Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1888, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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him In the sa'raa carriage until ttio noxt.fttop-
plug pluoc. Prince Hlsmnrck said ha wus
Anxious thai the emperor should bo spared
all unnecessary fatigue , nnd requested mo to
loy down the rules as to the number of inter
views which his majesty might safely grant
each day , the duration of such Interviews ,
tc. , etc. I informed the chancellor that I
had already drawn up some rules of the kind
Which I had given to the hoff marshal. Prince
Illsmurck further said ho would bo glad to
assist mo In every way to save the august
patient all worry and fatigue , adding that
Until the foreign princes arrived for the late
emperor's funeral , his majesty need not be
bothered and could remain perfectly quiet. "
Blr Morell Mackenzie deals fully with the
vents of the night of April the llth and the
following day , conscious of the iunorant
clamor that had boon raised against him
Obouttho lll-flitlng canula tubes , which these
who have perused the story understand xvcro
caused , In u great measure , by the error * of
IJr. Hramann In deviating to the right of the
tnodian line when he performed Iho opera
tion of tracheotomy , and of In sorting a tube
that did not lit , and so created a wound that
made it dlflleult for others to fit. "Ou the
pight of April U , the emperor was seized
with severe coughing between midnight and
I o'clock. At 1:30 : a. in. Mr. Hovoll noticed
that although air passed freely through the
eanulu the breathing was accompanied
fcy a noise ns If there was something pro
jecting below the lower end of Iho tube. On
removing the canula the noise ceased , show
ing that the lower cdgo of the posterior part
of the canula must have slightly pressed
on to the posterior wall of the trachea. Ho
Blantud thu tube more away from the right
side and inserted a pad under the lower edge
of the shield. The noise was somewhat less ,
but did not entirely ccaso , and the emperor
also breathed moro quickly than usual. Mr.
Hovell was summoned several times and ou
each occasion relieved the sufferer by plac
ing little pads under the shield. "
"At 8 a. m. I came on duty and determined
to try u now tube , out thought professional
courtesy required that I should request the
presence of Prof , von Bergman , as this tube
was different in shape from uuy of those
which he gave up to mo when the case was
formally surrendered to mo by the German
doctors nt San Homo. Tnero was really no
need of his pruscuco.but il is the etiquette of
the profession , and I therefore summoned
him by messenger. Little did I think that 11
Would have such falal consequences , and it is
no exaggeration to say that these hastily
penned lines proved to bo the emperor's
fleath-warrant. It was 5o'clock in the after
noon before ho arrived. As soon as ho oauio
. into my room I noticed that ho was in
n state of greut excitement. Whether this
agitation was duo lo oxaggernled reports he
may have received us to the emperor's condi
tion or because of n different naturu I am
not aulo to Hay. Hut from ovor-excitoment
Or some other causa von Horgman behaved
In a most extraordinary und altogether unac
countable inanuor. I briefly explained the
circumstances , nnd showed him the tube
Which I had got ready. "
"Wo then proceeded lo the emperor's room
accompanied by Mr. Hovell , each of us carry
ing several tubes. We found the emperor
engaged in writing. The respiration was dis
tinctly audible , but beyond this thcro was not
the slightest indication of uuy ehilleulty in
breathing. Professor von Bergman placed a
chair opi > o.slto the window and waved his
baud for the emperor to sit down upon it.
Thereupon without making any remarks he
Quickly undid the thing which kept the canula
in position , pulled the latter out , and with
considerable force endeavored to Insert ono ,
Which ho had in his hand , and which had not
been provided with the necessary appurte
nances. The instrument wus forced into the
nock , but no air came through it. The em
peror's breathing then became very much
, . embarrassed , and the professor withdrsw
, the tubo. This wus followed by violent
coughing and considerable homorrhago.
Prof , von Horgman next seized a tampon
eanulu covered with sponge , cut the sponge
quickly off and tried to push the tube into
the wind-nipo agnin. Again no air
came through the canula , and it was
clear that Instuad of entering the air passage
it had been forced downward in front of the
trachea , piercing the soft tissue nnd
making what Is technically known us a
falsa passage. Again the professor had to
pull out the lube , nnd ugaln ils withdrawal
Was followed Dy violent coughing and streams
of blood. To my consternation Prof , von
JBorgman then pushed his linger deeply in
i < fie wound , nnd on withdrawing it , tried to
' -'dniort ' another lubo. Hu again failed , bow-
i Tor , and again the attempt was followed by
i jcoughing und by streams of blood. The em
b peror was saved further torture by the ar
f rival of Dr. Bramanu , to whom Dr. von
Bergman at ouco yielded tCo case , and ho ,
J. taking a modnrato-slzod canula. No. 8 , Ger
man measure , passed U with the greatest
i ease into the trachea. "
a "Tho emperor sent for me after he had
fn been In bed , and had somewhat recov-
t erod from the effects of his two hours' tor
turing by von Horgman and asked what thai
man had put into his throat. Ho went on
'I hope you will not allow him to perform
any further oueration on mo. ' I answered
that after what I bad seen that day I shouk
bavo hud to resign if ho had been permittee
' ' to touch the throat of his majesty'again , Ii
the face of this von Uorgman has not host
tatcd to assort that his majesty had ex
j pressed himself to him with fervid gratitude
and shook his hand , all of which is absolute ! ;
false. He not only was barbarous in the ex
tromc , but his action In thrusting Ids tinge :
into the wound without Ilrst dipping It li
J aomo antiseptic lluld may have polsonci
' - the Irritated tissues , in fact must havi
done so. "
f II WAS Till ! CAUSR.
' "Tho next day my worst feurs wore con
firmed. The temperature of the neck \va
103 Fnhronhoitnnd pus began to bo discharge !
In abundance from the lower part of tin
, , wound , On passing over the front of tin
neck und carrying the hand upward , mutto
j could bo seen to well out mnro profusely
This proved that an abscess had alread ;
formed In front of the trachea where th
tube had boon pushed In by Bergman. Th
pus was certain to burrow downward to
word the chest , and It was only too llkcl ;
" 'that nearly the whole of the front of tin
neck would be converted into < i lingo r.bsees !
involving widespread disorganisation of th
structures round about the trachea , gradu
ally undermining the patient's health an
trcnsth and leading only too surely to hccti
fever and to death. The fall
complication was In no way the natural re
ult of the disease. H was attributable sole !
