Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1888, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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Offer you at all times good .safe investments on your money.
Good season able and wearable goods at moderate prices , is the great
demand of tlie masses. We are supplying that long felt want every
day , and the phenomenal success we are meeting with is entirely due to
Barr's goods , Barr's prices and Barr's methods.
We have but one way of doing business , namely : a UNIFORM Low
PRICE ON EVERY ARTICLE in our establishment. We offer you no
"Baits"on a few thingsand charge you outrageous prices 011 the balance.
Our superior advantages in the European and Eastern markets ena
bles us to pick up special bargains ; those we treat the same way , namely :
we give the people of Omaha and vicinity the benefit of all and every
purchase so made.
There is a satisfaction to every purchaser to know that the lowest
round of the ladder in prices has been reached by them , also that they
have not been deceived as to the wearing qualities. By doing your trad
ing at Barr's you reach these results every time ,
Corner 16th and" Douglas Streets.
Thrilling Adventures and Escapes
of Bravo Driver.
"Wlint tlio Hero of the Rubber Suit
Told n Heporter A llutuim
Ainpliihlnii and What
Ho Saw.
A Diver'H Story.
"Yes , 1'vo spent a peed deal of time
under water1' said Mr. ljetor K. Sculloy ,
of the contracting linn of Hopkins &
Sculloy , that has so successfully huilt
the Omaha and Council Bluffs bridge.
"For sixteen yours I never earned a dollar
lar on top of it , but I turned over a. good
many at the bottom.
"How did I start into the business V
Well , It was away back in ' 53. My
father was a stone cutter , and I learned
the business. lie wasn't paying mo go
ing wages , however , and I ran away
from homo. I struck n job at my trade
when they were building a bridge
across the SchuyUill for the Reading
road , iind in those days they .sank stone
pillars at the bottom as a foundation for
the piers. Somehow they got them too
long , and they had to bo out down. Wo
had a diver , but ho didn't know any
thing about stone cutting , and 1 was
young and volunteered to go down and
do it. I got through it all right , and
they paid me $10 a day. No more stone
cutting for mo then.
I quit , and I have boon in the diving
business more or loss over since. What
do they pay a diver ? Oh , all kinds of
prices. I'm paying one man $2.r 00 a
year , whether ho works or plays. Good ,
all-round divers got from S.'IOO to $ - " > 00
per month when they're working , but I
only know of four in America worth
that. Sometimes they pot heavy pay
for a risky job. I once got 31,000 for
three hours' work.
"It was when they wore building the
St. Louis bridge , and I was working up
the stream for $ -100 a month. The su
perintendent came up and ottered mo a
Job , but when I told him what I was
getting ho said ho could got all the
divers ho wanted for ? l"-5 a mouth , and
that settled the deal. By and by the
river begun to raise , and his men
couldn't stand it , and came up without
being able to close the gala in the
caisson. lie sent for mo and I managed
to do it and saved the pier. Then I
sent in my bill for 31,000 , and after
Crumbling a day or two ho paid it. It
was worth it , though , for the river was
running fast and I was down 110 feet.
"You , I've done work In Kuropo and
South America , " continued Mr. Scully.
* 'Ivr.s in the employ of the Now York
'Wrecking and Diving company , and
they used to send us wherever they
had a contract. I was one of two that
were sent to Sevastopol by the way
that is the correct way to spell it , for
the Russians have no 'b' in tholr alpha-
Tet to raise a lot of guns from the
wrecks in the bay. They wore ralsod
on account of the British government ,
anil our company got the contract. Joe
Atwood and I wore sentout.and wo wore
there absut cloven months , but I never
could got my tonguoaround their lingo.
Wo worked in about eighteen fathoms ,
and recovered n great deal of property.
Jhen I was sent to Valparaiso in outli
America. They wore building a dock
there , and I was bent down to saw oft
boine old hickory piles that had been
under water for a century. I thought I
could cut out about n half do/.cn a day ,
but they had almost turned into bone ,
and I was in luck to cut out one in two
days. They had them carved into all
kind * of trinkets and sold them for
curios. But most of my work was done
in North America. "
"No , I never was troubled with
sharks. , " continued Mr. Scully , "ajid
very few divers are when they wear
suits , though T do think they might be
troublesome while a man is on top of the
water. But they are very big cowards.
