Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The custom collections yesterday
amounted to * l0,811.fis.
A wnrrmit was sworn out yesterday
ngnlnst a follow by tbo name of John
son , a driver for John Wcstbcrg , for the
crimeof sodomy.
Ticket No. 0(1 ( drew a horse and buggy
at Montgomery ft Adams' nuloon. The
holder can have the outfit by calling at
' 1731 South Seventeenth street.
An important mooting of the press
club is to bo held Sunday afternoon at
; ) : . ' ( U. A full attendance is expected to
transact business of interest to every
The horse stolen from Charles .1.
Mentor , the liveryman , was traced to
lJcmiin.rton ( , and Deputy SheritI Grebe
went to Blair yesterday to track the
thief if possible.
II. J. Shupp fcCo. have filed a bill of
hale on the entire stock of groceries of
Ilngelin Bros. , at J'JKl ' Cuming street.
The consideration was Sl'ItO. Oscar
Ilartman illcd a bill of sale on a $130
horse from the same linn.
The police have boon notified that a
thrco-j car-old gelding belonging to
John .1. Ive.v , living at Little York , had
been stolen by John Bruska , a Ccrman ,
who claimed to bo from Omaha. One
linndred dollars reward has been ollored
for the apprehension ol the thief.
A chubby little Dutch boy four years
old was found by an olllcor on the cor
ner of Fifteenth and Farnam yesterday
in a great state of distress , which was
manifested by a succession of loud cries
and a copious How of tears. He had be
come lost in the crowd and was taken to
the station. Two hour- * after the fran
tic parents appeared and teen little
linnschcn to their bosonrs1.
J. H. Fortnoy is a guest at the Merchants.
I.ouis Stull , of Lincoln , is visiting In the
John A. liciich , of I'icrce , Is visiting in the
D. M. Plillbrlc , or Norfollc , is a Millard
C. .1. Horton , of Hustings is a 1'axton
W. A. Dudley , of Fremont , is at the Mer
Dr. W. L. Dayton , of Lincoln , is stopping
nt the Millunl.
Stanley Thompson , of Kearney , anil J. C.
Puntow , of York , ure visiting in tliu city.
Henry .H. Thompson and wife , of the
Emma Jueh Opera company , mo at the Mil-
Messrs. G. and I. A. 1'ratt , of Hustings ,
are visiting in the city and ate stopping at
the Paxton.
W. A. Ki'lsoc , of the editorial force of the
St. Louis Kepublie , railed at Tin : Hiu ofllco
hist night. He is off on his vacation and will
Visit Lincoln to-day.
Probably Stolen Goods.
A suspicious character giving thu name of
J.M. ; Longstrctliwas arrested .yesterday hav
ing In his possession a couple of brown silk
dresses , a cream colored silk with a red vel
vet pleat in the b.ick and a prince Albert
lie Aftsaulteil n Necro.
Bill Worthy was tried lathe police court
yesterday for knocking down and drawing a
revolver on a negro named H. L , Lisbon. The
assault occurred last Saturday , but Lisbon's
dusky skin was still discolored from bruises
received In the affray. Worthy was lined
(25 and costs.
A Har Ituom
Peter Peterson and William Meyers en
gaged in n bar room brawl Tuesday night , and
after disfiguring each other's faces very badly
they were arrested. As Peterson commenced
the light bo was lined the heavier , paying
the judge $ Meyers was mulcted to the
amount of $7.50.
A Great Local
The government lias called on the revenue
department and government ofllcials for the
value of registered matter through the
mails. For the Omaha postoflico for the
flsral year ending Juno 111) ) , the amount that
has been handled by J. K. Waters , superin
tendent of the register division , is 45,003,007.
For Keeping ; IJtul Company.
Charles Kobinson and T. H. Kobinson , a
couple of negroes who had been making
their headquarters la houses of Ill-fame ,
were arrested In places of that character
about 4 o'clock yesterday morning and were
lined $10 and K > respectively , with the advice
to choose better company in the future.
llevonuo from the I'ostofllcc.
Postmaster Gallagher and his assistants
have been casting up accounts for Uncle Satn
during the last few days with the following
result : Value of stumps sold during the
month of September , * 13,5'.IJ.H ; envelopes ,
| 3i2l.W ; ( ; total $15Uiy.77. Total number of
special delivery letters received , 1,509. Total
vuluo of stamps and envelopes sold during
the quarter , $4S,042.7S.
"Saints anil Sinners. "
From the very favorable impression cre
ated by the performance of the powerful
drama , "Saints and Sinners , " by the Palmer
. company in Omaha two years ago , and also
owing to the numerous requests for a repeti
tion of the play during the engagement of
the Palmer company at Ho.ya's Opera house
this week , Manager Hoyd has decided to
inuko it the bill for Saturday evening.
The Nejiro Forger.
