8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , OOTOBEK 13 , 1888. THE CITY , Tbo internal revenue collections yes- tcrduy amounted to $8,011.08. The county commissioners will meet nt the court house this afternoon. The Hebrew fair opens Monday next , at Exposition hall , with many 'nttrac- tionti. There will be a meeting of the Omaha Press club , next Sunday afternoon at1 o'clock. City Clerk Southard yesterday filed the bond In $10,000 of John D. Furay RS h member of the board of public works. A carload of the members of the So ciety of Christian Endeavor returned Thursday night from the York conven tion. Addlson Graves yesterday filed a bill of wile on Frank Johnson s stock of procerles.accounts and team. The con- oideratlon was 11,050. Fire was discovered about 8 o'clock yesterday in the cellar of Frank Hancock's grocery on Capitol avenue. Only about $15 worth of damage was done. It was caused by the careless handling of a candle in the cellar. A union Sabbath school teachers' meeting is held every Saturday after noon at1 o'clock at the Kount/.e Memo rial church. The Sabbath bchool lesson for the following Sabbath is freely dis cussed. All Sabbath school workers are invited. L. A. North became very noNy and demonstrative in the postollice about noon yesterday and engaged in an angry altercation with another man. lie re fused to comply with Postmaster Galla gher's request to desist and was run in by the police. Charles Monahan , the tough who in- nulled two young girls who work in Garneau's cracker factory , was lined M and given thirty days in the county jail , the first and last' four on bread and water. Upon hearing the bread and water clause in his sentence Monahan i isibly wilted. Two men were arrested yesterday afternoon on Tenth street by Ollicer Boyle. They arc supposed to bo the men who assaulted anil robbed Murphy on the bottoms a few nights ago. They Ijavo the names of Dennis O'Connell and George Kelly. The police say that they are tough men. without doubt , and the ones who committed the crime. General Lowe hat received a letter from J. M. Schumacher , chairman of the financial committee , Jacksonville , Fin. , stating that further funds for the relief of the yellow fever sutTcrcrs will bo most acceptable. This was in reply to a telegram from General Lowe asking if further aid was required. lie will therefore forward contributions about the llrst of the week. Henry Bothers , an outcast of nine years , whoso parents live on South Thirteenth street below Viuton , but who have set him adrift in the world , has been brought into police court a number of times on the charge of vagrancy. The judge has finally de cided to'hold him to the district court to see if some proper care cannot betaken taken of the little fellow. A heartless thief Thursday night stole one wheel from a buggy belonging to Clerk Moriarty of the county court. The owner says : "If the fellow had left the wheel and taken the rest of the buggy there would be some chance of identify ing and recovering the property. As it is well , it's a pretty mean fellow vrho'li servo a man that way. " The Circassian girl in the now mu- eoum seems to bo in hard luck. Yester day she went to a dentist to have a tooth removed and the knight of the forceps took a largo portion of her jaw bono with it , necessitating her retiring from the public gaze for awhile. The trained boa constrictor with which she per formed has been troubled with spasms of late and last evening died. Personal Paragraph ! . II. W. Wolf , of Stclln , is at the Millnrd. Clinrlca Toft , of Avoca , is ntthe Millard. J. Wenderson , of Beatrice , is at tbe Pax- ton. ton.U. U. W. Grunstato , of Elwood , Is at the Pax- ton. ton.C. C. M. Stcblns , of Fremont , is at the Mur ray. 8. D. Woodlcy , of Lincoln , is at the Millard - lard , G. 11. Freeman , of Lincoln , is at the Mil lard. lard.E. E. C. Parkinson , of Scward , is at the Mil- lard. lard.W. W. L. Fail-brother , of Lincoln , is at the Millard. O. K. Copley and daughter , of Lincoln , arc at the Paxton. C. W. Thomas and wife , of .Grand Island , are at the Paxton. F. D. Crino undC. 13. llichter , of Lincoln , nro at the Murray. J. Elliot , jr. , a prominent banker of Mar ion , is ui the Murray , James Miner and family , of New York , ore at the Murray en route to Denver. J. A. Fink , treasurer of the Union Pacific , of Boston , is at the Murray accompanied by bis wife. James Watson of Cheyenne , and S. Mc- Ncal of Greenwood , Neb. , are at the Mer chants' hotel. No Contracts