The only fish that over troubled mo
were the eels and a kind of jelly fish.
The eels are very inquisitive and come
up and look in your eyes or poke their
heads between your lingers. The jelly
fish adhere to your hands , and leave a
smartingitching sensation worse than
handling nettles. "
"How does it feel beneath the water ?
Well I can hardly describe it. It's
rather pleasant for thirty or forty feet ,
but when you go below1 that , you begin
to feel a pressure on the chest , and you
can tell every foot you go below one
hundred , and you can toll any one that
talks to you about divers going "down
oOO or 400 feet , and seeing dead bodies
lloating around wrecks , that its all
wrong. No living man can go down
that depth and come up alive , and be
sides , no matter how clear the water is
you can't see live feet from you. I've
road a newspaper forty fcot below the
surface , but the water looks like
a fog and yon can't see
anything a few feet away
from you , More than that , a diver
doesn't keep his eyes _ open ho can't ,
he would bo blinded if ho did. If you
got on the fiunny hide of a wreck the
reflection of the sunlight through the
water and through the glasses in the
helmet dazzles and injures the eyesight.
Then when you go to what you might
call the shady side of the wreck , or in
the cabin or hold of a sunken vessel , it
is as if you wore in a soaof ink blacker
than the darkest midnight. Divers do
their business by the touch , and that is
why some of thorn that are first-rate ,
bridgeinen are no use around a wreck ,
others know just where to put their while
hands on any part of a vo aol , and can
detach and recover the machinery and
other valuable portions. "
"Tho deepest I over wont down ? I
guess it was in lake Erie , when old man
Quigly , a Canadian , and myself , went
down 105 feet to bring up the safe of the
steamer Atlantic , I don't know how
much was in it , but of course they said
it was a milllion. I once did bring up a
million though and flvo of thorn
at that , all gold. It was when the City
of Haiti more sank in Charleston har
bour ton or eleven years ngo , and she
was bringing in $0,000,000 Knglish gold
as the proceeds of the sale of some rail
way bonds. When they opened the
safe , emptied the bags , and counted the
coin it was piled up like wheat in a bin
and was the most money 1 over saw atone
ono time in my life. "
"Divers have to take a good man >
chances , though , and are often knocked
out without a minutes' warning. A
break in the air pump , a kink in thoair
tube , the fall of a rock , or the ono hun
dred and ono things that may and do
happen , go to lesson the number every
year. If the air gives out while they
are working at any depth , the life is at
once eruwhod out of thorn , they are
ghastly looking objects when brought
to the surface. Generally , the back
part of the head and the front of the
thighs are burst open , but death is al
ways sudden.
I've Boon a good many killed , and in
different ways. * l' worst was
it St. Louis , where they wore
aying livo-foot water pipes , and
, he diver employed a worthiesbrother -
in-law of bib to attend liiin. I warned
liitn , but ho had the privilege of en
gaging his own helper and ho went
down. Two hour * afterwards I was
passing and saw that something was
wrong , and another diver wont down.
Ho found him wedged in between the
the ends of two of the pipes , and ground
put of shape as if a railroad train had
oassed over him.
Ike Vinal , a Boston man , was killed
by the engineer in charge , who was
thumbing the valve of the air pump in
an absent-minded way , and turned it oil.
Ike was on board at the timo. but didn't
notice it , and wont overboard in forty
feet of water. He was brought up dead.
Pat Anthony was working along side of
mo at Havre do Grace and was hit with
a rock that fell from above and Jim
Jordan was killed in the same way by a
heavy chain they were lowering from
the surface which slipped from the
hook * .
There was another man , an amateur ,
killed near Baltimore. Then divers
were scarce and they wore worth $100 a
day unit they counted it a day if they only
wet their suits , . Wo wore doing homework
work for a gas companyand they kicked
at the price , and finally bought a hiiit of
their own. It just fitted a big Scotch
man and ono Sunday morning he was
sent down. Ho didn't got down , however -
over , for they forgot to weight down his
feet with lead , and hoeouldn'tbink. Ho
came aihore once or twice , and although
badly scared was persuaded to try it
again , and ho told them that if he did
not sink they wore to push him down
with boards and when ho got to the
bottom ho could stay there. They filled
him up again , and as ho did not sink
they were following his instructions
and trying to push him down. They
had bo'cn at it naif an hour and I rowed
across and told them to stop or they'd
kill him so they pulled him out but ho
was dead. The air had kept his foot
and body afloat while the heavy helmet
kept his head down , and either the
fright or a rush of blood to the head
killed him.
