
It is lun-.ored that the Jolly Parnoll club is
no longer in existence , but its place is Illled
by the now Irlsh-Au.crlcan Social club.
This organization gave its lirst party at Cun
ningham's hall on Wednesday evening , nnd
It proved to be n delightful one. T. C. Doug
o las acted as master of ceicmonies. Hefoio
the dancing commenced the orchestra gave a
concert lasting about tin hour and n half.
t This innovation proved to be nu ncccptablo
The First Baptist church was aglow with
bright lights and gaiety last Monday even
ing. The event was the celebration of the
twentieth anniversary of the marriage of
Hev. A. W. Lamar nnd wife. The congrega
tion over which Mr. Lamur presides tendeied
him and his wife a reception at the church ,
and it proved a very enjoyable affair.
To Contributors.
Articles Intended for this department
should bo sent In before Saturday K possible.
If you wish to Insure the publication of your
contribution write only on one sldo of the
mi per , otherwise It must bo re-written befoio
It goes into thi > hands of the printers. LI rev-
Ity nml not elaboration is wished in nil arti
P. n. C. Lotus Clnl ) .
The P. D. C. Lotus club gave their fourth
grand ball at Goodrich's hull Thursday oven-
ing. The attendance was good , and the
usunl excellent tlmo enjoyed. Mr. H. W.
Dyhnll , Jr. , presided as master of ceremonies ,
and Mr. August , F. Specht , headed the re
ception coiuniittccc. U waa after 2 o'clock
when the "Home , Sweet Homo" waltz was
Mr. Charles Gower , ot Tort Larnmlc ,
Wyo. , nnd Miss Margarito V. McGmty , of
? ituburg , P.i. , were united in nnrrmgc nt
St , Philomenv's church , this city , by Kov.
Father McCarthy on Monday , October S.
Mr. Gowcr was on duty at Uellovuo iitlo
range this season ns telcpraph and telephone
operator. Since his in Omaha ho has
made ninny friends who are soiry ho is
obliged to leave us so soon. Ho and his wife
take with them many good wishes for n long
nnd happy life. Mr. nnd Mrs. Gower may
bo found at pi cscnt at S' > 0 south Seventeenth
street , the guests of Oflicer Dcinorcst.
The following is clipped from the St. Paul
News : "One of the prettiest weddings of
the season , although onool the quietest , was
that of Miss Margaict H. McElhinnoy
daughter of Mrs. M. McEllnnnoy , to Fred
W. Fitch , a prominent lawjor of Omaha.
The happy event occurred at Mrs. MoUhln
noi's house , on Forest street , Thursday af-
tci noon at b o'clock , and was witnessed only
by t.iinilv fi lends. The hi ido is aoung
ladj of unusual beauty , and in her bridal
diess was quite irresistible. Hev. H F. Mc
Laren performed the ceremony. Miss Liz-
zio Virtue was the maid of honor. After the
ceremony the brulo and groom depaitedfor
Omaha , wheio they will live.
At Long Pine on Tuesday evening last oc-
cuiied the nuptials of Miss Ada Winter and
liormud F. O'Neal. Tlio ceicmony took
place in the Congiegational rluirch in that
place , which was crowded with invited
guests , and the event proved the grandest
one of the season. The bride was hand
somely dressed in India silk with tulle ti tra
inings , and woio an elaborate bouquet of
natural toses. The reception occulted at
the residence of the bndo's father , Mr. T.
Winter. The groom is tlio cashier of the
Long Pine Exchange bank , and is an excel
lent young man. The bride stands high so
cially , ami at present her father is a candi
date for the legislatuie.
I'llll I ll's-tTMSS.
Miss Can ioM. Atkins , daughter of Mr.
Charles Atkins , was married to Mr. W. E.
Phillips , of Galesbmg , 111 , on last Wednes
day at 'J p. in. The wedding occuncd at the
homo of the bnde's pit outs , 1" > 90 North
Eighteenth street. Tlio bride woie a white
silk cntraine with diamonds. Mr. and Mrs ,
Phillips will make the'1" ' homo ut Galesburg ,
General Gossip
. ( , J. Johnson is in Chicago.
