THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY" OCTOBER 1 * . I888.-SIXTEEN PAGES. , KING CO. The Largest Manufacturers and Retailers of Clothing in the ; World , Will open their New DAYLIGHT store , at the southwest corner of 15th and Douglas Street OCTOBER 25th. We shall try to reach , you all later by invitation to our opening. But don't forget the DATE. Husbands , wives , children , we want you every one to come on the glorious Thursday , October 25th , and see for yourselves just what we intend to do for Omaha. We are one of you now. We are going to give you the best goods at living prices. WAIT FOR US. Co. , lolesale , ctaio. Browning , King & Co. , Retail , Cincinnati , ing & Co , , 408-416 Brown-si. , New York m. B > ft & Co , , Mall , St. Lonis. & Co. , Bono , Cnicaio. Browning , King & Co. , Retail , Milwaukee , f is. ill , Kim & Go. , Retail ! Plaftelia , Browning , King $ Co , Retail , Kansas City , Mo. Browning , King & Co. , Retail , Omaha , Ncl ) . BROWNING , KING & CO. Southwest corner 15th and Douglas Streets. R. S. WILCOX , Manager. LM MI m nsoNtmmmi A BREEZE FROM THE PACIFIC , News aud Gossip of the Week in San Francisco. A WAR AGAINST FRUIT JUICES. Tlio Murdered Fireman's Funeral The Bliaron-Tcrry Huslnoss Aiaiti Uillicrt Ixlniid Knvn es No\vn From the Golden Onus Han FranolHoo Letter. SAN FKANCISCO , Oct. 10. [ Special Correspondence of TiiKliKK. ] We have bud the funniest sensation over known in this city. Platts' Hall has for a long time been the scene of speculative crum bling , called the clock game , because the quotations of the Comstock silver minus were marked by an electrical ap paratus arranged like a clock. Men "coppered the clock , " or "played it open , " the parties operating the game paying tlio profits or raking in the mar gins according to circumstances. This had a wonderful fascination for our poo- pie in whom the gambling spirit is very strong , and the crowds that frequented the building to buck against tlio clock at last excited the attention of the po lice. Captain Douglas would not take any steps in the matter because he did not .see his way to conviction of the offenders under the exibting laws against jjuinbling. So an ordinance , expressed in the most explicit language , was passed by the board of supervisors , mak ing it an olTenso both to run the clock and to play against it. The mayor signed it , and Captain Douglas then laid his nuts for a big haul , detailing fort-four men to arrest everybody in the place without distinction. The arrests were made about 1 o'clock , the busiest time in the game , and H10 play ers were taken in charge. Nine of these wore wealthy and thov immedi ately deposited a hundred dollars apiece and were admitted to bail. Tlio re maining SOI were taken to durance vile , but a majority succeeded in getting bailed before a municipal judge at $5(1 ( apiece , before the discovery was made that the ordinance imperatively called for $100. The remainder of the un fortunates passed the night in prison and wore hauled up next day before Judge Hornblower who dismissed thorn on theii own recognizances , with the under standing that a test case would bo made of one of the proprietors of the clock. AS1OVKMKNT IN AID OK JUDO15 TKItUy. Sarah Althca Flill Sharon Terry had indulged in the pleasing hope that she would not bo molobtod any moro after her month in the county jail had ex pired. But she had scarcely reached the haven of her hotel when the mvrmi- dons of the law re-arrested her and toolc her back to her old quarters. Hago and grief combined throw her into a fever , and hbo is now seriously ill. In the meantime , however , her affairs are pro ceeding well , for sympathy has boon aroused both for her and" for Judge Terry , because Porter Asho insists upor it that her statement is true , and that he hold the sutchul with the revolver in it , and that it never passed into her iiunds. What is moro he has gone to "Washington to intercede with the president for a pardon for Judge Terry , und Senator Uegan , of Texas , liaa agreed to introduce him. People at first doubted Sarah Althea's statement because it eoemod in- redible that a court of justice should bo | the scene of so solemn a farce , but im- ilieit credence is now given to it as . 'eter Ashe has acted with such decision mil shown such indignation. Tlio up shot is that there is a change of public sentiment , which will have its effect upon the Sharon crowd , and neither Sarah Althea nor Judge Terry will bo [ lushed to the wall. C'HINKSK hAKOKKltS KXC1.UDED. Wo see in the papers cast of the Rocky mountains frequent statements that the exclusion bill will riot exclude Chinese labor , but that is a mistake. Notices that all such laborers arriving upon incoming steamers will be refused permission to land have boon posted on the doors of the custom house. The ' 'prior residence" c'odgo ' is not working with the success that was anticipated , either , for Judge Hoffman has very plainly intimated that he will not per mit his court to be used to defeat n law made in obedience to the wishes of _ the entire community. Commissioner