"Then there's another thing that
kills the diver , but that's when he's
above water , and its paralysis. You see
the men who can work under water
with the least air make the best divers ,
because they can keep their foot and
not go wabbling around when at work
on the bottom. Men like that just have
air enough in tholr suit to lot them
breathand there is little ornono in the
leggings of their suits. The pressure
of the water is so great that it forces
thcso leggings close to the Ilesh , and
I've seen them stick so closely that I
couldn't pull thorn away. In cold
wcatho" the legs become chilled and
numb and its only a question of time
till paralysis follows. Joe Atwood , that
I told you about , has boon paralyzed all
over the body for fifteen years and can't '
oven move his head. Ho got it while
along with mo in Green Bay where wo
wore raising a vessel loaded with rail
road iron. It was very cold , and I was
sick. Joe had boon down ills watch ,
and came up at 8 o'clock , but when ho
saw I was sick and know there was only
one chain to pass beneath her , ho wont
back and finished the job. Ho looked
chilled when ho wont down the second
time , and I told him not to go , but ho
did , and when ho came up his logs wore
quito benumbed. From that day out ho
gradually grow worse until now ho is
lying in his home at Columbia , Pa. , un
able to movo. "
"Was I over near killed ? Well , 1
read my own obituary once , after I had
boon under water from 7UO : Monday
morning until 11 o'clock Wednesday
night. It was at Uavro do Grace- and I
was capping a pyramid of loose rock
with a slab about ton fcot long and nix
inches thick tor the foundation of a
pier. They wore lowering it down and
1 was jtiat.shoving it into position when
it epmnieni'cd to slip towaids nu , and in
tryinir to get out of the w.iy I slipped
and foil. IJefore I could get up it was
on mo and preyed me face downwards
in the soft mud. 1 tried to make a chan
nel to crawl out , but every time I did
the sides caved in , and the rock preed
me down still further. M ) I quit. I was
in seventy-five feet of water , and
the men ont down couldn't stand
it and had to leave me. In the
meantime they telegraped round the
country and old Joe Battle came down
Wednesday morning. I had always
thought I would get out , but , although
I did not know how long I had been
there , I was giving up hope when I felt
.Too put his hand on me. Ho had lost a
thumb and I reeogni/wl him when ho
caught my hand , and I know he'd .stay
by me. Ho did stay , and I got out that
night but during the last few hours the
signal cord got foul and I couldn't sig
nal and they thought I was dead , and
that was how they came to print my
obituary. Poor .loo was lulled by the
bursting of an air pipu in Lake Michi
gan.Ono time I was eruihod by a steamer ;
and then I thought I was gone. It was
the Mollie Abel that sank near Lonv-
on worth. She had ahix-foot plank torn
from the bottom , and the full force of
the pumps would jut her about
four feet and no higher. I dug out a
channel beneath her and worked my
way nlong it on my back carrying a plank
to" lit the leak , when ono of
the pumpi stopped , and hho
settled down on mo. The channel
was the only thing saved mo. but
she pressed so closely that I thought my
time had coino. They started up the
pump , however , and as she slowly
swung up I rapidly slid out.
' Yes , the sea hides many secret. * , and
homo of thorn should never bo told. I
was employed by the Underwriters'
association , but I had to leave in two
months to save my life. A gang of cut
throats , who called ihomselvo * vessel
owners , wore in the habit of heavily in
suring uiiboaworthy vesnols , and then
putting to boa and scuttling them. I
was bent to investigate , and fou'id a
number of such. One of them , the
Sarah Mingo , sank junt out of Bnlti-
more , and I had to go down twice , the
second time to bring up the plank that
contained the augur holes. I did it , and
was a witness , and after that was warned
to leave town.
