Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1888, Part II, Page 14, Image 14

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. . i J * 5v" * - . / / /
4fajGXiti % teM " ise Burners ,
The perfection of heating apparatus
* * WStt. constructed on the latest scientific and
hygienic principles.
Perfect Radiation ,
Circulation and Ventilation
Combined in the most artistic stove
yet produced.
No more cold floors and unhealthy at
mosphere , and the consumation of fuel
reduced fifty per cent.
Call and examine the ACORN LINE which includes the ACORN BASE
ACORN OAK , the best Oak Stove made , all sold at prices lower than are
asked for inferior goods.
2407 Cuming Street , Near Saunders Street ,
Sole Agent for Acorn Stoves and Ranges.
PAID UP CAPITAL , $300,000SURPLUS $40.000.
o Interest on deposits , compounded Boml-annually *
Savings Certificates with Interest coupons attached.
DEBENTURE BONDS In Denominations of 82OO , S30O , $30O ,
and SIOOO , based upon Flrat Mortgage Estate Securities
deposited with , and bonds certified by the Union Trust Company
9 of Now York. Drafts drawn on the principal cities of Europe.
0. M. CARTER , Pres. D. D. COOLEY , V.-Pres. PHILIP POTTER , Sec.
I , . SI'.U'II , Itilll Ilou.ird St.OtnnhalmSliM\vn plans anil
HiK'cllluitlonsfui a ' .Mourn tnuno , whli lieoinbliies
iitlllty.cronoiny mill Ijfatity.inaway Inipossiljli' Iniinyu her g > 0il
linntu lotts rioiii * IU ) to Jl.i/J ) \s inoii ) Ijo mW * I lin\p ii1 o on
Mill linlmllt , s i I c.uiallonl toollor a co j > y lor * a3S3&f Imnil sets cf
f . fe'usotlie-rwIseliolnglrom S93 , , , . , , . , . .
* - * Yilnns for clmii lies , imu u-bl-
f , to per Lent IMtuntupnlU'd fur. gSfS .
' < lenco- < , and school house's hotels
I'nr a varli'tj nts u.l plum ff , , sta-
2 per cent inoru. i Lies , Inislnvss blocKs , etc , , ranging In cost tioni
' J < i,000 to t400KX ) . Only honest and le'll.iule contnii.tors eiiBagcel.
All persona whhlng to build nru kindly Inviteel.
Beautiful Pon-Picturos By au Ob-
sorvnnt Pedestrian.
llcmnnnlH or n Knee Nearly Extir
pated SCCIICM By the ItoailHiilo
Like lIciistH.
Afoot in Ireland.
C'op/i | ( yifd ? ( JS8S.
CAiinoxArui , Ireland , Oct. 3. [ Spe
cial Correspondence- TUB Bii'.j :
With eyes and heart wide open ono could
never tire of loitering wanderings in
wild , sweet Inishowcn , the most
northern district of Ireland. In form
likoa square standing upon the inverted
npox of one of its angles at Dcrry , at
the south , its opposite angles pierces
the Atlantic at the nortli with bravo
Mali u Head. Its eastern and western
angles reach into Lough Foyl and Lough
Swilly , the great northern ocean estu
aries. Perhaps it is forty Irish miles
from point to point of angle cither way.
Access to this witching region is had
but for a few miles from Derry along
Lough Swilly's shores by railway. If
you will know its beauties .vou must ride
upon a jaunting car , lind a blarneying
boatman who well knows the dange'rous
eddies , swirls and rips of the wild
coasts , or , bettor than all , trust , as I did
for 150 Irish miles of tramping , to year
own amgarious mood , stout legs , a black
thorn stick , and that most genial and
ample thing on earth , the hospitality of
the lowly Irish.
