Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1888, Page 8, Image 8

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The members of the police force re
ceived their warrants for September's
lalnry yesterday.
Mosca I3lock , clothing dealer fit Six
teenth and Webster streets , has tfivon
n chattel mortynL'o on his atock for
County Treasurer Dolln remitted
t38l ! { . / > 7 to the fctato treasurer yester
day in full for state funds collected up to
October 1.
nClty Treasurer Rush yesterday paid
out ( lJVr,6b..10 ) , estimates allowed on
public improvements and * ol-lU1.0S , the
monthly pay roll.
A IJoiiomian woman named Euzcpha
Rcna was arrested yesterday for assault
ing a neighbor niimed'Victor KosunUbolc
and was lined SU.60.
Sheriff Coburn will leave to-day with
Charles Goodwin , Fred Hes.sions , Jose
phine 1'crry , Delia Stevens and Joseph
Mills for Kearney , Is'cb. , whither they
Lave been Ibcntenccd to the reform
The Holy sepulchre was the cemetery
chosen by Mrs. Moran as the place of
burial for her dead child , and Mr.
Heafy allowed her to f-elect the lotas
mentioned. The remains were burled
yesterday ,
The Salvation nrtny have moved their
barracks to the third Jloor of Lytle's
block on Karnam street , between Kiev ,
cnth and Twelfth. The dedication ser
vice takes place on Thursday oveninn-
Mhen Captain Kerr and wife of Council
uTs ( will bo present.
F. E. McC'arty , the fellow who had a
ncpro prostitute arrested Monday on
the charge of larconv from the person ,
nnd who was himself held as a witness ,
found , on becoming sober , that ho
could not sustain his charge. IIo was
brought before .Judge Horka , by whom
ho was rucotfiii/.eil as an old ftequontcr
of the cells , and was lined 812. Ho was
taken o\er the hill.
II. .T. of Fremont is nttlic Mlllanl.
CiW. F. I'tiino of Sidney is nt the I'axton.
W , L. Wilt-don of York is n 1'nxton guest.
J. H. Weston of Huatilco is nt the Paxton.
W. H , Kullcy of Lincoln is nt the Milliml.
! ' . H. Smith of Norfolk is a 1'axton guest.
H. C. Hountico of Lincoln is at the Mer
N. A Gabriel of Lyons h a guest nt the
J. C Nathan and wife of Nebraska City
nre visiting in the city.
Mr. Sylvester < ible , of Kearney , is the
guest of Mr. Will Krug.
F. C. Howcll and wife of Lincoln are
guests at the Murch.ints.
D M. Hugh of lloltlrcgo is in the city , and
Is Btnjing at the Moichants.
George Murray , of the Minneapolis Trib
une , Is a guest of H. J. Clauccy , of TUB lien.
Mr. ricd Holigsohn left jestorday for Jet-
fcrbon City to attend the wedding of Ills
Gcorgo 'W. Hill , special ngcnt of the de
partment of agriculture ut Washington , is
stopping at thu Mitlaul.
Joseph Honshaw. the popular hotel clerk of
St. Paul , Mian , who has been visiting old-
time friends in Omaha , left last , night for
Kansas city.
Mr. Frank O'Neil , well known before the
footlights in Omaha and else whet c , was sum
moned to liurllngtoii , la. , jcstcrilay on ac
count of the serious illness of his father.
I Edward Harrett , who has been associated
With the IMirrmore Iron company in the con
struction of the now bridge at this place , left
for St. Paul , Minn. , to look alter the com
pany's intcicst at that point.
Cm Her Scalp.
Molllo Anderson , a ncgress , has sworn out
a warrant for the arrest of her ex-lover ,
George Pain , who cut her scalp open because
she rcluscd to live with him. The wounds
had to bo sewed up by n surgeon.
It took but a short time to settle the griev
ance of the Union Pacific engineers yes-
day. Their committee waited upon
General Superintendent Dickcnson stated
their case , gained their point and went away
The Chlneao Need Not Apply.
Judge Groff has not yet passed on the ap
plication of Charley Wong , the Chinaman
who applied to the district coutt for final
naturalization papers. The Judge has
reached a conclusion , however , based on the
statute , and it is presumed to bo adverse to
the applicant. The judge is in doubt about
writing an extended opinion on the case.
