P./ . . P.r ! ' r 1 I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY OCTOBER 14 , 1888-SIXTEEN PAGES. - SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements tinder UilH h ail in cents per line for tliu llrst Insertion , 7 ec'ntu for cacli sub- { oquenl Insirtlon , anil ll.Mn line ner month NoachfTtt'cmf nt taken for le n UianKiccnM tlio llrst Insertion. Helen words willb < > counted totlio HUB ! they must run consecutively and must bo paid in ADVANCE. All advertise ments must lie handed In before 12 : i o'clock p. nt , and under no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties udvei Using in those column * , and liar- Ing their answers iiddro sed In cnro of 'I IIP HUE v 111 please ask for n check to enable thorn to get their letters , n-s none Kill bo dellieredexcept on jrosciitntlon of rlieck. All nniweri to adver- tlseme nts ihrmld bo inclosed In envelopes. All iidvortlsomenm Iti thcs columns me pub lished In both morning and ev ( nlng i dlllons of TUP llpp , thx rtKtilntlun of which aggregates rnorothan 1HKJO pipers dally , nnd elves the ad vertisers the henoilt. , not only of the city clrru- JatlonofTllF HhK , but iiNoof Council Hindi. J.lnroln nnd other cities and towns throughout this section of the country. "BRANCH'OFF1CES7 Amortising for HIPSO columns will be taken llin abov c i onditlons , at Hi'- follow Inn busi ness houses who iiru nuthurl7td agents for 'I UK HFh special notices , and will quote the mine rate * HH can be had nt thu tunln olllco J OIINV. . 1IKI.U Pharmacist. 8JJ South Tenth Street. HASP. A , EDDY. Stationers and Prlnlers. IU South 16th Htrcot Fl I'AHNSV , OIt'l II , Pharmacist , 2115Cum. Ing Street. \\r .1. IICOIIIA PharmacistC-'t .Noith lUh TT . street TO W. I'AUII , Pharmacist , liuyM Marys Avenue , SITUATIONS WAN-FED "VVAN'IKISituation bj a rullnod girl as TT housekcejiet , speaks German and under ntands reeking and giinerul housework. ( ' . 1. JUnke. No. 1J12 S 1 Ith st. 774 14 * " \\r AN'IKD A position by all experienced TT joung liulj as Hte nograiilii r and to do olllco work Cunglve good leifc'ieuio. Address J ? 01 , Ilee olllce , 7S1-IW AYOI Nl ( iii.ui of 'M desires a position In an olllcnor ( Ink In gent H Inrnlslilmt Htori ; oxpcrlinced , Address F ft. , Hoe. 'Ot 15 * WANTKD-A collbgo grmltiuto having piuc- tlcul knowlcdgu desires a position us teacher , hookknnpit or accountant , still tly tern porato. P 57 , lice olllco. 747-r > * \V7"AN"iED-Slluallon In bakery ai bread T T maker. Address nt once I" f 1r lieu olllco. 7,1 ( 14 * "V\rAN"IKI > Position as bookkei per or olhco TT work , by lady of J years experience ) ; good references. Addiess P 40. Ilee. Ml 14' Sill ATloTf wiinled by an experienced dre-.s maknr to go out by the claj Hlrnngerln tlm tltj. Please call or iiddro-is sj | b. Aid st. City. Till Ht SITUATIONS wanted Coachman , engineer , ass't bookke epor , tlii.'iiinn , bartender , collei tors , wiitclimau , suppled tree. ( ommeii liil Jftnployiiieut Agency , lull I atnam , upstairs. loom 4. CJI Ht 'WANT ED'-MAii HE'LP. ' r 7-10 ! Poll Iho \Vuntud50oTuborcrVfor J 1 railroad and levee work lu sltipl , Ala tuma auJ 'leuiiesMe ; winter's work : , il W and 81.75 a day ; MOI'IH good station work , also 1'or particulars and ihiap ratcsio Memphis , etc . apply to tint leliabluai.eiits , It 1' Christian .V Co. 7 West 5th st uud 1UOI Union uve. Kansis City , Mo 7a'i0 * _ WAN'IKD A smart , energc Hi mmwhotrai- elHthiougli small tow us , calling on general Ptorcs , druggl-'ts , stationers , olc , to represent on commission a Hist class New York Import- lug house In u line of goods wldili finds ready ealf. 'Jlils Is a Ilist class chance lor u wide nwako man to make mom v ' none other need au- ' - " - - ' ' " refiremn'leiiulied. ' fly , the btst of leiiulied. Address , Impoilers , P. O bo77. ] . Now Voik , 745-14 * "TATKN Wnnlecl 1(10 ( liibororo , r > carpenters , ,1 J.'l brick miisoiH at 1 loronce , American Walci Works ( o. , KjlO Cupltol uvc > . 740 14 WOIIK the } ear round. Salesmen wanted to soil our spoclnl variety or hardy , now fruit , ornamental and llowerlug sluubs , and Kreeiihouso goods aplcmlld line of new spec- laities. Pievlous oxperlenco not ossoutlul. 'Io reliable and energetic inon , sixlury orcommts- , ( Ion will be paid. Ilestof references reciulren. Address ! . L. May * Co. . miisujmeu , llorlsts And seedsmen , St. Paul , Minn. 754 J4J WANTKD Salesman Good salesman tosilll lubricating oils on comiulsalon. Kxlra in- aucemeiith offc-reil to good num. Address the O.P.MclIrath Oil Co. , 1JO Illv er St. , Clovelaud , O. 70il4 _ WANTKOKallroad luboreis for Washing. ton Territory ; an all winter's job In a mild ellmute : wages guaranteed from tl to 12 50 per lift y , or Hi to $40 per mouth and board. At Albright' ! ! Labor Agency , II.'O rarnam st. 60 5 3 A flrst-chiss gents' furnishing goods man. Iho 1'alr , inth and Hovrarcl. uw " \\rANTKD A good coat-maker and a tailor Tt to work bythoNveok. J. J.aisen. Mlnden Nob. ( jo M * T TANTKD-Mllker , 1116 Saundcis. 620 WANTKD-A man to solicit ; salary 00 per month ; must deposit * > and give security for money collected. Addiess Oeorgo y. Cllne , Waguer block , DCH Molnes , la. 6J5 AOEN1S WANTKD-tt-i a month and ex- penses p ild any uctlvo person to soil our Roods ; no capital , salary monthly , expenses In ndyanco , particulars free , btandardSilverware Co. , Iloston. 47U WANTICD Agents to canvass for the belt elf-w ringing mop made. 1'xcluslve terri tory given to ai-euts on application Noexperl- encene'essiry. Send fordesdlptlvo circulars lujdteiniH , Perfect Mop and Wilugor Co , Car roll , Iowa. 471 H B ; OVb-Ara. Dlst , lei. Co. , loW Douglas. ( r TXT" ANTED Mun to take the agency of our 1 ( TT safes ; size 2fcxl ! < M8 inches ; weight 500 Ins : 'retail price Wi ; other sizes In proportion. A raru chance uud permanent business. These eafes meet a clemnnd never bofoie. supplied by cither -nfo companies , us we urn not Governed by the safe pool. Alpinobafo Co. Cincinnati. O. 1S2 _ _ _ _ _ _ fS "M7ANTKD Energetic men and womenevcry- TT where for u genteel , monoj-niuklng busl- \ ness. JfiO wee klv jrollt guaranteed easier than MO monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely un- | j < ne < .ct.Buiy Peimaiient position and exclusive terrltorv iissined. Si samples trio Write for W partlculuis Address , with stump , MeiilllMf g , Co. II 5J , Chicago. - _ _ WANTED ( Jood Ufa Insurance solicitors wllh bank references , ai a wanted by the Union Life at 401 Merchants' national uank building. Omaha. Olllc * hours 8 to 10 a. m. and ' too p. m. M6 _ I" " "IXMNTKO A Hrst-class expeilencod window TT dresser. Inuulra at tha Fair. 58S W ANTED- good girl for general house- work. Apply ut 401 N 15lh st , 77.114t WANTED Woman cook for railroad eating . "O" ' . Mis I dining room guU out of cilj. 120 , far pilcl ; good kllchon girl , l ; 2 experi enced pantiy gins , I second girl with reference , 4 good cooks foi private famine- . , cook and second end girl In same House , 20 girls for general housework. Mis. llrega. 18814 "fA7"ANTii-A : peed gill for general liouwT- TT vvoik. 23-M llarney. 700 14t WANTED A noting lady to address enveT opesathe.me. Address , stating prtco pev thousand. F60 lieu onice ) . 7J414 * WANTKD-Lady and children whose hus. band tiaxels , wants a good steady girl for penernlhousowoik. good home. Apply Mw , K. K Jones , 1IJO N i27tUM . 