THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13 , 188a MEKER-WILDMAN CONTEST , Btato of Affnlra In the Slxty-Sov- onth Roprosoutatlvo District , HAYES COUNTY REFUSESTHEGAG Indications Thin the 1'olln Will Fur- the Only MrniiH of Settlement of lie Trouble. LINCOI N nrttKAU or TUB OMAHA BEE , 1 UK'J I' STIIKKT , > I.i.stoi.v. Oct. 13. I The Meeker-Wild man contcit In the Sixty- Bovcnth representative district , will not down until nftor the echoes of the election In No vember have tiled away. There Is nothing suier than thK Hayes county stands boldly out and refuses to tnlto tnc ( , ' prepared for the republicans of the district by the exccu- 'llvo ' committee of the republican state central committee. The unnatural deal will be re sented at the polls. Mr. SVlldman is no longer in the race. His pledged faith to the board of arbitrators will be kept to the letter. W. C. Anhwill , editor of the Stratton Herald , was in the city to day and caught on the fly by Tim HUE rustler Just before his departure for home. Hands met , lips moved and answers followed questions in rapid succcs- "How are you fellows in the Sixty-seventh fmtisnccl with the settlement of jour late political dinicultyl" "Tho difficulty is not settled and will not bo until after the election in November.Ve were deeply chagrined at the action of the committee. The so-called settlement is rot ten to the core , " " \Vnvdoyou kick now } You agreed to nbido bj the decision of the arbitrators , and It was unanimous. " "You are mistaken sir ; Mr. \ \ ildman made Ills own agreement , and will stand by it , but that binds the republicans of the district in no way. The whole deal is rotten to the coie ; bpsidcBtho committee wan not a unit bv a loti ) , ' way The vote stood four for Meeker and tlireo for \Vlldtnan. I can not Kivo you the names of the gentlemen who voted to sustain Mr. Wildman , but 1 can prove this statement whenever necessary It was a Laird deal In the interest of the raft joads. Wo do not propose to stand it. When it became known that the committed was KOing to sit to pass upon the matter a Mi- Abbott , of Hajcs county , rode across thu country to Stratton , a distance of fifty miles , to learn the result of the conference at the earliest possible moment. That countv said openly when the method adjustment became - came known it .would not stand Meeker in any event , and it is given out cold that Thomas , of Ddndy , the democratic candi date , will carry the county by a malority of BOO votes. " "How does he stand In Cass and Dundy counties 1" 1 I toll you they have no use for him. His Impeachment record is too black for every voter of the district that has any regard for integrity In politics. The records are against him. Go to his old home if you want to llnd out ] ust how C. W. Meeker stands. I do not bellovo that ho can carry his own county. The county neat Unlit there will give him a black ry D. Since this light commenced ho has been carrying water on both shoulders , and the boys have spotted the fact. Imperial will dose him , and Champion can no moiothan hold him up. Ho cannot begin to carry Hitch' cock county " "Would you have been satisfied with any Other man than Wildman ) " "Yes ; but ho was our choice. But tcrfleld would have healed the wounds. Monitor was not nominated. It has been u deal of treachery from lirst to last. After the convention finally adjourned every effort Imaginable was made to compromise the mat ter , but nothing but Meeker would do. It was proposed to go back to the primary elec tions and do the whole work over again in regular order , step by step , but Mocker and Ills crowd would concede nothing. Wildman was willing to step down and out but he ev- ncted the same thing of Meeker. liuttcrficld was suggested as a compromise man. It has been a clear case of bulling from the start , ami it will bo u case of bulling at tbo polls. This is all 1 have to say about Uio matter. " SUEI > I'OIt DAMAHE * . 