\ to Ucrgmun's vicious stubbing with nn ut
u guarded tube and to his Insertion of his un
washed finger. In vlow of the serious a :
pect which the case was assuming I though
1 H right to inform the emperor thut he wn
ft in n position of considerable dai
" ' 'gor , and that It was necessary fo
him to take action upon such matters as h
wished to closeup. . Ho received this con
, munlcatlon with his usual perfect calmnes
nnd shook tno warmly but gravely by th
v t band , saying slowly , 'I nm much obliged t
/ , you for tolling me. I hope , however , I shu
I iget bettor for the sake of my people. ' H
i died soon iiftcr. "
Shortly after the emperor's d6ath Prlnc
Bismarck sent for Sir Morell Mackenzie ) an
after lUtroduu'.n's'hlra ' to the youiif eiuperoi r
I * "t
nvltod him to rollro with him. to en Intiij'r
room , where ho suggested th'atn bnof report
of the Illness should bo drawn up , Sir Morell
absented and said that ho should
cave for London In n few
days nnd would assuredly wrlto It bo-
ore he departed. Alter this conversation ho
was very much surprised when an onlclal ar
rived the next day from the uilnistcriaui nnd
hsked for It. Ho replied that it was not writ-
en yot. "Dictate It to me , " said the onlclal ,
'I shall bo happy to wrlto It down. " Sir
Slorcll objected that ho could hardly dash
off an Important document In that way. "It
s wanted at the mlnlstcrlum , " remarked the
onlclal , nnd Sir Morell agreed to wrlto It
while the onlclal waited.
THU nni'onT.
Sir Morell wrote as follows ,
Scmoss FitUDRHicKS CUOXA , June 10 , 1933.
It Is my opinion that the dlscaso from
which the Emperor Frederick died was can
cer. The morbid process probably com
menced at the deeper tissues und the curtl-
lagenous structure of the larynx becunio
affected nt a very curly date. A small
growth , which was present when I first ex
amined the late emperor , was removed by
me , and though all the portions removed by
mo were submitted to Prof. Virchow , ho was
uuuble to detect In them nny evi
dence of cancer. Examinations made ,
however , in the beginning of March
by Prol. Wnldotnuyer led that pathol
ogist to believe that cancer was then
present. Whether the disease had boon
originally cancerous or assumed a malignant
character some months after its first appear
ance , It is impossible to state. The fact that
pcricondrlasis and caries of the cartilages
played an active part In the development of
the disease no doubt contributed to make it
impossible to form a decided opinion as to its
nature till quite recently ,
The interest to the general reader ends
with that part of the book which describes
the emperor's death. As the author felt , it
was the story of the fatal illness of Fred-
crick the Noble , the title under which it
will bo issued. But this is not
the end of the book. The last
part is a recapitulation of the
post mortem , of the tactics of the court to
exonerate the court doctors , whoso actions
and influence had been BO fatal , and of the
pamphlet war among the medical men which
broke out with extreme virulence. Of this
last part it has not been felt necessary to
offer u synopsis.
There was no material change in the strike
situation at Chicago yesterday.
Thirty-one new cases of yellow fever and
three deaths are reported at Jacksonville.
John L. Sullivan will become sporting
editor of the New York Illustrated News.
The Petrol , the first gunboat built in Bal
timore , was launched yesterday.
The Cincinnati ball team and franchise is
for sale for $10,000.
The Young Men's Republican club of Mil
waukee und the German-American club of
liicago wcro General Harrison's ' visitors
Governor Hill spoke at Logansport , Intl. ,
ast night.
Thirty-three victims of the Lehigh Valley
road disaster at Meed Hun were buried nt
Wilkesbarro yesterday.
The road sculling match was won by
audaur and Ross , the former making 4GS
miles and 1 lap , and the latter 403 miles und
The Hon. John Wentworth , familiarly
iown as "Long John , " is dying nt his home
in Chicago of softening of the brain.
Kally at Norfolk.
NonroLK , Neb. , Oct. 13. [ Special to Tnn
Hon. J. L. Caldwell opened the cam
paign here at the opera house with an olo-
? ant address , showing the hollow pretenses
of the administration and its party and the
sophistries of the free traders. Governor
Thayer is to be hero on the 10th.
American. Fables.
Detroit Frco Press : A Hunter who
was returning from an expedition , and
hail fired away all his Bullets , mot a
Wolf in the path and Cried out :
Ah ! hut \Vhouvcr had such Ill-Luolc !
If I onlv had a Loud in my Guii I could
kill you. "
"As to that , " replied the Wolf , as ho
efontly Scratched hinloft Ear.'if I hadn't
known your Gun to he unloaded you
would not have caught sight of mo. "
No man at an Auction loses anything
by not having his wallet along.
Once ujwn a time a Fox , n Hare and
iv Serpent mot by Chance beside the
Brook , and after the usual prodiotions
of a Hard Winter uud another raise on
the Price of Coal , the Fox observed :
"I have just been asked to take the
Nomination for Governor. "
"And I " said the Hare "
, , "just over
heard myself called the Handsomest of
my Species. "
"I don't see how this Neighborhood
could got along without mo , " said the
Serpent , in a lofty tone. "It is my
Wisdom that keeps us all in Harmony. "
A week later all wcro Dead , and a
Bear Snufling about the Spot where
they had mot observed :
"Poor , Vuin CrtttorsI I can't lind
; anyone who even Remembers their
Names ! "
It's Wonderful ( in our minds ) what a
Void some oi us are going to Leave Bo-
A Pheasant , who felt it her Duty to
do Something to Alleviate the Condi
tion of these beneath her in the Social
and Financial Scale , made a call upon
the Buzzard and Offered to Adopt ono
of her Brood. The Mother Buzzard
consented , but within a week the
1'hcasant returned with her charge and
complained :
"I can do nothing with her. She will
neither eat sweet cake , like n Pheasant ,
iior can I endure- the odor of what she
oats as a Buzzard. "
"I feared it would bo so , " replied
Mother Buzzard.
"Nature makes Buzzards as well as
Pheasants , but in a different mold , and
each for his own sphero. Como homo ,
my child , and got a ploco of that dead
horse and bo happy again. "
And the child was very , very happy ,
She Iteallzeel on Thoin.
Chicago News : "Amelia Sassafras , "
said Marcolus Hoddy with an accent of
pain in his rich voice , "do you realize
the anguish you have caused mo by
your refusal of my Heart and hand:1 : No ,
you are cold and passionless. You re
alize nothing. "
"You nro mistaken , Mr. Roddy , "
said Amelia , haughtily. "Do you re
member the ring you gave mo ? And
the opera glasses ? Anel the bracelets ?
