0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , OCTOBER 13. 1888. THE DAILY BEE. OOUNOIlTBLUFF S. OFKICH. NO Jl ! I'UAUIi KTUKIJT. l > 11vcre < l t > y carrier In Any 1'ftrt ' of the City at Tvinty Cents 1'ir Week. II.V. . TJI/ION , MANAUUK. Orntr. No. 4J. Niniir IUITOH : , No.SI. MIXOU MKXTIOX. N. Y. Plumbing company. Only $10.8. ) ut Chapman's iirt store. Elegant overcoatings tit A. Holler's , Dierchnnt tnllor , U12 Broadway. A marriage license was Issued yester day to W. H. Skotehley mid Mis-s Olive Ctirle , both of this county. The funeral services of Arthur , Infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. Morris , was held ycHtcrdtiy afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Carter yesterday aftcnioon laid away their Infant daugh ter , who died Thursday , aged two years. The funeral of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Taylor was held yester day afternoon , Hov. Dr. l'helj)3 ) olHclai- ing.A A lalfcc flro alarm was turned in yes terday morning from the transfer , where repairs are being inside on the fire and police alarm circuit. Another wave of success hns rolled upon Council BlnlTs in having t-ecured Bishop Newman to deliver his great "Tho March Civilisation " lecture. of , at the Methodist Episcopal cliurch next Tuesday evening. The students of the Western Iowa college - lego gave their new instructor , Prof. Hcariek , a surprise party Thursday evening at the residence of Prof. O&- trom , on Avenue 10. The gathering was a largo ono and t ho occasion greatly enjoyed. George Gunnclla lost $05 in "Dutch Hill's" place on Upper Broadway. Ho had two parties named Prolsttc and Thorp arrested for the theft of the money , and the case will come up to day. There is but little evidence upon which to secure a conviction , and the defendants will probably be discharged. The Catholic ladies will oncn a bazaar a week from next Monday evening , to continue ten days. Great preparations tire being made for the event , which promises to bo the most .successful fail- ever hold in the city. Several articles are to b disposed of , among them being a sewing machine , cow , lot at Manawa , doll , etc. A portion of the Hroadway paving at the corner of Fourth street had to bo torn up yesterday to remedy a defect in the motor line track. The track had been laid about a half an inch too wide around the curve , for a distance of about fifty yards , anil there was nothing to do but to take it up and relay it. The great rush with which the work was done accounts for the mistake , as well as several defects in the paving in vari ous places. Yesterday morning the case of James Covalt , W. II. Robb and Al. Hewers was called in Squire Schurcourt. . The young men were charged with disturb ing a meeting of the Salvation army. The defendants insisted on a jury trial. The entire day was consumed in the ex amination of witnesses and the argu ments in the case. Tlio prosecution was conducted by Mr. Klmer , and the de fense by Snyder & Welsh. The Knights of Labor gave their first annual ball last evening. The attend ance was large and the occasion was so well managed that all participants seemed to have a merry time. Cory A. Reed was master of ceremonies , and the various committees performed their part well. The knights as an organiza tion stand well in this community , so cially as well as otherwise , and their gathering was a creditable one. Gilbert Bros , took out a permit yes terday morning for a new double' ice house to cost $5,000. The new structure will bo erected near the waterworks reservoirs on Lower Broadway , where thie firm cuts its ice. It is thought that the rapid growth of the western part of the city necessitates such a rnovo. The present ice houses of the firm in the ccntnr of the city will bo filled and used as in the past. Subscribers to the Chautauqua stock should step forward promptly and meet the first call for cash. Much of the success of the enterprise depends upon the promptness with which the neces sary money is forthcoming. The enter prise is an assured success if those who have pledged to support it do so without any hesitancy. It will prove a greater thing than any ice carnival , corn pal ace or siege , and with constant cliango of attractions will never grow monet onous. There arc no new developments in the Wells absconding case at the trans fer. The railway company