Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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.inputs tinder this hwad 10 cents p r
line for the llm Insertion , 7 rent * for each Aiih-
reqtient Insertion. nnd il.Na ) line per month
Nomlvirtlnement taken for Ie s tlian'i'icpnts
the llr-it insertion ten words will be counted
to tl e luiu ; they must run consecutivej ! nnd
must be paid in ADYANCK. All advertise-
meutH mu t be hnnded in before 12 : jn o'clock p
in. , und under no ilrcurustancts will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parlies advertising In these columns and hiv
ing tliPlr answi rs addressed In cixro of Till- . DUE
w nl pleuse nsk for a ciieck to enable them tn get
their leiteis us noun will be delivered except on
iire < iciituti ii f 'hocV. All answers to ndver-
tUonii irs should be enclosed In envelope * .
All ndvortlsemenm In these columns are pub
lished In iii.'h morning nud evening editions of
TUB lint , the circulation of which nggrogales
wore Minn H lift papers daily , and gives the ad
Tortlxert llm iipnellt. not only of the cltytlmi-
latlot of TUB HUP but nlso of i'oun > ll Illtiirs ,
Lincoln nml other cities and towns throughout
thlsMecllon ot thn country.
Ailxertlslng for those columns will lip tnlccn
onthoabo\o condition * , at the following busi
ness h < > ti ps , who nro aitthorlred ngents for Tim
llKspeila | noitces , and will quoin the sama
rates ns i.m be had nt the main olllcn
"JOHN V > . 1IKLL , PhaimucM , -'outli'Ienth -
j * Hln nt
C : A KIIDV , Stationers and Printer" , 11) )
Knuth Pith Street
.1 111 ( illis : , I'harmatlst , Cill North ICtli
M n > ! t
PKO W I'Altll , Pharmacist , Mary'a
\\TANTr.Il lly a llrst class ctok. I rcnch.hlt-
TT uiitloii In flrst class hotel. Call 311 South
YOI iNi Indv would like situation to work
for Liouid and uo to school. Address K y >
Jleo. 4'l | 1U
Sl'l I ATION wantid by n youiiR Canadian as
clir'toi ' Ir.nelur. SexoiiMniK' pxpeilence
In Reneial stoie A 1 testimonials from wholc-
oale houses In MontroKl Canada. AddresH , llox
Rl , lltntrlciNub. . 5IC ! ) *
" \ \ rN'I sttimtliMiH for HIlrls ( of all nation-
TT alit cs ; nil families and hotels watitliiH
Rood Rlrls for any In mull of woi k , call at or
address htate limp. olll > e , Ml" I'arnam st , room
11 , "d Hoof. Kf > V
\\rAVI HI ) Situation by brend and"cnkc
TT baker , city or country. Address I 20 llee
olllco. 181 Uj
III ) Steady work bv a good luoom
Uir. Addiess K. IH , llee. 4CI IU |
I.I ) Slttiitloiilua llrst clas- . family
by a llmt-i lass took with leferences itoiu
Pome ot Ilin best families In Nuw York ami
other eastern cities , Cull at lX ( ) N. l"th and
California SH. 4:17 : y
A I , A 1)1 ) hax IIIR attemlud u course of normal
training In an eastern i Ity would llko 10
board nml teach from ( i to 8 pupils , ages ftom f. .
to 10 lit sili | nc o four miles In tlio couutiy. Ad
dress 1'7 , III' " ollni ) . 411-IU *
'VV'AN II. I ) Munition as stenoraiher ( ami
T T typewilter by lady of exp. < rience anil jjooil
eduialiun Mho can glvo excellent lolerenieo ,
AddiessO. II. , city. U71 lit
" \ \ TANTr.DSituation as multiee'- > innii nl
TYajjeam' oxperlenco , In high 01 low pius-
sure. Address K fi , lieu. I'.ri ' y ;
T\f ANTIJD At John Kpnneter s , corner 1011
TT nud Dodge , tlneo till motets , cointcc-
makers preluned. H7 12
W \NIKI ) Four galxanUed Iron coinlcf
workeis. Huemplng A. llolte , bll Far
mini st. r > 00 11
"WAN I'M ) ( inod uiislielman , his N. H.lh st
* T M | . ' |
\\rANTr.D c > od Canieulcr Apply U
TT Ames' Estate Agency , 1D07 Ian :
" \\7A .NTMl-An ) active boy 11 or Piyei'rs o ]
T ngo tu tnkfiiuroof htoie , run eirands nm
make In mselr generally useful B. (1. Joyce
123 N li that. 4112 u
A N TKD-llushelman. 2U S. 10th , old cltj
nail. 491 U >
WANTKD A young man about IS years ol
ngo to makii himself generally usufitl In t
retail store. ; i.U bouth 10th bt , 4H' | 11 *
- - . hi
stiIctly temperate. Voting man , am
smart. A. D. Morse , llth nnd I'ninnm .1111 11
D -'Ihreo good tlnuor.s. Weston j
Jlei rone. ( U ! N Ihth st. li.M U
"IITANTIU ) I'auts and volt makers. Join
TTalfkell , I.iId ) City , Nob. fi7 ! 11 *
WANTii-A : pants maker7 Call Atl.inTti
hotel , lOlli hi. HJJ Uf
aTWl I1TV teamsters wanted at once , f-M pel
mouth and hoaid. Apply at loom II , III
Vannim HI. , ship i ! o'clock r.J'.i at
' KD-MllkorTlTis E3T
VyAN'l - faaundeia.
"WAN I'KI ) 20 teamsters , $ .1) ) month. tcad'
T wink , fine paid ; 1 butcher to tnkecharg
Bhon'il month ; I boy , nt milk dnlrj , t.i. goin
tilnce While's olllce. 11 ! ) N Rtli. tlO-'i *
\\rANTKD A man to solicit ; salary } 100 pel
Tf month ; must deposit } 2.1 and glsoMeciiilt ]
for money collected. Aildicsi Oeorgo b. Cllne
> Vagner block , Des Molnes , la , ft35
. ' \ \ ANTii-$7'i : n month ami ex
pelves jiaid any actl\o person to sell ou
coeds , no capita' ' , salary monthly , oxpeii'cs li
advance , paiticul.u.s free , btamlnrd Slltoiwai
Co. , lloslon. 47'.l '
\\7ANTr.l ) Agents to canvass for the boa
TT a If-w ringing mop made. Kxclusheteir
lory BI * en to nvents on application. . Noe.xp r
iinrn no es my Send for deseilptlxo circular
ndtoim . Poifect Mop and Wilnger Co , Cm
roll , low n. 471 II *
VI ANTKD Coat , vest nnd pant makers , un
> Ion prices pain. YoU IIios. , bouth Omalu
4S 'J'
\\7ANTKD Young man In oxeiv wester
TT town to collect , etcnnd write for on
Weekly , bmnll satiny to start with If roferenc
and trial Is satisfactory. Pay Increased as se
Vices will warrant. Address with one icforem
and Mamp for sample nnd pnitlculnrs. 'Hi
Ilomebtead , Omaha , Neb. bTt "U
" " " "
"pOYa-Alil. Dlst. Tel , Co. , 1'Ml Douglas.
WANTKD Man to tnko the ngeiuyof 01
snfes ; slzo2Sxl xlK InchesJ > Weight Mil ) Mi
retnllprice&I3 ; other si/on In pioiortlon
rare chance nud permanent business. Thes
l\ safps meet u demand never befoio supplied li
1 other tsiiforompanlis , as wo me not go\prne
by the safe pool. Alpine Safe Co. Cincinnati , t
\\TK wish to employ n tow snlesmen on snlar
TT to sell our goods by sample to the w holt
finlo and retnll Undo of Omaha , Nob. , and ivl
JolulniTStates. W nietholnigestm'f't'g'sof om
line In the country. Send two cents In Mumps f
fullpaitlciilun. Nopostnls answered. Contel
nlal MTg Co. . Cincinnati. O. U. Jj na
WANTRD-'lYacklayora for Kansas nt A
brlght's Labor Agency , 1130 Fnruam st.
'VIT'ANTKDFliotclnss cook to take charge c
TT kitchen ; must understand Ida business , I
eobci anil have good reierencca. Addrcs IIL
Uee olnco. 7H1
WANTKD Knergetlc men and womonevor
w hero for a genteel , money-making IIUH
ness , weeklyprorit \ guaranteed easier than if
rnoptluy othoiwtso. Kxperleuco absolutely m
noccfbury Peimunent position nnd exclustv
toirltorv osRiued. tJ samples free Write i'i
Particulars. Address , with btamp , Merrill Mt'i
o , H 1x1 , Chicago. fiMoJJ ?
\17"ANTKI-fiood life Imuranco sollcltoi
TT with bank references , nro wanted by tl
TJnlon Life nt 401 Men-hints' national D.II
building , Omaha , Olllce hours 8 to 10 a. m. tu
' to 0 p. m. 84j
" \\rANTKD Mentor railroad work > n Was
TT ItiKton territory. Teamsters , nick ui
hovel men , nx men nnd rock men , blgwagi
and Ions , steady Job. At Albrifht'a Lnbi
y , tl20Faruam st. HA ]
ANTKD A flrBt-class experienced wludo
dresser. Inquire at the Fair. Mi
7ANTKD-A girl at the Doran nouse. 4S
_ 'Mh gt. IIP artit. Mary's nvo. 015
"WANTKI ) Two girls to learn dresauiakln
TV Mrs. u A. Sauiulers. 120 N. 15tn. GW
WANTKD-Vor Bt. Peter's choir , contralto
tenors and bessosforchorusanduunrtctl
Apply to 15ii : Douglas * t. room 15 , tiom U m.