And the gold thimble ? "
"I do rememlwr thorn , " moaned the
wretched young man.
"Woll , said Amelia , "I have realized
on thorn all. I give you the pawn tick
ets und this bundle of letters. Farewell -
well forever , Mr , Uoddy. "
Mudo t * | , Rclnlly Tor Farewell Tours.
Chicago Tribune : "Thoso drofcscs , "
explained the pdmadounu , "aro for my
farewell tpur in America. "
' Certainly , madam , " said Mr. Worth ,
"tlieao are exceptionally durable fab
rics. 1 have thorn made especially for
farewell tours , and I guarantee to make
thoin over for at least three successive
seasons so the Americans will never
, rccognizo them. "
A Llttlo Boy Frightfully Buruod at
the Capital.
Hotli Will Probably Die A Hocus
Jlolrcss Story The Wouldn't ) Mis
sionary Society Klccts Ofllccrs
ThentrlcnU nt
A Little Hey I'nlnlly Hiirncd.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Oct. 13. [ SpecialTelegram
to TIIK UiiH.l At 5 o'clock this morning a
little boy ot Constable lioaclis fell Into n
bonfire and burned himself so badly that ho
can : iot recover. Other children wcro play
ing near him but became so badly frightened
that they could render him no aid. His
clothes were almost burned from his back by
the blaze and his llcsh is horribly burned.
The boy wus seven or eight years of nge.
A lloy'H Fntnl Fall.
NmniASKA CITV , Nob. , Oct. la. [ Special
to Tins HEB. ] A ten-year old son of Charles
Uosellus foil' from the Missouri Pacific rail
way bridge last evening , a distance of some
thirty feet , sustaining internal Injuries from
which he cannot recover.
UepubllcniiH at St. Paul.
ST. PAUL , Neb. , Oct. 18. [ Special Tele-
ram to BEU.I At the republican county
sonvcntlon hero to-day A. E. Cady wus nom-
nated for representative , T. T. Boll for
: ounly attorney and H. Martcnsen for county
commissioner. Cndy is a banker , and , it Is
said , opposes submission. The convention
was harmonious and the republicans uro in
good trim for the fight. Charles Chinn was
elected chairman of the county central com
Rloutcd Olliccrs.
NnnnASKA CITY , Nob. , Oct. 18. [ Special
Tlcgrmn to TIIK HER. ] At n meeting of the
Woman's Foreiun Missionary society of the
M. B. church the following ofllccrs wcro
elected to-dns' for the ensuing year : Presi
dent , Mrs. E. V. Niaroc , Topeka , Kan. ; cor
responding secretary , Mrs. Ella Watson ,
Bellevue , Nob. ; treasurer , Mrs. M. J. Stelly ,
Wymore , Neb. ; recording secretary , Mrs.
M. M. Tarrington , Topeka , Kan. Following
are the corresponding secretaries : North
Kansas conference , Mrs. Mollie Coo , Bur-
llnghamo ; North Nebraska conference , Mrs.
P. C. Clundonlng , Omaha ; California confer.
once , Mrs. J. P. Early , Los Angeles ; Ne
braska conference , Mrs. Ella Watson , Bellevue
vuo ; Gorman conferencncc , Mrs. M. Drcycr ,
Turner , Kan. ; West Nebraska conference ,
MM. E. I ) . Benedict , Kearney ; South Kan
sas conference , Mrs. K. W. Khoadcs , Gar-
nott : California conference , Mrs. L. .1. Har
ris , Denver. The committee on resolutions
mudo a reK | > rt , but it wus not adopted. The
convention adjourns to-morrow evening.
Amateur Theatricals nt II.iKtitiM. |
HASTINOS , Neb. , Oct. IH. [ Special to THE
Br.E. J The Hastings public was agreeably
surprised and most delightfully entertained
last evening by the successful rendition of
the beautiful opera , "Chimes of Normandy , '
by local talent , under the direction of Prof ,
John Lees , Mrs. O. Oliver and Mrs. W. M.
Lowmnn in the leading roles , won un
stinted praise and hearty encores. ' Mrs
Oliver's ' marchioness costume was very ricli
nnd exquisite. Lucas , Murray , Scott and
Cherry acquitted themselves very creditably
in their respective characters. The chorus
of thirty vo'iccs was us line as any that has
been heard upon the stage in this city. All
the costumes were elegant and appropriate ,
and the slago mountings excellent. Tha in
strumental musical accompaniment by Prof. .
Kocs' orchestra was in the highest degree
superb. The opera will bo repeated again
to night. The net proceeds of the entertain
mcnt arn for the benefit of Hastings Lodge
No.iS \ , 1C. of P. , under whoso auspices It
was prepared. _
Filial Wreck on the Klkhorn.
Ciiiiiiiox , Neb. , Oct. 18. A frightful acci
dent occurred on the Fremont , Elkhoru &
Missouri Valley about eleven miles cast of
Lusk , Wyo. An castbound stock train ran
into a bunch of cattle lying upon the track ,
and the engine und twelve out of thirteen
cars in the train were derailed and uiled
upon each other in n heap. Engineer Jack
Ore cd was taken out of the wreck so badly
scalded nnd bruised that ho died in about
two hours. Two other trainmen were less
severely injured. The train had struck n
horse farther up the road , which had de
prived the cngino of its headlight , hence the
cuttlo wcro not seen before the train struck
them. The remains of the engineer was
brought to this city yesterday , and will bo
sent to his former homo for Interment. The
deceased was unmarried. The wreck were
cleared up and the road is now open.
Unbhccl III * Injured Friend.
WEKi'ixo WATCii.Neb. , Oct.,13. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] Thursday night at 10:10 : o'clock ,
as No. 2 passenger train , going south , pulled
out from the depot , a man by the naiuo of
Michael Laffy attempted to jump on to the
front end of the baggage car for the purpose
of stealing a ride , lie wns under the influ
ence of liquor and fell. His loft foot was
caught and crushed into a shapeless mass.
Dr. H. Hall , Thomas and Butler amputated
the foot. Laffy's ' tramp partner was left to
watch with him for n short time , and stole
his ( Lady's pocketbook containing ? ii.5'J. :
Hisnamo is Pat Moore , and ho now is in jail.
The two men had been at work in Sarpy
county in a stone quarry.
Three thieves who broke in a car of meat
at Louisville wore captured hero last night
by Marshal Yoomans.