D. Soper loft for Chicago Monday.
J. W. Tillson i eturned from the cast Mon-
f M. L. Hooper rctui ned from Denver Mon-
J J. P. Southard has recovered from his Ill
I C. F. Wcllcr has been In Atchlson this
' week.
j W. G. Albright has been in Chicago this
Clark Woodman has been in Chicago this
O. F. Weller returned from St. Louis
Mrs. F. M. Phillips will winter in Wash
ington , D. C.
Mrs.V , J. Hawks and daughter have re
turned from the east.
Mr. nnd Mrs C. H. Grntton have returned
from their wedding trip.
Miss Marie Orton , of Sioux City , is visit
ing the Misses Gracomlul ,
Miss Lillian Stadclmann has been passing
the week with friends In Lincoln.
The nuptials of Mr. Poppleton and Miss
Kennedy occur next Wednesday.
Miss Kathcrlno Barker has returned from
Iowa , where she has been visiting friends.
Charles O. Koemer will mairy Miss Minnie -
nio Carter , of Crcston , In. , next Thursday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. J. Rogers entertained a
small party of friends at tlio Mlllurd Thurs
Mr. L. Mendelssohn nnd family have pone
to Detroit , where Mrs. Mendelssohn will
Mrs. James , wife of the superintendent of
schools , has gone to Hudson , Mich. , for a
two or three" weeks' visit with friends.
Mrs. W. H. Clarke has returned to San
Diego , accompanied by Miss Touraliu , her
sister , who will pass the winter with her.
Major General Crook and Lieutenant L. W.
V. Kennon , aide-de-camp , arrived in the city
We will place on snlo for the
coming vvoeK , the handsomest
line of Newmarkets , Ulsters nncl
Rnglnns , shown by nny clonk de-
pnrtment west of New York City ,
including the latest Pnris nnd
Berlin novelties in brnicled nnd
fur trimmed < jnrments. We
shnll offer nn elegnnt brnicled
newmnrkot.tight fitting bnck nnd
hnlf-fitting front , in choice shndes
nt the low price of S2D.5O. The
garment is clienp nt $27. A new-
market , close fitting Iront , with
full back nnd braided fnncy sleeve
* 2Bjconsictered chenp nt $3O. The
hnndsomest newmni'ket shown
by the trade a full brnicled
shoulder , back and sleeve , in
three choice shades , would be
very cheap nt $07.8O. Our price
for this week $3O. We invite in
spection to n line of elegantly
made garments with hnndsome
quilted silk lmng < * , braided nncl
real black marten fur trimmings ,
at $85 to $68. These garments
are on snlo elsewhere at $05 to
$75. The patronage given our
Clonk Department during the
past two days demonstrates our
claim to showing the choicest line
of Plushes in Sacques and
Wraps , Missss' nnd Children's
Clonks shown in the city. Our
line of Newmnrkets ranging in
price from $8.5O , $5 , $ O , $7 and
upward is btill complete.
Thursday. They will remain here several
daj s.
Prof. Joseph 'Gajloid , of Knov college ,
Gnlcsbuig , 111 , has beftn in the city the past
week the guest of classmates nud alumni of
that well-known Institution.
Mrs. H. D. King , of Minneapolis , has been
Llio guest of Mrs. N. M. Turegon , 1TH1
Eighteenth street. Mrs. King , wno is delighted
lighted with Omaha , left for her home on
Wednesday evening.
Alfred Scott loft yesterday for Pcona , 111. ,
whcie , on Wednesday novt , he will bo mar
ried to Miss Lettic Baldwin , one of the
chaitiling belles of that city.
Miss Grace U'llloughby , who has been
spending the summer with Miss Can 10 Par-
Parker , 2 S ) St. Mary's avenue , returned to
lier homo in Watseka , III. , on Friday.
The marriage of Mr. Joseph H. Schmidt
and Miss Anna M. Paul will take place next
Wednesday moining at ! l o'clock nt the
Church of the Holy Trinity , Eighteenth and
I/ardstioets The
JI5JO Hurt stieot , from 2 p. m. toO p m.
