Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1888, Part II, Page 16, Image 16

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I H E Y M A N & D El C HE S , 151 81520 Fa rn a m St
I The Largest Gloak , Suit and Uilr Ilouse in the West.
Special Prices for Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday.
We will offer on above days one lot of Ladies' NEWMARKETS , made of All Wool Beaver
Cloth , plain and fancy stripes , full lengths and with shoulder capes ,
At 8S075 : worth fully S15.OO.
.4.t C-i ixici 7xci 7'eEx1-ez
We will also continue our SPECIAL SALE on Missses' and Childrens' CLOAKS , NEW-
MARKETS , JACKETS and SUITS. Bring the little ones and have them fitted out , before the
cold weather comes andprices go up accordingly. .
Novelties in Colored Plush Modjeskas , Wraps , Sealskin Cloaks and Furs of every description
Seal and Plush Garments repaired and retrimmed.
SUITS. SUITS. SUITS. Latest styles of material at less than the cost of p-iaking alone.
_ _ Perfect fit guaranteed on every garment sold.
Tiaps and Mhllapi3 of the Matrimo-
nial flafilo.
_ _ _ _ _ unties iii Heli i.iark-A . .IotIicr . 1'evcr
% VeId iig-A ItOh gil I IOtI(3IIOtI-
t. I tie ( t ) i ft VifCYIlOt )
SIIIg'9 HrI(1t.
Cnptali SsiiuIIerg IarrIr4 II 14 Cook.
N. \ ' . ; ti n : ( t ; ) tu i U .1 oh ii i ' . Sti n
1)erg ) , soon after thu ( leatli of his wife ,
wliieh occut'red live yctrs ago while lie
vas in COlflhIHlfli of the havana steiincr
Niagara , retired fioni the sea and Kot-
tied (1OW ) with his two sotis : iiid his
IbLughitei I ii the brown-stone house at
\1e(1fOtd ( avenue , flrooklyn. lie be-
caino totally hlinl ) three years ago , and
the first time that lie heft hiii hioiwe
I3iflCC he betiiie o itfilieted was on
Sopteinbet .5 last , the tift ) ann
of the death of hii vi to. 'I'he iniion
of the old gentleman , for lie is over
130'eTIty years old , was of a iluLtri 11100 liii
, inttiro. I I is .oiiiiinti . ions i n the coach
Into which lie was assisted , were Mis. '
Antia l. \\Taineclco , the bride-elect ,
and oc-Jut1go loughorty , who was to
Ii nsist as best nai. , 'I'wo yotlng women
- who wore selecte(1 as bridesmaids fol-
lOWOl in nitotlier coach , . ? EissVar -
_ _ 1 ncclo bul been cook and general sor-
J vant for the old sea Cflltaifl for three
years , aiid their engagement had boeii
of long standing , although the captain's
children first learned of his marriage
whoii they saw the formal announce-
zuent In a llrooldyti lt1)e1.
'rho brh1a ltIIY wore driven to the
home of Hey. A. C. Wedeidnd , I ) . 1) . ,
pastor of St. .Iohiii's Lutheran church in
this CitV , nod the nutrringo was performed -
formed by lr. Wedokind. 'L'hie lrlde is
a btriking-looking young woinaii of
twenty-one 'ears , being iiearly six feet
high and built in lroIortion. ) Captuiii
_ _ _ _ _ Luinberg is wealthy , and , it is said , has
settled IOOKO ( ) on his rife. 'l'hiero is a
rumor that his children think of taking
nioasiros to have the T1trringo au-
nuhied , 1)IIt lOVSOIIS acquainted with the
old geutleiuutn say that his unhiud is as
clear as a dollar , utuid that he has been
Iuutti uily responsible for the love-making.
BVI(1Cu4 In 1)onunnrk.