is still hold ing back the money duo Wells , and will turn it over to the court , whore the em ployes of Wells and the Douglas County bank will fight for it. It is intimated that the company is keeping still in the matter , hoping to see the employes in stitute a suit against Wells' assignee seas as to lot them out of It , but the commit tee says no such move will bo mado. The members of the Dodge Light Guards have been measured for now fatigue coats by the Omaha agent of John Wanamakor , of Philadelphia. There will bo forty of the now coats and they will cost 84(10. ( They will bo a great improvement over the coats now worn for drilling purposes and are what the boyu have needed for some time. They will bo made immediately , and will bo ready for the boys the next time they appear in public. Lou Emor on yesterday filed an in formation before 'Squire ' Schufts which led to the arrest of Pearl Hoge'rs for larceny. The prosecuting witness al leges that the defendant stole a dress and pair of slippers , all valued at Si5.50 , from her room. The defendant gave bonds in the sum of $150 to appear for trial , Helen M. Jones becoming her bondswoman. The parties nil belong to the demi mondo. Owing to the fact that the Salvation army case occupied the attention of the court during the entire - tire day the case will como up this morning. The funeral of little Ralph , son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Cousins , was held yesterday afternoon at the residence. No. 823 Tenth avenue. Rev. G. W. Crofts officiated. The services were very touching , and the sad event calls forth the deepest sympathy of this com munity. For six months the little fol low has lingered , sutToring greatly from the injuries which ho received in being accidentally run over by n wagon. The driver of the wagon is unknown , and ho has never had the manliness to openly express a word of regret at-tho unfor tunate occurrence. Boots , slices. Klnnehan's , 320 B'way. E. H. Shcnfo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly conlidontal. OIJlco 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. See Forrest Smith's special column. J. G. Tipton has bargains In real estate. The finish on our collars , cuffs and shirts cannot ' bo equalled. Cascade Laundry Co. , NOT WANTED IN THE BLUFFS The Immigration of Omaha's Frail Ouos to Bo Discouraged. THESHERIFF'S EXCURSION PARTY A Sad Mixture of Criminals and Un- fortunntcn The KnlvutioiilHls Cole- urntliiR Too Many ChangcR ol' Grnilc Tlic Juuh Concert. A Mixed 'HUB Load. A good frl/ed 'bus loud of human freight rolled away from the doors of the county jail nt 0 o'clock last evening to take the outgoing evening passenger train on the Hurlmgton road. The load consisted of ShcrifT O'Neill , four depu ties , six prisoners bound for Fort Madi son , ono candidate for the homo of the feeble-minded at Glcnwood , and one in sane patient for the asylum at Mount Pleasant , thirteen in all. The prisoners were convicted and sentenced at this term of court , being the last of fourteen , the other eight having preceded them to the pen this week. They were Kelley - ley , Winston , Johnson , Smith , Murray and White. Hlley Bradshaw , an inolTcnsivo idiot well known to the police on account of his nightly raids on the swill barrels in the alleys in the center of the city , was at last disposed of , much to the relief of the blue coaled guardians of the city , who have come''within an aco''of shoot ing him on more occasions than one. Hefore the electric towers were erected the alloys were quite dark , and it was an absolute impossibility to discover the identity of midnight prowlers who hap pened to be a few yards away. When ordered to throw up his hands , Kiloy in variably thrust them into his pockets , as if to draw a revolver. The "copper" could not tell whether or not it was this unfortunate specimen of humanity and for several months the night pol'ico have been in constant drcnil lest they should unwit tingly kill the friendless waif , mistak ing him in the darkness for some des perate criminal. A few years ago ho set fire to the depot at Glenwood , and the structure was consumed. Ho seemed to have a mania for incendiar ism , having started several llres in this city , the last one at the transfer a few months ago. It is hoped that the Bluffs is now effectually rid of Jiim. The insauo memuer of the