1 vank Torano filed his petition In the dis trict court to day against Frank A. Savage , who had the contract for electing the East O street school house , and for cause of action nlleges that ho worked for him as u common day laborer during the early part of the epring ; that his employer ordered him to as- ist lu raising a heavy stone , which was elevated - vated to its position by pulley and ropes ; that ho obeyed the order and sustained seri ous and painful injuries by one of the ropes freaking , but by no fault or carelessness of Ills own : that one of his legs was broken , his back badly sprained and that he was confined to his room for over three months , and is still in a weak physical condi tion ; that tbo Injuries ho sustained wore wholly duo to the wrongful , unlawful and parcloss methods of his employe , agents or foreman. pfor these Injuries the plaintiff further al Iciccs the belief that Uo is entitled to the sum of (2,000 damages and the costs of the suit , und so prays the Judgment of the court. CITY NKWS AND NOTES. Untcrtaker Hcaton reports four deaths florin ? the past twenty-four * hours in and near the city , vis : James Ilobertson , aeed twenty-three ; Charles Swanson , aged forty- nine ; Ira C. Mulum , aged twenty-four ; w. G. Van Dorn , aged eighty-one. The A. O. U. W. excursion party left over the Missouri Pacific for Omana this morn ing The $1.25 round trip faro caught a large number of pleasure seekers. The "order" boy * generally wont. Ccncral .1. C. Mclirldo is doing earnest work for the local , state and national tickets. Ho makes his appointments in different parts of the county , and is greeted with full houses wherever ho goon. The Lancaster republi cans arc doing splendid work. All the world mid his wlfo more particularly his wife , ( or she mnlccs the puddings , iries and custards thut delight his majesty's puhtto use Vun Duzer'n Flavoring Extrncts obtained from sound , ripe fruitincomparable in flavor , absolutely free from chemicals , highly concentrated and therefore economic , prepared by a process which does not admit of their contact with ( .any sub stance which might contaminate them , and a time-honored standard article that wins approbation in every house hold. Ttio Houses Are Deserted. Captain Green did not raid the houses in the proscribed district Thursday night as was expected , as ho vas not ordered to do so. It opl > ears that there was no occasion for such notion , as the chief and captain had made u tour earlier In the day , and found that nearly all the occupants of the houses had either moved or "closed up shop. " It is ro- ] > ortcd that probably 11 fly of the lowest Kratlo of i chigoes have taken up their abode- in Council liluffs. There was also a rumor that 8omo of the women would locate on the liluffs bottoms near the nevr bridge , but there Is as yet no positive proof of thn. Those who take Dr. Jones'Rcd Clover Tonic never have dyspepsia , costiveness - ness , bad breath , piles , pimples , ague und malaria , poor appetite , low spirits , hondacho , or Iddnoy troubles. Price 60 cents. Goodman Drug Co. Agont. Sixth "Word Improvements. The residents of the Sixth word huvo or ganized a non-partisan home Improvement qlub , the object ol which U to secure grad ing , street opening , water pipes and sewers for that section of the city , which , they claim , are now badly needed , The organlia- tton consists of sixty-five members , and has cloctod the following officers : J. Magrane , president ; II. H. Corycll , first vice presi dent ; Join F. Daley , second vloo president ; Henry Stonoy , secretary ; G. Btovons , treas urer. What is more bewitching , Heaven's blue arch beneath , : Than the smile of loveliness Showing pearly te Uif Sozodont the charm confer * Bhe who fajls to win it rn. Iiotr Caliln Drawn and 13mini The powerful engine , with lUj won derful propelling power , coupled to the long train full freighted with the rich est fabrics of the intellectual looms of the centuries what obstacles can stay the progress of this mighty force , when once under full bteam along life's high way ? The American with brawn and brain does not see the necessity for titles of nobility , does not care for elevation by descent , he can reach out and pluck the stars. LJnt with brawn or brain impaired , a man is badly handicapped in thn mad race for success which is the marked characteristic of the prem-nt age. The physical system is a most intri cate piece of machinery. It ought to be kept ell rcctiliiteil , so that it will work li.irmonlously In all its parts , then it is capable of an iiiunun G amount of work. It is said that a watch , if expected to keep perfect lime. mu t bo wound daily. It will not keep good time unless it "runs regular.1' More men breakdown because they don't "run regular" than for any other reason. It is claimed by physicians that few