The numuber of invitations to a lanish
vcdding vary according to the means of
the briac's Imaloults , but there are sd-
ibm less thmnui fifty assembled , and often
as mnruiy as 1.50 , old anul young , says the
Fortulghtiy floview , A dmt or two be-
- . foio time welditlg time various guests
send their giftM , not to the hridc , but to
liei iarcllts , cmusisting gcnorallyof con-
tributiouis towumid time ec1)dtel feast ;
amid bovo'd , trtiipathiug in munch rev-
011.3 ? nd gOol ( dicer the bride and bride-
groonm do not 1)otoummtlly lenoult. Oumo
Irloini contributes , say eight 1)OUnls of
golden butter piled high on a
tei fringed with gmeeuiery ; miii-
- other a score or two of eggs
uir one chickens. A Iamb , joints of
1)Of , or a sumnhi cask of hue October
brow follow iii quick succession , nuud in
this way the pareults frcqueuitly receive
mnoio Pievilor thuutum can be consumed
at the fostivit , amid their sole exonsc
consists in time hiul mug of iimttes ) amid
dishe from the nemmre't stores in the
toivum where the fuu'nmer sells his grain
ttnd buys his wife's groceries and rib-
boris. 1'r months before the wedding
the bride with her mother and sisters
are hard at work at the loomn , 5Iinmu ing
011(1 veaving all the iiumeui for time pOr-
mon mis veil as for time house ; which
: - - - . - ' - - - -
- - - -w-----
store , together with a couple of young
lmoies , a coil ide of cows and a pai r of
sliec p , iii val'imLbly form a uamt of her
marriage portion. Bridal ornzunents
mmmc not heirlooms as in Norway. 'I'he
Ianish peasant girl wears a simple
, of with her uimttioumal
CiOWII myrtle cos-
tommie-----mryimig with time district , but
; mlvmtvs clmnrming---pots of myrtle are
cmucftully cherished by gi rush hmtmids
through the long whuuters i ii an ticpa-
tiomi of the gicat event. 11cr sole heir-
bout is the great onkeum dower
cliet , heavily ehutni pcil auth often
fluie1' carvcl , that 1101(18 her goodly
store of hiumeum. At I I o'clock on time
wetidimig menu hug nil the guests moot
itt the house of the bride , drivimig up in
carts , itmiti whmeum site is ready the iong
proecs.ioui starts for time church , headed
by two outriders , who are time lmst men.
Next follows a cart comm tal n I ml g time band ,
three oi four bi'ass iumstriumnen ts , amid
that standing dish , time village fiddler.
After thmouui comes time cart containing
time britlo alone , both ptreuuts : remnaiumimig
at imomne to Put time tinisimimig touches to
time festive board already spread. Behind -
hind time bride coumies time bridegrooni ,
itiso alone , driven by a lotrie. lie sits
iii time inindie of his veimicle in nil time
coumseloims glory of a miew tall hmat amid
cloak with nmammy capes. worum even iii
time summer time , mnumhi its time lord
11may01. veitrs his robe , as leumding it dig-
Ii I ty sim i taile to time so1e mum mu ity arml as it
mmiark of ( listinctioum. Near time church
cimml(1tcum strew flowers , as well us near
time lri(1O'S ld hmonme , where thmero is
also an mirchm vmt.s' draped with flags. He-
tiirum hug from church time bride amid
bridogroommi sit togetimem' , time mntu(1 j)10-
cod i umg tim'mfl , heraidimmg their approach
with a fanfare.
Aumothier Fever 'ciIu1Immg.
Time board of health amni Dr. , Tosoph
Y. I'oi'ter were cnlled into consultatiomm
clue Summday afternoon over a desperztto
ease at the residence of Mi. . , T. II. Bui-
tonomm the corumem of Asimioy umudIarket
streets , of .Jacksommvilio , says the I"lor-
itlit Ti mimes.not1mimr professional hmaI
1)0011 caile(1 immimowevum , while awaiting
log their arrival , thereby making timehi'
visit tmmmnccessmmry.
This was Bisho1)Vced , of the Episco-
1)al diocese of Floridmtmtuid lie performed
time operation so nicely , that when it
was over Miss Emma E. l3ywater was
Mms. . .JoimmmV. . Saunders.
Mm . Simmmmders ; amid Miss flyivitter wore
rtnioumg the first patiemmts taken to the
Simmdiiihis hospital sick with yellow
fever. i'lmey hmul beoii lovers , and dur-
immg timeir period of convalescence timis
nttmmcimmoimt of course assummned a highly
romantic cimaracter immider time circumn-
stances. Both recovered completely
timid hmmtve receumtly beemm given positions
of trust at time unethical bureau. They
took a notiomm to get married on Sun numy ,
and Mr. 101(1 Mrs. hiuvtomm kindly throw
01)0mm tlmehi house for time celebration of
the event.
r11110 hrido ) was dressed him pum'e wimite
and hooked as pretty us a nicturo , whmiio
time groom was justly proud of her , mm ud
showed It imm cveiy line of his face.
After conratuluttjomms attimo close of the
cerenmoumy , the pair descended time stops
mtummiil a shower of rice train time imammds
of time ladies and genticummoum present ,
mmmiii themm drove iimmmmmcdiiiteiy to timeir
new home.
A 11oiili lloncyiiinoii.