I p.m. Mm. r. Ma.ssy How urd. 6Si )
WANTRD T > % o young ladles to train as ki
drrgarUn teachers in return for the
ervlcpg. Msa | Ida Isaacs , 2L31 Hurnoy. 62i-U'
1t\7'ANTiD-40 : girls general vork , 2 ten
TT till" . 2 chambermaids , waltn scs toi
vest , tJO ; woltH'seos for Iowa. IJ.LO : 4 wnltrt
d , 2 dlfhwashers ; rook prlvato wab
Jug ; cooks , hotel , in nml V week ; laundress , i
board nud room , tllrls can get a place at II :
otic * at once. Omaha limp , lluie.iu , 119 N nt
rANTKD-A girl for general hou-scnvoi
OKU Call tor til a co r3 > tliU. Ul'J
\\rANTK ' -Two ladles to solicit In UlU and
adjolnlni ; statm ; salary 17i per month ;
call on busle IHroM , room ll-1 Mlllard hotel.
"VVANTKD-WaisMliilHhcrs and In tlon-liole
> workers. 1 > I'J Howard , M. A. Wallace.
4 < Vl 10
\\f ANTKDWnman cook for Hohl-egp. Npb ,
' Hi2d ; cook for HoljoUe , } 2' ; 2
forldahi ) . t.V : fare paid for nil ; line laundress
forh'itil to l or week , 2 smull nuis girls , 3
second girls 20 for geuetal housework. Mis.
llregs , IH'J S 15th. f " > 4 Krt
\yANTKD-Youns girl to assist In gPHPral
housework. Il2s N IPth-st. 521-11
\\rA.VI KD-Alady to"soTlcltl mustilPposit IM
T and glvii security for motley collected.
Address ( Icorgt ) S. Clluo , Wngner block , Des
Mollies , la. BB
liMH1 * OLAFS waist maker * wanteiCMrn.
J- Maude Marti. Jacobi blo.k , Parlors 1 nnd 2 ,
H. K. cor. l&th and Capitol ave. 177 0'
" \\rAN" ! KD A good cook nnd laiindiess. Ono
T with good tefercnces cau llnd steady work.
1721 < iplt > l a\e. 42:1- : ' . )
\\rAiVni : > l.ailj agents for "A" skirt and
TI bust In combined , also "U" ho-o supnort-
CM. Our ( ! ai'sburg. ! III , agent cleared ! HH In 10
days. Ladles' Huiply | Co. , 237 W. Wnshingtou
st. t,1llrai'o. 'HSOI
pmpi iMiient oHlep , Mrs. llruKa
CANADIAN llffereucu Omaha National bunk
"Jt o 1 :
" \\TANTni ) To moot demand for competent
TT boolkeeicirs I will Instinct two pur-tons
and take mv pay out of the first months oalarj.
J. II. fainith , Kioiu its , Uim o bloik. 4J'i-lo
KI- or our Hist annual b.ib > show
I i commenclUK Monday , OUouerri. \ . and ton-
tinups one wuek. J ) UAbles , Address or enquire
for Mrs. Hunt ut I'.deu .Miiseu , mornings trom
10 toli. 4f003
IjTxt'KiiT ACCOUNT ANT - Wanted to adjust
JjJcompllcatPd books ; pirtnerhhlp accounts
and complicated a ount'un of all kinds ; coun
try torroipondencu solicited. Addivss K II llee.
J.-.7 115'
TITAN I'Kt > - To correspond with parties who
TT desire to locate In business or these Kolnjj
out ; can furnish lot Ulons In any linn or ex-
.haiiKe. and < ash customers forpirtlus dcslrliiK
o.soll. U I' . Kr.uH , 1(1)7 ( I'aruam St. , Omaha.
\\rANTr.D The public to mak" Rood Use of
T > Iho llco'a messagu boxes throughout thu
city. HW
_ _ _
ANTKD If > ou have any lands , lots , or
houses and lots to soil or exchange for
other propel ty , call on mo or writs. lean and
you u customer. C. 0. Spotswood , 305V4 S , Itltn.
XIOM for n few moie boarders nt { I per week
kat21is draco st. 7K101 *
_ _
\7"ANTKD Tatilo boarders at 1009 Douglas.
> t" ,
_ _
OAIIDINO nnd looms At ittU Farnam st.
B Fust class and pleasant place. A llmlteil
lumber can bo accommodatoil. Apply * oou ,
84no IU
\\7ANTKD-IIyfamlly of three , several un-
T T furnished rooms tor light housekeeping.
F22 llee. f3J-llk
\\rANTKU October 11 , two rooms for light
T T housekeeping near postolllce. Coujlc
ipimanent In city. No dilldren. llcfercniea
Iven. II. , llee. Council llluir.s. P < Mi.
\\rANTKD-12orl4room house ; must have
T T nil modem connlences ; will pay liberal
rent If pet son will built nouse ; will lease hamc
'or nn > teini of years. J. L. llraudle-i , 13th ami
llownid. Nl )
1/1OII IlKNT III Ick house. Ill rooms,17-'l Dodgi
-L Modem Impiovenictils. Kmiulie MIS I'm nun
13Vlt ) HUNT llouso In Kountrt * Phicii III ev
change for board for mini and wife ; small
ttimlly preferied. Addless K.12 , llee. 431 11' '
J/loil KKNT Tv\o six-room houses , North27tl
nnd Sowiud ,
I WILL rent to responxlble party my homo ol
11 rooms , with or without fuinlture. nlcelj
located , 2 blocks to cable ; good canlage hoiisf
und heworago. Apply 2120 llurdettost. 416 1.V
X-8-room ) house , bath room , hot and cole
$ water , gas. sewer , paved ktreet , new. C. F
Hntrlson , 41BS Kith nt. fi22
- 7-rooui house on Capitol nve. , near Hlgl
school and cable. Apply ipilck if you wiini
It. C. 1' . llarrhou , US h. Ijth st , ri-ll 10
1 > IMAIIM ! ! Fouth Omaha people cr.n econo
i Imlzo on rent by mm Ing Into one of my new
ti-Mory , 7-room houses on W. park st ; goix
barn In connection ; Investigate. C. K Hani
son , IHS. I'tlist. Ittl 10
Olt HUNT-On IGthbt , S nice tlats , vacant
Co-OneintlMJ Land and Lot Co , " 0" > N Kith st
rai u
"fi'Olt ItKNT-House , 4 rooms. 27th ave. am
JL1 Howaid. 407 10'
HOD Si : to rent at III th and Cumlng. Kmiulii
of J. II. Dumont , room 111 , Continuntal hldg
71O11 IlKNT A lint ot SOVHII rooms In Dun
1 gin's building , 1 Ith and 1'iiclllc sts , rent t-l
ptr month. Imiulieat loom 5 , li. Duggan.
lOlt UKNT-CottngoofSioonuail.atWI' ' , S
J.1 SsthBt. 7b-ia ?
rilHK largest line of small nnd large houses li
JL the city ; low lent. J. 11. 1'arrotte. IU )
Chicago st. l-'IjL
Foil HKNT-C-room cottage on horse car llm
$ IS a month. Apply M. Klgutter 1001 , 1'nr
namst. 41d
IlKNT nnd furniture for sale ; ten roon
llouso nearl' . O. ; rooms occupied by gentec
lodgers. Will sacrlllco ; cause Andres
T2.I , lleo. 4 U 10J
Foil UKNT 1 7-room house $ J5 , 10 minute
walk from court IIOUM * .
1 5 loom houseiMnear20th and I.eavenwortli
1 U loom house , all modMii conveniences , enl
15 min rlclo on iur tiom I * . O. . paved st , run
icMsonahle. Call on A. ( i. Inghram. Itoom 1 , llai
ker block. l\w \
T/1OH IlKNT Dwelling on Mason ht betwee
X' loth and llthst , In line repair.