Lieutenant Pickering has been detailed to
Purdue umvcisity , La Fujette , Ind. , to take
chaiL'C of the military depaitment in that in
stitution lor three jcars. He leaves with his
family some time the coming week. Tlio
lieutenant and his wife will begieatly missed
nt the foil nnd in social circles in Omaliu.
Made ( lie Tatlior Weep.
Burdotto : "Sec , papa ! " exclaimed
Mabel Ohanab , in her impulsive way ,
as bhe held a largo disk of some semi-
plastie material up before her loving
father , who turned pale and stilled ti
short , two-by-four groan as ho recng-
ni/ul it. "No. " ' he said hoarsely , "no ,
Mabel , not a " "Yes , papa , " cried the
girl , "a pie ! I made U this afternoon
while you wore shut up in your musty
old ollieo. Jt is all for you , p.ip.i ; every
bit of it. " ' Mr. Ohanah wink feebly into
a chair. He had not been feeling \ery
well since Milwaukee common bioke
down toIt ; on the first call and this was
too much for him. "Why , Mabel , " ho
falteicd , "J thought that since \ou
joined the church am I to eat it to
night , Mabel ? " he added , a gleam of
hope lighting up his tired ojOh as a
thought of escape Mashed thiough his
mind. "Hat it , papa ? " exclaimed the
girl reproachfully : "no. not to-night or
any other time ; I'am going to de-oornto
it. ' Her father turned awa\ his face
that bho might not fcco his tears , and
that night us ho wont to bed he said to
his wife : "If overa girl in this world
was a sincere Christian our Mabel is
one. "
A Careful 1'olitlc'nn.
Chicago News : "My dear sir , said
the footpad to the citi/en , "as you are
perhaps aware , it would not bo lawful
for mo to discharge this revolver at jou
and then to hearoh your remains for\al-
uables. llowd\ . if you clioose to make
a voluntary contribution to tlio funds of
the Sandbaggurs'iC'iimpaign club I will
accept it with pleasure. "
"Certainly , my friend , " bald the citi-
? Qii , giving up hib watch and a roll of
bills. "Hut it seems to me you could bo
in bettor business. "
"This is only temporary employment ,
sir , " said tlio footpad. "I am merely
preparing to become an active politician
and to make > campaign abse&sments
without violating the eivil-bcrvico law. "
A SuKnolous Ouniiek Sniinesrlon.
Montreal Gazette : Some Now Hng-
land papers complain that , while the
law provides a maximum penalty of
fourteen years for his olTeiiop , Pitcher ,
of Providence , was only given bevon.
If Canadian bontcncos do not suit our
across-tho-lino contemporaries they
should keep thuir rsseals at homo and
sentence them thomelvcs.
The Colors Not Complimentary.
Texas Sittings : "How are you and
you * wife coming on ? " asked an Atibtiii
gentleman ol a colored man. "Sho nns
off boss. " "What's the
run mo , mat-
terV" "I is to blame , boss. I gave her
n splendid white silk drees , and den she
got so proud she had no use for mo. She
said I was too dark to match the drcts , "
Largest Stock in the City , Comprising Fur
Trimmings , Muffs , Fur Sets , Capes , Etc.
In nlmost every dcsiinble and fnshlonnblc kind in the market , in
Swans Down Trimmings , Seal Cloak Orna
ments , etc. , etc.
Inspection nnd Comparison will convince you thnt our prices nrc
the lowest.
Our stock is replete with novelties , for Dress nnd Garment Trim
mings , in the various styles nnd colors thnt ni e now In demand.
8OO ynrd < * Rich Silk Cord , nnd Milanese Band Gimps , 2J inches
wide ( in 16 colorings ) , only - ' 5c , worth up toSBc.
Just received all the latest novelties in Hand Painted Silk Gauze ,
Ostrich and Quill Feathers , etc.
Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs.
Ladies' fine French Hand Embroidered on hand-spun Linen
Lawn H. S. and Scolloped Borders , exquisite designs at $3 , $ O.OO ,
$4 and up to $12.BO , v.orth nt least i moi e.
