THE OMAKA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 10. 1888. FDRAY SUCCEEDS IIMROD , The Snundor.8 Street Citizen Con firmed by the Council. KIERSTEAD IN MAYNE'S PLACE. Din Imtior'tt Notnlnntlnn I'rnctlcnlly Confirmed Tito Wlno llnnni Orill- nnncuH DolonKMl Nc\\ City Hall Ordinance. Oily Council I'r The ct ( } council mot last night with 1'rcsl- flcnt Hechcl In the chair nnd the following uldcnneti piosoiil Alexander , Ilniloy , lioyd , Uuruham , Cheney , Couutmian , Ford , Hat- call , Kuspar , Klcrstcml , Kitchen , Lee , Lowry , Munvlllo , Snjtler niul Van C.unp Alderman Lowry at Ibis point moved tint before nny communications bo considered , Louis Hi'imrod lie privileged to explain to the council the stand he took in connection with the transactions between thu board of public grorks nnd eerluln contractors. The chair fculcd that the statement loulil only be intio fluccd b.Mr. . . Heimrod through the inedium Cf the board of uubllc woikof which he * r s a member Tills brought out Alderman Kord , who plated that it was a strange transaction \vhcrein a member of the olty government \vix& denied to right the wrongs done his con stituency and the tax-paj ing element. Alderman Sh\der took u similar stand , nnd concluded by stating that what Mr. Heimrod would make known \\usof vast importance to every In dividual that o\\ned ono foot of property In the city Ho also stated that he was eogni stunt of contain manipulations having been made In the interests of lortnln contractors. The chair declined to reverse its ruling , and And the clerk proceeded with the regular order of business The ball opened with n communication from the major , appointing John It fumy as a member of the board of public works , Vlco Louis Heimrod , term expired This was the menus of raising constcrna lion among the democratic element of the council , and in an instant Alderman I.ovtr.\ took the floor He stated t tut he considered it n matter of Justloo that befino Heimrod s Buccossor was appointed he i lleimiod ) be al lowed to set forth his views on certain mat ters concerning \\ork done bv and estimates allowed to certain contractors , in which Smith & Co , paunp contractors , \\cre di rectly Implicated. The appeal , however , did not meet with the nppioval of tlm chair , and upon a point of order being raised , thoheavj weight alder- inan from the First was systematically fequolched. The matter of Furay's continuation was then put to a % oto , resulting as follows : Yeas Alexander. Huiley. Unrnham , CUoney , Connsman , Kicrslcad , Kitchen , Lee , Manville .mil Mr. President Total 10. Nojs iioyd , Pord , Kaspar , Lowry , Sny- 6or and Van Camp Total tl Ho/ore the chair had announced the vote Alderman Lowry moved that the matter bo laid upon the table , but the motion was lost by B straight party vote The chair then announced the appointment And contirimition of John It Ptnnv to suc ceed Louis Heimrod on the bo.ud of public works The next communication reached was the appointment of William I. Kiel stead mem ber of the council from the Ninth ward to succeed C. 1' . Maj nu as u member of the board of public works. Ac-am Alderman Lowry took the floor and protested against immediate action concerning KlersteaU's appointment He was in favor , ho said , of the matter being placed ut > on the table indefinitely. Alderman Ford took the same view. Alderman Leo took a stand nnd stated tnai ho had concluded that at least common fifteen cy existed in the democratic ranks , but tie was sorry to state that ho had drawn his conclusions unwisely. Alderman Ford responded , and Insinuated that It was n combination entered into in dc- tense of the contractors nnd atrainst justice to Ihe taxpujers , but was side tracked on a JKilut of order raised by Alderman Leo. The continuation of Kierstcad was then voted upon as follows : Ayes Alexander , Itailov.Hurnham , Couns- tnan , Kaspar , Kitchen , Lee , Manville and Mr. President. Total . Najs Hojd. Cheney , Pord , Lowry , Snyder - der nnd Van Camp. Total 0. At this point a motion by Alderman Lee to refer the appointment of Alderman Klerstoad to the council committee on public property and buildings , prevailed On a vote , Kiersteud was con firmed , but n * n matter of courtesy the matter was re ferred to the above committee and the con firmation withheld. The resignation of Kierstead as alderman from the Jv inth ward was read and accepted , The bond of John 11. Furay , as member of the board of public works , in the sum of * 10,000 , with E. L. Hiorbowcr and C. F. ( Taggart as suicties , was accepted. A communication was received from the Detroit and Mauinco Improvement company , pf Detroit , Mich. , stating that that company kvas prepared to furnish the city with gas for illuminating and fuel purposes , at a very low rate , with a saving of from 'M to 50 per cent to consumers , us compared with coal. The gas inspector made his monthly report elating that eighty-four tests had been made , Chewing an average of eighteen candle power The contract for constructing n sewer in Bower district No. Sit , awarded to Panning & Co. by the board of public works , was ap proved. A resolution bj Ford that sufllcient funds DO transferred from the Sixteenth to the [ Eleventh street viaduct fund.for thu lattor's completion , uus tabled. , The matter of the building inspector grant ing permission to the Now York Lifo Insur ance company to excavate under the street tor private purposes was taucn up and dis cussed at some length. The opinion prevailed that it was a bad precedent to establish , but that thu superintei.dent of buildings did not go beyond the mcaiiiug of the ordinance The matter , on motion of Alderman Lee , Vras referred to the city allornci with in fctruclious to diaft an amendtntnt to tni building ordinance revoking that pouer , as regards the department of buildings Thu city attorney ruled that the permit grantee the Now York company under the eilstnii. ordinance was valid. The petition of the republican club of th < Eocond ward to suspend a