! " -room honsu on 20th and I'lanklln , No. 171 :
all modern Improvements ,
Small stole room on llth st. No. 311 , nea
rarnam st , runt S.'l per month
Inquire of John ll.unlin , I.inton block , roor
Oli , corner of Mason and Uth st. ItHi ! :
Ij'OH IlKNT IIousu 7 rooms. Mil st near Cas >
1 llouso brooms,2 I Cass bt. luqulro Hooi
Kl , llarkerblotk. _ 31J
HF.Al1 Ilents-Tho largest list in the city
C prices down. J. H. Turrotto , 1000 Chtcagt
"IT1OII IlKNT For II months , modern house c
JU Brooms , completely furnished , barn wit ;
room fortwo horses , rent J70 ; possession give
Sept. 25th. 2204 N. 21th , 1 block north of I.ukt
FOU UKNT S room modern Improved hem
Al locality at moderato price. Apply J :
Ulguttcr , 1001. Fnriiam. a > 7
A L houses for rent. B. T. Peterson , i
e. cor. lath and Doui'las. Kid
HUNT Now b-room house on Cuuiln
st , near Ixiwe ave Terms reasonable. A ]
ply quick. Kpotawood , IiOj'i S lUh. t > 24
1OH IIRNT At very low rates. 10 und 14 no' '
JL' letldcnces. 2404 aud 2414 , Cass street , Clark
Place. Ou block south of Crelghton college , o
Fainam and 2lth street car line. All modcr
lmproements. . Apply , H.T. Clark UnionTnu
Co. . or nt 2420 Cass street. CtW
371011 UKNT Dwelling , 1722 Capital ave , oppi
1 hlto Trinity cathedral. Address H. L. Hal
1223 Farnam st. 401
HINT : A furnished C-room cottag
Furnlturo no\v. Would bo sold if dpslrei
Call befoi u noon. 2215 Sow urd st. ii > > J-l 1
> HOL'SF.S for rent cheap. IJth and Vintoi
171OH IIKNT Reasonable to right parties ,
1 IB-roomed hotel In first-class order In Sout
Omaha. Inquire Hi21 Howard st. 2fi3 11
FOIl UKNT 6 room house , 2113 , 7-rooni hous
242:1 : 1'oppleton ave. Geo. 1. Ullburt , Wltl
uoll b'l'g. _ _ L210
H OUSK for rent ; furniture for sal * or trnd
Ibl5 Dodge. SM
HKNT-Housa No. Kf ! S. 17th ave , rei
JL' | 40 per month. Inquire of H. Mulclieln. la
Howardgt. _ < 0
Foil 11KNT-2 cottages. 27th nnd Caldwel
cucn UO. 1 North lth cable line. K >
Leavltt Hurnham , Crelghton block. < K
FOR HKNT-Houso 519 N. 18th street , App :
at lit , A. D. llalcombe.l I U California tl.
_ ft9
Foil IlKNT One ' -room cottage. 2428 tran
tin St. ; Inquire at606 i'aitou block , r.
( roedou. _ 314
"IjlOH UKNT 3 coltageiof 3 rooms and ROC
J- cellar each , in Arbor 1'lacr ; rent $ ; and
per month. F.nqulre of Mrs C. Weiss , KU8. IStl
_ 2--J IU
ITIOU UKNT 5-roora cottage , convenient f <
J- railroad men , ! 20. Mead .V Jamleson , 314
llth t. _ _ _ SAO
HENT-Whpij you with to rent a hous
JJ store or ofhce call on ui. II. p. Cole , rooi
U. Coutluunul block. . ; , tH
11H ( RUNT 4-room home on R. Kith St. , two
JL1 blocks Boutb of Vlntonst. ; will rent for 110
per month or sell on terms to suit purchaser.
UPO. J. Mgnuilorlf , room fl. opposite i' . 0. "Ifl
"FOR R E -\RjpoM sTiTR N i s H E o7
IrH'HN'ISHK.l ) , one large nnd ouo small room ,
luMlhlcagost. 47210 *
Xr'f ' ii'V ; furnished roomsT per"montTi. 1510
1 > Blarney. 4W10J
Ft'HN13HF.D"room with board. 222 N luth.
U.12 li
inoll HUNT I furnlslipd rooms for light
J honsekeepliiK. U F. Shaw , Mil Howard st.
ITM'UNISIIKD room for rent. 17th imd Jack-
JL1 son st , . $ H jwr month. Inquire room 2 first
lloor. llrownell Hall. 4''IJ' '
_ _ _ _ _ _
7KJH KKNT-2 unfurnished rooms 17 , 2 rooms
10-JSS. ISthnearrieice 4M IOJ
Jjioil UKNTWarm , down-town slopping
looms for winter weather , at $ S nnd up
wards , payable weekly or monthly ; will warm
rooms for a cent an hour. W. ) Howard. 1S1
"IJIOH IlKNT Three rooms furnished complete
JL1 for houseket plug. Steam heat and all con
veniences. Itent reasonable. No. IllH N. Isth
St. , Hat I. &M-1U
JTVMl HliTiT Two furnished rooms foMlght
J housokeeplng , fronting two streets. ni
Howard t 4C'J lit
A ItCK pleasant loom , furnished , brick lint ,
HID Chlca.rost. 4115
! .South room , steam boat 101 ! Douglas.
ONI _ 4I7JO'
"IjlOU HF.N'I'-llooms , piivate family , hand-
J somel ) situated In modem How residence ,
will take few select boarders , desirable homo ,
the minutes to business center 212s llaruey.
237 10 *
IilOll IlKNT-Handsomely fuinlshed , desira
ble rooms , location best in city 1707 Dodge.
FOIt UKNT A warm , well furnished south
front roam , oveuj convenience , suitable for
one gentleman , 2212 I'arnam st. < WU
FITUNISHKI ) or unfurnished room tor light
housekeeping. Call at Woolworth and 27th.
3 1 9
"VTICKLY furnished room for 2 gentlemen ; In-
Jqulro A. llcispe , 151.1 Douglas st 3-S7-1J
I > AHTIKS wishing neatly furnished rooms for
the winter at moderate prices may mid them
at 310 So. 15th St. , i oem a. 4 Mlj
Foil HUNT rurnlshed house , 10 rooms. Wilt
lease for any term of yeai.s. Largo barn.
Inquire at 171S t'.isst. . Ux'-b *
"IT Oll HUNT A largo front loom , newly fur-
J nlshed , .south front , cheap , corner 17th and
Cumlngs sts , noithcast corner. IKIS
"IJOoMS I'lrst class homo bioriir 17lT"Doilge-
JL\ 2s'J 11'
_ _ _
TjltntNlSHRD fiont room for lent with board ,
J ? apply 1(115 ( Clilca 'o st. 2II 8
IjlOll Ill'.NT Nicely funilshud room , 0 mill-
J-1 ntes from I' . O. , tilO N. I9th st. 287
FOR ltiNT : I'urnlshod front room , south
front , heat and gas.lit ! Callfoinla st.
2SJ 10
Poll IlKNT Large furnlsh it front room , also
bam , 170.S California st. 270 II *
HUNT Furnished rooms , board It desired -
sired , good location , prlvato fnmlly , 2024
I toward .st. 2S.I IU
o NT. large front room , suitable for two gentle
men. Apply lt l I'linmiu st. 141
A hIMTE of rooms furnished for housekeep
ing , central ! ) located , 214 S. 13th. I'.fJ Wt
' . fuinlshed rooms convenient to
bu-diu-s-i , 214 S. 18th. llll Ot
F } ' ) loom with heat , gas and bath ,
, uaul tit leasouableratos. 21JI Sewaid.
2 HO *
TTlOIl HI'.NT Nlcoly furnUhcu rooms , single
JL' or en suite , 1S1I Cumlngs st. I"i7
fi OIl HKNT Kurnlshod rooms in Oreunlg blk
JL1 cor. 1 Ith and Dodge sts. Inquire of ( loo. II , .
IJa\ls. Mlllurd hotel billiard room. KUI
"VTI'.WIjY furnished warm rooms for families
-Li for winter. Suite ot parlors , bay windows ,
1 block Iiom u. o. , private house , HIIJ-lnl5 Capitol
tel ave ' .riVll *
I J . bU Chicago st. Jlo-W
1 > I.KASANT furnished rooms , steam heat ,
gas , bath and board In pihate family , 201 S
24th. 570 o 23
EM2GANT front rooms , cheap , ail S. nth ,
1U2 O. 15 *
KOOMS Including board In the Young Wo
men's homa 1910 Dodge st. llaferaucus re
quired. 940
H HRST A hnndsoma room with alcove at
MSI. Marj'bttvo. &X )
FOIt UKNT Klegnntly furnished rooms with
board. Inquire ItJOl Douglas. IMI
I A ll ( ! K room w 1th alcove nnd c loset ; on cable
Jand car line ; terms low ; 112 S , 21th. 3. > ii
) OOM nndboaul , 201 S 2.'ithu\o.
t .til 12 *
I rt t' 11 NIfaHKO looms torrent , bis Chicago ,
[ : - u *
IJi ilNISIIKDrooms smgloor uiisulte , modern
X1 conveniences , liill N. isth st. ,171 Ut
fuinlshed looms and roon :
with alco\e for man aud wife , nt 51'H' N
Ibttibtiuet. 32J U *
VTICKLY furnished rooms , i\ \ per week or$3.5\
-L > per month , 50501 and 500 > . 13th st.
411o20 *
T71O11 ItKNl' I'nlurnlshed and luinlshei :
JO rooms with boaia. 1(112 ( Hnrney. fit ! IU
N unfurnished pallor and basement tlooi
. to rent , IUB1 Capital avenue , frfl-llt
TTNt'LMlNlSHKD-Sultablofor housc-Keepiuir
U Tnreu ( Urooms. 10MIN. 20th st . lift
Tin co ( H ) rooms , lopl N. 21st st . . . IJ W
Tinee ( .inooms. cor''Ut and Nicholas st . 1" nl
Two < 2l rooms , 1S14 Howard st 10 Ol
Three ( .11 rooms , 707 I'idllc st ID ( K
Three ( I ) looms , 701' ' . I'aelllc st 3 a
'Jhieo (3) ( ) rooms. III2I N. 21st s > t II ( f
Juilgu Itental Agency. 5-lii
OK lTKNT-2 tearoom Hats , 410-112 NTlltl
.st. Kmiulro 402 N. llthst 3S4-14'
FOIl IlKNT-Flat of 5 rooms cheap to righ
party , llilck house , 2oth und Pierce.