75.1 ' 14 J irANTKDmmedlatoly. A lady planu TT player to join the Andrews Dram.vtlccom pnnj at once Wrllo liumedlutcly to Trad (1 ( Andrews , manager , \\eeplug\\atoi. Neb.stat Ing ago and low ett salary. I'rnvloiia dramatic xperlence unnecessary. 7M itj Girl for general housework , ISO Farnmii. 10 15J G OOD girl wanted immediate ) atlos TsuT 711 14 * W I ANTED An urrancl girl. Inquire at Mrs A. Klce , over Excelsior nfllce. 7tfi U W ANFIII ) A reliable nurse girl. Mrs. H , C Patterson. 2411 Parnam. bin _ WANT an enterprising young lady dress maker , ono that understands cutting auc flttlns thoroughly. Will hire for six mouths o ye&r' 1'rt"ler''ilc ' A W ' ts. button. .Neb. AOIKL for general hoosewcr * at 2412 St Mar ) 'save , COI ' i "WANTKD-A good nurse nlrl , good wages t 'x T T the right party , su S'Juth. Ml 14 , J ) Two ladles to solicit In this and . adjoining states ; k.iiary J71 per month ; call on Susie Hurold , room IU * Mlllurd hotel. JOT WANT UD-A Udy Ui solicit ; must deposit I * mid give ) security for money collected Address George 8. Cllne , Wagner block. DCS t Hoi" " * , la. K EMPLOYMENT "BUREAUS. CANADIAN Biiiployment oftice. Mm. Hreg 314H S litli. tCefureuc * Ouiatu NntloiiM ban Ml Oil * _ _ MIBCELLANEOUJB WANTS. _ " \\rANTKD-l nurse girl that can sow. oaro ! ( T chlldieii ; 1 nurse girl for nice family , l-i.'iO weeki both must have references ; 1 cook pri vate family , fl. no wa < hlng ; cooks for boarding house , J5 week , cook restaurant , fl week ; 4 waitresces , 2 chambur malilH , 1 dishwasher , Mcldle nged woman as housekeeper In the onntry. Lots of places Omaha Kmp Hit- eaujaNJ6lji. _ 7J < 1 14 * UfANI'KD-To correspond with parties who ilvHlra to locate In business or these going nt : can furnish locations Ih any line or or- hange , and cash customers for parties desiring 0 sell. L , P. Kraus , 16J7 Parnam St. , Omaha. _ _ _ _ _ 4M O-'t _ t VAN1 KD-01rl for general housework , 2015 T > Grace si. 7ii 14 * _ [ VANTKD-A desirable familir to take TT rlmi go of dormitory for > oung ladles at Icllov ue college. Appl ) with rcfeionce to Ilov. ' S. Illnvnoy , llelluvue , Nnb , 707 1 \r ANTED To invest cash In u business or enterprise with the view of taking an act- \oiiarl ; thorough experience in business and ) ook-keeplnit : bistof references can bo given , Address F50 , lUo olllco. 721 17 * lVAN'l''l ' ) t > n or Iwfore Oct. 15. by jotiug TT couple board wllh I "r 2 looms In private amilv , best of refcruncoti. Address P. 17 , Hot1. fiU5 XPKItT ACCOUNTAM'-Wullled to adjust lompllcated books ; pirtnershlp accounts unl compile iili-il accoiintlug of all kinds : conn- rj coriespoudcuco sollcttod. Address I'll Ilee. .i57iiu * _ _ YOUNG man about totslt frolaud would undertake a commission , England and Scot- ami In liuled Address A Low ry , Noi folk Nob. il.'HU * _ YVANlKD-'lho public to mnko good use of T > 'Iho Ilee's message boxes throughout the cit ) ' 00 _ WAN1KD If jou have any lands , lots , or houses and lots to sell or exchange for other property , call on me or write I can find jou acustomer. C. C. Spotsvvooci. 305JJ 3. ttitn. BOARDING WANTKD-lloom and board for lady and bibj Jjears , $ i ! per weeu Address I'M , looollicu 77t 11 ] tOAItl ) and rooms , 11(1 ( North Uth. > ti'JI-ll * AV JTAN'lKD-Table boarders at 1COJ Douglas. 475 WANTED-TO RENT. " \VANTIH ! Hy November 1. by gentleman tv and wife , u romtortiibly luiulsheil room u ( .nod locullty , with or without boaid ; must > e clo e to biisliiosH , and If without boaid. m ir i good restaurant ; will bo peimanent If suited , Address , with particulars , stilting price. KB'J ' , luoollic > . 714' WANTIJD To rent. J or I furnished looms lorllaht housekeeping.VMiOaB ' 'rjl. " o ollire. 777 HJ " \\rANTKD A goiilleunn wants warm fuin- ' ' Islind room In private family ; south tlilo irefonod. Address PU'i , Hue olhco. IUI lit JADY wantsalnglo room and board near car _ ; line , address I 5S , lieu 713 14' \\rANTKD Two to fotu unfurnished rooms within ten blocks of P. 0. , by gentleman and wife. Addie'S I'1 40 , Ilee. C7 ( ! 11- AX''ANTKD ' To tout furnished or unfurnished T > Hut of wlMooms. centrally located , to oc cupy by Nov. 1st. Address F 48 , Hee. 675 I4J WANTIJD I'lirnlshcd room for study and bo'inl In private family foi m in and wlfn * Itefitrotices given and leiiulied Addross. glv- ng location and price , 1' 44 lleo. Ml Hj \\rANTKD-lly Nov I , by a single gentleman , IT a nicely furnished room with modem con- vonlences In private family. In desirable roil- luiico portion of the city , loom \\lthgiatepro- ferrcd. Address 1' 47. lleo. 6M 1IJ WAN'IKD 12 or 14 room house ; must have all modern conveniences ; will piy llbeial rent If pet son will built nouso ; will leise same 'or any tin mot jears. J. L. UranJloa , Uth and Howard , HH FOR RENT-HOUSES. Ttl.NT 7 locim house ; modern Improve ments. VMK Dodge st. 771 It * "I70ll ! IlKNT To responsible party , 9 room X ? brick house. 41H South 2f > th st. 150 feet from cabin line , turnaco and all modern conveni ences , llent J0.1 per month. Apply to J. W. Urlinth. 17.1' . headquarters. 70 ELKVEN room house on Farnam st. near JId , with or without furniture to rent , aro- \erSto\ons. 15JI rarnam st. 771-14 FA UN AM st , near 22d st. 11-room house for rent. Qrov or Stevens , 1521 Furnam st. 77li" A NICK 8-room house in IIan.- > com Place , on full east front lot , on grade. A good homo onlyil.WU. T.J. Hook111 Paxton lllock. 7Gb-U ] * 71011 HKNT Now ( ) -room cotfago , w Ith porch. w oil. collar , etc , on car line. Apply to Julia Stem , 1111 Douglas st. 74M1 * 71O11 ItKNT A 7 room house In Poppleton . Park. Kuquire ot It , K. Fagun at Com'l Nat. 11 ink. 7bG H > * ITIOIl HKNT-My home. 1117 Park ave. . fur- L1 nlshod or untiirnished ; house 10 rooms with with all conveniences. 1) . II. ( Joodrlch. Cable Tramway Co , 20th and Hurnoy sts. 71018 NICK live room house , pantry , closets and hall , soft and hard water. Enquire KU South 22d St. _ 75J-16J FH HKNT-Two cattaeos , one of r > rooms , .1) ) per mo , and oneu looms with barn , t > per mo. , on rulrvlovvst. , opposite All Saints church. 1) . II Ooodrlch , Cable Tramway Co. , 20th and Harney sts. 7al-18. FOll KKN'f On Capitol hill , house of 8 rooms , city water , with good barn for two , Jo40 Cupltol avu. 7JI 1'Jt ' TIMIK best 7-roomed Hat In the city , rent (45 ; X furniture first-class , at half Its Baltic. Co- Operntlvo Land 4 Lot Co. , 03 N. ICth street. 7111 14 F4 KENT House with nine rooms. 11J S. 241hst. Mount Jfc arllliu. 2133. llth st. 71S FOH HENT One fine seven room house and barn and line lot. only til pur month. C. t , . Erlckson & Co. 21'N Ibth ' , st. , \1 \ > Foil HENT New 4-room house , cor. 29th and bahloi Ht. . Ilojd'H addition , just east ol Miller & Oundeison's mill , ll per month , city water. CM 14. FOH HKNT-Houso In Kountro Plnco In ex change for board for man and wife ; small family prefencd. Acldiess E.B , Ilee. 4' 1 151 A ID-room house , all modoiu Improvement nowlv rutlUccl. ilU per mouth , HCJ S 12th .st. CTJ 19J TTIOU HKNT 5 room house. KITi South 20th X'JIB. K P Seavcr , loom 40 liaikor lllk. C84 " | jO ! HKNT House , 5 rooms Cor. 27th and X1 Howard ts. A. S Hillings , 101 S. 15th. 700 I ! TjlOH HFNT Cottigeof 5 rooms. 