banner from tin /vlurraj hotel across the street , was gianted On petition the colored citizens \\ero al lowed the Ube ot the council chamber thii evening for the purpose of holding a politi cal meeting. The retKirl of the city phjslcian for th ( tnontli of September , showitiK the total num ier of deaths to have been eighty four , uiu Vlrtbs 1U5 , w as received and placed on tile. At this period Alderman Leo took tin chair and in company with the retired chair jpan , the members one by ono skulked ou until there censed to bo u quorum The set geaut-al-arms was dispatched for the absentees eos and succeeded in corralling several o them before an inventory of the liquor hai been effected In an adjacent saloon The following it-solutions wuru presented Ity Alexander , Instructing thu board o nubile works to eausu the curb to bo turtle * on the LornerH of Pleasant , on the north sid Cumlng , also on Thirty btxth and Cum lUK ktrccU Adopted. JJy CouiiMiiun , instructing the street com ynUiIoucr to lay cross walks at the intersc. lion of Cuti'ing and Fifteenth utid buieeni Blreftlit. Adopted. AKulu the New York Life Insurance mat t/r vmi brought up In connection with th rtt-Jivat/ on Huveiit'cnth street , by the to tfiHliiK resolution by Alderman Lee } ii * > t\n \ l , Tlmt the bulldliiK inspector b ffjueiUxl lo rovoUn the permit given to th mtvr York Llfo Iniuranuo company to exes Tat4 under Htivoritcenlh itrcct. AfUr a abort dl oui lon the resolutlo pritrtlM alioott by a unanimous vota. Hy AWcr/nau Buyder Ordering the plat ttg til a t < ollca and lire alarm box on th tantr ot J'uroVa and Mercer avenues. Jfjr AlJftrmn Lowrjr-GrunlliiK the boilc or a uiriough of tweuty Uuy lu utdu Mlfht t * enabled to attend the No bollw iMpcctor * , to b and appro AdCf'XHl. _ .m was referred th Uf. MM'ttottMisg bf exproi " " ' reported favoi M > ) o d Jn th irovtditic for the licenMng of hncks nnj ther yphiclen , for couv viinco of porsous. TliocotninlUeo to whom was rolerrc.d the onlllianco to legulalo Clnplo\indnt IIH-'IU'CS ' ejwrted Hut the same Itml licen Constvlercd nnd iccominelided the following Itoforo mi ) Hi ense shall be ijsiieil to nnj KTSOII the appHennt. sh.ill piv to the eltv rcTWrer t he sum of * " > mid shall lllo n bond ) f ? "i < , the lees be.nif tlit.s regulatlid "emales fur ho > Mev\ii Jt , id- , \vageJO per innnlh . . , . * M 'or tSO or over pet month 1 M 1or t-'fi ' or over jter month 1 M \n f.Tioi ) ovei per month 'J 01 'or HII or over jior month . . . . . ! l CO A violation lnllcti ! a tlno not to exceed ( I ( XI The report was adopted. Theeounell then went Into commute of the vholu with Alderman Leo In the chair. At this point the wine room oi-dlnancfl was cpirted on by the special committee to vhoin It was refei red. The committee tated tli it uhiln the oiiginai oidlnance did lot lonlhct with the municipal law or the peeltli atlons of the charter , It did conflut vlth the state law. Aldi-nmin Pord raised his voice In opposl- ion He stated that the ordinante was of a enor that foreshadowed a nonsensual issue le was of the opinion that it would bo ap- illed to ceitnln elements , as regaids Its snfni content , wluh ; the very institutions hat should bo looked after would escape Alderman Alex \nder staled that the onli- lance was drafted for the purpose of pio- ectlng society against a | > ractice that was extremely lamentable. Ho felt , ho said , as hough sumo steps should bo taken to pru- cnt the public from the invasion of this great oul. In conclusion ho s\id it was not m account of the disorder that was given ill th in Mich places , but the infamous crimes hat w ere. pel petroled on the irentlcr se\ hat were lured into such dens of vice Al- durman Hasealliuwcd thu matter as being i compound of non onso and poor Judgment , le could not , ho stated , conscientiously sup- iort such an ordinance that reached out in > oiindless space , and failed to cover a single ssuu from n definite standpoint. Ho hold 1ml the ordinance as diafted came in direct eonllictlon with the Slocnni law poi taming to hu retailing of liquor and prescribing the abuse of the same. Tiie committee of the whole rose nnd re Mined back that thu oidinance as drafted by Mdennan Hascall , icgulating wine rooms , bo tassed.aml that the oidinamo by Alcxundor , > f a similar tenor , bo not passed. Aldeiman Alexander stated that ho was of the opinion that the Hascall ordinance vns valueless when the aims were taken nto consideration He insisted that it was a larrieado between pi election to society ind the suppression ot vice and thu punish nentof dime Citv Altai nov Webster was then con sulted on the weight and stiengthof the or- llnance and he st'ited that he was of the > piunn ! that it would not lead to conviction lofmu any court of Justice. Alderman Alexander moved that the mat er Ixi refeiicd to the city attoiney with In- slim-turns to draft a substitute , but the melon - lon was lost. The ordinance then as drafted bv Hascall vas placed upon its passage and was voted lown by n vote of ' . to 2 , the major poition voting against it giving as their reasen for oting against it that enough ordinances in his respect all eadj existed An ordinance to dctei mine the location of n city hall for the city of Omaha and to pro 'ido for the issuance of ? .WOOtXi bonds for its consttuction , was placed upon its llrst and hccond reading and referied lo the comuiit- eo of the whole. $ 8 1,000,000 In OMP Year. The interest that merchants and financiers who SCOK protection for their business and .heir families take in life insurance is show n > \ the fact that the three largest Amciic.ui companies combined issued policies ainonnt- ng to over * l3lODOOJO in Is r. The Mutual -Ifo Insurance Company of New York , \liicHU the largest and most successful n the world , had on January 1$11SMCN' ) > 1. 