From St. IjouN to Denver.
The first stop toward meeting the Hurling
ton's system of through sleepers to Denver
has been taken by the Union Pacific and an
arrangement has been made between that
road nnd the Wabash whereby n through
sleeper will lenvo St. Louis next Sunday and
proceed direct to Dotivor , via Choyuiino.
This is but the precursor of other similar ar
rangements of waiuti duu notlco will bo
Y. M. C. A. Directors.
Monday night the active members of the Y.
M. C. A. mot In their new building and after
routine business elected the following board
of directors for the ensuing year : P. L.
I'crine , John L. Kennedy , A. 1) . Schcrmer-
lioin , Dr. W. F. Milrov. Judge J. H. McUul-
loch , A. P. Tukey , William Fleming , T. II.
Tujlor , G. H. Payne , Dean Gaulnor , A. P.
Hopkins , O. P. Sownrd. 0. H. Harrison ,
Charles A. Goss , L. O. Jones.
A Now Ilxnmlncr of Records.
The county commissioners held a special
meeting j Obtcriluy and elected J. T. Evans
us examiner of records vice J. J. Points , ro
The commissioners went to Florence to
Inspect the new culvert , now atiout couiplctci
nt that point. Tnoy go thenoo to the nortl :
county line to examine several i o.ids.
Stolen Tools.
C. Johnson , a negro , who was arrested for
stealing some Jack planes and other tools n
few days ago , pleaded guilty nnd was sen
tcnccd to thirty dnj s in the county Jail. Ho
refused to divulge the name of the porsoti to
whom the tools belonged , but the police have
discovered they are the property of A. K.
Johns and they have boon turned over to
him. A majority of the tools taken are yet
Tliat IlniiK'i nnd Tumble.
Alexander Green , Edward Hnnnan nnd J.
n. Heath , the participants in the exciting
ineleo nonr the central statio'i on last Sutur
day afternoon , were tried before Judge
liiTln ; yesterday on the charge of lighting and
using loud , bolstcious nnd offensive ! " Ian-
pungo. Gieen , who had prevented Heath
from drawing a weapon from his pocket and
killing Hannnn. was dismissed. Hunnan was
lined f and costs and Heath paid fiJ 50 for
ills sport. The case attracted cousUlcrnb'.o
Mo\inc to Cuetrr'H Fit-Ill.
The work of transferring the remains
of the soldiers who foil in the Kear
ney 'mnssacro on December 21 , 1SCO , to
the Ouster national cemetery Is progressing
slowly. The remains were burled In n
HUla cemetery outslda the stockade nt Foi t
Kearney. Two men were placed in cccli I
box , foity-ono boxes being required. Ex
ploded Spencer rlllo shells were picked up
from the uattle-lleld , nnd In these were
placed n slip of parchment on which
WAS written tlio name and rank , com-
piny nnd regiment of the dccensed.
Tlie end of the cartridge was then sealed
nnd the wholu nl.iccd In ttio right hand panta
loons pocket of each toldlor. D. St. Gcyor
of this city took part In the work of inter
ment and sa.vs ho thinks the ronmine may
now bo Identified unless the cartridges have
badly corroded.
Sebnstopol Has Fallen.
Monday night there was a meeting nf the
association in Frank Muir's of-
cc. Itcports were made , showing the ro-
clpts nnd cxpcndttnrw. The question of
iialntalnlnf ? the nmiihthcntrc , which wiis
rccted especially' for the great spectacleWAR
Iscusscd. It was held thnt it could bo utll-
icd for n similar show next season , nnd suvo
n expense of perhaps $10,000. Hut the tna-
orlty of the members favored closing out tlio
Iness , and It wns accordingly decided that
ho structure should bo torn down nnd thu
naterlnl sold. It also ordered the excavation
n which the lake nestled during the cnttaco-
nent should bo rellllcd. The association
hen \vound up Its affairs nnd went out of ex-
stonce. The gentlemen present were P. E.
ler , John lioyd , Thos Orr. W. N. Hancock ,
'hos. Swobe , M Kaapkc , Frank Coliictzcr ,
"runk Mulr , and O. M. Hitchcock.
Impurities of the blood often cause
jrcnt nnnoynnco nt this sciibon ; Ilood'd
Sursupiirllla purifies the blood , and
ill such tiflcctions.