A llally at Odell.
OIIEI.I. , Neb. , Oct. 13. [ Special to THE
Buu. ] Hon. Gcorgo II. Hastings and Hon.
C. W , Davis yesterday addressed the people
of this city nnd vicinity on the issues of the
day. It was the largest meeting over held
here. The attendance was between five and
seven hundred. The speakers presented the
subject of protection with clearness nnu
power. Hon. Perry Walker conducted the
meeting , which wus n complete success. Old
time republican workers came down from
Beatrice on a special train.
Orlulnntrd With the Imko Mill.
NsmiASKA CITV , Neb. , Oct. 18. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEK. ] The sensational
story published this morning in nn Omaha
paper about the elopement of n Nebraska
City heiress and a butcher is entirely without
foundation , Miss nussell , the lady in the
case , instead of being nn heiress of f 100,000 is
a poor but respectable young lady earning a
livelihood with her needle. She ns well as
Gottlngcr the butcher emphatically deny the
A Prnhlblttioti Rally.
F.wixo , Neb. , Oct. 18. [ Special to THE
Br.E.J The Hon. H.V. . Hardy , of Lincoln ,
spoke nn temperance at the G , A. H. hall last
evening. A goodly number wcro present.
Mr. Hardy Is nn earnest worker in his chosen
field of labor , nnd seems to be posted on the
the general issues of the day. Ho coes from
hero to O'Neill , where ho will speak this eve
ning. _
Paving In BoaCrlce.
BEATHIOB , Neb. , Oct. 13. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] W. H. Duffett , who has the contract
for paving In this city , commenced work
this morning on court street between Fifth
and Sixth street. Beatrice brick laid on sand
will compose the pavement. The work will
bo pushed and the block completed before
cold weather.
Nominated for Ileproaontntirc.
TKCTWSEH , Neb. , Oct. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tan BES. ] C. W. Pool , editor of
the Jounson County Journal , was nominated
by acclamation for rcprcaontutlvo by the
democratic convention held hero to-day ,
Dnr oy nt
NKUOrt , Nob. , Oct. 18. [ Special to TUB
BEC , ] Congressman Dorc y gave a brilliant
lecture hero last nigUt. The large tent was
filled with an cnthuslastlp audience.
MncKcnxIn'n HmikiArouscn ( Jrcht In-
illunntlon In Germany.
< r i > ui-ta > it sss ini Xt-w rorit AtuxMeii ; vc . >
Huiii.iK , Oct. 13. Only a summary of Dr.
MacKcnzle's book is Jtvet accessible to the
public here , but enough is known of Its con
tents to arouse savage Indignation In ofllctal
circles. Putting aside the medical dispute
the charged which Ur. MuclCcntia levels
nt Prince Bismarck , of inciting the German
doctors to entrap him Into a doubtful declara
tion as to the nature of the emperor's dis
ease , are fill to bo u poisonous slander on the
reputation of the chaAoollor. Thu simulta
neous uppcarunco of a letter ot the Empress
Frederick to Dr. MuoKcnziu Indicating his
treatment , is hold to provo concerted action
to blacken Prince Uisninrk's character. Ur.
MacKcnzle's ' attack on Urs. Gcr-
hardt and Berguiann can bo un-
wercd In the courts of law
hero or in England , nnd can bo met also by
the opinions of eminent European specialists
not Gerumn , but Prince Bismarck is power
less to deal with Ur. Mackenzie. Ho will ,
however , use every recourco of his craft to
render the Empress Frederick powerless to
do him further harm ,
The report circulated yesterday regarding
the theft of n cipher code from the emperor's
room indicates that the chancellor's game of
surveillance over the ox-empress , which
ceased by crdor of Kuipeior William after
her surrender of Frederick's papers , will bo
renewed. A watch will bo kept over
her partisans and her movements , In
cluding her proposed visit to Windsor.
Meanwhile Bismarck is having a bad time.
Ho Is suffering from a renewal of his attack
of gout In serious form , partly arising from
worry. It Is stild that his condition will
probably oblige him to retire from public af
fairs within a few months. The progressists
overlook the fact , well known in official cir
cles , that Emperor William's experiences in
Vienna and llomo have riveted him closer
than ever to Bismarck , whose policy has
made him fcol hclulossly dependent upon the
guidance of the chancellor.
Popular feeling certainly sides with Urs.
Bergmann and Oerhnrdt against Ur.
Mackenzie's ' aspersions , yet the progress
ist papers select the most offensive
passage for prominent comment. The
congress of naturalists , In session nt Cologne
has already adopted a vote of censure of Ur.
Mackenzie , and the members of the various
Berlin Institutes , clinical , pathological and
physlolocicul , und everybody associated with
the medical profession , condemn the English
The prosecution has been bafilcd in their
search for the original diary , though they
have secured the copy from which the
Geffcckcn extracts wcro made. It is in the
handwriting of a person named Krug , now
dead , who was an ofllcial of the
court , nnd was for eighteen years
in the service of the then crown prince.
Krug accompanied the crown prince every
where , and often acted as his amanuensis.
His widow has Unco manuscript volumes of
memoirs of the , crovfu prince written by
Krug , embody ing , tmssages in the diary pub
lished by the Ueutsche Rundschau. Inquiry
hinges upon the question : Uocs Geffcckcn
speak the truth "when ho says he got the
diary from Frederick with his permls
slon to publish it , or.did he procure a copy
through Krug or some other person belonging
Empress Frederick's ' party ! Judge Kirsch
fcla , of the Berlin court , who has been in
structcd from Lclpsic to conduct the inquiry ,
is trying to discover whether Geffeckcn
acted of his own initiative in publish
ing the diary , j r if ho was
prompted to . , , , publish it tihrougl
secrecy is maintained , everything known
goes to encourage Gcftccken's friends in the
hope that the prosecution will bo unable to
prove treasonable Intent on the part of the
accused or complicity in the plans of politica'
personages. Advocate Predoehc , declining
to plead for Goffeckeu , Advocate Woffron
has been retained to defend him. The reve
lations of the diary in relation to the rcpug
unnco of King Ludwlg of Bavaria to the in
corporation of his kingdom into the German
empire is confirmed by Bcini-ofilcial declara
tions in the Buyerischo Vutcrland ,
und to the effect that when the
project of restoring the empire was
mooted , King Ludwig first askec
the emperor of Austria , and next the czar to
support him in resisting such a step. Both
refused to interfere , and King Ludwig oub
assented to the proposal after getting the
opinion of his war minister that the Bavarian
army could bo relied upon to resist the incor
The official journals chant hymns of peace
over Emperor William's ' progress in Austria
and Italj , still loud undertoens of war con
tinue to produce a r.enso of insecurity. The
Frcmdenblatt publishes advices from War
saw announcing the formation of a fortified
camp of the first order near the Gcruiui
frontier , opposite Thcon , and tho' exten
sion of the works of the citadel ol
Novgorgiwik , requiring no less than two
hundred now cannon. Other reports , to
the effect that a supplementary military con
vontlon bus been signed by the emperors
William und Francis Joseph and King Hum
bcrt , and that it has been decided to increase-
the effective forces of Austria and Italy , put
another gloss on ttio meaning of Emperor
William's journey.