3 of accumulated assets belonging to its wlicy-holders , to whom it has paid $ i" > 7,7.Vt- V.i , since organization in IMt. The "Distri bution Policy issued by the Mutual Lifo is as safe as it United States bond , 2 and Is a nuch bettor and less costly investment. Jarvia poor cider. Sco Bales & Co. I'nlnful Ignorance or a Constituent. Chicago Tribune : "Dang it nil ! " cxchuiuctl Statesman La\\lorof Illinois , running his index linger up nnd down u column of nntnes in a congressional directory , "here's a letler from a yahoo in my district that wauls to know some thing about 'Mills Bill. ' Mills Mill- . .ot mo sco. Here's Morgan John , Mander&oii Charles F. , McPhcrson 1) . , Mason William E. , Mnhonuv Peter , McAdoo Wilham. Mills Mills why , lilistcr his hide ! the only Mills is Roger Q. , and he's from Texas. There ain't a 'Mills Hill' in the whole blamed book. That feller's ignorance makes mo sickt" If you need a perfect tonic or a blood purifier , take Dr. Jones' Hod Clover Tonic. It speedily cures all Iroubles of the stomach , kidneys and liver. Can bo laken bv the most delicate. Price 50 cunlb. Goodman Drug Co. Agonl. All druggists sell Jarvis brandy. IIomoH ! ] iioiii > it Torn Sninll Nation. A Helena ( M. T. ) special bays : Hun- drodi of inquiries nro received by llio biirvojor-gcuoml nnd the United States innd ollico here every month from par- tics all over the country in regard to the lands of the Blnck'feot reservation in northern Montana thrown open to settlement. Chief Clerk Walter C. Do- lacy , of the sanojor-goneraVs ollico , has just made his annual report , in which he says , in regard to this matter ; "Tho amount of 'agricultural , grazing and mineral lands thrown open to &ot- tlemont fromthe confederated tribes ol the Ulackfeet nation in northern Mon tana by the action of congress last win ter aggregates i7,52G square miles , aftei 8"bG square miles have been deducted for the dilTorent Indian and military rosorvalion in that part of the territory , The laud thrown open to settlomonl embraces 17,61,0010 acres. " An Absolute Cure. The OKIGINAL AWETINU OINTMENT is only put up in largo iwo ounce lin boxes , and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles , Ask for the OKIGINAL AHIETINK OINT MENT bold by Goodman Drug Co. , nt 2C cents per boxby mall 30 cents. Mr. ficorgo W. Ketehem and J. H. Smlll : left for IJunlap yesterday to participate in the two days' shooting touiney lo bo held there to-day and next day. DYSPEPSIA Causes Its victims to be miserable , hopeless , contused , and depressed In mind , very irrita ble , languid , and drousy. It Is a disease \ > hlch docs not get well 01 Itself. It requires carclul , pcrMstcnt attention , nnd a remedy to throw oil the causes and tone up the diges tive organs till they perform their duties willingly. Hood's Sarbanaillla has proven Just the required remedy In hundreds of cases. " I have taken Hood's Sarsaparlll.i for dys pepsia , ( rum ttlilchj ha\c suHercd two jears. I tried many other medicines , but none pro > cd to tathlactory as Hood's Barsapatllla , " 'JIIOMAS Coou , llrusti Electric Light Co. , Kew York City. Sick Headache "For the r ' two years I hare been afflicted with severe headaches and dyspep * fix I was Induced to try Hood's Sarsapa- rllla , and have found great relief. I cheer fully recommend it to all. " Una. U. V , .A.VHAIIU : , New Haven , Conn. Jlri. Slarjr C. Smith , Cambrldgcport , Mass. , was a sufferer from dyspepsia and sick head , ache , fiho took Hood's S.usaparllla and ( ouud It the best rcmeOy the ever used. Hood's Sarsapar.lla Bold ! > r Kit drarilsU. t BU for 95. Mad * cnlybyal.UOOD ti CO. , I vell , Mass. 2OO Do o8 One Dollar. \ . THEY SHOUTED FOR HARRISON Ami Were Arrested mul Fined for Crotitlug tx Disturbance. BULLDOZING AT IOWA CITY. An Affair In VVhlrli One I'nrty Wan All the Worst of It by n Dciiun.T.itlo Justice. llio Bltulrntfl. DM MIIINKI , In , Oct. ' . ) ISpcclul Tele Kfiitii lo Tin : Hie ] 2s'ow is Just bronkliiK out of nn nttempt at bulldoliu ; by the di'ino- rats of Iowa Clt.t List Saturduv nlt'ht. The Into university I * located then' , nndvhllo he demoe'iMts were Imvlnp n torehllKht p.i ado , u ntimbei of the students formed a pro essioii. lidlowuiK tin' denweitits nt u dls mice and keeping step to the uotds , " ison , lliiirlson , Mciijaniin Ilturison " These ) voids riled the free traders , who hud he eollege hois arrested , locked up uiul tried bofon- demoeratic Justice of the peaeelio ruled that .shoiitini. "llanlson" vas e'reat'ni ; n disturbance , and to shout the lame of nnj op | > osinK ( .indlduto on the nlKht of a rally u us unlawful. Ho lined them $ .1 aeh A polie'pinan at the trial ti'stilled that 10 had s-ilil he "would knock down any dd Htudcnt that opened his mouth. " Some of hei democrats nt the i our of the procession , > hon the'y hoard the IHJ.VH' iniirvhiiiK words , uincd on them nnd broke their lamii stlelts n-er their heads , but these democrats were not ancsted This is In lown , wheie youns nen who attend colle go nto usually icpubll- cans. _ Iiiocntllnrlcs Tliwnrtcd. RtinNAMioAn , la , Oct. ! l [ Special Tele- tjraiii to Tun HRI : . ] About 12 ISO o'clock this norning a frame building on Sheridan live- me , owned by Jacob Homier , and oe'cupled iy n seumstiess named Allec Hovnus , was llscovetcd to boon Hie. The b.ulnng of a dog aroused n man asleep in the adjoining luilding In time to extinguish the Humes be 'oro any serious damage was done , nnd also n time ) to dise'loso the incendiary origin of the lire. Some inllanimable inntn nils had been ilaced against the rear wall of the building ind Mitu rated with kerosene. The timely llscovury of the llio snviul n eoilsideiablo oss of property , as the buildings in the lo cality are mostlj of wood nnd highly Inllam- liable. No cine as vet has been discovered to .he . pcipetrator of the dastaully deed. The Supreme Court. Dns MOINIJS , la. , Oct. 9. [ Special Tele gram to Tun HII : 1 The supreme eourt Hied ho following decisions hero to day : The Dubuqtie & Sioux City Railroad com- mny VB the Cedar Falls .V Minnesota Kail- oad company , appellant ; Dubuque distuct ; evcrsed. \V. H Ilovie , appellant , va A. U. Shaw ; Adams district ; ulllimcd Anna Seda et al , appellants , vs Tred Hublo et al ; Tatna district ; aftlrmed. Maj Hedliold vs George H. Hedileld , up- > ellant ; Page district ; ufllrmcd. The State of Iowa vs Uouglass & Hopkins ct al , appellants ; Marion distiict ; aniimcd. Ke/iah Foster et al vs .laeob Hinson et al , nppellants ; DCS Moincs district ; ufllrmed. Charles Hnbenthal vs L. H. Kennedy nnd II. H. Dickinson , nppollants ; ICuokuk super- or ; uiodiHcd uud alllrmed. A Costly Aocldont. RRD OAK , la , Oct. 0. [ Special to Tin : UEB. ] A collision which proved very disas trous to thu Chicago , Hurlington & Qulney railroad happened hero yesterday moinmg at about rt o'clock. The engine ) had backed onto the side-track to get a load of wheat at Chase's elevator whou nn extra , Kngmoer Wilson , cauiu in from the east at about a thirty-mile rate. When the switch was reached the train loft the main track and crashed into the yard engine , driving a ear load of wheat oft the end of the sido-tracK and across the wagon road , knocking in the end of the car and destroy ing u largo ouantity of w heat. Six car loads of coal wcro de railed , two of the ears being totally wiecked nnd the track scale at Chase's elevator is ruined. This is the third wreck of the kind here during thu last year , all the ongiuuers claiming that thu grade being so great that could not control their engines. Captured. Mvso.v CITY , la. , Oct. 9. [ Special Tele gram to Tim HKB ] Folthouso , Hros. & Co. whoso mercantile establishment was re cently broken into and goods to the amount of $000 stolen , have received a tolccrram from the chief of police of Sioux City stating that he had in custody a gungof supposed thieves , finding in their possession aiticles answering to the description of those stolen from their store. During the past six months thoru have been frequent burglaries committed through out northwestern Iowa , and it is the gen eral opinion here that the gang huvo head quarters west of here. Two CI.IXTOK , la. , Oct. 9. [ Special Telegram to Tin : HUK.J Charles Harrington nnd File Durlee , wanted in Chicago for burglary and shooting at an ofllcor , wcro to-day sentenced heru to thu penitentiary for flvo years each for burglary. The former has served several jears nt .lolict. Thomas \Vycr , a night foreman in the em ploy of W. J. Young it Co. in their saw mill , fell dead from apoplexy while on duty last night. Ho had lived in the city a long time and was veiy popular. IlRniournilu Itnlly. MVSON-CITY , la. , Oct. 9. [ Special Tele gram toTnc HEI : . ] The democrats of North- wood had a rally to night. A largelv at- ted meeting was addressed by John Cliggett nnil L , . S. Hequo , candidate for congress. Thu addresses were good. Cliggott is ono ol thu oldest democrats in the state , aud us u campaign speakur has few superiors. A Orlnnoll Suicide. WATnmoo , la. , Oct. . [ Special Tele gram to Tun HEB ] H. K. Mussner , a Grin- ncll marble dealer , shot himself through the head Saturday night because of domcstie troubles. Ho had previously threatened tc kill his former partner , In man , aud hi' ( Mcsser's ) second wifu , and the story is told that hu tried to poison his littlu son. The deceased - ceased was a member of thu local lodge ol Knights of Pythias. The I > iit > tifiio Jobbers' Cases. DuniiQUu , la , Oct. 9. The Iowa railroau commission commenced hero to-day exaniln Ing charges preferred by the Dubuque Job hers' and Manufacturer1 association ngninsl the Illinois Central , Milwaukee & St. Paul nnd Chicago , Kansas City & St. Paul road for charging higher rates than allowed bi the tariff promulgated uudor the now btnti law. A Hloux City Defaulter. Sioux CITV , la. , Oct. 9. [ SpecialTeloGran to THIS HEK. ] Louis Friedman , who cam < hero from St. Louis n few months ago tc rntcr the employ of F. Hanscti , n wholesale druggist , last night disappeared from tlu city and is found to bo a defaulter on collcc lions for a considerable sum. Doctors giyo Jarvis old brandy. rtiHhcd Ills Skull. ELKADEK , lu. , Oct. 9. [ Special TeJegrnn to TUB DEB. ] While hitching horses to tlu mill delivery wagon1 to-day Robert Schuildi was kicked by ouo of the horses , crushliu lib ) skulL * . Poyclco Bros , for Jnrvls blackberry. Morton at Salem. BALEM , Neb. , Oct. 9. [ Special to Tin HGE.I The democratic rally and barbccui hero Saturday night was a credit to the bour bans of Richardson county , Everybody wai well fed and a largo pole was raised , folio wet by a speech by J. Sterling Morion. Mr. Mor ton said many funny things , which tlcklei the lepubllcans more than the democrats. I wa * im oul aud-out free trade Bpcecl * , * AVKST1 HS ASSOCIATION. Knnsan Cllj Wlm Ui'o Imrtl Oanio of HID Synnou , Dps MOISTS , In. , Oct. U [ Special Tele gram to Tin : IJimJ The visitors won the game to ilny In thu ecbml Inning when they ( 'omul Smith's c\mo9 ; for a pnlrof singles and n home , i un. This/ seemed to dishearten thu champions , so Hint they plajud very list- cssly afterwards , Although they pot ten ills oft of McCuity , and the bnses full on several occasions , the nevossary batting was lot forthcoming to bring In the runs They kept the visitors tHInklng , however , nndnlto- luther It was n prettily contented game. 'I ho oss of this gillie doe's not efToot the clinm- ) lonshlp , howcver ( and H great demonstration s bc-lng given to night In honor of thu pen nant winners. Those'oro : Dos Molm > s . ( I n Kansas ( Jlty . n * ' . Kirned runs De * Moincs i ! , Kansas City ) Two-baso hit Johnson Throo-basolilt 1'iallley Homo inn Giinson. Double > ln.