Of this famed region , celebrated the
world over for its lierco and warlike
chieftains of aneiont days , and , true to
its prestige of olden prowess , for Us nll-
connuering spirit of to-day , "the rule
Inishowen" poteen , against which the
mightiest potentate has not power to
stand on his foot ono short day or night ,
nJow historic facts may bu'ngreeably
recalled. It derived its name from
Kinol Owen , a son of the Great Nial , or
Niul of the Nine Hostages. When the
blush of the morn was breaking ovu- the
fifth century the latter bold monarch
divided Ireland between his twelve
Eons. This region then fell to the lot of
Pogan , or Owen , who gave it the naiuo
pf Initiliowun , or the Island of Owen ; us
the great loughs of Foylo and Swilly
Bwopt across the then narrow , shallow
nock now reclaimed , which in "slob-
land , " now joins Inishowon and Dorry.
The valorous families descending from
this branch of the Northern III-
Nlnll , wore the McLoughlins ; the
Di-Armld ; the O'Dcerys ( hence Decry ,
or Derry , the original name of London
derry , the aneiont acropolis of the
north ) ; the O'Cturcallatn , and the
O'Gormlys. The O'Doghcrttns , n fam
ily of the great Conelnan stock , from
YIoln } the ancient region of Tireonnell
received its name , being the "aisyest
drinkers , " as the legends have it , in
time brought all those clans under do
minion ; though the rival houses over
waged destructive war with each other ,
and do betimes in all lands where they
may gather to this day. But tlnally the
Tirconnoll branch prevailed over all ,
and hold their power unbroken until the
llnal domination by the English and
Scotch in Ulster , eomo 200 years ago.
But Inishowen was over a region unto
itflolf. The law prevailed In the air
above only , as It wore. The bold chief
tains and brawny followers gave more
than ono famous battle to the Orange
soldier , long after "Uoarlu Meg"
had ceased to bellow of James'
defeat from the ramparts of
DorryT And indeed within the half
century , many a proud squad of red
coats , charging into tlio misty moun
tain for offenders and the sake of the
law's awe , luno como back in great
speed down the Buncrana road , in the
same way aim for the same reason that
Piteatrn .s men took a tine run from old
Concord town , where
Uv the mile briilfjo that spanned the Hood ,
Their ll.i to April's breco unfurled ,
* once the embattled farmers stood
Anil llreil the shot heard round the world
with broken bones and cracked skulls
at the hands of the lively lads of Inish
owon. But might and want and time
will rot out the heart of even the brav
est and freest ; and gradually the rob
bers of lands and destroyer's of homes
have pushed their grasp in the- name
of the king , or the queen , into the val-
lojsalong the fair rivers , over the grand
mountains , and laid lasting hold upon
all. Hero and there a village has fol
lowed. But a race has been nearly ex
tirpated. Foreign masters have built
halls and castles. Bloodless agents
wring the hist drop of blood from the
white slaves of Inishowou. The
last of the Owens , the O'Dogh-
erties , the Tirconnells , huddle
in vile huts , and dig the soil
like boasts that their masters may in
opulence discuss details of the terms of
their lingering starvation. And so
while the grandeur and beauty of the
land lift the soul to the very heaven ,
this * ib why there is a Hugo of sadness in
one's journoyings ; and why , when the
peasants say the eternal mists of the
mountains arc from the tears of the
good fairies "keening" for the dead
glories of the region , there is a pathetic
smimilitudo in the tender legend of In
If you are a good walker you will eas
ily reach Moville , on the cast shore
some twenty miles from Dorr\in one
day , and have time besides for the beau
ties of Lough Foyloas the load stretches
along its western edge all the fair way.