mi'ii are killed by hard work. It is to the irregularities of modern social llfothat the high death rate is due , Men burn their candle at both ends , then wonder why it burnsout soqtiickly. The main thing in keeping the human machine in good working order is to keep the regulator all right. "Tho blood is the life , " and sound health is assured to long as the blood Hews through the veins a limpid stream o purity. Hegulnto the regulator with Warner's Log Cabin snrsaparilln , the old-fash ioned blood purifier , prepared after the best formula in use by our ancestor * , in good old Log Cabin days , and with the vigor of brawn and brain which must ensue , in vour life's lexicon you will llnd no such word as fail. Itcv. Mr. Hnrslm CHtiulflcil. OMMIA , Oct. 13. To the Editor of Tin : Ben : In Monday evening's edition of Tun HUB I read with no small surprise and a feeling akin to indignation u statement made before an Omaha audience , by Ilev. Harsha , on Sunday evening last. Ho said that in Ireland hnsaw men , women and children lying drunk in the public streets and squares. The bare statement is bad enough ; horrible , to be true of any place or people , but the Implication is still worse , for the reverend gentleman's statement as made would leave the Impression that such was a most commonplace sight in that land. I want to say that in twenty-eight years of my "Ifo , covering darker and more miserable na tional experiences than now lealizcd , I never witnessed a scene that would justify such a ilescription as that given. Such might pos- ibly bo socn in the lowest quarters of the .argor towns or cities , just as can be found any day In the cities of this land of progress i > r any other country , but to have it stated 'tnpliedly , or otherwise , as a characteristic the Irish people I venture to raise a very decided protest. I am not a Celt , so It Is not race prejudice hat leads mo to this , but I have scon much n the Colt nnturo to admire , uiul In my .tulgonient the reverend traveler has gene widu of the mark in holding up drink as the prune cause of Irish misery not oven Eng- "ish misrule can bear the unenviable charge. Another power , far moro potent with the Celt has hold them back. Again , I never knew of a single estate owned by a priest , although I have heard of one such , but I will bo careful not to speak strongly on that. I would say , however , that had I returned to "roland after as brief a stay in America as Mr. Harsha's was in li eland , I could have consistently told nn Irish audience that Americans were the must ungodly , dissi pated and blasphemous people I over , met , for I have scon moro of the terrible effects of drink , heard moro vllo profanity in a few short years in Omaha than I aver did in all my lifu before. Hut impressions of transient visitors are not reliable. Apologizing for trespassing so largely on our valuable space , I remain yours respect fully , _ AX IltlsIIM i.V. If you need a perfect tonic or a blood purl Her , take Dr. .lones' Rod Clover Tonic. It speedily cures all troubles of the stomach , kidneys and liver. Can bo taken by the most delicate. Price 60 cents. Goodman Drug Co. Agent. The Lilawooil Caucus. Li.woon , Nob. , Oct. 10. To the Editor of TUB Hen : There was a communication in the OMUIA DULY UUK last Wednesday en titled "Railroads Outdone , " making an at tack on n gentleman of this place by the name of frank Reid , signed by ono calling himself "Eyo Witness. " The attack was cowardly , uncontlemanly , and altogether uncalled for ; and the article from beginning to end was without a particle of truth in It. It was claimed that the rail roads tried to manipulate the caucus for their own cood. Hero is an extract : "Scarcely had the time arrived for the commlttceinon to call the caucus to order , when in stalked Capper Ueicl , the chief of the railroad henchmen of the depot force , with u gang of nine or ten railroad employes , a large portion of whom were deep-dyed demo crats , and with a few others of a similar stripe , began their scheming to elect an out- and-out railroad gang to attend the republi can county convention. " This Is a fabrication from beginning to and. Mr. Koid never had any thing to do with manipulating the caucus. Mr. Hold caino to the caucus as a republican and voted as a re publican for the man of his choice. And it is a well known fact that none of the depot boys said or did anything moro