\s Aidner , Long and Uartwright btiuck out -Hv Smith 3 , bv McCnrty M. Huses on all"d balls Hy Smith It , by McCaity . Passed balls -Trallluy 1 , Ounson 1. Tlino of gaino 1 U5. Umpire Vench. Spoftltijj Rudolph Keuilor has gone to California. Iwv or seems to bo doing good work for thu Chlcuuos. Mnimger Selco will return from Milwau kee to day A brother of Patsy Tebeau cajtalns ) the Jinolnnntls Flynn , O'Connoll and Moolio loft for Hos- ton last evening. A. A. McCurdy , the bicyclist has joined Llio tegular army. The Hnrdlns and the Lafaycttes play Sun day , at thu ball park. John P. Clew , the pugilist , is In the city , thu guest of Prof. PatsoFullou. , . Ueckloy is injured so badly that it is feared ho will not bo able to play any inoro this seal sonTho The Omaha rillo club hold their weekly shoot at their range northeast of the city this afternoon. The Omaha Wheel club has a membership of Hfty-.sK , nil of whom are lepublieans with one exception. Mrs Lovett has left for Milwaukee to join her husband , who will not retuin to Omaha this season. It was so cold ut Milwaukee during thu last game with the Omahas that some of the boys \\oie ear-inutTs. Thu majority of Omaha ball patrons ox pea St. Louis to knock out New Voik in thu world's set ics. The giants will cat 'em. the Chk-agos , is the greatest splinter m the Westein association. His time in running the bases is H 2 5 seconds. Manager H.ut , of the Milwaukee club , will taku a team of Westein association plajers to the Pacific coast this winter. Annis will be one of the team. Sowdeis , ot the St. Pauls , nnd Swart/cl , of the Kansas Citys , hold the stakeout rccotd for the Wustein association , each hav ing struck out seventeen men in a nine in ning game. Unless the water in the Platte river rises , the prospects for goose shooting this fall on these famous giounds urn oveeedingly poor. The river bed all alone above Cnapman is as dry dfa powder magazine. Thu Otnnhni will not disband until the Kith , Manager Selro bus nrrangud a series of exhibition games with Milwaukee to bo pla.\ed in that place and Oskosh , the Oma has , old stamping grounds. Hob Clancy , former manager of Put Killen , Is in lecoiptof information con vinces him that the Duluth Slasher is the par t v whom thu Now York Illustrated News will name as the unknown who is to light Kilrain for the championship of the world. Captain A. Flanagan has Just returned from an antelope hunt a Mud Springs , Hex Hutto county , this stato. lie was with a party of three and eight antulopo weru killed , the captain , who 5s an old hunter , gel- ting three of them. They also killed a num ber of wolves , and saw 'some elk signs , but no elk. Uurdick , of Indianapolis ; Krock , Toner and Dwyer , of Chicago ; Titcomb , of New- York ; Sowders , of Hoston ; Sanders nnd Gleason , of Philadelphia ; fatalov. of Pitts- buig ; Heatm and Gruber , of Detroit , and Kcufo , of Washington , are the eiop of rising twirlcrs the loaguu has developed this season. Thu Omaha base ball directory are in re ceipt of handsome offers from two diffcicnt American Association clubs for the purchasa of Tom Lovott , Omaha's crack twirler. Ono club , probably the Clevolamls , offer $3,000 cash , nnd the probabilities are that ere the lauso of manv more days the acal will bo made. The late Roscoe Conkling , in speaking of the national game , hold up n paper nnd said : "Hero is a full page about base ball and hoi so racing. L've-ribody reads it. i see men buying papers on the cai.s , in thu streets , at the hotels and in the clubs. The Hist thing they turn to is the base ball column. Sir , I tell you that the people of this country mo more interested in base ball than they ore in the coming of tin" Messiah. " C. J. Williams , au English athlete , nnd a handy all-round man , is in receipt of a letter fiom G. C. Mnclagan , cashier of the Lo Mars National bank , LeMurs , Iowa , asking him to get up a team of foot ball pla.vors and visit Lo Mnis nnd give the team of that place a tussle. Mr. Williams is anxious to get up a team , and all Rugby foot ball players who may be in Omaha are requested to coinmuni- catu with him. Addicss 1110 Douglas street. In the event of n visit to Lo Mars u retuin game will bo played in this city. There will bo a meeting of the Western association ut Chicago on the 1.1th. The pur pose is to canvass the prospects for 18VJ , and to ascertain us nearly us possible the cities that will likely bo included in thu circuit. Inasmuch as there is no possible show for Chicago in this circuit another jcnr , it is somewhat of a mystery why the associa tion should bo compelled to meet in that city to discuss their plans for another season. It would have been far inoro appropriate to huvo called such a meeting for Omaha , or unv ono of the live uities prominently and vitallv inter ested. It is hoped , in any event , if Omaha is included in the Western association next year , that she will huvo a little louder voice in the business nnd management of the en terprise. This season the local management , in all matters pertaining to thu regulation and govcinmont of the association's affairs , resembled muchly the proverbial bump on u log. The Man on Horsclinolf. Now York World : Mr. Gould was down nt the Western Union ollico on Saturday uud stnvcd there for an hour. This is the first tune ; that ho has been near the ] > lace for several months. ' On Saturday ho w'ns away aejain before anybody in ttio huUdiiiROiiUmio of those in the olllee's inimcdiatolv adjoining know that ho was in UiobuililiiiLr at all. Dr. Orcon hasn't scon Mr. Gould per sonally for over flvo 'months. ' Husboll Sago and John T. Terry , however , sue him frequently tuiQ they report that ho is now bettor tluvu ho has boon for live yours. His health tins materially Im proved since ho 'loft1 Saratoga. Ho is concorniiif ? himself about his business just as little as possible. Among those who have associated with , him the idea of his having any \tlng } to do uith the market , at present , ' a theory which is very widely accepted in Wall street , is Bcoutcd altogether. Ho is doing every thing possible t pontributo to his health and Btrongth and recently has begun horseback-riding , and is mot regularly every day on the raids nenr his place at Irvington. The picture of Jay Gould on horaoback will no n very interesting one to Wall street liimn- Yon sturdy oak whose branches wide Holdly the storms and winds defy , Not long ago an acorn smull , Lay dormant 'nuath the summer sky. Not unlike the thrifty oak in its germ , development and growth , is con sumption. Hut oven this mighty fee of mankind , positively yields to the won derful curative properties of Dr. I'iorco'd Golden Medical Discovery H taken early. Don't be blind to your Interests - torosts and think yours a hopeless case , This renmkalilo remedy 1ms readied thousands. Ol druuiUla. ; Report on the Doflolonoy Dill Pro- oontod to the Soiuito. ELECTORAL COLLEGE MATTER' An Amendment to tlio Act Providing 1'or llio CounlltiK of 1'rcHlduti- tlnl Votes Dolnijn lu the House. Honnlc. WAstitsfiTov , Oft. 9 In the senate to day the conference repoit on the doflclcnry bill was presented nnd read In full Mr. I'd- mumts Ininiited of Mr Halu\\b.