Sir Walter Scott thought that nothing
could be more favorable than this
specimen of Ireland. And that is
true. The Inishowen mountains in
gentle descents , or hero and there
in bold headland spurs , como to the
waters of the lough in loveliest contours
and formings. Hero you cross nn an-
ciontbridgo , under which the streams
foam and thunder down. Beyond , you
may stand and look- either way , to 'tho
spire * of Derry or the white , clustered
homes of Movillo , with farm land , copse
and villas without number , sot like
bright fringes beneath you and above
the rippling edge of the lough. And to
the east across the broad expanse of
waves , there is an"overchanging view
of beauty and splendor , from the clitfs
of Benyovonagh , past the sharp escarp
ment of the basaltic blulTs reaching to
wards the Ballinascreen mountains
of Derry , with the dim far
heights of green Antrim be
yond. Nor is there lack of life
on the way , nor in any scone
upon which your eyes may rest. Foot
sore pilgrims to the holy welts trudge
patiently beside you. Small farmers
with small produce in their carts and a
bit of poteen under their vests , roar
songfully by. Ragged , all but naked ,
children from the cabins on the cliffs ,
and with their great blue eyes full of
unutterable longing , stand at the road
side like the wild hedge-weeds that
they aro. Beggars mumble and moan
and pursue until conquest or a sugges
tive twist of your black thorn. Droves
of swine for the weekly Derry fair meet
you , and the handsome gruntors for
the real Irish pig ready for the "llcsh-
er" is as pink and as fair as a brand new
babe uro a long time getting out of
bight. A doctor , or un agent , in his
Real Estate ,
218 S.i 5th St.Omaha.
A magnificent display of everything useful and
ornamental in the furniture maker's art ,
at reasonable prices.
smart trap makes tlio road ring
his horse furious { jail , us ho comes or
tfoes. Aruhiiwiogists or loss surious
iilcnsuto seekers speeil hv in their
hcursc-HK-o wnponette-s. And the jaunt
ing cur , loiitf life to it ! for tlio weal unil
wooofitb liory pussuycs ; with every
manner of niou tiud women 011 every
manner of mission , llahhin across your
vibion lilte .iciaribonc ; | ) 1 meteor iiliiijh-
ni { , ' the earth at midday. The great
Lough isalivowith muall craft at all
quests , nncl with binart tugs and tenders
hurrying with iiassongers and mails
from the huge steamers anchored oil
Movillo. The white trleains of light
house's and the red bulbs and snouts of
of fog bells and whistling buoys contrast
prettily with the blue waters of the
Lough. And your way leads through
strange bounds of strange life , half
caught from cabin above and villa be
low , winsome as the murmurs of some
pleasant dream.
I passed a night and a day in bright ,
clean , mountain-sheltered Movillo and
vicinity , in the meantime strolling to
the end of the coast roadway to Inish-
owen head , on the way passing the
ruined fortress of the O''lohertys' , and
the great Dungaree lighthouse ; for
from the half mountain behind the
head a marvelous view can bo had with
a gla-ib a clear day , embracing the en
tire sweep of Lough Foylo for nearly
thirty miles to the southwest ; the grim
Magilligan point , at the Lough's en
trance from the sea ; I'orUtowart
upon the dills ; the grand headlands of
I'ortruso ; the roinnnUc , occan-nallied
Skerries ; the famous ( limit's causeway ;
bold Hengorc head ; and , dimly towards
Scotland , the dark purple outlines of
Kuthlin's island beyond. Hut u long
ing I'tuno on me to know the people be
hind the mountains. 1 talked about
thorn with everybody in little Movillo
who would talk with me.
"They're najgurs altogether , " said
the sergeant , disposing of the entire
Inishowon peasantry with a contempt
uous snort , "liolikos.yo'vo no business
ut all amongst thim. "
"They're the divil's own smugglers ,
from Stroovo to Inch , * ' said the bluo-
btoused coast-guard , illustrating at one
stroke the mighty services to good gov
ernment ho rendered.