Philadelphia Times : Arm aged wimite-
imaired colored man , ivitlm his mieck done
ill ) lii a bamidaum on hmammlkerchmief , himnietl )
into time nmarrizmgo license oflice amid
aslced Licemise Cierk Bird for protection.
lims immune VaS hliraimm [ "rdomnamm , his age
sixty-eight .vears , amid his imoummo in the
rear of No. (1 ( ( ) thnrciay street. 0mm
Tuesday he took omit a mnmtrringe license
nut ! next day married 'ilrs. Eliza t1rusty ,
aged forty-mmtmmo , who Iive(1 in time front
of No. ( iO Barclay street. Eliza has it
dttmghmter : nmtmne(1 Atlco , wimo hits two
cimlidremi , .lncob amid \lmtmlmt.
hlirama anh imis new wife retired about
9 o'clock \Veduu..thiiy . ii igimt. about utmi
hour after time vedd i mug. 'l'imey wcme
suddenly ( hlsttirbed by it terrific ioummd-
lug on time ihooi. 'I'iicim time voice * of
I1is. Atlec amid her elmihtimeim were heard
mmmmikimig samigutmiary demmmamids for hliramns
hearts blood. I lirammi opened time ( hoer ,
but Immediately closed it umirithmu wimeum
lie saw you ii g .1 acob coin I ug at ii i mum vi tim
it immmyommettemt glum. lliranm inmrricimdetl
time door ammil resitcul time siege uumtil
mmmorumimmg , wheum his wife's fomuil meimitives
timreatemm.l to etit imis hmoumcvnmooa amid
his life short iii one fell swoop.
'l'hmis is the story time aged brilegroomn (
told , ami(1 lie was ilirected to nppiy at the
central statioum for a warrmtmmt with wimich
to hold I mm suimiecti oum ii I s Wi fe 's i mm , ubor-
( limmItto flesh and blood.
The Cost Of ft 'WIfe.
Chicago Mail : hiughm Scott is aim editor -
itor , and his jumper is lublmsimcl at 2l87
\\ritiilshi avenue. Time publication is
called Cupid's Qimiver. I ts politics Inc
irobttbiy deinocrmttic , : ts i t bulievos * iii
"free umiarriage. ' ' i f not I mm free trade ,
ammtl Lieutenant Stark says if you ahver-
tise iii Mr. Scott's pae1 ; you cmiii get a
rich 'ife without imumy tronble---at least
tlmtt : is what the editOr S1i'S lie vii1 do
fiii you. Time hieoteum unit mmym , that sonic-
timing like time following coimvemsation
takes ihmtco betwe0n Mr. Scotts callers
aumd the editor himself
( Jahler---l umiderstimmud , 1r. Scott , timat
you cmiii furmmish ii mmmmimm svitim it vife ?
Eihitoi---Vos. sir.
"One witim
' "I'imat ii. ; wimat I iamm get. "
' 'I sitnt one worth about * 30.0(10. (
' ' \Vohi , thmat will cost you $50. "
"Iifty dollars ! "
"Yes ; himt you cmiii get one wortim
about $30,000 for * 25 , if that vill satisfy
yoti. "
Lieutenammt Stark says Mr. Scott
always requires time fee to be paid in mtcl-
Amid they Votmhl be disposed of by Mr.
Scott and his wife Mmvgamet. : Mm's. Scott
in coumimectioi witim her husiammd's
umitttiimiioui ial agemmey Icceps aim employ-
mnomm t bu reati . Li etmte ii iUi t Stark
lcmtrmieil tiimtt time estmtbliimmnemmt WaS
dolmig iusimmess without a hiceumse , ituid
Ilargitret Scott VItS mirrested for violat-
hug a city ordimumumee. 'rime lady was be-
fume .iustice R. II.VhmItc to-day amid
hued $100 ammd costs.
Yuet HIIIg'N Bride.
\Vong Chin Fee gives time followimmg
accoumit of time marriage of Yuet Sing ,
Now york's mumost promimmemmt Cimimmeso
nmerchmaimt , to his pretty bride : \Vimeum
the bamiqimet was at its lmeighmttflo bride ,
nccoimmpammied imy two of imor mmiaLids. omme
oum eachm side , hLCce(10(1 ) ( by time groom ,
blubimimmgiy amid slowly entered the mourn
whore the gmmests had previously comm-
centratod from the ar1onis them-
( mmeting mooms. Ps sue entered -
tered , palo amid trcmnbhhmmg , this
unite of a thing imoid a beau-
tifimi large fimmi commbtiimitiy before iioi
face. SImo ' &LS drem..sed in invemmdei silk ,
embroidered with heavy gold bmaids.
'l'hmo skirt was Immssive. of a maimibow
colored satin , with grotesque figures of
dmztgomms amid iim(1S of ) ( ise. She himiol
not time comm vemmtionmml smiuitli feet of time
regular Cimimmese bmtlies of time celestial
kingdomn , but mnuill emmotmghm to cause any
Chicago gimi emmvy.
As she entered time ( lminese mmieiilmaumts
rose frommm timoii seats to greet time iridiml
hiartv. ' [ 'imey faced the giemtt .loss at time
cud of time moonm. Attemmdamits imastily
brought it silicon red rug amid spicad it
tmpoui time floor before time altar of joss.