than vote their sentiments. As to the men of "liko stripe , " to which Eye Witness refers , who are they ! If memory servos mo they were wore as follows : F. C. Johnson , justice of ttie IHMICO ; J. W. Bond , justice of the peace ; A. Clark Hccords , township supervisor ; L. K Sewers , architect ; L. N Smith , pastor of the M. E. church , and several farmers from the community. The contest IB the caucus was not who should go to the republican con vention , but who should bo nominated for supervisor , and in spiteof all Win. Huscnet- ter could do A Clark Uecords was nominated by a large majority This made Husenottor feel bad and caused Eye Witness to make the attack on Mr. Held , for ho flattered himself that any abuse of the railrords would tlcklo VanWyck nndTiiK BEK , Hut I wish to say right hero , that Van Wyck has more friends In thf ranks which Eye Witness abuses than Eye Witness ever controlled. This whole community claims Van Wyck as n filend both democrats and republi cans. This Van Wyck knows when ho was up here last summer and made a speech to the bo.VH , all parties gave him a send-off , and woru glad to do him honor. A more nuiet or peaceable set of men never assembled In Llnwood than composed that caucus , until Eyo-Wttnoss caine into caucus with a gang of liny-balers from Saundora county , and tried to carry the caucus by storm as usual. Trusting you will give us a hearing , and right a wrong done an innocent iimu , wo are Respectfully , "Tnosc Wno WBIIE TIIEHE. " An Absolute Cure. The ORIGINAL AI3IETINE OINTMENT Is only put up in large two ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds , rhapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles. Ask for the 6lUQINAL ABIfiTINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 23 cents per box by mail 30 cents. No Fault of the Carrier. Thura day TUB BBE noted ' * complaint of careless mall delivery. An Investigation proves that the carrier left tLe two letters in a carpenter shop , as ho had been Instructed to do by the parties to whom they were ad- drossud. A carpenter , wishing to close the shop , took the letters and throw them In the hallway , where they were nicked up by com. plaiuaut. Tiio blame attaches solely to the woodworker. _ Kor Headache Una Hoafbrd'sj Acid Plionphato. Dr. I. R. Sanford , ShefUeld , Mass. , says : "Most oxcelleat in daraugauicnU of the nervous system , auoh M headache and sleep- glJACOBS For , S NEURALGIA , CHRONIC Gasps PROMPTLY * PERMANENTLY. No Return of Pain. Cures Positively. IOLB BT nnuoaisTs AHD DEAI.UB. The Charles A. Vogeler Co. , Ilalto. . Md. CALIFORNIA ! TIIL : LAND OF DISCOVERIES. - \ -nv-wAiw Santa Abie : and : Cat-K-Oure For Sale by Goodman Drug Co. NPREOEDENTBD ATTRACTION u OVBII A MILLION DIRTHIHUTED ! LSL Louisiana State Lottery Company. Inrcnporulail l v the legislature of 1IW. for 1W- ucatlonul nnil rimrltublo purposes , audit ) ' fiuu- inailn n jwrt of the tw.ent State Coustltu- tion. In 187P. bjan overwhelming popular vote. ItsOUANlH'.XTltAOUUINAKY DRAWINGS .iKe place Hetnl-AnnuiUly Mane mid Ducemher ) iml 111 GUAM ) SINHI.K Nl'MlIKH UllAW. [ NO8 take pluce on euch of thaotliertun months n the year , niul nre nil drawn In public , nt the Academy of Music , Now Urlennt , I.u. tVe do hereby certify that we supervise the arrtuicements lor nllthit Monthly iiiul Seml-An- Mini Dnvwlnir ? of The Louisiana btato lottery Company , mid In person manage und contiol the Draw Ings themselves , and that the s une are conducted with honesty , fairness , anil In iroodfiilth towaid all parties , and wo authorize the company to use this certificate , with fac similes of our signatures attached , lu Its adver tlsoments. " COMMISSIONED. We. theundorslfnied llank.sand Bankers , will pay all Prizes diawn In The Louisiana State Lotteries which may oo pret-ented at our count terf. : U. M. WALMSLEV , Pros. Louisiana Nat. Bank. 1'IKUKK LANAl'X. Pres. State Nat/1 Hank. A. BALDWIN , I'res. Nevr Orleans Nat'l Bank. CAUL KOIIN. I'rcs. I'nlon National Bank. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING , In the Ac nil e in y of Alualc. New Op- leans , Tuesday , November lii , 1HHH. CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000. 100,000 Tiofeots at Twenty Dollars each. Halves $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twen tieths $1. LIST or raizes. 