"They're both paid by the blackguard
govornmint that kapes the poor souls
under ! " said an old lish-wifo , with arms
as big as ouo's legs akimbo , and without
the knowledge of fear in her bravo old
That settled the whole matter with
me for u tramp over and among the
mountains , into whatever luck or ud-
ventures it might lead mo. I was a
whole day walking the liftcou miles
through the wild and interesting
heights to Cardonagh. This is the
mountain-village capital of the entire
picturesque region. "A thousand miles
from nowhere ; but the eintor of the
world , sir ! " was the lively description
vouchsafed by u tatterdemalion whom I-
found propping up the ancient market
walls with his brawny shoulders. And s o
it is to a host of souls who to have their
tiny holdings for bare existence , and
who never had vision , save in the heart's
longing , beyond the meager activities
of this quaint and nest-like spot. But
go where you may in any direction from
Cardonaugh , by white , winding road
way , by hedgopath beaten trough-like
by bare foot through the centuries , by
mountain trail to the rocks and heather ,
or by winding rivers that have strange
thrills in their voices as they call
through the echoing glens , you will lind
the cruel picture of Irish white slavery
illubtrntoa as I would to God every Kng-
Hshman , as well as every true Ameri
can , could see it for himself. There
would be but one party on the "Irish
question" ever after. 'Lord This , or
Sandy That , Kso.uwns every rood ol
O t A-H A
N.wTbor. I3h A. Dodge Sts.
Je ! t facilities npnarr tusnml remedies for sut
'rssful tre-ntiiitiit uliverv form of ili enseriqiilr.
ing Mdhcal or Surgical Treatment
Ilonnl nml Attendance , best hospital nccoimm *
( lotions in the west
\VRIT Kk CutcriARt on Deformities nml
llmces , Cluli Keel Curvntuie of the
Spine , Pile" Tnmor Cancer , Cnt.mli Hrot.ehitK
Itihalntlon , Hlectricilv , rarnlysit Htillu > > Kid
ne > , Illmldcr Kye , liar , bUili auil llloeul , ui'il all
MitRical Operntioiu
Diseases of Women a Speolol'.y.
Mll.lNll 1 P1ICULTT Or
All Wood Ii en es tncce fully treated Suili-
Illtic 1'oiioti removed from the * j tem without
mercury New restorative treatment for lo s ol
Vital Tower I'd ous unable toisit us may be
Hinted at home by correspondence All commu
nications confidential Medicine ! , or Instruments
cut by mall or express , tecurely pncKed , no
marks to indicate contents or hendtr One per-
onal interview preferred Call nml co"sult us or
end history of your case , and we will bind iu
plain wrapper , our
I'pon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases I in.
votency Syphilis. C.lce-t and VariCLCcle , with
tjie-stion list Address
Omaha ilnlifitl anil Surgical Itutltute.Qt
Cor. 13th ano Uodoe 5U. . OiVIAHfl.HEB.
The Kansas City Investment Co ,
! l ( ! < 'lituilHr ; of
Noilpl.ivs. All IniHlnvss done at this ollirt' .
land , confiscated from the forefathers of
those who now servo them under ii sys
tem of serfdom incalculably inoro
cruel in its endless sturvings and
degradations than the worst
forms of African slavery over
known to America. Why do these
miserable souls ouduro itV How can
tliey got away from itV Holdings of
miserable land , chiclly of peat-banks
and rocic , have been already through
the ceaseless labor and always limit-
taxed toilings , advanced in viiluo by
transformation into passably arable soil.
Hut that has never bonolitted the Irish
slave. Wherever this labor has in
creased the value of the holding , the
merciless master hus advanced the rent ,
keeping it over precisely at this lifesaving -
saving limit to the tenant. There are
no "good" landlords in Ireland. It is
an incontrovcrtablo ami horrible fact
that every acre of soil in Ireland is
rented for'the lust penny it will pioduce
and keep soul and body of the producer
In three davs' time I had visited
nearly two hundred huts and cabins in
the w'ilds of Inishowon. The more men
tion of the words , " 1 am from America , "
was a magical talisman opening every
door and heart. "Ileav'n bless ye for
that ! " "Kaally now an' ye'rc tellin'
moV" ' 'May vo bo saved for the great
journey homo ! " ' 'Ah , now , but tliat's
the line country , altogether ! " "An'
did ye bee my Dennis ? ' "Wor yo comin'
up wid my ould man , hirV" "Faith , but
our Kuty's there ! " "May the blessed
saints show ye our Phadriok , whin yo'ro
back ! " anil a hundred like greetings
and questions , with tremors from the
region of tears in them , were showered
upon me ; and may 1 be forgiven where
heart's hunger is no crime , for the
mild and comforting lies that I told
them. But one of the whole aimplo
ho-d , a poor old woman liviiigalono with
a goat and a pig in a hut , turned upon
mo. Had I boon her Michael darlun' ,
who the next blessed \ oar would bring
her out ? I had not ; but would find him.