Yet. The contractors who have been bidding on the material for the now cable line have been asking from six to ten weeks' time in which to furnish the material rcrjulrcd. With a view of securing material in a shorter period the company has not yet let any contracts , but may do so in a few days. An Iowa Prohibition Case. Deputy United States Marshal \Vyman. of lown , arrested U. II. Haldermnn nt Millurd Nob. , Thursday niBht. He Is charged with sell- Ini ; liquor at Shelby , In. Ho was taken before Commissioner Dundy and held in $300 bonds , but preferred to go to lown and accompanied Marshal W.vmaii without icouisition papers. Army Notes. Under the provisions of an act of congress detailing army oftlccrs as professors at edu cational Institutions , Lieutenant Abnor Pick ering , Second infantry , has been ordered to report at Purdue university , Lafayette. Ind. , to ofllclato as professor of military tactics. Chaplain Nave will occupy quarters at the fort after Lieutenant Pickering's ' departure. See Poycko Bro.s forpear cider. Naturalizing Women. Mrs. Anna Svoboda went before Cleric Moorcs of the district court aad declared her intention of becoming a citizen of the United States. She is Bohemian , and Deputy Sher iff Frank Bamlhuucr acted as interpreter. The naturalization of a woman is not a fre quent occurrence. Last year one took out her final papers and immediately took stops to'secure a legacy left in the old country , the ccurlng of which , for some reason or other , depended upon her citizenship. Jarvis medical brandy the best. Collins la FcTcrtloiu. Charles Collins , of Plattsmouth , whose mysterious disappearance attracted consider able attention a mouth or so ago , and who , it vras thought , was murdered in Omaha , has finally been beard from. It now appears that , although married to his wife for only a low month's , ho has deserted her , after bor rowing about f 300 from herfathor. Collins wa * a man who lundu great professions of piety and was a prominent tiguro in church circles at Plattsmouth. A telegram was , re ceived by bis wife from him in Shreveport a day or two ago. Ills wife's health has been greatly shutiored by worry and suspense. Ill : WANTS THE T The Hinto Hoard of Transportation Crfttnlilcr Gwycr'n Complaint. The state board of transportation or rather the secretaries of the members of that board , Judge O. ! ' Mason , W It MUnger and J. II. Ager , have been In session In this city for the past two days trying the case of William Gwyer apalnst the U. ft M. railroad com pany. The history of the case is as follows ! Twenty years ago a stone quarry was opened ut ) near the station of La Piatto , on the line 01 the Omaha & Southwestern rail road , and the county built a side- truck running to said quarry. This state of things existed for a number of years , but finally , it is alleged , the quarry apparently petered out and the railroad took up their sidings. Ueccntly , the quarry was reopened by Gwycr , nud ho has been doing considerable business , sufficient , ho thinks , to Justify the H. it M. In relaying the side track to the quarry. The road thinks differ ently , ami the bonrd was called to meet for the purpose of hearing ttic uvidcncs pro and con , and having heard all , have adjourned to meet at some later day , when they will bo ready to render a uccision upon Mr. Gwyer's ' petition. "Tho facts of the case are these , " said As sistant Attorney Kelly of the Union Pacific , referring to the disappearance of Contractor Wells. "This man Wells held a contract with the Union Pacific under which ho earned a considerable sum of money that at ] i re * cut is in the possession of the company , in the meantime he has disappeared , but whether temporarily or permanently the company has no mentis of ascertaining. Two claimants have appeared for this money , the one being the Douglas county bank and the other the unpaid employes. The company , therefore , remains neutral , and will file a bill in thu fiicmt court this afternoon , asking to be advised as to what disposition shall be made of the funds now in hand. " Saturday at midnight the new time card will go into effect on the Union Pacific and trains will arrive and depart as follows : No. 1 will leave Omaha at b p. in. , as at present , anil will accommodate , those wishing to make use of the touiists' sleepers for the coast and intermediate points. No. 