Yesterday Kobcrt Ferguson , the negro
charged with forging the name of Mace &
Ettinger to a check , was taken into the
chief's oftico and subjected to an ordeal of
questioning bv Captain Green. Specimens
of his handwriting were also required , and
they were found to agree perfectly with the
chirography of the forged check. The olll-
ccrs claim that the evidences of the negro's
guilt are irrefutable.
Almost Hurled.
Yesterday about noon , a man was seen
walking east on Davenport street , and as ho
was about to cross Eighteenth the earth sud
denly gave way beneath him and ho disap
peared "by half. " As ho struggled to extri
cate himself additional earth gave way , and
It was with no hUlo dlftlculty that bo dually
regained his footing. He had stepped upon
an imperfectly llllcd water-pipe trench , the
water of Tuesday night's rain having carried
away tha loose earth , leaving the surface
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
To Clergymen.
All clergymen In the city are requested to
clip from the church directory in next Satur
day's BEE the notice of services In their
church and send it In to THE 13UK editorial
rooms with the necessary corrections for the
coming winter. This notice will bo kept
standing and must Include merely the name
and location of chinches , name of pastor ,
and hours of services , Sunday and week day.
Notices of special services , subjects of ser
mons , etc. , must bo sent in before noon of
each Saturday. _ _ _ _ _ _
Flroiiieiis' Hall.
The Overland lodge , No. 123 , Brotherhood
of Locomotive Firemen , will give their llfth
annual ball at the Exposition hall , Friday
evening , October 13.
The lirctnon have made very elaborate pre
parations for the occasion. TIic hall will bo
decorated finer than ever before. Tholr lo
comotive will bs thcio to help represent their
calling. The supper will bo given at the
famous Hub restaurant , and all arrange
ments have been completed for special trans
portation for all guests from Council HlutTs.
Special train will return to the 15lulls at 3 n.
in. , after the ball is over.
„ .That < 5 jnrp Horse Trailer Again.
The man Gant , who , It is claimed , swindled
an old man named Erin Cleveland but of a
good horse by trading for it a worthless
Bleed that had been drugged to appear nil
right , has token sjeps to recover Cleveland's
hone agala which bad been rcplcvlned by
tlic old tnnni Cleveland had sworn out n
writ before Justice Krocpcr ntl It was
served by the constable of that c6urt. but
despite this Giant swears that no replevin
was Issued unit the liorso was taken from
him through violence. On these ( 'rounds ho
has sworn out a writ and seen red the good
home. _ "
.lock IlarrlH * Narrow I'scnDo.
John Harris , a conductor on a H & M.
frelRht train , narrowly escaped buliis killed
ut Ashland Tuesday night. The
train had Just been broken but was still In
motion and Harris , who was helping the
brakcman , started for the back end of the
train to set the brakes on the p.irt to bo left.
The two partsof the train had already begun
to separate , but ho did not notice it until ho
had stepped oft at the point where the train
haa been broken and was falling violently to
the track below. The latter portion of the
train was only a few leet from him
and in a second or two he would have been
crushed to death under the wheels. Al
though badly stunned bv the fall ho retained
enough of his souses to bo aware of his peril
and crawl off the tr.irk. Just after ho got
ovnr the rails the latter part of the tram
went whi/zing by , gra/mir ono of bis shoes ,
but In no way harming him. The escape was
a narrow ono. Harris is badly used up by
the bruises ho received and will be unlit for
ilutj for a number of days. Ho had Just
been promoted from the position of brakeman
to conductor on Sunday.
I'rnnnnt AVlmmrH.
And so it turns out , after all , that the
Western association championship pennant
for the season of l S goes to DCS Moines ,
Monday's game with Kansas City giving
them a clear title to it by n margin of two
points , irrespective of the game won Tues
day by the Cowboys. This is as was gener
ally predicted by competent ba e ball author-
ItlcH nt tbo outset of the season , when a
eanv.iss of the various teams com
prising the association demonstrated that
DCS Moines was , individually and collectively ,
the strongest team in the circuit. Of course
local pride in the various cities inlluenced a
claim for first place for their respective rep
resentatives early in the spring , but there is
little doubt but what every man capable of
forming an opinion of comparative strength ,
mentally gave the palm to Des Moines. She
is to bo congratulated , mid the. . whole associa
tion should feel especial pleasure in the tlnnl
defeat of the Cowboys , who made such a
grand linal spurt for honors , simply
from thy 'act that Kansas City will bo un
known in tno Western association next year.
A Claim to Human Gratitude.
Charlotte Corday , the sad-faced , tenderhearted
der-hearted putibant { , 'irl of Normandy ,
made xruat history by ono dusporuto
act !
Sickened by the RititrnnHn. of the
French revolution , and moved to des
peration as HolwspiciTomid Mtirat wore
leading the Ilower of Franco to the
fjuillotiiie , slio determined that she
would put nn end to Marat's bloody
Marat hud demanded two hundred
thousand victims for the truillotino !