party was John Phillips , son of the late J. M. Phillips. The young man is the victim of all uncontrollable appetite for liquor , and it has made him a physical as well ns mental wreck. The worry and troiinlo arising from the young'man's condition caused indirectly the death of his father a few weeks since , and that event has preyed upon the son's mind to a great extent. The case is a partic ularly sad one , and it is hoped thatcom- plo recovery may speedily follow the change. The sheriff and his deputies will re turn to-morrow morning from Ft. Madi son. During the shcrift's absence Dep uty Sheriff Connor will have ehargo of the jail , end handle the keys for the ac commodation ot the scribes who feel uneasy when their means of communi cation with their friends inside is cut off. Sco Forrest Smith's special column. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts ft Co.'s loan ollicc , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. . _ _ _ _ Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. E. II. Shcafo & Co. , make long or short time loans on real estate , in sums to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Oflico Broadway and Main street , upstairs. A Demand For L > aw and Order. The attempt to clear out the prosti tutes from Omaha has caused a large immigration of this class to Council Bluffs. It is estimated that at least fifty have already taken up their abode in this city and begun to ply their busi ness. This causes alarm and indigna tion among the worthy citizens , who fear that unless the authorities are forced to take action this city will be come a great road-houso for the con venience of the toughs of Omaha. The city authorities are very lax about sa loons , gambling houses and houses of prostitution. Their policy seems to bo to let everything of this sort run boldly and openly , without restraint , much less an attempt to suppress , so long as the city gets a few paltry dollars from fines anil licenses. With the joining of Council Bluffs to Omaha there is felt to bo , more than ever before , urgent need for an enforce ment of law and order. The influx of such a crowd of prostitutes does not teem to alarm the authorities. Marshal Guanclla is quoted as saying that he can do nothing about it except to collect the usual monthly fine of $0 from each of the now-comors. It seems that each places the responsibility on some ono elbe , the marshal looking to the council , the council to the marshal , both of them to the mayor , and the mayor to both of the others , while all three look to the state authorities , who in turn look to the city. There arc a few of the olllcials who oven chuckle over the idea of getting two or three hundred dollars more a month into the city treasury , and seem to have no idea of any evil effects which may befall the moral and material con dition of the city. Decent citizens are becoming greatly in earnest. They are insisting that law must be obeyed. Gambling houses must not be open and defiant. Houses of ill- fame cannot bo run with utter abandon. The threatened increase of criminal classes is to bo averted , and if the pres ent officials are too weak-kneed , the spring election will retire thorn in favor of real men. It is interesting to note the law in re gard to houses of prostitution and how it is evaded in Council Bluffs. The now state law makes itapenitentiary offense for any ono to bo a prostitute or keep a house. The penalty is not more than five years' imprisonment. When this law was passed four years ago there was a general scattering out of the city , but when it became evident that this law was not to bo enforced hero , the prosti- tltutes came flocking back. It seems that with such a law the evil could bo greatly checked. The city ordinances very mildly pro vide that it shall bo unlawful for any person to harbor , sccrcto , allow or per mit any female to bo or remain in any bawdy house , house of ill-fame , prosti tution or assignation without immedi ately notifying the chief of police thereof ; or shall allow any house , build ing or other promises In nis or her pos session , or under his or her control , to bo used for such purpose , under a pen alty of from $26 to $100. 