Thcro are strong symptoms of n revival ol
strength among the progressists. At Kouigs
berg the national liberals have rejected the
conservatives' proposals for a coalition , ami
have concluded a compact with the pro
grcssists. The national liberals , jcal
ousy that the conservatives would gait
by an alliance with them is the roe
of the rupture. The Geffeckcn aitulr ha ;
added to the discard among the castle parties
The frco conservative organs uro assailing
the conservavtics as being in sympathy witl
Gcffcckcn. An article in the Frelu Conservative
vativo Post , declaring that the revelation in
the Rundschau was the legitimate issue o
the extreme right , while it was only the
adopted child of the progressists , coupled the
homo of Baron HnmiuorHttiln , editor of the
Kreu iJoitung , with1 these of Herren Wind
thorst , Uichtcr aud Licbknecht. Baroi
Hamuicrsteln was enraged at the associatlor
of his homo with the others , nnd offered to
light a duel with till ) writer of the article
The Post declined io accept the challenge.
The East Africa company issued to-nlgli
a report on the events qccurnng within the
company's concessions , The report state
that though the Suljan ,4f Zanzibar guarnu
teed the company jixMiqoful recognition o
their rights to thjt ( , rritory , the sultan's of
ficlal incited the rising Gorman .Consul Vo
schcn's boat was fired upon at Pangam by a
largo number of fo lncr soldiers of tno sul
tan. The company deny the assertion in the
English papers that the rising wa
duo to the arbitrary conduct of the
German officials. The obvious aim o
the report Is to give the govcrnmcn
an excuse 'or ' an ariiiod coercion of the sul
tan. The government will not interfere , how
ever , until full official reports huvo been received
ceivod from other sources than the company
Prince Bismarck Is averse to subsidizing the
campaign , and will not support It beyond re
covering the stations on the coast necessar ;
for the development of legitimate Gcrmai
trade , Eo expedition aiming at the recovery
of the lost territories af the company is con
Emperor Frederick's diary frcoly circulate
In South Germany through the medium o
the Nachrichtun , which has rcpubiisbed the
original text.
Ho Explains the Administration' ! }
Method of Conducting Afluiro.
Carlisle Follow * In n Spcooh Embody *
iiiC Ilia Idnns on Tariff Rc >
form The Campaign
in Indiana.
FAlrotilld and Carlisle.
Nr.w YOIIK , Oct. 13. Everything was fav
orable for the demonstration of the Cleve
land nnd Thurman down town business men
this afternoon , ana the meeting before the
sub-treasury in Wall street nnd the subse
quent procession up town were fully up to
the hopes of the members. The meeting was
presided over by Joseph J. O'Donohue ,
When Secretary Fairchlld arose he was wel
comed with a roar of applause. After assert
ing that what was good for Now York was
good for all parts of the union , nnd that what
wus bud for Now York was bad for all , Sec
retary Fairchlld said :
lly force of untoward circumstances the
ofllco which I happen to 1111 is one of the
most Important factors in the country's
busiucss. It is not right that
this should bo the case , and I
believe that another term of democratic ad
ministration , with congress pledged to sup-
iwrt it in wise measures , would result in such
reform us substantially to eliminate the
treasury department from your affairs , thus
ending thu abnormal condition which has
within Its iKJssibility great injury to lepitl-
mr.lo business and great wrongs whenever
the head of that department be unwise or
Discussing the condition of the country's
finances , Mr. Fuirchlld said : In some quar
ters fear has been expressed lest trouble
should bo caused when the government
might suddenly withdraw its deposits. I can
imagine no state of- affairs under which It
would be necessary to do this suddenly. 'Viiss
ninount thus deposited is ubout f"i7UOO,030.
Look at the last statements of assets und
liabilities , and see if the secretary of
the treasury ever need suddenly
call for this money or call for
it in n way to cause embarrassment to
general business. The postolllce department
accounts , the disbursing oOlcers' ' balances ,
the treasurer's transfer checks , the drafts
outstanding , interest duo nnd unpaid , ma
tured debt , accrued interest nnd like liabili
ties amount to about $54,000,000. Tills sum
ulwuj'B remains constant ; hence about that
amount must always bo kept on deposit to
meet daily liabilities , and then after the
money has been set apart for all these liabili
ties , and for every oilier liability of what
ever name or nature , against which the most
forced construction of law could retuire ]
cash to bo provided , there remained a bal-
unco of $ 'JI,444S40 ' , and in addition to that
$24,845S'JO of subsldary silver , or in all , a
balance of lilgWtitMI. ! ) It must bo remem
bered that these reports uro like ordinary
deposits , but that bonds are given to the gov
ernment ns securities , which , when the bank
repays its deposits it can at once sell to the
government at such terms n * will give the
bank from Ii5 to 30 per cent more loanable
money than the uovcrnment deposit gave it.
Can any intelligent man acquainted with
affairs say , after a consideration of all
these facts , that a secretary is not
grossly incompetent , who could not manage
to withdraw the whole or any part of the
money now in deposit without causing the
least general business trouble I Mind you , I
do not defend a deposit of larce sums of gov
ernment money in banks ; it objectionably
mingles private with public business. No
one can .disapprove of this moro than I do.
13nt the only choice is a choice of evils. I
maintain that the administration has chosen
a lesser evil. I claim that on the whole this
perplexing business has been well and pru
dently managed. Men of busiucss , what say
you ) You know the results.