'J , Its opposite , or east bound , will arrive at 7:4.1 : a. m. No. ! t will in future leave Omaha at b 30 a. in. anil will be composed of strictly first-class coaches and sleepers , no tourist sleepers or second class passengers being allowed. No. 4 , from the west , also a first-class train , will arrive at 4:40 : p , lu. No. 3 , the Grand Island train , will leave Omaha at 5 p. m. instead of10 : , as at present , and No. ti will arrive from that point at IBsiiO p. m. , instead of 10:40 : a. m. The Union Pacific lias made still another move towards establishing a system of through sleepers to Denver. TUK UIB : has already announced the arrangement made with the Wabash , whereby a through sleeper has been put on from St. Louis , and now the Northwestern has fallen into line with a like service from Chicago. Com mencing Sunday noon , a through sleeper will leave Chicago dally , anil passing via Omaha will itnch Denver in time for break fast Tuesday morning. Coming cast it will leave Denver about 10 p. in. , reaching Omaha the following evening , and Chicago at noon the day after. The Union Pacific officials now in Chicago disclaim having arranged through service from Chicago to Denver with the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , but the ar rangement with the Chicago < k Northwestern railway is an accomplished fact as Appears above , and a through sleeper between Chicago and Denver over the Union Pacific and the Chicago & Northwestern railways will bo put in service Sundav , October 14. Joe English , the Burlington trainmaster , with headquarters at Lincoln , Is in town re ceiving the welcome ho always gets when in Omaha. The mail boys on Burlington No. 5 have been furnished with a nuw mail car contain ing all the latest improvements , and they are correspondingly happy. In referring to the new sleeper put on by the Burlington , it should have read that it went through from Omaha to Chicago and return instead of to Denver. E , U. Fonda , of the Union Pacific switchIng - Ing engine nt Council Bluffs , will bu the dele- rate from this division to the convention of locomotive engineers. Thursday night a lady from Grand Island reported the loss of a diamond pm at the Union Pacific depot. Hobert Blinkensderfcr , of the Union Pa cific , and A. E. Buchanan , of the Omaha ft St. Louis road , were the representatives from tills city at the quarterly meeting of superintendents , held at the transfer Thurs day. Only routine business of a private na ture was transacted. The body of Brakcman Joe Wright , who was fatally burned at Sidney.rcached Omaha yejterpay , and will bo forwarded to Homo , N , Y. , at the expense of the Union Pacific company. The managers of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railroad have estab lished the same wages for the switchmen in their.yams hero that they are paying their hands at St. Paul. The foreman now re ceives $72.50 per mouth , and the helpers JG8.50. W. M. Sage , genegal traffic manager of the nock Island road , is in the city and stopping at the Murray , You can find cool , well furnished rooms at the Globe hotel , best 16cated house in Omaha. Carriage * Collide. The buggies of F. W. Thomas and Mrs. Gcorgo Derwin collided on Saunders street , near Clark , Thursday evening and Mrs. Derwin was thrown violently forward upon one of the shafts. Fortunately , ono of the mounted police happened to be near by and discovered the perilous position of the lady in time to stop the frightened horse anil save her from injury. She was omy.slightly hurt by the accident. Thomas' buggy had one of the axles sprung and the shafts broken. Ho in sisted on the oflieer making Mrs. Derwin pay for the damage done , but the officer declined to interfere. Ho hold that she was no moro to blame for the collision than Thomas him self. _ Wyoming oil lands for sale. Claims of 40 , SO , to 160 acres now on the mar ket. Complete abstracts to same fur nished. J. L. LOVKTT , 12120 So. Thirteenth St. . Omaha , Neb. RESTRAINING TI1K MUDDY. Lieutenant BliiKham'g Visit niul What It Meant ) . Lieutenant Bingham , of the engineer corps of the United States army and secretary of the Missouri river commission , arrived in town Thursday night. He is under instructions to examine Into the condition of the channel of the river at this point and consult with par ties and citizens interested as to what is most required to Improve the condition of the stream and protect property Adjacent which may bo subject to overflow Ho will then report to the war department as to the needs of the place and .next the desired improvement will be made. The expense will bo defrayed by an