1-requontorsof such places and in mates are liable to a line from $10 to ' V - ' , $100. Lr.mlliullesj arc liable to n like fine. fine.The The ordinances njnko it n mMo- meaner for nmlos nntl prostitutes to ns- sodtite upon or nloiitf public "tracts , parks or other public plnccs tit any time of day or ni'ht. ( The city ordinances make it the duty of the city marshal "to cause to bo un forced within the city the luws of the state nnd ordinances of the city in re lation to litionsos and tralllc in intoxi cating liquors , the suppression of gamb ling houses and houses of ill-fame , also vagrancy. " Section 07 , of the laws of Iowa , em powers the city council "to repress and restrain houses of ill-fame. " Also to authori/e the destruction of all instru ments and devices used for the purpose of gaming. " The state and city authorities are ex pected to take prompt action along this line , and in doing so will bo heartily supported by the majority of citizens. A lax policy will simply result in an overturning of those who o duty it is to enforce the law. The sentiment of this community is too strongly in favor of law and order to fco trilled with. Don't waste your time on tax title lots , but como and buy ono of 13eiihon & Shepherd and get a perfect title. Tney have trackage on First iivonuo that can't bo beat. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies , or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. * ' A. A. Clark & Co. , olllco cor. iiroadway and Main , over American express. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and shlrtb by Cascade Laundry company. See Forrest Smith's special column. of Grndc. There is quite a kick among the property owners in the Fourth ward re garding the changes in grade. One citizen was busy yesterday raising his sidewalk three or four inches to the top of the curbing. Said he : "Five years ngo I paid a surveyor 1 to give mo the grade so that I could build my sidewalk. This year the street is paved , and see where I am. Helwcen changes of grade and changes of city surveyors , I very much doubt if anybody 'knows where anything ought to be. Each surveyor seems to have a grade of his own , and when ho gets elected city engineer he proceeds to tear out and change what was done by his predecessor. A man might as well make a cuess at it and go ahead , for his work will have to bo changed , no matter how he proceeds. " Hut Perhaps It Is. Perhaps Council Bluffs property is not good stuff to have , but it would bo dilll- cult to make anyone believe it who has ever bought a lot of Heuson & Shepherd. Without exception every person who has brought Broadway property of them and held it one year has do'ubled his money. Now is a better time to buy than ever before. You can make money fast. Titles perfect. Every lot oil grade. All who were fortunate enough to see and hear Miss .Tuch'b "Marguerite" in the National Opera company last year in Omaha , will be glad of another opportunity to sec her in the same role to-night at Dohauy's. We have no competitors in finishing collars , cufls and shirts. Cascade Laun dry Co. New mince meats and saur kraut just received at Tibbitts' . Mrs. L. Simmoni , dressmaker , ni4 liiond- way , over Eiscmnn's , on electric motor line. Special advantages to Omaha ladies. An Army Amilvcrjinry. Yesterday was the second anniversary of the establishment of a branch of the Salvation army in this city. Great preparations have been made to properly celebrate the event , and the anniver sary meetings will continue this even ing and to-morrow. The hall has been decorated with all of the fruits and grains of the season , and its appearance is greatly improved. Several soldiers from other places are hero to take part in the hallelujah meetings , among them Captain Shilts , one of the three "Salva tion bosses" who organized this branch. Omaha nnd Oskalooba are also repre sented. Clark's O. N. T. spool cotton and Mar shall's linen thread , the ladies of Coun cil BlulTs have fallen in love with for its general excellence in all kinds of sowing and fancy work. John Beno & Co. Going ! tiniiif ; ! ! Gallic ! ! ! Since Monday morning twenty-two lots have been sold on Broadway in Ben son's second addition. There are now only twenty-live lots in this addition left and they will not last long. Benson & Shepherd are solo agents for this addition , and if you want one of these lots don't delay an hour. Re member "Benson's Second" lots have n perfect title. Abstract furnished with each lot. BIJNSON & Siui : > iiiitu. : Personal