410-U *
I71O11 IlKNT Lai go store-room on a tlrst-clas
X1 stieet. Co-Opeiatlve Land nnd Lot Co , 20
N Hit st. Ml H
FLAT RUltnblo for offices for dentist , docto
or dressmaking ; central location. Lesll
& Leslie , ICth and Dodge sts. 452 n
UKNT 3 stores on 10th nnd Leaven
worth , apply Hank of Omaha. 2VJ
FOIl HKNT-Ptoreroom , No.214 S. 14th st. Ap
plv at 1110 Howard at. Ml
FOll HKNT-Omce suite 25 month , 2 slngl
offices JI5 each , all fronting Ifitii at. , Ilusti
man block , N. K. Cor. l th ana Douglas. W. M
Ilushman , 1311 Leavenworth. Wl
"IjlOll UKNT Nicely furnished olllce , groum
JL1 lloor , half of JO h Itith st , opposite Chainbe
of Commerce , M. A' Upton Company &B
STOHK for llent-121fl Farnam. Apply Chas
Chllds , N. W. Corner Ibth and Leavenwortb
Foil IlKNT Store-room tinder Omaha Hank
ing Co. , cor. 15th and llaruey. suitable
money loaning or real eMato business. Paulso
A Co. , No. nil , room . " , Farnam st. 830
OUR for rent , llll Farnam street ,
ot Nathan bhelton , ut 1J03 Faruam street
riWO choice store rooms m tha Her oulkllnt
JL between Howard and Jackson bts. Appl
Itaymer & Her store , 624 S ICth tl , 473 sli
rpWO stores. 22x50. just completed , with Hat
JL of seven rooms above , with water and gas
Ilrst-class flnUh , Cth and I'aclllo su , low rent
Apply to Elliuuer Uros. , 012 H. 10th St. , Oinahc
_ . _ 'HI
1/1011 HI'.NT Fine retail store room wit
X' large basement , $30 per mouth. C. F. llai
rlson , 413 S. 15th Bt. KJ3
TTlOlfUKiNT-On CuintnB st. store and llvtn
JL ? apartments , also livery stable. Enquire o
Harris It. K. & L.Co. , lloom 411 , Ut Nat. bank.
K0110K J. sfEUNBDOHFK. room ( i. opp. r
O. , will hereafter give special attention t
renting houses , Btores and Huts , it you wan
your property rented without delay and to rel
able teuauta , do not fall to Hat the tame wit
him. 2i
LIST houses witn me ; have lotsot customer :
J. H. 1'arrotte. 1U06 Chicago. _ 1ST 014
"VVTK give special attention to renting and co
T T lectlng rents , list with us. 11. U. Cole , root
t. Continental block. _ 837
IF YOU want your nouses rented place then
with Uenawa & Co. , Uth. opposite postofflci
SSKAYED-ChehtmTt Borrefhorse. 6 years olt
w elshs M Ibs. . branded on left lilp O. K. .
liberal reward will be paid , return to A. I
South Umana , , 610-13.
- pitrfl-ciny on Hellevuo roid. J
IOST-Lait blinkets nnd I iiullt. rinder
please leave at Ifce oltlce and receive reward.
4M IQt
One small pup bitch , a sultnblo reward
3OST be paid for return to Fred Ullldner , 01,1
South 10th street. l > ' . ' HI *
JOST ( . ) n or near West Cutnlng street , n
-Jgreen cloth dolman , lined with red latin ,
Finder will bo rewarded by notifying Mrs. C.
1C. Kmcry Walnut Hill. fil < V
. ' ; IlKWAHI ) paid for the retutn of an
$ estray Jet bAclc ( mare , twelve jenrs old.
weight ubout ten hundred or ten hundred and
llfty pounds , shod all around , collar scars on
point of left shoulder , smooth * nd hundsomo ;
strayed nw a v October 2d , 1SX8 , nnd Is thu proii-
erly of Dr. rt. L. Klchols , of Otnihn. Hhotild
said mare have been driven away or concealed
by anyone , such person will bo prosecuted nc-
cording to law , and If convicted of horse-wteal-
Inp , the person giving Information leading to
the Undlng of said maro. und the arrest and
conviction of the thief , will be paid an addi
tional reward of t."i I.Vni. . Robiirn , Sheriff of
Douglas county , Nebraska.
Omaha , Oct. 6 , 18 * < , SW
H A Fl ! your wall paper rlpanod "made go iod
us now. Apply U. L. Wllcox , Canlleld hoii ! .
207 Of
TJKUSONAI/ you naroa personal Item , or
JL any communication , drop it In on * of The
Dee's message boxes. H > 3
F OH SALK -Ph > slclan's operating chair nnd
singlcal Instruments. Inquire room 4. Contl
iicntnlTilook. 4t'l ' 11'
TjlOH MA lit ! Fnncv soft coal heating stove
JD cheap , inquire Illfl Paeillc st. 4M OJ
. ' . SAM ! Wtought-Iron range , used two
months , , will sell cheap ; i7 1'letcu st.
4'd 10 $
8AI.K Ono of the bent paying l ! room
furnished Hats In the city. I'ajlnx ill aboxo
rent. Must be sold at once. Inquire iiSl N. K.
cor. 10th and Harney st. Krnest Kramer.
4 > K ) r.j
FOIt SAM ! Kiirnltureandleasoof an 11- room
house , furniture nearly new , hotixii contain
ing all modern lotuenlonccs , 1707 Dodge st.
POll SALK Hoarding house and saloon In
good town near Omaha. II. Mninnw oiler ,
414 H 14th St. 400 ilj
( BITfi will buy furniture complete of H-room
iphouse. Ilouso for rent 1C wanted. Addrusa
Fll.Jleo. _ IKI W _
SAM' or trade New two seated carriage
riage and single top buugy. belby , 1U1
ruinam. .175
fjlOH SAIjK Orrent. nrgo warehouse sulta-
X' ble for manufacturing business , warehouse
cor , 13th and Izard. luciulre Oberne , lloslek It
Co. . 51.1 S. l.ith st. _ ; > n U _
"fj'OK SAM ! A good lamlly horse , buegy and
J harness for * l 0. Address U 8 , lleo olllce. 710
"I71OH SAM ! Two new b.ise-burnur , ,
JL1 heating stoves , elegant design , nt half price ;
also billiard table complete. C. U. lllbblni , l.Mii
Don glas st _ . _ Ui7 ii
IjlOll SAM : Se.imans wagons and carriages ,
Omah.i's largest vailety , east Mdn Mth ht ,
north of Mchola.- . The beit and the eh.tpest ,
7i I o I'll
710K SAIjK A now II spat Kockaway carilagu
- at > t Nichols' livery barn , Twenty-eighth
and I.eavenworth. Telephone 810. 417
TIIOK SAMI A family horse or for general
-C use , prlco $ ISO. Inquire No. II19 S. 10th. C'l ty.
MHS II. rrilMAN.dressmaklng. cutting and
ntting. Southeast cor. 18tli and Webster st.
" 4SJ14I
JNO. Ml'Mo6N& ) Co. , ! ) ! " . S. 10th st ; 111 stone-
cuttt-n , 1-c llueul toot , Colorado MiiuUtniie.
lit )
T\1VOHCr.S Clieapiy. quietly ; desertion ;
-'blank applications and circulars giving ill-
\orcolawsof every s > tate free. I. ( jlllUt.'GO
Clark st. , Chicago , ill. IWi T
rplilTbanjo taught as an art by Uoo.r. Uellen-
Jbeck. . ; t.J ! So. 10th st. is ;
I'OTcash for1 old imd new books , furniture ,
sto > es und carpels. OrtT A. Co. , 117 N. Kith.
TJ OMB for Destitute Women and Children ,
Xl-itm Hurt st. U40
MUSIC A. Ilohre Jc Son nro now nroparod to
furnish the best nnd latest music for rccop-
tlons , weddings , sociables , parties balls , etc.
Hrass and string quartettes furnished , especial
ly for keiemidos , concerts , funerals , etc. Ollict
401 South 13th St. , A. 15. Morris' Music Storo.
ll o ] *
W OMAN'S Kxchango , 1617 Farnam st. Lunch
dally , supper Saturday nights. U40
TAUTinS having horses , mares nnd colts tn
X winter will llnd good stalls nnd yards at
Major Crofts' place , tlrst barn north of tali
grounds. Terms moderate. 247 17 ?