Appropria tion of flfiO.UOO. which has been made for the purpose. The locality of the Improvements , as designated In the appropriation bill , Is be tween Council Bluffs mid Omahn , within a iwint five miles above the Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs bridge , soon to be completed. Lieutenant lirltrhnni says that he has also been ordered to Investigate the charges as to whether or not the new Uiiion Pacific bridge Is A violation of law. Ho was particularly anxious to know when the old Union Pacltlc bridge was com pleted , claiming that some Union Pacificen gineers whom he had consulted wcro not able to give him the desired information. In fact , it seemed that there was no record of the fact to bo found. "Would that be n material fact In your In vestigation i1' ho was nskcd. "It would bo of considerable importance. " Why it was so considered the lieutenant would not state. Lieutenant Bingham is the same gentleman who last winter reported upon the bridge now In course of erection at this point. Jarvis pear cider. Sec Bates & Co. TI1K GAS QUESTION. New Hills , the Old Bill , and the Com- pany'H ConcciNlntiH. One of the members of the gas committee of the council said that the call for bids for lighting tltc city had brought out bids from the Omaha Gas Manufacturing Company , the Thompson & Houston Electric Light company , together with several bids from eastern parties , The bid of the first men tioned was $ il per lamp for one year , $29 per lamp per year for a three-years' contract and J'J7 for live years. Tlieso bids are now be fore the committee , and it Is thought will be reported upon at the next mcetr ing of the council. There has been some delay In making the report , the informant claimedbecause of a consideration of the subject and the absence from the city of certain members of the council. "What about the electric light bid I" "Well , I don't think wo can afford to go to the expense of the cleetrie light so long as wo are indebted to the gas company. " "What is the amount of the indebted ness ! " "It's ' the old sum , you know , about $47,000. There was some higgling over it , but that was because of lack of information. Someof the coucilmon thought there was an ordinance- regulating the price per lamp , but they finally lound there was no such ordinance. The gas company was given the alternative of going into the courts , but it didn't want to sue the city. It's been acting reasonably and fairand making a number of concessions. " "What are the concessions ! " "Well , if you owed a grocer a bill for a long time , you ought to pay him interest , oughtn't you I The courts would mane you , anvway. Well , the gas company are not going to ask for interest , although by rights it ought to be paid them. Then , there was u discrepancy in the accounts of say about S200. Well , the company has waived the differences in favor of the city. Them was also a matter of ? 700 , bused on the re port of Gas Inspector Gilbert for frozen lamps. That , also , the company seems willing to allow. After this wo arc going to arrangeit so that the inspector and the superintendent of the gas company will bo able to compare their statements , so as to effectually pi event tbe possibility of any misunderstanding of the kind in the future. " "What do you know about the proposition of the Maumee company to furnish heating and illuminating gas at a saving to consum ers of from 35 to 5(1 ( per cent I" "Tho proposition has been referred to our committee , but 1 won't ' get It before Satur day night. " All druggists sell Jarvis medical brandy. MR. IIEIMROIVS MATTER. It Draws Out a Reply Prom Mayor Brontch. In reference to Mr. Heimrod's reply'to ' Mayor Broatch's letter asking him for information mation bearing on the subject of contracts Mayor Bioatch states that he is not n mum bcr of the council ; that he cannot participate in the proceedings thereof , and , in every re spect is precisely upon the same footing as Mr. Hcimrod himself , so far as his relations with that body are concerned. "Mr. Ileim rod has omitted one important fact , " said the mayor , "which is , that I went to Councilman Lee after the nomination had been disposal of , and requested him to bring the mutter ii ) before the council , and give Air. Hcimrod r hearing. The latter , nt that moment ; was putting ou his coat in order to leave the council chamber , and declined to dose so , stating that ho should hand hiscommum cation to mo. Mr. Heimrod stated at another time that if I asked for the