A bimmicim of jozs sticks were lighted amid
imituuded to the bride , vho imnimmed iateiy
kmmolt before the jobs while time mnaid on
either siole arranged imer skirts.Vith
the bunch of lighted jobs sticks time
iiide mantle timree low iioiv. 'i'imen aim
ittt'uulflmlt took time stiks and jmiaced
tiiiuui iii to aim im rum upon time nltni.
Sue now atosc , while time muon smit
( IOWII iii two ) roiv Iti oummd time big roomum.
She 1iroiieded siowly aroummd time roommm
mmmiii mflfl(1C her salutat iomms , vimi ho OiIC
mumitiul carried a tmay full of sinai 1 tea-
cim ps filled with fiagrmui t tea amid time
otimer followimmg with a big box of cigars.
'I'hme brid e , immocecthhmmg witim her low
lRWS , followed i mm time i mnmnedinto tear
i'y' time mmmmuol with tim.m tea. Uimomm talc-
imig up time tea emtcim guest ( i01)OSltcl ( i mm to
time tray it golol piece wrapped in red
hmniei , while I ime inail ( with thu clears
wily got it piece of silver , likewise
s rapimed iii red mapor.
\Vhemm this was through time excited
tlmroumg arose , pushing time old bride-
gioomu mmmiii imis blushing mnmttc to I ime , mm-
tor of time moomim. hu. ' 1'mnm Lee. I ime
deitmty simon ti , now took a imauid iii mmmi it-
in g time iimtipy pmmi u , i mm to one by mimak i mm g
the pair ( Ilium Ic time eui ) of I mmsepom'thmic : , '
a sveet Chinese vine. 'l'lmis smts done
nummil great comummnotiomi i i.S' tiam
crowd cahhi mug omit : 'Goo I he i't 'l'o' ' muid
' ( 'imouig Siemig Iio. ' ' I'ortoume , pros-
pei'ity itmid life await timee. After
t his time 1)ride was made to Ic mmccl and do
time Ko ) To before'Ir. . loy 'l'oon Givium ,
time oldest relative of imcr imusimand iii
I' I11t _ rica . 'i'hme mm the mmcmtmly fmti a Li a g
bride retiicl with imur little mimaids mind
was driveum home i mm it cnrritge. :
'I'iio guests immmmnediately witimmrcw to
their mespectivo imlaces to rcsumimc time
1)mimiqtlet wimiclm they left oil omne tvo
imotums lefore. ' .I'hmcy hiatt got to time
tvemmtietim course wimon timey left off teat
at temmd time ummarriage CetulflOmi3' , miuii time
othiei tisetity 01' immure cOmmiscs ivill be
concluded by the middle of October.
Young Cimauhin said to uWect M'llss
\Vhmen ho his o1ccIarmthon eniled
' 1 miow must try to Meumt mt kio ,
And hope you 'VIII not be ofluuihel. ( ' '
' ' \Vhmnt ! steal a Iciss ! tist try It , tb I' '
She nnsvcrcd him vitlm mmmi i mnmmtlon
' 'Amid ' if you get it I'll ptmmsuu
A policy of ictalimittomm I"
A ' 'J'lmirtcen ' ciub' ' out 1mm 'I'ekmmmnnh , Nob. ,
hmmts goumo to smummsim , IMmt not timrommgii time
death of it' mumenmlcr'i. , it cnuiioed , on-
timely of bachelors , and they mmcarly mmli got
Miss hattie L. Kild ( , who stood at lieu-
iost mum time .hmehsonviiic telephone oftlco until
sue went down with Lime yellow fever , has
recovered immmd was mnumrricil to V. IL Owen ,
head of the relief coiimunlttce. itomnanco is
Out in Orenville , tichi. , a petitioner for
divorce alleges that she married to get a lord ,
nuimster miami protector , amid that mmov her bus-
banil hums allowed iumamseif to be licked by a
' 'measly , ono.mmrmned little cuss , ' ' she timimmics
theme is such bmeactm of contract as entities
hemto legal relief.
Iii time district rourt ofSan Antonio , Texas'
lrs. Nmmnmmie hleitz imiplIeml fem a divorce
fromum S. \ \ ' . hertz on the ground of mmbandomm-
macitt. Site was a free woman within ommo
mmuimmuite and a ( ( uniter fromum time time Judge
Noouman staited to clinmi > time steis to his
bench. It is time quickest time on record.
Glies Claybomne , a Vernmont farmer , offers
to sell his vlfe. Jim a circular midvertisimig
her immerits he says : ' 'I teight , live feet live ;
ago , thirty-two : foimmm , timmely 'himveiopeil '
haim , brown mind Iuxmirimumt ; ees , largtm amid
immmzci.coiored ; imnd feet , abommt the
usual sle ; temnlei , il-mi bad. ' ' 'lime lust
.iuumiit' . is supiioseii to be thu cause for thus
umuiulue jiroccedure.