2524 Charles X' ht. , Inquire l liCapitol ) ave. 70J 16 * "TjlOU III.NT-House of nine looms at 181 X' Capitol ave Inquire of Gco. W. Donne Koom 48 , llarker block , 6'0 15 Foil HKNT-New cottage. .1 room , IS i luonlh , city water , 'MH Decatur , Ai2 | 5 * " 171011 HKNT-Cheapest 4 loom house In city X' Apply 0211 Charles street Coi-14 * FOH IlKNT Large 0 room house. 24lh and Capitol AVC , vvltli all modern conveniences 2 4 loom cottuges on South Uthste.ich tU 50 ,1-room llatHon Noith 17th st. t room house. 2410 Pierce st , ID. 4 teem cottage north 21st near Clarlc * t. 113.50 5 room Hat 'iS3 Loavonwortb st , cheap to ste.idy tenant. Flue h-room Hut 2716 Jackson et. This It one of thu bent houses In Omaha i6 room Hats , cor 17th and Leavenworth hts , 2 utoro i OOU18. cor lith and Leaveuworth . t3. Apply to ( Ircen * Williams , 1st Natl I ) ink IJldg. _ _ B5J 6KOU.M house on S K cor llth and VlnCon. II pur month. 612 1TU > It HENT Klegant 11-room houso. ever1 X' convenlencr. furnncn , balh. etc. . now. jus finished , will tent to good lenant atSttpe month ; also nuvv 10-ioom house. alUonvon lences , pit ) : new Broom hoiibe , r.'S , burn will e ich , Saundur ! ) st , opjiostte the lledlck rcsl clcnco. also new house , n rooms , on Dodge st near JJth. with barn. 8 , > 0 0 K. M jne. 16th aud Harniiy , Omaha Hanking Co. UU 15 "ITtOll HENT-U'-ioom house , modern Improve X' mums unct all carpeted Hoard will b taken in paymrnt or rent , small family pre ferrecl Cull ut loom 7 , Iron bank , U to 1 o'clock _ _ U14 TTIOH HKNT Hy Hosvvorth * Jopllu. llsrk * X' block , a , 4. 6. 6. 7 , H. 'J. 10. U , I4-roora bouse In all parUs of the city. 690 1TOU ! ItENT-Six room cottage on Oeargl ' X' uva Enquire at tii Oeoigie uve. 618 PK HKNT-TUe best list of desirable house In the city. Netherton IU1I. agent , room 421 Hnt Nat.bank. _ _ fi&l TW ILL rant to responsible party my homeo 11 rooms , with or without fuinltiire , nicely located a blocks torablo ; good carriage houi nml teyverago. Apply SUM llurclctte st. 4' ' 15 $ JO-8 room house , balh room , hot and coli vraler , gas , aevvur. paved stiuet , new. U. P 1 1 m r bon , 4U s , litli tt. 6.'j ITtOKUtKNT-A tUtof se\ln"rooTus ln IuT X1 Klir.Vlnilldintr. Uih and Paclllc tM- rent * J per raoi\h. Inquire at room C , L. Duggau. moil linNT-New a room houses. 30th and JL1 1'lnkney U. W per month. J. II. Hanill- on , room JtlJ.lst National bank building , Ml 1UJ IlKNT Two six-room houses , North.7tli IilOU ' f--'l nnd Seward. _ - - " ' IttlNr- room house , c-lty water , No. 11K > J7"'ll . Inquire at IttOM Howard. 614 IJ10H HlINT-O-room rottaKe on horse rar line , JL1 flit a month. Apply M. UlKUtter 1001 , Knr- nam st. TTlOlt HKNT House 7 rooms. 23d st neal Cass , X1 Home 8 rooms , 2221 Cass st. Inqulro lloom 3:1 : llarker block. 315 /1 HKAP Honts-Tlio largest list InthocItT ! 1W prices down. J. H. Purrotte , 1 X > Chicago. TTIOll HKN1' For 6 months , modern house of X'8 rooms , complolely furnished , barn with room for two horses , rent 170 : possession given bopl.2olli ' "W4 N.2lth , 1 block north ot Lake. IlKNT S loom modern Improved hotiss Foil locality at moderate price. Apply M. Klgutler. 10U1. I'urnain. 8-7 houses for rent. 9. T. Peterson , s. SEVKHAL und Douirlas. E.M OlfllKNT New 8-room house on Cumlng st , near Ixiwo uv e 1 onus reasonable. Ap ply quick Spotswood , : W5'4 ' SHitll. f24 HKN 1' At very low rates. 10 and 14 new iflOlt ' . ' . ' 401 and 2414 , Cass street , Ularko 'ttico Omi bloik south of Crclghtoii college , on 'arnam and " 4th street car Hue. All modern mproiements. Atiply. M.T. CKirk Union Trust > i. , or nt 2iM Cass street. _ wi ( ) TT Fir.NT-nnclTlnK. IWJ Capital a\e , oppo" site Trinity cathedral Address H. I. . Hall , . " - ! Kinuam t. 401 _ _ IflOItTtr.N i' fl room house , 2113. 7-room housn 1 2t \ I'opplutouuie. Cluo. 1. tlllbert , With- _ M'll b'l'g. _ 210 _ ' fm rent ; furniture for silo or trade. HOL'SK 1015 Dodge. _ W.I 1/lOH HUNT Housn No. fiJ7 S. 17th nvo. rent J flllpwr mouth , liniulro of II. Malcheln , IOJI HKNT 3 cottages. ' . ' 7th nud Caldwoll. FOIt tM , 1 North ) th cabla Hue. JJO. l.envltt llurnham , Crelghtou blook. 435 OR lir.NT-l louse 519 N. Wh street. Apply atSU A. 1) . Il.ilcombe.l I I. California st. 17MW IlKNTOno 7-room cottnRe.2429 trunk- JL1 lin st ; Inquire attiOj 1'axton block. ] ' . J. Creedou. _ _ I1J4 _ I neil HKNT When } ou wish to lent a house , Ktoro or ofllcu call on us. H K. Cole , room C. Continental block. BM "IOlt lir.N'r Ihtee llulsof sovou looms oich X1 with overv convenience , city wuter.gus , etc. ; uovvlj built houses on hlxtli street and Paclllc. Appl ) to Kflliigor llios. , 8US 10th st , Omaha. ITOH ! UI.NT 4-tooin house on S. ll > th St. , two L1 bloiks south of VIntonst. : will rent for 110 | ier month or sell on terms to suit tun chaser. Geo. J. Sternsdorir , room fl , opposite P. O. 710 FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. _ F ? " Itr.S'T HarTdsoniely furnlshod cast front roon , bath furnace ; for two gentle tneu. G-'l S. lUth st. 704 15 * Foil IlKNT 2 pleasant rooms for gentlemen , with all modem conveniences , coi St. Mary and 2Ut i or O South 20th st. "M 15 EMJGANT fiourrooms , cheap. Gil S. 15th. 7 ( > 1-N. IJ' . _ _ IlKNT Sl\ looms Hurt and 27th , ill ) . 7B7-11) 11KN1' A nicely furnished suite of fiont looms suitable foi , t ot 4 gentlemen. 1013 Howard St. , 2d llooi. 74820 * rpWO south rooms now ly and nicely furnished. X steam hi at. bath , hot and cold water , ulso llrst class table board. 1721 Davenport. 758 17J Oil IlIINr Ilooms' private 8anTilv haud soniely situated In modern now reslitomn , will take few select boarders , doslrablo home , five nilntes to business center , 2128 Hartley. 70i 15- Foil IlKNT Nicely furnished hit go room for two with all mode-inconveniences ; board If required , 231 ! Ilarnoy. 715 14 * FOIl HUNT A largo front loom , nicely fur nished , modern conveniences , suitable for 2 gentlemen , IDIS \ \ obster. 7 5 ITM'UNISHKD rooms ; modern conveniences ; L1 2 blocks from court house ; pleasant lei atlon , cheap. 2011 Harney , 7J2 15 * FOH HRNT Mno furnished rooms for2 gen- tlumcu. 1S19 Davenport at , tlrst floor , ? ! . > a month. 70711 TTHJHNISHKD rooms with board in private X family on cable line , modern conveniences. 710 N 20th. 714 li * F OU HENT Nicely furnished rooms , with llrst class board. 10 ! Hurt at. 770 I4t "I71UUNIBHKI ) front room : modern convon- J leuces : fuinaceheat ; suitably for two poi sons. OM S I7th st. 7 ; i 14 * | 7HIl HUNT Two front rooms furnished coin- X'plate for housekeeping or unfurnished. IUI N. 30th st. ( W414J THOU HEN 1' 2 or 3 rooms furnished for house- X ? keeping , cheap , 2415 Franklin st. fllW 11 * i F IUHN18HKD llooms-607 N. 17th. 070 1(1 ( * F HUNT Nicely furnished rooms. 140.1 Jackson. Cbj 14 * O 1'UHNISHKI ) front rooms for three young 'men ' or man and wife , board Ifdeslrud. 241' . Franklin. OrtB 14t TJOOM und board lu private house , gas , bith. Jtand furnace heat , rates leasoiiabie. 21.2 ] Sew ard. (18 ( i 18t "ITIOK IlKNT Two fmnlsned looms for light X1 housekeeping , $15 per month , 420 North mil. Cfll-14 * ELEGANT rooms , single or on suite , tlrst- class board. WX ! H 21st St. 0416t \ FOH HKNT ftirnlshed or unfurnished room foi two gentlemen , or man and vvlto , 2025 I low ard at. 614 TTIOII HKNT Newly furnished rooms for gen- X' tlemen only. Hlchllleu Holul , corner llth and Douglas streets. CIW-17 * " | TOll ! HENT-Down town furnlshod sleeping X' rooms at * 8 and upwui ds. payable w cekly or monthly ; will heat rooms for ono cent per houi as vv anted. EOT Howard st. 1119 14 * TjlOU HENT Kmt half of 2541 Da\enport St. , X1 115.00. Inquire 21ia Capitol ave. Ui'i ' 15 * "VTICKLV furnished front room , suitable foi J-s ono or two gentlemen. 