information in his possession ho would give it to mo. This in his letter of Wednesday , he has declined to do. Now , It occurs to mo that Mr. Heimrod has been remiss in his duty. Ho was an offi cer acting under the mayor , and if he had received information that the city was being defrauded in any contracts , as a city official , and a member of the board of public works , it was plainly his duty to advise the mayor. The mayor is not ubiquitous. Ho cannot bo c"erywhcre , nor can ho have personal knowl edge of evcr.vtl.ing which transpires in the city. Ho must depend in a large degree upon the oftlccrs who are serving under him. Clearly , In my opinion , Mr. Heimrod has failed in his duty. " All druggists sell Jarvis brandy. Found nt Ijnst. At 7:30 : yesterday the body of Ed. Cal kins , who fell from the new bridge some weeks ago , rose to the surface near the foot of Jones street , and was brought ashore by a man named Jones. The body had evidently become embedded in n sandbar , and had been released by n change In the current. It was very badly decomposed , so much so , that after a brief survey the coroner's ' Jury brought iu a verdict of accidental death , and at once turned it over to the county.oy whom it was buried in Forest Lawn. The friends of the deceased at Hastings wcro at once no tified , but it was impossible to hold the re mains until their ai rival. Poycko Bros , for Jarvis blackberry riiinnelal DllllcultioK. J. 13. Yatcs , boot and shoe dealer in Louis ville , m this state , is reported by Bradstcets' as having assigned to the bank of that place , on n claim of Sl , . * > 00. Miller Brothers , hardware dealers of Elba , have been closed on a mortgage of ) , SG7nnii an attachment of $1,500. MKICANMCSTANiTUNIMENTIicl OLD Boug , vuju liwuin A POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varlci. A marvel of purl- tystreiigthaml wholesamonci * . .Mure econom ical than thuordtnary kind * , and cannot bu Hold In competition with the multitude of low cost , Miort weight alum or pho > < pouto powder * . Sold only In ciius. Hoyal linking I'owdor Co. , ISO A\a\l&tieet \ , New York. PUD'S HILL , Tsxn , Juno 10. 18R8 Th Swift Speclflo Company. Atlanta. OR. Oen- tlamen ; Ono of my children wa troubled with rheumatism and boll * ( or about two years. Wo eate tier rations kind * of meet- tine , but without profit , ftnd began to dospalf of curing hnr at an. I was pei juftde-d to tr your Bwltt'a Specific. After she bad nsea xerern bottles the diseases all il Mid i ha Ii now a halo , hearty mid healthy girl twclfo yi ar ou. Another child baj Just bwomo afflicted iu th * mo way , and I nm using the s. 8. S. and anticipate prompt and permanent cure. N. 0. WAOOOXEQ. RICH llru. Mo. July 7. IdOT-The Bwlfl IpccUlo Co. , Atlanta , Oa Gentlemen : Our llttto sir ! when but tlireo weeks old broke cut with ecsema. We triad the proncfiptloni from several ijood doctors , hut without nny special beaellf , We triad S. B. 8. , nud by tht time one butUo was gone her bead began to h al. and by tbe time the had taken alz bottles iio wai completely cured. Now sha has > v full and heavy bead of hair arubust. hearty cnlld. I foci It but my duty t tnake tjls statement. Kcspectfully , 11. T. BHOBI. CiUTTANOOai , TBXN , Juno ! ? . 163J-Ths Bwlft Spsolflo Co. , Atlanta , OOjr-Hentlrmoa : In I'iiW I contract ad blood polsuh , aud nt once tougnf n physlolau , who treated ma for > HT. raf months. Dy his advlco I went to Crab Orchard Sflrlmja. Kjr. , whcro hU course of treatment was carefully otxerted. I rtooT- ered , at I Ibpdght , but th * next sprlnz pim pled bejan to appear on my face at 1 body. These frradually loorcajej to sorts and run ning ulueri. I was ndilsoit to try 8. H. S , and Immediately nf tor taking It I oummvncedto lmpro\e , iilowly at flrat , but raoro rapidly afterwards , and aoctt notbliur remained to toll of my trouble. My blood Is now thor oughly cleansed , * lxl my sjstem free from taint , and I owe soy present condition a perfect cure to y4utmi 1Ielno. I cheerfully giro this stAtement ibat others who ha\ ifferod as I h T sn y reap the name benefit. 