The Western Aft Association.
Ninety-one of the ono hundred nnd thirty-
Ivo members of the newly organized West-
rn Ait association were present at the first
iiootlng , which was held Mondav evening in
Meyer's hall. In addition to considerable mls
ullancous business an exhibition committee ,
lonsistlngof Mrs. ( Jhasc , chairman and Miss
ttittcrllolil , Mrs. Mumaugh , Mr. Kent , Mr.
lodgson , Mr Knight , Mrs. Silkworth , Mrs.
Mwin D.ivls and Miss Hriggs was appointed.
At lists were requested to have their work
cady for exhibition by about the 1st of No-
A committee on cntcitainment , consisting
) f Miss Southard , Miss Jennie McKoon. ind
Mr. C. Elgutter , was a | pointed , and will get
, i ] ) a programme for the \ \ Inter.
The meeting closed amidst much onthusi-
sm , anil the unanimous opinion was that
.ho llst exhibition of the Western art asso-
i.ition will bo a grand success.
Jar\is medical brandy the best.
No Appropriation Doctors.
Dr. J C. Denise , dean of the Omaha Medial -
al college , In a letter to Titc Hun speaks as
'ollows of the proposed project of merging
hat institution In the medical department nf
he state university :
In your evening issue of the Oth inst , your
. Incoln coi respondent gives what purports
o have been a proposition by Dr. Mooio of
, hls city , to disband the Omaha Medical col-
ego In favor of the medical department of
ho state university on certain conditions. I
ileom It but just to the students now in the
Omaha Medical colk'gc , the Alumni and
other friends of this school , to stnto that
> r. Mooio nor any other person had any an-
.liority for making any such proposition , or
other statement whatever , looking to the
consummation of such an end. J o such pro-
oct has over been seriously considered by
.ho society , trustees or stockholders.
Six gold medals awarded Jarvisbrandv.
"Barker" mid
Speaking of the confidence game which
, vns attempted on A. D. Jones on Saturday
ast by a party who gave his naino as Marker ,
n well-known citizen said ycsteiday : "I be-
icvethat fellow Marker , although that is of
: oursc an assumed name , is the same scoun
drel who , some months ago , palmed off n lot
of Hen Pcrly Poore's books on people in this
city by means of n subscription list taken for
' 'General ' Grant's Life. " The description
'iveu suits the fraud accurately , and his
lame was Barker also. It would be just like
ilni to do such a job , because the fellow is
reckless in his daring. "
The best is cheapest. Jarvis 7 7 brandy.
a lodging House.
"Say , sorno ono went through my pants ,
an' I lost SU last night , " said a tow-headed
lodger as ho arose from a 25 cent cot in a
cheap lodging house.
"What are you going to do about it ? " ho
added , as the bartender polished up the
Classes unconcernedly.
"It's too old , " said that official.
"Ain't you goin' to make it good } "
"Not so you'd know it , " was the answer.
"Hut , see hero , it's all the money I had ,
and I just struck the town for a job , " he
pleaded , "anil it's hard luck. "
"Well , your the thirteenth man that struck
just such luck since the fair. "
"Tell you what I'll do , perhaps it was my
fault for leaving the money in my pocket.aud
if you'll give nit ) a week's board I'll call it
square , and I may get a job meanwhile. "
"Get. "
"No , but look. Say , if you don't want to
do that , how is it for a breakfast ! I may
find something before dinner , " and a sudden
move from behind the bar was followed by
an equally sudden ono through the door.
"The woods arc full of them , " said the
bartender as ho resumed Ins place , "but that
is an ancient trick , and I'll get it two or
thrco times a wcok from now until spring.
You thought I was fooling when I said ho
was the thirteenth. Well , no , and I don't
know how man v the boss run across , but as
I said , the woods nro full of thum. "
You can find cool , well furnished
rooms at the Globe hotel , best located
house in Omaha.
All druggists sell Jnrvis medical
Two Ncola Burglars Go From Bed to
"These cops nro getting too smart for any
thing , " was the exclamation of William John
son , a burglar , who in company with n fellow
croon was turned over yesterday to Dep
uty ShcilfT Hceso , of Neola , In.