Ladies' Real Duchess Lace Border Handkerchiefs , from $1.2B up
to $13 each , at just one-hall their actual value.
Ladies' fine Embroidered Clear- Linen Lawn Hanclkorchiefs , H. S.
and Scolloped Borclei s , ( latest novelties ) , at 2Bc , BOe , 7Bc , $1.OO ,
$ I.2B ; must be seen to be appreciated.
Chiidrens School Handkerchiefs
5c. QC.
Woith 7J Cents. Worth 1O Cents. Worth 2O Cents.
Knights of Pythias Close Their
Doors to Saloon Keepers.
Itcunion of Ancient Order of Work
men NYw LoduOH and Social
Sessions Property of the
Uniform Hunk.
K. of I * . Grand I.od c.
The session of the ( jrand lodge closed in
Fremont last weuk was in innni respects the
most important anil fruitful of good results
of ani > et held in the state. Thcie were
nearly .1 hundred members in attendance and
the pie.itcst harmony and good \vlll pio-
vailctl , albeit the discussion at all times
shaip and spuited. The unprecedented
growth of the order in the state dining the
past j ear h.ul piepaieil for the gi and lodge
an immense amount ofoik , ami to their
credit be it ttaid that thcj thoroughly pcr-
foimcd thi'ir duties. It is umloi stood as a
standing icqucst of the giand lolgu that no
i civptlon or other entertainment be allowed
to intei fere with their work Tim Fremont
brothurn respected their request , and the
body was enabled to devote itself to its legis
lative woik unintciiupted by display drills ,
p.uadcs and the like.
The committee on revision of constitution ,
consisting of Bios. J. S. Shropsmre , 1 } . 12.
I'lciu'li and ,1. .1. Moncll picsenttd their ic-
port which was accepted with one exception ,
which exception consisted of a clause provid
ing for the leilistiicting of the stuto which
would H'duce the grand ! o Igo to about half
its present si/o.
' 1 ho pur capita ta\Jwas i educed fiom Ml to
! ! ( ) cents soini annually.
There was a ver.\ spirited discussion of the
old ( | U 'stion of the admission of saloon keep
ers.hich emlc'i ) in a \ iclori for the committee -
tee and the adoption of u clause leading as
"livery applicant for membership by initia
tlon must bo u white male , over 'Jl and under
M ) jeais ol age , of good moral chaiactcr ,
sound in health , fiee from mental or physical
mill unties , a believer in : i mipicmo
being and not engaged in saloon keeping
or the sale ol intoxicating liquors or em-
pi ijed by thosn so engaged as a bartender.
He must have been a resident of the state
for six months preceeding the date of Ins up
plication and bo able to earn the means nec-
essaij for the support of himself and fam
ily. "
It was also provided that it should bo con
sidered a penal offense for any pel son to
become a saloonkeeper or bartender after
becoming a member of the order.
Another impoitant elwnge which was hotly
combattcd on both sides and finally passed ,
was icvision of the clause making it lawful
for tliogi and lodge to say that subordinate
lodges may ni.ilco the fee for the three degioct
nny sum not loss than * 10 , so as to read "not
ICHH than i'JO.
The new grand lodge seal designed by E.
12. Trench was adopted on motion of J. J ,
A icsolutloii was Introduced by J J. Mo
ncll and passed , appropriating ? KJ for the
purchase of a past grand chancellor's joftcll ,
to be presented to Hichard O'Neill , the re
tiring oftlccr ,
'iho report of the grand keeper of jccords
and seals was very interesting and encourag
ing. In the past twoycais the increase in
the state in proportion to previous member
ship has been greater than in any state In the
union. Folio wing is the gist of his report :
Total number of active lodges 10U
Total membership July 1 , IbsS 4,74" )
Total membership July 1 , lbb ; ,5si !