1UHDT M. IWjiT , 21 Wen NMnth St. noMEB , Li. , MayfiVJS83 The Swift Sprclflo Co , Atlanta , Oa. Qentlemtm i About two yeara ago my general health tare way en tirely. I was so doltllluteii that I almost de naU-od of eTerifeellim well aialn. All that the phytlclanM'mo for me brought na permanent relief. ' KrlendJ Insisted font I ihould give 8. M. , BJW fair trial , although I thought It would IxiUhrowlng away money. After taking a tluosjugh counn , tny health nil stronsth returned , and I must say that B. B. S. alune cun-dtme , as I dlncarded all otheri while using Id As a tonic I can most heartily recommend It t for general debility , It certainly la a ipealao. W. F. UniDOiu , J. P. Hoxtn LA. I knmr Kr. W. F. Bridges , and will say that his ulatomeut Is correct. Jq * VlI SutLTOif , Drueflst. Treatise on Bloo4 and Skin Dlseaees mailed rreo. TIIE Bwirr i cil'io Co. , Drawer % Atlanta. Oo. She Tried and Knows. A leading chemist of New York says : " No plasters ofuich merit as tlieAtU-10-plio-rosI'ln.stcrnhnveever before been produced. " They are n novelty because they are not made simply to sell cheap , they .ire the b < < t that science , skill and money produce , and will do what 11 claimed for them. For sprain * , nchetf , weivkntts , lameness , etc. , they are uneqtmled. M Fulton fit .Raniltitty.O .Nor.21 ' 87. ' The Atblouhorou I'lafter acted Ilka moKlc. It IB the tnl I u\cr tmd nnd I h.ivo lined many kinds. Our ilniKKlst tnld " ( iluiterH arrall alxmt the name" but I don't think wi now. I tpralmd my aim ami flumlder In July , audit haa IK en paluful Bincc , but It ( loon not pain mo at all now. Mm. WILUS JUoiu. C Eencl 0 cents for the l > oftutlnil colored pic ture , "Mooriish Maiden. " THE ATHLOPHOHOS CO. 113 Wall St. HY. FOB CHILDREN. If thoyaro wpakdellcate looking nnd troubled withu 01 ni8. Halm's Chocolate Worm Lozenges is what they need. I'rico-'jc. All druggists. IT W1M. PAY YOU jTo examine our present 'stock ' of MENS' UNDEK- WEAl ? , comprising alL grades at fair prices. Stand Lard goods and superior' ' qualities in the well-known makes the Vicuna , Holroyd , , Natural Wool DYSPEPSIA , SICK HEADACHE , Not only relieved like by most medicines , but cniod permanently with llnhn'a ( iol < len Dyspep sia Cure. PrJco fiOc a box. .A 11 druggists , Dr.J.E.lcGrew . . . , One of the Most Successful SPECIALISTS In the treatment of DEBASES of the TIIBOAT , LUHdf , llKAHT , I.IVKII , KlD.VF.VH , KYK And lUlt. Diseases of tliu llit.uN and NKHVOUS HVSTKH , ii'ii.Ei'SV ; and NKHVOUS CXUAUSTION. ASTHMA and OAVAUKII , QIIAVKL. Diseases of the UI.AI > - Dbit uiul HKCTU.M , alt Disorders ot the. tjtxim. Acure'miAiUNTKKDln all cases of 1'itivATB nmlBKiN DISEASES. Ills CUIIKS are iiBiiAnKAiii.r. and PEIIMANKNT. The most ouvriNATK CAbKfl viELUiNQ rapidly under hlM form of treatment. The doctor's theory It that no disease should be rfRnrded ns Incurixble until the dUenued 01 can Is destroyed faster than It can bo repalicd. From Ills years of experience In IloriPiTAi , and 1'iUVATH PHACTICK , the doctor Is classed among the LEAIHNO SI-KCIAMSTH. CONSULTATION FHKE. Treatment by correspondence. Send stamp Qfffce--Bu8hman Block , 16th and DouBa ) Sts. , Omahai eb , OUR NEW ADDITION IB being rapidly pushed to completion and wo hope to open the same by the ISthinst. . The changes and improvements which wo are also making in the old store extend to every lloor and department. Wo propose to have not only the largest , but also the beat arranged and best lighted Clothing Establishment. Wo have to apologize to our patrons for the present condition of our store , but it is unavoidable ; are not only crowded with goods but crowded with buyers at all times , and customers may find it a little inconvenient but they will find themselves amply repai d by the low prices wo are making throughout our entire stock and the many bargains we are offering. Our stock of Overcoats is enormous and the change in the weather has created quite a demand for them. We have everything imaginable , or at least desirable , and among our stock will bo found many lots which are marked in price far below their in trinsic value. The Mons' Suit stock is the heaviest ever shown and its variety warrants the as sertion that whoever buys a Winter Suit without at least looking here , fails to consult his own interest. There is not an establishment in the west that oilers the selection or names the prices wo do. Boys and Children are as amply provided for we still have some of the special bargain Knee Pant Suits at $2.50 a suit , which would be cheap at $5.00. We want every mother to look at this suit. In long Pant Suits and Boys' and hildren' s Overcoats wo offer great inducements. Underwear you can buy of us at lower prices than the regular retailers pay for them. Gloves , Hosiery , Neckwear and all other Mons' furnishings at lowest possible prices. Hats are almost given away , at least you would think so if you look at the con stant rush in our Hat Department. The quantities we handle of these goods , and the way we buy them puts all competition out of the question. COOTIE Zap iccs cnxTJLTSsr. Nebraska Clothing Company Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. Burlington Burlington Route Route CB.