W. II. Ware , Esq. , orates at Persia this evening. Miss Maggie Harvey , of Logan , is the guest of Miss Ida Casady , of this city. Archie Brown , a prominent attorney of Galcsburg , 111. , was in the city yes terday. James Atchison , of Cascade , la. , is visiting his brother , William Atchi son , jr. Mrs. J. C. Mitchell has gone to Marion , la. , for a brief visit with rela tives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Loomis and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. F. Sapp , jr. , are spending the week in Chicago. Mrc. Thomas , of Wnukcsha , Wis.loft for homo last evening , after a week's visit with her friend , Mrs. S. II. Foster , of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Nowmnyer loft last evening for St. Louis to attend the funeral of Mr. Fred Boumistor , a brother of Mrs. Noumayor. The de ceased was formerly engaged in the hotel business and later in mercantile pursuits , but of Into years had retired from active business. Ho was forty years of ago. Plainyiow addition lots are high and dry , and largo size. There is money to be made on them. Don't wait until the bridge is opened or you will pay a great deal more money for them. BENSON & SIIKPIIKKD , Solo Agents. Loans made on city business and resi dence property. Notes bought. Kira- ball-Champ Investment company. The store room in the now addition to Neumayer's hotel , is to bo occupied on or about the 15th of the present month by Stoinkopf & Schoficld with a fine stock of groceries. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. For beauty , for comfort , for improve ment of the complexion , use only Poz- zpni's Powder ; there is nothing like it. A HOME ON SEVEN YEARS TIME WITHOUT INTEREST. Nice 5-room cottages , brick foundation , and all necessary out-buildings. Only ten minutes walk from the new motor line. Near the NEW POWER HOUSE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. A FEW ONLY LEFT FOR SALE ON THESE TERMS. APPLY AT ONCE TO OT . r 1 n - MASONIC TEMPLE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. TELEPHONE NO. 112. POST OFFICE MEAT MARKET , Blnnufaclurrra and Wholesale Do lera 'n Senassige of .A.11 Kincis. . . OrdorH I'r.iinutly Filled nnd Delivered. . . . XO. G 5 ISROAUWAY. - - TELEPHONE NO. There was a largo attendance at the first annual ball of the Union Pacific assembly , No. 1,800 , K. of L. , last even ing at Masonic hall. The floor was filled with merry dancers , and there was nothing wanting to make the affair a grand success. Dalby's orchestra furnished delightful music , and the evening was an enjoyable one. The boys struck it rich , from a financial point of view , and netted a neat sum for the treasury. They start out re markably well , ajid it is hoped that their good success may continue. Twin City addition lots are selling like hot cakes. If you don't ' believe it come to our office and see the plat. BKNHOX & SIIKI-IIKUD. The delinquent lax list is now being tabulated for publication , nnd those who do not want further costs added to their little bill , should call on the county treasurer immediately and set tle , r COMING TO THE FRONT. With oncn purchase of K.OO wo plve a ticket peed for one chance in twenty different articles. Total prizes amount to Jim. These presents \ > 111 be given aay January 2 , 1 81. 1st I'llze One Gent's Mem Winder Silver Watch. 2nd I'rIze-One Gent's I'nlr of Pants , made to order. Urd 1'rlze One O cut's Fancy Wool Overshlrt. 4th Prize One Gent's J'lne Suit Wool Under wear. Gth Prize Ono Gent's Silk Mufll r. ( Ith Prize One Gcnt'H Pair Klnu Mittens. 7th Prize Ono Gent's Elegant Watch Chain. 8th Prize One dent's Silk Handkerchief. Uth Prize One Gent's Pair Cull Muttons. 10th Prize One Gent's Fine Bcarf Pin. lllli Prize-One Gent's Silk Necktie. l-'th Pilze Ono Gent's 1 ine Uhlnestono Stud. llltli Prize-One Gent's Pair Kid Gloves. Hth Prize One Gent's Pair Silk Suspenders. 15th Pilze-Ono Gent's Pair 1'ino Woolen Socks. IBth Prize One-half doz. Gent's Linen Hand kerchiefs. 17th Prize-One Gent's KlneTle. 