TV" ' ' HAIU1EK Cess pools * water closet-
i f cleanedwork guaranteed.dOb S.'Hh.Tc'l 521
lriO o4t
G.E. . THOMPSON , IloomlU Shcely blocs. h77
_ _
MlDLANDGuarantee and Trust Co. , IWi I ar
11.1111 Complete abstracts furnlshud , & , title1
to real e.itata examinedperfected & guaranteed
BKNSONiCAHMICHAKL furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to anj
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upoi :
bhort notice. ' 1 he most complete set of
booKslnthuclty. No. 1VH Farnam st. K'J
s TOHAO ; K at low rates at 1121 rarnam street ,
'Omaha ' Auction & Storage Co. 77H o'j
rilKACKAGE , storage , lowest rates. W.
X llushmun , Ull I.cavenworth. 878
I WANT to buy n cotlnge with largo lot , 01
acre , outside of city limits. Cash und pay
inents. Address K , 27 llee. 4-8 ( IOT
\\7ANTKO-To buy nn established bank In i
TT Hvo town within 100 mllus of Omaha. Ad
dress K 10 , lleo olllce. 341 u
WANTED Furniture and household good :
of all kinds. Omaha Auction & Stoi.iguCo.
11J1 Farnam st. 775 o'J
DO YOU want to borrow money ? If you iiavi
diamonds , watches or Jewelry and deslro li
eUert n loan on favorable terms In a itrictlj
private und conlldontlal manner , or should yoi
want a loan on furniture , horses , carriages
laud contracts or personal pioperty of any de
scriptlon , you can ha\e money advanced a
lowest rates of Interest nnd ample tlmo topa ]
by culling on or sending postal card to the
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.
Wo loan out our own money , make' out on :
own papers and pay no commission , thus glv
Ing the bonellt to thn borrow er.
Our facilities aiosiich that wo can accommo
ilat you in a prompt and confidential man
nor. giving you fair , honorable nud courteous
All loam renewed at original rates.
We will payoltuny mortgage you now have
nnd give you long time nnd low rates ; will loai
any sum from * - ' to
Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , room 405 , 1'axtoi
block. 4(8 (
TliIK Omaha Financial Kxchange , lloom 15
llai ker Illoct , southwest corner of Farnan :
and 1Mb sts.
Makes a specialty of short-time collatera
and real estate loam.
Money alwayW on hand In surasof flOJ nm
upwards to uny amount , to loan on approval
Secured notes bought , sola or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to oxchnugo to
good tlrst or second'mortgages.
loans in ail o tupou laud contracts , stocks
bonds , tnist deutfs. flr-t or second mortgugo so
curlty. without publicity , delay or red tape.
Financial husineu of any kind transactei
Promptly , quietly ana fairly. Itoom 15 , llarke
block , Corbett. MiyMaer. 8jl
MONEY To I.oaili-lly the underalgned , wh
has the only properly organized loan ugouc ;
In Omaha Loam * o | tioto Jl.tuO made on f iirni
ture , pianos , oruAuiihorseswagons , machinery
etc. , without reinorul. No delays. All buslnes
strictly contldentlal. Loans BO made that air
part can be paid at any time , each paymen
reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made o :
tine watches and diamonds. Persons slioul
carefully consider who they are dealing wltl
as many new concerns are dully coming Into ox
istenco. Should you need money call and go
me. W. 11. Croft , room 4 , Withnell bulldins
18th tnd llarm y. B83
MONEY to loan on household furniture , pi
inoa , horses , wagons and other persona
property ; also on mortgage paper and contract
an collateral security ; qash always on hand : 111
eral extensions granted ; business transacte
falrly.qulotly and promptly. The Fairbanks It
veatment Co. , S W cor Uth & Douglas , upstair :
WK keep on hand money to oan on Insld
property In Omaha and Bouth Omaha 1
sums from t-'M to M.OjO. and ns w o do our owi
valuing , make all papers , etc. , we can complet
a loan any day you wish aud pay you tlio mono j
Hates , Smith & Co. , lloom tXtt , llamgo bulldlni
. _ UJJ31
MONKY to loan on furniture , norses , wagons
etc. , or on any approved security , J. W.llol
bins , It. 2u > l bUecly bit. 15th uud Howard. 01
MONKY to loan on Improved property nt first
hands. No applications * ont away for ap
proval. Security und titles otamlneil free ot
harg o borroworo. Lombard Investment
company , aw S 13th st. _ _ _ 18l _
to loan : largo and small Minis nt low
rates , for short time , on real o tate or chat-
el security ; second notes bought ; all financial
business strictly confidential People's Flnan-
lal Kxchange , O llouscaren , manager , rooui
< fi'i ' llarkor block. IJth and I'aruam. _ Sl _
1 W. 1'KCK loam money for tion-rosulents
J > oti gllt-edgo real estate , securities , gunrnu-
eed { reference. Commercial National Hank ,
Omaha. O. W 1'ecK , Itoom 4 , Frenr.or block ,
MM o II *
MONKY to Loan l/jwest ratus. Loans closed
promptly , II. K. Cole , lloom 0. Continental
Hock. f i
_ _
ONRY to Lonti-On rpnl estate nnd rhnttel
security. Money without delay. Western
Land nml Loan excliango. 117 S. Itith at , fiMnJ
( ) N KY to loan on turntture. wagon * , etc. ,
without removal , or on collateral security.
luslness strictly contldentlal. A. K. ( Ireenwood
Jt Co. , H 1 Ciinulughum blk , cor. Uth A Jackson.
( WT
TJIIItsr inortgagi's , loans on pity , business or
JL ; resldenco property at lowest rates. Call nnd
see us before placing your loin. Hemlngtim .V
'rye , loom 1 , N. W , cor 15th nml Farnam. 71M 09
MONKY to loan lu nuy amount , cither for
building or otherwise , ut lowest rules of
ntcrest nnd ou short notice. D. V. Sholes , room
210 I'lrst Nnt'l bank , cor , Uth and I'aruam. H H
1J1S.OUO to loan on inalila property. Semi first
P mortgages for salo. Nathan Shulton , I50. " >
Barnaul street. SUJ
MONKY to loan ; cash on hand : no delay , J ,
W. Hnulru , 12ID Faruarn st. I'lrst National
jank building. &t'j '
DON'T borrow money on fuinlture. horses ,
wngons , ptp , , until you hnvo senn C. II. .la-
cobs , mom 110 , First National bank building ,
cor. 1 Ith nnd Farnam UOI
$ \UIX \ ( ) to loan 'on Improved city nnd conn-
tij nropprty. Cash on hand. First mortgage
notus bought by ( lunrunty Loan anil Invest
ment Co. , ICtli und Clllcugo sts. TJ1 ; M
A500.UOO fi per cent. Money to loan on 1m-
Spro\ed farms or city property. James A.
Woodman , ut thn old Urn tnsuruuco ollice of
Murphy ic Lovett. 220 S 1 Ith st. _ BU4
CASH on hand- * . > 00MJ ( to loan on city and
farm property , lowest rates of Interest ;
ImlldltUT loans u specialty. U , NN. 1'eck , Fretuur
block. 895 o 11 *
EASTKHN money cheap. City nnd country.
Olllce Philadelphia Mortgage nnd Trust Co. ,
Itoom 13 , Uoard of Trade. Oeo. W. 1' . Contes.
_ _ _ _ KM
MONKY to Loan City and country ; cheap
i.itos , no delay. L. 1 * . Hammond , 40J 1'ax-
ton building. 70j
n7imv : vmttM to loan on city property
nnd Improved farm land. Freuzor block.
LOAN'S made ou real estate and tntntgages
bougnt. Lewis S. lleed i. Co. , 1521 Farnam.
MONKY to loan ou Improved real estate.
Le.ivltt lluniham. Crelghton block. C7'J
MONKY to loan at (1. H. Peterson , es-
tnte and loan ngent , 1412 S 11th bt. & 01 Ut !
/"lOODclty aud fatm loans wanted by A. K.
VJI Hlluy , l"d'j 1'ariiam. tWJ
GPKH CUNT money to loan Cash on hand
W. M. Harris , room 20. Fronzer block , opp.
P. O. hfe
ATTKL ami collateral loans. M.K.Davis
111 S 1 Ith st , 10011127. b 2 }
.M ) , ax ) to loan at 0 per cent. Ltnahan .V Mahoney -
$ honey , room oi. Piixtou block. MM
MONKY to loan ; long time. George J. P.uiU
ICO1) ) I'arnam at 'Ml
UILDINQ loans. Llnahan & Mahoney.WJ
> WJ
HJAIj estate loans , lowest ratos. Oilell llros.
I * . Co. , 3 US. IGthbt. VJI
fONKY to loan. O. P. Davis Co. , real cstato
Land loan ugonts , l.'iOj I amain st. UOi
WANTKD-A gentleman as silent partner.
Unships * well established. Oood protlts.
Small capital required. Address , F2S , Ileeollke.
518 1" " ?
S.vTTK Nice cigar stand. 1m olco about
JP tM. Host location In city. Co-Operntlva
Laud and IotCo , 2a'i N Itlth st. Mill
[ J1OIISAIK Ilestnurantcomplote\vorthllJOO ,
L1 within 1 block of 1' . O. , at your own prlca
nearly , tor II days only. Wnudell & Walters ,
4U8 N. lllth , 2d tloor. Telephone 1L1VJ. 401 JOJ
"I71OII SAM : A confectionery and cigar store
JL1 at bargain , no one location , N. W. cor.