The secretary then explained his course In
buying bonds , nnd said : Up to the 1st of this
October all the 'J per cent bonds outstanding
at the bcgining ot this administration $194-
100,500 have been retired , and in addition
$81,293,240 of 4 and 4 > per cent bonds , or In
all there have been applied to the rotirtMncnt
nnd purchase of bonds , with premiums , $2)0- ! )
W4,51S , and the total interest bearing debt
appearing in the September debt statement
is under $1,000,000,000. This is the first time
in u generation that it bus not taken ten
ilgurcs to express it. And this General Harrison
risen calls "nursing the surplus. "
When he had finished Mr. Carlisle was in
troduced. He was also warmly greeted. He
opened his speech by declaring that ouo of
the most beneficial results of the last presi
dential election was the establishmentof har
monious relations between the people of nil
parts of the country , especially the north nnd
and .south. The north had never so good n
market in the south ns now , nnd the south
never had the use of so much northern capital
ns now. Four more years of Cleveland's '
policy would make it impossible for any
political party to secure power by appealing
to race prejudice. IIo considered this
alone a sunlclent reason for Cleveland's
re-election. Ho charged the republican
leaders with a determined effort to revive
race prejudice in the south , and with an ef
fort to alarm capital and discourage invest
ments in order to make it appear that the
country was not prosperous under the demo
cratic administration. In this they were
partly successful , but the country was pros
perous , i.overtholoss , and in splto of the fact
that it is embarrassed by the republican rev
enue system , which has resulted in heavy
overtaxation. The democratic party would
not consent to reduce the revenue by in
creasing the taxes on necessaries , ns pro
posed by the senate tariff bill. This bill , ho
said , claimed a reduction of about > ( i,000,000.
Of tins nearly ? 2-,000,000 reduction is claimed
on sugar , leaving only $ S,000,000 on all the
other articles. This might reduce the revenue -
nue , but would not reduce the cost of articles
consumed by the people. On the contrary ,
it would increase it. What is needed now is
a Judicious , substantial reduction revenue ,
not by nn increase of taxation but by a ro-
auction of taxation UIHUI the necessaries of
life and upon the materials used in our in
The crowd of listeners contained probably
lr ,000 persons , independent of the business
men's procession. The number of persons
in line is estimated at UO.OOO. The substun
tial platform on the sub-treasury steps con
tained invited guests , and it was gorgeously
decorated with flags und streamers. A largo
portrait of President Cleveland and another
of Allen G. Thurman were suspended on two
largo pillars of the building , lacing the pee
HIM nt Lattiyettc.
LAFATKTTK , Ind. , Oct. la. Governor Hill
and party arrived hero this morning nnd
were met at the depot by several local clubs.
The city was crowded with visitors from
surrounding counties. About two thousand
people participated in a street parudo In the
afternoon. A feature of the paratlo was a
drum corps of twenty young ladles wearing
bandana dresses and helmets. The mass
meeting at the rink convened nt 2 o'clock.
The building was crowded almost to suffoca
tion. Governor Hill received an ovation as ho
appeared en the platform. Ho spoke for an
hour , Ilrst going into u review of the national
administration for the past three and one-
half years , and devoting the remainder of
his time to the tariff question , his arguments
belni ; ubout the same an used In the speeches
at Mitchell and Indianapolis yesterday.
ninlnc Criticize" * tlic Mills Hill.
EVANSVILI.E , Ind. , Oct. 13. About 8,000
people assembled at Garvan park this after
noon to hear Hon. James G. Hlaino , Mr.
lilalno spoke upon the tariff question , SO'
verely criticizing the Mills bill und the or
guments made by U. Q. Mills in a speech
delivered hero yesterday. In the course of
his remarks Mr. Hlaino said :
"According to the report of the secretary
of the treasury the duty levied nnd collected
ut all custom houses of the United States
during the fiscal year amounted In the aggre
gate to JSi'J.l'OO.OOO. It Is this sum
which the free traders assail no
bitterly , and It Is in this sum that
they mid the outrages and abuses of the pro-
toctlvo syHtom. Of the aggregate duties of
fJia.COO.OOO . , the Mills bill prpposes to take off
an aggregate of WJ.MJO.OOO which t § 10 per
cent of the total dutiable importations for
the live years. On the duties ou .silks and.
liiioors , amounting to tM.000,000 . , the Mills
bill made no reduction whatever , so that the
whole of the reduction fell on the J > 1S' ' > ,000,000
that remained , Ot the * lbli,000,000 , fM.UOO.OOO
wcro duties on sugar , and from the duties
levied ou sugar , n reduction was made of
f 11,000,000. leaving the people of the United
States still to pay f47.HXlKM ( ) annually on su-
Kar. Deduct that K .OOO.OOO . of sugar duties
from f IS'J,000,000und ' you have loft tlM.OOO.OOO
us the the total amount of all duties levied on
all other artlcloi in the tariff , nnd deduct
$11.000.000 which the Mills took off the sugar
duties , and you have left 13,000.000 reduc
tion on the remaining $131,000,000 duties of
the tariff. Uentleuien , you will please ob-
nerve that the sum of $13100,000 of
duties affords nil the protection wo have on
manufactures except these levied on Bilks , on
cotton , on wool nnd woolens , on Iron nnd
steel nnd nil articles Into which Iron and stool
enter as a component part. What umy bo
termed the entire protective synom of the
United States , over which this controversy
between the two parties Is now raging. Is In
cluded in that $131,000,000 of duties , nnd from
that f 1111,000,00J , of duties Mr. Mills pro
poses to t ko fJ-W.MHW.OOJ , nnd tolls the people
of Indiana that ho Is only reducing the tariff
4 per cent , whereas , us a matter of fact , on
the whole importation on the long list of arti
cles I have named , he makes a reduction ox-
ect'ding i0 ! per cent.
What is it to these industries that nro
stripped naked whether the nvcrngo is ft per
cent or 500 per cent. In cither or any event
they nro thrust out into the cold.
Gentlemen , there Is ouo great diffcronco
between the republican and democratic
partic.H , Whatever the republican party
proiwsos in congress it frankly defends before -
fore the people , but the democratic party ,
from President Cleveland down through all
the onlclal grades , has for eighteen months
waged n bitter warofare on the protective
system , denouncing It as plunder and or
ganized robbery , und are now send
ing out speaucrs , known in fact
to bo the most rancorous frco
traders , with Mills at the head ,
to so qualify and explain away
and Jumble and reverse and turn
und trim the figures that they hope to deceive
the people us to the true Intent of the assault
mode upon the protective system. Mr. Mills
proposes to take the tariff wool and give to
our manufacturers wool from Australia us
chcup us they get it In England. How shall
wo make wpolon goods hero to compete with
the cheap woolen goods of England , unless
wo reduce the wages of the working class far
below that now paid. The inevitable result
must bo one of two things that wo shall lese
the mantel for wools in this country , or must
reduce the wages of n laboring man from 30
to 45 per cent.
Dakota. Olllclnla Think they Hnvo Ono
of the Train Wrookors.
Ku'inCiTV , Dak. , Oct. 13 , [ Special Tele
gram to THE HKK. ] W. A. Nickcrson , alias
Spud Murphy , alias Johnson , who Is sus
pected of being Ihe loader of the gum ; that
wrecked und attempted to rob the pay car
on the Ulnclc Hills & Fort Pierre railroad
yesterday was arrested hero to-day , nnd is
now in Jail. The authorities claim to have n
good case against him. H is evident from
the confidence with which the authorities
work that Wilson , the man captured yester
day , IIUH Hipjoaled. The whereabouts of the
third member of the gang are known , and
the sheriff has left town to secure him. All
three men uro well known in Hapid City.
Murphy wus for n long time general manager
of a bagnio hero and Wilson was then living
with an inmate of the place. The third party
wus also connected witli a similar institution
here at ono time. None of them have ever
borne good reputations in the Ulnck Hills.
Wilson is wanted hero on a charge of horse
stealing , having Jumped bail last summer.
His wounds arc such as make his recovery
impossible. The authorities are confident
they have the right men.
John Tilford was arrested here this even
ing. Ho is supposed to be an accomplice in
the attcmpiud train robbery on the Home-
slake railroad at Kcno Gulch yesterday. A
warrant was issued this niorniui ; for the ar
rest of Jake Dougherty , also supposed to bean
an accomplice. The authorities arc still
searching for Clark the wounded robber who
cscaiKid. Wilson , the captured robber , who
it was supposed was fatally shot , will ro-
covcr. He has ma-lo some startling state
ments and several arrests will likely be
The Mormon llcccivershlp.
SALT LAKE , Utah , Oct. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tint BEU.J The examination to
ascertain the compensation that should be
paid United States Marshal Dyer as receiver
in the suit against the Mormon churph was
commenced before Judge E. T. Sprague to
day. John A. Groesbcck. ex-sheriff of this
county , testified that the services of the re
ceiver for the past eleven months should not
bo less than 5 per cent of the pioporty taken
l > osscssion of , ns the church property recov
ered by the receiver in the period named
aggregates $750,000. This would make his
compensation for that work $37,000 , or up
wards of $3,400 , a mouth ,
To Kxtcnd the Water Mnina.
COI.VMIIUS , Neb , , Oct. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to THE HKE. ] The city council this
evening advertised for bids for the extension
of the water mains. BonJs in the sum of
$10,000 were voted Octobers forthat purpose.
The works will be put in this full.
The School Teacher Acquitted.
DAKOTA CmNeb. . , Oct. 13. ( Special Tel
egram to Tin ; Hi' ] ; . ] The case of the slate
vs Joseph A. Hall , principal of the Jackson
schools , charged with assaulting a liltlo boy
of Dr. Uro war was tried to-duy in Justice
Jay's court and resulted in the defendant's
Flro at ColimilHiB.
COLUMIIUS , Neb. , Oct. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK HIK.J : This afternoon nt.'lp. m.
a barn belonging to Mrs. Grcgoris , n
widow was totally destroyed by firo. Chil
dren playing with matches in the barn caused
the fire.
An Evidence of Insanity ,
"Mr. Yodor , your daughter Irino has
civen mo her permission to ask of you
her hand in innrriago ; but before I ask
for your formal consent , you will pardon
me if I make the inquiry , as it is a mat
ter of lifelong consequence to mo ,
whether or not there have over boon
any indications of insanity , as far as you
know , in your fumilj1 ? "
"You Bay Irino has accepted you , Mr.
Ilaiikuison ? "
"I am happv to say she lias. "
"Then , sir , uald the old man , shak
ing his head dejectedly , "it is my duty
as hei' fatlior. to toll you thut [ think
Irino ib Hhowmg decided indications of
iiibiimt.v. "
Mr. Kiiinlio I'romUoH to Ritform.
"Absalom " eairt
Chicago Tribune : ,
MM. Ruinho , "think of the oxampln you
are setting our children. How much
longer do you think I can keep the sol
emn word I made sixteen years ago to
love and honor you ? "
"Nancy , " said Mr. Elambn , deeply
touched , "if you can keep it up for about
three wcoks longer , till that ton gallons
of applejack in the collar ia gone , I'll '
reform and become a good man. '
Not a Mlnndcr , Ariir All.
Norristown Herald : "I sco by the
papers , " bald Momus to Saubor , "that
your daughter is noljireparcd to receive
nor gentlemen frlonda this evening. "
"Hy the papers ? " howled Sanbcr.
"What right have the papers to "
"I moan the curl papers , " hastily ex
plained Momus , inclining his hoail to
ward a young lady whoso front hair was
twisted up in numerous small pieces of
paper. And in Momus was married and
an old friend ot the family ho was not
Want ( Hi Moro
Chicago Tribune : Sawyer If [ un
derstand you rightly , sir , you are from
Witness No , sir. I am a resident of
Boston. . ,
Lawyer Your Honor , I rospoctlully
nsk that this mini bo dworn ou a velum o
of Kmorsou.
Indlcntlons That the Treaty Will DeSigned
Signed Before Long.
JIow n UIAYO Wife frcucrTod th °
Union Kins Kroin the linnets ol *
Old Dominion Honrbona
Vllns nnd the Hiouv.
WAswiNeiTox , 1) . ( ' . , Oct 13 , |
Although the pow-wow at the interior de
partment to-day with the Sbux Indians re
lative to opening their reservation was short
nnd little to the point was said , It was gen
erally believed by these present that It will
result In n speedy determination on the part I
of the braves to sign the treaty. The Indians V
seemed to be very much ntTcehvl. They ovi-
drntly did not expect lo bo urged lo not In
such haste or to bo met with so much determination - \
termination on the part of Secretary Vilas to }
not palaver. There will bo another consul
tation on Monday and a member of the Sioux
commission Informs Tnr Hrr. correspondent
to night that the Impression iniulo by the au
thorities here upon the Indians IH fiivorablo
to an early termination of the work.