"Yes , I've rocovqred a good many
bodies , and I guess I took the most
from the 'Morning Light' after bho
sank off Bangor , Mo. They were all
easy to move oxc < ? pt one. The
hatches had boon battened down , and
they had boon drowned Jiko rats in a
hole. Wo knocked off the hatches and
I went below , but all wo had to do waste
to catch a corpse , tow it to the open
hatch , push it thrpugh , and it would
rise to the surface and bo. secured. There
was ono long-whiskered old man , however -
over , that would not rise. I pushed him
up a dozen times , and next time I'd
como back , he'd bo rolling back and
forth at the foot of the hatchway. I
finally loft him nlono until the rest
were all up , and then my partner and I
carried him up between us. When they
were dressing him for burial , they
found ho had boon weighted down with
n bolt full of gold , but there was noth
ing to say to whom ho or it belonged.
There was a Swedish woman drowned
in the same vessel , and when wo came
to her wo found two sweet llttlo twins
clasped to her breast. She had
a shawl wrapped around them
and her , crossed in front and
tied behind , and her arms were
foldn'.l around as if to protect thorn , but
hfr efforts had neon vain. She was a
handsome girl , and with her babes
made a picture I can't forgot , and the
ladies of Bangor worts so ntlected that ,
they bought a handsome collln with a
glass lid , and all one day the residents
( locked around to look at her. No ono
know her and doubtlo-s the luisb.ind
and father .spent inanv a weary night
before ho gave up for lost the passenger
on 'the ship that never returned. '
"I recovered the body of another
woman , and a very handsome one. hut
although the sympathetic ladies of Bal
timore furnished thocollin , and the sad-
no-s of the case won her every token of
respect when dead , I won't give you the
nanio of the ship for her friends may bo
yet alive. She was drowned in a coal
laden vessel that went down in a squall
while at anchor oil Harbor do Graee.and
while the woman's husband , the captain ,
wnasl'oro rectifying some errors
in his clearance papers. Of course , ho
was terribly cut up and didn't give a
thought to his entire fortune that had
gene with the vessel , but only wanted
to look once more on his wife. I was
doing bridge work then , and the supcr-
intondpnt came down and told me to trv
and raise the bodv for the captain's
sake. 1 went and felt my way to the
sliding door of the cabin , but couldn't
open it. I thought it was either sprung
or swollen , and went above for a crow
bar to force it open. I succeeded , but
found the door had boon locked. Then
I groped my way till my hand came in
contact with a lloating body , and as I
drew it to the light 1 found it was that
of a man one of the crow in night at
tire. Again going in 1 found another
corpse , and this time it was that of the
woman , who was also in her night dress.
I shoved back the body of the man and
brought that of the woman to the hiir-
faco. whore it was received by the liu.s-
band with an outburst of grief that
touched the hearts of all that saw
him. They asked mo to bring up such
of the crew as 1 could find , but I refused
and gave no reason , for they like the
wretch I had found were black , and 1
was afraid I might bring him up in
mistake from the nameless grave ho
had found. As I said bufore , the sea
hides ninny secrets that are better not
revealed , and this is ono of them ,
known only to myself and the dead. "
"Bui coino sometime when you liavo
an hour or two to spare , and I have
thought things over , and I'll give you
some that are worth printing"said Mr.
Scully , as ho inado hi way back to the
bridge , while the reporter wandered
down to the olllco and thought.
SAM K. PK'mnuisw.
An "eight-footed horso" was billed as an
attraction nt the Custor county ( Dak. ) fair.
A child was born in North Carolina a few
days ago with two perfectly developed
A potato two and a half feet long has been
dug up within n day or two on W. G. Wall's
plage ut DawBon , Uu.
A curious blra , with the wings of un owl
and the face of a monkey , was caught the
other day down in Virginia , and will bo sent
to the Smithsonian Institute for exhibition.
Hanson Craig , of Kentucky , is probably
the heaviest man In the world. His weight
is given nt 793 pounds , und it requires thirty-
seven yards of cloth to niako him a suit.