18th Prize Ono Gent's Kir-cant I.ocket. llith Prize-One Gcul's Tine Gold Collar Hut- ton. ton.'Oth -'Oth Prize Ono Gent's Set , containing LookIng - Ing GlBKS , Shears and Comb. CUT PRICESAUHE JOB LOT CLOTHING HOUSE. Men's Heavy Working suits * . ! .ni ( worth $7. Jlen'H Host Ores * Suits i" > , worth $3. Men's Ail-Wool Suits J7. vortli tU.BO. Men's All-Wool Fine Dress Suits $10 , worth JIN./ / ) . Men's Heavy Scotch Suits SO. worth ttfl. Mi-nN Impoiteil Worsted Suits $ ] . ' , worth 8irt.23. .Men's Heavy Worsted Suits J" . worth $11) ) . Men's Heavy Working Punts H , woitli$1.50. Men's Cahhmcrt ! Punts sl.MI. worth 5J.75. WJ Pair Woolen Punts , nil kinds of fancy stiliu'H , lutcst styles , from I..W ) up. llpy's Heavy Suits , trom 1 to 1" years , 11.5'J worth < 3. Hoy's All-Wool Suits , ngo 10 to 13 , J5 , worth 4.W ! ) . Hoy's Overcoats , age 4 to VK , worth $ . " > . Hoy's All-Wool Overcoats ti : , worth M.M. Men's Storm Overcoat * . f.l.W. wol tit tii.'B. Men's Woolen Overcoats $ , " > , worth 110. . 13. Men's Dreis Ovoicoats * 7 , woith tU.iU. Men's Imported Worsted Overcoats J11 , worth m-i.- , . Men's Heaver Overcoats W.V ) , woith } 17.Eo. Men's Chinchilla louts and Vr tn M , woith HO. Men's Aatrakan Coats and Vests , blacK or brown , JIO.iVi , woith * lb.r : > . Men's Scarlet Shirts nnd Drawers nt FOc , worth * l.r.O. Men's llest Suits Swlls Condo Underwear $ i.50 worth M. Men's Ilest Heavy Suits Underweur $ : . ' , woith U75. Men's Ilest Camel Hftlr Suits Underwear JS.'J.- > , worth f 4.60. . Men's Host Gray SulUi Underwear Mc ) , worth ifLSI. i- Men's llcst Canton Flannel Suits Underwear 75coith JI.'J ) , i Men's Host Moleskin Shirts Wo. woith 15c. Men's ( test F.xtru Heavy Moleskin Shlits 7Cc , worth * 1.M. .Men's lte.st Illuo Flannel Shirts ir > r , worth $1.35. Men's Host Fancy Flannel Shirts II , worth t . Men's Ilest Fine Flannel Shuts , assorted colors , * 1.7ri.worthl.i' ! . . ' Men's Host Casslmere Shirts , assorted colors , Jl.roworth l. Men's Ilest Wool HuMMo. worth 7 ! > c. MenV Ilest Fur llut8.UU * t styles , tl.2.1 worth (3. Men's Ilest Fine Stilt Httts $ l.hd. worth 12.75. Men's Hest Scotch Caps KOc. worth 76r. Men's Host Working Shoos J I , worth 11.75. Men's Hebt Seamless Slioes , Congress Buttons. tl.W. worth ( . ' .SO. , - Men's Host llullroad Wldo Solo Shoes 12,00 , w orth (3. i Men's Ilest Calt Shoos t2 , worth J3.23. Men's Hest Working Hoots ll.W , woith I2.CS , Men's Hest Kip Hoots fj. , worth I.7/ / > . Men's Ilest Fine Calf llootati.W ) , worth 14.60. Men's Ilest Gloves and Mittens Me up. All the goods mentioned hero are of latest styles. Como and see our goods before pur chasing ; it will pay you to examine our goods. Hcincinlicr the IMiico. M. MARCUS , 546 & 548 BROADWAY , COUNCIL nbUWB , : : IOWA S STEWART M D D V M , , , , , , , , VETERINARY SDRGEON HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STREST. Telephone No. 390. COUNCIL DLUFFSi i i IUW SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SPECIAL , advertisements , HiiclmsLo troun < l. To Loan. Kor Sale. To Kent , Wants , Hoard ing , etc. , will b Inserted In this column at the low ratu of TKN CENTS I'EIl UNU for the first Insertion nnd Kive Cents 1'er Uno for each sub sequent Insertion. Leave advertisements nt our oltlce. No. 12 Pearl Street , near Hroadway , Council Hinds Iowa. WANTS. LOST nuncliof 6orR keys on flrondwny or Mynstcr street between Olen avenue and Avenue C. Finder pie ise leave at Ileo olfico. FOR JtKNT or for sale on long time -The now house on ( iraham avenue , being the next hou-e above Dr. ( lordon's ; 4 rooms with basement. Horace Kverett. TCB for nale In car load lots. Mulhollaud It Co. FOlt IlKNT Good house and stable , just ouV side of city. Apply to Horace Lveiett FOK HKN'T Furnished front room , for gen tlemen. 221 N. Second Htieet. WANTED-Kverybody to know that 1 will not bu undersold In either furniture or stoves. It's your patronage I want , and Juilqe for yourself. I also buy all llrst class IIOU-.P- hold Roods. No rubbish wanted. A. J. Mandel , 32H and 3Hroadway. . TJ1UHX1SHEO room for rent. 117 1th at. j OK KENT Seven-room cottace. on the cor- L' uer of ad nve. and Uth ft.V , C. James. FOH HUNT A InrRO number of good dwell ings. Call and examine list. E. II. Sheaf e & Co. , Hroadway and Main St. . up stairs. HOUSES for rent. Johnstoa & Van Patten. 33 Main st. FORREST SMITH'S SPECIAL fANT "CVR SALE Homo of 6 rooms : closets and Jcellar. . I.argo lot , good born , well and cis tern. Krult trees. A Rood home. COO E. Plerco St. , 'Jblkto st. cars. 12,100 ; easy terms. FOR SALE-iVfoot lot on thn corner of Ilroadwiiy atid 22d st. , only J4W If taken soon. FOH SAfiF. 