Johnson and his partner , Frank Desmond ,
had burglarized C. M. Cruppen's store nl
that place , on Sunday night , and had made a
big haul. An accurate description of them
had been secured , however , and this was
telegraphed to the chief of police hero
Monday. At roll call that evening , Ser
geants Mostyn , Sigwart and Of-
llccr Drummel were detailed to
hunt for men answering the description
nnd bv4:50 : y estorday the crooks were
captured nt the Ginuu lodging nouso , the
placu inndo notorious by the connection ol
the Grans with the Garneau diamond rob-
bjry. The burglars were in bed with their
clotncs on and loaded revolvers under each
pillow , but the ofllcers "pot the drop" on
them bcforo they could seize their weapons
nd a few seconds later the criminals were in
irons. Part of the stolen goods were on
their persons and some under ( ho mattress
but the greater portion was still miss
ing and it has been learned that
it Is "planted" In the willows on the bottoms
toms on the cast sldo of the river.
The establishment they hud robbed was a
clothing store , and they had succeeded in
carrying off a couple of leather valises , four
overcoats , several pairs of pants and suits of
clothes , a number of hats , neckties , silk
liniulkerchiufs , watch chains , etc. Their
plunder was very bulky , but they succeeded
In getting away with it , anil they arrived in
Omaha Monday night. After their incarcern
tlon the news of the arrest was tolegraphei
to Neola , nml.tlioslioriff eamoliero ) on the ncx
train. At I ) a. in the prisoners were turnci
over to that ofllccr , whoa Johnson hissed ou
the remark above mentioned. The chief o
police Is highly pleased with the work of his
ofllcers in the capture.
Wyoming oil lands for sale. Claims
of10 , 80 , to 100 awes now on the mar
ket. Complete abstracts to same fur
nished , J. L. LOVKI'T ,
20 So. Thirteenth st.Omaha , Nob.
Stnbs and Kisses.
William Grimes , the negro who stabbed
his white wife Monday , was arraigned in
the police court , but Mrs. Grimes , who was
disposed to kiss ami make up , refused to tes
tify against her dusky husband. Enough
testimony was adduced from other ( sources ,
howuvcr , to convict him nnd ho was given
twenty days in the county jail , six of them on
bread and wuter.
"Rcgulato the Kogulator. " Impure
blond vitiates all the channels of health.
Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparllla puri
ties the blood. It is the best mid cheap.
Cbt. 1'JO doses for $1.00.
i /
See 1'cycko Bro.s ( or pear elder *
: > rotc ( tH of Shippers Upon the 1'rac-
lion ol1 Discrimination.
It scorns that Tin : UEE'S article yesterday
ouchlnir upon the Imperfect freightage facll-
tlcs of the different railways centering hero ,
and the demurrage system In vogue , has not
nly excited considerable comment but met
vith the earnest approval of n majority of
he extensive shippers nnd receivers. Ono
tromlncnt coal dealer remarked that ho
hought n general stirring up of this kind
vould do the roads good , nnd that It ought
0 bo pursued until some sort of remedy was
jrnnted. Said he :
"Tho service is not what It ought to bo ;
ret , white I nsjcnt that the manner of doing
hlngs by the different railroads is wholly
unsatisfactory , I think the head men show
1 disposition to do all they can nt nil
Imes. Hut we have lost many n dollar from
.his source and thcro Is something terribly
out of gear with this system practiced. Wo
mvo been hurt a good many dollars wet th.
nnd while the demurrage law Is nil right. It
s applied with unjust "discrimination , or a
ack of discrimination. They sometimes ,
requcntly in fact , hold our loaded cars in
the hole , ' as they call It , for four , llvo or
six days , when If theio was any possible way
irovldcd for us to get nt them wo could un-
oad them In six hours. After a car of coal
s run into the jurd wo arc allowed forty-
; ! ght hours to disencumber It , while mor-
jhandlso must bo unloaded in one-half that
time or the owners nro charged $1 a day
lemurrngo for the first four dais , and $2 a
lay for all time after this period , if not un-
"This is the idea receive
: Say we rcpu-
irly tlireo car loads a dav , which wo are
nlwajsprcpaied to attend to within the given
.line , but wo are unable to get nt them , and
nstcnd of getting our regular thrco cars
dally they nro held two , three or four days ,
.intil from nine to twelve cars have accuinu-
ntcd anil then run In the yard all together ,
naking it impossible to unload within the
stipulated time , hence we nro assessed the do-
nurragc. There is no rodr > ss for us for the
.line our cars are held in the hole , nnd
icither nro wo under any circumstances ro-
.loved . of the demurrage tax. The syiteiii or
management Is bad and freight facilities in
sufficient "
"Why I can cite you a case wo have on
land right now , " said another pirty with
much asperity. "We had n car of stuff nr-
ivo Suudai night \\o know it arrived then
but wo haven't got it yet , and there's no
tolling when wo will. Whim wo do , the
irobabllitles now are , that wo will bo delayed
.n . unloading it and will bo taxed the addi-
, ional dcmurrngo expense.
"There's no use in trying to deny it , there
lias always been more or less grumbling
slnco this demurrage law cuuo in force.
If wo nro compelled to use Union
Pacific cars for storage wo must
pay for it , no matter what the cause of delay
is. This always happens , though , after the
arrival of the goods here. They deliver at
their own coincnienco and not ours , and wo
must unload at thcircoiivcnience and npt our
own , and hence you see wo got the worst of
it both ways. Something ought to be done
to right this matter , and Tin : HUB is per
forming a service of untold worth to every
receiver in Omaha. "
The following revelation may probably bo
Instrumental in opening the visual organs of
the heads of some of the railroad companies
in this city , and in a great measure account
for all these aggravating and expensive de
lays :
"Why its all plain enough"observed an old
railroad man , at present an extensive re
ceiver and shipper , "every house that owns
n siding m this town must 'gnMsc' certain
switchmen , or their name Is mud. I mean to
sny that the boss switchman demands certain
monetary compensation forhisready service ,
cither in transfermg cars to the yards or
hauling them out for loading , nnd more tlmn
ono firm pays these boss switchmen a regu
lar salary for such service. I could give the
name of ono lumber dealer who pays n cer
tain switchman as high as § 15 a week for
prompt service at his hands. I won't name
anyone now , but if it is necessary , count on
me to furnish the name , date , amount and
other specillcatioiis. This Is why certain
houses' cars are kept in 'tho hole' they
haint onto the 'sugaring' process.
"Go to most any prominent coal dealer and
nsk him how much certain switchmen ewe
them for coal , and whether they ever
expect to receive payment. Sco what they
say. Mind this don't hold good with all
switchmen. " _
Jjllicrated From Their Fetters
By the helpful , genial action of that most
beneficent of aperients , Hosteller's ' Stomach
Hitters , the bowels soon throw off the burden
that paralyzed and weakened them , and resume -
sumo their normal freedom of action. The
action of the Hitters , unlike that of average
purgatives , Involves no griping or drenching.
If it did it would , like them , bo valueless for
ordinary use. Tliero is nothing ungentle or
unnatural attending its operation. Upon the
liver , no less than the bowels , its action is
most benign , promoting a healthful bilious
secretion and directing out of the wrong and
into the right channel. Conjointly with
costlvcncss , other bilious symptoms disappear
w hen it is systematically used , and the stomach
ach is strengthened as well as regulated by
it. Malarial complaints , rheumatism , be-
bility , nervousness and kidney troubles nro
completely relieved by it. Sleep nnd uppo-
tite nio invariably promoted by it.
A Charitable liady.
A well known merchant of this city yes
terday directed the attention of seine friends
to an extract from a paper published In
Plauen , Germany , detailing the noble charitv
of a widow of this city who yearly
charges herself with the support of a num
ber of aged and helpless men and women in
that city. The money passes through thu
hands of the merchant in question and is
transmitted to a banking linn in Plauen , by
whom it is handed to the authorities. The
lady's name is withheld , but her money has
the required effect and is feelingly appre
ciated by the beneficiaries. The lady's con
tributions have reached the sum of D.OOO
marks , or f 1,250.
Never Give Up.
If you suffer asthma , bronchitis , or
finy other disease of the throat or lungs ,
uotliing can surprise you more than the
rapid improvement that will follow the
us0 of SANTA ABIK. If you nro
troubled with catarrh , and have tried
other medicines , you will bo tumble to
express your ama/cment at the marvel
ous and instantaneous curative powers
remedies are not secret compounds , but
natural production of California. Sold
at $1.00 u package ; thrco for $2.50 and
guaranteed by ( Joodman Drug Co.