1 PIUZR OHfctOO.Oc)01s ) . J30J.OOO i PIUZK OK i < xams . loo.ono 1 I'HIZK OK TO.OIW1S . m,000 1 PKIZK OK ttVUOOiit " 2PHIZKSOK 10niX ) are . ! , ( ) spuiXKsor are . ar > , ooo 25 PHI/.KSOK 1,000 are . ilVXX ) 100 PIU/.KSOF 500 are . CO.OOO 100 PHI/.KSOK ! Xare . 00.000 HWPKIZESOK aware . 100,00) ) ArrllOXIMATION PHIZKX. 100 Prizes of won are . co.noo 100 du. aOOaro . IW.OOO 100 Uo SWore . LV.OOJ TERMINAL I'lU/ES. B99 do lOOare . W.90) BU9 do lOOare . IW.lWO .1,131 Prizes , amounting to . Jl.OfH.KW NOTKTicket ! ilruwinn Capital l'rlie are not etv Illleil lu terminal prizes. t/fKoit Ci IMI KATKH , or any further Informitlnn deslroJ , write loulblr to tb * uuitenlKiiotl , clearly Mating TOUT reilfleiice.witti btntc. County , street anil number. Mom rapid return mall < U > llTory will be HI. jureil by your enclosing an envelope benrlnu your "sonrt WJSTAIj NOTKS , Krpre i .Money Orders , of New Vork Kiclmngo In ordinary letter , Curreucy by Kipresi mt our oipeojo ) addressed M A * OAUI IIIN , OrM. A.IUUHIIN. NBW Orleans , La. WiuIiliiKton , I ) . C. Address Registeredletters to NEW ORI.KANS NATIONAL I1ANIC , New Ora'uua , La. That the prcsonco of Qen- - llouu rouurd und Karly , who arelnclinrKO or the ilrawlniM. IH a xunr- nutco of absolute falrnet an ! Integrity , thnt the chances re all euiiul.tind Hint no uno tan punulblv divine what number will druw u pruu. "UKMKMIIKli , alvi. tlnittliu imyiuent or prizes li fiUAUANTKKI ) HV t'Ol'll ' NA'ilONAI. HANKS OK New Urleiun. and the Tickets nro lcnud by the I're- Ident of an Inttltutlnn whusii clinrtered rl IUn nro rociignUed In the lilclictt cuiirti. thurelore , bewnru of any Imitation * or anonymous chemt . And nil nature assumes a rrlntery as pect , those who are prudent and econ omical will heiln to look about for protection WHEN tection aualn > l cold neuther , chanees of tcmperuturo , and their results. Winter - tor clothliiK , fuel and lltssos n I'I.AS- THE TXitare recotfnlied as the most linpor- tant household neces < ltles This plaster has secured a permanent place | n every LEAVES well regulated household , as the most valuable external remeJy known for Count , ! , Colds , Chest 1'atns. llarkucho , Ithcumatlsm. Sciatica , Liunb.ik'o and all BEGIN aches and pains peculiar lo this season ot Iba year. Owlnir to Us tuent popular ity HE.NHON'H 1'I.AHrrn has been laruely Imitated , hence buyers should nlwuys sk for llKSBOVa and refuse all others , TO FALL thus avoiding worthless products. ( Vbe&d two crnl stamp lo Moabury A Johnson. : i Platt HI reel , N Y. . for a Copy Of ISSTIIUCTIONH riKIM Till. 1)OC- Ton , a valuable household book. State Line. Toilasgo > v , Belfast , Dublin and Liverpool From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin passage $35 and KO. according to location ot stute room , Kxourslon t 3 to t U. Steerage to and from Burope nt Lowest Kates. AUSTIN BALDWIN & CO , Gen'l Agents. U llroaaway , Ne\r Vork. JOHN ni.IIQEN. Qca'l UAKHV Reduced Cabin Rates to Glasgow Ex- POPITLARIT'Sr To attain the standard of limitless that a merchant strives to gain , he must first obtain the Implicit con- jidcnccof the nubile. It is nocasu matter ( an all business men arc aware } to accomplish this nltjlcult tasK , and it is an isolated case where it occurs Uy doing a STRICTLY HONORABLE BUSINESS , something which greatly bencfltted their pack etbnolt * and their backs , the co natrons that o - liortunitji to jnirchaac their , MISFIT AND UJOLLED-FOR GARMENTS At a rcry nominal figure , and below we intote prices for these goods which will Induce the most inveterate _ bargain seclicr to investigate , Fall and Winter Suits Correct Styles , Elegantly Made and Trimmed. 9.50 buys a Sci'iiiour Sack Suit , which was mndo to order for $20. 11.50 buys H One-Button Sack Suit , which was made to order for ? 22. 13.75 buyH a Straight-Out Suck Suit , which was made to order for $28. 16.00 buys a Railroad Sack Suit , which was made to order for $30. 20.00 buys a Four-Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $40. 24.00 buys a One-Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for f 50. 28.50 buys a IJuunocklmrn Cheviot , frock or Hack , which was made to order for $60. 30.00 buys a Crepe Worstedim. ( ) 4-Button Cutaway , which was made to order for $65. AND THEY ABE DANDIES. $18.00 buys n cassimere Prince Albert Suit which was made to order for * 37. 22.50 buys a Cheviot Prince Albert Suit , which was made to order for $45. 25.50 buys a Corkscrew Prince Albert Suit , which was made to order for $50. 30 00 buys a Nobby Pin Check , light color , which was made to order fcr $60. 35.00 buys an importedWorsted , satin lined , which wtw tnnde to order for $70. 40.00 buys a Clay Worsted , silk lined , which was made to order for $80. FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS , Beauties from $8 up , A nobby and complete line of Pantaloons from $2,75 to $10 , All altcratlonsto improve a ftt done free of cliarge MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS 1119 FARNAM STREET. 11 Three Doors East of I2th Street. I Omaha , Neb. Mail Orders Promptly Attended to OVER 10,000 MAGEE RANGES 2,000 MAGEE FURNACES AND 13,000 ' MAGEE HEATING STOVES 'WERE SOLD IN ISST. Those figures nre more eloquent than volumes \\lilch mlRht be written In praise of the peculiar meilU possessed by the Magce Goods. MISS I'AULOV HAYS OK T1IK KA.NCES : "I use the Ma eo Hnuge constnntly In n.y Schools and I'rlvute Kitchen : It fnltllles every reiinlretnent for the most exnctiiiK work ; [ \\ould not exchanse It for any ranee inailu. " benil for our Kurnnco Circular nd read what physicians professors. sclentlHt , mechanics and merchanta say of the Ma ee Furnacvt they have liuiio. Don't put In Steam or Hot Water Ap paratus , till jou KNOW hat u Kiiwr-ci.ASS Hot Air I'urnace will do for half the cost. TllKMAOKKHANOEH , FUHNACK8 , Hl ATI ( IAND COOKINO BlOVKS ABB SOLD EVKUVHIIKIIK 1)J' our a euts , andre warrant each ouo to glvu perfect satisfaction to the Imyer. MAGKK FtIllNACHX,33T)38 UNION ST. , lloiton. 80 lake St. , CWca. UOGnuS & BON8. Agents Omaha , Neb. CAMPAIGN UNIFORMS TORCHKS , FLAGS. BAN- KR8.TMAN8PARENCIB8 , Send for Mnnuf OntalOR Gf , Foster Son 5 Co 172 Madlwon-at-ClucaiO. T. E. GILPIN , FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Room 03 Trailers' nulldlug , CHICAGO. Rererences Metropolitan Nullnnal Hank. U. U. lnn 4 Co. Tbe Irudstr et Ca cYuKbr'un N w , - .UMeatTita WaiKMiss , ( Ir- nuouf , mild , luolhlrc currtnu ol Xltctric--NVJL * ' ItrrfiricUylbrougli all witk parti.rtitor- Inj Uira 2V"lot" llll and VlguromSlricjih. Eltctria Cumni -filtlnitullrorwsforfilijjcoO Inciifc. Or litInipr3TtniintloTM Ilolk rb.ln. Wontmiiptr * su > utlyeurtilla ! ! * rnonlil Stiltd ( umpkUlic. jumj the Ssndsn Elsctrio Co. 169 USsllc sU Chlosfl DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors toJohn G. Jacobs. ) Undertakers and Embalmers At the old stand , 14J7 "iVnam St. Orders by telegraph solicited nnd promptly attended. Telephonti to No. SJ. Why Have the Baby Peevish and fretful , when quietness atntglttaud poy In the household by < l y Is assured by RIDGE'S FOOD ? Nona peuuluq H Ithout WOOLUICU Ic Co. on lube 1 NORTHWESTERN MILITARY ACADEMY. JfUyATIiiN-n miles north of Chicago. strJcTT A FU" C * > rP * ° ' Kxper"nce < 1 ln < OVHKC % I.iM-Ftve Courses nt Study. * * . . < , 'Il.ITIKH-Unsurpssssd for Instruction , and Obrlstlan Influences. DIVOIICB3- . OOODUICIl , ATTOUNer.AT-I.A\r. lit Dearborn St. , Cblcaioi advlck free : il years * rj > rttuc i tujinott iiuieUr asm leg Ur transaeWl THE CHIC AGO AND NORTHWESTERN - WESTERN RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , The only road to take for Des Molnen , Mnrehaltown Cedar llapids , Clinton , Dlxon , Cblcauo , Milwaukee , und nil points in : t. To the people of Nebraska On o- riuloV yomlnjf , Utah , Idaho , Nevada , Oregon , Wash. InKtou und California , It oiTers euperlor adrantuuos not possible by nny other lino. AmonKBfew of the numeroun points of superiority enjoyed ty the patront of this road between Omaha mid Clilrtflo. are Its three trains a day of DAY COACIIIW , which are the llnnst that human art and Initennllr can create. Its I'AI.ACE hl.KKIMNO UAItH ttiu oquul of which cannot bo found elsewhere. At Council HlutTi , the trains of thn Union 1'nclHc Hull- way connect In union depot with those of tue Chicago cage A. Northwestern Ily. In L'hlcaito the trains of this line make close connection with those of all other Kustern line" . For Detroit , Columbus. Indianapolis. Cincinnati , Nluxara Knllt. lluffalo , rittsburv , Toronto , Montre tl. lioston.New York , I'hllndelphTa , naltlmoro , Wash- Inmon , and all points In the Boat. Ask for ticket ) via th ° "NORTHWESTERN" If you wish the best accommodation. All ticket Hgents sell tickets Tin this line. if. HUlilHTT , K. V. WIIJ5ON Uen'l MKnaner. tien'l I'ms r Agent. cincAno , itr.s. W. N. nAlrXK. : ( ] iri Western Agent. U. K. KI.MIIA1.L. Ticket Agent. O. K. WKST , City Passenger Acont. 1KJ1 1'nrnaiu Street Omana , Neb. or THE Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , The Best Route from Omaha and Council Bluffs to THE EAST- TWO THA1N8 DAILY IJBTWKUN 01IAUA AND COUNCIL I1LUIT8 CbJrngo , AND Mllnauhoe , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Rock Island , Freeport , Rockford | Clinton , Ihibuquc , Uuvciiport , Elgin , Jludlsou , JauesYllIOs Ucloit , WI noun , La Crofise , And all other Important points East , Northeast and Southeast. For through tickets caU on tbe' ticket agent at 1S01 Farnam street , In llarker Ulock , or at Union raclao Depot. I'ullmsn sleepers and Ibe finest Dining Cars In tbe world ara rua on tbe mala line of tbe Chicago , Mil waukco A at. 1'aul Hallway , apd evsry utteatlOBls paid to passengers by.ourteous employes Ot Ibe company. . MII.LKR. General Manavor. il. ( VI UCKKIl , Assistant ucneral Maaaaer. A. V. H. OAlU'KNTBIl , Uoneral niasencer and GCO. B ! . UCAPFORD. Assistant and Ticket Agent. OIUTEFCL-COMFOKTING. Epps 's Cocoa. BREAKFAST. "By a tboroiigb rnowledvu of the natural laws wblcn Kovern Iba operations of digestion aud nutri tion , nnd 117 a careful application of thoflne proper ties of well-M-lncloU Cocoa , Mr. ISpps lias provided our briakfunt tabl with a delicately flavored beverauo "filch maynave us many heavy doctor' bills His by the Judicious tun of such articles of dell Ibutu consUlutlon mar be cradually built up until > troni ( enouub to rfltl every tendency to disease , Hundreds - dreds of subtle m la lle urn nosUng around us ready to alUcW wherever there Is u weak point. Wo mar escape many a fata , Mi4ft by keeplnx ourselves well forllUed with uura blood and a properly nourished fruin s"-Clvll t'frvlce fiamUo. Made almply with bolllntf water or milk SolJ only In . . half _ _ pound _ _ _ tlu _ > . by Orotcrs - labelwl tbuii tiiomgeopathic Chemists , LONDON , PKNNYDOYAE. WAFER * are iccetsfullr Uked pionthly by orer 10.000 adleo. Art So/o. Effectual and fleatant II ptr box by mall.or at slrus/s sta. Staled 1'orticvMrt 3 postage stamps. Adriren * to * KDW-U CBUHOU. Co , Psmio.T , IsUoa. JPH-r tale and by maU by Qoodm * * Drug Co. , O ma/id , tfob. Who is WEAK , NBBVfitlH. DEIlIsMTA- TKD , who In his roLtVT id IGNORANCE bu TRIFLKD away his TIOOBof BOOT , BIND and MANHOOD , causing exhausting drains upon tbe FOUNTAIN ! ) of LIFE. HEADACHE , BACKACHE , Dreadful Dreams , WBAKXEflll of Memory , BASH. FCI.NEftS In BOCIETT , PIMPLEH upon the FACE , and all tbe EFFECT * leading to fARLTDECATand perhaps CON8UMP. ION or 1KB AN ITT , should consult at once the CELBBBATED Dr. Clarke , Established U M. E * . Clarke bas made NERYOIIH DE. MI-LITT. OBIBONIO and all Diseases of fee OKltlTO DBINABT Organs a Life Study. It Biatcee MO difference WHAT you bftTa taken or WHO has failed to cure you. . , 'aVVBBtAI.EasufferlnBfromdlseasespecU' Bar to tbelr sex oan consult with tbe assurance M speedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage tor works on your dlse/ises. _ 4 flend 4 eenta poatage for Oels > brat 4 Work * on Chr sHc , Nervoaa and DelJ. art * Diseases. Consultation , personally or by totter , ! > . Consult the oltt Doctor. Tbostaasiilsi earsxl. OsTlcea and pnrlora rlTatThoee eontemplatlnc MarrUre end for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Mtkls ) and remsile. eaoh IDC. , both 2Je. .jStampe ) . Before confldlne your case , consult Dr. CXAItHE. A friendly letter or call may save future suffering and shame , and add golden years to life. .sa-B&ok " Life' * ( Secret ) Er. rorsi , " Me. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings sent Terywhera , secure from xpnaurt ) . Hours , 8 to 8 : Sundays , 9 to 12. Address , EXHAUSTED VITALITY A Great Medical Work for Young and Mlddle-Agod lion. New Edition , Revised and Enlarged , ! ANOW THYSELF , Younc and middle aged men who are unfTerlnic from tbo Indiscretions of youth , libnustcd vitality , Ixorvousand I'liyslcal Doblllty , Trematuro Decline. Ac. , and tbo tliounHnd untold ralserlns ronsequtnt tbnreon , undnll Hbo are sick and sulTerliuand do not know wlmt alls them , cnn borurcd nltboiit fall by following the Inrtructlnns In tlie Science of Uf or holf rreiervnllon. I'rlco only II by mull post paid , soul , > d. Ills a bnolc for ovary man.KMnngri. lull Kilt. 12.'i prescriptions for all scuto nnd i bronlo diseases , fully cnloricrt by HIM Nailoual Medlrnl A'oiclatlon. wno awarded the ijold and jewelled ineilnl to the author. Illustrative saninlo , nllb enrtiir cnn'nU of Iho press , frse If you apuly now. AdilruHithe I'cabody Mwllcal Institute or Dr. W. II I'AHKKR. No 4 , ilnfflncli St. . llo.'t'.n ' , Mass. . who miijr bmonsulU'd oonndciitlally on all diseases of man , Ills poclnlty Tbn Hclenco of Ufo. Hit ) latent work from the pen of the able nnd illmlnxulshed consulting physl- rlunof tbo I'uabody Mudlcal InsllHitH. Iloslon , Is by far TUK IIEST mrdlcAl treatlsa for roiinit and middle , axed mrn ever sent forth In the Knijll'li Hnuunce , and It Is puhllshud by nn Institute Immdo I by Ibe RreatiMt pbllantbropUt known In America cr Kng. ml " KAMif.r I A in Tliern Is no member of noddy to whom The Hel en of Life will not bo usefulwholbcryouthparent , guardian , Instructor or clergyman AIIUONAUT. U. 5. DEP03ITOEY , OMAHA , NED. Paid Up Capital $ .00,000 Surplus 50,000 H. W. YATES. Prosldcnt. LEWIS S. ItEun , Vice Pro Ment. A. li.TouzAMN , 2nd Vice President. w. II. s. HimiiKs , Cashier. DIHECTOnS : W. V. Monsic , JOHNB. CTIT.UNS. II. W. VATBB , I.KWI * H. UKEU , , . A. K. TOUZALIN. „ „ Hanklnc OiMce THE IRON BANK , Corner 12th and Fartiam Hts. A General Hanking llustness Transacted. FARM AND OMAHA CITY LOANS , The Kansas City Investment Co. . 36 Clittinlior of C'onimcrco , OMAHA , NKI . No dalays. All busluejs dw.e at tills offlce. HYP ? A ! " ' TUK Ulti Boi Your Left Liver IS OUT OF ORDER ? BEAD THIS IF IT 18 , Al'tvprleUry Medlcm * that neeiU but triM to prove Ita wortU. Or , Calbdef's ' left liw Bite Only Distilled Hitters lu tko Unlt 4 cTH * OBlI Bltteri > recognized by tbi IT i united Statai internal revenue laws as a PrH ( prletaryMsdlclno. Lawfully Patented. No. o PatBnt 149.573 , Contains no fusil oils. n5 essential olU , no forolan gubstanca or daman' " * * d/u 5A. . P r * 'y ' pure mtdlclne. com Munded from 1'uro Root llsrba and Old Peaohl plsmiant to the taste , nulst and decisive In Its ? ffect. Cure * Drsptpsfa or Yellow Jaundlc * 1m s. Ueculate * the DoweU. InvleoratiJ Liver. Cures Dlsaajod Ltv r , H rlv s ) HM Kidneyj. Improres th Appetite Qulckljd BenUtaathewnoleByatem. New Ltfs ) to tU WSWM ijrBtem. foLeft Liter Ultlers are sold In Omaha , Neb , by u ( lowing druttKists. Itlchardson Drug Co. , flpeclM Wholesale , for tne dru Interest of Nebraska ; lt laiiftrs as IOMOWS. Uoodman Drug Co. . W. \Vhlteliou e , T. W.B af. fard. ham II. Tarusworin. Mcbroter's rimrn oy Kuhn ft Co , John ( lliidlab , M. Parr. J. A. fuller A Co , W. J. Huulics , John II. Conto. C. J. Krico. M.J. Po Slt ) r ° . ll.liontsLb , John P. lludsky , Morrell s Pharmacy .lames Forsyth , II. O. Hell. I r.J. J. Bavllle , C. M.CrlS- sey. f. Chandler , Malm's 1'harmacy. iiurnoy * Day's J.i : KluK.J. W.Clarke. J.U.Hchnsldt. Max llecht , J RChrlsionsOB , W K. Ijinbcraon , U H. Cor , Mac Conrad , frank W. t'agit , H. nasmusrosi , ( leo. lloeder Boyd's Pharmacy , C. A. Melclier , Howard Ueyar * . Kmnk Dellons & Co. , wholesale dealers ia CJxars aaf Jxifl Liver Dltl r > Health is Wealt ii Da. B. c. WiST'i Ninvm AND DRAIN TMA MINT. guaranteed peoinc for Hysteria , Dlzzb ness. Convulsions , Kits. Nervous Neuralgia. Headacbe. Nerrous Prostration , caused by tb * use of alcohol or tobacco. Wajc fulnea ) . Mental Depression , Softening of the iVraln. renuttlog Id Insanity , and Uartlng to misery , decay ana death. Premature Old Age. Ilarrenneas , Lost ! I'ower In either i r. Involuntary Leas and Bpermatprhcca caused by over-exertion of tn brain , aelf-abtue or over-lndulEtoce. Baoh bet contains one month's treatment. 11.00 a box , or tlx boxes for K.oc , a nt by uall prepaid on re ceipt of price. WB ODARANTEB BIX BOXES To curt any oai * . With eaoh or4s reolTs > 4 ta us for elm box * * , accompanied with mM , ws ) will send tM purchaser our written sTuaracU * to refund tot money It toe treatment dees not effect a cure. Ouaranten Issued onlr by O. f. OOODMAN , Dnujtut. Sole Agent. 1U9 Farn r 8tre t. Omana. Neb. Timber Claims , Tree Heeds and 8eedllu s for Tlmtter Claims. friUt Trees , Hnjalt r'iult.1 , UrnaiueuUU. Krort greens , etc. Hend for price lUt-1'UHKI Address , D. t > . Lyllti : , Prop. , Shenandoah , Iowa , JU1ICIOUI AM PERSISTED Advortlsltig bat ) always prove * successful. Uefor * placingoog Newspaper Advertlilnj ooaiuB LORD &THOMA95J iDTIKTUlia 1 STS , i < U to sl itl l > itrtvt , CHtCAQOU