44-foot lot on llroadway In the llr.st lilock this end of tlio new bridge to Omaha ; If sold at oncu only inr > . FOH SALi : An elegant fi-room cottage with lot B'lxl'iO , on Harrison st : this propel ty is worth from $ .1,000 to t-I.MX ) , but If ( old soon will bell for $ i,60J ; good terms. FOH HUNT Nlco 4-room cottage on Htlmve. and 10th st. , only $11 per mouth , rpo LOAN Money to loan on her > .es , cattle , -L furniture , pianos. Jewelry , etc. ; iee me be fore boi rowing elsewhere. FOH SAU-I.ot : 44x120 on 1st ave , near N.V. . H. 11. depot , on N. W. track ; cheap at 1100. FOH SALE-Lots , houses and lots , and aero property In all parts of tlio city ; cheaper by 'M per cent than It can bo bought ! K ) d.iys from now. Call and examine my list befoiu unylng. FOH SAM : 18 acres on both sides of U. P. II. H. track , ' . ' , mllouest of union depot ; \\oukl make a line addition to Council IlluOsorOmaha. Only t W per acre. FORREST SMITH , Itoom 4 , 3rd Floor , Urown Building. OFFICER & PUSEV , BANKERS. tCOBroadway Council IlIulTs , Iowa. L' DANCING CLASSES. TUKSDAY SATIJUDAY AT 4:30 : I1. M AT 3 P. M. AND 8 P. M. /.NO B r. M. Royal Arcanum Hall , Beno Block. MRS. 91ACJUAKU. DYE WORKS NO , 29 MAIN STREET , Latest Novelties In HUMAN HAIR GOODS MRS. C. L. GILI < ETT . D , H , McDANELD & CO , , Hides. Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. E3 > and 33 Mala HUMt.Couucll NEW COTTAGES ! Neat and comoclious Five Room Cottages witft closets , etc. , are now offered On very liberal terms of payment , thus enabling mechanics , clerks nnd laboring men to secure a homo by paying n small payment down and monthly payments to apply upon the purchase price , instead of paying rent. These houses are located botwen BROADWAY AND AVENUE "A" And immcdintcly between the electric power house nnd the car shops. With electric cars parsing every ten minutes to Omaha , with only 5 cent fares. For full particulars address mo and I will call upon you. . a > Ju3L. Jt ? ' .L'.L'C.xJZjL , P. O. BOX 4N8 , OMAHA , NKU. BABBITT TRACT JUST PLATTED AND NOW OFFERED FOR SALE Large lots ; easy of access , with splendid sewerage opportunity. Close proximity to business portion of city , vicinity of good churches and schools. Just off Broadway. Electric motor for all points in city and Ouiuha every seven miu utcs. Easy terms. Perfect title. -FOR ) SALE BY- ( F. J. DAY , No. 39 Pearl Street. A. A. CLARK & CO. , Broadway and Main J. G. TIPTON , 527 Broadway , FRANK COOK , No. 5 Pearl Street JOHNSTON & VAN PATTEN , 33 Main Street , AND ALL OTHER REAL ESTATE BROKERS COUNCIL , BLUFFS , IOWA. 1842. INCORPORATED 1878 I MASSILLON , OHIO , MANUFACTURERS. Especiallr Adapted to * SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators. AUTOMATIC - : - CUT-OFF ENGINES. Specifications and estimator furnished for complete Rtoam plants. Regulation , Durability Ouar- ftnteed. Can show letters from users wheic fuel Economy is equal with Corliss Non-Condeiuluja UKANCI1 HOUfeC , COUNCIL ISMJFFS , IOWA. Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. H DID IIN DINT " Hydraulic ami Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Intimates , , DlniXI llDlllL. Specifications Supervision of Public Work. lirown Building , Council UliilTk , Iowa. Dl IDlVr Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115 DUniXL" Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. M l M B 'M MMBHi B BH MHHMMBMMMMMHi H MBHMMMl MM MHHMM B HMHMMM MMH HiMMaMM Justice ol the Peace. Onke over American Express , No. 41S ) N " Broadway , Council Blulls , Iowa. Ji QIM ? Attorneys at Law , Practice In ( he State and Fed era < X OIIYlO" Couris. Onice Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart-Beno Block , Council Blufl'c , Iowa. P P HA7FNDentlst > Koom 0 > Opcra 1Iouse Block | Ccunci | Bluftv > > Iow SMOTHERS & BEECROFT , - { ROIMUKTORS OF - COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA u. - ) OFFICES ( - BLUFFS P. C. Do Yol'a Store , No. I OMAHA Carpenter Paper Co. , No. 11H 501 Middle llroadway. Telephone No. 67. | Douglas Street. Telephone No. 2CQ. CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1514 DouglM Sti , Om ti , Neb , THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. FRIC3 $15. Is equal to auy High Prised Machine. Tba Edlion Mimeograph , tlio bed appiralui lit manifolding , autographic and tjpe nrithu tt'jci , 9HU ceplei can be taken , The Eseelslor Cc.Council Bluffi , I * ,