\ the senate e'onferees had agieod to sti Iking out the ptovlsion granting the balance of the year's salurj of Chiuf Justice Walte to his widow Mr. 11.ilu stated In leply that the subject had been fullj discussed overund over again , anil that the house < on forces had taken the giound that they could not assent to it. The house eonfeioe's asserted that there was no pieccdent for an Item of such kind being put m the appropriation bill , and had intimated that If u spoe'ial bill we're passed hi thu sen ate they ( the conferees ) would favor it. A conforpwoasordered nnd agreed to The senate bill to relieve the purchasers of and to Indemnify certain states for swamp and overllowed lands disposed of , was called up , billowing to theio being no < iuoium It was withdrawn. Mr Nelson of Minnesota called up the bill for the disposal of agricultural hinds embraced within the limits of thi ) Plpestone Indian reservation in Minnesota seta , but on a loint of no quoium being raised It was withdrawn. Mr. Humus of Missouri obtained unani mous consent to the report of the committee on appropriations of n bill appropriating > 0OUU for the enforcement of thu Chinese exclusion act , and it was passed without de bute. bute.Thu Thu bill as to counting presidential votes was taken up and passed. It directs that the euitlllcates and lists of votes for pn-si dent and vice president , ot the United States shall bo foi warded to the president of the senate foithwlth after the second Mond.iv In Juntmiy , on which thu electors shall give their votes ; and that section HI of the re vised statutes of the United States is hero- bv amended to read as follows : "Whenever the ruititluitu of votes from nn\ state has not been lueoived ut thu seat of government on thu fourth Monday of January the secietary of state shall send a special messenger to the district Judge in whoso custody the ceititi cute of votes from that state bus been lodged , nnd such Judge shall forthwith trans mit that list to the' seat of goei nmcnt. " The senate bill to constitute Lineoln , Neb. , n port of the dehvur.v in thu i-ollection dis tnct of New Orleans , and to extend to it the provisions of the act in relation to the un mediate transposition of dutiable goods , was taken up and passed. A resolution for nn inquiry Into the killIng - Ing of Joseph Hoffman , a witness before the committee on privileges and elections ( an in vesligation into iwllticnl disturbances at Htenham , Tux. , ) uas adopted. Mr. Kdmumls Intioduced n bill to pay to the widow of Chief Justice Waite f5,7l.r , a sum equal to the balance of his salari for the 3 car inhk.h ho died , and nskcd unanimous consent for its immediate consideration After some objection it was referred to the committee on Judiciary. The resolution offered yesterday by Mr. Hlair , calling on the president for informa tion in thu matter of thu trial , conviction and execution of Ricl for high treason in Canada in lyUi , was taken up and n long statement in reference to it was madu by Mr. Hlair , who based his resolution on the ground that Rlel was a naturalised American citizen. It was reform ! to the committee on foreign re lations. Mr Kdmunds then reported from the com- initte-e on Judiciary the bill to pay to the widow of Chief Justice Waite the balance of his year's salary , and as Mr. Hurry still ob jected to its immediate consideration the bill was placed on thu calendar. On motion of Mr. Spooner the house bill to nuthori/o the building of a bridge or bridges across the Mississippi river at La Crosse. Wis. , was taken from the calendar and passed with amendments. The senate then resumed consideration of the tunft bill , nnd was addicssed by Mr. Hiscock. It was proper , he said , lo criticise the recent attempt of the president and of his party lo explain away and lo misrepie- senl llio effect and pin pose ot the Mills bill , which they claimed to bo calculated to bone- lit rather than to injure American labor and capital. The issue was fairly drawn between the two parties. The question was fteo IraOo or pioteclion lo American labor. Neither subterfuge nor new confessions of faith would conceal or obscme ques lion. Demociatii : oiators were attempting in the manufacliiiing districts to shift their ground and to conceal the put poses of then- party. Hut thu otllcial utteianees of the president and the reports of the secietury of the Ircasury , omphnsi/ed by Iho Mills bill , which hud been endorsed by Iho national democratic convention , and which passed the house by a striet party votu , loft no dnubt whatever ntt to the truu position of thu demo cratic purl ) on that question. The senate bill left no duubt ns lo Ihe position of Ihe re publican party. Hoth parties conceded that there should bo a reduction of the revenue , nnd to about the same amount. Thcrutoru thu qucstioti of amount of taxation was not involved in the dlscussiun , bul the question was as to Iho inunner in which Iho reduction should bo made. He had examined some of the details ot Iho Mills bill In ordur to prove that in the piefurrcd leduction Ihoro weru disciiminalions in favor of Iho indnstiies of the eonfcdomlo states against the industries of thu not thci n stales. Mr. Hawley suggested ns an explanation of thai fat t Unit of thu democratic members of the house ways nnd means committee , which made up the