These flciueS are more eloquent than volumes
\ \ hlch might be u rlttcn In praise of the peculiar
met its possessed by the Magte Goods.
Mi'-b Iiuuv susor THE It AMIES :
"I use the Magee Mange constantly in my
Schools and I'rhate Kitchen ; It fnlnlles every
requirement for the most exacting \\orl : ; 1
would not exchange it for any range made , "
Beuil for our I'urnace Circular and read \\uat
plij slclnns vtofesiors , scientists , mechanics and
merthanlB Hay of the MHRee Furnaces they hae
in u > > e. Don't put in Mourn or Hot Water Ap-
jniKtiih , till you KNOW what a KIIIST-CLAS-.S Hot
Air 1'iirnace will do for hulf the cost.
Tilt : M ACIKE ItA.SfU S. KUIINACtS , IlKATINO AND Siovhtt AUK BOLD i\iiiiv\MiEiit. : by
0'ira entsand ue varrant encli one to ube
porfert satUfactlon to the mijcr. "
UMONBT. , lloston. tti
Lake St. . CWo ,
g nooEllS * 80SB.
M b.
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A mrvol of purl
ty.strengthaiid wholesomi'ni'ss. Moro econom
ical than tlu1 ordinary kinds , ami cannot bo Mild
In competition with thn multitude of low cost ,
Fhort weight alum or phcHtKmlupowder * , butit
only In inns. Hoyal Uuklmj l'o\ulcr Co. , I'M
Wall ( strict , New Vork.
'llic lurncft. niHtcut n ml llmst in ilio nurld
I'ns-oncer flccommodr.tlon * unexicllcil.
Mvxv YolUln < ; iu mm via l ouilonilorrv
IA. . Oct nth
IITIIIOI'M . Oct 50th
AM llinii \ , ' . .Oct. 27th
Nnv YOHK TO I.IVI lll'OOI. VIA Ql't t V T IW V.
Iho ( Vlcbrnlecl I I , rcc l nnil llno t I'.i lOcr. > lst ]
MlMll11 llll | MJIll-'IT McntlllT III I
CITV OK HOMi : I tlio Wurlil. I
bullion p tnlln ( iiiw. ( Perry Liverpool , llelfast
, K > 0 anil uim r > l iH'rlla Kiw "trum-
cr PUnnil iii iirilior ! ( lly < il Itnnu * . * ccinil cl I 1
F'l. lluturn tlikclo ill ri'iliiit-il rule * iiiniln tmiil ilila
lor either rnuti * . iiflV'inn < XHirslom'H tin1 nrluk-uu
nt MM-lii ) . ' I tin .Virthnml cmlth of Ire ; I mil , tin1 HUcri
Jler-oy ami the | il ( tnr < " < ciup Clyilc' Mei-rauii W )
Am her l.ltio ilr ills iii > able free of rliiri-'u. * > old ut
lowest rate" * l-or hook of toura , tickets or further
Inloniintloii imply to
HENDERSON BROS. , 72 La Sails Si. , Chicago
Or to uny of our local amenta.
Jl ?
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ' ,
The Dcst Route from Omaha nnd Council
lUufTs to
- = = THE EAST = = -
ChJcngo , AND Milwaukee ,
St. i'nul , MliiiuapollH , Cedar Rapids ,
Rock Island , Frocport , Rockford ,
Clinton , Dubuqiie , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madlton , .Taiiesvllle ,
Ilclolt , Wlnonn , La Grosse ,
And all other Important points East , Northeast and
For through tickets cull oaths ticket g nt t im
Furnum itreet. In Barker lllock , or t Union Tacino
lluiman 81 epers anl the flneit DlplmtCantntb *
world nr run on the muln line of the Ch ra u. Mil
waukco * Bt. 1'nul UHllwHy. mil very attention U
paid to p * ng n by tourtuous employ * ! at Uii
H. MlLl.KB , General Manager.
J. K. TUCK Ell. AmliUnt Otneral Mtnagir.
A. V. It GABFKN'ntn , General Fa Mnfr ana
i 11BAFF011D , Assistant
Mas Meysr-Establisliei 1866-Adolph Meyer
Max Meyer
& Bro. ,
General Agents for
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & Clari anil Shonter-Bcll Organs
\Vrlte for Catalo uo.