17th ana Nicholas. 45. ) 11 *
1)AIU'Niil : Wanted A good prolltable bus
iness but small capital lequlred. Call from
10 to U , Itoom 21 , llaikur block , and ln\estlgatu ,
"II OIl SAM : Hotel and meat market at a bar-
JL1 gain In a thrh Ing town in w estom Neb. Ad-
die > U. McNalr , Crawtord , Neb. 2wl 12t
" 1T\OH \ SAIiK * VW well selected stock general
JL1 meichandlse , with good business , in the fu
ture city of tne Minny San I.uts Valley ; has U
stores , 2 banks , loller Ilourlng mill , JiO.OOO hotel -
tel , public library ; coolest summers , spring
winter days , brs > t adaptation lor coiisumstlves
and asthmatics , enormous crops , good mines ,
line mineral springs , residences and energetic
people. Good opening for tannery , creamery ,
oat-meal , oil and paper mills anil potato staich
factory. II. II. Marsh , Moutu Vista , Colorado.
! 8 Ot
_ _
GKKAT bargain Wnterwork8 ln "operation
In one of the best towns In Nebraska , over
four miles of mains , brick engine house , over
$1(1.1100 ( w 01 th of machinery , large reservoir , n
lull set of plumber's tools ami matoiial , It
) eaislrauc ise , hydrant rental nearly II.OOC
per year.
Valuation $ 7" > , OOC
llonded indebtedness 4ri.iX.iC
Net ao.OOC
Will take htock of goods nnd store bulUllnu
In live town or city. I'arty to take bonds anil
assume Indebtedness ; good reasons for wantIng -
Ing to trade. M. A. Upton Company. 2111
Foil S A MI Salt Lake lots $2J each , nt .HO S
15th st. [ ,2-i _
FOIt SAM'7 or K\change An old establlshoi1
good paying Ilv ry business in Council
Illnn.s.Ia. , Ill N Main st. Win. Staillnman. t/.i.I
Foil SA1.K A stock of general mercnandiso ,
Addles i lock box 35. > , Atkinson , Nob.
2U : Oli
Foil SAIiK The tinnlture nnd lease of onool
thu best paying and best located hotels ii
the city. Apdlyntonco to tlreen & Williams
l'lr- t Nat. bank building. 275
MKDICAI , man , well posted , Mnglu , who cat
p ly * 100 cash bonus , can secuio splenrld lo
cation and more than living practice Immedl
ntely , stamp lor reply , i : 70 lleo olllce
Omaha , Neb. 2CO 'J *
IT1OII SAM ! A good lumbor.coal.agrlcuitural
Implement aud live stock business. Address
Hedge Ilios. , Yutan , Net ) . Ktfl oil )
FOIl KxchangH-Coiincil lllulls lots , llghtlj
Incumbmed , for farms or Omaha pioperty
II K Cole , Itoom 0 , Continental building.
512 14
I10U [ K.VCHANOK-Cood renting city nm
bouth Omaha propoity ; also lots nnd fnrmu
Westeiu hand and Loin exchange , 117S. liith ut
50 , ' ) n8
AWANTKIi To exchange In ldo city prop-
TT eity for improved farms near city , lloi
76lclty. _ _ 3MI tJ 19 *
IT you have anything to uxcuange call am
bee our list.Vustem Land nnd J.oan ex
change. 117S. Ibtli. ti07ii3
I HAVE real and personal property ot al
kinds for tradp. Call and see me. George J
Stenisdorff , room 0 , opp. 1' . O , Hii
HOUSKS and lots to trade for vacant prop
erly and Mime cash. Call nnd see us
Mutual Investment Co , Itoom 1 , Darker Hlock
, nxturos , etc , of n 2roomei : >
hotel near U , 1' . hotel , price * _ ' , ) ) . will trad
for good Omaha or South Omaha property. Cc
Operative Land It Lot Co. , 203 N. Itlth street.
433 U
rpo KXCIIANGK-A Ilrst-class roller mill o
-l half Interest for improved land , also n unal
livery block for residence lot. Doll lllsclej
tihuimndoah , la. 450 or
fl HO C KIIV stock to exchange for lanu. wll
assume incumbrauca if any , prefer land li
northvuhtern Nebraska ; 2 grocery stocks , in
\oicuor each about tTOO , wont cash and bal
anceiu good property ; 1 millinery stock o
about $4.500 , want clear land or luciunbrnnc
with cash to amount of Incumbranca ; f4u
worth of millinery , want horses , cattle or His
mortu'uce notes ; nouses and lots , vacant lot :
lands , elc. See exchange book. Co-Operatlv
Land and Lot Co. . 'M5 N Iflthst. _ 367 8
Till ! Omaha Iluslne s Kxchauge , U. 5 , s. w. cor
llth and Douglas , rmikea a specialty of sellln ,
and eiclmnglng all classes of merchandise , eto
mo KXCHANOE-Or sell , houses nnd lott
JL farms or merchandise tee Omaha Iluslnei
IJxchaugo , room C , a. w. cor. 15th and Douglas.
_ _ 491-aa
WANTED-Good lands and city property
horses , cattle , etc. , to exchange for raer
chandlse In all lines , L. P. Kraus , 1007 I'arnan
Bt. , Ouiaha , Neb. 453 oil
ANTUn-stocksof marchandiseln any ttm
oil lines to exchange tor good farm lands
Omaha real -estate , horsea , cattle , etc. L. t
KrAa 1607 fwruaitt U OauUi * . tJ k UA COi
rpo KXClIANOK-My equity In U. 1' . rallrond
JL Units fpr good horse and buggy. Address
) ' . L. l.oomls. uth and I'aclHc. : il2
' " ' "
ri'KNTION The tTlfted de.stlny ie der can
bo ronsultmldally for two weeks In nil nf-
falrsof life or dunlin tolls your life from the
cradle to thp grave ; reunites the separated with
the wonderful Kgyptlau charm ; locates discaco
and heals them with Massage nnd electric treat
ment. Olllfo4l7 S. llth st. , tii-itnlr | , rooms J
and ! ) . 48MOJ
DH. NANN1K V. Warren , clalr > o > ant. Mod-
leal and business medium. 1'emale diseases
n speclaltj1 , llii. N. Kith st , Hooms 243. 2M
U.ncwcash ! nnd .winonthfyf including in-
Pterest , buyjn nice IVJ-story rt-room house on
red car line , inxestlgntu this. II. K. Cole ,
llooni 0. Continental block. 510 U
171011 SAM ! Lot WKIV ) . with good 2-Mory
i- house nicely fiirtilslied. all modern conven
iences , within 1 blk pa\cd st , "j bis from Tarn
bchoolnnilM K. church , Han com place This
Is one of the best properties in the city ,
can be had at n bargain by nddiesslng the
owiipr. K 14. llee olllco. 44
GHOK'i : land forsnle or tr.uln Omutcr , sec
tion In llrown county , miaiter section In
Holt county , timber claim In Sioux county , half
section .scnool laud In Dawes county : eighty
acres thereof line hnivy pliiu tinnier. Tnesu
places were all picked out hy a land tnluntor
and are A 1. Apply nt rouni 501 , First National
lluuk building. 401 b *
UJIl.ti'l monthly nnd J.VHXI rash bu > s nice home
Pnear red car Hue. II K. Cole , Itoom , H , Oontln-
entalIJUlldlug | , 511 II
Foil SAM ! Nice east front lot iUxtiT'i ' , one
block off st car lluu running regularly , near
church and schools. 1'rlcotiifi ; JVj cash , bal-
nmetlO monthly. Inquire nt ii'sldouco , 401 N.
nth st. _ 419 i't '
BI'SINKSSliHh street , corner , 4 blocks from
Karnum , for 'j less than It is worth. Gilxlfj
on Capitol nve. betwven ami loth , at IPJS
than \ aluc. M , A Upton Company. r > 7V
"I71OII SAIiK-Cholco past fiont lot with an o < -
- * tra well built 8 room an. I Imru , on tor ,
Mth and Mason. M. A. I'pton Company E70
ir\OH \ SAIiK Lot ll , b. ) , Ilanscom place , $ .10
JL1 oir what it Isworth. O.r. Harrison , 4ISS nth
6-)7 )
_ _ _ _
TJ1OII SA1.K- Very best South Omaha bar-
-1 } pains. M. A. t'ptou Co. 870
"IJ OH SA M : IVlxlOO foliuicar coiner Woolworth
JL1 ave. and 2i < th bt.housu ; of N rooms , bathroom ,
pas , clstein , hot and cold water , sewer connec
tion , 1 ill n. ice , 2 , locution nil that can bo
desired , school , church and 2 lines of her e cais
wlthlng 2 blocks , cable in project : tt.'M ; Jl.llOJ
cash balance easy. 8 per cent Interest. C. r
Haiilson. 41S8 15th st.
