THE OMAJTA DAILY BEE. THURSDAY , OCTOBER 11. 1888. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL"BLTJFFS. OFI'ICi : . .NO 11 ! IMUltlj STKKUT. Delivered by carrier In Any 1'nrt of the City ( it Twenty Cent.1'tT Week. II. W. TII.1UN MANAOKU. TKI.lil'IIONKSi HrMxr. OFFICK No. 41. NIIJIIT r.itiToii , No.zi. MINOR .MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing company. Only f 10.80 at Cliapman's art store. Additional Council Blulls news on the Eovcnth page. Grand lullllncry display to-ulRht. Do not fnll to see it at Mrs. T. U. Louis' , 513 H road way. way.A marriage lironhc was issued yester day to Richard 11. ( JiUons and Miss Kmina K. Smith , both of 13oomer town- fillip. Clark's O. N. T. ppool cotton and Marshall'Hlinen thread , the ladies of Council Blulls have fallen in love with for its gtitiural cxccllencu in all kinds of sowiny and fancy work. John Lieno it Co. Work will bo commenced next Mon day morning platting the Kvans tract in the western part of the city , north of Uroadway. The tract ih a quite a largo one , and the work will raquiro several days. The new curbing around the court house grounds has been completed , and iiddu much to their appearance. When the grounds are sodded the external ap pearances will bo more in keeping with the internal arrangements of the beau tiful Htixu'tiire. Klovcn of the loin offered for sale in Hurke's addition have been sold to Omaha parties , who intend building in the near future. Mr. Grimm , of the World , has purchased a lot in this addi tion and will build at once a $1,500 cot tage. The electric lighting plant at the ttate institution for the deaf and dumb is not yet in running order , but a test , of the whole plairt will bo made some time next week , and it is expected to have the system in practical operation shortly after\\ard. Two carloads of slate have arrived for tbo roof of the now school building. The contract for this work is in the hands of the Omaha Slate and Hooting company. Several men will bo put to work on tbo job and it will be completed in about a week. The heavy rain of Tuesday night prevented - vented any work being done on the paving yesterday forenoon. Work was resumed after dinner , and by noon to day the paving of Sixth avenue will bo completed. From there the paving force of McAdam & Amberg will go to Seventh iivonuo , which will be paved between Main and Sixth streets. The examination of the parties ar rested for stopping the fast mail train on the "Q" last Sunday afternoon will take place Saturday morning. Hightof the parties have been in-rested , and warrants are out for two more. The greater part of the arrested parties are in the county jail , as but few of them could furnish bail. The case against one of them u ill bo dismissed , but the others will bo held for trial. Wickham it Co. will begin work Mon day on the paVing of Sixth street be tween First and Fifth avenues. Sev enth street is albO to bo paved between these same avenues. As soon as these two streets are paved work will bo com menced on the paving of the extension of Broadway between the bridge over the waterworks settling basin and the end of the eastern approach to the now bridge. The entire work will bo fin ished before the end of the present month. The soliciting committee which is raising money for the celebration of the opening of the bridge is not meeting with the success desired , as but little over the required amount has yet been subscribed. The next meeting of the committees will bo hold in Omaha next Monday afternoon , and it is desired to have the amount raised before that time. Omaha has already raised its part , and the business men are requested to subscribe liberally for the purpose in order that the arrangements may not bo delayed. The intimation made in the Non pareil that SheriiT O'Neill was starving the prisoners at the county jail conies in amusing contrast with the advice offered by the same paper less than a year ago , that the feed should bo cut down bo as to make jail life more un pleasant. The bill of faro remains the