Ho proposed to kill oil tlio enemies of
the revolution tomnku it perpetual !
I lorriblo thought !
No wonder it IIrod the blood of this
patriotic peasant maid !
Gain iiir access to his closely guarded
quarti-rsby a biibtorfugCj she found him
in his bath , oven then ino.xorablo and
giving his written directions for fur
ther slaughter !
Ho asked her the names of thoinimi-
ealdeputies who had taken rotuiro in
Caen. She told him , and ho wrote
them down. "That is well ! Before u
week is over thov shall till ho brought
to the guillotine ] "
At these words. Charlotte drew from
her bosom the knife , and plunged it
with supernatural force up to tlio hilt
in the heart of Marat.
"Como to mo , my dear fiicnd , corao
to me , " cried Marat , and expired under
the blow !
In the Corcoran gallery at Washing
ton is rt famous painting of Charlotte ,
represented as behind the prison bars
the day before her execution.
It is a thrilling , sad picture , full of
sorrow for her sutlering country , and of
unconquerable hate for her country's
What a lesson in this tragic story !
Two hundred , nay , live hundred thous
and people would Marat have sacrificed
to his unholy passion of power !
Methods uro quite as murderous and
inoxoviiblo as men , and they number
their victims by the millions.
The page of history is full of murders
by authority and by mistaken ideas ! In
the practice of medicine alone how
many hundreds of millions have been
allowed to die and as many more killed
by unjustifiable bigotry and hy bungl-
But the ago is bettering. Men and
methods are improving. A few yei\rs
ago it was worth one's professional life
to advise or permit the use of a proprie
tary medicino. To-day thpro are not
two physicians in any town in this coun
try who do not rogslnrly prescribe some
form of proprietary remedy.
II. H. Warner , famed all over the
world as the discoverer of War
ner's safe euro , began hunting up
the old remedies of the Log Cabin days ;
after long and patient research ho suc
ceeded in securing some of the most
valuable , among family records , and
called them Warner's Log Cabin reme
dies the simple preparations of roots ,
leaves , balsams and herbs which were
the successful standbys of our grand
mothers. Those simple , old-fashioned
sarsaparilln , hops and buehu , cough and
consumution and other remedies have
struck a popular chord and are in ex
traordinary demand all over the land.
They arc not the untried and imaginary
remedies of some dabstor chem
ist intent on making money ,
hut the long-sought principles
of the healing art which for generations -
orations kept our ancestors in perfect
health , put forth for the good of human
ity by ono who is known all over the
world as a philanthropist a lover of his
follow man whoso name is a guarantee
of the highest , standard of excellence.
The preparations are of decided and
known inllucnce over disease , and as in
the hands of our grandmothers they
raised up the sick , cured the lama , and
bound up the wounds of death , so in
their now form but olden power as Log
Cabin remedies , they are sure to prove
the "healing of the nations. "
Corday did the world an incalculable
service in ridding Franco of the bigot
ed and murderous Marat , just as this
man is doing humanity a service by ro-
Jntroducing to the world the simpler
und better mothodsjif our ancestors.
You can find cool , well furnished
rooms at the Globe hotel , best located
house in Omaha.
A find
Yesterday the remains of Martin Mo-
Andrews , the man who met his death In a
sewer the preceding uay , were removed to
the resilience of his sister , Mrs. Weir , on
Thirty-third and Cuminp streets. The sister
felt somewhat alarmed at her brother's ab-
benco from the place all night , for the reason
that It was something that had not tran
spired before , and was not aware of his
death until she read an account of the acci
dent in THK HEK. The remains will bo in
terred la Calvary cemetery to-day.
Do not consult anybody , but Invest twenty-
llvo cents in a bottle ol Salvation Oil. It
kills pain I
When wo reflect that so many human be
ings die of consumption we must como to the
conclusion that everybody should bo provided
with Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup , the poor con
Buraptivo's frlond.
Wyoming oil lands for sale. Claims
of 40 , 80 , to60 acres now on the mar
ket. Complete abstracts to Btuno fur
nished , ' J. L. LOVETT ,
! 0 60. Thirteenth st.Omaha , Nob.
For Men Chiefly.
When your collars and cuffs arc rough and irritate your
flesh , when you find the fine linen eaten away in spots ,
displaying the coarse filling , this is the cause : They
have been washed with ordinary soap , whose cleansing
properties are due to caustic soda and elbow grease ;
either of these will produce the above , and the starch
makes them feel as if you had a saw around your neck.
Pyle's Pearline does away with the rubbing , hence
it saves all wear and tear in the wash. It is as harmless
as the finest imported castile soap. Linens washed with
it are perfectly white and last many times as long as if
washed in the old rubbing , twisting , wrecking way.