&Q.R.R. CB.8Q.RR. | The Burlington takes the lead. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska. i It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. 1 * < fc > - It was in advance of all lines in giving the people off Omaha and the West a fast mail service. rtvrt'dfc. It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver th evening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. * * Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. Burlington Burlington Route Route CB.&Q.R.R. C.B&Q.R.R. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS , 1878. BAKER'S _ Warranted nlitoltitrlu jxire Cocoa , from wlilcli the eiccfs of Oil lias been removed. JthasrArM limtt the ilrenyltt of Cocoa mixed wjth Starch , Arronroot or Sugar , and U therefore la inoia economi cal , eottmy lui than one etnt a cup. It Is delicious , nourishing , strengthening , easily digested , and admirably adzjtcd for Imalld * ns well as for persons lu health. Bold tij ( IrorerH yurjnhere. W , BAKER & CO , Dorchester , Mass , SteckPiano Kemarttable for powerful rmpt > jEettc tone , pllabla action and SLD- ome | durability. 3uy ears' recer * . SB bast guarantee ot th ic - lonce of tneso Instrument * . WOQDBRIDGEBRQS , nil Q tin elventmlm sal satisfaction In tbe cure of Ooncrrhtca and Gleet. I prescribe. Hani ) f celeaf e In recommend- Ins ; It to all sufferers. i. J. STONTB , M.D. , 1 Dcctiur , III. rnicn , oi.co. Tri field by aules , Severest rases cured In seven dais , hold JI.60 tier box , all drucKlstfl. or by mall from Do- cuta Mfg. Co. , 112 White tit. , N. Y. Full Directions. . HOWTOAOT. Ixjitvir"1 ! ' , . - ln ttH Heelln tnd Fontlloptl dlwr. dtn enrfd uithoul Ktomub M idle lull. Hewarc of Fraud , as my name and the price are stamped on the bottom ot all my advertised rhora before leaving the factory , which protect the wrarrra agilnsl high prices and Inferior ooils. If n dialer oircrs W. I. . Poncli'n sliH' at a rtdurnl price , or ears he has them without my namr and price claibpul on the bottom , put him dowu an a fraud. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE * GENTLEMEN. The only calf S3 SEAM1VE88 fihof smooth In side. NO TACKS or WAX TlIItEAII to hurt the feet. e r > i h ndi' rKt and tVII.I. NOT KII * . W. I , . IlOUnLAS hllOK. the original and onlr hand-sewed welt (4 shoe. Equals custom-made Railroad Men and Letter Carriers all wear tliein. htuooth Inildo asa Hand-Sewed fchoe. Mo Tackier SHOE . IIK Is the best In the world for rough wear ; p .cuif."tioueJA1Saa5y ! ! fioE ron neTS t. the Iwst School Bhoe In the world. W. I. . IJOUOI.AH 81.75 YOUTH'S Bcliool Shoe Klf e > the small Eoy a chauce to wear the test ehors In the world. . , . . . . . All made In Congress , Button and Lace. K cot told by your dealer , write W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton , Mass. For Sale by Kclloy , Stipcr Ss Co. ; Geo. , S , Miller , 012 North Kith street , . O Wl AH A MEDICAL I SUR6ICAL INSTITUTE , N. W. Gor. 13th A Dodge Sta. APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUtSES. Best facilities , apinritus and rrmcdlcs for mil. r sful treatment ofcTcry form of dii-caic rcqulrt ing Medical or bureical Treatment. / FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. ' noard and attendance ; but hospital accommo datloni in tbe west WRITE ou CimcrLAUR on Dtformilks and nraces , Truuei , Club Feet , Curvature of thti Olaaoiea of Women a Specialty. ( BOOK o DiiiAEs * or WOKIK FniC. ONLY EILIABLE MIDIOAL I1I3IITU1Q AXINO A enciii.TT or PRIVATE DISEASES. All nlood Diieaiti successfully treated. Syph ilitic Poison remoTed from tbe y tem without mercury. New restoratUc treatment for lots ol Vital rower. 1'crioni unable to visit us may ha treated at home by correspondence , All couirou * nicationi confidential , Medicineor Instrument * scut by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to Indicate contents or tender. One per sonal interview preferred. Call and consult ut or send history of your cast , aaU we will tend iu plain wrapper , our / BOOK TO MEN , FREE ; Upon FrUate , Special or Nerrous Dlseatef , Im * tttency , Syphilis. Gleet and Varlcocele , witU Ipt'tlou jut. Address Omaha JfriKcal and iurgteal Initltutttt DR. McMENAMY ,