Not only relloveil like by most medicines , but
cured jiormiinently with Halm's ( ioldenDjspei-
blii Cure. 1'rlco Ma a. box.
_ Warranted alitoluhly pure
T'orod , from which tlio excess of
Oil lias been removed. It lias three
ttmtt the ttrenyth of COCIM mixed
with Starch , Arrowroot or Sugir ,
anil la therefore moro economi
cal , coitiny I'll thin one ttnt a
tup. It Is lUllcloiw , nourishing ,
Blri'iigtliCnlj : , rusilyillgietcd.nnd
admirably ortijttd for Imalld * no
\\cll na for persons In licaltli ,
Sold bjr ( IrorcrH fcri licro.
BAKER & CO , Dorchester , Mass ,
If they lire wenk.di'llcuta looking nnd troubled
ritli\\orniK , llnliu'HCliocolutii Lo/rugeM
H w hat they need. l > rl < oJSo. All di ugKibts.
. ,
One of tlio Most Successful
In the treatment of DisElSEi of the TmtfUT ,
l.UMiH , litUIT : , I.ivtu , Kin.NKin , Kvc and KAII.
Diseases of tlio ilit us uud Ni.uvoin HvsTKM ,
ii'ii.Ki'8V : nnd NEIIVOITH < 'rn ttibtlON. Asi IIM \
nnd CAVtunil , ( iiuvn , , Dlseiihcd of the HI.AII-
iihii iinii UbCTUW , nil Disorders ot the
A cura'nuAUANTEKDln all cases of
Ills CUIIKS are iiKti iiiKAiit.K and I-KIIMASKNT.
TlinmostousTiNATECth > 8 Mbi.niNn rapidly
under his form of treutinent.
The doctor's theory Is that no disease should
be retarded us incurable until the diseased
01 gun Is destroyed faster than It can be repaired.
From his years of experience In HOSPITAL and
PIUVATK 1'itAUTiCK , tne doctor la classed umoui ;
the 1.KAD1NO Sl'fcCUI.IRTH.
Treatment by correspondtnce. iend stamp
Offecoy--Bu8hman | Block , J6th and
Douglas Sts. , Omaha , t > .
Is being rapidly pushed to completion and \vo hope to open the same by the 15thiut >
The changes and improvements which we are also making in the old store extend to
every floor and department. Wo propose to have not only the largest , but also the best
arranged and best lighted Clothing Establishment.
We have to apologize to our patrons for the present condition of our store , but it
is unavoidable ; we are not only crowded with goods but crowded with buyers at all
times , and customers may find it a little inconvenient but they will find themselves
amply repaid by the low prices we are making throughout our entire stock and the
many bargains wo are offering.
Our stock of Overcoats is enormous and the change in the weather has created
quite a demand for them. We have everything imaginable , or at least desirable , and
among our stock will be found many lots which arc marked in price far below their in
trinsic value.
The Mens' Suit stock is the heaviest ever shown and its variety warrants the as
sertion that whoever buys a Winter Suit without at least looking here , fails to consult
his own interest. There is not an establishment in the west that offers the selection or
names the prices we do.
Boys and Children are as amply provided for we still have some of the special
bargain Knee Pant Suits at $2.50 a suit , which would be cheap at &f > .00. Wo want every
mother to look at this suit. In long Pant Suits and Boys' and hildren' s Overcoats we
offer great inducements.
Underwear yon can buy of us at lower prices than the regular retailers pay for
Gloves , Hosiery , Neckwear and all other Mens' furnishings at lowest possible
Hats are almost given away , at least you would think so if you look at the con
stant rush in our Hat Department. The quantities we handle of these goods , and the
way wo buy them puts all competition out of the question.
Cor. I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
. . .
ivn ii * 'i * *
[ Burlingfon Buningfon
The Burlington takes the lead.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska *
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
- , *
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
Burlington Burlington
CB.SQ.R.R. C.B.8Q.R.R.
Our customers will tnko notice - ,
ice , that notwithstanding the
confusion incident to the im- |
being made in outplace -
place of business , we are In
.continual receipt of new goods
nnd nre ready to servo our' '
' to the best ofour ability.