Net increase during , \ear 1,150
Number of new lodges instituted during
the year HI
The ten lodges showinc largest net increase
during the year arc as follows :
Triumph , No. Fremont (10 (
Forest , No. 84 , Omaha 53
Star , No. ' . ' , Ashland 40
Capital City. No. C3. Lincoln DO
Oriole , No. 70 , Omaha 8S
Enterprise , No. 7U , South Omaha. , , . U'J
Marathon , No. tfi , Omaha 31
Mt. Shasta , No. 71 , Omaha S7
Damascus. No. 'i3 , Chadron 27
Antlers , No. 7U , Ulkhorn 2J
The lodge showing the greatest decrease in
membership is Tcuumsch , No. 17. Loss , IT
The total receipts of the giand lodge for
the past j car weic ? sUJ.4j : ; the balance in
the treasury is * .j,40'un.
The following oflii-ials wcio elected for the
ensuing :
W. H. Love of Lincoln , grand chancellor ;
W. S Manning of Omaha , grand vice chan
cellor ; Hjron W. Wolvciton of Pierce ,
prelate ; Charlrs G. Alton of AinsHoith ,
giand master of e\cheipier ; E. E. Ficnch of
Omaha , grand keeper of records and seal ;
Omer L. Oreun of Kearney , grand master at
aims ; O. K. Green of Genoa , grand inside
guard ; E.V. . licit uf Long 1'inc , grand out
side guard.
Omaha was selected for the place of hold
ing the next annual meeting.
I'ytliian HriK'itlo UntcrtnimniMit.
W. L. Dajton , brigadier general of the un
iforin rank of the Knights of Pythias in this
city , was in town Wednesday night and con
ferred \\lih local members of the order with
respect to the holding of a brigade encamp
mcnt. f ho project was warmly supported
and determined upon , but no date was set
It N not likely that the encampment will ho
held befoio next spring. Meredith
of Asliland , First regiment , Mtunr J. A.
Uonelly , Jr , Second legiment ; Captain E. M.
Thatcher , Third regiment ; Mayor Dale ,
Fouith legiment and Major Spencer of the
brigadier general's staff were appointed a
committee to pui feet arrangements.
The Saloon Keeper Question.
A prominent Pi thian says : "Tho
tlat of the grand lod'0 has gone forth. Saloon
kcepeis cannot enter the ranks of the
Knights of Pi thias. The esact text of the
article in the constitution us adopted at the
session of the giand lodge at Fiemont np
pears in the report of the proceedings above.
It is clear , explicit and unequivocal , all re-
poitstotho oontraiy notwithstanding. No
present member of the older In Nebraska
may become a saloon Keeper or bai tender
without lajinu' himself liable to expulsion
fiom its ranks. The considerations whicl
actuated those of us who favored the amend
mcnt weie sullciont ] for the t'rand lodge um'
need no repitition It miist not be supposes
however that this law is to bo in any sense
ictroactive. Those now in the order will re
man. unaffected in any paiticular and no
fault is found with their ' character' so
far as 1 Know
"Tho Encampment also passed some vori
stringent rules on this saloon question which
cannot fail to have un elevating effect on the
inoial and social tone of the order. Knights
are strictly forbidden , for instance , to enter
the doom of any saloon , gambling house or
other [ "laces " of disrepute while \\rarmganj
portion of their uniform. This may tlnil some
kickers but no reasonable man will doub
that it will prove of ultimate nnd immediate
benelit to the order. You must not imagine
that this is a necessity just now it is merely
"That article in the Herald , by the way
was all wiong and jou cannot make your
contradiction too stiong. "
I. II. O. ! ' .
The order In Savannah , Ga , owns a tern
pie worth t75COJ. The bicthicn of Macoi
and Guflln , in the same state , also ownsthcii
The Increase of lodge members In 1SS7
was 2i,3iU ; of encampment mcmbnis , 4,014 ,
The value of the military outfit of the Pa
triarchs' Militant is * 00s , < ; ui2.
At sessions of grand bodies a ribbon may
tie \\oin of the highest color to which the
wi'aier is entitled , and attached thereto a
joel or Jewels. This will be recognized as
"regalia" In lieu of that heretofore re
quti ed.
All laws requiring oniccrs in subordinate ?
lodges to bo In possession of the decree o
Kchekah have been repealed , and hereafter
said degree can only bo conferred in He
bckah degree lodges.
Next Wednesday the Grand lodge of Ne
brnsk.i convenes Inthiscity. Thd programme
as announced last week will be carried out
with additional featuies Great interest it
being manifested by local Odd Fellows , and
nothing will be left undone to piovlde for the
suitable entertainment of the guests.
tf 4
The Uniform Rank.
Spur : The Uniform Rank is not only
keeping pace \\itn the subordinate lodges
but lunging ulu < ad of them In Its remarkable
No less than seven or el ht dlvi
oin arc In course of organisation In the
( ate , * omo of which nro nearly iciuly td bii
cgularl.N Instituted. Notably among thosj
tiout to institute , Is n division out of tlio cn
huslastle now lodge at Stutcm , the uniforms
orhlch the uniforms has already been or-
Icred Others in o ooii to bo organlml nt
? idnev , lte.itriceV.woiv . , Shelton , Mad-
son , Spimgllold , Nonpnvil , etc1. Hcccntly
low divisions have been Instituted at Chnit-
on , Hiokcn How nml Fromont. lly tha
urge increase of divisions the Nebraska brl-
; udo will bo rnlaiircd b.\ the addition of two
lew battalions \\hlch in o soon expected ti )
IcM'lope Into full ten count my iclmont'i. (
Mthoiigh uset , \\o lm\o had no icpoit ot
ho orgnnl/ation of these battalions , still
heir oJirnnt/atlon is bthis , tlmo ncumi-
ilishcd accoiding to the ofllclal orders it-
colxcil for the same.
* <
A. O. U. W. llcnnlon.
The cold , raw wind which blew nil day
MIS a serious drawback to the enjoyablonesm
of the United Workmen's reunion , nnd iniulo
icccssary the iibamlonment of the picnic.
iroject A bounteous lunch , Instead , was
spread in the hall of the order , In the llnrkor
ilock , nnd the workmen in attendance with
heir huh friends \\ero not slow to show
their ability to nmko the best of clicum *
At 1 .10 o'clock In the afternoon the pi occa
sion formed at Fifteenth nnd Fill mini stiects.
I'nst Oiand Muster \Voikman S. K Patton ,
of Omaha , acted as giand marshal , with HID
following aides Addlsoti Jones , ( Jeorgo
\Vchber , S. Larson , G. M Mi-llildo.
The following was the order uf the proces
sum :
Grand Maislml and KtalT.
Ancient Oulcr of I'nitodVoikncn Hand ol
Lincoln Lodge , No. U of Lincoln.
Fpehurch No. n of Lincoln
Lodge No. h of Plattsmouth.
Lodge No. 'JO of Sc'luiN lor
Excelsior No. HI of I .in wood.
Saline No H ) of 1'reto.
Fnion Pacillc Ntt 17 of Omaha.
1 lei man No ' .Hi of Omaha
Capittil Cil.No. . . so of Lincoln.
Omaha No Is of Omaha.
Coiicordtu No. 15 of Lincoln ,
( into Cit.No. . . ' .is of Omaha.
The line of 111,11 ( h'us thiough the priucf * si i cots. The column then movtd to
Gooduch hall , on Saundcrs stiect , wheit ) it
of the I'alN In the 1'nst
Kortj-xlx Vonix.