\V. F. iheii. of Lebanon , Commmmccticut
Yale 'S7 , is time huipy father of time 'class
boy. ' ' Van Phomm Lee , a Chinese stutlemut who
'as uumummricei the day after commuuumenceunent ,
vas exported to whim the muuuclm-prized mmd
valuable silver cup givin imy eumrim class to its
llrbt mmuuile offspring. ilr. and Mrs Leo , however -
ever , were blessed with thmo nolveumt of a girl.
. .1iAbehi. . in a letter to a rhassmrmato , uubll-
antiy umimmiounecs that "time Chinese excluslomm
bill immms liecum it"sCi1. ) ' '
A man vittm a mumksion has just comuic to
grief. It is 'l'lmomus W. Brown of Letroit.
Leainnug froni the cemmsus reports that thorn
'ums mimi excess of femumales ovem mummies , amid
Black and Colored Cashmere Hose , 25c ; worth 35c.
Natural All Wool Hose , 50c.
Sanitary Lamb's Wool Hose , extra strong and extra soft , 90c.
Black and Colored Silky Fleece Hose , 55c.
Handkerchiefs. Handkerchiefs.
Plain , Hemstitched and Embroidered , White and Colored Linen
Handkerchiefs at
APtaAINiitics : !
Plain , Hemstitched and Embroidered ,
- rP cor.
A IxI ? ? All Silk llemstitchod llalldkorchiefs for 25c , Etc. , Etc. , Etc.
that mmeceumrmly muuuuiy good womneum nmmmst go
timmimghi life umicimecreul iv tue comumfort ot a
imusbrmuid , ho set to work smumgiehmnmmded to
mt'unedy thik evil Iii five years he muuau'rmed
timlrty-sevemm wives. But his efforts diii not
meet with time approval of tue hum's ci the
imimmil , 811(1 hue humus heemi sen t to time pen ltcrt tary
for bigmmumy. Nimuetcemu out o I the mm iii ber
t limit hue ii uml vct1ticth appeared iii coo rt ugamumst
hihum , mmmiii seemed gratiimcti by hits coumvictmon.
'rim cy ml Id miot iill1)Cmir to tmndemstumumd o r umppmc-
elate hits mnotive.
omIie uumomitims ago a Lnwreumcebmmrg , 1amm. ,
uliuM' , time daughter of a farmer , viuiIe aclc-
big eggs , Wiote her uimmrmme , mmgc amid umddress
oil time such of one of time fruit. 'l'immce or
foimi weeks after Mime wa'o , otmrhmmscd ) to rc-
Cci'i a letter frommm a gcmmticumummmm connected
vitim mm imrut1U&e c ummmmmissmoum imotise him 1 loMtomm ,
: ia's. lie told hem that ttmo egg tmpomm which
mhi e tumid sv rittemu her mm attic emimum e iii to Im Is i' ' ° -
serIomm. lum roumcltidimmg 1114 letter the Uos-
temmimimm gave imi4 mmmc mmnd rcfcremmccs , mind
misked time 'OiiI lady to corresluomud. Time
gi ml uim'eI tetl t hue iropos , it ilium . I mm mm short
thmume uhmotogmapim were e'xeimamim.ued , ammul It is
ii Ott. mum mmcii mmccii timumt time coo 1)10 ) viI 1 shortly
be muuumiried. lie hums been west to see liii lii-
teumded , immmd "lie limmd imer exactly hits iulcmi. ' '
- - - bAll - -
All lovers of time delicacies of time
table misc \ migoutmmra Bitters to secure a
good digestiomu . but time gemu thud ommiy ,
ummitmmufumcttmredby lr.Siegemt & Somis.
I'itI,1ItM1NP ; : Ililot's.
Pohiticmml htommors iliC easy svhmemm a rich moan
camu buy timeuum.
9'hme base built batter svill soomm give vay to
the htmckwlmeumt bittum.
4 bushel of Ieicunbcr wheat would uumahe
a costly amid immmhuo ( Jtmristmmmmms pmesemmt for a
fuiemu d.
s1irrimige Is it failure. Aim English uimatul-
ufloim lii bim icatm ii mis bceui in rccd to ummuice mmii
assign miment.
'lime ofliceimolder who commtrlbutc notimiumg
to c.mmmm mmIgum f mm mmdi is s hun lily juuttimmg i ohiticu 1
ecommoumy iimto USC.
'limo eloctrict vire v1ii soon lie emmtitlctl to
i ammlc vitiu the oil cmiii , time blowmm-out gums ummd
the gumm timuit Is hot 1omIed.
It iii ! ilepemuds oum time vay it is said. It
uimmilce , it grtmit ditteremmec imcttmeu you cmiii mm
stick citmemm' ' ' ' , isimeci he-
milan it o i a 'jol gemmt -
umman. ' '
it Is smuid couugress , vitimoiit a qnou'uuui , has
been humssi Ii g so mmie fi m'm mite biI1. Sommme o f time
tumemmibers weme paimed mit time hotels vmtim a
pair of miecs.
' "I'hme race jmolulcumilhl nevcu be solved uum-
til time umegmo voters ummo divided , ' ' simommtcd aim
4mkuimmsmms 0 rmitO r. 'I'tmen he sim arpemmed up imis
bowie muud tilvileil one of timeuum.
' 'how Geimtlemmien Stmould 1)epoi't 'I'henm-
selves \\'iuilo Heiumg Mistuticen for 'I'mmscott , "
l the imeimullug of a ehmumpter iii it book oum eti-
iiulette vimich is soomm to lie hiublishmed.
'l'tme suimihi boy who owns mm red sled It iuoiv
beggummg his mactimer to inuild a very timiek
basemmmcmmt to ii is vimm ter ummmtumloomms mum o mile r
timat ime uumay inivc mmulemitmmmte defemmses.
A yoummg couple iii Mussmmcimumsetts wore
uumum riled i mu a Imloomm , ; mimmil d roiied into mm svamumji
mit t Ii ( i eflol of t heir bmidmm I tm-i i' ' 'i'tme un 01st
couutlitloim of time UiOtuuld thus broke the force
of timeir lirst fumummhly jar.
A wealtimy society belle at St Louis has
eloped with imei fattier's coachummuiui. If a St.
Louis g'mml vumumts a duivimug hind of imusband
ime is commuhiciled to hook for iummn at time stumble.
Emmupomor Vi11hmumm imam bestowed tIme ( Iccormi-
tioum Of time order of time hllacIc Eagle oum imt
owmm wife , mimmit umow hme caum stay omit until
immiuln Ighmt vitimout mmumiki a g time c am mrcss ,
a bit mmngr.v. .Vihhiumm lummows iuk bustimess.
A womnium may foi-give time nmamm who slurs
time med hair of her children , limit time mumamm
vlio simiekems when it vomnamm fumlis limit on tue
sidewalk ummight as vei1 imopo to dammu ttme 1is-
sisslpim withm bugs of straw as to receive Imer
good ojuinmomu.
Old ( ient ( sevcreiy-"I ] fluid. sir , that you
have heemi cahltmmg omm my daugtmtciaimnost
- . ' ' Abashed 'Yotmtlm-"V-o-s
evem-y evemmlumg. - - - ,
sir. ' ' ' 'Amid sue declares that
. you imre iio.
eumgaged to her uimmd humuve not evcmm proposed.
I deunmmnil , sir--I I in mmmcd mumtely demand-time
object of yommi humtcntioums. ' ' ' 'Time-tue fact
is , sir , time ovemmummgs imave becum rumtlmemcooimshi
imitehy amid tue stoves in umuy uoardmng house
are mmot UI ) yet. "
Di.1. . \1eJcaums Liver and Kidney
Pillets imee mm remedy uirmd specific for
elm ills amid fever , rmmild imm their action
they mime umgreemtblo to take ammu a cer-
tmtimm etmie.
Some Interoetin Facte and Figures -
Relating Thoroto.
A Quest ion q to Their Legality-
Nmmuumci of time 'rcaelers--sflmmme ,
Stat 1st Icit - 'lime : ciums ( Jr
l'imli is V imielu tttemmiI.
Coi of NIght Selmoolu
' 1'ime' mmigimt i't'hmools , hum comm mmectiommvm tim
time imtuihic schools of this city , were es-
tabiisimcd some tiimme eam'iy in iecenuber )
last. 'l'iio rtule of time board of education
for time estabiisimmnemut of mmigimt scimools
is in effect that umpoum POtitiOui of thirty
utpphiCaluts for instructiomu 1mm ut given lo-
call ty , the so Pd rimi temu oleum t unity uipll mm t
it teitelmer for sucim class ammd 1wovido it
roommi. Time orieinutl mesoltmtiomm offered
by 'mV. ' 1. Copeimimud on hecemmmber 5 ,
18S7 , read ims follows :
Hesoiveui , 't'immmt the simper immtnumdemit ho
ammthmoried to open eveummumg seimool'm hum emmy
lummmt of time city , whmemi thmrty persomms Petitlomi
lor sumeli school mmmiii pledge timeumiselvos to attend -
tend its sessions m timmit time stiperintcmudemmt ,
tumour directiomu of the comummumittee cmi temeim-
ers ummud text boohis , assign teachers to sucim
eveumlmmg schools , to ho iuumtd * i mmmi eveumtuug ;
timumt evemmiumg schools be ohmeuleul lIve thiys mum
time vcek , fromum 7 1) . 111. to ti ; timmit time huller-
tmmteuudcnt , Ufllei ( directloui of time comulmumittee ,
mmrranuzu a coturso of study and enact rubs
for timese solmo ls.
Heholved , 'lhmmit wimeum time nttemmdumncc eu
mmmiv evcmmlmmg school fall below daily muvermuge
of ilftccmm for mummy week the superimmucudent
mnay close time school
Iii aceordmtumce withm time above , day
temicimers have bcem appointed in time
mumuti mu , amid in mnammy cites a teachuei , amid
imis om un' friends , would ohicit time
muccessamy umummibei of ; nupils to insure
time mcimool , foi which such teaeImei is
1)util ) at time rate of * 2 for aim evening
sessioum of two hmoturs.
Smume of timese sthiools opened imi Dc-
ceuuubei- lust , but time mnmmjoiity of timeumi
iui .Jaumtmary. 'l'hio the term extomuded
tiirwigh .Jammuai-y , Februimr'1areim and
ve1l i mu to April. 'l'imey vere as follows :
Bammcioft , vith Emmumna fliec tumid Kate A.
\Vaieot as teuteimers ; Cass , hattie Pratt ,
\Iutm'y I'raer , UmuteeVil bum. mlary
Simnoums , Susie Eveictim. Nellie flenmuett ,
Lizzie ' .loLeutslm amid Emily Hobimusomm ,
teutchmems ; Castelhmtm , I Ic rUm it Nmmgl ,
Emnmnmt Cmmrney , Hortemuso Smnithm. Ellen
Stoimi itmud Ammmeliut Cramuston , teachmem's ;
C'entcm , Miitt La Itume , Lumc' .1. Hoys ,
Maggie L"iuucemmt iuud Amnehhmt Simatttuek ,
IIuu'tmnarm , John A. 1radhey , \1amy
Alter amid .Jemmmmio Hoberts , tencimem-s ;
Jiard , ICate Stillwehl , m1inruie S. Iye ,
teuuhers ; Lemuven w rtii , ilrs. 1'eeime ,
C ) ! I vo I Lubiard , Ida , Ioim astomi , I dim
( reenloy timid 1)ora Lilhie , teuiehmers ;
Lommg , Smiummim .iicSiuutmme , hattie Eddy amid
Noun Lemimon , teutchiers. Ifowevem- , all
of timis rostem of teiteimers were not cmi-
gaged at one time.
Time ommrolhmeumt of pupils for these
schools immclmmdcd itmlils ) % -iiose ages
manged itnywhere fiommu sevemu to sixty.
but time majority were from betwecmm
twenty tumid twemity-liro. At time Iluii't-
fuel , Castohiam' amid Cemutor schools time
P01)119 s'ei'e jiriiiciimahly foi-eigmuors ,
Swedes iiredomnmnating ; imm the Izard itumd
Cass schools tim colored race huirgely
immetlouumi miutted , ummiol a goodly percentmmge ,
'it secuims , ( oily attended for time fumi they
could get omit of it , . utimd instruction was
it SecOmidtr3' ; couisit1eiatiomm.
The iepomter immterviewcl several of
time teachers , amid they wemo qtmitc uumami-
On Monday I will sell a lot ofslightly soiled WHITE BLANKETS at about half value. The Goods
are otherwise perfect and the best value ever offered in Omaha. This is a fact.
Black Astrachan 52 in. wide former price $6.50 per yard , now $2.75
Black Plush , 52 in. wide , former price , $4 per yard , now $1.25.
Double fold dress goods 1' ' 5andformer price 25c per yard , now 1 Sc.
A good white blanket , weighing 4 pounds or more , per pair , 90c.
A ftst dye Turkey red damask worth 40c per yard , for 25c.
A fast dye Turkey red damaskworth , 35c per yard , for 20c.
With every purchase amounting to $12 in the dress goods department ONLY , I give an excellent
opera glass. And to every lady buying' $20 in dress goods , an elegant Jeweled 6 lens opera glass.
Special values in dress goods and millinery for this week.
A. R. LOGIE , 1310 and 1312 Farnam Street , Omaha
= w " : -i =
- . '
- - - -
hnoum a to tIme beumeilt to be derive(1
frommm these schools.
( ) ne tumcimer , of inomo than ordluunmy
ai'tmmuieui mmmmt immtehhigemmee , 1mm reply to a
d i rect ( I tmestiomm ums to vhmetimemslmo
tiiommgimt mm ighut heimools % er1' of mummy hemme-
hit tO ) it mnatumicd 1mm imldi mmg hint
to emmrmi it iiveiihmood , a misivered
' 'Not of mmmumtcmiumh imenehit , ' ' after r
iuio inc a t's del i be mOat I o ii , ' ' im mm t ouumc' . ' 1' ii ( l
emmn hearum to ) read amid lviite meal 1mm mumammy
of the mtvoemmtiomms of liftu evomm with the
poorer elmmsses , timis bcmuoiviedgo iS CiV
mm-dim ! . lImit timero umie mmot mmmnum' nun-
ttmrcd . pupils umt timeso schools , it lmmrgt3
hl ) _ i. cemutugovuts umeule up of smmuumli lnuys
ammd girls , who work thmrotmgim t lie day
mmmiii luitve umo oilortummu ) ity to I muuirOVli ) time
ummimid except utt timtso mmigimt schools. ' '
' 110W ummammy of tiuOsO te'aciuers were
( each e is m it t ii 0 iuiIli I c s'hmomh ( s ? ' '
' ' \iost , if mmot ojumito miii , mmmiii r
do imot timiumk thus is right. I
thmimik time imard ommgimt to inevdmmt any
of the regular teaelmomg othiciat I mug at
mmightmu , as it destroys timeir huealtim amid.