: K 1000 feet cor Woolw-orth ave. nnd 2ath st ,
house nnd Improvements mateilally thu .same
ns abo\e. j."iU 0 , < 1,0M ( cnsh , balance easy , 8 per
cent Interest. C. 1' . Harrison , 418 S 15th st. WU
UWO ! buys a full lot and good l-room cottagu
Peasv terms and good location. 1) ) V. Sholus ,
room 210. First Nat 1 bank , cor IJth und Kai-
until WJ
"UlOIt SAI.K-Or flxctunge. We have some
JL' good Omaha real estate and Nebraska
farms , which we will sell cheap or trano for
stock of clothing , fiirulshius goods , drr eoods ,
boots and ihotis , groceries Or liardvvare. bchlo-t-
Inger llros . 014 S. 10th st. ' 010
Hrllii : Ilere--Her9 Is what you have been
looking for. New x-room house , city , cistern
nnd well water , oasl front. lot'.KIxl.U at grade In
Windsor place ; owner going west , will sell
for a few days forSJ.fiW , easy terms , M. A. Up
ton Company. _ 27J
SOUTH OMAHLot II , block 77 , S. K. corner
20th nnd M s reels , 5-room hou < > 4 , 910,000 , H
Lot 14 , block 78 , S K.cornor25thand Mstrouts ,
I'J.O'Xl. ' cash. Hon. o on this rents $15.
If these corners weeon N street they would
sell for J0WK ! ) each M will be n better street
tnan N In a yenr fron to-day. Kach one of
these corners will make seven business lots. JL
A. t'pton.VCo. _ _ _ Wsi
ITIOII SALK-I'rnnk Vass7rnlan , nt the liaiik
JL1 of Omaha , has somu of the choicest'
ilpnco and business property In the city for falo
cheap. 408
LOOKntthls 14 feet on 2ld : st Just south of
California , corner on an alley , for ( J.200 0
room house. M. A. Upton Company. 870
IT1OII SALK 10,000 acres land In Nebraska at
JL low rates on long time ; good farm lands.
G. H. Peterson , 1112 S. 13th st. iiOl-0.2J
Foil SALK Or exchange for Omaha proper
ty , M ) acres , suitable for platting ; will niako
4001ots ; nil clear ; big money in it lor some one
who can push this ; located Just outside of the
city limits of Council lllulls. Inquire Goo. J.
Sternsdorir , opp. uostolllce. 303
TTVHl SALK Hest business pioperty In
JL1 Omaha. M. A. Upton Co. b70
AND Seekeis , Attention For full par-
Jtlculars ubout free and cheap lands In west
ern Nebtaska address Thos. C. Patterson , Heal
Kstate Agent. North I'latto. Neb. lUlOI'J
roilSAM : New7-iooni house , full lot , cast
front , ISO feet from cable car , 10 mlnuto walk
tiom postolllco , furnace , bath , etc. , $5,000 ; 1(1,500
cash , balance to suit.
New 0-room house , all modern Improvements ,
15 minutes' ride on car tiom 1 * . O. , paved street ,
utumor , 01 feet fiontage , S. K. iroiit , will take
vacant lot as part payment.
Nuwli-room house in Hnnscom I'lnco.nll mod
ern Improvements. f7,000 ; SI.OOO cash , batanco
to suit ,
The best east Iront lot on Virginia avo. only
I2ln. (
For bargains In Ilanscom Place , Improved or
vncnnt , you should see me , as I have the cioam
of the addition for sale.
100 acres , Improved , 2 miles from the growing
tow n of Clmdron. Neb , , a town of 3,001 people ,
will trailo the laud for stock ot clothing or
hoots and .shoos.
M ) ) acreof lloono county land to trade foi
merchandise .
A. U. Inghram , Itoom l , llarker lllock.
3tJ ! 9
$5fOO buys you a nlco homo on Capitol nvo. ,
near High school nnu cable ; good term1
made now. C. F. Harrison. 418 S. 15th bt. 62J U
B AHGA INS In Hanscom place property ,
llargalns In business pioperty.
HargUlns In trackage property ,
llargalns In South Omaha business property ,
Ilargulns In five und teu-ncre tracts.
Hurgalns In choke rpsltlencu propel ty.
Itargalns In cheap cottage homes ,
llargalns In choice West Omnhn property ,
llargalns In cheap houses and lots.
Hurgalns In all parts of thu city ,
llargatns In farm land.
Hicks , room 40 , Harkor block. fi2S(0
FOR SALK Not for trade , fin 70 acres of Im
proved land 2 miles from Marquette In ,
Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. Frame house , frame
stanle , 3UO acres under a good 4 barli-w Ire fence
round cedar posts and 2 stays ; living water
good corral , 2 wells , wind mill , 320-barrol tank ,
self-feedertroui'hs , etc. ; 75 ucres clover ; model
1'rlco ( about $12 per acre ) f fl,50 (
Cash ll.iVH
3 years time at I ! per cent JJ.OOt
do and look over thu land nnd nddressthi
owner , F. K. Atkins , 1502 Lai liner St. , Demer
Colo. 244
KKSIDKNCK for S iloNiioroom house , lln
Ished In ouk , barn , well , cistern , full uasl
front lot. In Windsor 1'lace , $1,201 j easy terinH
n lovely little homo nt very moderate prlcu. Jl
A.J.'pton Company. 08U _
TpOlt SAMC IKxl.'CJon Ilrlsiol street betweci
JL ? Saundeis und State. Makoua un otfer 01
this. 20 per cent less will buy It this week thai
it will over again be ollorcd for. M. A. llptoi
Company , C45
\nnilASK.A : farms Wo have borne good in' ,
-L > acre farms up the Klkhorn valley with 4H (
nnd J.100 long time mortgages against then
that from too to ifHOO cash will buy the equities
Now is tlte time to invest In Nebraska tarn
lands , although selling cheap they are valuable
and more productive than eastern land Taluei
at four or live times our price , M. A. Upton Co
FAHMINO In eastern Nebraska pays now ,
To those wanting to BO on a farm wo can
tell how to u'Ht good land with very little money
The day that this can be donu will soon bt
passed. M A. Upton Company. 003
TpOH SAM ! niid cxchnngo-
- tjaMXi stock of dings andgrocoilci In cooi'
Nebraska town for clear land and cash ,
f..diX ) stock of general merchandise , part cas )
nnd real estate.
J3.500 stock of dry goods and groceries , wel
established business , in co.i < tial Nebraska.
If'i.fXW stock of Jewelry for live btocK.
JVOO worth of hotel furniture aim Icaso to
sale , good opening for cnterpilstng man.
$ . \u0stocKOf millinery , pal t cash and reu
ost.ite ; best locution In city.
$3ocO stock of huidware for sale , good opcr
J.LOOO stock of drugs , good town , doing pnyln ;
business , tor real estate nnd part cash.
Jil.oon stock farm. 2I'J ' acres. l i miles frou
peed H. II. town In Nebrusnu , exchange lo
horses , uittla omheflp.
Want stock of gunmal merchaiulisa or grocer
leu from 13.0001 < > HO.iwO , will pay L to S casii
balance in good Unproved fauns.
Want ll.iw ) stock of t'oncral mcrclmiulisa to
K bfctltjn Nob. land clear und tVU cash.
Want good stock of groceries In largo to HI
with established trade , will pay cash on teuton
able time.
12,0)0 ) commission bmln-ss for so ! amonu' th
best locations In tlila city
Ifi6,000 biiBlness block to excliango for a
stock ranch , rents for { 5 K ) per month.
140.00) ) business block to exchange for g
residence property , rents tor tllo per mouth.
For Sale Furniture and lease of two 7 roon
flats , centrally located.
Correspondence solicited from parties dcsli
Ing to soil , exchange or located In busiuc-w. I ,
1 * . Kraus. 1607 rarnam s\ \ . , Omaha , Nub. ; m 1
EDWAIID A. 1WODHOM , , Utidiay. Neb.Jm
ssvernl farms fur sale in i'UUo county al
! 16toUOntracre , ' . ' CIS-Oil *
171OK 9AIiK Owl stock farm In Siupy county ,
X1 i s4 cres nit fenced , M acres In crops , liXJ
acres inondow. 100 acres tlmbpr , 7-rooni hou ( - ,
sinblp for twi'I\u horses , shpils for 3iiO cuttle ,
level Und , bUck loam neil , JwM per ncr , $ l.f < H ) lit
ay pat s balance cash , wunttradp. This furuilu
worth , sickness cnu of selling' M A
1'ploii Company 27J
HMIFFS-Wp Imro Homo lots nt
the cast end of tuc new bridge that can bo
bought at a llgiiru thnt will nmka pmehasor
monpy. M. A. I'pton Compiuy , 57U
AI.K 'Nothing but llrst-cTasTTiropori
UPS. M. A. I'pton Co. 870
OH S A IK-fi beautiful south front lots In
llrlpR's Place on Douglas st , , Just north of
he Maple dune. il.M ) each , ) i c-ush 17,000 for
.he 5. M. A. UptonCompanv _ 6U
ITlOlt SALi : Kniest lesldence property In the
J' market. > 1. A Upton Co. B70
rplli : best Investment In Omnha to day is wall
X located acre property , Wo IIAMJ n cholca
pti-ncre. tract closp toclty and only three blocks
from rpgular.station on Melt Line ratlwav ; will
nuke splendid home or line fruit nml vegetable
gaideu , and lan bo ( datted Into tlfty limgnlll *
elit resldoncu lots that will sell Inside of three
jcai-s for four to Iho hundieddollars oiteh Can
iller this beautiful plpcu of land for a ftm days
atlUWJ,5'X. ; ' . ' rush , balance to suit. ( loo. N.
lltcks , room 40. llarker block. ( fit 0
171A It MSWo have some of the finest Improved
JL farms In Missouri , Krnsas , Iowa rtuil Ne-
biaska for snip , M. A. I'ptou Compivny. 67 *
- ton aero tract with comfortable
fortable house , b-irn. splendid shade ttces ,
olc , clo e to city and llelt Line rallwny , Just tha
tilnco for line fruit and > ugrt blo gurdena. C u
make this n big bargain If tukpu soon. Hicks ,
room 40 , llarker block fiSa u
IjlOHSALi : Choice III. ncie tract in a tine state
JL1 of mil Ivntloll ; espe plally deslrablo for mar
ket uardens. Hicks , room 40 , llarkor blook.