same as it always has been under Sher iff O'Neill. Prisoners released from the jail have frankly declared that they have been well fed there , and the ap pearance of those still retained indi cates that they are not losing any llesh. It is no easy matter to convince the public that Sherill O'Neill is abusing the prisoners in any way. A certain traveling man who repre sents a well-known wholesale implement house of this city , has caused a married .ady of this city considerable annoy ance of late , by following her upon the streets whenever she linppons to bo out of an evening. The lady , who is the wlfo of a prominent merchant doing bus iness on Uroadway , has complained to her husband , and the indications are that the drummer will soon find himself in trouble. The wife wants her persecutor cuter arrested , but the husband has no xiso for the courts and will attend to the Siatter himself. Hots are freely offered that the traveling man will go out on Ills next trip with a peeled nose and a black eye. See Forrest Smith's special column. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts fc Co.'s loan otllco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. E. II. Sheafo & Co. , make long or short time loans on real estate , in bums to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Oflico Broadway and Main street , upstairs. E. II. Sheafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All busincbS strictly confldontal. Olllco 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. See Forrest Smith's special column. J. G. Tipton has bargains in real estate. "Fraulein Aus Dor Oho played the JJbv.t concerto , and her performance was the feature of the evening. She was re called five times. " Now York Tribune. Liszt's favorite piano pupil , Adele Aus Dor Oho , at Dohnny's , next Friday night. The finish on our collars , ouffs and ehirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade Laundry Co , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hear the second act ( the garden econe ) from Faust , at Dohany's , Fridaj night , by the Emma Juoh company. Loans made on city business and resi dence property. Notes bought. Kim- 'ball-Champ Investment company. Gallery Boats ( or "Fau&l" 26 . IVOJIEN AS CIIGRCH WORKERS 'ho Annual Mooting of Tholr Iowa Mission Board. 'ROGRAMME ' FOR FALL RACES. A Ucst In the Dlnlrlct Court The Tanners' Insurance Mertlnc Shipping Convicts Methotllst Elders Confer Together. Women. The Iowa branch of the Woman's Joard of missions is now holding its wclfth animal mooting in this city. In haractor the organi/ation is distinc- Ively representative , being composed of the ladies who arc foremost in works of charity and minions. The repro- cntatives present are from mosit of the ocicties of the state , both senior and unior. About bovcnty-livo delegates ire present. The organisation convened yesterday norning in the Congregational church. \t 8iO : ! the executive committee met ind considered the business features of ho work. At 10 o'clock the formal opening took place , Mrs. Dr. Magoun , of Grinnoll college , olllciating as eliair- iinii , and Mrs. McLellan , of Tabor , as icerotary. At 11 o'clock the question of "Mission Work in Sunday Schools , " ' was discussed > y Mrs. Dr. Friableof DCS Moiiies , in ilaco of Mrs. W. E. Do Kleiner , of allies , who was absent. Following were M-esentcd the reports of the vice presi- lents of the associations throughout the late. At 1:15 : p.m. the association recon vened. Devotional exercises were con- lucted by Mrs. Dr. Frisbie. An address of welcome by Mrs. Dr. II. A. Mont- loinery was responded to by Mrs. Dr. Magoun. The greeting from the W. 15. M. I. by Mrs. U. II. Case of Chicago , was followed by salutations from repre sentatives of other societies. These were the Methodist Kpiscopals by Mrs. Alexander ; Baptist , by Mrs. Dr. Cooley ; the Presbyterian by Mrs. Dr. 1'holps. The treasurer , Mrs. 10. K. Potter , ot Irinncll. uubinitt"d her report which showed the association to be in a good condition linancially. The "Thank