The temporary disorder is only |
a matter of n few days , after
which we nre confident our
fresh attractions and Incronsed
facilities must speak for them-
K , succeksfully ud monthly by over 1(11)00 ( )
? > ljuiles Areft'a/e , l.JJTectualaml fleatant
t pcrbni bymall.orot drutfRista Sralnl
aTlfadan 3 po a ttamp. . Ad.lrwa
l\r sale and > > u mail bCoodman /
Drita Co. , Omaha , .Vefr.
VInUCV an" a" urinary ttonbieseasily.yn ck-
MUNtT ly mid wifely cured by KUCI'TA ( . ' 1111-
sillcs , be\erest cases rured In tpvcu duss. N > w
bax. all druuKUtu , or by iiiall from Do-
. Co. , 1U Wlflte bt , , N. V , 1MU Ulr
Ilfwiirc of rraud , as my name and the rirlco are
ctanipul on thr I cillnin of nil Hi } advirlUul ( hots
tcfoic li-axliiK t c factor ) , wlilih iiroiict the i arcra
ap.ilnsl hlili iirlns ami infirlor ( ; oods. If a ilralir
< iliTh ! U' . ! DIHIK ! IH sinus nt , i riilucid prln. or
saK liu Ins Hum with.nit in > urn anil 1/rkc
on the bottom , | iut him down .is , .1 fraud.
Tlioonlyralf 93 6UAMT.RSS Flioi > smooth In-
flrte. NO TACKS or WAX TIlUKAIIIo hurt
tlio feel , aiul A\III , HOT KIT.
W. L. IIOIIOI.AS 4 hllOi : , Ilie < Jrlln ( ! l and
only liin'l-icwf.l . writ ft ( hoe. li'iuali cuiloui-nisuo
eho co tlnic from $6 In | 9. . .
w. i nou i.AH TOMCK snpn.
Ilillrosrt Heu kuJ I < ttir < arrkrs dll nesr tliem.
bniooth laslJe ai a lland-fcewid fclioc. ho Tacks or
YYaxllireadtuliiirt tlie Iff I. . . _ _ . . , ,
W. I , . JMIDfll.Ab S--BO S1IOK U unexcelled
for lieavy noir. llett Call Miof t r ll'rrlr ' < - .
W , I. . KOUOI.Ah A\OItKlf MAN'S
HIIOK l the tut III Ihonorl'l for rougli near ; coo
jr a mun aeT , _ _ „ . . _ . , „ .
tli * test bchool Slioc In the orld .
W. I noi/ilLAS J.78 VOUIH'S Bchool
Blum tires tli tinall llors a cliance to wear the Uit
" Al'inaile In ( Injrcii , IJuttun and Lace. If Ml icld
ty ) uur ncaler. write
W , L. DOUGLAS. Brockton , Mass.
For Sale by Henry Httv'cnt ( , : Kclley ,
Stifcei' Co. ; Geo. S , Miller , 012 North
lUtb street ,
N. W. Cor. 13th A. Dodge Sts.
re * i
llest facilities , l'iarftiis and rrrardln for fuel
Tuful treatment oFetery form of dfcease redulri
I'UK Medical or Surgical Treatment. , i (
Hoard and attendance , but hospital accownk *
nations in the west. / '
WHITK YOU. CucuiAm on Deformities ana
Drnces , Truues , Club Feet , Curvature of tin
Spine , Filet , Tumors , Cancer , Catatrh , llronchllltJ
Inhalation , niectrlcity , raralyau , Kpllepsy , KJdl
uey , Illadder , Rye , liar , fatiu and llload , U all
hurgical Operations. fy
Diseases of Women a SpeolaKy/t
HOOK ox Dismis or WOMZH Fhili ' II
All Dlood Il < e > les successfully treated , Syph
ilitic Poison removed from ( he avstrm without
mercury New restorative treatment for lisa pi
Vital i'ower. I'etsons unable to visit us may pa
treated at home by correspondence Alt cemnu *
ideations confidential MedlcluesorlnstrHnittt *
< ient by mail or express , securely picked , DO
marks to indicate contents or aender One per >
sonal interview piefcrred. Call and consult us p
send history of yout case , and we will tend ( a
ylalu wrapper , our
Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , In-
vnency , Sypbtli * . Cleet and Varlceccle , wltla
V.ctlou list. Address
llmaha Mttlivul and turglcal TnitituttQt ,
> Cjf. UthM Ol < tHlt. | * .