523 9
HALE lleailllful homus tu Kountzu
FOIt 1 . M. A. - I'ptou Company. 670
FOIl SALK-Nlcu homes In Windsor place.
M. A. L'ptou Co. 870
Foil HALI-lttx1l7i'i , 8 W corner 30th and
Pallium , fronting three stieitl , ulcoly
graded , T.sOtiO : M cash. The next HI feet to this ,
running through from Faruam to Ires street * ,
I7.UXI. M.A. Uptou.VCo 'Mi
G40 AC1UW choice land In Howard county ,
close to two railroads , for sale nt a bargain.
Goo. N. Hicks. URI kor bloc k. R2 < V
AIIOAINS Wo have two extra hnrgaltitt for
I his week. One nt 17,600 nnd the other at
M A. I'pton Company. b V
"IjlOIl \LK-Kasy terms , new house II rooms ,
JL1 carpets n'ld pun furnlturo , stable' , largo lot ,
pa\ed street , horse curs. Knqulre of owner ,
Nathan Shelli.u 150"i Fnrmni st. M4
| JMH SA L K Flue resiliences In Haiiconi place
X1 nnd vicinity. M. A. L'ptou Company.
Choice ten ncro tract with comfortable
fortable hotisp , barn , splendid simile tiees ,
etc. , dosotoclty mid HeU Line railway , Just the
place for line fruit and \ egetable gardens. Can
make this n big birgalu It taken soon. Hicks ,
mom K ) , llarker block. 623 V
rpWO blocks from cable lino. lotllOxlin to aluiy"
JL NIc ofi-room eottnge , small barn , lot fonond ,
oveiylhlng nlco , $ -.ri i , one-fourth cash , bal-
nncoensy. M A. I'pton company. 141
choice Hunsenm Place property , see i
? Hicks , room III , llarker block. 528see
I poll SALK- Very nlco now house nnd slghtl
lot on California stree , directly south ot
Sacred Heart M. A , I'pton Company. 870
" | 7Vll SALK Now5-1 oem house I'rlco JI.050.
J- Apply to 3HU Decatur streot. 781 O 0 *
Kli-otltm I'roulaiiintion.
Under and by virtue of the authority vested
In me by section eleven (11) ( ) of chanter tw enty-
six (2il ( ) of thu compiled statutes ot Nobraskn ,
entitled "Kluotlons. " 1 , John M. Thayer , gov
ernor of thu state of Nebinska , do hereby Issue
my proclamation , on Tuesday , tne sixth
day of No\ember , A. 1) . lNs , them will bu an
flection held nt the iisiiwl places of voting In
Mild state , for the purpose of electing the follow
ing olllcers. to-wit ;
Fhuelectoisot president mid vlco president
otthu United States.
One member of congress from the First con
gressional district.
Olio member of congress from the Second con
gressional district.
Ono member of congress from the Third con.
gresslonal district.
( ] ovornor.
Lieutenant governor.
Sccietnryof stnto.
State treasurer.
Auditor public accounts.
Attorney general. . . _ . . ,
Commissioner of nubile lands and buildings.
Superintendent of public Instruction.
State senator for euch senatorial district , and
llppre.sentntlvos for each representative
dlsti let. ns provided by law.
In witness whereof. 1 huvn neieunto set my
bund nud caused to be nIHxud the great buul of
thu stnto. Done nt Lincoln this
2a day of October , In the year ot
our Uinlonu thousand eight hun-
[ Scnl. ] dipdnnd eighty eight , the twen
ty SBCond year or the state , nnd
of thelndependnncoof the United
States thu ouo hundred uud thir
Hy the Cio\emor , JOHN M. TIIAYEU.
G. S. LAWS , Secretnrv Stntu.
A Great Medical Work for Young and
_ lliddlc-Agod Men.
New Edition , Revised and Enlarged ,
Young and middle men who are mifferlni
from the lurttrcrutluim of ) ontli , > lUllty ,
JMTvouxntirt I'hynlcnl IK-MI I tr , I'remiUuro Decline ,
fie. , and the thmi'.nml unlolil inlnurlPi con uiiicut |
thereon , uud ull who nru rli k and nunurlnit and do
not know wlialulln tbeni , < n ho cured wllhuiil fall
liy lullowliie the InntrnctliuiH In I ho science of Llfu
or .Suit 1'ieiurvntlun. I'rlru onlr II lir innll post-
inilit , fcnloil. Itl n hciok lor evurjr i"ali."Jl ) ge ,
lull ullt. 12.'i prencrlptliiiin tor all ncuti nd
( lirnnlo dlseu i' . I'ullr i n Ionic J by the tsuiloual
Medlinl AiKOclutlon. who uniinled the uolil and
jewelled inoditl to the iiuthor. Hln tintlTe mniulo ,
wllli ondnrienirnta of the prcan , fri'o If rou upply
now. Aildrpmi the I'cabmly Mi dlcal Institute or Dr.
W. II.I'AHKKH. No 4 , llulllnch St. . Ilimtnii , Mail. ,
nho nmy bo consulted contldentliillT ou ull dbomoi
of nmn , his npecl.illy.
"Jlin N-ICIIPO of Life , the latest work from ( be
pouuf the uule uud ill-tlhKul hul ( rnniiiiltliii ! phril-
ciuiinf the I'eilnuljr Mcilluil Inntltute , Iloiton , Is by
liirTiu. m si medical treatise for yiiun und middle.
UKUil men e\er sent forth In the Knullth hinnuniro ,
nml It l > pulillMieit hy an InnlUntii loundod by Ilia
philanthropist kiioivn In America cr Kntf.
111(1.h AMU V IlKIIAI.ll.
'lliprolHnomeinlier of unclety to whom The hcl-
cnce of Life will not Im ii'pfiilwhutlii > r youth , imront ,
KuurdUn , Instructor or clernrman. ARIIONAUT.
if ]
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tha only road to take for D.'s Mnlncs , Mnnlmliuwn
Cedar Hnnkls , Cllnlnn , Dliun , Clilraiio , .Mllwtiukeu.
und ull points Kuit To llm | icoilo | of NolirHikn < * o o-
radu , NVyuinlnK , IVtiih. Iiltilni , .Scrud , Orujion , WHIM-
Inuton nnd CHlltnrniii , It orfers superior advuiituifui
tiol pimlblo by nnjr olhrr lln
AmoiiKB Inwol tlio numerous polntt of superiority
enjoyed liy thu p.ition > of this ruml betivoeii Oinnll.i
nml IhliofO. ure IM Ihrcu Iralui n day of DAY
COAl IIKN wlilcn urn llio tlnc t thut human nrt aii < l
Inuenully can cieitUi. Ita I'ALACK hLKIIPl.Nfi ( . 'Alii
the i qual of which cannot lie fount ] oljoirln'ro. At
Council llluffM , thu train * ot tlio Union I'aclrtc Hull *
wuy ronuuct In union depot with thu o of thu t'hl-
ink-n , v NorlliTte i.Tii Uy In C'lilcuto iha iralniof
tlili line makn cloio cunnvclton vrltli thoiu uf all
ulhnr Kaitnrn llno .
ror Detroit , rolumbin. Indlaniipoll * . Cincinnati ,
Nlu iirii KHlla , ItntTato , I'lUtlnirtr , 'j'uronlo , MuntrdAl ,
Iloilon , New Yuri , I'hlhiilelplili , llallliiiiirii , NV'mh-
Innlun , and all polnti In the Knit. A ! c tor tlckoli TU
If you with | ho ben m.C'iiuinoJutlon. All ticket
UKunta ii'll tlokuli TU lliln II uo-
if. nuuiurr. K. i1. WILSON ,
Cien'l MHnager. ( len'l I'.m'r ' Agont.
. n r.s.
W. N. UAI1COCK , < ; en I Wcttcrli AxeaU
D. K. KIM11AI.I. . Ticket Auuut.
* fMU
. .
on * Inth * world ptnrritlna
conllnnouj Klrctrto it Uaantllt
- - -'nrrstnl. hclentmo.l'oweitul , poruHe ,
Comforublo and Fff tfr . AToil frauilt ,
O > erO , < XX > cured. 8 Dd BUiup for | * mpUtl.
BfcMOSM * ; UVUIAIi 181 WUAM Htf