JITorings'1 have more than doubled dur- 'ng the past year. The junior ami juvo- lile societies have generally increased , Hth in membership and power. The secretary's report was a summary of the work done by the society during .ho past year. The organi/ation has tdopted twelve new missionaries since 'ts last meeting , which promises much or the future. At : $ : ! . > Mrs. N. G. Clark , of Grinnell , cad the paper assigned to Mrs. 11.15. Lewis , , of Dubiuiuo , who was absent , Does It Pay , ' ' an able discussion of the work performed by the women in this particular field. The work already accomplished ; the grand results ob- : ained were reasons why the work 'pays ; ' ' why any sacrilico should bo nado that men may be saved. The "Young Ladies' Hour" was sot 'or 3:35. : A loiter from Miss Bliss , sec- : 'etary of the Junior society , was read jy Mrs. J. Ilarkness. The Junior soci eties throughout the state reported through their delegates , which reports show the condition of the work to ao most Tailoring. The missionary uldress by Miss Matio .Tosslyn , assigned 'or this hour , was postponed until the evening session , and the children's mooting was hold. A largo number of .ittlo folks came into the church and oc cupied the front seats. Brief ahd in structive addresses wore made by Mrs. Dr. Magoun. Mrs. Hall , a returned mis sionary , and others. "What a Penny Mny Do" was told by Mrs. Hall , while Mrs. Magoun told the children what portion of the work they wore expected LO do during the ensuing year. At the evening service , the church was well filled and a most interesting ession resulted. Rev. G. W. Crofts , riastor of the Congregational church de livered an atTectivc address which was followed by Mrs. H. Case , who gave a very inlcrcsling account of the Lon don conference , or the world's conven tion of missions , hold last Juno , at which the speaker was a delegate. The session closed with the address of Miss Tosslyn , which was a very elToctivo pro- duclion. Following is the programme for the sessions of to-day : U:00 : Devotional exercises. Reports from vice presidents. Reports of com mittees. Discussion. 10:15 : Prayer hour , led by Mrs. C. K. Woodruff , Decorah. 11:00 : Question drawer , conducted by Mrs. L. M. Ross , Council Bluffs. THUUSUAY AFTKUNOOX. 1:45 : Opening exorcises. Discus.siqn , "Mission Bands , " led by Mrs. J. G. . "Our Periodicals " Miller , Manchester. , Mrs. M. R. Smith , Davenport. 2:45 : Election of olHcers. Question drawer. ; i0 : : ! Paper , "Tho Right Use ot Money , " Mrs. M. L. Kelsey , Grinnell. Discussion. 1:15 : Missionary address. Closing exorcises. The attendance at the sessions of yes terday was very good , hut this will doubtless bo increased to-day , as the work in hand is very instructive and should be listened to by everyone. Boots , shoes. Kinnohan's , 32G B'way. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laundry company. See Forrest Smith's special column. Emma .Tuch , the principal soprano of the National Opera company , as Marguerite - guerito in Faust , at Dohany's , next Fri day evening , October 12. S. B. Wads worth < & Co. loan money. A Fall The Union Park Driving association has decided to hold a fall trotting meet ing , November 1 , 2 and 3 , 18SS. Purses aggregating nearly $2,000 will bo of fered , and it is expected that there will bo a large number of fast trotters en tered. The following is the pro gramme : First day , November 1. 2:35 : trotting , purse , $250. 2:28 : trotting and pacing , purse , $250. Second day , November 2. 3:00 : tt'ot- ting , purse , * 250. 2:40 : trotting , purse , $250. $250.Third Third day , November 3. 2:30 : trot ting , purse , 1250. 