i uuu hti vs tiuci m i mm terest ummu d t. thlcey I a
their dmtytimume duties. Yet. they mmrc mmli
cager to unlike amu extra doihmmiutuu(1 tic-
dare timutt time mm igim t iutupmls umre ( ) at- .
temitive , so sttmdiomms ammd emmgei to learmi ,
timmtt time work is uuuo'o of a vlcastumu
timami aimytimimmg olse. ' '
Last wimuter timere weme timirty-timmccm
teumeimers emumphoyed at uulgiuts , amid tue
estimuimttc for time mmppromcimi : mu g season is
still hmtrge r. I mm lotimi d mm mm muuic ) u-s these
scimools cost the city $3l3.50 : , mind
V1mOtiie1 time geol aecomuuplishmed wits
comuumuuemmsturate' witim time cost , is it jtmos-
tioum emmclm mumust aumswem- for Ii i mmusclf. I mm
teacimers' smtlnries aiommo fem time timm'eo
months $ ti,7r , ( ) wut expemuoled , wimlie the
jutumitor service cost $ . ! ( ) .50 Inure ; lamps ,
$ l25 ; fuel , li35 ; oil , $50 ; stumtioumomy. * bO ,
utmid text-books , $170. Tue 'stimmmatecl
'cost for time coining
seasomi limust mnmttc-
mlaliy Increase timese cxpenditmurcs.
it is leutrmmed fromum Suiei'imutermdemm )
.Tamnes tiuitt the total onrohhmmiomut fo- last
uvimuter s'mts P80. nmnI time tinily mu'em-mige
uttendaumee at timose schools coilecti vely
wums 135 , or umbotmt tmvomm tyfomumto eutcit
scimool. 'l'hio ii ighmt scluuoi umuntemial , iii
should io ummderstood , is of a mrotty umm-
certaimm quimtilty , amid umot of smmeum long
commtimmtiutnce as of those who have uuotim-
imug to uttemmd to or thimu Ic of but thmeit'
ticimool. Time lnmgest nttcndammcmj last
whiter 1mm fl single reeic was (01) ( ) , amid thu
avormuge daily rtttcumoimtmmce of nih tii.m
schools for time three unommtius aimmmt 400.
Out of oio : euuroiled , there were 8w students -
dents over tweuuty-ouue emurs of mmgc ,
among wimomim were twelve Over ( city
years of age.
Thu law says those tinder twenty-one
years of ago sluahl be mmiiowed to attemud
time schools witlmout , ehmnrge , but thme
board lots uuover ritooml in the 'ny of
older pupils attemuding. While thieve
are germom-nlly more males timamu ( ouuummbcs
utttommulimug tue night school , omit of 163
colored atteimdummmts there verc 63
womnomu. -
11m. .lammies is of the opimuion , uuotwitim-
stumumdimug the ( ( uuusidornbio midditional
expense , timmit these imigimt scimwIs lauvo
ItCOflu7)liSiiel a great deal of good , amid
should he mnaiumtaiuucd , wlmicim 1i , alho tlu
OiiuuiOtm of time uiiitjorit % ' of the board.
\v. .r. Conmuehl , attorney ( or tiucbommrii ,
sutid timat time hmt' moguhitti tug time estitb.
lisimm-icmmt of schools oummpowercd thu
boaud of education to Institute wimat
cvei sehmoohs they deem nlvisabbe ( fem ,
iUiilB between the imges of live anti
tweuuty-omie years , vitimoot charge.
Tiucro is muo bmw providing fom- time cimtab4
lishmuumcumt of sciiools for adults.
Ills 1teI , , , .
'rimno : Affable cleric-'Camm I be muuis-
taicemi ? Isn't timis the \1 ms. Cmoior wiiont
1 met so iieItSLtlltlY at Fimo I siamud tui is
mnumnmmuer ? ' ' II is cuustumer-\Vimy , yem ;
l'nm Mis. Croier , and I remember your
( mice ; lint 11 timotmgimt you told mmmc yeti
wore engaged in religious immmrbmmits ? "
Affumbie clork-"l'imis ' .
- is the mmmiii's soil.
hug departmnemmt , nmalaumm. ' '