2113 Ilurtst. r/c BVJlt KKNT Nicely furnished room for single gentleman. l')17 ) Cuss. 5M FOIl IlKNT Furnished rooms , with or with out board , 1WM Farnam. fi7 ! 14 * _ F room with boaid. 222 N 1'Jth. 5J2 11 * IA1K1K pleasant room , furnished , bilck Hat JHIOChlcagost. 105 Foil HKNT A warm , well furnished south front room , overj convenience , suitable for ono gentleman , \'l \ Parnam st. ilSO 171011 HENT A large front room , newly fin- X1 nlshed. south front , rheap. corner 17th und Cumings sts , northeast corner , , UJ POU HENT Nicely furnished rooms , single or en suite. 1811 Cuiulngs ul. 157 fOR RENT Furnished rooms in Oreunlg blk X' cor. Uth and Dodge sts. Inqulro of Geo. H. . Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. B30 Ni\VLY : furnUlied watm rooms tor families for winter. Suite of parlors , bay windows , 1 block trorn p , o , private house , IUI Mt > 15 Capl- tel ave U25-14 * TOOM"s and"board , 18U Chicago sT Wloidr I.KA8ANT ( furnlslied rooms , nteam heat gas , bath and board in private family , 201 i 24th. | 670Q23 ROOMS including board In tha Young Wc men's horns ItflO Dodge st. llefareucas r - quired 040 " | 7OIl ! HENT A nandsomo room with alcove at X ? 2V13 St. Mary's ave. K2 ! ) F8S IlENT Elegantly furnished rooms with board. Inquire isyj Douglas 384 L A KG K room wllh alcove and closet ; on cubic aud car line ; terms low ; 112 S. 21th. 354 N'lCELiY furnished rooms , $1 per week or3 W per month , DOi , DOl and 600 b 18th st. 413020 * FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. fjlOUH nice unfurnished rooms in cottage tr J man and wife. Apply USS 18th st. 7B914 TT > OH HKNT Two unfurnished ana one furL -L nlshed room. T\\o car lines pass the door 620 N. 20th St. 701 14 * T710H HKNT One suite of 4 unfurnished room X' fur housekeeping , good J ard , etc. , C14 a 17U it b two a Jackson and iJeaYcuworth. eas 14 * UNFUHNISHEU rooms to rant at lO.'l Cap Hoi avo. 00J lit TTNFUUNISHED-Sultable for housekvepmir U aureotJirooins , 10IUN 20th at u u. Three m rooms.KOI Webster st , , . IJ M 'IhreeOlroomi , lOlvj N. 2uth st II 2C Three ( > ) rooms , 1016 N. lstst 12 K ' 1 hree ( Jl rooms , 707 Pacitlc st , , 11) U 1 tree ) rooms , 703' ; Pacinnst 10 0 1 Met (3) ( ) rooms , ilei .N.2Ist st 110 Four (4) ( ) rooms , iOS N. lltli st . is w. OR RENT46RE8 AND OFFICES. [ TlOlt IMtNT Twostore'roumsTN. . I ? Cor X1 20th and Hurt Hts.l ' earner t * ) , Insldo flo per lonth. ' 'T Six-room collane. Hi : Saunders si. , } 18 per lonth. l l ' KlBht-room house , with barn , city water , etc. , n Webster st . near Both st , FW per month , Potter k Cobb. 1 1 Fiyrnam st 04818 oiEN'T llrlck store. Hat above. 24lh and Hamilton , desirable business location. Lea- Itt llurnham , room I , Crelghtou block. CU. [ 71 1011 IlKNT 3 rflHrot , on IHth and Loavea IJ worth , apply Hank of Omalia. _ g.1tf FOIl KENT-Btariroom , No. 214 S. 14th st. Ap. plrat 1110 llowiudat. _ KI1 FOH HENT-Olhcp sutto IJ5 month. 3 single oftlces 115 each. Ml fVoutlng 16th St. , Hum- nan block , N. E. Cor. loth and DougUi. IV M. Jushman. Ull Leaveuworlh. Kl TOHU : for llant MM farnam. Apply Chas. s Chillis , N. W. Corner l th nnd Leavenworth J78 _ [ TIOK HKNT i'ltoro-rooiu under Omaha Ilauk- C ing ( > > , cor. 1'itli and Ilaruoy , Hultnblo uonoy loaning or real estate business. Paulson t Co , No. Ull , room t , raruamat. _ H.W _ 2IOKK for rent. IIU Karnam re t. Inqulro Jot Nathan bhelton , at luU5 Faruam street 8JJ rpWO choice store rooiuo in the Her oulldlng. X between Howard nnd .larkson sts Apply llaymer .V Her stoie , 5 4 S 10th si 4T. ) slj [ jOH ! HKNT fine retail store room with L ? Itrge basement , (90 per mouth. U , 1' . Harrison risen , 413 S 15th st , Sii neil lU'.NT On Cutulngst store amf llvlnc I 1 apirtmonts , ulso livery stable. Rnijulro of lariis H. K. & UCo , lloom 411 , 1st Nat bank. U)3 ) FOR -MISCELANEOUS. . IlKNTGood barn , 4 stalls , feed room FOH wagon shud , Inqulro at 202.1 Howard Ht. HI'.NT-Oood stable , s c corner SUth and California. f > 58 RENTAL AGENCIES- GKO11OK J. STKHNSDOllFK. room ( I. opp. I' . O. , will hereafter give special attention to renting houses , stores and Hats. If you want your pioporty rented without delay and to roll- able tenants , do not fall to list the same with iim BJ 1 1ST houses with mo ; have lots of customers XJ J. II Parrotto , 1WM Chicago. 1J7 014 WK give special attention to iciitllig and col lecting ruiilH , list with us H. K. Cole , room C. Continental block. Mi YOU want your houses rented place them with lleuawa It Co , 15th. opposite postotfke. KJS LOST. I (1ST Male pug dog with the nimo "Do J Volt" on collar. A lluoral reward for re turn to 510 South 21st st. 770 II. dTKAYKD-IIlack nmro mitlo with halter aim bridle , from 10th and Capitol avo. I ) C. Ilereley. 714 159 LOST Cold spectacles , betw eon Paxton blk. and bo ird of trade building on I'arimm and Park avu car to Leaveuworth st ; bluck velvet - vet case , sllscr ornaments valued as sacioil gift. I'luder ploasu lea\ at He o oHico.a . a < i | 1U STHAYRD Hay pony with saddle and bridle. Mulvlnlll & Shelby. 615 14t 2. HKWAIID will bo paid for the return of an ostray Jet black tuaro , tvvclvo > cars old , weight about ten hundred or teu hundred and (1ft ( ) pounds , shod all around , collar scars on point of left Hhouldor , smooth nnd haudsomo ; strayed away October2d , Ws * , and is the piop- erty of Dr. O. L. Nluhols , of Omaha. Should said mare have boon driven away or concealed bj mi ) one , Hiich person will bo prosecuted ac cording to law , and If convicted of horse-bleat ing , th person ghlng Information lending to the finding ot slid in i ret nnd the arrest and conviction of the thlof , will be paid mi addi tion * ! reward of $ V > . Win Cobinti , aherlff of Douglas county , Nebraska. Omaha. Oct 5. IhdS. FjOUNP. TAKKN up by the undersigned. Sept. B , 16tf * . on his premises south nldo of Mason street nestof Jlst street , a rod cow , medium nlze , white star on forehead , xmall slim horns both turning Invvaid. J. JV. Tliompsou. 7f > 7 14J FOUND A pug dog. Inquire atodico of sup- orlnteudent of pltimblug. 874 15J rpAKKN Ur Atiuy ro 'ldencolu ' West Walnut X Hill , a black and wUUebnll , supposed to bo : . ' years old. The pw ntr Is reciuosttd to prove prop erty , pay charges and lake him away. .1. It. Ob- born. SJS--WB-n 30 PERSONAL. T > EH80NAI < Dinner sets Inadatnautlnechlnn JL are not only very handsome , but tliej will out last any sots In any other waies. W liavu a new decor.itlon on this ware that Is entirely cllllereiit from an > tiling BOOH hentofoie It Is a beauty and very cheap. Cull uud re It , tt Moody'B , 'XBNimhbt. 74114 TJOSH jars , vuces , ewers and oinamontal XV pieces ofthe mo t elegant design and tiiitsh at prices far below down town prices at Moody's China Store , M'l N 10th st. Visitors aio welcome. 74U14 T > I5USONAL Don't miss the great auction X nalo of Salt Lake lots now being Hold on tv street. South Omaha. 6.1014 "OIlOTHEIl A Mother has been expecting to JJhear from you over since j ou wrote mo from Kansas City , and the anxiety Is more than she can endure. 