Dr. I'ohlnmn , in an addro-s before the
Soeict.v of Natural hcienees of Huthilo
on "Kocent t'hnngeh in the Falls ot
Niagara , " said , as reported in the
Courier :
"Tho Ih'st scientific survey of the
Falls was made in 1M : ! bv 1'r'of. .Iiunea
Hall , the state geologist of New York ,
and all our e.xact knowledge dates fiom
His mas. ) I'rof. Hall gives the height
of the American fall as 107 feet , and ol
the Horseshoe fail at IfjS foci , counting
the elevations from the water's edge on
October I , ISIU , and he admUs that this
itnrling point can vary from I to UO foot
with the rise and fall of the water in
in the river below the falls' , width ol
American falls , (100 ( , and llorseshoo ,
1MK ) feet. The Lakesurvoj went
over the ground again in lK7A'nnd in
the-e thirty-tineo xesirs the south *
orninost point of tlio llorseshoo fall hail
receded IlitJ feet , while in the brink of
the American fall dilleienees of 10 feet
weie nppntcMit. When the American
Association for the Advaiiceinent ol
Science met heio in ISSli the section of
geology decided to nuiKoiagaiatho
problem of the session , and for that pur
pose I'rof. Woodward of Washington
and HUIIO of his assistants surveyed the
brink of the falls again. He found an
average recession for the whole face ol
the falls of about lij feet per annum , but
as the part of the curve , vvlioro
the water is deepest , retreated faster
than the edges , for at the bouthernmost
point of the Horboshoe fall it was found
that it had traveled south 127o feet since
1S7C , or iy > feet since 1812 , or about 9
feet every year. In view of biieli rapid
changes it seems highly probable that
the older pictures of the falls , which
always place the Horseshoe fall consid
erably neaicr than wo Ilnd it to-dayaro
practically correct. If the rate of ro
ttocossion remains during the next /iOO /
years as it has been for the past forty-
live v ears tlio inner edge of the Horse
shoe fall will have passed to the west of
Goat island , and as the line of deepest
water is near the Canadian shore , all
the waters of the river will pass over
the llorseshoo fall , obliterating tha
American fall entirely and transform,1
ing Goat island into a peninsula. i
"Tho fall \v ill then perhaps bo higher p
than to-day , because the present descent -
of lifty feet over the rapids will then
bu added to the height of the calm act
minus the number of feet necessary to
give the accessory current to the r'ivor
below , which at picsent is fifteen feet to
the mile. At that rate it will need
about live miles before the Niagara
shale , which now occupies the lower
half of the face of the fall , is under
water , and the rotiocession by means ol
undermining is stopped , Then 'tho
changes will be accomplished simply by ' yl
the eroding power of tlio water and the \ ( _
falls will remain near the foot of Grand
Island for u practically unlimited timo.
The hope of dually having the Falls of ,
Niagara at Huflalo must bo abandoned , '
for from the foot of Grand Island to the
citv only rapids can exist , never a fall , { _ "
on account of the'rmturo of tlio under * >
lying rock , which is soft. ! *
"As the retrocession of the falls of '
Niagara i oinmeiiced in what wo may )
call geologically the most recent period ,
the time noccsyiry for it to arrive at ita , i
wusent site ban had a very important
bearing upon the question of the ago of j
man on the American continent. As ,
long as it was considered necessary to
claim several hundred thousand jears
for the ago of Niagara alone , the ago ol
human race had to be computed at per
haps iUO,000 voaio ; no matter how Httlo
such high liguro agreed with other dis-
cov cries , tins rocky gorge of the Niagara
always presented an insurmountable ob
stacle against any reduction of timo.
Hut since we have discovered that after
all the work of excavation could have
been done in perhaps three thousand or
four thousand years , our computation of k ,
the ago of the human race has settled i
down to reasonable llgures , which give
o the beds in which the oldest human h
mplements have boon found an age of if ,
perhaps forty to sixty thousand years , ( ,
antniopologists chum that all the facta ,
collected so far agree well with the hitter - ' .
tor liguro. /
"Future surveys of the falls at per
haps every ten years will help to settle
delinitoly this very important question ,
for we are all more or loss interested in '
the history of the human race , and as
far as wo know to-day the falls ol
Niagara repiesont the most reliable i
measure of time on the face ot the
globe , "
It Didn't Matter.
Hurdctto : "Whoro did you last i
work ; , " asked Mr. lOasy. ' : IIi were
'ostler for a hoflh-er , " replied the now
coachman. "I sco , " said the gentle
man , kindly , "you are a young man ot
misplaced aspirations , but that won't
matter hero. J have no daughter , and
you can't run away with my wife ; sno
won't trust mo long enough out ofoif \ \
sight to elope with anybody. "
An Active , Worker.
Chicago News : "What are you do
ing now ? " inquired one tramp of an
other when they mot in a country
road. "Taking part in the political
campaign , " said the second tramp. '
"Well , you are a sweet looking politl *
clan. Do you make speeches1 "No , I
travel from barbecue to barbecue. "