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers
are offering imitations which they claim to
be Pearlinc , or " the same as Pearline. "
Beware It's false they are not , and besides are
dangerous. PEARLINE is never peddled ,
but sold by all good grocers.
Manufactured only by JAMES PYLE , New Yoik.
Another ISrukemim Injured An Kx-
ploslon ol'Oll.
Train Xo. 2 , on the Union Pacific , came in
on time yesterday , but the cow catcher
and driving wheels were stained with blood.
When Hearing PapllUon a drove of c.ittlo
blockaded the track too late for the engineer
to stop the train , and ho availed himself of
the only other alternate and rushed through
thorn under a full head of steam. Three or
four of them were killed outright , and a low
more maimed and crippled , but the train and
passengers escaped injury.
D. M. Jorgcnson , a Union Parillc switch
man , had his thumb b.ullj crushed yesterday
while coupling curs at South Omaha.
Another Union Pacific employe was seri
ously and perhaps fatally Injuied Tuesday
night.When freight train No. ' l ! was about one
mile east of Sidney , u car of oil was discov
ered to lie on lire , and in a few minutes
completely enveloped in flames. The train
was brought to n standstill , and George
White , a hr.ikcinan , bravely endeavored to
uncouple the burning car from the train. As ho
stepped between the cars , there an ex
plosion , and in a moment , his clothing was
abla/e , and befnio assistance could bo ren
dered lie was seriously burned. Ho was re
moved to Sidney and Riven the best , of treat
ment , but the physicians have slight hopes
of his locovery.
The funeral of the late Switchman Iloag-
land took place jesterday and the remains
were escorted to the depot by a number of
the brotherhood headed by the A. O. H.
band. Messrs. Mulvalnll and Muiphy will
accompany the body to Now Jersey us will
William Long and wile , friends of the de
Union Pacific Locomotive 701 will be missed
by the loungers around the dcpnt She has
been overhauled nt the shops mid loft for
North Platteyesterday in charge ol Knirineer
Mitchell and Fireman Koacli , who will leave
her there for dutyon that division.
John W. Young , eldest son of the Into
Bnglmm Young , left for Salt Lalro yes
terday , where ho Is engaged in the con
struction of the Salt Luke \ , Park City rail-
Union Pacific officials have authorized an
other stopping place on the suburban train ,
and In a day or two the South Omaha train
will stop just this side of the summit , where
the property owners have erected a neat
waiting room.
U. K. Wurtcle , superintendent of the Wy
oming division of the Union Pacific , is at
hcadquai ters.
Saturday night the first through sleeper
for St. Louis will leave Cheyenne via Den
ver and Kansas City , and Monday ni lit an
other will leave St. Louis for Cheyenne , con
necting at that point with the fast trains for
the coast.
"I saw Colonel Fisher , the former general
manager of the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska
railroad in the city , " t > aid a gentleman posted
in railway affairs , "and I had it on good au
thority that If there are any chances in tno
Union Pacific management or olllcials that
his name will be on the list of now comeis.
lie has a good record and built the South
Park roau from Denver to Lcadville , as well
as others in the southwestern part of the
country. Just keep his name in mind , and
see if I am not , right. "
The Burlington ran out a double header
yesterday , and then a special to accom
modate the harvest homo excursionists. The
Union Pacific was also obliged to run u
yesterday the Burlington nut on a through
coper for Denver , to accommodate their
Omaha patrons , who in the future will not
have to make u change nt Pacific Junction.
The train leaving Denver will also bo fur
nished with a through sleeper from that
point to Omaha.
The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omaha railroad company is preparing to
erect n now depot at the Nebraska end of
its new bridge , opposite Sioux City. It is
rumored that the new station will bo called
Covington. The bridge will bo finished
auout December 1.
For llcadnolio
Use Ihml'ord' * * Aeid Phosphate.
Dr. I. K. S.uiford , biieuleld , Mass. , says :
"Most excellent in derangements of the
nervous system , such as headache and sleep
lessness. * '
The Policemen Can Iluy Their Uni
forms Anywhoro.
The policemen ridicule the article published
in a morning paper asserting that they wore
icquircdto buy their uniforms at a store
specified by the police commissioners , while
they could bo bought at other stores for $3
The ofllcers say that there is no compul
sion whatever laid upon them in the so'cction '
of a place for buying their uniforms. The
chief simply told them at roll call Tuesday
evening that Commissioners Bennett and
Gilbert and Captain Green had been
to the different stores in the
citv , and examined all the various grades of
cloth and were unanimous in their decision
that the specimen offered at the store m ques
tion was the best for thu money that could
bo found. If the officers wished to buy at
any other place there was no opposition to it ,
provided the same grade and color of goods
was bought , ns the uniforms must all bo
There Is no denial of the charge that uni
forms might bo gotten at other places for fi
less , but the goods ottered at that price uro
much inferior. Commissioner Bennett
was for three years at the head
of the western branch of iho
Pullman service and in that tlmo became an
export in Judging of tha qualities of different
cloths for uniforms. The innuendo that hoer
or Mr. Gilbert had accepted u suit of clothes
as a bribe for selecting the store in question
Is claimed to bo even too absurd and con
temptible for notice.