Two teeth have startled the all-the-ycar
residents of Asbury Park , N. J. The tooth
protrude moro than un eighth of an Inch
from the gums of n tiny girl baoy , boin ; to
the wife of Honlth Inspector 1' . A. Ltppln-
cott of the park. The babe came to the
world with the teeth anil a fully developed
In the present alarming dearth of giant
esses It may bo worth while to consider Miss
Snllio Macalliater , of Springfield , ICy. She
js nineteen years old , blacker than darkness ,
is live fact two Inches high , uud measures
seven feet three inches about the waist und
three feet six inches around the arm above
the olhow Her net weight is 072 pounds ,
notwithstanding which she earns a living at
the washtub.
Miss Mather has milled Pincro's "Tho
.Squire" to her repoituire.
Minnie Palmer will fill her American dates.
She will sUir in Europe all next \ear.
Mr. Creston Clarke , neohew of Mr. Kdwin
Month , is playing Hamlet in Philadelphia.
Mine. Modjeska Is still on her ranch at
HI Hotugio , in the lo\Ver portion of Cali
Emma Abbott will sing Gilbert and Sulli
van's new opera in San Francisco at the Uald
win theater.
Mr. Steele Mackayc went to Boston to lay
o\it his plans for Mr. Stuart Hobson's new
play , as yet unnamed.
.lime Hading , whom they call "tho French
Adelaide NnilKon , " just made her American
debut in New Yorlc in company with
( Joqilplin.
Signor Campaninl sailed for the United ,
States on October liO , and the artists of his
company will all he here within a very few
days after his arrival.
Pauline L'Allemand will share the honors
of prmiu ilonna with /.elm do Lussan in the
IJobton Ideals. Lukme will ho produced dur
ing the season. The company begins In Troy
on October Hi.
rjTho dramatic version of ttider Haggard's
Impossible romance , ' ' .She , " produced at the
London Guiety theater last week , pioved u
dismal failure , untl the audiunco ( illicitly foil
into a guying mood.
In Dublin the boys who attended the Duly
performances named Miss Itehan "Tho
Limerick Girl , " and when the play was over
they would go out in squads whistling the
ballad of that name.
Charles Gounod has nearly completed his
new oponi , "Charlotto Corday. " It is to ho
como the property of the Opera Oomiquo.
which in exchange lor It has surrendered
Gounod's "Homeo ot Juliette" to the Grand
Robert Downing will ho scon this season in
'Ingotnar , " "Othello , " "Julius C.esar , "
"Virginias , " and the romantic drama enti
tled-'St. Marc" ( in which E. L. Davonpoit
once starred ) , in addition to the old stand
by , "Tho Gladiator. "
Lillie Lchuiann has boon re-engaged by
Mr. Stanton in the Metropolitan Opera
house , Now York , a tact over which many
Ceoplo will rejoice , but the nanio of her hus-
and , Kalisch , is not to be found in the pub
lished list of bingors.
Mine. Hcrnhnrdt'H present tour will ex
tend as far us Cairo , Kgypt , and will close
next April , in time to allow her to appear In
Pans during the exposition. Her repertory
for this trip includes , besides "Fedora , "
"Theodora , " "La Toscu. " "Camllle , " "Frou-
Frou , " her own play , "La Vio. "
Mary Anderson opened in Liverpool with
"A Winter's Tale" last night , and will phiy
ut the Alexandra thuatro in that city for a
week , after which she will make u brief tour
of the provinces. She sails for Now York
on the Umbria October U3 to fill iier American -
can engagement with Mr. Abbey.
Miss ICnunu Juch , after having won laurels
and wealth by many years' experience as an
artist , has started out In a modest way us u
manageress. Although the contracts for ner
concert tour nro signed by Mr. Locke , as
ngant of the Emma Juch Concert company ,
It Is understood by the artists that the so
prano Is the responsible employer.
The cable reports from Loncon jwtho pro
duction of Gilbert & Sullivan's now opera ,
"Tho Ycomnn of the Guard , " ilo not quito
agree as to the success of tbo iiloco. Sulli
van's music , as usual , made n hit , but tlicro
Huems n doubt abiut Mr , Gilbert's libretto.
W , S. Gilbert was always u very much over
rated man.
Sarah Hcrnhardt began her tour under t.ho
management of Abbey , Hchocffol & Grnu in
Antwerp last night , producing "Fodora , "
and her husband , O.urmla , appeared with her
for the llrst time ulnco their reconciliation ,
playing Louis. Mnurico Grau travels with
her , taking personal direction of the man.