She was as a Juno day of delight until
that fatal denial. No matter for my
brilliant exposition of America's goo -
laphy , its wide expanse , its munhor-
Icss cities. Ah , whore Michael was ,
was her America ciitirely. And Clod
bless the true old sou ! ofjn mother for it.
though she did slam the door upon mo
and glare unassailable defiance through
the little window frqm her stern , white
face , until the frills of her aneiont can
danced like wind-swept heather among
the hills.
Three things worn mdllo most Smnres-
sivo in those Inishowtm wanderings :
the hospotality which was often bewildering -
wildering ; the extraordinary bodily
frames of some of theso'lowly folk ; and
a touching , doggedly-patient faith in
the llnal freedom of Ireland from Brit
ish domination. Who can filly toll of
tills hospitality ? Wlwit other race on
earth is like thiHonewhichindividually ,
and collectively with not a shilling be
tween the body mid'tho ' "wolf at the
duro , " will bog , wheedle , blarney ,
forgivably Ho and almost physically
compel , you to partake of their generos
ity ? Not one. Hut of this tender
hearted trait of the Irish I shall have
more to say at another time. Often
upon the road , occasionally among the
peat-banks , sometimes in the Holds , and
often of evenings in the cabins , I have
come upon men of really giant stature.
And I have wondered , realizing their
hlaf-btarvcd lives , what splendid form
of men would they not bo , had they a
tithe the comfort in housing , care and
food enjoyed by the meanest of their
landlords' dumb brutes. All those
things will go rumbling through your
head and heart if you como to Ireland.
You cannot escape thorn. Hut the cry
out o ! the Iribli heart for
the freedom and opportunity of
Burlinglonl Burlington
! i
iTho Burlington takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing ; Nebraoka.
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
> v
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha propar.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
: Route
C.B.8Q.R.R. C.B.&Q.R.R.
Corner Dearborn and Lake Streets ,
This lieu o has luit licen thoroughly refitted
nlato itoi over I'p.iKHJ , nmklni ; It licttt-r
tlmn liny hotel of tlu.iun < prii < ' in tlio wi'sl
r.le'Mitor. I'le'otile lights , bath looms , and all
inodfin impioM'iiientx.
Rates , , $2 nncl $2.CO Per Day.
Ine'linllnKimals. ( e ntrall > located ; nrei > ssll > lo
to nil lalhvay stations , tlionteus and li.isine'ss
housi'S. btle'e't cats to all points of thu tit ) .
fepeiUl late-a to prott-stilemul peoples
We him-a imiitUPCHri1 for ITCMISO
IHIMI or llitHiisu I'll i- liy in
im1 tlious-imH of e. o1 * ol lonj ; Mtiml *
Ini : havu tn'c'ii t nrtM * * o Ktrontf 1 * our
lalth In Its uirallio IIUMIT * Hint we !
lll mall oiiu "iiiniilu tioxHUf to any
! MHIon.T N II This Is no huniliiiu ,
I > oit uuuall } ri'ce'lvo n box trio lijr re
turn Miiill , mot a lot ol olrc-iilarit , nnit
onu .iipllratlon | lll cnu\ln < t > > ottol
t s north. Mlilrp 'llV. . Mlllarit Co. , llullalo , N V ,
.Mention lliu Oinalm Hop.
our civili/ed time is compass
ing , and every bretith drawn
ib si prayer for Ireland's freedom. It is
as every where as the air , if you will pot
among the people. At times it ib start
ling in its manifestation , patient as
these scourged souls are. Over against
tlio Scalp mountain the other day I was
sitting in a peasant's cabin for a bit ,
and the family were all gathered round ,
eight or ten of them , from the oldest
sons , who wore young men , to the wco
child at its father's knee. This father
was a nobjo man physically , mentally.