2:23 : pacing , purse , $250. two-year-olds trotting and pacing , purse , 8200. Ed. Rosewater , Goo Whiz and Axtel barred. Entries close October 25 , at 11 o'clock p. m. Purses divided as follows : Fifty per cent to first horse ; thirty per cent to second and twenty per cent to third. Happily Joined. Still another barque has been launched upon the matrimonial sea. Its occupants are Mr. William A. Grono- wog and Miss Anna Fox. The bride is tbo daughter ol Cglooel John Fox , ami ho groom is the nephew of Senator Gronewcf , ' . Both are well known in his city ana deservedly held in high esteem by all who know them. The ceremony which united them In icart and life was performed Wednes day evening at the residence of the n-Ide's parents , on Washington avenue , ind in the presence of the intimate riends and relatives of the principals. At 8 o'clock the happy couple stoou be- ere Rev. Dr. Pholp's , by whom their iledgos of love and loyalty were solem nized. The wedding supper was elab orate and the presents elegant and mi- nerous. At the conclusion of the fes- ivities the happy couple stopped across ho street into their own house , which .he groom had prepared for their recep tion. Thus life is begun with them radically and auspiciously , and the jarnest wishes of all friends for their Happiness and prosperity abide with them , Mcettni ; of KldiTN. The presiding elders of the DCS Moines Methodist conference held a nceting in this city yesterday for the purpose of malting the apportionments of the money to bo raised for benevolent purposes for the ensuing year. There .vero . live presiding elders present T. McKay Stuart D. I ) . , Clarinda ; C. W. Blodgett D. D. . Atlantic ; W. W. Ram sey , Boone ; W. T. Smith , Council Uluffsand W. II. W. Rees , DCS Moines. No other business of any importance was transacted at the meeting For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge to parties who will build at onco. Ad- Ire-s or call on J. R. Rice , No. 110 Main street , Council Blutls. Morohoii'-o ft Co. are binding books in board covers at ! ! oo each. Will lioso Their Votes. Deputy Sheriffs Currie and Conner rc- .urned yesterday morning from Fort Madison , where they went to take a quartette of sentenced criminals. The itllcors left njrain la t night for the pen , n charge of four more prisoner- . They .vero . John Murray , alias ( tli'if-on , John Lee , alias Clnneey , Thomas Barrett and W. P. Talbot. ifill require two more .rips to take sill the criminals sentenced , his term to the pen. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies , or anything ofalue at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark V ; Co. , otlice cor. Broadway ind Main , over American express. We have no competitors in finishing collars , cuffs and shirts. Cascade Laun dry Co. New mince meats and saur kraut just received at Tibbitts' . Tim I'olirc Italcli. 'Squiro Scluir/ disposed of the few victims arraigned in police court yester day morning with his usual dispatch. iJYank Horn , Joe Olinger and Frank jreen were all drunk's , and they were taxed $8.10 each. They failed to liquid- ite , and were slid back into the hole. Ed Carver and Robert Senior were two vouthful di-eiples of Jesse James , and , ho court relieved them of their spare cash and private arsenals and turned .hem loose. Rose Lindc , as Seibel in Faust , next Friday night , at , Dohany's. Mrs. L. Simmons , dressmaker , 1)14 ) Hroail- ivay , over Kisomnn's , on electric motor line. Special advantages to Onmlm ladies. Reserve your seats for Emma .Inch be- 'oro opera date and save money. First Ward UepiiWienns. The First Ward Republican club will lold a meeting at John Hammer's ollice to-night , Thursday , October 11. Walter [ . Smith , A. S. Haxlcton and other speakers will be present. Every person ji the ward who intends to vote for Harrison risen and Morton on the tith of Noyein- jcr is invited to bo present and assist in the permanent organi/ation of the club. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICIO. SI'nriAIjBilvertlsi'incnts.suchnB Lost , Kounit , To Loan , Tor Sale , To Kent , Wants , llonril- ItiR , etc. , will ho Inserted in thN roluiun nt thu low rate of TH.V t'KNTd 1'UU UN K for tliu llrsc Insertion anil 1'tvo Cents 1'er l.tnu for t'.ich sub sequent Insertion. leave advertisements at ouroIHro , No. 12 I'enrl Street , near Uroadway , Council llluflu Io\r.i. WANTS. FOK HKNT or for sale on lonu time -Tho new house on Cialmm n\eime , beln t ) > ne.