McAllister has been more lon- icnt , but two of those whom he admitted as "prior residents" have been already arrested for perjury , and the chances are that they will re ceive the hospitalities of the state at San Tuentin. The eastern papers make us tired with their praises of the China man us a domestic servant. A trained Chinaman is a good servant , though ho cannot , be trusted , but an untrained one is worse than a green Scandinavian or Irish woman , and largo accessions of both these are pouring into the city now. Some curious stories are told of the blunders of raw Mongolians. A lady had an experience with ono which was rather funny. She made a lot of ginger cukes , which was the special weakness of her soul , and placed them in the cupboard. Next da.\ she wufr horrified rified to learn that the cupboard was bare , ( us in the case of Mother Hubbard. "John , " she screamed , "have you oaten thee ginger caUi's ? " "Me no subbee gingley cakes , " ho replied , with a Rinilo that was childlike and bland. She went into pantomime to describe them , and bhowcd the place where they had been , but \\hero , alas , they were not. Then he comprehended. He smiled again , and s-aid boftl"Mo : eatco ; mo no likec ; me tlow away. " AVAlt AOAINST KUUIT JUICK3. The senate tarill hill has received al most prniso except from the adherents of Claus Sprockets , the sugar man , und nobody cares about thorn. 13ut the wine men have discovered an unintentional llavr which would have a serious effect upon them , or at least they believe so. In schedule II fruit juices are admitted under a duty of C cents a gallon. This socms innocent enough , but Arpad Haraxthy , who is the king of the California wine men , pointed out to his co-mates in the busi ness that cherry juice , which would come in under the bill , was oue of the most imiKH'tant items in the manufac ture of fictitious wines , and that to pre vent this fraud becoming moro serious than it was it would bo necessary to pluco fruit juices or at least cherry juice under tha same category ns wines having less than 24 per cent of alcohol. The democratic papers have taken up this little thing and worked it into a moun- Uiiu , pretending to believe that the wino men who were exceedingly promi nent in the great-republican procession a month ace had experienced a change of heart and would support the Buckley ticket stained as it U with blood , and aU their united might. I saw Arpad Hnr- nzthy aud asked him about it. Ho looked disgusted and nald that the wine uicu almost regretted that their action had obtained publicity since it was so misinterpreted. They were solidly ro- publican and were likely to remain so. But they were compelled to fight the manufacture of fraudulent French wines in Now York without cessation , and to resist all legislation that might give a new lease of life to that nefarious business. Till ! M17KDUKBD KIUKMAN'S FUNEIlAL. The citizens of San Francisco feel very strongly about the shooting busi ness in the republican county committee rooms , and stops are being taken that will rescue the city from the domina tion of Boss Buckley. It is felt that if such methods of political action as he has re-introduced are not summarily crushed , San Francisco will be in dan ger of returning to the state of things from which the vigilants rescued it. There is no use in mincing matters. A largo criminal and u , larger quasi-crimi nal element exist in this city , and this comcti uppermost when the democracy is on top with just such results as the Harrington shooting scrape. How ex cited the people are was shown by the funeral of David Donahue , the fireman shot by Harrington. The room in which the cotlin lay was profusely deco rated with California ( lowers , many , prominent men not politicians sending splendid tributes. Of course the repub lican organizations were fully repre sented , and also the firemen of the city. Long before the hour named for the lifting of the coflln , the btroets in tlio vicinity were so blocked with citi zens who came to take off their hats us the hearse passed that there was consid erable difficulty in making one's way through the crowd. In front of the hearse was a delegation of firemen , each company throughout the city sending four men in uniform , but wearing black gloves and having on the loft arm a badge of black crapo. The Young Men's Institute , of which the deceased had been an honored member , followed the hoarse in great numbers , the entire association turning out. Then cnmo nearly a hundred carriages and hacks , and among the former wore many sent by the lending families of the oily though they were not present them selves. The Hon. D. McClure partici pated in the proceedings from the lirst to the last. Ho was present ir. thohouso and left after clods of oartli had been thrown upon the coffin in its deep grave at Mount Calvary. TUK niMllSRT ISLAND SAVAOKS. "From grave to cay , from lively to so- severe. " Such is life. While ull San Francisco was stirred up by the f unoriil , there was ono group that looked on most attentively without comprehend ing much of the