1 shall bo at home in I ) In Oc tober. Come or write ore It bo too late. Sister M. T5KRSONAL If you haroa personal Item , or Jany communication , drop It in one of The Dee's mesaagt boxes. 106 FOR SALE-rVllSOELLANEOUS. T7HJHN1TUIIK and lease of a 11-room house on X 1'arnam st , for sale , trade or lent , or wll rent nouse w Ithout furniture. Qrov or Steven * . 1521 rornam st. 771-1' T7OU ! HALK A Hist class No. 2 Ilemlngton X' t ) pe writer , used but two mouths ; in pel feet condition. Tube ! goes with U. Address I C , ' , Ilee olllce. 77'i I4J "I7HHI SALK-2 lladlant Home Htoves and one X1 Peninsula ; nearly good as new. Api > ly21U Duuglas ht. 7UO IM SAI.K lladlant Homo bald coal heater FOIl In good order. Lall qas 17lh at. 70J 11 * FOIl I.KASr.-r sile , one-stoiy framn ! ! 0\fiO building wllh L "Ux0. ! coi. 1'rauklln alii Saunclors sts Knqtilio at Ji.1)7 ) Douglas st Omaha haddlcry Co. 744-1" Foil SALK-riirnlturo shelving , etc. . of the Omaha .saddlery Co. Including one Hall safe and ouo Co ft tipilyht show case. Can be seen at 120 ; Douglas at , Omaha Saddlery Co. 744-1- 7OH ! SM.K llase burner , "lladlant Home. ' - nearly new , also No. S cooksiovo very cheap ! i B. mti st. ; QJ ifit FOIt BALC AgooddiUlugmaro and canop ; topped surry , nearly now , 25."U Douglas. 7-1 lit Foil SALK At a special bargain , one llrs class second hand upright pluuo uud onu organ. C. I , . Krltksou , 2I N. Kith. " , li 15 FOIl SAI.K One flue milch cow and ono line helfor , r < months C , L. Krlcksou i Co. , 21- N llilll at. 71. 15 FOR SALE The sorrel pacer , Hob , tlmu li : ' ) ( C yours old , 8t > oed > buggy , blaukots , etc. Cm be seen at Palace btaules Harry P. Taylor. 1 ' 681 lUt IOIl S\LK 't room'liouso , and ground for X1 lease , ne corner Uth nud Izard. Co-op. I A. L Co , 205 N IBtH Ht , , , r CO'J 15 TTUIHNITUHK of The" Hoed hotel. Soul ) X1 Omaha , for sale and the building for rent Inquire on he prcmHos. ' ( HO liit TT1OH SALE or Hen -Fjve-room collage on X ? Capitol avenue ln-'goocj order : terms easy Inquiie on the preialies , ISIU Capitol avenue. ' ' 6 > 7 18t TTOH SALK Ponyu/cart and harness ; pony X1 gentle and ono nrr thi best driving In city Apply at K WakeleVa. OJT N lUth. 589 14 Foil SALE-A gonil ( team heater ut n low price. W. J. Ilrwltch , filU is FOH SALK-VcrPfine family horse and phuuton at your own price. Inqulro room 210 First National Hanlr.i' ' > . b7d TTOH ! SALE One ot fSie best paying B roon X' furnished Hats In the city" Paj Ing ill above rent. Must be sold at onco. Incjulra IC1 N. B cor. 10th and llarney at. Krneit Kramer. 460 15j OK SALE or trade Now two geatad car rlage and single top buggy. S lby. 152 Farnain. 375 TTtOll SALE-Seamuns wagons and carriages X'Omaha's largest variety , east side IGth tt north of Nicholas. The best and the cheapest. 720 o M ITIOIl SALE A now 8 seat llockaway carriage X1 at L c > It Nichols" llverr barn. Twenty-eighth and Leavenworth. Telephone MIO. 417 ITIOII SALE A larally horse or for pencra X1 use , price JIM- Inquire No. JI'j S. 10th.City MISCELLANEOUS. HOUSE CLEANING , washing and Ironlni clone for famllliM nt Ihelr homes. Call o a'ldruad Miss F. Franz , south Jlth at between Dorcas and Martha. Tin li * APAIU lll select mhool will bo opened soon in a pleasanl parl of thetltyfor children mrter 14 years of age. Great pMns w 111 bo taken o make the school pleasint and prollt iblo for hose seeking Instruction. Tor Information ad- F M , lieu olllce. 74011 * A (1001) opportunity to learn bookkeeping. Those who may bo desirous of ucgulnng u practical knowledge of bookkeeping adapted to all kinds of business have now a splondld op portunity of which they should not bo slow In availing themselves. Mr. .1 llos , an expert accountant nnd bookkeeper , has Just opoucct an evening Thool for pMng Instruction In bookkeeping - keeping on v cry reasonable terras. Pupils w 111 acquire under his tuition moro In a fovv weeks than they would lu as many months by the old methods. For particulars address John Moss , ruio of Llnlngnr A. Melcalf Co. , or lloom nil , Natlonal Hank iluiUllng. 7HS 14 171Alili hats pressed nnd reshaped : fsntheni X1 cleaned and curled. ! M.bcliadc > ll,818N loth. . 74l'nl ' I BEAI'TIl I'll facet and forms guaranteed Pace bleacherromovo freckles , pimples and wrinkles , Jl pe r bottle , Hook of receipt foi the complexion 6 cents Bend 4 cents for cir cular. Madame Huppert , 213 Mute St. , Chicago " " DH.O. inc7virrrf."manageTr.xcolsior"band , ll-'O Irxrnani. llrass and string music. 71J n Ut MHS iT'l'IMlMTN'TreTsmnklli Tuttlng and nttlng. Southeast cor. 10th and Webster st. 4fi2 14J EVENING employment wanted by gniurt bcKkkeopor. Address F4I. Ilee. MS 14 " \rOU can buy a bait Lake lot very climtv at t. the great auction sale now in programs ou N st , South Omaha. ilil 14 " ' AN I IQl'AHIAN look"stoTe7lUI ) 1'arnam st highest cash prices paid for second hand books b.M u lot TIHK 12th series of stock of the Mutual Loan and lltilldlng Association Is now open for KUbscrlptlonof sliates at 110 South loth , be tween 5 nnd dp m , d illy , 'llierolsno cheaper or better way to buy n homo than through this building association plan. G. M. Naltlngc-r , Secretiry. tim 17 JNO MULDOON& Co .HIS. 10th st : 10 stone cutters , l-'c lineal foot , Colorado sandstone , tW rilllE banjo taught as au art by Geo.F , Gellon- Xbeck. 3-riSo. 101 list. 18J Sl'OTcash for old and now books , furniture , stoves aud carpets. OiCf , V Co , 117 N. loth HO for Destitute Woman and Children , 27 Hurt st. U40 Ml SIC A. Ilohrs & Son mo now prepared to furnish the best and litest music foi recep tlons , wi'ddlngs , soclablos , parties bills , etc lliass and string imnrtottei furnished , ospecl il lj for fceienades , concerts , ftineruH , etc Olllce 401 South Uth st , A. K. Merrls' Jlusdc Store. 3fil o 19 * WOMAN'S Exchange. 1617 Humanist , Lunch dally , slipper Saturday nights. 910 IA1U'1ES having horses , murcti nnd colts to winter will find good "tails and yards at Major Crofts' place , tlrst barn noith of fair grounds 'l rms moderate. 247 17 ? Wll. IlAHIIEIl Cess pools A water closets cleanedwork guaranteed 008 S Uth.Tcl 521 150 014 ? GH. THOMPSON , Itoom iLJ Sheely block. 877 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. "JVf IDLAN ! ) Guarantee und Truit Co. . 1MB l-nr -tTAnim Complete abstracts furnished , it titles to real estate examined , perfected It guaranteod. BKNSONiCAllMICHAKL furnish complete and guaiunteed abstracts ot title to any real estute In Omaha and Douglas county upon short notice. 1 he most complete sot of uostract books In the city. No 150J 1 arnam st , t < 7l > STORAGE rpltACKAOK , storage , lowest rate * . W. M X Hushmau , 1)11 Luavenwortu. 878 WANTED-TO BUY. V\rAN'I KI ) to buy two led lilsh softer pups T T betw ecu J unct 5 mouths old. Will pa > l-il each. S. K. cor. Uth and Howutd sts , room 1 JW Kit A \T A NTKD To buy a good second hand double TT heatei , Itadlnnt , Home , or Poniusului Mead X Jamison , JU S. 15th st. 672-15 " \\rAN'l RD To buy a good second-hand dou- TT blu heater Iladlaut Homo Penlnsulai. Mead & Jamison. 314 S. 15th. Ufl 15 tvflONEY TO LOAN DO VOU want money ? If so we can accom- niodato3011 , we buy drst moitgago notes and loan on Impioved city and country property. Cash now ready. Guarantee Loan aud Invest ment Co. , 10th and Chicago sts 703 11 DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , until > ou have seen U. II Ja cobs , room 410. First National bank building , cor. Uth and Farnam V04 HOVEK8TKVENS , 1131 Farnam st. Loans vJTiuude on Omaha property at low lutes. 