\t iiutisu nlidvo Dr. ( lortlon's ; 4 roomi with basement. Horace llvcrett. r for sale in car load lots. Mulholland A : Co. FOU HKNT Cond house and stable. Just out- Mdu of city. Apply to Hiir.icc Kverett FOIl HIJNT-Kuinlilud front room , for gen tlemen."IN. . Sei'oml street. " \\rANTIiD Jh'iTylioilv to know I ulll T > not bo under.-old In elthnr furnlturo or stoves. It'u your iifit.'oiiiiKi ) i want , and jniluo for yourself , t also buy all llrst class IIOUM-- liold poods. No rubbish wanted , A. J. Mamlol , Xt ! uml 3'r > llrn.iduay. "nU'UNISIlUOroom for rent , 117 4th st. " 171OIIIIKXT Sevan-room eottiiire. on the cor- -L ner of 3d nve. and nth st.V. . C. .lumen. HKNT A larK number of good dwell- FOIt lii's ) Call and examlno list. 1' . 11. Sheafo .VCo. , Ilrondw.iy and Main St. . up st.ilii- . HOl'SKS for rent. Johnston & Van 1'iuteii. BlMnluM. FORREST SMITH'S L WANT COLIN. TTOH SAT.RHoiiso of ,1 rooms ; closets and -1 cellar , I.iti'KU lot , go"1 ! born , well ami rls- tern. Fruit trcos. A KOOI ! lioinc. tiOtl II. 1'lcrco Bt. , ! J blk to st. cars. tU.lUU ; easy terms. SAI.K Si-foot lot on thn corner ot FOIl llroaihvay and --'d bt. , only J1JU It taken soon. FOIt SAU : U-foot lot on ttrondwny In the llrht block this cm ) of the now bridge to Omaha ; if sold at once only 417,1. 1710H BAM-I An elegant fi-room cottaRowlth Jlot 6'ixlfO , ou Harrison bt ; this property Is worth from VtW ) to t-l.fpOj , but If Fold boon will Bell for l-&OJ ; good terms. FOU HKKT Nlco 4-room cottaga on ftli ave. and 10th bt.ouly ill per mouth. TO LOAN Money to loan on horses , cattle , furniture , pianos , jewelry , etc. ; bee mo be fore borrow Ing elsawhere. SALE Lot mi20 on 1st nve , near N' . W. IilOH 1 U. depot , on N. W. track ; cheap at J400. FOIl SAI.i : Lots , houses and lots , and acre property In all parts of the city ; cheaper by 0 per cent than It can be bought .0 days from uo\v. Call and examine my lUt before uuylng. TJ10U SAI.K IS acres on both sides of U. I' , It. E It. track , M mile w e t of union depot : would niaVo it tint ; addition to Council UluITborOmaha , Only I'M per acre. FORREST SMITH , Koom 4 , 3rd Floor , Drown IJuildlnp. OFFICER & POSEY , BANKERS. ICCBroadwar Council IJluffi , Iowa. KsUblUUed URKE'S ADDITION. The Choicest Ground for Resilience in the Western Part of the City , Is now platted into Beautiful , Large Lots. About ten minutes ride on the motor to Douglas street. Omaha. They lie on a level but elevated strip of ground. About 300 yards from the new motor line to Omaha. Lo-s than 1 } miles from the Council BlulN postolllco. Nearly twice as large in sj/ ( . in M/O ah- most of the tiewly plaited lots. Good public schools near by. The proposed Boulevard bounds it on the north. TITLES Perfect. ABSTRACT Printed Abstract and Warranty Deed with each Lot. GRADE Hxamine these lots with reference to the grade before buying a lot. The ordinary price of a lot is saved on grade alone , if you buy one of these lots. TKRMS To a good class of purchasers a limited number of lots will bo sold for one-tenth down ; balance in monthly pa\m ' 'its. ' without interest. Apply to FINLEY BURKE , J. J. Brown building , 115 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. POST OFFICE M EAT IMRKET. Slnniiraciiircrrt nnilVli 1n4nl > Do lors 'n 3SLSTO Olf" A.11 ! KL' Onlors IT ininly rilled null Delivered. : \o. WITHOUT INTEREST. Nice 5-room cottages , brick foundation , and all necessary out-buildings. Only ten minutes walk from tlie new motor line. Near the NEW COUNCIL BLUFFS. BLUFFS.LEFT FOR SALE ON THESE TERMS. APPLY AT ONCE TO O. J" . nOTjl MASONIC TEMPLE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. TELEPHONE NO. 112. SMOTHERS & BEECROFT , - | UOlMIKTOItS OK - COUNCIL BLJFFSANP OMAHA -IOFFICES ' . . Pmipr Co. , No. 11U Cm vi u HIIITS-P. C. nnVnl'&Stjro.No. I OMAII.V Carpenter , rUl Mul llo Iroiulway. 