situation. Four Poly nesians belonging to the Gilbert group of islands have arrived among us after a moft romantic experience. They were in a proa , and were blown out into inidoceun oy a hurricane. They sup ported themselves by catching fish , quenching their thirst by the blood of their prey. They were picked up by a bchoonor that had landed up with cnpra or dried cocoanut , and b cho cle mor , and was proceeding to San Francisco. Arriving in a dense fog the skipper got confused and ran the schooner ushoro at San Pedro , which is about fif teen miles below San Francisco. Nobody was drowned , and the four sav ages preserved their confidence in their wiiito friends In spite of the mishap. Perhaps they thought that was the white man's way of landing his big proas. When they arrived in San Francisco , to which they came by the narrow gauge line , they found a pro tector , a wealthy Australian , who is spending his time verv pleasantly in Frisco , finding it moro lively than New South Wales , Mr. Buchland can speak their language fluently , and was deeply interested in their adventureand more particularly by the strange light in which they t > aw nil occurrence. lie took thorn to a clothing store and fitted them out in American style and now they look like Digger Indians of a noble type , who have accidentally got tattoed. A subscription is being raised to jit out a schooner to trade among the island and restore the wanderers to their pnco loved home. But will they Ipvo it in the future ? After tasting .sirloin steaks and fish cooked in Spanish style , and Aspad Ilnruzthy's champagne , will they bo satisfied with raw fish and baked plantains ? Perhaps darkness is better than a light that blinds , CAMKOIINIAN OUVK CUI/1'UHK. Let those use ohvo oil who like it. For my part I prefer , for saled making , oil pressed from cotton seeds. It seems to mo that there is always a little taint of mnknoss about the former , but the export confounds one by saying that this is only the genuine flavor of the fruit. Some people like the rank flavor. Dr. Samuel Johnson had a passion for pastry made with rank butter , and the Ksquimamx , that enlightened people , drink rancid whale oil with the same gusto that a San Franciscan .shows in disposing of Eclipse champagne. A much respected citizen of Fri&eo who comes irom tlio south of France is en deavoring to create n sentiment in favor of olive culture in this state. He says that they will grow better hero than in southern Franco. But we have always known that. Why , at the old mission of San Jose.there arc olive trees as large as elms , and more than a hun dred and fifty years old. When Father Keybcr had cliargc of the mission he was enthusiastic about the olive trees of the church confided to him. He had a habit of inviting friends to htop at tlio mission and. poisoning thorn with virgin olive oil. I was unsophisticated in those days , and allowed myself to bo poisoned with a good grace , which so enchanted the old father that ho prom ised mo something delicious for break fast next day. When the promised dainty arrived it was , rye bread fried in the thick green lees of the oil , and as I was partly committed I atesonu'uml in consequence had to leave suddenly for the napa valloy. I never wont near the mission again until the dear old man had got a new fad , and had re nounced olive culture as faithfully a& the pomp and vanities of this wicked world. Tio. Reviewing the Harmon. Texas Stftings : Mm. Smith "How did you like Di' . Pulpit's sermons last Sunday ? " "Mrs. Brown "I thought it was per fectly grand , didn't you ? " "Yes. The way ho pitched into people ple for talking about their neighbors did ray heart aild Boul good. Did you notice how thut wntomptiblc , cro- - eyed thing , Mrs < Hoioncs , colored up ? And no wonder , for I in sure don't you breathe a word of ii though that she is not ono bit better than she ought to IHJ. Why , her husband'goes ' away and loaves her for weeks at n timo. She hnys he's u traveling man. I'd like toknow whore ho gets the money to travel on. " "Aud look at the way she dresses ! " "O , it's awful ! She ought to be churches. " "That's just what I think. " An Illustration. Burdotto' "I don't understand"said Hello , looking up from his book , "why an excess of wealth should bo a bad thing. I should think the wealthier a man was the happier ho would bo. " "Not at all , boy , " said his undo George , wearily ; "possession in moderation is the right thing. Now , nerve is a grand thing ; it's splendid for n man to have nervo. But if ho has so many nerves he cnn't keep the rest of 'em quiet long enough to put that ono to sleep his riches embarrass him. " PLENTY OF WORK FOR ALL , What Manner of Mon the Tramps Aro. LOTS OF UNEMPLOYED GIRLS. A Itcportcr'n Investigation of tlio Needs of Employers Wages of all Manner of Workmen IndustioitB Italians. "Work and " \Vnecs. The natural inference would be , judging - ing from the largo number of men who undergo the process of the police court every morning on the clmrge of vagrancy , that employment is scarce in Omaha , and thut the city is overrun