The season of the Coquolln company will
bo very short , lasting but thrco weeks.
They open at Wallack'i with "La Jolo 1'alt
Pour. " The following U the repertoire :
"Don Ciusar do llaian , " "L'Aventurlere
Homo " " ' Plsaiur " "Lo
, "Griajjolro King's ,
Sin prise du Divorce , " Jean Marie , " "M'lla
de la Sou-lien' , " "Frou-Frou , " "Charnllac,1' '
"Le Maitre do Forges , " "La.loic FaitPour , "
"Los Piecieuso Hiilicules , " "La Dame aui
Camellas , " "Lc Debut do IJoinhlgnac , " "Tar-
tulle " "L'Ktranirere " " " "
, , "Deuiso , and "Lo-
Pnttes do Mom-he. "
It was the intention of Booth and Harrett
to produce only "Julius Cnsar , " "Othello , "
und "Tho Moichant of Venice" during their
three weeks' engagement in Chicago , and
they so announced , but the large number of
letters sent to the theatre asking for n performance -
formanco of "Hamlet" has induced them tu
produce that tragedy for thrcu nights next
week , which is the last of the engagement.
"Hamlet" last season drew the largest audi
ences ol any piece In the Uooth-Harrott rep
ertory , and the Chicago people heem to think
that u .season of liootti without "Hamlet" U
an anomaly.
The public schools of St. Helena , Gal. ,
closed for three weeks to unable the children
to gather grapes.
The Chicago Evening Law School has had
a lively light over the question of admitting
women as students.
The board of education of Now York decided -
cided to appropriate1 ? ! i0 , ( ) to pay for a sorieu
of free lectures for workingmcn mid women.
Prof. Urainurd G. Smith has begun the in
struction of a class in Journalism ut Cornell
university , und has more uipllcants | than hu
can accommodate.
Itrown university has decided not to admit
women to participation in the benign aud
healthful iiillucnccs which It sheds over
Providence , U. I. , und vicinity.
Huron do Hirsch having guaranteed na an
nual grant of H',00. ) francs to the Jewish
Reboot ut Hottoschuu , Itmimunia , that Insti
tution will bo shortly reopened , after having
bocn closed for several years owing to want
of funds.
The freshmen and the sophomores of Hut-
gers college had u rush In the chapel on Tues
day. The freshmen hail called a class iiuvst.
Ing and the sophomores called a prayer meet
ing for the sumo timo. The two met , and
their meeting was followed by a 'disturbance
that brought in the faculty President Gates
decided that the prayer meeting had prefer
A traveler riding recently through the
plno woods of North Cuiolinn , states that ho
camn across u neat now building which ho
knew must bo u school , and on calling found
it occupied by from thirty to forty coloiod
children with a teacher of their own racu
A little further on ho found a whit u .school
much smaller In u building not nearly bo
A genius has Invented nui ) patented an
electric contribution box for church use.
Cain was the tlrst base man. Abel wns
Uiu first man struck out , after ho had Just
made a sacrifice hit.
It is fmiil that Sam Jones , the revivalist ,
has made J100oao slnco ho l > egiui to save
souls. Lot us hope that ho has sarod the
Clergymen on vacation ouchl to he baoll
In their pulpits now. Satan left the fash-
lonablo watering places some wocks ugo anil
will soon bo working the cities in the sainit
An old preacher was once criticised for
quoting n passage from Mutthow ami at
tributing it to Job. Ho said : "Hrother , the
mind sometimes goes off on an excursion on
Its own hook. "
Salaried church slngors pay llttlo atten
tion to the words of the selections they urn
culled upon to render , hut when a noted
toner slngitr In Haltimoro , while rendering a
solo in warren's "To Deum , " swcotly
warbled , "Pedal , great Gatnba , and swell. "
ho oven astonished thu choir. Ho had mis
taken the Instructions to the organist for the
sacred words.
On top of a pile of bibles In front of a
Grand uvcnuo book store In Kansas City U
placard beunnu' the tempting injunction ;
Ah , There , Slnncrl
Huy a Hiblo While
They're Dead Cheap.