Mills bill , six were from thu confederate slates and two from the norlhern stales. Mr. Hiscock proceeded lo llluslralo his poml \ \ lib further instances drawn from the Mills bill , and intimated Hint the minority of the senate i omniilU-o on Hnanco wcro acting on thu same policy. The effect of the Mills bill , Mr. Hiscock dccl.itoil. could nol bo dis guised. The senalu bill was equally pro nounced in characler and principle. It fairly illuslrated the republican policy of protec tion , and when its provisions became a law it would defend the American tnurkel against foreign competition. It was not sectional. Industi les noi th , south , east tind wesl were equally provided for in il. H was Ihoopposilo of Iho Mills bill. The dcmociacy had Icn- deied Iho issno and evoiy effoit should bo made lo meet it fairly. At the close of Mr Hiscock's remarks Mr. Halo obtained the Iloor and the tariff bill went over till to-morrow. Mr. Kdmunds appealed to Mr. Horry to withdraw his objctlion to a coiihideralion of Iho bill for Iho benulll of Iho widow of Chief Juslico Wuilo. Mr. Herry ( inclined In withdraw his objec tion , staling that thai would bo equivalenl lo a consent lo Iho passage of Ihu bill , which hu considered llioroughly bad. Mr. Kdmnmls thereupon gave notice that ho would to morrow morning move to lake up Iho bill for consideration. Tno senate then adjourned. IIOIIHO. W in.vtiTOX , Oct. 9. The senate bill ap propriating f7r > ,000 to sccuru Cherokee freedmen - men their porlion of corlain proceeds of land under Iho act of March 3,1&S3 , and the con ference report on the bill to allow persons who relinquished homestead onlries lo make another onlry , were presented. The former was passed and the latlcr was agreed lo. On motion of Mr. Peel , the senate bill was passed supplemenlal to the act of February 3 , ls.37 , providing for a meeting of presi dential electors , etc. It provides that ccr- UHcalcs shall bo forwarded to the president of the BO n a to forthwith after the second Monday in January. Mr. Hums of Missouri then submitted the conference report on the general deficiency appropriation bill , On ugruolng to Iho report the vote stood 300 to 8 , and Mr. Doughorly of Florida raised a point of no quorum and the bouso ad journed. To promise and tokeop your word are two different things. Wo promise that Wurner'd Log Cabin Liver Pills afford n and immediate relief. Try them and see if the promibo is not kept. Pj-U * o ccuta per bottlu , ADDITIONAL COUNCIL BLUFFS. City Council Proceeding * . The city oouiu II mel last evening ( n nd- Journod session. Major Kohror nnd Alder men Weaver , Waterman , Helllnner nnd Knephor answered roll oill. The Intersection paving bill of McAdams A Amborg , umounUiig lo Mtls i } ' , , waft at lowed , and nn ordur will bo drawn oil the Intorsectlon paving fund for the amount Various other bills reported by committees wore also allowed. Thu bill of a certain nose manufacturing company for 1,000 , fool of hose , * 1,000 , was preseuled. Ahiurman Weaver ! "When was that hose boughll' ) Aid. Waterman"A jear or more ) ago , boforu Hits council ciimn In " "Wh > was it not presented nnd paid bo fore this I" "It was not duo until last April under the contriu t. and I have been letting thu timtler inn until now. " "Vour honor , I object to this wav ol doing business I have in mj pockel a lol of bills , some of them dating bae-k lo IS.S1. There Is no iixrtisu for this monkey business " The bill was referred to thu Hnanco com tnltlce for Investigation. A petition was road from resident * asking for u water main on Twonti eighth Hlrcol , between llroadwuy and Avenue A , and u bydranl nt Ihe corner of Avenue A and J wenly-eighlh slreui ; also n lire main on Hlutt street. Hoth were referred Uj tV \\atercouiinlttco. < A communication from Cit\ Assessor Patton - ton to J. L. Stewart , stating that the tux of f > ,000 ugulnst him was bi error aim should have been against J. T. btewarl. Ru fuired. A protest against changing the grade of Madison strcot was read and referred lo Ihu committee on streels and ullujs and city en glnuor. A communication from the Sunlight Gas nnd Light company , of Canton , O , to the effect lliat vandals had deslroyed largo numbers of Ihmr lamps In Iho city nnel asking for protection ' 1 ho city marshal was instrucU-d to patrol the locality referred to ( lower Uroud way ) at least once a week. A comunication from Iho Nebraska Telephone company , hlallng that they would put in and maintain a telephone at the city building without expense to thu cily , was road and ordered spread upon Iho rucords. A resolution ordering sidewalks on parts of Tenth , Sixth and Thlid avenues was adopted. Aldunnan Weaver moved that us the supreme emo court had decided that in assessing for improvements , special notices wore not nec essary , no uioro such bo issued and served. Adopted. Aldeiman Helllngrr presented n resolution to the effect that as charges of illegal ion duct have been nmdo against certain council men thai u cordial hiilution be extended to all citi/ens to attund a certain special meet ing to be hereafter decided upon to make such investigation. Thu lesolutlon was unanimously adopted. The matter of charging up the paving of Willow Avenue was taken up. After dis cussion it was decided to chitrgu that portion on the south side of thu park to thu intursuo lion paving fund. General Hanks appeared in person In the inlet csl of constructing a pontoon bndgu but - t\\ ecu this city and Omaha. Ho asked that llio c ty rescind the $51)0 ) license imposed by the city ordinance ou the construction and operation of a fun y. The pmposo of the company is to operate u fuiry until the sec retary of war renders his decision in the case now before him , of the Nebraska City biidgo , when the bridge will bo completed. A\es and noes were called. The license was rescinded for one jear , Alderman Weaver vulmg no. Adjourned for one week. Well Fixi'U For Winter. A number of boys herding caltlo on the bottoms south of thu Iransfer jcsterday