with idle men. But such , happily , is not the case , and mi inference deducted from such a source is fallacious. The army of vags run in nightly in this city constitute an element of their own , as bona fide and as distinctive as that of any other that goes to make up the het- erogenous population of a largo city. The vagrant clement is possessed of the idea that to it the world owes a liv ing , and they are nothing to them selves nor the world cither. The only time they will work is when absolutely compelled to , to stay the cravings of hunger or thirst. They constitute the loungers about the dives and doggeries , the luzzuroni who stand about the street , corners and public ways , basking their worthless lives away in the sunshine , with uoobjcct in livefor , no aimno wish , no ambition above a chew of tobacco or u drink of whisky. You stop up to one of these corner statues and ask him "if ho wants workand the inevitable reply will bo in the negative , They'll let you know when they want work , and it is ton to one that they will manifest in dignation ut your presumption in in quiring into their wants. Hut so fat1 as men being idle through failure to get work in this city , tlie number is comparatively small. Good men , in any line , young or old , experi ence no ilift'culty ' in finding plenty of employment for hand and brain' in Omaha. Of course theru are some de serving men in hard luck as there always is in towns of this size , but all they have to do is to persevere , and their ctlorts will sooner or later meet with just reward. Omaha has work for good men. A BKI : reporter made the rounds of the city and saw scores of the advertis ers /or help in the want columns of the daily press , and the unanimous verdict of the daily press , and the unanimous verdict of all is that no steady , reliable , industrious man or boy , with a trade , bo whatsoever it may. can offer any reasonable excuse for idleness in this thriving , pushing , energetic , prosper ous city of ours there is employment for all who honestly want it. The reporter dropped in on a firm who had advertised for four alvanl/.ed iron cornice woricers , and asked if they wanted buch a man. "Thatvo do , " said the proprietor eagerly , "ana for a good man , or a half do/.on of them , I'll give &J a day. Are you a cornice worker do you want a Job ? " " ( lot one ? " "Where ? " "With TJIK BKH reporter. " This gentleman then proceeded to In form the scribe that they had not yet succeeded in getting the force they are in need of and that in their line there arc no idle men in the town. Ho said first class men could readily command $3 a day , while oven a passable man would draw not less than $2.50. There is no surplus , oven of common day laborers in the city simply from the fact that there is such an enormous quantity of improve ment in progress that all can find work , The blackboards of all the employment agencies in the city are unceasingly covered with their calls for teamsters. The former are paid anywhere from $1.75 to $2.60 and oven as high as $3 per day for particular worlc , while a team ster can procure steady employment at 82-5 a month and found. A good mechanic can alwars find plenty to keep his hands full , and there IP no good reason why the majority of them should not bo well off in this world's goods , and many of them are. There are innumerable contracts being let even as late as this , and hun dreds of foundations being put in. There is plenty of work for brick layers right now and will bo for three months to come. And then a good bricklayer commands 55 cents an hour , and they ought surely bo able to eke out a pretty fair sustenance upon such wages. Carpenterstoo , arc in precisely the same boat , there is plenty of work for them at 30 cents an hour. In conversation with one leading con tractor the reporter learned that dagos were pretty generally considered the best cvcry-day laborer. They can bo had from lie to 50 cents cheaper , and are bolter workmen , in fact they know noth ing but worK and you see no ' 'soldiering1' among them , it is one steady , incessant grind with them throughout the live long day. You see no idle dagos , if ho isn't selling "do banan , " he's in the ditch , the mortar-bedon the road , with pick , bhovel and wheelbarrow , plodding away for his pittance of the stuff that makes the female equine accelerate her speed. Brick masons' tenders are well paid , receiving from $2 to $2.50 a day , with plenty of employment. A lirst class tailor need not remain idle one moment hero in the city of Ornaha. There is any quantity of work for them at from $2to 830 a week , while "bushelmcn" can earn from $15 to $18. Good tinners , too , are in demand , at 82.75 and &t a day. An advertisement for a good tinner would ovoice but few responses , simply because there is a poverty of good tinners who want work anywhere. They almost always find ready work. Good cobblers make from 810 to 814 a week. There is not much of a demand for this class of labor , for the day of custom-made boots and shoes has gone by. and this work is concentrated with in the largo cities. Small establish ments are almost unknown these days , and shoo stores instead of doing u cus tom work , simply keep a repair shop in connection with their business. There seems to bo more young women anxious for positions , clerkships , book keepers , assistants , typewriters , stenog raphers , and so on and so forth , than there does men , in facial a ratio of ton to one. And an advertisement for u young woman to fill any one of the posi tions enumerated , would bring out u Hood of application ! * . The majority of these applicants , too , will be young ladies of culture and refinement , neat and tidy in appearance , and illy sugges tive of want or the nocesiity of earning her livelihood. But still It is so , and to-day there is in the city of Omaha thousands of young women and girls , willing , eager to take nn active part in the toil of the great hive of life , homo from necessity , others from a desire for occupation , and u laudable ambition to do for themselves. HONEY FOIl THIS LADIES. The toque and the cupotu arc almost equally - ly in favor , and felt divides honors with vull vet material. Coat-basques , with square side pockets lort on the hips , arc bemi ? iniidu by fashlomiblo modistes fordemi-tollot wear. Along with the empire Rown coma tha rcticulo of our great giaiuhiioihcrs , winch will be made in plush sur.ili or the gown- stun. Black and cold bonnets may be worn with powns of any color , and the irttxlures of blucU and preen mahogany have almost as wide a range. A revived fashion In the construotlon of fancy bodices Is the irilroiluction of sleeves of contrasting material , velvet , brocade , uiolrc , etc. A now leg-'o-inutton sleeve has appeared , with a flat cm broidery in beads and silk at the top and around the waists. A vest dec orated in like manner is then in order. The china orapo collarette is of all colors , sometimes matches the gown , but moro of Ion is In contrast , i always stiffly fluted , and sometimes edged with a buttonhole scallop in silk lloss. The new big-hooded capes made m satin- faced cloth , in all similes of gray , tan and drab , the hoods lined with some softly con trasting color , promise to bo much worn this winter. A very favorite head-covering this season is the brimless toque , with Its oblong ciown of dark straw or French felt. The shape is a sort of compromise between a bonnet and a round hat. The style mostly selected in the straight dress has a close cuirass bodice in a long point front and back , the fronts usually fast ening diagonally from the right shoulder to the left hip. Many of the new flannel blouses for au tumn are cut with rovers and rolling collars that recall a coat , and are worn ever a front and high collar of cream or pale Ilannel , that stands high about the throat and supersede. ? the linen collar. The direetono coat hath all costumes for - , its own. Even the ulster doe not nscapo , for some very now ones are very muoh cutaway - ' away in front over a vest of carolul silk folds , and have the big rovers turned back to the shoulders' tip. The mixture of silk and wool so much noon in the gowns of last summer is to bo uioru than repeated In autumn and winter toilets , mid that very open omhrnldory done in bilks upon cloth anil underlaid with a LonstrasllnK color will be in high favor for their trlmj mmg. Sarah Althca Hill , the wife of D. S. Terry , if out in a proclamation in the San Francisco press relative to her recent assault upon Jus tice Field. She signs herself "Mrs. U. T. Terry , nee Mrs. William Sharon. " This U the lirst time on record that a woman was born the wife ol u male riti/cn. The alpine hat of felt , with binding and band of handsome ribbon , and the low- crowned turban of felt , volvet-faood and all a-glilter with plumage and jewelled orua- incuts amid its loopy ribbons , are tlio two horts of headgear most affected by tlio best drubsers for early autumn wear. Mrs. Mona Caird , who started the discus- on "Is Marriage n Failure ! " spends most of her lime on a large estate In Hampshire , di viding her tlmo between superintending her farm and performing literary work on type writer. She is the author of two or three novels and is as bright in conversation as shs is radical on all social ( mentions. Mrs , Amanda Dulrnas , the lady wlio Uai just been received as a member of the Louis iana Sugar 1 Man tors' association , is a south- oner and a creolo. Her youth was spent in the luxurious case and indolence In which lx > uisiana planter * ' daughters are reared , and until but a short tlmo ago was entirely dependent on others for counsel and support , A few years ago a change in circumstance * threw the entire responsibility of a largo plantation on her shoulders. She proved Iicrsolf equal to the uuierircncy , however , and has managed the crops with consummate skill. Her business methods and her jadg- - - f mont are highly prulsod by neighboring planters and managers. i For llcadach Use Hostbrd'H Auiil 1'Jionphalo. Dr. L It San ford , Shoftlold , Mass. , aaysj ' Most excellent in derangements of tha nervous system , such as headache and sleep lessness. " .