What is more bewitching ,
Heaven's blue arch beneath ,
Than the sin Ho of loveliness
Showing pearly teeth f
Sozodont the charm coufprs
- She who fails to win it errs.
Ho iluns Against a Traveling Man's
Flit. ,
While Judge Reuther was sitting In com
pany With his "wife at one of the tables In Ed
Maurer's saloon yesterday ateuV 1:80 : p.m.ho
chanced to overhear a rather objectionable
story from one of a group of traveling men
at a table near b . Going up to the narrator ,
who was the well-known John M. Comstoclt ,
he told him that he had insulted his
wife , and threatened to kill him
for it. The Judge then left
in eomimnj with Mis. Heather , but returned
a few minutes later without her , and com
menced to call Comstock all manner of vile
names , whi'ii the brawny knight of the grip
retaliated bv striking thu Judge a blow in the
face that knocked him to the Iloor , stunned
him , and caused the clinet to pour from both
nostrils. Before hostilities woic leneweda
number of bystanders Interfered. Kcuther
rushed off for the police and hud Comstock
arrested. On ariiugninent Comstock plead
guilty to the ctmrgc of assault and battery
and was lined 10.
All the world and his wife more
particularly hi * wife , for she makes the
puddings , pies and custards that delight
bib majesty's palate use Van Uu/.or's
Flavoring Extracts obtained from
bound , ripe fruitincomparable in litivor ,
absolutely free from chemicals , highly
concentrated and therefore economic ,
prt'ijnred by it process which does not
admit of their contact with Lany sub-
stiuice which might cout'imitinte them ,
and a _ timc-honorpd standard article
that wins approbation in every house
The Slstt-r's Funeral.
Yesterday the funeral of the late Sister
Mary Scliolastica left St. Mnrj's con
vent at 10 o'clock , liiifb mass first being cel
ebrated in the convent chapel.
At ' .I o'clock .1 solemn high mass was cole-
bivtul by the Kev. Father ShatTel , assisted
bj the Kevcrunds Cnhineri , Jcanette ,
Monarty , Kelly and Glauber , and after a
seniion by the lormcr the funeral procession
wended its way to the cemetery ol the Holy
Sepulchre. Twenty-eight sisters irom the
convent , together with several irom Council
Bluffs were in the procession , which was on
foot until the Thirteenth street crossing was
readied , when the deep mud tendered car
riage a necessity.
The jull bearers selected weie M. P. Kucha
J. J. Mahonv.Michael Doe , Michael Donovan ,
Jcicmiah Mulvalnll and Kd J. Brcnnan.
For beauty , for comfort , for improve
ment of the complexion , use only Po/-
zom's 1'owdor ; there is nothing likejit ,
They A10 Not Married Yet.
The announcement in some of the papers
that the inaniageof Mr. Leon Levy and
Miss Kinma Goldsmith occurred a day or
two asro has proved a source of great annoy
ance to the young couple , as tne nuptials do
not occur until the 'Jd : ! of the present mouth.
Absolutely Pwre.
ThN powder never varies. A nuirvol of piirl-
ty.stivimthaml wliulesomeiu'ss. Mou > I'ronuni-
li al tlmntheotdtimry kinds nmlrannot IIK snlil
Ineompetltlon wlt't ' tin * miiltltuilu of low i oat ,
hhort wclKht ulnm or pln iiotiti' powder-i. Holn
only In CUIH. ILiUlng Towder Co. . laj
Wall .street , New York.
If they ! ire c.ikdellcuto looking nnd troubleil
\\itliMtiim4 , Ilnhn'R ( 'hcii'.il.itc'urm l.o/cugcs
Is hut they need. I'rlco""ic. All driiKf'l'ts.
Advertising has alwiijs proven
successful. Hcforo placing any
K it NfWFpaper Afivcrtlulng consult
WUU5J * 45 l UwdobU SlrteU CIIIRACO.
Xotonly ri-llisved like by most medicines , but
cured purmniicntly with lluUn'8 ( i lilen Ujspep-
blaCuro. 1'tlcu Wc ) abox.
. ,
One of tlio Mo4 Siiccc srnl
In the treatment of DISEASES of the TIIIIOAT ,
l.t'Ml1 , IlKVUT , I.IVUt , KlIINKVri , I'.VI ! Illlll llAII.
Dlseuses of the IlitAi.s anil NKIIVDUS HVHTKM ,
Ki'ii.ursr nnd NKIIVOUS llxnUSTIO.V , AST IIMA
and OAVAKKII , ( Iii.trt i. . Diseases of the UIAI > -
IIKII ami ItecrUM , all Dlsord'ers of the SEXUAL
AeureotlAHASTKEDln all cases of 1'lllVATE
The most OIUTIXATI : CAsts VIELUINU rapidly
under his form of treatment.
'i'ne doctor's theory U that no disease should
be recurded as Incurable until the diseased
oigatils destroyed fuster than It can bo repaired.
From his years of experience In HOSPITAL and
I'm VATK I'ltAimcK , the doctor la classed iruoui ;
the J.lUUI.Nd Bl'KCIALISTii ,
Treatment by correspondence. Semi btarap
for reply.
Office 'Bushman Block , 16th and
Douelas Cts. , Omnha , eb ,
IB being rapidly pushed to completion and wo hope to open the same by the 15th inst
The changes and improvements which wo are also making in the old store extend to
every Iloor and department. Wo propose to have not only the largest , but also the best
arranged and best lighted Clothing Establishment.
We have to apologize to our patrons for the present condition of our store , but it
is unavoidable ; we are not only crowded with'goods but crowded with buyers at all
times , and customers may find it a little inconvenient but they will find themselves
amply repaid by the low prices wo are making throughout our entire stock and the
many bargains we are offering.
Our stock of Overcoats is enormous and the change in the weather has created
quite a demand for them. AVe have everything imaginable , or at least desirable , and
among our stock will be found many lots which are marked in price far below their in
trinsic value.
The Mens' Suit stock is the heaviest over shown and its variety warrants the as
sertion that whoever buys a Winter Suit without at least looking hero , fails to consult
his own interest. There is not an establishment in the west that offers the selection or
names the prices we do.
Boys and Children are as amply provided for wo still have some of the special
bargain Knee Pant Suits at $2.50 a suit , which would bo cheap at $5.00. Wo want every
mother to look at this suit. In long Pant Suits and Boys' and hildren' s Overcoats wo
oiler great inducements.
Underwear you can buy of us at lower prices than the regular retailers pay for
Gloves , Hosiery , Neckwear and all other Mens' furnishings at lowest possible
Hats are almost given away , at least yon would think so if you look at the con
stant rush in our llat Department. The quantities we handle of these goods , and the
way we buy them puts all competition out of the question.
COSTS Clothing Company
Cor. i4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
Our customers will tnke not
ice , thnt notwithstanding the
confusion incident to the im
provements being mnde in our
place of business , we nro in
continual receipt of new goods' '
and arc ready to servo our
1'rionds to the best of our ability.
The temporary disorder is only' '
a matter of a few days , after
which we are confident our
fresh attractions and increased
facilities must speak for them
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tlio only ro.ii ! to take for Dos Molnps , Mnrnlmltnwn
Collar Ituplils , Clinton , IH.von , Chlc'iino , .Milwaukee ,
mill all points Ku .l To tliu ponplont Nebraska Co o-
rutlo , U yomln2,1't'ih } , liliihn. Not adi , Oregon , \Vuili-
Inutori itnil ( 'altlurnm , It otlors superior uilvunuiuus
nut po iblo liyam otlior line.
AimuiKU fowcil the mimorou * points of Kiiperlorlty
enjoyed by thu p.itrmis nl til s roml lietneiMi Omaha
anil Chirac" , arc Its tliren trains n day of DAY
Co \ Cllh1whkh art , the tlii'l ' Unit human art anil
Injemilty < an nenle. UK I'AI'i ( ; Miii'I.V : : ; I AKS
ihu eijuiu ol wltleli eannol he finmit olnouhoro At
Council mull * . Iho trains of tliu I'nlim I'arlik'llnll-
ttay conned In union depot with th' > * o of the Chi *
rauo.v .V > rtli v ! terii Ity In ( 'hliauii thn tr.ilns of
this liiiu itiakn cloiu c-unnectlon with tliosu ot all
dlher Eastern lines.
I or Detroit. ( 'ohniilniH. Imlhinnpolls , Cincinnati ,
Niagara Hilli ," . I'UMIiurf , Toronto , Montreal ,
llnitim. New York , I'lulmlolphl.i , Italtlmuro , Wash
ington , ami nil points In Iho Kast A lt lor tickets > u
U' °
If you wish the liest ai'C'mimoJatlon. All ticket
agents ell llokets t l.i this line
U. 11U.IUTT , I ! . P. W1I > O.V.
( , in I Manager. ( ion I 1'asa'r Agent.
i lll ( AI.O , it i.u ,
W. N. IIAIICOCU I.en I \\eprli | Aecnt.
I ) . I ! KIMIIAI.I. . TiikvL Acunt.
( i K Wi-T : , City I'lu-sonccr Agent.
HOI ruruam btrcct Uiiinna , Neb.
Or tbo Liquor Habit , Positively Cured bj
AduiInlstcrlugUr. Hnlucs' Gulden
U can be given In a cup of codes or tea with
out tlio Knowledge ot thu person taking it ; abso
lutely harmless , und will eject a permanent and
ipeedy cure , whether tliu patient Is u moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands ot
drunkardi have been made temperate men who
have takcu Golden SDecllio In their collee with
out their knowledge anrt to-day believe they
quit drinking of their own free will. It never
rails. The system once Impregnated With the
BpeclUc , it becomes an utter impossibility for
the llijnor appetite to exlit. For Bale by Kutin
& Co. , 13th nd Douglas tta. , ana loth and Cum.
laiftlit. , Omaha , Neb. ; A. L ) . 1'oster li llio ,
Council IIIutl3 , Iowa.
Itoom 03 Traders' Itulldlne ,
ReierenteB Xetropolltan Natlnnal ; iank.
K. U Dun \ Co. The llritdiireet Ca
( Successors to John ( i. Jacob * . )
Undertakers and Embalmers
At the old fctand , 14J7 Fiirnam Pt. Orders by
tclerruph sollcrted and promptly
Telephone to No. Zi ,
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Ucst Itouto from Omaha and Council
IMiilTs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , MlnmniioHs , Crdnr Rapids ,
Knck Island , Frroport , Kockford ,
Clinton , Dubtique , DaTODiwrt ,
Elfin , Madison , Jancsvlllc ,
Uclolt , Wliiono , La Grosse ,
And all ether Important polnti Eait , Northeast and
For tliroush tickets cull on tlie ticket ( tent at IMl
Kanmm itrcct. la llorkor lllock , or at Union racing
Hnlltniui Sleepers and the Unfit Dining Cure la tb
world are run on the main line of the Chlcage , Mil
wnuki'O A bl. I'aul lUllwity , nod every atteatloolf
paid to paiienuen by courtcoui emplojc * el tat
II. Mir.l.KR , Ciencral Minncor.
J. K. TUCKEH. A > sl > unt tloneral Uaaagtr.
A. V. R. UAIU'KNTBll , Uvneral l'MMni r and
GKO. JifCHBAFrOIlD ! , Assistant Gtmcrai JTMMB < w
aud'l'lck t Am > nt.
J. T. CllAUK. Uenernl Ejucejlnteuf U
Siilpo Tunnel
A rtoereo for fnreclo nro aznlnst thn SUTIIO TIT.V-
NIM * Company hn Just heen entered In the United
fctiuen Circuit Court , Ninth Circuit , Dl'trlctof Nevada
anil thu property of thai company will lie xolii tlieru-
uinler at an early iliito. Thu Keortniiliatk > n com
mittee hereby tlvi notion that ttotkholilcra of that
company \MI1 bo allowed a K1NAI.opportunity to pro
tect their hitherto un.isxentcd Block by nubKcrlLIni : to
the new bonds and depoMtlnif their stock fts hereto
fore mUerllsed. Subscriptions to sHld bonds will bo
received nt the L'nlon Tru t Company , No , 73 Broad
way , New York , at thu followlnti terms , to-wlt :
NOV. , 1H8H , AT 12 M. ,
nnd thnronl'inr
UNTIIj JAN. U , 1SHI ) , AT P. M.
Pitbscrltiers to Iho bonds will receive Trust Company
certificate * , cnlltltni ! them to the name number of
eluirett as tho&e tlepnultoil by thorn , anil II In honilH for
oathf.1) cents and U ) leutH respcctt\ely paid by them.
lntt'rot t at Iho rate of 4 per cent , will be allowed on
tiilitcrlptlonx from ilutc ot pa > ment.
Payment should DO maitu by check on New York In
the rnlon TniNl Com nan yand i > ) ioulil bout torn pnnlrd
by the btoi k iluly endorseil In blanX and an aiithor-
l/atlon to the Union 'I riiJit Company lllank formn
for this authorisation and in | lei. of i Ircuhirs can bc-
dhlalneil upon application at ttie Cnlon Truct Com-
' * ofll < . or nt room ! ' . ) , Seventh tloor , Mills llullil
lit ; . New } ork.
Dated Nl.\v YoitK , October 3 , I'M.
II. II. ItAI/rKKK , Chairman ,
I1. < \ A. M VAN WKKh ,
Kemarkable for powerful unrip-
thetlc tonn. pllublu actlou and ap-
> nlutf durability. : J years' rtcord.
the bent guarantee of the excellence
lence of tneeu luutruinentu.
Why Have the Baby
I'cevlbh nnd fretful , v. hen quietness at night and
poy In the hoiihuhold by day Is asstiri-tl by
None Bcnuino without Wooi.iucii & Co.on label
' " '
: . " I 'U"ST It'll to
Iliac tUn Niw IUI-EOTIO
E I f tlfa.8tlt.4 S * . s t nwy.
jf k ? ril D MOIIf. Vtifilfi
thli p eiflepurpoi , CUEKor
"NtliTiri ntlKMBU , fll-
oui , ttilld. tootbinf curtciti of
ce. r iK / liroujh ! ! > , tk ini.mor.
lnitttm"t % " " > k' lt > > 'm ViloreuiScnBih. ilittrVj
C.rr.ot " 5\J&-ltll IniUnll/ l wt lnrf ll ts.ioo i la in.
Orolcit IrapriTiatDtlovcr > > l otlor Ultl. Woiil ttm ftf
mini ally curl J la lhlf wofllbl Hrtltd | itiupbUI4e.Um9
theiiindtnEUetriaC * . lfi9LaSillcit. < Chlciq
Send ( orMnnuli Catalog
GF , Foster SD& : Co
173 Mndl ont.CbiQaiQ. .
\J m U nrboru St. , Clilciuoi ulvlcanc * ! Zl y * r
builocn ijulellr Mid l g Hjr tr n actcJ
_ < r = S73lJAH 0 lOTTS * - -M
N. W. Cor. 13th A Dodge Sts
Beit fftcilitiet , nmiaritus anil remedies for suit
; c fiil treatment oferery form of disease requM
tig Medical or Surgical Treatment.
Hoard and nttemlauce , best hospital accotntu&l
datlons in the west. * J
WKITU K > R Cmcri ABU on Deformities add
Unices , Tnm.cs , Club I'eel , Curvature of thd
Spine , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catnrrli , Ilror.clutlf ,
Inhalation , Blectricity , Paralysis , Htiilcii'iy , KMl
ney , lllndJer , Rye , gar , shm and lllood , uud all
Surgical Operations. '
Diseases of Woman a Spoolal'.y.
HOOK OK Diiiiois or WOMIN Kuus. I
All lllood Diseases Buccetsfully treated. ! iypl4 |
Ilitic Poison removed from the sjMcni nitliout
mercury. New restorative treatment lor loss o (
Vital 1'ower. I'ei sous unable ( u visit ns may be
treated at home by correspondence. All coruinu-
nicatlona confidential Medicines or Instruments
seut by mail or eipress , securely packed , no
marks to indicate contents or sender One per
sonal interview preferred , Call ami consult us os
send history of your case , and we will scud (4 (
pluin wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Infi
Mleucy , Syphilis. < ileet and Varicoctle , witH
\pcstion list. Address
Omaha Muliral anil Snrgleal ItiitHuteaj
Cor. 13th ana Dodge III. . OMAHA. NEB./ /
Health Is Wealt li
DB. a. 0. WIST' * Nrnv * AND Bruin TftKAW
BENT , guaranteed noclflc for Hysteria. Dlzzb
Bens , ConTuUtons , 1'lts , Vcrvou9 Neuralgia. ,
Headache. Norvoun Prostration , caused by th3
u n of alcohol or totiacco. Wiikofiilness. Mental
Depression. Boftrnlng of the Drain , resulting In
Insanity , and leading to mlierv. decay ndj
death. Premature Old Ape , llurremipsa. Loss E
Power In either SOT. Involuntary I.nssei and
Rpfrmatorha-acaniieil hy over-exertion of th
brnln. self-atntie or over-lndulKcnre. Knch boC
contalnH on month's treatment. II.ft ) n box , o
six boxes for I ) ( C , tent hy mull prepaia on r -
celjit of prlca.
To cure any oua. With each order recalred by
ax for ttx boxeB , accompanied with li.OO , vfaj
will fend tn purchaser our written fuaronte *
to refund the money If the treatment does no !
affect a cure. Guarantor ! Issued only by U. Pj
GOODMAN. Dmairltt , Hole A eut , 1110 1'uruarJ
Mroft. Omaha. Nub .
uoiatt naiiuiuu udum
Paid Up Capital $400,000
Surplus 50,000
II. W. YATK i , I'rostilrnt.
I.EWIH S. HKIII : , Vice I'rcsltlont.
A. I ! . TUUXAMV , 2nd VI < H 1'reslOent.
W. II. K. iiuums : Cualiler.
w. V. MniiKK , JOHN S. COI.M.VS ,
II.V. . VATKH. J.KW is S. HKED ,
llanklni ; Olllrc-
Corner lath nnd I'.irnam Stn ,
A General liankiiiR lluainess Transacted.
The Kansas Cilj Investment Co ,
30 Cliitiulicr of C'oiiiiuui-cc ,
No delayx. All business done at tills office.
tuccvimfully u rd monthly by orer ICLOdO
idles. AreXajt. Kffectualand fltcuant
\ I > rrbor > > y mall.oratdruKKUta. Staled
'arteulurt2vnmfiiel&mi { > t. Addresa
TDK KUHXIA CutxiCAi , Co. , DirrooiT , Utcv.
For tale nnd by inaU. by
Drug C t Omaha ,