If the old kingly blood does break
through the suppression of generations
and shine grandly in liguro , face , eye ,
gesture , oven tone and every expres
sion that can speak such evidence ,
here in this hut was that manner of
unconscious tribute. Ho was bitting
against the chimney angle , and had
been tolling mo their story in a modest
wav , hesitant at times , repressing man
fully the bitter undercurrent of his
thoughts : of their endlcs efforts , true
sobriety , struggles ngainst high rants ,
short crops and increasing burdens of
over-new mouths to feed ; of their poor
gropings after education , and how , in
"its steiid , the father of evenings sat in
the cabin and told to his , Hook over and
over all ho knew ; and finally , with low
ered voice , as though the hyena of an
angel might overhear and rack-rout
them out of that , how , by twelve years'
savings , a linlf-ponny at a time , enough
had boon got together to send , next
spring , the two oldest boys to America ,
where , if in the years they could keep
out of the great cities anil got a bit of
land of their own ( Ah , their
own ; and what a crushing ref
utation are these two words
from this Irish cabin of the atrocious
sophistries of the Georges and the Mc-
( Jlyniib ! ) . and God would spare the rest
of them to just once to see that great
joy , it would bo enough ; when the little
eliiid at his knee , over-wary of the
stranger , fell backwards across his foot
into the harmless pile of smouldering
peat at the chimnoy-baso beside him.
With abound the man had the unhurt ,
though scared and crying , child in his
arms , and in tones of sweetest modula
tion , was soothingly asking over and
over :
"Aro yo hurtcil my rushla machrco'i1' '
It was the first time I had heard in
the north Ireland's most inexpressibly
tender term of endearment , eushla inn
chreo ( heart pulse , or throb' ) , and it
thrilled me. 1 could no bettor than say
as a sort of solace to the general excitement -
mont ,
"It is easy to know the fatherscushla
ma chreo. "
lie turned swiftly to mo with a stern
face , putting the child almost rudely
awav. "No ! No ! " ho repeated with a
gesture of his clinched list that had a
wild and savngo grandeur in it. ' "Tis
not the child. Before God , the freedom
of ould Ireland's my cushla ma nhreo ! "
It may have been the wild soughing
of the winds among the mountains. It
may have been the nearer plaint of the
winds in the growsomo chimney. Maybe
bo there was an actual Bob in thr cabin
that I heard. But from somewhere in
tlio silence that followed after , came
this ,
Hv Hwcot loughs ; on the mountains ,
\Vlicrc murmurous fountains
Flow over the crags to the blue , circling
sea ;
On borccn ; by fair river ;
'Nc.-uh thatches where quiver
Pinched faces from want that has been ,
and will bo ;
' hcnrt-sob I'm hearin'
There's a - ,
O eicsoluto Krlnl
That rises above the hearse t > oues of the
And that Bobbin ) , ' will never
Joy calm , till , forever ,
Thy people triumphant o'r tyranny be ;
And , thy cushlii ma chn-e
' \Vo are free ! Wo are fn-ol"
State Line.
Toilu' ( < gm , Itrlfavt , Dublin and Llu-rpnol
From New York Every Tuesdav ,
Cabin PRS-UKO W > nnel i'fl , .icroiilltiK to location
ot stale1 loom. Inclusion } j."i to $1) ) .
Plepi.iKe to nml Horn llmopo nt I.o\\c t Itntes.
Al'bTIN IIAI.DU IN A. ( O . CPU 1 Agent * ,
M llroan\\ay. Now Votk.
JOHN lirKfii.V. : Ucn'l \ \ I'ste-rn Ai-'cnt ,
1B4 llandolnli M , ( lil ago.
IIUIIV i : . MOlir.Stont. ( ) . Onmh.i.
Reduced Cabin Itatt-s to Glasgow Ux-
Gossip and DcvelopinentH in ( lie- Prin
cipal Camps anil Districts ,
r.r , i'A o TuniPTAim > .
The movement to start a mining ex
change at El Paso , Tex. , has developed
into one of broader scope. At the lat
est meeting of people interested in the
project it was resolved to invite the co
operation of all mining associations of
this country toward the forming of ono
exchange that is to em brace Now
Mexico , Arizona , Western Texas and
Northern Mexico.
Formal invitations have been sent to
all mining associations in those sections
to unite and co-onerato with El Paso. It
has been decided to collect and main
tain a mineral exhibit at Kl Paso , and
whatever has been collected In that line
will bo forwarded to Dallas for exhibi
tion at the state fair.
A good deal of ore from Mexican
mines has come into El Paso during the
past week , not only from the districts
traversed by the Mexican Central road ,
but as far west as Central Sonora. The
Osa Negro ships hero fifteen tons of se
lected ore per month , which averages
from SSOO to $1,500 per ton. The mine
is owned by Kirk , Gage , Leach and
Durkee , who pay to American miners
two American dollars and board , and to
Mexican minors two Mexican dollars
without board.
At Chihuahua one of the smcltors
operated there belonging loan English
syndicate has blown out permanently
and all supplies sold. They refuse testate
state any reasons. In the Sabinal dis
trict mining matters have recovered
from the temporary depression of last
month. Only the best ere is shipped to
El Paso and it averages 700 ounces to
the ton. The importation of lead-bear
ing siUor ores from the Sierra Mojnda
by way of the Station Oacalon , on the
Mexican Central , continues undimin-
ishod. 1'or a week past the total impor
tation of such ores was 1 , ! lit ) tons , valued
at $ si ; , : > Sl. The lead in the ere was
worth about $12,000.
The Illnck IlillH.
Globe Democrat : The old Davy
smoltorof Galena , now belonging to the
Merchants' National banlc , of Deadwood -
wood , Dak. , has been leased toShoridan
McBralnoy , who. it is said , will soon
start it up in the interest of the Queen
Mining company. The owners of the
Queen assort , that they h.ivo enough
ore in sight to keep the smelter run
ning to its full capacity , but it is bo-
liesved that a number of mines in the Ga
lena district will unite in supplying the
smelter with oro. It is a forty ton
plant and was put in excellent shape
last year , but owing to a mlsun-
der.standintr between the mining com
pany and the owners of the plant the
smelter had to shut down. The Galena
mines have been shipping thnir ere
to Omaha this summer , and the news
that this phuit is likely to bo put in op
eration is received by them with great
The Jlomoitako company commenced
paying Keptombur 'Si dividend No. 122 ,
of 20o a share , aggregating $25,000 , mak
ing $220,000 paid thisyoarnisdl,62i,7oO ;
to date.
The publication of Pi of. Vincent' * report -
port in London on the Black Hills tin in
terests has created considerable interest
at Dakota and aroused the drooping
hopes of those who are sluicing all their
faith on the tin mines. The report is
variously commented on , but is , on the
whole regarded as very favorable to the
American tin industry. As a further
proof of the good faith of the Bluck
Hills tin owners , the question of erect
ing small mills to treut' the ore hero is
being earnestly agitated. The Nigger
Dr. J. E. McGrcw ,
Olio of llic Mtist SiiiTessful
Inthp treatment of Disi isps of the TIIKOATL
I.I hnIU uti. li \ i n , Iv i us us , l.t i and l.vit.
ll ) e.iti'i of the Hum ami .NHIVOUS 8\srrw.
l.l'll HM .mil N I uoi s 1 \n\i STIOV. A IIMM
Hllll ( . V Mlllll. MUM I Dlti'ilsi's ul lill < III llh
nm mid Hllll , nil Invaders of the M \ | \n
OIK. IN * .
AmriMittiNTiuiin all case's of I'lllVvTU
nn < l SKIS Dili \ \ - .
Ills ( I III s 1110 III.M Ulklll.l nncl I'I'UMM NT.
The moil ( iiisiiv in. i v-i s III.UIIMI lapully
ntnU'i hN ftu in of tio.itnii'iit.