It is probable that steps will bo taken to
relieve the strong and useless guard which
has for nearly two years been kept over
( tcncral John A. Logan's tomb in Kock
Creek cemetery , a couple of miles north of
this city. People hero appear till to-day to
have forgollcn that aovim men from the
Third artillery nt the Washington barracks
have been constantly detailed to watch the
vault In which Logan's remains are deposited
nnd that two of these men can bo found on
duty there day nnd night. No one appears
to know who is responsible for the assign
mcnt of these soldiers to guard the tomb and
there is no limit to the time of their detail.
No such honor or precaution was oveir ex
tended to the remains of any ether man m
this country.
iir.prciiATR noviiuoxs.
It appears thai the unreconstructed confed
erai'.v in Virginia has boon driven to desper
ate straits to hold the Old Dominion in the
democratic line. Thuru can no longer bo any
doubt ns to the unreconstructed condition of
n considerable proportion of the population
of Virginia , as un incident just brought to
the atlcnlion of your correspondent will 11
Hmrato. H. L. Amis.s of JofToisou , Culpop-
per county , Virginia , has written a letter
here under date of the llth iiul. , in which ho
slates thai on the night before n most - outrageous
rageous attempt was made to capture an
American Hag which ho keeps floating before
his liousu. The tlog is run up on a halyard
during the day and nt night U drawn down
nnd taken Into the house. It acts us a Hoveru
Irritant upon the disloyal population in thu
vicinity , nnd n number of tinuis throats have
been inado that If the Hag was not taken
down the owner would suffer. On the night
of the 10th hist , a party of men called ut
the house of Amiss and induced him
to go out upon the road some ( lib
tancu upon the representation that u
nciihbor was found very ill. When ho
had proceeded some distance from thei house
ho was pounced upon nnd given to under
stand by the mob thai unless ho delivered up
the United Stales ( lug in his house ho would
bo massaorood. Ho said ho would dlo hnforo
he would do so , nnd while ho was hold by a
part of the mob others of It wont to the house
and demanded of the old lady thut she pro
duce the flap. Instuad of handing out the
Hag she pointed a shotgun well loaded and
full cocked in the face of the
men and cooly informed them that unless
they left the premises she would kill some
body. The party fled and Mr. Amiss , who is
well known in the city , was released. It U
stated on goad authority that the men who
attempted this capture of thu tlag belong to
the F. F. Vs. the Ilrst families of Virginia.
All of this incident occurred within thirty
miles of Washincton.
Hon. John M. Uagan of of Hastings nnd P.
J. UurLc , and L. Ilogan of Iowa , arc in the
city.Henry F. Johnson of Iowa has received n
permanent Appointment to a position wort/ !
$1,000 n year In the surgeon general's ' onice.
Nehrnskn nnd I own. 1'onnlonn.
WABHIXOTOX , Oct. 1U. ( Special Telegram
to TUB HisK.l Pensions granted Nebraskans -
braskans : Original invalid Timothy Sham\
Kwing ; Francis M. Traboo , Kustus , Increase )
Edward Clarke , Columbus , William W.
Han Its , Plum Creek. Keissue Joliu Downs ,
Pensions for lownns : Original Invalid-
John Stachlcr , deceased , Mollondon ; liarney
Fccnoy , Iowa ; Leoidas H. Dall , Oskaloosa ,
Michael Fritz , jr. , Irotonj John C. Cook ,
liussoll ; David Ulurson , Atlantic ; Michael
Knitslick , Ottumwa. Increase Solomon
Walker , Crntravlllo ; Chrirtlophor Peituian
Van Meter ; William Peyton , Centrevillu ;
William Wicklmm. Afton ; David Ulioin , An
drews ; John H. Gilphln , Ml. Ayr ; John H.
Diinond , ICeokuk ; Charles P. Atwood , Ana-
mesa ; James G. Williams , Kddyvillo ; John
I. Ong , Centrovillo. Uuissuo and Increase -
Thomas II. Sargent , Controvllle. Hcisauo
Kobert Mills , New Hampton. Mexican sur
vivors James A. Trotlor , St. Charles.
Still Under Hnnel.
CHICAGO , Oct. 13. The cascsof the alleged
dynamiters , Julius Hasenborgcr , Thomas 11.
Nicholson and Peter U. Thompson , came up
in the polices court this morning , nnd they
were continue ! in bonds of $10OOJ , each until
October 'M.
The work of the detectives last night has
re-suited , it is assorted , In unfolding asorloiH
dynamite conspiracy in which at least t\va \
persons are implicated. Attorney Furthuiim
said this morning that two mnro arroxU
would bo made' to-tiny and wlii-n these prison
ers wcro brought In the nollco would prob
ably te-ll the Htory of the plot.
For the prese-nt Captain Schaack refuses
U ) make any statement in regard lo the mut
ter , though ho ia in possession of a written
statement from each of the prisoners.
Pcr.iiinl : I'arn
I. A. Solomon , representing Fisher's "Cold ,
Day Co. , " is ut tlm Marker. Ills company ia
soon tn appear at ' .ho Grand.
The funeral of Lovl Wright , son of Jnmos
nnd Mary Wright , will take pluco from BS13
Cuss Htrcut tills day al 2 p. in.
C. A. Stonehill loft last night for Chicago
In answer to a telegram from his brother In
regard to a dry tfoods purchase ho Is about to
The Vnlo Veil.
I'ltUburg Dispatch : On the heels of
the cold wave comes the feoothing an-
nouiicomoiit tliut the clas cry of Yale
froslinicn is : "Uric-a-kox-kBX , coax ,
coax , bric-a-kox-kex , coaxcoaxwhuop ,
whuop , parabaloo IW. " Thoromay not
hu much poetry about Una , but it at
least has tno mnrit of being frco from
any questionable ruforunco to the
No Catmo for Action ,
Chicago Tribune : Lawyer "Beforo
bringing suit , why did they throw you
off the train ? Did you raise u dloturb-
anco ? " Mangled Youth "No. " "Ticket
all right ? " ' Yes. " "Conductor drunk ? "
"No ; perfect gentleman. " "What win
the cause then ? " "I started to take a
Btruw vote " "Not uctionablo. Good
. "
day. _
The InflnnlllcH of ARC.
Chicago Tribune : "Yos , " Bald the
fruit man nt the corner , regretfully ,
" ' ' old. I can't well
"I'm gottin' . too uu ns
I used to. When 1 sell a pound ol
grapes to n mun that's In a 'urry ' , I
sometimes git in a ripe bunch by nils-
like. " And the poor old man 6i"lud ;
dismally *