af ternoon found a number of pairs of now over shoes concealed in a hole , and sent word to Chief Lucas , who Immediately went down there to investigate the matter. There were twenty-threo pairs of men's overshoes. The chief visiled Ihu liansfor and found that a car had been broken open Monday night and a casu of overshoes stolen. The property found in the hole answered the description of Iho slolcn ptoncrly aud was lurncd over to Agent W. H. Hums. There is no clue to the thief , \\lio ) iai ono pair of tlio ovornhoctl aul | thCi box the-y weir In , The MUlrlot Court. The case of Holigh A Mitrlcpson vs Dntf forth A , HooXcr was submltUM to the Jury In tlio dUtrkt court last evening , after ( i trlnl of two days. Thd unit U brought to recover - cover fr.J , which tl'Oplalnllffs ' alli'go n duo thorn for three bend of cattle driven off in the herd ot the defendants. Colonel D. 11. Dulh\ ) conducted the case for tlm plulnllffii , and u A. Holmes , i-si ] , for the defendants , In tint divorce case of Ida M , Crook v James W I'rook , a Judgment was irmlurcd in favor of the plaintiff and Ihu dex-reo wu * granted as pru > od for. Funeral of Mr * . li < m\ojr > Th funeral of Mm. Idn Linojoy took plant joslurda.N afternoon at U o'clock , fiom the Hroudwiu M 1' church , and was very hugely attended Tlm SHI vices were con * ducted by Rev. Mr Alexander , of ( iarner township , assisted bi Rev. Mr Franklin , pastor of thu church The Hot it ! offerings weio profuse ntnl boaiittfnl At the flosi ) of the' services , which weie1 very solemn mid iinmi'Hstve' , Iho roileeo nun oil to Walnut Hill i'om"tcri , whr-io the lemains woie In tel i cd. I'm nirjiiliH. | Mrs , Chalmers , of Waukesha , WU , Is spending a few diij s with her olil fiiend , Mrs. S , H Foster. Mis. A McDoupnl , of Lincoln , whoso bus > > nd is the pi os dent of the Missouri Valley ( Ami in the city the guest of Mr. mid Mm. Hui dull. Alderman CJeorgo Metcalf returned Moil- du\ evening from u lwe > wcokn' trip tluough Nebraska. S. N. and W. II Rico , of Wisconsin , ate In the city on u shorl visit to their brother , A. T Hlco , of the First Fationul bank. Rev. T. J. Mnckay will go to Red Onk to day to ofllciata at the wedding of Mr. John L. Cannon , of this city , and Miss Duan Palmer , the accomplished daughter ef Cap tain H. H. Palmer , sheriff of Montgomery county. The wedding will occur at Iho resi dence of the brldo's patents nt 'J o'clock this afternoon. Those who tnko Dr. Jones'Ued Clover Tonic never have djspopsiti , costnoj * ness , bad breath , piles , pimples , ague mid malaria , poor appetite' , low spirits , hcailae'ho , or Kidnov troubles. I'nceOO cents. Goodman Drug ( \i. Agent. There was an interesting mei-tlnir Hi the republican hcadqmirtcrc last evening A lluinbeau club was organbed with neat I ) two bundled members. It is the intention to go lo Omaha Sattuday o\oning , and II will bo necessary to do considoiablu di tiling bufoiu that time. Dining Ihu evening several stir- ling addresses were madu , which wuro 10- cnivud with great applause. U. F. Clayton , of Macedonia , was among these present , and furnished some mlcrcsling slatlstics bearing un the free tiado question. Warner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla regu lates the regulator. Largest Sarsaparilla - rilla bottle in the market. Manufac tured by proprietors Warner's Safe Cure. Sold by all druggixts. Take no other it is the host. Robert Simon and Kd Carver were urrcslofl last evening for carrying concealed weapons. Joe Olingur could not withstand Iho tump tulions of this prohibition city and wasiun In again uflcr six houis of liberty , us full as n tick. Hu was charged with Indecent exposure posuro of person. P Waddell was another of the evening's victims. Hu was booked aa n suspicious character. For beauty , for comfort , for Improve ment ol the complexion , use only I'o/- zoni's Powder ; there is nothing like it. There was a shoil scrap at n South Main hotel IUHI evening over a friendly ( I ) game of cards. A dispute arose , and ono of the play ers , a bricklayer , elroppud "u hot "un" under tnu eye of his opponent , a lamp vender , with dlsastious results. Thu lampscllur's eye glasses were smashed , the broken glass cul ling u deep gush under his loft optic , and otherwise scratching him. Ho prococded to thu pollen stulion lo have his assailant ar rested , but Hnally changed his mind , and af ter laying in a supply of boofsleak poultices , stalled for homo. No arrests followed. ItfcXIOANMtJSTAMllJNIMENTI THE ONLY Brilliant Durable Economical Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all others in Strength , Purity nnd Fastness. None others are just as good , lleware of imitations they are made of cheap and inferior materials and give poor , weak , crocky colors. 36 colors ; 10 cents each. Send posul for Dye fiook , Sample Card , drctlon ! for coloring 1'botoi , making the fineil Ink or Killing (10 ( ets. a quart ) , etc. SoU by Dnigeuti or by WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. . Burlington , Iff. For Gliding or Bronilng Fancy Article ! , USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold , Silver , Bronze , Copper. Only 19 Centi. . Ii-STAIin. IdlO Howard St.Omnlm. has drawn plans uud . , . . _ . , . . specifications font' ' room fnima hemsulilUi combines mlllty.ocoiiomy nnd bcauty.lnituuy Imporfillilu In nny o her good liniihe that < osts from JI.IO to ll.iiOJ A mom lit in Ky & ! ) loon \ \ ill tie built , so I can afford to oircr a co jiy for _ * hmul ten of CJi thu iiHiinl fo s otlii'rwlmi Ixilng from . _ . . . I'ntent for. * * p fr " " " "I'8 * . Mu r * ' f > to 7 per cent. applied for.tftf3 For a variety of said punt _ e " d nej , r.d achuolhoiuci , hotoli , t - - par cent more. . ' hiebnsluMn MOCKS , otc , , r ngln In co t f roa ll.aoto lino.non Only honst mut rcltubl rontrtclon engijeO. AH pe'rsons wishing to build are ktmlty tnrlteet. W. G. ALBRIGHT , Real Estate , 2i8S.i5thSt.Omaha. BEST AND CHEAPEST ALBRIGHT'S CHOICE ! SOUTH OMAHA. BUY NOW . TERMS EASVt