'Iliedortm's tht'oty 1tliat no ilHi'.T-o ' liciilil
bo ippurded HI Inruralilii until tindlsc.isotl
dip.uils ( l-ttincil ( I'.iHti'i til in it c .mho irp. ill cil.
rrum hisji-ais if oxpoiiciRo in HH-IMI ami
1'uivvrt l'nuri , tiiiMlnitor'Md.iiiiuni ;
the Ijt ADIMi bll ( l\l l ls
co.Nbi I.TATION ruin :
Troiitment by coiicspoudcnci' , Send t.llnp
lot reply.
Oftlco Bushman Block , loth nnct
Don trlns Sts. . Urnaha. ob.
Hill company has expressed its
nunation to do so MHIM.
New Montnna
Globe Democrat : There is a good
deal of talk in the Fort Henton and
Great Falls napors about the Sweet
Grass Hills and the Wolf Creek districts
and if what is said is true thc'-o ' sections
will in time become noted as leaders ol
the mining camp * of the territory.
Paris Gibson , the St. Louis speculator ,
and Hobcrt Vaughn recently returned
from the Wolf Creek district , where
they had gone to .see the \\orlc of duvel-
opmont on their mines in that section ,
as well as to note the general progress
of the camp. Mr. Gibson says lie re
turns with greater faith than ever in
the Wolf Creek district. Numerous
leads have been discovered this summer ,
and as far as opened up they make a linn
showing. The ores all contain a higli
per cent of lead , and are besides rich in
silver. The indications are now that
Wolf Creek will bo ono of the greatest
carbonate camps in Montana.
Mining mon who have prospected in
the Sweet Grass hills unite in the opin
ion that they contain some of tlio rich
est gold , silver and copper mines in the
territory. Specimens recently brought
in from that section could do obtained
from only the pure liisiiro veins of these
metals. They would bo a credit to any
mining camp in Montana , and but few
of the most favored ones can show such
pionouncud evidences of great mineral
wealth. The veins are varying in
width fiom three to eleven feet , and
show greater width and undoubted
profits of permanence as depth is al
_ _ _
.Not n California Hear.
Anj body ran catch cold this kind o
weather. The trouble is to let go , like
the man who caught the bear. We advise -
vise our readers to purchase of the )
Goodman Drug C'o. a bottle of SANTA
AIUB , the California King of Consump
tion , Asthma , Hronchitis , Coughs and
Croup Cures , and keep it handy. "Pis
pleasing to the taste and deatli to the
above complaints. Sold at SI 00 it
bottle or ; i for $ l.r > ( l. OAMKOUN1A
CAT-K-CUHK gives immediate relief.
The Ciitarrhal virus is soon displaced
by its healing and penetrating nature.
Ghoita trial. Six months tiu.ttmont
$1.00 , sent by mail $ K1 ( ) .
California U'iiio.
The president of the California state
board of viticulture sajs that the great
obstacle to the Die sale of California
wines in the eastern states is the high
price demanded liv the retail dealers.
"California wino'rho says , "sold by the
barrel in Now York IH cheaper than
milk. Yet the dealers demand a profit
of 100 to 600 per cent on every g.illon.
It is this barrier we shall endeavor to
breakdown. Instead of our wino re
maining a table luxury wo shall make
it as cheap orciioapor than tea or colTeo.
It is the duty of every hotel keeper to
furnish wino without extra charge to
his guests , as ho does the latter bever
ages. Ho could do it just as cheaply.
and it is just as wholcsomo. In the end
ho would muko a greater prolit. "
An AuHiiliiieiCiiic ,
IB only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
anil is an ulnolutu cure for old BOH H , burns ,
wounds , ohiippcil nuu < ls , mid all sluu rrup
tions. Will positively curd all kinds ril nllrv ,
MENT Sold by Gooilmun Diug Co , at ! ! l
cnts per box liv mall SO cents.
Chicago Tribune : "You don't mean
to say , -lohii , that you are going to hava
a Btcam-hoating arrangement put in
the basement , do youV"
"I do , Maria , " said John , with iron
firmness. " 1 am going to keep tho-ia
feet of yours warm this winter il it
costs lOOOI"