73020 MONI3V to Io in ou furnltnie. horaes. wagons , etc . or ou any approv ed security. J. W. Hob- bins. H. 20U Sheely blk. llth and Howaicl. 01 Till ! Omaha Financial Exchange , lloom 15. Uarker lllock , southwest corner of 1'urnam and 15th sts. Makes a specialty of short-tlmo collateral and real estate loans Money always on hand In sumsot $100 and upwui ds to any amount , to loan on approved security. Seemed notes bought , sola or exchanged. Cloir real estate and cash to exchange for good first or second mortgages. Loans Hindu upon land contiacts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , first or second mortgage se curity , without publicity , delay or red tape. riuauclul business of any kind transacted promptly , quietly and fairly , lloom 15. Darker block , CorlMtt , Manager. _ 881 DO YOU want to borrow money ? It you have diamonds , watches or Jnw lry and desire to street a loan ou favorable terms in a strictly private and confidential manner , or should ) ou want u loan on furniture , horses , carriages , laud contracts or personal property ot any do- wcrlptlon , > ou can have money advanced at lowest rateu of Interest and ample time to pay by calling on or M-ndlng postal card to thu Omaha Moitgugo LoanCo. Wo loan out our own money , make out our own papers and pay no commission , thus giv ing the bemitit to the boirovvoi. Our facilltlcM aio such that we can accommo date > oti | n a piompt and confidential man- nur. giving jou fair , hoiiorablit and courteous treatment. All loans renewed at original rates. lAewlll pivoH.uiy moitg.igo jounovvhava and glve > ou long time and low rates ; will loan any sum from J1 loll OX ) , Umimeiclalund 1st mortgage paper bought. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co , room 405. Paxton block. < < s MONKY To Loan Ily the undersigned , who has the only properly organized loan agency in Omaha Loans of tioto il.iiOO made on fuini- lure , pianosorgans.horses.wagonsmachinery , etc , without removul No delays All business strictly comldentiul. I-oiuu so made that any part can be paid at any time , each payment rcduclngthe costprorati Advances made ) ou line watches and dlam mds. Persons should carefully consider who they at e dealing with , ns many new conceinsare dally coming Into ex istence. Miould > ou need money call and see mo. W. H. Croft , loom 4 , Wlthnoll building , 15th and Hartley. BUS MONKY to loan ou household furniture , pi- nnos , hoiscs , wagons and other personal property ; also on mortgage paper and contracts as lollaleralsocuiii ) , eiisii ulwaS on hand : lib er.il extensions granted : business transacted fulrly , < itiletly and promptly The Fulibanks In vubtincnt Co. , S W cor l&tb it Douglas , upstairs. 215 \\7T. keep on hand money to oan on inside TT property In Oiimhu umi South Omuha in sums fionitV to fi.OiO. and as we do our own raining , make nil papers , etc. , we can complot/o a loan any day you wish and pay jou the money llates , Smith i. Co. , Itoom 201 , Hamge building ( HI 31 MONKY to loan on Improved property at first hands. No applications Kent away for ap proval. Security und titles examined frea of chargs o boirovvera. Lombard Investment company , 303 S 13th st. 164 _ MONKY to loan : largo and small sums at low rates , for short time , ou real estute or chat tel security ; second notes bought : all financial business strictly confidential People's Flnan rial Exchange , O Houscureu. manager , room DC ) , Darker block. 15th nud Farnatu Ml ONKY to loan un turnltnre , wagons. > tc. without rumovul. or on collateral security Huslness strictly confidential. A. K Greenwood & Co. , It 1 Cunningham blk , cor. Irth * Jackson. to loan In any amount , either for building or otherwise , at lowest rates of interest and on short notlco. D. V. Sholes. room 2lo llrst Nat'l bink , cor Uth and 1'ainam. 83J to loan at lowest rates on improved MONKY property or for building purposes Call und xae us , Mutual Investment company , room 1 , Hnrker block , 151U and Farnam. 7-b ! III MO"NKY to Loan-On real estate and chattel fcocmlly. Money without delay. Western Land and Loan exchange , 117 S. ICth st. IVJOnl , to loan on Inside property , 6om . first $15,000 mortgages for salo. Nathan SUolion. IWJ Parnam street. * > ' > > MONKY to Loan City and countiy : rnnnp rates , no Uulay , L. P. Hammond , < W Paxton - ton building. 703 _ _ . 15.il Farnam tt. tf > ou SKEGrovurfctsvens. , BASTItHN money cheap , City and country. Olnc Philadelphia Murtnaju and Trust Co , Ilootu 1.1 , Hoard of 'irado , Goo.f. . I' . Contea Mil " \IONKY tn loans rash on hand ; no deliv , J. 1 1\V. Siiulic' , l.'IU rauiain t. 1'ltst Natloiutl bank building 8 J dj&W.lW fl per rent. Money to loan on Im- tpprou-d f nns or city property , .lames A. Woodman , at the old II ro insurance olllce of Murphy \ i.mell. O.S lltliat. _ 831 " \ION1IV to Loan Ixiuoit lates. lxiuis closed atl promptly. H. P. . Cole , Huoin 0. Contlnuntnl lllock. MIU I'BH CENT money to loan -Cnsh on Imud- W. M. Harris , room so. Tron/cr block , opp. _ N' ( delay In seem Inn n loan on cued Omaha ro. l estate llrover Stevens , lUll'iintm TWO ) _ H II. lllKV-J'iOO,000 to loan on city property Mid Improved farm land. I'renror block. _ _ LOANS made on real estate and mortgages botigut , Lewis S Hoed A Co , li-'l Fitrunm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tft MONF.V to loan on Improved real estate l.caMtt llurnliam. CrelKlilcm block. CT M ONUY to loan at (1 ( II 1'etersou. leal es tate and loan npcnt , 1U2 S IHM ct Mil ( .li : fiOODrlty and farm loam wantjit by A. K. V.I Hlley. lolii tarnixiu fcSU plIAlTKI , anrtcollatoraflomsT Tl. K V lllS Uthst roomfl. riiK.OiiO ) to loan at C per cent. Llntu. in X Ma $ honey , room .KM , Paxton hlock , UW MON'K\ loan , long tlmo. George J , Paul IwW 1 arnim st W ! 'CILOING ' loans. Llnalnn A. Mahoney. 1 faJ P.AIi estate loans , lowest rates. Odoll Ilios. A I o , 31J S. Itith st KM IONP.Y to loin. O P. Davis Co , roil estate I and loan agent * , 1503 taruam st. 00) ) BUSINESS CHANCES. 17UMI SAI.K-ltnrbershopT Thn best located -I.1 In the illv of Lincoln. 'Urmseasv. Address J M t. Capital baiboi shop. Lincoln , Neb. "N'I 15 * ADHIFT mill at Om ilm ; pawing ami split- tluu mac-hiiio to convert driftwood into fuel as at yioux Clt > ; would piy 60 to 100 per emit on liutstmeut , Y"iiJtofl.Hl ) ( ) , will miiLo lib 01 al arrangements with 0110 partv In earn rl\i i citv ; rofeit'iices reciuliucl. U l ! . Stewart. , iJ04 Cumlng st , 7 to S p. m. 7'J ! Il' \\TANTKI ) A prnrtlcal business man with tt midrcasli to Hike an luteiest In a busl- ness that will beai the closest sciutlnv : no tililuls wanted. Addioss ITil , Hoc olllco. 7W H * Full SAMJ-A llrst class biitrhor shop , new nud complete , liupilio of Homy Andeisou , ICthuud I.cavenwoith. 7 1 1U * CKiAHstore , luai P. O. . linolie about * 171 ; grorer.v stoi k In Omaha , Invoice about II OO ; alsoouo about iM,0H ( ) , > , cash. Co-Operitlvu Laud A ; Lot Co. , 20 ; > N. loth st. TM 15 "l\fi : wish to employ a reliable minlujour i' county. No ixperlemo leijuliud ; perma nent ] iosltlon foi three years , bulaiy Increasud each > ear , Light , o isy , geuti el biislni'Sj Mouov advanced lor salary , advertising , otc. Largest niaimt'is in our line. Unclose 2-cent No poMnU , Centennial .M'f a Co , Clucluiiatl , O. Ui JJS9 FOIl SALE A confectionery and cigar stole nt a bargain. No. I location Inqulro 1UI4N \ \ . coi. 17th and Nicholas 4M 10 * OlNTAl'llANT ' for jour own pi ice. olilnst In -lUlly Inquire 702 Leuvonworth ht. Ojfl 14 * \\rANTl'.D A partuei to take a hilf Interest TT lu the best weekly piper west of Chicago ; must bo able to take full charga of ollico iincl books : * I.UW will buy It ; a salary of $1WI per month guaranteed. Address I'lU , Iteo MJ II FOIl SAI.H At a rare baigalu , the finest and moat complete . ! chair barber shop ami i.l bath looms , In the most desirable location lu South Omaha. 'Ibis chance for Illdavs only. Call 01 iiddiesa A. II. L'udulindCo.l.lUl Douglas st. 5SJ lt FOIt SALU Cheap ; blaiksmlth shop , dwell- lug and baru. goon location , 20 miles S W of Omaha D Harriett , 1010 N llith nt , Omaha , Neb. 5bJ 14 * FOIl SALK 1 Irst clisssaloon and long lease ou giound , Addicss 1' Si Hee ollice , 6KJ15 * 1JIOR SALE-Salt Lake lots JJJ each , at illO S. J3 15th t. 4Ji " | TOK ! oALK or ETchango An old established X1 good paving Livery business In Council Hluffs.Ia. , Itf N Main st. Win. Ktadleman. OKI TT1OH SALE A stock of general uiercnandlse. X1 Address lock box 835 , Atkinson , Neb. 14 016J TTIOII SALK The furniture and lease of ono of X' the best paying and best located hotels In the city. Apdlyatonco to Oreen & Wlllluns. First Nat. bank building. 275 FOR EXCHANGE. STOCK of Hlatlonory to trade. Glover Stevens , ll-'l Parnam st. 771-14 TiiOlt KXCHANGK- Sale Ono nlco drup X' store : one utock general mcrchandlsa ; hoveral houses nud lots ; two good farms ; ono one luigo spring vviigon ; two good horse t- . cheap. Houses to rent , nil ever city. Comu and see us. Telephone ) 420. D. i , . 'Ihornton , 121 N. 15th at. 704-15 I HAVE real and personal property of all kinds for trade. Call nnd see me. Geoigo J. StornsdortT , room 0 , opp. P. O. 825 WIIAThavejou to offer for the nicest cigar nnd oyslcr place In the city ; Call or ad dress It Martin , No. 620 S 10th st. 7UJ 14 * rKCTIONKUV and cigar stole prlcofliO. Wfor a good team , llgutnagon and harness ; JINHgrocoi ) > stock for $70icanli ) , balance city propelty ; J.i.OOO stock of milllueiy for cleuiIm pioved hind ; good saloon , pilco FJ.tHJO , foi small amount of cash and good pi oporty , and stock of groceries ana Ktoru bulldliig ou leused grounds , price for all about { 2,100 trade for clear Omaha property Addreis Co-Operatlvo Land A , Lot Co .205 N. Kith sU U ) 15 rpo I ItADU A stock of books and stationery X lor good Omaha property ; some lots uud meiioj for house woith about 2,500 ; Hnnscom Place house for good building lot ; good tiirm on rallroid in Hrown county , with only f 101 en- cumbiuuce , and 010 arres good land In Colorado rado , with .small oncummaiico. to trade for good Omaha property : will put In some rush. Piopeitvof all kinds to trade. ( Jive lisa cull. Also 100 fcot fiont In U cst Omaha and Ui foal front truckage on 11th st. to trade , ( irover Slovens , 1521 Fnrnam st. 731 15 " \\7ANTKD-To exchange Imlda city prop T 01 ty for improved farms ueai city , llox Tfi clt . HH u 19 * JF you have anything to cxchunco call and see oiii list. Uusturn Lund und Loan ex change. 117 S . Ifith. M7nS mo KXCIIANOK Or seri , hoiTses and lots. X Mrms or merchandise boo Oman * Iliislness Ilxchangu , room 6. 8 w. cor. I5lh and Douglas , 4J1 OJi FOR fcXCHAN E-fiood rentliu flty nnd boutli Omuha property ; also lots and farnu. Western Lund und Loan exchange , 117 S 16th .sf 505 lift ITlOlf TradB Choicn lot in c.nimniDny Puric X' and choice double corner in Liptou Place for good land D. V. bliolus , . ' 10. I'lrU Nat 1 baaL 677 " 171011 Kxchango-rouucil lllulls lots , llclitly X' incumhmei ] lor farms or Omaha inopjrty. II K Cole , Itoom b , Continental bulUlliig , f.U 14 uha Hiisiness Kichangn. II A , B w.roi. Uth uud Douglas , makas a specially of soiling and exchanging all clussas of merchandise , etc \\7AN I'KD-dood lauds and city property , TT horseu , rattle , etc. , to xchange for mer chandise In all llima. L , P Kraus , IW7 ( t arnam at , Omaha. Neb 45.1 O.'l \\rANTKD-btockscf merchandise in any and TT all lines to exchange for good farm laucli. Omaha real estate , horses , cuttle , etc L P Kraiu. 1607 Furnum U , Omaha , Neb. 4S ) Oil CLAIRVOYANT. _ TTKN riON-Tho Rifted deitiny "reader can be coiiHUlted dally for luovveekH In ml nf- fairs of life or death ; lulls your Ufa fiom the cradle to thegiave , reunites tliu eepuated wltti thr wonderful Kgthtlau cbarm : locates ilneusu and heals them vv lib Massagu and olectilc treat- tncnt Olllce 417 S 11th si , up stalls , rooms' ' and 3. 4M-141 _ "ITIOItTL'NE Teller Mis. Ixjnonnan can be con X1 sultud on all aflatrs of life. riKtlsfartlon guaranteed NoSHNiathst C5tlnU ; It. NANNIK V. Warren , "clairvoyant. Med D ical and business uiodlum. 1'uiuala UUoakBJ o specialty. 1IJ. N. Uth xt. Uoonia 2 Jt 3. 255 SHORTHAND 4i : HOltT ffaniTttirrrTyiw-wrltlui ; Valentine's ' O bhorMmnd and type-wilting Institute , now Paxton building. Omaha , Nub. 'Jim only ox- elusive , practical short hand school In the west , ' writers U largely in 1 ho demand for short-hand uxcesi of thu f upply. Short-hand Is much superior to book keeping aud telegraphy as a means of livelihood.u \ give iiiitiuctloiu ou Utmiiigton uud Humuioud typo-wntura , both for the sa'mo price. Day and tnenlng IBHIOIU. htiulentfi ran enter at un > tlmo , bund tor circular * . 7i-nH. FOR8ALE-REAL ESTATE. AFIILLftO ft. lolou I.nku st. near a big burualn at D.M. T. J. Jluok. Jll Pazton lllock. 76B-10 J CO feet ( al grade ) on Irfiavenworlh st , within J JUKI foot of Park ave. at tTl PIT foot , If cnsli , balance tasy. Mai T.J. Hook , ailPaxtou Mock. DON'riiilM tliU-ot | on Lake si than market price. Giovor Slovens , mi Parnam si , 7.II 15 BlcAI'TIKl't. now 7 room IIOUSP , 2th nnii Hickory ; best neighborhood In th city ; all modem Improvements ! fur sale cheap ; smalt cash pHjment , balance If desired on monthly Instalments , Two small c ottazes of 4 rooms onrh ticm 5Mlt and I'lercK , for sale , tl.MHiomli , Jluu Uovrn , bal ance monthly Instalments Iwo rott K s In Kllby Plaro , 5 room ; JUBt roiuploted : Hinall caalj payment and \acaut lot takeu If desired. Call and see us , Mutual Investment Company. room 1 , llarker block , 15th and 1'arnam , . 'I IJ imi CASH and easy piymeuts for $ \rlll buy a now ruoDiu house iicui rur Imnt price tiM ) llrover btovens , 1MI rmnamst. 7.11 IB _ _ FT UOOM housi , .Dfeet lot on 1'lerco st , lumc O 20th t. fASW. T. J. Hook , 311 Puxton Illook. IIIAVi : a tine bilck business blix-k , rented for * t.flOO per ) ear , w hlch I will ell for what It l worth It is now sllRhtlv lucumbi < red , but I will release same If purchaser dmires ; will take good residence ptoperiv tn Omaha as par tial paj uielit. AdUress 1' O llux 4 s , ( Mt ) _ SNAP-Oul ) Jl.fJi ) foi n bountiful lot on [ , akn st worth fl.sui. Orover Muioiii , IUI tnr- tinm t 7.11 13 ft. sii N.i : th st..Improved. V 41 , HOP ti77 lit " | > KSr llitRiiln In Omaha S ( utli fi nt on I'lake t n em inr bain , full lot , otilj JUK ) . ( Jioveitveils , , Pi.'l Painamst. 711 II \ ] \NI\UN , leal nstato iiml loans , lloom J lpill , I'axtou bulldlm , Cot IGth anil I aiuam sis , Omaha , Neb , ( ) < tobor 11th , | ss < . 1'ors ilo or trade tine bundled vull lmi > rovud fauns , sltuatud In Nebraska , Iowa iiiul Kan BUS. 'Ihese taims are Nl , W , 1JO , 1KI , and . ' ariesln Hin , nnd will 1m sold at low tlgiues 'J 11 ms , one thud cash , balamuto suit , or will 11 iiile them for good Improved or uiilmpioved cits juopeit ) . As all the farms 1 oilei urorlear of IncumbraiKO. I only want parties who wish toti ado for them to oil or nothing out nurnluo for thusamn Vouwlll nnd that I will gtvo jou one hundred cents foi oiory dollar of jour prope.itInoxclniige. . I'm full partlctilais , r.vll or wilto to above ad dress. Olllce hours , a to ID a. m. , U to 'p in. 4 to n p m. ( All II 17Hlt S\lr. Or exrliaiuje for Omaha propei- tv , Ml acies , siiltublu lor platting ; will make 4IHllots ; all o'e ' u , big luoniiv In It lor some emi whoian ] iuah this , Imatud III * ! oiitsliln of the clij limits oMomull Illulls. Immlro dee .1. bteinsdiilll , opp. pustolllce , X ) > 17 < I\\AK1) A imonitOI , ! , , Lludsaj. .Nob.hai li seveial fauns fin sain In 1'latto county it H5to-'OpornLro illtiolii * "I/Vll SAI.K Tvvo elegant homes In II inscom -1 IMapo on reasomvblo ti'ims ; moitgigo paper tikenas part pajmeut. llosvvoith > V Joplui , IlaiKei block. f > n $ l.fiiO ( liuj s n. good S storj' 8100111 house nud lot. east front. In Wlndsoi I'lucu , a birgiiu. I ) . V. Wholes , lloom 21U. 1 Irst Nation il llaiiK 678 uj.iiOOctisli and J.15 00 monthly , Including In- Pteiost , btijit a nlie 1'vitorv ' ' room liousuou red ear line , luvesllgutu this. II. K. Cole , lloom (1 ( , Continental block. .MO 14 "I7IOII SAM ! Lot fOxlVl. with good 2stoiy J house nltelv furnished , all moiloru roiiven- lenres , within I blk p ived HI , ' , blk from 1'atK bdiool and M K. chinch , Iliinscoin pi ic-ci 'I Ills Is one of the best properties In the elty , and can bo had at a Ii it uam by vldressliiR the owner , I" 14 , llc-eollicc1. its 1/1011 BAI.K-Or1 xclun'e. V.'o hivn sonw JL. ' good Omaha real estatv und Nebraska farms , which wo will sell the ip or traUb for ate < kof clothing , furnishing coeds , dry goods , boots and shoes , groceries or uardwuie. bchlo-i- 111 Be r llroj.jnt S lOthst 'JIU ,11x100 feet Ill-arc 01 nor Woolvv 01 th u\o and "th st ; house of 8 roomsbitliroom , gas , LiHteru , hot and cold water , sewer i omioo tlon , furnace , 2 cellais , location nil tlmt c in IM cleslrtn , school , rhuith and 2 lilies of hoi so cm withlug 2 blocks , table In project ; tl.VM , ) IUU ) onsh bilaucu c isv , 8 per cent Intercut , t. I' llairlson , 41HS 15th st. .MxllxiU feet cor Woolvvorlh ave. and 2sth st , house and Impiovomeiits uiateilallj the saiim us ibovn , 1" > , U 0 , tl.lHKl uuth , bilaiicn easy H per cent Inteiest. C. 1' . Harrlscm. 4IS S 1'ith t. tM UH1U buys n full lot .mil gooil t room coHagj Peasv terms und good location. I ) V. hholos , room 210. First Niu'l bank , cor Ulh and 1'ar- nam. w T71OII SAM'- Frank Washerman , nt the Hank J of Omnha , lias Homo of the cholcem rosl' deuce and business ptoperty In the city for falu cheap. 40S 1710It SAT.K 10,000 acies laud In Nebraska at J-1 lov rates on long tlmo ; good farm lands. G. H.j'eterson. 1412 fa. Uth st MO. \ . a ! ITlOlf SAI.K NntTo"r traiTe. MI7U acres of Im- JL1 proved laud " miles fiom Mariiiett In , llamlltcmCo , Ncbiaska. Krnmu house , frame Btanle , OOOacrcMindei a good 4 birb-vvlro fence , lotind ceiiar posts and - Htajs ; living watei , good i onal , 2 wells , wind mill , iUO binrel tank , olf-feuclurtroui'htt , etc. ; 75 uore-i clover ; modul farm. l'iIce ( about J12 pel acre ) 1r. ( ) Cash l/iuu 3 > ears time ut d percent .ll M ( Jonnii loon over the laud and addict ilia owner. K. K. Atklua , 1502 luiliner St. , Denver , Cojp. 214 _ QJ11.j'l ( monthly and } BO IK ) i n&li bujs nice homo Pni > nr red c ar line. II U. Cole , Uouni , ( I , Oontm- cntal.oulldlng. fill 14 t SALlJ-Lot 11. b. J ) . Hanscom pJnee. $ .110 oil what it Is worth C.l' . Hutiiaou , 418.S litli C'I7 ' LAND heekcis , Attention Per full par- tic ul us about fioo uud cheap liuuls In west- ein Nebraska nddrc-ss 'llio.s. C. Patterson , Itual Kstute Aguut , North Platte , Neb. 101OI9 Klcctlnn I'rouliiiiinllcin , Under and by virtue of the nuthorltj-vested in mo by section eleven (111 ( of chuiHci twenty- six CM ) of the compiled statutes of Nebraska , entitled "Flections , " I , John M. 'lhayer. K V- cirnor of the state of Nebraska , do hereby Issun my proclamation , that ou'1 uusday , trie nuth clny of November , A. D. IftW , there will bo an election held ut thn usual places of voting In ild state , for the purpoaoof electing the follow ing otllcers. to wit- Five iilectom of president and vice president of the United Suites. Ono member of congress from the First ron- gicsulonal dlstilct. Onu miimbci of coiigre > 3 from the Second con- giossionil district. One member ot congreas from the UhlrJ con- gresloiml district. novfliuor. Lleulununtgovcuior. Seclutary of state htatcitrcBsiiicr Auditor public accounts. ' ol nubile lauds ami bulldlngi. Siiperiutendeiit of public Insttuctlon. state senator for each i imtorlal dlstilct. and Itenrespiitutlves for each represoutatlvu district. a iirov Idsd by law. In witness whereof. I have herountoset my hand nnd caused to bo amxed the gieat seal of 1 tlio tate IOHO at Lincoln this 2ct diy of October , In the year of our Lord one thousand ulglithun- [ Seal 1 < lr d nnd eighty eight , the tvvciu- t > Hiicond yeur of ihoxtnte , and of thnliidepuiulHiirpof the Unltrd Mntp-s the one hundred und tlilr- teButh. ny the IJov * rnor , .JOHN M. THAYEH. G. S. LAWK. .Secretary State. Notice to Contractors. Sealed propos ils will bo received at the ofllco nf County Clerk. Douglas County , until 2 p. m. hutirduy October Uth. A D. Itw * , for removing 3,1/OJ v ards of earth , more or less , nuur Houulim- ton Station between nnrtion II and I4.T1U , K 11. CiTMIleil cluck of < - ' ) ( KI to uccompany oocu bid. 'Iho Hoard leiervas the right lu reject any anil all bids. M. D IIOCHIC. oct 10 mie fit-wit County Clerk. I ) HBOllltlOII Not ICO. The undersigned , doing business under thn ( Inn nani of JoliiiHon \ ( Jrnvus , Walnut Hill grocery , ban this duy cllHsolvou partuorehlp. Addlsonliravok wlllroiitlnui ) Its buslueai. pay liM all oiilstandiuK iiccount and collecting ul bllU due tbo late nrtn. FHANK JOHNSON. Oct. 14 Ol * ADDISON UllAVIia. Notice. Sealed proposals will bii rrcelvod at the offlco ot the count } clerk , of Douglud couuty , Nub. , until2 p , m. Saturday Octobet Uth. IBM. for removing 4,0 cubic yards , more or less , earth , on count ) road. In Suction IJ. 'Ip 15. north XL 10 K. the same being known an Center Street , in Klkhorn Station. Certltlod check of till to ac company encli bid. ' 1 lie board reserves the right to reject any anil all bids Prollla and specifications In County Surveyor" ! office Ily order of county commU-iloneia. M. D. IIOCHE , County Cleric. oldllteomtoU Notice to Contractors. SEALED Proposals will be recolyed at th ollice ot couuty clerk , Doughut cxjunty , until t o'clock p. m. Saturday , Oct. Uth , JMU , for removing - moving 4 000 yards , mom or luai , nf earth , on halt nuctlon hue In Sue. 10. ' 1 15 , H. IS U. . all dirt lu bo placed between railway ti ck and Certified check of 125.00 to accompany each bid The board rusuriot the right to reject any and all bids M D. Kocnc , County Olerk. olOinoAtwl ADVtOR rR . W6W TO AOT. LMtVtforMttUftAb dU iffl < L Jffc nulnr U " " IV. M rA-1" ' " STRONG- ; ; ; ,