'JVIi-phono No. h7. Uou lns Street Telephone No. M . MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 330 BROABWAT. TELEPHONE NO. 260 THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. FSICS $15. Is equal to any High Machine. The IMI.'Ou Mlmcotrraptii the test npimrutiM for iniiiilfoUllni. iiutnsniphlc unil typo nntlu.1 work. 3ao copies can bo taken. The Eseelsior Cs.Council Bluff ; , la. FRIDAY , OCTOBER 12 , Under the auspices of the 1' . K. O. The Emma Juch Grand Opera Co , , 1CON318TJMI OKI MISS UMMA JUCH. JUSS HOSA L1NDI ! , Tliu Celebrated Contralto MISS ADKLK AUS DEU Olin , LUts1 Favorite 1'lano Pupil , and others , In one Grand Concert with one entire act of ( IN COSTUME , ) Tickets bought previous to concert date , with reserved seat , Jl and 76 cents ; day of concert. tickets tl.M ) and II. Heats on sale Monday after noon at Camp& Hills' Drug titoro. sules , Severest cases nured In seven days. Hold tl.yjnerbox , all dtugKUtu , or by mall from Do- cutu iiru. Co. , HiVmt St. , N. Y , Full UlrticUouJi , DANCING CLASSES. ' SATI'KDAY Tl'KSIlAY AT 4 If I I' . M AT ; i P. M. AN1 > b 1' . JI. AM ) 8 1' . M. Royal Arcanum Kail , Beno Block. urns. MA < ; itM : . S. STEWART , M. D , , D , V. M. li HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STREET. Telopliono No. 295. COUMJlIj BLUFFS , : : IO\V FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 151-1 Doimlan St. , Omaha , Nob. D. H. McOANELD & CO , , Hides. Tallow. Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. K ana 823 Main StreetCouncO Blufls.Iow * . NEW COTTAGES ! Neat and comoclious Five Room Cottages witli closets , etc , , are now offered On very liberal terms of payment , thus enabling mechanics , clerks and laboring men to secure a homo by paying a small payment down and monthly payments to apply upon the purchase price. Instead of paying rent. These houses are located botwen BROADWAY AND AVENUE "A" And immediately between the electric power house and the car shop' . With electric cars passing every ten minutes to Omaha , with only 5 cent fares. For full particulars address mo and 1 will call upon you. .A. . P. O. IlOX 488 , OMAHA , NBU. BABBITT TRACT JUST PLATTED AND NOW OFFERED FOR SALE Largo lots ; eas-y of access , with splendid sewerage opportunity. Close Iiroxiinity to business portion of city , vicinity of good churches and schools , .hint oil Broadway. Electric motor for all points in city and Omaha every seven min utes. Easy terms. Perfect title. -FOU ) SALB BY- ( F. J. DAY , No. 39 Pearl Street. A. A. CLA11K & CO. , Broadway and Main J. G. TIPTON , 527 Broadway , FRANK COOK , No. 5 Pearl Street. JOHNSTON & VAN PATTEN , 33 Main Street , AND ALL OTHER REAL ESTATE BROKERS BL.urr.s , IOWA. H OUR STOCK tn OUR STOCK tna IS LARGER a < , More Complete THAN W THAN Ever Before. Wo Ever Before. 401 IIHOAWVAY. o 401 mtOAnWAY. HARKNESS BROS. 401 11HOADWAY. 101 IIHOADWAV. WE CAN YOU CAN GIVE W GET Lower Prices Better Bargains THAN THAN Ever Before. Ever Before. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Hydraulic and Sanitary Hntjinccr. Plans Estimates , H . " Spccillcations. Supervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council Hlufl's , Iowa. CIMI TV Dl IDl/C Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 115 f I IN LL Y t5U l1l\L" Pearl St. . Council Bluff. . , , Iowa. _ _ _ _ N PHIIR7 Justice ol the I'race. qnice over American Exprcts , No. 419 Broadway , Council Blullb , Iowa. Law , 1'iactice in the State and Fed era at QTHMC J ? , QIMQ Attorneys O I UlN L & Ol IVI O" Courts. Onicc-Uooms 7 and 8 , Shugart-Bcno Block , Council Blufl's , Iowa. btl Room0' 1Iouse Jllock' Ccu"dl nlun'b' IoW * P P HA7FNbtl ' UBXABUBMED 1812 , INCORPOIIAXBD 1878 CO. , MASSHJOX , OHIO , MASUFJLCTUllKHS. Especially Adapted fo | SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING , POWER , Mills and Elevators , AUTOMATIC - : - CUT-OPP - : - ENGINES , strain . Keitulatlon , inirablllty Ot ar. Fpeclflcatlons ana estimates furnished for complete plants. untesd. Can ihow letters from u * r where fuel Kconomr l e\wl \ with Corllsn Nou-Umaensintj , UKAKCII IIOUSU , COUNCIL Itl.Ul'l'S , IOWA. Send lor Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager.