> 4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ! EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 13 , 1888 ; NUMBER 121 THE SIOUX IN WASHINGTON , Xhoy Will "Pow Wow" at the Indian Department To-Day. SHIPPING VOTES TO INDIANA. Desperate DcmocrntH Ro.sort to Crimi nal Methods FlKhtfiiK Hard For New York Partisanship In the Patent Olllcc. The Chief * nt the Capital. WASIIINOTON HUIIEAU THE OMAIU BEE , Diy FODIITKCNTII STHECT. WASIIINOTON , 1) . C. , Oct. 12. ] Some sixty bucks , head men and chiefs of the Dnkotu Sioux , reached hero to-night ac companied by intents and interpreters , rais ing the total nuinucr to seventy live , to nego tiate with the secretary of the interior with regard to the opening of the great Kioux res ervation. Their visit hero Is entirely duo to the failure of the Sioux commissioners to pain their consent to the net passed by con gress nt the present bcssion. A big "pow wow" is arranged for to-morrow at the in terior department at which the secretary of the Interior and the commissioner of Indian affairs will be present. It Is understood that the commissioners have given up all hope of securing the consent of the Indians to the conditions of the present act , and will limit their labors to securing propositions from the Indians to bo submitted to congress at the coining session. It la said that the In dians have two propositions In hand. Ono ' .s that they shall bo allowed * .1,000OOJ by the government , cash in hand , to bo at once pay- iblo for the use of the Indians for the 11- )00,000 ) acres proposed to bo opened for set tlement. The second is , If the first is not ac- : cptcd , that the prieo of the land shall bo raised from .10 cents per aero to bo paid the lettlers to f I per acre. If congress shall igree nt the coining session to either of these propositions , the Indians will give their con tent to the act as ut present framed. tOIONI/.INCI MTES Kill INDIANA. Democratic agents mo nt work here and In Baltimore solk'itlng residents of the Dis trict Of Columbia and Maryland to go to Indiana and vote next month. A gentleman Informs mo that ho was approached to-day by a colonizer who offered a round trip railroad ticket and $ . " > 0 in cash if ho would go to Bedford , Marshall county , and vote for Cleveland and Tliuiinan electors. Ho was ntmurcd that there would bo from fifty to ono hundred voters sent fiom hero 'to the same plaio and that they would bo protected from prosecution nnd guaranteed civil treatment. TI1K IHIMOCKAIS I OSINO CONrillCNCE. A couple of democratic members of the liduso called upon Attorney General Garland this morning , nnd during a conversation the latter said : "Well , gontlcmcn , the fight Is transferred to Now York. Harrison will get Indiana nnd West Virginia , and wo must hold New York and got Michigan or wo uro lost. " This is said to bo the view taken of the sit uation by President Cleveland. All efforts are to bo tut nod to New York and the wolverine state henceforth , nnd but the pre tense of a fight to divert attention is to be made for the other states named. The an nouncement made this morning of ncgotia tiations to bring about a settlement bctwccr the county democracy and Tammany repre sented by Hewitt and Grant for mayor ol Now Yorki8butthoprellininnryofaseriesol arrangements to secure democratic harmony. CLEVELAND AND THE CHINESE TUEATY. On September 25 the senate adopted n res olutlon calling upon the president for copic1 of the late correspondence which passed between tweon the department of state and Ministei Dcnby regarding the ratification of the Chin esc immigration treaty which was rcjcctei by the Celestial empire after the passage bj congress of the anti-Chinese emigration bll and before it reached the president. Theob jcct of the resolution was to ascertain wha passed between the department and our minIster Istor In China , which cxti icatcd the prcsl dent from an embarrassing predicament b. securing a rejection of the treaty. It is b liovcd that the rejection was forced by ou minister. Up to this time the president ha Ignored the senate's resolution , nnd it I stated that ho intends to continue to Ignor the resolution until after the election a least. The president's sHenco on the subjcc is regarded as ominous. rAUTISANSHlI- THE PATENT OFFICE. Theie have been several gross violation of civil service law in the patent office sine the Cleveland administration begun to bui glo the affairs of the government. The mos glaring Instances relate to the appolntmon ol examiners , by far the most responslbl position In the office , as thcso officials pas upon the validity of patents issued. It i BUHCCptiblo of proof that In moro than on raso examination questions were furnlshc to democratic applicants days in udvunci The largo number of successful democrat : applicants may bo sot down in a great mca : uro to this practice. I'EIISONAI. ANT > IMPEIl'ONAL. The secretary of the interior to-day reni ercd a decision in the Indian duprcdutio claim of Pcriston & Miller , of Lincoln , Neb amounting to (131,704. The depredations * i alleged to hnyo been committed in 1SO-I , ISO 1807 and IfcCS , by Sioux nnd Choyenncs. TI secretary finds that the evidence is insull cicnt and that the claim was not prcscutc within the time HI cclficd by law. To-day the bill making Lincoln n port i delivery , signed by the picsiuing officers i the two houses , was announced as ready to { ( o the president. Senator Manderson will leave for Omni to-morrow morning and his secretary , M Ham , leaves to-morrow night. They will n return till sometime after the election. Senator Hoar , of Massachusetts , said t night that u resolution would bo adopted I the senate the first of next week , piovidii for nn adjournment on next Wednesday , at that congress would adjourn on that day < Thursday The secretary of the treasury has nwardi the contract for the approaches to the 1'e cral building at Nebraska City to Mail Hendrick , of this city. The award calls f Ml,541. Colonel Bate , chlof of the fico dolive system of the postofllco depnttmcnt , has coi plcted his annual report of the operations the pORtolllces thioughout the country. Ti report is in tabular form , and shows the re oiiuo , the mail matter namllcd ami the opoi lion of the free delivery system , etc. T report shows that the western section of t country , especially Nebraska , has develop uioie during the past year than during t pievlous year. Nchrawka and Iowa WASHINOTON , OU. 13. [ Special Telogn to'i'HBBKK ] Pensions granted Nobraskar Increase John S. Stanley , Nora ; Francis Weber , South Omaha ; Josiah KUcr , Join town- , James Balstou , Falls City. Pensions for lowans : Original Invallr Greenfield , Sidney ; Peter Rice , DCS Moln Increase James Eurnacc , Lo Grant August Wyckman , Now Hampton ; Jo Wilton , Leon ; Jacob A. Coznd , Spring V Jcy ; Joscnh Schlocht , Green Island ; Fn crick Cubble , Bally Clough. Reissue ] Ranney , CcnterviHo ; John P. Carpcnt < CanJeld ; George W. Tatton , Climax. A report of yellow fever ut Green Cc Springs , Fla. , has bcun received by the u rlno hospital. Secretary Falrchild left Washington t afternoon to address a muctlug of buslm men to-iuorrcw. Another Treasurer Short. ST. Louis , Oct. 12. An Alma , Kan. , spec ays : Treasurer Fields , of Wauban county , was discovered to bo a defaulter day In thu sum of $20.000. He is under jrost. Tha county will lose nothing , as , lie'udsraou are good. IOWA NEWrf. The MjrntnrlotiH Find of n Parly of Hunter * . DBS MOINES , la. , Oct. 12. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] Whllo some young men were hunting near Blcncoo they dis covered a satchel near the Missouri river containing n small pocketbook , some scraps of paper and a suit of clothes. In the papers n letter was found written in Norwegian , but nearly illegible. It was signed "Nels Nelson , Sterling , Neb. " It seemed to have been written to n brother of the writer , and detached sentences said , "I htwo never Imnncd anyone ; have never stolen any thing ; have nlwnjs behaved myself , nnd I don't Know whv they are after me. " Near by , leading to the river , were footprints , nnd considerable Interest has bcun aroused over the mystery. It is thought that the writer of the loiter was drowned in the Missouri river , or else was the victim of foul play. Republican Itally at Coin. SiiENiNiiotii , In. , Oct. 12 [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. I The republicans at Coin held n monster meeting last night to hear the prc cnt representative , Major Anderson , dis cuss the quesiion of the day , nnd to give an nccount of his stewardship in the two years ho has served as representative. Delegations from Norwich , Blunchard , Northboro and College Springs were present. From the frequent applause with which his remarks were greeted , it would seem that the major has not lost in popularity in this portion of the Eighth district. Old settlers at Coin say this was the largest and most enthusi astic meeting of any kind over held at Coin. The Supreme Court. Dr.3 MOINES , la. , Oct. -Special [ Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The following decisions were filcil in the supreme court to-day : B. G. Lyman vs H. L. Lauderbaugh , ap pellant ; Bcnton district ; reversed. Rock Island Stove company vs John .1. Wai rod ct al , appellants ; Shelby district ; reversed. Sncm Cleveland vs Harvey Stlllwell and John Stillwull , appellants ; Marion district ; affirmed. Hibbard. Spencer , Bartlctt & Co. , appel lants , vs S. P. Xunor , sheriff ; Boone dis trict ; reversed. J. C. Marsh vs Benton county , appellant ; Cedar district ; reversed. A Victim of Wine and Women. MASON CITT , la. , Oct. 12. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Perry Welsh , agent of John Paul's lumber yard at Britt , has dis appeared. Investigation of the books shows frequent fraudulent entries and that ho has defrauded the company out of quite a sum of money. A number of cit'/ens ' ncld notes against him , each having John Paul's name forged to it. Women and whisky prompted him to perpetrate tha crime. He leaves be hind a trusting wife and a bright family of children. Diphtheria at Oxford Junction. WATEIILOO , la. , Oct. 12. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Malignant diphtheria is epidemic at Oxford Junction. Fifteen deaths have resulted in a little more than a week , and numerous cases developed to-day. Though relief measure have been taken , much distress prevails. Whltfleld Will Not Withdraw. Sioux CiTr , la. , Oct. 12. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEE. ] Rev. Wilmot Whltfleld , prohibition candidate for congress In this district , to-day states that he will not with draw as a candidate. He also states that the bishop instructed that ho should withdraw either as candidate or as presiding elder of the Methodist church. NORTHWESTERN MILLERS. They Strike a Scrloiia Blow at Their Minneapolis Brethren. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Oct. 12. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] About twenty mil lers , mainly from southern Minnesota , held a meeting ut the Nicollet house to-day , and formed an organization to bo known as the "Northwestern Millers' Association. " The millers appeared to fear that the Minneapolis mills would make a strong bid for wheat In the localities represented by these pres < cnt , and that something had to bo done tc keep the cereal for homo grinding. As a result it was decided that the members ol , the association recognize wheat weighinc fifty-five pounds to the bushel as No. 2 , whcrnas the state standard is fifty-sii pounds. Official sieves arc nlso to be uscc in determining the amount of dirt ir wheat , and it is to be tested only on the basii of cleaned wheat. Under fifty-five pound ; for No. 2 it Is to be scaled down in price ot the basis of 0 cents per pound. Prices foi wheat in the country uro to bo on the basis o ; Minneapolis quotations , less the freight t < each point buying. All this is manifestly t < the advantage of the farmer. The miller ; want the grangers' wheat and are willing ti make some concessions in order to get it ant keep it from going out of the country. Tin plan is regarded as a very serious blow to thi Minneapolis milling interests. A Bad Police Innpector. BOSTON , Oct. 12.-Inspector of Polio .Mountain was arrcii.ed . last night on th charge of having received stolen propert ; knowing the same to bo stolen. His arres was inndo in connection with tw others. Thomas O'Brien , u clerk In th employ of the Old Colony hero , was nrrestci for having stolen fV > Uvurth of tickets O'Brien said he had sold to Mountain fo $1 each all the tickets ho had been able t steal duiing the pas , two years. Edgar's Canning Factory. nnoui , Neb. , Oct 12. [ Special to Tn BUB. ] The canning factory of this placet about closing for the year , putting up i s las cans of tomatoes. Preparations had bees made to put up 05,000 cans of tomatoes , bii on account of the diyness of tnis section an the newness of the business to tomato rah crsthey have still on hand 21,000 empty cans For u likn reason the pickle factory has enl put up 4CO barrels , though prepared for 1,501 Thieves In Buffalo. BUFFALO , N. Y. , Oct. 12. Over a bushel c partly destroyed letters addressed to bus ness firms of the city were found on th f strrots this morning. They had been rille and were paitly burned. It seems evldct that the Icttcis were stolen by some one coi noctcd with the postoftlcu. The postrnast ( and police a i'o making nn investigation. This evening Shields , having rccoverc somewhat from his drunken stupor , made full confession of guilt. A clerk in the office named John Shield recently appointed , has been arrested. m Died By Ills Oxvn Hand. s : TorcKA , ICan. , Oct. 12.- [ Special Telegra D. to TUB BEE. ] Colonel James Bell , cx-racr is- her of the legislature from Rico county , nr former owner of the townsito of the town < Lamed , committed suicide yesterday. F told his family that ho was going to take nap , nnd , going to his room , nothing wi seen or heard of him until 0 o'clock , when ) was found unconscious with an empty oott of laudanum by his side , He bad cbangi his clothing for his best suit and bad deli cratoly planned the suicide. An Advance in Crackers. CIIICAUO , Oct .12. At a Joint meeting of i vo tbe cracker bakers between Pittsburg at ia- the Rocky mountains this morning it w unanimously agreed to advance the price- "s crackers from one-half cent to IK cents p pound on the various kinds manufacture The change goes into effect to-morrow mor ing. aud U duo to the advance in Hour ai KrJ. lal ICO A Twenty-Three Miniito Intorvlo' to- ROMP , Oct. 12. Emperor William was c < tear ar- dlally received at the vxtican by the pope t Uls day. A prjvato interview , letting twenl 'I three miputen , followed. HE SHOT HIS TENANT DEAD , Fatal Result of n Farmers' Quarrel Near Plum Crook. AN OLD MAN'S BLOODY DEED. EnthuNlaHtlc Demonstration ) * at llol- StroinHhurg nnd Other I'olntn In the State Su perior Will Celebrate. Shot Dend. PLUM CREEK , Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special Tel egram to TUB BEE.J This morning , at about 11 o'clock , a , farmer earned Walter West was shot and Instantly killed at the farm house of R. S. Adams , eight miles east of this city. The murder grew out of trouble over the division of wheat grown on land owned by Adams and rented by West. The latter had Just brought a loud to deliver to Adams when a quarrel between the two men arose , which resulted in Adams drawing a revolver and shooting West through the heart. Adams came to the city this afternoon and gave him self into Sheriff Taylor's ' hands. The cor oner's Jury has not yet returned its verdict. West was u single man , about thirty-eight years old , Adams is about sixty. Superior Will Celebrate. Summon , Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special to THE BED. ] The first regular passenger train over the Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo reached Superior to-day , and arrangements will bo made immediately for through passenger and freight traffic via the Northwestern lines over this new road to Omaha. It is the Inten tion of the two companies to put on a splendid service for both passenger and freight , mak ing Superior the northern division of the Santa Fe and the southern division of the Northwestern lines. This will make it possi ble for Omaha Jobbers to reach a territory which heretofore has been beyond their reach. Superior is arranging for a grand celebration over this Important railroad con nection , and proposes to have a three days' celebration on the 23d , 24th and 25th of Octo ber. The Republican Valley District Fair association hold their annual fair on the above nays and have offered $1,000 in purses for speed. Thb Grand Army holds a reunion hero on the above dates and arc making extensive prepar ations for.cntertalninijav'cry laige number of people. Prominent speakers have been en gaged for the occasion , and a general good time will bo had. Excursion rates have been promised by all the railroads running in here. An excursion over the Northwestern line will leave Superior on Tuesday next for Omaha. It will be composed of the business men of Superior on a visit to the board of trade and merchants of the city of Omaha. Superior is beginning to feel the effects in a substantial way of the influence of railroads in building up a solid and prosperous city. The city is full of strangers. Workmen are all employed and everybody happy. S. K. Fclton & Co. , Omaha contractors , are at work upon the water works and will com plete them on time , December U Worscy at O'Neill. O'NEILL , Neb. , Oct. 12.-Special [ Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The court room , which is the largest in the state north of the Plattc , was filled to its utmost capacity last evening with a very enthusiastic audience of ladies and gentlemen assembled to hear Hon.George W. E. Dorsoy and Judge Tucker discuss the political issues of the day. Mr. Dorscy spoke for an hour and a half , and was enthusias tically applauded from first to last. His ad dress was logical and full of arguments , and well delivered. As bo was speak ing of the riding club at Wash ington , to which Cleveland , Bayard and Endicott belong , wherein it advertised Imported grooms only employed , "which is English , you know , " an enthusiastic Irish man m the audience cried out , "and no Irish need apply , " at which the audience went into convulsions of laughter and applause. It was fully five minutes before the speaker could proceed. Judge Tucker , of Valentine , followed Mr. Dorsey and delivered n ringing , forcible ad dress , full of sound republican doctrine. All pronounce the rally a grand success , and it is not believed that the democratic party can equal it in north Nebraska. Aahlaiid Republicans Enterprise. ASHLAND , Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special to TUB BEE. ] The grandest demonstration of tbe campaign in Ashland occurred last night under the auspices of the republican league. At 7:80 : the flambeau club , under tbe charge of Captain K. L. McKtnnoy , formed in line on Silver street and gave one of the most magnificent displays of fireworks witnessed in Ashland for a long time , after which the multitude filed into SImingion's opera house until it was packed full and many were com pelled to leave for want of room. The meet ing was called to order by Lieutenant Gov ernor Shcdd.lwho introduced to the audience the Hon. n. M. Lambertson , of Lincoln , who made an excellent speech on the tariff , com' paring the senate tariff bill with the Mills bill and proving that the democratic argument of tariff reform means in the end free trade. It was a grand speech , filled from Beginning to cud with solid argument < mont , such only as Is capable of being pro duced by the best-posted men on the tarifl question. The glco club and the ladles' re publican club were also attractive features ot the rally and added greatly to the enthusiasm of the meeting. A Ttnlly at Iloldrcgc. Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] A grand rcpublicat rally was held hero to-night. The Mindet Harrison and Morton club , comprised o twenty ladies and sixty gentlemen , and tin Holdrcgo club of 100 , all In uniform , paradct the streets headed by the Holdrego cornc band and the Holdrcgo martial band. Ex Governor Daws and Secretary Laws ad dressed the thousands asscmblcdin languagi at once eloquent and convincing. Congress man Laird is billed for this city on the 18th The Dorsoy-WoKtherby Debate , FISEMONT , Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special to Tin HGE.J The outgrowth of Congressman Dor sey's challenge sent to E. P. Wcathcrby , hli democratic opponent for political honors , t debate the issues of the day , Is the appoint mcnt for the following meetings for Join discussions : St. Paul , Monday , October22 Ord , Tuesday , October 23 ; Scotia , Wednes day , October 24 ; Loup City , Thursday , Octc her 25 ; Central City , Friday. October 20 Columbus , Saturday , October 27. A Rally t Stromuuurc. STKOMSUUHO , Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special t THE BEE. ] The republicans of Stromsbur and tbo surrounding region held a gran rally and torchlight procession here las evening. C. E. Atkinson , of Lincoln , nn G. K. Waldo , of Ulysses , addressed a larg auulcnco at the opera house. This con munity is intensely republican , nnd widi awake as to the interests at stake next Nc vcmber , and will poll a largo vote for Hai risen and Morton , Dodge County Democrats. FnEMOKT , Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special to TH t" j BEE. ] The Dodge county democratic coi . I ventlon was held yesterday afternoon. Tt nominees for the legislature are L. P. Lai son , a saloonkeeper , of Fremont , and Ha Christy , a farmer living near Scribne George L. Loomls was renominatcd Ic county attorney , and Dr. Dcvries was nom natcd for coroner. rl Woman's Foreign missions. 0. NEIIIUSKA Cm , Neb. , Oct. J2. [ Sped ; y. TV.cgram to TUB BEE. ] The second day i the convection of tbe Woman's Foreign Ml slonary society of the Mi E. church was moro largely attended than yesterday , dele gates arriving on every train. Miss May Swaney of New Mexico , Mrs. Mary L. Nindc from Bulgaria , and lUjv. and Mrs. Buck from India , delivered Interesting ad dresses before the meeting to-night. Republican Doctrine nt North Plattc. NORTH PLATTE , Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] A largo and enthu siastic republican rally was held hero to night , precedsd with a pnraue by the Harri son flambeau club and the Harrison Juvenile club. The meeting was held in the court house , which was crowded to its utmost ca pacity. C. W. Blngham , of Cedar Rapids , la , , was the first speaker , and addressed him self particularly to the protection democrats , admonishing them during the course of his speech that their duty was to vote for Harri son. Much enthusiasm was manifested throughout the entire speech. Able speeches wore also made by Major Blxtcr , Judge Church and John I. Nosbltt. Dlrd In Ills Cell. NOIITH PLATTE , Nob. , Oct. 12. [ Special Telegram to THE BEG. ] James Craig , who was Jailed last night for drunkenness , died in his cell this morning , The coroner's ' Jury to day returned a verdict that death resulted from excessive drinking. Craig is a laboring man who came to this place a short time ago from Kansas. Remitted In A Draw. NEBRASKA CITT , Oct. 12. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The school case , which has long interested the citizens of Palmyra wherein Miss Gallup , a teacher , sued the board of directors for salary and wages for being discharged before her term expired , has been decided in court hero against the lady , but the board must pay all the costs. Furnas County's Harvest Home. HANDLE , Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special Tele gram to Tur. BKB. ] Furnas county cele brated her Harvest Home at Wllsonville to day and Governor Thaycr addressed the as semblage , which was composed of about five hundred people. The governor will speak at Plattsmouth to-morrow. Democrats at Arlington. Am.iNGTON , Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special to THE BEE. ] The democratic senatorial con vention of Dodge and Washington counties convened here to-day. . .Hon. John Dern of Hooper was nominated for senator unani mously on the first ballot. THE CANADIAN CRISIS. The Dominion Secretary of State on the Subject of Aamcxatlon , MOXTIIEAL , Oct. 12. At'a dinner given to Robert S. White , the nev Sy elected member of parliament for CardvroU , last evening , Hon. J. M , Chaplcau , secretary of state , in response to the toast , "The. 'Federal Parlia ment , " said : ! "Canada is now passing through a crisis , clearly , coolly and wisely. In the United States there is great excitement over their election and politics.But , as an English pap.er says , Canada has , given an example to the world in the cool way * she has taken it. The United Stales itrfed. to frighten her with a commercial union , an nexation and unrestricted reciprocity , but sbo was wU before and is better now and does oetf wish to change. The diplomacy of the pr Wer-wlll bo vin dicated on November 1 } whichever party goes in. While ho "dW WHt. dealro to dis parage the United States-h * "would'i y that if they were to annex * themselves to Canada , it would do them good. Parliament will do its duty , for all these movements tp'ward the United States meaa only one thinir destruc tion to Canada's industries and whatever she has striven for during tne last ten years. " TWO OF A KIND. WIBUm Nowlan. Pollovrina ; In HI * r Murderous Brother's Footstep * . BOSTON , Oct. 12-rWilliam Nowlan , a brother of Milkman Codman's murderer , was arrested last nicht on suspicion of being about to commit a deed similar to that for which Eddie Nowlan was hanged , Nowlan , it is said , had discovered that his employer had money in his possession , and so planned to gel it Just as his brother Eddie had planned against his employer , Codman , nearly two years ago. Early last evening a servant girl , whoso name could not bo learned , mot an ofdccr 'on the street and told htm she had overheard Nowlan and another man plotting for the murder of Russell. They had their plans arranged , the girl said , to overpower the milkman in his room at the stable , secure his money and take the train for New York. They bad a herdic engaged to wait for them and take them to the New York & . New England depot. When the girl had heard this could not bo learned from the officers. They arc now looking for Nowlan's alleged accomplice , and have hopes of finding him before the day is over , i They intend to con front him with the girl's story and secure o confession If possible , . Nowlan is twenty-two years old. He de nies the girl's story , insisting that bo if wholly innocent of any conspiracy. * BAD FIRE AT.VALENTINE. The Finest Business Block In Town Entirely Destroyed. VALENTINE , Neb. , Oct. 12. [ Special Tele gram toTnc BEE. ] A'grcat fire has beer raging here , but is now under control. Th < finest business block In the town has beet burned out. The fire started at 10 ; 20 in thi rear of E. McDonald's hardware store am spread rapidly , burning E. McDonald's hard ware store , his large dry goods house jShaw'i handsome block , in which were Shaw's gen cral store and residence ; the United State : signal office , which is a complete loss ; God kin & Wagner's photograph gallery , Me Kean's shoo shop and Sparks' Bank of Cherr ; County. The loss la estimated at 120,00(1 with but little insurance. Two cows wcri burned in Shaw's barn. Valentine has jus voted a system of water works , but it is no yet completed. * JIANGMAN/8 DAY. A Colored MurdweM Expiates He Crime on tbe Gallows. UNION SIDINGS , Al * . , Oct. 12. Paulln McCoy , n negro plrl'agcd ' nineteen , wa hanged hero to-day forjtho murder of Anni Jordan , a fourtcen-ycaKold white child , lae February. The execution was private , enl , the necessary persona being admitted. Th crime for which the wotutn was hanged wa a peculiar ono. The vvicxitn , Annie Jordan strayed away from her home In Montgomery and nothing was heard of her till her deu body was found in a plum thicket. Circuit stances pointed to Pauline , and she was ai rested with the dead .girl's ' clothing on lift She was found guilty last spring and sen tcnccd to death. Effect * were made to gc the governor to interfere , but to no avail. A Big Fire Raging. ST. Louis , Mo. , pet. 13. At 1:15 : thl morning a fire broke out in the Vandalla rai way freight depot In East St. Louis , and b < fore the fire department from this side coul reach the scene the depot was doomed an the fire had spread to adjoining buildings , ii eluding a hotel filled With people. A secon alarm is now being Bounded and engines ar hurrying- from this side to the conftagratioi East St. Louis has no organized fire dcpar mcnt. Fitzgerald on Ireland. Cuiaiao , Oct. 12 , [ Special Telegram t TUB BEE. ] John Fitzgerald , of Lincoli Neb. , said last evening that he was not go in to England to testify before the Parnell con mission , but if his ( testimony was wante he would give it by deposition. The outcow of the Investigation , Uc thought , would I home rule for Ireland , and that in u yci short time , GERMANY'S ' EMPEROR IN ROME Ho Has a Half Hour's Interview With the Popo. THE PONTIFF HIGHLY PLEASED. lie Speaks In Fluttering Terms of the IIIIK Kalticr The Nature of Their Conference Com- incnto of the TlmcB. Home's Royal VlHltor. [ fopi/ifuM / IMS by Jiiina Gonlnn llcnndt. } HOMK , Oct. 12. [ New York Hcrnlil Cable Special to TUB HIE. : ] Illumination ami sight-seeing last night , public nml private banquets nnd general roystcriug left the streets In the solo possession , until n Into hour tliw morning , of decorations ami em blazonry. Nevertheless the kaiser "had his stirrup out and was to horso" as early as 8. His equestrian companion was General Driquct , of King Humbert's staff. They were nblc to inspect the adornments closely without interference , anil not a few astir regarded the German emperor as merely u , military visitor. They also unobstrusively went around the camp where to-morrow's ' re view will occur , then returned to the qulrl- nal. Doubtless , in reading the daily news papers , the emperor found such opinions as these from the Opinlone : "Tho Emperor William , who is King Humbert's guest , will pay his respects to the pontiff , being received with sovereign pomp by his holi ness in the latter's quality of re ligious head. " From the Escrcito : "The Italian alliance with Germany commenced in 1800. As a logical outcome the situation is stronger than all traditions or personal sym pathies , and has been so strengthened in the succeeding twenty years as now to form an essential basin of the European balance of power. The Italian army , a poition of which will bo inspected by the emperor , shouts to day , 'Long live the emperor ] Long live the German army I1 This shout will bo heard beyond the Alps , finding there a sympathetic echo. " Among the military fraternity after break fast King Humbert , leaving his own apart ments , crossed into these of the emperor and made his morning call. About noon the kaiser drove from the quirinal to the German territorial residence of Hcrr von Schlocccr , the Prussian min ister to the holy sec. Here he cxchangca his uniform of the hussars for that of the cuirassiers. Ho then lunched with Hcrr von Schloecer. To this lunch had been in vited Cardinal Rampella and several pre lates. The emperor and his suite then left for the Vatican in carnages vrhlch had been expressly sent from Berlin for the occa sion. The vehicle used was a victoria , painted black , with red stripes and ornamented with silver. It bore the mottoo : "Gott Mit Uns. " The carriage was drawn by four horses. The entire line of the route was lined with troops. Exactly at 1:30 : the emperor's carriage drew up at the entrance to the court yard of San Damasso where ho was received by Prince Ru poll ud by Count Bismarck , vr ho had preceded them by a few minutes , and the cardinals of state. The court yard was lined by a platoon of Palatine guards with their four drummers In old fashioned costume. There were the tradi tional white aprons. A striking cfjcct was produced by a sharp roll of drums without any other music as soon as the emperor ap peared. The emperor was conducted to the pope's apartment- The way was lined by the Palatine guards , Swiss guards , pontiflclal gcnsdaruics , and lastly in the pope's ante- i com by the noble guards. After the pres entations the pope retired with the emperor to his private apartment , where they nad an interview lasting thirty-five minutes. No other person was present but when the emperor reappeared his face bore traces of deep emotion. The interview between the pope and emperor was cordial and did not touch the burning questions of the hour , the emperor having assured bis holiness of his desire to strictly adhere to the confirmation policy in politics , social ques tions and religion. The pope replied that the security and grandure of the German empire would gain a great deal if the liberty of the Catholic church In Germany and the independence of the papacy were to be more effectively guaranteed. His holiness Insisted thai it was absolutely necessary for the in terests of European civilization that the Roman question should receive satisfactory settlement. What answer the em peror gave to this my inform ant was unable to tell me. After the emperor had left , however , tbe pope ex pressed himself in most fluttering terms with respect to the kaiser. A procession was next formed to visit the museums and galleries of the Vatican , which , having exam ined , his majesty descended to St. Peter's and Inspected the sacred edifice. At 4 o'clock the emperor left the Vatican and drove direct towards the quirlnal. Ho was again heartily cheered by the populace. The troops had been withdrawn and as bo drove along his carriage was often surrounded by the crowd which pressed forward , eager to catch a gllmpso ol his face. An imposing demonstration took place when Queen Margberlta , who was taking her usual drive , met his cairlage. The emperor stopped his carriage , and , standing , made a deep bow , Thcii majesties then exchanged a few words In the mean time the people broke out Intc most enthusiastic cheers and the carriages had great difficulty in moving on. The imperial porial compan y dined together and passed n quiet evening. Outside the illumination and popular rejoicings continued until midnight SORELY STIUCHEN. Terrible Affliction of a Young New York Man In Paris. 58 t > u Jamta Gordon llcnntlt \ PAIUS , Oct. 12. [ Now York Herald Cabh Special to TUB HEK.J Very sad indeed is the case of Mr. Edward O. Bird , of New York , who is now lying ill at the Granc hotel. Mr. Bird , captain of the Sixth com pany in the famous Seventh regiment , is wel known in New York society. The younf man reached Paris two weeks ago. This was his first visit for some months. Ho wa ! looking forward to tbe pleasure in store foi him and his aged mother. His twc sisters were already in Paris and he was planning a surprise for them by arriving un oxpectedly. The surprise was other than hi had prepared. Mr. Bird rose in apparen good health after his first night's rest at the Grand hotel. After breakfast and semi shopping ho went fora drive in the Bois wltl the ladies. While in the carriage he rva suddenly seized with a fit of dizziness. Ii reply 'to a question of his mother's hi said : "It is no use talking to me I do not understand. I canno see nor bear and I have a terrible pain in in ; head. " He was taken promptly back to th 0 hotel , where he went to bed. Ho has bcci there ever since. It appears that for month pistilr. Bird'has autUred with severe be a IX ( a aches. His Now York physician has assured him that the cause of the trouble was a dis ordered liver. One of his purpose * in com ing to Europe was to consult a specialist for such diseases. Imme diately after the serious attack , the day after his err val t o best medical old was called In. Or. Cliarcot , the greatest specialist in nervous diseases in Franco , de clared at once that the patient's lUftlcully was not with his liver but with his brain. Ho considered the case very grave. Since then Dr. Cliarcot has been keeping up n hard light by the sick man's bedside. Throe and four visits n day have been necessary and a trained nurse has never left the slok room. Mr. Bird has lost the entire control of his mental powers. Ho was unable to spc.ik or to understand or to con trol his movements. Bo suffered In tense pain. He could not cat , ho could not sco and his dreams at night were hideous. The doctor shoved the hair from one side of his head and covered t'.a exposed scalp with burns and blisters. By degrees ho has been regaining his faculties. First he could sou with one eye then with both. Ho became able to manage a pen and to recognize his sisters and mother. At present no is quite rational nnd Ur. Cliarcot expresses satisfac tion with the progress ho i limiting. AND TIIK I'OPE. The London Times Prints an Editorial on Their Meeting. [ CnpurtaM IKS t > u Jaino ( Ionian Jitnntt. } LONDON , Oct. 12. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun BUK.I The Times , com menting on the meeting between the em peror and the pope , observes : "No more cu- ious visit has probably ever been p.iid to the ope at Home since Hohcnstauffor did horn- > go at Conassa. That is the last occasion on vhlch a German emperor and the pope saw no another face to face. It happened when be popes occupied a position very unlike that hey 1111 now , and the German emperors one till more disbimilar. Tor an instant It ccuicd that the revived German emperor about to take up the injuries of Barba- It was no more than political caprice r a move in the game of statesmanship vhich thu player speedily discovered was mistaken. Naturally Berlin , as it has natchca at every opportunity to rove , and the Vatican , are 'ormed to be on friendly terms. Both are 'ssentially ' conservative in their temporal ten- cnclcs and the diversity of theological be- icf hinders more than encourages Jealousies. At present not a brrath of controversy dis- urbs their amity and the visit of the cmj icror to Italy ought to help consolidate It , so unbroken In their mutual regard. Except or the hospitality of the quirlnal , which is a topic the least likely of all to bo touched , heir conversation necessarily could not turn pen disputed points. The popeis too goodn itatcsman to have harardcd a hasty talk upon them had they existed. He is too ear nest a student of human nature to have n any case thrown away in pur- > uit of other objects the chance f understanding the possible future master f the destinies of Europe. He had an hour r two in which to analyse the new and un explored character , and every European itatesman would bo , glad to know what he makes of it. Prince Bismarck himself might not be sorry of a little , light from a fresh ind unbiased quarter. The mqulsltlvoness of , hc world , either In its inner or outer circles , t is certain , will not bo gratified. The Em peror William docs not wear his heart upon his sleeve. He is an unknown force , and it s expected will icmain such yet a while. " A Liomlon Editor Dead. LONHON , Oct. 12. Mr. Levy , proprietor oi he Daily Telegraph , is dead. THE LOST FOUND. The Mlsalne Mrs. Brown is Itcturncd to Her Family. At nn early hour yesterday marring a B , & M. engineer saw a woman sitting on the river bank near Gibson. When ho returned n the evening ho saw her near the nvcr'i ' edge lying down , and upon his arrival ir Omaha reported the fact to the police. Th ( woman was brought into town last night ot an engine and turned over to Officer Hudson When taken to the police station she was dcntificd by several people as the wife of II R. Brown , a foreman in the Union Pacilli tin shops. Mrs. Brown wandered from hem < last August , since which time her familj haa lost all trace of her. Her condition I ; pitiable in the extreme. The dress that slu wears Is torn into streamers ; both sleeves an gone and her arms arc exposed to the air When found she was barefooted , only a feu shreds of one stocking being left. Tin woman Is undoubtedly insane. Shewastoi weak to walk from the patrol wagon into tin police station and is suffering from pbysica exhaustion. Hr. Ralph was called and he administers what aid lie could. She had evidently catci nothing for sonic time , and Ofllccr Cuslcl brought her food , which sliu was unable ti cat. Her son , hearing that she had bcci found , called at the police station and tool her homo in a cab , whcro sbo will rciclv tha attention of her family. i = a < < Reno Tries to Suicide. HAnnisnuita , Pa. , Oct. 12. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Major Marcus Reno at tempted to commit sulcido hero last nighl He placed a revolver in his mouth and wa about to pull the trigger when a fricni grasped the weapon and prevented him. Th cause of Major Reno's rashness is attiibutc to domestic troubles. A few days ago a order of the coutt was granted dlrcctln him to pay { 50 a month for his wife's sui port. Ho has slnco told his friends that hi income is hardly that much , Ho no ; threatens to kill his wife and himself and h Is being closely watched. The St. Joseph Kit-lit of AVay Suit. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Oct. 12. [ Special Teh gram to TUB Buc. | Judge Spencer rcr dcrcd his final decision in the Chicago , Si Paul & Kansas and Kansas City , St. Joscp & Council Bluffs right of way controversy granting the request of the former for th use of the latter's track Into the city and ei ubling the road to get to the union depot The Diagonal will not build Its line fuflUc until next spring. Burglars at Arlington. ARLINGTON , Neb. , Oct. 12 [ Special t TUP. BUB. ] Burglars broke open four of th leading business houses hero last night , tal ing a supply of guns and small arms from Hi hardware store of John Hamming , a fu overcoat from J. L. Blessing' ) * harness shoi a supply of cigars and whisky from > Hanson's saloon and about { S In small ch&np from the Arlington meat market. The tou loss was about { 125. There is no clew to th robbers as yet. The World's Scries. NEW YORK , Oct. 12. A dispatch was n ccived by Secretary Munson , from Preside ) Von Dcr Abe of the St. Louis club , this mori ing. stating that iUwas now positively ee tied thai four of the world's cliauijilnnsh games will be played In Now York , four I St. Louis , and one each In Brooklyn , Phil dclphla and Cincinnati. Stcnni8liii Ai'iital * . At New York The Saalo from Tircuioi thu Danmarkt from Autworp ; the Adriuti from Liverpool. At I.ondon'-'Ihe Maine , Iriiia Baltimore. FIGHT WITH TRAIN ROBBERS Three of Thorn CHvo ft Gllmpao of Donclwood'a Early Days. AFTER THE PAYMASTER'S CASH. One of Them Slot-tally Wounded , tha Second Slightly , and Ho Kscnpcs With the Loader Attor a $110,000 Haul. Attack on a Dcaduond Train. Deumoot ) , Dak. , Oct. 12. ] Special Tele gram to TUB BKE.-About ] 8 o'clock this morning n bold attempt was mndo by masked bandits to wreck nnd lob the fast Plorro A : Black Hills railroad train , owned nnd oper ated by the Bomcstako Mining company , nt Renos guli'h , nine miles from Lend City. The train left Lead City half an hour late with the paymaster , W A. Roomer , supplied with about f.'O.IKO to pay off the timber employes. Chief Utiglnoer Dick Blackstoiie and passen gers and employes , amounting to about twenty people , were on bonrd. 'J hey ran nt Increased speed to malto up lost time to n point about ono hundred yards from tha scene of attack , where thuy slowed up to let some section men off. This nlotio avoided a grcnt calamity , for bcforo the train got fully under way the cngino slipped from the rail that had been lemovcd a few Inches by the robbcis and the train derailed. During the excitement of the moment n command of "Hands up" cnino from the robbers accompanied by a volley from their Winchester rlllea into the cab , fiat cars and engine without any serious results. W. A. Recmer , who was on the engine , discharged both bands of his shot-gun loaded with buckshot at two of the robbers , who foil mortally wounded. The others fled tohero their horses moro tied , mounted and disappeared in the underbrush. One of the uoundcd robbers was captured and is now in the Ueadwood jail and will piobably die befoie morning. His name is Billy Wilson nnd hu Is an indicted horso- tlnef from Pennine-ton county for whom the sheriff has been huntini ; with a warrant for the past two or three months. Ho says the other two arc named Clark and Johnson. The latter wus the leader. The sheriff nnd a posse of hoine.stnko employes are scouring the vicinity nnd their capture la certain. Kxeitcmcnl runs high and if they arc captured lynch law will bo summarily dealt. MORE TRAIN ROBBERS. Union Pacific Men Engaged In Whole * snle Stealing. RAWLINS , Wyo. , Oct. 12. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The sensation of the hour is the work of the grand Jury of the county during the lust three days. They have found twcnty-oiio indictments against conductors and brakemcn of the Union Pacific railroad , most of whom rcsldo in this city. They run from this place to Green River in charge of freight trains. They are accused of burglarizing and robbing thcso freight trains of valuable merchandise la .transit between San Francisco nnd eastern > j | cities. The robberies aro. supposed \ \ \ to cover a period of twelve or fifteen months and thousands , of dollars1 worth of valuables are missing. Four of the parties are under arrest , nnd telegrams and officers have been dispatched for the others. Some of the men Have been in the employ of the road for years. The affair was disclosed through the treachery of ono of tne guilty parties , and it is supposed Im munity has been offered him in order to get his confession. The four under arrest are named Matthews , PilUbury , Kennedy am ] Dillon. The names of tbo others are withheld so as not to defeat the operations of the officers. Liquors , tobaccos , merchandise , groceries and every thing that could bo readily disposed of was taken. Suspicion points strongly to two op . - . i three prominent business men us the rccclv- ' , ! crs of the stolen goods , but nothing dellnlto - * can bo ascertained until tbe prosecutions begin In open court. It is thought that ait < , vl organization exists for criminal purposes and ' , * i I that those now under indictment arc but a t ! ' ' . | fraction of the larger whole , who will eventually - K ually be discovered. RIOTOUiTMlNEUS. A Georgia Coal Operator Killed By Strikers. ST. Louis , Oct. 12. A special from Macon , Mo. , says that Thomas Wardell , a wealthy . , coal mine operator , was killed nt Bcvier this JT afternoon by striking miners during a riot. SwA Nearly all of the mine owners have engaged now men , and these have been coming In from abroad for several days post. This ; action of the operators greatly Incensed tha strikers , who are bitter in their expressions against their former employers , especially Wardell. Threats have been made by tha u strikers against the new men , but thcio wnsj JS no violent demonstration until to-day , when I- ' some of the new men were sot upon by the K ' strikers and a general battle followed. Dur ing the riot Wardell was shot and killed. J * ' Thcio is intense excitement nt Bovlcr , and T I J fears uie entertained of fuithor bloodshed. * L The BheulT and a posse liavo gouo to Bevior. | \ ) , \ The Rock Island in Colorado. Coi.oiuno SruiNds , Colo. , Oct. 12. Rail laying on the Rock Ifland was completed to , ; --r < this city to-day. Work censed wltnin a few > - " hundred feet of the Rio Grande truck , and the Rock Island rusts at the foot of Pike's peak. The citizens eolebratcd the event with , the firing of guns nnd ringing of belln A < ' ? grand banquet will bo temleied the officer" } ' * . of the toad by the bonrd of tr.ido on the 20th , ' r ' I i ? " , I Restoring PaHHongor Raton. Dn.WEii , Colo. , Oct. 12. The first stsp towards a restoration of passenger rates to the cast was taken by the Burlington late this afternoon. The company posted a no tice on the front of their passenger oflico that they would restore the rate on the 2ls& mst. The Missouil Pacific and Santa Fo , for the present , al least , will Htaml by tha cut rato. The Union Pacific , whllo noncommittal - committal , U disposed to follow thu lead of the Burlington. A Postolllcu Robbed. ST. Louis , Oct. 12 A special from Hous ton , Tex. , says that about 2.80 this morning two men entered the postofllco here , forcibly gagged and drupgrd the night clerk and went through the poiichrs Just brought in from the through train * fiom Now Orleans and tbo cast and San Antonio nna the west. ' Z It ID not kno-.vn how much money the thieves i , secured. Alf Roberts , the cleric , has not ro * ! if covered coiciousnesH. ' ! The liehlgh Valley Wrcok. WILKESIUKIIE , Pa. , Oct. 12. There were no new developments in the Lehlgh Vnlloy | j railroad accident to-day. All business in Pleasant Valley has been suspended , in tha mines there and cl cwh ro. The dead will all be buried to-moriow moniini ? . Peter Klmo , of Providence , agrd fiftcon , another victim of the accident , uicd ut the hospital here this morning , , ) A Rumor or Flnnd'H Death. ' - rnors were in cli dilation yesterday in regard to tdo condition of Millionaire Flood , The rumors of his death rould be traced to no reliable - ' ' liable source. Up to a late hour last night , Flood's son had resolved no now * of nil father's death. A rrlv.xte t detrain receive * ! 1u ' .ho afternoon httued thai uti wtts beltc * . .